path: root/third_party/rust/rayon/src/iter/plumbing
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+# Parallel Iterators
+These are some notes on the design of the parallel iterator traits.
+This file does not describe how to **use** parallel iterators.
+## The challenge
+Parallel iterators are more complicated than sequential iterators.
+The reason is that they have to be able to split themselves up and
+operate in parallel across the two halves.
+The current design for parallel iterators has two distinct modes in
+which they can be used; as we will see, not all iterators support both
+modes (which is why there are two):
+- **Pull mode** (the `Producer` and `UnindexedProducer` traits): in this mode,
+ the iterator is asked to produce the next item using a call to `next`. This
+ is basically like a normal iterator, but with a twist: you can split the
+ iterator in half to produce disjoint items in separate threads.
+ - in the `Producer` trait, splitting is done with `split_at`, which accepts
+ an index where the split should be performed. Only indexed iterators can
+ work in this mode, as they know exactly how much data they will produce,
+ and how to locate the requested index.
+ - in the `UnindexedProducer` trait, splitting is done with `split`, which
+ simply requests that the producer divide itself *approximately* in half.
+ This is useful when the exact length and/or layout is unknown, as with
+ `String` characters, or when the length might exceed `usize`, as with
+ `Range<u64>` on 32-bit platforms.
+ - In theory, any `Producer` could act unindexed, but we don't currently
+ use that possibility. When you know the exact length, a `split` can
+ simply be implemented as `split_at(length/2)`.
+- **Push mode** (the `Consumer` and `UnindexedConsumer` traits): in
+ this mode, the iterator instead is *given* each item in turn, which
+ is then processed. This is the opposite of a normal iterator. It's
+ more like a `for_each` call: each time a new item is produced, the
+ `consume` method is called with that item. (The traits themselves are
+ a bit more complex, as they support state that can be threaded
+ through and ultimately reduced.) Unlike producers, there are two
+ variants of consumers. The difference is how the split is performed:
+ - in the `Consumer` trait, splitting is done with `split_at`, which
+ accepts an index where the split should be performed. All
+ iterators can work in this mode. The resulting halves thus have an
+ idea about how much data they expect to consume.
+ - in the `UnindexedConsumer` trait, splitting is done with
+ `split_off_left`. There is no index: the resulting halves must be
+ prepared to process any amount of data, and they don't know where that
+ data falls in the overall stream.
+ - Not all consumers can operate in this mode. It works for
+ `for_each` and `reduce`, for example, but it does not work for
+ `collect_into_vec`, since in that case the position of each item is
+ important for knowing where it ends up in the target collection.
+## How iterator execution proceeds
+We'll walk through this example iterator chain to start. This chain
+demonstrates more-or-less the full complexity of what can happen.
+ .zip(vec2.par_iter())
+ .flat_map(some_function)
+ .for_each(some_other_function)
+To handle an iterator chain, we start by creating consumers. This
+works from the end. So in this case, the call to `for_each` is the
+final step, so it will create a `ForEachConsumer` that, given an item,
+just calls `some_other_function` with that item. (`ForEachConsumer` is
+a very simple consumer because it doesn't need to thread any state
+between items at all.)
+Now, the `for_each` call will pass this consumer to the base iterator,
+which is the `flat_map`. It will do this by calling the `drive_unindexed`
+method on the `ParallelIterator` trait. `drive_unindexed` basically
+says "produce items for this iterator and feed them to this consumer";
+it only works for unindexed consumers.
+(As an aside, it is interesting that only some consumers can work in
+unindexed mode, but all producers can *drive* an unindexed consumer.
+In contrast, only some producers can drive an *indexed* consumer, but
+all consumers can be supplied indexes. Isn't variance neat.)
+As it happens, `FlatMap` only works with unindexed consumers anyway.
+This is because flat-map basically has no idea how many items it will
+produce. If you ask flat-map to produce the 22nd item, it can't do it,
+at least not without some intermediate state. It doesn't know whether
+processing the first item will create 1 item, 3 items, or 100;
+therefore, to produce an arbitrary item, it would basically just have
+to start at the beginning and execute sequentially, which is not what
+we want. But for unindexed consumers, this doesn't matter, since they
+don't need to know how much data they will get.
+Therefore, `FlatMap` can wrap the `ForEachConsumer` with a
+`FlatMapConsumer` that feeds to it. This `FlatMapConsumer` will be
+given one item. It will then invoke `some_function` to get a parallel
+iterator out. It will then ask this new parallel iterator to drive the
+`ForEachConsumer`. The `drive_unindexed` method on `flat_map` can then
+pass the `FlatMapConsumer` up the chain to the previous item, which is
+`zip`. At this point, something interesting happens.
+## Switching from push to pull mode
+If you think about `zip`, it can't really be implemented as a
+consumer, at least not without an intermediate thread and some
+channels or something (or maybe coroutines). The problem is that it
+has to walk two iterators *in lockstep*. Basically, it can't call two
+`drive` methods simultaneously, it can only call one at a time. So at
+this point, the `zip` iterator needs to switch from *push mode* into
+*pull mode*.
+You'll note that `Zip` is only usable if its inputs implement
+`IndexedParallelIterator`, meaning that they can produce data starting
+at random points in the stream. This need to switch to push mode is
+exactly why. If we want to split a zip iterator at position 22, we
+need to be able to start zipping items from index 22 right away,
+without having to start from index 0.
+Anyway, so at this point, the `drive_unindexed` method for `Zip` stops
+creating consumers. Instead, it creates a *producer*, a `ZipProducer`,
+to be exact, and calls the `bridge` function in the `internals`
+module. Creating a `ZipProducer` will in turn create producers for
+the two iterators being zipped. This is possible because they both
+implement `IndexedParallelIterator`.
+The `bridge` function will then connect the consumer, which is
+handling the `flat_map` and `for_each`, with the producer, which is
+handling the `zip` and its preecessors. It will split down until the
+chunks seem reasonably small, then pull items from the producer and
+feed them to the consumer.
+## The base case
+The other time that `bridge` gets used is when we bottom out in an
+indexed producer, such as a slice or range. There is also a
+`bridge_unindexed` equivalent for - you guessed it - unindexed producers,
+such as string characters.
+<a name="producer-callback">
+## What on earth is `ProducerCallback`?
+We saw that when you call a parallel action method like
+`par_iter.reduce()`, that will create a "reducing" consumer and then
+invoke `par_iter.drive_unindexed()` (or ``) as
+appropriate. This may create yet more consumers as we proceed up the
+parallel iterator chain. But at some point we're going to get to the
+start of the chain, or to a parallel iterator (like `zip()`) that has
+to coordinate multiple inputs. At that point, we need to start
+converting parallel iterators into producers.
+The way we do this is by invoking the method `with_producer()`, defined on
+`IndexedParallelIterator`. This is a callback scheme. In an ideal world,
+it would work like this:
+base_iter.with_producer(|base_producer| {
+ // here, `base_producer` is the producer for `base_iter`
+In that case, we could implement a combinator like `map()` by getting
+the producer for the base iterator, wrapping it to make our own
+`MapProducer`, and then passing that to the callback. Something like
+struct MapProducer<'f, P, F: 'f> {
+ base: P,
+ map_op: &'f F,
+impl<I, F> IndexedParallelIterator for Map<I, F>
+ where I: IndexedParallelIterator,
+ F: MapOp<I::Item>,
+ fn with_producer<CB>(self, callback: CB) -> CB::Output {
+ let map_op = &self.map_op;
+ self.base_iter.with_producer(|base_producer| {
+ // Here `producer` is the producer for `self.base_iter`.
+ // Wrap that to make a `MapProducer`
+ let map_producer = MapProducer {
+ base: base_producer,
+ map_op: map_op
+ };
+ // invoke the callback with the wrapped version
+ callback(map_producer)
+ });
+ }
+This example demonstrates some of the power of the callback scheme.
+It winds up being a very flexible setup. For one thing, it means we
+can take ownership of `par_iter`; we can then in turn give ownership
+away of its bits and pieces into the producer (this is very useful if
+the iterator owns an `&mut` slice, for example), or create shared
+references and put *those* in the producer. In the case of map, for
+example, the parallel iterator owns the `map_op`, and we borrow
+references to it which we then put into the `MapProducer` (this means
+the `MapProducer` can easily split itself and share those references).
+The `with_producer` method can also create resources that are needed
+during the parallel execution, since the producer does not have to be
+Unfortunately there is a catch. We can't actually use closures the way
+I showed you. To see why, think about the type that `map_producer`
+would have to have. If we were going to write the `with_producer`
+method using a closure, it would have to look something like this:
+pub trait IndexedParallelIterator: ParallelIterator {
+ type Producer;
+ fn with_producer<CB, R>(self, callback: CB) -> R
+ where CB: FnOnce(Self::Producer) -> R;
+ ...
+Note that we had to add this associated type `Producer` so that
+we could specify the argument of the callback to be `Self::Producer`.
+Now, imagine trying to write that `MapProducer` impl using this style:
+impl<I, F> IndexedParallelIterator for Map<I, F>
+ where I: IndexedParallelIterator,
+ F: MapOp<I::Item>,
+ type MapProducer = MapProducer<'f, P::Producer, F>;
+ // ^^ wait, what is this `'f`?
+ fn with_producer<CB, R>(self, callback: CB) -> R
+ where CB: FnOnce(Self::Producer) -> R
+ {
+ let map_op = &self.map_op;
+ // ^^^^^^ `'f` is (conceptually) the lifetime of this reference,
+ // so it will be different for each call to `with_producer`!
+ }
+This may look familiar to you: it's the same problem that we have
+trying to define an `Iterable` trait. Basically, the producer type
+needs to include a lifetime (here, `'f`) that refers to the body of
+`with_producer` and hence is not in scope at the impl level.
+If we had [associated type constructors][1598], we could solve this
+problem that way. But there is another solution. We can use a
+dedicated callback trait like `ProducerCallback`, instead of `FnOnce`:
+pub trait ProducerCallback<T> {
+ type Output;
+ fn callback<P>(self, producer: P) -> Self::Output
+ where P: Producer<Item=T>;
+Using this trait, the signature of `with_producer()` looks like this:
+fn with_producer<CB: ProducerCallback<Self::Item>>(self, callback: CB) -> CB::Output;
+Notice that this signature **never has to name the producer type** --
+there is no associated type `Producer` anymore. This is because the
+`callback()` method is generically over **all** producers `P`.
+The problem is that now the `||` sugar doesn't work anymore. So we
+have to manually create the callback struct, which is a mite tedious.
+So our `MapProducer` code looks like this:
+impl<I, F> IndexedParallelIterator for Map<I, F>
+ where I: IndexedParallelIterator,
+ F: MapOp<I::Item>,
+ fn with_producer<CB>(self, callback: CB) -> CB::Output
+ where CB: ProducerCallback<Self::Item>
+ {
+ return self.base.with_producer(Callback { callback: callback, map_op: self.map_op });
+ // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+ // Manual version of the closure sugar: create an instance
+ // of a struct that implements `ProducerCallback`.
+ // The struct declaration. Each field is something that need to capture from the
+ // creating scope.
+ struct Callback<CB, F> {
+ callback: CB,
+ map_op: F,
+ }
+ // Implement the `ProducerCallback` trait. This is pure boilerplate.
+ impl<T, F, CB> ProducerCallback<T> for Callback<CB, F>
+ where F: MapOp<T>,
+ CB: ProducerCallback<F::Output>
+ {
+ type Output = CB::Output;
+ fn callback<P>(self, base: P) -> CB::Output
+ where P: Producer<Item=T>
+ {
+ // The body of the closure is here:
+ let producer = MapProducer { base: base,
+ map_op: &self.map_op };
+ self.callback.callback(producer)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+OK, a bit tedious, but it works!
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+//! Traits and functions used to implement parallel iteration. These are
+//! low-level details -- users of parallel iterators should not need to
+//! interact with them directly. See [the `plumbing` README][r] for a general overview.
+//! [r]:
+use crate::join_context;
+use super::IndexedParallelIterator;
+use std::cmp;
+use std::usize;
+/// The `ProducerCallback` trait is a kind of generic closure,
+/// [analogous to `FnOnce`][FnOnce]. See [the corresponding section in
+/// the plumbing README][r] for more details.
+/// [r]:
+/// [FnOnce]:
+pub trait ProducerCallback<T> {
+ /// The type of value returned by this callback. Analogous to
+ /// [`Output` from the `FnOnce` trait][Output].
+ ///
+ /// [Output]:
+ type Output;
+ /// Invokes the callback with the given producer as argument. The
+ /// key point of this trait is that this method is generic over
+ /// `P`, and hence implementors must be defined for any producer.
+ fn callback<P>(self, producer: P) -> Self::Output
+ where
+ P: Producer<Item = T>;
+/// A `Producer` is effectively a "splittable `IntoIterator`". That
+/// is, a producer is a value which can be converted into an iterator
+/// at any time: at that point, it simply produces items on demand,
+/// like any iterator. But what makes a `Producer` special is that,
+/// *before* we convert to an iterator, we can also **split** it at a
+/// particular point using the `split_at` method. This will yield up
+/// two producers, one producing the items before that point, and one
+/// producing the items after that point (these two producers can then
+/// independently be split further, or be converted into iterators).
+/// In Rayon, this splitting is used to divide between threads.
+/// See [the `plumbing` README][r] for further details.
+/// Note that each producer will always produce a fixed number of
+/// items N. However, this number N is not queryable through the API;
+/// the consumer is expected to track it.
+/// NB. You might expect `Producer` to extend the `IntoIterator`
+/// trait. However, [rust-lang/rust#20671][20671] prevents us from
+/// declaring the DoubleEndedIterator and ExactSizeIterator
+/// constraints on a required IntoIterator trait, so we inline
+/// IntoIterator here until that issue is fixed.
+/// [r]:
+/// [20671]:
+pub trait Producer: Send + Sized {
+ /// The type of item that will be produced by this producer once
+ /// it is converted into an iterator.
+ type Item;
+ /// The type of iterator we will become.
+ type IntoIter: Iterator<Item = Self::Item> + DoubleEndedIterator + ExactSizeIterator;
+ /// Convert `self` into an iterator; at this point, no more parallel splits
+ /// are possible.
+ fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter;
+ /// The minimum number of items that we will process
+ /// sequentially. Defaults to 1, which means that we will split
+ /// all the way down to a single item. This can be raised higher
+ /// using the [`with_min_len`] method, which will force us to
+ /// create sequential tasks at a larger granularity. Note that
+ /// Rayon automatically normally attempts to adjust the size of
+ /// parallel splits to reduce overhead, so this should not be
+ /// needed.
+ ///
+ /// [`with_min_len`]: ../trait.IndexedParallelIterator.html#method.with_min_len
+ fn min_len(&self) -> usize {
+ 1
+ }
+ /// The maximum number of items that we will process
+ /// sequentially. Defaults to MAX, which means that we can choose
+ /// not to split at all. This can be lowered using the
+ /// [`with_max_len`] method, which will force us to create more
+ /// parallel tasks. Note that Rayon automatically normally
+ /// attempts to adjust the size of parallel splits to reduce
+ /// overhead, so this should not be needed.
+ ///
+ /// [`with_max_len`]: ../trait.IndexedParallelIterator.html#method.with_max_len
+ fn max_len(&self) -> usize {
+ usize::MAX
+ }
+ /// Split into two producers; one produces items `0..index`, the
+ /// other `index..N`. Index must be less than or equal to `N`.
+ fn split_at(self, index: usize) -> (Self, Self);
+ /// Iterate the producer, feeding each element to `folder`, and
+ /// stop when the folder is full (or all elements have been consumed).
+ ///
+ /// The provided implementation is sufficient for most iterables.
+ fn fold_with<F>(self, folder: F) -> F
+ where
+ F: Folder<Self::Item>,
+ {
+ folder.consume_iter(self.into_iter())
+ }
+/// A consumer is effectively a [generalized "fold" operation][fold],
+/// and in fact each consumer will eventually be converted into a
+/// [`Folder`]. What makes a consumer special is that, like a
+/// [`Producer`], it can be **split** into multiple consumers using
+/// the `split_at` method. When a consumer is split, it produces two
+/// consumers, as well as a **reducer**. The two consumers can be fed
+/// items independently, and when they are done the reducer is used to
+/// combine their two results into one. See [the `plumbing`
+/// README][r] for further details.
+/// [r]:
+/// [fold]:
+/// [`Folder`]: trait.Folder.html
+/// [`Producer`]: trait.Producer.html
+pub trait Consumer<Item>: Send + Sized {
+ /// The type of folder that this consumer can be converted into.
+ type Folder: Folder<Item, Result = Self::Result>;
+ /// The type of reducer that is produced if this consumer is split.
+ type Reducer: Reducer<Self::Result>;
+ /// The type of result that this consumer will ultimately produce.
+ type Result: Send;
+ /// Divide the consumer into two consumers, one processing items
+ /// `0..index` and one processing items from `index..`. Also
+ /// produces a reducer that can be used to reduce the results at
+ /// the end.
+ fn split_at(self, index: usize) -> (Self, Self, Self::Reducer);
+ /// Convert the consumer into a folder that can consume items
+ /// sequentially, eventually producing a final result.
+ fn into_folder(self) -> Self::Folder;
+ /// Hint whether this `Consumer` would like to stop processing
+ /// further items, e.g. if a search has been completed.
+ fn full(&self) -> bool;
+/// The `Folder` trait encapsulates [the standard fold
+/// operation][fold]. It can be fed many items using the `consume`
+/// method. At the end, once all items have been consumed, it can then
+/// be converted (using `complete`) into a final value.
+/// [fold]:
+pub trait Folder<Item>: Sized {
+ /// The type of result that will ultimately be produced by the folder.
+ type Result;
+ /// Consume next item and return new sequential state.
+ fn consume(self, item: Item) -> Self;
+ /// Consume items from the iterator until full, and return new sequential state.
+ ///
+ /// This method is **optional**. The default simply iterates over
+ /// `iter`, invoking `consume` and checking after each iteration
+ /// whether `full` returns false.
+ ///
+ /// The main reason to override it is if you can provide a more
+ /// specialized, efficient implementation.
+ fn consume_iter<I>(mut self, iter: I) -> Self
+ where
+ I: IntoIterator<Item = Item>,
+ {
+ for item in iter {
+ self = self.consume(item);
+ if self.full() {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ self
+ }
+ /// Finish consuming items, produce final result.
+ fn complete(self) -> Self::Result;
+ /// Hint whether this `Folder` would like to stop processing
+ /// further items, e.g. if a search has been completed.
+ fn full(&self) -> bool;
+/// The reducer is the final step of a `Consumer` -- after a consumer
+/// has been split into two parts, and each of those parts has been
+/// fully processed, we are left with two results. The reducer is then
+/// used to combine those two results into one. See [the `plumbing`
+/// README][r] for further details.
+/// [r]:
+pub trait Reducer<Result> {
+ /// Reduce two final results into one; this is executed after a
+ /// split.
+ fn reduce(self, left: Result, right: Result) -> Result;
+/// A stateless consumer can be freely copied. These consumers can be
+/// used like regular consumers, but they also support a
+/// `split_off_left` method that does not take an index to split, but
+/// simply splits at some arbitrary point (`for_each`, for example,
+/// produces an unindexed consumer).
+pub trait UnindexedConsumer<I>: Consumer<I> {
+ /// Splits off a "left" consumer and returns it. The `self`
+ /// consumer should then be used to consume the "right" portion of
+ /// the data. (The ordering matters for methods like find_first --
+ /// values produced by the returned value are given precedence
+ /// over values produced by `self`.) Once the left and right
+ /// halves have been fully consumed, you should reduce the results
+ /// with the result of `to_reducer`.
+ fn split_off_left(&self) -> Self;
+ /// Creates a reducer that can be used to combine the results from
+ /// a split consumer.
+ fn to_reducer(&self) -> Self::Reducer;
+/// A variant on `Producer` which does not know its exact length or
+/// cannot represent it in a `usize`. These producers act like
+/// ordinary producers except that they cannot be told to split at a
+/// particular point. Instead, you just ask them to split 'somewhere'.
+/// (In principle, `Producer` could extend this trait; however, it
+/// does not because to do so would require producers to carry their
+/// own length with them.)
+pub trait UnindexedProducer: Send + Sized {
+ /// The type of item returned by this producer.
+ type Item;
+ /// Split midway into a new producer if possible, otherwise return `None`.
+ fn split(self) -> (Self, Option<Self>);
+ /// Iterate the producer, feeding each element to `folder`, and
+ /// stop when the folder is full (or all elements have been consumed).
+ fn fold_with<F>(self, folder: F) -> F
+ where
+ F: Folder<Self::Item>;
+/// A splitter controls the policy for splitting into smaller work items.
+/// Thief-splitting is an adaptive policy that starts by splitting into
+/// enough jobs for every worker thread, and then resets itself whenever a
+/// job is actually stolen into a different thread.
+#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
+struct Splitter {
+ /// The `splits` tell us approximately how many remaining times we'd
+ /// like to split this job. We always just divide it by two though, so
+ /// the effective number of pieces will be `next_power_of_two()`.
+ splits: usize,
+impl Splitter {
+ #[inline]
+ fn new() -> Splitter {
+ Splitter {
+ splits: crate::current_num_threads(),
+ }
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn try_split(&mut self, stolen: bool) -> bool {
+ let Splitter { splits } = *self;
+ if stolen {
+ // This job was stolen! Reset the number of desired splits to the
+ // thread count, if that's more than we had remaining anyway.
+ self.splits = cmp::max(crate::current_num_threads(), self.splits / 2);
+ true
+ } else if splits > 0 {
+ // We have splits remaining, make it so.
+ self.splits /= 2;
+ true
+ } else {
+ // Not stolen, and no more splits -- we're done!
+ false
+ }
+ }
+/// The length splitter is built on thief-splitting, but additionally takes
+/// into account the remaining length of the iterator.
+#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
+struct LengthSplitter {
+ inner: Splitter,
+ /// The smallest we're willing to divide into. Usually this is just 1,
+ /// but you can choose a larger working size with `with_min_len()`.
+ min: usize,
+impl LengthSplitter {
+ /// Creates a new splitter based on lengths.
+ ///
+ /// The `min` is a hard lower bound. We'll never split below that, but
+ /// of course an iterator might start out smaller already.
+ ///
+ /// The `max` is an upper bound on the working size, used to determine
+ /// the minimum number of times we need to split to get under that limit.
+ /// The adaptive algorithm may very well split even further, but never
+ /// smaller than the `min`.
+ #[inline]
+ fn new(min: usize, max: usize, len: usize) -> LengthSplitter {
+ let mut splitter = LengthSplitter {
+ inner: Splitter::new(),
+ min: cmp::max(min, 1),
+ };
+ // Divide the given length by the max working length to get the minimum
+ // number of splits we need to get under that max. This rounds down,
+ // but the splitter actually gives `next_power_of_two()` pieces anyway.
+ // e.g. len 12345 / max 100 = 123 min_splits -> 128 pieces.
+ let min_splits = len / cmp::max(max, 1);
+ // Only update the value if it's not splitting enough already.
+ if min_splits > splitter.inner.splits {
+ splitter.inner.splits = min_splits;
+ }
+ splitter
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn try_split(&mut self, len: usize, stolen: bool) -> bool {
+ // If splitting wouldn't make us too small, try the inner splitter.
+ len / 2 >= self.min && self.inner.try_split(stolen)
+ }
+/// This helper function is used to "connect" a parallel iterator to a
+/// consumer. It will convert the `par_iter` into a producer P and
+/// then pull items from P and feed them to `consumer`, splitting and
+/// creating parallel threads as needed.
+/// This is useful when you are implementing your own parallel
+/// iterators: it is often used as the definition of the
+/// [`drive_unindexed`] or [`drive`] methods.
+/// [`drive_unindexed`]: ../trait.ParallelIterator.html#tymethod.drive_unindexed
+/// [`drive`]: ../
+pub fn bridge<I, C>(par_iter: I, consumer: C) -> C::Result
+ I: IndexedParallelIterator,
+ C: Consumer<I::Item>,
+ let len = par_iter.len();
+ return par_iter.with_producer(Callback { len, consumer });
+ struct Callback<C> {
+ len: usize,
+ consumer: C,
+ }
+ impl<C, I> ProducerCallback<I> for Callback<C>
+ where
+ C: Consumer<I>,
+ {
+ type Output = C::Result;
+ fn callback<P>(self, producer: P) -> C::Result
+ where
+ P: Producer<Item = I>,
+ {
+ bridge_producer_consumer(self.len, producer, self.consumer)
+ }
+ }
+/// This helper function is used to "connect" a producer and a
+/// consumer. You may prefer to call [`bridge`], which wraps this
+/// function. This function will draw items from `producer` and feed
+/// them to `consumer`, splitting and creating parallel tasks when
+/// needed.
+/// This is useful when you are implementing your own parallel
+/// iterators: it is often used as the definition of the
+/// [`drive_unindexed`] or [`drive`] methods.
+/// [`bridge`]: fn.bridge.html
+/// [`drive_unindexed`]: ../trait.ParallelIterator.html#tymethod.drive_unindexed
+/// [`drive`]: ../
+pub fn bridge_producer_consumer<P, C>(len: usize, producer: P, consumer: C) -> C::Result
+ P: Producer,
+ C: Consumer<P::Item>,
+ let splitter = LengthSplitter::new(producer.min_len(), producer.max_len(), len);
+ return helper(len, false, splitter, producer, consumer);
+ fn helper<P, C>(
+ len: usize,
+ migrated: bool,
+ mut splitter: LengthSplitter,
+ producer: P,
+ consumer: C,
+ ) -> C::Result
+ where
+ P: Producer,
+ C: Consumer<P::Item>,
+ {
+ if consumer.full() {
+ consumer.into_folder().complete()
+ } else if splitter.try_split(len, migrated) {
+ let mid = len / 2;
+ let (left_producer, right_producer) = producer.split_at(mid);
+ let (left_consumer, right_consumer, reducer) = consumer.split_at(mid);
+ let (left_result, right_result) = join_context(
+ |context| {
+ helper(
+ mid,
+ context.migrated(),
+ splitter,
+ left_producer,
+ left_consumer,
+ )
+ },
+ |context| {
+ helper(
+ len - mid,
+ context.migrated(),
+ splitter,
+ right_producer,
+ right_consumer,
+ )
+ },
+ );
+ reducer.reduce(left_result, right_result)
+ } else {
+ producer.fold_with(consumer.into_folder()).complete()
+ }
+ }
+/// A variant of [`bridge_producer_consumer`] where the producer is an unindexed producer.
+/// [`bridge_producer_consumer`]: fn.bridge_producer_consumer.html
+pub fn bridge_unindexed<P, C>(producer: P, consumer: C) -> C::Result
+ P: UnindexedProducer,
+ C: UnindexedConsumer<P::Item>,
+ let splitter = Splitter::new();
+ bridge_unindexed_producer_consumer(false, splitter, producer, consumer)
+fn bridge_unindexed_producer_consumer<P, C>(
+ migrated: bool,
+ mut splitter: Splitter,
+ producer: P,
+ consumer: C,
+) -> C::Result
+ P: UnindexedProducer,
+ C: UnindexedConsumer<P::Item>,
+ if consumer.full() {
+ consumer.into_folder().complete()
+ } else if splitter.try_split(migrated) {
+ match producer.split() {
+ (left_producer, Some(right_producer)) => {
+ let (reducer, left_consumer, right_consumer) =
+ (consumer.to_reducer(), consumer.split_off_left(), consumer);
+ let bridge = bridge_unindexed_producer_consumer;
+ let (left_result, right_result) = join_context(
+ |context| bridge(context.migrated(), splitter, left_producer, left_consumer),
+ |context| bridge(context.migrated(), splitter, right_producer, right_consumer),
+ );
+ reducer.reduce(left_result, right_result)
+ }
+ (producer, None) => producer.fold_with(consumer.into_folder()).complete(),
+ }
+ } else {
+ producer.fold_with(consumer.into_folder()).complete()
+ }