path: root/third_party/rust/ron/src/ser/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/rust/ron/src/ser/')
1 files changed, 1089 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/rust/ron/src/ser/ b/third_party/rust/ron/src/ser/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ca1cea3dad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/ron/src/ser/
@@ -0,0 +1,1089 @@
+use serde::{ser, Deserialize, Serialize};
+use std::io;
+use crate::error::{Error, Result};
+use crate::extensions::Extensions;
+mod value;
+/// Serializes `value` into `writer`
+pub fn to_writer<W, T>(writer: W, value: &T) -> Result<()>
+ W: io::Write,
+ T: Serialize,
+ let mut s = Serializer::new(writer, None, false)?;
+ value.serialize(&mut s)
+/// Serializes `value` into `writer` in a pretty way.
+pub fn to_writer_pretty<W, T>(writer: W, value: &T, config: PrettyConfig) -> Result<()>
+ W: io::Write,
+ T: Serialize,
+ let mut s = Serializer::new(writer, Some(config), false)?;
+ value.serialize(&mut s)
+/// Serializes `value` and returns it as string.
+/// This function does not generate any newlines or nice formatting;
+/// if you want that, you can use `to_string_pretty` instead.
+pub fn to_string<T>(value: &T) -> Result<String>
+ T: Serialize,
+ let buf = Vec::new();
+ let mut s = Serializer::new(buf, None, false)?;
+ value.serialize(&mut s)?;
+ Ok(String::from_utf8(s.output).expect("Ron should be utf-8"))
+/// Serializes `value` in the recommended RON layout in a pretty way.
+pub fn to_string_pretty<T>(value: &T, config: PrettyConfig) -> Result<String>
+ T: Serialize,
+ let buf = Vec::new();
+ let mut s = Serializer::new(buf, Some(config), false)?;
+ value.serialize(&mut s)?;
+ Ok(String::from_utf8(s.output).expect("Ron should be utf-8"))
+/// Pretty serializer state
+struct Pretty {
+ indent: usize,
+ sequence_index: Vec<usize>,
+/// Pretty serializer configuration.
+/// # Examples
+/// ```
+/// use ron::ser::PrettyConfig;
+/// let my_config = PrettyConfig::new()
+/// .with_depth_limit(4)
+/// // definitely superior (okay, just joking)
+/// .with_indentor("\t".to_owned());
+/// ```
+#[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
+pub struct PrettyConfig {
+ /// Limit the pretty-ness up to the given depth.
+ #[serde(default = "default_depth_limit")]
+ pub depth_limit: usize,
+ /// New line string
+ #[serde(default = "default_new_line")]
+ pub new_line: String,
+ /// Indentation string
+ #[serde(default = "default_indentor")]
+ pub indentor: String,
+ /// Separate tuple members with indentation
+ #[serde(default = "default_separate_tuple_members")]
+ pub separate_tuple_members: bool,
+ /// Enumerate array items in comments
+ #[serde(default = "default_enumerate_arrays")]
+ pub enumerate_arrays: bool,
+ /// Always include the decimal in floats
+ #[serde(default = "default_decimal_floats")]
+ pub decimal_floats: bool,
+ /// Enable extensions. Only configures 'implicit_some' for now.
+ pub extensions: Extensions,
+ /// Private field to ensure adding a field is non-breaking.
+ #[serde(skip)]
+ _future_proof: (),
+impl PrettyConfig {
+ /// Creates a default `PrettyConfig`.
+ pub fn new() -> Self {
+ Default::default()
+ }
+ /// Limits the pretty-formatting based on the number of indentations.
+ /// I.e., with a depth limit of 5, starting with an element of depth
+ /// (indentation level) 6, everything will be put into the same line,
+ /// without pretty formatting.
+ ///
+ /// Default: [std::usize::MAX]
+ pub fn with_depth_limit(mut self, depth_limit: usize) -> Self {
+ self.depth_limit = depth_limit;
+ self
+ }
+ /// Configures the newlines used for serialization.
+ ///
+ /// Default: `\r\n` on Windows, `\n` otherwise
+ pub fn with_new_line(mut self, new_line: String) -> Self {
+ self.new_line = new_line;
+ self
+ }
+ /// Configures the string sequence used for indentation.
+ ///
+ /// Default: 4 spaces
+ pub fn with_indentor(mut self, indentor: String) -> Self {
+ self.indentor = indentor;
+ self
+ }
+ /// Configures whether tuples are single- or multi-line.
+ /// If set to `true`, tuples will have their fields indented and in new
+ /// lines. If set to `false`, tuples will be serialized without any
+ /// newlines or indentations.
+ ///
+ /// Default: `false`
+ pub fn with_separate_tuple_members(mut self, separate_tuple_members: bool) -> Self {
+ self.separate_tuple_members = separate_tuple_members;
+ self
+ }
+ /// Configures whether a comment shall be added to every array element,
+ /// indicating the index.
+ ///
+ /// Default: `false`
+ pub fn with_enumerate_arrays(mut self, enumerate_arrays: bool) -> Self {
+ self.enumerate_arrays = enumerate_arrays;
+ self
+ }
+ /// Configures whether floats should always include a decimal.
+ /// When false `1.0` will serialize as `1`
+ /// When true `1.0` will serialize as `1.0`
+ ///
+ /// Default: `false`
+ pub fn with_decimal_floats(mut self, decimal_floats: bool) -> Self {
+ self.decimal_floats = decimal_floats;
+ self
+ }
+ /// Configures extensions
+ ///
+ /// Default: Extensions::empty()
+ pub fn with_extensions(mut self, extensions: Extensions) -> Self {
+ self.extensions = extensions;
+ self
+ }
+fn default_depth_limit() -> usize {
+ !0
+fn default_new_line() -> String {
+ #[cfg(not(target_os = "windows"))]
+ let new_line = "\n".to_string();
+ #[cfg(target_os = "windows")]
+ let new_line = "\r\n".to_string();
+ new_line
+fn default_decimal_floats() -> bool {
+ false
+fn default_indentor() -> String {
+ " ".to_string()
+fn default_separate_tuple_members() -> bool {
+ false
+fn default_enumerate_arrays() -> bool {
+ false
+impl Default for PrettyConfig {
+ fn default() -> Self {
+ PrettyConfig {
+ depth_limit: default_depth_limit(),
+ new_line: default_new_line(),
+ indentor: default_indentor(),
+ separate_tuple_members: default_separate_tuple_members(),
+ enumerate_arrays: default_enumerate_arrays(),
+ extensions: Extensions::default(),
+ decimal_floats: default_decimal_floats(),
+ _future_proof: (),
+ }
+ }
+/// The RON serializer.
+/// You can just use `to_string` for deserializing a value.
+/// If you want it pretty-printed, take a look at the `pretty` module.
+pub struct Serializer<W: io::Write> {
+ output: W,
+ pretty: Option<(PrettyConfig, Pretty)>,
+ struct_names: bool,
+ is_empty: Option<bool>,
+impl<W: io::Write> Serializer<W> {
+ /// Creates a new `Serializer`.
+ ///
+ /// Most of the time you can just use `to_string` or `to_string_pretty`.
+ pub fn new(mut writer: W, config: Option<PrettyConfig>, struct_names: bool) -> Result<Self> {
+ if let Some(conf) = &config {
+ if conf.extensions.contains(Extensions::IMPLICIT_SOME) {
+ writer.write_all(b"#![enable(implicit_some)]")?;
+ writer.write_all(conf.new_line.as_bytes())?;
+ };
+ };
+ Ok(Serializer {
+ output: writer,
+ pretty:|conf| {
+ (
+ conf,
+ Pretty {
+ indent: 0,
+ sequence_index: Vec::new(),
+ },
+ )
+ }),
+ struct_names,
+ is_empty: None,
+ })
+ }
+ fn is_pretty(&self) -> bool {
+ match self.pretty {
+ Some((ref config, ref pretty)) => pretty.indent <= config.depth_limit,
+ None => false,
+ }
+ }
+ fn separate_tuple_members(&self) -> bool {
+ self.pretty
+ .as_ref()
+ .map_or(false, |&(ref config, _)| config.separate_tuple_members)
+ }
+ fn decimal_floats(&self) -> bool {
+ self.pretty
+ .as_ref()
+ .map_or(false, |&(ref config, _)| config.decimal_floats)
+ }
+ fn extensions(&self) -> Extensions {
+ self.pretty
+ .as_ref()
+ .map_or(Extensions::empty(), |&(ref config, _)| config.extensions)
+ }
+ fn start_indent(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
+ if let Some((ref config, ref mut pretty)) = self.pretty {
+ pretty.indent += 1;
+ if pretty.indent <= config.depth_limit {
+ let is_empty = self.is_empty.unwrap_or(false);
+ if !is_empty {
+ self.output.write_all(config.new_line.as_bytes())?;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ fn indent(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {
+ if let Some((ref config, ref pretty)) = self.pretty {
+ if pretty.indent <= config.depth_limit {
+ for _ in 0..pretty.indent {
+ self.output.write_all(config.indentor.as_bytes())?;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ fn end_indent(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {
+ if let Some((ref config, ref mut pretty)) = self.pretty {
+ if pretty.indent <= config.depth_limit {
+ let is_empty = self.is_empty.unwrap_or(false);
+ if !is_empty {
+ for _ in 1..pretty.indent {
+ self.output.write_all(config.indentor.as_bytes())?;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ pretty.indent -= 1;
+ self.is_empty = None;
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ fn serialize_escaped_str(&mut self, value: &str) -> io::Result<()> {
+ self.output.write_all(b"\"")?;
+ let mut scalar = [0u8; 4];
+ for c in value.chars().flat_map(|c| c.escape_debug()) {
+ self.output
+ .write_all(c.encode_utf8(&mut scalar).as_bytes())?;
+ }
+ self.output.write_all(b"\"")?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+impl<'a, W: io::Write> ser::Serializer for &'a mut Serializer<W> {
+ type Error = Error;
+ type Ok = ();
+ type SerializeMap = Compound<'a, W>;
+ type SerializeSeq = Compound<'a, W>;
+ type SerializeStruct = Compound<'a, W>;
+ type SerializeStructVariant = Compound<'a, W>;
+ type SerializeTuple = Compound<'a, W>;
+ type SerializeTupleStruct = Compound<'a, W>;
+ type SerializeTupleVariant = Compound<'a, W>;
+ fn serialize_bool(self, v: bool) -> Result<()> {
+ self.output.write_all(if v { b"true" } else { b"false" })?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ fn serialize_i8(self, v: i8) -> Result<()> {
+ self.serialize_i128(v as i128)
+ }
+ fn serialize_i16(self, v: i16) -> Result<()> {
+ self.serialize_i128(v as i128)
+ }
+ fn serialize_i32(self, v: i32) -> Result<()> {
+ self.serialize_i128(v as i128)
+ }
+ fn serialize_i64(self, v: i64) -> Result<()> {
+ self.serialize_i128(v as i128)
+ }
+ fn serialize_i128(self, v: i128) -> Result<()> {
+ // TODO optimize
+ write!(self.output, "{}", v)?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ fn serialize_u8(self, v: u8) -> Result<()> {
+ self.serialize_u128(v as u128)
+ }
+ fn serialize_u16(self, v: u16) -> Result<()> {
+ self.serialize_u128(v as u128)
+ }
+ fn serialize_u32(self, v: u32) -> Result<()> {
+ self.serialize_u128(v as u128)
+ }
+ fn serialize_u64(self, v: u64) -> Result<()> {
+ self.serialize_u128(v as u128)
+ }
+ fn serialize_u128(self, v: u128) -> Result<()> {
+ write!(self.output, "{}", v)?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ fn serialize_f32(self, v: f32) -> Result<()> {
+ write!(self.output, "{}", v)?;
+ // TODO: use f32::EPSILON when minimum supported rust version is 1.43
+ pub const EPSILON: f32 = 1.19209290e-07_f32;
+ if self.decimal_floats() && (v - v.floor()).abs() < EPSILON {
+ write!(self.output, ".0")?;
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ fn serialize_f64(self, v: f64) -> Result<()> {
+ write!(self.output, "{}", v)?;
+ // TODO: use f64::EPSILON when minimum supported rust version is 1.43
+ pub const EPSILON: f64 = 2.2204460492503131e-16_f64;
+ if self.decimal_floats() && (v - v.floor()).abs() < EPSILON {
+ write!(self.output, ".0")?;
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ fn serialize_char(self, v: char) -> Result<()> {
+ self.output.write_all(b"'")?;
+ if v == '\\' || v == '\'' {
+ self.output.write_all(b"\\")?;
+ }
+ write!(self.output, "{}", v)?;
+ self.output.write_all(b"'")?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ fn serialize_str(self, v: &str) -> Result<()> {
+ self.serialize_escaped_str(v)?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ fn serialize_bytes(self, v: &[u8]) -> Result<()> {
+ self.serialize_str(base64::encode(v).as_str())
+ }
+ fn serialize_none(self) -> Result<()> {
+ self.output.write_all(b"None")?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ fn serialize_some<T>(self, value: &T) -> Result<()>
+ where
+ T: ?Sized + Serialize,
+ {
+ let implicit_some = self.extensions().contains(Extensions::IMPLICIT_SOME);
+ if !implicit_some {
+ self.output.write_all(b"Some(")?;
+ }
+ value.serialize(&mut *self)?;
+ if !implicit_some {
+ self.output.write_all(b")")?;
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ fn serialize_unit(self) -> Result<()> {
+ self.output.write_all(b"()")?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ fn serialize_unit_struct(self, name: &'static str) -> Result<()> {
+ if self.struct_names {
+ self.output.write_all(name.as_bytes())?;
+ Ok(())
+ } else {
+ self.serialize_unit()
+ }
+ }
+ fn serialize_unit_variant(self, _: &'static str, _: u32, variant: &'static str) -> Result<()> {
+ self.output.write_all(variant.as_bytes())?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ fn serialize_newtype_struct<T>(self, name: &'static str, value: &T) -> Result<()>
+ where
+ T: ?Sized + Serialize,
+ {
+ if self.struct_names {
+ self.output.write_all(name.as_bytes())?;
+ }
+ self.output.write_all(b"(")?;
+ value.serialize(&mut *self)?;
+ self.output.write_all(b")")?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ fn serialize_newtype_variant<T>(
+ self,
+ _: &'static str,
+ _: u32,
+ variant: &'static str,
+ value: &T,
+ ) -> Result<()>
+ where
+ T: ?Sized + Serialize,
+ {
+ self.output.write_all(variant.as_bytes())?;
+ self.output.write_all(b"(")?;
+ value.serialize(&mut *self)?;
+ self.output.write_all(b")")?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ fn serialize_seq(self, len: Option<usize>) -> Result<Self::SerializeSeq> {
+ self.output.write_all(b"[")?;
+ if let Some(len) = len {
+ self.is_empty = Some(len == 0);
+ }
+ self.start_indent()?;
+ if let Some((_, ref mut pretty)) = self.pretty {
+ pretty.sequence_index.push(0);
+ }
+ Ok(Compound::Map {
+ ser: self,
+ state: State::First,
+ })
+ }
+ fn serialize_tuple(self, len: usize) -> Result<Self::SerializeTuple> {
+ self.output.write_all(b"(")?;
+ if self.separate_tuple_members() {
+ self.is_empty = Some(len == 0);
+ self.start_indent()?;
+ }
+ Ok(Compound::Map {
+ ser: self,
+ state: State::First,
+ })
+ }
+ fn serialize_tuple_struct(
+ self,
+ name: &'static str,
+ len: usize,
+ ) -> Result<Self::SerializeTupleStruct> {
+ if self.struct_names {
+ self.output.write_all(name.as_bytes())?;
+ }
+ self.serialize_tuple(len)
+ }
+ fn serialize_tuple_variant(
+ self,
+ _: &'static str,
+ _: u32,
+ variant: &'static str,
+ len: usize,
+ ) -> Result<Self::SerializeTupleVariant> {
+ self.output.write_all(variant.as_bytes())?;
+ self.output.write_all(b"(")?;
+ if self.separate_tuple_members() {
+ self.is_empty = Some(len == 0);
+ self.start_indent()?;
+ }
+ Ok(Compound::Map {
+ ser: self,
+ state: State::First,
+ })
+ }
+ fn serialize_map(self, len: Option<usize>) -> Result<Self::SerializeMap> {
+ self.output.write_all(b"{")?;
+ if let Some(len) = len {
+ self.is_empty = Some(len == 0);
+ }
+ self.start_indent()?;
+ Ok(Compound::Map {
+ ser: self,
+ state: State::First,
+ })
+ }
+ fn serialize_struct(self, name: &'static str, len: usize) -> Result<Self::SerializeStruct> {
+ if self.struct_names {
+ self.output.write_all(name.as_bytes())?;
+ }
+ self.output.write_all(b"(")?;
+ self.is_empty = Some(len == 0);
+ self.start_indent()?;
+ Ok(Compound::Map {
+ ser: self,
+ state: State::First,
+ })
+ }
+ fn serialize_struct_variant(
+ self,
+ _: &'static str,
+ _: u32,
+ variant: &'static str,
+ len: usize,
+ ) -> Result<Self::SerializeStructVariant> {
+ self.output.write_all(variant.as_bytes())?;
+ self.output.write_all(b"(")?;
+ self.is_empty = Some(len == 0);
+ self.start_indent()?;
+ Ok(Compound::Map {
+ ser: self,
+ state: State::First,
+ })
+ }
+impl<'a, W: io::Write> ser::SerializeSeq for Compound<'a, W> {
+ type Error = Error;
+ type Ok = ();
+ fn serialize_element<T>(&mut self, value: &T) -> Result<()>
+ where
+ T: ?Sized + Serialize,
+ {
+ let ser = match self {
+ Compound::Map {
+ state: ref mut s @ State::First,
+ ser,
+ } => {
+ *s = State::Rest;
+ ser
+ }
+ Compound::Map {
+ state: State::Rest,
+ ser,
+ } => {
+ ser.output.write_all(b",")?;
+ if let Some((ref config, ref mut pretty)) = ser.pretty {
+ if pretty.indent <= config.depth_limit {
+ if config.enumerate_arrays {
+ assert!(config.new_line.contains('\n'));
+ let index = pretty.sequence_index.last_mut().unwrap();
+ //TODO: when /**/ comments are supported, prepend the index
+ // to an element instead of appending it.
+ write!(ser.output, "// [{}]", index).unwrap();
+ *index += 1;
+ }
+ ser.output.write_all(config.new_line.as_bytes())?;
+ }
+ }
+ ser
+ }
+ };
+ ser.indent()?;
+ value.serialize(&mut **ser)?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ fn end(self) -> Result<()> {
+ let ser = match self {
+ Compound::Map {
+ ser,
+ state: State::Rest,
+ } => {
+ if let Some((ref config, ref mut pretty)) = ser.pretty {
+ if pretty.indent <= config.depth_limit {
+ ser.output.write_all(b",")?;
+ ser.output.write_all(config.new_line.as_bytes())?;
+ }
+ }
+ ser
+ }
+ Compound::Map { ser, .. } => ser,
+ };
+ ser.end_indent()?;
+ if let Some((_, ref mut pretty)) = ser.pretty {
+ pretty.sequence_index.pop();
+ }
+ ser.output.write_all(b"]")?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+pub enum State {
+ First,
+ Rest,
+pub enum Compound<'a, W: io::Write> {
+ Map {
+ ser: &'a mut Serializer<W>,
+ state: State,
+ },
+impl<'a, W: io::Write> ser::SerializeTuple for Compound<'a, W> {
+ type Error = Error;
+ type Ok = ();
+ fn serialize_element<T>(&mut self, value: &T) -> Result<()>
+ where
+ T: ?Sized + Serialize,
+ {
+ let ser = match self {
+ Compound::Map {
+ ser,
+ state: ref mut s @ State::First,
+ } => {
+ *s = State::Rest;
+ ser
+ }
+ Compound::Map { ser, .. } => {
+ ser.output.write_all(b",")?;
+ if let Some((ref config, ref pretty)) = ser.pretty {
+ if pretty.indent <= config.depth_limit {
+ ser.output.write_all(if ser.separate_tuple_members() {
+ config.new_line.as_bytes()
+ } else {
+ b" "
+ })?;
+ }
+ }
+ ser
+ }
+ };
+ if ser.separate_tuple_members() {
+ ser.indent()?;
+ }
+ value.serialize(&mut **ser)?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ fn end(self) -> Result<()> {
+ let ser = match self {
+ Compound::Map {
+ ser,
+ state: State::Rest,
+ } => {
+ if let Some((ref config, ref pretty)) = ser.pretty {
+ if ser.separate_tuple_members() && pretty.indent <= config.depth_limit {
+ ser.output.write_all(b",")?;
+ ser.output.write_all(config.new_line.as_bytes())?;
+ }
+ }
+ ser
+ }
+ Compound::Map { ser, .. } => ser,
+ };
+ if ser.separate_tuple_members() {
+ ser.end_indent()?;
+ }
+ ser.output.write_all(b")")?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+// Same thing but for tuple structs.
+impl<'a, W: io::Write> ser::SerializeTupleStruct for Compound<'a, W> {
+ type Error = Error;
+ type Ok = ();
+ fn serialize_field<T>(&mut self, value: &T) -> Result<()>
+ where
+ T: ?Sized + Serialize,
+ {
+ ser::SerializeTuple::serialize_element(self, value)
+ }
+ fn end(self) -> Result<()> {
+ ser::SerializeTuple::end(self)
+ }
+impl<'a, W: io::Write> ser::SerializeTupleVariant for Compound<'a, W> {
+ type Error = Error;
+ type Ok = ();
+ fn serialize_field<T>(&mut self, value: &T) -> Result<()>
+ where
+ T: ?Sized + Serialize,
+ {
+ ser::SerializeTuple::serialize_element(self, value)
+ }
+ fn end(self) -> Result<()> {
+ ser::SerializeTuple::end(self)
+ }
+impl<'a, W: io::Write> ser::SerializeMap for Compound<'a, W> {
+ type Error = Error;
+ type Ok = ();
+ fn serialize_key<T>(&mut self, key: &T) -> Result<()>
+ where
+ T: ?Sized + Serialize,
+ {
+ let ser = match self {
+ Compound::Map {
+ ser,
+ state: ref mut s @ State::First,
+ } => {
+ *s = State::Rest;
+ ser
+ }
+ Compound::Map {
+ ser,
+ state: State::Rest,
+ } => {
+ ser.output.write_all(b",")?;
+ if let Some((ref config, ref pretty)) = ser.pretty {
+ if pretty.indent <= config.depth_limit {
+ ser.output.write_all(config.new_line.as_bytes())?;
+ }
+ }
+ ser
+ }
+ };
+ ser.indent()?;
+ key.serialize(&mut **ser)
+ }
+ fn serialize_value<T>(&mut self, value: &T) -> Result<()>
+ where
+ T: ?Sized + Serialize,
+ {
+ match self {
+ Compound::Map { ser, .. } => {
+ ser.output.write_all(b":")?;
+ if ser.is_pretty() {
+ ser.output.write_all(b" ")?;
+ }
+ value.serialize(&mut **ser)?;
+ }
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ fn end(self) -> Result<()> {
+ let ser = match self {
+ Compound::Map {
+ ser,
+ state: State::Rest,
+ } => {
+ if let Some((ref config, ref pretty)) = ser.pretty {
+ if pretty.indent <= config.depth_limit {
+ ser.output.write_all(b",")?;
+ ser.output.write_all(config.new_line.as_bytes())?;
+ }
+ }
+ ser
+ }
+ Compound::Map { ser, .. } => ser,
+ };
+ ser.end_indent()?;
+ ser.output.write_all(b"}")?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+impl<'a, W: io::Write> ser::SerializeStruct for Compound<'a, W> {
+ type Error = Error;
+ type Ok = ();
+ fn serialize_field<T>(&mut self, key: &'static str, value: &T) -> Result<()>
+ where
+ T: ?Sized + Serialize,
+ {
+ let ser = match self {
+ Compound::Map {
+ ser,
+ state: ref mut s @ State::First,
+ } => {
+ *s = State::Rest;
+ ser
+ }
+ Compound::Map { ser, .. } => {
+ ser.output.write_all(b",")?;
+ if let Some((ref config, ref pretty)) = ser.pretty {
+ if pretty.indent <= config.depth_limit {
+ ser.output.write_all(config.new_line.as_bytes())?;
+ }
+ }
+ ser
+ }
+ };
+ ser.indent()?;
+ ser.output.write_all(key.as_bytes())?;
+ ser.output.write_all(b":")?;
+ if ser.is_pretty() {
+ ser.output.write_all(b" ")?;
+ }
+ value.serialize(&mut **ser)?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ fn end(self) -> Result<()> {
+ let ser = match self {
+ Compound::Map {
+ ser,
+ state: State::Rest,
+ } => {
+ if let Some((ref config, ref pretty)) = ser.pretty {
+ if pretty.indent <= config.depth_limit {
+ ser.output.write_all(b",")?;
+ ser.output.write_all(config.new_line.as_bytes())?;
+ }
+ }
+ ser
+ }
+ Compound::Map { ser, .. } => ser,
+ };
+ ser.end_indent()?;
+ ser.output.write_all(b")")?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+impl<'a, W: io::Write> ser::SerializeStructVariant for Compound<'a, W> {
+ type Error = Error;
+ type Ok = ();
+ fn serialize_field<T>(&mut self, key: &'static str, value: &T) -> Result<()>
+ where
+ T: ?Sized + Serialize,
+ {
+ ser::SerializeStruct::serialize_field(self, key, value)
+ }
+ fn end(self) -> Result<()> {
+ ser::SerializeStruct::end(self)
+ }
+mod tests {
+ use super::*;
+ #[derive(Serialize)]
+ struct EmptyStruct1;
+ #[derive(Serialize)]
+ struct EmptyStruct2 {}
+ #[derive(Serialize)]
+ struct MyStruct {
+ x: f32,
+ y: f32,
+ }
+ #[derive(Serialize)]
+ enum MyEnum {
+ A,
+ B(bool),
+ C(bool, f32),
+ D { a: i32, b: i32 },
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_empty_struct() {
+ assert_eq!(to_string(&EmptyStruct1).unwrap(), "()");
+ assert_eq!(to_string(&EmptyStruct2 {}).unwrap(), "()");
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_struct() {
+ let my_struct = MyStruct { x: 4.0, y: 7.0 };
+ assert_eq!(to_string(&my_struct).unwrap(), "(x:4,y:7)");
+ #[derive(Serialize)]
+ struct NewType(i32);
+ assert_eq!(to_string(&NewType(42)).unwrap(), "(42)");
+ #[derive(Serialize)]
+ struct TupleStruct(f32, f32);
+ assert_eq!(to_string(&TupleStruct(2.0, 5.0)).unwrap(), "(2,5)");
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_option() {
+ assert_eq!(to_string(&Some(1u8)).unwrap(), "Some(1)");
+ assert_eq!(to_string(&None::<u8>).unwrap(), "None");
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_enum() {
+ assert_eq!(to_string(&MyEnum::A).unwrap(), "A");
+ assert_eq!(to_string(&MyEnum::B(true)).unwrap(), "B(true)");
+ assert_eq!(to_string(&MyEnum::C(true, 3.5)).unwrap(), "C(true,3.5)");
+ assert_eq!(to_string(&MyEnum::D { a: 2, b: 3 }).unwrap(), "D(a:2,b:3)");
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_array() {
+ let empty: [i32; 0] = [];
+ assert_eq!(to_string(&empty).unwrap(), "()");
+ let empty_ref: &[i32] = &empty;
+ assert_eq!(to_string(&empty_ref).unwrap(), "[]");
+ assert_eq!(to_string(&[2, 3, 4i32]).unwrap(), "(2,3,4)");
+ assert_eq!(to_string(&(&[2, 3, 4i32] as &[i32])).unwrap(), "[2,3,4]");
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_map() {
+ use std::collections::HashMap;
+ let mut map = HashMap::new();
+ map.insert((true, false), 4);
+ map.insert((false, false), 123);
+ let s = to_string(&map).unwrap();
+ s.starts_with("{");
+ s.contains("(true,false):4");
+ s.contains("(false,false):123");
+ s.ends_with("}");
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_string() {
+ assert_eq!(to_string(&"Some string").unwrap(), "\"Some string\"");
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_char() {
+ assert_eq!(to_string(&'c').unwrap(), "'c'");
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_escape() {
+ assert_eq!(to_string(&r#""Quoted""#).unwrap(), r#""\"Quoted\"""#);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_byte_stream() {
+ use serde_bytes;
+ let small: [u8; 16] = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15];
+ assert_eq!(
+ to_string(&small).unwrap(),
+ "(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15)"
+ );
+ let large = vec![255u8; 64];
+ let large = serde_bytes::Bytes::new(&large);
+ assert_eq!(
+ to_string(&large).unwrap(),
+ concat!(
+ "\"/////////////////////////////////////////",
+ "////////////////////////////////////////////w==\""
+ )
+ );
+ }