path: root/src/debputy/plugin/api/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/debputy/plugin/api/')
1 files changed, 1926 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/debputy/plugin/api/ b/src/debputy/plugin/api/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e25713f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/debputy/plugin/api/
@@ -0,0 +1,1926 @@
+import contextlib
+import dataclasses
+import functools
+import importlib
+import importlib.util
+import itertools
+import json
+import os
+import re
+import subprocess
+import sys
+from abc import ABC
+from json import JSONDecodeError
+from typing import (
+ Optional,
+ Callable,
+ Dict,
+ Tuple,
+ Iterable,
+ Sequence,
+ Type,
+ List,
+ Union,
+ Set,
+ Iterator,
+ IO,
+ Mapping,
+ AbstractSet,
+ cast,
+ FrozenSet,
+ Any,
+from debputy import DEBPUTY_DOC_ROOT_DIR
+from debputy.exceptions import (
+ DebputySubstitutionError,
+ PluginConflictError,
+ PluginMetadataError,
+ PluginBaseError,
+ PluginInitializationError,
+ PluginAPIViolationError,
+ PluginNotFoundError,
+from debputy.maintscript_snippet import (
+ MaintscriptSnippetContainer,
+ MaintscriptSnippet,
+from debputy.manifest_parser.base_types import TypeMapping
+from debputy.manifest_parser.exceptions import ManifestParseException
+from debputy.manifest_parser.parser_data import ParserContextData
+from debputy.manifest_parser.util import AttributePath
+from debputy.plugin.api.feature_set import PluginProvidedFeatureSet
+from debputy.plugin.api.impl_types import (
+ DebputyPluginMetadata,
+ PackagerProvidedFileClassSpec,
+ MetadataOrMaintscriptDetector,
+ PluginProvidedTrigger,
+ TTP,
+ DIPHandler,
+ PF,
+ SF,
+ DIPKWHandler,
+ PluginProvidedManifestVariable,
+ PluginProvidedPackageProcessor,
+ PluginProvidedDiscardRule,
+ AutomaticDiscardRuleExample,
+ PPFFormatParam,
+ ServiceManagerDetails,
+ resolve_package_type_selectors,
+ KnownPackagingFileInfo,
+ PluginProvidedKnownPackagingFile,
+ InstallPatternDHCompatRule,
+ PluginProvidedTypeMapping,
+from debputy.plugin.api.plugin_parser import (
+ PluginJsonMetadata,
+ PackagerProvidedFileJsonDescription,
+from debputy.plugin.api.spec import (
+ MaintscriptAccessor,
+ Maintscript,
+ DpkgTriggerType,
+ BinaryCtrlAccessor,
+ PackageProcessingContext,
+ MetadataAutoDetector,
+ PluginInitializationEntryPoint,
+ DebputyPluginInitializer,
+ PackageTypeSelector,
+ FlushableSubstvars,
+ ParserDocumentation,
+ PackageProcessor,
+ VirtualPath,
+ ServiceIntegrator,
+ ServiceDetector,
+ ServiceRegistry,
+ ServiceDefinition,
+ DSD,
+ ServiceUpgradeRule,
+ PackagerProvidedFileReferenceDocumentation,
+ packager_provided_file_reference_documentation,
+ TypeMappingDocumentation,
+from debputy.substitution import (
+ Substitution,
+ VariableNameState,
+ VariableContext,
+from debputy.util import (
+ _normalize_path,
+ _error,
+ print_command,
+ _warn,
+PLUGIN_TEST_SUFFIX = re.compile(r"_(?:t|test|check)(?:_([a-z0-9_]+))?[.]py$")
+def _validate_known_packaging_file_dh_compat_rules(
+ dh_compat_rules: Optional[List[InstallPatternDHCompatRule]],
+) -> None:
+ max_compat = None
+ if not dh_compat_rules:
+ return
+ dh_compat_rule: InstallPatternDHCompatRule
+ for idx, dh_compat_rule in enumerate(dh_compat_rules):
+ dh_version = dh_compat_rule.get("starting_with_debhelper_version")
+ compat = dh_compat_rule.get("starting_with_compat_level")
+ remaining = dh_compat_rule.keys() - {
+ "after_debhelper_version",
+ "starting_with_compat_level",
+ }
+ if not remaining:
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"The dh compat-rule at index {idx} does not affect anything not have any rules!? So why have it?"
+ )
+ if dh_version is None and compat is None and idx < len(dh_compat_rules) - 1:
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"The dh compat-rule at index {idx} is not the last and is missing either"
+ " before-debhelper-version or before-compat-level"
+ )
+ if compat is not None and compat < 0:
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"There is no compat below 1 but dh compat-rule at {idx} wants to declare some rule"
+ f" for something that appeared when migrating from {compat} to {compat + 1}."
+ )
+ if max_compat is None:
+ max_compat = compat
+ elif compat is not None:
+ if compat >= max_compat:
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"The dh compat-rule at {idx} should be moved earlier than the entry for compat {max_compat}."
+ )
+ max_compat = compat
+ install_pattern = dh_compat_rule.get("install_pattern")
+ if (
+ install_pattern is not None
+ and _normalize_path(install_pattern, with_prefix=False) != install_pattern
+ ):
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"The install-pattern in dh compat-rule at {idx} must be normalized as"
+ f' "{_normalize_path(install_pattern, with_prefix=False)}".'
+ )
+class DebputyPluginInitializerProvider(DebputyPluginInitializer):
+ __slots__ = (
+ "_plugin_metadata",
+ "_feature_set",
+ "_plugin_detector_ids",
+ "_substitution",
+ "_unloaders",
+ "_load_started",
+ )
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ plugin_metadata: DebputyPluginMetadata,
+ feature_set: PluginProvidedFeatureSet,
+ substitution: Substitution,
+ ) -> None:
+ self._plugin_metadata: DebputyPluginMetadata = plugin_metadata
+ self._feature_set = feature_set
+ self._plugin_detector_ids: Set[str] = set()
+ self._substitution = substitution
+ self._unloaders: List[Callable[[], None]] = []
+ self._load_started = False
+ def unload_plugin(self) -> None:
+ if self._load_started:
+ for unloader in self._unloaders:
+ unloader()
+ del self._feature_set.plugin_data[self._plugin_name]
+ def load_plugin(self) -> None:
+ metadata = self._plugin_metadata
+ if metadata.plugin_name in self._feature_set.plugin_data:
+ raise PluginConflictError(
+ f'The plugin "{metadata.plugin_name}" has already been loaded!?'
+ )
+ assert (
+ metadata.api_compat_version == 1
+ ), f"Unsupported plugin API compat version {metadata.api_compat_version}"
+ self._feature_set.plugin_data[metadata.plugin_name] = metadata
+ self._load_started = True
+ assert not metadata.is_initialized
+ try:
+ metadata.initialize_plugin(self)
+ except Exception as e:
+ initializer = metadata.plugin_initializer
+ if (
+ isinstance(e, TypeError)
+ and initializer is not None
+ and not callable(initializer)
+ ):
+ raise PluginMetadataError(
+ f"The specified entry point for plugin {metadata.plugin_name} does not appear to be a"
+ f" callable (callable returns False). The specified entry point identifies"
+ f' itself as "{initializer.__qualname__}".'
+ ) from e
+ elif isinstance(e, PluginBaseError):
+ raise
+ raise PluginInitializationError(
+ f"Exception while attempting to load plugin {metadata.plugin_name}"
+ ) from e
+ def packager_provided_file(
+ self,
+ stem: str,
+ installed_path: str,
+ *,
+ default_mode: int = 0o0644,
+ default_priority: Optional[int] = None,
+ allow_name_segment: bool = True,
+ allow_architecture_segment: bool = False,
+ post_formatting_rewrite: Optional[Callable[[str], str]] = None,
+ packageless_is_fallback_for_all_packages: bool = False,
+ reservation_only: bool = False,
+ format_callback: Optional[
+ Callable[[str, PPFFormatParam, VirtualPath], str]
+ ] = None,
+ reference_documentation: Optional[
+ PackagerProvidedFileReferenceDocumentation
+ ] = None,
+ ) -> None:
+ packager_provided_files = self._feature_set.packager_provided_files
+ existing = packager_provided_files.get(stem)
+ if format_callback is not None and self._plugin_name != "debputy":
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Sorry; Using format_callback is a debputy-internal"
+ f" API. Triggered by plugin {self._plugin_name}"
+ )
+ if installed_path.endswith("/"):
+ raise ValueError(
+ f'The installed_path ends with "/" indicating it is a directory, but it must be a file.'
+ f" Triggered by plugin {self._plugin_name}."
+ )
+ installed_path = _normalize_path(installed_path)
+ has_name_var = "{name}" in installed_path
+ if installed_path.startswith("./DEBIAN") or reservation_only:
+ # Special-case, used for control files.
+ if self._plugin_name != "debputy":
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Sorry; Using DEBIAN as install path or/and reservation_only is a debputy-internal"
+ f" API. Triggered by plugin {self._plugin_name}"
+ )
+ elif not has_name_var and "{owning_package}" not in installed_path:
+ raise ValueError(
+ 'The installed_path must contain a "{name}" (preferred) or a "{owning_package}"'
+ " substitution (or have installed_path end with a slash). Otherwise, the installed"
+ f" path would caused file-conflicts. Triggered by plugin {self._plugin_name}"
+ )
+ if allow_name_segment and not has_name_var:
+ raise ValueError(
+ 'When allow_name_segment is True, the installed_path must have a "{name}" substitution'
+ " variable. Otherwise, the name segment will not work properly. Triggered by"
+ f" plugin {self._plugin_name}"
+ )
+ if (
+ default_priority is not None
+ and "{priority}" not in installed_path
+ and "{priority:02}" not in installed_path
+ ):
+ raise ValueError(
+ 'When default_priority is not None, the installed_path should have a "{priority}"'
+ ' or a "{priority:02}" substitution variable. Otherwise, the priority would be lost.'
+ f" Triggered by plugin {self._plugin_name}"
+ )
+ if existing is not None:
+ if existing.debputy_plugin_metadata.plugin_name != self._plugin_name:
+ message = (
+ f'The stem "{stem}" is registered twice for packager provided files.'
+ f" Once by {existing.debputy_plugin_metadata.plugin_name} and once"
+ f" by {self._plugin_name}"
+ )
+ else:
+ message = (
+ f"Bug in the plugin {self._plugin_name}: It tried to register the"
+ f' stem "{stem}" twice for packager provided files.'
+ )
+ raise PluginConflictError(
+ message, existing.debputy_plugin_metadata, self._plugin_metadata
+ )
+ packager_provided_files[stem] = PackagerProvidedFileClassSpec(
+ self._plugin_metadata,
+ stem,
+ installed_path,
+ default_mode=default_mode,
+ default_priority=default_priority,
+ allow_name_segment=allow_name_segment,
+ allow_architecture_segment=allow_architecture_segment,
+ post_formatting_rewrite=post_formatting_rewrite,
+ packageless_is_fallback_for_all_packages=packageless_is_fallback_for_all_packages,
+ reservation_only=reservation_only,
+ formatting_callback=format_callback,
+ reference_documentation=reference_documentation,
+ )
+ def _unload() -> None:
+ del packager_provided_files[stem]
+ self._unloaders.append(_unload)
+ def metadata_or_maintscript_detector(
+ self,
+ auto_detector_id: str,
+ auto_detector: MetadataAutoDetector,
+ *,
+ package_type: PackageTypeSelector = "deb",
+ ) -> None:
+ if auto_detector_id in self._plugin_detector_ids:
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"The plugin {self._plugin_name} tried to register"
+ f' "{auto_detector_id}" twice'
+ )
+ self._plugin_detector_ids.add(auto_detector_id)
+ all_detectors = self._feature_set.metadata_maintscript_detectors
+ if self._plugin_name not in all_detectors:
+ all_detectors[self._plugin_name] = []
+ package_types = resolve_package_type_selectors(package_type)
+ all_detectors[self._plugin_name].append(
+ MetadataOrMaintscriptDetector(
+ detector_id=auto_detector_id,
+ detector=auto_detector,
+ plugin_metadata=self._plugin_metadata,
+ applies_to_package_types=package_types,
+ enabled=True,
+ )
+ )
+ def _unload() -> None:
+ if self._plugin_name in all_detectors:
+ del all_detectors[self._plugin_name]
+ self._unloaders.append(_unload)
+ def document_builtin_variable(
+ self,
+ variable_name: str,
+ variable_reference_documentation: str,
+ *,
+ is_context_specific: bool = False,
+ is_for_special_case: bool = False,
+ ) -> None:
+ manifest_variables = self._feature_set.manifest_variables
+ self._restricted_api()
+ state = self._substitution.variable_state(variable_name)
+ if state == VariableNameState.UNDEFINED:
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"The plugin {self._plugin_name} attempted to document built-in {variable_name},"
+ f" but it is not known to be a variable"
+ )
+ assert variable_name not in manifest_variables
+ manifest_variables[variable_name] = PluginProvidedManifestVariable(
+ self._plugin_metadata,
+ variable_name,
+ None,
+ is_context_specific_variable=is_context_specific,
+ variable_reference_documentation=variable_reference_documentation,
+ is_documentation_placeholder=True,
+ is_for_special_case=is_for_special_case,
+ )
+ def _unload() -> None:
+ del manifest_variables[variable_name]
+ self._unloaders.append(_unload)
+ def manifest_variable_provider(
+ self,
+ provider: Callable[[VariableContext], Mapping[str, str]],
+ variables: Union[Sequence[str], Mapping[str, Optional[str]]],
+ ) -> None:
+ self._restricted_api()
+ cached_provider = functools.lru_cache(None)(provider)
+ permitted_variables = frozenset(variables)
+ variables_iter: Iterable[Tuple[str, Optional[str]]]
+ if not isinstance(variables, Mapping):
+ variables_iter = zip(variables, itertools.repeat(None))
+ else:
+ variables_iter = variables.items()
+ checked_vars = False
+ manifest_variables = self._feature_set.manifest_variables
+ plugin_name = self._plugin_name
+ def _value_resolver_generator(
+ variable_name: str,
+ ) -> Callable[[VariableContext], str]:
+ def _value_resolver(variable_context: VariableContext) -> str:
+ res = cached_provider(variable_context)
+ nonlocal checked_vars
+ if not checked_vars:
+ if permitted_variables != res.keys():
+ expected = ", ".join(sorted(permitted_variables))
+ actual = ", ".join(sorted(res))
+ raise PluginAPIViolationError(
+ f"The plugin {plugin_name} claimed to provide"
+ f" the following variables {expected},"
+ f" but when resolving the variables, the plugin provided"
+ f" {actual}. These two lists should have been the same."
+ )
+ checked_vars = False
+ return res[variable_name]
+ return _value_resolver
+ for varname, vardoc in variables_iter:
+ self._check_variable_name(varname)
+ manifest_variables[varname] = PluginProvidedManifestVariable(
+ self._plugin_metadata,
+ varname,
+ _value_resolver_generator(varname),
+ is_context_specific_variable=False,
+ variable_reference_documentation=vardoc,
+ )
+ def _unload() -> None:
+ raise PluginInitializationError(
+ "Cannot unload manifest_variable_provider (not implemented)"
+ )
+ self._unloaders.append(_unload)
+ def _check_variable_name(self, variable_name: str) -> None:
+ manifest_variables = self._feature_set.manifest_variables
+ existing = manifest_variables.get(variable_name)
+ if existing is not None:
+ if existing.plugin_metadata.plugin_name == self._plugin_name:
+ message = (
+ f"Bug in the plugin {self._plugin_name}: It tried to register the"
+ f' manifest variable "{variable_name}" twice.'
+ )
+ else:
+ message = (
+ f"The plugins {existing.plugin_metadata.plugin_name} and {self._plugin_name}"
+ f" both tried to provide the manifest variable {variable_name}"
+ )
+ raise PluginConflictError(
+ message, existing.plugin_metadata, self._plugin_metadata
+ )
+ if not SUBST_VAR_RE.match("{{" + variable_name + "}}"):
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"The plugin {self._plugin_name} attempted to declare {variable_name},"
+ f" which is not a valid variable name"
+ )
+ namespace = ""
+ variable_basename = variable_name
+ if ":" in variable_name:
+ namespace, variable_basename = variable_name.rsplit(":", 1)
+ assert namespace != ""
+ assert variable_name != ""
+ if namespace != "" and namespace not in ("token", "path"):
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"The plugin {self._plugin_name} attempted to declare {variable_name},"
+ f" which is in the reserved namespace {namespace}"
+ )
+ variable_name_upper = variable_name.upper()
+ if (
+ variable_name_upper.startswith(("DEB_", "DPKG_", "DEBPUTY"))
+ or variable_basename.startswith("_")
+ or variable_basename.upper().startswith("DEBPUTY")
+ ) and self._plugin_name != "debputy":
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"The plugin {self._plugin_name} attempted to declare {variable_name},"
+ f" which is a variable name reserved by debputy"
+ )
+ state = self._substitution.variable_state(variable_name)
+ if state != VariableNameState.UNDEFINED and self._plugin_name != "debputy":
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"The plugin {self._plugin_name} attempted to declare {variable_name},"
+ f" which would shadow a built-in variable"
+ )
+ def package_processor(
+ self,
+ processor_id: str,
+ processor: PackageProcessor,
+ *,
+ depends_on_processor: Iterable[str] = tuple(),
+ package_type: PackageTypeSelector = "deb",
+ ) -> None:
+ self._restricted_api(allowed_plugins={"lua"})
+ package_processors = self._feature_set.all_package_processors
+ dependencies = set()
+ processor_key = (self._plugin_name, processor_id)
+ if processor_key in package_processors:
+ raise PluginConflictError(
+ f"The plugin {self._plugin_name} already registered a processor with id {processor_id}",
+ self._plugin_metadata,
+ self._plugin_metadata,
+ )
+ for depends_ref in depends_on_processor:
+ if isinstance(depends_ref, str):
+ if (self._plugin_name, depends_ref) in package_processors:
+ depends_key = (self._plugin_name, depends_ref)
+ elif ("debputy", depends_ref) in package_processors:
+ depends_key = ("debputy", depends_ref)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(
+ f'Could not resolve dependency "{depends_ref}" for'
+ f' "{processor_id}". It was not provided by the plugin itself'
+ f" ({self._plugin_name}) nor debputy."
+ )
+ else:
+ # TODO: Add proper dependencies first, at which point we should probably resolve "name"
+ # via the direct dependencies.
+ assert False
+ existing_processor = package_processors.get(depends_key)
+ if existing_processor is None:
+ # We currently require the processor to be declared already. If this ever changes,
+ # PluginProvidedFeatureSet.package_processors_in_order will need an update
+ dplugin_name, dprocessor_name = depends_key
+ available_processors = ", ".join(
+ n for p, n in package_processors.keys() if p == dplugin_name
+ )
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"The plugin {dplugin_name} does not provide a processor called"
+ f" {dprocessor_name}. Available processors for that plugin are:"
+ f" {available_processors}"
+ )
+ dependencies.add(depends_key)
+ package_processors[processor_key] = PluginProvidedPackageProcessor(
+ processor_id,
+ resolve_package_type_selectors(package_type),
+ processor,
+ frozenset(dependencies),
+ self._plugin_metadata,
+ )
+ def _unload() -> None:
+ del package_processors[processor_key]
+ self._unloaders.append(_unload)
+ def automatic_discard_rule(
+ self,
+ name: str,
+ should_discard: Callable[[VirtualPath], bool],
+ *,
+ rule_reference_documentation: Optional[str] = None,
+ examples: Union[
+ AutomaticDiscardRuleExample, Sequence[AutomaticDiscardRuleExample]
+ ] = tuple(),
+ ) -> None:
+ """Register an automatic discard rule
+ An automatic discard rule is basically applied to *every* path about to be installed in to any package.
+ If any discard rule concludes that a path should not be installed, then the path is not installed.
+ In the case where the discard path is a:
+ * directory: Then the entire directory is excluded along with anything beneath it.
+ * symlink: Then the symlink itself (but not its target) is excluded.
+ * hardlink: Then the current hardlink will not be installed, but other instances of it will be.
+ Note: Discarded files are *never* deleted by `debputy`. They just make `debputy` skip the file.
+ Automatic discard rules should be written with the assumption that directories will be tested
+ before their content *when it is relevant* for the discard rule to examine whether the directory
+ can be excluded.
+ The packager can via the manifest overrule automatic discard rules by explicitly listing the path
+ without any globs. As example:
+ installations:
+ - install:
+ sources:
+ - usr/lib/ # <-- This path is always installed
+ # (Discard rules are never asked in this case)
+ #
+ - usr/lib/*.so* # <-- Discard rules applies to any path beneath usr/lib and can exclude matches
+ # Though, they will not examine `` as it has already been installed
+ #
+ # Note: usr/lib itself is never tested in this case (it is assumed to be
+ # explicitly requested). But any subdir of usr/lib will be examined.
+ When an automatic discard rule is evaluated, it can see the source path currently being considered
+ for installation. While it can look at "surrounding" context (like parent directory), it will not
+ know whether those paths are to be installed or will be installed.
+ :param name: A user visible name discard rule. It can be used on the command line, so avoid shell
+ metacharacters and spaces.
+ :param should_discard: A callable that is the implementation of the automatic discard rule. It will receive
+ a VirtualPath representing the *source* path about to be installed. If callable returns `True`, then the
+ path is discarded. If it returns `False`, the path is not discarded (by this rule at least).
+ A source path will either be from the root of the source tree or the root of a search directory such as
+ `debian/tmp`. Where the path will be installed is not available at the time the discard rule is
+ evaluated.
+ :param rule_reference_documentation: Optionally, the reference documentation to be shown when a user
+ looks up this automatic discard rule.
+ :param examples: Provide examples for the rule. Use the automatic_discard_rule_example function to
+ generate the examples.
+ """
+ self._restricted_api()
+ auto_discard_rules = self._feature_set.auto_discard_rules
+ existing = auto_discard_rules.get(name)
+ if existing is not None:
+ if existing.plugin_metadata.plugin_name == self._plugin_name:
+ message = (
+ f"Bug in the plugin {self._plugin_name}: It tried to register the"
+ f' automatic discard rule "{name}" twice.'
+ )
+ else:
+ message = (
+ f"The plugins {existing.plugin_metadata.plugin_name} and {self._plugin_name}"
+ f" both tried to provide the automatic discard rule {name}"
+ )
+ raise PluginConflictError(
+ message, existing.plugin_metadata, self._plugin_metadata
+ )
+ examples = (
+ (examples,)
+ if isinstance(examples, AutomaticDiscardRuleExample)
+ else tuple(examples)
+ )
+ auto_discard_rules[name] = PluginProvidedDiscardRule(
+ name,
+ self._plugin_metadata,
+ should_discard,
+ rule_reference_documentation,
+ examples,
+ )
+ def _unload() -> None:
+ del auto_discard_rules[name]
+ self._unloaders.append(_unload)
+ def service_provider(
+ self,
+ service_manager: str,
+ detector: ServiceDetector,
+ integrator: ServiceIntegrator,
+ ) -> None:
+ self._restricted_api()
+ service_managers = self._feature_set.service_managers
+ existing = service_managers.get(service_manager)
+ if existing is not None:
+ if existing.plugin_metadata.plugin_name == self._plugin_name:
+ message = (
+ f"Bug in the plugin {self._plugin_name}: It tried to register the"
+ f' service manager "{service_manager}" twice.'
+ )
+ else:
+ message = (
+ f"The plugins {existing.plugin_metadata.plugin_name} and {self._plugin_name}"
+ f' both tried to provide the service manager "{service_manager}"'
+ )
+ raise PluginConflictError(
+ message, existing.plugin_metadata, self._plugin_metadata
+ )
+ service_managers[service_manager] = ServiceManagerDetails(
+ service_manager,
+ detector,
+ integrator,
+ self._plugin_metadata,
+ )
+ def _unload() -> None:
+ del service_managers[service_manager]
+ self._unloaders.append(_unload)
+ def manifest_variable(
+ self,
+ variable_name: str,
+ value: str,
+ variable_reference_documentation: Optional[str] = None,
+ ) -> None:
+ self._check_variable_name(variable_name)
+ manifest_variables = self._feature_set.manifest_variables
+ try:
+ resolved_value = self._substitution.substitute(
+ value, "Plugin initialization"
+ )
+ depends_on_variable = resolved_value != value
+ except DebputySubstitutionError:
+ depends_on_variable = True
+ if depends_on_variable:
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"The plugin {self._plugin_name} attempted to declare {variable_name} with value {value!r}."
+ f" This value depends on another variable, which is not supported. This restriction may be"
+ f" lifted in the future."
+ )
+ manifest_variables[variable_name] = PluginProvidedManifestVariable(
+ self._plugin_metadata,
+ variable_name,
+ value,
+ is_context_specific_variable=False,
+ variable_reference_documentation=variable_reference_documentation,
+ )
+ def _unload() -> None:
+ # We need to check it was never resolved
+ raise PluginInitializationError(
+ "Cannot unload manifest_variable (not implemented)"
+ )
+ self._unloaders.append(_unload)
+ @property
+ def _plugin_name(self) -> str:
+ return self._plugin_metadata.plugin_name
+ def provide_manifest_keyword(
+ self,
+ rule_type: TTP,
+ rule_name: Union[str, List[str]],
+ handler: DIPKWHandler,
+ *,
+ inline_reference_documentation: Optional[ParserDocumentation] = None,
+ ) -> None:
+ self._restricted_api()
+ if rule_type not in self._feature_set.dispatchable_table_parsers:
+ types = ", ".join(
+ sorted(x.__name__ for x in self._feature_set.dispatchable_table_parsers)
+ )
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"The rule_type was not a supported type. It must be one of {types}"
+ )
+ dispatching_parser = self._feature_set.dispatchable_table_parsers[rule_type]
+ dispatching_parser.register_keyword(
+ rule_name,
+ handler,
+ self._plugin_metadata,
+ inline_reference_documentation=inline_reference_documentation,
+ )
+ def _unload() -> None:
+ raise PluginInitializationError(
+ "Cannot unload provide_manifest_keyword (not implemented)"
+ )
+ self._unloaders.append(_unload)
+ def plugable_object_parser(
+ self,
+ rule_type: str,
+ rule_name: str,
+ *,
+ object_parser_key: Optional[str] = None,
+ on_end_parse_step: Optional[
+ Callable[
+ [str, Optional[Mapping[str, Any]], AttributePath, ParserContextData],
+ None,
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ ) -> None:
+ self._restricted_api()
+ if object_parser_key is None:
+ object_parser_key = rule_name
+ dispatchable_object_parsers = self._feature_set.dispatchable_object_parsers
+ if rule_type not in dispatchable_object_parsers:
+ types = ", ".join(sorted(dispatchable_object_parsers))
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"The rule_type was not a supported type. It must be one of {types}"
+ )
+ if object_parser_key not in dispatchable_object_parsers:
+ types = ", ".join(sorted(dispatchable_object_parsers))
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"The object_parser_key was not a supported type. It must be one of {types}"
+ )
+ parent_dispatcher = dispatchable_object_parsers[rule_type]
+ child_dispatcher = dispatchable_object_parsers[object_parser_key]
+ parent_dispatcher.register_child_parser(
+ rule_name,
+ child_dispatcher,
+ self._plugin_metadata,
+ on_end_parse_step=on_end_parse_step,
+ )
+ def _unload() -> None:
+ raise PluginInitializationError(
+ "Cannot unload plugable_object_parser (not implemented)"
+ )
+ self._unloaders.append(_unload)
+ def plugable_manifest_rule(
+ self,
+ rule_type: Union[TTP, str],
+ rule_name: Union[str, List[str]],
+ parsed_format: Type[PF],
+ handler: DIPHandler,
+ *,
+ source_format: Optional[SF] = None,
+ inline_reference_documentation: Optional[ParserDocumentation] = None,
+ ) -> None:
+ self._restricted_api()
+ feature_set = self._feature_set
+ if isinstance(rule_type, str):
+ if rule_type not in feature_set.dispatchable_object_parsers:
+ types = ", ".join(sorted(feature_set.dispatchable_object_parsers))
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"The rule_type was not a supported type. It must be one of {types}"
+ )
+ dispatching_parser = feature_set.dispatchable_object_parsers[rule_type]
+ else:
+ if rule_type not in feature_set.dispatchable_table_parsers:
+ types = ", ".join(
+ sorted(x.__name__ for x in feature_set.dispatchable_table_parsers)
+ )
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"The rule_type was not a supported type. It must be one of {types}"
+ )
+ dispatching_parser = feature_set.dispatchable_table_parsers[rule_type]
+ parser = feature_set.manifest_parser_generator.parser_from_typed_dict(
+ parsed_format,
+ source_content=source_format,
+ inline_reference_documentation=inline_reference_documentation,
+ )
+ dispatching_parser.register_parser(
+ rule_name,
+ parser,
+ handler,
+ self._plugin_metadata,
+ )
+ def _unload() -> None:
+ raise PluginInitializationError(
+ "Cannot unload plugable_manifest_rule (not implemented)"
+ )
+ self._unloaders.append(_unload)
+ def known_packaging_files(
+ self,
+ packaging_file_details: KnownPackagingFileInfo,
+ ) -> None:
+ known_packaging_files = self._feature_set.known_packaging_files
+ detection_method = packaging_file_details.get(
+ "detection_method", cast("Literal['path']", "path")
+ )
+ path = packaging_file_details.get("path")
+ dhpkgfile = packaging_file_details.get("pkgfile")
+ packaging_file_details: KnownPackagingFileInfo = packaging_file_details.copy()
+ if detection_method == "path":
+ if dhpkgfile is not None:
+ raise ValueError(
+ 'The "pkgfile" attribute cannot be used when detection-method is "path" (or omitted)'
+ )
+ if path != _normalize_path(path, with_prefix=False):
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"The path for known packaging files must be normalized. Please replace"
+ f' "{path}" with "{_normalize_path(path, with_prefix=False)}"'
+ )
+ detection_value = path
+ else:
+ assert detection_method == "dh.pkgfile"
+ if path is not None:
+ raise ValueError(
+ 'The "path" attribute cannot be used when detection-method is "dh.pkgfile"'
+ )
+ if "/" in dhpkgfile:
+ raise ValueError(
+ 'The "pkgfile" attribute ḿust be a name stem such as "install" (no "/" are allowed)'
+ )
+ detection_value = dhpkgfile
+ key = f"{detection_method}::{detection_value}"
+ existing = known_packaging_files.get(key)
+ if existing is not None:
+ if existing.plugin_metadata.plugin_name != self._plugin_name:
+ message = (
+ f'The key "{key}" is registered twice for known packaging files.'
+ f" Once by {existing.plugin_metadata.plugin_name} and once by {self._plugin_name}"
+ )
+ else:
+ message = (
+ f"Bug in the plugin {self._plugin_name}: It tried to register the"
+ f' key "{key}" twice for known packaging files.'
+ )
+ raise PluginConflictError(
+ message, existing.plugin_metadata, self._plugin_metadata
+ )
+ _validate_known_packaging_file_dh_compat_rules(
+ packaging_file_details.get("dh_compat_rules")
+ )
+ known_packaging_files[key] = PluginProvidedKnownPackagingFile(
+ packaging_file_details,
+ detection_method,
+ detection_value,
+ self._plugin_metadata,
+ )
+ def _unload() -> None:
+ del known_packaging_files[key]
+ self._unloaders.append(_unload)
+ def register_mapped_type(
+ self,
+ type_mapping: TypeMapping,
+ *,
+ reference_documentation: Optional[TypeMappingDocumentation] = None,
+ ) -> None:
+ self._restricted_api()
+ target_type = type_mapping.target_type
+ mapped_types = self._feature_set.mapped_types
+ existing = mapped_types.get(target_type)
+ if existing is not None:
+ if existing.plugin_metadata.plugin_name != self._plugin_name:
+ message = (
+ f'The key "{target_type.__name__}" is registered twice for known packaging files.'
+ f" Once by {existing.plugin_metadata.plugin_name} and once by {self._plugin_name}"
+ )
+ else:
+ message = (
+ f"Bug in the plugin {self._plugin_name}: It tried to register the"
+ f' key "{target_type.__name__}" twice for known packaging files.'
+ )
+ raise PluginConflictError(
+ message, existing.plugin_metadata, self._plugin_metadata
+ )
+ parser_generator = self._feature_set.manifest_parser_generator
+ mapped_types[target_type] = PluginProvidedTypeMapping(
+ type_mapping, reference_documentation, self._plugin_metadata
+ )
+ parser_generator.register_mapped_type(type_mapping)
+ def _restricted_api(
+ self,
+ *,
+ allowed_plugins: Union[Set[str], FrozenSet[str]] = frozenset(),
+ ) -> None:
+ if self._plugin_name != "debputy" and self._plugin_name not in allowed_plugins:
+ raise PluginAPIViolationError(
+ f"Plugin {self._plugin_name} attempted to access a debputy-only API."
+ " If you are the maintainer of this plugin and want access to this"
+ " API, please file a feature request to make this public."
+ " (The API is currently private as it is unstable.)"
+ )
+class MaintscriptAccessorProviderBase(MaintscriptAccessor, ABC):
+ __slots__ = ()
+ def _append_script(
+ self,
+ caller_name: str,
+ maintscript: Maintscript,
+ full_script: str,
+ /,
+ perform_substitution: bool = True,
+ ) -> None:
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ @classmethod
+ def _apply_condition_to_script(
+ cls,
+ condition: str,
+ run_snippet: str,
+ /,
+ indent: Optional[bool] = None,
+ ) -> str:
+ if indent is None:
+ # We auto-determine this based on heredocs currently
+ indent = "<<" not in run_snippet
+ if indent:
+ run_snippet = "".join(" " + x for x in run_snippet.splitlines(True))
+ if not run_snippet.endswith("\n"):
+ run_snippet += "\n"
+ condition_line = f"if {condition}; then\n"
+ end_line = "fi\n"
+ return "".join((condition_line, run_snippet, end_line))
+ def on_configure(
+ self,
+ run_snippet: str,
+ /,
+ indent: Optional[bool] = None,
+ perform_substitution: bool = True,
+ skip_on_rollback: bool = False,
+ ) -> None:
+ if skip_on_rollback:
+ condition = '[ "$1" = "configure" ]'
+ return self._append_script(
+ "on_configure",
+ "postinst",
+ self._apply_condition_to_script(condition, run_snippet, indent=indent),
+ perform_substitution=perform_substitution,
+ )
+ def on_initial_install(
+ self,
+ run_snippet: str,
+ /,
+ indent: Optional[bool] = None,
+ perform_substitution: bool = True,
+ ) -> None:
+ condition = '[ "$1" = "configure" -a -z "$2" ]'
+ return self._append_script(
+ "on_initial_install",
+ "postinst",
+ self._apply_condition_to_script(condition, run_snippet, indent=indent),
+ perform_substitution=perform_substitution,
+ )
+ def on_upgrade(
+ self,
+ run_snippet: str,
+ /,
+ indent: Optional[bool] = None,
+ perform_substitution: bool = True,
+ ) -> None:
+ condition = '[ "$1" = "configure" -a -n "$2" ]'
+ return self._append_script(
+ "on_upgrade",
+ "postinst",
+ self._apply_condition_to_script(condition, run_snippet, indent=indent),
+ perform_substitution=perform_substitution,
+ )
+ def on_upgrade_from(
+ self,
+ version: str,
+ run_snippet: str,
+ /,
+ indent: Optional[bool] = None,
+ perform_substitution: bool = True,
+ ) -> None:
+ condition = '[ "$1" = "configure" ] && dpkg --compare-versions le-nl "$2"'
+ return self._append_script(
+ "on_upgrade_from",
+ "postinst",
+ self._apply_condition_to_script(condition, run_snippet, indent=indent),
+ perform_substitution=perform_substitution,
+ )
+ def on_before_removal(
+ self,
+ run_snippet: str,
+ /,
+ indent: Optional[bool] = None,
+ perform_substitution: bool = True,
+ ) -> None:
+ condition = '[ "$1" = "remove" ]'
+ return self._append_script(
+ "on_before_removal",
+ "prerm",
+ self._apply_condition_to_script(condition, run_snippet, indent=indent),
+ perform_substitution=perform_substitution,
+ )
+ def on_removed(
+ self,
+ run_snippet: str,
+ /,
+ indent: Optional[bool] = None,
+ perform_substitution: bool = True,
+ ) -> None:
+ condition = '[ "$1" = "remove" ]'
+ return self._append_script(
+ "on_removed",
+ "postrm",
+ self._apply_condition_to_script(condition, run_snippet, indent=indent),
+ perform_substitution=perform_substitution,
+ )
+ def on_purge(
+ self,
+ run_snippet: str,
+ /,
+ indent: Optional[bool] = None,
+ perform_substitution: bool = True,
+ ) -> None:
+ condition = '[ "$1" = "purge" ]'
+ return self._append_script(
+ "on_purge",
+ "postrm",
+ self._apply_condition_to_script(condition, run_snippet, indent=indent),
+ perform_substitution=perform_substitution,
+ )
+ def unconditionally_in_script(
+ self,
+ maintscript: Maintscript,
+ run_snippet: str,
+ /,
+ perform_substitution: bool = True,
+ ) -> None:
+ if maintscript not in STD_CONTROL_SCRIPTS:
+ raise ValueError(
+ f'Unknown script "{maintscript}". Should have been one of:'
+ f' {", ".join(sorted(STD_CONTROL_SCRIPTS))}'
+ )
+ return self._append_script(
+ "unconditionally_in_script",
+ maintscript,
+ run_snippet,
+ perform_substitution=perform_substitution,
+ )
+class MaintscriptAccessorProvider(MaintscriptAccessorProviderBase):
+ __slots__ = (
+ "_plugin_metadata",
+ "_maintscript_snippets",
+ "_plugin_source_id",
+ "_package_substitution",
+ )
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ plugin_metadata: DebputyPluginMetadata,
+ plugin_source_id: str,
+ maintscript_snippets: Dict[str, MaintscriptSnippetContainer],
+ package_substitution: Substitution,
+ ):
+ self._plugin_metadata = plugin_metadata
+ self._plugin_source_id = plugin_source_id
+ self._maintscript_snippets = maintscript_snippets
+ self._package_substitution = package_substitution
+ def _append_script(
+ self,
+ caller_name: str,
+ maintscript: Maintscript,
+ full_script: str,
+ /,
+ perform_substitution: bool = True,
+ ) -> None:
+ def_source = f"{self._plugin_metadata.plugin_name} ({self._plugin_source_id})"
+ if perform_substitution:
+ full_script = self._package_substitution.substitute(full_script, def_source)
+ snippet = MaintscriptSnippet(snippet=full_script, definition_source=def_source)
+ self._maintscript_snippets[maintscript].append(snippet)
+class BinaryCtrlAccessorProviderBase(BinaryCtrlAccessor):
+ __slots__ = (
+ "_plugin_metadata",
+ "_plugin_source_id",
+ "_package_metadata_context",
+ "_triggers",
+ "_substvars",
+ "_maintscript",
+ "_shlibs_details",
+ )
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ plugin_metadata: DebputyPluginMetadata,
+ plugin_source_id: str,
+ package_metadata_context: PackageProcessingContext,
+ triggers: Dict[Tuple[DpkgTriggerType, str], PluginProvidedTrigger],
+ substvars: FlushableSubstvars,
+ shlibs_details: Tuple[Optional[str], Optional[List[str]]],
+ ) -> None:
+ self._plugin_metadata = plugin_metadata
+ self._plugin_source_id = plugin_source_id
+ self._package_metadata_context = package_metadata_context
+ self._triggers = triggers
+ self._substvars = substvars
+ self._maintscript: Optional[MaintscriptAccessor] = None
+ self._shlibs_details = shlibs_details
+ def _create_maintscript_accessor(self) -> MaintscriptAccessor:
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def dpkg_trigger(self, trigger_type: DpkgTriggerType, trigger_target: str) -> None:
+ """Register a declarative dpkg level trigger
+ The provided trigger will be added to the package's metadata (the triggers file of the control.tar).
+ If the trigger has already been added previously, a second call with the same trigger data will be ignored.
+ """
+ key = (trigger_type, trigger_target)
+ if key in self._triggers:
+ return
+ self._triggers[key] = PluginProvidedTrigger(
+ dpkg_trigger_type=trigger_type,
+ dpkg_trigger_target=trigger_target,
+ provider=self._plugin_metadata,
+ provider_source_id=self._plugin_source_id,
+ )
+ @property
+ def maintscript(self) -> MaintscriptAccessor:
+ maintscript = self._maintscript
+ if maintscript is None:
+ maintscript = self._create_maintscript_accessor()
+ self._maintscript = maintscript
+ return maintscript
+ @property
+ def substvars(self) -> FlushableSubstvars:
+ return self._substvars
+ def dpkg_shlibdeps(self, paths: Sequence[VirtualPath]) -> None:
+ binary_package = self._package_metadata_context.binary_package
+ with self.substvars.flush() as substvars_file:
+ dpkg_cmd = ["dpkg-shlibdeps", f"-T{substvars_file}"]
+ if binary_package.is_udeb:
+ dpkg_cmd.append("-tudeb")
+ if binary_package.is_essential:
+ dpkg_cmd.append("-dPre-Depends")
+ shlibs_local, shlib_dirs = self._shlibs_details
+ if shlibs_local is not None:
+ dpkg_cmd.append(f"-L{shlibs_local}")
+ if shlib_dirs:
+ dpkg_cmd.extend(f"-l{sd}" for sd in shlib_dirs)
+ dpkg_cmd.extend(p.fs_path for p in paths)
+ print_command(*dpkg_cmd)
+ try:
+ subprocess.check_call(dpkg_cmd)
+ except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
+ _error(
+ f"Attempting to auto-detect dependencies via dpkg-shlibdeps for {} failed. Please"
+ " review the output from dpkg-shlibdeps above to understand what went wrong."
+ )
+class BinaryCtrlAccessorProvider(BinaryCtrlAccessorProviderBase):
+ __slots__ = (
+ "_maintscript",
+ "_maintscript_snippets",
+ "_package_substitution",
+ )
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ plugin_metadata: DebputyPluginMetadata,
+ plugin_source_id: str,
+ package_metadata_context: PackageProcessingContext,
+ triggers: Dict[Tuple[DpkgTriggerType, str], PluginProvidedTrigger],
+ substvars: FlushableSubstvars,
+ maintscript_snippets: Dict[str, MaintscriptSnippetContainer],
+ package_substitution: Substitution,
+ shlibs_details: Tuple[Optional[str], Optional[List[str]]],
+ ) -> None:
+ super().__init__(
+ plugin_metadata,
+ plugin_source_id,
+ package_metadata_context,
+ triggers,
+ substvars,
+ shlibs_details,
+ )
+ self._maintscript_snippets = maintscript_snippets
+ self._package_substitution = package_substitution
+ self._maintscript = MaintscriptAccessorProvider(
+ plugin_metadata,
+ plugin_source_id,
+ maintscript_snippets,
+ package_substitution,
+ )
+ def _create_maintscript_accessor(self) -> MaintscriptAccessor:
+ return MaintscriptAccessorProvider(
+ self._plugin_metadata,
+ self._plugin_source_id,
+ self._maintscript_snippets,
+ self._package_substitution,
+ )
+class BinaryCtrlAccessorProviderCreator:
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ package_metadata_context: PackageProcessingContext,
+ substvars: FlushableSubstvars,
+ maintscript_snippets: Dict[str, MaintscriptSnippetContainer],
+ substitution: Substitution,
+ ) -> None:
+ self._package_metadata_context = package_metadata_context
+ self._substvars = substvars
+ self._maintscript_snippets = maintscript_snippets
+ self._substitution = substitution
+ self._triggers: Dict[Tuple[DpkgTriggerType, str], PluginProvidedTrigger] = {}
+ self.shlibs_details: Tuple[Optional[str], Optional[List[str]]] = None, None
+ def for_plugin(
+ self,
+ plugin_metadata: DebputyPluginMetadata,
+ plugin_source_id: str,
+ ) -> BinaryCtrlAccessor:
+ return BinaryCtrlAccessorProvider(
+ plugin_metadata,
+ plugin_source_id,
+ self._package_metadata_context,
+ self._triggers,
+ self._substvars,
+ self._maintscript_snippets,
+ self._substitution,
+ self.shlibs_details,
+ )
+ def generated_triggers(self) -> Iterable[PluginProvidedTrigger]:
+ return self._triggers.values()
+def plugin_metadata_for_debputys_own_plugin(
+ loader: Optional[PluginInitializationEntryPoint] = None,
+) -> DebputyPluginMetadata:
+ if loader is None:
+ from debputy.plugin.debputy.debputy_plugin import initialize_debputy_features
+ loader = initialize_debputy_features
+ return DebputyPluginMetadata(
+ plugin_name="debputy",
+ api_compat_version=1,
+ plugin_initializer=loader,
+ plugin_loader=None,
+ plugin_path="<bundled>",
+ )
+def load_plugin_features(
+ plugin_search_dirs: Sequence[str],
+ substitution: Substitution,
+ requested_plugins_only: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None,
+ required_plugins: Optional[Set[str]] = None,
+ plugin_feature_set: Optional[PluginProvidedFeatureSet] = None,
+ debug_mode: bool = False,
+) -> PluginProvidedFeatureSet:
+ if plugin_feature_set is None:
+ plugin_feature_set = PluginProvidedFeatureSet()
+ plugins = [plugin_metadata_for_debputys_own_plugin()]
+ unloadable_plugins = set()
+ if required_plugins:
+ plugins.extend(
+ find_json_plugins(
+ plugin_search_dirs,
+ required_plugins,
+ )
+ )
+ if requested_plugins_only is not None:
+ plugins.extend(
+ find_json_plugins(
+ plugin_search_dirs,
+ requested_plugins_only,
+ )
+ )
+ else:
+ auto_loaded = _find_all_json_plugins(
+ plugin_search_dirs,
+ required_plugins if required_plugins is not None else frozenset(),
+ debug_mode=debug_mode,
+ )
+ for plugin_metadata in auto_loaded:
+ plugins.append(plugin_metadata)
+ unloadable_plugins.add(plugin_metadata.plugin_name)
+ for plugin_metadata in plugins:
+ api = DebputyPluginInitializerProvider(
+ plugin_metadata, plugin_feature_set, substitution
+ )
+ try:
+ api.load_plugin()
+ except PluginBaseError as e:
+ if plugin_metadata.plugin_name not in unloadable_plugins:
+ raise
+ if debug_mode:
+ raise
+ try:
+ api.unload_plugin()
+ except Exception:
+ _warn(
+ f"Failed to load optional {plugin_metadata.plugin_name} and an error was raised when trying to"
+ " clean up after the half-initialized plugin. Re-raising load error as the partially loaded"
+ " module might have tainted the feature set."
+ )
+ raise e from None
+ else:
+ if debug_mode:
+ _warn(
+ f"The optional plugin {plugin_metadata.plugin_name} failed during load. Re-raising due"
+ f" to --debug/-d."
+ )
+ _warn(
+ f"The optional plugin {plugin_metadata.plugin_name} failed during load. The plugin was"
+ f" deactivated. Use debug mode (--debug) to show the stacktrace (the warning will become an error)"
+ )
+ return plugin_feature_set
+def find_json_plugin(
+ search_dirs: Sequence[str],
+ requested_plugin: str,
+) -> DebputyPluginMetadata:
+ r = list(find_json_plugins(search_dirs, [requested_plugin]))
+ assert len(r) == 1
+ return r[0]
+def find_related_implementation_files_for_plugin(
+ plugin_metadata: DebputyPluginMetadata,
+) -> List[str]:
+ plugin_path = plugin_metadata.plugin_path
+ if not os.path.isfile(plugin_path):
+ plugin_name = plugin_metadata.plugin_name
+ _error(
+ f"Cannot run find related files for {plugin_name}: The plugin seems to be bundled"
+ " or loaded via a mechanism that does not support detecting its tests."
+ )
+ files = []
+ module_name, module_file = _find_plugin_implementation_file(
+ plugin_metadata.plugin_name,
+ plugin_metadata.plugin_path,
+ )
+ if os.path.isfile(module_file):
+ files.append(module_file)
+ else:
+ if not plugin_metadata.is_loaded:
+ plugin_metadata.load_plugin()
+ if module_name in sys.modules:
+ _error(
+ f'The plugin {plugin_metadata.plugin_name} uses the "module"" key in its'
+ f" JSON metadata file ({plugin_metadata.plugin_path}) and cannot be "
+ f" installed via this method. The related Python would not be installed"
+ f" (which would result in a plugin that would fail to load)"
+ )
+ return files
+def find_tests_for_plugin(
+ plugin_metadata: DebputyPluginMetadata,
+) -> List[str]:
+ plugin_name = plugin_metadata.plugin_name
+ plugin_path = plugin_metadata.plugin_path
+ if not os.path.isfile(plugin_path):
+ _error(
+ f"Cannot run tests for {plugin_name}: The plugin seems to be bundled or loaded via a"
+ " mechanism that does not support detecting its tests."
+ )
+ plugin_dir = os.path.dirname(plugin_path)
+ test_basename_prefix = plugin_metadata.plugin_name.replace("-", "_")
+ tests = []
+ with os.scandir(plugin_dir) as dir_iter:
+ for p in dir_iter:
+ if (
+ p.is_file()
+ and
+ and
+ ):
+ tests.append(p.path)
+ return tests
+def find_json_plugins(
+ search_dirs: Sequence[str],
+ requested_plugins: Iterable[str],
+) -> Iterable[DebputyPluginMetadata]:
+ for plugin_name_or_path in requested_plugins:
+ found = False
+ if "/" in plugin_name_or_path:
+ if not os.path.isfile(plugin_name_or_path):
+ raise PluginNotFoundError(
+ f"Unable to load the plugin {plugin_name_or_path}: The path is not a file."
+ ' (Because the plugin name contains "/", it is assumed to be a path and search path'
+ " is not used."
+ )
+ yield parse_json_plugin_desc(plugin_name_or_path)
+ return
+ for search_dir in search_dirs:
+ path = os.path.join(
+ search_dir, "debputy", "plugins", f"{plugin_name_or_path}.json"
+ )
+ if not os.path.isfile(path):
+ continue
+ found = True
+ yield parse_json_plugin_desc(path)
+ if not found:
+ search_dir_str = ":".join(search_dirs)
+ raise PluginNotFoundError(
+ f"Unable to load the plugin {plugin_name_or_path}: Could not find {plugin_name_or_path}.json in the"
+ f" debputy/plugins subdir of any of the search dirs ({search_dir_str})"
+ )
+def _find_all_json_plugins(
+ search_dirs: Sequence[str],
+ required_plugins: AbstractSet[str],
+ debug_mode: bool = False,
+) -> Iterable[DebputyPluginMetadata]:
+ seen = set(required_plugins)
+ error_seen = False
+ for search_dir in search_dirs:
+ try:
+ dir_fd = os.scandir(os.path.join(search_dir, "debputy", "plugins"))
+ except FileNotFoundError:
+ continue
+ with dir_fd:
+ for entry in dir_fd:
+ if (
+ not entry.is_file(follow_symlinks=True)
+ or not".json")
+ or in seen
+ ):
+ continue
+ try:
+ plugin_metadata = parse_json_plugin_desc(entry.path)
+ except PluginBaseError as e:
+ if debug_mode:
+ raise
+ if not error_seen:
+ error_seen = True
+ _warn(
+ f"Failed to load the plugin in {entry.path} due to the following error: {e.message}"
+ )
+ else:
+ _warn(
+ f"Failed to load plugin in {entry.path} due to errors (not shown)."
+ )
+ else:
+ yield plugin_metadata
+def _find_plugin_implementation_file(
+ plugin_name: str,
+ json_file_path: str,
+) -> Tuple[str, str]:
+ guessed_module_basename = plugin_name.replace("-", "_")
+ module_name = f"debputy.plugin.{guessed_module_basename}"
+ module_fs_path = os.path.join(
+ os.path.dirname(json_file_path), f"{guessed_module_basename}.py"
+ )
+ return module_name, module_fs_path
+def _resolve_module_initializer(
+ plugin_name: str,
+ plugin_initializer_name: str,
+ module_name: Optional[str],
+ json_file_path: str,
+) -> PluginInitializationEntryPoint:
+ module = None
+ module_fs_path = None
+ if module_name is None:
+ module_name, module_fs_path = _find_plugin_implementation_file(
+ plugin_name, json_file_path
+ )
+ if os.path.isfile(module_fs_path):
+ spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(module_name, module_fs_path)
+ if spec is None:
+ raise PluginInitializationError(
+ f"Failed to load {plugin_name} (path: {module_fs_path})."
+ " The spec_from_file_location function returned None."
+ )
+ mod = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)
+ loader = spec.loader
+ if loader is None:
+ raise PluginInitializationError(
+ f"Failed to load {plugin_name} (path: {module_fs_path})."
+ " Python could not find a suitable loader (spec.loader was None)"
+ )
+ sys.modules[module_name] = mod
+ try:
+ loader.exec_module(mod)
+ except (Exception, GeneratorExit) as e:
+ raise PluginInitializationError(
+ f"Failed to load {plugin_name} (path: {module_fs_path})."
+ " The module threw an exception while being loaded."
+ ) from e
+ module = mod
+ if module is None:
+ try:
+ module = importlib.import_module(module_name)
+ except ModuleNotFoundError as e:
+ if module_fs_path is None:
+ raise PluginMetadataError(
+ f'The plugin defined in "{json_file_path}" wanted to load the module "{module_name}", but'
+ " this module is not available in the python search path"
+ ) from e
+ raise PluginInitializationError(
+ f"Failed to load {plugin_name}. Tried loading it from"
+ f' "{module_fs_path}" (which did not exist) and PYTHONPATH as'
+ f" {module_name} (where it was not found either). Please ensure"
+ " the module code is installed in the correct spot or provide an"
+ f' explicit "module" definition in {json_file_path}.'
+ ) from e
+ plugin_initializer = getattr(module, plugin_initializer_name)
+ if plugin_initializer is None:
+ raise PluginMetadataError(
+ f'The plugin defined in {json_file_path} claimed that module "{module_name}" would have an'
+ f" attribute called {plugin_initializer}. However, it does not. Please correct the plugin"
+ f" metadata or initializer name in the Python module."
+ )
+ return cast("PluginInitializationEntryPoint", plugin_initializer)
+def _json_plugin_loader(
+ plugin_name: str,
+ plugin_json_metadata: PluginJsonMetadata,
+ json_file_path: str,
+ attribute_path: AttributePath,
+) -> Callable[["DebputyPluginInitializer"], None]:
+ api_compat = plugin_json_metadata["api_compat_version"]
+ module_name = plugin_json_metadata.get("module")
+ plugin_initializer_name = plugin_json_metadata.get("plugin_initializer")
+ packager_provided_files_raw = plugin_json_metadata.get(
+ "packager_provided_files", []
+ )
+ manifest_variables_raw = plugin_json_metadata.get("manifest_variables")
+ known_packaging_files_raw = plugin_json_metadata.get("known_packaging_files")
+ if api_compat != 1:
+ raise PluginMetadataError(
+ f'The plugin defined in "{json_file_path}" requires API compat level {api_compat}, but this'
+ f" version of debputy only supports API compat version of 1"
+ )
+ if plugin_initializer_name is not None and "." in plugin_initializer_name:
+ p = attribute_path["plugin_initializer"]
+ raise PluginMetadataError(
+ f'The "{p}" must not contain ".". Problematic file is "{json_file_path}".'
+ )
+ plugin_initializers = []
+ if plugin_initializer_name is not None:
+ plugin_initializer = _resolve_module_initializer(
+ plugin_name,
+ plugin_initializer_name,
+ module_name,
+ json_file_path,
+ )
+ plugin_initializers.append(plugin_initializer)
+ if known_packaging_files_raw:
+ kpf_root_path = attribute_path["known_packaging_files"]
+ known_packaging_files = []
+ for k, v in enumerate(known_packaging_files_raw):
+ kpf_path = kpf_root_path[k]
+ p = v.get("path")
+ if isinstance(p, str):
+ kpf_path.path_hint = p
+ if plugin_name.startswith("debputy-") and isinstance(v, dict):
+ docs = v.get("documentation-uris")
+ if docs is not None and isinstance(docs, list):
+ docs = [
+ (
+ if isinstance(d, str)
+ else d
+ )
+ for d in docs
+ ]
+ v["documentation-uris"] = docs
+ known_packaging_file: KnownPackagingFileInfo = (
+ v,
+ kpf_path,
+ )
+ )
+ known_packaging_files.append((kpf_path, known_packaging_file))
+ def _initialize_json_provided_known_packaging_files(
+ api: DebputyPluginInitializerProvider,
+ ) -> None:
+ for p, details in known_packaging_files:
+ try:
+ api.known_packaging_files(details)
+ except ValueError as ex:
+ raise PluginMetadataError(
+ f"Error while processing {p.path} defined in {json_file_path}: {ex.args[0]}"
+ )
+ plugin_initializers.append(_initialize_json_provided_known_packaging_files)
+ if manifest_variables_raw:
+ manifest_var_path = attribute_path["manifest_variables"]
+ manifest_variables = [
+ PLUGIN_MANIFEST_VARS_PARSER.parse_input(p, manifest_var_path[i])
+ for i, p in enumerate(manifest_variables_raw)
+ ]
+ def _initialize_json_provided_manifest_vars(
+ api: DebputyPluginInitializer,
+ ) -> None:
+ for idx, manifest_variable in enumerate(manifest_variables):
+ name = manifest_variable["name"]
+ value = manifest_variable["value"]
+ doc = manifest_variable.get("reference_documentation")
+ try:
+ api.manifest_variable(
+ name, value, variable_reference_documentation=doc
+ )
+ except ValueError as ex:
+ var_path = manifest_var_path[idx]
+ raise PluginMetadataError(
+ f"Error while processing {var_path.path} defined in {json_file_path}: {ex.args[0]}"
+ )
+ plugin_initializers.append(_initialize_json_provided_manifest_vars)
+ if packager_provided_files_raw:
+ ppf_path = attribute_path["packager_provided_files"]
+ ppfs = [
+ PLUGIN_PPF_PARSER.parse_input(p, ppf_path[i])
+ for i, p in enumerate(packager_provided_files_raw)
+ ]
+ def _initialize_json_provided_ppfs(api: DebputyPluginInitializer) -> None:
+ ppf: PackagerProvidedFileJsonDescription
+ for idx, ppf in enumerate(ppfs):
+ c = dict(ppf)
+ stem = ppf["stem"]
+ installed_path = ppf["installed_path"]
+ default_mode = ppf.get("default_mode")
+ ref_doc_dict = ppf.get("reference_documentation")
+ if default_mode is not None:
+ c["default_mode"] = default_mode.octal_mode
+ if ref_doc_dict is not None:
+ ref_doc = packager_provided_file_reference_documentation(
+ **ref_doc_dict
+ )
+ else:
+ ref_doc = None
+ for k in [
+ "stem",
+ "installed_path",
+ "reference_documentation",
+ ]:
+ try:
+ del c[k]
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ try:
+ api.packager_provided_file(stem, installed_path, reference_documentation=ref_doc, **c) # type: ignore
+ except ValueError as ex:
+ p_path = ppf_path[idx]
+ raise PluginMetadataError(
+ f"Error while processing {p_path.path} defined in {json_file_path}: {ex.args[0]}"
+ )
+ plugin_initializers.append(_initialize_json_provided_ppfs)
+ if not plugin_initializers:
+ raise PluginMetadataError(
+ f"The plugin defined in {json_file_path} does not seem to provide features, "
+ f" such as module + plugin-initializer or packager-provided-files."
+ )
+ if len(plugin_initializers) == 1:
+ return plugin_initializers[0]
+ def _chain_loader(api: DebputyPluginInitializer) -> None:
+ for initializer in plugin_initializers:
+ initializer(api)
+ return _chain_loader
+def _open(path: str, fd: Optional[IO[bytes]] = None) -> Iterator[IO[bytes]]:
+ if fd is not None:
+ yield fd
+ else:
+ with open(path, "rb") as fd:
+ yield fd
+def parse_json_plugin_desc(
+ path: str, *, fd: Optional[IO[bytes]] = None
+) -> DebputyPluginMetadata:
+ with _open(path, fd=fd) as rfd:
+ try:
+ raw = json.load(rfd)
+ except JSONDecodeError as e:
+ raise PluginMetadataError(
+ f'The plugin defined in "{path}" could not be parsed as valid JSON: {e.args[0]}'
+ ) from e
+ plugin_name = os.path.basename(path)
+ if plugin_name.endswith(".json"):
+ plugin_name = plugin_name[:-5]
+ elif plugin_name.endswith(""):
+ plugin_name = plugin_name[:-8]
+ if plugin_name == "debputy":
+ # Provide a better error message than "The plugin has already loaded!?"
+ raise PluginMetadataError(
+ f'The plugin named {plugin_name} must be bundled with `debputy`. Please rename "{path}" so it does not'
+ f" clash with the bundled plugin of same name."
+ )
+ attribute_path = AttributePath.root_path()
+ try:
+ plugin_json_metadata = PLUGIN_METADATA_PARSER.parse_input(
+ raw,
+ attribute_path,
+ )
+ except ManifestParseException as e:
+ raise PluginMetadataError(
+ f'The plugin defined in "{path}" was valid JSON but could not be parsed: {e.message}'
+ ) from e
+ api_compat = plugin_json_metadata["api_compat_version"]
+ return DebputyPluginMetadata(
+ plugin_name=plugin_name,
+ plugin_loader=lambda: _json_plugin_loader(
+ plugin_name,
+ plugin_json_metadata,
+ path,
+ attribute_path,
+ ),
+ api_compat_version=api_compat,
+ plugin_initializer=None,
+ plugin_path=path,
+ )
+@dataclasses.dataclass(slots=True, frozen=True)
+class ServiceDefinitionImpl(ServiceDefinition[DSD]):
+ name: str
+ names: Sequence[str]
+ path: VirtualPath
+ type_of_service: str
+ service_scope: str
+ auto_enable_on_install: bool
+ auto_start_in_install: bool
+ on_upgrade: ServiceUpgradeRule
+ definition_source: str
+ is_plugin_provided_definition: bool
+ service_context: Optional[DSD]
+class ServiceRegistryImpl(ServiceRegistry[DSD]):
+ __slots__ = ("_service_manager_details", "_service_definitions")
+ def __init__(self, service_manager_details: ServiceManagerDetails) -> None:
+ self._service_manager_details = service_manager_details
+ self._service_definitions: List[ServiceDefinition[DSD]] = []
+ @property
+ def detected_services(self) -> Sequence[ServiceDefinition[DSD]]:
+ return self._service_definitions
+ def register_service(
+ self,
+ path: VirtualPath,
+ name: Union[str, List[str]],
+ *,
+ type_of_service: str = "service", # "timer", etc.
+ service_scope: str = "system",
+ enable_by_default: bool = True,
+ start_by_default: bool = True,
+ default_upgrade_rule: ServiceUpgradeRule = "restart",
+ service_context: Optional[DSD] = None,
+ ) -> None:
+ names = name if isinstance(name, list) else [name]
+ if len(names) < 1:
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"The service must have at least one name - {path.absolute} did not have any"
+ )
+ # TODO: We cannot create a service definition immediate once the manifest is involved
+ self._service_definitions.append(
+ ServiceDefinitionImpl(
+ names[0],
+ names,
+ path,
+ type_of_service,
+ service_scope,
+ enable_by_default,
+ start_by_default,
+ default_upgrade_rule,
+ f"Auto-detected by plugin {self._service_manager_details.plugin_metadata.plugin_name}",
+ True,
+ service_context,
+ )
+ )