path: root/src/osd/scrubber/scrub_machine.h
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1 files changed, 384 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/osd/scrubber/scrub_machine.h b/src/osd/scrubber/scrub_machine.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..038668fb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/osd/scrubber/scrub_machine.h
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+// -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*-
+// vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab
+#pragma once
+#include <string>
+#include <boost/statechart/custom_reaction.hpp>
+#include <boost/statechart/deferral.hpp>
+#include <boost/statechart/event.hpp>
+#include <boost/statechart/event_base.hpp>
+#include <boost/statechart/in_state_reaction.hpp>
+#include <boost/statechart/simple_state.hpp>
+#include <boost/statechart/state.hpp>
+#include <boost/statechart/state_machine.hpp>
+#include <boost/statechart/transition.hpp>
+#include "common/version.h"
+#include "include/Context.h"
+#include "osd/scrubber_common.h"
+#include "scrub_machine_lstnr.h"
+/// a wrapper that sets the FSM state description used by the
+/// PgScrubber
+/// \todo consider using the full NamedState as in Peering
+struct NamedSimply {
+ explicit NamedSimply(ScrubMachineListener* scrubber, const char* name);
+class PG; // holding a pointer to that one - just for testing
+class PgScrubber;
+namespace Scrub {
+namespace sc = ::boost::statechart;
+namespace mpl = ::boost::mpl;
+void on_event_creation(std::string_view nm);
+void on_event_discard(std::string_view nm);
+#define MEV(E) \
+ struct E : sc::event<E> { \
+ inline static int actv{0}; \
+ E() \
+ { \
+ if (!actv++) \
+ on_event_creation(#E); \
+ } \
+ ~E() \
+ { \
+ if (!--actv) \
+ on_event_discard(#E); \
+ } \
+ void print(std::ostream* out) const { *out << #E; } \
+ std::string_view print() const { return #E; } \
+ };
+/// all replicas have granted our reserve request
+/// a reservation request has failed
+/// initiate a new scrubbing session (relevant if we are a Primary)
+/// initiate a new scrubbing session. Only triggered at Recovery completion
+/// triggered when the PG unblocked an object that was marked for scrubbing.
+/// Via the PGScrubUnblocked op
+/// Update to active_pushes. 'active_pushes' represents recovery that
+/// is in-flight to the local ObjectStore
+/// (Primary only) all updates are committed
+/// the internal counterpart of UpdatesApplied
+/// got a map from a replica
+/// internal - BuildMap preempted. Required, as detected within the ctor
+/// external. called upon success of a MODIFY op. See
+/// scrub_snapshot_metadata()
+/// initiating replica scrub
+/// 'start replica' when there are no pending updates
+/// Update to active_pushes. 'active_pushes' represents recovery
+/// that is in-flight to the local ObjectStore
+/// guarantee that the FSM is in the quiescent state (i.e. NotActive)
+/// finished handling this chunk. Go get the next one
+/// all chunks handled
+struct NotActive; ///< the quiescent state. No active scrubbing.
+struct ReservingReplicas; ///< securing scrub resources from replicas' OSDs
+struct ActiveScrubbing; ///< the active state for a Primary. A sub-machine.
+struct ReplicaWaitUpdates; ///< an active state for a replica. Waiting for all
+ ///< active operations to finish.
+struct ActiveReplica; ///< an active state for a replica.
+class ScrubMachine : public sc::state_machine<ScrubMachine, NotActive> {
+ public:
+ friend class PgScrubber;
+ public:
+ explicit ScrubMachine(PG* pg, ScrubMachineListener* pg_scrub);
+ ~ScrubMachine();
+ spg_t m_pg_id;
+ ScrubMachineListener* m_scrbr;
+ std::ostream& gen_prefix(std::ostream& out) const;
+ void assert_not_active() const;
+ [[nodiscard]] bool is_reserving() const;
+ [[nodiscard]] bool is_accepting_updates() const;
+ * The Scrubber's base (quiescent) state.
+ * Scrubbing is triggered by one of the following events:
+ *
+ * - (standard scenario for a Primary): 'StartScrub'. Initiates the OSDs
+ * resources reservation process. Will be issued by PG::scrub(), following a
+ * queued "PGScrub" op.
+ *
+ * - a special end-of-recovery Primary scrub event ('AfterRepairScrub').
+ *
+ * - (for a replica) 'StartReplica' or 'StartReplicaNoWait', triggered by
+ * an incoming MOSDRepScrub message.
+ *
+ * note (20.8.21): originally, AfterRepairScrub was triggering a scrub without
+ * waiting for replica resources to be acquired. But once replicas started
+ * using the resource-request to identify and tag the scrub session, this
+ * bypass cannot be supported anymore.
+ */
+struct NotActive : sc::state<NotActive, ScrubMachine>, NamedSimply {
+ explicit NotActive(my_context ctx);
+ using reactions =
+ mpl::list<sc::custom_reaction<StartScrub>,
+ // a scrubbing that was initiated at recovery completion:
+ sc::custom_reaction<AfterRepairScrub>,
+ sc::transition<StartReplica, ReplicaWaitUpdates>,
+ sc::transition<StartReplicaNoWait, ActiveReplica>>;
+ sc::result react(const StartScrub&);
+ sc::result react(const AfterRepairScrub&);
+struct ReservingReplicas : sc::state<ReservingReplicas, ScrubMachine>,
+ NamedSimply {
+ explicit ReservingReplicas(my_context ctx);
+ ~ReservingReplicas();
+ using reactions = mpl::list<sc::custom_reaction<FullReset>,
+ // all replicas granted our resources request
+ sc::transition<RemotesReserved, ActiveScrubbing>,
+ sc::custom_reaction<ReservationFailure>>;
+ sc::result react(const FullReset&);
+ /// at least one replica denied us the scrub resources we've requested
+ sc::result react(const ReservationFailure&);
+// the "active" sub-states
+/// the objects range is blocked
+struct RangeBlocked;
+/// either delaying the scrub by some time and requeuing, or just requeue
+struct PendingTimer;
+/// select a chunk to scrub, and verify its availability
+struct NewChunk;
+struct WaitPushes;
+struct WaitLastUpdate;
+struct BuildMap;
+/// a problem during BuildMap. Wait for all replicas to report, then restart.
+struct DrainReplMaps;
+/// wait for all replicas to report
+struct WaitReplicas;
+struct WaitDigestUpdate;
+struct ActiveScrubbing
+ : sc::state<ActiveScrubbing, ScrubMachine, PendingTimer>, NamedSimply {
+ explicit ActiveScrubbing(my_context ctx);
+ ~ActiveScrubbing();
+ using reactions = mpl::list<sc::custom_reaction<InternalError>,
+ sc::custom_reaction<FullReset>>;
+ sc::result react(const FullReset&);
+ sc::result react(const InternalError&);
+struct RangeBlocked : sc::state<RangeBlocked, ActiveScrubbing>, NamedSimply {
+ explicit RangeBlocked(my_context ctx);
+ using reactions = mpl::list<sc::transition<Unblocked, PendingTimer>>;
+ Scrub::BlockedRangeWarning m_timeout;
+struct PendingTimer : sc::state<PendingTimer, ActiveScrubbing>, NamedSimply {
+ explicit PendingTimer(my_context ctx);
+ using reactions = mpl::list<sc::transition<InternalSchedScrub, NewChunk>>;
+struct NewChunk : sc::state<NewChunk, ActiveScrubbing>, NamedSimply {
+ explicit NewChunk(my_context ctx);
+ using reactions = mpl::list<sc::transition<ChunkIsBusy, RangeBlocked>,
+ sc::custom_reaction<SelectedChunkFree>>;
+ sc::result react(const SelectedChunkFree&);
+ * initiate the update process for this chunk
+ *
+ * Wait fo 'active_pushes' to clear.
+ * 'active_pushes' represents recovery that is in-flight to the local
+ * Objectstore, hence scrub waits until the correct data is readable
+ * (in-flight data to the Objectstore is not readable until written to
+ * disk, termed 'applied' here)
+ */
+struct WaitPushes : sc::state<WaitPushes, ActiveScrubbing>, NamedSimply {
+ explicit WaitPushes(my_context ctx);
+ using reactions = mpl::list<sc::custom_reaction<ActivePushesUpd>>;
+ sc::result react(const ActivePushesUpd&);
+struct WaitLastUpdate : sc::state<WaitLastUpdate, ActiveScrubbing>,
+ NamedSimply {
+ explicit WaitLastUpdate(my_context ctx);
+ void on_new_updates(const UpdatesApplied&);
+ using reactions =
+ mpl::list<sc::custom_reaction<InternalAllUpdates>,
+ sc::in_state_reaction<UpdatesApplied,
+ WaitLastUpdate,
+ &WaitLastUpdate::on_new_updates>>;
+ sc::result react(const InternalAllUpdates&);
+struct BuildMap : sc::state<BuildMap, ActiveScrubbing>, NamedSimply {
+ explicit BuildMap(my_context ctx);
+ // possible error scenarios:
+ // - an error reported by the backend will trigger an 'InternalError' event,
+ // handled by our parent state;
+ // - if preempted, we switch to DrainReplMaps, where we will wait for all
+ // replicas to send their maps before acknowledging the preemption;
+ // - an interval change will be handled by the relevant 'send-event'
+ // functions, and will translated into a 'FullReset' event.
+ using reactions = mpl::list<sc::transition<IntBmPreempted, DrainReplMaps>,
+ // looping, waiting for the backend to finish:
+ sc::transition<InternalSchedScrub, BuildMap>,
+ sc::custom_reaction<IntLocalMapDone>>;
+ sc::result react(const IntLocalMapDone&);
+ * "drain" scrub-maps responses from replicas
+ */
+struct DrainReplMaps : sc::state<DrainReplMaps, ActiveScrubbing>, NamedSimply {
+ explicit DrainReplMaps(my_context ctx);
+ using reactions =
+ // all replicas are accounted for:
+ mpl::list<sc::custom_reaction<GotReplicas>>;
+ sc::result react(const GotReplicas&);
+struct WaitReplicas : sc::state<WaitReplicas, ActiveScrubbing>, NamedSimply {
+ explicit WaitReplicas(my_context ctx);
+ using reactions = mpl::list<
+ // all replicas are accounted for:
+ sc::custom_reaction<GotReplicas>,
+ sc::custom_reaction<DigestUpdate>>;
+ sc::result react(const GotReplicas&);
+ sc::result react(const DigestUpdate&);
+ bool all_maps_already_called{false}; // see comment in react code
+struct WaitDigestUpdate : sc::state<WaitDigestUpdate, ActiveScrubbing>,
+ NamedSimply {
+ explicit WaitDigestUpdate(my_context ctx);
+ using reactions = mpl::list<sc::custom_reaction<DigestUpdate>,
+ sc::custom_reaction<ScrubFinished>,
+ sc::transition<NextChunk, PendingTimer>>;
+ sc::result react(const DigestUpdate&);
+ sc::result react(const ScrubFinished&);
+// ----------------------------- the "replica active" states
+ * Waiting for 'active_pushes' to complete
+ *
+ * When in this state:
+ * - the details of the Primary's request were internalized by PgScrubber;
+ * - 'active' scrubbing is set
+ */
+struct ReplicaWaitUpdates : sc::state<ReplicaWaitUpdates, ScrubMachine>,
+ NamedSimply {
+ explicit ReplicaWaitUpdates(my_context ctx);
+ using reactions = mpl::list<sc::custom_reaction<ReplicaPushesUpd>,
+ sc::custom_reaction<FullReset>>;
+ sc::result react(const ReplicaPushesUpd&);
+ sc::result react(const FullReset&);
+struct ActiveReplica : sc::state<ActiveReplica, ScrubMachine>, NamedSimply {
+ explicit ActiveReplica(my_context ctx);
+ using reactions = mpl::list<sc::custom_reaction<SchedReplica>,
+ sc::custom_reaction<FullReset>>;
+ sc::result react(const SchedReplica&);
+ sc::result react(const FullReset&);
+} // namespace Scrub