path: root/ansible_collections/purestorage/flasharray/CHANGELOG.rst
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authorDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-18 05:52:35 +0000
committerDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-18 05:52:35 +0000
commit7fec0b69a082aaeec72fee0612766aa42f6b1b4d (patch)
treeefb569b86ca4da888717f5433e757145fa322e08 /ansible_collections/purestorage/flasharray/CHANGELOG.rst
parentReleasing progress-linux version 7.7.0+dfsg-3~progress7.99u1. (diff)
Merging upstream version 9.4.0+dfsg.
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <>
Diffstat (limited to 'ansible_collections/purestorage/flasharray/CHANGELOG.rst')
1 files changed, 187 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ansible_collections/purestorage/flasharray/CHANGELOG.rst b/ansible_collections/purestorage/flasharray/CHANGELOG.rst
index 60e168bbd..71991a731 100644
--- a/ansible_collections/purestorage/flasharray/CHANGELOG.rst
+++ b/ansible_collections/purestorage/flasharray/CHANGELOG.rst
@@ -5,6 +5,193 @@ Purestorage.Flasharray Release Notes
.. contents:: Topics
+Release Summary
+| This release changes the minimum supported Purity//FA version.
+| The minimum supported Purity//FA version increases to 6.1.0.
+| All previous versions are classed as EOL by Pure Storage support.
+| This change is to support the full integration to Purity//FA REST v2.x
+Minor Changes
+- purefa_arrayname - Convert to REST v2
+- purefa_eula - Only sign if not previously signed. From REST 2.30 name, title and company are no longer required
+- purefa_info - Add support for controller uptime from Purity//FA 6.6.3
+- purefa_inventory - Convert to REST v2
+- purefa_ntp - Convert to REST v2
+- purefa_offload - Convert to REST v2
+- purefa_pgsnap - Module now requires minimum FlashArray Purity//FA 6.1.0
+- purefa_ra - Add ``present`` and ``absent`` as valid ``state`` options
+- purefa_ra - Add connecting as valid status of RA to perform operations on
+- purefa_ra - Convert to REST v2
+- purefa_syslog - ``name`` becomes a required parameter as module converts to full REST 2 support
+- purefa_vnc - Convert to REST v2
+- purefa_certs - Allow certificates of over 3000 characters to be imported.
+- purefa_info - Resolved issue with KeyError when LACP bonds are in use
+- purefa_inventory - Fix issue with iSCSI-only FlashArrays
+- purefa_pgsnap - Add support for restoring volumes connected to hosts in a host-based protection group and hosts in a hostgroup-based protection group.
+Minor Changes
+- purefa_policy - Add SMB user based enumeration parameter
+- purefa_policy - Remove default setting for nfs_version to allow for change of version at policy level
+- purefa_ds - Fix issue with SDK returning empty data for data directory services even when it does exist
+- purefa_policy - Fix incorrect call of psot instead of patch for NFS policies
+Minor Changes
+- all - ``distro`` package added as a pre-requisite
+- multiple - Remove packaging pre-requisite.
+- multiple - Where only REST 2.x endpoints are used, convert to REST 2.x methodology.
+- purefa_info - Expose NFS security flavor for policies
+- purefa_info - Expose cloud capacity details if array is a Cloud Block Store.
+- purefa_policy - Added NFS security flavors for accessing files in the mount point.
+Minor Changes
+- purefa_dns - Added facility to add a CA certifcate to management DNS and check peer.
+- purefa_snap - Add support for suffix on remote offload snapshots
+- purefa_dns - Fixed attribute error on deletion of management DNS
+- purefa_pgsched - Fixed issue with disabling schedules
+- purefa_pgsnap - Fixed incorrect parameter name
+New Modules
+- purestorage.flasharray.purefa_hardware - Manage FlashArray Hardware Identification
+Minor Changes
+- purefa_info - Add NSID value for NVMe namespace in `hosts` response
+- purefa_info - Subset `pgroups` now also provides a new dict called `deleted_pgroups`
+- purefa_offload - Remove `nfs` as an option when Purity//FA 6.6.0 or higher is detected
+- purefa_cert - Fixed issue where parts of the subject where not included in the CSR if they did not exist in the currently used cert.
+- purefa_pg - Allows a protection group to be correctly created when `target` is specified as well as other objects, such as `volumes` or `hosts`
+Minor Changes
+- purefa_eradication - Added support for disabled and enabled timers from Purity//FA 6.4.10
+- purefa_info - Add array subscription data
+- purefa_info - Added `nfs_version` to policies and rules from Purity//FA 6.4.10
+- purefa_info - Added `total_used` to multiple sections from Purity//FA 6.4.10
+- purefa_info - Prive array timezone from Purity//FA 6.4.10
+- purefa_info - Report NTP Symmetric key presence from Purity//FA 6.4.10
+- purefa_network - Add support for creating/modifying VIF and LACP_BOND interfaces
+- purefa_network - `enabled` option added. This must now be used instead of state=absent to disable a physical interface as state=absent can now fully delete a non-physical interface
+- purefa_ntp - Added support for NTP Symmetric Key from Purity//FA 6.4.10s
+- purefa_pgsched - Change `snap_at` and `replicate_at` to be AM or PM hourly
+- purefa_pgsnap - Add protection group snapshot rename functionality
+- purefa_policy - Added support for multiple NFS versions from Purity//FA 6.4.10
+- purefa_vg - Add rename parameter
+- purefa_ds - Fixes error when enabling directory services while a bind_user is set on the array and a bind_password is not.
+- purefa_ds - Fixes issue with creating a new ds configuration while setting force_bind_password as "false".
+- purefa_host - Fix incorrect calling of "module.params".
+- purefa_info - Added missing alerts subset name
+- purefa_info - Fixed attribute errors after EUC changes
+- purefa_info - Fixed issue with replica links in unknown state
+- purefa_info - Fixed parameter error when enabled and disabled timers are different values on purity 6.4.10+ arrays.
+- purefa_info - Fixed py39 specific bug with multiple DNS entries
+- purefa_network - Allow `gateway` to be set as `` to remove an existing gateway address
+- purefa_network - Fixed IPv6 support issues
+- purefa_network - Fixed idempotency issue when gateway not modified
+- purefa_pgsched - Fixed bug with an unnecessary substitution
+- purefa_pgsnap - Enabled to eradicate destroyed snapshots.
+- purefa_pgsnap - Ensure that `now` and `remote` are mutually exclusive.
+- purefa_snap - Fixed incorrect calling logic causing failure on remote snapshot creation
+- purefa_subnet - Fixed IPv4 gateway removal issue.
+- purefa_subnet - Fixed IPv6 support issues.
+New Modules
+- purestorage.flasharray.purefa_file - Manage FlashArray File Copies
+Minor Changes
+- purefa_info - Add `port_connectivity` information for hosts
+- purefa_info - Add promotion status information for volumes
+- purefa_offload - Added a new profile parameter.
+- purefa_pgsnap - Added new parameter to support snapshot throttling
+- purefa_snap - Added new parameter to support snapshot throttling
+- purefa_certs - Resolved CSR issue and require export_file for state sign.
+- purefa_info - Fix serial number generation issue for vVols
+- purefa_snap - Fixed issue with remote snapshot retrieve. Mainly a workaround to an issue with Purity REST 1.x when remote snapshots are searched.
+- purefa_volume - Fixed bug with NULL suffix for multiple volume creation.
+Minor Changes
+- purefa_info - Added support for autodir policies
+- purefa_policy - Added support for autodir policies
+- purefa_proxy - Add new protocol parameter, defaults to https
+- purefa_pgsched - Resolved idempotency issue with snap and replication enabled flags
+- purefa_pgsnap - Fixed issue with eradicating deleted pgsnapshot
+- purefa_pgsnap - Update the accepted suffixes to include also numbers only. Fixed the logic to retrieve the latest completed snapshot
+- purefa_policy - Set user_mapping parameter default to True