path: root/ansible_collections/community/general/plugins/callback/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ansible_collections/community/general/plugins/callback/')
1 files changed, 287 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ansible_collections/community/general/plugins/callback/ b/ansible_collections/community/general/plugins/callback/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..526975bd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansible_collections/community/general/plugins/callback/
@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (c) Fastly, inc 2016
+# Copyright (c) 2017 Ansible Project
+# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see LICENSES/GPL-3.0-or-later.txt or
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
+from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
+__metaclass__ = type
+ author: Unknown (!UNKNOWN)
+ name: selective
+ type: stdout
+ requirements:
+ - set as main display callback
+ short_description: only print certain tasks
+ description:
+ - This callback only prints tasks that have been tagged with C(print_action) or that have failed.
+ This allows operators to focus on the tasks that provide value only.
+ - Tasks that are not printed are placed with a C(.).
+ - If you increase verbosity all tasks are printed.
+ options:
+ nocolor:
+ default: false
+ description: This setting allows suppressing colorizing output.
+ env:
+ ini:
+ - section: defaults
+ key: nocolor
+ type: boolean
+ - ansible.builtin.debug: msg="This will not be printed"
+ - ansible.builtin.debug: msg="But this will"
+ tags: [print_action]
+import difflib
+from ansible import constants as C
+from ansible.plugins.callback import CallbackBase
+from ansible.module_utils.common.text.converters import to_text
+ codeCodes = C.COLOR_CODES
+except AttributeError:
+ # This constant was moved to ansible.constants in
+ #
+ # (will be included in ansible-core 2.11.0). For older Ansible/ansible-base versions,
+ # we include from the original location.
+ from ansible.utils.color import codeCodes
+ 'normal': '\033[0m',
+ 'ok': '\033[{0}m'.format(codeCodes[C.COLOR_OK]),
+ 'bold': '\033[1m',
+ 'not_so_bold': '\033[1m\033[34m',
+ 'changed': '\033[{0}m'.format(codeCodes[C.COLOR_CHANGED]),
+ 'failed': '\033[{0}m'.format(codeCodes[C.COLOR_ERROR]),
+ 'endc': '\033[0m',
+ 'skipped': '\033[{0}m'.format(codeCodes[C.COLOR_SKIP]),
+def dict_diff(prv, nxt):
+ """Return a dict of keys that differ with another config object."""
+ keys = set(list(prv.keys()) + list(nxt.keys()))
+ result = {}
+ for k in keys:
+ if prv.get(k) != nxt.get(k):
+ result[k] = (prv.get(k), nxt.get(k))
+ return result
+def colorize(msg, color):
+ """Given a string add necessary codes to format the string."""
+ return msg
+ else:
+ return '{0}{1}{2}'.format(COLORS[color], msg, COLORS['endc'])
+class CallbackModule(CallbackBase):
+ """ callback plugin."""
+ CALLBACK_TYPE = 'stdout'
+ CALLBACK_NAME = 'community.general.selective'
+ def __init__(self, display=None):
+ """ callback plugin."""
+ super(CallbackModule, self).__init__(display)
+ self.last_skipped = False
+ self.last_task_name = None
+ self.printed_last_task = False
+ def set_options(self, task_keys=None, var_options=None, direct=None):
+ super(CallbackModule, self).set_options(task_keys=task_keys, var_options=var_options, direct=direct)
+ DONT_COLORIZE = self.get_option('nocolor')
+ def _print_task(self, task_name=None):
+ if task_name is None:
+ task_name = self.last_task_name
+ if not self.printed_last_task:
+ self.printed_last_task = True
+ line_length = 120
+ if self.last_skipped:
+ print()
+ msg = colorize("# {0} {1}".format(task_name,
+ '*' * (line_length - len(task_name))), 'bold')
+ print(msg)
+ def _indent_text(self, text, indent_level):
+ lines = text.splitlines()
+ result_lines = []
+ for l in lines:
+ result_lines.append("{0}{1}".format(' ' * indent_level, l))
+ return '\n'.join(result_lines)
+ def _print_diff(self, diff, indent_level):
+ if isinstance(diff, dict):
+ try:
+ diff = '\n'.join(difflib.unified_diff(diff['before'].splitlines(),
+ diff['after'].splitlines(),
+ fromfile=diff.get('before_header',
+ 'new_file'),
+ tofile=diff['after_header']))
+ except AttributeError:
+ diff = dict_diff(diff['before'], diff['after'])
+ if diff:
+ diff = colorize(str(diff), 'changed')
+ print(self._indent_text(diff, indent_level + 4))
+ def _print_host_or_item(self, host_or_item, changed, msg, diff, is_host, error, stdout, stderr):
+ if is_host:
+ indent_level = 0
+ name = colorize(, 'not_so_bold')
+ else:
+ indent_level = 4
+ if isinstance(host_or_item, dict):
+ if 'key' in host_or_item.keys():
+ host_or_item = host_or_item['key']
+ name = colorize(to_text(host_or_item), 'bold')
+ if error:
+ color = 'failed'
+ change_string = colorize('FAILED!!!', color)
+ else:
+ color = 'changed' if changed else 'ok'
+ change_string = colorize("changed={0}".format(changed), color)
+ msg = colorize(msg, color)
+ line_length = 120
+ spaces = ' ' * (40 - len(name) - indent_level)
+ line = "{0} * {1}{2}- {3}".format(' ' * indent_level, name, spaces, change_string)
+ if len(msg) < 50:
+ line += ' -- {0}'.format(msg)
+ print("{0} {1}---------".format(line, '-' * (line_length - len(line))))
+ else:
+ print("{0} {1}".format(line, '-' * (line_length - len(line))))
+ print(self._indent_text(msg, indent_level + 4))
+ if diff:
+ self._print_diff(diff, indent_level)
+ if stdout:
+ stdout = colorize(stdout, 'failed')
+ print(self._indent_text(stdout, indent_level + 4))
+ if stderr:
+ stderr = colorize(stderr, 'failed')
+ print(self._indent_text(stderr, indent_level + 4))
+ def v2_playbook_on_play_start(self, play):
+ """Run on start of the play."""
+ pass
+ def v2_playbook_on_task_start(self, task, **kwargs):
+ """Run when a task starts."""
+ self.last_task_name = task.get_name()
+ self.printed_last_task = False
+ def _print_task_result(self, result, error=False, **kwargs):
+ """Run when a task finishes correctly."""
+ if 'print_action' in result._task.tags or error or self._display.verbosity > 1:
+ self._print_task()
+ self.last_skipped = False
+ msg = to_text(result._result.get('msg', '')) or\
+ to_text(result._result.get('reason', ''))
+ stderr = [result._result.get('exception', None),
+ result._result.get('module_stderr', None)]
+ stderr = "\n".join([e for e in stderr if e]).strip()
+ self._print_host_or_item(result._host,
+ result._result.get('changed', False),
+ msg,
+ result._result.get('diff', None),
+ is_host=True,
+ error=error,
+ stdout=result._result.get('module_stdout', None),
+ stderr=stderr.strip(),
+ )
+ if 'results' in result._result:
+ for r in result._result['results']:
+ failed = 'failed' in r and r['failed']
+ stderr = [r.get('exception', None), r.get('module_stderr', None)]
+ stderr = "\n".join([e for e in stderr if e]).strip()
+ self._print_host_or_item(r['item'],
+ r.get('changed', False),
+ to_text(r.get('msg', '')),
+ r.get('diff', None),
+ is_host=False,
+ error=failed,
+ stdout=r.get('module_stdout', None),
+ stderr=stderr.strip(),
+ )
+ else:
+ self.last_skipped = True
+ print('.', end="")
+ def v2_playbook_on_stats(self, stats):
+ """Display info about playbook statistics."""
+ print()
+ self.printed_last_task = False
+ self._print_task('STATS')
+ hosts = sorted(stats.processed.keys())
+ for host in hosts:
+ s = stats.summarize(host)
+ if s['failures'] or s['unreachable']:
+ color = 'failed'
+ elif s['changed']:
+ color = 'changed'
+ else:
+ color = 'ok'
+ msg = '{0} : ok={1}\tchanged={2}\tfailed={3}\tunreachable={4}\trescued={5}\tignored={6}'.format(
+ host, s['ok'], s['changed'], s['failures'], s['unreachable'], s['rescued'], s['ignored'])
+ print(colorize(msg, color))
+ def v2_runner_on_skipped(self, result, **kwargs):
+ """Run when a task is skipped."""
+ if self._display.verbosity > 1:
+ self._print_task()
+ self.last_skipped = False
+ line_length = 120
+ spaces = ' ' * (31 - len( - 4)
+ line = " * {0}{1}- {2}".format(colorize(, 'not_so_bold'),
+ spaces,
+ colorize("skipped", 'skipped'),)
+ reason = result._result.get('skipped_reason', '') or \
+ result._result.get('skip_reason', '')
+ if len(reason) < 50:
+ line += ' -- {0}'.format(reason)
+ print("{0} {1}---------".format(line, '-' * (line_length - len(line))))
+ else:
+ print("{0} {1}".format(line, '-' * (line_length - len(line))))
+ print(self._indent_text(reason, 8))
+ print(reason)
+ def v2_runner_on_ok(self, result, **kwargs):
+ self._print_task_result(result, error=False, **kwargs)
+ def v2_runner_on_failed(self, result, **kwargs):
+ self._print_task_result(result, error=True, **kwargs)
+ def v2_runner_on_unreachable(self, result, **kwargs):
+ self._print_task_result(result, error=True, **kwargs)
+ v2_playbook_on_handler_task_start = v2_playbook_on_task_start