path: root/test/features/steps/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test/features/steps/')
1 files changed, 353 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/features/steps/ b/test/features/steps/
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index 0000000..3ec8845
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+++ b/test/features/steps/
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+CRM_H_OUTPUT = '''usage: crm [-h|--help] [OPTIONS] [SUBCOMMAND ARGS...]
+or crm help SUBCOMMAND
+For a list of available subcommands, use crm help.
+Use crm without arguments for an interactive session.
+Call a subcommand directly for a "single-shot" use.
+Call crm with a level name as argument to start an interactive
+session from that level.
+See the crm(8) man page or call crm help for more details.
+positional arguments:
+optional arguments:
+ -h, --help show this help message and exit
+ --version show program's version number and exit
+ -f FILE, --file FILE Load commands from the given file. If a dash (-) is
+ used in place of a file name, crm will read commands
+ from the shell standard input (stdin).
+ -c CIB, --cib CIB Start the session using the given shadow CIB file.
+ Equivalent to `cib use <CIB>`.
+ Choose one of the output options: plain, color-always,
+ color, or uppercase. The default is color if the
+ terminal emulation supports colors, else plain.
+ -F, --force Make crm proceed with applying changes where it would
+ normally ask the user to confirm before proceeding.
+ This option is mainly useful in scripts, and should be
+ used with care.
+ -n, --no Automatically answer no when prompted
+ -w, --wait Make crm wait for the cluster transition to finish
+ (for the changes to take effect) after each processed
+ line.
+ A directory or file containing a cluster report to
+ load into history, or the name of a previously saved
+ history session.
+ -d, --debug Print verbose debugging information.
+ -R, --regression-tests
+ Enables extra verbose trace logging used by the
+ regression tests. Logs all external calls made by
+ crmsh.
+ --scriptdir DIR Extra directory where crm looks for cluster scripts,
+ or a list of directories separated by semi-colons
+ (e.g. /dir1;/dir2;etc.).
+ -X PROFILE Collect profiling data and save in PROFILE.
+ Set crmsh option temporarily. If the options are saved
+ using+options save+ then the value passed here will
+ also be saved.Multiple options can be set by using
+ +-o+ multiple times.'''
+CRM_CLUSTER_INIT_H_OUTPUT = '''Initializes a new HA cluster
+usage: init [options] [STAGE]
+Initialize a cluster from scratch. This command configures
+a complete cluster, and can also add additional cluster
+nodes to the initial one-node cluster using the --nodes
+optional arguments:
+ -h, --help Show this help message
+ -q, --quiet Be quiet (don't describe what's happening, just do it)
+ -y, --yes Answer "yes" to all prompts (use with caution, this is
+ destructive, especially those storage related
+ configurations and stages.)
+ -n NAME, --name NAME Set the name of the configured cluster.
+ -N [USER@]HOST, --node [USER@]HOST
+ The member node of the cluster. Note: the current node
+ is always get initialized during bootstrap in the
+ beginning.
+ -S, --enable-sbd Enable SBD even if no SBD device is configured
+ (diskless mode)
+ -w WATCHDOG, --watchdog WATCHDOG
+ Use the given watchdog device or driver name
+ -x, --skip-csync2-sync
+ Skip csync2 initialization (an experimental option)
+ --no-overwrite-sshkey
+ Avoid "/root/.ssh/id_rsa" overwrite if "-y" option is
+ used (False by default; Deprecated)
+ --use-ssh-agent Use an existing key from ssh-agent instead of creating
+ new key pairs
+Network configuration:
+ Options for configuring the network and messaging layer.
+ -i IF, --interface IF
+ Bind to IP address on interface IF. Use -i second time
+ for second interface
+ -u, --unicast Configure corosync to communicate over unicast(udpu).
+ This is the default transport type
+ -U, --multicast Configure corosync to communicate over multicast.
+ Default is unicast
+ -A IP, --admin-ip IP Configure IP address as an administration virtual IP
+ -M, --multi-heartbeats
+ Configure corosync with second heartbeat line
+ -I, --ipv6 Configure corosync use IPv6
+QDevice configuration:
+ QDevice participates in quorum decisions. With the assistance of
+ a third-party arbitrator Qnetd, it provides votes so that a cluster
+ is able to sustain more node failures than standard quorum rules
+ allow. It is recommended for clusters with an even number of nodes
+ and highly recommended for 2 node clusters.
+ Options for configuring QDevice and QNetd.
+ --qnetd-hostname [USER@]HOST
+ User and host of the QNetd server. The host can be
+ specified in either hostname or IP address.
+ --qdevice-port PORT TCP PORT of QNetd server (default:5403)
+ --qdevice-algo ALGORITHM
+ QNetd decision ALGORITHM (ffsplit/lms,
+ default:ffsplit)
+ --qdevice-tie-breaker TIE_BREAKER
+ QNetd TIE_BREAKER (lowest/highest/valid_node_id,
+ default:lowest)
+ --qdevice-tls TLS Whether using TLS on QDevice/QNetd (on/off/required,
+ default:on)
+ --qdevice-heuristics COMMAND
+ COMMAND to run with absolute path. For multiple
+ commands, use ";" to separate (details about
+ heuristics can see man 8 corosync-qdevice)
+ --qdevice-heuristics-mode MODE
+ MODE of operation of heuristics (on/sync/off,
+ default:sync)
+Storage configuration:
+ Options for configuring shared storage.
+ -s DEVICE, --sbd-device DEVICE
+ Block device to use for SBD fencing, use ";" as
+ separator or -s multiple times for multi path (up to 3
+ devices)
+ -o DEVICE, --ocfs2-device DEVICE
+ Block device to use for OCFS2; When using Cluster LVM2
+ to manage the shared storage, user can specify one or
+ multiple raw disks, use ";" as separator or -o
+ multiple times for multi path (must specify -C option)
+ NOTE: this is a Technical Preview
+ -C, --cluster-lvm2 Use Cluster LVM2 (only valid together with -o option)
+ NOTE: this is a Technical Preview
+ -m MOUNT, --mount-point MOUNT
+ Mount point for OCFS2 device (default is
+ /srv/clusterfs, only valid together with -o option)
+ NOTE: this is a Technical Preview
+Stage can be one of:
+ ssh Create SSH keys for passwordless SSH between cluster nodes
+ csync2 Configure csync2
+ corosync Configure corosync
+ sbd Configure SBD (requires -s <dev>)
+ cluster Bring the cluster online
+ ocfs2 Configure OCFS2 (requires -o <dev>) NOTE: this is a Technical Preview
+ vgfs Create volume group and filesystem (ocfs2 template only,
+ requires -o <dev>) NOTE: this stage is an alias of ocfs2 stage
+ admin Create administration virtual IP (optional)
+ qdevice Configure qdevice and qnetd
+ - If stage is not specified, the script will run through each stage
+ in sequence, with prompts for required information.
+ # Setup the cluster on the current node
+ crm cluster init -y
+ # Setup the cluster with multiple nodes
+ (NOTE: the current node will be part of the cluster even not listed in the -N option as below)
+ crm cluster init -N node1 -N node2 -N node3 -y
+ # Setup the cluster on the current node, with two network interfaces
+ crm cluster init -i eth1 -i eth2 -y
+ # Setup the cluster on the current node, with disk-based SBD
+ crm cluster init -s <share disk> -y
+ # Setup the cluster on the current node, with diskless SBD
+ crm cluster init -S -y
+ # Setup the cluster on the current node, with QDevice
+ crm cluster init --qnetd-hostname <qnetd addr> -y
+ # Setup the cluster on the current node, with SBD+OCFS2
+ crm cluster init -s <share disk1> -o <share disk2> -y
+ # Setup the cluster on the current node, with SBD+OCFS2+Cluster LVM
+ crm cluster init -s <share disk1> -o <share disk2> -o <share disk3> -C -y
+ # Add SBD on a running cluster
+ crm cluster init sbd -s <share disk> -y
+ # Replace SBD device on a running cluster which already configured SBD
+ crm -F cluster init sbd -s <share disk> -y
+ # Add diskless SBD on a running cluster
+ crm cluster init sbd -S -y
+ # Add QDevice on a running cluster
+ crm cluster init qdevice --qnetd-hostname <qnetd addr> -y
+ # Add OCFS2+Cluster LVM on a running cluster
+ crm cluster init ocfs2 -o <share disk1> -o <share disk2> -C -y'''
+CRM_CLUSTER_JOIN_H_OUTPUT = '''Join existing cluster
+usage: join [options] [STAGE]
+Join the current node to an existing cluster. The
+current node cannot be a member of a cluster already.
+Pass any node in the existing cluster as the argument
+to the -c option.
+optional arguments:
+ -h, --help Show this help message
+ -q, --quiet Be quiet (don't describe what's happening, just do it)
+ -y, --yes Answer "yes" to all prompts (use with caution)
+ -w WATCHDOG, --watchdog WATCHDOG
+ Use the given watchdog device
+ --use-ssh-agent Use an existing key from ssh-agent instead of creating
+ new key pairs
+Network configuration:
+ Options for configuring the network and messaging layer.
+ -c [USER@]HOST, --cluster-node [USER@]HOST
+ User and host to login to an existing cluster node.
+ The host can be specified with either a hostname or an
+ IP.
+ -i IF, --interface IF
+ Bind to IP address on interface IF. Use -i second time
+ for second interface
+Stage can be one of:
+ ssh Obtain SSH keys from existing cluster node (requires -c <host>)
+ csync2 Configure csync2 (requires -c <host>)
+ ssh_merge Merge root's SSH known_hosts across all nodes (csync2 must
+ already be configured).
+ cluster Start the cluster on this node
+If stage is not specified, each stage will be invoked in sequence.
+ # Join with a cluster node
+ crm cluster join -c <node> -y
+ # Join with a cluster node, with the same network interface used by that node
+ crm cluster join -c <node> -i eth1 -i eth2 -y'''
+CRM_CLUSTER_REMOVE_H_OUTPUT = '''Remove node(s) from the cluster
+usage: remove [options] [<node> ...]
+Remove one or more nodes from the cluster.
+This command can remove the last node in the cluster,
+thus effectively removing the whole cluster. To remove
+the last node, pass --force argument to crm or set
+the config.core.force option.
+optional arguments:
+ -h, --help Show this help message
+ -q, --quiet Be quiet (don't describe what's happening, just do it)
+ -y, --yes Answer "yes" to all prompts (use with caution)
+ -c HOST, --cluster-node HOST
+ IP address or hostname of cluster node which will be
+ deleted
+ -F, --force Remove current node
+ --qdevice Remove QDevice configuration and service from cluster'''
+CRM_CLUSTER_GEO_INIT_H_OUTPUT = '''Configure cluster as geo cluster
+usage: geo-init [options]
+Create a new geo cluster with the current cluster as the
+first member. Pass the complete geo cluster topology as
+arguments to this command, and then use geo-join and
+geo-init-arbitrator to add the remaining members to
+the geo cluster.
+optional arguments:
+ -h, --help Show this help message
+ -q, --quiet Be quiet (don't describe what's happening, just do it)
+ -y, --yes Answer "yes" to all prompts (use with caution)
+ -a [USER@]HOST, --arbitrator [USER@]HOST
+ Geo cluster arbitrator
+ -s DESC, --clusters DESC
+ Geo cluster description (see details below)
+ -t LIST, --tickets LIST
+ Tickets to create (space-separated)
+Cluster Description
+ This is a map of cluster names to IP addresses.
+ Each IP address will be configured as a virtual IP
+ representing that cluster in the geo cluster
+ configuration.
+ Example with two clusters named paris and amsterdam:
+ --clusters "paris= amsterdam="
+ Name clusters using the --name parameter to
+ crm bootstrap init.'''
+CRM_CLUSTER_GEO_JOIN_H_OUTPUT = '''Join cluster to existing geo cluster
+usage: geo-join [options]
+This command should be run from one of the nodes in a cluster
+which is currently not a member of a geo cluster. The geo
+cluster configuration will be fetched from the provided node,
+and the cluster will be added to the geo cluster.
+Note that each cluster in a geo cluster needs to have a unique
+name set. The cluster name can be set using the --name argument
+to init, or by configuring corosync with the cluster name in
+an existing cluster.
+optional arguments:
+ -h, --help Show this help message
+ -q, --quiet Be quiet (don't describe what's happening, just do it)
+ -y, --yes Answer "yes" to all prompts (use with caution)
+ -c [USER@]HOST, --cluster-node [USER@]HOST
+ An already-configured geo cluster or arbitrator
+ -s DESC, --clusters DESC
+ Geo cluster description (see geo-init for details)'''
+CRM_CLUSTER_GEO_INIT_ARBIT_H_OUTPUT = '''Initialize node as geo cluster arbitrator
+usage: geo-init-arbitrator [options]
+Configure the current node as a geo arbitrator. The command
+requires an existing geo cluster or geo arbitrator from which
+to get the geo cluster configuration.
+optional arguments:
+ -h, --help Show this help message
+ -q, --quiet Be quiet (don't describe what's happening, just do it)
+ -y, --yes Answer "yes" to all prompts (use with caution)
+ -c [USER@]HOST, --cluster-node [USER@]HOST
+ An already-configured geo cluster
+ --use-ssh-agent Use an existing key from ssh-agent instead of creating
+ new key pairs'''