path: root/src/debputy/plugin/api/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/debputy/plugin/api/')
1 files changed, 1743 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/debputy/plugin/api/ b/src/debputy/plugin/api/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d034a28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/debputy/plugin/api/
@@ -0,0 +1,1743 @@
+import contextlib
+import dataclasses
+import os
+import tempfile
+import textwrap
+from typing import (
+ Iterable,
+ Optional,
+ Callable,
+ Literal,
+ Union,
+ Iterator,
+ overload,
+ FrozenSet,
+ Sequence,
+ TypeVar,
+ Any,
+ TextIO,
+ BinaryIO,
+ Generic,
+ ContextManager,
+ List,
+ Type,
+ Tuple,
+from debian.substvars import Substvars
+from debputy import util
+from debputy.exceptions import TestPathWithNonExistentFSPathError, PureVirtualPathError
+from debputy.interpreter import Interpreter, extract_shebang_interpreter_from_file
+from debputy.manifest_parser.util import parse_symbolic_mode
+from debputy.packages import BinaryPackage
+from debputy.types import S
+ from debputy.manifest_parser.base_types import (
+ StaticFileSystemOwner,
+ StaticFileSystemGroup,
+ )
+PluginInitializationEntryPoint = Callable[["DebputyPluginInitializer"], None]
+MetadataAutoDetector = Callable[
+ ["VirtualPath", "BinaryCtrlAccessor", "PackageProcessingContext"], None
+PackageProcessor = Callable[["VirtualPath", None, "PackageProcessingContext"], None]
+DpkgTriggerType = Literal[
+ "activate",
+ "activate-await",
+ "activate-noawait",
+ "interest",
+ "interest-await",
+ "interest-noawait",
+Maintscript = Literal["postinst", "preinst", "prerm", "postrm"]
+PackageTypeSelector = Union[Literal["deb", "udeb"], Iterable[Literal["deb", "udeb"]]]
+ServiceUpgradeRule = Literal[
+ "do-nothing",
+ "reload",
+ "restart",
+ "stop-then-start",
+DSD = TypeVar("DSD")
+ServiceDetector = Callable[
+ ["VirtualPath", "ServiceRegistry[DSD]", "PackageProcessingContext"],
+ None,
+ServiceIntegrator = Callable[
+ [
+ Sequence["ServiceDefinition[DSD]"],
+ "BinaryCtrlAccessor",
+ "PackageProcessingContext",
+ ],
+ None,
+PMT = TypeVar("PMT")
+@dataclasses.dataclass(slots=True, frozen=True)
+class PackagerProvidedFileReferenceDocumentation:
+ description: Optional[str] = None
+ format_documentation_uris: Sequence[str] = tuple()
+ def replace(self, **changes: Any) -> "PackagerProvidedFileReferenceDocumentation":
+ return dataclasses.replace(self, **changes)
+def packager_provided_file_reference_documentation(
+ *,
+ description: Optional[str] = None,
+ format_documentation_uris: Optional[Sequence[str]] = tuple(),
+) -> PackagerProvidedFileReferenceDocumentation:
+ """Provide documentation for a given packager provided file.
+ :param description: Textual description presented to the user.
+ :param format_documentation_uris: A sequence of URIs to documentation that describes
+ the format of the file. Most relevant first.
+ :return:
+ """
+ uris = tuple(format_documentation_uris) if format_documentation_uris else tuple()
+ return PackagerProvidedFileReferenceDocumentation(
+ description=description,
+ format_documentation_uris=uris,
+ )
+class PathMetadataReference(Generic[PMT]):
+ """An accessor to plugin provided metadata
+ This is a *short-lived* reference to a piece of metadata. It should *not* be stored beyond
+ the boundaries of the current plugin execution context as it can be become invalid (as an
+ example, if the path associated with this path is removed, then this reference become invalid)
+ """
+ @property
+ def is_present(self) -> bool:
+ """Determine whether the value has been set
+ If the current plugin cannot access the value, then this method unconditionally returns
+ `False` regardless of whether the value is there.
+ :return: `True` if the value has been set to a not None value (and not been deleted).
+ Otherwise, this property is `False`.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ @property
+ def can_read(self) -> bool:
+ """Test whether it is possible to read the metadata
+ Note: That the metadata being readable does *not* imply that the metadata is present.
+ :return: True if it is possible to read the metadata. This is always True for the
+ owning plugin.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ @property
+ def can_write(self) -> bool:
+ """Test whether it is possible to update the metadata
+ :return: True if it is possible to update the metadata.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ @property
+ def value(self) -> Optional[PMT]:
+ """Fetch the currently stored value if present.
+ :return: The value previously stored if any. Returns `None` if the value was never
+ stored, explicitly set to `None` or was deleted.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ @value.setter
+ def value(self, value: Optional[PMT]) -> None:
+ """Replace any current value with the provided value
+ This operation is only possible if the path is writable *and* the caller is from
+ the owning plugin OR the owning plugin made the reference read-write.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ @value.deleter
+ def value(self) -> None:
+ """Delete any current value.
+ This has the same effect as setting the value to `None`. It has the same restrictions
+ as the value setter.
+ """
+ self.value = None
+class PathDef:
+ path_name: str
+ mode: Optional[int] = None
+ mtime: Optional[int] = None
+ has_fs_path: Optional[bool] = None
+ fs_path: Optional[str] = None
+ link_target: Optional[str] = None
+ content: Optional[str] = None
+ materialized_content: Optional[str] = None
+def virtual_path_def(
+ path_name: str,
+ /,
+ mode: Optional[int] = None,
+ mtime: Optional[int] = None,
+ fs_path: Optional[str] = None,
+ link_target: Optional[str] = None,
+ content: Optional[str] = None,
+ materialized_content: Optional[str] = None,
+) -> PathDef:
+ """Define a virtual path for use with examples or, in tests, `build_virtual_file_system`
+ :param path_name: The full path. Must start with "./". If it ends with "/", the path will be interpreted
+ as a directory (the `is_dir` attribute will be True). Otherwise, it will be a symlink or file depending
+ on whether a `link_target` is provided.
+ :param mode: The mode to use for this path. Defaults to 0644 for files and 0755 for directories. The mode
+ should be None for symlinks.
+ :param mtime: Define the last modified time for this path. If not provided, debputy will provide a default
+ if the mtime attribute is accessed.
+ :param fs_path: Define a file system path for this path. This causes `has_fs_path` to return True and the
+ `fs_path` attribute will return this value. The test is required to make this path available to the extent
+ required. Note that the virtual file system will *not* examine the provided path in any way nor attempt
+ to resolve defaults from the path.
+ :param link_target: A target for the symlink. Providing a not None value for this parameter will make the
+ path a symlink.
+ :param content: The content of the path (if opened). The path must be a file.
+ :param materialized_content: Same as `content` except `debputy` will put the contents into a physical file
+ as needed. Cannot be used with `content` or `fs_path`.
+ :return: An *opaque* object to be passed to `build_virtual_file_system`. While the exact type is provided
+ to aid with typing, the type name and its behaviour is not part of the API.
+ """
+ is_dir = path_name.endswith("/")
+ is_symlink = link_target is not None
+ if is_symlink:
+ if mode is not None:
+ raise ValueError(
+ f'Please do not provide mode for symlinks. Triggered by "{path_name}"'
+ )
+ if is_dir:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Path name looks like a directory, but a symlink target was also provided."
+ f' Please remove the trailing slash OR the symlink_target. Triggered by "{path_name}"'
+ )
+ if content and (is_dir or is_symlink):
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Content was defined however, the path appears to be a directory a or a symlink"
+ f' Please remove the content, the trailing slash OR the symlink_target. Triggered by "{path_name}"'
+ )
+ if materialized_content is not None:
+ if content is not None:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "The materialized_content keyword is mutually exclusive with the content keyword."
+ f' Triggered by "{path_name}"'
+ )
+ if fs_path is not None:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "The materialized_content keyword is mutually exclusive with the fs_path keyword."
+ f' Triggered by "{path_name}"'
+ )
+ return PathDef(
+ path_name,
+ mode=mode,
+ mtime=mtime,
+ has_fs_path=bool(fs_path) or materialized_content is not None,
+ fs_path=fs_path,
+ link_target=link_target,
+ content=content,
+ materialized_content=materialized_content,
+ )
+class PackageProcessingContext:
+ """Context for auto-detectors of metadata and package processors (no instantiation)
+ This object holds some context related data for the metadata detector or/and package
+ processors. It may receive new attributes in the future.
+ """
+ __slots__ = ()
+ @property
+ def binary_package(self) -> BinaryPackage:
+ """The binary package stanza from `debian/control`"""
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ @property
+ def binary_package_version(self) -> str:
+ """The version of the binary package
+ Note this never includes the binNMU version for arch:all packages, but it may for arch:any.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ @property
+ def related_udeb_package(self) -> Optional[BinaryPackage]:
+ """An udeb related to this binary package (if any)"""
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ @property
+ def related_udeb_package_version(self) -> Optional[str]:
+ """The version of the related udeb package (if present)
+ Note this never includes the binNMU version for arch:all packages, but it may for arch:any.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def accessible_package_roots(self) -> Iterable[Tuple[BinaryPackage, "VirtualPath"]]:
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ # """The source package stanza from `debian/control`"""
+ # source_package: SourcePackage
+class DebputyPluginInitializer:
+ __slots__ = ()
+ def packager_provided_file(
+ self,
+ stem: str,
+ installed_path: str,
+ *,
+ default_mode: int = 0o0644,
+ default_priority: Optional[int] = None,
+ allow_name_segment: bool = True,
+ allow_architecture_segment: bool = False,
+ post_formatting_rewrite: Optional[Callable[[str], str]] = None,
+ packageless_is_fallback_for_all_packages: bool = False,
+ reservation_only: bool = False,
+ reference_documentation: Optional[
+ PackagerProvidedFileReferenceDocumentation
+ ] = None,
+ ) -> None:
+ """Register a packager provided file (debian/<pkg>.foo)
+ Register a packager provided file that debputy should automatically detect and install for the
+ packager (example `debian/foo.tmpfiles` -> `debian/foo/usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/foo.conf`). A packager
+ provided file typically identified by a package prefix and a "stem" and by convention placed
+ in the `debian/` directory.
+ Like debhelper, debputy also supports the `` variant where the file is to be
+ installed into the `foo` package but be named after the `bar` segment rather than the package name.
+ This feature can be controlled via the `allow_name_segment` parameter.
+ :param stem: The "stem" of the file. This would be the `tmpfiles` part of `debian/foo.tmpfiles`.
+ Note that this value must be unique across all registered packager provided files.
+ :param installed_path: A format string describing where the file should be installed. Would be
+ `/usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/{name}.conf` from the example above.
+ The caller should provide a string with one or more of the placeholders listed below (usually `{name}`
+ should be one of them). The format affect the entire path.
+ The following placeholders are supported:
+ * `{name}` - The name in the name segment (defaulting the package name if no name segment is given)
+ * `{priority}` / `{priority:02}` - The priority of the file. Only provided priorities are used (that
+ is, default_priority is not None). The latter variant ensuring that the priority takes at least
+ two characters and the `0` character is left-padded for priorities that takes less than two
+ characters.
+ * `{owning_package}` - The name of the package. Should only be used when `{name}` alone is insufficient.
+ If you do not want the "name" segment in the first place, use `allow_name_segment=False` instead.
+ The path is always interpreted as relative to the binary package root.
+ :param default_mode: The mode the installed file should have by default. Common options are 0o0644 (the default)
+ or 0o0755 (for files that must be executable).
+ :param allow_architecture_segment: If True, the file may have an optional "architecture" segment at the end
+ (`foo.tmpfiles.amd64`), which marks it architecture specific. When False, debputy will detect the
+ "architecture" segment and report the use as an error. Note the architecture segment is only allowed for
+ arch:any packages. If a file targeting an arch:all package uses an architecture specific file it will
+ always result in an error.
+ :param allow_name_segment: If True, the file may have an optional "name" segment after the package name prefix.
+ (`foo.<name-here>.tmpfiles`). When False, debputy will detect the "name" segment and report the use as an
+ error.
+ :param default_priority: Special-case option for packager files that are installed into directories that have
+ "parse ordering" or "priority". These files will generally be installed as something like `20-foo.conf`
+ where the `20-` denotes their "priority". If the plugin is registering such a file type, then it should
+ provide a default priority.
+ The following placeholders are supported:
+ * `{name}` - The name in the name segment (defaulting the package name if no name segment is given)
+ * `{priority}` - The priority of the file. Only provided priorities are used (that is, default_priority
+ is not None)
+ * `{owning_package}` - The name of the package. Should only be used when `{name}` alone is insufficient.
+ If you do not want the "name" segment in the first place, use `allow_name_segment=False` instead.
+ :param post_formatting_rewrite: An optional "name correcting" callback. It receives the formatted name and can
+ do any transformation required. The primary use-case for this is to replace "forbidden" characters. The most
+ common case for debputy itself is to replace "." with "_" for tools that refuse to work with files containing
+ "." (`lambda x: x.replace(".", "_")`). The callback operates on basename of formatted version of the
+ `installed_path` and the callback should return the basename.
+ :param packageless_is_fallback_for_all_packages: If True, the packageless variant (such as, `debian/changelog`)
+ is a fallback for every package.
+ :param reference_documentation: Reference documentation for the packager provided file. Use the
+ packager_provided_file_reference_documentation function to provide the value for this parameter.
+ :param reservation_only: When True, tell debputy that the plugin reserves this packager provided file, but that
+ debputy should not actually install it automatically. This is useful in the cases, where the plugin
+ needs to process the file before installing it. The file will be marked as provided by this plugin. This
+ enables introspection and detects conflicts if other plugins attempts to claim the file.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def metadata_or_maintscript_detector(
+ self,
+ auto_detector_id: str,
+ auto_detector: MetadataAutoDetector,
+ *,
+ package_type: PackageTypeSelector = "deb",
+ ) -> None:
+ """Provide a pre-assembly hook that can affect the metadata/maintscript of binary ("deb") packages
+ The provided hook will be run once per binary package to be assembled, and it can see all the content
+ ("data.tar") planned to be included in the deb. The hook may do any *read-only* analysis of this content
+ and provide metadata, alter substvars or inject maintscript snippets. However, the hook must *not*
+ change the content ("data.tar") part of the deb.
+ The hook will be run unconditionally for all binary packages built. When the hook does not apply to all
+ packages, it must provide its own (internal) logic for detecting whether it is relevant and reduced itself
+ to a no-op if it should not apply to the current package.
+ Hooks are run in "some implementation defined order" and should not rely on being run before or after
+ any other hook.
+ The hooks are only applied to packages defined in `debian/control`. Notably, the metadata detector will
+ not apply to auto-generated `-dbgsym` packages (as those are not listed explicitly in `debian/control`).
+ :param auto_detector_id: A plugin-wide unique ID for this detector. Packagers may use this ID for disabling
+ the detector and accordingly the ID is part of the plugin's API toward the packager.
+ :param auto_detector: The code to be called that will be run at the metadata generation state (once for each
+ binary package).
+ :param package_type: Which kind of packages this metadata detector applies to. The package type is generally
+ defined by `Package-Type` field in the binary package. The default is to only run for regular `deb` packages
+ and ignore `udeb` packages.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def manifest_variable(
+ self,
+ variable_name: str,
+ value: str,
+ variable_reference_documentation: Optional[str] = None,
+ ) -> None:
+ """Provide a variable that can be used in the package manifest
+ >>> # Enable users to use "{{path:BASH_COMPLETION_DIR}}/foo" in their manifest.
+ >>> api.manifest_variable( # doctest: +SKIP
+ ... "/usr/share/bash-completion/completions",
+ ... variable_reference_documentation="Directory to install bash completions into",
+ ... )
+ :param variable_name: The variable name.
+ :param value: The value the variable should resolve to.
+ :param variable_reference_documentation: A short snippet of reference documentation that explains
+ the purpose of the variable.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+class MaintscriptAccessor:
+ __slots__ = ()
+ def on_configure(
+ self,
+ run_snippet: str,
+ /,
+ indent: Optional[bool] = None,
+ perform_substitution: bool = True,
+ skip_on_rollback: bool = False,
+ ) -> None:
+ """Provide a snippet to be run when the package is about to be "configured"
+ This condition is the most common "post install" condition and covers the two
+ common cases:
+ * On initial install, OR
+ * On upgrade
+ In dpkg maintscript terms, this method roughly corresponds to postinst containing
+ `if [ "$1" = configure ]; then <snippet>; fi`
+ Additionally, the condition will by default also include rollback/abort scenarios such as "above-remove",
+ which is normally what you want but most people forget about.
+ :param run_snippet: The actual shell snippet to be run in the given condition. The snippet must be idempotent.
+ The snippet may contain newlines as necessary, which will make the result more readable. Additionally, the
+ snippet may contain '{{FOO}}' substitutions by default.
+ :param skip_on_rollback: By default, this condition will also cover common rollback scenarios. This
+ is normally what you want (or benign in most cases due to the idempotence requirement for maintscripts).
+ However, you can disable the rollback cases, leaving only "On initial install OR On upgrade".
+ :param indent: If True, the provided snippet will be indented to fit the condition provided by debputy.
+ In most cases, this is safe to do and provides more readable scripts. However, it may cause issues
+ with some special shell syntax (such as "Heredocs"). When False, the snippet will *not* be re-indented.
+ You are recommended to do 4 spaces of indentation when indent is False for readability.
+ :param perform_substitution: When True, `{{FOO}}` will be substituted in the snippet. When False, no
+ substitution is provided.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def on_initial_install(
+ self,
+ run_snippet: str,
+ /,
+ indent: Optional[bool] = None,
+ perform_substitution: bool = True,
+ ) -> None:
+ """Provide a snippet to be run when the package is about to be "configured" for the first time
+ The snippet will only be run on the first time the package is installed (ever or since last purge).
+ Note that "first" does not mean "exactly once" as dpkg does *not* provide such semantics. There are two
+ common cases where this can snippet can be run multiple times for the same system (and why the snippet
+ must still be idempotent):
+ 1) The package is installed (1), then purged and then installed again (2). This can partly be mitigated
+ by having an `on_purge` script to do clean up.
+ 2) As the package is installed, the `postinst` script terminates prematurely (Disk full, power loss, etc.).
+ The user resolves the problem and runs `dpkg --configure <pkg>`, which in turn restarts the script
+ from the beginning. This is why scripts must be idempotent in general.
+ In dpkg maintscript terms, this method roughly corresponds to postinst containing
+ `if [ "$1" = configure ] && [ -z "$2" ]; then <snippet>; fi`
+ :param run_snippet: The actual shell snippet to be run in the given condition. The snippet must be idempotent.
+ The snippet may contain newlines as necessary, which will make the result more readable. Additionally, the
+ snippet may contain '{{FOO}}' substitutions by default.
+ :param indent: If True, the provided snippet will be indented to fit the condition provided by debputy.
+ In most cases, this is safe to do and provides more readable scripts. However, it may cause issues
+ with some special shell syntax (such as "Heredocs"). When False, the snippet will *not* be re-indented.
+ You are recommended to do 4 spaces of indentation when indent is False for readability.
+ :param perform_substitution: When True, `{{FOO}}` will be substituted in the snippet. When False, no
+ substitution is provided.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def on_upgrade(
+ self,
+ run_snippet: str,
+ /,
+ indent: Optional[bool] = None,
+ perform_substitution: bool = True,
+ ) -> None:
+ """Provide a snippet to be run when the package is about to be "configured" after an upgrade
+ The snippet will only be run on any upgrade (that is, it will be skipped on the initial install).
+ In dpkg maintscript terms, this method roughly corresponds to postinst containing
+ `if [ "$1" = configure ] && [ -n "$2" ]; then <snippet>; fi`
+ :param run_snippet: The actual shell snippet to be run in the given condition. The snippet must be idempotent.
+ The snippet may contain newlines as necessary, which will make the result more readable. Additionally, the
+ snippet may contain '{{FOO}}' substitutions by default.
+ :param indent: If True, the provided snippet will be indented to fit the condition provided by debputy.
+ In most cases, this is safe to do and provides more readable scripts. However, it may cause issues
+ with some special shell syntax (such as "Heredocs"). When False, the snippet will *not* be re-indented.
+ You are recommended to do 4 spaces of indentation when indent is False for readability.
+ :param perform_substitution: When True, `{{FOO}}` will be substituted in the snippet. When False, no
+ substitution is provided.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def on_upgrade_from(
+ self,
+ version: str,
+ run_snippet: str,
+ /,
+ indent: Optional[bool] = None,
+ perform_substitution: bool = True,
+ ) -> None:
+ """Provide a snippet to be run when the package is about to be "configured" after an upgrade from a given version
+ The snippet will only be run on any upgrade (that is, it will be skipped on the initial install).
+ In dpkg maintscript terms, this method roughly corresponds to postinst containing
+ `if [ "$1" = configure ] && dpkg --compare-versions le-nl "$2" ; then <snippet>; fi`
+ :param version: The version to upgrade from
+ :param run_snippet: The actual shell snippet to be run in the given condition. The snippet must be idempotent.
+ The snippet may contain newlines as necessary, which will make the result more readable. Additionally, the
+ snippet may contain '{{FOO}}' substitutions by default.
+ :param indent: If True, the provided snippet will be indented to fit the condition provided by debputy.
+ In most cases, this is safe to do and provides more readable scripts. However, it may cause issues
+ with some special shell syntax (such as "Heredocs"). When False, the snippet will *not* be re-indented.
+ You are recommended to do 4 spaces of indentation when indent is False for readability.
+ :param perform_substitution: When True, `{{FOO}}` will be substituted in the snippet. When False, no
+ substitution is provided.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def on_before_removal(
+ self,
+ run_snippet: str,
+ /,
+ indent: Optional[bool] = None,
+ perform_substitution: bool = True,
+ ) -> None:
+ """Provide a snippet to be run when the package is about to be removed
+ The snippet will be run before dpkg removes any files.
+ In dpkg maintscript terms, this method roughly corresponds to prerm containing
+ `if [ "$1" = remove ] ; then <snippet>; fi`
+ :param run_snippet: The actual shell snippet to be run in the given condition. The snippet must be idempotent.
+ The snippet may contain newlines as necessary, which will make the result more readable. Additionally, the
+ snippet may contain '{{FOO}}' substitutions by default.
+ :param indent: If True, the provided snippet will be indented to fit the condition provided by debputy.
+ In most cases, this is safe to do and provides more readable scripts. However, it may cause issues
+ with some special shell syntax (such as "Heredocs"). When False, the snippet will *not* be re-indented.
+ You are recommended to do 4 spaces of indentation when indent is False for readability.
+ :param perform_substitution: When True, `{{FOO}}` will be substituted in the snippet. When False, no
+ substitution is provided.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def on_removed(
+ self,
+ run_snippet: str,
+ /,
+ indent: Optional[bool] = None,
+ perform_substitution: bool = True,
+ ) -> None:
+ """Provide a snippet to be run when the package has been removed
+ The snippet will be run after dpkg removes the package content from the file system.
+ **WARNING**: The snippet *cannot* rely on dependencies and must rely on `Essential: yes` packages.
+ In dpkg maintscript terms, this method roughly corresponds to postrm containing
+ `if [ "$1" = remove ] ; then <snippet>; fi`
+ :param run_snippet: The actual shell snippet to be run in the given condition. The snippet must be idempotent.
+ The snippet may contain newlines as necessary, which will make the result more readable. Additionally, the
+ snippet may contain '{{FOO}}' substitutions by default.
+ :param indent: If True, the provided snippet will be indented to fit the condition provided by debputy.
+ In most cases, this is safe to do and provides more readable scripts. However, it may cause issues
+ with some special shell syntax (such as "Heredocs"). When False, the snippet will *not* be re-indented.
+ You are recommended to do 4 spaces of indentation when indent is False for readability.
+ :param perform_substitution: When True, `{{FOO}}` will be substituted in the snippet. When False, no
+ substitution is provided.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def on_purge(
+ self,
+ run_snippet: str,
+ /,
+ indent: Optional[bool] = None,
+ perform_substitution: bool = True,
+ ) -> None:
+ """Provide a snippet to be run when the package is being purged.
+ The snippet will when the package is purged from the system.
+ **WARNING**: The snippet *cannot* rely on dependencies and must rely on `Essential: yes` packages.
+ In dpkg maintscript terms, this method roughly corresponds to postrm containing
+ `if [ "$1" = purge ] ; then <snippet>; fi`
+ :param run_snippet: The actual shell snippet to be run in the given condition. The snippet must be idempotent.
+ The snippet may contain newlines as necessary, which will make the result more readable. Additionally, the
+ snippet may contain '{{FOO}}' substitutions by default.
+ :param indent: If True, the provided snippet will be indented to fit the condition provided by debputy.
+ In most cases, this is safe to do and provides more readable scripts. However, it may cause issues
+ with some special shell syntax (such as "Heredocs"). When False, the snippet will *not* be re-indented.
+ You are recommended to do 4 spaces of indentation when indent is False for readability.
+ :param perform_substitution: When True, `{{FOO}}` will be substituted in the snippet. When False, no
+ substitution is provided.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def unconditionally_in_script(
+ self,
+ maintscript: Maintscript,
+ run_snippet: str,
+ /,
+ perform_substitution: bool = True,
+ ) -> None:
+ """Provide a snippet to be run in a given script
+ Run a given snippet unconditionally from a given script. The snippet must contain its own conditional
+ for when it should be run.
+ :param maintscript: The maintscript to insert the snippet into.
+ :param run_snippet: The actual shell snippet to be run. The snippet will be run unconditionally and should
+ contain its own conditions as necessary. The snippet must be idempotent. The snippet may contain newlines
+ as necessary, which will make the result more readable. Additionally, the snippet may contain '{{FOO}}'
+ substitutions by default.
+ :param perform_substitution: When True, `{{FOO}}` will be substituted in the snippet. When False, no
+ substitution is provided.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def escape_shell_words(self, *args: str) -> str:
+ """Provide sh-shell escape of strings
+ `assert escape_shell("foo", "fu bar", "baz") == 'foo "fu bar" baz'`
+ This is useful for ensuring file names and other "input" are considered one parameter even when they
+ contain spaces or shell meta-characters.
+ :param args: The string(s) to be escaped.
+ :return: Each argument escaped such that each argument becomes a single "word" and then all these words are
+ joined by a single space.
+ """
+ return util.escape_shell(*args)
+class BinaryCtrlAccessor:
+ __slots__ = ()
+ def dpkg_trigger(self, trigger_type: DpkgTriggerType, trigger_target: str) -> None:
+ """Register a declarative dpkg level trigger
+ The provided trigger will be added to the package's metadata (the triggers file of the control.tar).
+ If the trigger has already been added previously, a second call with the same trigger data will be ignored.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ @property
+ def maintscript(self) -> MaintscriptAccessor:
+ """Attribute for manipulating maintscripts"""
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ @property
+ def substvars(self) -> "FlushableSubstvars":
+ """Attribute for manipulating dpkg substvars (deb-substvars)"""
+ raise NotImplementedError
+class VirtualPath:
+ __slots__ = ()
+ @property
+ def name(self) -> str:
+ """Basename of the path a.k.a. last segment of the path
+ In a path "usr/share/doc/pkg/changelog.gz" the basename is "changelog.gz".
+ For a directory, the basename *never* ends with a `/`.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ @property
+ def iterdir(self) -> Iterable["VirtualPath"]:
+ """Returns an iterable that iterates over all children of this path
+ For directories, this returns an iterable of all children. For non-directories,
+ the iterable is always empty.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def lookup(self, path: str) -> Optional["VirtualPath"]:
+ """Perform a path lookup relative to this path
+ As an example `doc_dir = fs_root.lookup('./usr/share/doc')`
+ If the provided path starts with `/`, then the lookup is performed relative to the
+ file system root. That is, you can assume the following to always be True:
+ `fs_root.lookup("usr") == any_path_beneath_fs_root.lookup('/usr')`
+ Note: This method requires the path to be attached (see `is_detached`) regardless of
+ whether the lookup is relative or absolute.
+ If the path traverse a symlink, the symlink will be resolved.
+ :param path: The path to look. Can contain "." and ".." segments. If starting with `/`,
+ look up is performed relative to the file system root, otherwise the lookup is relative
+ to this path.
+ :return: The path object for the desired path if it can be found. Otherwise, None.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def all_paths(self) -> Iterable["VirtualPath"]:
+ """Iterate over this path and all of its descendants (if any)
+ If used on the root path, then every path in the package is returned.
+ The iterable is ordered, so using the order in output will be produce
+ bit-for-bit reproducible output. Additionally, a directory will always
+ be seen before its descendants. Otherwise, the order is implementation
+ defined.
+ The iteration is lazy and as a side effect do account for some obvious
+ mutation. Like if the current path is removed, then none of its children
+ will be returned (provided mutation happens before the lazy iteration
+ was required to resolve it). Likewise, mutation of the directory will
+ also work (again, provided mutation happens before the lazy iteration order).
+ :return: An ordered iterable of this path followed by its descendants.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ @property
+ def is_detached(self) -> bool:
+ """Returns True if this path is detached
+ Paths that are detached from the file system will not be present in the package and
+ most operations are unsafe on them. This usually only happens if the path or one of
+ its parent directories are unlinked (rm'ed) from the file system tree.
+ All paths are attached by default and will only become detached as a result of
+ an action to mutate the virtual file system. Note that the file system may not
+ always be manipulated.
+ :return: True if the entry is detached. Detached entries should be discarded, so they
+ can be garbage collected.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ # The __getitem__ behaves like __getitem__ from Dict but __iter__ would ideally work like a Sequence.
+ # However, that does not feel compatible, so lets force people to use .children instead for the Sequence
+ # behaviour to avoid surprises for now.
+ # (Maybe it is a non-issue, but it is easier to add the API later than to remove it once we have committed
+ # to using it)
+ __iter__ = None
+ def __getitem__(self, key: object) -> "VirtualPath":
+ """Lookup a (direct) child by name
+ Ignoring the possible `KeyError`, then the following are the same:
+ `fs_root["usr"] == fs_root.lookup('usr')`
+ Note that unlike `.lookup` this can only locate direct children.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def __delitem__(self, key) -> None:
+ """Remove a child from this node if it exists
+ If that child is a directory, then the entire tree is removed (like `rm -fr`).
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def get(self, key: str) -> "Optional[VirtualPath]":
+ """Lookup a (direct) child by name
+ The following are the same:
+ `fs_root.get("usr") == fs_root.lookup('usr')`
+ Note that unlike `.lookup` this can only locate direct children.
+ """
+ try:
+ return self[key]
+ except KeyError:
+ return None
+ def __contains__(self, item: object) -> bool:
+ """Determine if this path includes a given child (either by object or string)
+ Examples:
+ if 'foo' in dir: ...
+ """
+ if isinstance(item, VirtualPath):
+ return item.parent_dir is self
+ if not isinstance(item, str):
+ return False
+ m = self.get(item)
+ return m is not None
+ @property
+ def path(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the "full" path for this file system entry
+ This is the path that debputy uses to refer to this file system entry. It is always
+ normalized. Use the `absolute` attribute for how the path looks
+ when the package is installed. Alternatively, there is also `fs_path`, which is the
+ path to the underlying file system object (assuming there is one). That is the one
+ you need if you want to read the file.
+ This is attribute is mostly useful for debugging or for looking up the path relative
+ to the "root" of the virtual file system that debputy maintains.
+ If the path is detached (see `is_detached`), then this method returns the path as it
+ was known prior to being detached.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ @property
+ def absolute(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the absolute version of this path
+ This is how to refer to this path when the package is installed.
+ If the path is detached (see `is_detached`), then this method returns the last known location
+ of installation (prior to being detached).
+ :return: The absolute path of this file as it would be on the installed system.
+ """
+ p = self.path.lstrip(".")
+ if not p.startswith("/"):
+ return f"/{p}"
+ return p
+ @property
+ def parent_dir(self) -> Optional["VirtualPath"]:
+ """The parent directory of this path
+ Note this operation requires the path is "attached" (see `is_detached`). All paths are attached
+ by default but unlinking paths will cause them to become detached.
+ :return: The parent path or None for the root.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def stat(self) -> os.stat_result:
+ """Attempt to do stat of the underlying path (if it exists)
+ *Avoid* using `stat()` whenever possible where a more specialized attribute exist. The
+ `stat()` call returns the data from the file system and often, `debputy` does *not* track
+ its state in the file system. As an example, if you want to know the file system mode of
+ a path, please use the `mode` attribute instead.
+ This never follow symlinks (it behaves like `os.lstat`). It will raise an error
+ if the path is not backed by a file system object (that is, `has_fs_path` is False).
+ :return: The stat result or an error.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ @property
+ def size(self) -> int:
+ """Resolve the file size (`st_size`)
+ This may be using `stat()` and therefore `fs_path`.
+ :return: The size of the file in bytes
+ """
+ return self.stat().st_size
+ @property
+ def mode(self) -> int:
+ """Determine the mode bits of this path object
+ Note that:
+ * like with `stat` above, this never follows symlinks.
+ * the mode returned by this method is not always a 1:1 with the mode in the
+ physical file system. As an optimization, `debputy` skips unnecessary writes
+ to the underlying file system in many cases.
+ :return: The mode bits for the path.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ @mode.setter
+ def mode(self, new_mode: int) -> None:
+ """Set the octal file mode of this path
+ Note that:
+ * this operation will fail if `path.is_read_write` returns False.
+ * this operation is generally *not* synced to the physical file system (as
+ an optimization).
+ :param new_mode: The new octal mode for this path. Note that `debputy` insists
+ that all paths have the `user read bit` and, for directories also, the
+ `user execute bit`. The absence of these minimal mode bits causes hard to
+ debug errors.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ @property
+ def is_executable(self) -> bool:
+ """Determine whether a path is considered executable
+ Generally, this means that at least one executable bit is set. This will
+ basically always be true for directories as directories need the execute
+ parameter to be traversable.
+ :return: True if the path is considered executable with its current mode
+ """
+ return bool(self.mode & 0o0111)
+ def chmod(self, new_mode: Union[int, str]) -> None:
+ """Set the file mode of this path
+ This is similar to setting the `mode` attribute. However, this method accepts
+ a string argument, which will be parsed as a symbolic mode (example: `u+rX,go=rX`).
+ Note that:
+ * this operation will fail if `path.is_read_write` returns False.
+ * this operation is generally *not* synced to the physical file system (as
+ an optimization).
+ :param new_mode: The new mode for this path.
+ Note that `debputy` insists that all paths have the `user read bit` and, for
+ directories also, the `user execute bit`. The absence of these minimal mode
+ bits causes hard to debug errors.
+ """
+ if isinstance(new_mode, str):
+ segments = parse_symbolic_mode(new_mode, None)
+ final_mode = self.mode
+ is_dir = self.is_dir
+ for segment in segments:
+ final_mode = segment.apply(final_mode, is_dir)
+ self.mode = final_mode
+ else:
+ self.mode = new_mode
+ def chown(
+ self,
+ owner: Optional["StaticFileSystemOwner"],
+ group: Optional["StaticFileSystemGroup"],
+ ) -> None:
+ """Change the owner/group of this path
+ :param owner: The desired owner definition for this path. If None, then no change of owner is performed.
+ :param group: The desired group definition for this path. If None, then no change of group is performed.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ @property
+ def mtime(self) -> float:
+ """Determine the mtime of this path object
+ Note that:
+ * like with `stat` above, this never follows symlinks.
+ * the mtime returned has *not* been clamped against ´SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH`. Timestamp
+ normalization is handled later by `debputy`.
+ * the mtime returned by this method is not always a 1:1 with the mtime in the
+ physical file system. As an optimization, `debputy` skips unnecessary writes
+ to the underlying file system in many cases.
+ :return: The mtime for the path.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ @mtime.setter
+ def mtime(self, new_mtime: float) -> None:
+ """Set the mtime of this path
+ Note that:
+ * this operation will fail if `path.is_read_write` returns False.
+ * this operation is generally *not* synced to the physical file system (as
+ an optimization).
+ :param new_mtime: The new mtime of this path. Note that the caller does not need to
+ account for `SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH`. Timestamp normalization is handled later.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def readlink(self) -> str:
+ """Determine the link target of this path assuming it is a symlink
+ For paths where `is_symlink` is True, this already returns a link target even when
+ `has_fs_path` is False.
+ :return: The link target of the path or an error is this is not a symlink
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ @overload
+ def open(
+ self,
+ *,
+ byte_io: Literal[False] = False,
+ buffering: Optional[int] = ...,
+ ) -> TextIO: ...
+ @overload
+ def open(
+ self,
+ *,
+ byte_io: Literal[True],
+ buffering: Optional[int] = ...,
+ ) -> BinaryIO: ...
+ @overload
+ def open(
+ self,
+ *,
+ byte_io: bool,
+ buffering: Optional[int] = ...,
+ ) -> Union[TextIO, BinaryIO]: ...
+ def open(
+ self,
+ *,
+ byte_io: bool = False,
+ buffering: int = -1,
+ ) -> Union[TextIO, BinaryIO]:
+ """Open the file for reading. Usually used with a context manager
+ By default, the file is opened in text mode (utf-8). Binary mode can be requested
+ via the `byte_io` parameter. This operation is only valid for files (`is_file` returns
+ `True`). Usage on symlinks and directories will raise exceptions.
+ This method *often* requires the `fs_path` to be present. However, tests as a notable
+ case can inject content without having the `fs_path` point to a real file. (To be clear,
+ such tests are generally expected to ensure `has_fs_path` returns `True`).
+ :param byte_io: If True, open the file in binary mode (like `rb` for `open`)
+ :param buffering: Same as open(..., buffering=...) where supported. Notably during
+ testing, the content may be purely in memory and use a BytesIO/StringIO
+ (which does not accept that parameter, but then is buffered in a different way)
+ :return: The file handle.
+ """
+ if not self.is_file:
+ raise TypeError(f"Cannot open {self.path} for reading: It is not a file")
+ if byte_io:
+ return open(self.fs_path, "rb", buffering=buffering)
+ return open(self.fs_path, "rt", encoding="utf-8", buffering=buffering)
+ @property
+ def fs_path(self) -> str:
+ """Request the underling fs_path of this path
+ Only available when `has_fs_path` is True. Generally this should only be used for files to read
+ the contents of the file and do some action based on the parsed result.
+ The path should only be used for read-only purposes as debputy may assume that it is safe to have
+ multiple paths pointing to the same file system path.
+ Note that:
+ * This is often *not* available for directories and symlinks.
+ * The debputy in-memory file system overrules the physical file system. Attempting to "fix" things
+ by using `os.chmod` or `os.unlink`'ing files, etc. will generally not do as you expect. Best case,
+ your actions are ignored and worst case it will cause the build to fail as it violates debputy's
+ internal invariants.
+ :return: The path to the underlying file system object on the build system or an error if no such
+ file exist (see `has_fs_path`).
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ @property
+ def is_dir(self) -> bool:
+ """Determine if this path is a directory
+ Never follows symlinks.
+ :return: True if this path is a directory. False otherwise.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ @property
+ def is_file(self) -> bool:
+ """Determine if this path is a directory
+ Never follows symlinks.
+ :return: True if this path is a regular file. False otherwise.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ @property
+ def is_symlink(self) -> bool:
+ """Determine if this path is a symlink
+ :return: True if this path is a symlink. False otherwise.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ @property
+ def has_fs_path(self) -> bool:
+ """Determine whether this path is backed by a file system path
+ :return: True if this path is backed by a file system object on the build system.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ @property
+ def is_read_write(self) -> bool:
+ """When true, the file system entry may be mutated
+ Read-write rules are:
+ +--------------------------+-------------------+------------------------+
+ | File system | From / Inside | Read-Only / Read-Write |
+ +--------------------------+-------------------+------------------------+
+ | Source directory | Any context | Read-Only |
+ | Binary staging directory | Package Processor | Read-Write |
+ | Binary staging directory | Metadata Detector | Read-Only |
+ +--------------------------+-------------------+------------------------+
+ These rules apply to the virtual file system (`debputy` cannot enforce
+ these rules in the underlying file system). The `debputy` code relies
+ on these rules for its logic in multiple places to catch bugs and for
+ optimizations.
+ As an example, the reason why the file system is read-only when Metadata
+ Detectors are run is based the contents of the file system has already
+ been committed. New files will not be included, removals of existing
+ files will trigger a hard error when the package is assembled, etc.
+ To avoid people spending hours debugging why their code does not work
+ as intended, `debputy` instead throws a hard error if you try to mutate
+ the file system when it is read-only mode to "fail fast".
+ :return: Whether file system mutations are permitted.
+ """
+ return False
+ def mkdir(self, name: str) -> "VirtualPath":
+ """Create a new subdirectory of the current path
+ :param name: Basename of the new directory. The directory must not contain a path
+ with this basename.
+ :return: The new subdirectory
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def mkdirs(self, path: str) -> "VirtualPath":
+ """Ensure a given path exists and is a directory.
+ :param path: Path to the directory to create. Any parent directories will be
+ created as needed. If the path already exists and is a directory, then it
+ is returned. If any part of the path exists and that is not a directory,
+ then the `mkdirs` call will raise an error.
+ :return: The directory denoted by the given path
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def add_file(
+ self,
+ name: str,
+ *,
+ unlink_if_exists: bool = True,
+ use_fs_path_mode: bool = False,
+ mode: int = 0o0644,
+ mtime: Optional[float] = None,
+ ) -> ContextManager["VirtualPath"]:
+ """Add a new regular file as a child of this path
+ This method will insert a new file into the virtual file system as a child
+ of the current path (which must be a directory). The caller must use the
+ return value as a context manager (see example). During the life-cycle of
+ the managed context, the caller can fill out the contents of the file
+ from the new path's `fs_path` attribute. The `fs_path` will exist as an
+ empty file when the context manager is entered.
+ Once the context manager exits, mutation of the `fs_path` is no longer permitted.
+ >>> import subprocess
+ >>> path = ... # doctest: +SKIP
+ >>> with path.add_file("foo") as new_file, open(new_file.fs_path, "w") as fd: # doctest: +SKIP
+ ... fd.writelines(["Some", "Content", "Here"])
+ The caller can replace the provided `fs_path` entirely provided at the end result
+ (when the context manager exits) is a regular file with no hard links.
+ Note that this operation will fail if `path.is_read_write` returns False.
+ :param name: Basename of the new file
+ :param unlink_if_exists: If the name was already in use, then either an exception is thrown
+ (when `unlink_if_exists` is False) or the path will be removed via ´unlink(recursive=False)`
+ (when `unlink_if_exists` is True)
+ :param use_fs_path_mode: When True, the file created will have this mode in the physical file
+ system. When the context manager exists, `debputy` will refresh its mode to match the mode
+ in the physical file system. This is primarily useful if the caller uses a subprocess to
+ mutate the path and the file mode is relevant for this tool (either as input or output).
+ When the parameter is false, the new file is guaranteed to be readable and writable for
+ the current user. However, no other guarantees are given (not even that it matches the
+ `mode` parameter and any changes to the mode in the physical file system will be ignored.
+ :param mode: This is the initial file mode. Note the `use_fs_path_mode` parameter for how
+ this interacts with the physical file system.
+ :param mtime: If the caller has a more accurate mtime than the mtime of the generated file,
+ then it can be provided here. Note that all mtimes will later be clamped based on
+ `SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH`. This parameter is only for when the conceptual mtime of this path
+ should be earlier than `SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH`.
+ :return: A Context manager that upon entering provides a `VirtualPath` instance for the
+ new file. The instance remains valid after the context manager exits (assuming it exits
+ successfully), but the file denoted by `fs_path` must not be changed after the context
+ manager exits
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def replace_fs_path_content(
+ self,
+ *,
+ use_fs_path_mode: bool = False,
+ ) -> ContextManager[str]:
+ """Replace the contents of this file via inline manipulation
+ Used as a context manager to provide the fs path for manipulation.
+ Example:
+ >>> import subprocess
+ >>> path = ... # doctest: +SKIP
+ >>> with path.replace_fs_path_content() as fs_path: # doctest: +SKIP
+ ... subprocess.check_call(['strip', fs_path]) # doctest: +SKIP
+ The provided file system path should be manipulated inline. The debputy framework may
+ copy it first as necessary and therefore the provided fs_path may be different from
+ `path.fs_path` prior to entering the context manager.
+ Note that this operation will fail if `path.is_read_write` returns False.
+ If the mutation causes the returned `fs_path` to be a non-file or a hard-linked file
+ when the context manager exits, `debputy` will raise an error at that point. To preserve
+ the internal invariants of `debputy`, the path will be unlinked as `debputy` cannot
+ reliably restore the path.
+ :param use_fs_path_mode: If True, any changes to the mode on the physical FS path will be
+ recorded as the desired mode of the file when the contextmanager ends. The provided FS path
+ with start with the current mode when `use_fs_path_mode` is True. Otherwise, `debputy` will
+ ignore the mode of the file system entry and re-use its own current mode
+ definition.
+ :return: A Context manager that upon entering provides the path to a muable (copy) of
+ this path's `fs_path` attribute. The file on the underlying path may be mutated however
+ the caller wishes until the context manager exits.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def add_symlink(self, link_name: str, link_target: str) -> "VirtualPath":
+ """Add a new regular file as a child of this path
+ This will create a new symlink inside the current path. If the path already exists,
+ the existing path will be unlinked via `unlink(recursive=False)`.
+ Note that this operation will fail if `path.is_read_write` returns False.
+ :param link_name: The basename of the link file entry.
+ :param link_target: The target of the link. Link target normalization will
+ be handled by `debputy`, so the caller can use relative or absolute paths.
+ (At the time of writing, symlink target normalization happens late)
+ :return: The newly created symlink.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def unlink(self, *, recursive: bool = False) -> None:
+ """Unlink a file or a directory
+ This operation will remove the path from the file system (causing `is_detached` to return True).
+ When the path is a:
+ * symlink, then the symlink itself is removed. The target (if present) is not affected.
+ * *non-empty* directory, then the `recursive` parameter decides the outcome. An empty
+ directory will be removed regardless of the value of `recursive`.
+ Note that:
+ * the root directory cannot be deleted.
+ * this operation will fail if `path.is_read_write` returns False.
+ :param recursive: If True, then non-empty directories will be unlinked as well removing everything inside them
+ as well. When False, an error is raised if the path is a non-empty directory
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def interpreter(self) -> Optional[Interpreter]:
+ """Determine the interpreter of the file (`#!`-line details)
+ Note: this method is only applicable for files (`is_file` is True).
+ :return: The detected interpreter if present or None if no interpreter can be detected.
+ """
+ if not self.is_file:
+ raise TypeError("Only files can have interpreters")
+ try:
+ with, buffering=4096) as fd:
+ return extract_shebang_interpreter_from_file(fd)
+ except (PureVirtualPathError, TestPathWithNonExistentFSPathError):
+ return None
+ def metadata(
+ self,
+ metadata_type: Type[PMT],
+ ) -> PathMetadataReference[PMT]:
+ """Fetch the path metadata reference to access the underlying metadata
+ Calling this method returns a reference to an arbitrary piece of metadata associated
+ with this path. Plugins can store any arbitrary data associated with a given path.
+ Keep in mind that the metadata is stored in memory, so keep the size in moderation.
+ To store / update the metadata, the path must be in read-write mode. However,
+ already stored metadata remains accessible even if the path becomes read-only.
+ Note this method is not applicable if the path is detached
+ :param metadata_type: Type of the metadata being stored.
+ :return: A reference to the metadata.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+class FlushableSubstvars(Substvars):
+ __slots__ = ()
+ @contextlib.contextmanager
+ def flush(self) -> Iterator[str]:
+ """Temporarily write the substvars to a file and then re-read it again
+ >>> s = FlushableSubstvars()
+ >>> 'Test:Var' in s
+ False
+ >>> with s.flush() as name, open(name, 'wt', encoding='utf-8') as fobj:
+ ... _ = fobj.write('Test:Var=bar\\n') # "_ = " is to ignore the return value of write
+ >>> 'Test:Var' in s
+ True
+ Used as a context manager to define when the file is flushed and can be
+ accessed via the file system. If the context terminates successfully, the
+ file is read and its content replaces the current substvars.
+ This is mostly useful if the plugin needs to interface with a third-party
+ tool that requires a file as interprocess communication (IPC) for sharing
+ the substvars.
+ The file may be truncated or completed replaced (change inode) as long as
+ the provided path points to a regular file when the context manager
+ terminates successfully.
+ Note that any manipulation of the substvars via the `Substvars` API while
+ the file is flushed will silently be discarded if the context manager completes
+ successfully.
+ """
+ with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w+t", encoding="utf-8") as tmp:
+ self.write_substvars(tmp)
+ tmp.flush() # Temping to use close, but then we have to manually delete the file.
+ yield
+ # Re-open; seek did not work when I last tried (if I did it work, feel free to
+ # convert back to seek - as long as it works!)
+ with open(, "rt", encoding="utf-8") as fd:
+ self.read_substvars(fd)
+ def save(self) -> None:
+ # Promote the debputy extension over `save()` for the plugins.
+ if self._substvars_path is None:
+ raise TypeError(
+ "Please use `flush()` extension to temporarily write the substvars to the file system"
+ )
+ super().save()
+class ServiceRegistry(Generic[DSD]):
+ __slots__ = ()
+ def register_service(
+ self,
+ path: VirtualPath,
+ name: Union[str, List[str]],
+ *,
+ type_of_service: str = "service", # "timer", etc.
+ service_scope: str = "system",
+ enable_by_default: bool = True,
+ start_by_default: bool = True,
+ default_upgrade_rule: ServiceUpgradeRule = "restart",
+ service_context: Optional[DSD] = None,
+ ) -> None:
+ """Register a service detected in the package
+ All the details will either be provided as-is or used as default when the plugin provided
+ integration code is called.
+ Two services from different service managers are considered related when:
+ 1) They are of the same type (`type_of_service`) and has the same scope (`service_scope`), AND
+ 2) Their plugin provided names has an overlap
+ Related services can be covered by the same service definition in the manifest.
+ :param path: The path defining this service.
+ :param name: The name of the service. Multiple ones can be provided if the service has aliases.
+ Note that when providing multiple names, `debputy` will use the first name in the list as the
+ default name if it has to choose. Any alternative name provided can be used by the packager
+ to identify this service.
+ :param type_of_service: The type of service. By default, this is "service", but plugins can
+ provide other types (such as "timer" for the systemd timer unit).
+ :param service_scope: The scope for this service. By default, this is "system" meaning the
+ service is a system-wide service. Service managers can define their own scopes such as
+ "user" (which is used by systemd for "per-user" services).
+ :param enable_by_default: Whether the service should be enabled by default, assuming the
+ packager does not explicitly override this setting.
+ :param start_by_default: Whether the service should be started by default on install, assuming
+ the packager does not explicitly override this setting.
+ :param default_upgrade_rule: The default value for how the service should be processed during
+ upgrades. Options are:
+ * `do-nothing`: The plugin should not interact with the running service (if any)
+ (maintenance of the enabled start, start on install, etc. are still applicable)
+ * `reload`: The plugin should attempt to reload the running service (if any).
+ Note: In combination with `auto_start_in_install == False`, be careful to not
+ start the service if not is not already running.
+ * `restart`: The plugin should attempt to restart the running service (if any).
+ Note: In combination with `auto_start_in_install == False`, be careful to not
+ start the service if not is not already running.
+ * `stop-then-start`: The plugin should stop the service during `prerm upgrade`
+ and start it against in the `postinst` script.
+ :param service_context: Any custom data that the detector want to pass along to the
+ integrator for this service.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+@dataclasses.dataclass(slots=True, frozen=True)
+class ParserAttributeDocumentation:
+ attributes: FrozenSet[str]
+ description: Optional[str]
+def undocumented_attr(attr: str) -> ParserAttributeDocumentation:
+ """Describe an attribute as undocumented
+ If you for some reason do not want to document a particular attribute, you can mark it as
+ undocumented. This is required if you are only documenting a subset of the attributes,
+ because `debputy` assumes any omission to be a mistake.
+ """
+ return ParserAttributeDocumentation(
+ frozenset({attr}),
+ None,
+ )
+@dataclasses.dataclass(slots=True, frozen=True)
+class ParserDocumentation:
+ title: Optional[str] = None
+ description: Optional[str] = None
+ attribute_doc: Optional[Sequence[ParserAttributeDocumentation]] = None
+ alt_parser_description: Optional[str] = None
+ documentation_reference_url: Optional[str] = None
+ def replace(self, **changes: Any) -> "ParserDocumentation":
+ return dataclasses.replace(self, **changes)
+@dataclasses.dataclass(slots=True, frozen=True)
+class TypeMappingExample(Generic[S]):
+ source_input: S
+@dataclasses.dataclass(slots=True, frozen=True)
+class TypeMappingDocumentation(Generic[S]):
+ description: Optional[str] = None
+ examples: Sequence[TypeMappingExample[S]] = tuple()
+def type_mapping_example(source_input: S) -> TypeMappingExample[S]:
+ return TypeMappingExample(source_input)
+def type_mapping_reference_documentation(
+ *,
+ description: Optional[str] = None,
+ examples: Union[TypeMappingExample[S], Iterable[TypeMappingExample[S]]] = tuple(),
+) -> TypeMappingDocumentation[S]:
+ e = (
+ tuple([examples])
+ if isinstance(examples, TypeMappingExample)
+ else tuple(examples)
+ )
+ return TypeMappingDocumentation(
+ description=description,
+ examples=e,
+ )
+def documented_attr(
+ attr: Union[str, Iterable[str]],
+ description: str,
+) -> ParserAttributeDocumentation:
+ """Describe an attribute or a group of attributes
+ :param attr: A single attribute or a sequence of attributes. The attribute must be the
+ attribute name as used in the source format version of the TypedDict.
+ If multiple attributes are provided, they will be documented together. This is often
+ useful if these attributes are strongly related (such as different names for the same
+ target attribute).
+ :param description: The description the user should see for this attribute / these
+ attributes. This parameter can be a Python format string with variables listed in
+ the description of `reference_documentation`.
+ :return: An opaque representation of the documentation,
+ """
+ attributes = [attr] if isinstance(attr, str) else attr
+ return ParserAttributeDocumentation(
+ frozenset(attributes),
+ description,
+ )
+def reference_documentation(
+ title: str = "Auto-generated reference documentation for {RULE_NAME}",
+ description: Optional[str] = textwrap.dedent(
+ """\
+ This is an automatically generated reference documentation for {RULE_NAME}. It is generated
+ from input provided by {PLUGIN_NAME} via the debputy API.
+ (If you are the provider of the {PLUGIN_NAME} plugin, you can replace this text with
+ your own documentation by providing the `inline_reference_documentation` when registering
+ the manifest rule.)
+ """
+ ),
+ attributes: Optional[Sequence[ParserAttributeDocumentation]] = None,
+ non_mapping_description: Optional[str] = None,
+ reference_documentation_url: Optional[str] = None,
+) -> ParserDocumentation:
+ """Provide inline reference documentation for the manifest snippet
+ For parameters that mention that they are a Python format, the following format variables
+ are available:
+ * RULE_NAME: Name of the rule. If manifest snippet has aliases, this will be the name of
+ the alias provided by the user.
+ * MANIFEST_FORMAT_DOC: Path OR URL to the "MANIFEST-FORMAT" reference documentation from
+ `debputy`. By using the MANIFEST_FORMAT_DOC variable, you ensure that you point to the
+ file that matches the version of `debputy` itself.
+ * PLUGIN_NAME: Name of the plugin providing this rule.
+ :param title: The text you want the user to see as for your rule. A placeholder is provided by default.
+ This parameter can be a Python format string with the above listed variables.
+ :param description: The text you want the user to see as a description for the rule. An auto-generated
+ placeholder is provided by default saying that no human written documentation was provided.
+ This parameter can be a Python format string with the above listed variables.
+ :param attributes: A sequence of attribute-related documentation. Each element of the sequence should
+ be the result of `documented_attr` or `undocumented_attr`. The sequence must cover all source
+ attributes exactly once.
+ :param non_mapping_description: The text you want the user to see as the description for your rule when
+ `debputy` describes its non-mapping format. Must not be provided for rules that do not have an
+ (optional) non-mapping format as source format. This parameter can be a Python format string with
+ the above listed variables.
+ :param reference_documentation_url: A URL to the reference documentation.
+ :return: An opaque representation of the documentation,
+ """
+ return ParserDocumentation(
+ title,
+ description,
+ attributes,
+ non_mapping_description,
+ reference_documentation_url,
+ )
+class ServiceDefinition(Generic[DSD]):
+ __slots__ = ()
+ @property
+ def name(self) -> str:
+ """Name of the service registered by the plugin
+ This is always a plugin provided name for this service (that is, ` in x.names`
+ will always be `True`). Where possible, this will be the same as the one that the
+ packager provided when they provided any configuration related to this service.
+ When not possible, this will be the first name provided by the plugin (`x.names[0]`).
+ If all the aliases are equal, then using this attribute will provide traceability
+ between the manifest and the generated maintscript snippets. When the exact name
+ used is important, the plugin should ignore this attribute and pick the name that
+ is needed.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ @property
+ def names(self) -> Sequence[str]:
+ """All *plugin provided* names and aliases of the service
+ This is the name/sequence of names that the plugin provided when it registered
+ the service earlier.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ @property
+ def path(self) -> VirtualPath:
+ """The registered path for this service
+ :return: The path that was associated with this service when it was registered
+ earlier.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ @property
+ def type_of_service(self) -> str:
+ """Type of the service such as "service" (daemon), "timer", etc.
+ :return: The type of service scope. It is the same value as the one as the plugin provided
+ when registering the service (if not explicitly provided, it defaults to "service").
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ @property
+ def service_scope(self) -> str:
+ """Service scope such as "system" or "user"
+ :return: The service scope. It is the same value as the one as the plugin provided
+ when registering the service (if not explicitly provided, it defaults to "system")
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ @property
+ def auto_enable_on_install(self) -> bool:
+ """Whether the service should be auto-enabled on install
+ :return: True if the service should be enabled automatically, false if not.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ @property
+ def auto_start_in_install(self) -> bool:
+ """Whether the service should be auto-started on install
+ :return: True if the service should be started automatically, false if not.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ @property
+ def on_upgrade(self) -> ServiceUpgradeRule:
+ """How to handle the service during an upgrade
+ Options are:
+ * `do-nothing`: The plugin should not interact with the running service (if any)
+ (maintenance of the enabled start, start on install, etc. are still applicable)
+ * `reload`: The plugin should attempt to reload the running service (if any).
+ Note: In combination with `auto_start_in_install == False`, be careful to not
+ start the service if not is not already running.
+ * `restart`: The plugin should attempt to restart the running service (if any).
+ Note: In combination with `auto_start_in_install == False`, be careful to not
+ start the service if not is not already running.
+ * `stop-then-start`: The plugin should stop the service during `prerm upgrade`
+ and start it against in the `postinst` script.
+ Note: In all cases, the plugin should still consider what to do in
+ `prerm remove`, which is the last point in time where the plugin can rely on the
+ service definitions in the file systems to stop the services when the package is
+ being uninstalled.
+ :return: The service restart rule
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ @property
+ def definition_source(self) -> str:
+ """Describes where this definition came from
+ If the definition is provided by the packager, then this will reference the part
+ of the manifest that made this definition. Otherwise, this will be a reference
+ to the plugin providing this definition.
+ :return: The source of this definition
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ @property
+ def is_plugin_provided_definition(self) -> bool:
+ """Whether the definition source points to the plugin or a package provided definition
+ :return: True if definition is from the plugin. False if the definition is defined
+ in another place (usually, the manifest)
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ @property
+ def service_context(self) -> Optional[DSD]:
+ """Custom service context (if any) provided by the detector code of the plugin
+ :return: If the detection code provided a custom data when registering the
+ service, this attribute will reference that data. If nothing was provided,
+ then this attribute will be None.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError