path: root/src/debputy/lsp/vendoring/_deb822_repro/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/debputy/lsp/vendoring/_deb822_repro/')
1 files changed, 291 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/debputy/lsp/vendoring/_deb822_repro/ b/src/debputy/lsp/vendoring/_deb822_repro/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a79426d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/debputy/lsp/vendoring/_deb822_repro/
@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
+import collections
+import logging
+import sys
+import textwrap
+from abc import ABC
+ from typing import (
+ Optional,
+ Union,
+ Iterable,
+ Callable,
+ Iterator,
+ Type,
+ cast,
+ List,
+ Generic,
+ )
+ from debian._util import T
+ from .types import TE, R, TokenOrElement
+ _combine_parts_ret_type = Callable[
+ [Iterable[Union[TokenOrElement, TE]]], Iterable[Union[TokenOrElement, R]]
+ ]
+except ImportError:
+ # pylint: disable=unnecessary-lambda-assignment
+ cast = lambda t, v: v
+ from .parsing import Deb822Element
+ from .tokens import Deb822Token
+def print_ast(
+ ast_tree, # type: Union[Iterable[TokenOrElement], 'Deb822Element']
+ *,
+ end_marker_after=5, # type: Optional[int]
+ output_function=None # type: Optional[Callable[[str], None]]
+ # type: (...) -> None
+ """Debugging aid, which can dump a Deb822Element or a list of tokens/elements
+ :param ast_tree: Either a Deb822Element or an iterable Deb822Token/Deb822Element entries
+ (both types may be mixed in the same iterable, which enable it to dump the
+ ast tree at different stages of parse_deb822_file method)
+ :param end_marker_after: The dump will add "end of element" markers if a
+ given element spans at least this many tokens/elements. Can be disabled
+ with by passing None as value. Use 0 for unconditionally marking all
+ elements (note that tokens never get an "end of element" marker as they
+ are not an elements).
+ :param output_function: Callable that receives a single str argument and is responsible
+ for "displaying" that line. The callable may be invoked multiple times (one per line
+ of output). Defaults to if omitted.
+ """
+ # Avoid circular dependency
+ # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
+ from debian._deb822_repro.parsing import Deb822Element
+ prefix = None
+ if isinstance(ast_tree, Deb822Element):
+ ast_tree = [ast_tree]
+ stack = [(0, "", iter(ast_tree))]
+ current_no = 0
+ if output_function is None:
+ output_function =
+ while stack:
+ start_no, name, current_iter = stack[-1]
+ for current in current_iter:
+ current_no += 1
+ if prefix is None:
+ prefix = " " * len(stack)
+ if isinstance(current, Deb822Element):
+ stack.append(
+ (current_no, current.__class__.__name__, iter(current.iter_parts()))
+ )
+ output_function(prefix + current.__class__.__name__)
+ prefix = None
+ break
+ output_function(prefix + str(current))
+ else:
+ # current_iter is depleted
+ stack.pop()
+ prefix = None
+ if (
+ end_marker_after is not None
+ and start_no + end_marker_after <= current_no
+ and name
+ ):
+ if prefix is None:
+ prefix = " " * len(stack)
+ output_function(prefix + "# <-- END OF " + name)
+def combine_into_replacement(
+ source_class, # type: Type[TE]
+ replacement_class, # type: Type[R]
+ *,
+ constructor=None # type: Optional[Callable[[List[TE]], R]]
+ # type: (...) -> _combine_parts_ret_type[TE, R]
+ """Combines runs of one type into another type
+ This is primarily useful for transforming tokens (e.g, Comment tokens) into
+ the relevant element (such as the Comment element).
+ """
+ if constructor is None:
+ _constructor = cast("Callable[[List[TE]], R]", replacement_class)
+ else:
+ # Force mypy to see that constructor is no longer optional
+ _constructor = constructor
+ def _impl(token_stream):
+ # type: (Iterable[Union[TokenOrElement, TE]]) -> Iterable[Union[TokenOrElement, R]]
+ tokens = []
+ for token in token_stream:
+ if isinstance(token, source_class):
+ tokens.append(token)
+ continue
+ if tokens:
+ yield _constructor(list(tokens))
+ tokens.clear()
+ yield token
+ if tokens:
+ yield _constructor(tokens)
+ return _impl
+if sys.version_info >= (3, 9) or TYPE_CHECKING:
+ _bufferingIterator_Base =[T]
+ # Python 3.5 - 3.8 compat - we are not allowed to subscript the abc.Iterator
+ # - use this little hack to work around it
+ class _bufferingIterator_Base(, Generic[T], ABC):
+ pass
+class BufferingIterator(_bufferingIterator_Base[T], Generic[T]):
+ def __init__(self, stream):
+ # type: (Iterable[T]) -> None
+ self._stream = iter(stream) # type: Iterator[T]
+ self._buffer = collections.deque() # type: collections.deque[T]
+ self._expired = False # type: bool
+ def __next__(self):
+ # type: () -> T
+ if self._buffer:
+ return self._buffer.popleft()
+ if self._expired:
+ raise StopIteration
+ return next(self._stream)
+ def takewhile(self, predicate):
+ # type: (Callable[[T], bool]) -> Iterable[T]
+ """Variant of itertools.takewhile except it does not discard the first non-matching token"""
+ buffer = self._buffer
+ while buffer or self._fill_buffer(5):
+ v = buffer[0]
+ if predicate(v):
+ buffer.popleft()
+ yield v
+ else:
+ break
+ def consume_many(self, count):
+ # type: (int) -> List[T]
+ self._fill_buffer(count)
+ buffer = self._buffer
+ if len(buffer) == count:
+ ret = list(buffer)
+ buffer.clear()
+ else:
+ ret = []
+ while buffer and count:
+ ret.append(buffer.popleft())
+ count -= 1
+ return ret
+ def peek_buffer(self):
+ # type: () -> List[T]
+ return list(self._buffer)
+ def peek_find(
+ self,
+ predicate, # type: Callable[[T], bool]
+ limit=None, # type: Optional[int]
+ ):
+ # type: (...) -> Optional[int]
+ buffer = self._buffer
+ i = 0
+ while limit is None or i < limit:
+ if i >= len(buffer):
+ self._fill_buffer(i + 5)
+ if i >= len(buffer):
+ return None
+ v = buffer[i]
+ if predicate(v):
+ return i + 1
+ i += 1
+ return None
+ def _fill_buffer(self, number):
+ # type: (int) -> bool
+ if not self._expired:
+ while len(self._buffer) < number:
+ try:
+ self._buffer.append(next(self._stream))
+ except StopIteration:
+ self._expired = True
+ break
+ return bool(self._buffer)
+ def peek(self):
+ # type: () -> Optional[T]
+ return self.peek_at(1)
+ def peek_at(self, tokens_ahead):
+ # type: (int) -> Optional[T]
+ self._fill_buffer(tokens_ahead)
+ return (
+ self._buffer[tokens_ahead - 1]
+ if len(self._buffer) >= tokens_ahead
+ else None
+ )
+ def peek_many(self, number):
+ # type: (int) -> List[T]
+ self._fill_buffer(number)
+ buffer = self._buffer
+ if len(buffer) == number:
+ ret = list(buffer)
+ elif number:
+ ret = []
+ for t in buffer:
+ ret.append(t)
+ number -= 1
+ if not number:
+ break
+ else:
+ ret = []
+ return ret
+def len_check_iterator(
+ content, # type: str
+ stream, # type: Iterable[TE]
+ content_len=None, # type: Optional[int]
+ # type: (...) -> Iterable[TE]
+ """Flatten a parser's output into tokens and verify it covers the entire line/text"""
+ if content_len is None:
+ content_len = len(content)
+ # Fail-safe to ensure none of the value parsers incorrectly parse a value.
+ covered = 0
+ for token_or_element in stream:
+ # We use the AttributeError to discriminate between elements and tokens
+ # The cast()s are here to assist / workaround mypy not realizing that.
+ try:
+ tokens = cast("Deb822Element", token_or_element).iter_tokens()
+ except AttributeError:
+ token = cast("Deb822Token", token_or_element)
+ covered += len(token.text)
+ else:
+ for token in tokens:
+ covered += len(token.text)
+ yield token_or_element
+ if covered != content_len:
+ if covered < content_len:
+ msg = textwrap.dedent(
+ """\
+ Value parser did not fully cover the entire line with tokens (
+ missing range {covered}..{content_len}). Occurred when parsing "{content}"
+ """
+ ).format(covered=covered, content_len=content_len, line=content)
+ raise ValueError(msg)
+ msg = textwrap.dedent(
+ """\
+ Value parser emitted tokens for more text than was present? Should have
+ emitted {content_len} characters, got {covered}. Occurred when parsing
+ "{content}"
+ """
+ ).format(covered=covered, content_len=content_len, content=content)
+ raise ValueError(msg)