path: root/src/bin/dhcp6/tests/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/bin/dhcp6/tests/')
1 files changed, 1335 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/bin/dhcp6/tests/ b/src/bin/dhcp6/tests/
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index 0000000..055ddd0
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+++ b/src/bin/dhcp6/tests/
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+// Copyright (C) 2014-2023 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC")
+// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+// file, You can obtain one at
+#include <config.h>
+#include <dhcp/testutils/iface_mgr_test_config.h>
+#include <dhcp/option6_client_fqdn.h>
+#include <dhcp/option6_pdexclude.h>
+#include <dhcp6/tests/dhcp6_test_utils.h>
+#include <dhcp6/tests/dhcp6_client.h>
+#include <dhcpsrv/cfgmgr.h>
+#include <dhcpsrv/d2_client_mgr.h>
+#include <asiolink/io_address.h>
+#include <stats/stats_mgr.h>
+#include <set>
+#include <vector>
+using namespace isc;
+using namespace isc::asiolink;
+using namespace isc::dhcp;
+using namespace isc::dhcp::test;
+using namespace isc::stats;
+namespace {
+/// @brief Set of JSON configurations used by the SARR unit tests.
+/// - Configuration 0:
+/// - one subnet 3000::/32 used on eth0 interface
+/// - prefixes of length 64, delegated from the pool: 2001:db8:3::/48
+/// - the delegated prefix was intentionally selected to not match the
+/// subnet prefix, to test that the delegated prefix doesn't need to
+/// match the subnet prefix
+/// - Configuration 1:
+/// - two subnets 2001:db8:1::/48 and 2001:db8:2::/48
+/// - first subnet assigned to interface eth0, another one assigned to eth1
+/// - one pool for subnet in a range of 2001:db8:X::1 - 2001:db8:X::10,
+/// where X is 1 or 2
+/// - enables Rapid Commit for the first subnet and disables for the second
+/// one
+/// - DNS updates enabled
+/// - Configuration 2:
+/// - single subnet 3000::/32,
+/// - two options specified in the subnet scope,
+/// - one option specified at the global scope,
+/// - two address pools: 3000::10-3000::20, 3000::40-3000::50,
+/// - two prefix pools: 2001:db8:3::/64 and 2001:db8:4::/64,
+/// - an option with unique value specified for each pool, so as it is
+/// possible to test that pool specific options can be assigned.
+/// - Configuration 3:
+/// - one subnet 3000::/32 used on eth0 interface
+/// - prefixes of length 64, delegated from the pool: 2001:db8:3::/48
+/// - Excluded Prefix specified (RFC 6603).
+/// - Configuration 4:
+/// - Simple configuration with a single subnet
+/// - Two host reservations, one out of the pool, another one in pool
+/// - The reservations-in-subnet and reservations-out-of-pool flags are set to
+/// true to test that only out of pool reservations are honored.
+/// - Configuration 5:
+/// - Selects random allocator for addresses.
+/// - One subnet with three distinct pools.
+/// - Random allocator enabled globally for addresses.
+/// - Iterative allocator for prefix delegation.
+/// - Configuration 6:
+/// - Selects random allocator for delegated prefixes.
+/// - One subnet with three distinct pools.
+/// - Random allocator enabled globally for delegated prefixes.
+/// - Iterative allocator for address allocation.
+const char* CONFIGS[] = {
+ // Configuration 0
+ "{ \"interfaces-config\": {"
+ " \"interfaces\": [ \"*\" ]"
+ "},"
+ "\"preferred-lifetime\": 3000,"
+ "\"rebind-timer\": 2000, "
+ "\"renew-timer\": 1000, "
+ "\"subnet6\": [ { "
+ " \"id\": 1, "
+ " \"pd-pools\": ["
+ " { \"prefix\": \"2001:db8:3::\", "
+ " \"prefix-len\": 48, "
+ " \"delegated-len\": 64"
+ " } ],"
+ " \"subnet\": \"3000::/32\", "
+ " \"interface-id\": \"\","
+ " \"interface\": \"eth0\""
+ " } ],"
+ "\"valid-lifetime\": 4000 }",
+ // Configuration 1
+ "{ \"interfaces-config\": {"
+ " \"interfaces\": [ \"*\" ]"
+ "},"
+ "\"preferred-lifetime\": 3000,"
+ "\"rebind-timer\": 2000, "
+ "\"renew-timer\": 1000, "
+ "\"subnet6\": [ { "
+ " \"id\": 1, "
+ " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db8:1::1 - 2001:db8:1::10\" } ],"
+ " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:1::/48\", "
+ " \"interface\": \"eth0\","
+ " \"rapid-commit\": true"
+ " },"
+ " {"
+ " \"id\": 2, "
+ " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db8:2::1 - 2001:db8:2::10\" } ],"
+ " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:2::/48\", "
+ " \"interface\": \"eth1\","
+ " \"rapid-commit\": false"
+ " } ],"
+ "\"valid-lifetime\": 4000,"
+ " \"dhcp-ddns\" : {"
+ " \"enable-updates\" : true, "
+ " \"qualifying-suffix\" : \"\" }"
+ "}",
+ // Configuration 2
+ "{ \"interfaces-config\": {"
+ " \"interfaces\": [ \"*\" ]"
+ "},"
+ "\"preferred-lifetime\": 3000,"
+ "\"rebind-timer\": 2000, "
+ "\"renew-timer\": 1000, "
+ "\"option-data\": [ {"
+ " \"name\": \"dns-servers\","
+ " \"data\": \"3000:1::234\""
+ "},"
+ "{"
+ " \"name\": \"sntp-servers\","
+ " \"data\": \"3000:2::1\""
+ "} ],"
+ "\"subnet6\": [ { "
+ " \"id\": 1, "
+ " \"option-data\": [ {"
+ " \"name\": \"dns-servers\","
+ " \"data\": \"3000:1::567\""
+ " },"
+ " {"
+ " \"name\": \"sntp-servers\","
+ " \"data\": \"3000:2::1\""
+ " } ],"
+ " \"pools\": [ { "
+ " \"pool\": \"3000::10 - 3000::20\","
+ " \"option-data\": [ {"
+ " \"name\": \"sntp-servers\","
+ " \"data\": \"3000:2::2\""
+ " } ]"
+ " },"
+ " {"
+ " \"pool\": \"3000::40 - 3000::50\","
+ " \"option-data\": [ {"
+ " \"name\": \"nisp-servers\","
+ " \"data\": \"3000:2::3\""
+ " } ]"
+ " } ],"
+ " \"pd-pools\": [ { "
+ " \"prefix\": \"2001:db8:3::\","
+ " \"prefix-len\": 64,"
+ " \"delegated-len\": 64,"
+ " \"option-data\": [ {"
+ " \"name\": \"dns-servers\","
+ " \"data\": \"3000:1::678\""
+ " } ]"
+ " },"
+ " {"
+ " \"prefix\": \"2001:db8:4::\","
+ " \"prefix-len\": 64,"
+ " \"delegated-len\": 64,"
+ " \"option-data\": [ {"
+ " \"name\": \"nis-servers\","
+ " \"data\": \"3000:1::789\""
+ " } ]"
+ " } ],"
+ " \"subnet\": \"3000::/32\", "
+ " \"interface\": \"eth0\""
+ " } ],"
+ "\"valid-lifetime\": 4000"
+ "}",
+ // Configuration 3
+ "{ \"interfaces-config\": {"
+ " \"interfaces\": [ \"*\" ]"
+ "},"
+ "\"preferred-lifetime\": 3000,"
+ "\"rebind-timer\": 2000, "
+ "\"renew-timer\": 1000, "
+ "\"subnet6\": [ { "
+ " \"id\": 1, "
+ " \"pd-pools\": ["
+ " { \"prefix\": \"2001:db8:3::\", "
+ " \"prefix-len\": 48, "
+ " \"delegated-len\": 64,"
+ " \"excluded-prefix\": \"2001:db8:3::1000\","
+ " \"excluded-prefix-len\": 120"
+ " } ],"
+ " \"subnet\": \"3000::/32\", "
+ " \"interface-id\": \"\","
+ " \"interface\": \"eth0\""
+ " } ],"
+ "\"valid-lifetime\": 4000"
+ "}",
+ // Configuration 4
+ "{ \"interfaces-config\": {"
+ " \"interfaces\": [ \"*\" ]"
+ "},"
+ "\"preferred-lifetime\": 3000,"
+ "\"rebind-timer\": 2000, "
+ "\"renew-timer\": 1000, "
+ "\"subnet6\": [ { "
+ " \"id\": 1, "
+ " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db8:1::1 - 2001:db8:1::10\" } ],"
+ " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:1::/48\", "
+ " \"interface\": \"eth0\", "
+ " \"reservations-global\": false,"
+ " \"reservations-in-subnet\": true,"
+ " \"reservations-out-of-pool\": true,"
+ " \"reservations\": [ "
+ " {"
+ " \"duid\": \"aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff\","
+ " \"ip-addresses\": [\"2001:db8:1::20\"]"
+ " },"
+ " {"
+ " \"duid\": \"11:22:33:44:55:66\","
+ " \"ip-addresses\": [\"2001:db8:1::5\"]"
+ " }"
+ " ]"
+ "} ]"
+ "}",
+ // Configuration 5
+ "{ \"interfaces-config\": {"
+ " \"interfaces\": [ \"*\" ]"
+ "},"
+ "\"allocator\": \"random\","
+ "\"pd-allocator\": \"iterative\","
+ "\"preferred-lifetime\": 3000,"
+ "\"rebind-timer\": 2000, "
+ "\"renew-timer\": 1000, "
+ "\"subnet6\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"pools\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"pool\": \"3000::20 - 3000::60\""
+ " }"
+ " ],"
+ " \"pd-pools\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"prefix\": \"2001:db8:3::\", "
+ " \"prefix-len\": 48, "
+ " \"delegated-len\": 64"
+ " }"
+ " ],"
+ " \"id\": 1, "
+ " \"subnet\": \"3000::/32\", "
+ " \"interface\": \"eth0\""
+ " }"
+ "],"
+ "\"valid-lifetime\": 4000 }",
+ // Configuration 6
+ "{ \"interfaces-config\": {"
+ " \"interfaces\": [ \"*\" ]"
+ "},"
+ "\"allocator\": \"iterative\","
+ "\"pd-allocator\": \"random\","
+ "\"preferred-lifetime\": 3000,"
+ "\"rebind-timer\": 2000, "
+ "\"renew-timer\": 1000, "
+ "\"subnet6\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"pools\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"pool\": \"3000::20 - 3000::60\""
+ " }"
+ " ],"
+ " \"pd-pools\": ["
+ " {"
+ " \"prefix\": \"2001:db8:3::\", "
+ " \"prefix-len\": 48, "
+ " \"delegated-len\": 64"
+ " }"
+ " ],"
+ " \"id\": 1, "
+ " \"subnet\": \"3000::/32\", "
+ " \"interface\": \"eth0\""
+ " }"
+ "],"
+ "\"valid-lifetime\": 4000 }",
+ // Configuration 7
+ R"({
+ "cache-max-age": 600,
+ "cache-threshold": .50,
+ "interfaces-config": {
+ "interfaces": [ "*" ]
+ },
+ "subnet6": [
+ {
+ "id": 1,
+ "interface": "eth0",
+ "pools": [
+ {
+ "pool": "2001:db8::10 - 2001:db8::20"
+ },
+ ],
+ "pd-pools": [
+ {
+ "prefix": "2001:db8:1::",
+ "prefix-len": 64,
+ "delegated-len": 96
+ },
+ ],
+ "subnet": "2001:db8::/32"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 2,
+ "subnet": "3001:db8::/32"
+ }
+ ],
+ "valid-lifetime": 600
+ })",
+/// @brief Test fixture class for testing 4-way exchange: Solicit-Advertise,
+/// Request-Reply and 2-way exchange: Solicit-Reply.
+class SARRTest : public Dhcpv6SrvTest {
+ /// @brief Constructor.
+ ///
+ /// Sets up fake interfaces.
+ SARRTest()
+ : Dhcpv6SrvTest(),
+ iface_mgr_test_config_(true) {
+ // Let's wipe all existing statistics.
+ isc::stats::StatsMgr::instance().removeAll();
+ }
+ /// @brief Destructor.
+ ///
+ /// Clear the DHCP-DDNS configuration.
+ virtual ~SARRTest() {
+ D2ClientConfigPtr cfg(new D2ClientConfig());
+ CfgMgr::instance().setD2ClientConfig(cfg);
+ // Let's wipe all existing statistics.
+ isc::stats::StatsMgr::instance().removeAll();
+ }
+ /// @brief Check that server processes correctly a prefix hint sent by the
+ /// client. This test checks that the server doesn't allocate colliding
+ /// prefixes as a result of receiving hints from two clients which set the
+ /// non-significant bytes of the prefix in their hints. The server should
+ /// zero the non-significant bytes of the hint and allocate the prefix of
+ /// the correct (configured) length.
+ void directClientPrefixHint();
+ /// @brief Check that the server assigns a delegated prefix that is later
+ /// returned to the client for various prefix hints.
+ ///
+ /// When the client renews the lease, it sends a prefix hint with the same
+ /// prefix but with a different prefix length. In another case, the client
+ /// asks for the same prefix length but different prefix. In both cases,
+ /// the server should return an existing lease.
+ void directClientPrefixLengthHintRenewal();
+ /// @brief This test verifies that the same options can be specified on the
+ /// global level, subnet level and pool level. The options associated with
+ /// pools are used when the lease is handed out from these pools.
+ void optionsInheritance();
+ /// @brief This test verifies that it is possible to specify an excluded
+ /// prefix (RFC 6603) and send it back to the client requesting prefix
+ /// delegation.
+ void directClientExcludedPrefix();
+ /// @brief Check that when the client includes the Rapid Commit option in
+ /// its Solicit, the server responds with Reply and commits the lease.
+ void rapidCommitEnable();
+ /// @brief Check that the server responds with Advertise if the client
+ /// hasn't included the Rapid Commit option in the Solicit.
+ void rapidCommitNoOption();
+ /// @brief Check that when the Rapid Commit support is disabled for the
+ /// subnet the server replies with an Advertise and ignores the Rapid Commit
+ /// option sent by the client.
+ void rapidCommitDisable();
+ /// @brief This test verifies that regular Solicit/Adv/Request/Reply
+ /// exchange will result in appropriately set statistics.
+ void sarrStats();
+ /// @brief This test verifies that pkt6-receive-drop is increased properly
+ /// when the client's packet is rejected due to mismatched server-id value.
+ void pkt6ReceiveDropStat1();
+ /// @brief This test verifies that pkt6-receive-drop is increased properly
+ /// when the client's packet is rejected due to being unicast communication.
+ void pkt6ReceiveDropStat2();
+ /// @brief This test verifies that pkt6-receive-drop is increased properly
+ /// when the client's packet is rejected due to having too many client-id
+ /// options (exactly one is expected).
+ void pkt6ReceiveDropStat3();
+ /// @brief This test verifies that in pool reservations are ignored when the
+ /// reservations-out-of-pool flag is set to true.
+ void reservationModeOutOfPool();
+ /// @brief This test verifies that the in-pool reservation can be assigned
+ /// to a client not owning this reservation when the
+ /// reservations-out-of-pool flag is set to true.
+ void reservationIgnoredInOutOfPoolMode();
+ /// @brief This test verifies that random allocator is used according
+ /// to the configuration and it allocates random addresses.
+ void randomAddressAllocation();
+ /// @brief This test verifies that random allocator is used according
+ /// to the configuration and it allocates random prefixes.
+ void randomPrefixAllocation();
+ /// @brief Checks that features related to lease caching (such as lease reuse statistics) work.
+ void leaseCaching();
+ /// @brief Checks the value of a statistic.
+ ///
+ /// @param name name of statistic to check
+ /// @param expected_size expected number of statistic samples
+ /// @param expected_value expected value of the latest statistic sample
+ void checkStat(string const& name,
+ size_t const expected_size,
+ int64_t const expected_value);
+ /// @brief Interface Manager's fake configuration control.
+ IfaceMgrTestConfig iface_mgr_test_config_;
+SARRTest::directClientPrefixHint() {
+ Dhcp6Client client;
+ // Configure client to request IA_PD.
+ client.requestPrefix();
+ configure(CONFIGS[0], *client.getServer());
+ // Make sure we ended-up having expected number of subnets configured.
+ const Subnet6Collection* subnets = CfgMgr::instance().getCurrentCfg()->
+ getCfgSubnets6()->getAll();
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, subnets->size());
+ // Append IAPREFIX option to the client's message.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client.requestPrefix(5678, 64, asiolink::IOAddress("2001:db8:3:33::33")));
+ // Perform 4-way exchange.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client.doSARR());
+ // Server should have assigned a prefix.
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, client.getLeaseNum());
+ Lease6 lease_client = client.getLease(0);
+ // The server should correctly deal with the least significant bytes
+ // of the hint being set. It should set them to zero and use the
+ // valid portion of the hint.
+ EXPECT_EQ("2001:db8:3:33::", lease_client.addr_.toText());
+ // Server ignores other parts of the IAPREFIX option.
+ EXPECT_EQ(64, lease_client.prefixlen_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(3000, lease_client.preferred_lft_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(4000, lease_client.valid_lft_);
+ Lease6Ptr lease_server = checkLease(lease_client);
+ // Check that the server recorded the lease.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease_server);
+ // Remove existing lease and modify the DUID of the client to simulate
+ // the case that different client is trying to get the prefix.
+ client.clearConfig();
+ client.modifyDUID();
+ // Use the hint with some least significant bytes set.
+ client.clearRequestedIAs();
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client.requestPrefix(5678, 64, IOAddress("2001:db8:3:33::34")));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client.doSARR());
+ // Server should assign a lease.
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, client.getLeaseNum());
+ lease_client = client.getLease(0);
+ // The hint collides with the existing lease, so the server should not
+ // assign for the second client.
+ EXPECT_NE("2001:db8:3:33::", lease_client.addr_.toText());
+ EXPECT_NE("2001:db8:3:33::34", lease_client.addr_.toText());
+ // Check that the assigned prefix belongs to the pool.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(!subnets->empty());
+ (*subnets->begin())->inPool(Lease::TYPE_PD, lease_client.addr_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(64, lease_client.prefixlen_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(3000, lease_client.preferred_lft_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(4000, lease_client.valid_lft_);
+ lease_server = checkLease(lease_client);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease_server);
+TEST_F(SARRTest, directClientPrefixHint) {
+ Dhcpv6SrvMTTestGuard guard(*this, false);
+ directClientPrefixHint();
+TEST_F(SARRTest, directClientPrefixHintMultiThreading) {
+ Dhcpv6SrvMTTestGuard guard(*this, true);
+ directClientPrefixHint();
+SARRTest::directClientPrefixLengthHintRenewal() {
+ Dhcp6Client client;
+ // Configure client to request IA_PD.
+ client.requestPrefix();
+ configure(CONFIGS[0], *client.getServer());
+ // Make sure we ended-up having expected number of subnets configured.
+ const Subnet6Collection* subnets = CfgMgr::instance().getCurrentCfg()->
+ getCfgSubnets6()->getAll();
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, subnets->size());
+ // Append IAPREFIX option to the client's message.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client.requestPrefix(5678, 64, asiolink::IOAddress("2001:db8:3:36::")));
+ // Perform 4-way exchange.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client.doSARR());
+ // Server should have assigned a prefix.
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, client.getLeaseNum());
+ Lease6 lease_client = client.getLease(0);
+ // The server should respect the prefix hint.
+ EXPECT_EQ("2001:db8:3:36::", lease_client.addr_.toText());
+ // Server ignores other parts of the IAPREFIX option.
+ EXPECT_EQ(64, lease_client.prefixlen_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(3000, lease_client.preferred_lft_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(4000, lease_client.valid_lft_);
+ Lease6Ptr lease_server = checkLease(lease_client);
+ // Check that the server recorded the lease.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease_server);
+ // Request the same prefix with a different length. The server should
+ // return an existing lease.
+ client.clearRequestedIAs();
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client.requestPrefix(5678, 80, IOAddress("2001:db8:3:36::")));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client.doSARR());
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, client.getLeaseNum());
+ lease_client = client.getLease(0);
+ EXPECT_EQ("2001:db8:3:36::", lease_client.addr_.toText());
+ EXPECT_EQ(64, lease_client.prefixlen_);
+ // Try to request another prefix. The client should still get the existing
+ // lease.
+ client.clearRequestedIAs();
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client.requestPrefix(5678, 64, IOAddress("2001:db8:3:37::")));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client.doSARR());
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, client.getLeaseNum());
+ lease_client = client.getLease(0);
+ EXPECT_EQ("2001:db8:3:36::", lease_client.addr_.toText());
+ EXPECT_EQ(64, lease_client.prefixlen_);
+TEST_F(SARRTest, directClientPrefixLengthHintRenewal) {
+ Dhcpv6SrvMTTestGuard guard(*this, false);
+ directClientPrefixLengthHintRenewal();
+TEST_F(SARRTest, directClientPrefixLengthHintRenewalMultiThreading) {
+ Dhcpv6SrvMTTestGuard guard(*this, true);
+ directClientPrefixLengthHintRenewal();
+SARRTest::optionsInheritance() {
+ Dhcp6Client client;
+ // Request a single address and single prefix.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client.requestPrefix(0xabac, 64, IOAddress("2001:db8:4::")));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client.requestAddress(0xabca, IOAddress("3000::45")));
+ // Request two options configured for the pools from which the client may get
+ // a lease.
+ client.requestOption(D6O_NAME_SERVERS);
+ client.requestOption(D6O_NIS_SERVERS);
+ client.requestOption(D6O_NISP_SERVERS);
+ client.requestOption(D6O_SNTP_SERVERS);
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(configure(CONFIGS[2], *client.getServer()));
+ // Make sure we ended-up having expected number of subnets configured.
+ const Subnet6Collection* subnets = CfgMgr::instance().getCurrentCfg()->
+ getCfgSubnets6()->getAll();
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, subnets->size());
+ // Perform 4-way exchange.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client.doSARR());
+ // We have provided hints so we should get leases appropriate
+ // for the hints we provided.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(client.hasLeaseForPrefix(IOAddress("2001:db8:4::"), 64));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(client.hasLeaseForAddress(IOAddress("3000::45")));
+ // We shouldn't have leases for the prefix and address which we didn't
+ // request.
+ ASSERT_FALSE(client.hasLeaseForPrefix(IOAddress("2001:db8:3::"), 64));
+ ASSERT_FALSE(client.hasLeaseForAddress(IOAddress("3000::11")));
+ // We should have received options associated with a prefix pool and
+ // address pool from which we have requested the leases. We should not
+ // have received options associated with the remaining pools. Instead,
+ // we should have received options associated with a subnet.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(client.hasOptionWithAddress(D6O_NAME_SERVERS, "3000:1::567"));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(client.hasOptionWithAddress(D6O_NIS_SERVERS, "3000:1::789"));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(client.hasOptionWithAddress(D6O_NISP_SERVERS, "3000:2::3"));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(client.hasOptionWithAddress(D6O_SNTP_SERVERS, "3000:2::1"));
+ // Let's now also request a prefix and an address from the remaining pools.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client.requestPrefix(0x6806, 64, IOAddress("2001:db8:3::")));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client.requestAddress(0x6860, IOAddress("3000::11")));
+ // Perform 4-way exchange again.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client.doSARR());
+ // We should now have two prefixes from two distinct pools.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(client.hasLeaseForPrefix(IOAddress("2001:db8:3::"), 64));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(client.hasLeaseForPrefix(IOAddress("2001:db8:4::"), 64));
+ // We should also have two addresses from two distinct pools.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(client.hasLeaseForAddress(IOAddress("3000::45")));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(client.hasLeaseForAddress(IOAddress("3000::11")));
+ // This time, options from all pools should have been assigned.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(client.hasOptionWithAddress(D6O_NAME_SERVERS, "3000:1::678"));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(client.hasOptionWithAddress(D6O_NIS_SERVERS, "3000:1::789"));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(client.hasOptionWithAddress(D6O_NISP_SERVERS, "3000:2::3"));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(client.hasOptionWithAddress(D6O_SNTP_SERVERS, "3000:2::2"));
+TEST_F(SARRTest, optionsInheritance) {
+ Dhcpv6SrvMTTestGuard guard(*this, false);
+ optionsInheritance();
+TEST_F(SARRTest, optionsInheritanceMultiThreading) {
+ Dhcpv6SrvMTTestGuard guard(*this, true);
+ optionsInheritance();
+SARRTest::directClientExcludedPrefix() {
+ Dhcp6Client client;
+ // Configure client to request IA_PD.
+ client.requestPrefix();
+ client.requestOption(D6O_PD_EXCLUDE);
+ configure(CONFIGS[3], *client.getServer());
+ // Make sure we ended-up having expected number of subnets configured.
+ const Subnet6Collection* subnets = CfgMgr::instance().getCurrentCfg()->
+ getCfgSubnets6()->getAll();
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, subnets->size());
+ // Perform 4-way exchange.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client.doSARR());
+ // Server should have assigned a prefix.
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, client.getLeaseNum());
+ Lease6 lease_client = client.getLease(0);
+ EXPECT_EQ(64, lease_client.prefixlen_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(3000, lease_client.preferred_lft_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(4000, lease_client.valid_lft_);
+ Lease6Ptr lease_server = checkLease(lease_client);
+ // Check that the server recorded the lease.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease_server);
+ OptionPtr option = client.getContext().response_->getOption(D6O_IA_PD);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(option);
+ Option6IAPtr ia = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<Option6IA>(option);
+ option = ia->getOption(D6O_IAPREFIX);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(option);
+ Option6IAPrefixPtr pd_option = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<Option6IAPrefix>(option);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(pd_option);
+ option = pd_option->getOption(D6O_PD_EXCLUDE);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(option);
+ Option6PDExcludePtr pd_exclude = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<Option6PDExclude>(option);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(pd_exclude);
+ EXPECT_EQ("2001:db8:3::1000", pd_exclude->getExcludedPrefix(IOAddress("2001:db8:3::"),
+ 64).toText());
+ EXPECT_EQ(120, static_cast<unsigned>(pd_exclude->getExcludedPrefixLength()));
+TEST_F(SARRTest, directClientExcludedPrefix) {
+ Dhcpv6SrvMTTestGuard guard(*this, false);
+ directClientExcludedPrefix();
+TEST_F(SARRTest, directClientExcludedPrefixMultiThreading) {
+ Dhcpv6SrvMTTestGuard guard(*this, true);
+ directClientExcludedPrefix();
+SARRTest::rapidCommitEnable() {
+ Dhcp6Client client;
+ // Configure client to request IA_NA
+ client.requestAddress();
+ configure(CONFIGS[1], *client.getServer());
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client.getServer()->startD2());
+ // Make sure we ended-up having expected number of subnets configured.
+ const Subnet6Collection* subnets = CfgMgr::instance().getCurrentCfg()->
+ getCfgSubnets6()->getAll();
+ ASSERT_EQ(2, subnets->size());
+ // Perform 2-way exchange.
+ client.useRapidCommit(true);
+ // Include FQDN to trigger generation of name change requests.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client.useFQDN(Option6ClientFqdn::FLAG_S,
+ "",
+ Option6ClientFqdn::FULL));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client.doSolicit());
+ // Server should have committed a lease.
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, client.getLeaseNum());
+ Lease6 lease_client = client.getLease(0);
+ // Make sure that the address belongs to the subnet configured.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CfgMgr::instance().getCurrentCfg()->getCfgSubnets6()->
+ selectSubnet(lease_client.addr_, ClientClasses()));
+ // Make sure that the server responded with Reply.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(client.getContext().response_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(DHCPV6_REPLY, client.getContext().response_->getType());
+ // Rapid Commit option should be included.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(client.getContext().response_->getOption(D6O_RAPID_COMMIT));
+ // Check that the lease has been committed.
+ Lease6Ptr lease_server = checkLease(lease_client);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease_server);
+ // There should be one name change request generated.
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, CfgMgr::instance().getD2ClientMgr().getQueueSize());
+TEST_F(SARRTest, rapidCommitEnable) {
+ Dhcpv6SrvMTTestGuard guard(*this, false);
+ rapidCommitEnable();
+TEST_F(SARRTest, rapidCommitEnableMultiThreading) {
+ Dhcpv6SrvMTTestGuard guard(*this, true);
+ rapidCommitEnable();
+SARRTest::rapidCommitNoOption() {
+ Dhcp6Client client;
+ // Configure client to request IA_NA
+ client.requestAddress();
+ configure(CONFIGS[1], *client.getServer());
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client.getServer()->startD2());
+ // Make sure we ended-up having expected number of subnets configured.
+ const Subnet6Collection* subnets = CfgMgr::instance().getCurrentCfg()->
+ getCfgSubnets6()->getAll();
+ ASSERT_EQ(2, subnets->size());
+ // Include FQDN to test that the server will not create name change
+ // requests when it sends Advertise (Rapid Commit disabled).
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client.useFQDN(Option6ClientFqdn::FLAG_S,
+ "",
+ Option6ClientFqdn::FULL));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client.doSolicit());
+ // There should be no lease because the server should have responded
+ // with Advertise.
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, client.getLeaseNum());
+ // Make sure that the server responded.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(client.getContext().response_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(DHCPV6_ADVERTISE, client.getContext().response_->getType());
+ // Make sure that the Rapid Commit option is not included.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(client.getContext().response_->getOption(D6O_RAPID_COMMIT));
+ // There should be no name change request generated.
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, CfgMgr::instance().getD2ClientMgr().getQueueSize());
+TEST_F(SARRTest, rapidCommitNoOption) {
+ Dhcpv6SrvMTTestGuard guard(*this, false);
+ rapidCommitNoOption();
+TEST_F(SARRTest, rapidCommitNoOptionMultiThreading) {
+ Dhcpv6SrvMTTestGuard guard(*this, true);
+ rapidCommitNoOption();
+SARRTest::rapidCommitDisable() {
+ Dhcp6Client client;
+ // The subnet assigned to eth1 has Rapid Commit disabled.
+ client.setInterface("eth1");
+ // Configure client to request IA_NA
+ client.requestAddress();
+ configure(CONFIGS[1], *client.getServer());
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client.getServer()->startD2());
+ // Make sure we ended-up having expected number of subnets configured.
+ const Subnet6Collection* subnets = CfgMgr::instance().getCurrentCfg()->
+ getCfgSubnets6()->getAll();
+ ASSERT_EQ(2, subnets->size());
+ // Send Rapid Commit option to the server.
+ client.useRapidCommit(true);
+ // Include FQDN to test that the server will not create name change
+ // requests when it sends Advertise (Rapid Commit disabled).
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client.useFQDN(Option6ClientFqdn::FLAG_S,
+ "",
+ Option6ClientFqdn::FULL));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client.doSolicit());
+ // There should be no lease because the server should have responded
+ // with Advertise.
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, client.getLeaseNum());
+ // Make sure that the server responded.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(client.getContext().response_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(DHCPV6_ADVERTISE, client.getContext().response_->getType());
+ // Make sure that the Rapid Commit option is not included.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(client.getContext().response_->getOption(D6O_RAPID_COMMIT));
+ // There should be no name change request generated.
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, CfgMgr::instance().getD2ClientMgr().getQueueSize());
+TEST_F(SARRTest, rapidCommitDisable) {
+ Dhcpv6SrvMTTestGuard guard(*this, false);
+ rapidCommitDisable();
+TEST_F(SARRTest, rapidCommitDisableMultiThreading) {
+ Dhcpv6SrvMTTestGuard guard(*this, true);
+ rapidCommitDisable();
+SARRTest::sarrStats() {
+ // Let's use one of the existing configurations and tell the client to
+ // ask for an address.
+ Dhcp6Client client;
+ configure(CONFIGS[1], *client.getServer());
+ client.setInterface("eth1");
+ client.requestAddress();
+ // Make sure we ended-up having expected number of subnets configured.
+ const Subnet6Collection* subnets = CfgMgr::instance().getCurrentCfg()->
+ getCfgSubnets6()->getAll();
+ ASSERT_EQ(2, subnets->size());
+ // Check that the tested statistics is initially set to 0
+ using namespace isc::stats;
+ StatsMgr& mgr = StatsMgr::instance();
+ ObservationPtr pkt6_rcvd = mgr.getObservation("pkt6-received");
+ ObservationPtr pkt6_solicit_rcvd = mgr.getObservation("pkt6-solicit-received");
+ ObservationPtr pkt6_adv_sent = mgr.getObservation("pkt6-advertise-sent");
+ ObservationPtr pkt6_request_rcvd = mgr.getObservation("pkt6-request-received");
+ ObservationPtr pkt6_reply_sent = mgr.getObservation("pkt6-reply-sent");
+ ObservationPtr pkt6_sent = mgr.getObservation("pkt6-sent");
+ ASSERT_TRUE(pkt6_rcvd);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(pkt6_solicit_rcvd);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(pkt6_adv_sent);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(pkt6_request_rcvd);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(pkt6_reply_sent);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(pkt6_sent);
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, pkt6_rcvd->getInteger().first);
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, pkt6_solicit_rcvd->getInteger().first);
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, pkt6_adv_sent->getInteger().first);
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, pkt6_request_rcvd->getInteger().first);
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, pkt6_reply_sent->getInteger().first);
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, pkt6_sent->getInteger().first);
+ // Perform 4-way exchange.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client.doSARR());
+ // Server should have assigned a prefix.
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, client.getLeaseNum());
+ // All expected statistics must be present now.
+ pkt6_rcvd = mgr.getObservation("pkt6-received");
+ pkt6_solicit_rcvd = mgr.getObservation("pkt6-solicit-received");
+ pkt6_adv_sent = mgr.getObservation("pkt6-advertise-sent");
+ pkt6_request_rcvd = mgr.getObservation("pkt6-request-received");
+ pkt6_reply_sent = mgr.getObservation("pkt6-reply-sent");
+ pkt6_sent = mgr.getObservation("pkt6-sent");
+ ASSERT_TRUE(pkt6_rcvd);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(pkt6_solicit_rcvd);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(pkt6_adv_sent);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(pkt6_request_rcvd);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(pkt6_reply_sent);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(pkt6_sent);
+ // They also must have expected values.
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, pkt6_rcvd->getInteger().first);
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, pkt6_solicit_rcvd->getInteger().first);
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, pkt6_adv_sent->getInteger().first);
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, pkt6_request_rcvd->getInteger().first);
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, pkt6_reply_sent->getInteger().first);
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, pkt6_sent->getInteger().first);
+TEST_F(SARRTest, sarrStats) {
+ Dhcpv6SrvMTTestGuard guard(*this, false);
+ sarrStats();
+TEST_F(SARRTest, sarrStatsMultiThreading) {
+ Dhcpv6SrvMTTestGuard guard(*this, true);
+ sarrStats();
+SARRTest::pkt6ReceiveDropStat1() {
+ // Dummy server-id (0xff repeated 10 times)
+ std::vector<uint8_t> data(10, 0xff);
+ OptionPtr bogus_srv_id(new Option(Option::V6, D6O_SERVERID, data));
+ // Let's use one of the existing configurations and tell the client to
+ // ask for an address.
+ Dhcp6Client client;
+ configure(CONFIGS[1], *client.getServer());
+ client.setInterface("eth1");
+ client.requestAddress();
+ client.doSolicit();
+ client.useServerId(bogus_srv_id);
+ client.doRequest();
+ // Ok, let's check the statistic. pkt6-receive-drop should be set to 1.
+ using namespace isc::stats;
+ StatsMgr& mgr = StatsMgr::instance();
+ ObservationPtr pkt6_recv_drop = mgr.getObservation("pkt6-receive-drop");
+ ASSERT_TRUE(pkt6_recv_drop);
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, pkt6_recv_drop->getInteger().first);
+TEST_F(SARRTest, pkt6ReceiveDropStat1) {
+ Dhcpv6SrvMTTestGuard guard(*this, false);
+ pkt6ReceiveDropStat1();
+TEST_F(SARRTest, pkt6ReceiveDropStat1MultiThreading) {
+ Dhcpv6SrvMTTestGuard guard(*this, true);
+ pkt6ReceiveDropStat1();
+SARRTest::pkt6ReceiveDropStat2() {
+ // Let's use one of the existing configurations and tell the client to
+ // ask for an address.
+ Dhcp6Client client;
+ configure(CONFIGS[1], *client.getServer());
+ client.setInterface("eth1");
+ client.requestAddress();
+ client.setDestAddress(asiolink::IOAddress("2001:db8::1")); // Pretend it's unicast
+ client.doSolicit();
+ // Ok, let's check the statistic. pkt6-receive-drop should be set to 1.
+ using namespace isc::stats;
+ StatsMgr& mgr = StatsMgr::instance();
+ ObservationPtr pkt6_recv_drop = mgr.getObservation("pkt6-receive-drop");
+ ASSERT_TRUE(pkt6_recv_drop);
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, pkt6_recv_drop->getInteger().first);
+TEST_F(SARRTest, pkt6ReceiveDropStat2) {
+ Dhcpv6SrvMTTestGuard guard(*this, false);
+ pkt6ReceiveDropStat2();
+TEST_F(SARRTest, pkt6ReceiveDropStat2MultiThreading) {
+ Dhcpv6SrvMTTestGuard guard(*this, true);
+ pkt6ReceiveDropStat2();
+SARRTest::pkt6ReceiveDropStat3() {
+ // Let's use one of the existing configurations and tell the client to
+ // ask for an address.
+ Dhcp6Client client;
+ configure(CONFIGS[1], *client.getServer());
+ client.setInterface("eth1");
+ client.requestAddress();
+ // Let's send our client-id as server-id. That will result in the
+ // packet containing the client-id twice. That should cause RFCViolation
+ // exception.
+ client.useServerId(client.getClientId());
+ client.doSolicit();
+ // Ok, let's check the statistic. pkt6-receive-drop should be set to 1.
+ using namespace isc::stats;
+ StatsMgr& mgr = StatsMgr::instance();
+ ObservationPtr pkt6_recv_drop = mgr.getObservation("pkt6-receive-drop");
+ ASSERT_TRUE(pkt6_recv_drop);
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, pkt6_recv_drop->getInteger().first);
+TEST_F(SARRTest, pkt6ReceiveDropStat3) {
+ Dhcpv6SrvMTTestGuard guard(*this, false);
+ pkt6ReceiveDropStat3();
+TEST_F(SARRTest, pkt6ReceiveDropStat3MultiThreading) {
+ Dhcpv6SrvMTTestGuard guard(*this, true);
+ pkt6ReceiveDropStat3();
+SARRTest::reservationModeOutOfPool() {
+ // Create the first client for which we have a reservation out of the
+ // dynamic pool.
+ Dhcp6Client client;
+ configure(CONFIGS[4], *client.getServer());
+ client.setDUID("aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff");
+ client.setInterface("eth0");
+ client.requestAddress(1234, IOAddress("2001:db8:1::3"));
+ // Perform 4-way exchange.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client.doSARR());
+ // Server should have assigned a prefix.
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, client.getLeaseNum());
+ Lease6 lease = client.getLease(0);
+ // Check that the server allocated the reserved address.
+ ASSERT_EQ("2001:db8:1::20", lease.addr_.toText());
+ client.clearConfig();
+ // Create another client which has a reservation within the pool.
+ // The server should ignore this reservation in the current mode.
+ client.setDUID("11:22:33:44:55:66");
+ // This client is requesting a different address than reserved. The
+ // server should allocate this address to the client.
+ // Perform 4-way exchange.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client.doSARR());
+ // Server should have assigned a prefix.
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, client.getLeaseNum());
+ lease = client.getLease(0);
+ // Check that the requested address was assigned.
+ ASSERT_EQ("2001:db8:1::3", lease.addr_.toText());
+TEST_F(SARRTest, reservationModeOutOfPool) {
+ Dhcpv6SrvMTTestGuard guard(*this, false);
+ reservationModeOutOfPool();
+TEST_F(SARRTest, reservationModeOutOfPoolMultiThreading) {
+ Dhcpv6SrvMTTestGuard guard(*this, true);
+ reservationModeOutOfPool();
+SARRTest::reservationIgnoredInOutOfPoolMode() {
+ // Create the first client for which we have a reservation out of the
+ // dynamic pool.
+ Dhcp6Client client;
+ configure(CONFIGS[4], *client.getServer());
+ client.setDUID("12:34:56:78:9A:BC");
+ client.setInterface("eth0");
+ client.requestAddress(1234, IOAddress("2001:db8:1::5"));
+ // Perform 4-way exchange.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client.doSARR());
+ // Server should have assigned a prefix.
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, client.getLeaseNum());
+ Lease6 lease = client.getLease(0);
+ // Check that the server allocated the reserved address.
+ ASSERT_EQ("2001:db8:1::5", lease.addr_.toText());
+TEST_F(SARRTest, reservationIgnoredInOutOfPoolMode) {
+ Dhcpv6SrvMTTestGuard guard(*this, false);
+ reservationIgnoredInOutOfPoolMode();
+TEST_F(SARRTest, reservationIgnoredInOutOfPoolModeMultiThreading) {
+ Dhcpv6SrvMTTestGuard guard(*this, true);
+ reservationIgnoredInOutOfPoolMode();
+SARRTest::randomAddressAllocation() {
+ // Create the base client and server configuration.
+ Dhcp6Client client;
+ configure(CONFIGS[5], *client.getServer());
+ // Record what addresses have been allocated and in what order.
+ std::set<std::string> allocated_na_set;
+ std::vector<IOAddress> allocated_na_vector;
+ std::set<std::string> allocated_pd_set;
+ std::vector<IOAddress> allocated_pd_vector;
+ // Simulate allocations from different clients.
+ for (auto i = 0; i < 30; ++i) {
+ // Create a client from the base client.
+ Dhcp6Client next_client(client.getServer());
+ next_client.requestAddress();
+ next_client.requestPrefix();
+ // Run 4-way exchange.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(next_client.doSARR());
+ // We should have one IA_NA and one IA_PD.
+ auto leases_na = next_client.getLeasesByType(Lease::TYPE_NA);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, leases_na.size());
+ auto leases_pd = next_client.getLeasesByType(Lease::TYPE_PD);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, leases_pd.size());
+ // Remember allocated address and delegated prefix uniqueness
+ // and order.
+ allocated_na_set.insert(leases_na[0].toText());
+ allocated_na_vector.push_back(leases_na[0].addr_);
+ allocated_pd_set.insert(leases_pd[0].toText());
+ allocated_pd_vector.push_back(leases_pd[0].addr_);
+ }
+ // Make sure that we have 30 distinct allocations for each lease type.
+ ASSERT_EQ(30, allocated_na_set.size());
+ ASSERT_EQ(30, allocated_na_vector.size());
+ ASSERT_EQ(30, allocated_pd_set.size());
+ ASSERT_EQ(30, allocated_pd_vector.size());
+ // Make sure that the addresses are not allocated iteratively.
+ int consecutives = 0;
+ for (auto i = 1; i < allocated_na_vector.size(); ++i) {
+ // Record the cases when the previously allocated address is
+ // lower by 1 (iterative allocation). Some cases like this are
+ // possible even with the random allocation but they should be
+ // very rare.
+ if (IOAddress::increase(allocated_na_vector[i-1]) == allocated_na_vector[i]) {
+ ++consecutives;
+ }
+ }
+ EXPECT_LT(consecutives, 10);
+ // Make sure that delegated prefixes have been allocated iteratively.
+ consecutives = 0;
+ for (auto i = 1; i < allocated_pd_vector.size(); ++i) {
+ if (IOAddress::subtract(allocated_pd_vector[i], allocated_pd_vector[i-1]) == IOAddress("0:0:0:1::")) {
+ ++consecutives;
+ }
+ }
+ EXPECT_EQ(29, consecutives);
+TEST_F(SARRTest, randomAddressAllocation) {
+ Dhcpv6SrvMTTestGuard guard(*this, false);
+ randomAddressAllocation();
+TEST_F(SARRTest, randomAddressAllocationMultiThreading) {
+ Dhcpv6SrvMTTestGuard guard(*this, true);
+ randomAddressAllocation();
+SARRTest::randomPrefixAllocation() {
+ // Create the base client and server configuration.
+ Dhcp6Client client;
+ configure(CONFIGS[6], *client.getServer());
+ // Record what addresses have been allocated and in what order.
+ std::set<std::string> allocated_na_set;
+ std::vector<IOAddress> allocated_na_vector;
+ std::set<std::string> allocated_pd_set;
+ std::vector<IOAddress> allocated_pd_vector;
+ // Simulate allocations from different clients.
+ for (auto i = 0; i < 30; ++i) {
+ // Create a client from the base client.
+ Dhcp6Client next_client(client.getServer());
+ next_client.requestAddress();
+ next_client.requestPrefix();
+ // Run 4-way exchange.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(next_client.doSARR());
+ // We should have one IA_NA and one IA_PD.
+ auto leases_na = next_client.getLeasesByType(Lease::TYPE_NA);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, leases_na.size());
+ auto leases_pd = next_client.getLeasesByType(Lease::TYPE_PD);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, leases_pd.size());
+ // Remember allocated address and delegated prefix uniqueness
+ // and order.
+ allocated_na_set.insert(leases_na[0].toText());
+ allocated_na_vector.push_back(leases_na[0].addr_);
+ allocated_pd_set.insert(leases_pd[0].toText());
+ allocated_pd_vector.push_back(leases_pd[0].addr_);
+ }
+ // Make sure that we have 30 distinct allocations for each lease type.
+ ASSERT_EQ(30, allocated_na_set.size());
+ ASSERT_EQ(30, allocated_na_vector.size());
+ ASSERT_EQ(30, allocated_pd_set.size());
+ ASSERT_EQ(30, allocated_pd_vector.size());
+ // Make sure that the addresses have been allocated iteratively.
+ int consecutives = 0;
+ for (auto i = 1; i < allocated_na_vector.size(); ++i) {
+ // Record the cases when the previously allocated address is
+ // lower by 1 (iterative allocation).
+ if (IOAddress::increase(allocated_na_vector[i-1]) == allocated_na_vector[i]) {
+ ++consecutives;
+ }
+ }
+ // Make sure that addresses have been allocated iteratively.
+ EXPECT_EQ(29, consecutives);
+ // Make sure that delegated prefixes have been allocated randomly.
+ consecutives = 0;
+ for (auto i = 1; i < allocated_pd_vector.size(); ++i) {
+ if (IOAddress::subtract(allocated_pd_vector[i], allocated_pd_vector[i-1]) == IOAddress("0:0:0:1::")) {
+ ++consecutives;
+ }
+ }
+ EXPECT_LT(consecutives, 10);
+TEST_F(SARRTest, randomPrefixAllocation) {
+ Dhcpv6SrvMTTestGuard guard(*this, false);
+ randomPrefixAllocation();
+TEST_F(SARRTest, randomPrefixAllocationMultiThreading) {
+ Dhcpv6SrvMTTestGuard guard(*this, true);
+ randomPrefixAllocation();
+SARRTest::leaseCaching() {
+ // Configure a DHCP client.
+ Dhcp6Client client;
+ // Configure a DHCP server.
+ configure(CONFIGS[7], *client.getServer());
+ // Statistics should have default values.
+ checkStat("v6-ia-na-lease-reuses", 1, 0);
+ checkStat("subnet[1].v6-ia-na-lease-reuses", 1, 0);
+ checkStat("subnet[2].v6-ia-na-lease-reuses", 1, 0);
+ checkStat("v6-ia-pd-lease-reuses", 1, 0);
+ checkStat("subnet[1].v6-ia-pd-lease-reuses", 1, 0);
+ checkStat("subnet[2].v6-ia-pd-lease-reuses", 1, 0);
+ // Append IAADDR and IAPREFIX options to the client's message.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client.requestAddress(1234, asiolink::IOAddress("2001:db8::10")));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client.requestPrefix(5678, 32, asiolink::IOAddress("2001:db8:1::")));
+ // Perform 4-way exchange.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client.doSARR());
+ // Server should have assigned an address and a prefix.
+ ASSERT_EQ(2, client.getLeaseNum());
+ // The server should respect the hints.
+ Lease6 lease_client(client.getLease(0));
+ EXPECT_EQ("2001:db8::10", lease_client.addr_.toText());
+ EXPECT_EQ(128, lease_client.prefixlen_);
+ Lease6Ptr lease_server(checkLease(lease_client));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease_server);
+ lease_client = client.getLease(1);
+ EXPECT_EQ("2001:db8:1::", lease_client.addr_.toText());
+ EXPECT_EQ(96, lease_client.prefixlen_);
+ lease_server = checkLease(lease_client);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease_server);
+ // Check statistics.
+ checkStat("v6-ia-na-lease-reuses", 1, 0);
+ checkStat("subnet[1].v6-ia-na-lease-reuses", 1, 0);
+ checkStat("subnet[2].v6-ia-na-lease-reuses", 1, 0);
+ checkStat("v6-ia-pd-lease-reuses", 1, 0);
+ checkStat("subnet[1].v6-ia-pd-lease-reuses", 1, 0);
+ checkStat("subnet[2].v6-ia-pd-lease-reuses", 1, 0);
+ // Request the same prefix with a different length. The server should
+ // return an existing lease.
+ client.clearRequestedIAs();
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client.requestAddress(1234, asiolink::IOAddress("2001:db8::10")));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client.requestPrefix(5678, 80, IOAddress("2001:db8:1::")));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client.doSARR());
+ ASSERT_EQ(2, client.getLeaseNum());
+ lease_client = client.getLease(0);
+ EXPECT_EQ("2001:db8::10", lease_client.addr_.toText());
+ EXPECT_EQ(128, lease_client.prefixlen_);
+ lease_client = client.getLease(1);
+ EXPECT_EQ("2001:db8:1::", lease_client.addr_.toText());
+ EXPECT_EQ(96, lease_client.prefixlen_);
+ // Check statistics.
+ checkStat("v6-ia-na-lease-reuses", 2, 1);
+ checkStat("subnet[1].v6-ia-na-lease-reuses", 2, 1);
+ checkStat("subnet[2].v6-ia-na-lease-reuses", 1, 0);
+ checkStat("v6-ia-pd-lease-reuses", 2, 1);
+ checkStat("subnet[1].v6-ia-pd-lease-reuses", 2, 1);
+ checkStat("subnet[2].v6-ia-pd-lease-reuses", 1, 0);
+ // Try to request another prefix. The client should still get the existing
+ // lease.
+ client.clearRequestedIAs();
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client.requestAddress(1234, asiolink::IOAddress("2001:db8::10")));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client.requestPrefix(5678, 64, IOAddress("2001:db8:2::")));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(client.doRequest());
+ ASSERT_EQ(2, client.getLeaseNum());
+ lease_client = client.getLease(0);
+ EXPECT_EQ("2001:db8::10", lease_client.addr_.toText());
+ EXPECT_EQ(128, lease_client.prefixlen_);
+ lease_client = client.getLease(1);
+ EXPECT_EQ("2001:db8:1::", lease_client.addr_.toText());
+ EXPECT_EQ(96, lease_client.prefixlen_);
+ // Check statistics.
+ checkStat("v6-ia-na-lease-reuses", 3, 2);
+ checkStat("subnet[1].v6-ia-na-lease-reuses", 3, 2);
+ checkStat("subnet[2].v6-ia-na-lease-reuses", 1, 0);
+ checkStat("v6-ia-pd-lease-reuses", 3, 2);
+ checkStat("subnet[1].v6-ia-pd-lease-reuses", 3, 2);
+ checkStat("subnet[2].v6-ia-pd-lease-reuses", 1, 0);
+TEST_F(SARRTest, leaseCaching) {
+ Dhcpv6SrvMTTestGuard guard(*this, false);
+ leaseCaching();
+TEST_F(SARRTest, leaseCachingMultiThreading) {
+ Dhcpv6SrvMTTestGuard guard(*this, true);
+ leaseCaching();
+/// @brief Checks the value of a statistic.
+/// @param name name of statistic to check
+/// @param expected_size expected number of statistic samples
+/// @param expected_value expected value of the latest statistic sample
+void SARRTest::checkStat(string const& name,
+ size_t const expected_size,
+ int64_t const expected_value) {
+ ObservationPtr const stats(StatsMgr::instance().getObservation(name));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(stats) << "no such stat: " << name;
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_size, stats->getSize())
+ << name << " stat has wrong size: found " << stats->getSize() << ", expected "
+ << expected_size;
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_value, stats->getInteger().first)
+ << name << " stat has wrong value: found " << stats->getInteger().first << ", expected "
+ << expected_value;
+} // end of anonymous namespace