path: root/src/lib/asiolink/tests/
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1 files changed, 376 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/lib/asiolink/tests/ b/src/lib/asiolink/tests/
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index 0000000..1376e63
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+++ b/src/lib/asiolink/tests/
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+// Copyright (C) 2011-2024 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC")
+// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+// file, You can obtain one at
+#include <config.h>
+#include <asiolink/asio_wrapper.h>
+#include <asiolink/asiolink.h>
+#include <boost/date_time/posix_time/posix_time.hpp>
+#include <gtest/gtest.h>
+namespace {
+// TODO: Consider this margin
+const boost::posix_time::time_duration TIMER_MARGIN_MSEC =
+ boost::posix_time::milliseconds(50);
+using namespace isc::asiolink;
+// This fixture is for testing IntervalTimer. Some callback functors are
+// registered as callback function of the timer to test if they are called
+// or not.
+class IntervalTimerTest : public ::testing::Test {
+ IntervalTimerTest() :
+ io_service_(new IOService()), timer_called_(false),
+ timer_cancel_success_(false) {
+ }
+ ~IntervalTimerTest() {
+ io_service_->restart();
+ try {
+ io_service_->poll();
+ } catch (...) {
+ }
+ }
+ class TimerCallBack {
+ public:
+ TimerCallBack(IntervalTimerTest* test_obj) : test_obj_(test_obj) {}
+ void operator()() const {
+ test_obj_->timer_called_ = true;
+ test_obj_->io_service_->stop();
+ }
+ private:
+ IntervalTimerTest* test_obj_;
+ };
+ class TimerCallBackCounter {
+ public:
+ TimerCallBackCounter(IntervalTimerTest* test_obj) :
+ test_obj_(test_obj) {
+ counter_ = 0;
+ }
+ void operator()() {
+ ++counter_;
+ }
+ int counter_;
+ private:
+ IntervalTimerTest* test_obj_;
+ };
+ class TimerCallBackCancelDeleter {
+ public:
+ TimerCallBackCancelDeleter(IntervalTimerTest* test_obj,
+ IntervalTimer* timer,
+ TimerCallBackCounter& counter)
+ : test_obj_(test_obj), timer_(timer), counter_(counter), count_(0),
+ prev_counter_(-1) {
+ }
+ void operator()() {
+ ++count_;
+ if (count_ == 1) {
+ // First time of call back.
+ // Store the value of counter_.counter_.
+ prev_counter_ = counter_.counter_;
+ delete timer_;
+ } else if (count_ == 2) {
+ // Second time of call back.
+ // Stop io_service to stop all timers.
+ test_obj_->io_service_->stop();
+ // Compare the value of counter_.counter_ with stored one.
+ // If TimerCallBackCounter was not called (expected behavior),
+ // they are same.
+ if (counter_.counter_ == prev_counter_) {
+ test_obj_->timer_cancel_success_ = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ IntervalTimerTest* test_obj_;
+ IntervalTimer* timer_;
+ TimerCallBackCounter& counter_;
+ int count_;
+ int prev_counter_;
+ };
+ class TimerCallBackCanceller {
+ public:
+ TimerCallBackCanceller(unsigned int& counter, IntervalTimer& itimer) :
+ counter_(counter), itimer_(itimer) {
+ }
+ void operator()() {
+ ++counter_;
+ itimer_.cancel();
+ }
+ private:
+ unsigned int& counter_;
+ IntervalTimer& itimer_;
+ };
+ class TimerCallBackOverwriter {
+ public:
+ TimerCallBackOverwriter(IntervalTimerTest* test_obj,
+ IntervalTimer& timer)
+ : test_obj_(test_obj), timer_(timer), count_(0) {
+ }
+ void operator()() {
+ ++count_;
+ if (count_ == 1) {
+ // First time of call back.
+ // Call setup() to update callback function to TimerCallBack.
+ test_obj_->timer_called_ = false;
+ timer_.setup(TimerCallBack(test_obj_), 100);
+ } else if (count_ == 2) {
+ // Second time of call back.
+ // If it reaches here, re-setup() is failed (unexpected).
+ // We should stop here.
+ test_obj_->io_service_->stop();
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ IntervalTimerTest* test_obj_;
+ IntervalTimer& timer_;
+ int count_;
+ };
+ class TimerCallBackAccumulator {
+ public:
+ TimerCallBackAccumulator(IntervalTimerTest* test_obj, int &counter) :
+ test_obj_(test_obj), counter_(counter) {
+ }
+ void operator()() {
+ ++counter_;
+ }
+ private:
+ IntervalTimerTest* test_obj_;
+ // Reference to integer accumulator
+ int& counter_;
+ };
+ IOServicePtr io_service_;
+ bool timer_called_;
+ bool timer_cancel_success_;
+TEST_F(IntervalTimerTest, invalidArgumentToIntervalTimer) {
+ // Create asio_link::IntervalTimer and setup.
+ IntervalTimer itimer(io_service_);
+ // expect throw if call back function is empty
+ EXPECT_THROW(itimer.setup(IntervalTimer::Callback(), 1),
+ isc::InvalidParameter);
+ // expect throw if interval is negative.
+ EXPECT_THROW(itimer.setup(TimerCallBack(this), -1), isc::BadValue);
+TEST_F(IntervalTimerTest, startIntervalTimer) {
+ // Create asio_link::IntervalTimer and setup.
+ // Then run IOService and test if the callback function is called.
+ IntervalTimer itimer(io_service_);
+ timer_called_ = false;
+ // store start time
+ boost::posix_time::ptime start;
+ start = boost::posix_time::microsec_clock::universal_time();
+ // setup timer
+ itimer.setup(TimerCallBack(this), 100);
+ EXPECT_EQ(100, itimer.getInterval());
+ io_service_->run();
+ // Control reaches here after io_service_ was stopped by TimerCallBack.
+ // delta: difference between elapsed time and 100 milliseconds.
+ boost::posix_time::time_duration test_runtime =
+ boost::posix_time::microsec_clock::universal_time() - start;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(test_runtime.is_negative()) <<
+ "test duration " << test_runtime <<
+ " negative - clock skew?";
+ // Expect TimerCallBack is called; timer_called_ is true
+ EXPECT_TRUE(timer_called_);
+ // Expect test_runtime is 100 milliseconds or longer.
+ // Allow 1% of clock skew
+ EXPECT_TRUE(test_runtime >= boost::posix_time::milliseconds(99)) <<
+ "test runtime " << test_runtime.total_milliseconds() <<
+ "msec >= 100";
+TEST_F(IntervalTimerTest, destructIntervalTimer) {
+ // This code isn't exception safe, but we'd rather keep the code
+ // simpler and more readable as this is only for tests and if it throws
+ // the program would immediately terminate anyway.
+ // The call back function will not be called after the timer is
+ // destroyed.
+ //
+ // There are two timers:
+ // itimer_counter (A)
+ // (Calls TimerCallBackCounter)
+ // - increments internal counter in callback function
+ // itimer_canceller (B)
+ // (Calls TimerCallBackCancelDeleter)
+ // - first time of callback, it stores the counter value of
+ // callback_canceller and destroys itimer_counter
+ // - second time of callback, it compares the counter value of
+ // callback_canceller with stored value
+ // if they are same the timer was not called; expected result
+ // if they are different the timer was called after destroyed
+ //
+ // 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 (ms)
+ // (A) i--------+----x
+ // ^
+ // |destroy itimer_counter
+ // (B) i-------------+--------------s
+ // ^stop io_service
+ // and check if itimer_counter have been
+ // stopped
+ // itimer_counter will be deleted in TimerCallBackCancelDeleter
+ IntervalTimer* itimer_counter = new IntervalTimer(io_service_);
+ IntervalTimer itimer_canceller(io_service_);
+ timer_cancel_success_ = false;
+ TimerCallBackCounter callback_canceller(this);
+ itimer_counter->setup(callback_canceller, 200);
+ itimer_canceller.setup(
+ TimerCallBackCancelDeleter(this, itimer_counter, callback_canceller),
+ 300);
+ io_service_->run();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(timer_cancel_success_);
+TEST_F(IntervalTimerTest, cancel) {
+ // Similar to destructIntervalTimer test, but the first timer explicitly
+ // cancels itself on first callback.
+ IntervalTimer itimer_counter(io_service_);
+ IntervalTimer itimer_watcher(io_service_);
+ unsigned int counter = 0;
+ itimer_counter.setup(TimerCallBackCanceller(counter, itimer_counter), 100);
+ itimer_watcher.setup(TimerCallBack(this), 200);
+ io_service_->run();
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, counter);
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, itimer_counter.getInterval());
+ // canceling an already canceled timer shouldn't cause any surprise.
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(itimer_counter.cancel());
+TEST_F(IntervalTimerTest, overwriteIntervalTimer) {
+ // Call setup() multiple times to update call back function and interval.
+ //
+ // There are two timers:
+ // itimer (A)
+ // (Calls TimerCallBackCounter / TimerCallBack)
+ // - increments internal counter in callback function
+ // (TimerCallBackCounter)
+ // interval: 300 milliseconds
+ // - io_service_->stop() (TimerCallBack)
+ // interval: 100 milliseconds
+ // itimer_overwriter (B)
+ // (Calls TimerCallBackOverwriter)
+ // - first time of callback, it calls setup() to change call back
+ // function to TimerCallBack and interval of itimer to 100
+ // milliseconds
+ // after 300 + 100 milliseconds from the beginning of this test,
+ // TimerCallBack() will be called and io_service_ stops.
+ // - second time of callback, it means the test fails.
+ //
+ // 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 (ms)
+ // (A) i-------------+----C----s
+ // ^ ^stop io_service
+ // |change call back function and interval
+ // (B) i------------------+-------------------S
+ // ^(stop io_service on fail)
+ //
+ IntervalTimer itimer(io_service_);
+ IntervalTimer itimer_overwriter(io_service_);
+ // store start time
+ boost::posix_time::ptime start;
+ start = boost::posix_time::microsec_clock::universal_time();
+ itimer.setup(TimerCallBackCounter(this), 300);
+ itimer_overwriter.setup(TimerCallBackOverwriter(this, itimer), 400);
+ io_service_->run();
+ // Control reaches here after io_service_ was stopped by
+ // TimerCallBackCounter or TimerCallBackOverwriter.
+ // Expect callback function is updated: TimerCallBack is called
+ EXPECT_TRUE(timer_called_);
+ // Expect interval is updated: return value of getInterval() is updated
+ EXPECT_EQ(itimer.getInterval(), 100);
+// This test verifies that timers operate correctly based on their mode.
+TEST_F(IntervalTimerTest, intervalModeTest) {
+ // Create a timer to control the duration of the test.
+ IntervalTimer test_timer(io_service_);
+ test_timer.setup(TimerCallBack(this), 2000);
+ // Create an timer which automatically reschedules itself. Use the
+ // accumulator callback to increment local counter for it.
+ int repeater_count = 0;
+ IntervalTimer repeater(io_service_);
+ repeater.setup(TimerCallBackAccumulator(this, repeater_count), 10);
+ // Create a one-shot timer. Use the accumulator callback to increment
+ // local counter variable for it.
+ int one_shot_count = 0;
+ IntervalTimer one_shot(io_service_);
+ one_shot.setup(TimerCallBackAccumulator(this, one_shot_count), 10,
+ IntervalTimer::ONE_SHOT);
+ // As long as service runs at least one event handler, loop until
+ // we've hit our goals. It won't return zero unless is out of
+ // work or the service has been stopped by the test timer.
+ int cnt = 0;
+ while (((cnt = io_service_->runOne()) > 0) && (repeater_count < 5)) {
+ // deliberately empty
+ };
+ // If cnt is zero, then something went wrong.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(cnt > 0);
+ // The loop stopped make sure it was for the right reason.
+ EXPECT_EQ(repeater_count, 5);
+ EXPECT_EQ(one_shot_count, 1);
+// This test verifies that the same timer can be reused in either mode.
+TEST_F(IntervalTimerTest, timerReuseTest) {
+ // Create a timer to control the duration of the test.
+ IntervalTimer test_timer(io_service_);
+ test_timer.setup(TimerCallBack(this), 2000);
+ // Create a one-shot timer. Use the accumulator callback to increment
+ // local counter variable for it.
+ int one_shot_count = 0;
+ IntervalTimer one_shot(io_service_);
+ TimerCallBackAccumulator callback(this, one_shot_count);
+ one_shot.setup(callback, 10, IntervalTimer::ONE_SHOT);
+ // Run until a single event handler executes. This should be our
+ // one-shot expiring.
+ io_service_->runOne();
+ // Verify the timer expired once.
+ ASSERT_EQ(one_shot_count, 1);
+ // Setup the one-shot to go again.
+ one_shot.setup(callback, 10, IntervalTimer::ONE_SHOT);
+ // Run until a single event handler executes. This should be our
+ // one-shot expiring.
+ io_service_->runOne();
+ // Verify the timer expired once.
+ ASSERT_EQ(one_shot_count, 2);
+ // Setup the timer to be repeating.
+ one_shot.setup(callback, 10, IntervalTimer::REPEATING);
+ // As long as service runs at least one event handler, loop until
+ // we've hit our goals. It won't return zero unless is out of
+ // work or the service has been stopped by the test timer.
+ int cnt = 0;
+ while ((cnt = io_service_->runOne()) && (one_shot_count < 4)) {
+ // deliberately empty
+ };
+ // If cnt is zero, then something went wrong.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(cnt > 0);
+ // Verify the timer repeated.
+ EXPECT_GE(one_shot_count, 4);