path: root/src/debputy/commands/debputy_cmd/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/debputy/commands/debputy_cmd/')
1 files changed, 335 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/debputy/commands/debputy_cmd/ b/src/debputy/commands/debputy_cmd/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..131338a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/debputy/commands/debputy_cmd/
@@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
+import argparse
+import contextlib
+import itertools
+import os
+import re
+import shutil
+import subprocess
+import sys
+from typing import (
+ Union,
+ Sequence,
+ Iterable,
+ Iterator,
+ IO,
+ Mapping,
+ Tuple,
+ Optional,
+ Any,
+from debputy.util import assume_not_none
+ import colored
+except ImportError:
+ colored = None
+def _pager() -> Optional[str]:
+ pager = os.environ.get("DEBPUTY_PAGER")
+ if pager is None:
+ pager = os.environ.get("PAGER")
+ if pager is None and shutil.which("less") is not None:
+ pager = "less"
+ return pager
+URL_START = "\033]8;;"
+URL_END = "\033]8;;\a"
+MAN_URL_REWRITE = re.compile(r"man:(\S+)[(](\d+)[)]")
+ "black",
+ "red",
+ "green",
+ "yellow",
+ "blue",
+ "magenta",
+ "cyan",
+ "white",
+_SUPPORTED_STYLES = {"none", "bold"}
+class OutputStylingBase:
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ stream: IO[str],
+ output_format: str,
+ *,
+ optimize_for_screen_reader: bool = False,
+ ) -> None:
+ = stream
+ self.output_format = output_format
+ self.optimize_for_screen_reader = optimize_for_screen_reader
+ self._color_support = None
+ def colored(
+ self,
+ text: str,
+ *,
+ fg: Optional[Union[str]] = None,
+ bg: Optional[str] = None,
+ style: Optional[str] = None,
+ ) -> str:
+ self._check_color(fg)
+ self._check_color(bg)
+ self._check_text_style(style)
+ return text
+ @property
+ def supports_colors(self) -> bool:
+ return False
+ def print_list_table(
+ self,
+ headers: Sequence[Union[str, Tuple[str, str]]],
+ rows: Sequence[Sequence[str]],
+ ) -> None:
+ if rows:
+ if any(len(r) != len(rows[0]) for r in rows):
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Unbalanced table: All rows must have the same column count"
+ )
+ if len(rows[0]) != len(headers):
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Unbalanced table: header list does not agree with row list on number of columns"
+ )
+ if not headers:
+ raise ValueError("No headers provided!?")
+ cadjust = {}
+ header_names = []
+ for c in headers:
+ if isinstance(c, str):
+ header_names.append(c)
+ else:
+ cname, adjust = c
+ header_names.append(cname)
+ cadjust[cname] = adjust
+ if self.output_format == "csv":
+ from csv import writer
+ w = writer(
+ w.writerow(header_names)
+ w.writerows(rows)
+ return
+ column_lengths = [
+ max((len(h), max(len(r[i]) for r in rows)))
+ for i, h in enumerate(header_names)
+ ]
+ # divider => "+---+---+-...-+"
+ divider = "+-" + "-+-".join("-" * x for x in column_lengths) + "-+"
+ # row_format => '| {:<10} | {:<8} | ... |' where the numbers are the column lengths
+ row_format_inner = " | ".join(
+ f"{{CELL_COLOR}}{{:{cadjust.get(cn, '<')}{x}}}{{CELL_COLOR_RESET}}"
+ for cn, x in zip(header_names, column_lengths)
+ )
+ row_format = f"| {row_format_inner} |"
+ if self.supports_colors:
+ c = self._color_support
+ assert c is not None
+ header_color = c.Style.bold
+ header_color_reset = c.Style.reset
+ else:
+ header_color = ""
+ header_color_reset = ""
+ self.print_visual_formatting(divider)
+ self.print(
+ row_format.format(
+ *header_names,
+ CELL_COLOR=header_color,
+ CELL_COLOR_RESET=header_color_reset,
+ )
+ )
+ self.print_visual_formatting(divider)
+ for row in rows:
+ self.print(row_format.format(*row, CELL_COLOR="", CELL_COLOR_RESET=""))
+ self.print_visual_formatting(divider)
+ def print(self, /, string: str = "", **kwargs) -> None:
+ if "file" in kwargs:
+ raise ValueError("Unsupported kwarg file")
+ print(string,, **kwargs)
+ def print_visual_formatting(self, /, format_sequence: str, **kwargs) -> None:
+ if self.optimize_for_screen_reader:
+ return
+ self.print(format_sequence, **kwargs)
+ def print_for_screen_reader(self, /, text: str, **kwargs) -> None:
+ if not self.optimize_for_screen_reader:
+ return
+ self.print(text, **kwargs)
+ def _check_color(self, color: Optional[str]) -> None:
+ if color is not None and color not in _SUPPORTED_COLORS:
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"Unsupported color: {color}. Only the following are supported {','.join(_SUPPORTED_COLORS)}"
+ )
+ def _check_text_style(self, style: Optional[str]) -> None:
+ if style is not None and style not in _SUPPORTED_STYLES:
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"Unsupported style: {style}. Only the following are supported {','.join(_SUPPORTED_STYLES)}"
+ )
+ def render_url(self, link_url: str) -> str:
+ return link_url
+class ANSIOutputStylingBase(OutputStylingBase):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ stream: IO[str],
+ output_format: str,
+ *,
+ support_colors: bool = True,
+ support_clickable_urls: bool = True,
+ **kwargs: Any,
+ ) -> None:
+ super().__init__(stream, output_format, **kwargs)
+ self._stream = stream
+ self._color_support = colored
+ self._support_colors = (
+ support_colors if self._color_support is not None else False
+ )
+ self._support_clickable_urls = support_clickable_urls
+ @property
+ def supports_colors(self) -> bool:
+ return self._support_colors
+ def colored(
+ self,
+ text: str,
+ *,
+ fg: Optional[str] = None,
+ bg: Optional[str] = None,
+ style: Optional[str] = None,
+ ) -> str:
+ self._check_color(fg)
+ self._check_color(bg)
+ self._check_text_style(style)
+ if not self.supports_colors:
+ return text
+ _colored = self._color_support
+ codes = []
+ if style is not None:
+ code = getattr(_colored.Style, style)
+ assert code is not None
+ codes.append(code)
+ if fg is not None:
+ code = getattr(_colored.Fore, fg)
+ assert code is not None
+ codes.append(code)
+ if bg is not None:
+ code = getattr(_colored.Back, bg)
+ assert code is not None
+ codes.append(code)
+ if not codes:
+ return text
+ return "".join(codes) + text + _colored.Style.reset
+ def render_url(self, link_url: str) -> str:
+ if not self._support_clickable_urls:
+ return super().render_url(link_url)
+ link_text = link_url
+ if not self.optimize_for_screen_reader and link_url.startswith("man:"):
+ # Rewrite manpage to a clickable link by default. I am not sure how the hyperlink
+ # ANSI code works with screen readers, so lets not rewrite the manpage link by
+ # default. My fear is that both the link url and the link text gets read out.
+ m = MAN_URL_REWRITE.match(link_url)
+ if m:
+ page, section = m.groups()
+ link_url = f"{page}.{section}"
+ return URL_START + f"{link_url}\a{link_text}" + URL_END
+def _output_styling(
+ parsed_args: argparse.Namespace,
+ stream: IO[str],
+) -> OutputStylingBase:
+ output_format = getattr(parsed_args, "output_format", None)
+ if output_format is None:
+ output_format = "text"
+ optimize_for_screen_reader = os.environ.get("OPTIMIZE_FOR_SCREEN_READER", "") != ""
+ if not stream.isatty():
+ return OutputStylingBase(
+ stream, output_format, optimize_for_screen_reader=optimize_for_screen_reader
+ )
+ return ANSIOutputStylingBase(
+ stream, output_format, optimize_for_screen_reader=optimize_for_screen_reader
+ )
+def _stream_to_pager(
+ parsed_args: argparse.Namespace,
+) -> Iterator[Tuple[IO[str], OutputStylingBase]]:
+ fancy_output = _output_styling(parsed_args, sys.stdout)
+ if (
+ not parsed_args.pager
+ or not sys.stdout.isatty()
+ or fancy_output.output_format != "text"
+ ):
+ yield sys.stdout, fancy_output
+ return
+ pager = _pager()
+ if pager is None:
+ yield sys.stdout, fancy_output
+ return
+ env: Mapping[str, str] = os.environ
+ if "LESS" not in env:
+ env_copy = dict(os.environ)
+ env_copy["LESS"] = "-FRSXMQ"
+ env = env_copy
+ cmd = subprocess.Popen(
+ pager,
+ stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
+ encoding="utf-8",
+ env=env,
+ )
+ stdin = assume_not_none(cmd.stdin)
+ try:
+ = stdin
+ yield stdin, fancy_output
+ except Exception:
+ stdin.close()
+ cmd.kill()
+ cmd.wait()
+ raise
+ finally:
+ = sys.stdin
+ stdin.close()
+ cmd.wait()
+def _normalize_cell(cell: Union[str, Sequence[str]], times: int) -> Iterable[str]:
+ if isinstance(cell, str):
+ return itertools.chain([cell], itertools.repeat("", times=times - 1))
+ if not cell:
+ return itertools.repeat("", times=times)
+ return itertools.chain(cell, itertools.repeat("", times=times - len(cell)))
+def _expand_rows(
+ rows: Sequence[Sequence[Union[str, Sequence[str]]]]
+) -> Iterator[Sequence[str]]:
+ for row in rows:
+ if all(isinstance(c, str) for c in row):
+ yield row
+ else:
+ longest = max(len(c) if isinstance(c, list) else 1 for c in row)
+ cells = [_normalize_cell(c, times=longest) for c in row]
+ yield from zip(*cells)