path: root/ansible_collections/community/general/plugins/modules/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ansible_collections/community/general/plugins/modules/')
1 files changed, 691 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ansible_collections/community/general/plugins/modules/ b/ansible_collections/community/general/plugins/modules/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..404e7a393
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansible_collections/community/general/plugins/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,691 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright Ansible Project
+# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see LICENSES/GPL-3.0-or-later.txt or
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
+from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
+__metaclass__ = type
+module: linode
+short_description: Manage instances on the Linode Public Cloud
+ - Manage Linode Public Cloud instances and optionally wait for it to be 'running'.
+ - community.general.attributes
+ check_mode:
+ support: none
+ diff_mode:
+ support: none
+ state:
+ description:
+ - Indicate desired state of the resource
+ choices: [ absent, active, deleted, present, restarted, started, stopped ]
+ default: present
+ type: str
+ api_key:
+ description:
+ - Linode API key.
+ - C(LINODE_API_KEY) env variable can be used instead.
+ type: str
+ required: true
+ name:
+ description:
+ - Name to give the instance (alphanumeric, dashes, underscore).
+ - To keep sanity on the Linode Web Console, name is prepended with C(LinodeID-).
+ required: true
+ type: str
+ displaygroup:
+ description:
+ - Add the instance to a Display Group in Linode Manager.
+ type: str
+ default: ''
+ linode_id:
+ description:
+ - Unique ID of a linode server. This value is read-only in the sense that
+ if you specify it on creation of a Linode it will not be used. The
+ Linode API generates these IDs and we can those generated value here to
+ reference a Linode more specifically. This is useful for idempotence.
+ aliases: [ lid ]
+ type: int
+ additional_disks:
+ description:
+ - List of dictionaries for creating additional disks that are added to the Linode configuration settings.
+ - Dictionary takes Size, Label, Type. Size is in MB.
+ type: list
+ elements: dict
+ alert_bwin_enabled:
+ description:
+ - Set status of bandwidth in alerts.
+ type: bool
+ alert_bwin_threshold:
+ description:
+ - Set threshold in MB of bandwidth in alerts.
+ type: int
+ alert_bwout_enabled:
+ description:
+ - Set status of bandwidth out alerts.
+ type: bool
+ alert_bwout_threshold:
+ description:
+ - Set threshold in MB of bandwidth out alerts.
+ type: int
+ alert_bwquota_enabled:
+ description:
+ - Set status of bandwidth quota alerts as percentage of network transfer quota.
+ type: bool
+ alert_bwquota_threshold:
+ description:
+ - Set threshold in MB of bandwidth quota alerts.
+ type: int
+ alert_cpu_enabled:
+ description:
+ - Set status of receiving CPU usage alerts.
+ type: bool
+ alert_cpu_threshold:
+ description:
+ - Set percentage threshold for receiving CPU usage alerts. Each CPU core adds 100% to total.
+ type: int
+ alert_diskio_enabled:
+ description:
+ - Set status of receiving disk IO alerts.
+ type: bool
+ alert_diskio_threshold:
+ description:
+ - Set threshold for average IO ops/sec over 2 hour period.
+ type: int
+ backupweeklyday:
+ description:
+ - Day of the week to take backups.
+ type: int
+ backupwindow:
+ description:
+ - The time window in which backups will be taken.
+ type: int
+ plan:
+ description:
+ - plan to use for the instance (Linode plan)
+ type: int
+ payment_term:
+ description:
+ - payment term to use for the instance (payment term in months)
+ default: 1
+ choices: [ 1, 12, 24 ]
+ type: int
+ password:
+ description:
+ - root password to apply to a new server (auto generated if missing)
+ type: str
+ private_ip:
+ description:
+ - Add private IPv4 address when Linode is created.
+ - Default is C(false).
+ type: bool
+ ssh_pub_key:
+ description:
+ - SSH public key applied to root user
+ type: str
+ swap:
+ description:
+ - swap size in MB
+ default: 512
+ type: int
+ distribution:
+ description:
+ - distribution to use for the instance (Linode Distribution)
+ type: int
+ datacenter:
+ description:
+ - datacenter to create an instance in (Linode Datacenter)
+ type: int
+ kernel_id:
+ description:
+ - kernel to use for the instance (Linode Kernel)
+ type: int
+ wait:
+ description:
+ - wait for the instance to be in state C(running) before returning
+ type: bool
+ default: true
+ wait_timeout:
+ description:
+ - how long before wait gives up, in seconds
+ default: 300
+ type: int
+ watchdog:
+ description:
+ - Set status of Lassie watchdog.
+ type: bool
+ default: true
+ - python >= 2.6
+ - linode-python
+- Vincent Viallet (@zbal)
+ - Please note, linode-python does not have python 3 support.
+ - This module uses the now deprecated v3 of the Linode API.
+ - Please review U( for determining the required parameters.
+- name: Create a new Linode
+ community.general.linode:
+ name: linode-test1
+ plan: 1
+ datacenter: 7
+ distribution: 129
+ state: present
+ register: linode_creation
+- name: Create a server with a private IP Address
+ community.general.linode:
+ module: linode
+ api_key: 'longStringFromLinodeApi'
+ name: linode-test1
+ plan: 1
+ datacenter: 2
+ distribution: 99
+ password: 'superSecureRootPassword'
+ private_ip: true
+ ssh_pub_key: 'ssh-rsa qwerty'
+ swap: 768
+ wait: true
+ wait_timeout: 600
+ state: present
+ delegate_to: localhost
+ register: linode_creation
+- name: Fully configure new server
+ community.general.linode:
+ api_key: 'longStringFromLinodeApi'
+ name: linode-test1
+ plan: 4
+ datacenter: 2
+ distribution: 99
+ kernel_id: 138
+ password: 'superSecureRootPassword'
+ private_ip: true
+ ssh_pub_key: 'ssh-rsa qwerty'
+ swap: 768
+ wait: true
+ wait_timeout: 600
+ state: present
+ alert_bwquota_enabled: true
+ alert_bwquota_threshold: 80
+ alert_bwin_enabled: true
+ alert_bwin_threshold: 10
+ alert_cpu_enabled: true
+ alert_cpu_threshold: 210
+ alert_bwout_enabled: true
+ alert_bwout_threshold: 10
+ alert_diskio_enabled: true
+ alert_diskio_threshold: 10000
+ backupweeklyday: 1
+ backupwindow: 2
+ displaygroup: 'test'
+ additional_disks:
+ - {Label: 'disk1', Size: 2500, Type: 'raw'}
+ - {Label: 'newdisk', Size: 2000}
+ watchdog: true
+ delegate_to: localhost
+ register: linode_creation
+- name: Ensure a running server (create if missing)
+ community.general.linode:
+ api_key: 'longStringFromLinodeApi'
+ name: linode-test1
+ plan: 1
+ datacenter: 2
+ distribution: 99
+ password: 'superSecureRootPassword'
+ ssh_pub_key: 'ssh-rsa qwerty'
+ swap: 768
+ wait: true
+ wait_timeout: 600
+ state: present
+ delegate_to: localhost
+ register: linode_creation
+- name: Delete a server
+ community.general.linode:
+ api_key: 'longStringFromLinodeApi'
+ name: linode-test1
+ linode_id: "{{ }}"
+ state: absent
+ delegate_to: localhost
+- name: Stop a server
+ community.general.linode:
+ api_key: 'longStringFromLinodeApi'
+ name: linode-test1
+ linode_id: "{{ }}"
+ state: stopped
+ delegate_to: localhost
+- name: Reboot a server
+ community.general.linode:
+ api_key: 'longStringFromLinodeApi'
+ name: linode-test1
+ linode_id: "{{ }}"
+ state: restarted
+ delegate_to: localhost
+import time
+import traceback
+ from linode import api as linode_api
+except ImportError:
+ LINODE_IMP_ERR = traceback.format_exc()
+ HAS_LINODE = False
+from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule, missing_required_lib, env_fallback
+def randompass():
+ '''
+ Generate a long random password that comply to Linode requirements
+ '''
+ # Linode API currently requires the following:
+ # It must contain at least two of these four character classes:
+ # lower case letters - upper case letters - numbers - punctuation
+ # we play it safe :)
+ import random
+ import string
+ # as of python 2.4, this reseeds the PRNG from urandom
+ random.seed()
+ lower = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase) for x in range(6))
+ upper = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase) for x in range(6))
+ number = ''.join(random.choice(string.digits) for x in range(6))
+ punct = ''.join(random.choice(string.punctuation) for x in range(6))
+ p = lower + upper + number + punct
+ return ''.join(random.sample(p, len(p)))
+def getInstanceDetails(api, server):
+ '''
+ Return the details of an instance, populating IPs, etc.
+ '''
+ instance = {'id': server['LINODEID'],
+ 'name': server['LABEL'],
+ 'public': [],
+ 'private': []}
+ # Populate with ips
+ for ip in api.linode_ip_list(LinodeId=server['LINODEID']):
+ if ip['ISPUBLIC'] and 'ipv4' not in instance:
+ instance['ipv4'] = ip['IPADDRESS']
+ instance['fqdn'] = ip['RDNS_NAME']
+ if ip['ISPUBLIC']:
+ instance['public'].append({'ipv4': ip['IPADDRESS'],
+ 'fqdn': ip['RDNS_NAME'],
+ 'ip_id': ip['IPADDRESSID']})
+ else:
+ instance['private'].append({'ipv4': ip['IPADDRESS'],
+ 'fqdn': ip['RDNS_NAME'],
+ 'ip_id': ip['IPADDRESSID']})
+ return instance
+def linodeServers(module, api, state, name,
+ displaygroup, plan, additional_disks, distribution,
+ datacenter, kernel_id, linode_id, payment_term, password,
+ private_ip, ssh_pub_key, swap, wait, wait_timeout, watchdog, **kwargs):
+ instances = []
+ changed = False
+ new_server = False
+ servers = []
+ disks = []
+ configs = []
+ jobs = []
+ # See if we can match an existing server details with the provided linode_id
+ if linode_id:
+ # For the moment we only consider linode_id as criteria for match
+ # Later we can use more (size, name, etc.) and update existing
+ servers = api.linode_list(LinodeId=linode_id)
+ # Attempt to fetch details about disks and configs only if servers are
+ # found with linode_id
+ if servers:
+ disks = api.linode_disk_list(LinodeId=linode_id)
+ configs = api.linode_config_list(LinodeId=linode_id)
+ # Act on the state
+ if state in ('active', 'present', 'started'):
+ # TODO: validate all the plan / distribution / datacenter are valid
+ # Multi step process/validation:
+ # - need linode_id (entity)
+ # - need disk_id for linode_id - create disk from distrib
+ # - need config_id for linode_id - create config (need kernel)
+ # Any create step triggers a job that need to be waited for.
+ if not servers:
+ for arg in (name, plan, distribution, datacenter):
+ if not arg:
+ module.fail_json(msg='%s is required for %s state' % (arg, state))
+ # Create linode entity
+ new_server = True
+ # Get size of all individually listed disks to subtract from Distribution disk
+ used_disk_space = 0 if additional_disks is None else sum(disk['Size'] for disk in additional_disks)
+ try:
+ res = api.linode_create(DatacenterID=datacenter, PlanID=plan,
+ PaymentTerm=payment_term)
+ linode_id = res['LinodeID']
+ # Update linode Label to match name
+ api.linode_update(LinodeId=linode_id, Label='%s-%s' % (linode_id, name))
+ # Update Linode with Ansible configuration options
+ api.linode_update(LinodeId=linode_id, LPM_DISPLAYGROUP=displaygroup, WATCHDOG=watchdog, **kwargs)
+ # Save server
+ servers = api.linode_list(LinodeId=linode_id)
+ except Exception as e:
+ module.fail_json(msg='%s' % e.value[0]['ERRORMESSAGE'])
+ # Add private IP to Linode
+ if private_ip:
+ try:
+ res = api.linode_ip_addprivate(LinodeID=linode_id)
+ except Exception as e:
+ module.fail_json(msg='%s' % e.value[0]['ERRORMESSAGE'], exception=traceback.format_exc())
+ if not disks:
+ for arg in (name, linode_id, distribution):
+ if not arg:
+ module.fail_json(msg='%s is required for %s state' % (arg, state))
+ # Create disks (1 from distrib, 1 for SWAP)
+ new_server = True
+ try:
+ if not password:
+ # Password is required on creation, if not provided generate one
+ password = randompass()
+ if not swap:
+ swap = 512
+ # Create data disk
+ size = servers[0]['TOTALHD'] - used_disk_space - swap
+ if ssh_pub_key:
+ res = api.linode_disk_createfromdistribution(
+ LinodeId=linode_id, DistributionID=distribution,
+ rootPass=password, rootSSHKey=ssh_pub_key,
+ Label='%s data disk (lid: %s)' % (name, linode_id),
+ Size=size)
+ else:
+ res = api.linode_disk_createfromdistribution(
+ LinodeId=linode_id, DistributionID=distribution,
+ rootPass=password,
+ Label='%s data disk (lid: %s)' % (name, linode_id),
+ Size=size)
+ jobs.append(res['JobID'])
+ # Create SWAP disk
+ res = api.linode_disk_create(LinodeId=linode_id, Type='swap',
+ Label='%s swap disk (lid: %s)' % (name, linode_id),
+ Size=swap)
+ # Create individually listed disks at specified size
+ if additional_disks:
+ for disk in additional_disks:
+ # If a disk Type is not passed in, default to ext4
+ if disk.get('Type') is None:
+ disk['Type'] = 'ext4'
+ res = api.linode_disk_create(LinodeID=linode_id, Label=disk['Label'], Size=disk['Size'], Type=disk['Type'])
+ jobs.append(res['JobID'])
+ except Exception as e:
+ # TODO: destroy linode ?
+ module.fail_json(msg='%s' % e.value[0]['ERRORMESSAGE'], exception=traceback.format_exc())
+ if not configs:
+ for arg in (name, linode_id, distribution):
+ if not arg:
+ module.fail_json(msg='%s is required for %s state' % (arg, state))
+ # Check architecture
+ for distrib in api.avail_distributions():
+ if distrib['DISTRIBUTIONID'] != distribution:
+ continue
+ arch = '32'
+ if distrib['IS64BIT']:
+ arch = '64'
+ break
+ # Get latest kernel matching arch if kernel_id is not specified
+ if not kernel_id:
+ for kernel in api.avail_kernels():
+ if not kernel['LABEL'].startswith('Latest %s' % arch):
+ continue
+ kernel_id = kernel['KERNELID']
+ break
+ # Get disk list
+ disks_id = []
+ for disk in api.linode_disk_list(LinodeId=linode_id):
+ if disk['TYPE'] == 'ext3':
+ disks_id.insert(0, str(disk['DISKID']))
+ continue
+ disks_id.append(str(disk['DISKID']))
+ # Trick to get the 9 items in the list
+ while len(disks_id) < 9:
+ disks_id.append('')
+ disks_list = ','.join(disks_id)
+ # Create config
+ new_server = True
+ try:
+ api.linode_config_create(LinodeId=linode_id, KernelId=kernel_id,
+ Disklist=disks_list, Label='%s config' % name)
+ configs = api.linode_config_list(LinodeId=linode_id)
+ except Exception as e:
+ module.fail_json(msg='%s' % e.value[0]['ERRORMESSAGE'], exception=traceback.format_exc())
+ # Start / Ensure servers are running
+ for server in servers:
+ # Refresh server state
+ server = api.linode_list(LinodeId=server['LINODEID'])[0]
+ # Ensure existing servers are up and running, boot if necessary
+ if server['STATUS'] != 1:
+ res = api.linode_boot(LinodeId=linode_id)
+ jobs.append(res['JobID'])
+ changed = True
+ # wait here until the instances are up
+ wait_timeout = time.time() + wait_timeout
+ while wait and wait_timeout > time.time():
+ # refresh the server details
+ server = api.linode_list(LinodeId=server['LINODEID'])[0]
+ # status:
+ # -2: Boot failed
+ # 1: Running
+ if server['STATUS'] in (-2, 1):
+ break
+ time.sleep(5)
+ if wait and wait_timeout <= time.time():
+ # waiting took too long
+ module.fail_json(msg='Timeout waiting on %s (lid: %s)' % (server['LABEL'], server['LINODEID']))
+ # Get a fresh copy of the server details
+ server = api.linode_list(LinodeId=server['LINODEID'])[0]
+ if server['STATUS'] == -2:
+ module.fail_json(msg='%s (lid: %s) failed to boot' %
+ (server['LABEL'], server['LINODEID']))
+ # From now on we know the task is a success
+ # Build instance report
+ instance = getInstanceDetails(api, server)
+ # depending on wait flag select the status
+ if wait:
+ instance['status'] = 'Running'
+ else:
+ instance['status'] = 'Starting'
+ # Return the root password if this is a new box and no SSH key
+ # has been provided
+ if new_server and not ssh_pub_key:
+ instance['password'] = password
+ instances.append(instance)
+ elif state in ('stopped',):
+ if not servers:
+ module.fail_json(msg='Server (lid: %s) not found' % (linode_id))
+ for server in servers:
+ instance = getInstanceDetails(api, server)
+ if server['STATUS'] != 2:
+ try:
+ res = api.linode_shutdown(LinodeId=linode_id)
+ except Exception as e:
+ module.fail_json(msg='%s' % e.value[0]['ERRORMESSAGE'], exception=traceback.format_exc())
+ instance['status'] = 'Stopping'
+ changed = True
+ else:
+ instance['status'] = 'Stopped'
+ instances.append(instance)
+ elif state in ('restarted',):
+ if not servers:
+ module.fail_json(msg='Server (lid: %s) not found' % (linode_id))
+ for server in servers:
+ instance = getInstanceDetails(api, server)
+ try:
+ res = api.linode_reboot(LinodeId=server['LINODEID'])
+ except Exception as e:
+ module.fail_json(msg='%s' % e.value[0]['ERRORMESSAGE'], exception=traceback.format_exc())
+ instance['status'] = 'Restarting'
+ changed = True
+ instances.append(instance)
+ elif state in ('absent', 'deleted'):
+ for server in servers:
+ instance = getInstanceDetails(api, server)
+ try:
+ api.linode_delete(LinodeId=server['LINODEID'], skipChecks=True)
+ except Exception as e:
+ module.fail_json(msg='%s' % e.value[0]['ERRORMESSAGE'], exception=traceback.format_exc())
+ instance['status'] = 'Deleting'
+ changed = True
+ instances.append(instance)
+ # Ease parsing if only 1 instance
+ if len(instances) == 1:
+ module.exit_json(changed=changed, instance=instances[0])
+ module.exit_json(changed=changed, instances=instances)
+def main():
+ module = AnsibleModule(
+ argument_spec=dict(
+ state=dict(type='str', default='present',
+ choices=['absent', 'active', 'deleted', 'present', 'restarted', 'started', 'stopped']),
+ api_key=dict(type='str', no_log=True, required=True, fallback=(env_fallback, ['LINODE_API_KEY'])),
+ name=dict(type='str', required=True),
+ alert_bwin_enabled=dict(type='bool'),
+ alert_bwin_threshold=dict(type='int'),
+ alert_bwout_enabled=dict(type='bool'),
+ alert_bwout_threshold=dict(type='int'),
+ alert_bwquota_enabled=dict(type='bool'),
+ alert_bwquota_threshold=dict(type='int'),
+ alert_cpu_enabled=dict(type='bool'),
+ alert_cpu_threshold=dict(type='int'),
+ alert_diskio_enabled=dict(type='bool'),
+ alert_diskio_threshold=dict(type='int'),
+ backupweeklyday=dict(type='int'),
+ backupwindow=dict(type='int'),
+ displaygroup=dict(type='str', default=''),
+ plan=dict(type='int'),
+ additional_disks=dict(type='list', elements='dict'),
+ distribution=dict(type='int'),
+ datacenter=dict(type='int'),
+ kernel_id=dict(type='int'),
+ linode_id=dict(type='int', aliases=['lid']),
+ payment_term=dict(type='int', default=1, choices=[1, 12, 24]),
+ password=dict(type='str', no_log=True),
+ private_ip=dict(type='bool'),
+ ssh_pub_key=dict(type='str'),
+ swap=dict(type='int', default=512),
+ wait=dict(type='bool', default=True),
+ wait_timeout=dict(type='int', default=300),
+ watchdog=dict(type='bool', default=True),
+ ),
+ required_if=[
+ ('state', 'restarted', ['linode_id']),
+ ('state', 'stopped', ['linode_id']),
+ ]
+ )
+ if not HAS_LINODE:
+ module.fail_json(msg=missing_required_lib('linode-python'), exception=LINODE_IMP_ERR)
+ state = module.params.get('state')
+ api_key = module.params.get('api_key')
+ name = module.params.get('name')
+ alert_bwin_enabled = module.params.get('alert_bwin_enabled')
+ alert_bwin_threshold = module.params.get('alert_bwin_threshold')
+ alert_bwout_enabled = module.params.get('alert_bwout_enabled')
+ alert_bwout_threshold = module.params.get('alert_bwout_threshold')
+ alert_bwquota_enabled = module.params.get('alert_bwquota_enabled')
+ alert_bwquota_threshold = module.params.get('alert_bwquota_threshold')
+ alert_cpu_enabled = module.params.get('alert_cpu_enabled')
+ alert_cpu_threshold = module.params.get('alert_cpu_threshold')
+ alert_diskio_enabled = module.params.get('alert_diskio_enabled')
+ alert_diskio_threshold = module.params.get('alert_diskio_threshold')
+ backupweeklyday = module.params.get('backupweeklyday')
+ backupwindow = module.params.get('backupwindow')
+ displaygroup = module.params.get('displaygroup')
+ plan = module.params.get('plan')
+ additional_disks = module.params.get('additional_disks')
+ distribution = module.params.get('distribution')
+ datacenter = module.params.get('datacenter')
+ kernel_id = module.params.get('kernel_id')
+ linode_id = module.params.get('linode_id')
+ payment_term = module.params.get('payment_term')
+ password = module.params.get('password')
+ private_ip = module.params.get('private_ip')
+ ssh_pub_key = module.params.get('ssh_pub_key')
+ swap = module.params.get('swap')
+ wait = module.params.get('wait')
+ wait_timeout = module.params.get('wait_timeout')
+ watchdog = int(module.params.get('watchdog'))
+ check_items = dict(
+ alert_bwin_enabled=alert_bwin_enabled,
+ alert_bwin_threshold=alert_bwin_threshold,
+ alert_bwout_enabled=alert_bwout_enabled,
+ alert_bwout_threshold=alert_bwout_threshold,
+ alert_bwquota_enabled=alert_bwquota_enabled,
+ alert_bwquota_threshold=alert_bwquota_threshold,
+ alert_cpu_enabled=alert_cpu_enabled,
+ alert_cpu_threshold=alert_cpu_threshold,
+ alert_diskio_enabled=alert_diskio_enabled,
+ alert_diskio_threshold=alert_diskio_threshold,
+ backupweeklyday=backupweeklyday,
+ backupwindow=backupwindow,
+ )
+ kwargs = dict((k, v) for k, v in check_items.items() if v is not None)
+ # setup the auth
+ try:
+ api = linode_api.Api(api_key)
+ api.test_echo()
+ except Exception as e:
+ module.fail_json(msg='%s' % e.value[0]['ERRORMESSAGE'], exception=traceback.format_exc())
+ linodeServers(module, api, state, name,
+ displaygroup, plan,
+ additional_disks, distribution, datacenter, kernel_id, linode_id,
+ payment_term, password, private_ip, ssh_pub_key, swap, wait,
+ wait_timeout, watchdog, **kwargs)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()