path: root/toolkit/components/certviewer/content/certDecoder.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'toolkit/components/certviewer/content/certDecoder.js')
1 files changed, 561 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/toolkit/components/certviewer/content/certDecoder.js b/toolkit/components/certviewer/content/certDecoder.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..123cd082cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toolkit/components/certviewer/content/certDecoder.js
@@ -0,0 +1,561 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+const { fromBER } = asn1js.asn1js;
+const { Certificate } = pkijs.pkijs;
+import {
+ b64urltodec,
+ b64urltohex,
+ getObjPath,
+ hash,
+ hashify,
+} from "./utils.js";
+import { strings } from "./strings.js";
+import { ctLogNames } from "./ctlognames.js";
+const getTimeZone = () => {
+ let timeZone = new Date().toString().match(/\(([A-Za-z\s].*)\)/);
+ if (timeZone === null) {
+ // America/Chicago
+ timeZone = Intl.DateTimeFormat().resolvedOptions().timeZone;
+ } else if (timeZone.length > 1) {
+ timeZone = timeZone[1]; // Central Daylight Time
+ } else {
+ timeZone = "Local Time"; // not sure if this is right, but let's go with it for now
+ }
+ return timeZone;
+const getPublicKeyInfo = x509 => {
+ let spki = Object.assign(
+ {
+ crv: undefined,
+ e: undefined,
+ kty: undefined,
+ n: undefined,
+ keysize: undefined,
+ x: undefined,
+ xy: undefined,
+ y: undefined,
+ },
+ x509.subjectPublicKeyInfo
+ );
+ if (spki.kty === "RSA") {
+ spki.e = b64urltodec(spki.e); // exponent
+ spki.keysize = b64urltohex(spki.n).length * 8; // key size in bits
+ spki.n = hashify(b64urltohex(spki.n)); // modulus
+ } else if (spki.kty === "EC") {
+ spki.kty = "Elliptic Curve";
+ spki.keysize = parseInt(spki.crv.split("-")[1]); // this is a bit hacky
+ spki.x = hashify(b64urltohex(spki.x)); // x coordinate
+ spki.y = hashify(b64urltohex(spki.y)); // y coordinate
+ spki.xy = `04:${spki.x}:${spki.y}`; // 04 (uncompressed) public key
+ }
+ return spki;
+const getX509Ext = (extensions, v) => {
+ for (var extension in extensions) {
+ if (extensions[extension].extnID === v) {
+ return extensions[extension];
+ }
+ }
+ return {
+ extnValue: undefined,
+ parsedValue: undefined,
+ };
+const getKeyUsages = (x509, criticalExtensions) => {
+ let keyUsages = {
+ critical: criticalExtensions.includes(""),
+ purposes: [],
+ };
+ let keyUsagesBS = getX509Ext(x509.extensions, "").parsedValue;
+ if (keyUsagesBS !== undefined) {
+ // parse the bit string, shifting as necessary
+ let unusedBits = keyUsagesBS.valueBlock.unusedBits;
+ keyUsagesBS = parseInt(keyUsagesBS.valueBlock.valueHex, 16) >> unusedBits;
+ // iterate through the bit string
+ strings.keyUsages.slice(unusedBits - 1).forEach(usage => {
+ if (keyUsagesBS & 1) {
+ keyUsages.purposes.push(usage);
+ }
+ keyUsagesBS = keyUsagesBS >> 1;
+ });
+ // reverse the order for legibility
+ keyUsages.purposes.reverse();
+ }
+ return keyUsages;
+const parseSubsidiary = distinguishedNames => {
+ const subsidiary = {
+ cn: "",
+ dn: [],
+ entries: [],
+ };
+ distinguishedNames.forEach(dn => {
+ const name = strings.names[dn.type];
+ const value = dn.value.valueBlock.value;
+ if (name === undefined) {
+ subsidiary.dn.push(`OID.${dn.type}=${value}`);
+ subsidiary.entries.push([`OID.${dn.type}`, value]);
+ } else if (name.short === undefined) {
+ subsidiary.dn.push(`OID.${dn.type}=${value}`);
+ subsidiary.entries.push([name.long, value]);
+ } else {
+ subsidiary.dn.push(`${name.short}=${value}`);
+ subsidiary.entries.push([name.long, value]);
+ // add the common name for tab display
+ if (name.short === "cn") {
+ = value;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ // turn path into a string
+ subsidiary.dn = subsidiary.dn.join(", ");
+ return subsidiary;
+const getSubjectAltNames = (x509, criticalExtensions) => {
+ let san = getX509Ext(x509.extensions, "").parsedValue;
+ if (san && san.hasOwnProperty("altNames")) {
+ san = Object.keys(san.altNames).map(x => {
+ const type = san.altNames[x].type;
+ switch (type) {
+ case 4: // directory
+ return [
+ strings.san[type],
+ parseSubsidiary(san.altNames[x].value.typesAndValues).dn,
+ ];
+ case 7: // ip address
+ let address = san.altNames[x].value.valueBlock.valueHex;
+ if (address.length === 8) {
+ // ipv4
+ return [
+ strings.san[type],
+ address
+ .match(/.{1,2}/g)
+ .map(x => parseInt(x, 16))
+ .join("."),
+ ];
+ } else if (address.length === 32) {
+ // ipv6
+ return [
+ strings.san[type],
+ address
+ .toLowerCase()
+ .match(/.{1,4}/g)
+ .join(":")
+ .replace(/\b:?(?:0+:?){2,}/, "::"),
+ ];
+ }
+ return [strings.san[type], "Unknown IP address"];
+ default:
+ return [strings.san[type], san.altNames[x].value];
+ }
+ });
+ } else {
+ san = [];
+ }
+ san = {
+ altNames: san,
+ critical: criticalExtensions.includes(""),
+ };
+ return san;
+const getBasicConstraints = (x509, criticalExtensions) => {
+ let basicConstraints;
+ const basicConstraintsExt = getX509Ext(x509.extensions, "");
+ if (basicConstraintsExt && basicConstraintsExt.parsedValue) {
+ basicConstraints = {
+ cA:
+ basicConstraintsExt.parsedValue.cA !== undefined &&
+ basicConstraintsExt.parsedValue.cA,
+ critical: criticalExtensions.includes(""),
+ };
+ }
+ return basicConstraints;
+const getEKeyUsages = (x509, criticalExtensions) => {
+ let eKeyUsages = getX509Ext(x509.extensions, "").parsedValue;
+ if (eKeyUsages) {
+ eKeyUsages = {
+ critical: criticalExtensions.includes(""),
+ purposes: => strings.eKU[x] || x),
+ };
+ }
+ return eKeyUsages;
+const getSubjectKeyID = (x509, criticalExtensions) => {
+ let sKID = getX509Ext(x509.extensions, "").parsedValue;
+ if (sKID) {
+ sKID = {
+ critical: criticalExtensions.includes(""),
+ id: hashify(sKID.valueBlock.valueHex),
+ };
+ }
+ return sKID;
+const getAuthorityKeyID = (x509, criticalExtensions) => {
+ let aKID = getX509Ext(x509.extensions, "").parsedValue;
+ if (!aKID || !aKID.keyIdentifier) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ aKID = {
+ critical: criticalExtensions.includes(""),
+ id: hashify(aKID.keyIdentifier.valueBlock.valueHex),
+ };
+ return aKID;
+const getCRLPoints = (x509, criticalExtensions) => {
+ let crlPoints = getX509Ext(x509.extensions, "").parsedValue;
+ if (crlPoints) {
+ crlPoints = {
+ critical: criticalExtensions.includes(""),
+ points:
+ x => x.distributionPoint[0].value
+ ),
+ };
+ }
+ return crlPoints;
+const getOcspStaple = (x509, criticalExtensions) => {
+ let ocspStaple = getX509Ext(x509.extensions, "").extnValue;
+ if (ocspStaple && ocspStaple.valueBlock.valueHex === "3003020105") {
+ ocspStaple = {
+ critical: criticalExtensions.includes(""),
+ required: true,
+ };
+ } else {
+ ocspStaple = {
+ critical: criticalExtensions.includes(""),
+ required: false,
+ };
+ }
+ return ocspStaple;
+const getAuthorityInfoAccess = (x509, criticalExtensions) => {
+ let aia = getX509Ext(x509.extensions, "").parsedValue;
+ if (aia) {
+ aia = => {
+ return {
+ location: x.accessLocation.value,
+ method: strings.aia[x.accessMethod],
+ };
+ });
+ }
+ aia = {
+ descriptions: aia,
+ critical: criticalExtensions.includes(""),
+ };
+ return aia;
+const getSCTs = (x509, criticalExtensions) => {
+ let scts = getX509Ext(x509.extensions, "").parsedValue;
+ if (scts) {
+ scts = Object.keys(scts.timestamps).map(x => {
+ let logId = scts.timestamps[x].logID.toLowerCase();
+ let sctsTimestamp = scts.timestamps[x].timestamp;
+ return {
+ logId: hashify(logId),
+ name: ctLogNames.hasOwnProperty(logId) ? ctLogNames[logId] : undefined,
+ signatureAlgorithm: `${scts.timestamps[x].hashAlgorithm.replace(
+ "sha",
+ "SHA-"
+ )} ${scts.timestamps[x].signatureAlgorithm.toUpperCase()}`,
+ timestamp: `${sctsTimestamp.toLocaleString()} (${getTimeZone()})`,
+ timestampUTC: sctsTimestamp.toUTCString(),
+ version: scts.timestamps[x].version + 1,
+ };
+ });
+ } else {
+ scts = [];
+ }
+ scts = {
+ critical: criticalExtensions.includes(""),
+ timestamps: scts,
+ };
+ return scts;
+const getCertificatePolicies = (x509, criticalExtensions) => {
+ let cp = getX509Ext(x509.extensions, "").parsedValue;
+ if (cp && cp.hasOwnProperty("certificatePolicies")) {
+ cp = => {
+ let id = x.policyIdentifier;
+ let name = strings.cps.hasOwnProperty(id)
+ ? strings.cps[id].name
+ : undefined;
+ let qualifiers = undefined;
+ let value = strings.cps.hasOwnProperty(id)
+ ? strings.cps[id].value
+ : undefined;
+ // ansi organization identifiers
+ if (id.startsWith("2.16.840.")) {
+ value = id;
+ id = "2.16.840";
+ name = strings.cps["2.16.840"].name;
+ }
+ // statement identifiers
+ if (id.startsWith("")) {
+ value = id;
+ id = "";
+ name = strings.cps[""].name;
+ }
+ if (x.hasOwnProperty("policyQualifiers")) {
+ qualifiers = => {
+ let id = qualifier.policyQualifierId;
+ let name = strings.cps.hasOwnProperty(id)
+ ? strings.cps[id].name
+ : undefined;
+ let value = qualifier.qualifier.valueBlock.value;
+ // sometimes they are multiple qualifier subblocks, and for now we'll
+ // only return the first one because it's getting really messy at this point
+ if (Array.isArray(value) && value.length === 1) {
+ value = value[0].valueBlock.value;
+ } else if (Array.isArray(value) && value.length > 1) {
+ value = "(currently unsupported)";
+ }
+ return {
+ id,
+ name,
+ value,
+ };
+ });
+ }
+ return {
+ id,
+ name,
+ qualifiers,
+ value,
+ };
+ });
+ }
+ cp = {
+ critical: criticalExtensions.includes(""),
+ policies: cp,
+ };
+ return cp;
+const getMicrosoftCryptographicExtensions = (x509, criticalExtensions) => {
+ // now let's parse the Microsoft cryptographic extensions
+ let msCrypto = {
+ caVersion: getX509Ext(x509.extensions, "").parsedValue,
+ certificatePolicies: getX509Ext(x509.extensions, "")
+ .parsedValue,
+ certificateTemplate: getX509Ext(x509.extensions, "")
+ .parsedValue,
+ certificateType: getX509Ext(x509.extensions, "")
+ .parsedValue,
+ previousHash: getX509Ext(x509.extensions, "")
+ .parsedValue,
+ };
+ if (
+ msCrypto.caVersion &&
+ Number.isInteger(msCrypto.caVersion.keyIndex) &&
+ Number.isInteger(msCrypto.caVersion.certificateIndex)
+ ) {
+ msCrypto.caVersion = {
+ critical: criticalExtensions.includes(""),
+ caRenewals: msCrypto.caVersion.certificateIndex,
+ keyReuses:
+ msCrypto.caVersion.certificateIndex - msCrypto.caVersion.keyIndex,
+ };
+ }
+ if (msCrypto.certificatePolicies) {
+ msCrypto.certificatePolicies = {
+ critical: criticalExtensions.includes(""),
+ purposes:
+ x => strings.eKU[x.policyIdentifier] || x.policyIdentifier
+ ),
+ };
+ }
+ if (msCrypto.certificateTemplate) {
+ msCrypto.certificateTemplate = {
+ critical: criticalExtensions.includes(""),
+ id: msCrypto.certificateTemplate.extnID,
+ major: msCrypto.certificateTemplate.templateMajorVersion,
+ minor: msCrypto.certificateTemplate.templateMinorVersion,
+ };
+ }
+ if (msCrypto.certificateType) {
+ msCrypto.certificateType = {
+ critical: criticalExtensions.includes(""),
+ type:
+ strings.microsoftCertificateTypes[
+ msCrypto.certificateType.valueBlock.value
+ ] || "Unknown",
+ };
+ }
+ if (msCrypto.previousHash) {
+ msCrypto.previousHash = {
+ critical: criticalExtensions.includes(""),
+ previousHash: hashify(msCrypto.previousHash.valueBlock.valueHex),
+ };
+ }
+ msCrypto.exists = !!(
+ msCrypto.caVersion ||
+ msCrypto.certificatePolicies ||
+ msCrypto.certificateTemplate ||
+ msCrypto.certificateType ||
+ msCrypto.previousHash
+ );
+ return msCrypto;
+export const parse = async certificate => {
+ // certificate could be an array of BER or an array of buffers
+ const supportedExtensions = [
+ "", // microsoft certificate type
+ "", // microsoft certificate previous hash
+ "", // microsoft certificate template
+ "", // microsoft certification authority renewal
+ "", // microsoft certificate policies
+ "", // embedded scts
+ "", // authority info access
+ "", // ocsp stapling
+ "", // ct redaction - deprecated and not displayed
+ "", // subject key identifier
+ "", // key usages
+ "", // subject alt names
+ "", // basic constraints
+ "", // crl points
+ "", // certificate policies
+ "", // authority key identifier
+ "", // extended key usage
+ ];
+ let timeZone = getTimeZone();
+ // parse the certificate
+ const asn1 = fromBER(certificate);
+ let x509 = new Certificate({ schema: asn1.result });
+ x509 = x509.toJSON();
+ // convert the cert to PEM
+ const certBTOA = window
+ .btoa(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(certificate)))
+ .match(/.{1,64}/g)
+ .join("\r\n");
+ // get which extensions are critical
+ const criticalExtensions = [];
+ if (x509.extensions) {
+ x509.extensions.forEach(ext => {
+ if (ext.hasOwnProperty("critical") && ext.critical === true) {
+ criticalExtensions.push(ext.extnID);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ const spki = getPublicKeyInfo(x509);
+ const keyUsages = getKeyUsages(x509, criticalExtensions);
+ const san = getSubjectAltNames(x509, criticalExtensions);
+ const basicConstraints = getBasicConstraints(x509, criticalExtensions);
+ const eKeyUsages = getEKeyUsages(x509, criticalExtensions);
+ const sKID = getSubjectKeyID(x509, criticalExtensions);
+ const aKID = getAuthorityKeyID(x509, criticalExtensions);
+ const crlPoints = getCRLPoints(x509, criticalExtensions);
+ const ocspStaple = getOcspStaple(x509, criticalExtensions);
+ const aia = getAuthorityInfoAccess(x509, criticalExtensions);
+ const scts = getSCTs(x509, criticalExtensions);
+ const cp = getCertificatePolicies(x509, criticalExtensions);
+ const msCrypto = getMicrosoftCryptographicExtensions(
+ x509,
+ criticalExtensions
+ );
+ // determine which extensions weren't supported
+ let unsupportedExtensions = [];
+ if (x509.extensions) {
+ x509.extensions.forEach(ext => {
+ if (!supportedExtensions.includes(ext.extnID)) {
+ unsupportedExtensions.push(ext.extnID);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ // the output shell
+ return {
+ ext: {
+ aia,
+ aKID,
+ basicConstraints,
+ crlPoints,
+ cp,
+ eKeyUsages,
+ keyUsages,
+ msCrypto,
+ ocspStaple,
+ scts,
+ sKID,
+ san,
+ },
+ files: {
+ der: undefined, // TODO: implement!
+ pem: encodeURI(
+ `-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\r\n${certBTOA}\r\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\r\n`
+ ),
+ },
+ fingerprint: {
+ sha1: await hash("SHA-1", certificate),
+ sha256: await hash("SHA-256", certificate),
+ },
+ issuer: parseSubsidiary(x509.issuer.typesAndValues),
+ notBefore: `${x509.notBefore.value.toLocaleString()} (${timeZone})`,
+ notBeforeUTC: x509.notBefore.value.toUTCString(),
+ notAfter: `${x509.notAfter.value.toLocaleString()} (${timeZone})`,
+ notAfterUTC: x509.notAfter.value.toUTCString(),
+ subject: parseSubsidiary(x509.subject.typesAndValues),
+ serialNumber: hashify(getObjPath(x509, "serialNumber.valueBlock.valueHex")),
+ signature: {
+ name: strings.signature[getObjPath(x509, "signature.algorithmId")],
+ type: getObjPath(x509, "signature.algorithmId"),
+ },
+ subjectPublicKeyInfo: spki,
+ unsupportedExtensions,
+ version: (x509.version + 1).toString(),
+ };