path: root/src/arrow/python/pyarrow/tests/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/arrow/python/pyarrow/tests/')
1 files changed, 1886 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/arrow/python/pyarrow/tests/ b/src/arrow/python/pyarrow/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ea1e5e557
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/arrow/python/pyarrow/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,1886 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import bz2
+from contextlib import contextmanager
+from io import (BytesIO, StringIO, TextIOWrapper, BufferedIOBase, IOBase)
+import itertools
+import gc
+import gzip
+import os
+import pathlib
+import pickle
+import pytest
+import sys
+import tempfile
+import weakref
+import numpy as np
+from pyarrow.util import guid
+from pyarrow import Codec
+import pyarrow as pa
+def check_large_seeks(file_factory):
+ if sys.platform in ('win32', 'darwin'):
+ pytest.skip("need sparse file support")
+ try:
+ filename = tempfile.mktemp(prefix='test_io')
+ with open(filename, 'wb') as f:
+ f.truncate(2 ** 32 + 10)
+ ** 32 + 5)
+ f.write(b'mark\n')
+ with file_factory(filename) as f:
+ assert ** 32 + 5) == 2 ** 32 + 5
+ assert f.tell() == 2 ** 32 + 5
+ assert == b'mark\n'
+ assert f.tell() == 2 ** 32 + 10
+ finally:
+ os.unlink(filename)
+def assert_file_not_found():
+ with pytest.raises(FileNotFoundError):
+ yield
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Python file-like objects
+def test_python_file_write():
+ buf = BytesIO()
+ f = pa.PythonFile(buf)
+ assert f.tell() == 0
+ s1 = b'enga\xc3\xb1ado'
+ s2 = b'foobar'
+ f.write(s1)
+ assert f.tell() == len(s1)
+ f.write(s2)
+ expected = s1 + s2
+ result = buf.getvalue()
+ assert result == expected
+ assert not f.closed
+ f.close()
+ assert f.closed
+ with pytest.raises(TypeError, match="binary file expected"):
+ pa.PythonFile(StringIO())
+def test_python_file_read():
+ data = b'some sample data'
+ buf = BytesIO(data)
+ f = pa.PythonFile(buf, mode='r')
+ assert f.size() == len(data)
+ assert f.tell() == 0
+ assert == b'some'
+ assert f.tell() == 4
+ assert f.tell() == 0
+ assert f.tell() == 5
+ v =
+ assert v == b'sample data'
+ assert len(v) == 11
+ assert f.size() == len(data)
+ assert not f.closed
+ f.close()
+ assert f.closed
+ with pytest.raises(TypeError, match="binary file expected"):
+ pa.PythonFile(StringIO(), mode='r')
+def test_python_file_read_at():
+ data = b'some sample data'
+ buf = BytesIO(data)
+ f = pa.PythonFile(buf, mode='r')
+ # test simple read at
+ v = f.read_at(nbytes=5, offset=3)
+ assert v == b'e sam'
+ assert len(v) == 5
+ # test reading entire file when nbytes > len(file)
+ w = f.read_at(nbytes=50, offset=0)
+ assert w == data
+ assert len(w) == 16
+def test_python_file_readall():
+ data = b'some sample data'
+ buf = BytesIO(data)
+ with pa.PythonFile(buf, mode='r') as f:
+ assert f.readall() == data
+def test_python_file_readinto():
+ length = 10
+ data = b'some sample data longer than 10'
+ dst_buf = bytearray(length)
+ src_buf = BytesIO(data)
+ with pa.PythonFile(src_buf, mode='r') as f:
+ assert f.readinto(dst_buf) == 10
+ assert dst_buf[:length] == data[:length]
+ assert len(dst_buf) == length
+def test_python_file_read_buffer():
+ length = 10
+ data = b'0123456798'
+ dst_buf = bytearray(data)
+ class DuckReader:
+ def close(self):
+ pass
+ @property
+ def closed(self):
+ return False
+ def read_buffer(self, nbytes):
+ assert nbytes == length
+ return memoryview(dst_buf)[:nbytes]
+ duck_reader = DuckReader()
+ with pa.PythonFile(duck_reader, mode='r') as f:
+ buf = f.read_buffer(length)
+ assert len(buf) == length
+ assert memoryview(buf).tobytes() == dst_buf[:length]
+ # buf should point to the same memory, so modyfing it
+ memoryview(buf)[0] = ord(b'x')
+ # should modify the original
+ assert dst_buf[0] == ord(b'x')
+def test_python_file_correct_abc():
+ with pa.PythonFile(BytesIO(b''), mode='r') as f:
+ assert isinstance(f, BufferedIOBase)
+ assert isinstance(f, IOBase)
+def test_python_file_iterable():
+ data = b'''line1
+ line2
+ line3
+ '''
+ buf = BytesIO(data)
+ buf2 = BytesIO(data)
+ with pa.PythonFile(buf, mode='r') as f:
+ for read, expected in zip(f, buf2):
+ assert read == expected
+def test_python_file_large_seeks():
+ def factory(filename):
+ return pa.PythonFile(open(filename, 'rb'))
+ check_large_seeks(factory)
+def test_bytes_reader():
+ # Like a BytesIO, but zero-copy underneath for C++ consumers
+ data = b'some sample data'
+ f = pa.BufferReader(data)
+ assert f.tell() == 0
+ assert f.size() == len(data)
+ assert == b'some'
+ assert f.tell() == 4
+ assert f.tell() == 0
+, 2)
+ assert f.tell() == len(data)
+ assert f.tell() == 5
+ assert == b'sample data'
+ assert not f.closed
+ f.close()
+ assert f.closed
+def test_bytes_reader_non_bytes():
+ with pytest.raises(TypeError):
+ pa.BufferReader('some sample data')
+def test_bytes_reader_retains_parent_reference():
+ import gc
+ # ARROW-421
+ def get_buffer():
+ data = b'some sample data' * 1000
+ reader = pa.BufferReader(data)
+ return reader.read_buffer(6)
+ buf = get_buffer()
+ gc.collect()
+ assert buf.to_pybytes() == b'sample'
+ assert buf.parent is not None
+def test_python_file_implicit_mode(tmpdir):
+ path = os.path.join(str(tmpdir), 'foo.txt')
+ with open(path, 'wb') as f:
+ pf = pa.PythonFile(f)
+ assert pf.writable()
+ assert not pf.readable()
+ assert not pf.seekable() # PyOutputStream isn't seekable
+ f.write(b'foobar\n')
+ with open(path, 'rb') as f:
+ pf = pa.PythonFile(f)
+ assert pf.readable()
+ assert not pf.writable()
+ assert pf.seekable()
+ assert == b'foobar\n'
+ bio = BytesIO()
+ pf = pa.PythonFile(bio)
+ assert pf.writable()
+ assert not pf.readable()
+ assert not pf.seekable()
+ pf.write(b'foobar\n')
+ assert bio.getvalue() == b'foobar\n'
+def test_python_file_writelines(tmpdir):
+ lines = [b'line1\n', b'line2\n' b'line3']
+ path = os.path.join(str(tmpdir), 'foo.txt')
+ with open(path, 'wb') as f:
+ try:
+ f = pa.PythonFile(f, mode='w')
+ assert f.writable()
+ f.writelines(lines)
+ finally:
+ f.close()
+ with open(path, 'rb') as f:
+ try:
+ f = pa.PythonFile(f, mode='r')
+ assert f.readable()
+ assert == b''.join(lines)
+ finally:
+ f.close()
+def test_python_file_closing():
+ bio = BytesIO()
+ pf = pa.PythonFile(bio)
+ wr = weakref.ref(pf)
+ del pf
+ assert wr() is None # object was destroyed
+ assert not bio.closed
+ pf = pa.PythonFile(bio)
+ pf.close()
+ assert bio.closed
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Buffers
+def test_buffer_bytes():
+ val = b'some data'
+ buf = pa.py_buffer(val)
+ assert isinstance(buf, pa.Buffer)
+ assert not buf.is_mutable
+ assert buf.is_cpu
+ result = buf.to_pybytes()
+ assert result == val
+ # Check that buffers survive a pickle roundtrip
+ result_buf = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(buf))
+ result = result_buf.to_pybytes()
+ assert result == val
+def test_buffer_memoryview():
+ val = b'some data'
+ buf = pa.py_buffer(val)
+ assert isinstance(buf, pa.Buffer)
+ assert not buf.is_mutable
+ assert buf.is_cpu
+ result = memoryview(buf)
+ assert result == val
+def test_buffer_bytearray():
+ val = bytearray(b'some data')
+ buf = pa.py_buffer(val)
+ assert isinstance(buf, pa.Buffer)
+ assert buf.is_mutable
+ assert buf.is_cpu
+ result = bytearray(buf)
+ assert result == val
+def test_buffer_invalid():
+ with pytest.raises(TypeError,
+ match="(bytes-like object|buffer interface)"):
+ pa.py_buffer(None)
+def test_buffer_weakref():
+ buf = pa.py_buffer(b'some data')
+ wr = weakref.ref(buf)
+ assert wr() is not None
+ del buf
+ assert wr() is None
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('val, expected_hex_buffer',
+ [(b'check', b'636865636B'),
+ (b'\a0', b'0730'),
+ (b'', b'')])
+def test_buffer_hex(val, expected_hex_buffer):
+ buf = pa.py_buffer(val)
+ assert buf.hex() == expected_hex_buffer
+def test_buffer_to_numpy():
+ # Make sure creating a numpy array from an arrow buffer works
+ byte_array = bytearray(20)
+ byte_array[0] = 42
+ buf = pa.py_buffer(byte_array)
+ array = np.frombuffer(buf, dtype="uint8")
+ assert array[0] == byte_array[0]
+ byte_array[0] += 1
+ assert array[0] == byte_array[0]
+ assert array.base == buf
+def test_buffer_from_numpy():
+ # C-contiguous
+ arr = np.arange(12, dtype=np.int8).reshape((3, 4))
+ buf = pa.py_buffer(arr)
+ assert buf.is_cpu
+ assert buf.is_mutable
+ assert buf.to_pybytes() == arr.tobytes()
+ # F-contiguous; note strides information is lost
+ buf = pa.py_buffer(arr.T)
+ assert buf.is_cpu
+ assert buf.is_mutable
+ assert buf.to_pybytes() == arr.tobytes()
+ # Non-contiguous
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="not contiguous"):
+ buf = pa.py_buffer(arr.T[::2])
+def test_buffer_address():
+ b1 = b'some data!'
+ b2 = bytearray(b1)
+ b3 = bytearray(b1)
+ buf1 = pa.py_buffer(b1)
+ buf2 = pa.py_buffer(b1)
+ buf3 = pa.py_buffer(b2)
+ buf4 = pa.py_buffer(b3)
+ assert buf1.address > 0
+ assert buf1.address == buf2.address
+ assert buf3.address != buf2.address
+ assert buf4.address != buf3.address
+ arr = np.arange(5)
+ buf = pa.py_buffer(arr)
+ assert buf.address ==
+def test_buffer_equals():
+ # Buffer.equals() returns true iff the buffers have the same contents
+ def eq(a, b):
+ assert a.equals(b)
+ assert a == b
+ assert not (a != b)
+ def ne(a, b):
+ assert not a.equals(b)
+ assert not (a == b)
+ assert a != b
+ b1 = b'some data!'
+ b2 = bytearray(b1)
+ b3 = bytearray(b1)
+ b3[0] = 42
+ buf1 = pa.py_buffer(b1)
+ buf2 = pa.py_buffer(b2)
+ buf3 = pa.py_buffer(b2)
+ buf4 = pa.py_buffer(b3)
+ buf5 = pa.py_buffer(np.frombuffer(b2, dtype=np.int16))
+ eq(buf1, buf1)
+ eq(buf1, buf2)
+ eq(buf2, buf3)
+ ne(buf2, buf4)
+ # Data type is indifferent
+ eq(buf2, buf5)
+def test_buffer_eq_bytes():
+ buf = pa.py_buffer(b'some data')
+ assert buf == b'some data'
+ assert buf == bytearray(b'some data')
+ assert buf != b'some dat1'
+ with pytest.raises(TypeError):
+ buf == 'some data'
+def test_buffer_getitem():
+ data = bytearray(b'some data!')
+ buf = pa.py_buffer(data)
+ n = len(data)
+ for ix in range(-n, n - 1):
+ assert buf[ix] == data[ix]
+ with pytest.raises(IndexError):
+ buf[n]
+ with pytest.raises(IndexError):
+ buf[-n - 1]
+def test_buffer_slicing():
+ data = b'some data!'
+ buf = pa.py_buffer(data)
+ sliced = buf.slice(2)
+ expected = pa.py_buffer(b'me data!')
+ assert sliced.equals(expected)
+ sliced2 = buf.slice(2, 4)
+ expected2 = pa.py_buffer(b'me d')
+ assert sliced2.equals(expected2)
+ # 0 offset
+ assert buf.slice(0).equals(buf)
+ # Slice past end of buffer
+ assert len(buf.slice(len(buf))) == 0
+ with pytest.raises(IndexError):
+ buf.slice(-1)
+ # Test slice notation
+ assert buf[2:].equals(buf.slice(2))
+ assert buf[2:5].equals(buf.slice(2, 3))
+ assert buf[-5:].equals(buf.slice(len(buf) - 5))
+ with pytest.raises(IndexError):
+ buf[::-1]
+ with pytest.raises(IndexError):
+ buf[::2]
+ n = len(buf)
+ for start in range(-n * 2, n * 2):
+ for stop in range(-n * 2, n * 2):
+ assert buf[start:stop].to_pybytes() == buf.to_pybytes()[start:stop]
+def test_buffer_hashing():
+ # Buffers are unhashable
+ with pytest.raises(TypeError, match="unhashable"):
+ hash(pa.py_buffer(b'123'))
+def test_buffer_protocol_respects_immutability():
+ # ARROW-3228; NumPy's frombuffer ctor determines whether a buffer-like
+ # object is mutable by first attempting to get a mutable buffer using
+ # PyObject_FromBuffer. If that fails, it assumes that the object is
+ # immutable
+ a = b'12345'
+ arrow_ref = pa.py_buffer(a)
+ numpy_ref = np.frombuffer(arrow_ref, dtype=np.uint8)
+ assert not numpy_ref.flags.writeable
+def test_foreign_buffer():
+ obj = np.array([1, 2], dtype=np.int32)
+ addr = obj.__array_interface__["data"][0]
+ size = obj.nbytes
+ buf = pa.foreign_buffer(addr, size, obj)
+ wr = weakref.ref(obj)
+ del obj
+ assert np.frombuffer(buf, dtype=np.int32).tolist() == [1, 2]
+ assert wr() is not None
+ del buf
+ assert wr() is None
+def test_allocate_buffer():
+ buf = pa.allocate_buffer(100)
+ assert buf.size == 100
+ assert buf.is_mutable
+ assert buf.parent is None
+ bit = b'abcde'
+ writer = pa.FixedSizeBufferWriter(buf)
+ writer.write(bit)
+ assert buf.to_pybytes()[:5] == bit
+def test_allocate_buffer_resizable():
+ buf = pa.allocate_buffer(100, resizable=True)
+ assert isinstance(buf, pa.ResizableBuffer)
+ buf.resize(200)
+ assert buf.size == 200
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("compression", [
+ pytest.param(
+ "bz2", marks=pytest.mark.xfail(raises=pa.lib.ArrowNotImplementedError)
+ ),
+ "brotli",
+ "gzip",
+ "lz4",
+ "zstd",
+ "snappy"
+def test_compress_decompress(compression):
+ if not Codec.is_available(compression):
+ pytest.skip("{} support is not built".format(compression))
+ INPUT_SIZE = 10000
+ test_data = (np.random.randint(0, 255, size=INPUT_SIZE)
+ .astype(np.uint8)
+ .tobytes())
+ test_buf = pa.py_buffer(test_data)
+ compressed_buf = pa.compress(test_buf, codec=compression)
+ compressed_bytes = pa.compress(test_data, codec=compression,
+ asbytes=True)
+ assert isinstance(compressed_bytes, bytes)
+ decompressed_buf = pa.decompress(compressed_buf, INPUT_SIZE,
+ codec=compression)
+ decompressed_bytes = pa.decompress(compressed_bytes, INPUT_SIZE,
+ codec=compression, asbytes=True)
+ assert isinstance(decompressed_bytes, bytes)
+ assert decompressed_buf.equals(test_buf)
+ assert decompressed_bytes == test_data
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError):
+ pa.decompress(compressed_bytes, codec=compression)
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("compression", [
+ pytest.param(
+ "bz2", marks=pytest.mark.xfail(raises=pa.lib.ArrowNotImplementedError)
+ ),
+ "brotli",
+ "gzip",
+ "lz4",
+ "zstd",
+ "snappy"
+def test_compression_level(compression):
+ if not Codec.is_available(compression):
+ pytest.skip("{} support is not built".format(compression))
+ # These codecs do not support a compression level
+ no_level = ['snappy', 'lz4']
+ if compression in no_level:
+ assert not Codec.supports_compression_level(compression)
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError):
+ Codec(compression, 0)
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError):
+ Codec.minimum_compression_level(compression)
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError):
+ Codec.maximum_compression_level(compression)
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError):
+ Codec.default_compression_level(compression)
+ return
+ INPUT_SIZE = 10000
+ test_data = (np.random.randint(0, 255, size=INPUT_SIZE)
+ .astype(np.uint8)
+ .tobytes())
+ test_buf = pa.py_buffer(test_data)
+ min_level = Codec.minimum_compression_level(compression)
+ max_level = Codec.maximum_compression_level(compression)
+ default_level = Codec.default_compression_level(compression)
+ assert min_level < max_level
+ assert default_level >= min_level
+ assert default_level <= max_level
+ for compression_level in range(min_level, max_level+1):
+ codec = Codec(compression, compression_level)
+ compressed_buf = codec.compress(test_buf)
+ compressed_bytes = codec.compress(test_data, asbytes=True)
+ assert isinstance(compressed_bytes, bytes)
+ decompressed_buf = codec.decompress(compressed_buf, INPUT_SIZE)
+ decompressed_bytes = codec.decompress(compressed_bytes, INPUT_SIZE,
+ asbytes=True)
+ assert isinstance(decompressed_bytes, bytes)
+ assert decompressed_buf.equals(test_buf)
+ assert decompressed_bytes == test_data
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError):
+ codec.decompress(compressed_bytes)
+ # The ability to set a seed this way is not present on older versions of
+ # numpy (currently in our python 3.6 CI build). Some inputs might just
+ # happen to compress the same between the two levels so using seeded
+ # random numbers is neccesary to help get more reliable results
+ #
+ # The goal of this part is to ensure the compression_level is being
+ # passed down to the C++ layer, not to verify the compression algs
+ # themselves
+ if not hasattr(np.random, 'default_rng'):
+ pytest.skip('Requires newer version of numpy')
+ rng = np.random.default_rng(seed=42)
+ values = rng.integers(0, 100, 1000)
+ arr = pa.array(values)
+ hard_to_compress_buffer = arr.buffers()[1]
+ weak_codec = Codec(compression, min_level)
+ weakly_compressed_buf = weak_codec.compress(hard_to_compress_buffer)
+ strong_codec = Codec(compression, max_level)
+ strongly_compressed_buf = strong_codec.compress(hard_to_compress_buffer)
+ assert len(weakly_compressed_buf) > len(strongly_compressed_buf)
+def test_buffer_memoryview_is_immutable():
+ val = b'some data'
+ buf = pa.py_buffer(val)
+ assert not buf.is_mutable
+ assert isinstance(buf, pa.Buffer)
+ result = memoryview(buf)
+ assert result.readonly
+ with pytest.raises(TypeError) as exc:
+ result[0] = b'h'
+ assert 'cannot modify read-only' in str(exc.value)
+ b = bytes(buf)
+ with pytest.raises(TypeError) as exc:
+ b[0] = b'h'
+ assert 'cannot modify read-only' in str(exc.value)
+def test_uninitialized_buffer():
+ # ARROW-2039: calling Buffer() directly creates an uninitialized object
+ # ARROW-2638: prevent calling extension class constructors directly
+ with pytest.raises(TypeError):
+ pa.Buffer()
+def test_memory_output_stream():
+ # 10 bytes
+ val = b'dataabcdef'
+ f = pa.BufferOutputStream()
+ K = 1000
+ for i in range(K):
+ f.write(val)
+ buf = f.getvalue()
+ assert len(buf) == len(val) * K
+ assert buf.to_pybytes() == val * K
+def test_inmemory_write_after_closed():
+ f = pa.BufferOutputStream()
+ f.write(b'ok')
+ assert not f.closed
+ f.getvalue()
+ assert f.closed
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError):
+ f.write(b'not ok')
+def test_buffer_protocol_ref_counting():
+ def make_buffer(bytes_obj):
+ return bytearray(pa.py_buffer(bytes_obj))
+ buf = make_buffer(b'foo')
+ gc.collect()
+ assert buf == b'foo'
+ # ARROW-1053
+ val = b'foo'
+ refcount_before = sys.getrefcount(val)
+ for i in range(10):
+ make_buffer(val)
+ gc.collect()
+ assert refcount_before == sys.getrefcount(val)
+def test_nativefile_write_memoryview():
+ f = pa.BufferOutputStream()
+ data = b'ok'
+ arr = np.frombuffer(data, dtype='S1')
+ f.write(arr)
+ f.write(bytearray(data))
+ f.write(pa.py_buffer(data))
+ with pytest.raises(TypeError):
+ f.write(data.decode('utf8'))
+ buf = f.getvalue()
+ assert buf.to_pybytes() == data * 3
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Mock output stream
+def test_mock_output_stream():
+ # Make sure that the MockOutputStream and the BufferOutputStream record the
+ # same size
+ # 10 bytes
+ val = b'dataabcdef'
+ f1 = pa.MockOutputStream()
+ f2 = pa.BufferOutputStream()
+ K = 1000
+ for i in range(K):
+ f1.write(val)
+ f2.write(val)
+ assert f1.size() == len(f2.getvalue())
+ # Do the same test with a table
+ record_batch = pa.RecordBatch.from_arrays([pa.array([1, 2, 3])], ['a'])
+ f1 = pa.MockOutputStream()
+ f2 = pa.BufferOutputStream()
+ stream_writer1 = pa.RecordBatchStreamWriter(f1, record_batch.schema)
+ stream_writer2 = pa.RecordBatchStreamWriter(f2, record_batch.schema)
+ stream_writer1.write_batch(record_batch)
+ stream_writer2.write_batch(record_batch)
+ stream_writer1.close()
+ stream_writer2.close()
+ assert f1.size() == len(f2.getvalue())
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# OS files and memory maps
+def sample_disk_data(request, tmpdir):
+ SIZE = 4096
+ arr = np.random.randint(0, 256, size=SIZE).astype('u1')
+ data = arr.tobytes()[:SIZE]
+ path = os.path.join(str(tmpdir), guid())
+ with open(path, 'wb') as f:
+ f.write(data)
+ def teardown():
+ _try_delete(path)
+ request.addfinalizer(teardown)
+ return path, data
+def _check_native_file_reader(FACTORY, sample_data,
+ allow_read_out_of_bounds=True):
+ path, data = sample_data
+ f = FACTORY(path, mode='r')
+ assert == data[:10]
+ assert == b''
+ assert f.tell() == 10
+ assert == data[10:]
+ assert f.size() == len(data)
+ assert f.tell() == 0
+ # Seeking past end of file not supported in memory maps
+ if allow_read_out_of_bounds:
+ + 1)
+ assert f.tell() == len(data) + 1
+ assert == b''
+ # Test whence argument of seek, ARROW-1287
+ assert == 3
+ assert, os.SEEK_CUR) == 6
+ assert f.tell() == 6
+ ex_length = len(data) - 2
+ assert, os.SEEK_END) == ex_length
+ assert f.tell() == ex_length
+def test_memory_map_reader(sample_disk_data):
+ _check_native_file_reader(pa.memory_map, sample_disk_data,
+ allow_read_out_of_bounds=False)
+def test_memory_map_retain_buffer_reference(sample_disk_data):
+ path, data = sample_disk_data
+ cases = []
+ with pa.memory_map(path, 'rb') as f:
+ cases.append((f.read_buffer(100), data[:100]))
+ cases.append((f.read_buffer(100), data[100:200]))
+ cases.append((f.read_buffer(100), data[200:300]))
+ # Call gc.collect() for good measure
+ gc.collect()
+ for buf, expected in cases:
+ assert buf.to_pybytes() == expected
+def test_os_file_reader(sample_disk_data):
+ _check_native_file_reader(pa.OSFile, sample_disk_data)
+def test_os_file_large_seeks():
+ check_large_seeks(pa.OSFile)
+def _try_delete(path):
+ try:
+ os.remove(path)
+ except os.error:
+ pass
+def test_memory_map_writer(tmpdir):
+ SIZE = 4096
+ arr = np.random.randint(0, 256, size=SIZE).astype('u1')
+ data = arr.tobytes()[:SIZE]
+ path = os.path.join(str(tmpdir), guid())
+ with open(path, 'wb') as f:
+ f.write(data)
+ f = pa.memory_map(path, mode='r+b')
+ f.write(b'peekaboo')
+ assert f.tell() == 18
+ assert == b'peekaboo'
+ f2 = pa.memory_map(path, mode='r+b')
+ f2.write(b'booapeak')
+ assert == b'booapeak'
+ # Does not truncate file
+ f3 = pa.memory_map(path, mode='w')
+ f3.write(b'foo')
+ with pa.memory_map(path) as f4:
+ assert f4.size() == SIZE
+ with pytest.raises(IOError):
+ assert == b'foo'
+def test_memory_map_resize(tmpdir):
+ SIZE = 4096
+ arr = np.random.randint(0, 256, size=SIZE).astype(np.uint8)
+ data1 = arr.tobytes()[:(SIZE // 2)]
+ data2 = arr.tobytes()[(SIZE // 2):]
+ path = os.path.join(str(tmpdir), guid())
+ mmap = pa.create_memory_map(path, SIZE / 2)
+ mmap.write(data1)
+ mmap.resize(SIZE)
+ mmap.write(data2)
+ mmap.close()
+ with open(path, 'rb') as f:
+ assert == arr.tobytes()
+def test_memory_zero_length(tmpdir):
+ path = os.path.join(str(tmpdir), guid())
+ f = open(path, 'wb')
+ f.close()
+ with pa.memory_map(path, mode='r+b') as memory_map:
+ assert memory_map.size() == 0
+def test_memory_map_large_seeks():
+ check_large_seeks(pa.memory_map)
+def test_memory_map_close_remove(tmpdir):
+ # ARROW-6740: should be able to delete closed memory-mapped file (Windows)
+ path = os.path.join(str(tmpdir), guid())
+ mmap = pa.create_memory_map(path, 4096)
+ mmap.close()
+ assert mmap.closed
+ os.remove(path) # Shouldn't fail
+def test_memory_map_deref_remove(tmpdir):
+ path = os.path.join(str(tmpdir), guid())
+ pa.create_memory_map(path, 4096)
+ os.remove(path) # Shouldn't fail
+def test_os_file_writer(tmpdir):
+ SIZE = 4096
+ arr = np.random.randint(0, 256, size=SIZE).astype('u1')
+ data = arr.tobytes()[:SIZE]
+ path = os.path.join(str(tmpdir), guid())
+ with open(path, 'wb') as f:
+ f.write(data)
+ # Truncates file
+ f2 = pa.OSFile(path, mode='w')
+ f2.write(b'foo')
+ with pa.OSFile(path) as f3:
+ assert f3.size() == 3
+ with pytest.raises(IOError):
+def test_native_file_write_reject_unicode():
+ # ARROW-3227
+ nf = pa.BufferOutputStream()
+ with pytest.raises(TypeError):
+ nf.write('foo')
+def test_native_file_modes(tmpdir):
+ path = os.path.join(str(tmpdir), guid())
+ with open(path, 'wb') as f:
+ f.write(b'foooo')
+ with pa.OSFile(path, mode='r') as f:
+ assert f.mode == 'rb'
+ assert f.readable()
+ assert not f.writable()
+ assert f.seekable()
+ with pa.OSFile(path, mode='rb') as f:
+ assert f.mode == 'rb'
+ assert f.readable()
+ assert not f.writable()
+ assert f.seekable()
+ with pa.OSFile(path, mode='w') as f:
+ assert f.mode == 'wb'
+ assert not f.readable()
+ assert f.writable()
+ assert not f.seekable()
+ with pa.OSFile(path, mode='wb') as f:
+ assert f.mode == 'wb'
+ assert not f.readable()
+ assert f.writable()
+ assert not f.seekable()
+ with open(path, 'wb') as f:
+ f.write(b'foooo')
+ with pa.memory_map(path, 'r') as f:
+ assert f.mode == 'rb'
+ assert f.readable()
+ assert not f.writable()
+ assert f.seekable()
+ with pa.memory_map(path, 'r+') as f:
+ assert f.mode == 'rb+'
+ assert f.readable()
+ assert f.writable()
+ assert f.seekable()
+ with pa.memory_map(path, 'r+b') as f:
+ assert f.mode == 'rb+'
+ assert f.readable()
+ assert f.writable()
+ assert f.seekable()
+def test_native_file_permissions(tmpdir):
+ # ARROW-10124: permissions of created files should follow umask
+ cur_umask = os.umask(0o002)
+ os.umask(cur_umask)
+ path = os.path.join(str(tmpdir), guid())
+ with pa.OSFile(path, mode='w'):
+ pass
+ assert os.stat(path).st_mode & 0o777 == 0o666 & ~cur_umask
+ path = os.path.join(str(tmpdir), guid())
+ with pa.memory_map(path, 'w'):
+ pass
+ assert os.stat(path).st_mode & 0o777 == 0o666 & ~cur_umask
+def test_native_file_raises_ValueError_after_close(tmpdir):
+ path = os.path.join(str(tmpdir), guid())
+ with open(path, 'wb') as f:
+ f.write(b'foooo')
+ with pa.OSFile(path, mode='rb') as os_file:
+ assert not os_file.closed
+ assert os_file.closed
+ with pa.memory_map(path, mode='rb') as mmap_file:
+ assert not mmap_file.closed
+ assert mmap_file.closed
+ files = [os_file,
+ mmap_file]
+ methods = [('tell', ()),
+ ('seek', (0,)),
+ ('size', ()),
+ ('flush', ()),
+ ('readable', ()),
+ ('writable', ()),
+ ('seekable', ())]
+ for f in files:
+ for method, args in methods:
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError):
+ getattr(f, method)(*args)
+def test_native_file_TextIOWrapper(tmpdir):
+ data = ('foooo\n'
+ 'barrr\n'
+ 'bazzz\n')
+ path = os.path.join(str(tmpdir), guid())
+ with open(path, 'wb') as f:
+ f.write(data.encode('utf-8'))
+ with TextIOWrapper(pa.OSFile(path, mode='rb')) as fil:
+ assert fil.readable()
+ res =
+ assert res == data
+ assert fil.closed
+ with TextIOWrapper(pa.OSFile(path, mode='rb')) as fil:
+ # Iteration works
+ lines = list(fil)
+ assert ''.join(lines) == data
+ # Writing
+ path2 = os.path.join(str(tmpdir), guid())
+ with TextIOWrapper(pa.OSFile(path2, mode='wb')) as fil:
+ assert fil.writable()
+ fil.write(data)
+ with TextIOWrapper(pa.OSFile(path2, mode='rb')) as fil:
+ res =
+ assert res == data
+def test_native_file_open_error():
+ with assert_file_not_found():
+ pa.OSFile('non_existent_file', 'rb')
+ with assert_file_not_found():
+ pa.memory_map('non_existent_file', 'rb')
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Buffered streams
+def test_buffered_input_stream():
+ raw = pa.BufferReader(b"123456789")
+ f = pa.BufferedInputStream(raw, buffer_size=4)
+ assert == b"12"
+ assert raw.tell() == 4
+ f.close()
+ assert f.closed
+ assert raw.closed
+def test_buffered_input_stream_detach_seekable():
+ # detach() to a seekable file (io::RandomAccessFile in C++)
+ f = pa.BufferedInputStream(pa.BufferReader(b"123456789"), buffer_size=4)
+ assert == b"12"
+ raw = f.detach()
+ assert f.closed
+ assert not raw.closed
+ assert raw.seekable()
+ assert == b"5678"
+ assert == b"3456"
+def test_buffered_input_stream_detach_non_seekable():
+ # detach() to a non-seekable file (io::InputStream in C++)
+ f = pa.BufferedInputStream(
+ pa.BufferedInputStream(pa.BufferReader(b"123456789"), buffer_size=4),
+ buffer_size=4)
+ assert == b"12"
+ raw = f.detach()
+ assert f.closed
+ assert not raw.closed
+ assert not raw.seekable()
+ assert == b"5678"
+ with pytest.raises(EnvironmentError):
+def test_buffered_output_stream():
+ np_buf = np.zeros(100, dtype=np.int8) # zero-initialized buffer
+ buf = pa.py_buffer(np_buf)
+ raw = pa.FixedSizeBufferWriter(buf)
+ f = pa.BufferedOutputStream(raw, buffer_size=4)
+ f.write(b"12")
+ assert np_buf[:4].tobytes() == b'\0\0\0\0'
+ f.flush()
+ assert np_buf[:4].tobytes() == b'12\0\0'
+ f.write(b"3456789")
+ f.close()
+ assert f.closed
+ assert raw.closed
+ assert np_buf[:10].tobytes() == b'123456789\0'
+def test_buffered_output_stream_detach():
+ np_buf = np.zeros(100, dtype=np.int8) # zero-initialized buffer
+ buf = pa.py_buffer(np_buf)
+ f = pa.BufferedOutputStream(pa.FixedSizeBufferWriter(buf), buffer_size=4)
+ f.write(b"12")
+ assert np_buf[:4].tobytes() == b'\0\0\0\0'
+ raw = f.detach()
+ assert f.closed
+ assert not raw.closed
+ assert np_buf[:4].tobytes() == b'12\0\0'
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Compressed input and output streams
+def check_compressed_input(data, fn, compression):
+ raw = pa.OSFile(fn, mode="rb")
+ with pa.CompressedInputStream(raw, compression) as compressed:
+ assert not compressed.closed
+ assert compressed.readable()
+ assert not compressed.writable()
+ assert not compressed.seekable()
+ got =
+ assert got == data
+ assert compressed.closed
+ assert raw.closed
+ # Same with read_buffer()
+ raw = pa.OSFile(fn, mode="rb")
+ with pa.CompressedInputStream(raw, compression) as compressed:
+ buf = compressed.read_buffer()
+ assert isinstance(buf, pa.Buffer)
+ assert buf.to_pybytes() == data
+def test_compressed_input_gzip(tmpdir):
+ data = b"some test data\n" * 10 + b"eof\n"
+ fn = str(tmpdir / "compressed_input_test.gz")
+ with, "wb") as f:
+ f.write(data)
+ check_compressed_input(data, fn, "gzip")
+def test_compressed_input_bz2(tmpdir):
+ data = b"some test data\n" * 10 + b"eof\n"
+ fn = str(tmpdir / "compressed_input_test.bz2")
+ with bz2.BZ2File(fn, "w") as f:
+ f.write(data)
+ try:
+ check_compressed_input(data, fn, "bz2")
+ except NotImplementedError as e:
+ pytest.skip(str(e))
+def test_compressed_input_openfile(tmpdir):
+ if not Codec.is_available("gzip"):
+ pytest.skip("gzip support is not built")
+ data = b"some test data\n" * 10 + b"eof\n"
+ fn = str(tmpdir / "test_compressed_input_openfile.gz")
+ with, "wb") as f:
+ f.write(data)
+ with pa.CompressedInputStream(fn, "gzip") as compressed:
+ buf = compressed.read_buffer()
+ assert buf.to_pybytes() == data
+ assert compressed.closed
+ with pa.CompressedInputStream(pathlib.Path(fn), "gzip") as compressed:
+ buf = compressed.read_buffer()
+ assert buf.to_pybytes() == data
+ assert compressed.closed
+ f = open(fn, "rb")
+ with pa.CompressedInputStream(f, "gzip") as compressed:
+ buf = compressed.read_buffer()
+ assert buf.to_pybytes() == data
+ assert f.closed
+def check_compressed_concatenated(data, fn, compression):
+ raw = pa.OSFile(fn, mode="rb")
+ with pa.CompressedInputStream(raw, compression) as compressed:
+ got =
+ assert got == data
+def test_compressed_concatenated_gzip(tmpdir):
+ data = b"some test data\n" * 10 + b"eof\n"
+ fn = str(tmpdir / "compressed_input_test2.gz")
+ with, "wb") as f:
+ f.write(data[:50])
+ with, "ab") as f:
+ f.write(data[50:])
+ check_compressed_concatenated(data, fn, "gzip")
+def test_compressed_input_invalid():
+ data = b"foo" * 10
+ raw = pa.BufferReader(data)
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError):
+ pa.CompressedInputStream(raw, "unknown_compression")
+ with pytest.raises(TypeError):
+ pa.CompressedInputStream(raw, None)
+ with pa.CompressedInputStream(raw, "gzip") as compressed:
+ with pytest.raises(IOError, match="zlib inflate failed"):
+def make_compressed_output(data, fn, compression):
+ raw = pa.BufferOutputStream()
+ with pa.CompressedOutputStream(raw, compression) as compressed:
+ assert not compressed.closed
+ assert not compressed.readable()
+ assert compressed.writable()
+ assert not compressed.seekable()
+ compressed.write(data)
+ assert compressed.closed
+ assert raw.closed
+ with open(fn, "wb") as f:
+ f.write(raw.getvalue())
+def test_compressed_output_gzip(tmpdir):
+ data = b"some test data\n" * 10 + b"eof\n"
+ fn = str(tmpdir / "compressed_output_test.gz")
+ make_compressed_output(data, fn, "gzip")
+ with, "rb") as f:
+ got =
+ assert got == data
+def test_compressed_output_bz2(tmpdir):
+ data = b"some test data\n" * 10 + b"eof\n"
+ fn = str(tmpdir / "compressed_output_test.bz2")
+ try:
+ make_compressed_output(data, fn, "bz2")
+ except NotImplementedError as e:
+ pytest.skip(str(e))
+ with bz2.BZ2File(fn, "r") as f:
+ got =
+ assert got == data
+def test_output_stream_constructor(tmpdir):
+ if not Codec.is_available("gzip"):
+ pytest.skip("gzip support is not built")
+ with pa.CompressedOutputStream(tmpdir / "ctor.gz", "gzip") as stream:
+ stream.write(b"test")
+ with (tmpdir / "ctor2.gz").open("wb") as f:
+ with pa.CompressedOutputStream(f, "gzip") as stream:
+ stream.write(b"test")
+@pytest.mark.parametrize(("path", "expected_compression"), [
+ ("file.bz2", "bz2"),
+ ("file.lz4", "lz4"),
+ (pathlib.Path("file.gz"), "gzip"),
+ (pathlib.Path("path/to/file.zst"), "zstd"),
+def test_compression_detection(path, expected_compression):
+ if not Codec.is_available(expected_compression):
+ with pytest.raises(pa.lib.ArrowNotImplementedError):
+ Codec.detect(path)
+ else:
+ codec = Codec.detect(path)
+ assert isinstance(codec, Codec)
+ assert == expected_compression
+def test_unknown_compression_raises():
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError):
+ Codec.is_available('unknown')
+ with pytest.raises(TypeError):
+ Codec(None)
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError):
+ Codec('unknown')
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("compression", [
+ "bz2",
+ "brotli",
+ "gzip",
+ "lz4",
+ "zstd",
+ pytest.param(
+ "snappy",
+ marks=pytest.mark.xfail(raises=pa.lib.ArrowNotImplementedError)
+ )
+def test_compressed_roundtrip(compression):
+ if not Codec.is_available(compression):
+ pytest.skip("{} support is not built".format(compression))
+ data = b"some test data\n" * 10 + b"eof\n"
+ raw = pa.BufferOutputStream()
+ with pa.CompressedOutputStream(raw, compression) as compressed:
+ compressed.write(data)
+ cdata = raw.getvalue()
+ assert len(cdata) < len(data)
+ raw = pa.BufferReader(cdata)
+ with pa.CompressedInputStream(raw, compression) as compressed:
+ got =
+ assert got == data
+ "compression",
+ ["bz2", "brotli", "gzip", "lz4", "zstd"]
+def test_compressed_recordbatch_stream(compression):
+ if not Codec.is_available(compression):
+ pytest.skip("{} support is not built".format(compression))
+ # ARROW-4836: roundtrip a RecordBatch through a compressed stream
+ table = pa.Table.from_arrays([pa.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])], ['a'])
+ raw = pa.BufferOutputStream()
+ stream = pa.CompressedOutputStream(raw, compression)
+ writer = pa.RecordBatchStreamWriter(stream, table.schema)
+ writer.write_table(table, max_chunksize=3)
+ writer.close()
+ stream.close() # Flush data
+ buf = raw.getvalue()
+ stream = pa.CompressedInputStream(pa.BufferReader(buf), compression)
+ got_table = pa.RecordBatchStreamReader(stream).read_all()
+ assert got_table == table
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Transform input streams
+unicode_transcoding_example = (
+ "Dès Noël où un zéphyr haï me vêt de glaçons würmiens "
+ "je dîne d’exquis rôtis de bœuf au kir à l’aÿ d’âge mûr & cætera !"
+def check_transcoding(data, src_encoding, dest_encoding, chunk_sizes):
+ chunk_sizes = iter(chunk_sizes)
+ stream = pa.transcoding_input_stream(
+ pa.BufferReader(data.encode(src_encoding)),
+ src_encoding, dest_encoding)
+ out = []
+ while True:
+ buf =
+ out.append(buf)
+ if not buf:
+ break
+ out = b''.join(out)
+ assert out.decode(dest_encoding) == data
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('src_encoding, dest_encoding',
+ [('utf-8', 'utf-16'),
+ ('utf-16', 'utf-8'),
+ ('utf-8', 'utf-32-le'),
+ ('utf-8', 'utf-32-be'),
+ ])
+def test_transcoding_input_stream(src_encoding, dest_encoding):
+ # All at once
+ check_transcoding(unicode_transcoding_example,
+ src_encoding, dest_encoding, [1000, 0])
+ # Incremental
+ check_transcoding(unicode_transcoding_example,
+ src_encoding, dest_encoding,
+ itertools.cycle([1, 2, 3, 5]))
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('src_encoding, dest_encoding',
+ [('utf-8', 'utf-8'),
+ ('utf-8', 'UTF8')])
+def test_transcoding_no_ops(src_encoding, dest_encoding):
+ # No indirection is wasted when a trivial transcoding is requested
+ stream = pa.BufferReader(b"abc123")
+ assert pa.transcoding_input_stream(
+ stream, src_encoding, dest_encoding) is stream
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('src_encoding, dest_encoding',
+ [('utf-8', 'ascii'),
+ ('utf-8', 'latin-1'),
+ ])
+def test_transcoding_encoding_error(src_encoding, dest_encoding):
+ # Character \u0100 cannot be represented in the destination encoding
+ stream = pa.transcoding_input_stream(
+ pa.BufferReader("\u0100".encode(src_encoding)),
+ src_encoding,
+ dest_encoding)
+ with pytest.raises(UnicodeEncodeError):
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('src_encoding, dest_encoding',
+ [('utf-8', 'utf-16'),
+ ('utf-16', 'utf-8'),
+ ])
+def test_transcoding_decoding_error(src_encoding, dest_encoding):
+ # The given bytestring is not valid in the source encoding
+ stream = pa.transcoding_input_stream(
+ pa.BufferReader(b"\xff\xff\xff\xff"),
+ src_encoding,
+ dest_encoding)
+ with pytest.raises(UnicodeError):
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# High-level API
+def test_input_stream_buffer():
+ data = b"some test data\n" * 10 + b"eof\n"
+ for arg in [pa.py_buffer(data), memoryview(data)]:
+ stream = pa.input_stream(arg)
+ assert == data
+ gz_data = gzip.compress(data)
+ stream = pa.input_stream(memoryview(gz_data))
+ assert == gz_data
+ stream = pa.input_stream(memoryview(gz_data), compression='gzip')
+ assert == data
+def test_input_stream_duck_typing():
+ # Accept objects having the right file-like methods...
+ class DuckReader:
+ def close(self):
+ pass
+ @property
+ def closed(self):
+ return False
+ def read(self, nbytes=None):
+ return b'hello'
+ stream = pa.input_stream(DuckReader())
+ assert == b'hello'
+def test_input_stream_file_path(tmpdir):
+ data = b"some test data\n" * 10 + b"eof\n"
+ file_path = tmpdir / 'input_stream'
+ with open(str(file_path), 'wb') as f:
+ f.write(data)
+ stream = pa.input_stream(file_path)
+ assert == data
+ stream = pa.input_stream(str(file_path))
+ assert == data
+ stream = pa.input_stream(pathlib.Path(str(file_path)))
+ assert == data
+def test_input_stream_file_path_compressed(tmpdir):
+ data = b"some test data\n" * 10 + b"eof\n"
+ gz_data = gzip.compress(data)
+ file_path = tmpdir / 'input_stream.gz'
+ with open(str(file_path), 'wb') as f:
+ f.write(gz_data)
+ stream = pa.input_stream(file_path)
+ assert == data
+ stream = pa.input_stream(str(file_path))
+ assert == data
+ stream = pa.input_stream(pathlib.Path(str(file_path)))
+ assert == data
+ stream = pa.input_stream(file_path, compression='gzip')
+ assert == data
+ stream = pa.input_stream(file_path, compression=None)
+ assert == gz_data
+def test_input_stream_file_path_buffered(tmpdir):
+ data = b"some test data\n" * 10 + b"eof\n"
+ file_path = tmpdir / 'input_stream.buffered'
+ with open(str(file_path), 'wb') as f:
+ f.write(data)
+ stream = pa.input_stream(file_path, buffer_size=32)
+ assert isinstance(stream, pa.BufferedInputStream)
+ assert == data
+ stream = pa.input_stream(str(file_path), buffer_size=64)
+ assert isinstance(stream, pa.BufferedInputStream)
+ assert == data
+ stream = pa.input_stream(pathlib.Path(str(file_path)), buffer_size=1024)
+ assert isinstance(stream, pa.BufferedInputStream)
+ assert == data
+ unbuffered_stream = pa.input_stream(file_path, buffer_size=0)
+ assert isinstance(unbuffered_stream, pa.OSFile)
+ msg = 'Buffer size must be larger than zero'
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
+ pa.input_stream(file_path, buffer_size=-1)
+ with pytest.raises(TypeError):
+ pa.input_stream(file_path, buffer_size='million')
+def test_input_stream_file_path_compressed_and_buffered(tmpdir):
+ data = b"some test data\n" * 100 + b"eof\n"
+ gz_data = gzip.compress(data)
+ file_path = tmpdir / 'input_stream_compressed_and_buffered.gz'
+ with open(str(file_path), 'wb') as f:
+ f.write(gz_data)
+ stream = pa.input_stream(file_path, buffer_size=32, compression='gzip')
+ assert == data
+ stream = pa.input_stream(str(file_path), buffer_size=64)
+ assert == data
+ stream = pa.input_stream(pathlib.Path(str(file_path)), buffer_size=1024)
+ assert == data
+def test_input_stream_python_file(tmpdir):
+ data = b"some test data\n" * 10 + b"eof\n"
+ bio = BytesIO(data)
+ stream = pa.input_stream(bio)
+ assert == data
+ gz_data = gzip.compress(data)
+ bio = BytesIO(gz_data)
+ stream = pa.input_stream(bio)
+ assert == gz_data
+ stream = pa.input_stream(bio, compression='gzip')
+ assert == data
+ file_path = tmpdir / 'input_stream'
+ with open(str(file_path), 'wb') as f:
+ f.write(data)
+ with open(str(file_path), 'rb') as f:
+ stream = pa.input_stream(f)
+ assert == data
+def test_input_stream_native_file():
+ data = b"some test data\n" * 10 + b"eof\n"
+ gz_data = gzip.compress(data)
+ reader = pa.BufferReader(gz_data)
+ stream = pa.input_stream(reader)
+ assert stream is reader
+ reader = pa.BufferReader(gz_data)
+ stream = pa.input_stream(reader, compression='gzip')
+ assert == data
+def test_input_stream_errors(tmpdir):
+ buf = memoryview(b"")
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError):
+ pa.input_stream(buf, compression="foo")
+ for arg in [bytearray(), StringIO()]:
+ with pytest.raises(TypeError):
+ pa.input_stream(arg)
+ with assert_file_not_found():
+ pa.input_stream("non_existent_file")
+ with open(str(tmpdir / 'new_file'), 'wb') as f:
+ with pytest.raises(TypeError, match="readable file expected"):
+ pa.input_stream(f)
+def test_output_stream_buffer():
+ data = b"some test data\n" * 10 + b"eof\n"
+ buf = bytearray(len(data))
+ stream = pa.output_stream(pa.py_buffer(buf))
+ stream.write(data)
+ assert buf == data
+ buf = bytearray(len(data))
+ stream = pa.output_stream(memoryview(buf))
+ stream.write(data)
+ assert buf == data
+def test_output_stream_duck_typing():
+ # Accept objects having the right file-like methods...
+ class DuckWriter:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.buf = pa.BufferOutputStream()
+ def close(self):
+ pass
+ @property
+ def closed(self):
+ return False
+ def write(self, data):
+ self.buf.write(data)
+ duck_writer = DuckWriter()
+ stream = pa.output_stream(duck_writer)
+ assert stream.write(b'hello')
+ assert duck_writer.buf.getvalue().to_pybytes() == b'hello'
+def test_output_stream_file_path(tmpdir):
+ data = b"some test data\n" * 10 + b"eof\n"
+ file_path = tmpdir / 'output_stream'
+ def check_data(file_path, data):
+ with pa.output_stream(file_path) as stream:
+ stream.write(data)
+ with open(str(file_path), 'rb') as f:
+ assert == data
+ check_data(file_path, data)
+ check_data(str(file_path), data)
+ check_data(pathlib.Path(str(file_path)), data)
+def test_output_stream_file_path_compressed(tmpdir):
+ data = b"some test data\n" * 10 + b"eof\n"
+ file_path = tmpdir / 'output_stream.gz'
+ def check_data(file_path, data, **kwargs):
+ with pa.output_stream(file_path, **kwargs) as stream:
+ stream.write(data)
+ with open(str(file_path), 'rb') as f:
+ return
+ assert gzip.decompress(check_data(file_path, data)) == data
+ assert gzip.decompress(check_data(str(file_path), data)) == data
+ assert gzip.decompress(
+ check_data(pathlib.Path(str(file_path)), data)) == data
+ assert gzip.decompress(
+ check_data(file_path, data, compression='gzip')) == data
+ assert check_data(file_path, data, compression=None) == data
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='Invalid value for compression'):
+ assert check_data(file_path, data, compression='rabbit') == data
+def test_output_stream_file_path_buffered(tmpdir):
+ data = b"some test data\n" * 10 + b"eof\n"
+ file_path = tmpdir / 'output_stream.buffered'
+ def check_data(file_path, data, **kwargs):
+ with pa.output_stream(file_path, **kwargs) as stream:
+ if kwargs.get('buffer_size', 0) > 0:
+ assert isinstance(stream, pa.BufferedOutputStream)
+ stream.write(data)
+ with open(str(file_path), 'rb') as f:
+ return
+ unbuffered_stream = pa.output_stream(file_path, buffer_size=0)
+ assert isinstance(unbuffered_stream, pa.OSFile)
+ msg = 'Buffer size must be larger than zero'
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
+ assert check_data(file_path, data, buffer_size=-128) == data
+ assert check_data(file_path, data, buffer_size=32) == data
+ assert check_data(file_path, data, buffer_size=1024) == data
+ assert check_data(str(file_path), data, buffer_size=32) == data
+ result = check_data(pathlib.Path(str(file_path)), data, buffer_size=32)
+ assert result == data
+def test_output_stream_file_path_compressed_and_buffered(tmpdir):
+ data = b"some test data\n" * 100 + b"eof\n"
+ file_path = tmpdir / 'output_stream_compressed_and_buffered.gz'
+ def check_data(file_path, data, **kwargs):
+ with pa.output_stream(file_path, **kwargs) as stream:
+ stream.write(data)
+ with open(str(file_path), 'rb') as f:
+ return
+ result = check_data(file_path, data, buffer_size=32)
+ assert gzip.decompress(result) == data
+ result = check_data(file_path, data, buffer_size=1024)
+ assert gzip.decompress(result) == data
+ result = check_data(file_path, data, buffer_size=1024, compression='gzip')
+ assert gzip.decompress(result) == data
+def test_output_stream_destructor(tmpdir):
+ # The wrapper returned by pa.output_stream() should respect Python
+ # file semantics, i.e. destroying it should close the underlying
+ # file cleanly.
+ data = b"some test data\n"
+ file_path = tmpdir / 'output_stream.buffered'
+ def check_data(file_path, data, **kwargs):
+ stream = pa.output_stream(file_path, **kwargs)
+ stream.write(data)
+ del stream
+ gc.collect()
+ with open(str(file_path), 'rb') as f:
+ return
+ assert check_data(file_path, data, buffer_size=0) == data
+ assert check_data(file_path, data, buffer_size=1024) == data
+def test_output_stream_python_file(tmpdir):
+ data = b"some test data\n" * 10 + b"eof\n"
+ def check_data(data, **kwargs):
+ # XXX cannot use BytesIO because stream.close() is necessary
+ # to finish writing compressed data, but it will also close the
+ # underlying BytesIO
+ fn = str(tmpdir / 'output_stream_file')
+ with open(fn, 'wb') as f:
+ with pa.output_stream(f, **kwargs) as stream:
+ stream.write(data)
+ with open(fn, 'rb') as f:
+ return
+ assert check_data(data) == data
+ assert gzip.decompress(check_data(data, compression='gzip')) == data
+def test_output_stream_errors(tmpdir):
+ buf = memoryview(bytearray())
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError):
+ pa.output_stream(buf, compression="foo")
+ for arg in [bytearray(), StringIO()]:
+ with pytest.raises(TypeError):
+ pa.output_stream(arg)
+ fn = str(tmpdir / 'new_file')
+ with open(fn, 'wb') as f:
+ pass
+ with open(fn, 'rb') as f:
+ with pytest.raises(TypeError, match="writable file expected"):
+ pa.output_stream(f)