path: root/src/ImageRunModal.jsx
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/ImageRunModal.jsx')
1 files changed, 1183 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/ImageRunModal.jsx b/src/ImageRunModal.jsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..477be02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ImageRunModal.jsx
@@ -0,0 +1,1183 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import { Button } from "@patternfly/react-core/dist/esm/components/Button";
+import { Checkbox } from "@patternfly/react-core/dist/esm/components/Checkbox";
+import { Form, FormGroup } from "@patternfly/react-core/dist/esm/components/Form";
+import { FormHelper } from "cockpit-components-form-helper.jsx";
+import { FormSelect, FormSelectOption } from "@patternfly/react-core/dist/esm/components/FormSelect";
+import { Grid, GridItem } from "@patternfly/react-core/dist/esm/layouts/Grid";
+import { Modal } from "@patternfly/react-core/dist/esm/components/Modal";
+import { Radio } from "@patternfly/react-core/dist/esm/components/Radio";
+import { Select, SelectGroup, SelectOption, SelectVariant } from "@patternfly/react-core/dist/esm/deprecated/components/Select";
+import { NumberInput } from "@patternfly/react-core/dist/esm/components/NumberInput";
+import { InputGroup, InputGroupText } from "@patternfly/react-core/dist/esm/components/InputGroup";
+import { TextInput } from "@patternfly/react-core/dist/esm/components/TextInput";
+import { Tab, TabTitleText, Tabs } from "@patternfly/react-core/dist/esm/components/Tabs";
+import { Text, TextContent, TextList, TextListItem, TextVariants } from "@patternfly/react-core/dist/esm/components/Text";
+import { ToggleGroup, ToggleGroupItem } from "@patternfly/react-core/dist/esm/components/ToggleGroup";
+import { Flex, FlexItem } from "@patternfly/react-core/dist/esm/layouts/Flex";
+import { Popover } from "@patternfly/react-core/dist/esm/components/Popover";
+import { OutlinedQuestionCircleIcon } from '@patternfly/react-icons';
+import * as dockerNames from 'docker-names';
+import { ErrorNotification } from './Notification.jsx';
+import * as utils from './util.js';
+import * as client from './client.js';
+import rest from './rest.js';
+import cockpit from 'cockpit';
+import { onDownloadContainer, onDownloadContainerFinished } from './Containers.jsx';
+import { PublishPort, validatePublishPort } from './PublishPort.jsx';
+import { DynamicListForm } from 'cockpit-components-dynamic-list.jsx';
+import { validateVolume, Volume } from './Volume.jsx';
+import { EnvVar, validateEnvVar } from './Env.jsx';
+import { debounce } from 'throttle-debounce';
+import "./ImageRunModal.scss";
+const _ = cockpit.gettext;
+const systemOwner = "system";
+const units = {
+ KB: {
+ name: "KB",
+ baseExponent: 1,
+ },
+ MB: {
+ name: "MB",
+ baseExponent: 2,
+ },
+ GB: {
+ name: "GB",
+ baseExponent: 3,
+ },
+// healthchecks.go HealthCheckOnFailureAction
+const HealthCheckOnFailureActionOrder = [
+ { value: 0, label: _("No action") },
+ { value: 3, label: _("Restart") },
+ { value: 4, label: _("Stop") },
+ { value: 2, label: _("Force stop") },
+export class ImageRunModal extends React.Component {
+ constructor(props) {
+ super(props);
+ let command = "";
+ if (this.props.image && this.props.image.Command) {
+ command = utils.quote_cmdline(this.props.image.Command);
+ }
+ const entrypoint = utils.quote_cmdline(this.props.image?.Entrypoint);
+ let selectedImage = "";
+ if (this.props.image) {
+ selectedImage = utils.image_name(this.props.image);
+ }
+ let default_owner = this.props.systemServiceAvailable ? systemOwner : this.props.user;
+ if (this.props.pod)
+ default_owner = this.props.pod.isSystem ? systemOwner : this.props.user;
+ this.state = {
+ command,
+ containerName: dockerNames.getRandomName(),
+ entrypoint,
+ env: [],
+ hasTTY: true,
+ publish: [],
+ image: props.image,
+ memory: 512,
+ cpuShares: 1024,
+ memoryConfigure: false,
+ cpuSharesConfigure: false,
+ memoryUnit: 'MB',
+ validationFailed: {},
+ volumes: [],
+ restartPolicy: "no",
+ restartTries: 5,
+ pullLatestImage: false,
+ activeTabKey: 0,
+ owner: default_owner,
+ /* image select */
+ selectedImage,
+ searchFinished: false,
+ searchInProgress: false,
+ searchText: "",
+ imageResults: {},
+ isImageSelectOpen: false,
+ searchByRegistry: 'all',
+ /* health check */
+ healthcheck_command: "",
+ healthcheck_interval: 30,
+ healthcheck_timeout: 30,
+ healthcheck_start_period: 0,
+ healthcheck_retries: 3,
+ healthcheck_action: 0,
+ };
+ this.getCreateConfig = this.getCreateConfig.bind(this);
+ this.onValueChanged = this.onValueChanged.bind(this);
+ }
+ componentDidMount() {
+ this._isMounted = true;
+ this.onSearchTriggered(this.state.searchText);
+ }
+ componentWillUnmount() {
+ this._isMounted = false;
+ if (this.activeConnection)
+ this.activeConnection.close();
+ }
+ getCreateConfig() {
+ const createConfig = {};
+ if (this.props.pod) {
+ createConfig.pod = this.props.pod.Id;
+ }
+ if (this.state.image) {
+ createConfig.image = this.state.image.RepoTags ? this.state.image.RepoTags[0] : "";
+ } else {
+ let img = this.state.selectedImage.Name;
+ // Make implicit :latest
+ if (!img.includes(":")) {
+ img += ":latest";
+ }
+ createConfig.image = img;
+ }
+ if (this.state.containerName)
+ = this.state.containerName;
+ if (this.state.command) {
+ createConfig.command = utils.unquote_cmdline(this.state.command);
+ }
+ const resourceLimit = {};
+ if (this.state.memoryConfigure && this.state.memory) {
+ const memorySize = this.state.memory * (1000 ** units[this.state.memoryUnit].baseExponent);
+ resourceLimit.memory = { limit: memorySize };
+ createConfig.resource_limits = resourceLimit;
+ }
+ if (this.state.cpuSharesConfigure && parseInt(this.state.cpuShares) !== 0) {
+ resourceLimit.cpu = { shares: parseInt(this.state.cpuShares) };
+ createConfig.resource_limits = resourceLimit;
+ }
+ createConfig.terminal = this.state.hasTTY;
+ if (this.state.publish.some(port => port !== undefined))
+ createConfig.portmappings = this.state.publish
+ .filter(port => port?.containerPort)
+ .map(port => {
+ const pm = { container_port: parseInt(port.containerPort), protocol: port.protocol };
+ if (port.hostPort !== null)
+ pm.host_port = parseInt(port.hostPort);
+ if (port.IP !== null)
+ pm.host_ip = port.IP;
+ return pm;
+ });
+ if (this.state.env.some(item => item !== undefined)) {
+ const envs = {};
+ this.state.env.forEach(item => {
+ if (item !== undefined)
+ envs[item.envKey] = item.envValue;
+ });
+ createConfig.env = envs;
+ }
+ if (this.state.volumes.some(volume => volume !== undefined)) {
+ createConfig.mounts = this.state.volumes
+ .filter(volume => volume?.hostPath && volume?.containerPath)
+ .map(volume => {
+ const record = { source: volume.hostPath, destination: volume.containerPath, type: "bind" };
+ record.options = [];
+ if (volume.mode)
+ record.options.push(volume.mode);
+ if (volume.selinux)
+ record.options.push(volume.selinux);
+ return record;
+ });
+ }
+ if (this.state.restartPolicy !== "no") {
+ createConfig.restart_policy = this.state.restartPolicy;
+ if (this.state.restartPolicy === "on-failure" && this.state.restartTries !== null) {
+ createConfig.restart_tries = parseInt(this.state.restartTries);
+ }
+ // Enable podman-restart.service for system containers, for user
+ // sessions enable-linger needs to be enabled for containers to start on boot.
+ if (this.state.restartPolicy === "always" && (this.props.podmanInfo.userLingeringEnabled || this.props.systemServiceAvailable)) {
+ this.enablePodmanRestartService();
+ }
+ }
+ if (this.state.healthcheck_command !== "") {
+ createConfig.healthconfig = {
+ Interval: parseInt(this.state.healthcheck_interval) * 1000000000,
+ Retries: this.state.healthcheck_retries,
+ StartPeriod: parseInt(this.state.healthcheck_start_period) * 1000000000,
+ Test: utils.unquote_cmdline(this.state.healthcheck_command),
+ Timeout: parseInt(this.state.healthcheck_timeout) * 1000000000,
+ };
+ createConfig.health_check_on_failure_action = parseInt(this.state.healthcheck_action);
+ }
+ return createConfig;
+ }
+ createContainer = (isSystem, createConfig, runImage) => {
+ const Dialogs = this.props.dialogs;
+ client.createContainer(isSystem, createConfig)
+ .then(reply => {
+ if (runImage) {
+ client.postContainer(isSystem, "start", reply.Id, {})
+ .then(() => Dialogs.close())
+ .catch(ex => {
+ // If container failed to start remove it, so a user can fix the settings and retry and
+ // won't get another error that the container name is already taken.
+ client.delContainer(isSystem, reply.Id, true)
+ .then(() => {
+ this.setState({
+ dialogError: _("Container failed to be started"),
+ dialogErrorDetail: cockpit.format("$0: $1", ex.reason, ex.message)
+ });
+ })
+ .catch(ex => {
+ this.setState({
+ dialogError: _("Failed to clean up container"),
+ dialogErrorDetail: cockpit.format("$0: $1", ex.reason, ex.message)
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ } else {
+ Dialogs.close();
+ }
+ })
+ .catch(ex => {
+ this.setState({
+ dialogError: _("Container failed to be created"),
+ dialogErrorDetail: cockpit.format("$0: $1", ex.reason, ex.message)
+ });
+ });
+ };
+ async onCreateClicked(runImage = false) {
+ if (!await this.validateForm())
+ return;
+ const Dialogs = this.props.dialogs;
+ const createConfig = this.getCreateConfig();
+ const { pullLatestImage } = this.state;
+ const isSystem = this.isSystem();
+ let imageExists = true;
+ try {
+ await client.imageExists(isSystem, createConfig.image);
+ } catch (error) {
+ imageExists = false;
+ }
+ if (imageExists && !pullLatestImage) {
+ this.createContainer(isSystem, createConfig, runImage);
+ } else {
+ Dialogs.close();
+ const tempImage = { ...createConfig };
+ // Assign temporary properties to allow rendering
+ tempImage.Id =;
+ tempImage.isSystem = isSystem;
+ tempImage.State = { Status: _("downloading") };
+ tempImage.Created = new Date();
+ tempImage.Name =;
+ tempImage.Image = createConfig.image;
+ tempImage.isDownloading = true;
+ onDownloadContainer(tempImage);
+ client.pullImage(isSystem, createConfig.image).then(reply => {
+ client.createContainer(isSystem, createConfig)
+ .then(reply => {
+ if (runImage) {
+ client.postContainer(isSystem, "start", reply.Id, {})
+ .then(() => onDownloadContainerFinished(createConfig))
+ .catch(ex => {
+ onDownloadContainerFinished(createConfig);
+ const error = cockpit.format(_("Failed to run container $0"),;
+ this.props.onAddNotification({ type: 'danger', error, errorDetail: ex.message });
+ });
+ }
+ })
+ .catch(ex => {
+ onDownloadContainerFinished(createConfig);
+ const error = cockpit.format(_("Failed to create container $0"),;
+ this.props.onAddNotification({ type: 'danger', error, errorDetail: ex.reason });
+ });
+ })
+ .catch(ex => {
+ onDownloadContainerFinished(createConfig);
+ const error = cockpit.format(_("Failed to pull image $0"), tempImage.image);
+ this.props.onAddNotification({ type: 'danger', error, errorDetail: ex.message });
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ onValueChanged(key, value) {
+ this.setState({ [key]: value });
+ }
+ onPlusOne(key) {
+ this.setState(state => ({ [key]: parseInt(state[key]) + 1 }));
+ }
+ onMinusOne(key) {
+ this.setState(state => ({ [key]: parseInt(state[key]) - 1 }));
+ }
+ handleTabClick = (event, tabIndex) => {
+ // Prevent the form from being submitted.
+ event.preventDefault();
+ this.setState({
+ activeTabKey: tabIndex,
+ });
+ };
+ onSearchTriggered = value => {
+ // Do not call the SearchImage API if the input string is not at least 2 chars,
+ // The comparison was done considering the fact that we miss always one letter due to delayed setState
+ if (value.length < 2)
+ return;
+ // Don't search for a value with a tag specified
+ const patt = /:[\w|\d]+$/;
+ if (patt.test(value)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (this.activeConnection)
+ this.activeConnection.close();
+ this.setState({ searchFinished: false, searchInProgress: true });
+ this.activeConnection = rest.connect(client.getAddress(this.isSystem()), this.isSystem());
+ let searches = [];
+ // If there are registries configured search in them, or if a user searches for `` let
+ // podman search in the user specified registry.
+ if (Object.keys(this.props.podmanInfo.registries).length !== 0 || value.includes('/')) {
+ searches.push({
+ method: "GET",
+ path: client.VERSION + "libpod/images/search",
+ body: "",
+ params: {
+ term: value,
+ }
+ }));
+ } else {
+ searches = searches.concat( =>
+ method: "GET",
+ path: client.VERSION + "libpod/images/search",
+ body: "",
+ params: {
+ term: registry + "/" + value
+ }
+ })));
+ }
+ Promise.allSettled(searches)
+ .then(reply => {
+ if (reply && this._isMounted) {
+ let imageResults = [];
+ let dialogError = "";
+ let dialogErrorDetail = "";
+ for (const result of reply) {
+ if (result.status === "fulfilled") {
+ imageResults = imageResults.concat(JSON.parse(result.value));
+ } else {
+ dialogError = _("Failed to search for new images");
+ // TODO: add registry context, podman does not include it in the reply.
+ dialogErrorDetail = result.reason ? cockpit.format(_("Failed to search for images: $0"), result.reason.message) : _("Failed to search for images.");
+ }
+ }
+ // Group images on registry
+ const images = {};
+ imageResults.forEach(image => {
+ // Add Tag is it's there
+ image.toString = function imageToString() {
+ if (this.Tag) {
+ return this.Name + ':' + this.Tag;
+ }
+ return this.Name;
+ };
+ let index = image.Index;
+ // listTags results do not return the registry Index.
+ //
+ if (!index) {
+ index = image.Name.split('/')[0];
+ }
+ if (index in images) {
+ images[index].push(image);
+ } else {
+ images[index] = [image];
+ }
+ });
+ this.setState({
+ imageResults: images || {},
+ searchFinished: true,
+ searchInProgress: false,
+ dialogError,
+ dialogErrorDetail,
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ };
+ clearImageSelection = () => {
+ // Reset command if it was prefilled
+ let command = this.state.command;
+ if (this.state.command === utils.quote_cmdline(this.state.selectedImage?.Command))
+ command = "";
+ this.setState({
+ selectedImage: "",
+ image: "",
+ isImageSelectOpen: false,
+ imageResults: {},
+ searchText: "",
+ searchFinished: false,
+ command,
+ entrypoint: "",
+ });
+ };
+ onImageSelectToggle = (_, isOpen) => {
+ this.setState({
+ isImageSelectOpen: isOpen,
+ });
+ };
+ onImageSelect = (event, value, placeholder) => {
+ if (event === undefined)
+ return;
+ let command = this.state.command;
+ if (value.Command && !command)
+ command = utils.quote_cmdline(value.Command);
+ const entrypoint = utils.quote_cmdline(value?.Entrypoint);
+ this.setState({
+ selectedImage: value,
+ isImageSelectOpen: false,
+ command,
+ entrypoint,
+ });
+ };
+ handleImageSelectInput = value => {
+ this.setState({
+ searchText: value,
+ // Reset searchFinished status when text input changes
+ searchFinished: false,
+ selectedImage: "",
+ });
+ this.onSearchTriggered(value);
+ };
+ debouncedInputChanged = debounce(300, this.handleImageSelectInput);
+ handleOwnerSelect = (event) => {
+ const value = event.currentTarget.value;
+ this.setState({
+ owner: value
+ });
+ };
+ filterImages = () => {
+ const { localImages } = this.props;
+ const { imageResults, searchText } = this.state;
+ const local = _("Local images");
+ const images = { ...imageResults };
+ const isSystem = this.isSystem();
+ let imageRegistries = [];
+ if (this.state.searchByRegistry == 'local' || this.state.searchByRegistry == 'all') {
+ imageRegistries.push(local);
+ images[local] = localImages;
+ if (this.state.searchByRegistry == 'all')
+ imageRegistries = imageRegistries.concat(Object.keys(imageResults));
+ } else {
+ imageRegistries.push(this.state.searchByRegistry);
+ }
+ // Strip out all non-allowed container image characters when filtering.
+ let regexString = searchText.replace(/[^\w_.:-]/g, "");
+ // Strip image registry option if set for comparing results for searching for
+ // returns$username/fedora for example.
+ if (regexString.includes('/')) {
+ regexString = searchText.replace(searchText.split('/')[0], '');
+ }
+ const input = new RegExp(regexString, 'i');
+ const results = imageRegistries
+ .map((reg, index) => {
+ const filtered = (reg in images ? images[reg] : [])
+ .filter(image => {
+ if (image.isSystem && !isSystem) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if ('isSystem' in image && !image.isSystem && isSystem) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return !== -1;
+ })
+ .map((image, index) => {
+ return (
+ <SelectOption
+ key={index}
+ value={image}
+ {...(image.Description && { description: image.Description })}
+ />
+ );
+ });
+ if (filtered.length === 0) {
+ return [];
+ } else {
+ return (
+ <SelectGroup label={reg} key={index} value={reg}>
+ {filtered}
+ </SelectGroup>
+ );
+ }
+ })
+ .filter(group => group.length !== 0); // filter out empty groups
+ // Remove <SelectGroup> when there is a filter selected.
+ if (this.state.searchByRegistry !== 'all' && imageRegistries.length === 1 && results.length === 1) {
+ return results[0].props.children;
+ }
+ return results;
+ };
+ // Similar to the output of podman search and podman's /libpod/images/search endpoint only show the root domain.
+ truncateRegistryDomain = (domain) => {
+ const parts = domain.split('.');
+ if (parts.length > 2) {
+ return parts[parts.length - 2] + "." + parts[parts.length - 1];
+ }
+ return domain;
+ };
+ enablePodmanRestartService = () => {
+ const argv = ["systemctl", "enable", "podman-restart.service"];
+ if (!this.isSystem()) {
+ argv.splice(1, 0, "--user");
+ }
+ cockpit.spawn(argv, { superuser: this.isSystem() ? "require" : "", err: "message" })
+ .catch(err => {
+ console.warn("Failed to start podman-restart.service:", JSON.stringify(err));
+ });
+ };
+ isSystem = () => {
+ const { owner } = this.state;
+ return owner === systemOwner;
+ };
+ isFormInvalid = validationFailed => {
+ const groupHasError = row => row && Object.values(row)
+ .filter(val => val) // Filter out empty/undefined properties
+ .length > 0; // If one field has error, the whole group (dynamicList) is invalid
+ // If at least one group is invalid, then the whole form is invalid
+ return validationFailed.publish?.some(groupHasError) ||
+ validationFailed.volumes?.some(groupHasError) ||
+ validationFailed.env?.some(groupHasError) ||
+ !!validationFailed.containerName;
+ };
+ async validateContainerName(containerName) {
+ try {
+ await client.containerExists(this.isSystem(), containerName);
+ } catch (error) {
+ return;
+ }
+ return _("Name already in use");
+ }
+ async validateForm() {
+ const { publish, volumes, env, containerName } = this.state;
+ const validationFailed = { };
+ const publishValidation = => {
+ if (a === undefined)
+ return undefined;
+ return {
+ IP: validatePublishPort(a.IP, "IP"),
+ hostPort: validatePublishPort(a.hostPort, "hostPort"),
+ containerPort: validatePublishPort(a.containerPort, "containerPort"),
+ };
+ });
+ if (publishValidation.some(entry => Object.keys(entry).length > 0))
+ validationFailed.publish = publishValidation;
+ const volumesValidation = => {
+ if (a === undefined)
+ return undefined;
+ return {
+ hostPath: validateVolume(a.hostPath, "hostPath"),
+ containerPath: validateVolume(a.containerPath, "containerPath"),
+ };
+ });
+ if (volumesValidation.some(entry => Object.keys(entry).length > 0))
+ validationFailed.volumes = volumesValidation;
+ const envValidation = => {
+ if (a === undefined)
+ return undefined;
+ return {
+ envKey: validateEnvVar(a.envKey, "envKey"),
+ envValue: validateEnvVar(a.envValue, "envValue"),
+ };
+ });
+ if (envValidation.some(entry => Object.keys(entry).length > 0))
+ validationFailed.env = envValidation;
+ const containerNameValidation = await this.validateContainerName(containerName);
+ if (containerNameValidation)
+ validationFailed.containerName = containerNameValidation;
+ this.setState({ validationFailed });
+ return !this.isFormInvalid(validationFailed);
+ }
+ /* Updates a validation object of the whole dynamic list's form (e.g. the whole port-mapping form)
+ *
+ * Arguments
+ * - key: [publish/volumes/env] - Specifies the validation of which dynamic form of the Image run dialog is being updated
+ * - value: An array of validation errors of the form. Each item of the array represents a row of the dynamic list.
+ * Index needs to corellate with a row number
+ */
+ dynamicListOnValidationChange = (key, value) => {
+ const validationFailedDelta = { ...this.state.validationFailed };
+ validationFailedDelta[key] = value;
+ if (validationFailedDelta[key].every(a => a === undefined))
+ delete validationFailedDelta[key];
+ this.onValueChanged('validationFailed', validationFailedDelta);
+ };
+ render() {
+ const Dialogs = this.props.dialogs;
+ const { registries, podmanRestartAvailable, userLingeringEnabled, userPodmanRestartAvailable, selinuxAvailable, version } = this.props.podmanInfo;
+ const { image } = this.props;
+ const dialogValues = this.state;
+ const { activeTabKey, owner, selectedImage } = this.state;
+ let imageListOptions = [];
+ if (!image) {
+ imageListOptions = this.filterImages();
+ }
+ const localImage = this.state.image || (selectedImage && this.props.localImages.some(img => img.Id === selectedImage.Id));
+ const podmanRegistries = registries && ? : utils.fallbackRegistries;
+ // Add the search component
+ const footer = (
+ <ToggleGroup className='image-search-footer' aria-label={_("Search by registry")}>
+ <ToggleGroupItem text={_("All")} key='all' isSelected={this.state.searchByRegistry == 'all'} onChange={(ev, _) => {
+ ev.stopPropagation();
+ this.setState({ searchByRegistry: 'all' });
+ }}
+ // Ignore SelectToggle's touchstart's default behaviour
+ onTouchStart={ev => {
+ ev.stopPropagation();
+ }}
+ />
+ <ToggleGroupItem text={_("Local")} key='local' isSelected={this.state.searchByRegistry == 'local'} onChange={(ev, _) => {
+ ev.stopPropagation();
+ this.setState({ searchByRegistry: 'local' });
+ }}
+ onTouchStart={ev => {
+ ev.stopPropagation();
+ }}
+ />
+ { => {
+ const index = this.truncateRegistryDomain(registry);
+ return (
+ <ToggleGroupItem
+ text={index} key={index}
+ isSelected={ this.state.searchByRegistry == index }
+ onChange={ (ev, _) => {
+ ev.stopPropagation();
+ this.setState({ searchByRegistry: index });
+ } }
+ onTouchStart={ ev => ev.stopPropagation() }
+ />
+ );
+ })}
+ </ToggleGroup>
+ );
+ const defaultBody = (
+ <Form>
+ {this.state.dialogError && <ErrorNotification errorMessage={this.state.dialogError} errorDetail={this.state.dialogErrorDetail} />}
+ <FormGroup id="image-name-group" fieldId='run-image-dialog-name' label={_("Name")} className="ct-m-horizontal">
+ <TextInput id='run-image-dialog-name'
+ className="image-name"
+ placeholder={_("Container name")}
+ validated={dialogValues.validationFailed.containerName ? "error" : "default"}
+ value={dialogValues.containerName}
+ onChange={(_, value) => {
+ utils.validationClear(dialogValues.validationFailed, "containerName", (value) => this.onValueChanged("validationFailed", value));
+ utils.validationDebounce(async () => {
+ const delta = await this.validateContainerName(value);
+ if (delta)
+ this.onValueChanged("validationFailed", { ...dialogValues.validationFailed, containerName: delta });
+ });
+ this.onValueChanged('containerName', value);
+ }} />
+ <FormHelper helperTextInvalid={dialogValues.validationFailed.containerName} />
+ </FormGroup>
+ <Tabs activeKey={activeTabKey} onSelect={this.handleTabClick}>
+ <Tab eventKey={0} title={<TabTitleText>{_("Details")}</TabTitleText>} className="pf-v5-c-form pf-m-horizontal">
+ { this.props.userServiceAvailable && this.props.systemServiceAvailable &&
+ <FormGroup isInline hasNoPaddingTop fieldId='run-image-dialog-owner' label={_("Owner")}
+ labelIcon={
+ <Popover aria-label={_("Owner help")}
+ enableFlip
+ bodyContent={
+ <>
+ <TextContent>
+ <Text component={TextVariants.h4}>{_("System")}</Text>
+ <TextList>
+ <TextListItem>
+ {_("Ideal for running services")}
+ </TextListItem>
+ <TextListItem>
+ {_("Resource limits can be set")}
+ </TextListItem>
+ <TextListItem>
+ {_("Checkpoint and restore support")}
+ </TextListItem>
+ <TextListItem>
+ {_("Ports under 1024 can be mapped")}
+ </TextListItem>
+ </TextList>
+ </TextContent>
+ <TextContent>
+ <Text component={TextVariants.h4}>{cockpit.format("$0 $1", _("User:"), this.props.user)}</Text>
+ <TextList>
+ <TextListItem>
+ {_("Ideal for development")}
+ </TextListItem>
+ <TextListItem>
+ {_("Restricted by user account permissions")}
+ </TextListItem>
+ </TextList>
+ </TextContent>
+ </>
+ }>
+ <button onClick={e => e.preventDefault()} className="pf-v5-c-form__group-label-help">
+ <OutlinedQuestionCircleIcon />
+ </button>
+ </Popover>
+ }>
+ <Radio value="system"
+ label={_("System")}
+ id="run-image-dialog-owner-system"
+ isChecked={owner === "system"}
+ isDisabled={this.props.pod}
+ onChange={this.handleOwnerSelect} />
+ <Radio value={this.props.user}
+ label={cockpit.format("$0 $1", _("User:"), this.props.user)}
+ id="run-image-dialog-owner-user"
+ isDisabled={this.props.pod}
+ isChecked={owner === this.props.user}
+ onChange={this.handleOwnerSelect} />
+ </FormGroup>
+ }
+ <FormGroup fieldId="create-image-image-select-typeahead" label={_("Image")}
+ labelIcon={!this.props.image &&
+ <Popover aria-label={_("Image selection help")}
+ enableFlip
+ bodyContent={
+ <Flex direction={{ default: 'column' }}>
+ <FlexItem>{_("host[:port]/[user]/container[:tag]")}</FlexItem>
+ <FlexItem>{cockpit.format(_("Example: $0"), "")}</FlexItem>
+ <FlexItem>{cockpit.format(_("Searching: $0"), "")}</FlexItem>
+ </Flex>
+ }>
+ <button onClick={e => e.preventDefault()} className="pf-v5-c-form__group-label-help">
+ <OutlinedQuestionCircleIcon />
+ </button>
+ </Popover>
+ }
+ >
+ <Select
+ // We are unable to set id of the input directly, the select component appends
+ // '-select-typeahead' to toggleId.
+ toggleId='create-image-image'
+ isGrouped
+ {...(this.state.searchInProgress && { loadingVariant: 'spinner' })}
+ menuAppendTo={() => document.body}
+ variant={SelectVariant.typeahead}
+ noResultsFoundText={_("No images found")}
+ onToggle={this.onImageSelectToggle}
+ isOpen={this.state.isImageSelectOpen}
+ selections={selectedImage}
+ isInputValuePersisted
+ placeholderText={_("Search string or container location")}
+ onSelect={this.onImageSelect}
+ onClear={this.clearImageSelection}
+ // onFilter must be set or the spinner crashes
+ onFilter={() => {}}
+ onTypeaheadInputChanged={this.debouncedInputChanged}
+ footer={footer}
+ isDisabled={!!this.props.image}
+ >
+ {imageListOptions}
+ </Select>
+ </FormGroup>
+ {(image || localImage) &&
+ <FormGroup fieldId="run-image-dialog-pull-latest-image">
+ <Checkbox isChecked={this.state.pullLatestImage} id="run-image-dialog-pull-latest-image"
+ onChange={(_event, value) => this.onValueChanged('pullLatestImage', value)} label={_("Pull latest image")}
+ />
+ </FormGroup>
+ }
+ {dialogValues.entrypoint &&
+ <FormGroup fieldId='run-image-dialog-entrypoint' hasNoPaddingTop label={_("Entrypoint")}>
+ <Text id="run-image-dialog-entrypoint">{dialogValues.entrypoint}</Text>
+ </FormGroup>
+ }
+ <FormGroup fieldId='run-image-dialog-command' label={_("Command")}>
+ <TextInput id='run-image-dialog-command'
+ value={dialogValues.command || ''}
+ onChange={(_, value) => this.onValueChanged('command', value)} />
+ </FormGroup>
+ <FormGroup fieldId="run=image-dialog-tty">
+ <Checkbox id="run-image-dialog-tty"
+ isChecked={this.state.hasTTY}
+ label={_("With terminal")}
+ onChange={(_event, checked) => this.onValueChanged('hasTTY', checked)} />
+ </FormGroup>
+ <FormGroup fieldId='run-image-dialog-memory' label={_("Memory limit")}>
+ <Flex alignItems={{ default: 'alignItemsCenter' }} className="ct-input-group-spacer-sm modal-run-limiter" id="run-image-dialog-memory-limit">
+ <Checkbox id="run-image-dialog-memory-limit-checkbox"
+ isChecked={this.state.memoryConfigure}
+ onChange={(_event, checked) => this.onValueChanged('memoryConfigure', checked)} />
+ <NumberInput
+ value={dialogValues.memory}
+ id="run-image-dialog-memory"
+ min={0}
+ isDisabled={!this.state.memoryConfigure}
+ onClick={() => !this.state.memoryConfigure && this.onValueChanged('memoryConfigure', true)}
+ onPlus={() => this.onPlusOne('memory')}
+ onMinus={() => this.onMinusOne('memory')}
+ minusBtnAriaLabel={_("Decrease memory")}
+ plusBtnAriaLabel={_("Increase memory")}
+ onChange={ev => this.onValueChanged('memory', parseInt( < 0 ? 0 :} />
+ <FormSelect id='memory-unit-select'
+ aria-label={_("Memory unit")}
+ value={this.state.memoryUnit}
+ isDisabled={!this.state.memoryConfigure}
+ className="dialog-run-form-select"
+ onChange={(_event, value) => this.onValueChanged('memoryUnit', value)}>
+ <FormSelectOption value={} key={} label={_("KB")} />
+ <FormSelectOption value={} key={} label={_("MB")} />
+ <FormSelectOption value={} key={} label={_("GB")} />
+ </FormSelect>
+ </Flex>
+ </FormGroup>
+ {this.isSystem() &&
+ <FormGroup
+ fieldId='run-image-cpu-priority'
+ label={_("CPU shares")}
+ labelIcon={
+ <Popover aria-label={_("CPU Shares help")}
+ enableFlip
+ bodyContent={_("CPU shares determine the priority of running containers. Default priority is 1024. A higher number prioritizes this container. A lower number decreases priority.")}>
+ <button onClick={e => e.preventDefault()} className="pf-v5-c-form__group-label-help">
+ <OutlinedQuestionCircleIcon />
+ </button>
+ </Popover>
+ }>
+ <Flex alignItems={{ default: 'alignItemsCenter' }} className="ct-input-group-spacer-sm modal-run-limiter" id="run-image-dialog-cpu-priority">
+ <Checkbox id="run-image-dialog-cpu-priority-checkbox"
+ isChecked={this.state.cpuSharesConfigure}
+ onChange={(_event, checked) => this.onValueChanged('cpuSharesConfigure', checked)} />
+ <NumberInput
+ id="run-image-cpu-priority"
+ value={dialogValues.cpuShares}
+ onClick={() => !this.state.cpuSharesConfigure && this.onValueChanged('cpuSharesConfigure', true)}
+ min={2}
+ max={262144}
+ isDisabled={!this.state.cpuSharesConfigure}
+ onPlus={() => this.onPlusOne('cpuShares')}
+ onMinus={() => this.onMinusOne('cpuShares')}
+ minusBtnAriaLabel={_("Decrease CPU shares")}
+ plusBtnAriaLabel={_("Increase CPU shares")}
+ onChange={ev => this.onValueChanged('cpuShares', parseInt( < 2 ? 2 :} />
+ </Flex>
+ </FormGroup>
+ }
+ {((userLingeringEnabled && userPodmanRestartAvailable) || (this.isSystem() && podmanRestartAvailable)) &&
+ <Grid hasGutter md={6} sm={3}>
+ <GridItem>
+ <FormGroup fieldId='run-image-dialog-restart-policy' label={_("Restart policy")}
+ labelIcon={
+ <Popover aria-label={_("Restart policy help")}
+ enableFlip
+ bodyContent={userLingeringEnabled ? _("Restart policy to follow when containers exit. Using linger for auto-starting containers may not work in some circumstances, such as when ecryptfs, systemd-homed, NFS, or 2FA are used on a user account.") : _("Restart policy to follow when containers exit.")}>
+ <button onClick={e => e.preventDefault()} className="pf-v5-c-form__group-label-help">
+ <OutlinedQuestionCircleIcon />
+ </button>
+ </Popover>
+ }
+ >
+ <FormSelect id="run-image-dialog-restart-policy"
+ aria-label={_("Restart policy help")}
+ value={dialogValues.restartPolicy}
+ onChange={(_event, value) => this.onValueChanged('restartPolicy', value)}>
+ <FormSelectOption value='no' key='no' label={_("No")} />
+ <FormSelectOption value='on-failure' key='on-failure' label={_("On failure")} />
+ <FormSelectOption value='always' key='always' label={_("Always")} />
+ </FormSelect>
+ </FormGroup>
+ </GridItem>
+ {dialogValues.restartPolicy === "on-failure" &&
+ <FormGroup fieldId='run-image-dialog-restart-retries'
+ label={_("Maximum retries")}>
+ <NumberInput
+ id="run-image-dialog-restart-retries"
+ value={dialogValues.restartTries}
+ min={1}
+ max={65535}
+ widthChars={5}
+ minusBtnAriaLabel={_("Decrease maximum retries")}
+ plusBtnAriaLabel={_("Increase maximum retries")}
+ onMinus={() => this.onMinusOne('restartTries')}
+ onPlus={() => this.onPlusOne('restartTries')}
+ onChange={ev => this.onValueChanged('restartTries', parseInt( < 1 ? 1 :}
+ />
+ </FormGroup>
+ }
+ </Grid>
+ }
+ </Tab>
+ <Tab eventKey={1} title={<TabTitleText>{_("Integration")}</TabTitleText>} id="create-image-dialog-tab-integration" className="pf-v5-c-form">
+ <DynamicListForm id='run-image-dialog-publish'
+ emptyStateString={_("No ports exposed")}
+ formclass='publish-port-form'
+ label={_("Port mapping")}
+ actionLabel={_("Add port mapping")}
+ validationFailed={dialogValues.validationFailed.publish}
+ onValidationChange={value => this.dynamicListOnValidationChange('publish', value)}
+ onChange={value => this.onValueChanged('publish', value)}
+ default={{ IP: null, containerPort: null, hostPort: null, protocol: 'tcp' }}
+ itemcomponent={ <PublishPort />} />
+ <DynamicListForm id='run-image-dialog-volume'
+ emptyStateString={_("No volumes specified")}
+ formclass='volume-form'
+ label={_("Volumes")}
+ actionLabel={_("Add volume")}
+ validationFailed={dialogValues.validationFailed.volumes}
+ onValidationChange={value => this.dynamicListOnValidationChange('volumes', value)}
+ onChange={value => this.onValueChanged('volumes', value)}
+ default={{ containerPath: null, hostPath: null, mode: 'rw' }}
+ options={{ selinuxAvailable }}
+ itemcomponent={ <Volume />} />
+ <DynamicListForm id='run-image-dialog-env'
+ emptyStateString={_("No environment variables specified")}
+ formclass='env-form'
+ label={_("Environment variables")}
+ actionLabel={_("Add variable")}
+ validationFailed={dialogValues.validationFailed.env}
+ onValidationChange={value => this.dynamicListOnValidationChange('env', value)}
+ onChange={value => this.onValueChanged('env', value)}
+ default={{ envKey: null, envValue: null }}
+ helperText={_("Paste one or more lines of key=value pairs into any field for bulk import")}
+ itemcomponent={ <EnvVar />} />
+ </Tab>
+ <Tab eventKey={2} title={<TabTitleText>{_("Health check")}</TabTitleText>} id="create-image-dialog-tab-healthcheck" className="pf-v5-c-form pf-m-horizontal">
+ <FormGroup fieldId='run-image-dialog-healthcheck-command' label={_("Command")}>
+ <TextInput id='run-image-dialog-healthcheck-command'
+ value={dialogValues.healthcheck_command || ''}
+ onChange={(_, value) => this.onValueChanged('healthcheck_command', value)} />
+ </FormGroup>
+ <FormGroup fieldId='run-image-healthcheck-interval' label={_("Interval")}
+ labelIcon={
+ <Popover aria-label={_("Health check interval help")}
+ enableFlip
+ bodyContent={_("Interval how often health check is run.")}>
+ <button onClick={e => e.preventDefault()} className="pf-v5-c-form__group-label-help">
+ <OutlinedQuestionCircleIcon />
+ </button>
+ </Popover>
+ }>
+ <InputGroup>
+ <NumberInput
+ id="run-image-healthcheck-interval"
+ value={dialogValues.healthcheck_interval}
+ min={0}
+ max={262144}
+ widthChars={6}
+ minusBtnAriaLabel={_("Decrease interval")}
+ plusBtnAriaLabel={_("Increase interval")}
+ onMinus={() => this.onMinusOne('healthcheck_interval')}
+ onPlus={() => this.onPlusOne('healthcheck_interval')}
+ onChange={ev => this.onValueChanged('healthcheck_interval', parseInt( < 0 ? 0 :} />
+ <InputGroupText isPlain>{_("seconds")}</InputGroupText>
+ </InputGroup>
+ </FormGroup>
+ <FormGroup fieldId='run-image-healthcheck-timeout' label={_("Timeout")}
+ labelIcon={
+ <Popover aria-label={_("Health check timeout help")}
+ enableFlip
+ bodyContent={_("The maximum time allowed to complete the health check before an interval is considered failed.")}>
+ <button onClick={e => e.preventDefault()} className="pf-v5-c-form__group-label-help">
+ <OutlinedQuestionCircleIcon />
+ </button>
+ </Popover>
+ }>
+ <InputGroup>
+ <NumberInput
+ id="run-image-healthcheck-timeout"
+ value={dialogValues.healthcheck_timeout}
+ min={0}
+ max={262144}
+ widthChars={6}
+ minusBtnAriaLabel={_("Decrease timeout")}
+ plusBtnAriaLabel={_("Increase timeout")}
+ onMinus={() => this.onMinusOne('healthcheck_timeout')}
+ onPlus={() => this.onPlusOne('healthcheck_timeout')}
+ onChange={ev => this.onValueChanged('healthcheck_timeout', parseInt( < 0 ? 0 :} />
+ <InputGroupText isPlain>{_("seconds")}</InputGroupText>
+ </InputGroup>
+ </FormGroup>
+ <FormGroup fieldId='run-image-healthcheck-start-period' label={_("Start period")}
+ labelIcon={
+ <Popover aria-label={_("Health check start period help")}
+ enableFlip
+ bodyContent={_("The initialization time needed for a container to bootstrap.")}>
+ <button onClick={e => e.preventDefault()} className="pf-v5-c-form__group-label-help">
+ <OutlinedQuestionCircleIcon />
+ </button>
+ </Popover>
+ }>
+ <InputGroup>
+ <NumberInput
+ id="run-image-healthcheck-start-period"
+ value={dialogValues.healthcheck_start_period}
+ min={0}
+ max={262144}
+ widthChars={6}
+ minusBtnAriaLabel={_("Decrease start period")}
+ plusBtnAriaLabel={_("Increase start period")}
+ onMinus={() => this.onMinusOne('healthcheck_start_period')}
+ onPlus={() => this.onPlusOne('healthcheck_start_period')}
+ onChange={ev => this.onValueChanged('healthcheck_start_period', parseInt( < 0 ? 0 :} />
+ <InputGroupText isPlain>{_("seconds")}</InputGroupText>
+ </InputGroup>
+ </FormGroup>
+ <FormGroup fieldId='run-image-healthcheck-retries' label={_("Retries")}
+ labelIcon={
+ <Popover aria-label={_("Health check retries help")}
+ enableFlip
+ bodyContent={_("The number of retries allowed before a healthcheck is considered to be unhealthy.")}>
+ <button onClick={e => e.preventDefault()} className="pf-v5-c-form__group-label-help">
+ <OutlinedQuestionCircleIcon />
+ </button>
+ </Popover>
+ }>
+ <NumberInput
+ id="run-image-healthcheck-retries"
+ value={dialogValues.healthcheck_retries}
+ min={0}
+ max={999}
+ widthChars={3}
+ minusBtnAriaLabel={_("Decrease retries")}
+ plusBtnAriaLabel={_("Increase retries")}
+ onMinus={() => this.onMinusOne('healthcheck_retries')}
+ onPlus={() => this.onPlusOne('healthcheck_retries')}
+ onChange={ev => this.onValueChanged('healthcheck_retries', parseInt( < 0 ? 0 :} />
+ </FormGroup>
+ {version.localeCompare("4.3", undefined, { numeric: true, sensitivity: 'base' }) >= 0 &&
+ <FormGroup isInline hasNoPaddingTop fieldId='run-image-healthcheck-action' label={_("When unhealthy") }
+ labelIcon={
+ <Popover aria-label={_("Health failure check action help")}
+ enableFlip
+ bodyContent={_("Action to take once the container transitions to an unhealthy state.")}>
+ <button onClick={e => e.preventDefault()} className="pf-v5-c-form__group-label-help">
+ <OutlinedQuestionCircleIcon />
+ </button>
+ </Popover>
+ }>
+ { =>
+ <Radio value={item.value}
+ key={item.value}
+ label={item.label}
+ id={`run-image-healthcheck-action-${item.value}`}
+ isChecked={dialogValues.healthcheck_action === item.value}
+ onChange={() => this.onValueChanged('healthcheck_action', item.value)} />
+ )}
+ </FormGroup>
+ }
+ </Tab>
+ </Tabs>
+ </Form>
+ );
+ return (
+ <Modal isOpen
+ position="top" variant="medium"
+ onClose={Dialogs.close}
+ // TODO: still not ideal on chromium
+ onEscapePress={() => {
+ if (this.state.isImageSelectOpen) {
+ this.onImageSelectToggle(!this.state.isImageSelectOpen);
+ } else {
+ Dialogs.close();
+ }
+ }}
+ title={this.props.pod ? cockpit.format(_("Create container in $0"), this.props.pod.Name) : _("Create container")}
+ footer={<>
+ <Button variant='primary' id="create-image-create-run-btn" onClick={() => this.onCreateClicked(true)} isDisabled={(!image && selectedImage === "") || this.isFormInvalid(dialogValues.validationFailed)}>
+ {_("Create and run")}
+ </Button>
+ <Button variant='secondary' id="create-image-create-btn" onClick={() => this.onCreateClicked(false)} isDisabled={(!image && selectedImage === "") || this.isFormInvalid(dialogValues.validationFailed)}>
+ {_("Create")}
+ </Button>
+ <Button variant='link' className='btn-cancel' onClick={Dialogs.close}>
+ {_("Cancel")}
+ </Button>
+ </>}
+ >
+ {defaultBody}
+ </Modal>
+ );
+ }