path: root/src/debputy/plugin/api/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/debputy/plugin/api/')
1 files changed, 1161 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/debputy/plugin/api/ b/src/debputy/plugin/api/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f32b008
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/debputy/plugin/api/
@@ -0,0 +1,1161 @@
+import dataclasses
+import os.path
+import textwrap
+from typing import (
+ Optional,
+ Callable,
+ FrozenSet,
+ Dict,
+ List,
+ Tuple,
+ Generic,
+ TypeVar,
+ cast,
+ Any,
+ Sequence,
+ Union,
+ Type,
+ TypedDict,
+ Iterable,
+ Mapping,
+ NotRequired,
+ Literal,
+ Set,
+ Iterator,
+from weakref import ref
+from debputy import DEBPUTY_DOC_ROOT_DIR
+from debputy.exceptions import (
+ DebputyFSIsROError,
+ PluginAPIViolationError,
+ PluginConflictError,
+ UnhandledOrUnexpectedErrorFromPluginError,
+from debputy.filesystem_scan import as_path_def
+from debputy.installations import InstallRule
+from debputy.maintscript_snippet import DpkgMaintscriptHelperCommand
+from debputy.manifest_conditions import ManifestCondition
+from debputy.manifest_parser.base_types import DebputyParsedContent, TypeMapping
+from debputy.manifest_parser.exceptions import ManifestParseException
+from debputy.manifest_parser.util import AttributePath
+from debputy.packages import BinaryPackage
+from debputy.plugin.api import (
+ VirtualPath,
+ BinaryCtrlAccessor,
+ PackageProcessingContext,
+from debputy.plugin.api.spec import (
+ DebputyPluginInitializer,
+ MetadataAutoDetector,
+ DpkgTriggerType,
+ ParserDocumentation,
+ PackageProcessor,
+ PathDef,
+ ParserAttributeDocumentation,
+ undocumented_attr,
+ documented_attr,
+ reference_documentation,
+ PackagerProvidedFileReferenceDocumentation,
+ TypeMappingDocumentation,
+from debputy.substitution import VariableContext
+from debputy.transformation_rules import TransformationRule
+from debputy.util import _normalize_path, package_cross_check_precheck
+ from debputy.plugin.api.spec import (
+ ServiceDetector,
+ ServiceIntegrator,
+ PackageTypeSelector,
+ )
+ from debputy.manifest_parser.parser_data import ParserContextData
+ from debputy.highlevel_manifest import (
+ HighLevelManifest,
+ PackageTransformationDefinition,
+ BinaryPackageData,
+ )
+_PACKAGE_TYPE_DEB_ONLY = frozenset(["deb"])
+_ALL_PACKAGE_TYPES = frozenset(["deb", "udeb"])
+TD = TypeVar("TD", bound="DebputyParsedContent")
+PF = TypeVar("PF")
+SF = TypeVar("SF")
+TP = TypeVar("TP")
+TTP = Type[TP]
+DIPKWHandler = Callable[[str, AttributePath, "ParserContextData"], TP]
+DIPHandler = Callable[[str, PF, AttributePath, "ParserContextData"], TP]
+def resolve_package_type_selectors(
+ package_type: "PackageTypeSelector",
+) -> FrozenSet[str]:
+ if package_type is _ALL_PACKAGE_TYPES or package_type is _PACKAGE_TYPE_DEB_ONLY:
+ return cast("FrozenSet[str]", package_type)
+ if isinstance(package_type, str):
+ return (
+ if package_type == "deb"
+ else frozenset([package_type])
+ )
+ else:
+ return frozenset(package_type)
+class DebputyPluginMetadata:
+ plugin_name: str
+ api_compat_version: int
+ plugin_loader: Optional[Callable[[], Callable[["DebputyPluginInitializer"], None]]]
+ plugin_initializer: Optional[Callable[["DebputyPluginInitializer"], None]]
+ plugin_path: str
+ _is_initialized: bool = False
+ @property
+ def is_loaded(self) -> bool:
+ return self.plugin_initializer is not None
+ @property
+ def is_initialized(self) -> bool:
+ return self._is_initialized
+ def initialize_plugin(self, api: "DebputyPluginInitializer") -> None:
+ if self.is_initialized:
+ raise RuntimeError("Cannot load plugins twice")
+ if not self.is_loaded:
+ self.load_plugin()
+ plugin_initializer = self.plugin_initializer
+ assert plugin_initializer is not None
+ plugin_initializer(api)
+ self._is_initialized = True
+ def load_plugin(self) -> None:
+ plugin_loader = self.plugin_loader
+ assert plugin_loader is not None
+ self.plugin_initializer = plugin_loader()
+ assert self.plugin_initializer is not None
+@dataclasses.dataclass(slots=True, frozen=True)
+class PluginProvidedParser(Generic[PF, TP]):
+ parser: "DeclarativeInputParser[PF]"
+ handler: Callable[[str, PF, "AttributePath", "ParserContextData"], TP]
+ plugin_metadata: DebputyPluginMetadata
+ def parse(
+ self,
+ name: str,
+ value: object,
+ attribute_path: "AttributePath",
+ *,
+ parser_context: "ParserContextData",
+ ) -> TP:
+ parsed_value = self.parser.parse_input(
+ value, attribute_path, parser_context=parser_context
+ )
+ return self.handler(name, parsed_value, attribute_path, parser_context)
+class PPFFormatParam(TypedDict):
+ priority: Optional[int]
+ name: str
+ owning_package: str
+@dataclasses.dataclass(slots=True, frozen=True)
+class PackagerProvidedFileClassSpec:
+ debputy_plugin_metadata: DebputyPluginMetadata
+ stem: str
+ installed_as_format: str
+ default_mode: int
+ default_priority: Optional[int]
+ allow_name_segment: bool
+ allow_architecture_segment: bool
+ post_formatting_rewrite: Optional[Callable[[str], str]]
+ packageless_is_fallback_for_all_packages: bool
+ reservation_only: bool
+ formatting_callback: Optional[Callable[[str, PPFFormatParam, VirtualPath], str]] = (
+ None
+ )
+ reference_documentation: Optional[PackagerProvidedFileReferenceDocumentation] = None
+ bug_950723: bool = False
+ @property
+ def supports_priority(self) -> bool:
+ return self.default_priority is not None
+ def compute_dest(
+ self,
+ assigned_name: str,
+ # Note this method is currently used 1:1 inside plugin tests.
+ *,
+ owning_package: Optional[str] = None,
+ assigned_priority: Optional[int] = None,
+ path: Optional[VirtualPath] = None,
+ ) -> Tuple[str, str]:
+ if assigned_priority is not None and not self.supports_priority:
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"Cannot assign priority to packager provided files with stem"
+ f' "{self.stem}" (e.g., "debian/foo.{self.stem}"). They'
+ " do not use priority at all."
+ )
+ path_format = self.installed_as_format
+ if self.supports_priority and assigned_priority is None:
+ assigned_priority = self.default_priority
+ if owning_package is None:
+ owning_package = assigned_name
+ params: PPFFormatParam = {
+ "priority": assigned_priority,
+ "name": assigned_name,
+ "owning_package": owning_package,
+ }
+ if self.formatting_callback is not None:
+ if path is None:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "The path parameter is required for PPFs with formatting_callback"
+ )
+ dest_path = self.formatting_callback(path_format, params, path)
+ else:
+ dest_path = path_format.format(**params)
+ dirname, basename = os.path.split(dest_path)
+ dirname = _normalize_path(dirname)
+ if self.post_formatting_rewrite:
+ basename = self.post_formatting_rewrite(basename)
+ return dirname, basename
+class MetadataOrMaintscriptDetector:
+ plugin_metadata: DebputyPluginMetadata
+ detector_id: str
+ detector: MetadataAutoDetector
+ applies_to_package_types: FrozenSet[str]
+ enabled: bool = True
+ def applies_to(self, binary_package: BinaryPackage) -> bool:
+ return binary_package.package_type in self.applies_to_package_types
+ def run_detector(
+ self,
+ fs_root: "VirtualPath",
+ ctrl: "BinaryCtrlAccessor",
+ context: "PackageProcessingContext",
+ ) -> None:
+ try:
+ self.detector(fs_root, ctrl, context)
+ except DebputyFSIsROError as e:
+ nv = self.plugin_metadata.plugin_name
+ raise PluginAPIViolationError(
+ f'The plugin {nv} violated the API contract for "metadata detectors"'
+ " by attempting to mutate the provided file system in its metadata detector"
+ f" with id {self.detector_id}. File system mutation is *not* supported at"
+ " this stage (file system layout is committed and the attempted changes"
+ " would be lost)."
+ ) from e
+ except (ChildProcessError, RuntimeError, AttributeError) as e:
+ nv = f"{self.plugin_metadata.plugin_name}"
+ raise UnhandledOrUnexpectedErrorFromPluginError(
+ f"The plugin {nv} threw an unhandled or unexpected exception from its metadata"
+ f" detector with id {self.detector_id}."
+ ) from e
+class DeclarativeInputParser(Generic[TD]):
+ @property
+ def inline_reference_documentation(self) -> Optional[ParserDocumentation]:
+ return None
+ @property
+ def reference_documentation_url(self) -> Optional[str]:
+ doc = self.inline_reference_documentation
+ return doc.documentation_reference_url if doc is not None else None
+ def parse_input(
+ self,
+ value: object,
+ path: "AttributePath",
+ *,
+ parser_context: Optional["ParserContextData"] = None,
+ ) -> TD:
+ raise NotImplementedError
+class DispatchingParserBase(Generic[TP]):
+ def __init__(self, manifest_attribute_path_template: str) -> None:
+ self.manifest_attribute_path_template = manifest_attribute_path_template
+ self._parsers: Dict[str, PluginProvidedParser[Any, TP]] = {}
+ def is_known_keyword(self, keyword: str) -> bool:
+ return keyword in self._parsers
+ def registered_keywords(self) -> Iterable[str]:
+ yield from self._parsers
+ def parser_for(self, keyword: str) -> PluginProvidedParser[Any, TP]:
+ return self._parsers[keyword]
+ def register_keyword(
+ self,
+ keyword: Union[str, Sequence[str]],
+ handler: DIPKWHandler,
+ plugin_metadata: DebputyPluginMetadata,
+ *,
+ inline_reference_documentation: Optional[ParserDocumentation] = None,
+ ) -> None:
+ reference_documentation_url = None
+ if inline_reference_documentation:
+ if inline_reference_documentation.attribute_doc:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Cannot provide per-attribute documentation for a value-less keyword!"
+ )
+ if inline_reference_documentation.alt_parser_description:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Cannot provide non-mapping-format documentation for a value-less keyword!"
+ )
+ reference_documentation_url = (
+ inline_reference_documentation.documentation_reference_url
+ )
+ parser = DeclarativeValuelessKeywordInputParser(
+ inline_reference_documentation,
+ documentation_reference=reference_documentation_url,
+ )
+ def _combined_handler(
+ name: str,
+ _ignored: Any,
+ attr_path: AttributePath,
+ context: "ParserContextData",
+ ) -> TP:
+ return handler(name, attr_path, context)
+ p = PluginProvidedParser(
+ parser,
+ _combined_handler,
+ plugin_metadata,
+ )
+ self._add_parser(keyword, p)
+ def register_parser(
+ self,
+ keyword: Union[str, List[str]],
+ parser: "DeclarativeInputParser[PF]",
+ handler: Callable[[str, PF, "AttributePath", "ParserContextData"], TP],
+ plugin_metadata: DebputyPluginMetadata,
+ ) -> None:
+ p = PluginProvidedParser(
+ parser,
+ handler,
+ plugin_metadata,
+ )
+ self._add_parser(keyword, p)
+ def _add_parser(
+ self,
+ keyword: Union[str, List[str]],
+ ppp: "PluginProvidedParser[PF, TP]",
+ ) -> None:
+ ks = [keyword] if isinstance(keyword, str) else keyword
+ for k in ks:
+ existing_parser = self._parsers.get(k)
+ if existing_parser is not None:
+ message = (
+ f'The rule name "{k}" is already taken by the plugin'
+ f" {existing_parser.plugin_metadata.plugin_name}. This conflict was triggered"
+ f" when plugin {ppp.plugin_metadata.plugin_name} attempted to register its parser."
+ )
+ raise PluginConflictError(
+ message,
+ existing_parser.plugin_metadata,
+ ppp.plugin_metadata,
+ )
+ self._new_parser(k, ppp)
+ def _new_parser(self, keyword: str, ppp: "PluginProvidedParser[PF, TP]") -> None:
+ self._parsers[keyword] = ppp
+ def parse(
+ self,
+ orig_value: object,
+ attribute_path: "AttributePath",
+ *,
+ parser_context: "ParserContextData",
+ ) -> TP:
+ raise NotImplementedError
+class DispatchingObjectParser(
+ DispatchingParserBase[Mapping[str, Any]],
+ DeclarativeInputParser[Mapping[str, Any]],
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ manifest_attribute_path_template: str,
+ *,
+ parser_documentation: Optional[ParserDocumentation] = None,
+ ) -> None:
+ super().__init__(manifest_attribute_path_template)
+ self._attribute_documentation: List[ParserAttributeDocumentation] = []
+ if parser_documentation is None:
+ parser_documentation = reference_documentation()
+ self._parser_documentation = parser_documentation
+ @property
+ def reference_documentation_url(self) -> Optional[str]:
+ return self._parser_documentation.documentation_reference_url
+ @property
+ def inline_reference_documentation(self) -> Optional[ParserDocumentation]:
+ ref_doc = self._parser_documentation
+ return reference_documentation(
+ title=ref_doc.title,
+ description=ref_doc.description,
+ attributes=self._attribute_documentation,
+ reference_documentation_url=self.reference_documentation_url,
+ )
+ def _new_parser(self, keyword: str, ppp: "PluginProvidedParser[PF, TP]") -> None:
+ super()._new_parser(keyword, ppp)
+ doc = ppp.parser.inline_reference_documentation
+ if doc is None or doc.description is None:
+ self._attribute_documentation.append(undocumented_attr(keyword))
+ else:
+ self._attribute_documentation.append(
+ documented_attr(keyword, doc.description)
+ )
+ def register_child_parser(
+ self,
+ keyword: str,
+ parser: "DispatchingObjectParser",
+ plugin_metadata: DebputyPluginMetadata,
+ *,
+ on_end_parse_step: Optional[
+ Callable[
+ [str, Optional[Mapping[str, Any]], AttributePath, "ParserContextData"],
+ None,
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ ) -> None:
+ def _handler(
+ name: str,
+ value: Mapping[str, Any],
+ path: AttributePath,
+ parser_context: "ParserContextData",
+ ) -> Mapping[str, Any]:
+ on_end_parse_step(name, value, path, parser_context)
+ return value
+ p = PluginProvidedParser(
+ parser,
+ _handler,
+ plugin_metadata,
+ )
+ self._add_parser(keyword, p)
+ # FIXME: Agree on naming (parse vs. parse_input)
+ def parse_input(
+ self,
+ value: object,
+ path: "AttributePath",
+ *,
+ parser_context: Optional["ParserContextData"] = None,
+ ) -> TD:
+ return self.parse(value, path, parser_context=parser_context)
+ def parse(
+ self,
+ orig_value: object,
+ attribute_path: "AttributePath",
+ *,
+ parser_context: "ParserContextData",
+ ) -> TP:
+ doc_ref = ""
+ if self.reference_documentation_url is not None:
+ doc_ref = (
+ f" Please see {self.reference_documentation_url} for the documentation."
+ )
+ if not isinstance(orig_value, dict):
+ raise ManifestParseException(
+ f"The attribute {attribute_path.path} must be a non-empty mapping.{doc_ref}"
+ )
+ if not orig_value:
+ raise ManifestParseException(
+ f"The attribute {attribute_path.path} must be a non-empty mapping.{doc_ref}"
+ )
+ result = {}
+ unknown_keys = orig_value.keys() - self._parsers.keys()
+ if unknown_keys:
+ first_key = next(iter(unknown_keys))
+ remaining_valid_attributes = self._parsers.keys() - orig_value.keys()
+ if not remaining_valid_attributes:
+ raise ManifestParseException(
+ f'The attribute "{first_key}" is not applicable at {attribute_path.path} (with the'
+ f" current set of plugins).{doc_ref}"
+ )
+ remaining_valid_attribute_names = ", ".join(remaining_valid_attributes)
+ raise ManifestParseException(
+ f'The attribute "{first_key}" is not applicable at {attribute_path.path}(with the current set'
+ " of plugins). Possible attributes available (and not already used) are:"
+ f" {remaining_valid_attribute_names}.{doc_ref}"
+ )
+ # Parse order is important for the root level (currently we use rule registration order)
+ for key, provided_parser in self._parsers.items():
+ value = orig_value.get(key)
+ if value is None:
+ if isinstance(provided_parser.parser, DispatchingObjectParser):
+ provided_parser.handler(
+ key, {}, attribute_path[key], parser_context
+ )
+ continue
+ value_path = attribute_path[key]
+ if provided_parser is None:
+ valid_keys = ", ".join(sorted(self._parsers.keys()))
+ raise ManifestParseException(
+ f'Unknown or unsupported option "{key}" at {value_path.path}.'
+ " Valid options at this location are:"
+ f" {valid_keys}\n{doc_ref}"
+ )
+ parsed_value = provided_parser.parse(
+ key, value, value_path, parser_context=parser_context
+ )
+ result[key] = parsed_value
+ return result
+class DispatchingTableParser(DispatchingParserBase[TP]):
+ def __init__(self, base_type: TTP, manifest_attribute_path_template: str) -> None:
+ super().__init__(manifest_attribute_path_template)
+ self.base_type = base_type
+ def parse(
+ self,
+ orig_value: object,
+ attribute_path: "AttributePath",
+ *,
+ parser_context: "ParserContextData",
+ ) -> TP:
+ if isinstance(orig_value, str):
+ key = orig_value
+ value = None
+ value_path = attribute_path
+ elif isinstance(orig_value, dict):
+ if len(orig_value) != 1:
+ valid_keys = ", ".join(sorted(self._parsers.keys()))
+ raise ManifestParseException(
+ f'The mapping "{attribute_path.path}" had two keys, but it should only have one top level key.'
+ " Maybe you are missing a list marker behind the second key or some indentation. The"
+ f" possible keys are: {valid_keys}"
+ )
+ key, value = next(iter(orig_value.items()))
+ value_path = attribute_path[key]
+ else:
+ raise ManifestParseException(
+ f"The attribute {attribute_path.path} must be a string or a mapping."
+ )
+ provided_parser = self._parsers.get(key)
+ if provided_parser is None:
+ valid_keys = ", ".join(sorted(self._parsers.keys()))
+ raise ManifestParseException(
+ f'Unknown or unsupported action "{key}" at {value_path.path}.'
+ " Valid actions at this location are:"
+ f" {valid_keys}"
+ )
+ return provided_parser.parse(
+ key, value, value_path, parser_context=parser_context
+ )
+class DeclarativeValuelessKeywordInputParser(DeclarativeInputParser[None]):
+ inline_reference_documentation: Optional[ParserDocumentation] = None
+ documentation_reference: Optional[str] = None
+ def parse_input(
+ self,
+ value: object,
+ path: "AttributePath",
+ *,
+ parser_context: Optional["ParserContextData"] = None,
+ ) -> TD:
+ if value is None:
+ return cast("TD", value)
+ if self.documentation_reference is not None:
+ doc_ref = f" (Documentation: {self.documentation_reference})"
+ else:
+ doc_ref = ""
+ raise ManifestParseException(
+ f"Expected attribute {path.path} to be a string.{doc_ref}"
+ )
+ InstallRule: "installations",
+ TransformationRule: "packages.{{PACKAGE}}.transformations",
+ DpkgMaintscriptHelperCommand: "packages.{{PACKAGE}}.conffile-management",
+ ManifestCondition: "*.when",
+ OPARSER_MANIFEST_ROOT: reference_documentation(
+ reference_documentation_url=f"{DEBPUTY_DOC_ROOT_DIR}/",
+ ),
+ OPARSER_MANIFEST_DEFINITIONS: reference_documentation(
+ title="Packager provided definitions",
+ description="Reusable packager provided definitions such as manifest variables.",
+ reference_documentation_url=f"{DEBPUTY_DOC_ROOT_DIR}/",
+ ),
+ OPARSER_PACKAGES: reference_documentation(
+ title="Binary package rules",
+ description=textwrap.dedent(
+ """\
+ Inside the manifest, the `packages` mapping can be used to define requests for the binary packages
+ you want `debputy` to produce. Each key inside `packages` must be the name of a binary package
+ defined in `debian/control`. The value is a dictionary defining which features that `debputy`
+ should apply to that binary package. An example could be:
+ packages:
+ foo:
+ transformations:
+ - create-symlink:
+ path: usr/share/foo/my-first-symlink
+ target: /usr/share/bar/symlink-target
+ - create-symlink:
+ path: usr/lib/{{DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}}/my-second-symlink
+ target: /usr/lib/{{DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}}/baz/symlink-target
+ bar:
+ transformations:
+ - create-directories:
+ - some/empty/directory.d
+ - another/empty/integration-point.d
+ - create-directories:
+ path: a/third-empty/directory.d
+ owner: www-data
+ group: www-data
+ In this case, `debputy` will create some symlinks inside the `foo` package and some directories for
+ the `bar` package. The following subsections define the keys you can use under each binary package.
+ """
+ ),
+ reference_documentation_url=f"{DEBPUTY_DOC_ROOT_DIR}/",
+ ),
+class PluginProvidedManifestVariable:
+ plugin_metadata: DebputyPluginMetadata
+ variable_name: str
+ variable_value: Optional[Union[str, Callable[[VariableContext], str]]]
+ is_context_specific_variable: bool
+ variable_reference_documentation: Optional[str] = None
+ is_documentation_placeholder: bool = False
+ is_for_special_case: bool = False
+ @property
+ def is_internal(self) -> bool:
+ return self.variable_name.startswith("_") or ":_" in self.variable_name
+ @property
+ def is_token(self) -> bool:
+ return self.variable_name.startswith("token:")
+ def resolve(self, variable_context: VariableContext) -> str:
+ value_resolver = self.variable_value
+ if isinstance(value_resolver, str):
+ res = value_resolver
+ else:
+ res = value_resolver(variable_context)
+ return res
+@dataclasses.dataclass(slots=True, frozen=True)
+class AutomaticDiscardRuleExample:
+ content: Sequence[Tuple[PathDef, bool]]
+ description: Optional[str] = None
+def automatic_discard_rule_example(
+ *content: Union[str, PathDef, Tuple[Union[str, PathDef], bool]],
+ example_description: Optional[str] = None,
+) -> AutomaticDiscardRuleExample:
+ """Provide an example for an automatic discard rule
+ The return value of this method should be passed to the `examples` parameter of
+ `automatic_discard_rule` method - either directly for a single example or as a
+ part of a sequence of examples.
+ >>> # Possible example for an exclude rule for ".la" files
+ >>> # Example shows two files; The ".la" file that will be removed and another file that
+ >>> # will be kept.
+ >>> automatic_discard_rule_example( # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ ... "usr/lib/",
+ ... ("usr/lib/", False),
+ ... )
+ AutomaticDiscardRuleExample(...)
+ Keep in mind that you have to explicitly include directories that are relevant for the test
+ if you want them shown. Also, if a directory is excluded, all path beneath it will be
+ automatically excluded in the example as well. Your example data must account for that.
+ >>> # Possible example for python cache file discard rule
+ >>> # In this example, we explicitly list the __pycache__ directory itself because we
+ >>> # want it shown in the output (otherwise, we could have omitted it)
+ >>> automatic_discard_rule_example( # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ ... (".../", False),
+ ... ".../__pycache__/",
+ ... ".../__pycache__/...",
+ ... ".../foo.pyc",
+ ... ".../foo.pyo",
+ ... )
+ AutomaticDiscardRuleExample(...)
+ Note: Even if `__pycache__` had been implicit, the result would have been the same. However,
+ the rendered example would not have shown the directory on its own. The use of `...` as
+ path names is useful for denoting "anywhere" or "anything". Though, there is nothing "magic"
+ about this name - it happens to be allowed as a path name (unlike `.` or `..`).
+ These examples can be seen via `debputy plugin show automatic-discard-rules <name-here>`.
+ :param content: The content of the example. Each element can be either a path definition or
+ a tuple of a path definition followed by a verdict (boolean). Each provided path definition
+ describes the paths to be presented in the example. Implicit paths such as parent
+ directories will be created but not shown in the example. Therefore, if a directory is
+ relevant to the example, be sure to explicitly list it.
+ The verdict associated with a path determines whether the path should be discarded (when
+ True) or kept (when False). When a path is not explicitly associated with a verdict, the
+ verdict is assumed to be discarded (True).
+ :param example_description: An optional description displayed together with the example.
+ :return: An opaque data structure containing the example.
+ """
+ example = []
+ for d in content:
+ if not isinstance(d, tuple):
+ pd = d
+ verdict = True
+ else:
+ pd, verdict = d
+ path_def = as_path_def(pd)
+ example.append((path_def, verdict))
+ if not example:
+ raise ValueError("At least one path must be given for an example")
+ return AutomaticDiscardRuleExample(
+ tuple(example),
+ description=example_description,
+ )
+@dataclasses.dataclass(slots=True, frozen=True)
+class PluginProvidedPackageProcessor:
+ processor_id: str
+ applies_to_package_types: FrozenSet[str]
+ package_processor: PackageProcessor
+ dependencies: FrozenSet[Tuple[str, str]]
+ plugin_metadata: DebputyPluginMetadata
+ def applies_to(self, binary_package: BinaryPackage) -> bool:
+ return binary_package.package_type in self.applies_to_package_types
+ @property
+ def dependency_id(self) -> Tuple[str, str]:
+ return self.plugin_metadata.plugin_name, self.processor_id
+ def run_package_processor(
+ self,
+ fs_root: "VirtualPath",
+ unused: None,
+ context: "PackageProcessingContext",
+ ) -> None:
+ self.package_processor(fs_root, unused, context)
+@dataclasses.dataclass(slots=True, frozen=True)
+class PluginProvidedDiscardRule:
+ name: str
+ plugin_metadata: DebputyPluginMetadata
+ discard_check: Callable[[VirtualPath], bool]
+ reference_documentation: Optional[str]
+ examples: Sequence[AutomaticDiscardRuleExample] = tuple()
+ def should_discard(self, path: VirtualPath) -> bool:
+ return self.discard_check(path)
+@dataclasses.dataclass(slots=True, frozen=True)
+class ServiceManagerDetails:
+ service_manager: str
+ service_detector: "ServiceDetector"
+ service_integrator: "ServiceIntegrator"
+ plugin_metadata: DebputyPluginMetadata
+ReferenceValue = TypedDict(
+ "ReferenceValue",
+ {
+ "description": str,
+ },
+def _reference_data_value(
+ *,
+ description: str,
+) -> ReferenceValue:
+ return {
+ "description": description,
+ }
+KnownPackagingFileCategories = Literal[
+ "generated",
+ "generic-template",
+ "ppf-file",
+ "ppf-control-file",
+ "maint-config",
+ "pkg-metadata",
+ "pkg-helper-config",
+ "testing",
+ "lint-config",
+ KnownPackagingFileCategories, ReferenceValue
+] = {
+ "generated": _reference_data_value(
+ description="The file is (likely) generated from another file"
+ ),
+ "generic-template": _reference_data_value(
+ description="The file is (likely) a generic template that generates a known packaging file. While the"
+ " file is annotated as if it was the target file, the file might uses a custom template"
+ " language inside it."
+ ),
+ "ppf-file": _reference_data_value(
+ description="Packager provided file to be installed on the file system - usually as-is."
+ " When `install-pattern` or `install-path` are provided, this is where the file is installed."
+ ),
+ "ppf-control-file": _reference_data_value(
+ description="Packager provided file that becomes a control file - possible after processing. "
+ " If `install-pattern` or `install-path` are provided, they denote where the is placed"
+ " (generally, this will be of the form `DEBIAN/<name>`)"
+ ),
+ "maint-config": _reference_data_value(
+ description="Maintenance configuration for a specific tool that the maintainer uses (tool / style preferences)"
+ ),
+ "pkg-metadata": _reference_data_value(
+ description="The file is related to standard package metadata (usually documented in Debian Policy)"
+ ),
+ "pkg-helper-config": _reference_data_value(
+ description="The file is packaging helper configuration or instruction file"
+ ),
+ "testing": _reference_data_value(
+ description="The file is related to automated testing (autopkgtests, salsa/gitlab CI)."
+ ),
+ "lint-config": _reference_data_value(
+ description="The file is related to a linter (such as overrides for false-positives or style preferences)"
+ ),
+KnownPackagingConfigFeature = Literal[
+ "dh-filearray",
+ "dh-filedoublearray",
+ "dh-hash-subst",
+ "dh-dollar-subst",
+ "dh-glob",
+ "dh-partial-glob",
+ "dh-late-glob",
+ "dh-glob-after-execute",
+ "dh-executable-config",
+ "dh-custom-format",
+ "dh-file-list",
+ "dh-install-list",
+ "dh-install-list-dest-dir-like-dh_install",
+ "dh-install-list-fixed-dest-dir",
+ "dh-fixed-dest-dir",
+ "dh-exec-rename",
+ "dh-docs-only",
+ KnownPackagingConfigFeature, ReferenceValue
+] = {
+ "dh-filearray": _reference_data_value(
+ description="The file will be read as a list of space/newline separated tokens",
+ ),
+ "dh-filedoublearray": _reference_data_value(
+ description="Each line in the file will be read as a list of space-separated tokens",
+ ),
+ "dh-hash-subst": _reference_data_value(
+ description="Supports debhelper #PACKAGE# style substitutions (udebs often excluded)",
+ ),
+ "dh-dollar-subst": _reference_data_value(
+ description="Supports debhelper ${PACKAGE} style substitutions (usually requires compat 13+)",
+ ),
+ "dh-glob": _reference_data_value(
+ description="Supports standard debhelper globing",
+ ),
+ "dh-partial-glob": _reference_data_value(
+ description="Supports standard debhelper globing but only to a subset of the values (implies dh-late-glob)",
+ ),
+ "dh-late-glob": _reference_data_value(
+ description="Globbing is done separately instead of using the built-in function",
+ ),
+ "dh-glob-after-execute": _reference_data_value(
+ description="When the dh config file is executable, the generated output will be subject to globbing",
+ ),
+ "dh-executable-config": _reference_data_value(
+ description="If marked executable, debhelper will execute the file and read its output",
+ ),
+ "dh-custom-format": _reference_data_value(
+ description="The dh tool will or may have a custom parser for this file",
+ ),
+ "dh-file-list": _reference_data_value(
+ description="The dh file contains a list of paths to be processed",
+ ),
+ "dh-install-list": _reference_data_value(
+ description="The dh file contains a list of paths/globs to be installed but the tool specific knowledge"
+ " required to understand the file cannot be conveyed via this interface.",
+ ),
+ "dh-install-list-dest-dir-like-dh_install": _reference_data_value(
+ description="The dh file is processed similar to dh_install (notably dest-dir handling derived"
+ " from the path or the last token on the line)",
+ ),
+ "dh-install-list-fixed-dest-dir": _reference_data_value(
+ description="The dh file is an install list and the dest-dir is always the same for all patterns"
+ " (when `install-pattern` or `install-path` are provided, they identify the directory - not the file location)",
+ ),
+ "dh-exec-rename": _reference_data_value(
+ description="When `dh-exec` is the interpreter of this dh config file, its renaming (=>) feature can be"
+ " requested/used",
+ ),
+ "dh-docs-only": _reference_data_value(
+ description="The dh config file is used for documentation only. Implicit <!nodocs> Build-Profiles support",
+ ),
+ KnownPackagingConfigFeature, List[Tuple[KnownPackagingConfigFeature, int]]
+] = {
+ "dh-filearray": [
+ ("dh-filearray", 0),
+ ("dh-executable-config", 9),
+ ("dh-dollar-subst", 13),
+ ],
+ "dh-filedoublearray": [
+ ("dh-filedoublearray", 0),
+ ("dh-executable-config", 9),
+ ("dh-dollar-subst", 13),
+ ],
+def _implies(
+ features: List[KnownPackagingConfigFeature],
+ seen: Set[KnownPackagingConfigFeature],
+ implying: Sequence[KnownPackagingConfigFeature],
+ implied: KnownPackagingConfigFeature,
+) -> None:
+ if implied in seen:
+ return
+ if all(f in seen for f in implying):
+ seen.add(implied)
+ features.append(implied)
+def expand_known_packaging_config_features(
+ compat_level: int,
+ features: List[KnownPackagingConfigFeature],
+) -> List[KnownPackagingConfigFeature]:
+ final_features: List[KnownPackagingConfigFeature] = []
+ seen = set()
+ for feature in features:
+ expanded = CONFIG_FEATURE_ALIASES.get(feature)
+ if not expanded:
+ expanded = [(feature, 0)]
+ for v, c in expanded:
+ if compat_level < c or v in seen:
+ continue
+ seen.add(v)
+ final_features.append(v)
+ if "dh-glob" in seen and "dh-late-glob" in seen:
+ final_features.remove("dh-glob")
+ _implies(final_features, seen, ["dh-partial-glob"], "dh-late-glob")
+ _implies(
+ final_features,
+ seen,
+ ["dh-late-glob", "dh-executable-config"],
+ "dh-glob-after-execute",
+ )
+ return sorted(final_features)
+class InstallPatternDHCompatRule(DebputyParsedContent):
+ install_pattern: NotRequired[str]
+ add_config_features: NotRequired[List[KnownPackagingConfigFeature]]
+ starting_with_compat_level: NotRequired[int]
+class KnownPackagingFileInfo(DebputyParsedContent):
+ # Exposed directly in the JSON plugin parsing; be careful with changes
+ path: NotRequired[str]
+ pkgfile: NotRequired[str]
+ detection_method: NotRequired[Literal["path", "dh.pkgfile"]]
+ file_categories: NotRequired[List[KnownPackagingFileCategories]]
+ documentation_uris: NotRequired[List[str]]
+ debputy_cmd_templates: NotRequired[List[List[str]]]
+ debhelper_commands: NotRequired[List[str]]
+ config_features: NotRequired[List[KnownPackagingConfigFeature]]
+ install_pattern: NotRequired[str]
+ dh_compat_rules: NotRequired[List[InstallPatternDHCompatRule]]
+ default_priority: NotRequired[int]
+ post_formatting_rewrite: NotRequired[Literal["period-to-underscore"]]
+ packageless_is_fallback_for_all_packages: NotRequired[bool]
+class PluginProvidedKnownPackagingFile:
+ info: KnownPackagingFileInfo
+ detection_method: Literal["path", "dh.pkgfile"]
+ detection_value: str
+ plugin_metadata: DebputyPluginMetadata
+@dataclasses.dataclass(slots=True, frozen=True)
+class PluginProvidedTypeMapping:
+ mapped_type: TypeMapping[Any, Any]
+ reference_documentation: Optional[TypeMappingDocumentation]
+ plugin_metadata: DebputyPluginMetadata
+class PackageDataTable:
+ def __init__(self, package_data_table: Mapping[str, "BinaryPackageData"]) -> None:
+ self._package_data_table = package_data_table
+ # This is enabled for metadata-detectors. But it is deliberate not enabled for package processors,
+ # because it is not clear how it should interact with dependencies. For metadata-detectors, things
+ # read-only and there are no dependencies, so we cannot "get them wrong".
+ self.enable_cross_package_checks = False
+ def __iter__(self) -> Iterator["BinaryPackageData"]:
+ return iter(self._package_data_table.values())
+ def __getitem__(self, item: str) -> "BinaryPackageData":
+ return self._package_data_table[item]
+ def __contains__(self, item: str) -> bool:
+ return item in self._package_data_table
+class PackageProcessingContextProvider(PackageProcessingContext):
+ __slots__ = (
+ "_manifest",
+ "_binary_package",
+ "_related_udeb_package",
+ "_package_data_table",
+ "_cross_check_cache",
+ )
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ manifest: "HighLevelManifest",
+ binary_package: BinaryPackage,
+ related_udeb_package: Optional[BinaryPackage],
+ package_data_table: PackageDataTable,
+ ) -> None:
+ self._manifest = manifest
+ self._binary_package = binary_package
+ self._related_udeb_package = related_udeb_package
+ self._package_data_table = ref(package_data_table)
+ self._cross_check_cache: Optional[
+ Sequence[Tuple[BinaryPackage, "VirtualPath"]]
+ ] = None
+ def _package_state_for(
+ self,
+ package: BinaryPackage,
+ ) -> "PackageTransformationDefinition":
+ return self._manifest.package_state_for(
+ def _package_version_for(
+ self,
+ package: BinaryPackage,
+ ) -> str:
+ package_state = self._package_state_for(package)
+ version = package_state.binary_version
+ if version is not None:
+ return version
+ return self._manifest.source_version(
+ include_binnmu_version=not package.is_arch_all
+ )
+ @property
+ def binary_package(self) -> BinaryPackage:
+ return self._binary_package
+ @property
+ def related_udeb_package(self) -> Optional[BinaryPackage]:
+ return self._related_udeb_package
+ @property
+ def binary_package_version(self) -> str:
+ return self._package_version_for(self._binary_package)
+ @property
+ def related_udeb_package_version(self) -> Optional[str]:
+ udeb = self._related_udeb_package
+ if udeb is None:
+ return None
+ return self._package_version_for(udeb)
+ def accessible_package_roots(self) -> Iterable[Tuple[BinaryPackage, "VirtualPath"]]:
+ package_table = self._package_data_table()
+ if package_table is None:
+ raise ReferenceError(
+ "Internal error: package_table was garbage collected too early"
+ )
+ if not package_table.enable_cross_package_checks:
+ raise PluginAPIViolationError(
+ "Cross package content checks are not available at this time."
+ )
+ cache = self._cross_check_cache
+ if cache is None:
+ matches = []
+ pkg = self.binary_package
+ for pkg_data in package_table:
+ if ==
+ continue
+ res = package_cross_check_precheck(pkg, pkg_data.binary_package)
+ if not res[0]:
+ continue
+ matches.append((pkg_data.binary_package, pkg_data.fs_root))
+ cache = tuple(matches) if matches else tuple()
+ self._cross_check_cache = cache
+ return cache
+@dataclasses.dataclass(slots=True, frozen=True)
+class PluginProvidedTrigger:
+ dpkg_trigger_type: DpkgTriggerType
+ dpkg_trigger_target: str
+ provider: DebputyPluginMetadata
+ provider_source_id: str
+ def serialized_format(self) -> str:
+ return f"{self.dpkg_trigger_type} {self.dpkg_trigger_target}"