path: root/src/lib/dhcpsrv/tests/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/lib/dhcpsrv/tests/')
1 files changed, 5967 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/lib/dhcpsrv/tests/ b/src/lib/dhcpsrv/tests/
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index 0000000..6f3e88c
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+++ b/src/lib/dhcpsrv/tests/
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+// Copyright (C) 2015-2024 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC")
+// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+// file, You can obtain one at
+#include <config.h>
+#include <dhcp/pkt4.h>
+#include <dhcp/pkt6.h>
+#include <dhcpsrv/host_mgr.h>
+#include <dhcpsrv/parsers/client_class_def_parser.h>
+#include <dhcpsrv/tests/alloc_engine_utils.h>
+#include <dhcpsrv/allocator.h>
+#include <dhcpsrv/testutils/test_utils.h>
+#include <eval/eval_context.h>
+#include <stats/stats_mgr.h>
+#include <testutils/gtest_utils.h>
+#include <boost/pointer_cast.hpp>
+using namespace std;
+using namespace isc::hooks;
+using namespace isc::asiolink;
+using namespace isc::stats;
+using namespace isc::data;
+using namespace isc::util;
+namespace isc {
+namespace dhcp {
+namespace test {
+// Convenience values to improve readibility.
+const bool IN_SUBNET = true;
+const bool IN_POOL = true;
+// Test convenience method adding hints to IA context.
+TEST(ClientContext6Test, addHint) {
+ AllocEngine::ClientContext6 ctx;
+ ctx.currentIA().addHint(IOAddress("2001:db8:1::1"));
+ ctx.currentIA().addHint(IOAddress("3000:1::"), 64);
+ ctx.currentIA().addHint(IOAddress("3001:2::"), 64, 100, 200);
+ ASSERT_EQ(3, ctx.currentIA().hints_.size());
+ EXPECT_EQ("2001:db8:1::1", ctx.currentIA().hints_[0].getAddress().toText());
+ EXPECT_EQ("3000:1::", ctx.currentIA().hints_[1].getAddress().toText());
+ EXPECT_EQ("3001:2::", ctx.currentIA().hints_[2].getAddress().toText());
+ EXPECT_EQ(100, ctx.currentIA().hints_[2].getPreferred());
+ EXPECT_EQ(200, ctx.currentIA().hints_[2].getValid());
+// Test convenience method adding allocated prefixes and addresses to
+// a context.
+TEST(ClientContext6Test, addAllocatedResource) {
+ AllocEngine::ClientContext6 ctx;
+ ctx.addAllocatedResource(IOAddress("2001:db8:1::1"));
+ ctx.addAllocatedResource(IOAddress("3000:1::"), 64);
+ ASSERT_EQ(2, ctx.allocated_resources_.size());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ctx.isAllocated(IOAddress("2001:db8:1::1")));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ctx.isAllocated(IOAddress("3000:1::"), 64));
+// This test checks if the v6 Allocation Engine can be instantiated, parses
+// parameters string and allocators are created.
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, constructor) {
+ boost::scoped_ptr<AllocEngine> x;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(x.reset(new AllocEngine(100)));
+// This test checks if two simple IPv6 allocations succeed and that the
+// statistics is properly updated. Prior to the second allocation it
+// resets the pointer to the last allocated address within the address
+// pool. This causes the engine to walk over the already allocated
+// address and then pick the first available address for the second
+// allocation. Because the allocation engine checks the callouts next
+// step status after each attempt to allocate an address, this test
+// also sets this status to non-default value prior to the second
+// allocation attempt, to make sure that this unexpected status will
+// not interfere with the allocation.
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, simpleAlloc6) {
+ // Assigned count should be zero.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("assigned-nas", 0, subnet_->getID()));
+ // Get the cumulative count of assigned addresses.
+ int64_t cumulative = getStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas",
+ subnet_->getID());
+ int64_t glbl_cumulative = getStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas");
+ simpleAlloc6Test(pool_, IOAddress("::"), false);
+ // We should have bumped the assigned counter by 1
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("assigned-nas", 1, subnet_->getID()));
+ cumulative += 1;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas",
+ cumulative, subnet_->getID()));
+ glbl_cumulative += 1;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas", glbl_cumulative));
+ // Reset last allocated address to check that the other client will
+ // be refused the already allocated address and will get the one
+ // available.
+ auto allocation_state = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<PoolIterativeAllocationState>(pool_->getAllocationState());
+ allocation_state->resetLastAllocated();
+ // Simulate another client. This client should be assigned a different
+ // address.
+ DuidPtr duid(new DUID(std::vector<uint8_t>(8, 0x84)));
+ simpleAlloc6Test(pool_, duid, IOAddress("::"), false);
+ // We should have bumped the assigned counter by 2
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("assigned-nas", 2, subnet_->getID()));
+ cumulative += 1;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas",
+ cumulative, subnet_->getID()));
+ glbl_cumulative += 1;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas", glbl_cumulative));
+// This test checks that simple allocation uses default lifetimes.
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, defaultAlloc6) {
+ simpleAlloc6Test(pool_, IOAddress("::"), 0, 0, 300, 400);
+// This test checks that simple allocation uses specified lifetimes.
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, hintAlloc6) {
+ simpleAlloc6Test(pd_pool_, IOAddress("::"), 301, 399, 301, 399);
+// This test checks that simple allocation uses min lifetimes.
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, minAlloc6) {
+ simpleAlloc6Test(pool_, IOAddress("::"), 100, 200, 200, 300);
+// This test checks that simple allocation uses max lifetimes.
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, maxAlloc6) {
+ simpleAlloc6Test(pd_pool_, IOAddress("::"), 500, 600, 400, 500);
+// This test checks if the simple PD allocation (REQUEST) can succeed
+// and the stats counter is properly bumped by 1
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, pdSimpleAlloc6) {
+ // Assigned count should be zero.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("assigned-pds", 0, subnet_->getID()));
+ // Get the cumulative count of assigned prefixes.
+ int64_t cumulative = getStatistics("cumulative-assigned-pds",
+ subnet_->getID());
+ int64_t glbl_cumulative = getStatistics("cumulative-assigned-pds");
+ simpleAlloc6Test(pd_pool_, IOAddress("::"), false);
+ // We should have bumped the assigned counter by 1
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("assigned-pds", 1, subnet_->getID()));
+ cumulative += 1;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("cumulative-assigned-pds",
+ cumulative, subnet_->getID()));
+ glbl_cumulative += 1;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("cumulative-assigned-pds", glbl_cumulative));
+// This test checks if the fake allocation (for SOLICIT) can succeed
+// and the stats counter isn't bumped
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, fakeAlloc6) {
+ // Assigned count should be zero.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("assigned-nas", 0, subnet_->getID()));
+ // Get the cumulative count of assigned addresses.
+ int64_t cumulative = getStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas",
+ subnet_->getID());
+ int64_t glbl_cumulative = getStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas");
+ simpleAlloc6Test(pool_, IOAddress("::"), true);
+ // We should not have bumped the assigned counter.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("assigned-nas", 0, subnet_->getID()));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas",
+ cumulative, subnet_->getID()));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas", glbl_cumulative));
+// This test checks if the fake PD allocation (for SOLICIT) can succeed
+// and the stats counter isn't bumped
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, pdFakeAlloc6) {
+ // Assigned count should be zero.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("assigned-pds", 0, subnet_->getID()));
+ // Get the cumulative count of assigned prefixes.
+ int64_t cumulative = getStatistics("cumulative-assigned-pds",
+ subnet_->getID());
+ int64_t glbl_cumulative = getStatistics("cumulative-assigned-pds");
+ simpleAlloc6Test(pd_pool_, IOAddress("::"), true);
+ // We should not have bumped the assigned counter
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("assigned-pds", 0, subnet_->getID()));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("cumulative-assigned-pds",
+ cumulative, subnet_->getID()));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("cumulative-assigned-pds", glbl_cumulative));
+// This test checks if the allocation with a hint that is valid (in range,
+// in pool and free) can succeed
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, allocWithValidHint6) {
+ Lease6Ptr lease = simpleAlloc6Test(pool_, IOAddress("2001:db8:1::15"),
+ false);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease);
+ // We should get what we asked for
+ EXPECT_EQ("2001:db8:1::15", lease->addr_.toText());
+// This test checks if the address allocation with a hint that is in range,
+// in pool, but is currently used, can succeed
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, allocWithUsedHint6) {
+ allocWithUsedHintTest(Lease::TYPE_NA,
+ IOAddress("2001:db8:1::1f"), // allocate this as used
+ IOAddress("2001:db8:1::1f"), // request this addr
+ 128);
+// This test checks if the PD allocation with a hint that is in range,
+// in pool, but is currently used, can succeed
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, pdAllocWithUsedHint6) {
+ allocWithUsedHintTest(Lease::TYPE_PD,
+ IOAddress("2001:db8:1:2::"), // allocate this prefix as used
+ IOAddress("2001:db8:1:2::"), // request this prefix
+ 80);
+// This test checks if the allocation with a hint that is out the blue
+// can succeed. The invalid hint should be ignored completely.
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, allocBogusHint6) {
+ allocBogusHint6(Lease::TYPE_NA, IOAddress("3000::abc"), 128);
+// This test checks if the allocation with a hint that is out the blue
+// can succeed. The invalid hint should be ignored completely.
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, pdAllocBogusHint6) {
+ allocBogusHint6(Lease::TYPE_PD, IOAddress("3000::abc"), 80);
+// This test checks that NULL values are handled properly
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, allocateAddress6Nulls) {
+ boost::scoped_ptr<AllocEngine> engine;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(engine.reset(new AllocEngine(100)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(engine);
+ // Allocations without subnet are not allowed
+ Lease6Ptr lease;
+ AllocEngine::ClientContext6 ctx1(Subnet6Ptr(), duid_, false, false, "", false,
+ Pkt6Ptr(new Pkt6(DHCPV6_REQUEST, 1234)));
+ ctx1.currentIA().iaid_ = iaid_;
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(lease = expectOneLease(engine->allocateLeases6(ctx1)));
+ ASSERT_FALSE(lease);
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, getStatistics("v6-allocation-fail"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, getStatistics("v6-allocation-fail-shared-network"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, getStatistics("v6-allocation-fail-subnet"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, getStatistics("v6-allocation-fail-no-pools"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, getStatistics("v6-allocation-fail-classes"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, getStatistics("v6-allocation-fail", subnet_->getID()));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, getStatistics("v6-allocation-fail-shared-network", subnet_->getID()));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, getStatistics("v6-allocation-fail-subnet", subnet_->getID()));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, getStatistics("v6-allocation-fail-no-pools", subnet_->getID()));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, getStatistics("v6-allocation-fail-classes", subnet_->getID()));
+ // Allocations without DUID are not allowed either
+ AllocEngine::ClientContext6 ctx2(subnet_, DuidPtr(), false, false, "", false,
+ Pkt6Ptr(new Pkt6(DHCPV6_REQUEST, 1234)));
+ ctx2.currentIA().iaid_ = iaid_;
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(lease = expectOneLease(engine->allocateLeases6(ctx2)));
+ ASSERT_FALSE(lease);
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, getStatistics("v6-allocation-fail"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, getStatistics("v6-allocation-fail-shared-network"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, getStatistics("v6-allocation-fail-subnet"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, getStatistics("v6-allocation-fail-no-pools"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, getStatistics("v6-allocation-fail-classes"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, getStatistics("v6-allocation-fail", subnet_->getID()));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, getStatistics("v6-allocation-fail-shared-network", subnet_->getID()));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, getStatistics("v6-allocation-fail-subnet", subnet_->getID()));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, getStatistics("v6-allocation-fail-no-pools", subnet_->getID()));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, getStatistics("v6-allocation-fail-classes", subnet_->getID()));
+// This test checks if really small pools are working
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, smallPool6) {
+ boost::scoped_ptr<AllocEngine> engine;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(engine.reset(new AllocEngine(100)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(engine);
+ IOAddress addr("2001:db8:1::ad");
+ // Create a subnet with a pool that has one address.
+ initSubnet(IOAddress("2001:db8:1::"), addr, addr);
+ // Initialize FQDN for a lease.
+ initFqdn("", true, true);
+ Lease6Ptr lease;
+ AllocEngine::ClientContext6 ctx(subnet_, duid_, fqdn_fwd_, fqdn_rev_,
+ hostname_, false,
+ Pkt6Ptr(new Pkt6(DHCPV6_REQUEST, 1234)));
+ ctx.currentIA().iaid_ = iaid_;
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(lease = expectOneLease(engine->allocateLeases6(ctx)));
+ // Check that we got that single lease
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease);
+ EXPECT_EQ("2001:db8:1::ad", lease->addr_.toText());
+ // Do all checks on the lease
+ checkLease6(duid_, lease, Lease::TYPE_NA, 128);
+ // Check that the lease is indeed in LeaseMgr
+ Lease6Ptr from_mgr = LeaseMgrFactory::instance().getLease6(lease->type_,
+ lease->addr_);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(from_mgr);
+ // Now check that the lease in LeaseMgr has the same parameters
+ detailCompareLease(lease, from_mgr);
+ // This is a new lease allocation. The old lease corresponding to a newly
+ // allocated lease should be NULL.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(ctx.currentIA().old_leases_.empty());
+// This test checks if all addresses in a pool are currently used, the attempt
+// to find out a new lease fails.
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, outOfAddresses6) {
+ boost::scoped_ptr<AllocEngine> engine;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(engine.reset(new AllocEngine(100)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(engine);
+ IOAddress addr("2001:db8:1::ad");
+ CfgMgr& cfg_mgr = CfgMgr::instance();
+ cfg_mgr.clear(); // Get rid of the default test configuration
+ // Create configuration similar to other tests, but with a single address pool
+ subnet_ = Subnet6::create(IOAddress("2001:db8:1::"), 56, 1, 2, 3, 4, SubnetID(10));
+ pool_ = Pool6Ptr(new Pool6(Lease::TYPE_NA, addr, addr)); // just a single address
+ subnet_->addPool(pool_);
+ cfg_mgr.getStagingCfg()->getCfgSubnets6()->add(subnet_);
+ // Just a different duid
+ DuidPtr other_duid = DuidPtr(new DUID(vector<uint8_t>(12, 0xff)));
+ const uint32_t other_iaid = 3568;
+ Lease6Ptr lease(new Lease6(Lease::TYPE_NA, addr, other_duid, other_iaid,
+ 501, 502, subnet_->getID(), HWAddrPtr()));
+ lease->cltt_ = time(NULL) - 10; // Allocated 10 seconds ago
+ ASSERT_TRUE(LeaseMgrFactory::instance().addLease(lease));
+ // There is just a single address in the pool and allocated it to someone
+ // else, so the allocation should fail
+ Pkt6Ptr query(new Pkt6(DHCPV6_REQUEST, 1234));
+ AllocEngine::ClientContext6 ctx(subnet_, duid_, false, false, "", false,
+ query);
+ ctx.currentIA().iaid_ = iaid_;
+ Lease6Ptr lease2;
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(lease2 = expectOneLease(engine->allocateLeases6(ctx)));
+ ASSERT_FALSE(lease2);
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, getStatistics("v6-allocation-fail"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, getStatistics("v6-allocation-fail-shared-network"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, getStatistics("v6-allocation-fail-subnet"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, getStatistics("v6-allocation-fail-no-pools"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, getStatistics("v6-allocation-fail-classes"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, getStatistics("v6-allocation-fail", subnet_->getID()));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, getStatistics("v6-allocation-fail-shared-network", subnet_->getID()));
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, getStatistics("v6-allocation-fail-subnet", subnet_->getID()));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, getStatistics("v6-allocation-fail-no-pools", subnet_->getID()));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, getStatistics("v6-allocation-fail-classes", subnet_->getID()));
+// This test checks if an expired lease can be reused in SOLICIT (fake allocation)
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, solicitReuseExpiredLease6) {
+ boost::scoped_ptr<AllocEngine> engine;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(engine.reset(new AllocEngine(100)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(engine);
+ IOAddress addr("2001:db8:1::ad");
+ // Create one subnet with a pool holding one address.
+ initSubnet(IOAddress("2001:db8:1::"), addr, addr);
+ // Initialize FQDN data for the lease.
+ initFqdn("", true, true);
+ // Verify the all of relevant stats are zero.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("assigned-nas", 0, subnet_->getID()));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("reclaimed-leases", 0));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("reclaimed-leases", 0, subnet_->getID()));
+ // Get the cumulative count of assigned addresses.
+ int64_t cumulative = getStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas",
+ subnet_->getID());
+ int64_t glbl_cumulative = getStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas");
+ // Just a different duid
+ DuidPtr other_duid = DuidPtr(new DUID(vector<uint8_t>(12, 0xff)));
+ const uint32_t other_iaid = 3568;
+ Lease6Ptr lease(new Lease6(Lease::TYPE_NA, addr, other_duid, other_iaid,
+ 501, 502, subnet_->getID(), HWAddrPtr()));
+ lease->cltt_ = time(NULL) - 500; // Allocated 500 seconds ago
+ lease->valid_lft_ = 495; // Lease was valid for 495 seconds
+ ASSERT_TRUE(LeaseMgrFactory::instance().addLease(lease));
+ // Make sure that we really created expired lease
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease->expired());
+ // CASE 1: Asking for any address
+ AllocEngine::ClientContext6 ctx1(subnet_, duid_, fqdn_fwd_, fqdn_rev_, hostname_,
+ true, Pkt6Ptr(new Pkt6(DHCPV6_SOLICIT, 1234)));
+ ctx1.currentIA().iaid_ = iaid_;
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(lease = expectOneLease(engine->allocateLeases6(ctx1)));
+ // Check that we got that single lease
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease);
+ EXPECT_EQ(addr, lease->addr_);
+ // Do all checks on the lease (if subnet-id, preferred/valid times are ok etc.)
+ checkLease6(duid_, lease, Lease::TYPE_NA, 128);
+ // CASE 2: Asking specifically for this address
+ AllocEngine::ClientContext6 ctx2(subnet_, duid_, false, false, "", true,
+ Pkt6Ptr(new Pkt6(DHCPV6_REQUEST, 1234)));
+ ctx2.currentIA().iaid_ = iaid_;
+ ctx2.currentIA().addHint(addr);
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(lease = expectOneLease(engine->allocateLeases6(ctx2)));
+ // Check that we got that single lease
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease);
+ EXPECT_EQ(addr, lease->addr_);
+ // Verify the none of relevant stats were altered.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("assigned-nas", 0, subnet_->getID()));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas",
+ cumulative, subnet_->getID()));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas", glbl_cumulative));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("reclaimed-leases", 0));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("reclaimed-leases", 0, subnet_->getID()));
+// This test checks if an expired lease can be reused using default lifetimes.
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, defaultReuseExpiredLease6) {
+ boost::scoped_ptr<AllocEngine> engine;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(engine.reset(new AllocEngine(100)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(engine);
+ IOAddress addr("2001:db8:1::ad");
+ // Create one subnet with a pool holding one address.
+ initSubnet(IOAddress("2001:db8:1::"), addr, addr);
+ subnet_->setPreferred(Triplet<uint32_t>(200, 300, 400));
+ subnet_->setValid(Triplet<uint32_t>(300, 400, 500));
+ // Initialize FQDN data for the lease.
+ initFqdn("", true, true);
+ // Just a different duid
+ DuidPtr other_duid = DuidPtr(new DUID(vector<uint8_t>(12, 0xff)));
+ const uint32_t other_iaid = 3568;
+ Lease6Ptr lease(new Lease6(Lease::TYPE_NA, addr, other_duid, other_iaid,
+ 501, 502, subnet_->getID(), HWAddrPtr()));
+ lease->cltt_ = time(NULL) - 500; // Allocated 500 seconds ago
+ lease->valid_lft_ = 495; // Lease was valid for 495 seconds
+ ASSERT_TRUE(LeaseMgrFactory::instance().addLease(lease));
+ // Make sure that we really created expired lease
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease->expired());
+ // Asking specifically for this address with zero lifetimes
+ AllocEngine::ClientContext6 ctx2(subnet_, duid_, false, false, "", true,
+ Pkt6Ptr(new Pkt6(DHCPV6_REQUEST, 1234)));
+ ctx2.currentIA().iaid_ = iaid_;
+ ctx2.currentIA().addHint(addr, 128, 0, 0);
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(lease = expectOneLease(engine->allocateLeases6(ctx2)));
+ // Check that we got that single lease
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease);
+ EXPECT_EQ(addr, lease->addr_);
+ // Check lifetimes: defaults are expected.
+ EXPECT_EQ(300, lease->preferred_lft_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(400, lease->valid_lft_);
+// This test checks if an expired lease can be reused using specified lifetimes.
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, hintReuseExpiredLease6) {
+ boost::scoped_ptr<AllocEngine> engine;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(engine.reset(new AllocEngine(100)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(engine);
+ IOAddress addr("2001:db8:1::ad");
+ // Create one subnet with a pool holding one address.
+ initSubnet(IOAddress("2001:db8:1::"), addr, addr);
+ subnet_->setPreferred(Triplet<uint32_t>(200, 300, 400));
+ subnet_->setValid(Triplet<uint32_t>(300, 400, 500));
+ // Initialize FQDN data for the lease.
+ initFqdn("", true, true);
+ // Just a different duid
+ DuidPtr other_duid = DuidPtr(new DUID(vector<uint8_t>(12, 0xff)));
+ const uint32_t other_iaid = 3568;
+ Lease6Ptr lease(new Lease6(Lease::TYPE_NA, addr, other_duid, other_iaid,
+ 501, 502, subnet_->getID(), HWAddrPtr()));
+ lease->cltt_ = time(NULL) - 500; // Allocated 500 seconds ago
+ lease->valid_lft_ = 495; // Lease was valid for 495 seconds
+ ASSERT_TRUE(LeaseMgrFactory::instance().addLease(lease));
+ // Make sure that we really created expired lease
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease->expired());
+ // Asking specifically for this address with zero lifetimes
+ AllocEngine::ClientContext6 ctx2(subnet_, duid_, false, false, "", true,
+ Pkt6Ptr(new Pkt6(DHCPV6_REQUEST, 1234)));
+ ctx2.currentIA().iaid_ = iaid_;
+ ctx2.currentIA().addHint(addr, 128, 299, 401);
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(lease = expectOneLease(engine->allocateLeases6(ctx2)));
+ // Check that we got that single lease
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease);
+ EXPECT_EQ(addr, lease->addr_);
+ // Check lifetimes: specified values are expected.
+ EXPECT_EQ(299, lease->preferred_lft_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(401, lease->valid_lft_);
+// This test checks if an expired lease can be reused using min lifetimes.
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, minReuseExpiredLease6) {
+ boost::scoped_ptr<AllocEngine> engine;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(engine.reset(new AllocEngine(100)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(engine);
+ IOAddress addr("2001:db8:1::ad");
+ // Create one subnet with a pool holding one address.
+ initSubnet(IOAddress("2001:db8:1::"), addr, addr);
+ subnet_->setPreferred(Triplet<uint32_t>(200, 300, 400));
+ subnet_->setValid(Triplet<uint32_t>(300, 400, 500));
+ // Initialize FQDN data for the lease.
+ initFqdn("", true, true);
+ // Just a different duid
+ DuidPtr other_duid = DuidPtr(new DUID(vector<uint8_t>(12, 0xff)));
+ const uint32_t other_iaid = 3568;
+ Lease6Ptr lease(new Lease6(Lease::TYPE_NA, addr, other_duid, other_iaid,
+ 501, 502, subnet_->getID(), HWAddrPtr()));
+ lease->cltt_ = time(NULL) - 500; // Allocated 500 seconds ago
+ lease->valid_lft_ = 495; // Lease was valid for 495 seconds
+ ASSERT_TRUE(LeaseMgrFactory::instance().addLease(lease));
+ // Make sure that we really created expired lease
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease->expired());
+ // Asking specifically for this address with zero lifetimes
+ AllocEngine::ClientContext6 ctx2(subnet_, duid_, false, false, "", true,
+ Pkt6Ptr(new Pkt6(DHCPV6_REQUEST, 1234)));
+ ctx2.currentIA().iaid_ = iaid_;
+ ctx2.currentIA().addHint(addr, 128, 100, 200);
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(lease = expectOneLease(engine->allocateLeases6(ctx2)));
+ // Check that we got that single lease
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease);
+ EXPECT_EQ(addr, lease->addr_);
+ // Check lifetimes: min values are expected.
+ EXPECT_EQ(200, lease->preferred_lft_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(300, lease->valid_lft_);
+// This test checks if an expired lease can be reused using max lifetimes.
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, maxReuseExpiredLease6) {
+ boost::scoped_ptr<AllocEngine> engine;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(engine.reset(new AllocEngine(100)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(engine);
+ IOAddress addr("2001:db8:1::ad");
+ // Create one subnet with a pool holding one address.
+ initSubnet(IOAddress("2001:db8:1::"), addr, addr);
+ subnet_->setPreferred(Triplet<uint32_t>(200, 300, 400));
+ subnet_->setValid(Triplet<uint32_t>(300, 400, 500));
+ // Initialize FQDN data for the lease.
+ initFqdn("", true, true);
+ // Just a different duid
+ DuidPtr other_duid = DuidPtr(new DUID(vector<uint8_t>(12, 0xff)));
+ const uint32_t other_iaid = 3568;
+ Lease6Ptr lease(new Lease6(Lease::TYPE_NA, addr, other_duid, other_iaid,
+ 501, 502, subnet_->getID(), HWAddrPtr()));
+ lease->cltt_ = time(NULL) - 500; // Allocated 500 seconds ago
+ lease->valid_lft_ = 495; // Lease was valid for 495 seconds
+ ASSERT_TRUE(LeaseMgrFactory::instance().addLease(lease));
+ // Make sure that we really created expired lease
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease->expired());
+ // Asking specifically for this address with zero lifetimes
+ AllocEngine::ClientContext6 ctx2(subnet_, duid_, false, false, "", true,
+ Pkt6Ptr(new Pkt6(DHCPV6_REQUEST, 1234)));
+ ctx2.currentIA().iaid_ = iaid_;
+ ctx2.currentIA().addHint(addr, 128, 500, 600);
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(lease = expectOneLease(engine->allocateLeases6(ctx2)));
+ // Check that we got that single lease
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease);
+ EXPECT_EQ(addr, lease->addr_);
+ // Check lifetimes: max values are expected.
+ EXPECT_EQ(400, lease->preferred_lft_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(500, lease->valid_lft_);
+// This test checks if an expired lease can be reused using class lifetimes.
+// Verifies getLifetimes() is invoked by v6 resuseExpiredLease().
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, classReuseExpiredLease6) {
+ boost::scoped_ptr<AllocEngine> engine;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(engine.reset(new AllocEngine(100)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(engine);
+ IOAddress addr("2001:db8:1::ad");
+ // Let's make a classes with valid-lifetime and add it to the dictionary.
+ ClientClassDictionaryPtr dictionary = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getClientClassDictionary();
+ ClientClassDefPtr class_def(new ClientClassDef("valid_one", ExpressionPtr()));
+ Triplet<uint32_t> valid_one(600, 700, 800);
+ class_def->setValid(valid_one);
+ dictionary->addClass(class_def);
+ // Create one subnet with a pool holding one address.
+ initSubnet(IOAddress("2001:db8:1::"), addr, addr);
+ subnet_->setPreferred(Triplet<uint32_t>(100, 200, 300));
+ subnet_->setValid(Triplet<uint32_t>(300, 400, 500));
+ // Initialize FQDN data for the lease.
+ initFqdn("", true, true);
+ // Just a different duid
+ DuidPtr other_duid = DuidPtr(new DUID(vector<uint8_t>(12, 0xff)));
+ const uint32_t other_iaid = 3568;
+ Lease6Ptr lease(new Lease6(Lease::TYPE_NA, addr, other_duid, other_iaid,
+ 501, 502, subnet_->getID(), HWAddrPtr()));
+ lease->cltt_ = time(NULL) - 500; // Allocated 500 seconds ago
+ lease->valid_lft_ = 495; // Lease was valid for 495 seconds
+ ASSERT_TRUE(LeaseMgrFactory::instance().addLease(lease));
+ // Make sure that we really created expired lease
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease->expired());
+ // Asking specifically for this address with zero lifetimes
+ AllocEngine::ClientContext6 ctx2(subnet_, duid_, false, false, "", true,
+ Pkt6Ptr(new Pkt6(DHCPV6_REQUEST, 1234)));
+ ctx2.currentIA().iaid_ = iaid_;
+ ctx2.currentIA().addHint(addr, 128, 0, 0);
+ // Add the class name to the context.
+ ctx2.query_->addClass("valid_one");
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(lease = expectOneLease(engine->allocateLeases6(ctx2)));
+ // Check that we got that single lease
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease);
+ EXPECT_EQ(addr, lease->addr_);
+ // Check lifetimes: specified values are expected.
+ EXPECT_EQ(200, lease->preferred_lft_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(700, lease->valid_lft_);
+// This test checks if an expired lease can be reused in REQUEST (actual allocation)
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, requestReuseExpiredLease6) {
+ boost::scoped_ptr<AllocEngine> engine;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(engine.reset(new AllocEngine(100)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(engine);
+ IOAddress addr("2001:db8:1::ad");
+ CfgMgr& cfg_mgr = CfgMgr::instance();
+ cfg_mgr.clear(); // Get rid of the default test configuration
+ // Create configuration similar to other tests, but with a single address pool
+ subnet_ = Subnet6::create(IOAddress("2001:db8:1::"), 56, 1, 2, 3, 4, SubnetID(10));
+ pool_ = Pool6Ptr(new Pool6(Lease::TYPE_NA, addr, addr)); // just a single address
+ subnet_->addPool(pool_);
+ cfg_mgr.getStagingCfg()->getCfgSubnets6()->add(subnet_);
+ cfg_mgr.commit();
+ int64_t cumulative = getStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas",
+ subnet_->getID());
+ int64_t glbl_cumulative = getStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas");
+ // Let's create an expired lease
+ DuidPtr other_duid = DuidPtr(new DUID(vector<uint8_t>(12, 0xff)));
+ const uint32_t other_iaid = 3568;
+ const SubnetID other_subnetid = 999;
+ Lease6Ptr lease(new Lease6(Lease::TYPE_NA, addr, other_duid, other_iaid,
+ 501, 502, other_subnetid, HWAddrPtr()));
+ int64_t other_cumulative =
+ getStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas", other_subnetid);
+ lease->cltt_ = time(NULL) - 500; // Allocated 500 seconds ago
+ lease->valid_lft_ = 495; // Lease was valid for 495 seconds
+ lease->fqdn_fwd_ = true;
+ lease->fqdn_rev_ = true;
+ lease->hostname_ = "";
+ ASSERT_TRUE(LeaseMgrFactory::instance().addLease(lease));
+ // A client comes along, asking specifically for this address
+ AllocEngine::ClientContext6 ctx(subnet_, duid_, false, false, "", false,
+ Pkt6Ptr(new Pkt6(DHCPV6_REQUEST, 1234)));
+ ctx.currentIA().iaid_ = iaid_;
+ ctx.currentIA().addHint(addr);
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(lease = expectOneLease(engine->allocateLeases6(ctx)));
+ // Check that he got that single lease
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease);
+ EXPECT_EQ(addr, lease->addr_);
+ // This reactivated lease should have updated FQDN data.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease->hostname_.empty());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease->fqdn_fwd_);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease->fqdn_rev_);
+ // Check that the old lease has been returned.
+ Lease6Ptr old_lease = expectOneLease(ctx.currentIA().old_leases_);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(old_lease);
+ // It should at least have the same IPv6 address.
+ EXPECT_EQ(lease->addr_, old_lease->addr_);
+ // Check that it carries not updated FQDN data.
+ EXPECT_EQ("", old_lease->hostname_);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(old_lease->fqdn_fwd_);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(old_lease->fqdn_rev_);
+ // Check that the lease is indeed updated in LeaseMgr
+ Lease6Ptr from_mgr = LeaseMgrFactory::instance().getLease6(Lease::TYPE_NA,
+ addr);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(from_mgr);
+ // Now check that the lease in LeaseMgr has the same parameters
+ detailCompareLease(lease, from_mgr);
+ // Verify the stats got adjusted correctly
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("assigned-nas", 1, subnet_->getID()));
+ cumulative += 1;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas",
+ cumulative, subnet_->getID()));
+ glbl_cumulative += 1;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas", glbl_cumulative));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("assigned-nas", -1, other_subnetid));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(testStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas",
+ other_cumulative, other_subnetid, false));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("reclaimed-leases", 1));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("reclaimed-leases", 0, subnet_->getID()));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("reclaimed-leases", 1, other_subnetid));
+// Checks if the lease lifetime is extended when the client sends the
+// Request.
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, requestExtendLeaseLifetime) {
+ // Create a lease for the client.
+ Lease6Ptr lease(new Lease6(Lease::TYPE_NA, IOAddress("2001:db8:1::15"),
+ duid_, iaid_, 300, 400,
+ subnet_->getID(), HWAddrPtr()));
+ // Allocated 200 seconds ago - half of the lifetime.
+ time_t lease_cltt = time(NULL) - 200;
+ lease->cltt_ = lease_cltt;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(LeaseMgrFactory::instance().addLease(lease));
+ // Client should receive a lease.
+ Lease6Ptr new_lease = simpleAlloc6Test(pool_, IOAddress("::"), false);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(new_lease);
+ // And the lease lifetime should be extended.
+ EXPECT_GT(new_lease->cltt_, lease_cltt)
+ << "Lease lifetime was not extended, but it should";
+// Checks if the lease lifetime is extended when the client sends the
+// Request and the client has a reservation for the lease.
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, requestExtendLeaseLifetimeForReservation) {
+ // Create reservation for the client. This is in-pool reservation,
+ // as the pool is 2001:db8:1::10 - 2001:db8:1::20.
+ createHost6(true, IPv6Resrv::TYPE_NA, IOAddress("2001:db8:1::1c"), 128);
+ // Create a lease for the client.
+ Lease6Ptr lease(new Lease6(Lease::TYPE_NA, IOAddress("2001:db8:1::1c"),
+ duid_, iaid_, 300, 400,
+ subnet_->getID(), HWAddrPtr()));
+ // Allocated 200 seconds ago - half of the lifetime.
+ time_t lease_cltt = time(NULL) - 200;
+ lease->cltt_ = lease_cltt;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(LeaseMgrFactory::instance().addLease(lease));
+ // Client should receive a lease.
+ Lease6Ptr new_lease = simpleAlloc6Test(pool_, IOAddress("::"), false);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(new_lease);
+ // And the lease lifetime should be extended.
+ EXPECT_GT(new_lease->cltt_, lease_cltt)
+ << "Lease lifetime was not extended, but it should";
+// Checks if the lease lifetime is extended when the client sends the
+// Renew.
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, renewExtendLeaseLifetime) {
+ // Create a lease for the client.
+ Lease6Ptr lease(new Lease6(Lease::TYPE_NA, IOAddress("2001:db8:1::15"),
+ duid_, iaid_, 300, 400,
+ subnet_->getID(), HWAddrPtr()));
+ // Allocated 200 seconds ago - half of the lifetime.
+ time_t lease_cltt = time(NULL) - 200;
+ lease->cltt_ = lease_cltt;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(LeaseMgrFactory::instance().addLease(lease));
+ AllocEngine engine(100);
+ // This is what the client will send in his renew message.
+ AllocEngine::HintContainer hints;
+ hints.push_back(AllocEngine::Resource(IOAddress("2001:db8:1::15"), 128));
+ // Client should receive a lease.
+ Lease6Collection renewed = renewTest(engine, pool_, hints, IN_SUBNET, IN_POOL);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, renewed.size());
+ // And the lease lifetime should be extended.
+ EXPECT_GT(renewed[0]->cltt_, lease_cltt)
+ << "Lease lifetime was not extended, but it should";
+// Checks that a renewed lease uses default lifetimes.
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, defaultRenewLeaseLifetime) {
+ // Create a lease for the client.
+ Lease6Ptr lease(new Lease6(Lease::TYPE_NA, IOAddress("2001:db8:1::15"),
+ duid_, iaid_, 300, 400,
+ subnet_->getID(), HWAddrPtr()));
+ // Allocated 200 seconds ago - half of the lifetime.
+ time_t lease_cltt = time(NULL) - 200;
+ lease->cltt_ = lease_cltt;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(LeaseMgrFactory::instance().addLease(lease));
+ AllocEngine engine(100);
+ subnet_->setPreferred(Triplet<uint32_t>(200, 300, 400));
+ subnet_->setValid(Triplet<uint32_t>(300, 400, 500));
+ // This is what the client will send in his renew message.
+ AllocEngine::HintContainer hints;
+ hints.push_back(AllocEngine::Resource(IOAddress("2001:db8:1::15"),
+ 128, 0, 0));
+ // Client should receive a lease.
+ Lease6Collection renewed = renewTest(engine, pool_, hints, IN_SUBNET, IN_POOL);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, renewed.size());
+ // And the lease lifetime should be extended.
+ EXPECT_GT(renewed[0]->cltt_, lease_cltt)
+ << "Lease lifetime was not extended, but it should";
+ // Checks that default values are used for lifetimes.
+ EXPECT_EQ(300, renewed[0]->preferred_lft_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(400, renewed[0]->valid_lft_);
+// Checks that a renewed lease uses specified lifetimes.
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, hintRenewLeaseLifetime) {
+ // Create a lease for the client.
+ Lease6Ptr lease(new Lease6(Lease::TYPE_NA, IOAddress("2001:db8:1::15"),
+ duid_, iaid_, 300, 400,
+ subnet_->getID(), HWAddrPtr()));
+ // Allocated 200 seconds ago - half of the lifetime.
+ time_t lease_cltt = time(NULL) - 200;
+ lease->cltt_ = lease_cltt;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(LeaseMgrFactory::instance().addLease(lease));
+ AllocEngine engine(100);
+ subnet_->setPreferred(Triplet<uint32_t>(200, 300, 400));
+ subnet_->setValid(Triplet<uint32_t>(300, 400, 500));
+ // This is what the client will send in his renew message.
+ AllocEngine::HintContainer hints;
+ hints.push_back(AllocEngine::Resource(IOAddress("2001:db8:1::15"),
+ 128, 301, 399));
+ // Client should receive a lease.
+ Lease6Collection renewed = renewTest(engine, pool_, hints, IN_SUBNET, IN_POOL);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, renewed.size());
+ // And the lease lifetime should be extended.
+ EXPECT_GT(renewed[0]->cltt_, lease_cltt)
+ << "Lease lifetime was not extended, but it should";
+ // Checks that specified values are used for lifetimes.
+ EXPECT_EQ(301, renewed[0]->preferred_lft_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(399, renewed[0]->valid_lft_);
+// Checks that a renewed lease uses min lifetimes.
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, minRenewLeaseLifetime) {
+ // Create a lease for the client.
+ Lease6Ptr lease(new Lease6(Lease::TYPE_NA, IOAddress("2001:db8:1::15"),
+ duid_, iaid_, 300, 400,
+ subnet_->getID(), HWAddrPtr()));
+ // Allocated 200 seconds ago - half of the lifetime.
+ time_t lease_cltt = time(NULL) - 200;
+ lease->cltt_ = lease_cltt;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(LeaseMgrFactory::instance().addLease(lease));
+ AllocEngine engine(100);
+ subnet_->setPreferred(Triplet<uint32_t>(200, 300, 400));
+ subnet_->setValid(Triplet<uint32_t>(300, 400, 500));
+ // This is what the client will send in his renew message.
+ AllocEngine::HintContainer hints;
+ hints.push_back(AllocEngine::Resource(IOAddress("2001:db8:1::15"),
+ 128, 100, 200));
+ // Client should receive a lease.
+ Lease6Collection renewed = renewTest(engine, pool_, hints, IN_SUBNET, IN_POOL);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, renewed.size());
+ // And the lease lifetime should be extended.
+ EXPECT_GT(renewed[0]->cltt_, lease_cltt)
+ << "Lease lifetime was not extended, but it should";
+ // Checks that min values are used for lifetimes.
+ EXPECT_EQ(200, renewed[0]->preferred_lft_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(300, renewed[0]->valid_lft_);
+// Checks that a renewed lease uses max lifetimes.
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, maxRenewLeaseLifetime) {
+ // Create a lease for the client.
+ Lease6Ptr lease(new Lease6(Lease::TYPE_NA, IOAddress("2001:db8:1::15"),
+ duid_, iaid_, 300, 400,
+ subnet_->getID(), HWAddrPtr()));
+ // Allocated 200 seconds ago - half of the lifetime.
+ time_t lease_cltt = time(NULL) - 200;
+ lease->cltt_ = lease_cltt;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(LeaseMgrFactory::instance().addLease(lease));
+ AllocEngine engine(100);
+ subnet_->setPreferred(Triplet<uint32_t>(200, 300, 400));
+ subnet_->setValid(Triplet<uint32_t>(300, 400, 500));
+ // This is what the client will send in his renew message.
+ AllocEngine::HintContainer hints;
+ hints.push_back(AllocEngine::Resource(IOAddress("2001:db8:1::15"),
+ 128, 500, 600));
+ // Client should receive a lease.
+ Lease6Collection renewed = renewTest(engine, pool_, hints, IN_SUBNET, IN_POOL);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, renewed.size());
+ // And the lease lifetime should be extended.
+ EXPECT_GT(renewed[0]->cltt_, lease_cltt)
+ << "Lease lifetime was not extended, but it should";
+ // Checks that max values are used for lifetimes.
+ EXPECT_EQ(400, renewed[0]->preferred_lft_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(500, renewed[0]->valid_lft_);
+// Verifies renewal uses class life times via getLifetimes() in invoked by
+// extendLease6().
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, renewClassLeaseLifetime) {
+ // Create a lease for the client.
+ Lease6Ptr lease(new Lease6(Lease::TYPE_NA, IOAddress("2001:db8:1::15"),
+ duid_, iaid_, 300, 400,
+ subnet_->getID(), HWAddrPtr()));
+ // Allocated 200 seconds ago - half of the lifetime.
+ time_t lease_cltt = time(NULL) - 200;
+ lease->cltt_ = lease_cltt;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(LeaseMgrFactory::instance().addLease(lease));
+ AllocEngine engine(100);
+ // This is what the client will send in his renew message.
+ AllocEngine::HintContainer hints;
+ hints.push_back(AllocEngine::Resource(IOAddress("2001:db8:1::15"), 128));
+ Lease::Type type = Lease::TYPE_NA;
+ Pkt6Ptr query(new Pkt6(DHCPV6_RENEW, 1234));
+ AllocEngine::ClientContext6 ctx(subnet_, duid_, false, false, "",
+ false, query);
+ ctx.currentIA().hints_ = hints;
+ ctx.currentIA().iaid_ = iaid_;
+ ctx.currentIA().type_ = type;
+ // Add a client class with both valid and preferred lifetime values.
+ ClientClassDefPtr class_def(new ClientClassDef("lft_class", ExpressionPtr()));
+ Triplet<uint32_t> valid_lft(600, 700, 800);
+ class_def->setValid(valid_lft);
+ Triplet<uint32_t> preferred_lft(650, 750, 850);
+ class_def->setPreferred(preferred_lft);
+ CfgMgr::instance().getCurrentCfg()->getClientClassDictionary()->addClass(class_def);
+ ctx.query_->addClass(class_def->getName());
+ findReservation(engine, ctx);
+ Lease6Collection renewed = engine.renewLeases6(ctx);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, renewed.size());
+ // And the lease lifetime should be extended.
+ EXPECT_GT(renewed[0]->cltt_, lease_cltt)
+ << "Lease lifetime was not extended, but it should";
+ // Verify life times came from the class. Preferred should get adjusted.
+ EXPECT_EQ(renewed[0]->preferred_lft_, 437);
+ EXPECT_EQ(renewed[0]->valid_lft_, 700);
+// Renew and the client has a reservation for the lease.
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, renewExtendLeaseLifetimeForReservation) {
+ // Create reservation for the client. This is in-pool reservation,
+ // as the pool is 2001:db8:1::10 - 2001:db8:1::20.
+ createHost6(true, IPv6Resrv::TYPE_NA, IOAddress("2001:db8:1::15"), 128);
+ // Create a lease for the client.
+ Lease6Ptr lease(new Lease6(Lease::TYPE_NA, IOAddress("2001:db8:1::15"),
+ duid_, iaid_, 300, 400,
+ subnet_->getID(), HWAddrPtr()));
+ // Allocated 200 seconds ago - half of the lifetime.
+ time_t lease_cltt = time(NULL) - 200;
+ lease->cltt_ = lease_cltt;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(LeaseMgrFactory::instance().addLease(lease));
+ AllocEngine engine(100);
+ // This is what the client will send in his renew message.
+ AllocEngine::HintContainer hints;
+ hints.push_back(AllocEngine::Resource(IOAddress("2001:db8:1::15"), 128));
+ // Client should receive a lease.
+ Lease6Collection renewed = renewTest(engine, pool_, hints, IN_SUBNET, IN_POOL);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, renewed.size());
+ // And the lease lifetime should be extended.
+ EXPECT_GT(renewed[0]->cltt_, lease_cltt)
+ << "Lease lifetime was not extended, but it should";
+// --- v6 host reservation ---
+// Checks that a client gets the address reserved (in-pool case)
+// This test checks the behavior of the allocation engine in the following
+// scenario:
+// - Client has no lease in the database.
+// - Client has an in-pool reservation.
+// - Client sends SOLICIT without any hints.
+// - Client is allocated a reserved address.
+// Note that a DHCPv6 client can, but doesn't have to send any hints in its
+// Solicit message.
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, reservedAddressInPoolSolicitNoHint) {
+ // Create reservation for the client. This is in-pool reservation,
+ // as the pool is 2001:db8:1::10 - 2001:db8:1::20.
+ createHost6(true, IPv6Resrv::TYPE_NA, IOAddress("2001:db8:1::1c"), 128);
+ AllocEngine engine(100);
+ Lease6Ptr lease = simpleAlloc6Test(pool_, IOAddress("::"), true);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease);
+ EXPECT_EQ("2001:db8:1::1c", lease->addr_.toText());
+// Checks that a client gets the address reserved (in-pool case)
+// This test checks the behavior of the allocation engine in the following
+// scenario:
+// - Client has no lease in the database.
+// - Client has an in-pool reservation.
+// - Client sends REQUEST without any hints.
+// - Client is allocated a reserved address.
+// Note that DHCPv6 client must send an address in REQUEST that the server
+// offered in Advertise. Nevertheless, the client may ignore this requirement.
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, reservedAddressInPoolRequestNoHint) {
+ // Create reservation for the client. This is in-pool reservation,
+ // as the pool is 2001:db8:1::10 - 2001:db8:1::20.
+ createHost6(true, IPv6Resrv::TYPE_NA, IOAddress("2001:db8:1::1c"), 128);
+ AllocEngine engine(100);
+ // Assigned count should be zero.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("assigned-nas", 0, subnet_->getID()));
+ // Get the cumulative count of assigned addresses.
+ int64_t cumulative = getStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas",
+ subnet_->getID());
+ int64_t glbl_cumulative = getStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas");
+ Lease6Ptr lease = simpleAlloc6Test(pool_, IOAddress("::"), false);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease);
+ EXPECT_EQ("2001:db8:1::1c", lease->addr_.toText());
+ // Assigned count should have been incremented by one.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("assigned-nas", 1, subnet_->getID()));
+ cumulative += 1;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas",
+ cumulative, subnet_->getID()));
+ glbl_cumulative += 1;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas", glbl_cumulative));
+// Checks that a client gets the address reserved (in-pool case)
+// This test checks the behavior of the allocation engine in the following
+// scenario:
+// - Client has no lease in the database.
+// - Client has an in-pool reservation.
+// - Client sends SOLICIT with a hint that does not match reservation
+// - Client is allocated a reserved address, not the hint.
+// Note that DHCPv6 client can, but don't have to send any hints in its
+// Solicit message.
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, reservedAddressInPoolSolicitValidHint) {
+ // Create reservation for the client. This is in-pool reservation,
+ // as the pool is 2001:db8:1::10 - 2001:db8:1::20.
+ createHost6(true, IPv6Resrv::TYPE_NA, IOAddress("2001:db8:1::1c"), 128);
+ AllocEngine engine(100);
+ // Assigned count should be zero.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("assigned-nas", 0, subnet_->getID()));
+ // Get the cumulative count of assigned addresses.
+ int64_t cumulative = getStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas",
+ subnet_->getID());
+ int64_t glbl_cumulative = getStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas");
+ // Let's pretend the client sends hint 2001:db8:1::10.
+ Lease6Ptr lease = simpleAlloc6Test(pool_, IOAddress("2001:db8:1::10"), true);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease);
+ // The hint should be ignored and the reserved address should be assigned
+ EXPECT_EQ("2001:db8:1::1c", lease->addr_.toText());
+ // Assigned count should not have been incremented.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("assigned-nas", 0, subnet_->getID()));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas",
+ cumulative, subnet_->getID()));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas", glbl_cumulative));
+// Checks that a client gets the address reserved (in-pool case)
+// This test checks the behavior of the allocation engine in the following
+// scenario:
+// - Client has no lease in the database.
+// - Client has an in-pool reservation.
+// - Client sends REQUEST with a hint that does not match reservation
+// - Client is allocated a reserved address, not the hint.
+// Note that DHCPv6 client must send an address in REQUEST that the server
+// offered in Advertise. Nevertheless, the client may ignore this requirement.
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, reservedAddressInPoolRequestValidHint) {
+ // Create reservation for the client This is in-pool reservation,
+ // as the pool is 2001:db8:1::10 - 2001:db8:1::20.
+ createHost6(true, IPv6Resrv::TYPE_NA, IOAddress("2001:db8:1::1c"), 128);
+ AllocEngine engine(100);
+ // Assigned count should be zero.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("assigned-nas", 0, subnet_->getID()));
+ // Get the cumulative count of assigned addresses.
+ int64_t cumulative = getStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas",
+ subnet_->getID());
+ int64_t glbl_cumulative = getStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas");
+ // Let's pretend the client sends hint 2001:db8:1::10.
+ Lease6Ptr lease = simpleAlloc6Test(pool_, IOAddress("2001:db8:1::10"), false);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease);
+ // The hint should be ignored and the reserved address should be assigned
+ EXPECT_EQ("2001:db8:1::1c", lease->addr_.toText());
+ // Assigned count should have been incremented.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("assigned-nas", 1, subnet_->getID()));
+ cumulative += 1;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas",
+ cumulative, subnet_->getID()));
+ glbl_cumulative += 1;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas", glbl_cumulative));
+// Checks that a client gets the address reserved (in-pool case)
+// This test checks the behavior of the allocation engine in the following
+// scenario:
+// - Client has no lease in the database.
+// - Client has an in-pool reservation.
+// - Client sends SOLICIT with a hint that does matches reservation
+// - Client is allocated a reserved address, not the hint.
+// Note that DHCPv6 client can, but don't have to send any hints in its
+// Solicit message.
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, reservedAddressInPoolSolicitMatchingHint) {
+ // Create reservation for the client. This is in-pool reservation,
+ // as the pool is 2001:db8:1::10 - 2001:db8:1::20.
+ createHost6(true, IPv6Resrv::TYPE_NA, IOAddress("2001:db8:1::1c"), 128);
+ AllocEngine engine(100);
+ // Assigned count should be zero.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("assigned-nas", 0, subnet_->getID()));
+ // Get the cumulative count of assigned addresses.
+ int64_t cumulative = getStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas",
+ subnet_->getID());
+ int64_t glbl_cumulative = getStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas");
+ // Let's pretend the client sends hint 2001:db8:1::10.
+ Lease6Ptr lease = simpleAlloc6Test(pool_, IOAddress("2001:db8:1::1c"), true);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease);
+ // The hint should be ignored and the reserved address should be assigned
+ EXPECT_EQ("2001:db8:1::1c", lease->addr_.toText());
+ // Assigned count should not have been incremented.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("assigned-nas", 0, subnet_->getID()));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas",
+ cumulative, subnet_->getID()));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas", glbl_cumulative));
+// Checks that a client gets the address reserved (in-pool case)
+// This test checks the behavior of the allocation engine in the following
+// scenario:
+// - Client has no lease in the database.
+// - Client has an in-pool reservation.
+// - Client sends REQUEST with a hint that does not match reservation
+// - Client is allocated a reserved address, not the hint.
+// Note that DHCPv6 client must send an address in REQUEST that the server
+// offered in Advertise. Nevertheless, the client may ignore this requirement.
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, reservedAddressInPoolRequestMatchingHint) {
+ // Create reservation for the client. This is in-pool reservation,
+ // as the pool is 2001:db8:1::10 - 2001:db8:1::20.
+ createHost6(true, IPv6Resrv::TYPE_NA, IOAddress("2001:db8:1::1c"), 128);
+ AllocEngine engine(100);
+ // Assigned count should be zero.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("assigned-nas", 0, subnet_->getID()));
+ // Get the cumulative count of assigned addresses.
+ int64_t cumulative = getStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas",
+ subnet_->getID());
+ int64_t glbl_cumulative = getStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas");
+ // Let's pretend the client sends hint 2001:db8:1::10.
+ Lease6Ptr lease = simpleAlloc6Test(pool_, IOAddress("2001:db8:1::1c"), false);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease);
+ // The hint should be ignored and the reserved address should be assigned
+ EXPECT_EQ("2001:db8:1::1c", lease->addr_.toText());
+ // Assigned count should have been incremented.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("assigned-nas", 1, subnet_->getID()));
+ cumulative += 1;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas",
+ cumulative, subnet_->getID()));
+ glbl_cumulative += 1;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas", glbl_cumulative));
+// Checks that a client gets the address reserved (out-of-pool case)
+// This test checks the behavior of the allocation engine in the following
+// scenario:
+// - Client has no lease in the database.
+// - Client has an out-of-pool reservation.
+// - Client sends SOLICIT without any hints.
+// - Client is allocated a reserved address.
+// Note that DHCPv6 client can, but don't have to send any hints in its
+// Solicit message.
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, reservedAddressOutOfPoolSolicitNoHint) {
+ // Create reservation for the client. This is out-of-pool reservation,
+ // as the pool is 2001:db8:1::10 - 2001:db8:1::20.
+ createHost6(true, IPv6Resrv::TYPE_NA, IOAddress("2001:db8::abcd"), 128);
+ AllocEngine engine(100);
+ // Assigned count should be zero.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("assigned-nas", 0, subnet_->getID()));
+ // Get the cumulative count of assigned addresses.
+ int64_t cumulative = getStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas",
+ subnet_->getID());
+ int64_t glbl_cumulative = getStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas");
+ Lease6Ptr lease = simpleAlloc6Test(pool_, IOAddress("::"), true, false);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease);
+ EXPECT_EQ("2001:db8::abcd", lease->addr_.toText());
+ // Assigned count should not have been incremented.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("assigned-nas", 0, subnet_->getID()));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas",
+ cumulative, subnet_->getID()));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas", glbl_cumulative));
+// Checks that a client gets the address reserved (out-of-pool case)
+// This test checks the behavior of the allocation engine in the following
+// scenario:
+// - Client has no lease in the database.
+// - Client has an out-of-pool reservation.
+// - Client sends REQUEST without any hints.
+// - Client is allocated a reserved address.
+// Note that DHCPv6 client must send an address in REQUEST that the server
+// offered in Advertise. Nevertheless, the client may ignore this requirement.
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, reservedAddressOutOfPoolRequestNoHint) {
+ // Create reservation for the client. This is out-of-pool reservation,
+ // as the pool is 2001:db8:1::10 - 2001:db8:1::20.
+ createHost6(true, IPv6Resrv::TYPE_NA, IOAddress("2001:db8::abcd"), 128);
+ AllocEngine engine(100);
+ // Assigned count should be zero.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("assigned-nas", 0, subnet_->getID()));
+ // Get the cumulative count of assigned addresses.
+ int64_t cumulative = getStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas",
+ subnet_->getID());
+ int64_t glbl_cumulative = getStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas");
+ Lease6Ptr lease = simpleAlloc6Test(pool_, IOAddress("::"), false, false);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease);
+ EXPECT_EQ("2001:db8::abcd", lease->addr_.toText());
+ // We should not have bumped the address counter
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("assigned-nas", 0, subnet_->getID()));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas",
+ cumulative, subnet_->getID()));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas", glbl_cumulative));
+// Checks that a client gets the address reserved (in-pool case)
+// This test checks the behavior of the allocation engine in the following
+// scenario:
+// - Client has no lease in the database.
+// - Client has an in-pool reservation.
+// - Client sends SOLICIT with a hint that does not match reservation
+// - Client is allocated a reserved address, not the hint.
+// Note that DHCPv6 client can, but don't have to send any hints in its
+// Solicit message.
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, reservedAddressOutOfPoolSolicitValidHint) {
+ // Create reservation for the client. This is out-of-pool reservation,
+ // as the pool is 2001:db8:1::10 - 2001:db8:1::20.
+ createHost6(true, IPv6Resrv::TYPE_NA, IOAddress("2001:db8::abcd"), 128);
+ AllocEngine engine(100);
+ // Assigned count should be zero.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("assigned-nas", 0, subnet_->getID()));
+ // Get the cumulative count of assigned addresses.
+ int64_t cumulative = getStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas",
+ subnet_->getID());
+ int64_t glbl_cumulative = getStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas");
+ // Let's pretend the client sends hint 2001:db8:1::10.
+ Lease6Ptr lease = simpleAlloc6Test(pool_, IOAddress("2001:db8:1::10"), true, false);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease);
+ // The hint should be ignored and the reserved address should be assigned
+ EXPECT_EQ("2001:db8::abcd", lease->addr_.toText());
+ // We should not have bumped the address counter
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("assigned-nas", 0, subnet_->getID()));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas",
+ cumulative, subnet_->getID()));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas", glbl_cumulative));
+// Checks that a client gets the address reserved (out-of-pool case)
+// This test checks the behavior of the allocation engine in the following
+// scenario:
+// - Client has no lease in the database.
+// - Client has an out-of-pool reservation.
+// - Client sends REQUEST with a hint that does not match reservation
+// - Client is allocated a reserved address, not the hint.
+// Note that DHCPv6 client must send an address in REQUEST that the server
+// offered in Advertise. Nevertheless, the client may ignore this requirement.
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, reservedAddressOutOfPoolRequestValidHint) {
+ // Create reservation for the client. This is out-of-pool reservation,
+ // as the pool is 2001:db8:1::10 - 2001:db8:1::20.
+ createHost6(true, IPv6Resrv::TYPE_NA, IOAddress("2001:db8::abcd"), 128);
+ AllocEngine engine(100);
+ // Assigned count should be zero.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("assigned-nas", 0, subnet_->getID()));
+ // Get the cumulative count of assigned addresses.
+ int64_t cumulative = getStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas",
+ subnet_->getID());
+ int64_t glbl_cumulative = getStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas");
+ // Let's pretend the client sends hint 2001:db8:1::10.
+ Lease6Ptr lease = simpleAlloc6Test(pool_, IOAddress("2001:db8:1::10"), false, false);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease);
+ // The hint should be ignored and the reserved address should be assigned
+ EXPECT_EQ("2001:db8::abcd", lease->addr_.toText());
+ // We should not have bumped the address counter
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("assigned-nas", 0, subnet_->getID()));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas",
+ cumulative, subnet_->getID()));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas", glbl_cumulative));
+// Checks that a client gets the address reserved (out-of-pool case)
+// This test checks the behavior of the allocation engine in the following
+// scenario:
+// - Client has no lease in the database.
+// - Client has an out-of-pool reservation.
+// - Client sends SOLICIT with a hint that does matches reservation
+// - Client is allocated a reserved address, not the hint.
+// Note that DHCPv6 client can, but don't have to send any hints in its
+// Solicit message.
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, reservedAddressOutOfPoolSolicitMatchingHint) {
+ // Create reservation for the client. This is out-of-pool reservation,
+ // as the pool is 2001:db8:1::10 - 2001:db8:1::20.
+ createHost6(true, IPv6Resrv::TYPE_NA, IOAddress("2001:db8::abcd"), 128);
+ AllocEngine engine(100);
+ // Assigned count should be zero.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("assigned-nas", 0, subnet_->getID()));
+ // Get the cumulative count of assigned addresses.
+ int64_t cumulative = getStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas",
+ subnet_->getID());
+ int64_t glbl_cumulative = getStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas");
+ // Let's pretend the client sends hint 2001:db8:1::10.
+ Lease6Ptr lease = simpleAlloc6Test(pool_, IOAddress("2001:db8:1::1c"), true, false);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease);
+ // The hint should be ignored and the reserved address should be assigned
+ EXPECT_EQ("2001:db8::abcd", lease->addr_.toText());
+ // We should not have bumped the address counter
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("assigned-nas", 0, subnet_->getID()));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas",
+ cumulative, subnet_->getID()));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas", glbl_cumulative));
+// Checks that a client gets the address reserved (out-of-pool case)
+// This test checks the behavior of the allocation engine in the following
+// scenario:
+// - Client has no lease in the database.
+// - Client has an out-of-pool reservation.
+// - Client sends REQUEST with a hint that does not match reservation
+// - Client is allocated a reserved address, not the hint.
+// Note that DHCPv6 client must send an address in REQUEST that the server
+// offered in Advertise. Nevertheless, the client may ignore this requirement.
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, reservedAddressOutOfPoolRequestMatchingHint) {
+ // Create reservation for the client. This is out-of-pool reservation,
+ // as the pool is 2001:db8:1::10 - 2001:db8:1::20.
+ createHost6(true, IPv6Resrv::TYPE_NA, IOAddress("2001:db8::abcd"), 128);
+ AllocEngine engine(100);
+ // Assigned count should be zero.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("assigned-nas", 0, subnet_->getID()));
+ // Get the cumulative count of assigned addresses.
+ int64_t cumulative = getStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas",
+ subnet_->getID());
+ int64_t glbl_cumulative = getStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas");
+ // Let's pretend the client sends hint 2001:db8:1::10.
+ Lease6Ptr lease = simpleAlloc6Test(pool_, IOAddress("2001:db8:1::1c"), false, false);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease);
+ // The hint should be ignored and the reserved address should be assigned
+ EXPECT_EQ("2001:db8::abcd", lease->addr_.toText());
+ // We should not have bumped the address counter
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("assigned-nas", 0, subnet_->getID()));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas",
+ cumulative, subnet_->getID()));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas", glbl_cumulative));
+// In the following situation:
+// - client is assigned an address A
+// - HR is made for *this* client to get B
+// - client tries to get address A:
+// Check that his existing lease for lease A is removed
+// Check that he is assigned a new lease for B
+// - verify that the number of assigned address behaves as expected
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, reservedAddressInPoolReassignedThis) {
+ AllocEngine engine(100);
+ // Assigned count should be zero.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("assigned-nas", 0, subnet_->getID()));
+ // Get the cumulative count of assigned addresses.
+ int64_t cumulative = getStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas",
+ subnet_->getID());
+ int64_t glbl_cumulative = getStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas");
+ // Client gets an address
+ Lease6Ptr lease1 = simpleAlloc6Test(pool_, IOAddress("::"), false);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease1);
+ // We should have bumped the address counter
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("assigned-nas", 1, subnet_->getID()));
+ cumulative += 1;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas",
+ cumulative, subnet_->getID()));
+ glbl_cumulative += 1;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas", glbl_cumulative));
+ // Just check that if the client requests again, it will get the same
+ // address.
+ Lease6Ptr lease2 = simpleAlloc6Test(pool_, lease1->addr_, false);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease2);
+ detailCompareLease(lease1, lease2);
+ // We should not have bumped the address counter again
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("assigned-nas", 1, subnet_->getID()));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas",
+ cumulative, subnet_->getID()));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas", glbl_cumulative));
+ // Now admin creates a reservation for this client. This is in-pool
+ // reservation, as the pool is 2001:db8:1::10 - 2001:db8:1::20.
+ createHost6(true, IPv6Resrv::TYPE_NA, IOAddress("2001:db8:1::1c"), 128);
+ // Just check that this time the client will get.
+ Lease6Ptr lease3 = simpleAlloc6Test(pool_, lease1->addr_, false);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease3);
+ // Check that previous lease was not used anymore.
+ EXPECT_NE(lease1->addr_.toText(), lease3->addr_.toText());
+ // Check that the reserved address was indeed assigned.
+ EXPECT_EQ("2001:db8:1::1c", lease3->addr_.toText());
+ // Check that the old lease is gone.
+ Lease6Ptr old = LeaseMgrFactory::instance().getLease6(lease1->type_,
+ lease1->addr_);
+ // Check that the reserved lease is in the database.
+ Lease6Ptr from_mgr = LeaseMgrFactory::instance().getLease6(lease1->type_,
+ IOAddress("2001:db8:1::1c"));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(from_mgr);
+ // Now check that the lease in LeaseMgr has the same parameters
+ detailCompareLease(lease3, from_mgr);
+ // Lastly check to see that the address counter is still 1, we should have
+ // have decremented it on the implied release and incremented it on the reserved
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("assigned-nas", 1, subnet_->getID()));
+ cumulative += 1;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas",
+ cumulative, subnet_->getID()));
+ glbl_cumulative += 1;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas", glbl_cumulative));
+// In the following situation:
+// - client X is assigned an address A
+// - HR is made for client Y (*other* client) to get A
+// - client X tries to get address A:
+// Check that his existing lease for lease A is removed
+// Check that he is assigned a new lease
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, reservedAddressInPoolReassignedOther) {
+ AllocEngine engine(100);
+ // Assigned count should be zero.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("assigned-nas", 0, subnet_->getID()));
+ // Get the cumulative count of assigned addresses.
+ int64_t cumulative = getStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas",
+ subnet_->getID());
+ int64_t glbl_cumulative = getStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas");
+ // Client gets an address
+ Lease6Ptr lease1 = simpleAlloc6Test(pool_, IOAddress("::"), false);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease1);
+ // We should have bumped the address counter
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("assigned-nas", 1, subnet_->getID()));
+ cumulative += 1;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas",
+ cumulative, subnet_->getID()));
+ glbl_cumulative += 1;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas", glbl_cumulative));
+ // Just check that if the client requests again, it will get the same
+ // address.
+ Lease6Ptr lease2 = simpleAlloc6Test(pool_, lease1->addr_, false);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease2);
+ detailCompareLease(lease1, lease2);
+ // We should not have bumped the address counter again
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("assigned-nas", 1, subnet_->getID()));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas",
+ cumulative, subnet_->getID()));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas", glbl_cumulative));
+ // Now admin creates a reservation for this client. Let's use the
+ // address client X just received. Let's generate a host, but don't add it
+ // to the HostMgr yet.
+ HostPtr host = createHost6(false, IPv6Resrv::TYPE_NA, lease1->addr_, 128);
+ // We need to tweak reservation id: use a different DUID for client Y
+ vector<uint8_t> other_duid(8, 0x45);
+ host->setIdentifier(&other_duid[0], other_duid.size(), Host::IDENT_DUID);
+ // Ok, now add it to the HostMgr
+ addHost(host);
+ // Just check that this time the client will get a different lease.
+ Lease6Ptr lease3 = simpleAlloc6Test(pool_, lease1->addr_, false);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease3);
+ // Check that previous lease was not used anymore.
+ EXPECT_NE(lease1->addr_.toText(), lease3->addr_.toText());
+ // Check that the old lease is gone.
+ Lease6Ptr old = LeaseMgrFactory::instance().getLease6(lease1->type_,
+ lease1->addr_);
+ // Check that the reserved lease is in the database.
+ Lease6Ptr from_mgr = LeaseMgrFactory::instance().getLease6(lease1->type_,
+ lease3->addr_);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(from_mgr);
+ // Now check that the lease in LeaseMgr has the same parameters
+ detailCompareLease(lease3, from_mgr);
+ // Lastly check to see that the address counter is still 1 we should have
+ // have decremented it on the implied release and incremented it on the reserved
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("assigned-nas", 1, subnet_->getID()));
+ cumulative += 1;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas",
+ cumulative, subnet_->getID()));
+ glbl_cumulative += 1;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas", glbl_cumulative));
+// Checks that a reserved address for client A is not assigned when
+// other clients are requesting addresses. The scenario is as follows:
+// we use a regular pool with 17 addresses in it. One of them is
+// reserved for client A. Now we try to allocate addresses for 30 clients
+// (A is not one of them). The first 16 attempts should succeed. Then
+// we run out of addresses and remaining 14 clients will get nothing.
+// Finally, we check that client A still can get his reserved address.
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, reservedAddress) {
+ AllocEngine engine(100);
+ // Create reservation for the client. This is in-pool reservation,
+ // as the pool is 2001:db8:1::10 - 2001:db8:1::20.
+ createHost6(true, IPv6Resrv::TYPE_NA, IOAddress("2001:db8:1::12"), 128);
+ // Let's generate 30 DUIDs, each of them 16 bytes long
+ vector<DuidPtr> clients;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
+ vector<uint8_t> data(16, i);
+ clients.push_back(DuidPtr(new DUID(data)));
+ }
+ // The default pool is 2001:db8:1::10 to 2001:db8:1::20. There's 17
+ // addresses in it. One of them is reserved, so this means that we should
+ // get 16 successes and 14 (30-16) failures.
+ int success = 0;
+ int failure = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
+ Pkt6Ptr query(new Pkt6(DHCPV6_REQUEST, 1234));
+ AllocEngine::ClientContext6 ctx(subnet_, clients[i], false, false, "",
+ false, query);
+ ctx.currentIA().iaid_ = iaid_;
+ findReservation(engine, ctx);
+ Lease6Collection leases = engine.allocateLeases6(ctx);
+ if (leases.empty()) {
+ failure++;
+ std::cout << "Alloc for client " << (int)i << " failed." << std::endl;
+ EXPECT_EQ(failure, getStatistics("v6-allocation-fail"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, getStatistics("v6-allocation-fail-shared-network"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(failure, getStatistics("v6-allocation-fail-subnet"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, getStatistics("v6-allocation-fail-no-pools"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, getStatistics("v6-allocation-fail-classes"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(failure, getStatistics("v6-allocation-fail", subnet_->getID()));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, getStatistics("v6-allocation-fail-shared-network", subnet_->getID()));
+ EXPECT_EQ(failure, getStatistics("v6-allocation-fail-subnet", subnet_->getID()));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, getStatistics("v6-allocation-fail-no-pools", subnet_->getID()));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, getStatistics("v6-allocation-fail-classes", subnet_->getID()));
+ } else {
+ success++;
+ std::cout << "Alloc for client " << (int)i << " succeeded:"
+ << leases[0]->addr_.toText() << std::endl;
+ // The assigned addresses must not match the one reserved.
+ EXPECT_NE("2001:db8:1::12", leases[0]->addr_.toText());
+ }
+ }
+ EXPECT_EQ(16, success);
+ EXPECT_EQ(14, failure);
+ // We're now pretty sure that any clients other than the reserved address
+ // will not get any service. Now let's check if the client that has the
+ // address reserved, will get it (despite the pool being depleted).
+ AllocEngine::ClientContext6 ctx(subnet_, duid_, false, false, "", false,
+ Pkt6Ptr(new Pkt6(DHCPV6_REQUEST, 1234)));
+ ctx.currentIA().iaid_ = iaid_;
+ findReservation(engine, ctx);
+ Lease6Collection leases = engine.allocateLeases6(ctx);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, leases.size());
+ EXPECT_EQ("2001:db8:1::12", leases[0]->addr_.toText());
+// Checks if the allocateLeases throws exceptions for invalid input data.
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, allocateLeasesInvalidData) {
+ AllocEngine engine(100);
+ // That looks like a valid context.
+ AllocEngine::ClientContext6 ctx(subnet_, duid_, false, false, "", false,
+ Pkt6Ptr(new Pkt6(DHCPV6_REQUEST, 1234)));
+ ctx.currentIA().iaid_ = iaid_;
+ Lease6Collection leases;
+ // Let's break it!
+ ctx.subnet_.reset();
+ // Subnet is required for allocation, so we should get no leases.
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(leases = engine.allocateLeases6(ctx));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(leases.empty());
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, getStatistics("v6-allocation-fail"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, getStatistics("v6-allocation-fail-shared-network"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, getStatistics("v6-allocation-fail-subnet"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, getStatistics("v6-allocation-fail-no-pools"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, getStatistics("v6-allocation-fail-classes"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, getStatistics("v6-allocation-fail", subnet_->getID()));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, getStatistics("v6-allocation-fail-shared-network", subnet_->getID()));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, getStatistics("v6-allocation-fail-subnet", subnet_->getID()));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, getStatistics("v6-allocation-fail-no-pools", subnet_->getID()));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, getStatistics("v6-allocation-fail-classes", subnet_->getID()));
+ // Let's fix this and break it in a different way.
+ ctx.subnet_ = subnet_;
+ ctx.duid_.reset();
+ // We must know who we're allocating for. No duid = no service.
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(leases = engine.allocateLeases6(ctx));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(leases.empty());
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, getStatistics("v6-allocation-fail"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, getStatistics("v6-allocation-fail-shared-network"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, getStatistics("v6-allocation-fail-subnet"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, getStatistics("v6-allocation-fail-no-pools"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, getStatistics("v6-allocation-fail-classes"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, getStatistics("v6-allocation-fail", subnet_->getID()));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, getStatistics("v6-allocation-fail-shared-network", subnet_->getID()));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, getStatistics("v6-allocation-fail-subnet", subnet_->getID()));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, getStatistics("v6-allocation-fail-no-pools", subnet_->getID()));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, getStatistics("v6-allocation-fail-classes", subnet_->getID()));
+// Checks whether an address can be renewed (simple case, no reservation tricks)
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, addressRenewal) {
+ AllocEngine engine(100);
+ // Assigned count should zero.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("assigned-nas", 0, subnet_->getID()));
+ // Get the cumulative count of assigned addresses.
+ int64_t cumulative = getStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas",
+ subnet_->getID());
+ int64_t glbl_cumulative = getStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas");
+ Lease6Collection leases;
+ leases = allocateTest(engine, pool_, IOAddress("::"), false, true);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, leases.size());
+ // Assigned count should be one.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("assigned-nas", 1, subnet_->getID()));
+ cumulative += 1;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas",
+ cumulative, subnet_->getID()));
+ glbl_cumulative += 1;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas", glbl_cumulative));
+ // This is what the client will send in his renew message.
+ AllocEngine::HintContainer hints;
+ hints.push_back(AllocEngine::Resource(leases[0]->addr_, 128));
+ Lease6Collection renewed = renewTest(engine, pool_, hints, IN_SUBNET, IN_POOL);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, renewed.size());
+ // Check that the lease was indeed renewed and hasn't changed
+ // (i.e. the same address, preferred and valid lifetimes)
+ /// @todo: use leaseCompare, but ignore cltt_
+ EXPECT_EQ(leases[0]->addr_, renewed[0]->addr_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(leases[0]->type_, renewed[0]->type_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(leases[0]->preferred_lft_, renewed[0]->preferred_lft_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(leases[0]->valid_lft_, renewed[0]->valid_lft_);
+ // Assigned count should still be one.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("assigned-nas", 1, subnet_->getID()));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas",
+ cumulative, subnet_->getID()));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas", glbl_cumulative));
+// Checks whether an address can be renewed (in-pool reservation)
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, reservedAddressRenewal) {
+ // Create reservation for the client. This is in-pool reservation,
+ // as the pool is 2001:db8:1::10 - 2001:db8:1::20.
+ createHost6(true, IPv6Resrv::TYPE_NA, IOAddress("2001:db8:1::1c"), 128);
+ AllocEngine engine(100);
+ // Assigned count should zero.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("assigned-nas", 0, subnet_->getID()));
+ // Get the cumulative count of assigned addresses.
+ int64_t cumulative = getStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas",
+ subnet_->getID());
+ int64_t glbl_cumulative = getStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas");
+ Lease6Collection leases;
+ leases = allocateTest(engine, pool_, IOAddress("::"), false, true);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, leases.size());
+ ASSERT_EQ("2001:db8:1::1c", leases[0]->addr_.toText());
+ // Assigned count should be one.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("assigned-nas", 1, subnet_->getID()));
+ cumulative += 1;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas",
+ cumulative, subnet_->getID()));
+ glbl_cumulative += 1;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas", glbl_cumulative));
+ // This is what the client will send in his renew message.
+ AllocEngine::HintContainer hints;
+ hints.push_back(AllocEngine::Resource(leases[0]->addr_, 128));
+ Lease6Collection renewed = renewTest(engine, pool_, hints, IN_SUBNET, IN_POOL);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, renewed.size());
+ ASSERT_EQ("2001:db8:1::1c", leases[0]->addr_.toText());
+ // Assigned count should still be one.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("assigned-nas", 1, subnet_->getID()));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas",
+ cumulative, subnet_->getID()));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas", glbl_cumulative));
+// Checks whether a single host can have more than one reservation.
+/// @todo: as of #3677, this does not work. When processing solicit with two
+/// IA_NAs and two reservations, there currently no way to indicate that
+/// the first reservation should be used for the first IA and the second
+/// reservation for the second IA. This works for Requests and Renews, though.
+/// In both of those messages, when processing of the first IA is complete,
+/// we have a lease in the database. Based on that, when processing the second
+/// IA we can detect that the first reserved address is in use already and
+/// use the second reservation.
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, DISABLED_reserved2AddressesSolicit) {
+ // Create reservation for the client. This is in-pool reservation,
+ // as the pool is 2001:db8:1::10 - 2001:db8:1::20.
+ // Two addresses are reserved: 2001:db8:1::babe and 2001:db8:1::cafe
+ HostPtr host = createHost6(true, IPv6Resrv::TYPE_NA,
+ IOAddress("2001:db8:1::babe"), 128);
+ IPv6Resrv resv2(IPv6Resrv::TYPE_NA, IOAddress("2001:db8:1::cafe"), 128);
+ host->addReservation(resv2);
+ CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgHosts()->add(host);
+ CfgMgr::instance().commit();
+ AllocEngine engine(100);
+ AllocEngine::ClientContext6 ctx1(subnet_, duid_, false, false, "", true,
+ Pkt6Ptr(new Pkt6(DHCPV6_SOLICIT, 1234)));
+ ctx1.currentIA().iaid_ = iaid_;
+ ctx1.currentIA().type_ = pool_->getType();
+ Lease6Collection leases1;
+ findReservation(engine, ctx1);
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(leases1 = engine.allocateLeases6(ctx1));
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, leases1.size());
+ EXPECT_EQ("2001:db8:1::babe", leases1[0]->addr_.toText());
+ // Double check that repeating the same duid/type/iaid will end up with
+ // the same address.
+ AllocEngine::ClientContext6 ctx2(subnet_, duid_, false, false, "", true,
+ Pkt6Ptr(new Pkt6(DHCPV6_SOLICIT, 1234)));
+ ctx2.currentIA().iaid_ = iaid_;
+ ctx2.currentIA().type_ = pool_->getType();
+ Lease6Collection leases2;
+ findReservation(engine, ctx2);
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(leases2 = engine.allocateLeases6(ctx2));
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, leases2.size());
+ EXPECT_EQ("2001:db8:1::babe", leases2[0]->addr_.toText());
+ // Ok, now the tricky part. Request allocation for the same duid and type, but
+ // different iaid. The second address should be assigned.
+ AllocEngine::ClientContext6 ctx3(subnet_, duid_, false, false, "", true,
+ Pkt6Ptr(new Pkt6(DHCPV6_SOLICIT, 1234)));
+ ctx3.currentIA().iaid_ = iaid_ + 1;
+ ctx3.currentIA().type_ = pool_->getType();
+ Lease6Collection leases3;
+ findReservation(engine, ctx3);
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(leases3 = engine.allocateLeases6(ctx3));
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, leases3.size());
+ EXPECT_EQ("2001:db8:1::cafe", leases3[0]->addr_.toText());
+// Checks whether a single host can have more than one reservation.
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, reserved2Addresses) {
+ // Create reservation for the client. This is in-pool reservation,
+ // as the pool is 2001:db8:1::10 - 2001:db8:1::20.
+ // Two addresses are reserved: 2001:db8:1::babe and 2001:db8:1::cafe
+ HostPtr host = createHost6(true, IPv6Resrv::TYPE_NA,
+ IOAddress("2001:db8:1::babe"), 128);
+ IPv6Resrv resv2(IPv6Resrv::TYPE_NA, IOAddress("2001:db8:1::cafe"), 128);
+ host->addReservation(resv2);
+ CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgHosts()->add(host);
+ CfgMgr::instance().commit();
+ AllocEngine engine(100);
+ AllocEngine::ClientContext6 ctx1(subnet_, duid_, false, false, "", false,
+ Pkt6Ptr(new Pkt6(DHCPV6_REQUEST, 1234)));
+ ctx1.currentIA().iaid_ = iaid_;
+ ctx1.currentIA().type_ = pool_->getType();
+ Lease6Collection leases1;
+ findReservation(engine, ctx1);
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(leases1 = engine.allocateLeases6(ctx1));
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, leases1.size());
+ EXPECT_EQ("2001:db8:1::babe", leases1[0]->addr_.toText());
+ // Double check that repeating the same duid/type/iaid will end up with
+ // the same address.
+ AllocEngine::ClientContext6 ctx2(subnet_, duid_, false, false, "", false,
+ Pkt6Ptr(new Pkt6(DHCPV6_REQUEST, 1234)));
+ ctx2.currentIA().iaid_ = iaid_;
+ ctx2.currentIA().type_ = pool_->getType();
+ Lease6Collection leases2;
+ findReservation(engine, ctx2);
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(leases2 = engine.allocateLeases6(ctx2));
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, leases2.size());
+ EXPECT_EQ("2001:db8:1::babe", leases2[0]->addr_.toText());
+ // Ok, now the tricky part. Request allocation for the same duid and type, but
+ // different iaid. The second address should be assigned.
+ AllocEngine::ClientContext6 ctx3(subnet_, duid_, false, false, "", false,
+ Pkt6Ptr(new Pkt6(DHCPV6_REQUEST, 1234)));
+ ctx3.currentIA().iaid_ = iaid_ + 1;
+ ctx3.currentIA().type_ = pool_->getType();
+ Lease6Collection leases3;
+ findReservation(engine, ctx3);
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(leases3 = engine.allocateLeases6(ctx3));
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, leases3.size());
+ EXPECT_EQ("2001:db8:1::cafe", leases3[0]->addr_.toText());
+// Checks whether address can change during renew (if there is a new
+// reservation for this client)
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, reservedAddressRenewChange) {
+ AllocEngine engine(100);
+ Lease6Collection leases;
+ leases = allocateTest(engine, pool_, IOAddress("::"), false, true);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, leases.size());
+ ASSERT_NE("2001:db8:1::1c", leases[0]->addr_.toText());
+ // This is what the client will send in his renew message.
+ AllocEngine::HintContainer hints;
+ hints.push_back(AllocEngine::Resource(leases[0]->addr_, 128));
+ // Create reservation for the client. This is in-pool reservation,
+ // as the pool is 2001:db8:1::10 - 2001:db8:1::20.
+ createHost6(true, IPv6Resrv::TYPE_NA, IOAddress("2001:db8:1::1c"), 128);
+ Lease6Collection renewed = renewTest(engine, pool_, hints, IN_SUBNET, IN_POOL);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, renewed.size());
+ ASSERT_EQ("2001:db8:1::1c", renewed[0]->addr_.toText());
+// Checks whether address can change during renew (if there is a new
+// reservation for this address for another client)
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, reservedAddressRenewReserved) {
+ AllocEngine engine(100);
+ Lease6Collection leases;
+ leases = allocateTest(engine, pool_, IOAddress("::"), false, true);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, leases.size());
+ // This is what the client will send in his renew message.
+ AllocEngine::HintContainer hints;
+ hints.push_back(AllocEngine::Resource(leases[0]->addr_, 128));
+ // Create reservation for this address, but for another client.
+ // This is in-pool reservation, as the pool is 2001:db8:1::10 - 2001:db8:1::20.
+ HostPtr host = createHost6(false, IPv6Resrv::TYPE_NA, leases[0]->addr_, 128);
+ // We need to tweak reservation id: use a different DUID for client Y
+ vector<uint8_t> other_duid(8, 0x45);
+ host->setIdentifier(&other_duid[0], other_duid.size(), Host::IDENT_DUID);
+ // Ok, now add it to the HostMgr
+ CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgHosts()->add(host);
+ CfgMgr::instance().commit();
+ Lease6Collection renewed = renewTest(engine, pool_, hints, IN_SUBNET, IN_POOL);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, renewed.size());
+ // Check that we no longer have the reserved address.
+ ASSERT_NE(leases[0]->addr_.toText(), renewed[0]->addr_.toText());
+ // Check that the lease for the now reserved address is no longer in
+ // the lease database.
+ Lease6Ptr from_mgr = LeaseMgrFactory::instance().getLease6(Lease::TYPE_NA,
+ leases[0]->addr_);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(from_mgr);
+/// @todo: The following methods are tested indirectly by allocateLeases6()
+/// tests, but could use more direct testing:
+/// - AllocEngine::allocateUnreservedLeases6
+/// - AllocEngine::allocateReservedLeases6
+/// - AllocEngine::removeNonmatchingReservedLeases6
+/// - AllocEngine::removeLeases
+/// - AllocEngine::removeNonreservedLeases6
+// Checks that a client gets the address reserved (in-pool case)
+// This test checks the behavior of the allocation engine in the following
+// scenario:
+// - Client has no lease in the database.
+// - Client has an in-pool reservation.
+// - Client sends SOLICIT without any hints.
+// - Client is allocated a reserved address.
+// Note that DHCPv6 client can, but don't have to send any hints in its
+// Solicit message.
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, reservedAddressByMacInPoolSolicitNoHint) {
+ // Create reservation for the client. This is in-pool reservation,
+ // as the pool is 2001:db8:1::10 - 2001:db8:1::20.
+ createHost6HWAddr(true, IPv6Resrv::TYPE_NA, hwaddr_,
+ IOAddress("2001:db8:1::1c"), 128);
+ AllocEngine engine(100);
+ Lease6Ptr lease = simpleAlloc6Test(pool_, IOAddress("::"), true);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease);
+ EXPECT_EQ("2001:db8:1::1c", lease->addr_.toText());
+// Checks that a client gets the address reserved (in-pool case)
+// This test checks the behavior of the allocation engine in the following
+// scenario:
+// - Client has no lease in the database.
+// - Client has an in-pool reservation.
+// - Client sends REQUEST without any hints.
+// - Client is allocated a reserved address.
+// Note that DHCPv6 client must send an address in REQUEST that the server
+// offered in Advertise. Nevertheless, the client may ignore this requirement.
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, reservedAddressByMacInPoolRequestNoHint) {
+ // Create reservation for the client. This is in-pool reservation,
+ // as the pool is 2001:db8:1::10 - 2001:db8:1::20.
+ createHost6HWAddr(true, IPv6Resrv::TYPE_NA, hwaddr_,
+ IOAddress("2001:db8:1::1c"), 128);
+ AllocEngine engine(100);
+ Lease6Ptr lease = simpleAlloc6Test(pool_, IOAddress("::"), false);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease);
+ EXPECT_EQ("2001:db8:1::1c", lease->addr_.toText());
+// Checks that a client gets the address reserved (in-pool case)
+// This test checks the behavior of the allocation engine in the following
+// scenario:
+// - Client has no lease in the database.
+// - Client has an in-pool reservation.
+// - Client sends SOLICIT with a hint that does not match reservation
+// - Client is allocated a reserved address, not the hint.
+// Note that DHCPv6 client can, but don't have to send any hints in its
+// Solicit message.
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, reservedAddressByMacInPoolSolicitValidHint) {
+ // Create reservation for the client. This is in-pool reservation,
+ // as the pool is 2001:db8:1::10 - 2001:db8:1::20.
+ createHost6HWAddr(true, IPv6Resrv::TYPE_NA, hwaddr_,
+ IOAddress("2001:db8:1::1c"), 128);
+ AllocEngine engine(100);
+ // Let's pretend the client sends hint 2001:db8:1::10.
+ Lease6Ptr lease = simpleAlloc6Test(pool_, IOAddress("2001:db8:1::10"), true);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease);
+ // The hint should be ignored and the reserved address should be assigned
+ EXPECT_EQ("2001:db8:1::1c", lease->addr_.toText());
+// Checks that a client gets the address reserved (in-pool case)
+// This test checks the behavior of the allocation engine in the following
+// scenario:
+// - Client has no lease in the database.
+// - Client has an in-pool reservation.
+// - Client sends REQUEST with a hint that does not match reservation
+// - Client is allocated a reserved address, not the hint.
+// Note that DHCPv6 client must send an address in REQUEST that the server
+// offered in Advertise. Nevertheless, the client may ignore this requirement.
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, reservedAddressByMacInPoolRequestValidHint) {
+ // Create reservation for the client This is in-pool reservation,
+ // as the pool is 2001:db8:1::10 - 2001:db8:1::20.
+ createHost6HWAddr(true, IPv6Resrv::TYPE_NA, hwaddr_,
+ IOAddress("2001:db8:1::1c"), 128);
+ AllocEngine engine(100);
+ // Let's pretend the client sends hint 2001:db8:1::10.
+ Lease6Ptr lease = simpleAlloc6Test(pool_, IOAddress("2001:db8:1::10"), false);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease);
+ // The hint should be ignored and the reserved address should be assigned
+ EXPECT_EQ("2001:db8:1::1c", lease->addr_.toText());
+// This test checks that the allocation engine can delegate the long prefix.
+// The pool with prefix of 64 and with long delegated prefix has a very
+// high capacity. The number of attempts that the allocation engine makes
+// to allocate the prefix for high capacity pools is equal to the capacity
+// value. This test verifies that the prefix can be allocated in that
+// case.
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, largePdPool) {
+ AllocEngine engine(0);
+ // Remove the default PD pool.
+ subnet_->delPools(Lease::TYPE_PD);
+ // Configure the PD pool with the prefix length of /80 and the delegated
+ // length /96.
+ Pool6Ptr pool(new Pool6(Lease::TYPE_PD, IOAddress("2001:db8:1:2::"), 80, 96));
+ subnet_->addPool(pool);
+ // We should have got exactly one lease.
+ Lease6Collection leases = allocateTest(engine, pool, IOAddress("::"),
+ false, true);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, leases.size());
+// This test checks that the allocation engine can pick a pool which has smaller
+// delegated prefix length than the hint.
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, largePdPoolPreferLower) {
+ AllocEngine engine(0);
+ // Remove the default PD pool.
+ subnet_->delPools(Lease::TYPE_PD);
+ // Configure the PD pool with the prefix length of /80 and the delegated
+ // length /96.
+ Pool6Ptr pool(new Pool6(Lease::TYPE_PD, IOAddress("2001:db8:1:2::"), 80, 96));
+ subnet_->addPool(pool);
+ Pool6Ptr pool2(new Pool6(Lease::TYPE_PD, IOAddress("2001:db8:1:3::"), 72, 80));
+ subnet_->addPool(pool2);
+ // We should have got exactly one lease.
+ // Even though the hint is from the first pool, the second pool is preferred.
+ Lease6Collection leases = allocateTest(engine, pool2, IOAddress("2001:db8:1:2::"),
+ false, true, 92);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, leases.size());
+// This test checks that the allocation engine can pick a pool which has smaller
+// delegated prefix length than the hint. However the already present lease in
+// the database is used and the hint delegated length is ignored.
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, largePdPoolPreferExistingInsteadOfLower) {
+ AllocEngine engine(0);
+ // Remove the default PD pool.
+ subnet_->delPools(Lease::TYPE_PD);
+ // Configure the PD pool with the prefix length of /80 and the delegated
+ // length /96.
+ Pool6Ptr pool(new Pool6(Lease::TYPE_PD, IOAddress("2001:db8:1:2::"), 80, 96));
+ subnet_->addPool(pool);
+ Pool6Ptr pool2(new Pool6(Lease::TYPE_PD, IOAddress("2001:db8:1:3::"), 72, 80));
+ subnet_->addPool(pool2);
+ // Let's create a lease and put it in the LeaseMgr
+ // Even if the prefix length in the hint does not match, the allocation
+ // engine should use the existing lease.
+ Lease6Ptr used(new Lease6(Lease::TYPE_PD, IOAddress("2001:db8:1:2::"),
+ duid_, iaid_, 300, 400, subnet_->getID(), HWAddrPtr(), 96));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(LeaseMgrFactory::instance().addLease(used));
+ // We should have got exactly one lease.
+ Lease6Collection leases = allocateTest(engine, pool, IOAddress("2001:db8:1:3::"),
+ false, true, 92);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, leases.size());
+// This test checks that the allocation engine can pick a pool which has exact
+// delegated prefix length as the hint.
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, largePdPoolPreferEqual) {
+ AllocEngine engine(0);
+ // Remove the default PD pool.
+ subnet_->delPools(Lease::TYPE_PD);
+ // Configure the PD pool with the prefix length of /80 and the delegated
+ // length /96.
+ Pool6Ptr pool(new Pool6(Lease::TYPE_PD, IOAddress("2001:db8:1:2::"), 80, 96));
+ subnet_->addPool(pool);
+ Pool6Ptr pool2(new Pool6(Lease::TYPE_PD, IOAddress("2001:db8:1:3::"), 72, 80));
+ subnet_->addPool(pool2);
+ // We should have got exactly one lease.
+ // Even though the hint is from the first pool, the second pool is preferred.
+ Lease6Collection leases = allocateTest(engine, pool2, IOAddress("2001:db8:1:2::"),
+ false, true, 80);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, leases.size());
+// This test checks that the allocation engine can pick a pool which has exact
+// delegated prefix length as the hint. However the already present lease in
+// the database is used and the hint delegated length is ignored.
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, largePdPoolPreferExistingInsteadOfEqual) {
+ AllocEngine engine(0);
+ // Remove the default PD pool.
+ subnet_->delPools(Lease::TYPE_PD);
+ // Configure the PD pool with the prefix length of /80 and the delegated
+ // length /96.
+ Pool6Ptr pool(new Pool6(Lease::TYPE_PD, IOAddress("2001:db8:1:2::"), 80, 96));
+ subnet_->addPool(pool);
+ Pool6Ptr pool2(new Pool6(Lease::TYPE_PD, IOAddress("2001:db8:1:3::"), 72, 80));
+ subnet_->addPool(pool2);
+ // Let's create a lease and put it in the LeaseMgr
+ // Even if the prefix length in the hint does not match, the allocation
+ // engine should use the existing lease.
+ Lease6Ptr used(new Lease6(Lease::TYPE_PD, IOAddress("2001:db8:1:2::"),
+ duid_, iaid_, 300, 400, subnet_->getID(), HWAddrPtr(), 96));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(LeaseMgrFactory::instance().addLease(used));
+ // We should have got exactly one lease.
+ Lease6Collection leases = allocateTest(engine, pool, IOAddress("2001:db8:1:3::"),
+ false, true, 80);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, leases.size());
+// This test checks that the allocation engine can pick a pool which has greater
+// delegated prefix length than the hint.
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, largePdPoolPreferHigher) {
+ AllocEngine engine(0);
+ // Remove the default PD pool.
+ subnet_->delPools(Lease::TYPE_PD);
+ // Configure the PD pool with the prefix length of /80 and the delegated
+ // length /96.
+ Pool6Ptr pool(new Pool6(Lease::TYPE_PD, IOAddress("2001:db8:1:2::"), 80, 96));
+ subnet_->addPool(pool);
+ Pool6Ptr pool2(new Pool6(Lease::TYPE_PD, IOAddress("2001:db8:1:3::"), 72, 80));
+ subnet_->addPool(pool2);
+ // We should have got exactly one lease.
+ // Even though the first pool also matches the condition, because of the hint,
+ // the second pool is preferred.
+ Lease6Collection leases = allocateTest(engine, pool2, IOAddress("2001:db8:1:3::"),
+ false, true, 64);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, leases.size());
+// This test checks that the allocation engine can pick a pool which has greater
+// delegated prefix length than the hint. However the already present lease in
+// the database is used and the hint delegated length is ignored.
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, largePdPoolPreferExistingInsteadOfHigher) {
+ AllocEngine engine(0);
+ // Remove the default PD pool.
+ subnet_->delPools(Lease::TYPE_PD);
+ // Configure the PD pool with the prefix length of /80 and the delegated
+ // length /96.
+ Pool6Ptr pool(new Pool6(Lease::TYPE_PD, IOAddress("2001:db8:1:2::"), 80, 96));
+ subnet_->addPool(pool);
+ Pool6Ptr pool2(new Pool6(Lease::TYPE_PD, IOAddress("2001:db8:1:3::"), 72, 80));
+ subnet_->addPool(pool2);
+ // Let's create a lease and put it in the LeaseMgr
+ // Even if the prefix length in the hint does not match, the allocation
+ // engine should use the existing lease.
+ Lease6Ptr used(new Lease6(Lease::TYPE_PD, IOAddress("2001:db8:1:2::"),
+ duid_, iaid_, 300, 400, subnet_->getID(), HWAddrPtr(), 96));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(LeaseMgrFactory::instance().addLease(used));
+ // We should have got exactly one lease.
+ Lease6Collection leases = allocateTest(engine, pool, IOAddress("2001:db8:1:3::"),
+ false, true, 64);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, leases.size());
+// This test checks that the allocation engine can delegate addresses
+// from ridiculously large pool. The configuration provides 2^80 or
+// 1208925819614629174706176 addresses. We used to have a bug that would
+// confuse the allocation engine if the number of available addresses
+// was larger than 2^32.
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, largePoolOver32bits) {
+ AllocEngine engine(0);
+ // Configure 2001:db8::/32 subnet
+ subnet_ = Subnet6::create(IOAddress("2001:db8::"), 32, 1, 2, 3, 4, SubnetID(10));
+ // Configure the NA pool of /48. So there are 2^80 addresses there. Make
+ // sure that we still can handle cases where number of available addresses
+ // is over max_uint64
+ Pool6Ptr pool(new Pool6(Lease::TYPE_NA, IOAddress("2001:db8:1::"), 48));
+ subnet_->addPool(pool);
+ // We should have got exactly one lease.
+ Lease6Collection leases = allocateTest(engine, pool, IOAddress("::"),
+ false, true);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, leases.size());
+// This test verifies that it is possible to override the number of allocation
+// attempts made by the allocation engine for a single lease.
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, largeAllocationAttemptsOverride) {
+ // Remove the default NA pools.
+ subnet_->delPools(Lease::TYPE_NA);
+ subnet_->delPools(Lease::TYPE_PD);
+ // Add exactly one pool with many addresses.
+ Pool6Ptr pool(new Pool6(Lease::TYPE_NA, IOAddress("2001:db8:1::"), 56));
+ subnet_->addPool(pool);
+ // Allocate 5 addresses from the pool configured.
+ for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
+ DuidPtr duid = DuidPtr(new DUID(vector<uint8_t>(12,
+ static_cast<uint8_t>(i))));
+ // Get the unique IAID.
+ const uint32_t iaid = 3568 + i;
+ // Construct the unique address from the pool.
+ std::ostringstream address;
+ address << "2001:db8:1::";
+ address << i;
+ // Allocate the lease.
+ Lease6Ptr lease(new Lease6(Lease::TYPE_NA, IOAddress(address.str()),
+ duid, iaid, 501, 502, subnet_->getID(), HWAddrPtr()));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(LeaseMgrFactory::instance().addLease(lease));
+ }
+ // Try to use the allocation engine to allocate the lease. The iterative
+ // allocator will pick the addresses already allocated until it finds the
+ // available address. Since, we have restricted the number of attempts the
+ // allocation should fail.
+ AllocEngine engine(3);
+ Lease6Collection leases = allocateTest(engine, pool_, IOAddress("::"),
+ false, true);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(leases.empty());
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, getStatistics("v6-allocation-fail"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, getStatistics("v6-allocation-fail-shared-network"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, getStatistics("v6-allocation-fail-subnet"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, getStatistics("v6-allocation-fail-no-pools"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, getStatistics("v6-allocation-fail-classes"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, getStatistics("v6-allocation-fail", subnet_->getID()));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, getStatistics("v6-allocation-fail-shared-network", subnet_->getID()));
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, getStatistics("v6-allocation-fail-subnet", subnet_->getID()));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, getStatistics("v6-allocation-fail-no-pools", subnet_->getID()));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, getStatistics("v6-allocation-fail-classes", subnet_->getID()));
+ // This time, lets allow more attempts, and expect that the allocation will
+ // be successful.
+ AllocEngine engine2(6);
+ leases = allocateTest(engine2, pool_, IOAddress("::"), false, true);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, leases.size());
+// This test checks if an expired declined lease can be reused in SOLICIT (fake allocation)
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, solicitReuseDeclinedLease6) {
+ AllocEnginePtr engine(new AllocEngine(100));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(engine);
+ // Now prepare a configuration with single address pool.
+ // Create one subnet with a pool holding one address.
+ string addr_txt("2001:db8:1::ad");
+ IOAddress addr(addr_txt);
+ initSubnet(IOAddress("2001:db8:1::"), addr, addr);
+ // Use information that is different than what we'll request
+ Lease6Ptr declined = generateDeclinedLease(addr_txt, 100, -10);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(declined->expired());
+ // CASE 1: Asking for any address
+ Lease6Ptr assigned;
+ testReuseLease6(engine, declined, "::", true, SHOULD_PASS, assigned);
+ // Check that we got that single lease
+ ASSERT_TRUE(assigned);
+ EXPECT_EQ(addr, assigned->addr_);
+ // Do all checks on the lease (if subnet-id, preferred/valid times are ok etc.)
+ checkLease6(duid_, assigned, Lease::TYPE_NA, 128);
+ // CASE 2: Asking specifically for this address
+ testReuseLease6(engine, declined, addr_txt, true, SHOULD_PASS, assigned);
+ // Check that we got that single lease
+ ASSERT_TRUE(assigned);
+ EXPECT_EQ(addr, assigned->addr_);
+// This test checks if an expired declined lease can be reused when responding
+// to REQUEST (actual allocation)
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, requestReuseDeclinedLease6) {
+ AllocEnginePtr engine(new AllocEngine(100));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(engine);
+ // Now prepare a configuration with single address pool.
+ string addr_txt("2001:db8::7");
+ IOAddress addr(addr_txt);
+ initSubnet(IOAddress("2001:db8::"), addr, addr);
+ // Now create a declined lease, decline it and rewind its cltt, so it
+ // is expired.
+ Lease6Ptr declined = generateDeclinedLease(addr_txt, 100, -10);
+ // Asking specifically for this address
+ Lease6Ptr assigned;
+ testReuseLease6(engine, declined, addr_txt, false, SHOULD_PASS, assigned);
+ // Check that we got it.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(assigned);
+ EXPECT_EQ(addr, assigned->addr_);
+ // Check that the lease is indeed updated in LeaseMgr
+ Lease6Ptr from_mgr = LeaseMgrFactory::instance().getLease6(Lease::TYPE_NA,
+ addr);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(from_mgr);
+ // Now check that the lease in LeaseMgr has the same parameters
+ detailCompareLease(assigned, from_mgr);
+// This test checks if statistics are not updated when expired declined lease
+// is reused when responding to SOLICIT (fake allocation)
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, solicitReuseDeclinedLease6Stats) {
+ // Now prepare for SOLICIT processing
+ AllocEnginePtr engine(new AllocEngine(100));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(engine);
+ // Now prepare a configuration with single address pool.
+ string addr_txt("2001:db8:1::1");
+ IOAddress addr(addr_txt);
+ initSubnet(IOAddress("2001:db8:1::"), addr, addr);
+ // Stats should be zero.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("assigned-nas", 0, subnet_->getID()));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("declined-addresses", 0));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("reclaimed-declined-addresses", 0));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("declined-addresses", 0, subnet_->getID()));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("reclaimed-declined-addresses", 0, subnet_->getID()));
+ // Get the cumulative count of assigned addresses.
+ int64_t cumulative = getStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas",
+ subnet_->getID());
+ int64_t glbl_cumulative = getStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas");
+ // Now create a declined lease, decline it and rewind its cltt, so it
+ // is expired.
+ Lease6Ptr declined = generateDeclinedLease(addr_txt, 100, -10);
+ // Ask for any address. There's only one address in the pool, so it doesn't
+ // matter much.
+ Lease6Ptr assigned;
+ testReuseLease6(engine, declined, "::", true, SHOULD_PASS, assigned);
+ // Check that the stats were not modified
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("assigned-nas", 0, subnet_->getID()));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas",
+ cumulative, subnet_->getID()));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas", glbl_cumulative));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("declined-addresses", 0));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("reclaimed-declined-addresses", 0));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("declined-addresses", 0, subnet_->getID()));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("reclaimed-declined-addresses", 0, subnet_->getID()));
+// This test checks if statistics are updated when expired declined lease
+// is reused when responding to REQUEST (actual allocation)
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, requestReuseDeclinedLease6Stats) {
+ // Prepare for REQUEST processing.
+ AllocEnginePtr engine(new AllocEngine(100));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(engine);
+ // Now prepare a configuration with single address pool.
+ string addr_txt("2001:db8::1");
+ IOAddress addr(addr_txt);
+ initSubnet(IOAddress("2001:db8::"), addr, addr);
+ // Stats should be zero.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("assigned-nas", 0, subnet_->getID()));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("declined-addresses", 0));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("reclaimed-declined-addresses", 0));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("declined-addresses", 0, subnet_->getID()));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("reclaimed-declined-addresses", 0, subnet_->getID()));
+ // Get the cumulative count of assigned addresses.
+ int64_t cumulative = getStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas",
+ subnet_->getID());
+ int64_t glbl_cumulative = getStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas");
+ // Now create a declined lease, decline it and rewind its cltt, so it
+ // is expired.
+ Lease6Ptr declined = generateDeclinedLease(addr_txt, 100, -10);
+ // Ask for any address. There's only one address in the pool, so it doesn't
+ // matter much.
+ Lease6Ptr assigned;
+ testReuseLease6(engine, declined, "::", false, SHOULD_PASS, assigned);
+ // Check that the stats were modified as expected.
+ // assigned-nas should NOT get incremented. Currently we do not adjust assigned
+ // counts when we declines
+ // declined-addresses will -1, as the artificial creation of declined lease
+ // doesn't increment it from zero. reclaimed-declined-addresses will be 1
+ // because the leases are implicitly reclaimed before they can be assigned.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("assigned-nas", 0, subnet_->getID()));
+ cumulative += 1;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas",
+ cumulative, subnet_->getID()));
+ glbl_cumulative += 1;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas", glbl_cumulative));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("declined-addresses", -1));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("reclaimed-declined-addresses", 1));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("declined-addresses", -1, subnet_->getID()));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("reclaimed-declined-addresses", 1, subnet_->getID()));
+// This test checks if an expired-reclaimed lease can be reused by
+// a returning client via REQUEST, rather than renew/rebind. This
+// would be typical of cable modem clients which do not retain lease
+// data across reboots.
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, reuseReclaimedExpiredViaRequest) {
+ boost::scoped_ptr<AllocEngine> engine;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(engine.reset(new AllocEngine(100)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(engine);
+ IOAddress addr("2001:db8:1::ad");
+ CfgMgr& cfg_mgr = CfgMgr::instance();
+ cfg_mgr.clear(); // Get rid of the default test configuration
+ // Create configuration similar to other tests, but with a single address pool
+ subnet_ = Subnet6::create(IOAddress("2001:db8:1::"), 56, 1, 2, 3, 4, SubnetID(10));
+ pool_ = Pool6Ptr(new Pool6(Lease::TYPE_NA, addr, addr)); // just a single address
+ subnet_->addPool(pool_);
+ cfg_mgr.getStagingCfg()->getCfgSubnets6()->add(subnet_);
+ cfg_mgr.commit();
+ // Verify relevant stats are zero.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("assigned-nas", 0, subnet_->getID()));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("reclaimed-leases", 0));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("reclaimed-leases", 0, subnet_->getID()));
+ // Get the cumulative count of assigned addresses.
+ int64_t cumulative = getStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas",
+ subnet_->getID());
+ int64_t glbl_cumulative = getStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas");
+ // Let's create an expired lease
+ Lease6Ptr lease(new Lease6(Lease::TYPE_NA, addr, duid_, iaid_,
+ 501, 502, subnet_->getID(), HWAddrPtr()));
+ lease->cltt_ = time(NULL) - 500; // Allocated 500 seconds ago
+ lease->valid_lft_ = 495; // Lease was valid for 495 seconds
+ lease->fqdn_fwd_ = true;
+ lease->fqdn_rev_ = true;
+ lease->hostname_ = "";
+ lease->state_ = Lease::STATE_EXPIRED_RECLAIMED;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(LeaseMgrFactory::instance().addLease(lease));
+ // Verify that the lease state is indeed expired-reclaimed
+ // Same client comes along and issues a request
+ AllocEngine::ClientContext6 ctx(subnet_, duid_, false, false, "", false,
+ Pkt6Ptr(new Pkt6(DHCPV6_REQUEST, 1234)));
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(lease = expectOneLease(engine->allocateLeases6(ctx)));
+ // Check that he got the original lease back.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease);
+ EXPECT_EQ(addr, lease->addr_);
+ // Check that the lease is indeed updated in LeaseMgr
+ Lease6Ptr from_mgr = LeaseMgrFactory::instance().getLease6(Lease::TYPE_NA,
+ addr);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(from_mgr);
+ // Now check that the lease in LeaseMgr has the same parameters
+ detailCompareLease(lease, from_mgr);
+ // Verify that the lease state has been set back to the default.
+ EXPECT_EQ(lease->state_, Lease::STATE_DEFAULT);
+ // Verify assigned-nas got bumped. Reclaimed stats should still
+ // be zero as we artificially marked it reclaimed.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("assigned-nas", 1, subnet_->getID()));
+ cumulative += 1;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas",
+ cumulative, subnet_->getID()));
+ glbl_cumulative += 1;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas", glbl_cumulative));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("reclaimed-leases", 0));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("reclaimed-leases", 0, subnet_->getID()));
+/// @brief This test class is dedicated to testing shared networks
+/// It uses one common configuration:
+/// 1 shared network with 2 subnets:
+/// - 2001:db8:1::/56 subnet with a small pool of single address
+/// - 2001:db8:1::/56 subnet with pool with 64K addresses.
+class SharedNetworkAlloc6Test : public AllocEngine6Test {
+ SharedNetworkAlloc6Test() : engine_(0) {
+ subnet1_ = Subnet6::create(IOAddress("2001:db8:1::"), 56, 1, 2, 3, 4, SubnetID(10));
+ subnet2_ = Subnet6::create(IOAddress("2001:db8:2::"), 56, 1, 2, 3, 4, SubnetID(20));
+ pool1_.reset(new Pool6(Lease::TYPE_NA, IOAddress("2001:db8:1::1"),
+ IOAddress("2001:db8:1::1")));
+ pool2_.reset(new Pool6(Lease::TYPE_NA, IOAddress("2001:db8:2::"),
+ IOAddress("2001:db8:2::FF")));
+ subnet1_->addPool(pool1_);
+ subnet2_->addPool(pool2_);
+ // Both subnets belong to the same network so they can be used
+ // interchangeably.
+ network_.reset(new SharedNetwork6("test_network"));
+ network_->add(subnet1_);
+ network_->add(subnet2_);
+ }
+ Lease6Ptr
+ insertLease(std::string addr, SubnetID subnet_id) {
+ Lease6Ptr lease(new Lease6(Lease::TYPE_NA, IOAddress(addr), duid_, iaid_,
+ 501, 502, subnet_->getID(), HWAddrPtr()));
+ lease->cltt_ = time(NULL) - 10; // Allocated 10 seconds ago
+ if (!LeaseMgrFactory::instance().addLease(lease)) {
+ ADD_FAILURE() << "Failed to add a lease for address " << addr
+ << " in subnet with subnet-id " << subnet_id;
+ return (Lease6Ptr());
+ }
+ return (lease);
+ }
+ /// Convenience pointers to configuration elements. These are initialized
+ /// in the constructor and are used throughout the tests.
+ AllocEngine engine_;
+ Subnet6Ptr subnet1_;
+ Subnet6Ptr subnet2_;
+ Pool6Ptr pool1_;
+ Pool6Ptr pool2_;
+ SharedNetwork6Ptr network_;
+// This test verifies that the server can offer an address from a
+// subnet and the introduction of shared network doesn't break anything here.
+TEST_F(SharedNetworkAlloc6Test, solicitSharedNetworkSimple) {
+ // Create context which will be used to try to allocate leases from the
+ // shared network. The context points to subnet1, which address space
+ // is exhausted. We expect the allocation engine to find another subnet
+ // within the same shared network and offer an address from there.
+ Pkt6Ptr query(new Pkt6(DHCPV6_SOLICIT, 1234));
+ AllocEngine::ClientContext6 ctx(subnet1_, duid_, false, false, "", true,
+ query);
+ ctx.currentIA().iaid_ = iaid_;
+ Lease6Ptr lease;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(lease = expectOneLease(engine_.allocateLeases6(ctx)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(subnet1_->inRange(lease->addr_));
+// This test verifies that the server can pick a subnet from shared subnets
+// based on hints.
+TEST_F(SharedNetworkAlloc6Test, solicitSharedNetworkHint) {
+ // Create context which will be used to try to allocate leases from the
+ // shared network. There's a hint that points to the subnet2. The
+ // shared network mechanism should be able to pick the second subnet
+ // based on it.
+ Pkt6Ptr query(new Pkt6(DHCPV6_SOLICIT, 1234));
+ AllocEngine::ClientContext6 ctx(subnet1_, duid_, false, false, "", true,
+ query);
+ ctx.currentIA().iaid_ = iaid_;
+ ctx.currentIA().addHint(IOAddress("2001:db8:2::12"));
+ Lease6Ptr lease;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(lease = expectOneLease(engine_.allocateLeases6(ctx)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease);
+ // The second subnet should be selected.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(subnet2_->inRange(lease->addr_));
+// This test verifies that the client is offered an address from an
+// alternative subnet within shared network when the address pool is
+// exhausted in the first address pool.
+TEST_F(SharedNetworkAlloc6Test, solicitSharedNetworkOutOfAddresses) {
+ // Create a lease for a single address in the first address pool. The
+ // pool is now exhausted.
+ DuidPtr other_duid(new DUID(vector<uint8_t>(12, 0xff)));
+ const uint32_t other_iaid = 3568;
+ Lease6Ptr lease(new Lease6(Lease::TYPE_NA, IOAddress("2001:db8:1::1"),
+ other_duid, other_iaid, 501, 502,
+ subnet1_->getID(), HWAddrPtr()));
+ lease->cltt_ = time(NULL) - 10; // Allocated 10 seconds ago
+ ASSERT_TRUE(LeaseMgrFactory::instance().addLease(lease));
+ // Create context which will be used to try to allocate leases from the
+ // shared network. The context points to subnet1, which address space
+ // is exhausted. We expect the allocation engine to find another subnet
+ // within the same shared network and offer an address from there.
+ Pkt6Ptr query(new Pkt6(DHCPV6_SOLICIT, 1234));
+ AllocEngine::ClientContext6 ctx(subnet1_, duid_, false, false, "", true,
+ query);
+ ctx.currentIA().iaid_ = iaid_;
+ Lease6Ptr lease2;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(lease2 = expectOneLease(engine_.allocateLeases6(ctx)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease2);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(subnet2_->inRange(lease2->addr_));
+ // The client having a lease should be offered this lease, even if
+ // the client starts allocation from the second subnet. The code should
+ // determine that the client has a lease in subnet1 and use this subnet
+ // instead.
+ AllocEngine::ClientContext6 ctx2(subnet2_, other_duid, false, false, "",
+ true, query);
+ ctx2.currentIA().iaid_ = other_iaid;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(lease2 = expectOneLease(engine_.allocateLeases6(ctx2)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease2);
+ ASSERT_EQ("2001:db8:1::1", lease2->addr_.toText());
+ // Delete the lease in the first subnet.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(LeaseMgrFactory::instance().deleteLease(lease));
+ // Now, try requesting this address by providing a hint. The engine
+ // should try to honor the hint even though we start from the subnet2.
+ ctx.subnet_ = subnet2_;
+ ctx.currentIA().addHint(IOAddress("2001:db8:1::1"));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(lease2 = expectOneLease(engine_.allocateLeases6(ctx)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease2);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(subnet1_->inRange(lease2->addr_));
+// This test verifies that the server can offer an address from a
+// different subnet than orginally selected, when the address pool in
+// the first subnet is exhausted.
+TEST_F(SharedNetworkAlloc6Test, solicitSharedNetworkClassification) {
+ // Try to offer address from subnet1. There is an address available so
+ // it should be offered.
+ Pkt6Ptr query(new Pkt6(DHCPV6_SOLICIT, 1234));
+ AllocEngine::ClientContext6 ctx(subnet1_, duid_, false, false, "", true,
+ query);
+ ctx.currentIA().iaid_ = iaid_;
+ Lease6Ptr lease;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(lease = expectOneLease(engine_.allocateLeases6(ctx)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(subnet1_->inRange(lease->addr_));
+ // Apply restrictions on the subnet1. This should be only assigned
+ // to clients belonging to cable-modem class.
+ subnet1_->allowClientClass("cable-modem");
+ // The allocation engine should determine that the subnet1 is not
+ // available for the client not belonging to the cable-modem class.
+ // Instead, it should offer an address from subnet2 that belongs
+ // to the same shared network.
+ AllocEngine::ClientContext6 ctx2(subnet1_, duid_, false, false, "", true,
+ query);
+ ctx2.currentIA().iaid_ = iaid_;
+ ctx2.query_ = query;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(lease = expectOneLease(engine_.allocateLeases6(ctx2)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(subnet2_->inRange(lease->addr_));
+ AllocEngine::ClientContext6 ctx3(subnet1_, duid_, false, false, "", true,
+ query);
+ ctx3.currentIA().iaid_ = iaid_;
+ ctx3.query_ = query;
+ // Create host reservation in the first subnet for this client. The
+ // allocation engine should not assign reserved address to the client
+ // because client classification doesn't allow that.
+ subnet_ = subnet1_;
+ createHost6(true, IPv6Resrv::TYPE_NA, IOAddress("2001:db8:1::1"), 128);
+ AllocEngine::findReservation(ctx3);
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(lease = expectOneLease(engine_.allocateLeases6(ctx)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(subnet2_->inRange(lease->addr_));
+ AllocEngine::ClientContext6 ctx4(subnet1_, duid_, false, false, "", true,
+ query);
+ ctx4.currentIA().iaid_ = iaid_;
+ ctx4.query_ = query;
+ // Assign cable-modem class and try again. This time, we should
+ // offer an address from the subnet1_.
+ ctx4.query_->addClass(ClientClass("cable-modem"));
+ AllocEngine::findReservation(ctx4);
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(lease = expectOneLease(engine_.allocateLeases6(ctx4)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease);
+ EXPECT_EQ("2001:db8:1::1", lease->addr_.toText());
+// This test verifies that the server can offer an address from a
+// different subnet than orginally selected, when the address pool in
+// the first subnet requires another class.
+TEST_F(SharedNetworkAlloc6Test, solicitSharedNetworkPoolClassification) {
+ // Try to offer address from subnet1. There is an address available so
+ // it should be offered.
+ Pkt6Ptr query(new Pkt6(DHCPV6_SOLICIT, 1234));
+ AllocEngine::ClientContext6 ctx(subnet1_, duid_, false, false, "", true,
+ query);
+ ctx.currentIA().iaid_ = iaid_;
+ Lease6Ptr lease;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(lease = expectOneLease(engine_.allocateLeases6(ctx)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(subnet1_->inRange(lease->addr_));
+ // Apply restrictions on the pool1. This should be only assigned
+ // to clients belonging to cable-modem class.
+ pool1_->allowClientClass("cable-modem");
+ // The allocation engine should determine that the pool1 is not
+ // available for the client not belonging to the cable-modem class.
+ // Instead, it should offer an address from subnet2 that belongs
+ // to the same shared network.
+ AllocEngine::ClientContext6 ctx2(subnet1_, duid_, false, false, "", true,
+ query);
+ ctx2.currentIA().iaid_ = iaid_;
+ ctx2.query_ = query;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(lease = expectOneLease(engine_.allocateLeases6(ctx2)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(subnet2_->inRange(lease->addr_));
+ AllocEngine::ClientContext6 ctx3(subnet1_, duid_, false, false, "", true,
+ query);
+ ctx3.currentIA().iaid_ = iaid_;
+ ctx3.query_ = query;
+ AllocEngine::ClientContext6 ctx4(subnet1_, duid_, false, false, "", true,
+ query);
+ ctx4.currentIA().iaid_ = iaid_;
+ ctx4.query_ = query;
+ // Assign cable-modem class and try again. This time, we should
+ // offer an address from the pool1_.
+ ctx4.query_->addClass(ClientClass("cable-modem"));
+ // Restrict access to pool2 for this client, to make sure that the
+ // server doesn't accidentally get a lease from this pool.
+ pool2_->allowClientClass("telephone");
+ AllocEngine::findReservation(ctx4);
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(lease = expectOneLease(engine_.allocateLeases6(ctx4)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease);
+ EXPECT_EQ("2001:db8:1::1", lease->addr_.toText());
+// This test verifies that the client is offered a reserved address
+// even if this address belongs to another subnet within the same
+// shared network.
+TEST_F(SharedNetworkAlloc6Test, solicitSharedNetworkReservations) {
+ EXPECT_FALSE(HostMgr::instance().getDisableSingleQuery());
+ // Create reservation for the client in the second subnet.
+ subnet_ = subnet2_;
+ createHost6(true, IPv6Resrv::TYPE_NA, IOAddress("2001:db8:2::15"), 128);
+ // Start allocation from subnet1_. The engine should determine that the
+ // client has reservations in subnet2_ and should rather assign reserved
+ // addresses.
+ Pkt6Ptr query(new Pkt6(DHCPV6_SOLICIT, 1234));
+ AllocEngine::ClientContext6 ctx(subnet1_, duid_, false, false, "", true,
+ query);
+ ctx.currentIA().iaid_ = iaid_;
+ // Find reservations for this subnet/shared network.
+ AllocEngine::findReservation(ctx);
+ Lease6Ptr lease;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(lease = expectOneLease(engine_.allocateLeases6(ctx)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease);
+ ASSERT_EQ("2001:db8:2::15", lease->addr_.toText());
+// This test verifies that the client is offered a reserved address
+// even if this address belongs to another subnet within the same
+// shared network. Host lookups returning a collection are disabled.
+// As it is only an optimization the behavior (so the test) must stay
+// unchanged.
+TEST_F(SharedNetworkAlloc6Test, solicitSharedNetworkReservationsNoColl) {
+ // Disable host lookups returning a collection.
+ ASSERT_FALSE(HostMgr::instance().getDisableSingleQuery());
+ HostMgr::instance().setDisableSingleQuery(true);
+ // Create reservation for the client in the second subnet.
+ subnet_ = subnet2_;
+ createHost6(true, IPv6Resrv::TYPE_NA, IOAddress("2001:db8:2::15"), 128);
+ // Start allocation from subnet1_. The engine should determine that the
+ // client has reservations in subnet2_ and should rather assign reserved
+ // addresses.
+ Pkt6Ptr query(new Pkt6(DHCPV6_SOLICIT, 1234));
+ AllocEngine::ClientContext6 ctx(subnet1_, duid_, false, false, "", true,
+ query);
+ ctx.currentIA().iaid_ = iaid_;
+ // Find reservations for this subnet/shared network.
+ AllocEngine::findReservation(ctx);
+ Lease6Ptr lease;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(lease = expectOneLease(engine_.allocateLeases6(ctx)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease);
+ ASSERT_EQ("2001:db8:2::15", lease->addr_.toText());
+// This test verifies that the client is allocated a reserved address
+// even if this address belongs to another subnet within the same
+// shared network.
+TEST_F(SharedNetworkAlloc6Test, requestSharedNetworkReservations) {
+ EXPECT_FALSE(HostMgr::instance().getDisableSingleQuery());
+ // Create reservation for the client in the second subnet.
+ subnet_ = subnet2_;
+ createHost6(true, IPv6Resrv::TYPE_NA, IOAddress("2001:db8:2::15"), 128);
+ // Start allocation from subnet1_. The engine should determine that the
+ // client has reservations in subnet2_ and should rather assign reserved
+ // addresses.
+ Pkt6Ptr query(new Pkt6(DHCPV6_REQUEST, 1234));
+ AllocEngine::ClientContext6 ctx(subnet1_, duid_, false, false, "", false,
+ query);
+ ctx.currentIA().iaid_ = iaid_;
+ // Find reservations for this subnet/shared network.
+ AllocEngine::findReservation(ctx);
+ Lease6Ptr lease;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(lease = expectOneLease(engine_.allocateLeases6(ctx)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease);
+ ASSERT_EQ("2001:db8:2::15", lease->addr_.toText());
+// This test verifies that the client is allocated a reserved address
+// even if this address belongs to another subnet within the same
+// shared network. Host lookups returning a collection are disabled.
+// As it is only an optimization the behavior (so the test) must stay
+// unchanged.
+TEST_F(SharedNetworkAlloc6Test, requestSharedNetworkReservationsNoColl) {
+ // Disable host lookups returning a collection.
+ ASSERT_FALSE(HostMgr::instance().getDisableSingleQuery());
+ HostMgr::instance().setDisableSingleQuery(true);
+ // Create reservation for the client in the second subnet.
+ subnet_ = subnet2_;
+ createHost6(true, IPv6Resrv::TYPE_NA, IOAddress("2001:db8:2::15"), 128);
+ // Start allocation from subnet1_. The engine should determine that the
+ // client has reservations in subnet2_ and should rather assign reserved
+ // addresses.
+ Pkt6Ptr query(new Pkt6(DHCPV6_REQUEST, 1234));
+ AllocEngine::ClientContext6 ctx(subnet1_, duid_, false, false, "", false,
+ query);
+ ctx.currentIA().iaid_ = iaid_;
+ // Find reservations for this subnet/shared network.
+ AllocEngine::findReservation(ctx);
+ Lease6Ptr lease;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(lease = expectOneLease(engine_.allocateLeases6(ctx)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease);
+ ASSERT_EQ("2001:db8:2::15", lease->addr_.toText());
+// This test verifies that client is assigned an existing lease from a
+// shared network, regardless of the default subnet. It also verifies that
+// the client is assigned a reserved address from a shared network which
+// replaces existing lease within this shared network.
+TEST_F(SharedNetworkAlloc6Test, requestSharedNetworkExistingLeases) {
+ // Get the cumulative count of assigned addresses.
+ int64_t cumulative = getStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas",
+ subnet2_->getID());
+ int64_t glbl_cumulative = getStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas");
+ // Create a lease in subnet 2 for this client. The lease is in expired
+ // reclaimed state initially to allow for checking whether the lease
+ // gets renewed.
+ Lease6Ptr lease(new Lease6(Lease::TYPE_NA, IOAddress("2001:db8:2::1"),
+ duid_, iaid_, 501, 502,
+ subnet2_->getID(), HWAddrPtr()));
+ lease->state_ = Lease::STATE_EXPIRED_RECLAIMED;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(LeaseMgrFactory::instance().addLease(lease));
+ // Create context which will be used to try to allocate leases from the
+ // shared network. The context points to subnet 1 initially, but the
+ // allocation engine should determine that there are existing leases
+ // in subnet 2 and renew those.
+ Pkt6Ptr query(new Pkt6(DHCPV6_REQUEST, 1234));
+ AllocEngine::ClientContext6 ctx(subnet1_, duid_, false, false, "", false,
+ query);
+ ctx.currentIA().iaid_ = iaid_;
+ // Check that we have been allocated the existing lease.
+ Lease6Ptr lease2;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(lease2 = expectOneLease(engine_.allocateLeases6(ctx)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease2);
+ EXPECT_EQ("2001:db8:2::1", lease2->addr_.toText());
+ // Statistics should be bumped when the lease is re-assigned.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("assigned-nas", 1, subnet2_->getID()));
+ cumulative += 1;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas",
+ cumulative, subnet2_->getID()));
+ glbl_cumulative += 1;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testStatistics("cumulative-assigned-nas", glbl_cumulative));
+ // Another interesting case is when there is a reservation in a different
+ // subnet than the one from which the ease has been assigned.
+ subnet_ = subnet1_;
+ createHost6(true, IPv6Resrv::TYPE_NA, IOAddress("2001:db8:1::1"), 128);
+ // The reserved lease should take precedence.
+ ctx.subnet_ = subnet1_;
+ ctx.currentIA().iaid_ = iaid_;
+ AllocEngine::findReservation(ctx);
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(lease2 = expectOneLease(engine_.allocateLeases6(ctx)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease2);
+ EXPECT_EQ("2001:db8:1::1", lease2->addr_.toText());
+ // The previous lease should have been removed.
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, ctx.currentIA().old_leases_.size());
+ EXPECT_EQ("2001:db8:2::1", ctx.currentIA().old_leases_[0]->addr_.toText());
+// This test verifies that the server can offer an address from a shared
+// subnet if there's at least 1 address left there, but will not offer
+// anything if both subnets are completely full.
+TEST_F(SharedNetworkAlloc6Test, requestRunningOut) {
+ // Allocate everything in subnet1
+ insertLease("2001:db8:1::1", subnet1_->getID());
+ // Allocate everything, except one address in subnet2.
+ for (int i = 0; i < 255; i++) {
+ stringstream tmp;
+ tmp << "2001:db8:2::" << hex << i;
+ insertLease(tmp.str(), subnet2_->getID());
+ }
+ // Create context which will be used to try to allocate leases from the
+ // shared network. The context points to subnet 1 initially, but the
+ // allocation engine should determine that there are existing leases
+ // in subnet 2 and renew those.
+ Pkt6Ptr query(new Pkt6(DHCPV6_REQUEST, 1234));
+ AllocEngine::ClientContext6 ctx1(subnet1_, duid_, false, false, "", false,
+ query);
+ ctx1.currentIA().iaid_ = iaid_;
+ // Check that we have been allocated the existing lease (there's only
+ // one lease left, so we know exactly which one will be given out.
+ Lease6Ptr lease;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(lease = expectOneLease(engine_.allocateLeases6(ctx1)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease);
+ EXPECT_EQ("2001:db8:2::ff", lease->addr_.toText());
+ // Ok, now try for another client. We should be completely full.
+ DuidPtr other_duid(new DUID(vector<uint8_t>(12, 0xff)));
+ AllocEngine::ClientContext6 ctx2(subnet2_, other_duid, false, false, "", false,
+ query);
+ Lease6Collection leases = engine_.allocateLeases6(ctx2);
+ // Bugger off, we're full!
+ ASSERT_TRUE(leases.empty());
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, getStatistics("v6-allocation-fail"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, getStatistics("v6-allocation-fail-shared-network"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, getStatistics("v6-allocation-fail-subnet"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, getStatistics("v6-allocation-fail-no-pools"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, getStatistics("v6-allocation-fail-classes"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, getStatistics("v6-allocation-fail", subnet2_->getID()));
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, getStatistics("v6-allocation-fail-shared-network", subnet2_->getID()));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, getStatistics("v6-allocation-fail-subnet", subnet2_->getID()));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, getStatistics("v6-allocation-fail-no-pools", subnet2_->getID()));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, getStatistics("v6-allocation-fail-classes", subnet2_->getID()));
+// Verifies that client with a hostname reservation can
+// 1. Get a dynamic lease
+// 2. Renew the same lease via REQUEST (calls allocateLease6)
+// 3. Renew the same lease via RENEW/REBIND (calls renewLeases6)
+// renew a dynamic lease from their selected subnet.
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, hostDynamicAddress) {
+ boost::scoped_ptr<AllocEngine> engine;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(engine.reset(new AllocEngine(100)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(engine);
+ HostPtr host(new Host(&duid_->getDuid()[0], duid_->getDuid().size(),
+ Host::IDENT_DUID, SUBNET_ID_UNUSED, subnet_->getID(),
+ asiolink::IOAddress("")));
+ host->setHostname("host1");
+ CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgHosts()->add(host);
+ CfgMgr::instance().commit();
+ subnet_->setReservationsInSubnet(true);
+ // Create context which will be used to try to allocate leases
+ Pkt6Ptr query(new Pkt6(DHCPV6_REQUEST, 1234));
+ AllocEngine::ClientContext6 ctx(subnet_, duid_, false, false, "", false, query);
+ ctx.currentIA().iaid_ = iaid_;
+ // Look up the reservation.
+ findReservation(*engine, ctx);
+ // Make sure we found our host.
+ ConstHostPtr current = ctx.currentHost();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(current);
+ ASSERT_EQ("host1", current->getHostname());
+ // Check that we have been allocated a dynamic address.
+ Lease6Ptr lease;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(lease = expectOneLease(engine->allocateLeases6(ctx)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease);
+ EXPECT_EQ("2001:db8:1::10", lease->addr_.toText());
+ // We're going to rollback the clock a little so we can verify a renewal.
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(rollbackPersistedCltt(lease));
+ // This is what the client will send in his renew message.
+ AllocEngine::HintContainer hints;
+ hints.push_back(AllocEngine::Resource(IOAddress("2001:db8:1::10"), 128));
+ // Set test fixture hostname_ to the expected value. This gets checked in
+ // renewTest.
+ hostname_ = "host1";
+ // Client should receive a lease.
+ Lease6Collection renewed = renewTest(*engine, pool_, hints, IN_SUBNET, IN_POOL);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, renewed.size());
+ Lease6Ptr renewed_lease = renewed[0];
+ EXPECT_EQ("2001:db8:1::10", renewed_lease->addr_.toText());
+ // And the lease lifetime should be extended.
+ EXPECT_GT(renewed_lease->cltt_, lease->cltt_)
+ << "Lease lifetime was not extended, but it should";
+ // Now let's verify that if the client returns via SARR, they get the same
+ // lease and the cltt gets extended.
+ // First, we're going to rollback the clock again so we can verify the
+ // allocation updates the expiry.
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(rollbackPersistedCltt(renewed_lease));
+ // Create a new context which will be used to try to allocate leases
+ query.reset(new Pkt6(DHCPV6_REQUEST, 1234));
+ AllocEngine::ClientContext6 ctx2(subnet_, duid_, false, false, "", false, query);
+ ctx2.currentIA().iaid_ = iaid_;
+ // Look up the reservation.
+ findReservation(*engine, ctx2);
+ // Make sure we found our host.
+ current = ctx2.currentHost();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(current);
+ ASSERT_EQ("host1", current->getHostname());
+ // Check that we have been allocated the original dynamic address.
+ Lease6Ptr lease2;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(lease2 = expectOneLease(engine->allocateLeases6(ctx2)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease2);
+ EXPECT_EQ("2001:db8:1::10", lease2->addr_.toText());
+ // And the lease lifetime should be extended.
+ EXPECT_GT(lease2->cltt_, renewed_lease->cltt_)
+ << "Lease lifetime was not extended, but it should";
+// Verifies that client with a global hostname reservation can:
+// 1. Get a dynamic lease
+// 2. Renew the same lease via REQUEST (calls allocateLease6)
+// 3. Renew the same lease via RENEW/REBIND (calls renewLeases6)
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, globalHostDynamicAddress) {
+ boost::scoped_ptr<AllocEngine> engine;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(engine.reset(new AllocEngine(100)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(engine);
+ HostPtr host(new Host(&duid_->getDuid()[0], duid_->getDuid().size(),
+ asiolink::IOAddress("")));
+ host->setHostname("ghost1");
+ CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgHosts()->add(host);
+ CfgMgr::instance().commit();
+ subnet_->setReservationsGlobal(true);
+ // Create context which will be used to try to allocate leases
+ Pkt6Ptr query(new Pkt6(DHCPV6_REQUEST, 1234));
+ AllocEngine::ClientContext6 ctx(subnet_, duid_, false, false, "", false, query);
+ ctx.currentIA().iaid_ = iaid_;
+ // Look up the reservation.
+ findReservation(*engine, ctx);
+ // Make sure we found our host.
+ ConstHostPtr current = ctx.currentHost();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(current);
+ ASSERT_EQ("ghost1", current->getHostname());
+ // Check that we have been allocated a dynamic address.
+ Lease6Ptr lease;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(lease = expectOneLease(engine->allocateLeases6(ctx)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease);
+ EXPECT_EQ("2001:db8:1::10", lease->addr_.toText());
+ // We're going to rollback the clock a little so we can verify a renewal.
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(rollbackPersistedCltt(lease));
+ // This is what the client will send in his renew message.
+ AllocEngine::HintContainer hints;
+ hints.push_back(AllocEngine::Resource(IOAddress("2001:db8:1::10"), 128));
+ // Set test fixture hostname_ to the expected value. This gets checked in
+ // renewTest.
+ hostname_ = "ghost1";
+ // Client should receive a lease.
+ Lease6Collection renewed = renewTest(*engine, pool_, hints, IN_SUBNET, IN_POOL);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, renewed.size());
+ // And the lease lifetime should be extended.
+ ASSERT_GT(renewed[0]->cltt_, lease->cltt_)
+ << "Lease lifetime was not extended, but it should";
+ // Now let's verify that if the client returns via SARR, they get the same
+ // lease. Create a new context which will be used to try to allocate leases
+ // First, we're going to rollback the clock again so we can verify the
+ // allocation updates the expiry.
+ Lease6Ptr renewed_lease = renewed[0];
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(rollbackPersistedCltt(renewed_lease));
+ query.reset(new Pkt6(DHCPV6_REQUEST, 1234));
+ AllocEngine::ClientContext6 ctx2(subnet_, duid_, false, false, "", false, query);
+ ctx2.currentIA().iaid_ = iaid_;
+ // Look up the reservation.
+ findReservation(*engine, ctx2);
+ // Make sure we found our host.
+ current = ctx2.currentHost();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(current);
+ ASSERT_EQ("ghost1", current->getHostname());
+ // Check that we have been allocated a dynamic address.
+ Lease6Ptr lease2;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(lease2 = expectOneLease(engine->allocateLeases6(ctx2)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease2);
+ EXPECT_EQ("2001:db8:1::10", lease2->addr_.toText());
+ // And the lease lifetime should be extended.
+ EXPECT_GT(lease2->cltt_, renewed_lease->cltt_)
+ << "Lease lifetime was not extended, but it should";
+// Verifies that client with a globally reserved address that is
+// outside the selected subnet is given a dynamic address instead.
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, globalHostReservedAddress) {
+ boost::scoped_ptr<AllocEngine> engine;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(engine.reset(new AllocEngine(100)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(engine);
+ HostPtr host(new Host(&duid_->getDuid()[0], duid_->getDuid().size(),
+ asiolink::IOAddress("")));
+ host->setHostname("ghost1");
+ IPv6Resrv resv(IPv6Resrv::TYPE_NA, asiolink::IOAddress("3001::1"), 128);
+ host->addReservation(resv);
+ CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgHosts()->add(host);
+ CfgMgr::instance().commit();
+ subnet_->setReservationsGlobal(true);
+ // Create context which will be used to try to allocate leases
+ Pkt6Ptr query(new Pkt6(DHCPV6_REQUEST, 1234));
+ AllocEngine::ClientContext6 ctx(subnet_, duid_, false, false, "", false, query);
+ ctx.currentIA().iaid_ = iaid_;
+ // Look up the reservation.
+ findReservation(*engine, ctx);
+ // Make sure we found our host.
+ ConstHostPtr current = ctx.currentHost();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(current);
+ ASSERT_EQ("ghost1", current->getHostname());
+ // Check that we have been allocated a dynamic address.
+ Lease6Ptr lease;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(lease = expectOneLease(engine->allocateLeases6(ctx)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease);
+ EXPECT_NE("3001::1", lease->addr_.toText());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(subnet_->inRange(lease->addr_))
+ << " address not in range: " << lease->addr_.toText();
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(rollbackPersistedCltt(lease));
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(LeaseMgrFactory::instance().updateLease6(lease));
+ // This is what the client will send in his renew message.
+ AllocEngine::HintContainer hints;
+ hints.push_back(AllocEngine::Resource(IOAddress(lease->addr_.toText()), 128));
+ // Set test fixture hostname_ to the expected value. This gets checked in
+ // renewTest.
+ hostname_ = "ghost1";
+ // Client should receive a lease.
+ Lease6Collection renewed = renewTest(*engine, pool_, hints, IN_SUBNET, IN_POOL);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, renewed.size());
+ // And the lease lifetime should be extended.
+ EXPECT_GT(renewed[0]->cltt_, lease->cltt_)
+ << "Lease lifetime was not extended, but it should";
+// Verifies that client with a globally reserved address that is
+// inside the selected subnet is given that address.
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, globalHostReservedMatchingAddress) {
+ boost::scoped_ptr<AllocEngine> engine;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(engine.reset(new AllocEngine(100)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(engine);
+ HostPtr host(new Host(&duid_->getDuid()[0], duid_->getDuid().size(),
+ asiolink::IOAddress("")));
+ host->setHostname("ghost1");
+ IPv6Resrv resv(IPv6Resrv::TYPE_NA, asiolink::IOAddress("2001:db8:1::a"), 128);
+ host->addReservation(resv);
+ CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgHosts()->add(host);
+ CfgMgr::instance().commit();
+ subnet_->setReservationsGlobal(true);
+ // Create context which will be used to try to allocate leases
+ Pkt6Ptr query(new Pkt6(DHCPV6_REQUEST, 1234));
+ AllocEngine::ClientContext6 ctx(subnet_, duid_, false, false, "", false, query);
+ ctx.currentIA().iaid_ = iaid_;
+ // Look up the reservation.
+ findReservation(*engine, ctx);
+ // Make sure we found our host.
+ ConstHostPtr current = ctx.currentHost();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(current);
+ ASSERT_EQ("ghost1", current->getHostname());
+ // Check that we have been allocated the fixed address.
+ Lease6Ptr lease;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(lease = expectOneLease(engine->allocateLeases6(ctx)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease);
+ EXPECT_EQ("2001:db8:1::a", lease->addr_.toText());
+ // We're going to rollback the clock a little so we can verify a renewal.
+ //--lease->cltt_;
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(rollbackPersistedCltt(lease));
+ // We're going to rollback the clock a little so we can verify a renewal.
+ --lease->cltt_;
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(LeaseMgrFactory::instance().updateLease6(lease));
+ // This is what the client will send in his renew message.
+ AllocEngine::HintContainer hints;
+ hints.push_back(AllocEngine::Resource(IOAddress("2008:db8:1::a"), 128));
+ // Set test fixture hostname_ to the expected value. This gets checked in
+ // renewTest.
+ hostname_ = "ghost1";
+ // Client should receive a lease.
+ Lease6Collection renewed = renewTest(*engine, pool_, hints, IN_SUBNET, !IN_POOL);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, renewed.size());
+ // And the lease lifetime should be extended.
+ EXPECT_GT(renewed[0]->cltt_, lease->cltt_)
+ << "Lease lifetime was not extended, but it should";
+// Verifies that client with a global prefix reservation can get and
+// renew a lease for an arbitrary prefix.
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, globalHostReservedPrefix) {
+ boost::scoped_ptr<AllocEngine> engine;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(engine.reset(new AllocEngine(100)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(engine);
+ HostPtr host(new Host(&duid_->getDuid()[0], duid_->getDuid().size(),
+ asiolink::IOAddress("")));
+ host->setHostname("ghost1");
+ IPv6Resrv resv(IPv6Resrv::TYPE_PD, asiolink::IOAddress("3001::"), 64);
+ host->addReservation(resv);
+ CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgHosts()->add(host);
+ CfgMgr::instance().commit();
+ subnet_->setReservationsGlobal(true);
+ // Create context which will be used to try to allocate leases
+ Pkt6Ptr query(new Pkt6(DHCPV6_REQUEST, 1234));
+ AllocEngine::ClientContext6 ctx(subnet_, duid_, false, false, "", false, query);
+ ctx.currentIA().type_ = Lease::TYPE_PD;
+ ctx.currentIA().iaid_ = iaid_;
+ // Look up the reservation.
+ findReservation(*engine, ctx);
+ // Make sure we found our host.
+ ConstHostPtr current = ctx.currentHost();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(current);
+ ASSERT_EQ("ghost1", current->getHostname());
+ // Check that we have been allocated the fixed address.
+ Lease6Ptr lease;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(lease = expectOneLease(engine->allocateLeases6(ctx)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease);
+ EXPECT_EQ("3001::", lease->addr_.toText());
+ // We're going to rollback the clock a little so we can verify a renewal.
+ --lease->cltt_;
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(LeaseMgrFactory::instance().updateLease6(lease));
+ // This is what the client will send in his renew message.
+ AllocEngine::HintContainer hints;
+ hints.push_back(AllocEngine::Resource(IOAddress("3001::"), 64));
+ // Set test fixture hostname_ to the expected value. This gets checked via
+ // renewTest.
+ hostname_ = "ghost1";
+ // We need a PD pool to fake renew_test
+ Pool6Ptr dummy_pool(new Pool6(Lease::TYPE_PD, IOAddress("2001:db8::"), 64, 64));
+ // Client should receive a lease.
+ Lease6Collection renewed = renewTest(*engine, dummy_pool, hints, !IN_SUBNET, !IN_POOL);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, renewed.size());
+ // And the lease lifetime should be extended.
+ EXPECT_GT(renewed[0]->cltt_, lease->cltt_)
+ << "Lease lifetime was not extended, but it should";
+// Verifies that client with a global prefix reservation can get and
+// renew a lease for an arbitrary prefix even if using a wrong hint prefix
+// length.
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, globalHostReservedPrefixDifferentPrefixLen) {
+ boost::scoped_ptr<AllocEngine> engine;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(engine.reset(new AllocEngine(100)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(engine);
+ HostPtr host(new Host(&duid_->getDuid()[0], duid_->getDuid().size(),
+ asiolink::IOAddress("")));
+ host->setHostname("ghost1");
+ IPv6Resrv resv(IPv6Resrv::TYPE_PD, asiolink::IOAddress("3001::"), 64);
+ host->addReservation(resv);
+ CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgHosts()->add(host);
+ CfgMgr::instance().commit();
+ subnet_->setReservationsGlobal(true);
+ // Create context which will be used to try to allocate leases
+ Pkt6Ptr query(new Pkt6(DHCPV6_REQUEST, 1234));
+ AllocEngine::ClientContext6 ctx(subnet_, duid_, false, false, "", false, query);
+ ctx.currentIA().type_ = Lease::TYPE_PD;
+ ctx.currentIA().iaid_ = iaid_;
+ // Using a different prefix length in the hint should have no effect
+ ctx.currentIA().addHint(asiolink::IOAddress("3001::"), 32);
+ // Look up the reservation.
+ findReservation(*engine, ctx);
+ // Make sure we found our host.
+ ConstHostPtr current = ctx.currentHost();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(current);
+ ASSERT_EQ("ghost1", current->getHostname());
+ // Check that we have been allocated the fixed address.
+ Lease6Ptr lease;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(lease = expectOneLease(engine->allocateLeases6(ctx)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease);
+ EXPECT_EQ("3001::", lease->addr_.toText());
+ // We're going to rollback the clock a little so we can verify a renewal.
+ --lease->cltt_;
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(LeaseMgrFactory::instance().updateLease6(lease));
+ // This is what the client will send in his renew message.
+ AllocEngine::HintContainer hints;
+ hints.push_back(AllocEngine::Resource(IOAddress("3001::"), 64));
+ // Set test fixture hostname_ to the expected value. This gets checked via
+ // renewTest.
+ hostname_ = "ghost1";
+ // We need a PD pool to fake renew_test
+ Pool6Ptr dummy_pool(new Pool6(Lease::TYPE_PD, IOAddress("2001:db8::"), 64, 64));
+ // Client should receive a lease.
+ Lease6Collection renewed = renewTest(*engine, dummy_pool, hints, !IN_SUBNET, !IN_POOL);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, renewed.size());
+ // And the lease lifetime should be extended.
+ EXPECT_GT(renewed[0]->cltt_, lease->cltt_)
+ << "Lease lifetime was not extended, but it should";
+// Verifies that client with a subnet address reservation can get and
+// renew a lease for an address in the subnet.
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, mixedHostReservedAddress) {
+ boost::scoped_ptr<AllocEngine> engine;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(engine.reset(new AllocEngine(100)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(engine);
+ HostPtr host(new Host(&duid_->getDuid()[0], duid_->getDuid().size(),
+ Host::IDENT_DUID, SUBNET_ID_UNUSED, subnet_->getID(),
+ asiolink::IOAddress("")));
+ host->setHostname("mhost1");
+ IPv6Resrv resv(IPv6Resrv::TYPE_NA, asiolink::IOAddress("2001:db8:1::1c"), 128);
+ host->addReservation(resv);
+ CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgHosts()->add(host);
+ CfgMgr::instance().commit();
+ subnet_->setReservationsGlobal(true);
+ subnet_->setReservationsInSubnet(true);
+ subnet_->setReservationsOutOfPool(false);
+ // Create context which will be used to try to allocate leases
+ Pkt6Ptr query(new Pkt6(DHCPV6_REQUEST, 1234));
+ AllocEngine::ClientContext6 ctx(subnet_, duid_, false, false, "", false, query);
+ ctx.currentIA().iaid_ = iaid_;
+ // Look up the reservation.
+ findReservation(*engine, ctx);
+ // Make sure we found our host.
+ ConstHostPtr current = ctx.currentHost();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(current);
+ ASSERT_EQ("mhost1", current->getHostname());
+ // Check that we have been allocated the fixed address.
+ Lease6Ptr lease;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(lease = expectOneLease(engine->allocateLeases6(ctx)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease);
+ EXPECT_EQ("2001:db8:1::1c", lease->addr_.toText());
+ // We're going to rollback the clock a little so we can verify a renewal.
+ --lease->cltt_;
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(LeaseMgrFactory::instance().updateLease6(lease));
+ // This is what the client will send in his renew message.
+ AllocEngine::HintContainer hints;
+ hints.push_back(AllocEngine::Resource(IOAddress("2001:db8:1::1c"), 128));
+ // Set test fixture hostname_ to the expected value. This gets checked in
+ // renewTest.
+ hostname_ = "mhost1";
+ // Client should receive a lease.
+ Lease6Collection renewed = renewTest(*engine, pool_, hints, IN_SUBNET, IN_POOL);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, renewed.size());
+ // And the lease lifetime should be extended.
+ EXPECT_GT(renewed[0]->cltt_, lease->cltt_)
+ << "Lease lifetime was not extended, but it should";
+// Verifies that client with a subnet prefix reservation can get and
+// renew a lease for a prefix in the subnet even if using a wrong hint prefix
+// length.
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, mixedHostReservedPrefix) {
+ boost::scoped_ptr<AllocEngine> engine;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(engine.reset(new AllocEngine(100)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(engine);
+ HostPtr host(new Host(&duid_->getDuid()[0], duid_->getDuid().size(),
+ Host::IDENT_DUID, SUBNET_ID_UNUSED, subnet_->getID(),
+ asiolink::IOAddress("")));
+ host->setHostname("mhost1");
+ IPv6Resrv resv(IPv6Resrv::TYPE_PD, asiolink::IOAddress("2001:db8:1:2::"), 64);
+ host->addReservation(resv);
+ CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgHosts()->add(host);
+ CfgMgr::instance().commit();
+ subnet_->setReservationsGlobal(true);
+ subnet_->setReservationsInSubnet(true);
+ // Create context which will be used to try to allocate leases
+ Pkt6Ptr query(new Pkt6(DHCPV6_REQUEST, 1234));
+ AllocEngine::ClientContext6 ctx(subnet_, duid_, false, false, "", false, query);
+ ctx.currentIA().type_ = Lease::TYPE_PD;
+ ctx.currentIA().iaid_ = iaid_;
+ // Using a different prefix length in the hint should have no effect
+ ctx.currentIA().addHint(asiolink::IOAddress("2001:db8:1:2::"), 32);
+ // Look up the reservation.
+ findReservation(*engine, ctx);
+ // Make sure we found our host.
+ ConstHostPtr current = ctx.currentHost();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(current);
+ ASSERT_EQ("mhost1", current->getHostname());
+ // Check that we have been allocated the fixed prefix.
+ Lease6Ptr lease;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(lease = expectOneLease(engine->allocateLeases6(ctx)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease);
+ EXPECT_EQ("2001:db8:1:2::", lease->addr_.toText());
+ // We're going to rollback the clock a little so we can verify a renewal.
+ --lease->cltt_;
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(LeaseMgrFactory::instance().updateLease6(lease));
+ // This is what the client will send in his renew message.
+ AllocEngine::HintContainer hints;
+ hints.push_back(AllocEngine::Resource(IOAddress("2001:db8:1:2::"), 64));
+ // Set test fixture hostname_ to the expected value. This gets checked via
+ // renewTest.
+ hostname_ = "mhost1";
+ // We need a PD pool to fake renew_test
+ Pool6Ptr dummy_pool(new Pool6(Lease::TYPE_PD, IOAddress("2001:db8::"), 64, 64));
+ // Client should receive a lease.
+ Lease6Collection renewed = renewTest(*engine, dummy_pool, hints, IN_SUBNET, IN_POOL);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, renewed.size());
+ // And the lease lifetime should be extended.
+ EXPECT_GT(renewed[0]->cltt_, lease->cltt_)
+ << "Lease lifetime was not extended, but it should";
+// Verifies that client with a subnet prefix reservation can get and
+// renew a lease for a prefix in the subnet.
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, mixedHostReservedPrefixDifferentPrefixLen) {
+ boost::scoped_ptr<AllocEngine> engine;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(engine.reset(new AllocEngine(100)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(engine);
+ HostPtr host(new Host(&duid_->getDuid()[0], duid_->getDuid().size(),
+ Host::IDENT_DUID, SUBNET_ID_UNUSED, subnet_->getID(),
+ asiolink::IOAddress("")));
+ host->setHostname("mhost1");
+ IPv6Resrv resv(IPv6Resrv::TYPE_PD, asiolink::IOAddress("2001:db8:1:2::"), 64);
+ host->addReservation(resv);
+ CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgHosts()->add(host);
+ CfgMgr::instance().commit();
+ subnet_->setReservationsGlobal(true);
+ subnet_->setReservationsInSubnet(true);
+ // Create context which will be used to try to allocate leases
+ Pkt6Ptr query(new Pkt6(DHCPV6_REQUEST, 1234));
+ AllocEngine::ClientContext6 ctx(subnet_, duid_, false, false, "", false, query);
+ ctx.currentIA().type_ = Lease::TYPE_PD;
+ ctx.currentIA().iaid_ = iaid_;
+ // Look up the reservation.
+ findReservation(*engine, ctx);
+ // Make sure we found our host.
+ ConstHostPtr current = ctx.currentHost();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(current);
+ ASSERT_EQ("mhost1", current->getHostname());
+ // Check that we have been allocated the fixed prefix.
+ Lease6Ptr lease;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(lease = expectOneLease(engine->allocateLeases6(ctx)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease);
+ EXPECT_EQ("2001:db8:1:2::", lease->addr_.toText());
+ // We're going to rollback the clock a little so we can verify a renewal.
+ --lease->cltt_;
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(LeaseMgrFactory::instance().updateLease6(lease));
+ // This is what the client will send in his renew message.
+ AllocEngine::HintContainer hints;
+ hints.push_back(AllocEngine::Resource(IOAddress("2001:db8:1:2::"), 64));
+ // Set test fixture hostname_ to the expected value. This gets checked via
+ // renewTest.
+ hostname_ = "mhost1";
+ // We need a PD pool to fake renew_test
+ Pool6Ptr dummy_pool(new Pool6(Lease::TYPE_PD, IOAddress("2001:db8::"), 64, 64));
+ // Client should receive a lease.
+ Lease6Collection renewed = renewTest(*engine, dummy_pool, hints, IN_SUBNET, IN_POOL);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, renewed.size());
+ // And the lease lifetime should be extended.
+ EXPECT_GT(renewed[0]->cltt_, lease->cltt_)
+ << "Lease lifetime was not extended, but it should";
+// Verifies that client with a subnet and a global address reservation
+// can get and renew a lease for an address in the subnet.
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, bothHostReservedAddress) {
+ boost::scoped_ptr<AllocEngine> engine;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(engine.reset(new AllocEngine(100)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(engine);
+ HostPtr ghost(new Host(&duid_->getDuid()[0], duid_->getDuid().size(),
+ asiolink::IOAddress("")));
+ ghost->setHostname("ghost1");
+ IPv6Resrv gresv(IPv6Resrv::TYPE_NA, asiolink::IOAddress("3001::1"), 128);
+ ghost->addReservation(gresv);
+ CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgHosts()->add(ghost);
+ HostPtr host(new Host(&duid_->getDuid()[0], duid_->getDuid().size(),
+ Host::IDENT_DUID, SUBNET_ID_UNUSED, subnet_->getID(),
+ asiolink::IOAddress("")));
+ host->setHostname("mhost1");
+ IPv6Resrv resv(IPv6Resrv::TYPE_NA, asiolink::IOAddress("2001:db8:1::1c"), 128);
+ host->addReservation(resv);
+ CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgHosts()->add(host);
+ CfgMgr::instance().commit();
+ subnet_->setReservationsGlobal(true);
+ subnet_->setReservationsInSubnet(true);
+ subnet_->setReservationsOutOfPool(false);
+ // Create context which will be used to try to allocate leases
+ Pkt6Ptr query(new Pkt6(DHCPV6_REQUEST, 1234));
+ AllocEngine::ClientContext6 ctx(subnet_, duid_, false, false, "", false, query);
+ ctx.currentIA().iaid_ = iaid_;
+ // Look up the reservation.
+ findReservation(*engine, ctx);
+ // Make sure we found our host.
+ ConstHostPtr current = ctx.currentHost();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(current);
+ ASSERT_EQ("mhost1", current->getHostname());
+ // Check that we have been allocated the fixed address.
+ Lease6Ptr lease;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(lease = expectOneLease(engine->allocateLeases6(ctx)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease);
+ EXPECT_EQ("2001:db8:1::1c", lease->addr_.toText());
+ // We're going to rollback the clock a little so we can verify a renewal.
+ --lease->cltt_;
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(LeaseMgrFactory::instance().updateLease6(lease));
+ // This is what the client will send in his renew message.
+ AllocEngine::HintContainer hints;
+ hints.push_back(AllocEngine::Resource(IOAddress("2001:db8:1::1c"), 128));
+ // Set test fixture hostname_ to the expected value. This gets checked in
+ // renewTest.
+ hostname_ = "mhost1";
+ // Client should receive a lease.
+ Lease6Collection renewed = renewTest(*engine, pool_, hints, IN_SUBNET, IN_POOL);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, renewed.size());
+ // And the lease lifetime should be extended.
+ EXPECT_GT(renewed[0]->cltt_, lease->cltt_)
+ << "Lease lifetime was not extended, but it should";
+// Verifies that client with a subnet and a global prefix reservation
+// can get and renew a lease for a prefix in the subnet.
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, bothHostReservedPrefix) {
+ boost::scoped_ptr<AllocEngine> engine;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(engine.reset(new AllocEngine(100)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(engine);
+ HostPtr ghost(new Host(&duid_->getDuid()[0], duid_->getDuid().size(),
+ asiolink::IOAddress("")));
+ ghost->setHostname("ghost1");
+ IPv6Resrv gresv(IPv6Resrv::TYPE_PD, asiolink::IOAddress("3001::"), 64);
+ ghost->addReservation(gresv);
+ CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgHosts()->add(ghost);
+ HostPtr host(new Host(&duid_->getDuid()[0], duid_->getDuid().size(),
+ Host::IDENT_DUID, SUBNET_ID_UNUSED, subnet_->getID(),
+ asiolink::IOAddress("")));
+ host->setHostname("mhost1");
+ IPv6Resrv resv(IPv6Resrv::TYPE_PD, asiolink::IOAddress("2001:db8:1:2::"), 64);
+ host->addReservation(resv);
+ CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgHosts()->add(host);
+ CfgMgr::instance().commit();
+ subnet_->setReservationsGlobal(true);
+ subnet_->setReservationsInSubnet(true);
+ // Create context which will be used to try to allocate leases
+ Pkt6Ptr query(new Pkt6(DHCPV6_REQUEST, 1234));
+ AllocEngine::ClientContext6 ctx(subnet_, duid_, false, false, "", false, query);
+ ctx.currentIA().type_ = Lease::TYPE_PD;
+ ctx.currentIA().iaid_ = iaid_;
+ // Look up the reservation.
+ findReservation(*engine, ctx);
+ // Make sure we found our host.
+ ConstHostPtr current = ctx.currentHost();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(current);
+ ASSERT_EQ("mhost1", current->getHostname());
+ // Check that we have been allocated the fixed prefix.
+ Lease6Ptr lease;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(lease = expectOneLease(engine->allocateLeases6(ctx)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease);
+ EXPECT_EQ("2001:db8:1:2::", lease->addr_.toText());
+ // We're going to rollback the clock a little so we can verify a renewal.
+ --lease->cltt_;
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(LeaseMgrFactory::instance().updateLease6(lease));
+ // This is what the client will send in his renew message.
+ AllocEngine::HintContainer hints;
+ hints.push_back(AllocEngine::Resource(IOAddress("2001:db8:1:2::"), 64));
+ // Set test fixture hostname_ to the expected value. This gets checked via
+ // renewTest.
+ hostname_ = "mhost1";
+ // We need a PD pool to fake renew_test
+ Pool6Ptr dummy_pool(new Pool6(Lease::TYPE_PD, IOAddress("2001:db8::"), 64, 64));
+ // Client should receive a lease.
+ Lease6Collection renewed = renewTest(*engine, dummy_pool, hints, IN_SUBNET, IN_POOL);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, renewed.size());
+ // And the lease lifetime should be extended.
+ EXPECT_GT(renewed[0]->cltt_, lease->cltt_)
+ << "Lease lifetime was not extended, but it should";
+// Verifies that client with a subnet and a global prefix reservation
+// can get and renew a lease for a prefix in the subnet even if using a wrong
+// hint prefix length.
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, bothHostReservedPrefixDifferentPrefixLen) {
+ boost::scoped_ptr<AllocEngine> engine;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(engine.reset(new AllocEngine(100)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(engine);
+ HostPtr ghost(new Host(&duid_->getDuid()[0], duid_->getDuid().size(),
+ asiolink::IOAddress("")));
+ ghost->setHostname("ghost1");
+ IPv6Resrv gresv(IPv6Resrv::TYPE_PD, asiolink::IOAddress("3001::"), 64);
+ ghost->addReservation(gresv);
+ CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgHosts()->add(ghost);
+ HostPtr host(new Host(&duid_->getDuid()[0], duid_->getDuid().size(),
+ Host::IDENT_DUID, SUBNET_ID_UNUSED, subnet_->getID(),
+ asiolink::IOAddress("")));
+ host->setHostname("mhost1");
+ IPv6Resrv resv(IPv6Resrv::TYPE_PD, asiolink::IOAddress("2001:db8:1:2::"), 64);
+ host->addReservation(resv);
+ CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgHosts()->add(host);
+ CfgMgr::instance().commit();
+ subnet_->setReservationsGlobal(true);
+ subnet_->setReservationsInSubnet(true);
+ // Create context which will be used to try to allocate leases
+ Pkt6Ptr query(new Pkt6(DHCPV6_REQUEST, 1234));
+ AllocEngine::ClientContext6 ctx(subnet_, duid_, false, false, "", false, query);
+ ctx.currentIA().type_ = Lease::TYPE_PD;
+ ctx.currentIA().iaid_ = iaid_;
+ // Using a different prefix length in the hint should have no effect
+ ctx.currentIA().addHint(asiolink::IOAddress("2001:db8:1:2::"), 32);
+ // Look up the reservation.
+ findReservation(*engine, ctx);
+ // Make sure we found our host.
+ ConstHostPtr current = ctx.currentHost();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(current);
+ ASSERT_EQ("mhost1", current->getHostname());
+ // Check that we have been allocated the fixed prefix.
+ Lease6Ptr lease;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(lease = expectOneLease(engine->allocateLeases6(ctx)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease);
+ EXPECT_EQ("2001:db8:1:2::", lease->addr_.toText());
+ // We're going to rollback the clock a little so we can verify a renewal.
+ --lease->cltt_;
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(LeaseMgrFactory::instance().updateLease6(lease));
+ // This is what the client will send in his renew message.
+ AllocEngine::HintContainer hints;
+ hints.push_back(AllocEngine::Resource(IOAddress("2001:db8:1:2::"), 64));
+ // Set test fixture hostname_ to the expected value. This gets checked via
+ // renewTest.
+ hostname_ = "mhost1";
+ // We need a PD pool to fake renew_test
+ Pool6Ptr dummy_pool(new Pool6(Lease::TYPE_PD, IOAddress("2001:db8::"), 64, 64));
+ // Client should receive a lease.
+ Lease6Collection renewed = renewTest(*engine, dummy_pool, hints, IN_SUBNET, IN_POOL);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, renewed.size());
+ // And the lease lifetime should be extended.
+ EXPECT_GT(renewed[0]->cltt_, lease->cltt_)
+ << "Lease lifetime was not extended, but it should";
+/// @brief Test fixture class for testing storage of extended lease data.
+/// It primarily creates several configuration items common to the
+/// extended info tests.
+class AllocEngine6ExtendedInfoTest : public AllocEngine6Test {
+ /// @brief Constructor
+ AllocEngine6ExtendedInfoTest()
+ : engine_(100),
+ duid1_(), duid2_(), duid3_(), relay1_(), relay2_(), relay3_(),
+ duid1_addr_("::"), duid2_addr_("::") {
+ duid1_.reset(new DUID(std::vector<uint8_t>(8, 0x84)));
+ duid2_.reset(new DUID(std::vector<uint8_t>(8, 0x74)));
+ duid3_.reset(new DUID(std::vector<uint8_t>(8, 0x64)));
+ relay1_.msg_type_ = DHCPV6_RELAY_FORW;
+ relay1_.hop_count_ = 33;
+ relay1_.linkaddr_ = IOAddress("2001:db8::1");
+ relay1_.peeraddr_ = IOAddress("2001:db8::2");
+ relay1_.relay_msg_len_ = 0;
+ uint8_t relay_opt_data[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 };
+ vector<uint8_t> relay_data(relay_opt_data,
+ relay_opt_data + sizeof(relay_opt_data));
+ OptionPtr optRelay1(new Option(Option::V6, 200, relay_data));
+ relay1_.options_.insert(make_pair(optRelay1->getType(), optRelay1));
+ relay2_.msg_type_ = DHCPV6_RELAY_FORW;
+ relay2_.hop_count_ = 77;
+ relay2_.linkaddr_ = IOAddress("2001:db8::3");
+ relay2_.peeraddr_ = IOAddress("2001:db8::4");
+ relay2_.relay_msg_len_ = 0;
+ relay3_.msg_type_ = DHCPV6_RELAY_FORW;
+ relay3_.hop_count_ = 100;
+ relay3_.linkaddr_ = IOAddress("2001:db8::5");
+ relay3_.peeraddr_ = IOAddress("2001:db8::6");
+ relay1_.relay_msg_len_ = 0;
+ vector<uint8_t> remote_id_data({1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6});
+ OptionPtr remote_id(new Option(Option::V6, D6O_REMOTE_ID, remote_id_data));
+ relay3_.options_.insert(make_pair(remote_id->getType(), remote_id));
+ OptionPtr relay_id(new Option(Option::V6, D6O_RELAY_ID, duid3_->getDuid()));
+ relay3_.options_.insert(make_pair(relay_id->getType(), relay_id));
+ duid1_addr_ = IOAddress("2001:db8:1::10");
+ duid2_addr_ = IOAddress("2001:db8:1::11");
+ // Create the allocation engine, context and lease.
+ NakedAllocEngine engine(100);
+ }
+ /// Configuration elements. These are initialized in the constructor
+ /// and are used throughout the tests.
+ NakedAllocEngine engine_;
+ DuidPtr duid1_;
+ DuidPtr duid2_;
+ DuidPtr duid3_;
+ Pkt6::RelayInfo relay1_;
+ Pkt6::RelayInfo relay2_;
+ Pkt6::RelayInfo relay3_;
+ IOAddress duid1_addr_;
+ IOAddress duid2_addr_;
+// Exercises AllocEnginer6Test::updateExtendedInfo6() through various
+// permutations of client packet content.
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6ExtendedInfoTest, updateExtendedInfo6) {
+ // Structure that defines a test scenario.
+ struct Scenario {
+ std::string description_; // test description
+ std::string orig_context_json_; // user context the lease begins with
+ std::vector<Pkt6::RelayInfo> relays_; // vector of relays from pkt
+ std::string exp_context_json_; // expected user context on the lease
+ bool exp_ret; // expected returned value
+ };
+ // Test scenarios.
+ std::vector<Scenario> scenarios {
+ {
+ "no context, no relay",
+ "",
+ {},
+ "",
+ false
+ },
+ {
+ "some original context, no relay",
+ "{\"foo\": 123}",
+ {},
+ "{\"foo\": 123}",
+ false
+ },
+ {
+ "no original context, one relay",
+ "",
+ { relay1_ },
+ "{ \"ISC\": { \"relay-info\": [ { \"hop\": 33, \"link\": \"2001:db8::1\","
+ " \"options\": \"0x00C800080102030405060708\", \"peer\": \"2001:db8::2\" } ] } }",
+ true
+ },
+ {
+ "no original context, one relay with remote and relay ids",
+ "",
+ { relay3_ },
+ "{ \"ISC\": { \"relay-info\": [ { \"hop\": 100, \"link\": \"2001:db8::5\","
+ " \"options\": \"0x00250006010203040506003500086464646464646464\","
+ " \"remote-id\": \"010203040506\","
+ " \"relay-id\": \"6464646464646464\","
+ " \"peer\": \"2001:db8::6\" } ] } }",
+ true
+ },
+ {
+ "some original context, one relay",
+ "{\"foo\": 123, \"ISC\": {\"bar\": 456}}",
+ { relay1_ },
+ "{ \"ISC\": { \"relay-info\": [ { \"hop\": 33, \"link\": \"2001:db8::1\","
+ " \"options\": \"0x00C800080102030405060708\", \"peer\": \"2001:db8::2\" } ],"
+ "\"bar\": 456 }, \"foo\": 123 }",
+ true
+ },
+ {
+ "bad original context, one relay",
+ "[\"foo\"]",
+ { relay1_ },
+ "{ \"ISC\": { \"relay-info\": [ { \"hop\": 33, \"link\": \"2001:db8::1\","
+ " \"options\": \"0x00C800080102030405060708\", \"peer\": \"2001:db8::2\" } ] } }",
+ true
+ },
+ {
+ "some original context, one relay",
+ "{\"foo\": 123, \"ISC\":[\"bar\"]}",
+ { relay1_ },
+ "{ \"ISC\": { \"relay-info\": [ { \"hop\": 33, \"link\": \"2001:db8::1\","
+ " \"options\": \"0x00C800080102030405060708\", \"peer\": \"2001:db8::2\" } ] },"
+ " \"foo\": 123 }",
+ true
+ },
+ {
+ "some original context, one relay with remote and relay ids",
+ "{\"foo\": 123}",
+ { relay3_ },
+ "{ \"ISC\": { \"relay-info\": [ { \"hop\": 100, \"link\": \"2001:db8::5\","
+ " \"options\": \"0x00250006010203040506003500086464646464646464\","
+ " \"remote-id\": \"010203040506\","
+ " \"relay-id\": \"6464646464646464\","
+ " \"peer\": \"2001:db8::6\" } ] }, \"foo\": 123 }",
+ true
+ },
+ {
+ "no original context, two relay-info",
+ "",
+ { relay1_, relay2_ },
+ "{ \"ISC\": { \"relay-info\": [ { \"hop\": 33, \"link\": \"2001:db8::1\","
+ " \"options\": \"0x00C800080102030405060708\", \"peer\": \"2001:db8::2\" },"
+ " {\"hop\": 77, \"link\": \"2001:db8::3\", \"peer\": \"2001:db8::4\" } ] } }",
+ true
+ },
+ {
+ "no original context, two relay-info, second with remote and relay ids",
+ "",
+ { relay1_, relay3_ },
+ "{ \"ISC\": { \"relay-info\": [ { \"hop\": 33, \"link\": \"2001:db8::1\","
+ " \"options\": \"0x00C800080102030405060708\", \"peer\": \"2001:db8::2\" },"
+ " { \"hop\": 100, \"link\": \"2001:db8::5\","
+ " \"options\": \"0x00250006010203040506003500086464646464646464\","
+ " \"remote-id\": \"010203040506\","
+ " \"relay-id\": \"6464646464646464\","
+ " \"peer\": \"2001:db8::6\" } ] } }",
+ true
+ },
+ {
+ "original relay context, no relay",
+ "{ \"ISC\": { \"relay-info\": [ { \"hop\": 33, \"link\": \"2001:db8::1\","
+ " \"options\": \"0x00C800080102030405060708\", \"peer\": \"2001:db8::2\" } ] } }",
+ {},
+ "{ \"ISC\": { \"relay-info\": [ { \"hop\": 33, \"link\": \"2001:db8::1\","
+ " \"options\": \"0x00C800080102030405060708\", \"peer\": \"2001:db8::2\" } ] } }",
+ false
+ },
+ {
+ "original relay context, different relay",
+ "{ \"ISC\": { \"relay-info\": [ { \"hop\": 33, \"link\": \"2001:db8::1\","
+ " \"options\": \"0x00C800080102030405060708\", \"peer\": \"2001:db8::2\" } ] } }",
+ { relay2_ },
+ "{ \"ISC\": { \"relay-info\": [ { \"hop\": 77, \"link\": \"2001:db8::3\","
+ " \"peer\": \"2001:db8::4\" } ] } }",
+ true
+ },
+ {
+ "original relay context, different relay with remote and relay ids",
+ "{ \"ISC\": { \"relay-info\": [ { \"hop\": 33, \"link\": \"2001:db8::1\","
+ " \"options\": \"0x00C800080102030405060708\", \"peer\": \"2001:db8::2\" } ] } }",
+ { relay3_ },
+ "{ \"ISC\": { \"relay-info\": [ { \"hop\": 100, \"link\": \"2001:db8::5\","
+ " \"options\": \"0x00250006010203040506003500086464646464646464\","
+ " \"remote-id\": \"010203040506\","
+ " \"relay-id\": \"6464646464646464\","
+ " \"peer\": \"2001:db8::6\" } ] } }",
+ true
+ }
+ };
+ // Allocate a lease.
+ Lease6Ptr lease;
+ AllocEngine::ClientContext6 ctx(subnet_, duid_, false, false, "", false,
+ Pkt6Ptr(new Pkt6(DHCPV6_REQUEST, 1234)));
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(lease = expectOneLease(engine_.allocateLeases6(ctx)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease);
+ // All scenarios require storage to be enabled.
+ ctx.subnet_->setStoreExtendedInfo(true);
+ // Verify that the lease begins with no user context.
+ ConstElementPtr user_context = lease->getContext();
+ ASSERT_FALSE(user_context);
+ // Iterate over the test scenarios.
+ ElementPtr orig_context;
+ ElementPtr exp_context;
+ for (auto const& scenario : scenarios) {
+ SCOPED_TRACE(scenario.description_);
+ // Create the original user context from JSON.
+ if (scenario.orig_context_json_.empty()) {
+ orig_context.reset();
+ } else {
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(orig_context = Element::fromJSON(scenario.orig_context_json_))
+ << "invalid orig_context_json_, test is broken";
+ }
+ // Create the expected user context from JSON.
+ if (scenario.exp_context_json_.empty()) {
+ exp_context.reset();
+ } else {
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(exp_context = Element::fromJSON(scenario.exp_context_json_))
+ << "invalid exp_context_json_, test is broken";
+ }
+ // Initialize lease's user context.
+ lease->setContext(orig_context);
+ if (!orig_context) {
+ ASSERT_FALSE(lease->getContext());
+ } else {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease->getContext());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(orig_context->equals(*(lease->getContext())));
+ }
+ // Set the client packet relay vector from the scenario.
+ ctx.query_->relay_info_ = scenario.relays_;
+ // Call AllocEngine::updateLease6ExtendeInfo().
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW_LOG(engine_.callUpdateLease6ExtendedInfo(lease, ctx));
+ bool ret = (lease->extended_info_action_ == Lease6::ACTION_UPDATE);
+ // Reset the lease action.
+ lease->extended_info_action_ = Lease6::ACTION_IGNORE;
+ ASSERT_EQ(scenario.exp_ret, ret);
+ // Verify the lease has the expected user context content.
+ if (!exp_context) {
+ ASSERT_FALSE(lease->getContext());
+ } else {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease->getContext());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(exp_context->equals(*(lease->getContext())))
+ << "expected: " << *(exp_context) << std::endl
+ << " actual: " << *(lease->getContext()) << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+// Verifies that the extended data (RelayInfos for now) is
+// added to a V6 lease when leases are created and/or renewed,
+// when store-extended-info is true.
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6ExtendedInfoTest, storeExtendedInfoEnabled6) {
+ // Structure that defines a test scenario.
+ struct Scenario {
+ std::string description_; // test description
+ DuidPtr duid_; // client DUID
+ std::vector<Pkt6::RelayInfo> relays_; // vector of relays from pkt
+ std::string exp_context_json_; // expected user context on the lease
+ IOAddress exp_address_; // expected lease address
+ };
+ // Test scenarios.
+ std::vector<Scenario> scenarios {
+ {
+ "create client one without relays",
+ duid1_,
+ {},
+ "",
+ duid1_addr_
+ },
+ {
+ "renew client one without relays",
+ DuidPtr(),
+ {},
+ "",
+ duid1_addr_
+ },
+ {
+ "create client two with relays",
+ duid2_,
+ { relay1_, relay2_ },
+ "{ \"ISC\": { \"relay-info\": [ { \"hop\": 33, \"link\": \"2001:db8::1\","
+ " \"options\": \"0x00C800080102030405060708\", \"peer\": \"2001:db8::2\" },"
+ " { \"hop\": 77, \"link\": \"2001:db8::3\", \"peer\": \"2001:db8::4\" } ] } }",
+ duid2_addr_
+ },
+ {
+ "renew client two without rai",
+ DuidPtr(),
+ {},
+ "{ \"ISC\": { \"relay-info\": [ { \"hop\": 33, \"link\": \"2001:db8::1\","
+ " \"options\": \"0x00C800080102030405060708\", \"peer\": \"2001:db8::2\" },"
+ " { \"hop\": 77, \"link\": \"2001:db8::3\", \"peer\": \"2001:db8::4\" } ] } }",
+ duid2_addr_
+ }};
+ // All of the scenarios require storage to be enabled.
+ subnet_->setStoreExtendedInfo(true);
+ // Iterate over the test scenarios.
+ DuidPtr current_duid;
+ for (auto const& scenario : scenarios) {
+ SCOPED_TRACE(scenario.description_);
+ ElementPtr exp_context;
+ // Create the expected user context from JSON.
+ if (!scenario.exp_context_json_.empty()) {
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(exp_context = Element::fromJSON(scenario.exp_context_json_))
+ << "invalid exp_context_json_, test is broken";
+ }
+ Pkt6Ptr pkt;
+ if (scenario.duid_) {
+ current_duid = scenario.duid_;
+ pkt.reset(new Pkt6(DHCPV6_REQUEST, 1234));
+ } else {
+ pkt.reset(new Pkt6(DHCPV6_RENEW, 1234));
+ }
+ // Set packet relay vector from the scenario.
+ pkt->relay_info_ = scenario.relays_;
+ // Create the context;
+ AllocEngine::ClientContext6 ctx(subnet_, current_duid, false, false, "", false, pkt);
+ // Create or renew the lease.
+ Lease6Ptr lease;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(lease = expectOneLease(engine_.allocateLeases6(ctx)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease);
+ EXPECT_EQ(scenario.exp_address_, lease->addr_);
+ // Verify the lease has the expected user context content.
+ if (!exp_context) {
+ ASSERT_FALSE(lease->getContext());
+ } else {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease->getContext());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(exp_context->equals(*(lease->getContext())))
+ << "expected: " << *(exp_context) << std::endl
+ << " actual: " << *(lease->getContext()) << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+// Verifies that the extended data (RelayInfos for now) is
+// not added to a V6 lease when leases are created and/or renewed,
+// when store-extended-info is false.
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6ExtendedInfoTest, storeExtendedInfoDisabled6) {
+ // Structure that defines a test scenario.
+ struct Scenario {
+ std::string description_; // test description
+ DuidPtr duid_; // client DUID
+ std::vector<Pkt6::RelayInfo> relays_; // vector of relays from pkt
+ IOAddress exp_address_; // expected lease address
+ };
+ // Test scenarios.
+ std::vector<Scenario> scenarios {
+ {
+ "create client one without relays",
+ duid1_,
+ {},
+ duid1_addr_
+ },
+ {
+ "renew client one without relays",
+ DuidPtr(),
+ {},
+ duid1_addr_
+ },
+ {
+ "create client two with relays",
+ duid2_,
+ { relay1_, relay2_ },
+ duid2_addr_
+ },
+ {
+ "renew client two with relays",
+ DuidPtr(),
+ { relay1_, relay2_ },
+ duid2_addr_
+ }
+ };
+ // All of the scenarios require storage to be disabled.
+ subnet_->setStoreExtendedInfo(false);
+ // Iterate over the test scenarios.
+ DuidPtr current_duid;
+ for (auto const& scenario : scenarios) {
+ SCOPED_TRACE(scenario.description_);
+ Pkt6Ptr pkt;
+ if (scenario.duid_) {
+ current_duid = scenario.duid_;
+ pkt.reset(new Pkt6(DHCPV6_REQUEST, 1234));
+ } else {
+ pkt.reset(new Pkt6(DHCPV6_RENEW, 1234));
+ }
+ // Set packet relay vector from the scenario.
+ pkt->relay_info_ = scenario.relays_;
+ // Create the context;
+ AllocEngine::ClientContext6 ctx(subnet_, current_duid, false, false, "", false, pkt);
+ // Create or renew the lease.
+ Lease6Ptr lease;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(lease = expectOneLease(engine_.allocateLeases6(ctx)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease);
+ EXPECT_EQ(scenario.exp_address_, lease->addr_);
+ // Verify the lease had no user context content.
+ ASSERT_FALSE(lease->getContext());
+ }
+// Verifies that the extended data (RelayInfos for now) is
+// added to a V6 lease when an expired lease is reused and
+// store-extended-info is true. We don't bother testing the
+// disabled case as this is tested thoroughly elsewhere.
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6ExtendedInfoTest, reuseExpiredLease6) {
+ // Create one subnet with a pool holding one address.
+ IOAddress addr("2001:db8:1::ad");
+ initSubnet(IOAddress("2001:db8:1::"), addr, addr);
+ subnet_->setPreferred(Triplet<uint32_t>(200, 300, 400));
+ subnet_->setValid(Triplet<uint32_t>(300, 400, 500));
+ // Create an expired lease for duid1_.
+ Lease6Ptr lease(new Lease6(Lease::TYPE_NA, addr, duid1_, 1234,
+ 501, 502, subnet_->getID(), HWAddrPtr()));
+ lease->cltt_ = time(NULL) - 500; // Allocated 500 seconds ago
+ lease->valid_lft_ = 495; // Lease was valid for 495 seconds
+ ASSERT_TRUE(LeaseMgrFactory::instance().addLease(lease));
+ // Make sure that we really created expired lease
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease->expired());
+ // Asking specifically for this address with zero lifetimes
+ AllocEngine::ClientContext6 ctx(subnet_, duid2_, false, false, "", false,
+ Pkt6Ptr(new Pkt6(DHCPV6_REQUEST, 5678)));
+ ctx.currentIA().iaid_ = iaid_;
+ ctx.currentIA().addHint(addr, 128, 0, 0);
+ // Add a relay to the packet relay vector.
+ ctx.query_->relay_info_.push_back(relay1_);
+ // Enable extended info storage.
+ subnet_->setStoreExtendedInfo(true);
+ // Reuse the expired lease.
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(lease = expectOneLease(engine_.allocateLeases6(ctx)));
+ // Check that we got that single lease
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease);
+ EXPECT_EQ(addr, lease->addr_);
+ // Now let's verify that the extended info is in the user-context.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease->getContext());
+ std::string exp_content_json =
+ "{ \"ISC\": { \"relay-info\": [ { \"hop\": 33, \"link\": \"2001:db8::1\","
+ " \"options\": \"0x00C800080102030405060708\", \"peer\": \"2001:db8::2\" } ] } }";
+ ConstElementPtr exp_context;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(exp_context = Element::fromJSON(exp_content_json))
+ << "invalid exp_context_json_, test is broken";
+ ASSERT_TRUE(exp_context->equals(*(lease->getContext())))
+ << "expected: " << *(exp_context) << std::endl
+ << " actual: " << *(lease->getContext()) << std::endl;
+// Checks whether fake allocation does not use the cache feature.
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, solicitNoCache) {
+ boost::scoped_ptr<AllocEngine> engine;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(engine.reset(new AllocEngine(100)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(engine);
+ // Set the threshold to 25%.
+ subnet_->setCacheThreshold(.25);
+ IOAddress addr("2001:db8:1::15");
+ time_t now = time(NULL) - 100; // Allocated 100 seconds ago.
+ Lease6Ptr lease(new Lease6(Lease::TYPE_NA, addr, duid_, iaid_,
+ 300, 400, subnet_->getID()));
+ lease->cltt_ = now;
+ ASSERT_FALSE(lease->expired());
+ // Copy the lease, so as it can be compared with.
+ Lease6Ptr original_lease(new Lease6(*lease));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(LeaseMgrFactory::instance().addLease(lease));
+ // Create a context for fake allocation..
+ Pkt6Ptr query(new Pkt6(DHCPV6_SOLICIT, 1234));
+ AllocEngine::ClientContext6 ctx(subnet_, duid_, false, false, "", true,
+ query);
+ ctx.currentIA().iaid_ = iaid_;
+ ctx.currentIA().addHint(addr);
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(lease = expectOneLease(engine->allocateLeases6(ctx)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease);
+ EXPECT_EQ(addr, lease->addr_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(128, lease->prefixlen_);
+ // The lease was not reused.
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, lease->reuseable_valid_lft_);
+ // Check the lease was not updated in the database.
+ Lease6Ptr from_mgr = LeaseMgrFactory::instance().getLease6(lease->type_,
+ lease->addr_);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(from_mgr);
+ detailCompareLease(original_lease, from_mgr);
+// Checks whether a lease can be reused (request) using cache threshold.
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, requestCacheThreshold6) {
+ boost::scoped_ptr<AllocEngine> engine;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(engine.reset(new AllocEngine(100)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(engine);
+ // Set the threshold to 33%.
+ subnet_->setCacheThreshold(.33);
+ IOAddress addr("2001:db8:1::15");
+ time_t now = time(NULL) - 100; // Allocated 100 seconds ago.
+ Lease6Ptr lease(new Lease6(Lease::TYPE_NA, addr, duid_, iaid_,
+ 300, 400, subnet_->getID()));
+ lease->cltt_ = now;
+ ASSERT_FALSE(lease->expired());
+ // Copy the lease, so as it can be compared with.
+ Lease6Ptr original_lease(new Lease6(*lease));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(LeaseMgrFactory::instance().addLease(lease));
+ // Create a context for request.
+ Pkt6Ptr query(new Pkt6(DHCPV6_REQUEST, 1234));
+ AllocEngine::ClientContext6 ctx(subnet_, duid_, false, false, "", false,
+ query);
+ ctx.currentIA().iaid_ = iaid_;
+ ctx.currentIA().addHint(addr);
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(lease = expectOneLease(engine->allocateLeases6(ctx)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease);
+ EXPECT_EQ(addr, lease->addr_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(128, lease->prefixlen_);
+ // The lease was reused.
+ time_t age = lease->cltt_ - now;
+ EXPECT_GE(age, 100);
+ EXPECT_LE(age, 110);
+ EXPECT_EQ(400 - age, lease->reuseable_valid_lft_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(300 - age, lease->reuseable_preferred_lft_);
+ // Check other lease parameters.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(*lease->duid_ == *duid_);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ctx.isAllocated(addr));
+ // Check the lease was not updated in the database.
+ Lease6Ptr from_mgr = LeaseMgrFactory::instance().getLease6(lease->type_,
+ lease->addr_);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(from_mgr);
+ detailCompareLease(original_lease, from_mgr);
+// Checks whether a lease can be reused (renew) using cache threshold.
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, renewCacheThreshold6) {
+ boost::scoped_ptr<AllocEngine> engine;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(engine.reset(new AllocEngine(100)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(engine);
+ // Set the threshold to 25%.
+ subnet_->setCacheThreshold(.25);
+ IOAddress prefix("2001:db8:1:2::");
+ uint8_t prefixlen = 80;
+ time_t now = time(NULL) - 100; // Allocated 100 seconds ago.
+ Lease6Ptr lease(new Lease6(Lease::TYPE_PD, prefix, duid_, iaid_,
+ 300, 400, subnet_->getID(),
+ HWAddrPtr(), prefixlen));
+ lease->cltt_ = now;
+ ASSERT_FALSE(lease->expired());
+ // Copy the lease, so as it can be compared with.
+ Lease6Ptr original_lease(new Lease6(*lease));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(LeaseMgrFactory::instance().addLease(lease));
+ // Create a context for renew.
+ Pkt6Ptr query(new Pkt6(DHCPV6_RENEW, 1234));
+ AllocEngine::ClientContext6 ctx(subnet_, duid_, false, false, "", false,
+ query);
+ ctx.currentIA().type_ = Lease::TYPE_PD;
+ ctx.currentIA().iaid_ = iaid_;
+ ctx.currentIA().addHint(prefix, prefixlen);
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(lease = expectOneLease(engine->renewLeases6(ctx)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease);
+ EXPECT_EQ(prefix, lease->addr_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(prefixlen, lease->prefixlen_);
+ // The lease was reused.
+ time_t age = lease->cltt_ - now;
+ EXPECT_GE(age, 100);
+ EXPECT_LE(age, 110);
+ EXPECT_EQ(400 - age, lease->reuseable_valid_lft_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(300 - age, lease->reuseable_preferred_lft_);
+ // Check other lease parameters.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(*lease->duid_ == *duid_);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ctx.isAllocated(prefix, prefixlen));
+ // Check the lease was not updated in the database.
+ Lease6Ptr from_mgr = LeaseMgrFactory::instance().getLease6(lease->type_,
+ lease->addr_);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(from_mgr);
+ detailCompareLease(original_lease, from_mgr);
+// Checks whether a lease can be reused (request) using cache max age.
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, requestCacheMaxAge6) {
+ boost::scoped_ptr<AllocEngine> engine;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(engine.reset(new AllocEngine(100)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(engine);
+ // Set the max age to 150.
+ subnet_->setCacheMaxAge(150);
+ IOAddress addr("2001:db8:1::15");
+ time_t now = time(NULL) - 100; // Allocated 100 seconds ago.
+ Lease6Ptr lease(new Lease6(Lease::TYPE_NA, addr, duid_, iaid_,
+ 300, 400, subnet_->getID()));
+ lease->cltt_ = now;
+ ASSERT_FALSE(lease->expired());
+ // Copy the lease, so as it can be compared with.
+ Lease6Ptr original_lease(new Lease6(*lease));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(LeaseMgrFactory::instance().addLease(lease));
+ // Create a context for request.
+ Pkt6Ptr query(new Pkt6(DHCPV6_REQUEST, 1234));
+ AllocEngine::ClientContext6 ctx(subnet_, duid_, false, false, "", false,
+ query);
+ ctx.currentIA().iaid_ = iaid_;
+ ctx.currentIA().addHint(addr);
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(lease = expectOneLease(engine->allocateLeases6(ctx)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease);
+ EXPECT_EQ(addr, lease->addr_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(128, lease->prefixlen_);
+ // The lease was reused.
+ time_t age = lease->cltt_ - now;
+ EXPECT_GE(age, 100);
+ EXPECT_LE(age, 110);
+ EXPECT_EQ(400 - age, lease->reuseable_valid_lft_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(300 - age, lease->reuseable_preferred_lft_);
+ // Check other lease parameters.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(*lease->duid_ == *duid_);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ctx.isAllocated(addr));
+ // Check the lease was not updated in the database.
+ Lease6Ptr from_mgr = LeaseMgrFactory::instance().getLease6(lease->type_,
+ lease->addr_);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(from_mgr);
+ detailCompareLease(original_lease, from_mgr);
+// Checks whether a lease can be reused (renew) using cache max age.
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, renewCacheMaxAge6) {
+ boost::scoped_ptr<AllocEngine> engine;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(engine.reset(new AllocEngine(100)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(engine);
+ // Set the max age to 150.
+ subnet_->setCacheMaxAge(150);
+ IOAddress prefix("2001:db8:1:2::");
+ uint8_t prefixlen = 80;
+ time_t now = time(NULL) - 100; // Allocated 100 seconds ago.
+ Lease6Ptr lease(new Lease6(Lease::TYPE_PD, prefix, duid_, iaid_,
+ 300, 400, subnet_->getID(),
+ HWAddrPtr(), prefixlen));
+ lease->cltt_ = now;
+ ASSERT_FALSE(lease->expired());
+ // Copy the lease, so as it can be compared with.
+ Lease6Ptr original_lease(new Lease6(*lease));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(LeaseMgrFactory::instance().addLease(lease));
+ // Create a context for renew.
+ Pkt6Ptr query(new Pkt6(DHCPV6_RENEW, 1234));
+ AllocEngine::ClientContext6 ctx(subnet_, duid_, false, false, "", false,
+ query);
+ ctx.currentIA().type_ = Lease::TYPE_PD;
+ ctx.currentIA().iaid_ = iaid_;
+ ctx.currentIA().addHint(prefix, prefixlen);
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(lease = expectOneLease(engine->renewLeases6(ctx)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease);
+ EXPECT_EQ(prefix, lease->addr_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(prefixlen, lease->prefixlen_);
+ // The lease was reused.
+ time_t age = lease->cltt_ - now;
+ EXPECT_GE(age, 100);
+ EXPECT_LE(age, 110);
+ EXPECT_EQ(400 - age, lease->reuseable_valid_lft_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(300 - age, lease->reuseable_preferred_lft_);
+ // Check other lease parameters.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(*lease->duid_ == *duid_);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ctx.isAllocated(prefix, prefixlen));
+ // Check the lease was not updated in the database.
+ Lease6Ptr from_mgr = LeaseMgrFactory::instance().getLease6(lease->type_,
+ lease->addr_);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(from_mgr);
+ detailCompareLease(original_lease, from_mgr);
+// Checks whether a lease can be reused (request) using both cache threshold
+// and max age.
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, requestCacheBoth6) {
+ boost::scoped_ptr<AllocEngine> engine;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(engine.reset(new AllocEngine(100)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(engine);
+ // Set the threshold to 25%.
+ subnet_->setCacheThreshold(.25);
+ // Set the max age to 150.
+ subnet_->setCacheMaxAge(150);
+ IOAddress addr("2001:db8:1::15");
+ time_t now = time(NULL) - 100; // Allocated 100 seconds ago.
+ Lease6Ptr lease(new Lease6(Lease::TYPE_NA, addr, duid_, iaid_,
+ 300, 400, subnet_->getID()));
+ lease->cltt_ = now;
+ ASSERT_FALSE(lease->expired());
+ // Copy the lease, so as it can be compared with.
+ Lease6Ptr original_lease(new Lease6(*lease));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(LeaseMgrFactory::instance().addLease(lease));
+ // Create a context for request.
+ Pkt6Ptr query(new Pkt6(DHCPV6_REQUEST, 1234));
+ AllocEngine::ClientContext6 ctx(subnet_, duid_, false, false, "", false,
+ query);
+ ctx.currentIA().iaid_ = iaid_;
+ ctx.currentIA().addHint(addr);
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(lease = expectOneLease(engine->allocateLeases6(ctx)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease);
+ EXPECT_EQ(addr, lease->addr_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(128, lease->prefixlen_);
+ // The lease was reused.
+ time_t age = lease->cltt_ - now;
+ EXPECT_GE(age, 100);
+ EXPECT_LE(age, 110);
+ EXPECT_EQ(400 - age, lease->reuseable_valid_lft_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(300 - age, lease->reuseable_preferred_lft_);
+ // Check other lease parameters.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(*lease->duid_ == *duid_);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ctx.isAllocated(addr));
+ // Check the lease was not updated in the database.
+ Lease6Ptr from_mgr = LeaseMgrFactory::instance().getLease6(lease->type_,
+ lease->addr_);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(from_mgr);
+ detailCompareLease(original_lease, from_mgr);
+// Checks whether a lease can be reused (renew) using both cache threshold
+// and max age.
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, renewCacheBoth6) {
+ boost::scoped_ptr<AllocEngine> engine;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(engine.reset(new AllocEngine(100)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(engine);
+ // Set the threshold to 25%.
+ subnet_->setCacheThreshold(.25);
+ // Set the max age to 150.
+ subnet_->setCacheMaxAge(150);
+ IOAddress prefix("2001:db8:1:2::");
+ uint8_t prefixlen = 80;
+ time_t now = time(NULL) - 100; // Allocated 100 seconds ago.
+ Lease6Ptr lease(new Lease6(Lease::TYPE_PD, prefix, duid_, iaid_,
+ 300, 400, subnet_->getID(),
+ HWAddrPtr(), prefixlen));
+ lease->cltt_ = now;
+ ASSERT_FALSE(lease->expired());
+ // Copy the lease, so as it can be compared with.
+ Lease6Ptr original_lease(new Lease6(*lease));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(LeaseMgrFactory::instance().addLease(lease));
+ // Create a context for renew.
+ Pkt6Ptr query(new Pkt6(DHCPV6_RENEW, 1234));
+ AllocEngine::ClientContext6 ctx(subnet_, duid_, false, false, "", false,
+ query);
+ ctx.currentIA().type_ = Lease::TYPE_PD;
+ ctx.currentIA().iaid_ = iaid_;
+ ctx.currentIA().addHint(prefix, prefixlen);
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(lease = expectOneLease(engine->renewLeases6(ctx)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease);
+ EXPECT_EQ(prefix, lease->addr_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(prefixlen, lease->prefixlen_);
+ // The lease was reused.
+ time_t age = lease->cltt_ - now;
+ EXPECT_GE(age, 100);
+ EXPECT_LE(age, 110);
+ EXPECT_EQ(400 - age, lease->reuseable_valid_lft_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(300 - age, lease->reuseable_preferred_lft_);
+ // Check other lease parameters.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(*lease->duid_ == *duid_);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ctx.isAllocated(prefix, prefixlen));
+ // Check the lease was not updated in the database.
+ Lease6Ptr from_mgr = LeaseMgrFactory::instance().getLease6(lease->type_,
+ lease->addr_);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(from_mgr);
+ detailCompareLease(original_lease, from_mgr);
+// Checks whether a lease can't be reused (request) using too small
+// cache threshold.
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, requestCacheBadThreshold6) {
+ boost::scoped_ptr<AllocEngine> engine;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(engine.reset(new AllocEngine(100)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(engine);
+ // Set the threshold to 10%.
+ subnet_->setCacheThreshold(.1);
+ // Set the max age to 150.
+ subnet_->setCacheMaxAge(150);
+ IOAddress addr("2001:db8:1::15");
+ time_t now = time(NULL) - 100; // Allocated 100 seconds ago.
+ Lease6Ptr lease(new Lease6(Lease::TYPE_NA, addr, duid_, iaid_,
+ 300, 400, subnet_->getID()));
+ lease->cltt_ = now;
+ ASSERT_FALSE(lease->expired());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(LeaseMgrFactory::instance().addLease(lease));
+ // Create a context for request.
+ Pkt6Ptr query(new Pkt6(DHCPV6_REQUEST, 1234));
+ AllocEngine::ClientContext6 ctx(subnet_, duid_, false, false, "", false,
+ query);
+ ctx.currentIA().iaid_ = iaid_;
+ ctx.currentIA().addHint(addr);
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(lease = expectOneLease(engine->allocateLeases6(ctx)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease);
+ EXPECT_EQ(addr, lease->addr_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(128, lease->prefixlen_);
+ // The lease was not reused.
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, lease->reuseable_valid_lft_);
+ // Check the lease was updated in the database.
+ Lease6Ptr from_mgr = LeaseMgrFactory::instance().getLease6(lease->type_,
+ lease->addr_);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(from_mgr);
+ detailCompareLease(lease, from_mgr);
+// Checks whether a lease can't be reused (renew) using too small
+// cache threshold.
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, renewCacheBadThreshold6) {
+ boost::scoped_ptr<AllocEngine> engine;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(engine.reset(new AllocEngine(100)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(engine);
+ // Set the threshold to 10%.
+ subnet_->setCacheThreshold(.1);
+ // Set the max age to 150.
+ subnet_->setCacheMaxAge(150);
+ IOAddress prefix("2001:db8:1:2::");
+ uint8_t prefixlen = 80;
+ time_t now = time(NULL) - 100; // Allocated 100 seconds ago.
+ Lease6Ptr lease(new Lease6(Lease::TYPE_PD, prefix, duid_, iaid_,
+ 300, 400, subnet_->getID(),
+ HWAddrPtr(), prefixlen));
+ lease->cltt_ = now;
+ ASSERT_FALSE(lease->expired());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(LeaseMgrFactory::instance().addLease(lease));
+ // Create a context for renew.
+ Pkt6Ptr query(new Pkt6(DHCPV6_RENEW, 1234));
+ AllocEngine::ClientContext6 ctx(subnet_, duid_, false, false, "", false,
+ query);
+ ctx.currentIA().type_ = Lease::TYPE_PD;
+ ctx.currentIA().iaid_ = iaid_;
+ ctx.currentIA().addHint(prefix, prefixlen);
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(lease = expectOneLease(engine->renewLeases6(ctx)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease);
+ EXPECT_EQ(prefix, lease->addr_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(prefixlen, lease->prefixlen_);
+ // The lease was not reused.
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, lease->reuseable_valid_lft_);
+ // Check the lease was updated in the database.
+ Lease6Ptr from_mgr = LeaseMgrFactory::instance().getLease6(lease->type_,
+ lease->addr_);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(from_mgr);
+ detailCompareLease(lease, from_mgr);
+// Checks whether a lease can't be reused (request) using too small
+// cache max age.
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, requestCacheBadMaxAge6) {
+ boost::scoped_ptr<AllocEngine> engine;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(engine.reset(new AllocEngine(100)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(engine);
+ // Set the threshold to 25%.
+ subnet_->setCacheThreshold(.25);
+ // Set the max age to 50.
+ subnet_->setCacheMaxAge(50);
+ IOAddress addr("2001:db8:1::15");
+ time_t now = time(NULL) - 100; // Allocated 100 seconds ago.
+ Lease6Ptr lease(new Lease6(Lease::TYPE_NA, addr, duid_, iaid_,
+ 300, 400, subnet_->getID()));
+ lease->cltt_ = now;
+ ASSERT_FALSE(lease->expired());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(LeaseMgrFactory::instance().addLease(lease));
+ // Create a context for request.
+ Pkt6Ptr query(new Pkt6(DHCPV6_REQUEST, 1234));
+ AllocEngine::ClientContext6 ctx(subnet_, duid_, false, false, "", false,
+ query);
+ ctx.currentIA().iaid_ = iaid_;
+ ctx.currentIA().addHint(addr);
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(lease = expectOneLease(engine->allocateLeases6(ctx)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease);
+ EXPECT_EQ(addr, lease->addr_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(128, lease->prefixlen_);
+ // The lease was not reused.
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, lease->reuseable_valid_lft_);
+ // Check the lease was updated in the database.
+ Lease6Ptr from_mgr = LeaseMgrFactory::instance().getLease6(lease->type_,
+ lease->addr_);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(from_mgr);
+ detailCompareLease(lease, from_mgr);
+// Checks whether a lease can't be reused (renew) using too small
+// cache max age.
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, renewCacheBadMaxAge6) {
+ boost::scoped_ptr<AllocEngine> engine;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(engine.reset(new AllocEngine(100)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(engine);
+ // Set the threshold to 25%.
+ subnet_->setCacheThreshold(.25);
+ // Set the max age to 50.
+ subnet_->setCacheMaxAge(50);
+ IOAddress prefix("2001:db8:1:2::");
+ uint8_t prefixlen = 80;
+ time_t now = time(NULL) - 100; // Allocated 100 seconds ago.
+ Lease6Ptr lease(new Lease6(Lease::TYPE_PD, prefix, duid_, iaid_,
+ 300, 400, subnet_->getID(),
+ HWAddrPtr(), prefixlen));
+ lease->cltt_ = now;
+ ASSERT_FALSE(lease->expired());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(LeaseMgrFactory::instance().addLease(lease));
+ // Create a context for renew.
+ Pkt6Ptr query(new Pkt6(DHCPV6_RENEW, 1234));
+ AllocEngine::ClientContext6 ctx(subnet_, duid_, false, false, "", false,
+ query);
+ ctx.currentIA().type_ = Lease::TYPE_PD;
+ ctx.currentIA().iaid_ = iaid_;
+ ctx.currentIA().addHint(prefix, prefixlen);
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(lease = expectOneLease(engine->renewLeases6(ctx)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease);
+ EXPECT_EQ(prefix, lease->addr_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(prefixlen, lease->prefixlen_);
+ // The lease was not reused.
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, lease->reuseable_valid_lft_);
+ // Check the lease was updated in the database.
+ Lease6Ptr from_mgr = LeaseMgrFactory::instance().getLease6(lease->type_,
+ lease->addr_);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(from_mgr);
+ detailCompareLease(lease, from_mgr);
+// Checks whether a lease can't be reused (renew) when the valid
+// lifetime was reduced.
+// This works only when the lifetime is recomputed.
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, renewCacheReducedValid6) {
+ boost::scoped_ptr<AllocEngine> engine;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(engine.reset(new AllocEngine(100)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(engine);
+ // Set valid lifetime to 200.
+ subnet_->setValid(200);
+ // Set the threshold to 25%.
+ subnet_->setCacheThreshold(.25);
+ IOAddress addr("2001:db8:1::15");
+ time_t now = time(NULL) - 100; // Allocated 100 seconds ago.
+ Lease6Ptr lease(new Lease6(Lease::TYPE_NA, addr, duid_, iaid_,
+ 300, 400, subnet_->getID()));
+ lease->cltt_ = now;
+ ASSERT_FALSE(lease->expired());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(LeaseMgrFactory::instance().addLease(lease));
+ // Create a context for renew.
+ Pkt6Ptr query(new Pkt6(DHCPV6_RENEW, 1234));
+ AllocEngine::ClientContext6 ctx(subnet_, duid_, false, false, "", false,
+ query);
+ ctx.currentIA().iaid_ = iaid_;
+ ctx.currentIA().addHint(addr);
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(lease = expectOneLease(engine->renewLeases6(ctx)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease);
+ EXPECT_EQ(addr, lease->addr_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(128, lease->prefixlen_);
+ // The lease was not reused.
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, lease->reuseable_valid_lft_);
+ // Check the lease was updated in the database.
+ Lease6Ptr from_mgr = LeaseMgrFactory::instance().getLease6(lease->type_,
+ lease->addr_);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(from_mgr);
+ detailCompareLease(lease, from_mgr);
+// Checks whether a lease can't be reused (renew) when the preferred
+// lifetime was reduced.
+// This works only when the lifetime is recomputed.
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, renewCacheReducedPreferred6) {
+ boost::scoped_ptr<AllocEngine> engine;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(engine.reset(new AllocEngine(100)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(engine);
+ // Set preferred lifetime to 100.
+ subnet_->setPreferred(100);
+ // Set the threshold to 25%.
+ subnet_->setCacheThreshold(.25);
+ IOAddress prefix("2001:db8:1:2::");
+ uint8_t prefixlen = 80;
+ time_t now = time(NULL) - 100; // Allocated 100 seconds ago.
+ Lease6Ptr lease(new Lease6(Lease::TYPE_PD, prefix, duid_, iaid_,
+ 300, 400, subnet_->getID(),
+ HWAddrPtr(), prefixlen));
+ lease->cltt_ = now;
+ ASSERT_FALSE(lease->expired());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(LeaseMgrFactory::instance().addLease(lease));
+ // Create a context for renew.
+ Pkt6Ptr query(new Pkt6(DHCPV6_RENEW, 1234));
+ AllocEngine::ClientContext6 ctx(subnet_, duid_, false, false, "", false,
+ query);
+ ctx.currentIA().type_ = Lease::TYPE_PD;
+ ctx.currentIA().iaid_ = iaid_;
+ ctx.currentIA().addHint(prefix, prefixlen);
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(lease = expectOneLease(engine->renewLeases6(ctx)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease);
+ EXPECT_EQ(prefix, lease->addr_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(prefixlen, lease->prefixlen_);
+ // The lease was not reused.
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, lease->reuseable_valid_lft_);
+ // Check the lease was updated in the database.
+ Lease6Ptr from_mgr = LeaseMgrFactory::instance().getLease6(lease->type_,
+ lease->addr_);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(from_mgr);
+ detailCompareLease(lease, from_mgr);
+// Checks whether a lease can't be reused (request) when DDNS parameter changed.
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, requestCacheFwdDDNS6) {
+ boost::scoped_ptr<AllocEngine> engine;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(engine.reset(new AllocEngine(100)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(engine);
+ // Set the threshold to 25%.
+ subnet_->setCacheThreshold(.25);
+ IOAddress addr("2001:db8:1::15");
+ time_t now = time(NULL) - 100; // Allocated 100 seconds ago.
+ Lease6Ptr lease(new Lease6(Lease::TYPE_NA, addr, duid_, iaid_,
+ 300, 400, subnet_->getID()));
+ lease->cltt_ = now;
+ ASSERT_FALSE(lease->expired());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(LeaseMgrFactory::instance().addLease(lease));
+ // Create a context for request.
+ Pkt6Ptr query(new Pkt6(DHCPV6_REQUEST, 1234));
+ AllocEngine::ClientContext6 ctx(subnet_, duid_, true, false, "", false,
+ query);
+ ctx.currentIA().iaid_ = iaid_;
+ ctx.currentIA().addHint(addr);
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(lease = expectOneLease(engine->allocateLeases6(ctx)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease);
+ EXPECT_EQ(addr, lease->addr_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(128, lease->prefixlen_);
+ // The lease was not reused.
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, lease->reuseable_valid_lft_);
+ // Check the lease was updated in the database.
+ Lease6Ptr from_mgr = LeaseMgrFactory::instance().getLease6(lease->type_,
+ lease->addr_);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(from_mgr);
+ detailCompareLease(lease, from_mgr);
+// Checks whether a lease can't be reused (renew) when DDNS parameter changed.
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, renewCacheFwdDDNS6) {
+ boost::scoped_ptr<AllocEngine> engine;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(engine.reset(new AllocEngine(100)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(engine);
+ // Set the threshold to 25%.
+ subnet_->setCacheThreshold(.25);
+ IOAddress prefix("2001:db8:1:2::");
+ uint8_t prefixlen = 80;
+ time_t now = time(NULL) - 100; // Allocated 100 seconds ago.
+ Lease6Ptr lease(new Lease6(Lease::TYPE_PD, prefix, duid_, iaid_,
+ 300, 400, subnet_->getID(),
+ HWAddrPtr(), prefixlen));
+ lease->cltt_ = now;
+ ASSERT_FALSE(lease->expired());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(LeaseMgrFactory::instance().addLease(lease));
+ // Create a context for renew.
+ Pkt6Ptr query(new Pkt6(DHCPV6_RENEW, 1234));
+ AllocEngine::ClientContext6 ctx(subnet_, duid_, true, false, "", false,
+ query);
+ ctx.currentIA().type_ = Lease::TYPE_PD;
+ ctx.currentIA().iaid_ = iaid_;
+ ctx.currentIA().addHint(prefix, prefixlen);
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(lease = expectOneLease(engine->renewLeases6(ctx)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease);
+ EXPECT_EQ(prefix, lease->addr_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(prefixlen, lease->prefixlen_);
+ // The lease was not reused.
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, lease->reuseable_valid_lft_);
+ // Check the lease was updated in the database.
+ Lease6Ptr from_mgr = LeaseMgrFactory::instance().getLease6(lease->type_,
+ lease->addr_);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(from_mgr);
+ detailCompareLease(lease, from_mgr);
+// Checks whether a lease can't be reused (request) when DDNS parameter changed.
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, requestCacheRevDDNS6) {
+ boost::scoped_ptr<AllocEngine> engine;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(engine.reset(new AllocEngine(100)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(engine);
+ // Set the threshold to 25%.
+ subnet_->setCacheThreshold(.25);
+ IOAddress addr("2001:db8:1::15");
+ time_t now = time(NULL) - 100; // Allocated 100 seconds ago.
+ Lease6Ptr lease(new Lease6(Lease::TYPE_NA, addr, duid_, iaid_,
+ 300, 400, subnet_->getID()));
+ lease->cltt_ = now;
+ ASSERT_FALSE(lease->expired());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(LeaseMgrFactory::instance().addLease(lease));
+ // Create a context for request.
+ Pkt6Ptr query(new Pkt6(DHCPV6_REQUEST, 1234));
+ AllocEngine::ClientContext6 ctx(subnet_, duid_, false, true, "", false,
+ query);
+ ctx.currentIA().iaid_ = iaid_;
+ ctx.currentIA().addHint(addr);
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(lease = expectOneLease(engine->allocateLeases6(ctx)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease);
+ EXPECT_EQ(addr, lease->addr_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(128, lease->prefixlen_);
+ // The lease was not reused.
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, lease->reuseable_valid_lft_);
+ // Check the lease was updated in the database.
+ Lease6Ptr from_mgr = LeaseMgrFactory::instance().getLease6(lease->type_,
+ lease->addr_);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(from_mgr);
+ detailCompareLease(lease, from_mgr);
+// Checks whether a lease can't be reused (renew) when DDNS parameter changed.
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, renewCacheRevDDNS6) {
+ boost::scoped_ptr<AllocEngine> engine;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(engine.reset(new AllocEngine(100)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(engine);
+ // Set the threshold to 25%.
+ subnet_->setCacheThreshold(.25);
+ IOAddress prefix("2001:db8:1:2::");
+ uint8_t prefixlen = 80;
+ time_t now = time(NULL) - 100; // Allocated 100 seconds ago.
+ Lease6Ptr lease(new Lease6(Lease::TYPE_PD, prefix, duid_, iaid_,
+ 300, 400, subnet_->getID(),
+ HWAddrPtr(), prefixlen));
+ lease->cltt_ = now;
+ ASSERT_FALSE(lease->expired());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(LeaseMgrFactory::instance().addLease(lease));
+ // Create a context for renew.
+ Pkt6Ptr query(new Pkt6(DHCPV6_RENEW, 1234));
+ AllocEngine::ClientContext6 ctx(subnet_, duid_, false, true, "", false,
+ query);
+ ctx.currentIA().type_ = Lease::TYPE_PD;
+ ctx.currentIA().iaid_ = iaid_;
+ ctx.currentIA().addHint(prefix, prefixlen);
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(lease = expectOneLease(engine->renewLeases6(ctx)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease);
+ EXPECT_EQ(prefix, lease->addr_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(prefixlen, lease->prefixlen_);
+ // The lease was not reused.
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, lease->reuseable_valid_lft_);
+ // Check the lease was updated in the database.
+ Lease6Ptr from_mgr = LeaseMgrFactory::instance().getLease6(lease->type_,
+ lease->addr_);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(from_mgr);
+ detailCompareLease(lease, from_mgr);
+// Checks whether a lease can't be reused (request) when hostname changed.
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, requestCacheHostname6) {
+ boost::scoped_ptr<AllocEngine> engine;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(engine.reset(new AllocEngine(100)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(engine);
+ // Set the threshold to 25%.
+ subnet_->setCacheThreshold(.25);
+ IOAddress addr("2001:db8:1::15");
+ time_t now = time(NULL) - 100; // Allocated 100 seconds ago.
+ Lease6Ptr lease(new Lease6(Lease::TYPE_NA, addr, duid_, iaid_,
+ 300, 400, subnet_->getID(),
+ false, false, "foo"));
+ lease->cltt_ = now;
+ ASSERT_FALSE(lease->expired());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(LeaseMgrFactory::instance().addLease(lease));
+ // Create a context for request.
+ Pkt6Ptr query(new Pkt6(DHCPV6_REQUEST, 1234));
+ AllocEngine::ClientContext6 ctx(subnet_, duid_, false, false, "bar", false,
+ query);
+ ctx.currentIA().iaid_ = iaid_;
+ ctx.currentIA().addHint(addr);
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(lease = expectOneLease(engine->allocateLeases6(ctx)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease);
+ EXPECT_EQ(addr, lease->addr_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(128, lease->prefixlen_);
+ // The lease was not reused.
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, lease->reuseable_valid_lft_);
+ EXPECT_EQ("bar", lease->hostname_);
+ // Check the lease was updated in the database.
+ Lease6Ptr from_mgr = LeaseMgrFactory::instance().getLease6(lease->type_,
+ lease->addr_);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(from_mgr);
+ detailCompareLease(lease, from_mgr);
+// Checks whether a lease can't be reused (renew) when hostname changed.
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, renewCacheHostname6) {
+ boost::scoped_ptr<AllocEngine> engine;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(engine.reset(new AllocEngine(100)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(engine);
+ // Set the threshold to 25%.
+ subnet_->setCacheThreshold(.25);
+ IOAddress prefix("2001:db8:1:2::");
+ uint8_t prefixlen = 80;
+ time_t now = time(NULL) - 100; // Allocated 100 seconds ago.
+ Lease6Ptr lease(new Lease6(Lease::TYPE_PD, prefix, duid_, iaid_,
+ 300, 400, subnet_->getID(),
+ false, false, "foo",
+ HWAddrPtr(), prefixlen));
+ lease->cltt_ = now;
+ ASSERT_FALSE(lease->expired());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(LeaseMgrFactory::instance().addLease(lease));
+ // Create a context for renew.
+ Pkt6Ptr query(new Pkt6(DHCPV6_RENEW, 1234));
+ AllocEngine::ClientContext6 ctx(subnet_, duid_, false, false, "bar", false,
+ query);
+ ctx.currentIA().type_ = Lease::TYPE_PD;
+ ctx.currentIA().iaid_ = iaid_;
+ ctx.currentIA().addHint(prefix, prefixlen);
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(lease = expectOneLease(engine->renewLeases6(ctx)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease);
+ EXPECT_EQ(prefix, lease->addr_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(prefixlen, lease->prefixlen_);
+ // The lease was not reused.
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, lease->reuseable_valid_lft_);
+ EXPECT_EQ("bar", lease->hostname_);
+ // Check the lease was updated in the database.
+ Lease6Ptr from_mgr = LeaseMgrFactory::instance().getLease6(lease->type_,
+ lease->addr_);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(from_mgr);
+ detailCompareLease(lease, from_mgr);
+// Verifies that AllocEngine::getLifetimes6() returns the appropriate
+// valid lifetime value based on the context content.
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, getValidLifetime) {
+ boost::scoped_ptr<AllocEngine> engine;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(engine.reset(new AllocEngine(100)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(engine);
+ // Let's make three classes, two with valid-lifetime and one without,
+ // and add them to the dictionary.
+ ClientClassDictionaryPtr dictionary = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getClientClassDictionary();
+ ClientClassDefPtr class_def(new ClientClassDef("valid_one", ExpressionPtr()));
+ Triplet<uint32_t> valid_one(50, 100, 150);
+ class_def->setValid(valid_one);
+ dictionary->addClass(class_def);
+ class_def.reset(new ClientClassDef("valid_two", ExpressionPtr()));
+ Triplet<uint32_t>valid_two(200, 250, 300);
+ class_def->setValid(valid_two);
+ dictionary->addClass(class_def);
+ class_def.reset(new ClientClassDef("valid_unspec", ExpressionPtr()));
+ dictionary->addClass(class_def);
+ // Commit our class changes.
+ CfgMgr::instance().commit();
+ // Update the subnet's triplet to something more useful.
+ subnet_->setValid(Triplet<uint32_t>(500, 1000, 1500));
+ // Describes a test scenario.
+ struct Scenario {
+ std::string desc_; // descriptive text for logging
+ std::vector<std::string> classes_; // class list of assigned classes
+ uint32_t requested_lft_; // use as option 51 is > 0
+ uint32_t exp_valid_; // expected lifetime
+ };
+ // Scenarios to test.
+ std::vector<Scenario> scenarios = {
+ {
+ "no classes, no hint",
+ {},
+ 0,
+ subnet_->getValid()
+ },
+ {
+ "no classes, hint",
+ {},
+ subnet_->getValid().getMin() + 50,
+ subnet_->getValid().getMin() + 50
+ },
+ {
+ "no classes, hint too small",
+ {},
+ subnet_->getValid().getMin() - 50,
+ subnet_->getValid().getMin()
+ },
+ {
+ "no classes, hint too big",
+ {},
+ subnet_->getValid().getMax() + 50,
+ subnet_->getValid().getMax()
+ },
+ {
+ "class unspecified, no hint",
+ { "valid_unspec" },
+ 0,
+ subnet_->getValid()
+ },
+ {
+ "from last class, no hint",
+ { "valid_unspec", "valid_one" },
+ 0,
+ valid_one.get()
+ },
+ {
+ "from first class, no hint",
+ { "valid_two", "valid_one" },
+ 0,
+ valid_two.get()
+ },
+ {
+ "class plus hint",
+ { "valid_one" },
+ valid_one.getMin() + 25,
+ valid_one.getMin() + 25
+ },
+ {
+ "class plus hint too small",
+ { "valid_one" },
+ valid_one.getMin() - 25,
+ valid_one.getMin()
+ },
+ {
+ "class plus hint too big",
+ { "valid_one" },
+ valid_one.getMax() + 25,
+ valid_one.getMax()
+ }
+ };
+ // Iterate over the scenarios and verify the correct outcome.
+ for (auto const& scenario : scenarios) {
+ SCOPED_TRACE(scenario.desc_); {
+ // Create a context;
+ AllocEngine::ClientContext6 ctx(subnet_, duid_, false, false, "", true,
+ Pkt6Ptr(new Pkt6(DHCPV6_SOLICIT, 1234)));
+ // Add client classes (if any)
+ for (auto const& class_name : scenario.classes_) {
+ ctx.query_->addClass(class_name);
+ }
+ // Add hint
+ ctx.currentIA().iaid_ = iaid_;
+ // prefix, prefixlen, preferred, valid
+ ctx.currentIA().addHint(IOAddress("::"), 128, 0, scenario.requested_lft_);
+ Lease6Ptr lease;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(lease = expectOneLease(engine->allocateLeases6(ctx)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease);
+ EXPECT_EQ(lease->valid_lft_, scenario.exp_valid_);
+ }
+ }
+// Verifies that AllocEngine::getLifetimes6() returns the appropriate
+// valid lifetime value based on the context content.
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, getTemplateClassValidLifetime) {
+ boost::scoped_ptr<AllocEngine> engine;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(engine.reset(new AllocEngine(100)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(engine);
+ // Let's make three classes, two with valid-lifetime and one without,
+ // and add them to the dictionary.
+ ClientClassDictionaryPtr dictionary = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getClientClassDictionary();
+ ExpressionPtr match_expr;
+ ExpressionParser parser;
+ ElementPtr test_cfg = Element::create("'valid_one_value'");
+ parser.parse(match_expr, test_cfg, AF_INET6, EvalContext::acceptAll, EvalContext::PARSER_STRING);
+ ClientClassDefPtr class_def(new TemplateClientClassDef("valid_one", match_expr));
+ Triplet<uint32_t> valid_one(50, 100, 150);
+ class_def->setValid(valid_one);
+ dictionary->addClass(class_def);
+ test_cfg = Element::create("'valid_two_value'");
+ parser.parse(match_expr, test_cfg, AF_INET6, EvalContext::acceptAll, EvalContext::PARSER_STRING);
+ class_def.reset(new TemplateClientClassDef("valid_two", match_expr));
+ Triplet<uint32_t>valid_two(200, 250, 300);
+ class_def->setValid(valid_two);
+ dictionary->addClass(class_def);
+ test_cfg = Element::create("'valid_unspec_value'");
+ parser.parse(match_expr, test_cfg, AF_INET6, EvalContext::acceptAll, EvalContext::PARSER_STRING);
+ class_def.reset(new TemplateClientClassDef("valid_unspec", match_expr));
+ dictionary->addClass(class_def);
+ // Commit our class changes.
+ CfgMgr::instance().commit();
+ // Update the subnet's triplet to something more useful.
+ subnet_->setValid(Triplet<uint32_t>(500, 1000, 1500));
+ // Describes a test scenario.
+ struct Scenario {
+ std::string desc_; // descriptive text for logging
+ std::vector<std::string> classes_; // class list of assigned classes
+ uint32_t requested_lft_; // use as option 51 is > 0
+ uint32_t exp_valid_; // expected lifetime
+ };
+ // Scenarios to test.
+ std::vector<Scenario> scenarios = {
+ {
+ "no classes, no hint",
+ {},
+ 0,
+ subnet_->getValid()
+ },
+ {
+ "no classes, hint",
+ {},
+ subnet_->getValid().getMin() + 50,
+ subnet_->getValid().getMin() + 50
+ },
+ {
+ "no classes, hint too small",
+ {},
+ subnet_->getValid().getMin() - 50,
+ subnet_->getValid().getMin()
+ },
+ {
+ "no classes, hint too big",
+ {},
+ subnet_->getValid().getMax() + 50,
+ subnet_->getValid().getMax()
+ },
+ {
+ "class unspecified, no hint",
+ { "valid_unspec" },
+ 0,
+ subnet_->getValid()
+ },
+ {
+ "from last class, no hint",
+ { "valid_unspec", "valid_one" },
+ 0,
+ valid_one.get()
+ },
+ {
+ "from first class, no hint",
+ { "valid_two", "valid_one" },
+ 0,
+ valid_two.get()
+ },
+ {
+ "class plus hint",
+ { "valid_one" },
+ valid_one.getMin() + 25,
+ valid_one.getMin() + 25
+ },
+ {
+ "class plus hint too small",
+ { "valid_one" },
+ valid_one.getMin() - 25,
+ valid_one.getMin()
+ },
+ {
+ "class plus hint too big",
+ { "valid_one" },
+ valid_one.getMax() + 25,
+ valid_one.getMax()
+ }
+ };
+ // Iterate over the scenarios and verify the correct outcome.
+ for (auto const& scenario : scenarios) {
+ SCOPED_TRACE(scenario.desc_); {
+ // Create a context;
+ AllocEngine::ClientContext6 ctx(subnet_, duid_, false, false, "", true,
+ Pkt6Ptr(new Pkt6(DHCPV6_SOLICIT, 1234)));
+ // Add client classes (if any)
+ for (auto const& class_name : scenario.classes_) {
+ ctx.query_->addClass(class_name);
+ }
+ // Add hint
+ ctx.currentIA().iaid_ = iaid_;
+ // prefix, prefixlen, preferred, valid
+ ctx.currentIA().addHint(IOAddress("::"), 128, 0, scenario.requested_lft_);
+ Lease6Ptr lease;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(lease = expectOneLease(engine->allocateLeases6(ctx)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease);
+ EXPECT_EQ(lease->valid_lft_, scenario.exp_valid_);
+ }
+ }
+// Verifies that AllocEngine::getLifetimes6() returns the appropriate
+// preferred lifetime value based on the context content.
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, getPreferredLifetime) {
+ boost::scoped_ptr<AllocEngine> engine;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(engine.reset(new AllocEngine(100)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(engine);
+ // Let's make three classes, two with preferred-lifetime and one without,
+ // and add them to the dictionary.
+ ClientClassDictionaryPtr dictionary = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getClientClassDictionary();
+ ClientClassDefPtr class_def(new ClientClassDef("preferred_one", ExpressionPtr()));
+ Triplet<uint32_t> preferred_one(50, 100, 150);
+ class_def->setPreferred(preferred_one);
+ dictionary->addClass(class_def);
+ class_def.reset(new ClientClassDef("preferred_two", ExpressionPtr()));
+ Triplet<uint32_t>preferred_two(200, 250, 300);
+ class_def->setPreferred(preferred_two);
+ dictionary->addClass(class_def);
+ class_def.reset(new ClientClassDef("preferred_unspec", ExpressionPtr()));
+ dictionary->addClass(class_def);
+ // Commit our class changes.
+ CfgMgr::instance().commit();
+ // Ensure subnet valid-lft is 400.
+ subnet_->setValid(Triplet<uint32_t>(400, 400, 400));
+ // Convenience Triplet values.
+ Triplet<uint32_t> unspecified;
+ Triplet<uint32_t> specified(Triplet<uint32_t>(301, 350, 450));
+ // Describes a test scenario.
+ struct Scenario {
+ std::string desc_; // descriptive text for logging
+ std::vector<std::string> classes_; // class list of assigned classes
+ Triplet<uint32_t> subnet_pref_; // subnet's preferred lifetime triplet.
+ uint32_t requested_lft_; // use as option 51 is > 0
+ uint32_t exp_preferred_; // expected lifetime
+ };
+ // Scenarios to test.
+ std::vector<Scenario> scenarios = {
+ {
+ "no classes, no hint, subnet specified",
+ {},
+ specified,
+ 0,
+ specified
+ },
+ {
+ "no classes, no hint, subnet unspecified",
+ {},
+ unspecified,
+ 0,
+ (subnet_->getValid() * 5 / 8)
+ },
+ {
+ "no classes, hint",
+ {},
+ specified,
+ subnet_->getPreferred().getMin() + 50,
+ subnet_->getPreferred().getMin() + 50
+ },
+ {
+ "no classes, hint too small",
+ {},
+ specified,
+ specified.getMin() - 50,
+ specified.getMin()
+ },
+ {
+ "no classes, hint too big",
+ {},
+ specified,
+ specified.getMax() + 50,
+ (subnet_->getValid() * 5 / 8)
+ },
+ {
+ "class unspecified, no hint",
+ { "preferred_unspec" },
+ specified,
+ 0,
+ specified
+ },
+ {
+ "from last class, no hint",
+ { "preferred_unspec", "preferred_one" },
+ specified,
+ 0,
+ preferred_one.get()
+ },
+ {
+ "from first class, no hint",
+ { "preferred_two", "preferred_one" },
+ specified,
+ 0,
+ preferred_two.get()
+ },
+ {
+ "class plus hint",
+ { "preferred_one" },
+ specified,
+ preferred_one.getMin() + 25,
+ preferred_one.getMin() + 25
+ },
+ {
+ "class plus hint too small",
+ { "preferred_one" },
+ specified,
+ preferred_one.getMin() - 25,
+ preferred_one.getMin()
+ },
+ {
+ "class plus hint too big",
+ { "preferred_one" },
+ specified,
+ preferred_one.getMax() + 25,
+ preferred_one.getMax()
+ }
+ };
+ // Iterate over the scenarios and verify the correct outcome.
+ for (auto const& scenario : scenarios) {
+ SCOPED_TRACE(scenario.desc_); {
+ // Set the subnet's preferred-lifetime triplet.
+ subnet_->setPreferred(scenario.subnet_pref_);
+ // Create a context;
+ AllocEngine::ClientContext6 ctx(subnet_, duid_, false, false, "", true,
+ Pkt6Ptr(new Pkt6(DHCPV6_SOLICIT, 1234)));
+ // Add client classes (if any)
+ for (auto const& class_name : scenario.classes_) {
+ string subclass(TemplateClientClassDef::SPAWN_CLASS_PREFIX);
+ subclass += class_name;
+ subclass += "_value";
+ ctx.query_->addSubClass(class_name, subclass);
+ }
+ // Add hint
+ ctx.currentIA().iaid_ = iaid_;
+ // prefix, prefixlen, preferred, valid
+ ctx.currentIA().addHint(IOAddress("::"), 128, scenario.requested_lft_, 0);
+ Lease6Ptr lease;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(lease = expectOneLease(engine->allocateLeases6(ctx)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease);
+ EXPECT_EQ(lease->preferred_lft_, scenario.exp_preferred_);
+ }
+ }
+// Verifies that AllocEngine::getLifetimes6() returns the appropriate
+// preferred lifetime value based on the context content.
+TEST_F(AllocEngine6Test, getTemplateClassPreferredLifetime) {
+ boost::scoped_ptr<AllocEngine> engine;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(engine.reset(new AllocEngine(100)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(engine);
+ // Let's make three classes, two with preferred-lifetime and one without,
+ // and add them to the dictionary.
+ ClientClassDictionaryPtr dictionary = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getClientClassDictionary();
+ ExpressionPtr match_expr;
+ ExpressionParser parser;
+ ElementPtr test_cfg = Element::create("'preferred_one_value'");
+ parser.parse(match_expr, test_cfg, AF_INET6, EvalContext::acceptAll, EvalContext::PARSER_STRING);
+ ClientClassDefPtr class_def(new TemplateClientClassDef("preferred_one", match_expr));
+ Triplet<uint32_t> preferred_one(50, 100, 150);
+ class_def->setPreferred(preferred_one);
+ dictionary->addClass(class_def);
+ test_cfg = Element::create("'preferred_two_value'");
+ parser.parse(match_expr, test_cfg, AF_INET6, EvalContext::acceptAll, EvalContext::PARSER_STRING);
+ class_def.reset(new TemplateClientClassDef("preferred_two", match_expr));
+ Triplet<uint32_t>preferred_two(200, 250, 300);
+ class_def->setPreferred(preferred_two);
+ dictionary->addClass(class_def);
+ test_cfg = Element::create("'preferred_unspec_value'");
+ parser.parse(match_expr, test_cfg, AF_INET6, EvalContext::acceptAll, EvalContext::PARSER_STRING);
+ class_def.reset(new TemplateClientClassDef("preferred_unspec", match_expr));
+ dictionary->addClass(class_def);
+ // Commit our class changes.
+ CfgMgr::instance().commit();
+ // Update the subnet's triplet to something more useful. Note max is
+ // intentionally larger than valid-lft.
+ subnet_->setPreferred(Triplet<uint32_t>(301, 350, 450));
+ // Describes a test scenario.
+ struct Scenario {
+ std::string desc_; // descriptive text for logging
+ std::vector<std::string> classes_; // class list of assigned classes
+ uint32_t requested_lft_; // use as option 51 is > 0
+ uint32_t exp_preferred_; // expected lifetime
+ };
+ // Scenarios to test.
+ std::vector<Scenario> scenarios = {
+ {
+ "no classes, no hint",
+ {},
+ 0,
+ subnet_->getPreferred()
+ },
+ {
+ "no classes, hint",
+ {},
+ subnet_->getPreferred().getMin() + 50,
+ subnet_->getPreferred().getMin() + 50
+ },
+ {
+ "no classes, hint too small",
+ {},
+ subnet_->getPreferred().getMin() - 50,
+ subnet_->getPreferred().getMin()
+ },
+ {
+ "no classes, hint too big",
+ {},
+ subnet_->getPreferred().getMax() + 50,
+ (subnet_->getValid() * 5 / 8)
+ },
+ {
+ "class unspecified, no hint",
+ { "preferred_unspec" },
+ 0,
+ subnet_->getPreferred()
+ },
+ {
+ "from last class, no hint",
+ { "preferred_unspec", "preferred_one" },
+ 0,
+ preferred_one.get()
+ },
+ {
+ "from first class, no hint",
+ { "preferred_two", "preferred_one" },
+ 0,
+ preferred_two.get()
+ },
+ {
+ "class plus hint",
+ { "preferred_one" },
+ preferred_one.getMin() + 25,
+ preferred_one.getMin() + 25
+ },
+ {
+ "class plus hint too small",
+ { "preferred_one" },
+ preferred_one.getMin() - 25,
+ preferred_one.getMin()
+ },
+ {
+ "class plus hint too big",
+ { "preferred_one" },
+ preferred_one.getMax() + 25,
+ preferred_one.getMax()
+ }
+ };
+ // Iterate over the scenarios and verify the correct outcome.
+ for (auto const& scenario : scenarios) {
+ SCOPED_TRACE(scenario.desc_); {
+ // Create a context;
+ AllocEngine::ClientContext6 ctx(subnet_, duid_, false, false, "", true,
+ Pkt6Ptr(new Pkt6(DHCPV6_SOLICIT, 1234)));
+ // Add client classes (if any)
+ for (auto const& class_name : scenario.classes_) {
+ string subclass(TemplateClientClassDef::SPAWN_CLASS_PREFIX);
+ subclass += class_name;
+ subclass += "_value";
+ ctx.query_->addSubClass(class_name, subclass);
+ }
+ // Add hint
+ ctx.currentIA().iaid_ = iaid_;
+ // prefix, prefixlen, preferred, valid
+ ctx.currentIA().addHint(IOAddress("::"), 128, scenario.requested_lft_, 0);
+ Lease6Ptr lease;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(lease = expectOneLease(engine->allocateLeases6(ctx)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease);
+ EXPECT_EQ(lease->preferred_lft_, scenario.exp_preferred_);
+ }
+ }
+} // namespace test
+} // namespace dhcp
+} // namespace isc