path: root/src/arrow/cpp/src/arrow/flight/client.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/arrow/cpp/src/arrow/flight/client.h')
1 files changed, 330 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/arrow/cpp/src/arrow/flight/client.h b/src/arrow/cpp/src/arrow/flight/client.h
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+// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+// distributed with this work for additional information
+// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+// specific language governing permissions and limitations
+// under the License.
+/// \brief Implementation of Flight RPC client using gRPC. API should be
+// considered experimental for now
+#pragma once
+#include <chrono>
+#include <memory>
+#include <string>
+#include <utility>
+#include <vector>
+#include "arrow/ipc/options.h"
+#include "arrow/ipc/reader.h"
+#include "arrow/ipc/writer.h"
+#include "arrow/result.h"
+#include "arrow/status.h"
+#include "arrow/util/cancel.h"
+#include "arrow/util/variant.h"
+#include "arrow/flight/types.h" // IWYU pragma: keep
+#include "arrow/flight/visibility.h"
+namespace arrow {
+class RecordBatch;
+class Schema;
+namespace flight {
+class ClientAuthHandler;
+class ClientMiddleware;
+class ClientMiddlewareFactory;
+/// \brief A duration type for Flight call timeouts.
+typedef std::chrono::duration<double, std::chrono::seconds::period> TimeoutDuration;
+/// \brief Hints to the underlying RPC layer for Arrow Flight calls.
+class ARROW_FLIGHT_EXPORT FlightCallOptions {
+ public:
+ /// Create a default set of call options.
+ FlightCallOptions();
+ /// \brief An optional timeout for this call. Negative durations
+ /// mean an implementation-defined default behavior will be used
+ /// instead. This is the default value.
+ TimeoutDuration timeout;
+ /// \brief IPC reader options, if applicable for the call.
+ ipc::IpcReadOptions read_options;
+ /// \brief IPC writer options, if applicable for the call.
+ ipc::IpcWriteOptions write_options;
+ /// \brief Headers for client to add to context.
+ std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> headers;
+ /// \brief A token to enable interactive user cancellation of long-running requests.
+ StopToken stop_token;
+/// \brief Indicate that the client attempted to write a message
+/// larger than the soft limit set via write_size_limit_bytes.
+class ARROW_FLIGHT_EXPORT FlightWriteSizeStatusDetail : public arrow::StatusDetail {
+ public:
+ explicit FlightWriteSizeStatusDetail(int64_t limit, int64_t actual)
+ : limit_(limit), actual_(actual) {}
+ const char* type_id() const override;
+ std::string ToString() const override;
+ int64_t limit() const { return limit_; }
+ int64_t actual() const { return actual_; }
+ /// \brief Extract this status detail from a status, or return
+ /// nullptr if the status doesn't contain this status detail.
+ static std::shared_ptr<FlightWriteSizeStatusDetail> UnwrapStatus(
+ const arrow::Status& status);
+ private:
+ int64_t limit_;
+ int64_t actual_;
+struct ARROW_FLIGHT_EXPORT FlightClientOptions {
+ /// \brief Root certificates to use for validating server
+ /// certificates.
+ std::string tls_root_certs;
+ /// \brief Override the hostname checked by TLS. Use with caution.
+ std::string override_hostname;
+ /// \brief The client certificate to use if using Mutual TLS
+ std::string cert_chain;
+ /// \brief The private key associated with the client certificate for Mutual TLS
+ std::string private_key;
+ /// \brief A list of client middleware to apply.
+ std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ClientMiddlewareFactory>> middleware;
+ /// \brief A soft limit on the number of bytes to write in a single
+ /// batch when sending Arrow data to a server.
+ ///
+ /// Used to help limit server memory consumption. Only enabled if
+ /// positive. When enabled, FlightStreamWriter.Write* may yield a
+ /// IOError with error detail FlightWriteSizeStatusDetail.
+ int64_t write_size_limit_bytes = 0;
+ /// \brief Generic connection options, passed to the underlying
+ /// transport; interpretation is implementation-dependent.
+ std::vector<std::pair<std::string, util::Variant<int, std::string>>> generic_options;
+ /// \brief Use TLS without validating the server certificate. Use with caution.
+ bool disable_server_verification = false;
+ /// \brief Get default options.
+ static FlightClientOptions Defaults();
+/// \brief A RecordBatchReader exposing Flight metadata and cancel
+/// operations.
+class ARROW_FLIGHT_EXPORT FlightStreamReader : public MetadataRecordBatchReader {
+ public:
+ /// \brief Try to cancel the call.
+ virtual void Cancel() = 0;
+ using MetadataRecordBatchReader::ReadAll;
+ /// \brief Consume entire stream as a vector of record batches
+ virtual Status ReadAll(std::vector<std::shared_ptr<RecordBatch>>* batches,
+ const StopToken& stop_token) = 0;
+ /// \brief Consume entire stream as a Table
+ Status ReadAll(std::shared_ptr<Table>* table, const StopToken& stop_token);
+// Silence warning
+// "non dll-interface class RecordBatchReader used as base for dll-interface class"
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma warning(push)
+#pragma warning(disable : 4275)
+/// \brief A RecordBatchWriter that also allows sending
+/// application-defined metadata via the Flight protocol.
+class ARROW_FLIGHT_EXPORT FlightStreamWriter : public MetadataRecordBatchWriter {
+ public:
+ /// \brief Indicate that the application is done writing to this stream.
+ ///
+ /// The application may not write to this stream after calling
+ /// this. This differs from closing the stream because this writer
+ /// may represent only one half of a readable and writable stream.
+ virtual Status DoneWriting() = 0;
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma warning(pop)
+/// \brief A reader for application-specific metadata sent back to the
+/// client during an upload.
+class ARROW_FLIGHT_EXPORT FlightMetadataReader {
+ public:
+ virtual ~FlightMetadataReader();
+ /// \brief Read a message from the server.
+ virtual Status ReadMetadata(std::shared_ptr<Buffer>* out) = 0;
+/// \brief Client class for Arrow Flight RPC services (gRPC-based).
+/// API experimental for now
+class ARROW_FLIGHT_EXPORT FlightClient {
+ public:
+ ~FlightClient();
+ /// \brief Connect to an unauthenticated flight service
+ /// \param[in] location the URI
+ /// \param[out] client the created FlightClient
+ /// \return Status OK status may not indicate that the connection was
+ /// successful
+ static Status Connect(const Location& location, std::unique_ptr<FlightClient>* client);
+ /// \brief Connect to an unauthenticated flight service
+ /// \param[in] location the URI
+ /// \param[in] options Other options for setting up the client
+ /// \param[out] client the created FlightClient
+ /// \return Status OK status may not indicate that the connection was
+ /// successful
+ static Status Connect(const Location& location, const FlightClientOptions& options,
+ std::unique_ptr<FlightClient>* client);
+ /// \brief Authenticate to the server using the given handler.
+ /// \param[in] options Per-RPC options
+ /// \param[in] auth_handler The authentication mechanism to use
+ /// \return Status OK if the client authenticated successfully
+ Status Authenticate(const FlightCallOptions& options,
+ std::unique_ptr<ClientAuthHandler> auth_handler);
+ /// \brief Authenticate to the server using basic HTTP style authentication.
+ /// \param[in] options Per-RPC options
+ /// \param[in] username Username to use
+ /// \param[in] password Password to use
+ /// \return Arrow result with bearer token and status OK if client authenticated
+ /// sucessfully
+ arrow::Result<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> AuthenticateBasicToken(
+ const FlightCallOptions& options, const std::string& username,
+ const std::string& password);
+ /// \brief Perform the indicated action, returning an iterator to the stream
+ /// of results, if any
+ /// \param[in] options Per-RPC options
+ /// \param[in] action the action to be performed
+ /// \param[out] results an iterator object for reading the returned results
+ /// \return Status
+ Status DoAction(const FlightCallOptions& options, const Action& action,
+ std::unique_ptr<ResultStream>* results);
+ Status DoAction(const Action& action, std::unique_ptr<ResultStream>* results) {
+ return DoAction({}, action, results);
+ }
+ /// \brief Retrieve a list of available Action types
+ /// \param[in] options Per-RPC options
+ /// \param[out] actions the available actions
+ /// \return Status
+ Status ListActions(const FlightCallOptions& options, std::vector<ActionType>* actions);
+ Status ListActions(std::vector<ActionType>* actions) {
+ return ListActions({}, actions);
+ }
+ /// \brief Request access plan for a single flight, which may be an existing
+ /// dataset or a command to be executed
+ /// \param[in] options Per-RPC options
+ /// \param[in] descriptor the dataset request, whether a named dataset or
+ /// command
+ /// \param[out] info the FlightInfo describing where to access the dataset
+ /// \return Status
+ Status GetFlightInfo(const FlightCallOptions& options,
+ const FlightDescriptor& descriptor,
+ std::unique_ptr<FlightInfo>* info);
+ Status GetFlightInfo(const FlightDescriptor& descriptor,
+ std::unique_ptr<FlightInfo>* info) {
+ return GetFlightInfo({}, descriptor, info);
+ }
+ /// \brief Request schema for a single flight, which may be an existing
+ /// dataset or a command to be executed
+ /// \param[in] options Per-RPC options
+ /// \param[in] descriptor the dataset request, whether a named dataset or
+ /// command
+ /// \param[out] schema_result the SchemaResult describing the dataset schema
+ /// \return Status
+ Status GetSchema(const FlightCallOptions& options, const FlightDescriptor& descriptor,
+ std::unique_ptr<SchemaResult>* schema_result);
+ Status GetSchema(const FlightDescriptor& descriptor,
+ std::unique_ptr<SchemaResult>* schema_result) {
+ return GetSchema({}, descriptor, schema_result);
+ }
+ /// \brief List all available flights known to the server
+ /// \param[out] listing an iterator that returns a FlightInfo for each flight
+ /// \return Status
+ Status ListFlights(std::unique_ptr<FlightListing>* listing);
+ /// \brief List available flights given indicated filter criteria
+ /// \param[in] options Per-RPC options
+ /// \param[in] criteria the filter criteria (opaque)
+ /// \param[out] listing an iterator that returns a FlightInfo for each flight
+ /// \return Status
+ Status ListFlights(const FlightCallOptions& options, const Criteria& criteria,
+ std::unique_ptr<FlightListing>* listing);
+ /// \brief Given a flight ticket and schema, request to be sent the
+ /// stream. Returns record batch stream reader
+ /// \param[in] options Per-RPC options
+ /// \param[in] ticket The flight ticket to use
+ /// \param[out] stream the returned RecordBatchReader
+ /// \return Status
+ Status DoGet(const FlightCallOptions& options, const Ticket& ticket,
+ std::unique_ptr<FlightStreamReader>* stream);
+ Status DoGet(const Ticket& ticket, std::unique_ptr<FlightStreamReader>* stream) {
+ return DoGet({}, ticket, stream);
+ }
+ /// \brief Upload data to a Flight described by the given
+ /// descriptor. The caller must call Close() on the returned stream
+ /// once they are done writing.
+ ///
+ /// The reader and writer are linked; closing the writer will also
+ /// close the reader. Use \a DoneWriting to only close the write
+ /// side of the channel.
+ ///
+ /// \param[in] options Per-RPC options
+ /// \param[in] descriptor the descriptor of the stream
+ /// \param[in] schema the schema for the data to upload
+ /// \param[out] stream a writer to write record batches to
+ /// \param[out] reader a reader for application metadata from the server
+ /// \return Status
+ Status DoPut(const FlightCallOptions& options, const FlightDescriptor& descriptor,
+ const std::shared_ptr<Schema>& schema,
+ std::unique_ptr<FlightStreamWriter>* stream,
+ std::unique_ptr<FlightMetadataReader>* reader);
+ Status DoPut(const FlightDescriptor& descriptor, const std::shared_ptr<Schema>& schema,
+ std::unique_ptr<FlightStreamWriter>* stream,
+ std::unique_ptr<FlightMetadataReader>* reader) {
+ return DoPut({}, descriptor, schema, stream, reader);
+ }
+ Status DoExchange(const FlightCallOptions& options, const FlightDescriptor& descriptor,
+ std::unique_ptr<FlightStreamWriter>* writer,
+ std::unique_ptr<FlightStreamReader>* reader);
+ Status DoExchange(const FlightDescriptor& descriptor,
+ std::unique_ptr<FlightStreamWriter>* writer,
+ std::unique_ptr<FlightStreamReader>* reader) {
+ return DoExchange({}, descriptor, writer, reader);
+ }
+ private:
+ FlightClient();
+ class FlightClientImpl;
+ std::unique_ptr<FlightClientImpl> impl_;
+} // namespace flight
+} // namespace arrow