path: root/third_party/rust/num-bigint/src/
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Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/rust/num-bigint/src/')
1 files changed, 789 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/rust/num-bigint/src/ b/third_party/rust/num-bigint/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..26f29b8154
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/num-bigint/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,789 @@
+use std::borrow::Cow;
+use std::cmp;
+use std::cmp::Ordering::{self, Equal, Greater, Less};
+use std::iter::repeat;
+use std::mem;
+use traits;
+use traits::{One, Zero};
+use biguint::BigUint;
+use bigint::BigInt;
+use bigint::Sign;
+use bigint::Sign::{Minus, NoSign, Plus};
+use big_digit::{self, BigDigit, DoubleBigDigit, SignedDoubleBigDigit};
+// Generic functions for add/subtract/multiply with carry/borrow:
+// Add with carry:
+fn adc(a: BigDigit, b: BigDigit, acc: &mut DoubleBigDigit) -> BigDigit {
+ *acc += DoubleBigDigit::from(a);
+ *acc += DoubleBigDigit::from(b);
+ let lo = *acc as BigDigit;
+ *acc >>= big_digit::BITS;
+ lo
+// Subtract with borrow:
+fn sbb(a: BigDigit, b: BigDigit, acc: &mut SignedDoubleBigDigit) -> BigDigit {
+ *acc += SignedDoubleBigDigit::from(a);
+ *acc -= SignedDoubleBigDigit::from(b);
+ let lo = *acc as BigDigit;
+ *acc >>= big_digit::BITS;
+ lo
+pub fn mac_with_carry(a: BigDigit, b: BigDigit, c: BigDigit, acc: &mut DoubleBigDigit) -> BigDigit {
+ *acc += DoubleBigDigit::from(a);
+ *acc += DoubleBigDigit::from(b) * DoubleBigDigit::from(c);
+ let lo = *acc as BigDigit;
+ *acc >>= big_digit::BITS;
+ lo
+pub fn mul_with_carry(a: BigDigit, b: BigDigit, acc: &mut DoubleBigDigit) -> BigDigit {
+ *acc += DoubleBigDigit::from(a) * DoubleBigDigit::from(b);
+ let lo = *acc as BigDigit;
+ *acc >>= big_digit::BITS;
+ lo
+/// Divide a two digit numerator by a one digit divisor, returns quotient and remainder:
+/// Note: the caller must ensure that both the quotient and remainder will fit into a single digit.
+/// This is _not_ true for an arbitrary numerator/denominator.
+/// (This function also matches what the x86 divide instruction does).
+fn div_wide(hi: BigDigit, lo: BigDigit, divisor: BigDigit) -> (BigDigit, BigDigit) {
+ debug_assert!(hi < divisor);
+ let lhs = big_digit::to_doublebigdigit(hi, lo);
+ let rhs = DoubleBigDigit::from(divisor);
+ ((lhs / rhs) as BigDigit, (lhs % rhs) as BigDigit)
+pub fn div_rem_digit(mut a: BigUint, b: BigDigit) -> (BigUint, BigDigit) {
+ let mut rem = 0;
+ for d in {
+ let (q, r) = div_wide(rem, *d, b);
+ *d = q;
+ rem = r;
+ }
+ (a.normalized(), rem)
+pub fn rem_digit(a: &BigUint, b: BigDigit) -> BigDigit {
+ let mut rem: DoubleBigDigit = 0;
+ for &digit in {
+ rem = (rem << big_digit::BITS) + DoubleBigDigit::from(digit);
+ rem %= DoubleBigDigit::from(b);
+ }
+ rem as BigDigit
+// Only for the Add impl:
+pub fn __add2(a: &mut [BigDigit], b: &[BigDigit]) -> BigDigit {
+ debug_assert!(a.len() >= b.len());
+ let mut carry = 0;
+ let (a_lo, a_hi) = a.split_at_mut(b.len());
+ for (a, b) in a_lo.iter_mut().zip(b) {
+ *a = adc(*a, *b, &mut carry);
+ }
+ if carry != 0 {
+ for a in a_hi {
+ *a = adc(*a, 0, &mut carry);
+ if carry == 0 {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ carry as BigDigit
+/// Two argument addition of raw slices:
+/// a += b
+/// The caller _must_ ensure that a is big enough to store the result - typically this means
+/// resizing a to max(a.len(), b.len()) + 1, to fit a possible carry.
+pub fn add2(a: &mut [BigDigit], b: &[BigDigit]) {
+ let carry = __add2(a, b);
+ debug_assert!(carry == 0);
+pub fn sub2(a: &mut [BigDigit], b: &[BigDigit]) {
+ let mut borrow = 0;
+ let len = cmp::min(a.len(), b.len());
+ let (a_lo, a_hi) = a.split_at_mut(len);
+ let (b_lo, b_hi) = b.split_at(len);
+ for (a, b) in a_lo.iter_mut().zip(b_lo) {
+ *a = sbb(*a, *b, &mut borrow);
+ }
+ if borrow != 0 {
+ for a in a_hi {
+ *a = sbb(*a, 0, &mut borrow);
+ if borrow == 0 {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // note: we're _required_ to fail on underflow
+ assert!(
+ borrow == 0 && b_hi.iter().all(|x| *x == 0),
+ "Cannot subtract b from a because b is larger than a."
+ );
+// Only for the Sub impl. `a` and `b` must have same length.
+pub fn __sub2rev(a: &[BigDigit], b: &mut [BigDigit]) -> BigDigit {
+ debug_assert!(b.len() == a.len());
+ let mut borrow = 0;
+ for (ai, bi) in a.iter().zip(b) {
+ *bi = sbb(*ai, *bi, &mut borrow);
+ }
+ borrow as BigDigit
+pub fn sub2rev(a: &[BigDigit], b: &mut [BigDigit]) {
+ debug_assert!(b.len() >= a.len());
+ let len = cmp::min(a.len(), b.len());
+ let (a_lo, a_hi) = a.split_at(len);
+ let (b_lo, b_hi) = b.split_at_mut(len);
+ let borrow = __sub2rev(a_lo, b_lo);
+ assert!(a_hi.is_empty());
+ // note: we're _required_ to fail on underflow
+ assert!(
+ borrow == 0 && b_hi.iter().all(|x| *x == 0),
+ "Cannot subtract b from a because b is larger than a."
+ );
+pub fn sub_sign(a: &[BigDigit], b: &[BigDigit]) -> (Sign, BigUint) {
+ // Normalize:
+ let a = &a[..a.iter().rposition(|&x| x != 0).map_or(0, |i| i + 1)];
+ let b = &b[..b.iter().rposition(|&x| x != 0).map_or(0, |i| i + 1)];
+ match cmp_slice(a, b) {
+ Greater => {
+ let mut a = a.to_vec();
+ sub2(&mut a, b);
+ (Plus, BigUint::new(a))
+ }
+ Less => {
+ let mut b = b.to_vec();
+ sub2(&mut b, a);
+ (Minus, BigUint::new(b))
+ }
+ _ => (NoSign, Zero::zero()),
+ }
+/// Three argument multiply accumulate:
+/// acc += b * c
+pub fn mac_digit(acc: &mut [BigDigit], b: &[BigDigit], c: BigDigit) {
+ if c == 0 {
+ return;
+ }
+ let mut carry = 0;
+ let (a_lo, a_hi) = acc.split_at_mut(b.len());
+ for (a, &b) in a_lo.iter_mut().zip(b) {
+ *a = mac_with_carry(*a, b, c, &mut carry);
+ }
+ let mut a = a_hi.iter_mut();
+ while carry != 0 {
+ let a ="carry overflow during multiplication!");
+ *a = adc(*a, 0, &mut carry);
+ }
+/// Three argument multiply accumulate:
+/// acc += b * c
+fn mac3(acc: &mut [BigDigit], b: &[BigDigit], c: &[BigDigit]) {
+ let (x, y) = if b.len() < c.len() { (b, c) } else { (c, b) };
+ // We use three algorithms for different input sizes.
+ //
+ // - For small inputs, long multiplication is fastest.
+ // - Next we use Karatsuba multiplication (Toom-2), which we have optimized
+ // to avoid unnecessary allocations for intermediate values.
+ // - For the largest inputs we use Toom-3, which better optimizes the
+ // number of operations, but uses more temporary allocations.
+ //
+ // The thresholds are somewhat arbitrary, chosen by evaluating the results
+ // of `cargo bench --bench bigint multiply`.
+ if x.len() <= 32 {
+ // Long multiplication:
+ for (i, xi) in x.iter().enumerate() {
+ mac_digit(&mut acc[i..], y, *xi);
+ }
+ } else if x.len() <= 256 {
+ /*
+ * Karatsuba multiplication:
+ *
+ * The idea is that we break x and y up into two smaller numbers that each have about half
+ * as many digits, like so (note that multiplying by b is just a shift):
+ *
+ * x = x0 + x1 * b
+ * y = y0 + y1 * b
+ *
+ * With some algebra, we can compute x * y with three smaller products, where the inputs to
+ * each of the smaller products have only about half as many digits as x and y:
+ *
+ * x * y = (x0 + x1 * b) * (y0 + y1 * b)
+ *
+ * x * y = x0 * y0
+ * + x0 * y1 * b
+ * + x1 * y0 * b
+ * + x1 * y1 * b^2
+ *
+ * Let p0 = x0 * y0 and p2 = x1 * y1:
+ *
+ * x * y = p0
+ * + (x0 * y1 + x1 * y0) * b
+ * + p2 * b^2
+ *
+ * The real trick is that middle term:
+ *
+ * x0 * y1 + x1 * y0
+ *
+ * = x0 * y1 + x1 * y0 - p0 + p0 - p2 + p2
+ *
+ * = x0 * y1 + x1 * y0 - x0 * y0 - x1 * y1 + p0 + p2
+ *
+ * Now we complete the square:
+ *
+ * = -(x0 * y0 - x0 * y1 - x1 * y0 + x1 * y1) + p0 + p2
+ *
+ * = -((x1 - x0) * (y1 - y0)) + p0 + p2
+ *
+ * Let p1 = (x1 - x0) * (y1 - y0), and substitute back into our original formula:
+ *
+ * x * y = p0
+ * + (p0 + p2 - p1) * b
+ * + p2 * b^2
+ *
+ * Where the three intermediate products are:
+ *
+ * p0 = x0 * y0
+ * p1 = (x1 - x0) * (y1 - y0)
+ * p2 = x1 * y1
+ *
+ * In doing the computation, we take great care to avoid unnecessary temporary variables
+ * (since creating a BigUint requires a heap allocation): thus, we rearrange the formula a
+ * bit so we can use the same temporary variable for all the intermediate products:
+ *
+ * x * y = p2 * b^2 + p2 * b
+ * + p0 * b + p0
+ * - p1 * b
+ *
+ * The other trick we use is instead of doing explicit shifts, we slice acc at the
+ * appropriate offset when doing the add.
+ */
+ /*
+ * When x is smaller than y, it's significantly faster to pick b such that x is split in
+ * half, not y:
+ */
+ let b = x.len() / 2;
+ let (x0, x1) = x.split_at(b);
+ let (y0, y1) = y.split_at(b);
+ /*
+ * We reuse the same BigUint for all the intermediate multiplies and have to size p
+ * appropriately here: x1.len() >= x0.len and y1.len() >= y0.len():
+ */
+ let len = x1.len() + y1.len() + 1;
+ let mut p = BigUint { data: vec![0; len] };
+ // p2 = x1 * y1
+ mac3(&mut[..], x1, y1);
+ // Not required, but the adds go faster if we drop any unneeded 0s from the end:
+ p.normalize();
+ add2(&mut acc[b..], &[..]);
+ add2(&mut acc[b * 2..], &[..]);
+ // Zero out p before the next multiply:
+ // p0 = x0 * y0
+ mac3(&mut[..], x0, y0);
+ p.normalize();
+ add2(&mut acc[..], &[..]);
+ add2(&mut acc[b..], &[..]);
+ // p1 = (x1 - x0) * (y1 - y0)
+ // We do this one last, since it may be negative and acc can't ever be negative:
+ let (j0_sign, j0) = sub_sign(x1, x0);
+ let (j1_sign, j1) = sub_sign(y1, y0);
+ match j0_sign * j1_sign {
+ Plus => {
+ mac3(&mut[..], &[..], &[..]);
+ p.normalize();
+ sub2(&mut acc[b..], &[..]);
+ }
+ Minus => {
+ mac3(&mut acc[b..], &[..], &[..]);
+ }
+ NoSign => (),
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Toom-3 multiplication:
+ //
+ // Toom-3 is like Karatsuba above, but dividing the inputs into three parts.
+ // Both are instances of Toom-Cook, using `k=3` and `k=2` respectively.
+ //
+ // The general idea is to treat the large integers digits as
+ // polynomials of a certain degree and determine the coefficients/digits
+ // of the product of the two via interpolation of the polynomial product.
+ let i = y.len() / 3 + 1;
+ let x0_len = cmp::min(x.len(), i);
+ let x1_len = cmp::min(x.len() - x0_len, i);
+ let y0_len = i;
+ let y1_len = cmp::min(y.len() - y0_len, i);
+ // Break x and y into three parts, representating an order two polynomial.
+ // t is chosen to be the size of a digit so we can use faster shifts
+ // in place of multiplications.
+ //
+ // x(t) = x2*t^2 + x1*t + x0
+ let x0 = BigInt::from_slice(Plus, &x[..x0_len]);
+ let x1 = BigInt::from_slice(Plus, &x[x0_len..x0_len + x1_len]);
+ let x2 = BigInt::from_slice(Plus, &x[x0_len + x1_len..]);
+ // y(t) = y2*t^2 + y1*t + y0
+ let y0 = BigInt::from_slice(Plus, &y[..y0_len]);
+ let y1 = BigInt::from_slice(Plus, &y[y0_len..y0_len + y1_len]);
+ let y2 = BigInt::from_slice(Plus, &y[y0_len + y1_len..]);
+ // Let w(t) = x(t) * y(t)
+ //
+ // This gives us the following order-4 polynomial.
+ //
+ // w(t) = w4*t^4 + w3*t^3 + w2*t^2 + w1*t + w0
+ //
+ // We need to find the coefficients w4, w3, w2, w1 and w0. Instead
+ // of simply multiplying the x and y in total, we can evaluate w
+ // at 5 points. An n-degree polynomial is uniquely identified by (n + 1)
+ // points.
+ //
+ // It is arbitrary as to what points we evaluate w at but we use the
+ // following.
+ //
+ // w(t) at t = 0, 1, -1, -2 and inf
+ //
+ // The values for w(t) in terms of x(t)*y(t) at these points are:
+ //
+ // let a = w(0) = x0 * y0
+ // let b = w(1) = (x2 + x1 + x0) * (y2 + y1 + y0)
+ // let c = w(-1) = (x2 - x1 + x0) * (y2 - y1 + y0)
+ // let d = w(-2) = (4*x2 - 2*x1 + x0) * (4*y2 - 2*y1 + y0)
+ // let e = w(inf) = x2 * y2 as t -> inf
+ // x0 + x2, avoiding temporaries
+ let p = &x0 + &x2;
+ // y0 + y2, avoiding temporaries
+ let q = &y0 + &y2;
+ // x2 - x1 + x0, avoiding temporaries
+ let p2 = &p - &x1;
+ // y2 - y1 + y0, avoiding temporaries
+ let q2 = &q - &y1;
+ // w(0)
+ let r0 = &x0 * &y0;
+ // w(inf)
+ let r4 = &x2 * &y2;
+ // w(1)
+ let r1 = (p + x1) * (q + y1);
+ // w(-1)
+ let r2 = &p2 * &q2;
+ // w(-2)
+ let r3 = ((p2 + x2) * 2 - x0) * ((q2 + y2) * 2 - y0);
+ // Evaluating these points gives us the following system of linear equations.
+ //
+ // 0 0 0 0 1 | a
+ // 1 1 1 1 1 | b
+ // 1 -1 1 -1 1 | c
+ // 16 -8 4 -2 1 | d
+ // 1 0 0 0 0 | e
+ //
+ // The solved equation (after gaussian elimination or similar)
+ // in terms of its coefficients:
+ //
+ // w0 = w(0)
+ // w1 = w(0)/2 + w(1)/3 - w(-1) + w(2)/6 - 2*w(inf)
+ // w2 = -w(0) + w(1)/2 + w(-1)/2 - w(inf)
+ // w3 = -w(0)/2 + w(1)/6 + w(-1)/2 - w(1)/6
+ // w4 = w(inf)
+ //
+ // This particular sequence is given by Bodrato and is an interpolation
+ // of the above equations.
+ let mut comp3: BigInt = (r3 - &r1) / 3;
+ let mut comp1: BigInt = (r1 - &r2) / 2;
+ let mut comp2: BigInt = r2 - &r0;
+ comp3 = (&comp2 - comp3) / 2 + &r4 * 2;
+ comp2 = comp2 + &comp1 - &r4;
+ comp1 = comp1 - &comp3;
+ // Recomposition. The coefficients of the polynomial are now known.
+ //
+ // Evaluate at w(t) where t is our given base to get the result.
+ let result = r0
+ + (comp1 << 32 * i)
+ + (comp2 << 2 * 32 * i)
+ + (comp3 << 3 * 32 * i)
+ + (r4 << 4 * 32 * i);
+ let result_pos = result.to_biguint().unwrap();
+ add2(&mut acc[..], &;
+ }
+pub fn mul3(x: &[BigDigit], y: &[BigDigit]) -> BigUint {
+ let len = x.len() + y.len() + 1;
+ let mut prod = BigUint { data: vec![0; len] };
+ mac3(&mut[..], x, y);
+ prod.normalized()
+pub fn scalar_mul(a: &mut [BigDigit], b: BigDigit) -> BigDigit {
+ let mut carry = 0;
+ for a in a.iter_mut() {
+ *a = mul_with_carry(*a, b, &mut carry);
+ }
+ carry as BigDigit
+pub fn div_rem(mut u: BigUint, mut d: BigUint) -> (BigUint, BigUint) {
+ if d.is_zero() {
+ panic!()
+ }
+ if u.is_zero() {
+ return (Zero::zero(), Zero::zero());
+ }
+ if == 1 {
+ if == [1] {
+ return (u, Zero::zero());
+ }
+ let (div, rem) = div_rem_digit(u,[0]);
+ // reuse d
+ d += rem;
+ return (div, d);
+ }
+ // Required or the q_len calculation below can underflow:
+ match u.cmp(&d) {
+ Less => return (Zero::zero(), u),
+ Equal => {
+ u.set_one();
+ return (u, Zero::zero());
+ }
+ Greater => {} // Do nothing
+ }
+ // This algorithm is from Knuth, TAOCP vol 2 section 4.3, algorithm D:
+ //
+ // First, normalize the arguments so the highest bit in the highest digit of the divisor is
+ // set: the main loop uses the highest digit of the divisor for generating guesses, so we
+ // want it to be the largest number we can efficiently divide by.
+ //
+ let shift = as usize;
+ let (q, r) = if shift == 0 {
+ // no need to clone d
+ div_rem_core(u, &d)
+ } else {
+ div_rem_core(u << shift, &(d << shift))
+ };
+ // renormalize the remainder
+ (q, r >> shift)
+pub fn div_rem_ref(u: &BigUint, d: &BigUint) -> (BigUint, BigUint) {
+ if d.is_zero() {
+ panic!()
+ }
+ if u.is_zero() {
+ return (Zero::zero(), Zero::zero());
+ }
+ if == 1 {
+ if == [1] {
+ return (u.clone(), Zero::zero());
+ }
+ let (div, rem) = div_rem_digit(u.clone(),[0]);
+ return (div, rem.into());
+ }
+ // Required or the q_len calculation below can underflow:
+ match u.cmp(d) {
+ Less => return (Zero::zero(), u.clone()),
+ Equal => return (One::one(), Zero::zero()),
+ Greater => {} // Do nothing
+ }
+ // This algorithm is from Knuth, TAOCP vol 2 section 4.3, algorithm D:
+ //
+ // First, normalize the arguments so the highest bit in the highest digit of the divisor is
+ // set: the main loop uses the highest digit of the divisor for generating guesses, so we
+ // want it to be the largest number we can efficiently divide by.
+ //
+ let shift = as usize;
+ let (q, r) = if shift == 0 {
+ // no need to clone d
+ div_rem_core(u.clone(), d)
+ } else {
+ div_rem_core(u << shift, &(d << shift))
+ };
+ // renormalize the remainder
+ (q, r >> shift)
+/// an implementation of Knuth, TAOCP vol 2 section 4.3, algorithm D
+/// # Correctness
+/// This function requires the following conditions to run correctly and/or effectively
+/// - `a > b`
+/// - ` > 1`
+/// - ` == 0`
+fn div_rem_core(mut a: BigUint, b: &BigUint) -> (BigUint, BigUint) {
+ // The algorithm works by incrementally calculating "guesses", q0, for part of the
+ // remainder. Once we have any number q0 such that q0 * b <= a, we can set
+ //
+ // q += q0
+ // a -= q0 * b
+ //
+ // and then iterate until a < b. Then, (q, a) will be our desired quotient and remainder.
+ //
+ // q0, our guess, is calculated by dividing the last few digits of a by the last digit of b
+ // - this should give us a guess that is "close" to the actual quotient, but is possibly
+ // greater than the actual quotient. If q0 * b > a, we simply use iterated subtraction
+ // until we have a guess such that q0 * b <= a.
+ //
+ let bn = *;
+ let q_len = - + 1;
+ let mut q = BigUint {
+ data: vec![0; q_len],
+ };
+ // We reuse the same temporary to avoid hitting the allocator in our inner loop - this is
+ // sized to hold a0 (in the common case; if a particular digit of the quotient is zero a0
+ // can be bigger).
+ //
+ let mut tmp = BigUint {
+ data: Vec::with_capacity(2),
+ };
+ for j in (0..q_len).rev() {
+ /*
+ * When calculating our next guess q0, we don't need to consider the digits below j
+ * + - 1: we're guessing digit j of the quotient (i.e. q0 << j) from
+ * digit bn of the divisor (i.e. bn << ( - 1) - so the product of those
+ * two numbers will be zero in all digits up to (j + - 1).
+ */
+ let offset = j + - 1;
+ if offset >= {
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* just avoiding a heap allocation: */
+ let mut a0 = tmp;
+ /*
+ * q0 << j * big_digit::BITS is our actual quotient estimate - we do the shifts
+ * implicitly at the end, when adding and subtracting to a and q. Not only do we
+ * save the cost of the shifts, the rest of the arithmetic gets to work with
+ * smaller numbers.
+ */
+ let (mut q0, _) = div_rem_digit(a0, bn);
+ let mut prod = b * &q0;
+ while cmp_slice(&[..], &[j..]) == Greater {
+ let one: BigUint = One::one();
+ q0 = q0 - one;
+ prod = prod - b;
+ }
+ add2(&mut[j..], &[..]);
+ sub2(&mut[j..], &[..]);
+ a.normalize();
+ tmp = q0;
+ }
+ debug_assert!(&a < b);
+ (q.normalized(), a)
+/// Find last set bit
+/// fls(0) == 0, fls(u32::MAX) == 32
+pub fn fls<T: traits::PrimInt>(v: T) -> usize {
+ mem::size_of::<T>() * 8 - v.leading_zeros() as usize
+pub fn ilog2<T: traits::PrimInt>(v: T) -> usize {
+ fls(v) - 1
+pub fn biguint_shl(n: Cow<BigUint>, bits: usize) -> BigUint {
+ let n_unit = bits / big_digit::BITS;
+ let mut data = match n_unit {
+ 0 => n.into_owned().data,
+ _ => {
+ let len = n_unit + + 1;
+ let mut data = Vec::with_capacity(len);
+ data.extend(repeat(0).take(n_unit));
+ data.extend(;
+ data
+ }
+ };
+ let n_bits = bits % big_digit::BITS;
+ if n_bits > 0 {
+ let mut carry = 0;
+ for elem in data[n_unit..].iter_mut() {
+ let new_carry = *elem >> (big_digit::BITS - n_bits);
+ *elem = (*elem << n_bits) | carry;
+ carry = new_carry;
+ }
+ if carry != 0 {
+ data.push(carry);
+ }
+ }
+ BigUint::new(data)
+pub fn biguint_shr(n: Cow<BigUint>, bits: usize) -> BigUint {
+ let n_unit = bits / big_digit::BITS;
+ if n_unit >= {
+ return Zero::zero();
+ }
+ let mut data = match n {
+ Cow::Borrowed(n) =>[n_unit..].to_vec(),
+ Cow::Owned(mut n) => {
+ }
+ };
+ let n_bits = bits % big_digit::BITS;
+ if n_bits > 0 {
+ let mut borrow = 0;
+ for elem in data.iter_mut().rev() {
+ let new_borrow = *elem << (big_digit::BITS - n_bits);
+ *elem = (*elem >> n_bits) | borrow;
+ borrow = new_borrow;
+ }
+ }
+ BigUint::new(data)
+pub fn cmp_slice(a: &[BigDigit], b: &[BigDigit]) -> Ordering {
+ debug_assert!(a.last() != Some(&0));
+ debug_assert!(b.last() != Some(&0));
+ let (a_len, b_len) = (a.len(), b.len());
+ if a_len < b_len {
+ return Less;
+ }
+ if a_len > b_len {
+ return Greater;
+ }
+ for (&ai, &bi) in a.iter().rev().zip(b.iter().rev()) {
+ if ai < bi {
+ return Less;
+ }
+ if ai > bi {
+ return Greater;
+ }
+ }
+ return Equal;
+mod algorithm_tests {
+ use big_digit::BigDigit;
+ use traits::Num;
+ use Sign::Plus;
+ use {BigInt, BigUint};
+ #[test]
+ fn test_sub_sign() {
+ use super::sub_sign;
+ fn sub_sign_i(a: &[BigDigit], b: &[BigDigit]) -> BigInt {
+ let (sign, val) = sub_sign(a, b);
+ BigInt::from_biguint(sign, val)
+ }
+ let a = BigUint::from_str_radix("265252859812191058636308480000000", 10).unwrap();
+ let b = BigUint::from_str_radix("26525285981219105863630848000000", 10).unwrap();
+ let a_i = BigInt::from_biguint(Plus, a.clone());
+ let b_i = BigInt::from_biguint(Plus, b.clone());
+ assert_eq!(sub_sign_i(&[..], &[..]), &a_i - &b_i);
+ assert_eq!(sub_sign_i(&[..], &[..]), &b_i - &a_i);
+ }