path: root/src/debputy/lsp/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/debputy/lsp/')
1 files changed, 485 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/debputy/lsp/ b/src/debputy/lsp/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9153026
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/debputy/lsp/
@@ -0,0 +1,485 @@
+import re
+from typing import (
+ Union,
+ Sequence,
+ Tuple,
+ Iterator,
+ Optional,
+ Iterable,
+ Mapping,
+ List,
+from lsprotocol.types import (
+ DiagnosticSeverity,
+ Range,
+ Diagnostic,
+ Position,
+ CompletionItem,
+ CompletionList,
+ CompletionParams,
+ DiagnosticRelatedInformation,
+ Location,
+ HoverParams,
+ Hover,
+ SemanticTokens,
+ SemanticTokensParams,
+ FoldingRangeParams,
+ FoldingRange,
+from debputy.lsp.lsp_debian_control_reference_data import (
+ Deb822KnownField,
+ DTestsCtrlFileMetadata,
+from debputy.lsp.lsp_features import (
+ lint_diagnostics,
+ lsp_completer,
+ lsp_hover,
+ lsp_standard_handler,
+ lsp_folding_ranges,
+ lsp_semantic_tokens_full,
+from debputy.lsp.lsp_generic_deb822 import (
+ deb822_completer,
+ deb822_hover,
+ deb822_folding_ranges,
+ deb822_semantic_tokens_full,
+from debputy.lsp.quickfixes import (
+ propose_correct_text_quick_fix,
+from debputy.lsp.spellchecking import default_spellchecker
+from debputy.lsp.text_util import (
+ normalize_dctrl_field_name,
+ LintCapablePositionCodec,
+ detect_possible_typo,
+ te_range_to_lsp,
+from debputy.lsp.vendoring._deb822_repro import (
+ parse_deb822_file,
+ Deb822FileElement,
+ Deb822ParagraphElement,
+from debputy.lsp.vendoring._deb822_repro.parsing import (
+ Deb822KeyValuePairElement,
+from debputy.lsp.vendoring._deb822_repro.tokens import (
+ Deb822Token,
+ from debputy.lsp.vendoring._deb822_repro.locatable import (
+ Position as TEPosition,
+ Range as TERange,
+ )
+ from pygls.server import LanguageServer
+ from pygls.workspace import TextDocument
+except ImportError:
+ pass
+_CONTAINS_SPACE_OR_COLON = re.compile(r"[\s:]")
+ "debian/tests/control",
+ # emacs's name - expected in elpa-dpkg-dev-el (>> 37.11)
+ "debian-autopkgtest-control-mode",
+ # Likely to be vim's name if it had support
+ "debtestscontrol",
+_DEP5_FILE_METADATA = DTestsCtrlFileMetadata()
+def debian_tests_control_hover(
+ ls: "LanguageServer",
+ params: HoverParams,
+) -> Optional[Hover]:
+ return deb822_hover(ls, params, _DEP5_FILE_METADATA)
+def debian_tests_control_completions(
+ ls: "LanguageServer",
+ params: CompletionParams,
+) -> Optional[Union[CompletionList, Sequence[CompletionItem]]]:
+ return deb822_completer(ls, params, _DEP5_FILE_METADATA)
+def debian_tests_control_folding_ranges(
+ ls: "LanguageServer",
+ params: FoldingRangeParams,
+) -> Optional[Sequence[FoldingRange]]:
+ return deb822_folding_ranges(ls, params, _DEP5_FILE_METADATA)
+def _deb822_token_iter(
+ tokens: Iterable[Deb822Token],
+) -> Iterator[Tuple[Deb822Token, int, int, int, int, int]]:
+ line_no = 0
+ line_offset = 0
+ for token in tokens:
+ start_line = line_no
+ start_line_offset = line_offset
+ newlines = token.text.count("\n")
+ line_no += newlines
+ text_len = len(token.text)
+ if newlines:
+ if token.text.endswith("\n"):
+ line_offset = 0
+ else:
+ # -2, one to remove the "\n" and one to get 0-offset
+ line_offset = text_len - token.text.rindex("\n") - 2
+ else:
+ line_offset += text_len
+ yield token, start_line, start_line_offset, line_no, line_offset
+def _paragraph_representation_field(
+ paragraph: Deb822ParagraphElement,
+) -> Deb822KeyValuePairElement:
+ return next(iter(paragraph.iter_parts_of_type(Deb822KeyValuePairElement)))
+def _diagnostics_for_paragraph(
+ stanza: Deb822ParagraphElement,
+ stanza_position: "TEPosition",
+ known_fields: Mapping[str, Deb822KnownField],
+ doc_reference: str,
+ position_codec: "LintCapablePositionCodec",
+ lines: List[str],
+ diagnostics: List[Diagnostic],
+) -> None:
+ representation_field = _paragraph_representation_field(stanza)
+ representation_field_pos = representation_field.position_in_parent().relative_to(
+ stanza_position
+ )
+ representation_field_range_server_units = te_range_to_lsp(
+ TERange.from_position_and_size(
+ representation_field_pos, representation_field.size()
+ )
+ )
+ representation_field_range = position_codec.range_to_client_units(
+ lines,
+ representation_field_range_server_units,
+ )
+ for known_field in known_fields.values():
+ missing_field_severity = known_field.missing_field_severity
+ if missing_field_severity is None or in stanza:
+ continue
+ diagnostics.append(
+ Diagnostic(
+ representation_field_range,
+ f"Stanza is missing field {}",
+ severity=missing_field_severity,
+ source="debputy",
+ )
+ )
+ if "Tests" not in stanza and "Test-Command" not in stanza:
+ diagnostics.append(
+ Diagnostic(
+ representation_field_range,
+ f'Stanza must have either a "Tests" or a "Test-Command" field',
+ severity=DiagnosticSeverity.Error,
+ source="debputy",
+ )
+ )
+ if "Tests" in stanza and "Test-Command" in stanza:
+ diagnostics.append(
+ Diagnostic(
+ representation_field_range,
+ 'Stanza cannot have both a "Tests" and a "Test-Command" field',
+ severity=DiagnosticSeverity.Error,
+ source="debputy",
+ )
+ )
+ seen_fields = {}
+ for kvpair in stanza.iter_parts_of_type(Deb822KeyValuePairElement):
+ field_name_token = kvpair.field_token
+ field_name = field_name_token.text
+ field_name_lc = field_name.lower()
+ normalized_field_name_lc = normalize_dctrl_field_name(field_name_lc)
+ known_field = known_fields.get(normalized_field_name_lc)
+ field_value = stanza[field_name]
+ field_range_te = kvpair.range_in_parent().relative_to(stanza_position)
+ field_position_te = field_range_te.start_pos
+ field_range_server_units = te_range_to_lsp(field_range_te)
+ field_range = position_codec.range_to_client_units(
+ lines,
+ field_range_server_units,
+ )
+ field_name_typo_detected = False
+ existing_field_range = seen_fields.get(normalized_field_name_lc)
+ if existing_field_range is not None:
+ existing_field_range[3].append(field_range)
+ else:
+ normalized_field_name = normalize_dctrl_field_name(field_name)
+ seen_fields[field_name_lc] = (
+ field_name,
+ normalized_field_name,
+ field_range,
+ [],
+ )
+ if known_field is None:
+ candidates = detect_possible_typo(normalized_field_name_lc, known_fields)
+ if candidates:
+ known_field = known_fields[candidates[0]]
+ token_range_server_units = te_range_to_lsp(
+ TERange.from_position_and_size(
+ field_position_te, kvpair.field_token.size()
+ )
+ )
+ field_range = position_codec.range_to_client_units(
+ lines,
+ token_range_server_units,
+ )
+ field_name_typo_detected = True
+ diagnostics.append(
+ Diagnostic(
+ field_range,
+ f'The "{field_name}" looks like a typo of "{}".',
+ severity=DiagnosticSeverity.Warning,
+ source="debputy",
+ data=[
+ propose_correct_text_quick_fix(known_fields[m].name)
+ for m in candidates
+ ],
+ )
+ )
+ if field_value.strip() == "":
+ diagnostics.append(
+ Diagnostic(
+ field_range,
+ f"The {field_name} has no value. Either provide a value or remove it.",
+ severity=DiagnosticSeverity.Error,
+ source="debputy",
+ )
+ )
+ continue
+ diagnostics.extend(
+ known_field.field_diagnostics(
+ kvpair,
+ stanza,
+ stanza_position,
+ position_codec,
+ lines,
+ field_name_typo_reported=field_name_typo_detected,
+ )
+ )
+ if known_field.spellcheck_value:
+ words = kvpair.interpret_as(LIST_SPACE_SEPARATED_INTERPRETATION)
+ spell_checker = default_spellchecker()
+ value_position = kvpair.value_element.position_in_parent().relative_to(
+ field_position_te
+ )
+ for word_ref in words.iter_value_references():
+ token = word_ref.value
+ for word, pos, endpos in spell_checker.iter_words(token):
+ corrections = spell_checker.provide_corrections_for(word)
+ if not corrections:
+ continue
+ word_loc = word_ref.locatable
+ word_pos_te = word_loc.position_in_parent().relative_to(
+ value_position
+ )
+ if pos:
+ word_pos_te = TEPosition(0, pos).relative_to(word_pos_te)
+ word_range = TERange(
+ TEPosition(0, endpos - pos),
+ )
+ word_range_server_units = te_range_to_lsp(
+ TERange.from_position_and_size(word_pos_te, word_range)
+ )
+ word_range = position_codec.range_to_client_units(
+ lines,
+ word_range_server_units,
+ )
+ diagnostics.append(
+ Diagnostic(
+ word_range,
+ f'Spelling "{word}"',
+ severity=DiagnosticSeverity.Hint,
+ source="debputy",
+ data=[
+ propose_correct_text_quick_fix(c) for c in corrections
+ ],
+ )
+ )
+ if known_field.warn_if_default and field_value == known_field.default_value:
+ diagnostics.append(
+ Diagnostic(
+ field_range,
+ f"The {field_name} is redundant as it is set to the default value and the field should only be"
+ " used in exceptional cases.",
+ severity=DiagnosticSeverity.Warning,
+ source="debputy",
+ )
+ )
+ for (
+ field_name,
+ normalized_field_name,
+ field_range,
+ duplicates,
+ ) in seen_fields.values():
+ if not duplicates:
+ continue
+ related_information = [
+ DiagnosticRelatedInformation(
+ location=Location(doc_reference, field_range),
+ message=f"First definition of {field_name}",
+ )
+ ]
+ related_information.extend(
+ DiagnosticRelatedInformation(
+ location=Location(doc_reference, r),
+ message=f"Duplicate of {field_name}",
+ )
+ for r in duplicates
+ )
+ for dup_range in duplicates:
+ diagnostics.append(
+ Diagnostic(
+ dup_range,
+ f"The {normalized_field_name} field name was used multiple times in this stanza."
+ f" Please ensure the field is only used once per stanza.",
+ severity=DiagnosticSeverity.Error,
+ source="debputy",
+ related_information=related_information,
+ )
+ )
+def _scan_for_syntax_errors_and_token_level_diagnostics(
+ deb822_file: Deb822FileElement,
+ position_codec: LintCapablePositionCodec,
+ lines: List[str],
+ diagnostics: List[Diagnostic],
+) -> int:
+ first_error = len(lines) + 1
+ spell_checker = default_spellchecker()
+ for (
+ token,
+ start_line,
+ start_offset,
+ end_line,
+ end_offset,
+ ) in _deb822_token_iter(deb822_file.iter_tokens()):
+ if token.is_error:
+ first_error = min(first_error, start_line)
+ start_pos = Position(
+ start_line,
+ start_offset,
+ )
+ end_pos = Position(
+ end_line,
+ end_offset,
+ )
+ token_range = position_codec.range_to_client_units(
+ lines, Range(start_pos, end_pos)
+ )
+ diagnostics.append(
+ Diagnostic(
+ token_range,
+ "Syntax error",
+ severity=DiagnosticSeverity.Error,
+ source="debputy (python-debian parser)",
+ )
+ )
+ elif token.is_comment:
+ for word, pos, end_pos in spell_checker.iter_words(token.text):
+ corrections = spell_checker.provide_corrections_for(word)
+ if not corrections:
+ continue
+ start_pos = Position(
+ start_line,
+ pos,
+ )
+ end_pos = Position(
+ start_line,
+ end_pos,
+ )
+ word_range = position_codec.range_to_client_units(
+ lines, Range(start_pos, end_pos)
+ )
+ diagnostics.append(
+ Diagnostic(
+ word_range,
+ f'Spelling "{word}"',
+ severity=DiagnosticSeverity.Hint,
+ source="debputy",
+ data=[propose_correct_text_quick_fix(c) for c in corrections],
+ )
+ )
+ return first_error
+def _lint_debian_tests_control(
+ doc_reference: str,
+ _path: str,
+ lines: List[str],
+ position_codec: LintCapablePositionCodec,
+) -> Optional[List[Diagnostic]]:
+ diagnostics = []
+ deb822_file = parse_deb822_file(
+ lines,
+ accept_files_with_duplicated_fields=True,
+ accept_files_with_error_tokens=True,
+ )
+ first_error = _scan_for_syntax_errors_and_token_level_diagnostics(
+ deb822_file,
+ position_codec,
+ lines,
+ diagnostics,
+ )
+ paragraphs = list(deb822_file)
+ for paragraph_no, paragraph in enumerate(paragraphs, start=1):
+ paragraph_pos = paragraph.position_in_file()
+ if paragraph_pos.line_position >= first_error:
+ break
+ known_fields = _DTESTSCTRL_FIELDS
+ _diagnostics_for_paragraph(
+ paragraph,
+ paragraph_pos,
+ known_fields,
+ doc_reference,
+ position_codec,
+ lines,
+ diagnostics,
+ )
+ return diagnostics
+def _semantic_tokens_full(
+ ls: "LanguageServer",
+ request: SemanticTokensParams,
+) -> Optional[SemanticTokens]:
+ return deb822_semantic_tokens_full(
+ ls,
+ request,
+ )