path: root/t/043_upgrade_ssl_cert.t
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 't/043_upgrade_ssl_cert.t')
1 files changed, 79 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/t/043_upgrade_ssl_cert.t b/t/043_upgrade_ssl_cert.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..76fee3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/043_upgrade_ssl_cert.t
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+# Test cluster upgrade with a custom ssl certificate
+use strict;
+use File::Temp qw/tempdir/;
+use lib 't';
+use TestLib;
+use PgCommon;
+use Test::More tests => (@MAJORS == 1 or $PgCommon::rpm) ? 1 : 22;
+if (@MAJORS == 1) {
+ pass 'only one major version installed, skipping upgrade tests';
+ exit 0;
+if ($PgCommon::rpm) {
+ pass 'SSL certificates not handled on RedHat';
+ exit 0;
+ok ((system "pg_createcluster $MAJORS[0] upgr >/dev/null") == 0);
+my $tdir = tempdir (CLEANUP => 1);
+my ($p_uid, $p_gid) = (getpwnam 'postgres')[2,3];
+chown $p_uid, $p_gid, $tdir;
+my $tempcrt = "$tdir/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem";
+my $oldcrt = "/var/lib/postgresql/$MAJORS[0]/upgr/server.crt";
+my $newcrt = "/var/lib/postgresql/$MAJORS[-1]/upgr/server.crt";
+# First upgrade
+note "upgrade test: server.crt is a symlink";
+(system "cp -p /etc/ssl/certs/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem $tempcrt") == 0 or die "cp: $!";
+unlink $oldcrt; # remove file installed by pg_createcluster
+symlink $tempcrt, $oldcrt or die "symlink: $!";
+# Upgrade to latest version
+my $outref;
+is ((exec_as 0, "pg_upgradecluster --start -v $MAJORS[-1] $MAJORS[0] upgr", $outref, 0), 0, 'pg_upgradecluster succeeds');
+like $$outref, qr/Starting target cluster/, 'pg_upgradecluster reported cluster startup';
+like $$outref, qr/Success. Please check/, 'pg_upgradecluster reported successful operation';
+if ($MAJORS[-1] >= 9.2) {
+ is ((-e $newcrt), undef, "new data directory does not contain server.crt");
+ is ((PgCommon::get_conf_value $MAJORS[-1], 'upgr', 'postgresql.conf', 'ssl_cert_file'),
+ $tempcrt, "symlink server.crt target is put into ssl_cert_file");
+} else {
+ is ((-l $newcrt), 1, "new data directory contains server.crt");
+ is ((readlink $newcrt), $tempcrt, "symlink server.crt points to correct location");
+# Clean away new cluster
+is ((system "pg_dropcluster $MAJORS[-1] upgr --stop"), 0, 'Dropping upgraded cluster');
+unlink $oldcrt or die "unlink: $!";
+# Second upgrade
+note "upgrade test: server.crt is a plain file";
+(system "cp -p $tempcrt $oldcrt") == 0 or die "cp: $!";
+# Upgrade to latest version
+my $outref;
+is ((exec_as 0, "pg_upgradecluster --start -v $MAJORS[-1] $MAJORS[0] upgr", $outref, 0), 0, 'pg_upgradecluster succeeds');
+like $$outref, qr/Starting target cluster/, 'pg_upgradecluster reported cluster startup';
+like $$outref, qr/Success. Please check/, 'pg_upgradecluster reported successful operation';
+is ((-f $newcrt), 1, "new data directory contains server.crt file");
+if ($MAJORS[-1] >= 9.2) {
+ is ((PgCommon::get_conf_value $MAJORS[-1], 'upgr', 'postgresql.conf', 'ssl_cert_file'),
+ $newcrt, "server.crt is put into ssl_cert_file");
+} else {
+ pass "...";
+# Stop servers, clean up
+is ((system "pg_dropcluster $MAJORS[0] upgr"), 0, 'Dropping original cluster');
+is ((system "pg_dropcluster $MAJORS[-1] upgr --stop"), 0, 'Dropping upgraded cluster');
+# vim: filetype=perl