path: root/src/bin/shell/tests/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/bin/shell/tests/')
1 files changed, 194 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/bin/shell/tests/ b/src/bin/shell/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ed4071
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bin/shell/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2017-2024 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC")
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# Exit with error if commands exit with non-zero and if undefined variables are
+# used.
+set -eu
+# Path to the temporary configuration file.
+# shellcheck disable=SC2034
+# SC2034: ... appears unused. Verify use (or export if used externally).
+# reason: used in
+# Path to the Control Agent log file.
+# Control Agent configuration to be stored in the configuration file.
+# todo: use actual configuration once we support it.
+ \"Control-agent\":
+ {
+ \"http-host\": \"\",
+ \"http-port\": 8081,
+ \"loggers\": [
+ {
+ \"name\": \"kea-ctrl-agent\",
+ \"output-options\": [
+ {
+ \"output\": \"$LOG_FILE\"
+ }
+ ],
+ \"severity\": \"DEBUG\"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+# In these tests we need to use two binaries: Control Agent and Kea shell.
+# Using bin and bin_path would be confusing, so we omit defining bin
+# and bin_path on purpose.
+# Import common test library.
+# shellcheck source=src/lib/testutils/
+. "@abs_top_builddir@/src/lib/testutils/"
+# This test verifies that Control Agent is shut down gracefully when it
+# receives a SIGINT or SIGTERM signal.
+shell_command_test() {
+ test_name=${1} # Test name
+ cmd=${2} # Command to be sent
+ exp_rsp=${3} # Expected response
+ params=${4} # Any extra parameters
+ # Setup phase: start CA.
+ # Log the start of the test and print test name.
+ test_start "${test_name}"
+ # Create new configuration file.
+ create_config "${CONFIG}"
+ # Instruct Control Agent to log to the specific file.
+ set_logger
+ # Start Control Agent.
+ start_kea ${ca_bin_path}/${ca_bin}
+ # Wait up to 20s for Control Agent to start.
+ wait_for_kea 20
+ if [ "${_WAIT_FOR_KEA}" -eq 0 ]; then
+ printf "ERROR: timeout waiting for Control Agent to start.\n"
+ clean_exit 1
+ fi
+ # Check if it is still running. It could have terminated (e.g. as a result
+ # of configuration failure).
+ get_pid "${ca_bin}"
+ if [ "${_GET_PIDS_NUM}" -ne 1 ]; then
+ printf "ERROR: expected one Control Agent process to be started.\
+ Found %d processes started.\n" "${_GET_PIDS_NUM}"
+ clean_exit 1
+ fi
+ # Check in the log file, how many times server has been configured.
+ # It should be just once on startup.
+ get_reconfigs
+ if [ "${_GET_RECONFIGS}" -ne 1 ]; then
+ printf "ERROR: server been configured %s time(s),\
+ but exactly 1 was expected.\n" "${_GET_RECONFIGS}"
+ clean_exit 1
+ else
+ printf "Server successfully configured.\n"
+ fi
+ # Main test phase: send command, check response.
+ tmp="echo \"${params}\" | ${shell_bin_path}/${shell_bin} --host \
+ --port 8081 ${cmd} > ${tmpfile_path}/shell-stdout.txt"
+ echo "Executing kea-shell ($tmp)"
+ echo "${params}" | ${shell_bin_path}/${shell_bin} --host \
+ --port 8081 "${cmd}" > ${tmpfile_path}/shell-stdout.txt
+ shell_exit_code=$?
+ # Check the exit code
+ if [ "${shell_exit_code}" -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo "ERROR:" \
+ "kea-shell returned ${shell_exit_code} exit code, expected 0."
+ else
+ echo "kea-shell returned ${shell_exit_code} exit code as expected."
+ fi
+ # Now check the response
+ rm -f ${tmpfile_path}/shell-expected.txt
+ printf '%s\n' "${exp_rsp}" > ${tmpfile_path}/shell-expected.txt
+ diff ${tmpfile_path}/shell-stdout.txt ${tmpfile_path}/shell-expected.txt
+ diff_code=$?
+ if [ "${diff_code}" -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo "ERROR:" \
+ "content returned is different than expected." \
+ "See ${tmpfile_path}/shell-*.txt"
+ echo "EXPECTED:"
+ cat ${tmpfile_path}/shell-expected.txt
+ cat ${tmpfile_path}/shell-stdout.txt
+ clean_exit 1
+ else
+ echo "Content returned by kea-shell meets expectation."
+ rm ${tmpfile_path}/shell-*.txt
+ fi
+ # Main test phase ends.
+ # Cleanup phase: shutdown CA
+ # Send SIGTERM signal to Control Agent
+ send_signal 15 ${ca_bin}
+ # Now wait for process to log that it is exiting.
+ wait_for_message 10 "DCTL_SHUTDOWN" 1
+ if [ "${_WAIT_FOR_MESSAGE}" -eq 0 ]; then
+ printf "ERROR: Control Agent did not log shutdown.\n"
+ clean_exit 1
+ fi
+ # Make sure the server is down.
+ wait_for_server_down 5 ${ca_bin}
+ assert_eq 1 "${_WAIT_FOR_SERVER_DOWN}" \
+ "Expected wait_for_server_down return %d, returned %d"
+ test_finish 0
+# This test verifies that the binary is reporting its version properly.
+version_test() {
+ test_name=${1} # Test name
+ # Log the start of the test and print test name.
+ test_start "${test_name}"
+ REPORTED_VERSION=$(${shell_bin_path}/${shell_bin} -v)
+ if test "${REPORTED_VERSION}" = "${EXPECTED_VERSION}"; then
+ test_finish 0
+ else
+ echo "ERROR:" \
+ "Expected version ${EXPECTED_VERSION}, got ${REPORTED_VERSION}"
+ test_finish 1
+ fi
+version_test "shell.version"
+shell_command_test "shell.list-commands" "list-commands" \
+ "[ { \"arguments\": [ \"build-report\", \"config-get\", \"config-hash-get\", \"config-reload\", \"config-set\", \"config-test\", \"config-write\", \"list-commands\", \"shutdown\", \"status-get\", \"version-get\" ], \"result\": 0 } ]" ""
+shell_command_test "shell.bogus" "give-me-a-beer" \
+"[ { \"result\": 2, \"text\": \"'give-me-a-beer' command not supported. You did not include \\\"service\\\" parameter in the command, which indicates that Kea Control Agent should process this command rather than forward it to one or more Kea servers. If you aimed to send this command to one of the Kea servers you should include the \\\"service\\\" parameter in your request, e.g. \\\"service\\\": [ \\\"dhcp4\\\" ] to forward the command to the DHCPv4 server, or \\\"service\\\": [ \\\"dhcp4\\\", \\\"dhcp6\\\", \\\"d2\\\" ] to forward it to DHCPv4, DHCPv6 and D2 servers etc.\" } ]" ""
+shell_command_test "shell.empty-config-test" "config-test" \
+ "[ { \"result\": 1, \"text\": \"Missing mandatory 'arguments' parameter.\" } ]" ""
+shell_command_test "" "config-test" \
+ "[ { \"result\": 1, \"text\": \"Missing mandatory 'Control-agent' parameter.\" } ]" \
+ "\"FooBar\": { }"
+shell_command_test "" "config-test" \
+ "[ { \"result\": 1, \"text\": \"'Control-agent' parameter expected to be a map.\" } ]" \
+ "\"Control-agent\": [ ]"
+shell_command_test "shell.bad-value-config-test" "config-test" \
+ "[ { \"result\": 1, \"text\": \"out of range value (80000) specified for parameter 'http-port' (<string>:1:76)\" } ]" \
+ "\"Control-agent\": { \"http-port\": 80000 }"