path: root/src/arrow/js/test/unit/generated-data-validators.ts
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/arrow/js/test/unit/generated-data-validators.ts')
1 files changed, 184 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/arrow/js/test/unit/generated-data-validators.ts b/src/arrow/js/test/unit/generated-data-validators.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..910386d4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/arrow/js/test/unit/generated-data-validators.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+// distributed with this work for additional information
+// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+// specific language governing permissions and limitations
+// under the License.
+import '../jest-extensions';
+import {
+ GeneratedTable,
+ GeneratedRecordBatch,
+ GeneratedVector
+} from '../generate-test-data';
+import { util } from 'apache-arrow';
+const { createElementComparator: compare } = util;
+type DeferredTest = { description: string; tests?: DeferredTest[]; run: (...args: any[]) => any };
+function deferTest(description: string, run: (...args: any[]) => any) {
+ return { description, run: () => test(description, run) } as DeferredTest;
+function deferDescribe(description: string, tests: DeferredTest | DeferredTest[]) {
+ const t = (Array.isArray(tests) ? tests : [tests]).filter(Boolean);
+ return { description, tests: t, run: () => describe(description, () => { t.forEach((x) =>; } ) };
+export function validateTable({ keys, rows, cols, rowBatches, colBatches, keyBatches, table }: GeneratedTable) {
+ return deferDescribe(`Table: ${table.schema}`, ([] as DeferredTest[]).concat(
+ validateVector({ values: rows, vector: table }),
+, i) =>
+ deferDescribe(`recordBatch ${i}`, validateRecordBatch({
+ keys: keyBatches[i], rows: rowBatches[i], cols: colBatches[i], recordBatch
+ }))
+ ),
+, i) =>
+ deferDescribe(`column ${i}: ${field}`, validateVector({
+ keys: keys()[i],
+ values: () => cols()[i],
+ vector: table.getColumnAt(i)!
+ }))
+ )
+ ));
+export function validateRecordBatch({ rows, cols, keys, recordBatch }: GeneratedRecordBatch) {
+ return deferDescribe(`RecordBatch: ${recordBatch.schema}`, ([] as DeferredTest[]).concat(
+ validateVector({ values: rows, vector: recordBatch }),
+, i) =>
+ deferDescribe(`Field: ${field}`, validateVector({
+ keys: keys()[i],
+ values: () => cols()[i],
+ vector: recordBatch.getChildAt(i)!
+ }))
+ )
+ ));
+export function validateVector({ values: createTestValues, vector, keys }: GeneratedVector, sliced = false) {
+ const values = createTestValues();
+ const suites = [
+ deferDescribe(`Validate ${vector.type} (sliced=${sliced})`, [
+ deferTest(`length is correct`, () => {
+ expect(vector).toHaveLength(values.length);
+ }),
+ deferTest(`gets expected values`, () => {
+ expect.hasAssertions();
+ let i = -1, n = vector.length, actual, expected;
+ try {
+ while (++i < n) {
+ actual = vector.get(i);
+ expected = values[i];
+ expect(actual).toArrowCompare(expected);
+ }
+ } catch (e) { throw new Error(`${vector}[${i}]: ${e}`); }
+ }),
+ (keys && keys.length > 0) && deferTest(`dictionary indices should match`, () => {
+ expect.hasAssertions();
+ let indices = (vector as any).indices;
+ let i = -1, n = indices.length;
+ try {
+ while (++i < n) {
+ indices.isValid(i)
+ ? expect(indices.get(i)).toBe(keys[i])
+ : expect(indices.get(i)).toBeNull();
+ }
+ } catch (e) { throw new Error(`${indices}[${i}]: ${e}`); }
+ }) || null as any as DeferredTest,
+ deferTest(`sets expected values`, () => {
+ expect.hasAssertions();
+ let i = -1, n = vector.length, actual, expected;
+ try {
+ while (++i < n) {
+ expected = vector.get(i);
+ vector.set(i, expected);
+ actual = vector.get(i);
+ expect(actual).toArrowCompare(expected);
+ }
+ } catch (e) { throw new Error(`${vector}[${i}]: ${e}`); }
+ }),
+ deferTest(`iterates expected values`, () => {
+ expect.hasAssertions();
+ let i = -1, actual, expected;
+ try {
+ for (actual of vector) {
+ expected = values[++i];
+ expect(actual).toArrowCompare(expected);
+ }
+ } catch (e) { throw new Error(`${vector}[${i}]: ${e}`); }
+ }),
+ deferTest(`indexOf returns expected values`, () => {
+ expect.hasAssertions();
+ let i = -1, n = vector.length;
+ const shuffled = shuffle(values);
+ let value: any, actual, expected;
+ try {
+ while (++i < n) {
+ value = shuffled[i];
+ actual = vector.indexOf(value);
+ expected = values.findIndex(compare(value));
+ expect(actual).toBe(expected);
+ }
+ // I would be pretty surprised if randomatic ever generates these values
+ expect(vector.indexOf('purple elephants')).toBe(-1);
+ expect(vector.indexOf('whistling wombats')).toBe(-1);
+ expect(vector.indexOf('carnivorous novices')).toBe(-1);
+ } catch (e) { throw new Error(`${vector}[${i}]: ${e}`); }
+ })
+ ])
+ ] as DeferredTest[];
+ if (!sliced) {
+ const begin = (values.length * .25) | 0;
+ const end = (values.length * .75) | 0;
+ suites.push(
+ // test slice with no args
+ validateVector({
+ vector: vector.slice(),
+ values: () => values.slice(),
+ keys: keys ? keys.slice() : undefined
+ }, true),
+ // test slicing half the array
+ validateVector({
+ vector: vector.slice(begin, end),
+ values: () => values.slice(begin, end),
+ keys: keys ? keys.slice(begin, end) : undefined
+ }, true),
+ // test concat each end together
+ validateVector({
+ vector: vector.slice(0, begin).concat(vector.slice(end)),
+ values: () => values.slice(0, begin).concat(values.slice(end)),
+ keys: keys ? [...keys.slice(0, begin), ...keys.slice(end)] : undefined
+ }, true)
+ );
+ return deferDescribe(`Vector`, suites);
+ }
+ return suites[0];
+function shuffle(input: any[]) {
+ const result = input.slice();
+ let j, tmp, i = result.length;
+ while (--i > 0) {
+ j = (Math.random() * (i + 1)) | 0;
+ tmp = result[i];
+ result[i] = result[j];
+ result[j] = tmp;
+ }
+ return result;