path: root/vendor/opener/src/
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Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/opener/src/')
1 files changed, 220 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/opener/src/ b/vendor/opener/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee00d37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/opener/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+#![doc(html_root_url = "")]
+//! This crate provides the [`open`] function, which opens a file or link with the default program
+//! configured on the system:
+//! ```no_run
+//! # fn main() -> Result<(), ::opener::OpenError> {
+//! // open a website
+//! opener::open("")?;
+//! // open a file
+//! opener::open("../Cargo.toml")?;
+//! # Ok(())
+//! # }
+//! ```
+//! An [`open_browser`] function is also provided, for when you intend on opening a file or link in a
+//! browser, specifically. This function works like the [`open`] function, but explicitly allows
+//! overriding the browser launched by setting the `$BROWSER` environment variable.
+ rust_2018_idioms,
+ deprecated_in_future,
+ macro_use_extern_crate,
+ missing_debug_implementations,
+ unused_qualifications
+#[cfg(not(any(target_os = "windows", target_os = "macos")))]
+mod linux_and_more;
+#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
+mod macos;
+#[cfg(target_os = "windows")]
+mod windows;
+#[cfg(not(any(target_os = "windows", target_os = "macos")))]
+use crate::linux_and_more as sys;
+#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
+use crate::macos as sys;
+#[cfg(target_os = "windows")]
+use crate::windows as sys;
+use std::error::Error;
+use std::ffi::{OsStr, OsString};
+use std::fmt::{self, Display, Formatter};
+use std::process::{Command, ExitStatus, Stdio};
+use std::{env, io};
+/// Opens a file or link with the system default program.
+/// Note that a path like "" could potentially refer to either a file or a website. If you
+/// want to open the website, you should add the "http://" prefix, for example.
+/// Also note that a result of `Ok(())` just means a way of opening the path was found, and no error
+/// occurred as a direct result of opening the path. Errors beyond that point aren't caught. For
+/// example, `Ok(())` would be returned even if a file was opened with a program that can't read the
+/// file, or a dead link was opened in a browser.
+/// ## Platform Implementation Details
+/// - On Windows the `ShellExecuteW` Windows API function is used.
+/// - On Mac the system `open` command is used.
+/// - On Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), the system `wslview` from [`wslu`] is used if available,
+/// otherwise the system `xdg-open` is used, if available.
+/// - On non-WSL Linux and other platforms,
+/// the system `xdg-open` script is used if available, otherwise an `xdg-open` script embedded in
+/// this library is used.
+/// [`wslu`]:
+pub fn open<P>(path: P) -> Result<(), OpenError>
+ P: AsRef<OsStr>,
+ sys::open(path.as_ref())
+/// Opens a file or link with the system default program, using the `BROWSER` environment variable
+/// when set.
+/// If the `BROWSER` environment variable is set, the program specified by it is used to open the
+/// path. If not, behavior is identical to [`open()`].
+pub fn open_browser<P>(path: P) -> Result<(), OpenError>
+ P: AsRef<OsStr>,
+ let mut path = path.as_ref();
+ if let Ok(browser_var) = env::var("BROWSER") {
+ let windows_path;
+ if is_wsl() && browser_var.ends_with(".exe") {
+ if let Some(windows_path_2) = wsl_to_windows_path(path) {
+ windows_path = windows_path_2;
+ path = &windows_path;
+ }
+ };
+ Command::new(&browser_var)
+ .arg(path)
+ .stdin(Stdio::null())
+ .stdout(Stdio::null())
+ .stderr(Stdio::piped())
+ .spawn()
+ .map_err(OpenError::Io)?;
+ Ok(())
+ } else {
+ sys::open(path)
+ }
+/// An error type representing the failure to open a path. Possibly returned by the [`open`]
+/// function.
+/// The `ExitStatus` variant will never be returned on Windows.
+pub enum OpenError {
+ /// An IO error occurred.
+ Io(io::Error),
+ /// A command exited with a non-zero exit status.
+ ExitStatus {
+ /// A string that identifies the command.
+ cmd: &'static str,
+ /// The failed process's exit status.
+ status: ExitStatus,
+ /// Anything the process wrote to stderr.
+ stderr: String,
+ },
+impl Display for OpenError {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
+ match self {
+ OpenError::Io(_) => {
+ write!(f, "IO error")?;
+ }
+ OpenError::ExitStatus {
+ cmd,
+ status,
+ stderr,
+ } => {
+ write!(f, "command '{cmd}' did not execute successfully; {status}")?;
+ let stderr = stderr.trim();
+ if !stderr.is_empty() {
+ write!(f, "\ncommand stderr:\n{stderr}")?;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+impl Error for OpenError {
+ fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn Error + 'static)> {
+ match self {
+ OpenError::Io(inner) => Some(inner),
+ OpenError::ExitStatus { .. } => None,
+ }
+ }
+#[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
+fn is_wsl() -> bool {
+ sys::is_wsl()
+#[cfg(not(target_os = "linux"))]
+fn is_wsl() -> bool {
+ false
+#[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
+fn wsl_to_windows_path(path: &OsStr) -> Option<OsString> {
+ use bstr::ByteSlice;
+ use std::os::unix::ffi::OsStringExt;
+ let output = Command::new("wslpath")
+ .arg("-w")
+ .arg(path)
+ .stdin(Stdio::null())
+ .stdout(Stdio::piped())
+ .stderr(Stdio::null())
+ .output()
+ .ok()?;
+ if !output.status.success() {
+ return None;
+ }
+ Some(OsString::from_vec(output.stdout.trim_end().to_vec()))
+#[cfg(not(target_os = "linux"))]
+fn wsl_to_windows_path(_path: &OsStr) -> Option<OsString> {
+ unreachable!()
+#[cfg(not(target_os = "windows"))]
+fn wait_child(child: &mut std::process::Child, cmd_name: &'static str) -> Result<(), OpenError> {
+ use std::io::Read;
+ let exit_status = child.wait().map_err(OpenError::Io)?;
+ if exit_status.success() {
+ Ok(())
+ } else {
+ let mut stderr_output = String::new();
+ if let Some(stderr) = child.stderr.as_mut() {
+ stderr.read_to_string(&mut stderr_output).ok();
+ }
+ Err(OpenError::ExitStatus {
+ cmd: cmd_name,
+ status: exit_status,
+ stderr: stderr_output,
+ })
+ }