path: root/src/lib/util/tests/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/lib/util/tests/')
1 files changed, 804 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/lib/util/tests/ b/src/lib/util/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..976960a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/util/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,804 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2018-2024 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC")
+// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+// file, You can obtain one at
+#include <config.h>
+#include <gtest/gtest.h>
+#include <exceptions/exceptions.h>
+#include <util/thread_pool.h>
+#include <signal.h>
+using namespace isc;
+using namespace isc::util;
+using namespace std;
+namespace {
+/// @brief define CallBack type
+typedef function<void()> CallBack;
+/// @brief Test Fixture for testing isc::dhcp::ThreadPool
+class ThreadPoolTest : public ::testing::Test {
+ /// @brief Constructor
+ ThreadPoolTest() : thread_count_(0), count_(0), wait_(false) {
+ }
+ /// @brief task function which registers the thread id and signals main
+ /// thread to stop waiting and then waits for main thread to signal to exit
+ void runAndWait() {
+ // run task
+ run();
+ // wait for main thread signal to exit
+ unique_lock<mutex> lk(wait_mutex_);
+ wait_cv_.wait(lk, [&]() {return (wait() == false);});
+ }
+ /// @brief task function which registers the thread id and signals main
+ /// thread to stop waiting
+ void run() {
+ {
+ // make sure this thread has started and it is accounted for
+ lock_guard<mutex> lk(mutex_);
+ auto id = this_thread::get_id();
+ // register this thread as doing work on items
+ ids_.emplace(id);
+ // finish task
+ ++count_;
+ // register this task on the history of this thread
+ history_[id].push_back(count_);
+ }
+ // wake main thread if it is waiting for this thread to process
+ cv_.notify_all();
+ }
+ /// @brief task function which tries to stop the thread pool and then calls
+ /// @ref runAndWait
+ ///
+ /// @param thread_pool the thread pool
+ void runStopResetAndWait(ThreadPool<CallBack>* thread_pool) {
+ EXPECT_THROW(thread_pool->stop(), MultiThreadingInvalidOperation);
+ EXPECT_THROW(thread_pool->reset(), MultiThreadingInvalidOperation);
+ EXPECT_THROW(thread_pool->wait(), MultiThreadingInvalidOperation);
+ EXPECT_THROW(thread_pool->wait(0), MultiThreadingInvalidOperation);
+ sigset_t nsset;
+ pthread_sigmask(SIG_SETMASK, 0, &nsset);
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, sigismember(&nsset, SIGCHLD));
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, sigismember(&nsset, SIGINT));
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, sigismember(&nsset, SIGHUP));
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, sigismember(&nsset, SIGTERM));
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(runAndWait());
+ }
+ /// @brief reset all counters and internal test state
+ ///
+ /// @param thread_count number of threads
+ void reset(uint32_t thread_count) {
+ // stop test threads
+ stopThreads();
+ // reset the internal state of the test
+ thread_count_ = thread_count;
+ count_ = 0;
+ wait_ = true;
+ ids_.clear();
+ history_.clear();
+ }
+ /// @brief start test threads and block main thread until all tasks have
+ /// been processed
+ ///
+ /// @param thread_count number of threads to be started
+ /// @param items_count number of items to wait for being processed
+ /// @param start create processing threads
+ /// @param signal give main thread control over the threads exit
+ void waitTasks(uint32_t thread_count, uint32_t items_count,
+ bool start = false, bool signal = true) {
+ // make sure we have all threads running when performing all the checks
+ unique_lock<mutex> lck(mutex_);
+ if (start) {
+ // start test threads if explicitly specified
+ startThreads(thread_count, signal);
+ }
+ // wait for the threads to process all the items
+ cv_.wait(lck, [&]() {return (count() == items_count);});
+ }
+ /// @brief start test threads
+ ///
+ /// @param thread_count number of threads to be started
+ /// @param signal give main thread control over the threads exit
+ void startThreads(uint32_t thread_count, bool signal = true) {
+ // set default task function to wait for main thread signal
+ auto runFunction = &ThreadPoolTest::runAndWait;
+ if (!signal) {
+ // set the task function to finish immediately
+ runFunction = &ThreadPoolTest::run;
+ }
+ // start test threads
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < thread_count; ++i) {
+ threads_.push_back(boost::make_shared<std::thread>(runFunction, this));
+ }
+ }
+ /// @brief stop test threads
+ void stopThreads() {
+ // signal threads that are waiting
+ signalThreads();
+ // wait for all test threads to exit
+ for (auto const& thread : threads_) {
+ thread->join();
+ }
+ // reset all threads
+ threads_.clear();
+ }
+ /// @brief function used by main thread to unblock processing threads
+ void signalThreads() {
+ {
+ lock_guard<mutex> lk(wait_mutex_);
+ // clear the wait flag so that threads will no longer wait for the main
+ // thread signal
+ wait_ = false;
+ }
+ // wake all threads if waiting for main thread signal
+ wait_cv_.notify_all();
+ }
+ /// @brief number of completed tasks
+ ///
+ /// @return the number of completed tasks
+ uint32_t count() {
+ return (count_);
+ }
+ /// @brief flag which indicates if working thread should wait for main
+ /// thread signal
+ ///
+ /// @return the wait flag
+ bool wait() {
+ return (wait_);
+ }
+ /// @brief check the total number of tasks that have been processed
+ /// Some of the tasks may have been run on the same thread and none may have
+ /// been processed by other threads
+ ///
+ /// @param items_count the number of tasks
+ void checkRunHistory(uint32_t items_count) {
+ uint32_t count = 0;
+ // iterate over all threads history and count all the processed tasks
+ for (auto const& element : history_) {
+ count += element.second.size();
+ }
+ ASSERT_EQ(count, items_count);
+ }
+ /// @brief check the total number of threads that have processed tasks
+ ///
+ /// @param number of threads processing tasks
+ void checkIds(uint32_t count) {
+ ASSERT_EQ(ids_.size(), count);
+ }
+ /// @brief check the thread pool state
+ ///
+ /// @param thread_pool the thread pool
+ /// @param count the number of tasks
+ /// @param size the thread pool size
+ void checkState(ThreadPool<CallBack>& thread_pool, uint32_t count, uint32_t size) {
+ // the item count should match
+ ASSERT_EQ(thread_pool.count(), count);
+ // the thread count should match
+ ASSERT_EQ(thread_pool.size(), size);
+ }
+ /// @brief thread count used by the test
+ uint32_t thread_count_;
+ /// @brief mutex used to keep the internal state consistent
+ std::mutex mutex_;
+ /// @brief condition variable used to signal main thread that all threads
+ /// have started processing
+ condition_variable cv_;
+ /// @brief mutex used to keep the internal state consistent
+ /// related to the control of the main thread over the working threads exit
+ std::mutex wait_mutex_;
+ /// @brief condition variable used to signal working threads to exit
+ condition_variable wait_cv_;
+ /// @brief number of completed tasks
+ uint32_t count_;
+ /// @brief flag which indicates if working thread should wait for main
+ /// thread signal
+ bool wait_;
+ /// @brief the set of thread ids which have completed tasks
+ set<std::thread::id> ids_;
+ /// @brief the list of completed tasks run by each thread
+ map<std::thread::id, list<uint32_t>> history_;
+ /// @brief the list of test threads
+ list<boost::shared_ptr<std::thread>> threads_;
+/// @brief test ThreadPool add and count
+TEST_F(ThreadPoolTest, addAndCount) {
+ uint32_t items_count;
+ CallBack call_back;
+ ThreadPool<CallBack> thread_pool;
+ checkState(thread_pool, 0, 0);
+ items_count = 4;
+ call_back = std::bind(&ThreadPoolTest::run, this);
+ // add items to stopped thread pool
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < items_count; ++i) {
+ bool ret = true;
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(ret = thread_pool.add(boost::make_shared<CallBack>(call_back)));
+ }
+ // the item count should match
+ ASSERT_EQ(thread_pool.count(), items_count);
+ // calling reset should clear all threads and should remove all queued items
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(thread_pool.reset());
+ checkState(thread_pool, 0, 0);
+/// @brief test ThreadPool start and stop
+TEST_F(ThreadPoolTest, startAndStop) {
+ uint32_t items_count;
+ uint32_t thread_count;
+ CallBack call_back;
+ ThreadPool<CallBack> thread_pool;
+ checkState(thread_pool, 0, 0);
+ items_count = 4;
+ thread_count = 4;
+ // prepare setup
+ reset(thread_count);
+ // create tasks which block thread pool threads until signaled by main
+ // thread to force all threads of the thread pool to run exactly one task
+ call_back = std::bind(&ThreadPoolTest::runAndWait, this);
+ // calling start should create the threads and should keep the queued items
+ EXPECT_THROW(thread_pool.start(0), InvalidParameter);
+ // calling start should create the threads and should keep the queued items
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(thread_pool.start(thread_count));
+ checkState(thread_pool, 0, thread_count);
+ // do it once again to check if it works
+ EXPECT_THROW(thread_pool.start(thread_count), InvalidOperation);
+ checkState(thread_pool, 0, thread_count);
+ // calling stop should clear all threads and should keep queued items
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(thread_pool.stop());
+ checkState(thread_pool, 0, 0);
+ // do it once again to check if it works
+ EXPECT_THROW(thread_pool.stop(), InvalidOperation);
+ checkState(thread_pool, 0, 0);
+ // add items to stopped thread pool
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < items_count; ++i) {
+ bool ret = true;
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(ret = thread_pool.add(boost::make_shared<CallBack>(call_back)));
+ }
+ checkState(thread_pool, items_count, 0);
+ // calling stop should clear all threads and should keep queued items
+ EXPECT_THROW(thread_pool.stop(), InvalidOperation);
+ checkState(thread_pool, items_count, 0);
+ // calling reset should clear all threads and should remove all queued items
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(thread_pool.reset());
+ checkState(thread_pool, 0, 0);
+ // do it once again to check if it works
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(thread_pool.reset());
+ checkState(thread_pool, 0, 0);
+ // calling start should create the threads and should keep the queued items
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(thread_pool.start(thread_count));
+ checkState(thread_pool, 0, thread_count);
+ // add items to running thread pool
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < items_count; ++i) {
+ bool ret = true;
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(ret = thread_pool.add(boost::make_shared<CallBack>(call_back)));
+ }
+ // wait for all items to be processed
+ waitTasks(thread_count, items_count);
+ checkState(thread_pool, 0, thread_count);
+ // as each thread pool thread is still waiting on main to unblock, each
+ // thread should have been registered in ids list
+ checkIds(items_count);
+ // all items should have been processed
+ ASSERT_EQ(count(), items_count);
+ // check that the number of processed tasks matches the number of items
+ checkRunHistory(items_count);
+ // signal thread pool tasks to continue
+ signalThreads();
+ // calling stop should clear all threads and should keep queued items
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(thread_pool.stop());
+ checkState(thread_pool, 0, 0);
+ items_count = 64;
+ thread_count = 16;
+ // prepare setup
+ reset(thread_count);
+ // create tasks which do not block the thread pool threads so that several
+ // tasks can be run on the same thread and some of the threads never even
+ // having a chance to run
+ call_back = std::bind(&ThreadPoolTest::run, this);
+ // add items to stopped thread pool
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < items_count; ++i) {
+ bool ret = true;
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(ret = thread_pool.add(boost::make_shared<CallBack>(call_back)));
+ }
+ checkState(thread_pool, items_count, 0);
+ // calling start should create the threads and should keep the queued items
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(thread_pool.start(thread_count));
+ // the thread count should match
+ ASSERT_EQ(thread_pool.size(), thread_count);
+ // wait for all items to be processed
+ waitTasks(thread_count, items_count);
+ checkState(thread_pool, 0, thread_count);
+ // all items should have been processed
+ ASSERT_EQ(count(), items_count);
+ // check that the number of processed tasks matches the number of items
+ checkRunHistory(items_count);
+ // calling stop should clear all threads and should keep queued items
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(thread_pool.stop());
+ checkState(thread_pool, 0, 0);
+ items_count = 16;
+ thread_count = 16;
+ // prepare setup
+ reset(thread_count);
+ // create tasks which try to stop the thread pool and then block thread pool
+ // threads until signaled by main thread to force all threads of the thread
+ // pool to run exactly one task
+ call_back = std::bind(&ThreadPoolTest::runStopResetAndWait, this, &thread_pool);
+ // calling start should create the threads and should keep the queued items
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(thread_pool.start(thread_count));
+ checkState(thread_pool, 0, thread_count);
+ // add items to running thread pool
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < items_count; ++i) {
+ bool ret = true;
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(ret = thread_pool.add(boost::make_shared<CallBack>(call_back)));
+ }
+ // wait for all items to be processed
+ waitTasks(thread_count, items_count);
+ checkState(thread_pool, 0, thread_count);
+ // as each thread pool thread is still waiting on main to unblock, each
+ // thread should have been registered in ids list
+ checkIds(items_count);
+ // all items should have been processed
+ ASSERT_EQ(count(), items_count);
+ // check that the number of processed tasks matches the number of items
+ checkRunHistory(items_count);
+ // signal thread pool tasks to continue
+ signalThreads();
+ // calling stop should clear all threads and should keep queued items
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(thread_pool.stop());
+ checkState(thread_pool, 0, 0);
+ /// statistics
+ std::cout << "stat10: " << thread_pool.getQueueStat(10) << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "stat100: " << thread_pool.getQueueStat(100) << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "stat1000: " << thread_pool.getQueueStat(1000) << std::endl;
+/// @brief test ThreadPool wait
+TEST_F(ThreadPoolTest, wait) {
+ uint32_t items_count;
+ uint32_t thread_count;
+ CallBack call_back;
+ ThreadPool<CallBack> thread_pool;
+ checkState(thread_pool, 0, 0);
+ // calling wait should do nothing if not started
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(thread_pool.wait());
+ checkState(thread_pool, 0, 0);
+ // do it once again to check if it works
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(thread_pool.wait());
+ checkState(thread_pool, 0, 0);
+ items_count = 16;
+ thread_count = 16;
+ // prepare setup
+ reset(thread_count);
+ // create tasks which block thread pool threads until signaled by main
+ // thread to force all threads of the thread pool to run exactly one task
+ call_back = std::bind(&ThreadPoolTest::runAndWait, this);
+ // add items to stopped thread pool
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < items_count; ++i) {
+ bool ret = true;
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(ret = thread_pool.add(boost::make_shared<CallBack>(call_back)));
+ }
+ checkState(thread_pool, items_count, 0);
+ // calling start should create the threads and should keep the queued items
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(thread_pool.start(thread_count));
+ // the thread count should match
+ ASSERT_EQ(thread_pool.size(), thread_count);
+ // wait for all items to be processed
+ waitTasks(thread_count, items_count);
+ checkState(thread_pool, 0, thread_count);
+ // as each thread pool thread is still waiting on main to unblock, each
+ // thread should have been registered in ids list
+ checkIds(items_count);
+ // all items should have been processed
+ ASSERT_EQ(count(), items_count);
+ // check that the number of processed tasks matches the number of items
+ checkRunHistory(items_count);
+ // check that waiting on tasks does timeout
+ ASSERT_FALSE(thread_pool.wait(1));
+ // signal thread pool tasks to continue
+ signalThreads();
+ // calling stop should clear all threads and should keep queued items
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(thread_pool.stop());
+ checkState(thread_pool, 0, 0);
+ items_count = 64;
+ thread_count = 16;
+ // prepare setup
+ reset(thread_count);
+ // create tasks which do not block the thread pool threads so that several
+ // tasks can be run on the same thread and some of the threads never even
+ // having a chance to run
+ call_back = std::bind(&ThreadPoolTest::run, this);
+ // add items to stopped thread pool
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < items_count; ++i) {
+ bool ret = true;
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(ret = thread_pool.add(boost::make_shared<CallBack>(call_back)));
+ }
+ checkState(thread_pool, items_count, 0);
+ // calling start should create the threads and should keep the queued items
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(thread_pool.start(thread_count));
+ // the thread count should match
+ ASSERT_EQ(thread_pool.size(), thread_count);
+ // wait for all items to be processed
+ thread_pool.wait();
+ checkState(thread_pool, 0, thread_count);
+ // all items should have been processed
+ ASSERT_EQ(count(), items_count);
+ // check that the number of processed tasks matches the number of items
+ checkRunHistory(items_count);
+ // calling stop should clear all threads and should keep queued items
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(thread_pool.stop());
+ checkState(thread_pool, 0, 0);
+ items_count = 16;
+ thread_count = 256;
+ // prepare setup
+ reset(thread_count);
+ // add items to stopped thread pool
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < items_count; ++i) {
+ bool ret = true;
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(ret = thread_pool.add(boost::make_shared<CallBack>(call_back)));
+ }
+ checkState(thread_pool, items_count, 0);
+ // calling start should create the threads and should keep the queued items
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(thread_pool.start(thread_count));
+ // the thread count should match
+ ASSERT_EQ(thread_pool.size(), thread_count);
+ // calling stop should clear all threads and should keep queued items
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(thread_pool.stop());
+ checkState(thread_pool, 0, 0);
+ // wait for all items to be processed
+ ASSERT_TRUE(thread_pool.wait(1));
+ checkState(thread_pool, 0, 0);
+/// @brief test ThreadPool pause and resume
+TEST_F(ThreadPoolTest, pauseAndResume) {
+ uint32_t items_count;
+ uint32_t thread_count;
+ CallBack call_back;
+ ThreadPool<CallBack> thread_pool;
+ checkState(thread_pool, 0, 0);
+ items_count = 4;
+ thread_count = 4;
+ // prepare setup
+ reset(thread_count);
+ // create tasks which block thread pool threads until signaled by main
+ // thread to force all threads of the thread pool to run exactly one task
+ call_back = std::bind(&ThreadPoolTest::runAndWait, this);
+ // calling resume should do nothing if not started
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(thread_pool.resume());
+ checkState(thread_pool, 0, 0);
+ // do it once again to check if it works
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(thread_pool.resume());
+ checkState(thread_pool, 0, 0);
+ // calling pause should do nothing if not started
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(thread_pool.pause());
+ checkState(thread_pool, 0, 0);
+ // do it once again to check if it works
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(thread_pool.pause());
+ checkState(thread_pool, 0, 0);
+ // calling resume should do nothing if not started
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(thread_pool.resume());
+ checkState(thread_pool, 0, 0);
+ // add items to stopped thread pool
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < items_count; ++i) {
+ bool ret = true;
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(ret = thread_pool.add(boost::make_shared<CallBack>(call_back)));
+ }
+ checkState(thread_pool, items_count, 0);
+ // calling pause should do nothing if not started
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(thread_pool.pause());
+ checkState(thread_pool, items_count, 0);
+ // calling resume should do nothing if not started
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(thread_pool.resume());
+ checkState(thread_pool, items_count, 0);
+ // calling pause should do nothing if not started
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(thread_pool.pause());
+ checkState(thread_pool, items_count, 0);
+ // calling start should create the threads and should keep the queued items
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(thread_pool.start(thread_count));
+ checkState(thread_pool, items_count, thread_count);
+ // calling resume should resume threads
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(thread_pool.resume());
+ // the thread count should match
+ ASSERT_EQ(thread_pool.size(), thread_count);
+ // wait for all items to be processed
+ waitTasks(thread_count, items_count);
+ checkState(thread_pool, 0, thread_count);
+ // as each thread pool thread is still waiting on main to unblock, each
+ // thread should have been registered in ids list
+ checkIds(items_count);
+ // all items should have been processed
+ ASSERT_EQ(count(), items_count);
+ // check that the number of processed tasks matches the number of items
+ checkRunHistory(items_count);
+ // signal thread pool tasks to continue
+ signalThreads();
+ // do it once again to check if it works
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(thread_pool.resume());
+ checkState(thread_pool, 0, thread_count);
+ // calling stop should clear all threads and should keep queued items
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(thread_pool.stop());
+ checkState(thread_pool, 0, 0);
+ items_count = 64;
+ thread_count = 16;
+ // prepare setup
+ reset(thread_count);
+ // create tasks which do not block the thread pool threads so that several
+ // tasks can be run on the same thread and some of the threads never even
+ // having a chance to run
+ call_back = std::bind(&ThreadPoolTest::run, this);
+ // add items to stopped thread pool
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < items_count; ++i) {
+ bool ret = true;
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(ret = thread_pool.add(boost::make_shared<CallBack>(call_back)));
+ }
+ checkState(thread_pool, items_count, 0);
+ // calling start should create the threads and should keep the queued items
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(thread_pool.start(thread_count));
+ // the thread count should match
+ ASSERT_EQ(thread_pool.size(), thread_count);
+ // wait for all items to be processed
+ waitTasks(thread_count, items_count);
+ checkState(thread_pool, 0, thread_count);
+ // all items should have been processed
+ ASSERT_EQ(count(), items_count);
+ // check that the number of processed tasks matches the number of items
+ checkRunHistory(items_count);
+ // calling pause should pause threads
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(thread_pool.pause());
+ checkState(thread_pool, 0, thread_count);
+ // do it once again to check if it works
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(thread_pool.pause());
+ checkState(thread_pool, 0, thread_count);
+ // prepare setup
+ reset(thread_count);
+ // add items to paused thread pool
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < items_count; ++i) {
+ bool ret = true;
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(ret = thread_pool.add(boost::make_shared<CallBack>(call_back)));
+ }
+ checkState(thread_pool, items_count, thread_count);
+ // calling resume should resume threads
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(thread_pool.resume());
+ // the thread count should match
+ ASSERT_EQ(thread_pool.size(), thread_count);
+ // wait for all items to be processed
+ waitTasks(thread_count, items_count);
+ checkState(thread_pool, 0, thread_count);
+ // all items should have been processed
+ ASSERT_EQ(count(), items_count);
+ // check that the number of processed tasks matches the number of items
+ checkRunHistory(items_count);
+ // calling stop should clear all threads and should keep queued items
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(thread_pool.stop());
+ checkState(thread_pool, 0, 0);
+/// @brief test ThreadPool max queue size
+TEST_F(ThreadPoolTest, maxQueueSize) {
+ uint32_t items_count;
+ CallBack call_back;
+ ThreadPool<CallBack> thread_pool;
+ // the item count should be 0
+ ASSERT_EQ(thread_pool.count(), 0);
+ // the thread count should be 0
+ ASSERT_EQ(thread_pool.size(), 0);
+ items_count = 20;
+ call_back = std::bind(&ThreadPoolTest::run, this);
+ // add items to stopped thread pool
+ bool ret = true;
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < items_count; ++i) {
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(ret = thread_pool.add(boost::make_shared<CallBack>(call_back)));
+ }
+ // the item count should match
+ ASSERT_EQ(thread_pool.count(), items_count);
+ // change the max count
+ ASSERT_EQ(thread_pool.getMaxQueueSize(), 0);
+ size_t max_queue_size = 10;
+ thread_pool.setMaxQueueSize(max_queue_size);
+ EXPECT_EQ(thread_pool.getMaxQueueSize(), max_queue_size);
+ // adding an item should squeeze the queue
+ EXPECT_EQ(thread_pool.count(), items_count);
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(ret = thread_pool.add(boost::make_shared<CallBack>(call_back)));
+ EXPECT_EQ(thread_pool.count(), max_queue_size);
+/// @brief test ThreadPool add front.
+TEST_F(ThreadPoolTest, addFront) {
+ uint32_t items_count;
+ CallBack call_back;
+ ThreadPool<CallBack> thread_pool;
+ // the item count should be 0
+ ASSERT_EQ(thread_pool.count(), 0);
+ // the thread count should be 0
+ ASSERT_EQ(thread_pool.size(), 0);
+ items_count = 20;
+ call_back = std::bind(&ThreadPoolTest::run, this);
+ // add items to stopped thread pool
+ bool ret = true;
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < items_count; ++i) {
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(ret = thread_pool.addFront(boost::make_shared<CallBack>(call_back)));
+ }
+ // the item count should match
+ ASSERT_EQ(thread_pool.count(), items_count);
+ // change the max count
+ ASSERT_EQ(thread_pool.getMaxQueueSize(), 0);
+ size_t max_queue_size = 10;
+ thread_pool.setMaxQueueSize(max_queue_size);
+ EXPECT_EQ(thread_pool.getMaxQueueSize(), max_queue_size);
+ // adding an item at front should change nothing queue
+ EXPECT_EQ(thread_pool.count(), items_count);
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(ret = thread_pool.addFront(boost::make_shared<CallBack>(call_back)));
+ EXPECT_EQ(thread_pool.count(), items_count);
+/// @brief test ThreadPool get queue statistics.
+TEST_F(ThreadPoolTest, getQueueStat) {
+ ThreadPool<CallBack> thread_pool;
+ EXPECT_THROW(thread_pool.getQueueStat(0), InvalidParameter);
+ EXPECT_THROW(thread_pool.getQueueStat(1), InvalidParameter);
+ EXPECT_THROW(thread_pool.getQueueStat(-10), InvalidParameter);
+ EXPECT_THROW(thread_pool.getQueueStat(10000), InvalidParameter);
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(thread_pool.getQueueStat(10));
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(thread_pool.getQueueStat(100));
+ EXPECT_NO_THROW(thread_pool.getQueueStat(1000));
+} // namespace