path: root/src/arrow/csharp/src/Apache.Arrow/Ipc/ArrowReaderImplementation.cs
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/arrow/csharp/src/Apache.Arrow/Ipc/ArrowReaderImplementation.cs')
1 files changed, 357 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/arrow/csharp/src/Apache.Arrow/Ipc/ArrowReaderImplementation.cs b/src/arrow/csharp/src/Apache.Arrow/Ipc/ArrowReaderImplementation.cs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..35199477b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/arrow/csharp/src/Apache.Arrow/Ipc/ArrowReaderImplementation.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,357 @@
+// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
+// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+// The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+// (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+// the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+using FlatBuffers;
+using System;
+using System.Buffers;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Diagnostics;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Threading;
+using System.Threading.Tasks;
+using Apache.Arrow.Types;
+using Apache.Arrow.Memory;
+namespace Apache.Arrow.Ipc
+ internal abstract class ArrowReaderImplementation : IDisposable
+ {
+ public Schema Schema { get; protected set; }
+ protected bool HasReadSchema => Schema != null;
+ private protected DictionaryMemo _dictionaryMemo;
+ private protected DictionaryMemo DictionaryMemo => _dictionaryMemo ??= new DictionaryMemo();
+ private protected readonly MemoryAllocator _allocator;
+ private protected ArrowReaderImplementation() : this(null)
+ { }
+ private protected ArrowReaderImplementation(MemoryAllocator allocator)
+ {
+ _allocator = allocator ?? MemoryAllocator.Default.Value;
+ }
+ public void Dispose()
+ {
+ Dispose(true);
+ GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
+ }
+ protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
+ {
+ }
+ public abstract ValueTask<RecordBatch> ReadNextRecordBatchAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken);
+ public abstract RecordBatch ReadNextRecordBatch();
+ internal static T ReadMessage<T>(ByteBuffer bb)
+ where T : struct, IFlatbufferObject
+ {
+ Type returnType = typeof(T);
+ Flatbuf.Message msg = Flatbuf.Message.GetRootAsMessage(bb);
+ if (MatchEnum(msg.HeaderType, returnType))
+ {
+ return msg.Header<T>().Value;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ throw new Exception($"Requested type '{returnType.Name}' " +
+ $"did not match type found at offset => '{msg.HeaderType}'");
+ }
+ }
+ private static bool MatchEnum(Flatbuf.MessageHeader messageHeader, Type flatBuffType)
+ {
+ switch (messageHeader)
+ {
+ case Flatbuf.MessageHeader.RecordBatch:
+ return flatBuffType == typeof(Flatbuf.RecordBatch);
+ case Flatbuf.MessageHeader.DictionaryBatch:
+ return flatBuffType == typeof(Flatbuf.DictionaryBatch);
+ case Flatbuf.MessageHeader.Schema:
+ return flatBuffType == typeof(Flatbuf.Schema);
+ case Flatbuf.MessageHeader.Tensor:
+ return flatBuffType == typeof(Flatbuf.Tensor);
+ case Flatbuf.MessageHeader.NONE:
+ throw new ArgumentException("MessageHeader NONE has no matching flatbuf types", nameof(messageHeader));
+ default:
+ throw new ArgumentException($"Unexpected MessageHeader value", nameof(messageHeader));
+ }
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Create a record batch or dictionary batch from Flatbuf.Message.
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <remarks>
+ /// This method adds data to _dictionaryMemo and returns null when the message type is DictionaryBatch.
+ /// </remarks>>
+ /// <returns>
+ /// The record batch when the message type is RecordBatch.
+ /// Null when the message type is not RecordBatch.
+ /// </returns>
+ protected RecordBatch CreateArrowObjectFromMessage(
+ Flatbuf.Message message, ByteBuffer bodyByteBuffer, IMemoryOwner<byte> memoryOwner)
+ {
+ switch (message.HeaderType)
+ {
+ case Flatbuf.MessageHeader.Schema:
+ // TODO: Read schema and verify equality?
+ break;
+ case Flatbuf.MessageHeader.DictionaryBatch:
+ Flatbuf.DictionaryBatch dictionaryBatch = message.Header<Flatbuf.DictionaryBatch>().Value;
+ ReadDictionaryBatch(dictionaryBatch, bodyByteBuffer, memoryOwner);
+ break;
+ case Flatbuf.MessageHeader.RecordBatch:
+ Flatbuf.RecordBatch rb = message.Header<Flatbuf.RecordBatch>().Value;
+ List<IArrowArray> arrays = BuildArrays(Schema, bodyByteBuffer, rb);
+ return new RecordBatch(Schema, memoryOwner, arrays, (int)rb.Length);
+ default:
+ // NOTE: Skip unsupported message type
+ Debug.WriteLine($"Skipping unsupported message type '{message.HeaderType}'");
+ break;
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ internal static ByteBuffer CreateByteBuffer(ReadOnlyMemory<byte> buffer)
+ {
+ return new ByteBuffer(new ReadOnlyMemoryBufferAllocator(buffer), 0);
+ }
+ private void ReadDictionaryBatch(Flatbuf.DictionaryBatch dictionaryBatch, ByteBuffer bodyByteBuffer, IMemoryOwner<byte> memoryOwner)
+ {
+ long id = dictionaryBatch.Id;
+ IArrowType valueType = DictionaryMemo.GetDictionaryType(id);
+ Flatbuf.RecordBatch? recordBatch = dictionaryBatch.Data;
+ if (!recordBatch.HasValue)
+ {
+ throw new InvalidDataException("Dictionary must contain RecordBatch");
+ }
+ Field valueField = new Field("dummy", valueType, true);
+ var schema = new Schema(new[] { valueField }, default);
+ IList<IArrowArray> arrays = BuildArrays(schema, bodyByteBuffer, recordBatch.Value);
+ if (arrays.Count != 1)
+ {
+ throw new InvalidDataException("Dictionary record batch must contain only one field");
+ }
+ if (dictionaryBatch.IsDelta)
+ {
+ DictionaryMemo.AddDeltaDictionary(id, arrays[0], _allocator);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ DictionaryMemo.AddOrReplaceDictionary(id, arrays[0]);
+ }
+ }
+ private List<IArrowArray> BuildArrays(
+ Schema schema,
+ ByteBuffer messageBuffer,
+ Flatbuf.RecordBatch recordBatchMessage)
+ {
+ var arrays = new List<IArrowArray>(recordBatchMessage.NodesLength);
+ if (recordBatchMessage.NodesLength == 0)
+ {
+ return arrays;
+ }
+ var recordBatchEnumerator = new RecordBatchEnumerator(in recordBatchMessage);
+ int schemaFieldIndex = 0;
+ do
+ {
+ Field field = schema.GetFieldByIndex(schemaFieldIndex++);
+ Flatbuf.FieldNode fieldNode = recordBatchEnumerator.CurrentNode;
+ ArrayData arrayData = field.DataType.IsFixedPrimitive()
+ ? LoadPrimitiveField(ref recordBatchEnumerator, field, in fieldNode, messageBuffer)
+ : LoadVariableField(ref recordBatchEnumerator, field, in fieldNode, messageBuffer);
+ arrays.Add(ArrowArrayFactory.BuildArray(arrayData));
+ } while (recordBatchEnumerator.MoveNextNode());
+ return arrays;
+ }
+ private ArrayData LoadPrimitiveField(
+ ref RecordBatchEnumerator recordBatchEnumerator,
+ Field field,
+ in Flatbuf.FieldNode fieldNode,
+ ByteBuffer bodyData)
+ {
+ ArrowBuffer nullArrowBuffer = BuildArrowBuffer(bodyData, recordBatchEnumerator.CurrentBuffer);
+ if (!recordBatchEnumerator.MoveNextBuffer())
+ {
+ throw new Exception("Unable to move to the next buffer.");
+ }
+ int fieldLength = (int)fieldNode.Length;
+ int fieldNullCount = (int)fieldNode.NullCount;
+ if (fieldLength < 0)
+ {
+ throw new InvalidDataException("Field length must be >= 0"); // TODO:Localize exception message
+ }
+ if (fieldNullCount < 0)
+ {
+ throw new InvalidDataException("Null count length must be >= 0"); // TODO:Localize exception message
+ }
+ ArrowBuffer[] arrowBuff;
+ if (field.DataType.TypeId == ArrowTypeId.Struct)
+ {
+ arrowBuff = new[] { nullArrowBuffer };
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ArrowBuffer valueArrowBuffer = BuildArrowBuffer(bodyData, recordBatchEnumerator.CurrentBuffer);
+ recordBatchEnumerator.MoveNextBuffer();
+ arrowBuff = new[] { nullArrowBuffer, valueArrowBuffer };
+ }
+ ArrayData[] children = GetChildren(ref recordBatchEnumerator, field, bodyData);
+ IArrowArray dictionary = null;
+ if (field.DataType.TypeId == ArrowTypeId.Dictionary)
+ {
+ long id = DictionaryMemo.GetId(field);
+ dictionary = DictionaryMemo.GetDictionary(id);
+ }
+ return new ArrayData(field.DataType, fieldLength, fieldNullCount, 0, arrowBuff, children, dictionary?.Data);
+ }
+ private ArrayData LoadVariableField(
+ ref RecordBatchEnumerator recordBatchEnumerator,
+ Field field,
+ in Flatbuf.FieldNode fieldNode,
+ ByteBuffer bodyData)
+ {
+ ArrowBuffer nullArrowBuffer = BuildArrowBuffer(bodyData, recordBatchEnumerator.CurrentBuffer);
+ if (!recordBatchEnumerator.MoveNextBuffer())
+ {
+ throw new Exception("Unable to move to the next buffer.");
+ }
+ ArrowBuffer offsetArrowBuffer = BuildArrowBuffer(bodyData, recordBatchEnumerator.CurrentBuffer);
+ if (!recordBatchEnumerator.MoveNextBuffer())
+ {
+ throw new Exception("Unable to move to the next buffer.");
+ }
+ ArrowBuffer valueArrowBuffer = BuildArrowBuffer(bodyData, recordBatchEnumerator.CurrentBuffer);
+ recordBatchEnumerator.MoveNextBuffer();
+ int fieldLength = (int)fieldNode.Length;
+ int fieldNullCount = (int)fieldNode.NullCount;
+ if (fieldLength < 0)
+ {
+ throw new InvalidDataException("Field length must be >= 0"); // TODO: Localize exception message
+ }
+ if (fieldNullCount < 0)
+ {
+ throw new InvalidDataException("Null count length must be >= 0"); //TODO: Localize exception message
+ }
+ ArrowBuffer[] arrowBuff = new[] { nullArrowBuffer, offsetArrowBuffer, valueArrowBuffer };
+ ArrayData[] children = GetChildren(ref recordBatchEnumerator, field, bodyData);
+ IArrowArray dictionary = null;
+ if (field.DataType.TypeId == ArrowTypeId.Dictionary)
+ {
+ long id = DictionaryMemo.GetId(field);
+ dictionary = DictionaryMemo.GetDictionary(id);
+ }
+ return new ArrayData(field.DataType, fieldLength, fieldNullCount, 0, arrowBuff, children, dictionary?.Data);
+ }
+ private ArrayData[] GetChildren(
+ ref RecordBatchEnumerator recordBatchEnumerator,
+ Field field,
+ ByteBuffer bodyData)
+ {
+ if (!(field.DataType is NestedType type)) return null;
+ int childrenCount = type.Fields.Count;
+ var children = new ArrayData[childrenCount];
+ for (int index = 0; index < childrenCount; index++)
+ {
+ recordBatchEnumerator.MoveNextNode();
+ Flatbuf.FieldNode childFieldNode = recordBatchEnumerator.CurrentNode;
+ Field childField = type.Fields[index];
+ ArrayData child = childField.DataType.IsFixedPrimitive()
+ ? LoadPrimitiveField(ref recordBatchEnumerator, childField, in childFieldNode, bodyData)
+ : LoadVariableField(ref recordBatchEnumerator, childField, in childFieldNode, bodyData);
+ children[index] = child;
+ }
+ return children;
+ }
+ private ArrowBuffer BuildArrowBuffer(ByteBuffer bodyData, Flatbuf.Buffer buffer)
+ {
+ if (buffer.Length <= 0)
+ {
+ return ArrowBuffer.Empty;
+ }
+ int offset = (int)buffer.Offset;
+ int length = (int)buffer.Length;
+ var data = bodyData.ToReadOnlyMemory(offset, length);
+ return new ArrowBuffer(data);
+ }
+ }
+ internal struct RecordBatchEnumerator
+ {
+ private Flatbuf.RecordBatch RecordBatch { get; }
+ internal int CurrentBufferIndex { get; private set; }
+ internal int CurrentNodeIndex { get; private set; }
+ internal Flatbuf.Buffer CurrentBuffer => RecordBatch.Buffers(CurrentBufferIndex).GetValueOrDefault();
+ internal Flatbuf.FieldNode CurrentNode => RecordBatch.Nodes(CurrentNodeIndex).GetValueOrDefault();
+ internal bool MoveNextBuffer()
+ {
+ return ++CurrentBufferIndex < RecordBatch.BuffersLength;
+ }
+ internal bool MoveNextNode()
+ {
+ return ++CurrentNodeIndex < RecordBatch.NodesLength;
+ }
+ internal RecordBatchEnumerator(in Flatbuf.RecordBatch recordBatch)
+ {
+ RecordBatch = recordBatch;
+ CurrentBufferIndex = 0;
+ CurrentNodeIndex = 0;
+ }
+ }