path: root/src/arrow/cpp/src/arrow/flight/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/arrow/cpp/src/arrow/flight/')
1 files changed, 1355 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/arrow/cpp/src/arrow/flight/ b/src/arrow/cpp/src/arrow/flight/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f9728f849
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/arrow/cpp/src/arrow/flight/
@@ -0,0 +1,1355 @@
+// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+// distributed with this work for additional information
+// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+// specific language governing permissions and limitations
+// under the License.
+#include "arrow/flight/client.h"
+// Platform-specific defines
+#include "arrow/flight/platform.h"
+#include <map>
+#include <memory>
+#include <mutex>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <string>
+#include <unordered_map>
+#include <utility>
+#include <grpcpp/grpcpp.h>
+#include <grpcpp/security/tls_credentials_options.h>
+#include <grpc++/grpc++.h>
+#include <grpc/grpc_security_constants.h>
+#include "arrow/buffer.h"
+#include "arrow/ipc/reader.h"
+#include "arrow/ipc/writer.h"
+#include "arrow/record_batch.h"
+#include "arrow/result.h"
+#include "arrow/status.h"
+#include "arrow/table.h"
+#include "arrow/type.h"
+#include "arrow/util/logging.h"
+#include "arrow/util/uri.h"
+#include "arrow/flight/client_auth.h"
+#include "arrow/flight/client_header_internal.h"
+#include "arrow/flight/client_middleware.h"
+#include "arrow/flight/internal.h"
+#include "arrow/flight/middleware.h"
+#include "arrow/flight/middleware_internal.h"
+#include "arrow/flight/serialization_internal.h"
+#include "arrow/flight/types.h"
+namespace arrow {
+namespace flight {
+namespace pb = arrow::flight::protocol;
+const char* kWriteSizeDetailTypeId = "flight::FlightWriteSizeStatusDetail";
+ : timeout(-1),
+ read_options(ipc::IpcReadOptions::Defaults()),
+ write_options(ipc::IpcWriteOptions::Defaults()) {}
+const char* FlightWriteSizeStatusDetail::type_id() const {
+ return kWriteSizeDetailTypeId;
+std::string FlightWriteSizeStatusDetail::ToString() const {
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ ss << "IPC payload size (" << actual_ << " bytes) exceeded soft limit (" << limit_
+ << " bytes)";
+ return ss.str();
+std::shared_ptr<FlightWriteSizeStatusDetail> FlightWriteSizeStatusDetail::UnwrapStatus(
+ const arrow::Status& status) {
+ if (!status.detail() || status.detail()->type_id() != kWriteSizeDetailTypeId) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ return std::dynamic_pointer_cast<FlightWriteSizeStatusDetail>(status.detail());
+FlightClientOptions FlightClientOptions::Defaults() { return FlightClientOptions(); }
+Status FlightStreamReader::ReadAll(std::shared_ptr<Table>* table,
+ const StopToken& stop_token) {
+ std::vector<std::shared_ptr<RecordBatch>> batches;
+ RETURN_NOT_OK(ReadAll(&batches, stop_token));
+ ARROW_ASSIGN_OR_RAISE(auto schema, GetSchema());
+ return Table::FromRecordBatches(schema, std::move(batches)).Value(table);
+struct ClientRpc {
+ grpc::ClientContext context;
+ explicit ClientRpc(const FlightCallOptions& options) {
+ if (options.timeout.count() >= 0) {
+ std::chrono::system_clock::time_point deadline =
+ std::chrono::time_point_cast<std::chrono::system_clock::time_point::duration>(
+ std::chrono::system_clock::now() + options.timeout);
+ context.set_deadline(deadline);
+ }
+ for (auto header : options.headers) {
+ context.AddMetadata(header.first, header.second);
+ }
+ }
+ /// \brief Add an auth token via an auth handler
+ Status SetToken(ClientAuthHandler* auth_handler) {
+ if (auth_handler) {
+ std::string token;
+ RETURN_NOT_OK(auth_handler->GetToken(&token));
+ context.AddMetadata(internal::kGrpcAuthHeader, token);
+ }
+ return Status::OK();
+ }
+/// Helper that manages Finish() of a gRPC stream.
+/// When we encounter an error (e.g. could not decode an IPC message),
+/// we want to provide both the client-side error context and any
+/// available server-side context. This helper helps wrap up that
+/// logic.
+/// This class protects the stream with a flag (so that Finish is
+/// idempotent), and drains the read side (so that Finish won't hang).
+/// The template lets us abstract between DoGet/DoExchange and DoPut,
+/// which respectively read internal::FlightData and pb::PutResult.
+template <typename Stream, typename ReadT>
+class FinishableStream {
+ public:
+ FinishableStream(std::shared_ptr<ClientRpc> rpc, std::shared_ptr<Stream> stream)
+ : rpc_(rpc), stream_(stream), finished_(false), server_status_() {}
+ virtual ~FinishableStream() = default;
+ /// \brief Get the underlying stream.
+ std::shared_ptr<Stream> stream() const { return stream_; }
+ /// \brief Finish the call, adding server context to the given status.
+ virtual Status Finish(Status st) {
+ if (finished_) {
+ return MergeStatus(std::move(st));
+ }
+ // Drain the read side, as otherwise gRPC Finish() will hang. We
+ // only call Finish() when the client closes the writer or the
+ // reader finishes, so it's OK to assume the client no longer
+ // wants to read and drain the read side. (If the client wants to
+ // indicate that it is done writing, but not done reading, it
+ // should use DoneWriting.
+ ReadT message;
+ while (internal::ReadPayload(stream_.get(), &message)) {
+ // Drain the read side to avoid gRPC hanging in Finish()
+ }
+ server_status_ = internal::FromGrpcStatus(stream_->Finish(), &rpc_->context);
+ finished_ = true;
+ return MergeStatus(std::move(st));
+ }
+ private:
+ Status MergeStatus(Status&& st) {
+ if (server_status_.ok()) {
+ return std::move(st);
+ }
+ return Status::FromDetailAndArgs(
+ server_status_.code(), server_status_.detail(), server_status_.message(),
+ ". Client context: ", st.ToString(),
+ ". gRPC client debug context: ", rpc_->context.debug_error_string());
+ }
+ std::shared_ptr<ClientRpc> rpc_;
+ std::shared_ptr<Stream> stream_;
+ bool finished_;
+ Status server_status_;
+/// Helper that manages \a Finish() of a read-write gRPC stream.
+/// This also calls \a WritesDone() and protects itself with a mutex
+/// to enable sharing between the reader and writer.
+template <typename Stream, typename ReadT>
+class FinishableWritableStream : public FinishableStream<Stream, ReadT> {
+ public:
+ FinishableWritableStream(std::shared_ptr<ClientRpc> rpc,
+ std::shared_ptr<std::mutex> read_mutex,
+ std::shared_ptr<Stream> stream)
+ : FinishableStream<Stream, ReadT>(rpc, stream),
+ finish_mutex_(),
+ read_mutex_(read_mutex),
+ done_writing_(false) {}
+ virtual ~FinishableWritableStream() = default;
+ /// \brief Indicate to gRPC that the write half of the stream is done.
+ Status DoneWriting() {
+ // This is only used by the writer side of a stream, so it need
+ // not be protected with a lock.
+ if (done_writing_) {
+ return Status::OK();
+ }
+ done_writing_ = true;
+ if (!this->stream()->WritesDone()) {
+ // Error happened, try to close the stream to get more detailed info
+ return Finish(MakeFlightError(FlightStatusCode::Internal,
+ "Could not flush pending record batches"));
+ }
+ return Status::OK();
+ }
+ Status Finish(Status st) override {
+ // This may be used concurrently by reader/writer side of a
+ // stream, so it needs to be protected.
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(finish_mutex_);
+ // Now that we're shared between a reader and writer, we need to
+ // protect ourselves from being called while there's an
+ // outstanding read.
+ std::unique_lock<std::mutex> read_guard(*read_mutex_, std::try_to_lock);
+ if (!read_guard.owns_lock()) {
+ return MakeFlightError(
+ FlightStatusCode::Internal,
+ "Cannot close stream with pending read operation. Client context: " +
+ st.ToString());
+ }
+ // Try to flush pending writes. Don't use our WritesDone() to
+ // avoid recursion.
+ bool finished_writes = done_writing_ || this->stream()->WritesDone();
+ done_writing_ = true;
+ st = FinishableStream<Stream, ReadT>::Finish(std::move(st));
+ if (!finished_writes) {
+ return Status::FromDetailAndArgs(
+ st.code(), st.detail(), st.message(),
+ ". Additionally, could not finish writing record batches before closing");
+ }
+ return st;
+ }
+ private:
+ std::mutex finish_mutex_;
+ std::shared_ptr<std::mutex> read_mutex_;
+ bool done_writing_;
+class GrpcAddCallHeaders : public AddCallHeaders {
+ public:
+ explicit GrpcAddCallHeaders(std::multimap<grpc::string, grpc::string>* metadata)
+ : metadata_(metadata) {}
+ ~GrpcAddCallHeaders() override = default;
+ void AddHeader(const std::string& key, const std::string& value) override {
+ metadata_->insert(std::make_pair(key, value));
+ }
+ private:
+ std::multimap<grpc::string, grpc::string>* metadata_;
+class GrpcClientInterceptorAdapter : public grpc::experimental::Interceptor {
+ public:
+ explicit GrpcClientInterceptorAdapter(
+ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ClientMiddleware>> middleware)
+ : middleware_(std::move(middleware)), received_headers_(false) {}
+ void Intercept(grpc::experimental::InterceptorBatchMethods* methods) {
+ using InterceptionHookPoints = grpc::experimental::InterceptionHookPoints;
+ if (methods->QueryInterceptionHookPoint(
+ InterceptionHookPoints::PRE_SEND_INITIAL_METADATA)) {
+ GrpcAddCallHeaders add_headers(methods->GetSendInitialMetadata());
+ for (const auto& middleware : middleware_) {
+ middleware->SendingHeaders(&add_headers);
+ }
+ }
+ if (methods->QueryInterceptionHookPoint(
+ InterceptionHookPoints::POST_RECV_INITIAL_METADATA)) {
+ if (!methods->GetRecvInitialMetadata()->empty()) {
+ ReceivedHeaders(*methods->GetRecvInitialMetadata());
+ }
+ }
+ if (methods->QueryInterceptionHookPoint(InterceptionHookPoints::POST_RECV_STATUS)) {
+ DCHECK_NE(nullptr, methods->GetRecvStatus());
+ DCHECK_NE(nullptr, methods->GetRecvTrailingMetadata());
+ ReceivedHeaders(*methods->GetRecvTrailingMetadata());
+ const Status status = internal::FromGrpcStatus(*methods->GetRecvStatus());
+ for (const auto& middleware : middleware_) {
+ middleware->CallCompleted(status);
+ }
+ }
+ methods->Proceed();
+ }
+ private:
+ void ReceivedHeaders(
+ const std::multimap<grpc::string_ref, grpc::string_ref>& metadata) {
+ if (received_headers_) {
+ return;
+ }
+ received_headers_ = true;
+ CallHeaders headers;
+ for (const auto& entry : metadata) {
+ headers.insert({util::string_view(, entry.first.length()),
+ util::string_view(, entry.second.length())});
+ }
+ for (const auto& middleware : middleware_) {
+ middleware->ReceivedHeaders(headers);
+ }
+ }
+ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ClientMiddleware>> middleware_;
+ // When communicating with a gRPC-Java server, the server may not
+ // send back headers if the call fails right away. Instead, the
+ // headers will be consolidated into the trailers. We don't want to
+ // call the client middleware callback twice, so instead track
+ // whether we saw headers - if not, then we need to check trailers.
+ bool received_headers_;
+class GrpcClientInterceptorAdapterFactory
+ : public grpc::experimental::ClientInterceptorFactoryInterface {
+ public:
+ GrpcClientInterceptorAdapterFactory(
+ std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ClientMiddlewareFactory>> middleware)
+ : middleware_(middleware) {}
+ grpc::experimental::Interceptor* CreateClientInterceptor(
+ grpc::experimental::ClientRpcInfo* info) override {
+ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ClientMiddleware>> middleware;
+ FlightMethod flight_method = FlightMethod::Invalid;
+ util::string_view method(info->method());
+ if (method.ends_with("/Handshake")) {
+ flight_method = FlightMethod::Handshake;
+ } else if (method.ends_with("/ListFlights")) {
+ flight_method = FlightMethod::ListFlights;
+ } else if (method.ends_with("/GetFlightInfo")) {
+ flight_method = FlightMethod::GetFlightInfo;
+ } else if (method.ends_with("/GetSchema")) {
+ flight_method = FlightMethod::GetSchema;
+ } else if (method.ends_with("/DoGet")) {
+ flight_method = FlightMethod::DoGet;
+ } else if (method.ends_with("/DoPut")) {
+ flight_method = FlightMethod::DoPut;
+ } else if (method.ends_with("/DoExchange")) {
+ flight_method = FlightMethod::DoExchange;
+ } else if (method.ends_with("/DoAction")) {
+ flight_method = FlightMethod::DoAction;
+ } else if (method.ends_with("/ListActions")) {
+ flight_method = FlightMethod::ListActions;
+ } else {
+ DCHECK(false) << "Unknown Flight method: " << info->method();
+ }
+ const CallInfo flight_info{flight_method};
+ for (auto& factory : middleware_) {
+ std::unique_ptr<ClientMiddleware> instance;
+ factory->StartCall(flight_info, &instance);
+ if (instance) {
+ middleware.push_back(std::move(instance));
+ }
+ }
+ return new GrpcClientInterceptorAdapter(std::move(middleware));
+ }
+ private:
+ std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ClientMiddlewareFactory>> middleware_;
+class GrpcClientAuthSender : public ClientAuthSender {
+ public:
+ explicit GrpcClientAuthSender(
+ std::shared_ptr<
+ grpc::ClientReaderWriter<pb::HandshakeRequest, pb::HandshakeResponse>>
+ stream)
+ : stream_(stream) {}
+ Status Write(const std::string& token) override {
+ pb::HandshakeRequest response;
+ response.set_payload(token);
+ if (stream_->Write(response)) {
+ return Status::OK();
+ }
+ return internal::FromGrpcStatus(stream_->Finish());
+ }
+ private:
+ std::shared_ptr<grpc::ClientReaderWriter<pb::HandshakeRequest, pb::HandshakeResponse>>
+ stream_;
+class GrpcClientAuthReader : public ClientAuthReader {
+ public:
+ explicit GrpcClientAuthReader(
+ std::shared_ptr<
+ grpc::ClientReaderWriter<pb::HandshakeRequest, pb::HandshakeResponse>>
+ stream)
+ : stream_(stream) {}
+ Status Read(std::string* token) override {
+ pb::HandshakeResponse request;
+ if (stream_->Read(&request)) {
+ *token = std::move(*request.mutable_payload());
+ return Status::OK();
+ }
+ return internal::FromGrpcStatus(stream_->Finish());
+ }
+ private:
+ std::shared_ptr<grpc::ClientReaderWriter<pb::HandshakeRequest, pb::HandshakeResponse>>
+ stream_;
+// An ipc::MessageReader that adapts any readable gRPC stream
+// returning FlightData.
+template <typename Reader>
+class GrpcIpcMessageReader : public ipc::MessageReader {
+ public:
+ GrpcIpcMessageReader(
+ std::shared_ptr<ClientRpc> rpc, std::shared_ptr<std::mutex> read_mutex,
+ std::shared_ptr<FinishableStream<Reader, internal::FlightData>> stream,
+ std::shared_ptr<internal::PeekableFlightDataReader<std::shared_ptr<Reader>>>
+ peekable_reader,
+ std::shared_ptr<Buffer>* app_metadata)
+ : rpc_(rpc),
+ read_mutex_(read_mutex),
+ stream_(std::move(stream)),
+ peekable_reader_(peekable_reader),
+ app_metadata_(app_metadata),
+ stream_finished_(false) {}
+ ::arrow::Result<std::unique_ptr<ipc::Message>> ReadNextMessage() override {
+ if (stream_finished_) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ internal::FlightData* data;
+ {
+ auto guard = read_mutex_ ? std::unique_lock<std::mutex>(*read_mutex_)
+ : std::unique_lock<std::mutex>();
+ peekable_reader_->Next(&data);
+ }
+ if (!data) {
+ stream_finished_ = true;
+ return stream_->Finish(Status::OK());
+ }
+ // Validate IPC message
+ auto result = data->OpenMessage();
+ if (!result.ok()) {
+ return stream_->Finish(std::move(result).status());
+ }
+ *app_metadata_ = std::move(data->app_metadata);
+ return result;
+ }
+ private:
+ // The RPC context lifetime must be coupled to the ClientReader
+ std::shared_ptr<ClientRpc> rpc_;
+ // Guard reads with a mutex to prevent concurrent reads if the write
+ // side calls Finish(). Nullable as DoGet doesn't need this.
+ std::shared_ptr<std::mutex> read_mutex_;
+ std::shared_ptr<FinishableStream<Reader, internal::FlightData>> stream_;
+ std::shared_ptr<internal::PeekableFlightDataReader<std::shared_ptr<Reader>>>
+ peekable_reader_;
+ // A reference to GrpcStreamReader.app_metadata_. That class
+ // can't access the app metadata because when it Peek()s the stream,
+ // it may be looking at a dictionary batch, not the record
+ // batch. Updating it here ensures the reader is always updated with
+ // the last metadata message read.
+ std::shared_ptr<Buffer>* app_metadata_;
+ bool stream_finished_;
+/// The implementation of the public-facing API for reading from a
+/// FlightData stream
+template <typename Reader>
+class GrpcStreamReader : public FlightStreamReader {
+ public:
+ GrpcStreamReader(std::shared_ptr<ClientRpc> rpc, std::shared_ptr<std::mutex> read_mutex,
+ const ipc::IpcReadOptions& options, StopToken stop_token,
+ std::shared_ptr<FinishableStream<Reader, internal::FlightData>> stream)
+ : rpc_(rpc),
+ read_mutex_(read_mutex),
+ options_(options),
+ stop_token_(std::move(stop_token)),
+ stream_(stream),
+ peekable_reader_(new internal::PeekableFlightDataReader<std::shared_ptr<Reader>>(
+ stream->stream())),
+ app_metadata_(nullptr) {}
+ Status EnsureDataStarted() {
+ if (!batch_reader_) {
+ bool skipped_to_data = false;
+ {
+ auto guard = TakeGuard();
+ skipped_to_data = peekable_reader_->SkipToData();
+ }
+ // peek() until we find the first data message; discard metadata
+ if (!skipped_to_data) {
+ return OverrideWithServerError(MakeFlightError(
+ FlightStatusCode::Internal, "Server never sent a data message"));
+ }
+ auto message_reader =
+ std::unique_ptr<ipc::MessageReader>(new GrpcIpcMessageReader<Reader>(
+ rpc_, read_mutex_, stream_, peekable_reader_, &app_metadata_));
+ auto result =
+ ipc::RecordBatchStreamReader::Open(std::move(message_reader), options_);
+ RETURN_NOT_OK(OverrideWithServerError(std::move(result).Value(&batch_reader_)));
+ }
+ return Status::OK();
+ }
+ arrow::Result<std::shared_ptr<Schema>> GetSchema() override {
+ RETURN_NOT_OK(EnsureDataStarted());
+ return batch_reader_->schema();
+ }
+ Status Next(FlightStreamChunk* out) override {
+ internal::FlightData* data;
+ {
+ auto guard = TakeGuard();
+ peekable_reader_->Peek(&data);
+ }
+ if (!data) {
+ out->app_metadata = nullptr;
+ out->data = nullptr;
+ return stream_->Finish(Status::OK());
+ }
+ if (!data->metadata) {
+ // Metadata-only (data->metadata is the IPC header)
+ out->app_metadata = data->app_metadata;
+ out->data = nullptr;
+ {
+ auto guard = TakeGuard();
+ peekable_reader_->Next(&data);
+ }
+ return Status::OK();
+ }
+ if (!batch_reader_) {
+ RETURN_NOT_OK(EnsureDataStarted());
+ // Re-peek here since EnsureDataStarted() advances the stream
+ return Next(out);
+ }
+ RETURN_NOT_OK(batch_reader_->ReadNext(&out->data));
+ out->app_metadata = std::move(app_metadata_);
+ return Status::OK();
+ }
+ Status ReadAll(std::vector<std::shared_ptr<RecordBatch>>* batches) override {
+ return ReadAll(batches, stop_token_);
+ }
+ Status ReadAll(std::vector<std::shared_ptr<RecordBatch>>* batches,
+ const StopToken& stop_token) override {
+ FlightStreamChunk chunk;
+ while (true) {
+ if (stop_token.IsStopRequested()) {
+ Cancel();
+ return stop_token.Poll();
+ }
+ RETURN_NOT_OK(Next(&chunk));
+ if (! break;
+ batches->emplace_back(std::move(;
+ }
+ return Status::OK();
+ }
+ Status ReadAll(std::shared_ptr<Table>* table) override {
+ return ReadAll(table, stop_token_);
+ }
+ using FlightStreamReader::ReadAll;
+ void Cancel() override { rpc_->context.TryCancel(); }
+ private:
+ std::unique_lock<std::mutex> TakeGuard() {
+ return read_mutex_ ? std::unique_lock<std::mutex>(*read_mutex_)
+ : std::unique_lock<std::mutex>();
+ }
+ Status OverrideWithServerError(Status&& st) {
+ if (st.ok()) {
+ return std::move(st);
+ }
+ return stream_->Finish(std::move(st));
+ }
+ friend class GrpcIpcMessageReader<Reader>;
+ std::shared_ptr<ClientRpc> rpc_;
+ // Guard reads with a lock to prevent Finish()/Close() from being
+ // called on the writer while the reader has a pending
+ // read. Nullable, as DoGet() doesn't need this.
+ std::shared_ptr<std::mutex> read_mutex_;
+ ipc::IpcReadOptions options_;
+ StopToken stop_token_;
+ std::shared_ptr<FinishableStream<Reader, internal::FlightData>> stream_;
+ std::shared_ptr<internal::PeekableFlightDataReader<std::shared_ptr<Reader>>>
+ peekable_reader_;
+ std::shared_ptr<ipc::RecordBatchReader> batch_reader_;
+ std::shared_ptr<Buffer> app_metadata_;
+// The next two classes implement writing to a FlightData stream.
+// Similarly to the read side, we want to reuse the implementation of
+// RecordBatchWriter. As a result, these two classes are intertwined
+// in order to pass application metadata "through" RecordBatchWriter.
+// In order to get application-specific metadata to the
+// IpcPayloadWriter, DoPutPayloadWriter takes a pointer to
+// GrpcStreamWriter. GrpcStreamWriter updates a metadata field on
+// write; DoPutPayloadWriter reads that metadata field to determine
+// what to write.
+template <typename ProtoReadT, typename FlightReadT>
+class DoPutPayloadWriter;
+template <typename ProtoReadT, typename FlightReadT>
+class GrpcStreamWriter : public FlightStreamWriter {
+ public:
+ ~GrpcStreamWriter() override = default;
+ using GrpcStream = grpc::ClientReaderWriter<pb::FlightData, ProtoReadT>;
+ explicit GrpcStreamWriter(
+ const FlightDescriptor& descriptor, std::shared_ptr<ClientRpc> rpc,
+ int64_t write_size_limit_bytes, const ipc::IpcWriteOptions& options,
+ std::shared_ptr<FinishableWritableStream<GrpcStream, FlightReadT>> writer)
+ : app_metadata_(nullptr),
+ batch_writer_(nullptr),
+ writer_(std::move(writer)),
+ rpc_(std::move(rpc)),
+ write_size_limit_bytes_(write_size_limit_bytes),
+ options_(options),
+ descriptor_(descriptor),
+ writer_closed_(false) {}
+ static Status Open(
+ const FlightDescriptor& descriptor, std::shared_ptr<Schema> schema,
+ const ipc::IpcWriteOptions& options, std::shared_ptr<ClientRpc> rpc,
+ int64_t write_size_limit_bytes,
+ std::shared_ptr<FinishableWritableStream<GrpcStream, FlightReadT>> writer,
+ std::unique_ptr<FlightStreamWriter>* out);
+ Status CheckStarted() {
+ if (!batch_writer_) {
+ return Status::Invalid("Writer not initialized. Call Begin() with a schema.");
+ }
+ return Status::OK();
+ }
+ Status Begin(const std::shared_ptr<Schema>& schema,
+ const ipc::IpcWriteOptions& options) override {
+ if (batch_writer_) {
+ return Status::Invalid("This writer has already been started.");
+ }
+ std::unique_ptr<ipc::internal::IpcPayloadWriter> payload_writer(
+ new DoPutPayloadWriter<ProtoReadT, FlightReadT>(
+ descriptor_, std::move(rpc_), write_size_limit_bytes_, writer_, this));
+ // XXX: this does not actually write the message to the stream.
+ // See Close().
+ ARROW_ASSIGN_OR_RAISE(batch_writer_, ipc::internal::OpenRecordBatchWriter(
+ std::move(payload_writer), schema, options));
+ return Status::OK();
+ }
+ Status Begin(const std::shared_ptr<Schema>& schema) override {
+ return Begin(schema, options_);
+ }
+ Status WriteRecordBatch(const RecordBatch& batch) override {
+ RETURN_NOT_OK(CheckStarted());
+ return WriteWithMetadata(batch, nullptr);
+ }
+ Status WriteMetadata(std::shared_ptr<Buffer> app_metadata) override {
+ FlightPayload payload{};
+ payload.app_metadata = app_metadata;
+ auto status = internal::WritePayload(payload, writer_->stream().get());
+ if (status.IsIOError()) {
+ return writer_->Finish(MakeFlightError(FlightStatusCode::Internal,
+ "Could not write metadata to stream"));
+ }
+ return status;
+ }
+ Status WriteWithMetadata(const RecordBatch& batch,
+ std::shared_ptr<Buffer> app_metadata) override {
+ RETURN_NOT_OK(CheckStarted());
+ app_metadata_ = app_metadata;
+ return batch_writer_->WriteRecordBatch(batch);
+ }
+ Status DoneWriting() override {
+ // Do not CheckStarted - DoneWriting applies to data and metadata
+ if (batch_writer_) {
+ // Close the writer if we have one; this will force it to flush any
+ // remaining data, before we close the write side of the stream.
+ writer_closed_ = true;
+ Status st = batch_writer_->Close();
+ if (!st.ok()) {
+ return writer_->Finish(std::move(st));
+ }
+ }
+ return writer_->DoneWriting();
+ }
+ Status Close() override {
+ // Do not CheckStarted - Close applies to data and metadata
+ if (batch_writer_ && !writer_closed_) {
+ // This is important! Close() calls
+ // IpcPayloadWriter::CheckStarted() which will force the initial
+ // schema message to be written to the stream. This is required
+ // to unstick the server, else the client and the server end up
+ // waiting for each other. This happens if the client never
+ // wrote anything before calling Close().
+ writer_closed_ = true;
+ return writer_->Finish(batch_writer_->Close());
+ }
+ return writer_->Finish(Status::OK());
+ }
+ ipc::WriteStats stats() const override {
+ ARROW_CHECK_NE(batch_writer_, nullptr);
+ return batch_writer_->stats();
+ }
+ private:
+ friend class DoPutPayloadWriter<ProtoReadT, FlightReadT>;
+ std::shared_ptr<Buffer> app_metadata_;
+ std::unique_ptr<ipc::RecordBatchWriter> batch_writer_;
+ std::shared_ptr<FinishableWritableStream<GrpcStream, FlightReadT>> writer_;
+ // Fields used to lazy-initialize the IpcPayloadWriter. They're
+ // invalid once Begin() is called.
+ std::shared_ptr<ClientRpc> rpc_;
+ int64_t write_size_limit_bytes_;
+ ipc::IpcWriteOptions options_;
+ FlightDescriptor descriptor_;
+ bool writer_closed_;
+/// A IpcPayloadWriter implementation that writes to a gRPC stream of
+/// FlightData messages.
+template <typename ProtoReadT, typename FlightReadT>
+class DoPutPayloadWriter : public ipc::internal::IpcPayloadWriter {
+ public:
+ using GrpcStream = grpc::ClientReaderWriter<pb::FlightData, ProtoReadT>;
+ DoPutPayloadWriter(
+ const FlightDescriptor& descriptor, std::shared_ptr<ClientRpc> rpc,
+ int64_t write_size_limit_bytes,
+ std::shared_ptr<FinishableWritableStream<GrpcStream, FlightReadT>> writer,
+ GrpcStreamWriter<ProtoReadT, FlightReadT>* stream_writer)
+ : descriptor_(descriptor),
+ rpc_(rpc),
+ write_size_limit_bytes_(write_size_limit_bytes),
+ writer_(std::move(writer)),
+ first_payload_(true),
+ stream_writer_(stream_writer) {}
+ ~DoPutPayloadWriter() override = default;
+ Status Start() override { return Status::OK(); }
+ Status WritePayload(const ipc::IpcPayload& ipc_payload) override {
+ FlightPayload payload;
+ payload.ipc_message = ipc_payload;
+ if (first_payload_) {
+ // First Flight message needs to encore the Flight descriptor
+ if (ipc_payload.type != ipc::MessageType::SCHEMA) {
+ return Status::Invalid("First IPC message should be schema");
+ }
+ // Write the descriptor to begin with
+ RETURN_NOT_OK(internal::ToPayload(descriptor_, &payload.descriptor));
+ first_payload_ = false;
+ } else if (ipc_payload.type == ipc::MessageType::RECORD_BATCH &&
+ stream_writer_->app_metadata_) {
+ payload.app_metadata = std::move(stream_writer_->app_metadata_);
+ }
+ if (write_size_limit_bytes_ > 0) {
+ // Check if the total size is greater than the user-configured
+ // soft-limit.
+ int64_t size = ipc_payload.body_length + ipc_payload.metadata->size();
+ if (payload.descriptor) {
+ size += payload.descriptor->size();
+ }
+ if (payload.app_metadata) {
+ size += payload.app_metadata->size();
+ }
+ if (size > write_size_limit_bytes_) {
+ return arrow::Status(
+ arrow::StatusCode::Invalid, "IPC payload size exceeded soft limit",
+ std::make_shared<FlightWriteSizeStatusDetail>(write_size_limit_bytes_, size));
+ }
+ }
+ auto status = internal::WritePayload(payload, writer_->stream().get());
+ if (status.IsIOError()) {
+ return writer_->Finish(MakeFlightError(FlightStatusCode::Internal,
+ "Could not write record batch to stream"));
+ }
+ return status;
+ }
+ Status Close() override {
+ // Closing is handled one layer up in GrpcStreamWriter::Close
+ return Status::OK();
+ }
+ protected:
+ const FlightDescriptor descriptor_;
+ std::shared_ptr<ClientRpc> rpc_;
+ int64_t write_size_limit_bytes_;
+ std::shared_ptr<FinishableWritableStream<GrpcStream, FlightReadT>> writer_;
+ bool first_payload_;
+ GrpcStreamWriter<ProtoReadT, FlightReadT>* stream_writer_;
+template <typename ProtoReadT, typename FlightReadT>
+Status GrpcStreamWriter<ProtoReadT, FlightReadT>::Open(
+ const FlightDescriptor& descriptor,
+ std::shared_ptr<Schema> schema, // this schema is nullable
+ const ipc::IpcWriteOptions& options, std::shared_ptr<ClientRpc> rpc,
+ int64_t write_size_limit_bytes,
+ std::shared_ptr<FinishableWritableStream<GrpcStream, FlightReadT>> writer,
+ std::unique_ptr<FlightStreamWriter>* out) {
+ std::unique_ptr<GrpcStreamWriter<ProtoReadT, FlightReadT>> instance(
+ new GrpcStreamWriter<ProtoReadT, FlightReadT>(
+ descriptor, std::move(rpc), write_size_limit_bytes, options, writer));
+ if (schema) {
+ // The schema was provided (DoPut). Eagerly write the schema and
+ // descriptor together as the first message.
+ RETURN_NOT_OK(instance->Begin(schema, options));
+ } else {
+ // The schema was not provided (DoExchange). Eagerly write just
+ // the descriptor as the first message. Note that if the client
+ // calls Begin() to send data, we'll send a redundant descriptor.
+ FlightPayload payload{};
+ RETURN_NOT_OK(internal::ToPayload(descriptor, &payload.descriptor));
+ auto status = internal::WritePayload(payload, instance->writer_->stream().get());
+ if (status.IsIOError()) {
+ return writer->Finish(MakeFlightError(FlightStatusCode::Internal,
+ "Could not write descriptor to stream"));
+ }
+ RETURN_NOT_OK(status);
+ }
+ *out = std::move(instance);
+ return Status::OK();
+FlightMetadataReader::~FlightMetadataReader() = default;
+class GrpcMetadataReader : public FlightMetadataReader {
+ public:
+ explicit GrpcMetadataReader(
+ std::shared_ptr<grpc::ClientReaderWriter<pb::FlightData, pb::PutResult>> reader,
+ std::shared_ptr<std::mutex> read_mutex)
+ : reader_(reader), read_mutex_(read_mutex) {}
+ Status ReadMetadata(std::shared_ptr<Buffer>* out) override {
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(*read_mutex_);
+ pb::PutResult message;
+ if (reader_->Read(&message)) {
+ *out = Buffer::FromString(std::move(*message.mutable_app_metadata()));
+ } else {
+ // Stream finished
+ *out = nullptr;
+ }
+ return Status::OK();
+ }
+ private:
+ std::shared_ptr<grpc::ClientReaderWriter<pb::FlightData, pb::PutResult>> reader_;
+ std::shared_ptr<std::mutex> read_mutex_;
+namespace {
+// Dummy self-signed certificate to be used because TlsCredentials
+// requires root CA certs, even if you are skipping server
+// verification.
+constexpr char kDummyRootCert[] =
+ "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n"
+ "yZL6dN+mK6cEH+YvbNuy5ZQGNjGG43tyiXdOCAc4AI9POeTtjdMpbbpR2VY4Ad/E\n"
+ "oTEiS3gNnN7WIAdgMhCJxjzvPwKszV3f7pwuTHzFMsuHLKr6JeaVUYfbi4DxxC8Z\n"
+ "k6PF6dLlLf3ngTSLBJyaXP1BhKMvz0TaMK3F0y2OGwHM9J8np2zWjTlNVEzffQZx\n"
+ "b3N0MA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBBQUAA4IBAQC0LrmbcNKgO+D50d/wOc+vhi9K04EZh8bg\n"
+ "WYAK1kLOT4eShbzqWGV/1EggY4muQ6ypSELCLuSsg88kVtFQIeRilA6bHFqQSj6t\n"
+ "sqgh2cWsMwyllCtmX6Maf3CLb2ZdoJlqUwdiBdrbIbuyeAZj3QweCtLKGSQzGDyI\n"
+ "KH7G8nC5d0IoRPiCMB6RnMMKsrhviuCdWbAFHop7Ff36JaOJ8iRa2sSf2OXE8j/5\n"
+ "obCXCUvYHf4Zw27JcM2AnnQI9VJLnYxis83TysC5s2Z7t0OYNS9kFmtXQbUNlmpS\n"
+ "doQ/Eu47vWX7S0TXeGziGtbAOKxbHE0BGGPDOAB/jGW/JVbeTiXY\n"
+ "-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n";
+} // namespace
+class FlightClient::FlightClientImpl {
+ public:
+ Status Connect(const Location& location, const FlightClientOptions& options) {
+ const std::string& scheme = location.scheme();
+ std::stringstream grpc_uri;
+ std::shared_ptr<grpc::ChannelCredentials> creds;
+ if (scheme == kSchemeGrpc || scheme == kSchemeGrpcTcp || scheme == kSchemeGrpcTls) {
+ grpc_uri << arrow::internal::UriEncodeHost(location.uri_->host()) << ':'
+ << location.uri_->port_text();
+ if (scheme == kSchemeGrpcTls) {
+ if (options.disable_server_verification) {
+ // A callback to supply to TlsCredentialsOptions that accepts any server
+ // arguments.
+ struct NoOpTlsAuthorizationCheck
+ : public ge::TlsServerAuthorizationCheckInterface {
+ int Schedule(ge::TlsServerAuthorizationCheckArg* arg) override {
+ arg->set_success(1);
+ arg->set_status(GRPC_STATUS_OK);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ };
+ auto server_authorization_check = std::make_shared<NoOpTlsAuthorizationCheck>();
+ noop_auth_check_ = std::make_shared<ge::TlsServerAuthorizationCheckConfig>(
+ server_authorization_check);
+ auto certificate_provider =
+ std::make_shared<grpc::experimental::StaticDataCertificateProvider>(
+ kDummyRootCert);
+ grpc::experimental::TlsChannelCredentialsOptions tls_options(
+ certificate_provider);
+ // While gRPC >= 1.36 does not require a root cert (it has a default)
+ // in practice the path it hardcodes is broken. See grpc/grpc#21655.
+ grpc::experimental::TlsChannelCredentialsOptions tls_options;
+ tls_options.set_certificate_provider(certificate_provider);
+ tls_options.watch_root_certs();
+ tls_options.set_root_cert_name("dummy");
+ tls_options.set_server_verification_option(
+ grpc_tls_server_verification_option::GRPC_TLS_SKIP_ALL_SERVER_VERIFICATION);
+ tls_options.set_server_authorization_check_config(noop_auth_check_);
+ auto materials_config = std::make_shared<ge::TlsKeyMaterialsConfig>();
+ materials_config->set_pem_root_certs(kDummyRootCert);
+ ge::TlsCredentialsOptions tls_options(
+ std::shared_ptr<ge::TlsCredentialReloadConfig>(), noop_auth_check_);
+ creds = ge::TlsCredentials(tls_options);
+ return Status::NotImplemented(
+ "Using encryption with server verification disabled is unsupported. "
+ "Please use a release of Arrow Flight built with gRPC 1.27 or higher.");
+ } else {
+ grpc::SslCredentialsOptions ssl_options;
+ if (!options.tls_root_certs.empty()) {
+ ssl_options.pem_root_certs = options.tls_root_certs;
+ }
+ if (!options.cert_chain.empty()) {
+ ssl_options.pem_cert_chain = options.cert_chain;
+ }
+ if (!options.private_key.empty()) {
+ ssl_options.pem_private_key = options.private_key;
+ }
+ creds = grpc::SslCredentials(ssl_options);
+ }
+ } else {
+ creds = grpc::InsecureChannelCredentials();
+ }
+ } else if (scheme == kSchemeGrpcUnix) {
+ grpc_uri << "unix://" << location.uri_->path();
+ creds = grpc::InsecureChannelCredentials();
+ } else {
+ return Status::NotImplemented("Flight scheme " + scheme + " is not supported.");
+ }
+ grpc::ChannelArguments args;
+ // We can't set the same config value twice, so for values where
+ // we want to set defaults, keep them in a map and update them;
+ // then update them all at once
+ std::unordered_map<std::string, int> default_args;
+ // Try to reconnect quickly at first, in case the server is still starting up
+ // Receive messages of any size
+ // Setting this arg enables each client to open it's own TCP connection to server,
+ // not sharing one single connection, which becomes bottleneck under high load.
+ if (options.override_hostname != "") {
+ args.SetSslTargetNameOverride(options.override_hostname);
+ }
+ // Allow setting generic gRPC options.
+ for (const auto& arg : options.generic_options) {
+ if (util::holds_alternative<int>(arg.second)) {
+ default_args[arg.first] = util::get<int>(arg.second);
+ } else if (util::holds_alternative<std::string>(arg.second)) {
+ args.SetString(arg.first, util::get<std::string>(arg.second));
+ }
+ // Otherwise unimplemented
+ }
+ for (const auto& pair : default_args) {
+ args.SetInt(pair.first, pair.second);
+ }
+ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<grpc::experimental::ClientInterceptorFactoryInterface>>
+ interceptors;
+ interceptors.emplace_back(
+ new GrpcClientInterceptorAdapterFactory(std::move(options.middleware)));
+ stub_ = pb::FlightService::NewStub(
+ grpc::experimental::CreateCustomChannelWithInterceptors(
+ grpc_uri.str(), creds, args, std::move(interceptors)));
+ write_size_limit_bytes_ = options.write_size_limit_bytes;
+ return Status::OK();
+ }
+ Status Authenticate(const FlightCallOptions& options,
+ std::unique_ptr<ClientAuthHandler> auth_handler) {
+ auth_handler_ = std::move(auth_handler);
+ ClientRpc rpc(options);
+ std::shared_ptr<grpc::ClientReaderWriter<pb::HandshakeRequest, pb::HandshakeResponse>>
+ stream = stub_->Handshake(&rpc.context);
+ GrpcClientAuthSender outgoing{stream};
+ GrpcClientAuthReader incoming{stream};
+ RETURN_NOT_OK(auth_handler_->Authenticate(&outgoing, &incoming));
+ // Explicitly close our side of the connection
+ bool finished_writes = stream->WritesDone();
+ RETURN_NOT_OK(internal::FromGrpcStatus(stream->Finish(), &rpc.context));
+ if (!finished_writes) {
+ return MakeFlightError(FlightStatusCode::Internal,
+ "Could not finish writing before closing");
+ }
+ return Status::OK();
+ }
+ arrow::Result<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> AuthenticateBasicToken(
+ const FlightCallOptions& options, const std::string& username,
+ const std::string& password) {
+ // Add basic auth headers to outgoing headers.
+ ClientRpc rpc(options);
+ internal::AddBasicAuthHeaders(&rpc.context, username, password);
+ std::shared_ptr<grpc::ClientReaderWriter<pb::HandshakeRequest, pb::HandshakeResponse>>
+ stream = stub_->Handshake(&rpc.context);
+ GrpcClientAuthSender outgoing{stream};
+ GrpcClientAuthReader incoming{stream};
+ // Explicitly close our side of the connection.
+ bool finished_writes = stream->WritesDone();
+ RETURN_NOT_OK(internal::FromGrpcStatus(stream->Finish(), &rpc.context));
+ if (!finished_writes) {
+ return MakeFlightError(FlightStatusCode::Internal,
+ "Could not finish writing before closing");
+ }
+ // Grab bearer token from incoming headers.
+ return internal::GetBearerTokenHeader(rpc.context);
+ }
+ Status ListFlights(const FlightCallOptions& options, const Criteria& criteria,
+ std::unique_ptr<FlightListing>* listing) {
+ pb::Criteria pb_criteria;
+ RETURN_NOT_OK(internal::ToProto(criteria, &pb_criteria));
+ ClientRpc rpc(options);
+ RETURN_NOT_OK(rpc.SetToken(auth_handler_.get()));
+ std::unique_ptr<grpc::ClientReader<pb::FlightInfo>> stream(
+ stub_->ListFlights(&rpc.context, pb_criteria));
+ std::vector<FlightInfo> flights;
+ pb::FlightInfo pb_info;
+ while (!options.stop_token.IsStopRequested() && stream->Read(&pb_info)) {
+ FlightInfo::Data info_data;
+ RETURN_NOT_OK(internal::FromProto(pb_info, &info_data));
+ flights.emplace_back(std::move(info_data));
+ }
+ if (options.stop_token.IsStopRequested()) rpc.context.TryCancel();
+ RETURN_NOT_OK(options.stop_token.Poll());
+ listing->reset(new SimpleFlightListing(std::move(flights)));
+ return internal::FromGrpcStatus(stream->Finish(), &rpc.context);
+ }
+ Status DoAction(const FlightCallOptions& options, const Action& action,
+ std::unique_ptr<ResultStream>* results) {
+ pb::Action pb_action;
+ RETURN_NOT_OK(internal::ToProto(action, &pb_action));
+ ClientRpc rpc(options);
+ RETURN_NOT_OK(rpc.SetToken(auth_handler_.get()));
+ std::unique_ptr<grpc::ClientReader<pb::Result>> stream(
+ stub_->DoAction(&rpc.context, pb_action));
+ pb::Result pb_result;
+ std::vector<Result> materialized_results;
+ while (!options.stop_token.IsStopRequested() && stream->Read(&pb_result)) {
+ Result result;
+ RETURN_NOT_OK(internal::FromProto(pb_result, &result));
+ materialized_results.emplace_back(std::move(result));
+ }
+ if (options.stop_token.IsStopRequested()) rpc.context.TryCancel();
+ RETURN_NOT_OK(options.stop_token.Poll());
+ *results = std::unique_ptr<ResultStream>(
+ new SimpleResultStream(std::move(materialized_results)));
+ return internal::FromGrpcStatus(stream->Finish(), &rpc.context);
+ }
+ Status ListActions(const FlightCallOptions& options, std::vector<ActionType>* types) {
+ pb::Empty empty;
+ ClientRpc rpc(options);
+ RETURN_NOT_OK(rpc.SetToken(auth_handler_.get()));
+ std::unique_ptr<grpc::ClientReader<pb::ActionType>> stream(
+ stub_->ListActions(&rpc.context, empty));
+ pb::ActionType pb_type;
+ ActionType type;
+ while (!options.stop_token.IsStopRequested() && stream->Read(&pb_type)) {
+ RETURN_NOT_OK(internal::FromProto(pb_type, &type));
+ types->emplace_back(std::move(type));
+ }
+ if (options.stop_token.IsStopRequested()) rpc.context.TryCancel();
+ RETURN_NOT_OK(options.stop_token.Poll());
+ return internal::FromGrpcStatus(stream->Finish(), &rpc.context);
+ }
+ Status GetFlightInfo(const FlightCallOptions& options,
+ const FlightDescriptor& descriptor,
+ std::unique_ptr<FlightInfo>* info) {
+ pb::FlightDescriptor pb_descriptor;
+ pb::FlightInfo pb_response;
+ RETURN_NOT_OK(internal::ToProto(descriptor, &pb_descriptor));
+ ClientRpc rpc(options);
+ RETURN_NOT_OK(rpc.SetToken(auth_handler_.get()));
+ Status s = internal::FromGrpcStatus(
+ stub_->GetFlightInfo(&rpc.context, pb_descriptor, &pb_response), &rpc.context);
+ FlightInfo::Data info_data;
+ RETURN_NOT_OK(internal::FromProto(pb_response, &info_data));
+ info->reset(new FlightInfo(std::move(info_data)));
+ return Status::OK();
+ }
+ Status GetSchema(const FlightCallOptions& options, const FlightDescriptor& descriptor,
+ std::unique_ptr<SchemaResult>* schema_result) {
+ pb::FlightDescriptor pb_descriptor;
+ pb::SchemaResult pb_response;
+ RETURN_NOT_OK(internal::ToProto(descriptor, &pb_descriptor));
+ ClientRpc rpc(options);
+ RETURN_NOT_OK(rpc.SetToken(auth_handler_.get()));
+ Status s = internal::FromGrpcStatus(
+ stub_->GetSchema(&rpc.context, pb_descriptor, &pb_response), &rpc.context);
+ std::string str;
+ RETURN_NOT_OK(internal::FromProto(pb_response, &str));
+ schema_result->reset(new SchemaResult(str));
+ return Status::OK();
+ }
+ Status DoGet(const FlightCallOptions& options, const Ticket& ticket,
+ std::unique_ptr<FlightStreamReader>* out) {
+ using StreamReader = GrpcStreamReader<grpc::ClientReader<pb::FlightData>>;
+ pb::Ticket pb_ticket;
+ internal::ToProto(ticket, &pb_ticket);
+ auto rpc = std::make_shared<ClientRpc>(options);
+ RETURN_NOT_OK(rpc->SetToken(auth_handler_.get()));
+ std::shared_ptr<grpc::ClientReader<pb::FlightData>> stream =
+ stub_->DoGet(&rpc->context, pb_ticket);
+ auto finishable_stream = std::make_shared<
+ FinishableStream<grpc::ClientReader<pb::FlightData>, internal::FlightData>>(
+ rpc, stream);
+ *out = std::unique_ptr<StreamReader>(new StreamReader(
+ rpc, nullptr, options.read_options, options.stop_token, finishable_stream));
+ // Eagerly read the schema
+ return static_cast<StreamReader*>(out->get())->EnsureDataStarted();
+ }
+ Status DoPut(const FlightCallOptions& options, const FlightDescriptor& descriptor,
+ const std::shared_ptr<Schema>& schema,
+ std::unique_ptr<FlightStreamWriter>* out,
+ std::unique_ptr<FlightMetadataReader>* reader) {
+ using GrpcStream = grpc::ClientReaderWriter<pb::FlightData, pb::PutResult>;
+ using StreamWriter = GrpcStreamWriter<pb::PutResult, pb::PutResult>;
+ auto rpc = std::make_shared<ClientRpc>(options);
+ RETURN_NOT_OK(rpc->SetToken(auth_handler_.get()));
+ std::shared_ptr<GrpcStream> stream = stub_->DoPut(&rpc->context);
+ // The writer drains the reader on close to avoid hanging inside
+ // gRPC. Concurrent reads are unsafe, so a mutex protects this operation.
+ std::shared_ptr<std::mutex> read_mutex = std::make_shared<std::mutex>();
+ auto finishable_stream =
+ std::make_shared<FinishableWritableStream<GrpcStream, pb::PutResult>>(
+ rpc, read_mutex, stream);
+ *reader =
+ std::unique_ptr<FlightMetadataReader>(new GrpcMetadataReader(stream, read_mutex));
+ return StreamWriter::Open(descriptor, schema, options.write_options, rpc,
+ write_size_limit_bytes_, finishable_stream, out);
+ }
+ Status DoExchange(const FlightCallOptions& options, const FlightDescriptor& descriptor,
+ std::unique_ptr<FlightStreamWriter>* writer,
+ std::unique_ptr<FlightStreamReader>* reader) {
+ using GrpcStream = grpc::ClientReaderWriter<pb::FlightData, pb::FlightData>;
+ using StreamReader = GrpcStreamReader<GrpcStream>;
+ using StreamWriter = GrpcStreamWriter<pb::FlightData, internal::FlightData>;
+ auto rpc = std::make_shared<ClientRpc>(options);
+ RETURN_NOT_OK(rpc->SetToken(auth_handler_.get()));
+ std::shared_ptr<grpc::ClientReaderWriter<pb::FlightData, pb::FlightData>> stream =
+ stub_->DoExchange(&rpc->context);
+ // The writer drains the reader on close to avoid hanging inside
+ // gRPC. Concurrent reads are unsafe, so a mutex protects this operation.
+ std::shared_ptr<std::mutex> read_mutex = std::make_shared<std::mutex>();
+ auto finishable_stream =
+ std::make_shared<FinishableWritableStream<GrpcStream, internal::FlightData>>(
+ rpc, read_mutex, stream);
+ *reader = std::unique_ptr<StreamReader>(new StreamReader(
+ rpc, read_mutex, options.read_options, options.stop_token, finishable_stream));
+ // Do not eagerly read the schema. There may be metadata messages
+ // before any data is sent, or data may not be sent at all.
+ return StreamWriter::Open(descriptor, nullptr, options.write_options, rpc,
+ write_size_limit_bytes_, finishable_stream, writer);
+ }
+ private:
+ std::unique_ptr<pb::FlightService::Stub> stub_;
+ std::shared_ptr<ClientAuthHandler> auth_handler_;
+ // Scope the TlsServerAuthorizationCheckConfig to be at the class instance level, since
+ // it gets created during Connect() and needs to persist to DoAction() calls. gRPC does
+ // not correctly increase the reference count of this object:
+ //
+ std::shared_ptr<
+ noop_auth_check_;
+ int64_t write_size_limit_bytes_;
+FlightClient::FlightClient() { impl_.reset(new FlightClientImpl); }
+FlightClient::~FlightClient() {}
+Status FlightClient::Connect(const Location& location,
+ std::unique_ptr<FlightClient>* client) {
+ return Connect(location, FlightClientOptions::Defaults(), client);
+Status FlightClient::Connect(const Location& location, const FlightClientOptions& options,
+ std::unique_ptr<FlightClient>* client) {
+ client->reset(new FlightClient);
+ return (*client)->impl_->Connect(location, options);
+Status FlightClient::Authenticate(const FlightCallOptions& options,
+ std::unique_ptr<ClientAuthHandler> auth_handler) {
+ return impl_->Authenticate(options, std::move(auth_handler));
+arrow::Result<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> FlightClient::AuthenticateBasicToken(
+ const FlightCallOptions& options, const std::string& username,
+ const std::string& password) {
+ return impl_->AuthenticateBasicToken(options, username, password);
+Status FlightClient::DoAction(const FlightCallOptions& options, const Action& action,
+ std::unique_ptr<ResultStream>* results) {
+ return impl_->DoAction(options, action, results);
+Status FlightClient::ListActions(const FlightCallOptions& options,
+ std::vector<ActionType>* actions) {
+ return impl_->ListActions(options, actions);
+Status FlightClient::GetFlightInfo(const FlightCallOptions& options,
+ const FlightDescriptor& descriptor,
+ std::unique_ptr<FlightInfo>* info) {
+ return impl_->GetFlightInfo(options, descriptor, info);
+Status FlightClient::GetSchema(const FlightCallOptions& options,
+ const FlightDescriptor& descriptor,
+ std::unique_ptr<SchemaResult>* schema_result) {
+ return impl_->GetSchema(options, descriptor, schema_result);
+Status FlightClient::ListFlights(std::unique_ptr<FlightListing>* listing) {
+ return ListFlights({}, {}, listing);
+Status FlightClient::ListFlights(const FlightCallOptions& options,
+ const Criteria& criteria,
+ std::unique_ptr<FlightListing>* listing) {
+ return impl_->ListFlights(options, criteria, listing);
+Status FlightClient::DoGet(const FlightCallOptions& options, const Ticket& ticket,
+ std::unique_ptr<FlightStreamReader>* stream) {
+ return impl_->DoGet(options, ticket, stream);
+Status FlightClient::DoPut(const FlightCallOptions& options,
+ const FlightDescriptor& descriptor,
+ const std::shared_ptr<Schema>& schema,
+ std::unique_ptr<FlightStreamWriter>* stream,
+ std::unique_ptr<FlightMetadataReader>* reader) {
+ return impl_->DoPut(options, descriptor, schema, stream, reader);
+Status FlightClient::DoExchange(const FlightCallOptions& options,
+ const FlightDescriptor& descriptor,
+ std::unique_ptr<FlightStreamWriter>* writer,
+ std::unique_ptr<FlightStreamReader>* reader) {
+ return impl_->DoExchange(options, descriptor, writer, reader);
+} // namespace flight
+} // namespace arrow