path: root/src/lib/dhcpsrv/tests/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/lib/dhcpsrv/tests/')
1 files changed, 1368 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/lib/dhcpsrv/tests/ b/src/lib/dhcpsrv/tests/
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+// Copyright (C) 2013-2023 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC")
+// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+// file, You can obtain one at
+#include <config.h>
+#include <asiolink/io_address.h>
+#include <dhcp/duid.h>
+#include <dhcpsrv/lease.h>
+#include <util/pointer_util.h>
+#include <testutils/gtest_utils.h>
+#include <testutils/test_to_element.h>
+#include <cc/data.h>
+#include <gtest/gtest.h>
+#include <vector>
+#include <sstream>
+using namespace isc;
+using namespace isc::asiolink;
+using namespace isc::dhcp;
+using namespace isc::data;
+using namespace isc::test;
+namespace {
+/// Hardware address used by different tests.
+const uint8_t HWADDR[] = {0x08, 0x00, 0x2b, 0x02, 0x3f, 0x4e};
+/// Client id used by different tests.
+const uint8_t CLIENTID[] = {0x17, 0x34, 0xe2, 0xff, 0x09, 0x92, 0x54};
+/// Valid lifetime value used by different tests.
+const uint32_t VALID_LIFETIME = 500;
+/// Subnet ID used by different tests.
+const uint32_t SUBNET_ID = 42;
+/// IAID value used by different tests.
+const uint32_t IAID = 7;
+/// @brief Creates an instance of the lease with certain FQDN data.
+/// @param hostname Hostname.
+/// @param fqdn_fwd Forward FQDN update setting for a created lease.
+/// @param fqdn_rev Reverse FQDN update setting for a created lease.
+/// @return Instance of the created lease.
+Lease4 createLease4(const std::string& hostname, const bool fqdn_fwd,
+ const bool fqdn_rev) {
+ Lease4 lease;
+ lease.hostname_ = hostname;
+ lease.fqdn_fwd_ = fqdn_fwd;
+ lease.fqdn_rev_ = fqdn_rev;
+ return (lease);
+/// @brief Tests that an exception is thrown when one of the lease
+/// parameters is missing or invalid during lease parsing.
+/// If the tested parameter is mandatory the test first removes the
+/// specified parameter from the JSON structure and tries to re-create
+/// the lease, expecting an error.
+/// Next, the test sets invalid value for this parameter and also
+/// expected an error.
+/// @tparam LeaseType @c Lease4 or @c Lease6.
+/// @tparam ValueType type of the invalid value to be used for the
+/// specified parameter.
+/// @param lease_as_json a string contains lease in a JSON format.
+/// @param parameter_name name of the lease parameter to be tested.
+/// @param invalid_value invalid parameter value.
+/// @param mandatory boolean value indicating if the parameter is
+/// mandatory.
+template<typename LeaseType, typename ValueType>
+void testInvalidElement(const std::string& lease_as_json,
+ const std::string& parameter_name,
+ ValueType invalid_value,
+ const bool mandatory = true) {
+ ElementPtr lease;
+ // If the parameter is mandatory, check that the exception is
+ // thrown if it is missing.
+ if (mandatory) {
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(lease = Element::fromJSON(lease_as_json));
+ lease->remove(parameter_name);
+ EXPECT_THROW(LeaseType::fromElement(lease), BadValue)
+ << "test failed for " << parameter_name;
+ }
+ // Set invalid value and expect an error.
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(lease = Element::fromJSON(lease_as_json));
+ lease->set(parameter_name, Element::create(invalid_value));
+ EXPECT_THROW(LeaseType::fromElement(lease), BadValue)
+ << "test failed for " << parameter_name
+ << " and invalid value " << invalid_value;
+/// @brief Fixture class used in Lease4 testing.
+class Lease4Test : public ::testing::Test {
+ /// @brief Default constructor
+ ///
+ /// Currently it only initializes hardware address.
+ Lease4Test() {
+ hwaddr_.reset(new HWAddr(HWADDR, sizeof(HWADDR), HTYPE_ETHER));
+ clientid_.reset(new ClientId(CLIENTID, sizeof(CLIENTID)));
+ }
+ /// Hardware address, used by tests.
+ HWAddrPtr hwaddr_;
+ /// Pointer to the client identifier used by tests.
+ ClientIdPtr clientid_;
+// This test checks if the Lease4 structure can be instantiated correctly.
+TEST_F(Lease4Test, constructor) {
+ // Get current time for the use in Lease.
+ const time_t current_time = time(0);
+ // We want to check that various addresses work, so let's iterate over
+ // these.
+ const uint32_t ADDRESS[] = {
+ 0x00000000, 0x01020304, 0x7fffffff, 0x80000000, 0x80000001, 0xffffffff
+ };
+ for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(ADDRESS) / sizeof(ADDRESS[0]); ++i) {
+ // Create the lease
+ Lease4 lease(ADDRESS[i], hwaddr_, clientid_, VALID_LIFETIME,
+ current_time, SUBNET_ID, true, true,
+ "Hostname.Example.Com.");
+ EXPECT_EQ(ADDRESS[i], lease.addr_.toUint32());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(util::equalValues(hwaddr_, lease.hwaddr_));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(util::equalValues(clientid_, lease.client_id_));
+ EXPECT_EQ(VALID_LIFETIME, lease.valid_lft_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(current_time, lease.cltt_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(SUBNET_ID, lease.subnet_id_);
+ EXPECT_EQ("", lease.hostname_);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease.fqdn_fwd_);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease.fqdn_rev_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(Lease::STATE_DEFAULT, lease.state_);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease.getContext());
+ }
+// This test verifies that it is correctly determined when the lease
+// belongs to the particular client identified by the client identifier
+// and hw address.
+TEST_F(Lease4Test, leaseBelongsToClient) {
+ // Client identifier that matches the one in the lease.
+ ClientIdPtr matching_client_id = ClientId::fromText("01:02:03:04");
+ // Client identifier that doesn't match the one in the lease.
+ ClientIdPtr diff_client_id = ClientId::fromText("01:02:03:05");
+ // Null (no) client identifier.
+ ClientIdPtr null_client_id;
+ // HW Address that matches the one in the lease.
+ HWAddrPtr matching_hw(new HWAddr(HWAddr::fromText("00:01:02:03:04:05",
+ // HW Address that doesn't match the one in the lease.
+ HWAddrPtr diff_hw(new HWAddr(HWAddr::fromText("00:01:02:03:04:06",
+ // Null HW Address.
+ HWAddrPtr null_hw;
+ // Create the lease with MAC address and Client Identifier.
+ Lease4 lease(IOAddress(""), matching_hw, matching_client_id,
+ 60, time(0), 0, 0, 1);
+ // Verify cases for lease that has both hw address and client identifier.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease.belongsToClient(matching_hw, matching_client_id));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease.belongsToClient(matching_hw, diff_client_id));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease.belongsToClient(matching_hw, null_client_id));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease.belongsToClient(diff_hw, matching_client_id));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease.belongsToClient(diff_hw, diff_client_id));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease.belongsToClient(diff_hw, null_client_id));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease.belongsToClient(null_hw, matching_client_id));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease.belongsToClient(null_hw, diff_client_id));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease.belongsToClient(null_hw, null_client_id));
+ // Verify cases for lease that has only HW address.
+ lease.client_id_ = null_client_id;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease.belongsToClient(matching_hw, matching_client_id));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease.belongsToClient(matching_hw, diff_client_id));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease.belongsToClient(matching_hw, null_client_id));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease.belongsToClient(diff_hw, matching_client_id));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease.belongsToClient(diff_hw, diff_client_id));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease.belongsToClient(diff_hw, null_client_id));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease.belongsToClient(null_hw, matching_client_id));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease.belongsToClient(null_hw, diff_client_id));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease.belongsToClient(null_hw, null_client_id));
+ // Verify cases for lease that has only client identifier.
+ lease.client_id_ = matching_client_id;
+ lease.hwaddr_ = null_hw;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease.belongsToClient(matching_hw, matching_client_id));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease.belongsToClient(matching_hw, diff_client_id));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease.belongsToClient(matching_hw, null_client_id));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease.belongsToClient(diff_hw, matching_client_id));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease.belongsToClient(diff_hw, diff_client_id));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease.belongsToClient(diff_hw, null_client_id));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease.belongsToClient(null_hw, matching_client_id));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease.belongsToClient(null_hw, diff_client_id));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease.belongsToClient(null_hw, null_client_id));
+/// @brief Lease4 Equality Test
+/// Checks that the operator==() correctly compares two leases for equality.
+/// As operator!=() is also defined for this class, every check on operator==()
+/// is followed by the reverse check on operator!=().
+TEST_F(Lease4Test, operatorEquals) {
+ // Random values for the tests
+ const uint32_t ADDRESS = 0x01020304;
+ const time_t current_time = time(0);
+ // Check when the leases are equal.
+ Lease4 lease1(ADDRESS, hwaddr_, clientid_, VALID_LIFETIME, current_time,
+ lease1.setContext(Element::fromJSON("{ \"foobar\": 1234 }"));
+ // We need to make an explicit copy. Otherwise the second lease will just
+ // store a pointer and we'll have two leases pointing to a single HWAddr
+ // or client. That would make modifications to only one impossible.
+ HWAddrPtr hwcopy(new HWAddr(*hwaddr_));
+ ClientIdPtr clientid_copy(new ClientId(*clientid_));
+ Lease4 lease2(ADDRESS, hwcopy, clientid_copy, VALID_LIFETIME, current_time,
+ lease2.setContext(Element::fromJSON("{ \"foobar\": 1234 }"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease1 == lease2);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease1 != lease2);
+ // Now vary individual fields in a lease and check that the leases compare
+ // not equal in every case.
+ lease1.addr_ = IOAddress(ADDRESS + 1);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease1 == lease2);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease1 != lease2);
+ lease1.addr_ = lease2.addr_;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease1 == lease2); // Check that the reversion has made the
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease1 != lease2); // ... leases equal
+ ++lease1.hwaddr_->hwaddr_[0];
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease1 == lease2);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease1 != lease2);
+ lease1.hwaddr_ = lease2.hwaddr_;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease1 == lease2); // Check that the reversion has made the
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease1 != lease2); // ... leases equal
+ std::vector<uint8_t> clientid_vec = clientid_->getClientId();
+ ++clientid_vec[0];
+ lease1.client_id_.reset(new ClientId(clientid_vec));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease1 == lease2);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease1 != lease2);
+ --clientid_vec[0];
+ lease1.client_id_.reset(new ClientId(clientid_vec));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease1 == lease2); // Check that the reversion has made the
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease1 != lease2); // ... leases equal
+ ++lease1.valid_lft_;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease1 == lease2);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease1 != lease2);
+ lease1.valid_lft_ = lease2.valid_lft_;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease1 == lease2); // Check that the reversion has made the
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease1 != lease2); // ... leases equal
+ ++lease1.cltt_;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease1 == lease2);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease1 != lease2);
+ lease1.cltt_ = lease2.cltt_;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease1 == lease2); // Check that the reversion has made the
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease1 != lease2); // ... leases equal
+ ++lease1.subnet_id_;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease1 == lease2);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease1 != lease2);
+ lease1.subnet_id_ = lease2.subnet_id_;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease1 == lease2); // Check that the reversion has made the
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease1 != lease2); // ... leases equal
+ lease1.hostname_ += std::string("something random");
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease1 == lease2);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease1 != lease2);
+ lease1.hostname_ = lease2.hostname_;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease1 == lease2); // Check that the reversion has made the
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease1 != lease2); // ... leases equal
+ lease1.fqdn_fwd_ = !lease1.fqdn_fwd_;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease1 == lease2);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease1 != lease2);
+ lease1.fqdn_fwd_ = lease2.fqdn_fwd_;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease1 == lease2); // Check that the reversion has made the
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease1 != lease2); // ... leases equal
+ lease1.fqdn_rev_ = !lease1.fqdn_rev_;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease1 == lease2);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease1 != lease2);
+ lease1.fqdn_rev_ = lease2.fqdn_rev_;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease1 == lease2); // Check that the reversion has made the
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease1 != lease2); // ... leases equal
+ lease1.state_ += 1;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease1 == lease2);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease1 != lease2);
+ lease2.state_ += 1;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease1 == lease2); // Check that the reversion has made the
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease1 != lease2); // ... leases equal
+ lease1.setContext(Element::fromJSON("{ \"foobar\": 5678 }"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease1 == lease2);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease1 != lease2);
+ lease1.setContext(Element::fromJSON("{ \"foobar\": 1234 }"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease1 == lease2); // Check that the reversion has made the
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease1 != lease2); // ... leases equal
+ lease1.setContext(ConstElementPtr());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease1 == lease2);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease1 != lease2);
+ lease2.setContext(ConstElementPtr());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease1 == lease2); // Check that no user context has mase the
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease1 != lease2); // ... leases equal
+// Verify that the client id can be returned as a vector object and if client
+// id is null the empty vector is returned.
+TEST_F(Lease4Test, getClientIdVector) {
+ // Create a lease.
+ Lease4 lease;
+ // By default, the lease should have client id set to null. If it doesn't,
+ // continuing the test makes no sense.
+ ASSERT_FALSE(lease.client_id_);
+ // When client id is null the vector returned should be empty.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease.getClientIdVector().empty());
+ // Initialize client identifier to non-null value.
+ lease.client_id_ = clientid_;
+ // Check that the returned vector, encapsulating client id is equal to
+ // the one that has been used to set the client id for the lease.
+ std::vector<uint8_t> returned_vec = lease.getClientIdVector();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(returned_vec == clientid_->getClientId());
+// Verify the behavior of the function which checks FQDN data for equality.
+TEST_F(Lease4Test, hasIdenticalFqdn) {
+ Lease4 lease = createLease4("", true, true);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease.hasIdenticalFqdn(createLease4("",
+ true, true)));
+ // Case insensitive comparison.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease.hasIdenticalFqdn(createLease4("myHOst.ExamplE.coM.",
+ true, true)));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease.hasIdenticalFqdn(createLease4("",
+ true, true)));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease.hasIdenticalFqdn(createLease4("",
+ false, true)));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease.hasIdenticalFqdn(createLease4("",
+ true, false)));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease.hasIdenticalFqdn(createLease4("",
+ false, false)));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease.hasIdenticalFqdn(createLease4("",
+ false, false)));
+// Verify that toText() method reports Lease4 structure properly.
+TEST_F(Lease4Test, toText) {
+ const time_t current_time = 12345678;
+ Lease4 lease(IOAddress(""), hwaddr_, clientid_, 3600,
+ current_time, 789);
+ lease.setContext(Element::fromJSON("{ \"foobar\": 1234 }"));
+ std::stringstream expected;
+ expected << "Address:\n"
+ << "Valid life: 3600\n"
+ << "Cltt: 12345678\n"
+ << "Hardware addr: " << hwaddr_->toText(false) << "\n"
+ << "Client id: " << clientid_->toText() << "\n"
+ << "Subnet ID: 789\n"
+ << "Pool ID: 0\n"
+ << "State: default\n"
+ << "Relay ID: (none)\n"
+ << "Remote ID: (none)\n"
+ << "User context: { \"foobar\": 1234 }\n";
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected.str(), lease.toText());
+ // Now let's try with a lease without hardware address, client identifier
+ // and user context.
+ lease.hwaddr_.reset();
+ lease.client_id_.reset();
+ lease.setContext(ConstElementPtr());
+ expected.str("");
+ expected << "Address:\n"
+ << "Valid life: 3600\n"
+ << "Cltt: 12345678\n"
+ << "Hardware addr: (none)\n"
+ << "Client id: (none)\n"
+ << "Subnet ID: 789\n"
+ << "Pool ID: 0\n"
+ << "State: default\n"
+ << "Relay ID: (none)\n"
+ << "Remote ID: (none)\n";
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected.str(), lease.toText());
+// Verify that Lease4 structure can be converted to JSON properly.
+TEST_F(Lease4Test, toElement) {
+ const time_t current_time = 12345678;
+ Lease4 lease(IOAddress(""), hwaddr_, clientid_, 3600,
+ current_time, 789, true, true, "");
+ lease.setContext(Element::fromJSON("{ \"foobar\": 1234 }"));
+ std::string expected = "{"
+ "\"client-id\": \"17:34:e2:ff:09:92:54\","
+ "\"cltt\": 12345678,"
+ "\"fqdn-fwd\": true,"
+ "\"fqdn-rev\": true,"
+ "\"hostname\": \"\","
+ "\"hw-address\": \"08:00:2b:02:3f:4e\","
+ "\"ip-address\": \"\","
+ "\"state\": 0,"
+ "\"subnet-id\": 789,"
+ "\"user-context\": { \"foobar\": 1234 },"
+ "\"valid-lft\": 3600 "
+ "}";
+ runToElementTest<Lease4>(expected, lease);
+ // Now let's try with a lease without client-id and user context.
+ lease.client_id_.reset();
+ lease.setContext(ConstElementPtr());
+ lease.pool_id_ = 5;
+ expected = "{"
+ "\"cltt\": 12345678,"
+ "\"fqdn-fwd\": true,"
+ "\"fqdn-rev\": true,"
+ "\"hostname\": \"\","
+ "\"hw-address\": \"08:00:2b:02:3f:4e\","
+ "\"ip-address\": \"\","
+ "\"state\": 0,"
+ "\"subnet-id\": 789,"
+ "\"pool-id\": 5,"
+ "\"valid-lft\": 3600 "
+ "}";
+ runToElementTest<Lease4>(expected, lease);
+ // And to finish try with a comment.
+ lease.setContext(Element::fromJSON("{ \"comment\": \"a comment\" }"));
+ expected = "{"
+ "\"cltt\": 12345678,"
+ "\"user-context\": { \"comment\": \"a comment\" },"
+ "\"fqdn-fwd\": true,"
+ "\"fqdn-rev\": true,"
+ "\"hostname\": \"\","
+ "\"hw-address\": \"08:00:2b:02:3f:4e\","
+ "\"ip-address\": \"\","
+ "\"state\": 0,"
+ "\"subnet-id\": 789,"
+ "\"pool-id\": 5,"
+ "\"valid-lft\": 3600 "
+ "}";
+ runToElementTest<Lease4>(expected, lease);
+// Verify that the Lease4 can be created from JSON.
+TEST_F(Lease4Test, fromElement) {
+ std::string json = "{"
+ "\"client-id\": \"17:34:e2:ff:09:92:54\","
+ "\"cltt\": 12345678,"
+ "\"fqdn-fwd\": true,"
+ "\"fqdn-rev\": true,"
+ "\"hostname\": \"urania.example.ORG\","
+ "\"hw-address\": \"08:00:2b:02:3f:4e\","
+ "\"ip-address\": \"\","
+ "\"state\": 0,"
+ "\"subnet-id\": 789,"
+ "\"pool-id\": 5,"
+ "\"user-context\": { \"foo\": \"bar\" },"
+ "\"valid-lft\": 3600 "
+ "}";
+ Lease4Ptr lease;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(lease = Lease4::fromElement(Element::fromJSON(json)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease);
+ EXPECT_EQ("", lease->addr_.toText());
+ EXPECT_EQ(789, static_cast<uint32_t>(lease->subnet_id_));
+ EXPECT_EQ(5, static_cast<uint32_t>(lease->pool_id_));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease->hwaddr_);
+ EXPECT_EQ("hwtype=1 08:00:2b:02:3f:4e", lease->hwaddr_->toText());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease->client_id_);
+ EXPECT_EQ("17:34:e2:ff:09:92:54", lease->client_id_->toText());
+ EXPECT_EQ(12345678, lease->cltt_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(lease->cltt_, lease->current_cltt_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(3600, lease->valid_lft_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(lease->valid_lft_, lease->current_valid_lft_);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease->fqdn_fwd_);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease->fqdn_rev_);
+ EXPECT_EQ("", lease->hostname_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(Lease::STATE_DEFAULT, lease->state_);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease->getContext());
+ EXPECT_EQ("{ \"foo\": \"bar\" }", lease->getContext()->str());
+// Test that specifying invalid values for a lease or not specifying
+// mandatory lease parameters causes an error while parsing the lease.
+TEST_F(Lease4Test, fromElementInvalidValues) {
+ // Create valid configuration. We use it as a base from which we will
+ // be removing some of the parameters and some values will be selectively
+ // modified.
+ std::string json = "{"
+ "\"client-id\": \"17:34:e2:ff:09:92:54\","
+ "\"cltt\": 12345678,"
+ "\"fqdn-fwd\": true,"
+ "\"fqdn-rev\": true,"
+ "\"hostname\": \"\","
+ "\"hw-address\": \"08:00:2b:02:3f:4e\","
+ "\"ip-address\": \"\","
+ "\"state\": 0,"
+ "\"subnet-id\": 789,"
+ "\"valid-lft\": 3600 "
+ "}";
+ // Test invalid parameter values and missing parameters.
+ testInvalidElement<Lease4>(json, "client-id", std::string("rock"), false);
+ testInvalidElement<Lease4>(json, "cltt", std::string("xyz"));
+ testInvalidElement<Lease4>(json, "cltt", -1, false);
+ testInvalidElement<Lease4>(json, "fqdn-fwd", 123);
+ testInvalidElement<Lease4>(json, "fqdn-rev", std::string("foo"));
+ testInvalidElement<Lease4, bool>(json, "hostname", true);
+ testInvalidElement<Lease4>(json, "hw-address", "01::00::");
+ testInvalidElement<Lease4>(json, "hw-address", 1234, false);
+ testInvalidElement<Lease4, long int>(json, "ip-address", 0xFF000201);
+ testInvalidElement<Lease4>(json, "ip-address", "2001:db8:1::1", false);
+ testInvalidElement<Lease4>(json, "state", std::string("xyz"));
+ testInvalidElement<Lease4>(json, "state", 1234, false);
+ testInvalidElement<Lease4>(json, "subnet-id", std::string("xyz"));
+ testInvalidElement<Lease4>(json, "subnet-id", -5, false);
+ testInvalidElement<Lease4>(json, "subnet-id", 0x100000000, false);
+ testInvalidElement<Lease4>(json, "pool-id", std::string("xyz"), false);
+ testInvalidElement<Lease4>(json, "pool-id", -5, false);
+ testInvalidElement<Lease4>(json, "pool-id", 0, false);
+ testInvalidElement<Lease4>(json, "pool-id", 0x100000000, false);
+ testInvalidElement<Lease4>(json, "valid-lft", std::string("xyz"));
+ testInvalidElement<Lease4>(json, "valid-lft", -3, false);
+ testInvalidElement<Lease4>(json, "user-context", "[ ]", false);
+ testInvalidElement<Lease4>(json, "user-context", 1234, false);
+ testInvalidElement<Lease4>(json, "user-context", false, false);
+ testInvalidElement<Lease4>(json, "user-context", "foo", false);
+// Verify that decline() method properly clears up specific fields.
+TEST_F(Lease4Test, decline) {
+ const time_t current_time = 12345678;
+ Lease4 lease(IOAddress(""), hwaddr_, clientid_, 3600,
+ current_time, 789);
+ lease.hostname_ = "";
+ lease.fqdn_fwd_ = true;
+ lease.fqdn_rev_ = true;
+ time_t now = time(0);
+ // Move lease to declined state and set its valid-lifetime to 123 seconds
+ lease.decline(123);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease.hwaddr_);
+ EXPECT_EQ("", lease.hwaddr_->toText(false));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease.client_id_);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(now <= lease.cltt_);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease.cltt_ <= now + 1);
+ EXPECT_EQ("", lease.hostname_);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease.fqdn_fwd_);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease.fqdn_rev_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(Lease::STATE_DECLINED, lease.state_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(123, lease.valid_lft_);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease.getContext());
+// Verify that the lease states are correctly returned in the textual format.
+TEST_F(Lease4Test, stateToText) {
+ EXPECT_EQ("default", Lease4::statesToText(Lease::STATE_DEFAULT));
+ EXPECT_EQ("declined", Lease4::statesToText(Lease::STATE_DECLINED));
+ EXPECT_EQ("expired-reclaimed", Lease4::statesToText(Lease::STATE_EXPIRED_RECLAIMED));
+/// @brief Creates an instance of the lease with certain FQDN data.
+/// @param hostname Hostname.
+/// @param fqdn_fwd Forward FQDN update setting for a created lease.
+/// @param fqdn_rev Reverse FQDN update setting for a created lease.
+/// @return Instance of the created lease.
+Lease6 createLease6(const std::string& hostname, const bool fqdn_fwd,
+ const bool fqdn_rev) {
+ Lease6 lease;
+ lease.hostname_ = hostname;
+ lease.fqdn_fwd_ = fqdn_fwd;
+ lease.fqdn_rev_ = fqdn_rev;
+ return (lease);
+// Lease6 is also defined in lease_mgr.h, so is tested in this file as well.
+// This test checks if the Lease6 structure can be instantiated correctly
+TEST(Lease6Test, constructorDefault) {
+ // check a variety of addresses with different bits set.
+ const char* ADDRESS[] = {
+ "::", "::1", "2001:db8:1::456",
+ "7fff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff",
+ "8000::", "8000::1",
+ "ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff"
+ };
+ // Other values
+ uint8_t llt[] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 0xa, 0xb, 0xc, 0xd, 0xe, 0xf};
+ DuidPtr duid(new DUID(llt, sizeof(llt)));
+ uint32_t iaid = IAID; // Just a number
+ SubnetID subnet_id = 8; // Just another number
+ for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(ADDRESS) / sizeof(ADDRESS[0]); ++i) {
+ IOAddress addr(ADDRESS[i]);
+ Lease6Ptr lease(new Lease6(Lease::TYPE_NA, addr,
+ duid, iaid, 100, 200,
+ subnet_id));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease->addr_ == addr);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(*lease->duid_ == *duid);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease->iaid_ == iaid);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease->subnet_id_ == subnet_id);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease->type_ == Lease::TYPE_NA);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease->preferred_lft_ == 100);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease->valid_lft_ == 200);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease->fqdn_fwd_);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease->fqdn_rev_);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease->hostname_.empty());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease->getContext());
+ }
+ // Lease6 must be instantiated with a DUID, not with null pointer
+ IOAddress addr(ADDRESS[0]);
+ Lease6Ptr lease2;
+ EXPECT_THROW_MSG(lease2.reset(new Lease6(Lease::TYPE_NA, addr,
+ DuidPtr(), iaid, 100, 200,
+ subnet_id)),
+ BadValue, "DUID is mandatory for an IPv6 lease");
+ EXPECT_THROW_MSG(lease2.reset(new Lease6(Lease::TYPE_NA, addr,
+ DuidPtr(), iaid, 100, 200,
+ subnet_id, true, true, "", HWAddrPtr())),
+ BadValue, "DUID is mandatory for an IPv6 lease");
+ // Lease6 must have a prefixlen set to 128 for non prefix type.
+ addr = IOAddress(ADDRESS[4]);
+ EXPECT_THROW_MSG(lease2.reset(new Lease6(Lease::TYPE_NA, addr,
+ duid, iaid, 100, 200,
+ subnet_id, HWAddrPtr(), 96)),
+ BadValue, "prefixlen must be 128 for non prefix type");
+ EXPECT_THROW_MSG(lease2.reset(new Lease6(Lease::TYPE_NA, addr,
+ duid, iaid, 100, 200,
+ subnet_id, true, true, "", HWAddrPtr(), 96)),
+ BadValue, "prefixlen must be 128 for non prefix type");
+ addr = IOAddress(ADDRESS[4]);
+ EXPECT_THROW_MSG(lease2.reset(new Lease6(Lease::TYPE_TA, addr,
+ duid, iaid, 100, 200,
+ subnet_id, HWAddrPtr(), 96)),
+ BadValue, "prefixlen must be 128 for non prefix type");
+ EXPECT_THROW_MSG(lease2.reset(new Lease6(Lease::TYPE_TA, addr,
+ duid, iaid, 100, 200,
+ subnet_id, true, true, "", HWAddrPtr(), 96)),
+ BadValue, "prefixlen must be 128 for non prefix type");
+// This test verifies that the Lease6 constructor which accepts FQDN data,
+// sets the data correctly for the lease.
+TEST(Lease6Test, constructorWithFQDN) {
+ // check a variety of addresses with different bits set.
+ const char* ADDRESS[] = {
+ "::", "::1", "2001:db8:1::456",
+ "7fff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff",
+ "8000::", "8000::1",
+ "ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff"
+ };
+ // Other values
+ uint8_t llt[] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 0xa, 0xb, 0xc, 0xd, 0xe, 0xf};
+ DuidPtr duid(new DUID(llt, sizeof(llt)));
+ uint32_t iaid = IAID; // Just a number
+ SubnetID subnet_id = 8; // Just another number
+ for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(ADDRESS) / sizeof(ADDRESS[0]); ++i) {
+ IOAddress addr(ADDRESS[i]);
+ Lease6Ptr lease(new Lease6(Lease::TYPE_NA, addr,
+ duid, iaid, 100, 200, subnet_id,
+ true, true, "Host.Example.Com."));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease->addr_ == addr);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(*lease->duid_ == *duid);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease->iaid_ == iaid);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease->subnet_id_ == subnet_id);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease->type_ == Lease::TYPE_NA);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease->preferred_lft_ == 100);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease->valid_lft_ == 200);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease->fqdn_fwd_);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease->fqdn_rev_);
+ EXPECT_EQ("", lease->hostname_);
+ }
+ // Lease6 must be instantiated with a DUID, not with null pointer
+ IOAddress addr(ADDRESS[0]);
+ Lease6Ptr lease2;
+ EXPECT_THROW_MSG(lease2.reset(new Lease6(Lease::TYPE_NA, addr,
+ DuidPtr(), iaid, 100, 200,
+ subnet_id)),
+ BadValue, "DUID is mandatory for an IPv6 lease");
+ EXPECT_THROW_MSG(lease2.reset(new Lease6(Lease::TYPE_NA, addr,
+ DuidPtr(), iaid, 100, 200,
+ subnet_id, true, true, "", HWAddrPtr())),
+ BadValue, "DUID is mandatory for an IPv6 lease");
+/// @brief Lease6 Equality Test
+/// Checks that the operator==() correctly compares two leases for equality.
+/// As operator!=() is also defined for this class, every check on operator==()
+/// is followed by the reverse check on operator!=().
+TEST(Lease6Test, operatorEquals) {
+ // check a variety of addresses with different bits set.
+ const IOAddress addr("2001:db8:1::456");
+ uint8_t duid_array[] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 0xa, 0xb, 0xc, 0xd, 0xe, 0xf};
+ DuidPtr duid(new DUID(duid_array, sizeof(duid_array)));
+ uint32_t iaid = IAID; // just a number
+ SubnetID subnet_id = 8; // just another number
+ // Check for equality.
+ Lease6 lease1(Lease::TYPE_NA, addr, duid, iaid, 100, 200, subnet_id);
+ Lease6 lease2(Lease::TYPE_NA, addr, duid, iaid, 100, 200, subnet_id);
+ lease1.setContext(Element::fromJSON("{ \"foobar\": 1234 }"));
+ lease2.setContext(Element::fromJSON("{ \"foobar\": 1234 }"));
+ // cltt_ constructs with time(0), make sure they are always equal
+ lease1.cltt_ = lease2.cltt_;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease1 == lease2);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease1 != lease2);
+ // Go through and alter all the fields one by one
+ lease1.addr_ = IOAddress("::1");
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease1 == lease2);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease1 != lease2);
+ lease1.addr_ = lease2.addr_;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease1 == lease2); // Check that the reversion has made the
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease1 != lease2); // ... leases equal
+ lease1.type_ = Lease::TYPE_PD;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease1 == lease2);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease1 != lease2);
+ lease1.type_ = lease2.type_;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease1 == lease2); // Check that the reversion has made the
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease1 != lease2); // ... leases equal
+ ++lease1.prefixlen_;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease1 == lease2);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease1 != lease2);
+ lease1.prefixlen_ = lease2.prefixlen_;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease1 == lease2); // Check that the reversion has made the
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease1 != lease2); // ... leases equal
+ ++lease1.iaid_;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease1 == lease2);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease1 != lease2);
+ lease1.iaid_ = lease2.iaid_;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease1 == lease2); // Check that the reversion has made the
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease1 != lease2); // ... leases equal
+ ++duid_array[0];
+ lease1.duid_.reset(new DUID(duid_array, sizeof(duid_array)));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease1 == lease2);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease1 != lease2);
+ --duid_array[0];
+ lease1.duid_.reset(new DUID(duid_array, sizeof(duid_array)));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease1 == lease2); // Check that the reversion has made the
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease1 != lease2); // ... leases equal
+ ++lease1.preferred_lft_;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease1 == lease2);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease1 != lease2);
+ lease1.preferred_lft_ = lease2.preferred_lft_;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease1 == lease2); // Check that the reversion has made the
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease1 != lease2); // ... leases equal
+ ++lease1.valid_lft_;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease1 == lease2);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease1 != lease2);
+ lease1.valid_lft_ = lease2.valid_lft_;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease1 == lease2); // Check that the reversion has made the
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease1 != lease2); // ... leases equal
+ ++lease1.cltt_;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease1 == lease2);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease1 != lease2);
+ lease1.cltt_ = lease2.cltt_;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease1 == lease2); // Check that the reversion has made the
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease1 != lease2); // ... leases equal
+ ++lease1.subnet_id_;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease1 == lease2);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease1 != lease2);
+ lease1.subnet_id_ = lease2.subnet_id_;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease1 == lease2); // Check that the reversion has made the
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease1 != lease2); // ... leases equal
+ lease1.hostname_ += std::string("something random");
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease1 == lease2);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease1 != lease2);
+ lease1.hostname_ = lease2.hostname_;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease1 == lease2); // Check that the reversion has made the
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease1 != lease2); // ... leases equal
+ lease1.fqdn_fwd_ = !lease1.fqdn_fwd_;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease1 == lease2);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease1 != lease2);
+ lease1.fqdn_fwd_ = lease2.fqdn_fwd_;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease1 == lease2); // Check that the reversion has made the
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease1 != lease2); // ... leases equal
+ lease1.fqdn_rev_ = !lease1.fqdn_rev_;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease1 == lease2);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease1 != lease2);
+ lease1.fqdn_rev_ = lease2.fqdn_rev_;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease1 == lease2); // Check that the reversion has made the
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease1 != lease2); // ... leases equal
+ lease1.state_ += 1;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease1 == lease2);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease1 != lease2);
+ lease2.state_ += 1;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease1 == lease2); // Check that the reversion has made the
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease1 != lease2); // ... leases equal
+ lease1.setContext(Element::fromJSON("{ \"foobar\": 5678 }"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease1 == lease2);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease1 != lease2);
+ lease1.setContext(Element::fromJSON("{ \"foobar\": 1234 }"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease1 == lease2); // Check that the reversion has made the
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease1 != lease2); // ... leases equal
+ lease1.setContext(ConstElementPtr());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease1 == lease2);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease1 != lease2);
+ lease2.setContext(ConstElementPtr());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease1 == lease2); // Check that no user context has mase the
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease1 != lease2); // ... leases equal
+// Checks if lease expiration is calculated properly
+TEST(Lease6Test, lease6Expired) {
+ const IOAddress addr("2001:db8:1::456");
+ const uint8_t duid_array[] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 0xa, 0xb, 0xc, 0xd, 0xe, 0xf};
+ const DuidPtr duid(new DUID(duid_array, sizeof(duid_array)));
+ const uint32_t iaid = IAID; // Just a number
+ const SubnetID subnet_id = 8; // Just another number
+ Lease6 lease(Lease::TYPE_NA, addr, duid, iaid, 100, 200, subnet_id);
+ // Case 1: a second before expiration
+ lease.cltt_ = time(0) - 100;
+ lease.valid_lft_ = 101;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease.expired());
+ // Case 2: the lease will expire after this second is concluded
+ lease.cltt_ = time(0) - 101;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease.expired());
+ // Case 3: the lease is expired
+ lease.cltt_ = time(0) - 102;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease.expired());
+ // Case 4: the lease is static
+ lease.cltt_ = 1;
+ lease.valid_lft_ = Lease::INFINITY_LFT;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease.expired());
+// Verify that the DUID can be returned as a vector object and if DUID is null
+// the empty vector is returned.
+TEST(Lease6Test, getDuidVector) {
+ // Create a lease.
+ Lease6 lease;
+ // By default, the lease should have client id set to null. If it doesn't,
+ // continuing the test makes no sense.
+ ASSERT_FALSE(lease.duid_);
+ // When client id is null the vector returned should be empty.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease.getDuidVector().empty());
+ // Now, let's set the non null DUID. Fill it with the 8 bytes, each
+ // holding a value of 0x42.
+ std::vector<uint8_t> duid_vec(8, 0x42);
+ lease.duid_ = DuidPtr(new DUID(duid_vec));
+ // Check that the returned vector, encapsulating DUID is equal to
+ // the one that has been used to set the DUID for the lease.
+ std::vector<uint8_t> returned_vec = lease.getDuidVector();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(returned_vec == duid_vec);
+// Verify that decline() method properly clears up specific fields.
+TEST(Lease6Test, decline) {
+ uint8_t llt[] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 0xa, 0xb, 0xc, 0xd, 0xe, 0xf};
+ DuidPtr duid(new DUID(llt, sizeof(llt)));
+ HWAddrPtr hwaddr(new HWAddr(HWADDR, sizeof(HWADDR), HTYPE_ETHER));
+ // Let's create a lease for 2001:db8::1, DUID, iaid=1234,
+ // pref=3000, valid=4000, subnet-id = 1
+ Lease6 lease(Lease::TYPE_NA, IOAddress("2001:db8::1"), duid,
+ 1234, 3000, 4000, 1, hwaddr);
+ lease.cltt_ = 12345678;
+ lease.hostname_ = "";
+ lease.fqdn_fwd_ = true;
+ lease.fqdn_rev_ = true;
+ time_t now = time(0);
+ // Move the lease to declined state and set probation-period to 123 seconds
+ lease.decline(123);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease.duid_);
+ ASSERT_EQ("00:00:00", lease.duid_->toText());
+ ASSERT_FALSE(lease.hwaddr_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, lease.preferred_lft_);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(now <= lease.cltt_);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease.cltt_ <= now + 1);
+ EXPECT_EQ("", lease.hostname_);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease.fqdn_fwd_);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease.fqdn_rev_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(Lease::STATE_DECLINED, lease.state_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(123, lease.valid_lft_);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease.getContext());
+// Verify the behavior of the function which checks FQDN data for equality.
+TEST(Lease6Test, hasIdenticalFqdn) {
+ Lease6 lease = createLease6("", true, true);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease.hasIdenticalFqdn(createLease6("",
+ true, true)));
+ // Case insensitive comparison.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lease.hasIdenticalFqdn(createLease6("myHOst.ExamplE.coM.",
+ true, true)));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease.hasIdenticalFqdn(createLease6("",
+ true, true)));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease.hasIdenticalFqdn(createLease6("",
+ false, true)));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease.hasIdenticalFqdn(createLease6("",
+ true, false)));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease.hasIdenticalFqdn(createLease6("",
+ false, false)));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease.hasIdenticalFqdn(createLease6("",
+ false, false)));
+// Verify that toText() method reports Lease6 structure properly.
+TEST(Lease6Test, toText) {
+ HWAddrPtr hwaddr(new HWAddr(HWADDR, sizeof(HWADDR), HTYPE_ETHER));
+ uint8_t llt[] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 0xa, 0xb, 0xc, 0xd, 0xe, 0xf};
+ DuidPtr duid(new DUID(llt, sizeof(llt)));
+ Lease6 lease(Lease::TYPE_NA, IOAddress("2001:db8::1"), duid, 123456,
+ 400, 800, 5678, hwaddr, 128);
+ lease.cltt_ = 12345678;
+ lease.state_ = Lease::STATE_DECLINED;
+ lease.setContext(Element::fromJSON("{ \"foobar\": 1234 }"));
+ std::stringstream expected;
+ expected << "Type: IA_NA(" << static_cast<int>(Lease::TYPE_NA) << ")\n"
+ << "Address: 2001:db8::1\n"
+ << "Prefix length: 128\n"
+ << "IAID: 123456\n"
+ << "Pref life: 400\n"
+ << "Valid life: 800\n"
+ << "Cltt: 12345678\n"
+ << "DUID: 00:01:02:03:04:05:06:0a:0b:0c:0d:0e:0f\n"
+ << "Hardware addr: " << hwaddr->toText(false) << "\n"
+ << "Subnet ID: 5678\n"
+ << "Pool ID: 0\n"
+ << "State: declined\n"
+ << "User context: { \"foobar\": 1234 }\n";
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected.str(), lease.toText());
+ // Now let's try with a lease without hardware address and user context.
+ lease.hwaddr_.reset();
+ lease.setContext(ConstElementPtr());
+ expected.str("");
+ expected << "Type: IA_NA(" << static_cast<int>(Lease::TYPE_NA) << ")\n"
+ << "Address: 2001:db8::1\n"
+ << "Prefix length: 128\n"
+ << "IAID: 123456\n"
+ << "Pref life: 400\n"
+ << "Valid life: 800\n"
+ << "Cltt: 12345678\n"
+ << "DUID: 00:01:02:03:04:05:06:0a:0b:0c:0d:0e:0f\n"
+ << "Hardware addr: (none)\n"
+ << "Subnet ID: 5678\n"
+ << "Pool ID: 0\n"
+ << "State: declined\n";
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected.str(), lease.toText());
+// Verify that Lease6 structure can be converted to JSON properly.
+// This tests an address lease conversion.
+TEST(Lease6Test, toElementAddress) {
+ HWAddrPtr hwaddr(new HWAddr(HWADDR, sizeof(HWADDR), HTYPE_ETHER));
+ uint8_t llt[] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 0xa, 0xb, 0xc, 0xd, 0xe, 0xf};
+ DuidPtr duid(new DUID(llt, sizeof(llt)));
+ Lease6 lease(Lease::TYPE_NA, IOAddress("2001:db8::1"), duid, 123456,
+ 400, 800, 5678, hwaddr, 128);
+ lease.cltt_ = 12345678;
+ lease.state_ = Lease::STATE_DECLINED;
+ lease.hostname_ = "";
+ lease.setContext(Element::fromJSON("{ \"foobar\": 1234 }"));
+ std::string expected = "{"
+ "\"cltt\": 12345678,"
+ "\"duid\": \"00:01:02:03:04:05:06:0a:0b:0c:0d:0e:0f\","
+ "\"fqdn-fwd\": false,"
+ "\"fqdn-rev\": false,"
+ "\"hostname\": \"\","
+ "\"hw-address\": \"08:00:2b:02:3f:4e\","
+ "\"iaid\": 123456,"
+ "\"ip-address\": \"2001:db8::1\","
+ "\"preferred-lft\": 400,"
+ "\"state\": 1,"
+ "\"subnet-id\": 5678,"
+ "\"type\": \"IA_NA\","
+ "\"user-context\": { \"foobar\": 1234 },"
+ "\"valid-lft\": 800"
+ "}";
+ runToElementTest<Lease6>(expected, lease);
+ // Now let's try with a lease without hardware address and user context.
+ lease.hwaddr_.reset();
+ lease.setContext(ConstElementPtr());
+ lease.pool_id_ = 5;
+ expected = "{"
+ "\"cltt\": 12345678,"
+ "\"duid\": \"00:01:02:03:04:05:06:0a:0b:0c:0d:0e:0f\","
+ "\"fqdn-fwd\": false,"
+ "\"fqdn-rev\": false,"
+ "\"hostname\": \"\","
+ "\"iaid\": 123456,"
+ "\"ip-address\": \"2001:db8::1\","
+ "\"preferred-lft\": 400,"
+ "\"state\": 1,"
+ "\"subnet-id\": 5678,"
+ "\"pool-id\": 5,"
+ "\"type\": \"IA_NA\","
+ "\"valid-lft\": 800"
+ "}";
+ runToElementTest<Lease6>(expected, lease);
+ // And to finish try with a comment.
+ lease.setContext(Element::fromJSON("{ \"comment\": \"a comment\" }"));
+ expected = "{"
+ "\"cltt\": 12345678,"
+ "\"user-context\": { \"comment\": \"a comment\" },"
+ "\"duid\": \"00:01:02:03:04:05:06:0a:0b:0c:0d:0e:0f\","
+ "\"fqdn-fwd\": false,"
+ "\"fqdn-rev\": false,"
+ "\"hostname\": \"\","
+ "\"iaid\": 123456,"
+ "\"ip-address\": \"2001:db8::1\","
+ "\"preferred-lft\": 400,"
+ "\"state\": 1,"
+ "\"subnet-id\": 5678,"
+ "\"pool-id\": 5,"
+ "\"type\": \"IA_NA\","
+ "\"valid-lft\": 800"
+ "}";
+ runToElementTest<Lease6>(expected, lease);
+// Verify that Lease6 structure can be converted to JSON properly.
+// This tests an address lease conversion.
+TEST(Lease6Test, toElementPrefix) {
+ HWAddrPtr hwaddr(new HWAddr(HWADDR, sizeof(HWADDR), HTYPE_ETHER));
+ uint8_t llt[] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 0xa, 0xb, 0xc, 0xd, 0xe, 0xf};
+ DuidPtr duid(new DUID(llt, sizeof(llt)));
+ Lease6 lease(Lease::TYPE_PD, IOAddress("2001:db8::"), duid, 123456,
+ 400, 800, 5678, hwaddr, 56);
+ lease.cltt_ = 12345678;
+ lease.state_ = Lease::STATE_DEFAULT;
+ lease.hostname_ = "";
+ lease.setContext(Element::fromJSON("{ \"foobar\": 1234 }"));
+ ElementPtr l = lease.toElement();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(l->contains("ip-address"));
+ EXPECT_EQ("2001:db8::", l->get("ip-address")->stringValue());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(l->contains("type"));
+ EXPECT_EQ("IA_PD", l->get("type")->stringValue());
+ // This is a prefix lease, it must have a prefix length.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(l->contains("prefix-len"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(56, l->get("prefix-len")->intValue());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(l->contains("iaid"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(123456, l->get("iaid")->intValue());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(l->contains("preferred-lft"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(400, l->get("preferred-lft")->intValue());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(l->contains("valid-lft"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(800, l->get("valid-lft")->intValue());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(l->contains("duid"));
+ EXPECT_EQ("00:01:02:03:04:05:06:0a:0b:0c:0d:0e:0f",
+ l->get("duid")->stringValue());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(l->contains("hw-address"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(hwaddr->toText(false), l->get("hw-address")->stringValue());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(l->contains("subnet-id"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(5678, l->get("subnet-id")->intValue());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(l->contains("state"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<int>(Lease::STATE_DEFAULT),
+ l->get("state")->intValue());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(l->contains("fqdn-fwd"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(l->get("fqdn-fwd")->boolValue());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(l->contains("fqdn-rev"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(l->get("fqdn-rev")->boolValue());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(l->contains("hostname"));
+ EXPECT_EQ("", l->get("hostname")->stringValue());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(l->contains("user-context"));
+ EXPECT_EQ("{ \"foobar\": 1234 }", l->get("user-context")->str());
+ ASSERT_FALSE(l->contains("pool-id"));
+ // Now let's try with a lease without hardware address or user context.
+ lease.hwaddr_.reset();
+ lease.setContext(ConstElementPtr());
+ lease.pool_id_ = 5;
+ l = lease.toElement();
+ EXPECT_FALSE(l->contains("hw-address"));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(l->contains("user-context"));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(l->contains("pool-id"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(5, l->get("pool-id")->intValue());
+ // And to finish try with a comment.
+ lease.setContext(Element::fromJSON("{ \"comment\": \"a comment\" }"));
+ l = lease.toElement();
+ EXPECT_FALSE(l->contains("hw-address"));
+ ConstElementPtr ctx = l->get("user-context");
+ ASSERT_EQ(Element::map, ctx->getType());
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, ctx->size());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(ctx->contains("comment"));
+ EXPECT_EQ("a comment", ctx->get("comment")->stringValue());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(l->contains("pool-id"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(5, l->get("pool-id")->intValue());
+// Verify that the IA_NA can be created from JSON.
+TEST(Lease6Test, fromElementNA) {
+ std::string json = "{"
+ "\"cltt\": 12345678,"
+ "\"duid\": \"00:01:02:03:04:05:06:0a:0b:0c:0d:0e:0f\","
+ "\"fqdn-fwd\": false,"
+ "\"fqdn-rev\": false,"
+ "\"hostname\": \"\","
+ "\"hw-address\": \"08:00:2b:02:3f:4e\","
+ "\"iaid\": 123456,"
+ "\"ip-address\": \"2001:db8::1\","
+ "\"preferred-lft\": 400,"
+ "\"state\": 1,"
+ "\"subnet-id\": 5678,"
+ "\"pool-id\": 5,"
+ "\"type\": \"IA_NA\","
+ "\"user-context\": { \"foobar\": 1234 },"
+ "\"valid-lft\": 800"
+ "}";
+ Lease6Ptr lease;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(lease = Lease6::fromElement(Element::fromJSON(json)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease);
+ EXPECT_EQ("2001:db8::1", lease->addr_.toText());
+ EXPECT_EQ(5678, static_cast<uint32_t>(lease->subnet_id_));
+ EXPECT_EQ(5, static_cast<uint32_t>(lease->pool_id_));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease->hwaddr_);
+ EXPECT_EQ("hwtype=1 08:00:2b:02:3f:4e", lease->hwaddr_->toText());
+ EXPECT_EQ(12345678, lease->cltt_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(lease->cltt_, lease->current_cltt_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(800, lease->valid_lft_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(lease->valid_lft_, lease->current_valid_lft_);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease->fqdn_fwd_);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease->fqdn_rev_);
+ EXPECT_EQ("", lease->hostname_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(Lease::STATE_DECLINED, lease->state_);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease->getContext());
+ EXPECT_EQ("{ \"foobar\": 1234 }", lease->getContext()->str());
+ // IPv6 specific properties.
+ EXPECT_EQ(Lease::TYPE_NA, lease->type_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(128, lease->prefixlen_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(123456, lease->iaid_);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease->duid_);
+ EXPECT_EQ("00:01:02:03:04:05:06:0a:0b:0c:0d:0e:0f", lease->duid_->toText());
+ EXPECT_EQ(400, lease->preferred_lft_);
+// Verify that the IA_PD can be created from JSON.
+TEST(Lease6Test, fromElementPD) {
+ std::string json = "{"
+ "\"cltt\": 12345678,"
+ "\"duid\": \"00:01:02:03:04:05:06:0a:0b:0c:0d:0e:0f\","
+ "\"fqdn-fwd\": false,"
+ "\"fqdn-rev\": false,"
+ "\"hostname\": \"uraniA.exaMple.orG\","
+ "\"hw-address\": \"08:00:2b:02:3f:4e\","
+ "\"iaid\": 123456,"
+ "\"ip-address\": \"3000::\","
+ "\"preferred-lft\": 400,"
+ "\"prefix-len\": 32,"
+ "\"state\": 0,"
+ "\"subnet-id\": 1234,"
+ "\"pool-id\": 5,"
+ "\"type\": \"IA_PD\","
+ "\"valid-lft\": 600"
+ "}";
+ Lease6Ptr lease;
+ ASSERT_NO_THROW(lease = Lease6::fromElement(Element::fromJSON(json)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease);
+ EXPECT_EQ("3000::", lease->addr_.toText());
+ EXPECT_EQ(1234, static_cast<uint32_t>(lease->subnet_id_));
+ EXPECT_EQ(5, static_cast<uint32_t>(lease->pool_id_));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease->hwaddr_);
+ EXPECT_EQ("hwtype=1 08:00:2b:02:3f:4e", lease->hwaddr_->toText());
+ EXPECT_EQ(12345678, lease->cltt_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(lease->cltt_, lease->current_cltt_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(600, lease->valid_lft_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(lease->valid_lft_, lease->current_valid_lft_);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease->fqdn_fwd_);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease->fqdn_rev_);
+ EXPECT_EQ("", lease->hostname_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(Lease::STATE_DEFAULT , lease->state_);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(lease->getContext());
+ // IPv6 specific properties.
+ EXPECT_EQ(Lease::TYPE_PD, lease->type_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(32, static_cast<int>(lease->prefixlen_));
+ EXPECT_EQ(123456, lease->iaid_);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lease->duid_);
+ EXPECT_EQ("00:01:02:03:04:05:06:0a:0b:0c:0d:0e:0f", lease->duid_->toText());
+ EXPECT_EQ(400, lease->preferred_lft_);
+// Test that specifying invalid values for a lease or not specifying
+// mandatory lease parameters causes an error while parsing the lease.
+TEST(Lease6Test, fromElementInvalidValues) {
+ // Create valid configuration. We use it as a base from which we will
+ // be removing some of the parameters and some values will be selectively
+ // modified.
+ std::string json = "{"
+ "\"cltt\": 12345678,"
+ "\"duid\": \"00:01:02:03:04:05:06:0a:0b:0c:0d:0e:0f\","
+ "\"fqdn-fwd\": false,"
+ "\"fqdn-rev\": false,"
+ "\"hostname\": \"\","
+ "\"hw-address\": \"08:00:2b:02:3f:4e\","
+ "\"iaid\": 123456,"
+ "\"ip-address\": \"3000::\","
+ "\"preferred-lft\": 400,"
+ "\"prefix-len\": 32,"
+ "\"state\": 0,"
+ "\"subnet-id\": 1234,"
+ "\"type\": \"IA_PD\","
+ "\"valid-lft\": 600"
+ "}";
+ // Test invalid parameter values and missing parameters.
+ testInvalidElement<Lease6>(json, "cltt", std::string("xyz"));
+ testInvalidElement<Lease6>(json, "cltt", -1, false);
+ testInvalidElement<Lease6>(json, "duid", "01::00::");
+ testInvalidElement<Lease6>(json, "duid", 1234, false);
+ testInvalidElement<Lease6>(json, "fqdn-fwd", 123);
+ testInvalidElement<Lease6>(json, "fqdn-rev", std::string("foo"));
+ testInvalidElement<Lease6, bool>(json, "hostname", true);
+ testInvalidElement<Lease6>(json, "hw-address", "01::00::", false);
+ testInvalidElement<Lease6>(json, "hw-address", 1234, false);
+ testInvalidElement<Lease6>(json, "iaid", std::string("1234"));
+ testInvalidElement<Lease6>(json, "iaid", -1);
+ testInvalidElement<Lease6, long int>(json, "ip-address", 0xFF000201);
+ testInvalidElement<Lease6>(json, "ip-address", "", false);
+ testInvalidElement<Lease6>(json, "preferred-lft", std::string("1234"));
+ testInvalidElement<Lease6>(json, "preferred-lft", -1, false);
+ testInvalidElement<Lease6>(json, "prefix-len", std::string("1234"));
+ testInvalidElement<Lease6>(json, "prefix-len", 130);
+ testInvalidElement<Lease6>(json, "state", std::string("xyz"));
+ testInvalidElement<Lease6>(json, "state", 1234, false);
+ testInvalidElement<Lease6>(json, "subnet-id", std::string("xyz"));
+ testInvalidElement<Lease6>(json, "subnet-id", -5, false);
+ testInvalidElement<Lease6>(json, "subnet-id", 0x100000000, false);
+ testInvalidElement<Lease6>(json, "pool-id", std::string("xyz"), false);
+ testInvalidElement<Lease6>(json, "pool-id", -5, false);
+ testInvalidElement<Lease6>(json, "pool-id", 0, false);
+ testInvalidElement<Lease6>(json, "pool-id", 0x100000000, false);
+ testInvalidElement<Lease6>(json, "type", std::string("IA_XY"));
+ testInvalidElement<Lease6>(json, "type", -3, false);
+ testInvalidElement<Lease6>(json, "valid-lft", std::string("xyz"));
+ testInvalidElement<Lease6>(json, "valid-lft", -3, false);
+ testInvalidElement<Lease6>(json, "user-context", "[ ]", false);
+ testInvalidElement<Lease6>(json, "user-context", 1234, false);
+ testInvalidElement<Lease6>(json, "user-context", false, false);
+ testInvalidElement<Lease6>(json, "user-context", "foo", false);
+// Verify that the lease states are correctly returned in the textual format.
+TEST(Lease6Test, stateToText) {
+ EXPECT_EQ("default", Lease6::statesToText(Lease::STATE_DEFAULT));
+ EXPECT_EQ("declined", Lease6::statesToText(Lease::STATE_DECLINED));
+ EXPECT_EQ("expired-reclaimed", Lease6::statesToText(Lease::STATE_EXPIRED_RECLAIMED));
+} // end of anonymous namespace