path: root/plug-ins/script-fu/scripts/palette-export.scm
diff options
authorDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-27 16:23:22 +0000
committerDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-27 16:23:22 +0000
commite42129241681dde7adae7d20697e7b421682fbb4 (patch)
treeaf1fe815a5e639e68e59fabd8395ec69458b3e5e /plug-ins/script-fu/scripts/palette-export.scm
parentInitial commit. (diff)
Adding upstream version 2.10.22.upstream/2.10.22upstream
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <>
Diffstat (limited to 'plug-ins/script-fu/scripts/palette-export.scm')
1 files changed, 402 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plug-ins/script-fu/scripts/palette-export.scm b/plug-ins/script-fu/scripts/palette-export.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ecb16df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plug-ins/script-fu/scripts/palette-export.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,402 @@
+; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; GIMP palette export toolkit -
+; Written by Barak Itkin <>
+; This script includes various exporters for GIMP palettes, and other
+; utility function to help in exporting to other (text-based) formats.
+; See instruction on adding new exporters at the end
+; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; Numbers and Math
+; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; For all the operations below, this is the order of respectable digits:
+(define conversion-digits (list "0" "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9"
+ "a" "b" "c" "d" "e" "f" "g" "h" "i" "j" "k"
+ "l" "m" "n" "o" "p" "q" "r" "s" "t" "u" "v"
+ "w" "x" "y" "z"))
+; Converts a decimal number to another base. The returned number is a string
+(define (convert-decimal-to-base num base)
+ (if (< num base)
+ (list-ref conversion-digits num)
+ (let loop ((val num)
+ (order (inexact->exact (truncate (/ (log num)
+ (log base)))))
+ (result ""))
+ (let* ((power (expt base order))
+ (digit (quotient val power)))
+ (if (zero? order)
+ (string-append result (list-ref conversion-digits digit))
+ (loop (- val (* digit power))
+ (pred order)
+ (string-append result (list-ref conversion-digits digit))))))))
+; Convert a string representation of a number in some base, to a decimal number
+(define (convert-base-to-decimal base num-str)
+ (define (convert-char num-char)
+ (if (char-numeric? num-char)
+ (string->number (string num-char))
+ (+ 10 (- (char->integer num-char) (char->integer #\a)))
+ )
+ )
+ (define (calc base num-str num)
+ (if (equal? num-str "")
+ num
+ (calc base
+ (substring num-str 1)
+ (+ (* num base) (convert-char (string-ref num-str 0)))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (calc base num-str 0)
+ )
+; If a string num-str is shorter then size, pad it with pad-str in the
+; beginning until it's at least size long
+(define (pre-pad-number num-str size pad-str)
+ (if (< (string-length num-str) size)
+ (pre-pad-number (string-append pad-str num-str) size pad-str)
+ num-str
+ )
+ )
+; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; Color convertors
+; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; The standard way for representing a color would be a list of red
+; green and blue (GIMP's default)
+(define color-get-red car)
+(define color-get-green cadr)
+(define color-get-blue caddr)
+; Convert a color to a hexadecimal string
+; '(255 255 255) => "#ffffff"
+(define (color-rgb-to-hexa-decimal color)
+ (string-append "#"
+ (pre-pad-number
+ (convert-decimal-to-base (color-get-red color) 16) 2 "0")
+ (pre-pad-number
+ (convert-decimal-to-base (color-get-green color) 16) 2 "0")
+ (pre-pad-number
+ (convert-decimal-to-base (color-get-blue color) 16) 2 "0")
+ )
+ )
+; Convert a color to a css color
+; '(255 255 255) => "rgb(255, 255, 255)"
+(define (color-rgb-to-css color)
+ (string-append "rgb(" (number->string (color-get-red color))
+ ", " (number->string (color-get-green color))
+ ", " (number->string (color-get-blue color)) ")")
+ )
+; Convert a color to a simple pair of braces with comma separated values
+; '(255 255 255) => "(255, 255, 255)"
+(define (color-rgb-to-comma-seperated-list color)
+ (string-append "(" (number->string (color-get-red color))
+ ", " (number->string (color-get-green color))
+ ", " (number->string (color-get-blue color)) ")")
+ )
+; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; Export utils
+; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; List of characters that should not appear in file names
+(define illegal-file-name-chars (list #\\ #\/ #\: #\* #\? #\" #\< #\> #\|))
+; A function to filter a list lst by a given predicate pred
+(define (filter pred lst)
+ (if (null? lst)
+ '()
+ (if (pred (car lst))
+ (cons (car lst) (filter pred (cdr lst)))
+ (filter pred (cdr lst))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+; A function to check if a certain value obj is inside a list lst
+(define (contained? obj lst) (member obj lst))
+; This functions filters a string to have only characters which are
+; either alpha-numeric or contained in more-legal (which is a variable
+; holding a list of characters)
+(define (clean str more-legal)
+ (list->string (filter (lambda (ch) (or (char-alphabetic? ch)
+ (char-numeric? ch)
+ (contained? ch more-legal)))
+ (string->list str)))
+ )
+; A function that receives the a file-name, and filters out all the
+; character that shouldn't appear in file names. Then, it makes sure
+; the remaining name isn't only white-spaces. If it's only
+; white-spaces, the function returns false. Otherwise, it returns the
+; fixed file-name
+(define (valid-file-name name)
+ (let* ((clean (list->string (filter (lambda (ch)
+ (not (contained?
+ ch illegal-file-name-chars)))
+ (string->list name))))
+ (clean-without-spaces (list->string (filter (lambda (ch)
+ (not (char-whitespace?
+ ch)))
+ (string->list clean))))
+ )
+ (if (equal? clean-without-spaces "")
+ #f
+ clean
+ )
+ )
+ )
+; Filters a string from all the characters which are not alpha-numeric
+; (this also removes whitespaces)
+(define (name-alpha-numeric str)
+ (clean str '())
+ )
+; This function does the same as name-alpha-numeric, with an added
+; operation - it removes any numbers from the beginning
+(define (name-standard str)
+ (let ((cleaned (clean str '())))
+ (while (char-numeric? (string-ref cleaned 0))
+ (set! cleaned (substring cleaned 1))
+ )
+ cleaned
+ )
+ )
+(define name-no-conversion (lambda (obj) obj))
+(define color-none (lambda (x) ""))
+(define name-none (lambda (x) ""))
+(define displayln (lambda (obj) (display obj) (display "\n")))
+; The loop for exporting all the colors
+(define (export-palette palette-name color-convertor name-convertor
+ start name-pre name-after name-color-seperator
+ color-pre color-after entry-seperator end)
+ (define (write-color-line index)
+ (display name-pre)
+ (display (name-convertor
+ (car (gimp-palette-entry-get-name palette-name index))))
+ (display name-after)
+ (display name-color-seperator)
+ (display color-pre)
+ (display (color-convertor
+ (car (gimp-palette-entry-get-color palette-name index))))
+ (display color-after)
+ )
+ (let ((color-count (car (gimp-palette-get-colors palette-name)))
+ (i 0)
+ )
+ (display start)
+ (while (< i (- color-count 1))
+ (begin
+ (write-color-line i)
+ (display entry-seperator)
+ (set! i (+ 1 i))
+ )
+ )
+ (write-color-line i)
+ (display end)
+ )
+ )
+(define (register-palette-exporter
+ export-type export-name file-type description author copyright date)
+ (script-fu-register (string-append "gimp-palette-export-" export-type)
+ export-name
+ description
+ author
+ copyright
+ date
+ ""
+ SF-DIRNAME _"Folder for the output file" ""
+ SF-STRING _"The name of the file to create (if a file with this name already exist, it will be replaced)"
+ (string-append "palette." file-type)
+ )
+ (script-fu-menu-register (string-append "gimp-palette-export-" export-type)
+ "<Palettes>/Export as")
+ )
+(define (bad-file-name)
+ (gimp-message (string-append _"The filename you entered is not a suitable name for a file."
+ "\n\n"
+ _"All characters in the name are either white-spaces or characters which can not appear in filenames.")))
+; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; Exporters
+; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+(define (gimp-palette-export-css directory-name file-name)
+ (let ((valid-name (valid-file-name file-name)))
+ (if valid-name
+ (with-output-to-file (string-append
+ directory-name DIR-SEPARATOR file-name)
+ (lambda () (export-palette (car (gimp-context-get-palette))
+ color-rgb-to-css
+ name-alpha-numeric ; name-convertor
+ "/* Generated with GIMP Palette Export */\n" ; start
+ "." ; name-pre
+ "" ; name-after
+ " { " ; name-color-seperator
+ "color: " ; color-pre
+ " }" ; color-after
+ "\n" ; entry-seperator
+ "" ; end
+ )))
+ (bad-file-name)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+(register-palette-exporter "css" "_CSS stylesheet..." "css"
+ (string-append _"Export the active palette as a CSS stylesheet with the color entry name as their class name, and the color itself as the color attribute")
+ "Barak Itkin <>"
+ "Barak Itkin" "May 15th, 2009")
+(define (gimp-palette-export-php directory-name file-name)
+ (let ((valid-name (valid-file-name file-name)))
+ (if valid-name
+ (with-output-to-file (string-append
+ directory-name DIR-SEPARATOR file-name)
+ (lambda () (export-palette (car (gimp-context-get-palette))
+ color-rgb-to-hexa-decimal
+ name-standard ; name-convertor
+ "<?php\n/* Generated with GIMP Palette Export */\n$colors={\n" ; start
+ "'" ; name-pre
+ "'" ; name-after
+ " => " ; name-color-seperator
+ "'" ; color-pre
+ "'" ; color-after
+ ",\n" ; entry-seperator
+ "}\n?>" ; end
+ )))
+ (bad-file-name)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+(register-palette-exporter "php" "P_HP dictionary..." "php"
+ _"Export the active palette as a PHP dictionary (name => color)"
+ "Barak Itkin <>"
+ "Barak Itkin" "May 15th, 2009")
+(define (gimp-palette-export-python directory-name file-name)
+ (let ((valid-name (valid-file-name file-name)))
+ (if valid-name
+ (with-output-to-file (string-append
+ directory-name DIR-SEPARATOR file-name)
+ (lambda ()
+ (let ((palette-name (car (gimp-context-get-palette))))
+ (begin (displayln "# Generated with GIMP Palette Export")
+ (displayln (string-append
+ "# Based on the palette " palette-name))
+ (export-palette palette-name
+ color-rgb-to-hexa-decimal
+ name-standard ; name-convertor
+ "colors={\n" ; start
+ "'" ; name-pre
+ "'" ; name-after
+ ": " ; name-color-seperator
+ "'" ; color-pre
+ "'" ; color-after
+ ",\n" ; entry-seperator
+ "}" ; end
+ ))))
+ )
+ (bad-file-name)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+(register-palette-exporter "python" "_Python dictionary" "py"
+ _"Export the active palette as a Python dictionary (name: color)"
+ "Barak Itkin <>"
+ "Barak Itkin" "May 15th, 2009")
+(define (gimp-palette-export-text directory-name file-name)
+ (let ((valid-name (valid-file-name file-name)))
+ (if valid-name
+ (with-output-to-file (string-append
+ directory-name DIR-SEPARATOR file-name)
+ (lambda ()
+ (export-palette (car (gimp-context-get-palette))
+ color-rgb-to-hexa-decimal
+ name-none ; name-convertor
+ "" ; start
+ "" ; name-pre
+ "" ; name-after
+ "" ; name-color-seperator
+ "" ; color-pre
+ "" ; color-after
+ "\n" ; entry-seperator
+ "" ; end
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (bad-file-name)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+(register-palette-exporter "text" "_Text file..." "txt"
+ _"Write all the colors in a palette to a text file, one hexadecimal value per line (no names)"
+ "Barak Itkin <>"
+ "Barak Itkin" "May 15th, 2009")
+(define (gimp-palette-export-java directory-name file-name)
+ (let ((valid-name (valid-file-name file-name)))
+ (if valid-name
+ (with-output-to-file (string-append directory-name
+ DIR-SEPARATOR file-name)
+ (lambda ()
+ (let ((palette-name (car (gimp-context-get-palette))))
+ (begin (displayln "")
+ (displayln "import java.awt.Color;")
+ (displayln "import java.util.Hashtable;")
+ (displayln "")
+ (displayln "// Generated with GIMP palette Export ")
+ (displayln (string-append
+ "// Based on the palette " palette-name))
+ (displayln (string-append
+ "public class "
+ (name-standard palette-name) " {"))
+ (displayln "")
+ (displayln " Hashtable<String, Color> colors;")
+ (displayln "")
+ (displayln (string-append
+ " public "
+ (name-standard palette-name) "() {"))
+ (export-palette (car (gimp-context-get-palette))
+ color-rgb-to-comma-seperated-list
+ name-no-conversion
+ " colors = new Hashtable<String,Color>();\n" ; start
+ " colors.put(\"" ; name-pre
+ "\"" ; name-after
+ ", " ; name-color-seperator
+ "new Color" ; color-pre
+ ");" ; color-after
+ "\n" ; entry-seperator
+ "\n }" ; end
+ )
+ (display "\n}"))))
+ )
+ (bad-file-name)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+(register-palette-exporter "java" "J_ava map..." "java"
+ _"Export the active palette as a java.util.Hashtable<String, Color>"
+ "Barak Itkin <>"
+ "Barak Itkin" "May 15th, 2009")