path: root/tests/gpgscm/lib.scm
diff options
authorDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-27 09:59:15 +0000
committerDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-27 09:59:15 +0000
commit8de1ee1b2b676b0d07586f0752750dd6b0fb7511 (patch)
treedd46fd7dc3863045696cd0e48032d8a36fa0daf5 /tests/gpgscm/lib.scm
parentInitial commit. (diff)
Adding upstream version 2.2.27.upstream/2.2.27upstream
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <>
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/gpgscm/lib.scm')
1 files changed, 307 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/gpgscm/lib.scm b/tests/gpgscm/lib.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..258f692
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/gpgscm/lib.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
+;; Additional library functions for TinySCHEME.
+;; Copyright (C) 2016 g10 Code GmbH
+;; This file is part of GnuPG.
+;; GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program; if not, see <>.
+(macro (assert form)
+ (let ((tag (get-tag form)))
+ `(if (not ,(cadr form))
+ (throw ,(if (and (pair? tag) (string? (car tag)) (number? (cdr tag)))
+ `(string-append ,(car tag) ":"
+ ,(number->string (+ 1 (cdr tag)))
+ ": Assertion failed: ")
+ "Assertion failed: ")
+ (quote ,(cadr form))))))
+(assert #t)
+(assert (not #f))
+;; Trace displays and returns the given value. A debugging aid.
+(define (trace x)
+ (display x)
+ (newline)
+ x)
+;; Stringification.
+(define (stringify expression)
+ (let ((p (open-output-string)))
+ (write expression p)
+ (get-output-string p)))
+(define (filter pred lst)
+ (cond ((null? lst) '())
+ ((pred (car lst))
+ (cons (car lst) (filter pred (cdr lst))))
+ (else (filter pred (cdr lst)))))
+(define (any p l)
+ (cond ((null? l) #f)
+ ((p (car l)) #t)
+ (else (any p (cdr l)))))
+(define (all p l)
+ (cond ((null? l) #t)
+ ((not (p (car l))) #f)
+ (else (all p (cdr l)))))
+;; Return the first element of a list.
+(define first car)
+;; Return the last element of a list.
+(define (last lst)
+ (if (null? (cdr lst))
+ (car lst)
+ (last (cdr lst))))
+;; Compute the powerset of a list.
+(define (powerset set)
+ (if (null? set)
+ '(())
+ (let ((rst (powerset (cdr set))))
+ (append (map (lambda (x) (cons (car set) x))
+ rst)
+ rst))))
+;; Is PREFIX a prefix of S?
+(define (string-prefix? s prefix)
+ (and (>= (string-length s) (string-length prefix))
+ (string=? prefix (substring s 0 (string-length prefix)))))
+(assert (string-prefix? "Scheme" "Sch"))
+;; Is SUFFIX a suffix of S?
+(define (string-suffix? s suffix)
+ (and (>= (string-length s) (string-length suffix))
+ (string=? suffix (substring s (- (string-length s)
+ (string-length suffix))
+ (string-length s)))))
+(assert (string-suffix? "Scheme" "eme"))
+;; Locate the first occurrence of needle in haystack starting at offset.
+(ffi-define (string-index haystack needle [offset]))
+(assert (= 2 (string-index "Hallo" #\l)))
+(assert (= 3 (string-index "Hallo" #\l 3)))
+(assert (equal? #f (string-index "Hallo" #\.)))
+;; Locate the last occurrence of needle in haystack starting at offset.
+(ffi-define (string-rindex haystack needle [offset]))
+(assert (= 3 (string-rindex "Hallo" #\l)))
+(assert (equal? #f (string-rindex "Hallo" #\a 2)))
+(assert (equal? #f (string-rindex "Hallo" #\.)))
+;; Split HAYSTACK at each character that makes PREDICATE true at most
+;; N times.
+(define (string-split-pln haystack predicate lookahead n)
+ (let ((length (string-length haystack)))
+ (define (split acc offset n)
+ (if (>= offset length)
+ (reverse! acc)
+ (let ((i (lookahead haystack offset)))
+ (if (or (eq? i #f) (= 0 n))
+ (reverse! (cons (substring haystack offset length) acc))
+ (split (cons (substring haystack offset i) acc)
+ (+ i 1) (- n 1))))))
+ (split '() 0 n)))
+(define (string-indexp haystack offset predicate)
+ (cond
+ ((= (string-length haystack) offset)
+ #f)
+ ((predicate (string-ref haystack offset))
+ offset)
+ (else
+ (string-indexp haystack (+ 1 offset) predicate))))
+;; Split HAYSTACK at each character that makes PREDICATE true at most
+;; N times.
+(define (string-splitp haystack predicate n)
+ (string-split-pln haystack predicate
+ (lambda (haystack offset)
+ (string-indexp haystack offset predicate))
+ n))
+(assert (equal? '("a" "b") (string-splitp "a b" char-whitespace? -1)))
+(assert (equal? '("a" "b") (string-splitp "a\tb" char-whitespace? -1)))
+(assert (equal? '("a" "" "b") (string-splitp "a \tb" char-whitespace? -1)))
+;; Split haystack at delimiter at most n times.
+(define (string-splitn haystack delimiter n)
+ (string-split-pln haystack
+ (lambda (c) (char=? c delimiter))
+ (lambda (haystack offset)
+ (string-index haystack delimiter offset))
+ n))
+(assert (= 2 (length (string-splitn "foo:bar:baz" #\: 1))))
+(assert (string=? "foo" (car (string-splitn "foo:bar:baz" #\: 1))))
+(assert (string=? "bar:baz" (cadr (string-splitn "foo:bar:baz" #\: 1))))
+;; Split haystack at delimiter.
+(define (string-split haystack delimiter)
+ (string-splitn haystack delimiter -1))
+(assert (= 3 (length (string-split "foo:bar:baz" #\:))))
+(assert (string=? "foo" (car (string-split "foo:bar:baz" #\:))))
+(assert (string=? "bar" (cadr (string-split "foo:bar:baz" #\:))))
+(assert (string=? "baz" (caddr (string-split "foo:bar:baz" #\:))))
+;; Split haystack at newlines.
+(define (string-split-newlines haystack)
+ (if *win32*
+ (map (lambda (line) (if (string-suffix? line "\r")
+ (substring line 0 (- (string-length line) 1))
+ line))
+ (string-split haystack #\newline))
+ (string-split haystack #\newline)))
+;; Trim the prefix of S containing only characters that make PREDICATE
+;; true.
+(define (string-ltrim predicate s)
+ (if (string=? s "")
+ ""
+ (let loop ((s' (string->list s)))
+ (if (predicate (car s'))
+ (loop (cdr s'))
+ (list->string s')))))
+(assert (string=? "" (string-ltrim char-whitespace? "")))
+(assert (string=? "foo" (string-ltrim char-whitespace? " foo")))
+;; Trim the suffix of S containing only characters that make PREDICATE
+;; true.
+(define (string-rtrim predicate s)
+ (if (string=? s "")
+ ""
+ (let loop ((s' (reverse! (string->list s))))
+ (if (predicate (car s'))
+ (loop (cdr s'))
+ (list->string (reverse! s'))))))
+(assert (string=? "" (string-rtrim char-whitespace? "")))
+(assert (string=? "foo" (string-rtrim char-whitespace? "foo ")))
+;; Trim both the prefix and suffix of S containing only characters
+;; that make PREDICATE true.
+(define (string-trim predicate s)
+ (string-ltrim predicate (string-rtrim predicate s)))
+(assert (string=? "" (string-trim char-whitespace? "")))
+(assert (string=? "foo" (string-trim char-whitespace? " foo ")))
+;; Check if needle is contained in haystack.
+(ffi-define (string-contains? haystack needle))
+(assert (string-contains? "Hallo" "llo"))
+(assert (not (string-contains? "Hallo" "olla")))
+;; Translate characters.
+(define (string-translate s from to)
+ (list->string (map (lambda (c)
+ (let ((i (string-index from c)))
+ (if i (string-ref to i) c))) (string->list s))))
+(assert (equal? (string-translate "foo/bar" "/" ".") ""))
+;; Read a word from port P.
+(define (read-word . p)
+ (list->string
+ (let f ()
+ (let ((c (apply peek-char p)))
+ (cond
+ ((eof-object? c) '())
+ ((char-alphabetic? c)
+ (apply read-char p)
+ (cons c (f)))
+ (else
+ (apply read-char p)
+ '()))))))
+(define (list->string-reversed lst)
+ (let* ((len (length lst))
+ (str (make-string len)))
+ (let loop ((i (- len 1))
+ (l lst))
+ (if (< i 0)
+ (begin
+ (assert (null? l))
+ str)
+ (begin
+ (string-set! str i (car l))
+ (loop (- i 1) (cdr l)))))))
+;; Read a line from port P.
+(define (read-line . p)
+ (let loop ((acc '()))
+ (let ((c (apply peek-char p)))
+ (cond
+ ((eof-object? c)
+ (if (null? acc)
+ c ;; #eof
+ (list->string-reversed acc)))
+ ((char=? c #\newline)
+ (apply read-char p)
+ (list->string-reversed acc))
+ (else
+ (apply read-char p)
+ (loop (cons c acc)))))))
+;; Read everything from port P.
+(define (read-all . p)
+ (let loop ((acc (open-output-string)))
+ (let ((c (apply peek-char p)))
+ (cond
+ ((eof-object? c) (get-output-string acc))
+ (else
+ (write-char (apply read-char p) acc)
+ (loop acc))))))
+;; Windows support.
+;; Like call-with-input-file but opens the file in 'binary' mode.
+(define (call-with-binary-input-file filename proc)
+ (letfd ((fd (open filename (logior O_RDONLY O_BINARY))))
+ (proc (fdopen fd "rb"))))
+;; Like call-with-output-file but opens the file in 'binary' mode.
+(define (call-with-binary-output-file filename proc)
+ (letfd ((fd (open filename (logior O_WRONLY O_CREAT O_BINARY) #o600)))
+ (proc (fdopen fd "wb"))))
+;; Libc functions.
+;; Change the read/write offset.
+(ffi-define (seek fd offset whence))
+;; Constants for WHENCE.
+(ffi-define SEEK_SET)
+(ffi-define SEEK_CUR)
+(ffi-define SEEK_END)
+;; Get our process id.
+(ffi-define (getpid))
+;; Copy data from file descriptor SOURCE to every file descriptor in
+;; SINKS.
+(ffi-define (splice source . sinks))
+;; Random numbers.
+;; Seed the random number generator.
+(ffi-define (srandom seed))
+;; Get a pseudo-random number between 0 (inclusive) and SCALE
+;; (exclusive).
+(ffi-define (random scale))
+;; Create a string of the given SIZE containing pseudo-random data.
+(ffi-define (make-random-string size))