path: root/src/lib/dns/tests/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/lib/dns/tests/')
1 files changed, 249 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/lib/dns/tests/ b/src/lib/dns/tests/
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+// Copyright (C) 2010-2024 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC")
+// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+// file, You can obtain one at
+#include <config.h>
+#include <util/buffer.h>
+#include <dns/messagerenderer.h>
+#include <dns/rdata.h>
+#include <dns/rdataclass.h>
+#include <dns/rrclass.h>
+#include <dns/rrtype.h>
+#include <gtest/gtest.h>
+#include <dns/tests/unittest_util.h>
+#include <dns/tests/rdata_unittest.h>
+#include <util/unittests/wiredata.h>
+using namespace std;
+using namespace isc::dns;
+using namespace isc::util;
+using namespace isc::dns::rdata;
+using isc::UnitTestUtil;
+using isc::util::unittests::matchWireData;
+namespace {
+class Rdata_SOA_Test : public RdataTest {
+ Rdata_SOA_Test() :
+ rdata_soa(Name(""),
+ Name(""),
+ 2010012601, 3600, 300, 3600000, 1200)
+ {}
+ template <typename ExForString, typename ExForLexer>
+ void checkFromTextSOA(const string& soa_txt, const Name* origin = 0,
+ bool throw_str_version = true,
+ bool throw_lexer_version = true)
+ {
+ checkFromText<generic::SOA, ExForString, ExForLexer>(
+ soa_txt, rdata_soa, throw_str_version, throw_lexer_version,
+ origin);
+ }
+ const generic::SOA rdata_soa;
+TEST_F(Rdata_SOA_Test, createFromText) {
+ // Below we specify isc::Exception as a dummy value for the exception type
+ // in case it's not expected to throw an exception; the type isn't used
+ // in the check code.
+ // A simple case.
+ checkFromTextSOA<isc::Exception, isc::Exception>(
+ " 2010012601 3600 300 3600000 1200",
+ 0, false, false);
+ // Beginning and trailing space are ignored.
+ checkFromTextSOA<isc::Exception, isc::Exception>(
+ " "
+ "2010012601 3600 300 3600000 1200 ", 0, false, false);
+ // using extended TTL-like form for some parameters.
+ checkFromTextSOA<isc::Exception, isc::Exception>(
+ " 2010012601 1H 5M 1000H 20M",
+ 0, false, false);
+ // multi-line.
+ checkFromTextSOA<isc::Exception, isc::Exception>(
+ " (\n"
+ "2010012601 1H 5M 1000H) 20M", 0, false, false);
+ // relative names for MNAME and RNAME with a separate origin (lexer
+ // version only)
+ const Name origin("");
+ checkFromTextSOA<MissingNameOrigin, isc::Exception>(
+ "ns root 2010012601 1H 5M 1000H 20M", &origin, true, false);
+ // with the '@' notation with a separate origin (lexer version only;
+ // string version would throw)
+ const Name full_mname("");
+ checkFromTextSOA<MissingNameOrigin, isc::Exception>(
+ "@ 2010012601 1H 5M 1000H 20M", &full_mname, true,
+ false);
+ // bad MNAME/RNAMEs
+ checkFromTextSOA<EmptyLabel, EmptyLabel>(
+ "bad..example. . 2010012601 1H 5M 1000H 20M");
+ checkFromTextSOA<EmptyLabel, EmptyLabel>(
+ ". bad..example. 2010012601 1H 5M 1000H 20M");
+ // Names shouldn't be quoted.
+ checkFromTextSOA<InvalidRdataText, MasterLexer::LexerError>(
+ "\".\" . 0 0 0 0 0");
+ checkFromTextSOA<InvalidRdataText, MasterLexer::LexerError>(
+ ". \".\" 0 0 0 0 0");
+ // Missing MAME or RNAME: for the string version, the serial would be
+ // tried as RNAME and result in "not absolute". For the lexer version,
+ // it reaches the end-of-line, missing min TTL.
+ checkFromTextSOA<MissingNameOrigin, MasterLexer::LexerError>(
+ ". 2010012601 0 0 0 0", &Name::ROOT_NAME());
+ // bad serial. the string version converts lexer error to
+ // InvalidRdataText.
+ checkFromTextSOA<InvalidRdataText, MasterLexer::LexerError>(
+ ". . bad 0 0 0 0");
+ // bad serial; exceeding the uint32_t range (4294967296 = 2^32)
+ checkFromTextSOA<InvalidRdataText, MasterLexer::LexerError>(
+ ". . 4294967296 0 0 0 0");
+ // Bad format for other numeric parameters. These will be tried as a TTL,
+ // and result in an exception there.
+ checkFromTextSOA<InvalidRRTTL, InvalidRRTTL>(
+ ". . 2010012601 bad 0 0 0");
+ checkFromTextSOA<InvalidRRTTL, InvalidRRTTL>(
+ ". . 2010012601 4294967296 0 0 0");
+ checkFromTextSOA<InvalidRRTTL, InvalidRRTTL>(
+ ". . 2010012601 0 bad 0 0");
+ checkFromTextSOA<InvalidRRTTL, InvalidRRTTL>(
+ ". . 2010012601 0 4294967296 0 0");
+ checkFromTextSOA<InvalidRRTTL, InvalidRRTTL>(
+ ". . 2010012601 0 0 bad 0");
+ checkFromTextSOA<InvalidRRTTL, InvalidRRTTL>(
+ ". . 2010012601 0 0 4294967296 0");
+ checkFromTextSOA<InvalidRRTTL, InvalidRRTTL>(
+ ". . 2010012601 0 0 0 bad");
+ checkFromTextSOA<InvalidRRTTL, InvalidRRTTL>(
+ ". . 2010012601 0 0 0 4294967296");
+ // No space between RNAME and serial. This case is the same as missing
+ // M/RNAME.
+ checkFromTextSOA<MissingNameOrigin, MasterLexer::LexerError>(
+ ". example.0 0 0 0 0", &Name::ROOT_NAME());
+ // Extra parameter. string version immediately detects the error.
+ // lexer version defers the check to the upper layer (we pass origin
+ // to skip the check with the string version).
+ checkFromTextSOA<InvalidRdataText, isc::Exception>(
+ " 2010012601 1H 5M 1000H 20M "
+ "extra", &origin, true, false);
+ // Likewise. Redundant newline is also considered an error. The lexer
+ // version accepts trailing newline, but not the beginning one (where
+ // the lexer expects a string excluding newline and EOF).
+ checkFromTextSOA<InvalidRdataText, isc::Exception>(
+ " 2010012601 1H 5M 1000H 20M\n",
+ 0, true, false);
+ checkFromTextSOA<InvalidRdataText, MasterLexer::LexerError>(
+ "\ 2010012601 1H 5M 1000H 20M",
+ 0, true, true);
+TEST_F(Rdata_SOA_Test, createFromWire) {
+ *rdataFactoryFromFile(RRType("SOA"), RRClass("IN"),
+ "rdata_soa_fromWire")));
+ // TBD: more tests
+TEST_F(Rdata_SOA_Test, createFromLexer) {
+ *test::createRdataUsingLexer(RRType::SOA(), RRClass::IN(),
+ " "
+ "2010012601 3600 300 3600000 1200")));
+TEST_F(Rdata_SOA_Test, toWireRenderer) {
+ renderer.skip(2);
+ rdata_soa.toWire(renderer);
+ vector<unsigned char> data;
+ UnitTestUtil::readWireData("rdata_soa_fromWire", data);
+ matchWireData(&data[2], data.size() - 2,
+ static_cast<const uint8_t *>(renderer.getData()) + 2,
+ renderer.getLength() - 2);
+TEST_F(Rdata_SOA_Test, toWireBuffer) {
+ obuffer.skip(2);
+ rdata_soa.toWire(obuffer);
+ vector<unsigned char> data;
+ UnitTestUtil::readWireData("rdata_soa_toWireUncompressed.wire", data);
+ matchWireData(&data[2], data.size() - 2,
+ static_cast<const uint8_t *>(obuffer.getData()) + 2,
+ obuffer.getLength() - 2);
+TEST_F(Rdata_SOA_Test, toText) {
+ "2010012601 3600 300 3600000 1200", rdata_soa.toText());
+TEST_F(Rdata_SOA_Test, getSerial) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(2010012601, rdata_soa.getSerial().getValue());
+TEST_F(Rdata_SOA_Test, getMinimum) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(1200, rdata_soa.getMinimum());
+ // Also check with a very large number (with the MSB being 1).
+ EXPECT_EQ(2154848336u, generic::SOA(Name(""),
+ Name(""),
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x80706050).getMinimum());
+compareCheck(const generic::SOA& small, const generic::SOA& large) {
+TEST_F(Rdata_SOA_Test, compare) {
+ // Check simple equivalence
+ " "
+ "2010012601 3600 300 3600000 1200")));
+ // Check name comparison is case insensitive
+ " "
+ "2010012601 3600 300 3600000 1200")));
+ // Check names are compared in the RDATA comparison semantics (different
+ // from DNSSEC ordering for owner names)
+ compareCheck(generic::SOA("a.example. . 0 0 0 0 0"),
+ generic::SOA("example. . 0 0 0 0 0"));
+ compareCheck(generic::SOA(". a.example. 0 0 0 0 0"),
+ generic::SOA(". example. 0 0 0 0 0"));
+ // Compare other numeric fields: 1076895760 = 0x40302010,
+ // 270544960 = 0x10203040. These are chosen to make sure that machine
+ // endianness doesn't confuse the comparison results.
+ compareCheck(generic::SOA(". . 270544960 0 0 0 0"),
+ generic::SOA(". . 1076895760 0 0 0 0"));
+ compareCheck(generic::SOA(". . 0 270544960 0 0 0"),
+ generic::SOA(". . 0 1076895760 0 0 0"));
+ compareCheck(generic::SOA(". . 0 0 270544960 0 0"),
+ generic::SOA(". . 0 0 1076895760 0 0"));
+ compareCheck(generic::SOA(". . 0 0 0 270544960 0"),
+ generic::SOA(". . 0 0 0 1076895760 0"));
+ compareCheck(generic::SOA(". . 0 0 0 0 270544960"),
+ generic::SOA(". . 0 0 0 0 1076895760"));