path: root/i18npool/source/localedata/data/bn_BD.xml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'i18npool/source/localedata/data/bn_BD.xml')
1 files changed, 195 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/i18npool/source/localedata/data/bn_BD.xml b/i18npool/source/localedata/data/bn_BD.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..221ba6f99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/i18npool/source/localedata/data/bn_BD.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<!DOCTYPE Locale SYSTEM 'locale.dtd'>
+ * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
+ *
+ * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at
+ *
+ * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
+ *
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
+ * with this work for additional information regarding copyright
+ * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
+ * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at .
+ -->
+<Locale versionDTD="2.0.3" allowUpdateFromCLDR="no" version="1.2">
+ <Language>
+ <LangID>bn</LangID>
+ <DefaultName>Bengali</DefaultName>
+ </Language>
+ <Country>
+ <CountryID>BD</CountryID>
+ <DefaultName>Bangladesh</DefaultName>
+ </Country>
+ </LC_INFO>
+ <LC_CTYPE ref="bn_IN" />
+ <LC_FORMAT ref="bn_IN" replaceFrom="[CURRENCY]" replaceTo="[$৳-845]" />
+ <LC_COLLATION ref="en_US" />
+ <LC_SEARCH ref="en_US"/>
+ <IndexKey phonetic="false" default="true" unoid="alphanumeric">ক-ন প-র ল শ-হ</IndexKey>
+ <UnicodeScript>15</UnicodeScript>
+ <FollowPageWord>পরবর্তী পৃষ্ঠা</FollowPageWord>
+ <FollowPageWord>শেষ পৃষ্ঠা</FollowPageWord>
+ <Calendar unoid="gregorian" default="true">
+ <DaysOfWeek>
+ <Day>
+ <DayID>sun</DayID>
+ <DefaultAbbrvName>রবি</DefaultAbbrvName>
+ <DefaultFullName>রবিবার</DefaultFullName>
+ </Day>
+ <Day>
+ <DayID>mon</DayID>
+ <DefaultAbbrvName>সোম</DefaultAbbrvName>
+ <DefaultFullName>সোমবার</DefaultFullName>
+ </Day>
+ <Day>
+ <DayID>tue</DayID>
+ <DefaultAbbrvName>মঙ্গল</DefaultAbbrvName>
+ <DefaultFullName>মঙ্গলবার</DefaultFullName>
+ </Day>
+ <Day>
+ <DayID>wed</DayID>
+ <DefaultAbbrvName>বুধ</DefaultAbbrvName>
+ <DefaultFullName>বুধবার</DefaultFullName>
+ </Day>
+ <Day>
+ <DayID>thu</DayID>
+ <DefaultAbbrvName>বৃহঃ</DefaultAbbrvName>
+ <DefaultFullName>বৃহস্পতিবার</DefaultFullName>
+ </Day>
+ <Day>
+ <DayID>fri</DayID>
+ <DefaultAbbrvName>শুক্র</DefaultAbbrvName>
+ <DefaultFullName>শুক্রবার</DefaultFullName>
+ </Day>
+ <Day>
+ <DayID>sat</DayID>
+ <DefaultAbbrvName>শনি</DefaultAbbrvName>
+ <DefaultFullName>শনিবার</DefaultFullName>
+ </Day>
+ </DaysOfWeek>
+ <MonthsOfYear>
+ <Month>
+ <MonthID>jan</MonthID>
+ <DefaultAbbrvName>জানু</DefaultAbbrvName>
+ <DefaultFullName>জানুয়ারি</DefaultFullName>
+ </Month>
+ <Month>
+ <MonthID>feb</MonthID>
+ <DefaultAbbrvName>ফেব্রু</DefaultAbbrvName>
+ <DefaultFullName>ফেব্রুয়ারি</DefaultFullName>
+ </Month>
+ <Month>
+ <MonthID>mar</MonthID>
+ <DefaultAbbrvName>মার্চ</DefaultAbbrvName>
+ <DefaultFullName>মার্চ</DefaultFullName>
+ </Month>
+ <Month>
+ <MonthID>apr</MonthID>
+ <DefaultAbbrvName>এপ্রি</DefaultAbbrvName>
+ <DefaultFullName>এপ্রিল</DefaultFullName>
+ </Month>
+ <Month>
+ <MonthID>may</MonthID>
+ <DefaultAbbrvName>মে</DefaultAbbrvName>
+ <DefaultFullName>মে</DefaultFullName>
+ </Month>
+ <Month>
+ <MonthID>jun</MonthID>
+ <DefaultAbbrvName>জুন</DefaultAbbrvName>
+ <DefaultFullName>জুন</DefaultFullName>
+ </Month>
+ <Month>
+ <MonthID>jul</MonthID>
+ <DefaultAbbrvName>জুল</DefaultAbbrvName>
+ <DefaultFullName>জুলাই</DefaultFullName>
+ </Month>
+ <Month>
+ <MonthID>aug</MonthID>
+ <DefaultAbbrvName>আগ</DefaultAbbrvName>
+ <DefaultFullName>আগস্ট</DefaultFullName>
+ </Month>
+ <Month>
+ <MonthID>sep</MonthID>
+ <DefaultAbbrvName>সেপ্টে</DefaultAbbrvName>
+ <DefaultFullName>সেপ্টেম্বর</DefaultFullName>
+ </Month>
+ <Month>
+ <MonthID>oct</MonthID>
+ <DefaultAbbrvName>অক্টো</DefaultAbbrvName>
+ <DefaultFullName>অক্টোবর</DefaultFullName>
+ </Month>
+ <Month>
+ <MonthID>nov</MonthID>
+ <DefaultAbbrvName>নভে</DefaultAbbrvName>
+ <DefaultFullName>নভেম্বর</DefaultFullName>
+ </Month>
+ <Month>
+ <MonthID>dec</MonthID>
+ <DefaultAbbrvName>ডিসে</DefaultAbbrvName>
+ <DefaultFullName>ডিসেম্বর</DefaultFullName>
+ </Month>
+ </MonthsOfYear>
+ <Eras>
+ <Era>
+ <EraID>bc</EraID>
+ <DefaultAbbrvName>খৃঃ</DefaultAbbrvName>
+ <DefaultFullName>খৃস্ট-পূর্ব</DefaultFullName>
+ </Era>
+ <Era>
+ <EraID>ad</EraID>
+ <DefaultAbbrvName>খ্রিঃ</DefaultAbbrvName>
+ <DefaultFullName>খ্রিস্টাব্দ</DefaultFullName>
+ </Era>
+ </Eras>
+ <StartDayOfWeek>
+ <DayID>sat</DayID>
+ </StartDayOfWeek>
+ <MinimalDaysInFirstWeek>1</MinimalDaysInFirstWeek>
+ </Calendar>
+ <Currency default="true" usedInCompatibleFormatCodes="true">
+ <CurrencyID>BDT</CurrencyID>
+ <CurrencySymbol>৳</CurrencySymbol>
+ <BankSymbol>BDT</BankSymbol>
+ <CurrencyName>Bangladeshi Taka</CurrencyName>
+ <DecimalPlaces>2</DecimalPlaces>
+ </Currency>
+ <BreakIteratorRules>
+ <EditMode/>
+ <DictionaryMode/>
+ <WordCountMode/>
+ <CharacterMode>char_in</CharacterMode>
+ <LineMode/>
+ </BreakIteratorRules>
+ <ReservedWords>
+ <trueWord>সত্য</trueWord>
+ <falseWord>মিথ্যা</falseWord>
+ <quarter1Word>প্রথম তিন মাস</quarter1Word>
+ <quarter2Word>দ্বিতীয় তিন মাস</quarter2Word>
+ <quarter3Word>তৃতীয় তিন মাস</quarter3Word>
+ <quarter4Word>চতুর্থ তিন মাস</quarter4Word>
+ <aboveWord>উপর</aboveWord>
+ <belowWord>নিচ</belowWord>
+ <quarter1Abbreviation>১ম ৩ মাস</quarter1Abbreviation>
+ <quarter2Abbreviation>২য় ৩ মাস</quarter2Abbreviation>
+ <quarter3Abbreviation>৩য় ৩ মাস</quarter3Abbreviation>
+ <quarter4Abbreviation>৪র্থ ৩ মাস</quarter4Abbreviation>
+ </ReservedWords>
+ </LC_MISC>
+ <LC_NumberingLevel ref="bn_IN" />
+ <LC_OutLineNumberingLevel ref="en_US"/>