path: root/src/cargo/util/toml/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/cargo/util/toml/')
1 files changed, 969 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/cargo/util/toml/ b/src/cargo/util/toml/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a7e30c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cargo/util/toml/
@@ -0,0 +1,969 @@
+//! This module implements Cargo conventions for directory layout:
+//! * `src/` is a library
+//! * `src/` is a binary
+//! * `src/bin/*.rs` are binaries
+//! * `examples/*.rs` are examples
+//! * `tests/*.rs` are integration tests
+//! * `benches/*.rs` are benchmarks
+//! It is a bit tricky because we need match explicit information from `Cargo.toml`
+//! with implicit info in directory layout.
+use std::collections::HashSet;
+use std::fs::{self, DirEntry};
+use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
+use super::{
+ PathValue, StringOrBool, StringOrVec, TomlBenchTarget, TomlBinTarget, TomlExampleTarget,
+ TomlLibTarget, TomlManifest, TomlTarget, TomlTestTarget,
+use crate::core::compiler::rustdoc::RustdocScrapeExamples;
+use crate::core::compiler::CrateType;
+use crate::core::{Edition, Feature, Features, Target};
+use crate::util::errors::CargoResult;
+use crate::util::restricted_names;
+use anyhow::Context as _;
+const DEFAULT_TEST_DIR_NAME: &'static str = "tests";
+const DEFAULT_BENCH_DIR_NAME: &'static str = "benches";
+const DEFAULT_EXAMPLE_DIR_NAME: &'static str = "examples";
+const DEFAULT_BIN_DIR_NAME: &'static str = "bin";
+pub fn targets(
+ features: &Features,
+ manifest: &TomlManifest,
+ package_name: &str,
+ package_root: &Path,
+ edition: Edition,
+ custom_build: &Option<StringOrBool>,
+ metabuild: &Option<StringOrVec>,
+ warnings: &mut Vec<String>,
+ errors: &mut Vec<String>,
+) -> CargoResult<Vec<Target>> {
+ let mut targets = Vec::new();
+ let has_lib;
+ if let Some(target) = clean_lib(
+ manifest.lib.as_ref(),
+ package_root,
+ package_name,
+ edition,
+ warnings,
+ )? {
+ targets.push(target);
+ has_lib = true;
+ } else {
+ has_lib = false;
+ }
+ let package = manifest
+ .package
+ .as_ref()
+ .or_else(|| manifest.project.as_ref())
+ .ok_or_else(|| anyhow::format_err!("manifest has no `package` (or `project`)"))?;
+ targets.extend(clean_bins(
+ features,
+ manifest.bin.as_ref(),
+ package_root,
+ package_name,
+ edition,
+ package.autobins,
+ warnings,
+ errors,
+ has_lib,
+ )?);
+ targets.extend(clean_examples(
+ manifest.example.as_ref(),
+ package_root,
+ edition,
+ package.autoexamples,
+ warnings,
+ errors,
+ )?);
+ targets.extend(clean_tests(
+ manifest.test.as_ref(),
+ package_root,
+ edition,
+ package.autotests,
+ warnings,
+ errors,
+ )?);
+ targets.extend(clean_benches(
+ manifest.bench.as_ref(),
+ package_root,
+ edition,
+ package.autobenches,
+ warnings,
+ errors,
+ )?);
+ // processing the custom build script
+ if let Some(custom_build) = manifest.maybe_custom_build(custom_build, package_root) {
+ if metabuild.is_some() {
+ anyhow::bail!("cannot specify both `metabuild` and `build`");
+ }
+ let name = format!(
+ "build-script-{}",
+ custom_build
+ .file_stem()
+ .and_then(|s| s.to_str())
+ .unwrap_or("")
+ );
+ targets.push(Target::custom_build_target(
+ &name,
+ package_root.join(custom_build),
+ edition,
+ ));
+ }
+ if let Some(metabuild) = metabuild {
+ // Verify names match available build deps.
+ let bdeps = manifest.build_dependencies.as_ref();
+ for name in &metabuild.0 {
+ if !bdeps.map_or(false, |bd| bd.contains_key(name)) {
+ anyhow::bail!(
+ "metabuild package `{}` must be specified in `build-dependencies`",
+ name
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ targets.push(Target::metabuild_target(&format!(
+ "metabuild-{}",
+ )));
+ }
+ Ok(targets)
+fn clean_lib(
+ toml_lib: Option<&TomlLibTarget>,
+ package_root: &Path,
+ package_name: &str,
+ edition: Edition,
+ warnings: &mut Vec<String>,
+) -> CargoResult<Option<Target>> {
+ let inferred = inferred_lib(package_root);
+ let lib = match toml_lib {
+ Some(lib) => {
+ if let Some(ref name) = {
+ // XXX: other code paths dodge this validation
+ if name.contains('-') {
+ anyhow::bail!("library target names cannot contain hyphens: {}", name)
+ }
+ }
+ Some(TomlTarget {
+ name:|| Some(package_name.to_owned())),
+ ..lib.clone()
+ })
+ }
+ None => inferred.as_ref().map(|lib| TomlTarget {
+ name: Some(package_name.to_string()),
+ path: Some(PathValue(lib.clone())),
+ ..TomlTarget::new()
+ }),
+ };
+ let lib = match lib {
+ Some(ref lib) => lib,
+ None => return Ok(None),
+ };
+ lib.validate_proc_macro(warnings);
+ lib.validate_crate_types("library", warnings);
+ validate_target_name(lib, "library", "lib", warnings)?;
+ let path = match (lib.path.as_ref(), inferred) {
+ (Some(path), _) => package_root.join(&path.0),
+ (None, Some(path)) => path,
+ (None, None) => {
+ let legacy_path = package_root.join("src").join(format!("{}.rs",;
+ if edition == Edition::Edition2015 && legacy_path.exists() {
+ warnings.push(format!(
+ "path `{}` was erroneously implicitly accepted for library `{}`,\n\
+ please rename the file to `src/` or set lib.path in Cargo.toml",
+ legacy_path.display(),
+ ));
+ legacy_path
+ } else {
+ anyhow::bail!(
+ "can't find library `{}`, \
+ rename file to `src/` or specify lib.path",
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ // Per the Macros 1.1 RFC:
+ //
+ // > Initially if a crate is compiled with the `proc-macro` crate type
+ // > (and possibly others) it will forbid exporting any items in the
+ // > crate other than those functions tagged #[proc_macro_derive] and
+ // > those functions must also be placed at the crate root.
+ //
+ // A plugin requires exporting plugin_registrar so a crate cannot be
+ // both at once.
+ let crate_types = match (lib.crate_types(), lib.plugin, lib.proc_macro()) {
+ (Some(kinds), _, _)
+ if kinds.contains(&CrateType::Dylib.as_str().to_owned())
+ && kinds.contains(&CrateType::Cdylib.as_str().to_owned()) =>
+ {
+ anyhow::bail!(format!(
+ "library `{}` cannot set the crate type of both `dylib` and `cdylib`",
+ ));
+ }
+ (Some(kinds), _, _) if kinds.contains(&"proc-macro".to_string()) => {
+ if let Some(true) = lib.plugin {
+ // This is a warning to retain backwards compatibility.
+ warnings.push(format!(
+ "proc-macro library `{}` should not specify `plugin = true`",
+ ));
+ }
+ warnings.push(format!(
+ "library `{}` should only specify `proc-macro = true` instead of setting `crate-type`",
+ ));
+ if kinds.len() > 1 {
+ anyhow::bail!("cannot mix `proc-macro` crate type with others");
+ }
+ vec![CrateType::ProcMacro]
+ }
+ (_, Some(true), Some(true)) => {
+ anyhow::bail!("`lib.plugin` and `lib.proc-macro` cannot both be `true`")
+ }
+ (Some(kinds), _, _) => kinds.iter().map(|s| s.into()).collect(),
+ (None, Some(true), _) => vec![CrateType::Dylib],
+ (None, _, Some(true)) => vec![CrateType::ProcMacro],
+ (None, _, _) => vec![CrateType::Lib],
+ };
+ let mut target = Target::lib_target(&, crate_types, path, edition);
+ configure(lib, &mut target)?;
+ Ok(Some(target))
+fn clean_bins(
+ features: &Features,
+ toml_bins: Option<&Vec<TomlBinTarget>>,
+ package_root: &Path,
+ package_name: &str,
+ edition: Edition,
+ autodiscover: Option<bool>,
+ warnings: &mut Vec<String>,
+ errors: &mut Vec<String>,
+ has_lib: bool,
+) -> CargoResult<Vec<Target>> {
+ let inferred = inferred_bins(package_root, package_name);
+ let bins = toml_targets_and_inferred(
+ toml_bins,
+ &inferred,
+ package_root,
+ autodiscover,
+ edition,
+ warnings,
+ "binary",
+ "bin",
+ "autobins",
+ );
+ // This loop performs basic checks on each of the TomlTarget in `bins`.
+ for bin in &bins {
+ // For each binary, check if the `filename` parameter is populated. If it is,
+ // check if the corresponding cargo feature has been activated.
+ if bin.filename.is_some() {
+ features.require(Feature::different_binary_name())?;
+ }
+ validate_target_name(bin, "binary", "bin", warnings)?;
+ let name =;
+ if let Some(crate_types) = bin.crate_types() {
+ if !crate_types.is_empty() {
+ errors.push(format!(
+ "the target `{}` is a binary and can't have any \
+ crate-types set (currently \"{}\")",
+ name,
+ crate_types.join(", ")
+ ));
+ }
+ }
+ if bin.proc_macro() == Some(true) {
+ errors.push(format!(
+ "the target `{}` is a binary and can't have `proc-macro` \
+ set `true`",
+ name
+ ));
+ }
+ if restricted_names::is_conflicting_artifact_name(&name) {
+ anyhow::bail!(
+ "the binary target name `{}` is forbidden, \
+ it conflicts with with cargo's build directory names",
+ name
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ validate_unique_names(&bins, "binary")?;
+ let mut result = Vec::new();
+ for bin in &bins {
+ let path = target_path(bin, &inferred, "bin", package_root, edition, &mut |_| {
+ if let Some(legacy_path) = legacy_bin_path(package_root, &, has_lib) {
+ warnings.push(format!(
+ "path `{}` was erroneously implicitly accepted for binary `{}`,\n\
+ please set bin.path in Cargo.toml",
+ legacy_path.display(),
+ ));
+ Some(legacy_path)
+ } else {
+ None
+ }
+ });
+ let path = match path {
+ Ok(path) => path,
+ Err(e) => anyhow::bail!("{}", e),
+ };
+ let mut target = Target::bin_target(
+ &,
+ bin.filename.clone(),
+ path,
+ bin.required_features.clone(),
+ edition,
+ );
+ configure(bin, &mut target)?;
+ result.push(target);
+ }
+ return Ok(result);
+ fn legacy_bin_path(package_root: &Path, name: &str, has_lib: bool) -> Option<PathBuf> {
+ if !has_lib {
+ let path = package_root.join("src").join(format!("{}.rs", name));
+ if path.exists() {
+ return Some(path);
+ }
+ }
+ let path = package_root.join("src").join("");
+ if path.exists() {
+ return Some(path);
+ }
+ let path = package_root
+ .join("src")
+ .join("");
+ if path.exists() {
+ return Some(path);
+ }
+ None
+ }
+fn clean_examples(
+ toml_examples: Option<&Vec<TomlExampleTarget>>,
+ package_root: &Path,
+ edition: Edition,
+ autodiscover: Option<bool>,
+ warnings: &mut Vec<String>,
+ errors: &mut Vec<String>,
+) -> CargoResult<Vec<Target>> {
+ let inferred = infer_from_directory(&package_root.join(DEFAULT_EXAMPLE_DIR_NAME));
+ let targets = clean_targets(
+ "example",
+ "example",
+ toml_examples,
+ &inferred,
+ package_root,
+ edition,
+ autodiscover,
+ warnings,
+ errors,
+ "autoexamples",
+ )?;
+ let mut result = Vec::new();
+ for (path, toml) in targets {
+ toml.validate_crate_types("example", warnings);
+ let crate_types = match toml.crate_types() {
+ Some(kinds) => kinds.iter().map(|s| s.into()).collect(),
+ None => Vec::new(),
+ };
+ let mut target = Target::example_target(
+ &,
+ crate_types,
+ path,
+ toml.required_features.clone(),
+ edition,
+ );
+ configure(&toml, &mut target)?;
+ result.push(target);
+ }
+ Ok(result)
+fn clean_tests(
+ toml_tests: Option<&Vec<TomlTestTarget>>,
+ package_root: &Path,
+ edition: Edition,
+ autodiscover: Option<bool>,
+ warnings: &mut Vec<String>,
+ errors: &mut Vec<String>,
+) -> CargoResult<Vec<Target>> {
+ let inferred = infer_from_directory(&package_root.join(DEFAULT_TEST_DIR_NAME));
+ let targets = clean_targets(
+ "test",
+ "test",
+ toml_tests,
+ &inferred,
+ package_root,
+ edition,
+ autodiscover,
+ warnings,
+ errors,
+ "autotests",
+ )?;
+ let mut result = Vec::new();
+ for (path, toml) in targets {
+ let mut target =
+ Target::test_target(&, path, toml.required_features.clone(), edition);
+ configure(&toml, &mut target)?;
+ result.push(target);
+ }
+ Ok(result)
+fn clean_benches(
+ toml_benches: Option<&Vec<TomlBenchTarget>>,
+ package_root: &Path,
+ edition: Edition,
+ autodiscover: Option<bool>,
+ warnings: &mut Vec<String>,
+ errors: &mut Vec<String>,
+) -> CargoResult<Vec<Target>> {
+ let mut legacy_warnings = vec![];
+ let targets = {
+ let mut legacy_bench_path = |bench: &TomlTarget| {
+ let legacy_path = package_root.join("src").join("");
+ if !( == "bench" && legacy_path.exists()) {
+ return None;
+ }
+ legacy_warnings.push(format!(
+ "path `{}` was erroneously implicitly accepted for benchmark `{}`,\n\
+ please set bench.path in Cargo.toml",
+ legacy_path.display(),
+ ));
+ Some(legacy_path)
+ };
+ let inferred = infer_from_directory(&package_root.join("benches"));
+ clean_targets_with_legacy_path(
+ "benchmark",
+ "bench",
+ toml_benches,
+ &inferred,
+ package_root,
+ edition,
+ autodiscover,
+ warnings,
+ errors,
+ &mut legacy_bench_path,
+ "autobenches",
+ )?
+ };
+ warnings.append(&mut legacy_warnings);
+ let mut result = Vec::new();
+ for (path, toml) in targets {
+ let mut target =
+ Target::bench_target(&, path, toml.required_features.clone(), edition);
+ configure(&toml, &mut target)?;
+ result.push(target);
+ }
+ Ok(result)
+fn clean_targets(
+ target_kind_human: &str,
+ target_kind: &str,
+ toml_targets: Option<&Vec<TomlTarget>>,
+ inferred: &[(String, PathBuf)],
+ package_root: &Path,
+ edition: Edition,
+ autodiscover: Option<bool>,
+ warnings: &mut Vec<String>,
+ errors: &mut Vec<String>,
+ autodiscover_flag_name: &str,
+) -> CargoResult<Vec<(PathBuf, TomlTarget)>> {
+ clean_targets_with_legacy_path(
+ target_kind_human,
+ target_kind,
+ toml_targets,
+ inferred,
+ package_root,
+ edition,
+ autodiscover,
+ warnings,
+ errors,
+ &mut |_| None,
+ autodiscover_flag_name,
+ )
+fn clean_targets_with_legacy_path(
+ target_kind_human: &str,
+ target_kind: &str,
+ toml_targets: Option<&Vec<TomlTarget>>,
+ inferred: &[(String, PathBuf)],
+ package_root: &Path,
+ edition: Edition,
+ autodiscover: Option<bool>,
+ warnings: &mut Vec<String>,
+ errors: &mut Vec<String>,
+ legacy_path: &mut dyn FnMut(&TomlTarget) -> Option<PathBuf>,
+ autodiscover_flag_name: &str,
+) -> CargoResult<Vec<(PathBuf, TomlTarget)>> {
+ let toml_targets = toml_targets_and_inferred(
+ toml_targets,
+ inferred,
+ package_root,
+ autodiscover,
+ edition,
+ warnings,
+ target_kind_human,
+ target_kind,
+ autodiscover_flag_name,
+ );
+ for target in &toml_targets {
+ validate_target_name(target, target_kind_human, target_kind, warnings)?;
+ }
+ validate_unique_names(&toml_targets, target_kind)?;
+ let mut result = Vec::new();
+ for target in toml_targets {
+ let path = target_path(
+ &target,
+ inferred,
+ target_kind,
+ package_root,
+ edition,
+ legacy_path,
+ );
+ let path = match path {
+ Ok(path) => path,
+ Err(e) => {
+ errors.push(e);
+ continue;
+ }
+ };
+ result.push((path, target));
+ }
+ Ok(result)
+fn inferred_lib(package_root: &Path) -> Option<PathBuf> {
+ let lib = package_root.join("src").join("");
+ if lib.exists() {
+ Some(lib)
+ } else {
+ None
+ }
+fn inferred_bins(package_root: &Path, package_name: &str) -> Vec<(String, PathBuf)> {
+ let main = package_root.join("src").join("");
+ let mut result = Vec::new();
+ if main.exists() {
+ result.push((package_name.to_string(), main));
+ }
+ result.extend(infer_from_directory(
+ &package_root.join("src").join(DEFAULT_BIN_DIR_NAME),
+ ));
+ result
+fn infer_from_directory(directory: &Path) -> Vec<(String, PathBuf)> {
+ let entries = match fs::read_dir(directory) {
+ Err(_) => return Vec::new(),
+ Ok(dir) => dir,
+ };
+ entries
+ .filter_map(|e| e.ok())
+ .filter(is_not_dotfile)
+ .filter_map(|d| infer_any(&d))
+ .collect()
+fn infer_any(entry: &DirEntry) -> Option<(String, PathBuf)> {
+ if entry.file_type().map_or(false, |t| t.is_dir()) {
+ infer_subdirectory(entry)
+ } else if entry.path().extension().and_then(|p| p.to_str()) == Some("rs") {
+ infer_file(entry)
+ } else {
+ None
+ }
+fn infer_file(entry: &DirEntry) -> Option<(String, PathBuf)> {
+ let path = entry.path();
+ path.file_stem()
+ .and_then(|p| p.to_str())
+ .map(|p| (p.to_owned(), path.clone()))
+fn infer_subdirectory(entry: &DirEntry) -> Option<(String, PathBuf)> {
+ let path = entry.path();
+ let main = path.join("");
+ let name = path.file_name().and_then(|n| n.to_str());
+ match (name, main.exists()) {
+ (Some(name), true) => Some((name.to_owned(), main)),
+ _ => None,
+ }
+fn is_not_dotfile(entry: &DirEntry) -> bool {
+ entry.file_name().to_str().map(|s| s.starts_with('.')) == Some(false)
+fn toml_targets_and_inferred(
+ toml_targets: Option<&Vec<TomlTarget>>,
+ inferred: &[(String, PathBuf)],
+ package_root: &Path,
+ autodiscover: Option<bool>,
+ edition: Edition,
+ warnings: &mut Vec<String>,
+ target_kind_human: &str,
+ target_kind: &str,
+ autodiscover_flag_name: &str,
+) -> Vec<TomlTarget> {
+ let inferred_targets = inferred_to_toml_targets(inferred);
+ match toml_targets {
+ None => {
+ if let Some(false) = autodiscover {
+ vec![]
+ } else {
+ inferred_targets
+ }
+ }
+ Some(targets) => {
+ let mut targets = targets.clone();
+ let target_path =
+ |target: &TomlTarget| target.path.clone().map(|p| package_root.join(p.0));
+ let mut seen_names = HashSet::new();
+ let mut seen_paths = HashSet::new();
+ for target in targets.iter() {
+ seen_names.insert(;
+ seen_paths.insert(target_path(target));
+ }
+ let mut rem_targets = vec![];
+ for target in inferred_targets {
+ if !seen_names.contains(& && !seen_paths.contains(&target_path(&target))
+ {
+ rem_targets.push(target);
+ }
+ }
+ let autodiscover = match autodiscover {
+ Some(autodiscover) => autodiscover,
+ None => {
+ if edition == Edition::Edition2015 {
+ if !rem_targets.is_empty() {
+ let mut rem_targets_str = String::new();
+ for t in rem_targets.iter() {
+ if let Some(p) = t.path.clone() {
+ rem_targets_str.push_str(&format!("* {}\n", p.0.display()))
+ }
+ }
+ warnings.push(format!(
+ "\
+An explicit [[{section}]] section is specified in Cargo.toml which currently
+disables Cargo from automatically inferring other {target_kind_human} targets.
+This inference behavior will change in the Rust 2018 edition and the following
+files will be included as a {target_kind_human} target:
+This is likely to break cargo build or cargo test as these files may not be
+ready to be compiled as a {target_kind_human} target today. You can future-proof yourself
+and disable this warning by adding `{autodiscover_flag_name} = false` to your [package]
+section. You may also move the files to a location where Cargo would not
+automatically infer them to be a target, such as in subfolders.
+For more information on this warning you can consult
+ section = target_kind,
+ target_kind_human = target_kind_human,
+ rem_targets_str = rem_targets_str,
+ autodiscover_flag_name = autodiscover_flag_name,
+ ));
+ };
+ false
+ } else {
+ true
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ if autodiscover {
+ targets.append(&mut rem_targets);
+ }
+ targets
+ }
+ }
+fn inferred_to_toml_targets(inferred: &[(String, PathBuf)]) -> Vec<TomlTarget> {
+ inferred
+ .iter()
+ .map(|&(ref name, ref path)| TomlTarget {
+ name: Some(name.clone()),
+ path: Some(PathValue(path.clone())),
+ ..TomlTarget::new()
+ })
+ .collect()
+fn validate_target_name(
+ target: &TomlTarget,
+ target_kind_human: &str,
+ target_kind: &str,
+ warnings: &mut Vec<String>,
+) -> CargoResult<()> {
+ match {
+ Some(ref name) => {
+ if name.trim().is_empty() {
+ anyhow::bail!("{} target names cannot be empty", target_kind_human)
+ }
+ if cfg!(windows) && restricted_names::is_windows_reserved(name) {
+ warnings.push(format!(
+ "{} target `{}` is a reserved Windows filename, \
+ this target will not work on Windows platforms",
+ target_kind_human, name
+ ));
+ }
+ }
+ None => anyhow::bail!(
+ "{} target {}.name is required",
+ target_kind_human,
+ target_kind
+ ),
+ }
+ Ok(())
+/// Will check a list of toml targets, and make sure the target names are unique within a vector.
+fn validate_unique_names(targets: &[TomlTarget], target_kind: &str) -> CargoResult<()> {
+ let mut seen = HashSet::new();
+ for name in targets.iter().map(|e| {
+ if !seen.insert(name.clone()) {
+ anyhow::bail!(
+ "found duplicate {target_kind} name {name}, \
+ but all {target_kind} targets must have a unique name",
+ target_kind = target_kind,
+ name = name
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ Ok(())
+fn configure(toml: &TomlTarget, target: &mut Target) -> CargoResult<()> {
+ let t2 = target.clone();
+ target
+ .set_tested(toml.test.unwrap_or_else(|| t2.tested()))
+ .set_doc(toml.doc.unwrap_or_else(|| t2.documented()))
+ .set_doctest(toml.doctest.unwrap_or_else(|| t2.doctested()))
+ .set_benched(toml.bench.unwrap_or_else(|| t2.benched()))
+ .set_harness(toml.harness.unwrap_or_else(|| t2.harness()))
+ .set_proc_macro(toml.proc_macro().unwrap_or_else(|| t2.proc_macro()))
+ .set_doc_scrape_examples(match toml.doc_scrape_examples {
+ None => RustdocScrapeExamples::Unset,
+ Some(false) => RustdocScrapeExamples::Disabled,
+ Some(true) => RustdocScrapeExamples::Enabled,
+ })
+ .set_for_host(match (toml.plugin, toml.proc_macro()) {
+ (None, None) => t2.for_host(),
+ (Some(true), _) | (_, Some(true)) => true,
+ (Some(false), _) | (_, Some(false)) => false,
+ });
+ if let Some(edition) = toml.edition.clone() {
+ target.set_edition(
+ edition
+ .parse()
+ .with_context(|| "failed to parse the `edition` key")?,
+ );
+ }
+ Ok(())
+/// Build an error message for a target path that cannot be determined either
+/// by auto-discovery or specifying.
+/// This function tries to detect commonly wrong paths for targets:
+/// test -> tests/*.rs, tests/*/
+/// bench -> benches/*.rs, benches/*/
+/// example -> examples/*.rs, examples/*/
+/// bin -> src/bin/*.rs, src/bin/*/
+/// Note that the logic need to sync with [`infer_from_directory`] if changes.
+fn target_path_not_found_error_message(
+ package_root: &Path,
+ target: &TomlTarget,
+ target_kind: &str,
+) -> String {
+ fn possible_target_paths(name: &str, kind: &str, commonly_wrong: bool) -> [PathBuf; 2] {
+ let mut target_path = PathBuf::new();
+ match (kind, commonly_wrong) {
+ // commonly wrong paths
+ ("test" | "bench" | "example", true) => target_path.push(kind),
+ ("bin", true) => {
+ target_path.push("src");
+ target_path.push("bins");
+ }
+ // default inferred paths
+ ("test", false) => target_path.push(DEFAULT_TEST_DIR_NAME),
+ ("bench", false) => target_path.push(DEFAULT_BENCH_DIR_NAME),
+ ("example", false) => target_path.push(DEFAULT_EXAMPLE_DIR_NAME),
+ ("bin", false) => {
+ target_path.push("src");
+ target_path.push(DEFAULT_BIN_DIR_NAME);
+ }
+ _ => unreachable!("invalid target kind: {}", kind),
+ }
+ target_path.push(name);
+ let target_path_file = {
+ let mut path = target_path.clone();
+ path.set_extension("rs");
+ path
+ };
+ let target_path_subdir = {
+ target_path.push("");
+ target_path
+ };
+ return [target_path_file, target_path_subdir];
+ }
+ let target_name =;
+ let commonly_wrong_paths = possible_target_paths(&target_name, target_kind, true);
+ let possible_paths = possible_target_paths(&target_name, target_kind, false);
+ let existing_wrong_path_index = match (
+ package_root.join(&commonly_wrong_paths[0]).exists(),
+ package_root.join(&commonly_wrong_paths[1]).exists(),
+ ) {
+ (true, _) => Some(0),
+ (_, true) => Some(1),
+ _ => None,
+ };
+ if let Some(i) = existing_wrong_path_index {
+ return format!(
+ "\
+can't find `{name}` {kind} at default paths, but found a file at `{wrong_path}`.
+Perhaps rename the file to `{possible_path}` for target auto-discovery, \
+or specify {kind}.path if you want to use a non-default path.",
+ name = target_name,
+ kind = target_kind,
+ wrong_path = commonly_wrong_paths[i].display(),
+ possible_path = possible_paths[i].display(),
+ );
+ }
+ format!(
+ "can't find `{name}` {kind} at `{path_file}` or `{path_dir}`. \
+ Please specify {kind}.path if you want to use a non-default path.",
+ name = target_name,
+ kind = target_kind,
+ path_file = possible_paths[0].display(),
+ path_dir = possible_paths[1].display(),
+ )
+fn target_path(
+ target: &TomlTarget,
+ inferred: &[(String, PathBuf)],
+ target_kind: &str,
+ package_root: &Path,
+ edition: Edition,
+ legacy_path: &mut dyn FnMut(&TomlTarget) -> Option<PathBuf>,
+) -> Result<PathBuf, String> {
+ if let Some(ref path) = target.path {
+ // Should we verify that this path exists here?
+ return Ok(package_root.join(&path.0));
+ }
+ let name =;
+ let mut matching = inferred
+ .iter()
+ .filter(|&&(ref n, _)| n == &name)
+ .map(|&(_, ref p)| p.clone());
+ let first =;
+ let second =;
+ match (first, second) {
+ (Some(path), None) => Ok(path),
+ (None, None) => {
+ if edition == Edition::Edition2015 {
+ if let Some(path) = legacy_path(target) {
+ return Ok(path);
+ }
+ }
+ Err(target_path_not_found_error_message(
+ package_root,
+ target,
+ target_kind,
+ ))
+ }
+ (Some(p0), Some(p1)) => {
+ if edition == Edition::Edition2015 {
+ if let Some(path) = legacy_path(target) {
+ return Ok(path);
+ }
+ }
+ Err(format!(
+ "\
+cannot infer path for `{}` {}
+Cargo doesn't know which to use because multiple target files found at `{}` and `{}`.",
+ target_kind,
+ p0.strip_prefix(package_root).unwrap_or(&p0).display(),
+ p1.strip_prefix(package_root).unwrap_or(&p1).display(),
+ ))
+ }
+ (None, Some(_)) => unreachable!(),
+ }