path: root/src/debputy/commands/debputy_cmd/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/debputy/commands/debputy_cmd/')
1 files changed, 1364 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/debputy/commands/debputy_cmd/ b/src/debputy/commands/debputy_cmd/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d8bdcb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/debputy/commands/debputy_cmd/
@@ -0,0 +1,1364 @@
+import argparse
+import operator
+import os
+import sys
+from itertools import chain
+from typing import (
+ Sequence,
+ Union,
+ Tuple,
+ Iterable,
+ Any,
+ Optional,
+ Type,
+ Mapping,
+ Callable,
+from debputy import DEBPUTY_DOC_ROOT_DIR
+from debputy.commands.debputy_cmd.context import (
+ CommandContext,
+ add_arg,
+from debputy.commands.debputy_cmd.dc_util import flatten_ppfs
+from debputy.commands.debputy_cmd.output import (
+ _stream_to_pager,
+ _output_styling,
+ OutputStylingBase,
+from debputy.exceptions import DebputySubstitutionError
+from debputy.filesystem_scan import build_virtual_fs
+from debputy.manifest_parser.base_types import TypeMapping
+from debputy.manifest_parser.declarative_parser import (
+ DeclarativeMappingInputParser,
+ DeclarativeNonMappingInputParser,
+from debputy.manifest_parser.parser_data import ParserContextData
+from debputy.manifest_parser.util import unpack_type, AttributePath
+from debputy.packager_provided_files import detect_all_packager_provided_files
+from debputy.plugin.api.example_processing import (
+ process_discard_rule_example,
+ DiscardVerdict,
+from debputy.plugin.api.impl import plugin_metadata_for_debputys_own_plugin
+from debputy.plugin.api.impl_types import (
+ PackagerProvidedFileClassSpec,
+ PluginProvidedManifestVariable,
+ DispatchingParserBase,
+ DeclarativeInputParser,
+ DebputyPluginMetadata,
+ DispatchingObjectParser,
+ PluginProvidedDiscardRule,
+ AutomaticDiscardRuleExample,
+ MetadataOrMaintscriptDetector,
+ PluginProvidedTypeMapping,
+from debputy.plugin.api.spec import (
+ ParserDocumentation,
+ reference_documentation,
+ undocumented_attr,
+ TypeMappingExample,
+from debputy.substitution import Substitution
+from debputy.util import _error, assume_not_none, _warn
+plugin_dispatcher = ROOT_COMMAND.add_dispatching_subcommand(
+ "plugin",
+ "plugin_subcommand",
+ default_subcommand="--help",
+ help_description="Interact with debputy plugins",
+ metavar="command",
+plugin_list_cmds = plugin_dispatcher.add_dispatching_subcommand(
+ "list",
+ "plugin_subcommand_list",
+ metavar="topic",
+ default_subcommand="plugins",
+ help_description="List plugins or things provided by plugins (unstable format)."
+ " Pass `--help` *after* `list` get a topic listing",
+plugin_show_cmds = plugin_dispatcher.add_dispatching_subcommand(
+ "show",
+ "plugin_subcommand_show",
+ metavar="topic",
+ help_description="Show details about a plugin or things provided by plugins (unstable format)."
+ " Pass `--help` *after* `show` get a topic listing",
+def format_output_arg(
+ default_format: str,
+ allowed_formats: Sequence[str],
+ help_text: str,
+) -> Callable[[argparse.ArgumentParser], None]:
+ if default_format not in allowed_formats:
+ raise ValueError("The default format must be in the allowed_formats...")
+ def _configurator(argparser: argparse.ArgumentParser) -> None:
+ argparser.add_argument(
+ "--output-format",
+ dest="output_format",
+ default=default_format,
+ choices=allowed_formats,
+ help=help_text,
+ )
+ return _configurator
+# To let --output-format=... "always" work
+TEXT_ONLY_FORMAT = format_output_arg(
+ "text",
+ ["text"],
+ "Select a given output format (options and output are not stable between releases)",
+ "text",
+ ["text", "csv"],
+ "Select a given output format (options and output are not stable between releases)",
+ "plugins",
+ help_description="List known plugins with their versions",
+def _plugin_cmd_list_plugins(context: CommandContext) -> None:
+ plugin_metadata_entries = context.load_plugins().plugin_data.values()
+ # Because the "plugins" part is optional, we are not guaranteed tha TEXT_CSV_FORMAT applies
+ output_format = getattr(context.parsed_args, "output_format", "text")
+ assert output_format in {"text", "csv"}
+ with _stream_to_pager(context.parsed_args) as (fd, fo):
+ fo.print_list_table(
+ ["Plugin Name", "Plugin Path"],
+ [(p.plugin_name, p.plugin_path) for p in plugin_metadata_entries],
+ )
+def _path(path: str) -> str:
+ if path.startswith("./"):
+ return path[1:]
+ return path
+def _ppf_flags(ppf: PackagerProvidedFileClassSpec) -> str:
+ flags = []
+ if ppf.allow_name_segment:
+ flags.append("named")
+ if ppf.allow_architecture_segment:
+ flags.append("arch")
+ if ppf.supports_priority:
+ flags.append(f"priority={ppf.default_priority}")
+ if ppf.packageless_is_fallback_for_all_packages:
+ flags.append("main-all-fallback")
+ if ppf.post_formatting_rewrite:
+ flags.append("post-format-hook")
+ return ",".join(flags)
+ ["used-packager-provided-files", "uppf", "u-p-p-f"],
+ help_description="List packager provided files used by this package (debian/",
+ argparser=TEXT_ONLY_FORMAT,
+def _plugin_cmd_list_uppf(context: CommandContext) -> None:
+ ppf_table = context.load_plugins().packager_provided_files
+ all_ppfs = detect_all_packager_provided_files(
+ ppf_table,
+ context.debian_dir,
+ context.binary_packages(),
+ )
+ requested_plugins = set(context.requested_plugins())
+ requested_plugins.add("debputy")
+ all_detected_ppfs = list(flatten_ppfs(all_ppfs))
+ used_ppfs = [
+ p
+ for p in all_detected_ppfs
+ if p.definition.debputy_plugin_metadata.plugin_name in requested_plugins
+ ]
+ inactive_ppfs = [
+ p
+ for p in all_detected_ppfs
+ if p.definition.debputy_plugin_metadata.plugin_name not in requested_plugins
+ ]
+ if not used_ppfs and not inactive_ppfs:
+ print("No packager provided files detected; not even a changelog... ?")
+ return
+ with _stream_to_pager(context.parsed_args) as (fd, fo):
+ if used_ppfs:
+ headers: Sequence[Union[str, Tuple[str, str]]] = [
+ "File",
+ "Matched Stem",
+ "Installed Into",
+ "Installed As",
+ ]
+ fo.print_list_table(
+ headers,
+ [
+ (
+ ppf.path.path,
+ ppf.definition.stem,
+ ppf.package_name,
+ "/".join(ppf.compute_dest()).lstrip("."),
+ )
+ for ppf in sorted(
+ used_ppfs, key=operator.attrgetter("package_name")
+ )
+ ],
+ )
+ if inactive_ppfs:
+ headers: Sequence[Union[str, Tuple[str, str]]] = [
+ "Matched Stem",
+ "Installed Into",
+ "Could Be Installed As",
+ "If B-D Had",
+ ]
+ fo.print_list_table(
+ headers,
+ [
+ (
+ f"~{ppf.path.path}~",
+ ppf.definition.stem,
+ f"~{ppf.package_name}~",
+ "/".join(ppf.compute_dest()).lstrip("."),
+ f"debputy-plugin-{ppf.definition.debputy_plugin_metadata.plugin_name}",
+ )
+ for ppf in sorted(
+ inactive_ppfs, key=operator.attrgetter("package_name")
+ )
+ ],
+ )
+ ["packager-provided-files", "ppf", "p-p-f"],
+ help_description="List packager provided file definitions (debian/",
+def _plugin_cmd_list_ppf(context: CommandContext) -> None:
+ ppfs: Iterable[PackagerProvidedFileClassSpec]
+ ppfs = context.load_plugins().packager_provided_files.values()
+ with _stream_to_pager(context.parsed_args) as (fd, fo):
+ headers: Sequence[Union[str, Tuple[str, str]]] = [
+ "Stem",
+ "Installed As",
+ ("Mode", ">"),
+ "Features",
+ "Provided by",
+ ]
+ fo.print_list_table(
+ headers,
+ [
+ (
+ ppf.stem,
+ _path(ppf.installed_as_format),
+ "0" + oct(ppf.default_mode)[2:],
+ _ppf_flags(ppf),
+ ppf.debputy_plugin_metadata.plugin_name,
+ )
+ for ppf in sorted(ppfs, key=operator.attrgetter("stem"))
+ ],
+ )
+ if os.path.isdir("debian/") and fo.output_format == "text":
+ fo.print()
+ fo.print(
+ "Hint: You can use `debputy plugin list used-packager-provided-files` to have `debputy`",
+ )
+ fo.print("list all the files in debian/ that matches these definitions.")
+ ["metadata-detectors"],
+ help_description="List metadata detectors",
+def _plugin_cmd_list_metadata_detectors(context: CommandContext) -> None:
+ mds = list(
+ chain.from_iterable(
+ context.load_plugins().metadata_maintscript_detectors.values()
+ )
+ )
+ def _sort_key(md: "MetadataOrMaintscriptDetector") -> Any:
+ return md.plugin_metadata.plugin_name, md.detector_id
+ with _stream_to_pager(context.parsed_args) as (fd, fo):
+ fo.print_list_table(
+ ["Provided by", "Detector Id"],
+ [
+ (md.plugin_metadata.plugin_name, md.detector_id)
+ for md in sorted(mds, key=_sort_key)
+ ],
+ )
+def _resolve_variable_for_list(
+ substitution: Substitution,
+ variable: PluginProvidedManifestVariable,
+) -> str:
+ var = "{{" + variable.variable_name + "}}"
+ try:
+ value = substitution.substitute(var, "CLI request")
+ except DebputySubstitutionError:
+ value = None
+ return _render_manifest_variable_value(value)
+def _render_manifest_variable_flag(variable: PluginProvidedManifestVariable) -> str:
+ flags = []
+ if variable.is_for_special_case:
+ flags.append("special-use-case")
+ if variable.is_internal:
+ flags.append("internal")
+ return ",".join(flags)
+def _render_list_filter(v: Optional[bool]) -> str:
+ if v is None:
+ return "N/A"
+ return "shown" if v else "hidden"
+ ["manifest-variables"],
+ help_description="List plugin provided manifest variables (such as `{{path:FOO}}`)",
+def plugin_cmd_list_manifest_variables(context: CommandContext) -> None:
+ variables = context.load_plugins().manifest_variables
+ substitution = context.substitution.with_extra_substitutions(
+ PACKAGE="<package-name>"
+ )
+ parsed_args = context.parsed_args
+ show_special_case_vars = parsed_args.show_special_use_variables
+ show_token_vars = parsed_args.show_token_variables
+ show_all_vars = parsed_args.show_all_variables
+ def _include_var(var: PluginProvidedManifestVariable) -> bool:
+ if show_all_vars:
+ return True
+ if var.is_internal:
+ return False
+ if var.is_for_special_case and not show_special_case_vars:
+ return False
+ if var.is_token and not show_token_vars:
+ return False
+ return True
+ with _stream_to_pager(context.parsed_args) as (fd, fo):
+ fo.print_list_table(
+ ["Variable (use via: `{{ NAME }}`)", "Value", "Flag", "Provided by"],
+ [
+ (
+ k,
+ _resolve_variable_for_list(substitution, var),
+ _render_manifest_variable_flag(var),
+ var.plugin_metadata.plugin_name,
+ )
+ for k, var in sorted(variables.items())
+ if _include_var(var)
+ ],
+ )
+ fo.print()
+ filters = [
+ (
+ "Token variables",
+ show_token_vars if not show_all_vars else None,
+ "--show-token-variables",
+ ),
+ (
+ "Special use variables",
+ show_special_case_vars if not show_all_vars else None,
+ "--show-special-case-variables",
+ ),
+ ]
+ fo.print_list_table(
+ ["Variable type", "Value", "Option"],
+ [
+ (
+ fname,
+ _render_list_filter(value or show_all_vars),
+ f"{option} OR --show-all-variables",
+ )
+ for fname, value, option in filters
+ ],
+ )
+def list_manifest_variable_arg_parser(
+ plugin_list_manifest_variables_parser: argparse.ArgumentParser,
+) -> None:
+ plugin_list_manifest_variables_parser.add_argument(
+ "--show-special-case-variables",
+ dest="show_special_use_variables",
+ default=False,
+ action="store_true",
+ help="Show variables that are only used in special / niche cases",
+ )
+ plugin_list_manifest_variables_parser.add_argument(
+ "--show-token-variables",
+ dest="show_token_variables",
+ default=False,
+ action="store_true",
+ help="Show token (syntactical) variables like {{token:TAB}}",
+ )
+ plugin_list_manifest_variables_parser.add_argument(
+ "--show-all-variables",
+ dest="show_all_variables",
+ default=False,
+ action="store_true",
+ help="Show all variables regardless of type/kind (overrules other filter settings)",
+ )
+ TEXT_ONLY_FORMAT(plugin_list_manifest_variables_parser)
+def _parser_type_name(v: Union[str, Type[Any]]) -> str:
+ if isinstance(v, str):
+ return v if v != "<ROOT>" else ""
+ return v.__name__
+ ["plugable-manifest-rules", "p-m-r", "pmr"],
+ help_description="Plugable manifest rules (such as install rules)",
+def _plugin_cmd_list_manifest_rules(context: CommandContext) -> None:
+ feature_set = context.load_plugins()
+ # Type hint to make the chain call easier for the type checker, which does not seem
+ # to derive to this common base type on its own.
+ base_type = Iterable[Tuple[Union[str, Type[Any]], DispatchingParserBase[Any]]]
+ table_parsers: base_type = feature_set.dispatchable_table_parsers.items()
+ object_parsers: base_type = feature_set.dispatchable_object_parsers.items()
+ parsers = chain(
+ table_parsers,
+ object_parsers,
+ )
+ with _stream_to_pager(context.parsed_args) as (fd, fo):
+ fo.print_list_table(
+ ["Rule Name", "Rule Type", "Provided By"],
+ [
+ (
+ rn,
+ _parser_type_name(rt),
+ pt.parser_for(rn).plugin_metadata.plugin_name,
+ )
+ for rt, pt in parsers
+ for rn in pt.registered_keywords()
+ ],
+ )
+ ["automatic-discard-rules", "a-d-r"],
+ help_description="List automatic discard rules",
+def _plugin_cmd_list_automatic_discard_rules(context: CommandContext) -> None:
+ auto_discard_rules = context.load_plugins().auto_discard_rules
+ with _stream_to_pager(context.parsed_args) as (fd, fo):
+ fo.print_list_table(
+ ["Name", "Provided By"],
+ [
+ (
+ name,
+ ppdr.plugin_metadata.plugin_name,
+ )
+ for name, ppdr in auto_discard_rules.items()
+ ],
+ )
+def _provide_placeholder_parser_doc(
+ parser_doc: Optional[ParserDocumentation],
+ attributes: Iterable[str],
+) -> ParserDocumentation:
+ if parser_doc is None:
+ parser_doc = reference_documentation()
+ changes = {}
+ if parser_doc.attribute_doc is None:
+ changes["attribute_doc"] = [undocumented_attr(attr) for attr in attributes]
+ if changes:
+ return parser_doc.replace(**changes)
+ return parser_doc
+def _doc_args_parser_doc(
+ rule_name: str,
+ declarative_parser: DeclarativeInputParser[Any],
+ plugin_metadata: DebputyPluginMetadata,
+) -> Tuple[Mapping[str, str], ParserDocumentation]:
+ attributes: Iterable[str]
+ if isinstance(declarative_parser, DeclarativeMappingInputParser):
+ attributes = declarative_parser.source_attributes.keys()
+ else:
+ attributes = []
+ doc_args = {
+ "RULE_NAME": rule_name,
+ "PLUGIN_NAME": plugin_metadata.plugin_name,
+ }
+ parser_doc = _provide_placeholder_parser_doc(
+ declarative_parser.inline_reference_documentation,
+ attributes,
+ )
+ return doc_args, parser_doc
+def _render_rule(
+ rule_name: str,
+ rule_type: str,
+ declarative_parser: DeclarativeInputParser[Any],
+ plugin_metadata: DebputyPluginMetadata,
+ manifest_attribute_path: str,
+) -> None:
+ is_root_rule = rule_name == "::"
+ doc_args, parser_doc = _doc_args_parser_doc(
+ "the manifest root" if is_root_rule else rule_name,
+ declarative_parser,
+ plugin_metadata,
+ )
+ t = assume_not_none(parser_doc.title).format(**doc_args)
+ print(t)
+ print("=" * len(t))
+ print()
+ print(assume_not_none(parser_doc.description).format(**doc_args).rstrip())
+ print()
+ alt_form_parser = getattr(declarative_parser, "alt_form_parser", None)
+ if isinstance(
+ declarative_parser, (DeclarativeMappingInputParser, DispatchingObjectParser)
+ ):
+ if isinstance(declarative_parser, DeclarativeMappingInputParser):
+ attributes = declarative_parser.source_attributes
+ required = declarative_parser.input_time_required_parameters
+ conditionally_required = declarative_parser.at_least_one_of
+ mutually_exclusive = declarative_parser.mutually_exclusive_attributes
+ else:
+ attributes = {}
+ required = frozenset()
+ conditionally_required = frozenset()
+ mutually_exclusive = frozenset()
+ print("Attributes:")
+ attribute_docs = (
+ parser_doc.attribute_doc if parser_doc.attribute_doc is not None else []
+ )
+ for attr_doc in assume_not_none(attribute_docs):
+ attr_description = attr_doc.description
+ prefix = " - "
+ for parameter in sorted(attr_doc.attributes):
+ parameter_details = attributes.get(parameter)
+ if parameter_details is not None:
+ source_name = parameter_details.source_attribute_name
+ describe_type = parameter_details.type_validator.describe_type()
+ else:
+ assert isinstance(declarative_parser, DispatchingObjectParser)
+ source_name = parameter
+ subparser = declarative_parser.parser_for(source_name).parser
+ if isinstance(subparser, DispatchingObjectParser):
+ rule_prefix = rule_name if rule_name != "::" else ""
+ describe_type = f"Object (see `{rule_prefix}::{subparser.manifest_attribute_path_template}`)"
+ elif isinstance(subparser, DeclarativeMappingInputParser):
+ describe_type = "<Type definition not implemented yet>" # TODO: Derive from subparser
+ elif isinstance(subparser, DeclarativeNonMappingInputParser):
+ describe_type = (
+ subparser.alt_form_parser.type_validator.describe_type()
+ )
+ else:
+ describe_type = f"<Unknown: Non-introspectable subparser - {subparser.__class__.__name__}>"
+ if source_name in required:
+ req_str = "required"
+ elif any(source_name in s for s in conditionally_required):
+ req_str = "conditional"
+ else:
+ req_str = "optional"
+ print(f"{prefix}`{source_name}` ({req_str}): {describe_type}")
+ prefix = " "
+ if attr_description:
+ print()
+ for line in attr_description.format(**doc_args).splitlines(
+ keepends=False
+ ):
+ print(f" {line}")
+ print()
+ if (
+ bool(conditionally_required)
+ or bool(mutually_exclusive)
+ or any(pd.conflicting_attributes for pd in attributes.values())
+ ):
+ print()
+ print("This rule enforces the following restrictions:")
+ if conditionally_required:
+ for cr in conditionally_required:
+ anames = "`, `".join(
+ attributes[a].source_attribute_name for a in cr
+ )
+ if cr in mutually_exclusive:
+ print(f" - The rule must use exactly one of: `{anames}`")
+ else:
+ print(f" - The rule must use at least one of: `{anames}`")
+ if mutually_exclusive or any(
+ pd.conflicting_attributes for pd in attributes.values()
+ ):
+ for parameter, parameter_details in sorted(attributes.items()):
+ source_name = parameter_details.source_attribute_name
+ conflicts = set(parameter_details.conflicting_attributes)
+ for mx in mutually_exclusive:
+ if parameter in mx and mx not in conditionally_required:
+ conflicts |= mx
+ if conflicts:
+ conflicts.discard(parameter)
+ cnames = "`, `".join(
+ attributes[a].source_attribute_name for a in conflicts
+ )
+ print(
+ f" - The attribute `{source_name}` cannot be used with any of: `{cnames}`"
+ )
+ print()
+ if alt_form_parser is not None:
+ # FIXME: Mapping[str, Any] ends here, which is ironic given the headline.
+ print(f"Non-mapping format: {alt_form_parser.type_validator.describe_type()}")
+ alt_parser_desc = parser_doc.alt_parser_description
+ if alt_parser_desc:
+ for line in alt_parser_desc.format(**doc_args).splitlines(keepends=False):
+ print(f" {line}")
+ print()
+ if declarative_parser.reference_documentation_url is not None:
+ print(
+ f"Reference documentation: {declarative_parser.reference_documentation_url}"
+ )
+ else:
+ print(
+ "Reference documentation: No reference documentation link provided by the plugin"
+ )
+ if not is_root_rule:
+ print(
+ f"Used in: {manifest_attribute_path if manifest_attribute_path != '<ROOT>' else 'The manifest root'}"
+ )
+ print(f"Rule reference: {rule_type}::{rule_name}")
+ print(f"Plugin: {plugin_metadata.plugin_name}")
+ else:
+ print(f"Rule reference: {rule_name}")
+ print()
+ print(
+ "PS: If you want to know more about a non-trivial type of an attribute such as `FileSystemMatchRule`,"
+ )
+ print(
+ "you can use `debputy plugin show type-mapping FileSystemMatchRule` to look it up "
+ )
+def _render_manifest_variable_value(v: Optional[str]) -> str:
+ if v is None:
+ return "(N/A: Cannot resolve the variable)"
+ v = v.replace("\n", "\\n").replace("\t", "\\t")
+ return v
+def _render_multiline_documentation(
+ documentation: str,
+ *,
+ first_line_prefix: str = "Documentation: ",
+ following_line_prefix: str = " ",
+) -> None:
+ current_prefix = first_line_prefix
+ for line in documentation.splitlines(keepends=False):
+ if line.isspace():
+ if not current_prefix.isspace():
+ print(current_prefix.rstrip())
+ current_prefix = following_line_prefix
+ else:
+ print()
+ continue
+ print(f"{current_prefix}{line}")
+ current_prefix = following_line_prefix
+ ["manifest-variables"],
+ help_description="Plugin provided manifest variables (such as `{{path:FOO}}`)",
+ argparser=add_arg(
+ "manifest_variable",
+ metavar="manifest-variable",
+ help="Name of the variable (such as `path:FOO` or `{{path:FOO}}`) to display details about",
+ ),
+def _plugin_cmd_show_manifest_variables(context: CommandContext) -> None:
+ plugin_feature_set = context.load_plugins()
+ variables = plugin_feature_set.manifest_variables
+ substitution = context.substitution
+ parsed_args = context.parsed_args
+ variable_name = parsed_args.manifest_variable
+ fo = _output_styling(context.parsed_args, sys.stdout)
+ if variable_name.startswith("{{") and variable_name.endswith("}}"):
+ variable_name = variable_name[2:-2]
+ variable: Optional[PluginProvidedManifestVariable]
+ if variable_name.startswith("env:") and len(variable_name) > 4:
+ env_var = variable_name[4:]
+ variable = PluginProvidedManifestVariable(
+ plugin_feature_set.plugin_data["debputy"],
+ variable_name,
+ variable_value=None,
+ is_context_specific_variable=False,
+ is_documentation_placeholder=True,
+ variable_reference_documentation=f'Environment variable "{env_var}"',
+ )
+ else:
+ variable = variables.get(variable_name)
+ if variable is None:
+ _error(
+ f'Cannot resolve "{variable_name}" as a known variable from any of the available'
+ f" plugins. Please use `debputy plugin list manifest-variables` to list all known"
+ f" provided variables."
+ )
+ var_with_braces = "{{" + variable_name + "}}"
+ try:
+ source_value = substitution.substitute(var_with_braces, "CLI request")
+ except DebputySubstitutionError:
+ source_value = None
+ binary_value = source_value
+ print(f"Variable: {variable_name}")
+ fo.print_visual_formatting(f"=========={'=' * len(variable_name)}")
+ print()
+ if variable.is_context_specific_variable:
+ try:
+ binary_value = substitution.with_extra_substitutions(
+ PACKAGE="<package-name>",
+ ).substitute(var_with_braces, "CLI request")
+ except DebputySubstitutionError:
+ binary_value = None
+ doc = variable.variable_reference_documentation or "No documentation provided"
+ _render_multiline_documentation(doc)
+ if source_value == binary_value:
+ print(f"Resolved: {_render_manifest_variable_value(source_value)}")
+ else:
+ print("Resolved:")
+ print(f" [source context]: {_render_manifest_variable_value(source_value)}")
+ print(f" [binary context]: {_render_manifest_variable_value(binary_value)}")
+ if variable.is_for_special_case:
+ print(
+ 'Special-case: The variable has been marked as a "special-case"-only variable.'
+ )
+ if not variable.is_documentation_placeholder:
+ print(f"Plugin: {variable.plugin_metadata.plugin_name}")
+ if variable.is_internal:
+ print()
+ # I knew everything I felt was showing on my face, and I hate that. I grated out,
+ print("That was private.")
+def _determine_ppf(
+ context: CommandContext,
+) -> Tuple[PackagerProvidedFileClassSpec, bool]:
+ feature_set = context.load_plugins()
+ ppf_name = context.parsed_args.ppf_name
+ try:
+ return feature_set.packager_provided_files[ppf_name], False
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ orig_ppf_name = ppf_name
+ if (
+ ppf_name.startswith("d/")
+ and not os.path.lexists(ppf_name)
+ and os.path.lexists("debian/" + ppf_name[2:])
+ ):
+ ppf_name = "debian/" + ppf_name[2:]
+ if ppf_name in ("debian/control", "debian/debputy.manifest", "debian/rules"):
+ if ppf_name == "debian/debputy.manifest":
+ doc = f"{DEBPUTY_DOC_ROOT_DIR}/"
+ else:
+ doc = "Debian Policy Manual or a packaging tutorial"
+ _error(
+ f"Sorry. While {orig_ppf_name} is a well-defined packaging file, it does not match the definition of"
+ f" a packager provided file. Please see {doc} for more information about this file"
+ )
+ if context.has_dctrl_file and os.path.lexists(ppf_name):
+ basename = ppf_name[7:]
+ if "/" not in basename:
+ debian_dir = build_virtual_fs([basename])
+ all_ppfs = detect_all_packager_provided_files(
+ feature_set.packager_provided_files,
+ debian_dir,
+ context.binary_packages(),
+ )
+ if all_ppfs:
+ matched = next(iter(all_ppfs.values()))
+ if len(matched.auto_installable) == 1 and not matched.reserved_only:
+ return matched.auto_installable[0].definition, True
+ if not matched.auto_installable and len(matched.reserved_only) == 1:
+ reserved = next(iter(matched.reserved_only.values()))
+ if len(reserved) == 1:
+ return reserved[0].definition, True
+ _error(
+ f'Unknown packager provided file "{orig_ppf_name}". Please use'
+ f" `debputy plugin list packager-provided-files` to see them all."
+ )
+ ["packager-provided-files", "ppf", "p-p-f"],
+ help_description="Show details about a given packager provided file (debian/",
+ argparser=add_arg(
+ "ppf_name",
+ metavar="name",
+ help="Name of the packager provided file (such as `changelog`) to display details about",
+ ),
+def _plugin_cmd_show_ppf(context: CommandContext) -> None:
+ ppf, matched_file = _determine_ppf(context)
+ fo = _output_styling(context.parsed_args, sys.stdout)
+ fo.print(f"Packager Provided File: {ppf.stem}")
+ fo.print_visual_formatting(f"========================{'=' * len(ppf.stem)}")
+ fo.print()
+ ref_doc = ppf.reference_documentation
+ description = ref_doc.description if ref_doc else None
+ doc_uris = ref_doc.format_documentation_uris if ref_doc else tuple()
+ if description is None:
+ fo.print(
+ f"Sorry, no description provided by the plugin {ppf.debputy_plugin_metadata.plugin_name}."
+ )
+ else:
+ for line in description.splitlines(keepends=False):
+ fo.print(line)
+ fo.print()
+ fo.print("Features:")
+ if ppf.packageless_is_fallback_for_all_packages:
+ fo.print(f" * debian/{ppf.stem} is used for *ALL* packages")
+ else:
+ fo.print(f' * debian/{ppf.stem} is used for only for the "main" package')
+ if ppf.allow_name_segment:
+ fo.print(" * Supports naming segment (multiple files and custom naming).")
+ else:
+ fo.print(
+ " * No naming support; at most one per package and it is named after the package."
+ )
+ if ppf.allow_architecture_segment:
+ fo.print(" * Supports architecture specific variants.")
+ else:
+ fo.print(" * No architecture specific variants.")
+ if ppf.supports_priority:
+ fo.print(
+ f" * Has a priority system (default priority: {ppf.default_priority})."
+ )
+ fo.print()
+ fo.print("Examples matches:")
+ if context.has_dctrl_file:
+ first_pkg = next(iter(context.binary_packages()))
+ else:
+ first_pkg = "example-package"
+ example_files = [
+ (f"debian/{ppf.stem}", first_pkg),
+ (f"debian/{first_pkg}.{ppf.stem}", first_pkg),
+ ]
+ if ppf.allow_name_segment:
+ example_files.append(
+ (f"debian/{first_pkg}{ppf.stem}", "")
+ )
+ if ppf.allow_architecture_segment:
+ example_files.append((f"debian/{first_pkg}.{ppf.stem}.amd64", first_pkg)),
+ if ppf.allow_name_segment:
+ example_files.append(
+ (
+ f"debian/{first_pkg}{ppf.stem}.amd64",
+ "",
+ )
+ )
+ fs_root = build_virtual_fs([x for x, _ in example_files])
+ priority = ppf.default_priority if ppf.supports_priority else None
+ rendered_examples = []
+ for example_file, assigned_name in example_files:
+ example_path = fs_root.lookup(example_file)
+ assert example_path is not None and example_path.is_file
+ dest = ppf.compute_dest(
+ assigned_name,
+ owning_package=first_pkg,
+ assigned_priority=priority,
+ path=example_path,
+ )
+ dest_path = "/".join(dest).lstrip(".")
+ rendered_examples.append((example_file, dest_path))
+ fo.print_list_table(["Source file", "Installed As"], rendered_examples)
+ if doc_uris:
+ fo.print()
+ fo.print("Documentation URIs:")
+ for uri in doc_uris:
+ fo.print(f" * {fo.render_url(uri)}")
+ plugin_name = ppf.debputy_plugin_metadata.plugin_name
+ fo.print()
+ fo.print(f"Install Mode: 0{oct(ppf.default_mode)[2:]}")
+ fo.print(f"Provided by plugin: {plugin_name}")
+ if (
+ matched_file
+ and plugin_name != "debputy"
+ and plugin_name not in context.requested_plugins()
+ ):
+ fo.print()
+ _warn(
+ f"The file might *NOT* be used due to missing Build-Depends on debputy-plugin-{plugin_name}"
+ )
+ ["plugable-manifest-rules", "p-m-r", "pmr"],
+ help_description="Plugable manifest rules (such as install rules)",
+ argparser=add_arg(
+ "pmr_rule_name",
+ metavar="rule-name",
+ help="Name of the rule (such as `install`) to display details about",
+ ),
+def _plugin_cmd_show_manifest_rule(context: CommandContext) -> None:
+ feature_set = context.load_plugins()
+ parsed_args = context.parsed_args
+ req_rule_type = None
+ rule_name = parsed_args.pmr_rule_name
+ if "::" in rule_name and rule_name != "::":
+ req_rule_type, rule_name = rule_name.split("::", 1)
+ matched = []
+ base_type = Iterable[Tuple[Union[str, Type[Any]], DispatchingParserBase[Any]]]
+ table_parsers: base_type = feature_set.dispatchable_table_parsers.items()
+ object_parsers: base_type = feature_set.dispatchable_object_parsers.items()
+ parsers = chain(
+ table_parsers,
+ object_parsers,
+ )
+ for rule_type, dispatching_parser in parsers:
+ if req_rule_type is not None and req_rule_type not in _parser_type_name(
+ rule_type
+ ):
+ continue
+ if dispatching_parser.is_known_keyword(rule_name):
+ matched.append((rule_type, dispatching_parser))
+ if len(matched) != 1 and (matched or rule_name != "::"):
+ if not matched:
+ _error(
+ f"Could not find any plugable manifest rule related to {parsed_args.pmr_rule_name}."
+ f" Please use `debputy plugin list plugable-manifest-rules` to see the list of rules."
+ )
+ match_a = matched[0][0]
+ match_b = matched[1][0]
+ _error(
+ f"The name {rule_name} was ambiguous and matched multiple rule types. Please use"
+ f" <rule-type>::{rule_name} to clarify which rule to use"
+ f" (such as {_parser_type_name(match_a)}::{rule_name} or {_parser_type_name(match_b)}::{rule_name})."
+ f" Please use `debputy plugin list plugable-manifest-rules` to see the list of rules."
+ )
+ if matched:
+ rule_type, matched_dispatching_parser = matched[0]
+ plugin_provided_parser = matched_dispatching_parser.parser_for(rule_name)
+ if isinstance(rule_type, str):
+ manifest_attribute_path = rule_type
+ else:
+ manifest_attribute_path = SUPPORTED_DISPATCHABLE_TABLE_PARSERS[rule_type]
+ parser_type_name = _parser_type_name(rule_type)
+ parser = plugin_provided_parser.parser
+ plugin_metadata = plugin_provided_parser.plugin_metadata
+ else:
+ rule_name = "::"
+ parser = feature_set.dispatchable_object_parsers[OPARSER_MANIFEST_ROOT]
+ parser_type_name = ""
+ plugin_metadata = plugin_metadata_for_debputys_own_plugin()
+ manifest_attribute_path = ""
+ _render_rule(
+ rule_name,
+ parser_type_name,
+ parser,
+ plugin_metadata,
+ manifest_attribute_path,
+ )
+def _render_discard_rule_example(
+ fo: OutputStylingBase,
+ discard_rule: PluginProvidedDiscardRule,
+ example: AutomaticDiscardRuleExample,
+) -> None:
+ processed = process_discard_rule_example(discard_rule, example)
+ if processed.inconsistent_paths:
+ plugin_name = discard_rule.plugin_metadata.plugin_name
+ _warn(
+ f"This example is inconsistent with what the code actually does."
+ f" Please consider filing a bug against the plugin {plugin_name}"
+ )
+ doc = example.description
+ if doc:
+ print(doc)
+ print("Consider the following source paths matched by a glob or directory match:")
+ print()
+ if fo.optimize_for_screen_reader:
+ for p, _ in processed.rendered_paths:
+ path_name = p.absolute
+ print(
+ f"The path {path_name} is a {'directory' if p.is_dir else 'file or symlink.'}"
+ )
+ print()
+ if any(v.is_consistent and v.is_discarded for _, v in processed.rendered_paths):
+ print("The following paths will be discarded by this rule:")
+ for p, verdict in processed.rendered_paths:
+ path_name = p.absolute
+ if verdict.is_consistent and verdict.is_discarded:
+ print()
+ if p.is_dir:
+ print(f"{path_name} along with anything beneath it")
+ else:
+ print(path_name)
+ else:
+ print("No paths will be discarded in this example.")
+ print()
+ if any(v.is_consistent and v.is_kept for _, v in processed.rendered_paths):
+ print("The following paths will be not be discarded by this rule:")
+ for p, verdict in processed.rendered_paths:
+ path_name = p.absolute
+ if verdict.is_consistent and verdict.is_kept:
+ print()
+ print(path_name)
+ if any(not v.is_consistent for _, v in processed.rendered_paths):
+ print()
+ print(
+ "The example was inconsistent with the code. These are the paths where the code disagrees with"
+ " the provided example:"
+ )
+ for p, verdict in processed.rendered_paths:
+ path_name = p.absolute
+ if not verdict.is_consistent:
+ print()
+ if verdict == DiscardVerdict.DISCARDED_BY_CODE:
+ print(
+ f"The path {path_name} was discarded by the code, but the example said it should"
+ f" have been installed."
+ )
+ else:
+ print(
+ f"The path {path_name} was not discarded by the code, but the example said it should"
+ f" have been discarded."
+ )
+ return
+ # Add +1 for dirs because we want trailing slashes in the output
+ max_len = max(
+ (len(p.absolute) + (1 if p.is_dir else 0)) for p, _ in processed.rendered_paths
+ )
+ for p, verdict in processed.rendered_paths:
+ path_name = p.absolute
+ if p.is_dir:
+ path_name += "/"
+ if not verdict.is_consistent:
+ print(f" {path_name:<{max_len}} !! {verdict.message}")
+ elif verdict.is_discarded:
+ print(f" {path_name:<{max_len}} << {verdict.message}")
+ else:
+ print(f" {path_name:<{max_len}}")
+def _render_discard_rule(
+ context: CommandContext,
+ discard_rule: PluginProvidedDiscardRule,
+) -> None:
+ fo = _output_styling(context.parsed_args, sys.stdout)
+ print(fo.colored(f"Automatic Discard Rule: {}", style="bold"))
+ fo.print_visual_formatting(
+ f"========================{'=' * len(}"
+ )
+ print()
+ doc = discard_rule.reference_documentation or "No documentation provided"
+ _render_multiline_documentation(doc, first_line_prefix="", following_line_prefix="")
+ if len(discard_rule.examples) > 1:
+ print()
+ fo.print_visual_formatting("Examples")
+ fo.print_visual_formatting("--------")
+ print()
+ for no, example in enumerate(discard_rule.examples, start=1):
+ print(
+ fo.colored(
+ f"Example {no} of {len(discard_rule.examples)}", style="bold"
+ )
+ )
+ fo.print_visual_formatting(f"........{'.' * len(str(no))}")
+ _render_discard_rule_example(fo, discard_rule, example)
+ elif discard_rule.examples:
+ print()
+ print(fo.colored("Example", style="bold"))
+ fo.print_visual_formatting("-------")
+ print()
+ _render_discard_rule_example(fo, discard_rule, discard_rule.examples[0])
+ ["automatic-discard-rules", "a-d-r"],
+ help_description="Plugable manifest rules (such as install rules)",
+ argparser=add_arg(
+ "discard_rule",
+ metavar="automatic-discard-rule",
+ help="Name of the automatic discard rule (such as `backup-files`)",
+ ),
+def _plugin_cmd_show_automatic_discard_rules(context: CommandContext) -> None:
+ auto_discard_rules = context.load_plugins().auto_discard_rules
+ name = context.parsed_args.discard_rule
+ discard_rule = auto_discard_rules.get(name)
+ if discard_rule is None:
+ _error(
+ f'No automatic discard rule with the name "{name}". Please use'
+ f" `debputy plugin list automatic-discard-rules` to see the list of automatic discard rules"
+ )
+ _render_discard_rule(context, discard_rule)
+def _render_source_type(t: Any) -> str:
+ _, origin_type, args = unpack_type(t, False)
+ if origin_type == Union:
+ at = ", ".join(_render_source_type(st) for st in args)
+ return f"One of: {at}"
+ name = BASIC_SIMPLE_TYPES.get(t)
+ if name is not None:
+ return name
+ try:
+ return t.__name__
+ except AttributeError:
+ return str(t)
+ "type-mappings",
+ help_description="Registered type mappings/descriptions",
+def _plugin_cmd_list_type_mappings(context: CommandContext) -> None:
+ type_mappings = context.load_plugins().mapped_types
+ with _stream_to_pager(context.parsed_args) as (fd, fo):
+ fo.print_list_table(
+ ["Type", "Base Type", "Provided By"],
+ [
+ (
+ target_type.__name__,
+ _render_source_type(type_mapping.mapped_type.source_type),
+ type_mapping.plugin_metadata.plugin_name,
+ )
+ for target_type, type_mapping in type_mappings.items()
+ ],
+ )
+ "type-mappings",
+ help_description="Register type mappings/descriptions",
+ argparser=add_arg(
+ "type_mapping",
+ metavar="type-mapping",
+ help="Name of the type",
+ ),
+def _plugin_cmd_show_type_mappings(context: CommandContext) -> None:
+ type_mapping_name = context.parsed_args.type_mapping
+ type_mappings = context.load_plugins().mapped_types
+ matches = []
+ for type_ in type_mappings:
+ if type_.__name__ == type_mapping_name:
+ matches.append(type_)
+ if not matches:
+ simple_types = set(BASIC_SIMPLE_TYPES.values())
+ simple_types.update(t.__name__ for t in BASIC_SIMPLE_TYPES)
+ if type_mapping_name in simple_types:
+ print(f"The type {type_mapping_name} is a YAML scalar.")
+ return
+ if type_mapping_name == "Any":
+ print(
+ "The Any type is a placeholder for when no typing information is provided. Often this implies"
+ " custom parse logic."
+ )
+ return
+ if type_mapping_name in ("List", "list"):
+ print(
+ f"The {type_mapping_name} is a YAML Sequence. Please see the YAML documentation for examples."
+ )
+ return
+ if type_mapping_name in ("Mapping", "dict"):
+ print(
+ f"The {type_mapping_name} is a YAML mapping. Please see the YAML documentation for examples."
+ )
+ return
+ if "[" in type_mapping_name:
+ _error(
+ f"No known matches for {type_mapping_name}. Note: It looks like a composite type. Try searching"
+ " for its component parts. As an example, replace List[FileSystemMatchRule] with FileSystemMatchRule."
+ )
+ _error(f"Sorry, no known matches for {type_mapping_name}")
+ if len(matches) > 1:
+ _error(
+ f"Too many matches for {type_mapping_name}... Sorry, there is no way to avoid this right now :'("
+ )
+ match = matches[0]
+ _render_type(context, type_mappings[match])
+def _render_type_example(
+ context: CommandContext,
+ fo: OutputStylingBase,
+ parser_context: ParserContextData,
+ type_mapping: TypeMapping[Any, Any],
+ example: TypeMappingExample,
+) -> Tuple[str, bool]:
+ attr_path = AttributePath.builtin_path()["CLI Request"]
+ v = _render_value(example.source_input)
+ try:
+ type_mapping.mapper(
+ example.source_input,
+ attr_path,
+ parser_context,
+ )
+ except RuntimeError:
+ if context.parsed_args.debug_mode:
+ raise
+ fo.print(
+ fo.colored("Broken example: ", fg="red")
+ + f"Provided example input ({v})"
+ + " caused an exception when parsed. Please file a bug against the plugin."
+ + " Use --debug to see the stack trace"
+ )
+ return fo.colored(v, fg="red") + " [Example value could not be parsed]", True
+ return fo.colored(v, fg="green"), False
+def _render_type(
+ context: CommandContext,
+ pptm: PluginProvidedTypeMapping,
+) -> None:
+ fo = _output_styling(context.parsed_args, sys.stdout)
+ type_mapping = pptm.mapped_type
+ target_type = type_mapping.target_type
+ ref_doc = pptm.reference_documentation
+ desc = ref_doc.description if ref_doc is not None else None
+ examples = ref_doc.examples if ref_doc is not None else tuple()
+ fo.print(fo.colored(f"# Type Mapping: {target_type.__name__}", style="bold"))
+ fo.print()
+ if desc is not None:
+ _render_multiline_documentation(
+ desc, first_line_prefix="", following_line_prefix=""
+ )
+ else:
+ fo.print("No documentation provided.")
+ context.parse_manifest()
+ manifest_parser = context.manifest_parser()
+ if examples:
+ had_issues = False
+ fo.print()
+ fo.print(fo.colored("## Example values", style="bold"))
+ fo.print()
+ for no, example in enumerate(examples, start=1):
+ v, i = _render_type_example(
+ context, fo, manifest_parser, type_mapping, example
+ )
+ fo.print(f" * {v}")
+ if i:
+ had_issues = True
+ else:
+ had_issues = False
+ fo.print()
+ fo.print(f"Provided by plugin: {pptm.plugin_metadata.plugin_name}")
+ if had_issues:
+ fo.print()
+ fo.print(
+ fo.colored(
+ "Examples had issues. Please file a bug against the plugin", fg="red"
+ )
+ )
+ fo.print()
+ fo.print("Use --debug to see the stacktrace")
+def _render_value(v: Any) -> str:
+ if isinstance(v, str) and '"' not in v:
+ return f'"{v}"'
+ return str(v)
+def ensure_plugin_commands_are_loaded():
+ # Loading the module does the heavy lifting
+ # However, having this function means that we do not have an "unused" import that some tool
+ # gets tempted to remove
+ assert ROOT_COMMAND.has_command("plugin")