path: root/ext/lmdb-safe
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Diffstat (limited to 'ext/lmdb-safe')
2 files changed, 1325 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ext/lmdb-safe/ b/ext/lmdb-safe/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..33c3d45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/lmdb-safe/
@@ -0,0 +1,427 @@
+#include "lmdb-safe.hh"
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <mutex>
+#include <memory>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <map>
+#ifndef DNSDIST
+#include "../../pdns/gettime.hh"
+using std::string;
+using std::runtime_error;
+using std::tuple;
+using std::weak_ptr;
+static string MDBError(int rc)
+ return mdb_strerror(rc);
+#ifndef DNSDIST
+namespace LMDBLS {
+ // this also returns a pointer to the string's data. Do not hold on to it too long!
+ const LSheader* LSassertFixedHeaderSize(std::string_view val) {
+ // cerr<<"val.size()="<<val.size()<<endl;
+ if (val.size() < LS_MIN_HEADER_SIZE) {
+ throw std::runtime_error("LSheader too short");
+ }
+ return reinterpret_cast<const LSheader*>(;
+ }
+ size_t LScheckHeaderAndGetSize(std::string_view val, size_t datasize) {
+ const LSheader* lsh = LSassertFixedHeaderSize(val);
+ if (lsh->d_version != 0) {
+ throw std::runtime_error("LSheader has wrong version (not zero)");
+ }
+ size_t headersize = LS_MIN_HEADER_SIZE;
+ unsigned char* tmp = (unsigned char*);
+ uint16_t numextra = (tmp[LS_NUMEXTRA_OFFSET] << 8) + tmp[LS_NUMEXTRA_OFFSET+1];
+ headersize += numextra * LS_BLOCK_SIZE;
+ if (val.size() < headersize) {
+ throw std::runtime_error("LSheader too short for promised extra data");
+ }
+ if (datasize && val.size() < (headersize+datasize)) {
+ throw std::runtime_error("Trailing data after LSheader has wrong size");
+ }
+ return headersize;
+ }
+ size_t LScheckHeaderAndGetSize(const MDBOutVal *val, size_t datasize) {
+ return LScheckHeaderAndGetSize(val->getNoStripHeader<string_view>(), datasize);
+ }
+ bool LSisDeleted(std::string_view val) {
+ const LSheader* lsh = LSassertFixedHeaderSize(val);
+ return (lsh->d_flags & LS_FLAG_DELETED) != 0;
+ }
+ bool s_flag_deleted{false};
+#endif /* #ifndef DNSDIST */
+MDBDbi::MDBDbi(MDB_env* env, MDB_txn* txn, const string_view dbname, int flags)
+ // A transaction that uses this function must finish (either commit or abort) before any other transaction in the process may use this function.
+ int rc = mdb_dbi_open(txn, dbname.empty() ? 0 : &dbname[0], flags, &d_dbi);
+ if(rc)
+ throw std::runtime_error("Unable to open named database: " + MDBError(rc));
+ // Database names are keys in the unnamed database, and may be read but not written.
+MDBEnv::MDBEnv(const char* fname, int flags, int mode, uint64_t mapsizeMB)
+ mdb_env_create(&d_env);
+ if(mdb_env_set_mapsize(d_env, mapsizeMB * 1048576))
+ throw std::runtime_error("setting map size");
+ /*
+Various other options may also need to be set before opening the handle, e.g. mdb_env_set_mapsize(), mdb_env_set_maxreaders(), mdb_env_set_maxdbs(),
+ */
+ mdb_env_set_maxdbs(d_env, 128);
+ // we need MDB_NOTLS since we rely on its semantics
+ if(int rc=mdb_env_open(d_env, fname, flags | MDB_NOTLS, mode)) {
+ // If this function fails, mdb_env_close() must be called to discard the MDB_env handle.
+ mdb_env_close(d_env);
+ throw std::runtime_error("Unable to open database file "+std::string(fname)+": " + MDBError(rc));
+ }
+ if ((flags & MDB_RDONLY) == 0) {
+ // Check for stale readers to prevent unbridled database growth.
+ // Only do this when in RW mode since it affects the file.
+ mdb_reader_check(d_env, nullptr);
+ }
+void MDBEnv::incROTX()
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l(d_countmutex);
+ ++d_ROtransactionsOut[std::this_thread::get_id()];
+void MDBEnv::decROTX()
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l(d_countmutex);
+ --d_ROtransactionsOut[std::this_thread::get_id()];
+void MDBEnv::incRWTX()
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l(d_countmutex);
+ ++d_RWtransactionsOut[std::this_thread::get_id()];
+void MDBEnv::decRWTX()
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l(d_countmutex);
+ --d_RWtransactionsOut[std::this_thread::get_id()];
+int MDBEnv::getRWTX()
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l(d_countmutex);
+ return d_RWtransactionsOut[std::this_thread::get_id()];
+int MDBEnv::getROTX()
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l(d_countmutex);
+ return d_ROtransactionsOut[std::this_thread::get_id()];
+std::shared_ptr<MDBEnv> getMDBEnv(const char* fname, int flags, int mode, uint64_t mapsizeMB)
+ struct Value
+ {
+ weak_ptr<MDBEnv> wp;
+ int flags;
+ };
+ static std::map<tuple<dev_t, ino_t>, Value> s_envs;
+ static std::mutex mut;
+ struct stat statbuf;
+ if(stat(fname, &statbuf)) {
+ if(errno != ENOENT)
+ throw std::runtime_error("Unable to stat prospective mdb database: "+string(strerror(errno)));
+ else {
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l(mut);
+ auto fresh = std::make_shared<MDBEnv>(fname, flags, mode, mapsizeMB);
+ if(stat(fname, &statbuf))
+ throw std::runtime_error("Unable to stat prospective mdb database: "+string(strerror(errno)));
+ auto key = std::tie(statbuf.st_dev, statbuf.st_ino);
+ s_envs[key] = {fresh, flags};
+ return fresh;
+ }
+ }
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l(mut);
+ auto key = std::tie(statbuf.st_dev, statbuf.st_ino);
+ auto iter = s_envs.find(key);
+ if(iter != s_envs.end()) {
+ auto sp = iter->second.wp.lock();
+ if(sp) {
+ if(iter->second.flags != flags)
+ throw std::runtime_error("Can't open mdb with differing flags");
+ return sp;
+ }
+ else {
+ s_envs.erase(iter); // useful if make_shared fails
+ }
+ }
+ auto fresh = std::make_shared<MDBEnv>(fname, flags, mode, mapsizeMB);
+ s_envs[key] = {fresh, flags};
+ return fresh;
+MDBDbi MDBEnv::openDB(const string_view dbname, int flags)
+ unsigned int envflags;
+ mdb_env_get_flags(d_env, &envflags);
+ /*
+ This function must not be called from multiple concurrent transactions in the same process. A transaction that uses this function must finish (either commit or abort) before any other transaction in the process may use this function.
+ */
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l(d_openmut);
+ if(!(envflags & MDB_RDONLY)) {
+ auto rwt = getRWTransaction();
+ MDBDbi ret = rwt->openDB(dbname, flags);
+ rwt->commit();
+ return ret;
+ }
+ MDBDbi ret;
+ {
+ auto rwt = getROTransaction();
+ ret = rwt->openDB(dbname, flags);
+ }
+ return ret;
+MDBRWTransactionImpl::MDBRWTransactionImpl(MDBEnv *parent, MDB_txn *txn):
+ MDBROTransactionImpl(parent, txn)
+MDB_txn *MDBRWTransactionImpl::openRWTransaction(MDBEnv *env, MDB_txn *parent, int flags)
+ MDB_txn *result;
+ if(env->getROTX() || env->getRWTX())
+ throw std::runtime_error("Duplicate RW transaction");
+ if(int rc=mdb_txn_begin(env->d_env, parent, flags, &result))
+ throw std::runtime_error("Unable to start RW transaction: "+std::string(mdb_strerror(rc)));
+ env->incRWTX();
+ return result;
+MDBRWTransactionImpl::MDBRWTransactionImpl(MDBEnv* parent, int flags):
+ MDBRWTransactionImpl(parent, openRWTransaction(parent, nullptr, flags))
+#ifndef DNSDIST
+ struct timespec tp;
+ gettime(&tp, true);
+ d_txtime = tp.tv_sec * (1000 * 1000 * 1000) + tp.tv_nsec;
+ abort();
+void MDBRWTransactionImpl::commit()
+ closeRORWCursors();
+ if (!d_txn) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if(int rc = mdb_txn_commit(d_txn)) {
+ throw std::runtime_error("committing: " + std::string(mdb_strerror(rc)));
+ }
+ environment().decRWTX();
+ d_txn = nullptr;
+void MDBRWTransactionImpl::abort()
+ closeRORWCursors();
+ if (!d_txn) {
+ return;
+ }
+ mdb_txn_abort(d_txn);
+ // prevent the RO destructor from cleaning up the transaction itself
+ environment().decRWTX();
+ d_txn = nullptr;
+MDBROTransactionImpl::MDBROTransactionImpl(MDBEnv *parent, MDB_txn *txn):
+ d_parent(parent),
+ d_cursors(),
+ d_txn(txn)
+MDB_txn *MDBROTransactionImpl::openROTransaction(MDBEnv *env, MDB_txn *parent, int flags)
+ if(env->getRWTX())
+ throw std::runtime_error("Duplicate RO transaction");
+ /*
+ A transaction and its cursors must only be used by a single thread, and a thread may only have a single transaction at a time. If MDB_NOTLS is in use, this does not apply to read-only transactions. */
+ MDB_txn *result = nullptr;
+ if(int rc=mdb_txn_begin(env->d_env, parent, MDB_RDONLY | flags, &result))
+ throw std::runtime_error("Unable to start RO transaction: "+string(mdb_strerror(rc)));
+ env->incROTX();
+ return result;
+void MDBROTransactionImpl::closeROCursors()
+ // we need to move the vector away to ensure that the cursors don’t mess with our iteration.
+ std::vector<MDBROCursor*> buf;
+ std::swap(d_cursors, buf);
+ for (auto &cursor: buf) {
+ cursor->close();
+ }
+MDBROTransactionImpl::MDBROTransactionImpl(MDBEnv *parent, int flags):
+ MDBROTransactionImpl(parent, openROTransaction(parent, nullptr, flags))
+ // this is safe because C++ will not call overrides of virtual methods in destructors.
+ MDBROTransactionImpl::commit();
+void MDBROTransactionImpl::abort()
+ closeROCursors();
+ // if d_txn is non-nullptr here, either the transaction object was invalidated earlier (e.g. by moving from it), or it is an RW transaction which has already cleaned up the d_txn pointer (with an abort).
+ if (d_txn) {
+ d_parent->decROTX();
+ mdb_txn_abort(d_txn); // this appears to work better than abort for r/o database opening
+ d_txn = nullptr;
+ }
+void MDBROTransactionImpl::commit()
+ closeROCursors();
+ // if d_txn is non-nullptr here, either the transaction object was invalidated earlier (e.g. by moving from it), or it is an RW transaction which has already cleaned up the d_txn pointer (with an abort).
+ if (d_txn) {
+ d_parent->decROTX();
+ mdb_txn_commit(d_txn); // this appears to work better than abort for r/o database opening
+ d_txn = nullptr;
+ }
+void MDBRWTransactionImpl::clear(MDB_dbi dbi)
+ if(int rc = mdb_drop(d_txn, dbi, 0)) {
+ throw runtime_error("Error clearing database: " + MDBError(rc));
+ }
+MDBRWCursor MDBRWTransactionImpl::getRWCursor(const MDBDbi& dbi)
+ MDB_cursor *cursor;
+ int rc= mdb_cursor_open(d_txn, dbi, &cursor);
+ if(rc) {
+ throw std::runtime_error("Error creating RW cursor: "+std::string(mdb_strerror(rc)));
+ }
+ return MDBRWCursor(d_rw_cursors, cursor, d_txn, d_txtime);
+MDBRWCursor MDBRWTransactionImpl::getCursor(const MDBDbi &dbi)
+ return getRWCursor(dbi);
+MDBRWTransaction MDBRWTransactionImpl::getRWTransaction()
+ MDB_txn *txn;
+ if (int rc = mdb_txn_begin(environment(), *this, 0, &txn)) {
+ throw std::runtime_error(std::string("failed to start child transaction: ")+mdb_strerror(rc));
+ }
+ // we need to increase the counter here because commit/abort on the child transaction will decrease it
+ environment().incRWTX();
+ return MDBRWTransaction(new MDBRWTransactionImpl(&environment(), txn));
+MDBROTransaction MDBRWTransactionImpl::getROTransaction()
+ return getRWTransaction();
+MDBROTransaction MDBEnv::getROTransaction()
+ return MDBROTransaction(new MDBROTransactionImpl(this));
+MDBRWTransaction MDBEnv::getRWTransaction()
+ return MDBRWTransaction(new MDBRWTransactionImpl(this));
+void MDBRWTransactionImpl::closeRWCursors()
+ decltype(d_rw_cursors) buf;
+ std::swap(d_rw_cursors, buf);
+ for (auto &cursor: buf) {
+ cursor->close();
+ }
+MDBROCursor MDBROTransactionImpl::getCursor(const MDBDbi& dbi)
+ return getROCursor(dbi);
+MDBROCursor MDBROTransactionImpl::getROCursor(const MDBDbi &dbi)
+ MDB_cursor *cursor;
+ int rc= mdb_cursor_open(d_txn, dbi, &cursor);
+ if(rc) {
+ throw std::runtime_error("Error creating RO cursor: "+std::string(mdb_strerror(rc)));
+ }
+ return MDBROCursor(d_cursors, cursor);
diff --git a/ext/lmdb-safe/lmdb-safe.hh b/ext/lmdb-safe/lmdb-safe.hh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d5983b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/lmdb-safe/lmdb-safe.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,898 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <string_view>
+#include <lmdb.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <set>
+#include <map>
+#include <thread>
+#include <memory>
+#include <string>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <mutex>
+#include <vector>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include "config.h"
+#ifndef DNSDIST
+#include <boost/range/detail/common.hpp>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <netinet/in.h>
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include "../../pdns/misc.hh"
+using std::string_view;
+/* open issues:
+ *
+ * - missing convenience functions (string_view, string)
+ */
+The error strategy. Anything that "should never happen" turns into an exception. But things like 'duplicate entry' or 'no such key' are for you to deal with.
+ */
+ Thread safety: we are as safe as lmdb. You can talk to MDBEnv from as many threads as you want
+/** MDBDbi is our only 'value type' object, as 1) a dbi is actually an integer
+ and 2) per LMDB documentation, we never close it. */
+class MDBDbi
+ MDBDbi(): d_dbi(-1)
+ {
+ }
+ explicit MDBDbi(MDB_env* env, MDB_txn* txn, string_view dbname, int flags);
+ operator const MDB_dbi&() const
+ {
+ return d_dbi;
+ }
+ MDB_dbi d_dbi;
+class MDBRWTransactionImpl;
+class MDBROTransactionImpl;
+using MDBROTransaction = std::unique_ptr<MDBROTransactionImpl>;
+using MDBRWTransaction = std::unique_ptr<MDBRWTransactionImpl>;
+class MDBEnv
+ MDBEnv(const char* fname, int flags, int mode, uint64_t mapsizeMB);
+ ~MDBEnv()
+ {
+ // Only a single thread may call this function. All transactions, databases, and cursors must already be closed before calling this function
+ mdb_env_close(d_env);
+ // but, elsewhere, docs say database handles do not need to be closed?
+ }
+ MDBDbi openDB(const string_view dbname, int flags);
+ MDBRWTransaction getRWTransaction();
+ MDBROTransaction getROTransaction();
+ operator MDB_env*& ()
+ {
+ return d_env;
+ }
+ MDB_env* d_env;
+ int getRWTX();
+ void incRWTX();
+ void decRWTX();
+ int getROTX();
+ void incROTX();
+ void decROTX();
+ std::mutex d_openmut;
+ std::mutex d_countmutex;
+ std::map<std::thread::id, int> d_RWtransactionsOut;
+ std::map<std::thread::id, int> d_ROtransactionsOut;
+std::shared_ptr<MDBEnv> getMDBEnv(const char* fname, int flags, int mode, uint64_t mapsizeMB=(sizeof(void *)==4) ? 100 : 16000);
+#ifndef DNSDIST
+#if !defined(__BYTE_ORDER__) || !defined(__ORDER_LITTLE_ENDIAN__) || !defined(__ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN__)
+#error "your compiler did not define byte order macros"
+// FIXME do something more portable than __builtin_bswap64
+#define _LMDB_SAFE_BSWAP64MAYBE(x) __builtin_bswap64(x)
+#define _LMDB_SAFE_BSWAP64MAYBE(x) (x)
+struct MDBOutVal; // forward declaration because of how the functions below tie in with MDBOutVal
+namespace LMDBLS {
+ class __attribute__((__packed__)) LSheader {
+ public:
+ uint64_t d_timestamp;
+ uint64_t d_txnid;
+ uint8_t d_version;
+ uint8_t d_flags;
+ uint32_t d_reserved;
+ uint16_t d_numextra;
+ LSheader(uint64_t timestamp, uint64_t txnid, uint8_t flags=0, uint8_t version=0, uint8_t numextra=0):
+ d_timestamp(_LMDB_SAFE_BSWAP64MAYBE(timestamp)),
+ d_txnid(_LMDB_SAFE_BSWAP64MAYBE(txnid)),
+ d_version(version),
+ d_flags(flags),
+ d_reserved(0),
+ d_numextra(htons(numextra))
+ {
+ }
+ std::string toString() {
+ return std::string((char*)this, sizeof(*this)) + std::string(ntohs(d_numextra)*8, '\0');
+ }
+ };
+ static_assert(sizeof(LSheader)==24, "LSheader size is wrong");
+ const size_t LS_MIN_HEADER_SIZE = sizeof(LSheader);
+ const size_t LS_BLOCK_SIZE = 8;
+ const size_t LS_NUMEXTRA_OFFSET = 22;
+ const uint8_t LS_FLAG_DELETED = 0x01;
+ const LSheader* LSassertFixedHeaderSize(std::string_view val);
+ size_t LScheckHeaderAndGetSize(std::string_view val, size_t datasize=0);
+ size_t LScheckHeaderAndGetSize(const MDBOutVal *val, size_t datasize=0);
+ bool LSisDeleted(std::string_view val);
+ extern bool s_flag_deleted;
+#endif /* ifndef DNSDIST */
+struct MDBOutVal
+ operator MDB_val&()
+ {
+ return d_mdbval;
+ }
+#ifndef DNSDIST
+ template <class T,
+ typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<T>::value,
+ T>::type* = nullptr> const
+ T get()
+ {
+ T ret;
+ size_t offset = LMDBLS::LScheckHeaderAndGetSize(this, sizeof(T));
+ memcpy(&ret, reinterpret_cast<const char *>(d_mdbval.mv_data)+offset, sizeof(T));
+ static_assert(sizeof(T) == 4, "this code currently only supports 32 bit integers");
+ ret = ntohl(ret);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ template <class T,
+ typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<T>::value,
+ T>::type* = nullptr> const
+ T getNoStripHeader()
+ {
+ T ret;
+ if(d_mdbval.mv_size != sizeof(T))
+ throw std::runtime_error("MDB data has wrong length for type");
+ memcpy(&ret, d_mdbval.mv_data, sizeof(T));
+ static_assert(sizeof(T) == 4, "this code currently only supports 32 bit integers");
+ ret = ntohl(ret);
+ return ret;
+ }
+#endif /* ifndef DNSDIST */
+ template <class T,
+ typename std::enable_if<std::is_class<T>::value,T>::type* = nullptr>
+ T get() const;
+#ifndef DNSDIST
+ template <class T,
+ typename std::enable_if<std::is_class<T>::value,T>::type* = nullptr>
+ T getNoStripHeader() const;
+ MDB_val d_mdbval;
+template<> inline std::string MDBOutVal::get<std::string>() const
+#ifndef DNSDIST
+ size_t offset = LMDBLS::LScheckHeaderAndGetSize(this);
+ return std::string((char*)d_mdbval.mv_data+offset, d_mdbval.mv_size-offset);
+template<> inline std::string MDBOutVal::getNoStripHeader<std::string>() const
+ return std::string((char*)d_mdbval.mv_data, d_mdbval.mv_size);
+template<> inline string_view MDBOutVal::get<string_view>() const
+#ifndef DNSDIST
+ size_t offset = LMDBLS::LScheckHeaderAndGetSize(this);
+ return string_view((char*)d_mdbval.mv_data+offset, d_mdbval.mv_size-offset);
+template<> inline string_view MDBOutVal::getNoStripHeader<string_view>() const
+ return string_view((char*)d_mdbval.mv_data, d_mdbval.mv_size);
+class MDBInVal
+ MDBInVal(const MDBOutVal& rhs): d_mdbval(rhs.d_mdbval)
+ {
+ }
+#ifndef DNSDIST
+ template <class T,
+ typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<T>::value,
+ T>::type* = nullptr>
+ MDBInVal(T i)
+ {
+ static_assert(sizeof(T) == 4, "this code currently only supports 32 bit integers");
+ auto j = htonl(i); // all actual usage in our codebase is 32 bits. If that ever changes, this will break the build and avoid runtime surprises
+ memcpy(&d_memory[0], &j, sizeof(j));
+ d_mdbval.mv_size = sizeof(T);
+ d_mdbval.mv_data = d_memory;;
+ }
+ MDBInVal(const char* s)
+ {
+ d_mdbval.mv_size = strlen(s);
+ d_mdbval.mv_data = (void*)s;
+ }
+ MDBInVal(const string_view& v)
+ {
+ d_mdbval.mv_size = v.size();
+ d_mdbval.mv_data = (void*)&v[0];
+ }
+ MDBInVal(const std::string& v)
+ {
+ d_mdbval.mv_size = v.size();
+ d_mdbval.mv_data = (void*)&v[0];
+ }
+ template<typename T>
+ static MDBInVal fromStruct(const T& t)
+ {
+ MDBInVal ret;
+ ret.d_mdbval.mv_size = sizeof(T);
+ ret.d_mdbval.mv_data = (void*)&t;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ operator MDB_val&()
+ {
+ return d_mdbval;
+ }
+ MDB_val d_mdbval;
+ MDBInVal(){}
+#ifndef DNSDIST
+ char d_memory[sizeof(double)];
+class MDBROCursor;
+class MDBROTransactionImpl
+ MDBROTransactionImpl(MDBEnv *parent, MDB_txn *txn);
+ static MDB_txn *openROTransaction(MDBEnv *env, MDB_txn *parent, int flags=0);
+ MDBEnv* d_parent;
+ std::vector<MDBROCursor*> d_cursors;
+ MDB_txn* d_txn;
+ void closeROCursors();
+ explicit MDBROTransactionImpl(MDBEnv* parent, int flags=0);
+ MDBROTransactionImpl(const MDBROTransactionImpl& src) = delete;
+ MDBROTransactionImpl &operator=(const MDBROTransactionImpl& src) = delete;
+ // The move constructor/operator cannot be made safe due to Object Slicing with MDBRWTransaction.
+ MDBROTransactionImpl(MDBROTransactionImpl&& rhs) = delete;
+ MDBROTransactionImpl &operator=(MDBROTransactionImpl &&rhs) = delete;
+ virtual ~MDBROTransactionImpl();
+ virtual void abort();
+ virtual void commit();
+ int get(MDB_dbi dbi, const MDBInVal& key, MDBOutVal& val)
+ {
+ if(!d_txn)
+ throw std::runtime_error("Attempt to use a closed RO transaction for get");
+ int rc = mdb_get(d_txn, dbi, const_cast<MDB_val*>(&key.d_mdbval),
+ const_cast<MDB_val*>(&val.d_mdbval));
+ if(rc && rc != MDB_NOTFOUND) {
+ throw std::runtime_error("getting data: " + std::string(mdb_strerror(rc)));
+ }
+#ifndef DNSDIST
+ if(rc != MDB_NOTFOUND) { // key was found, value was retrieved
+ std::string sval = val.getNoStripHeader<std::string>();
+ if (LMDBLS::LSisDeleted(sval)) { // but it was deleted
+ }
+ }
+ return rc;
+ }
+ int get(MDB_dbi dbi, const MDBInVal& key, string_view& val)
+ {
+ MDBOutVal out;
+ int rc = get(dbi, key, out);
+ if(!rc)
+ val = out.get<string_view>();
+ return rc;
+ }
+ // this is something you can do, readonly
+ MDBDbi openDB(string_view dbname, int flags)
+ {
+ return MDBDbi( d_parent->d_env, d_txn, dbname, flags);
+ }
+ MDBROCursor getCursor(const MDBDbi&);
+ MDBROCursor getROCursor(const MDBDbi&);
+ operator MDB_txn*()
+ {
+ return d_txn;
+ }
+ inline operator bool() const {
+ return d_txn;
+ }
+ inline MDBEnv &environment()
+ {
+ return *d_parent;
+ }
+ A cursor in a read-only transaction must be closed explicitly, before or after its transaction ends. It can be reused with mdb_cursor_renew() before finally closing it.
+ "If the parent transaction commits, the cursor must not be used again."
+template<class Transaction, class T>
+class MDBGenCursor
+ std::vector<T*> *d_registry;
+ MDB_cursor* d_cursor{nullptr};
+ MDB_txn* d_txn{nullptr}; // ew, public
+ uint64_t d_txtime{0};
+ MDBGenCursor():
+ d_registry(nullptr),
+ d_cursor(nullptr),
+ d_txn(nullptr)
+ {
+ }
+ MDBGenCursor(std::vector<T*> &registry, MDB_cursor *cursor, MDB_txn *txn=nullptr, uint64_t txtime=0):
+ d_registry(&registry),
+ d_cursor(cursor),
+ d_txn(txn),
+ d_txtime(txtime)
+ {
+ registry.emplace_back(static_cast<T*>(this));
+ }
+ void move_from(MDBGenCursor *src)
+ {
+ if (!d_registry) {
+ return;
+ }
+ auto iter = std::find(d_registry->begin(),
+ d_registry->end(),
+ src);
+ if (iter != d_registry->end()) {
+ *iter = static_cast<T*>(this);
+ } else {
+ d_registry->emplace_back(static_cast<T*>(this));
+ }
+ }
+ MDBGenCursor(const MDBGenCursor &src) = delete;
+ MDBGenCursor(MDBGenCursor &&src) noexcept:
+ d_registry(src.d_registry),
+ d_cursor(src.d_cursor)
+ {
+ move_from(&src);
+ src.d_registry = nullptr;
+ src.d_cursor = nullptr;
+ }
+ MDBGenCursor &operator=(const MDBGenCursor &src) = delete;
+ MDBGenCursor &operator=(MDBGenCursor &&src) noexcept
+ {
+ d_registry = src.d_registry;
+ d_cursor = src.d_cursor;
+ move_from(&src);
+ src.d_registry = nullptr;
+ src.d_cursor = nullptr;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ ~MDBGenCursor()
+ {
+ close();
+ }
+ /*
+ to support (skip) entries marked deleted=1 in the LS header, we need to do some magic here
+ this table notes, for each cursor op:
+ * the maximum number of entries we may need to look at (1 or inf)
+ * the subsequent op that needs to be done to skip over a deleted entry (or MDB_NOTFOUND to give up and say no)
+ (table partially copied from which I hope is a stable URL)
+ (ops only relevant for DUPSORT/DUPFIXED have been omitted)
+ (table is grouped by "skip op")
+ | base op | maxentries | skip op | doc description of base op
+ | MDB_FIRST | inf | MDB_NEXT | Position at first key/data item
+ | MDB_NEXT | inf | MDB_NEXT | Position at next data item
+ | MDB_SET_RANGE | inf | MDB_NEXT | Position at first key greater than or equal to specified key.
+ | MDB_LAST | inf | MDB_PREV | Position at last key/data item
+ | MDB_PREV | inf | MDB_PREV | Position at previous data item
+ | MDB_GET_CURRENT | 1 | MDB_NOTFOUND | Return key/data at current cursor position
+ | MDB_SET | 1 | MDB_NOTFOUND | Position at specified key
+ | MDB_SET_KEY | 1 | MDB_NOTFOUND | Position at specified key, return key + data
+ */
+ int skipDeleted(MDBOutVal& key, MDBOutVal& data, MDB_cursor_op op, int rc)
+ {
+#ifndef DNSDIST
+ // when we get here
+ // * mdb_cursor_get has been called once
+ // * it did not return an error, but it might have returned MDB_NOTFOUND
+ // * if it returned MDB_NOTFOUND, there is nothing for us to do and we pass that on
+ if (rc == MDB_NOTFOUND) {
+ return rc;
+ }
+ // when we get here
+ // * mdb_cursor_get has been called at least once
+ // * it found an entry, as far as LMDB is concerned, so key+data contain something
+ // * but that might be a LS deleted=1 entry
+ // * we know the cursor op that got us here
+ while (true) {
+ auto sval = data.getNoStripHeader<std::string_view>();
+ if (!LMDBLS::LSisDeleted(sval)) {
+ // done!
+ return rc;
+ }
+ // the found entry is set deleted, so we need to do something
+ // if this was a 1-entry op, this is the end
+ if (op == MDB_GET_CURRENT || op == MDB_SET || op == MDB_SET_KEY) {
+ return MDB_NOTFOUND;
+ }
+ // otherwise, we need to try to carry on
+ // all ops that do not map to NOTFOUND map to NEXT or PREV, including NEXT and PREV themselves
+ // so we just override the op to NEXT or PREV
+ if (op == MDB_FIRST || op == MDB_NEXT || op == MDB_SET_RANGE) {
+ op = MDB_NEXT;
+ }
+ else if (op == MDB_LAST || op == MDB_PREV) {
+ op = MDB_PREV;
+ }
+ else {
+ throw std::runtime_error("got unsupported mdb cursor op");
+ }
+ rc = mdb_cursor_get(d_cursor, &key.d_mdbval, &data.d_mdbval, op);
+ if(rc && rc != MDB_NOTFOUND) {
+ throw std::runtime_error("Unable to get from cursor: " + std::string(mdb_strerror(rc)));
+ }
+ if (rc == MDB_NOTFOUND) {
+ // we ended up finding nothing, so tell the caller
+ return rc;
+ }
+ // when we get here
+ // * the situation is just like the last time I wrote "when we get here"
+ // * except mdb_cursor_get has been called at least twice
+ // * so let's go back
+ }
+#else /* ifndef DNSDIST */
+ return rc;
+ }
+ int get(MDBOutVal& key, MDBOutVal& data, MDB_cursor_op op)
+ {
+ int rc = mdb_cursor_get(d_cursor, &key.d_mdbval, &data.d_mdbval, op);
+ if(rc && rc != MDB_NOTFOUND)
+ throw std::runtime_error("Unable to get from cursor: " + std::string(mdb_strerror(rc)));
+ return skipDeleted(key, data, op, rc);
+ }
+ int find(const MDBInVal& in, MDBOutVal& key, MDBOutVal& data)
+ {
+ key.d_mdbval = in.d_mdbval;
+ int rc=mdb_cursor_get(d_cursor, const_cast<MDB_val*>(&key.d_mdbval), &data.d_mdbval, MDB_SET);
+ if(rc && rc != MDB_NOTFOUND)
+ throw std::runtime_error("Unable to find from cursor: " + std::string(mdb_strerror(rc)));
+ return skipDeleted(key, data, MDB_SET, rc);
+ }
+ int lower_bound(const MDBInVal& in, MDBOutVal& key, MDBOutVal& data)
+ {
+ key.d_mdbval = in.d_mdbval;
+ int rc = mdb_cursor_get(d_cursor, const_cast<MDB_val*>(&key.d_mdbval), &data.d_mdbval, MDB_SET_RANGE);
+ if(rc && rc != MDB_NOTFOUND)
+ throw std::runtime_error("Unable to lower_bound from cursor: " + std::string(mdb_strerror(rc)));
+ return skipDeleted(key, data, MDB_SET_RANGE, rc);
+ }
+ int nextprev(MDBOutVal& key, MDBOutVal& data, MDB_cursor_op op)
+ {
+ int rc = mdb_cursor_get(d_cursor, const_cast<MDB_val*>(&key.d_mdbval), &data.d_mdbval, op);
+ if(rc && rc != MDB_NOTFOUND)
+ throw std::runtime_error("Unable to prevnext from cursor: " + std::string(mdb_strerror(rc)));
+ return skipDeleted(key, data, op, rc);
+ }
+ int next(MDBOutVal& key, MDBOutVal& data)
+ {
+ return nextprev(key, data, MDB_NEXT);
+ }
+ int prev(MDBOutVal& key, MDBOutVal& data)
+ {
+ return nextprev(key, data, MDB_PREV);
+ }
+ int currentlast(MDBOutVal& key, MDBOutVal& data, MDB_cursor_op op)
+ {
+ int rc = mdb_cursor_get(d_cursor, const_cast<MDB_val*>(&key.d_mdbval), &data.d_mdbval, op);
+ if(rc && rc != MDB_NOTFOUND)
+ throw std::runtime_error("Unable to next from cursor: " + std::string(mdb_strerror(rc)));
+ return skipDeleted(key, data, op, rc);
+ }
+ int current(MDBOutVal& key, MDBOutVal& data)
+ {
+ return currentlast(key, data, MDB_GET_CURRENT);
+ }
+ int last(MDBOutVal& key, MDBOutVal& data)
+ {
+ return currentlast(key, data, MDB_LAST);
+ }
+ int first(MDBOutVal& key, MDBOutVal& data)
+ {
+ return currentlast(key, data, MDB_FIRST);
+ }
+ operator MDB_cursor*()
+ {
+ return d_cursor;
+ }
+ operator bool() const
+ {
+ return d_cursor;
+ }
+ void close()
+ {
+ if (d_registry) {
+ auto iter = std::find(d_registry->begin(),
+ d_registry->end(),
+ static_cast<T*>(this));
+ if (iter != d_registry->end()) {
+ d_registry->erase(iter);
+ }
+ d_registry = nullptr;
+ }
+ if (d_cursor) {
+ mdb_cursor_close(d_cursor);
+ d_cursor = nullptr;
+ }
+ }
+class MDBROCursor : public MDBGenCursor<MDBROTransactionImpl, MDBROCursor>
+ MDBROCursor() = default;
+ using MDBGenCursor<MDBROTransactionImpl, MDBROCursor>::MDBGenCursor;
+ MDBROCursor(const MDBROCursor &src) = delete;
+ MDBROCursor(MDBROCursor &&src) = default;
+ MDBROCursor &operator=(const MDBROCursor &src) = delete;
+ MDBROCursor &operator=(MDBROCursor &&src) = default;
+ ~MDBROCursor() = default;
+class MDBRWCursor;
+class MDBRWTransactionImpl: public MDBROTransactionImpl
+ MDBRWTransactionImpl(MDBEnv* parent, MDB_txn* txn);
+ static MDB_txn *openRWTransaction(MDBEnv* env, MDB_txn *parent, int flags);
+ std::vector<MDBRWCursor*> d_rw_cursors;
+ uint64_t d_txtime{0};
+ void closeRWCursors();
+ inline void closeRORWCursors() {
+ closeROCursors();
+ closeRWCursors();
+ }
+ explicit MDBRWTransactionImpl(MDBEnv* parent, int flags=0);
+ MDBRWTransactionImpl(const MDBRWTransactionImpl& rhs) = delete;
+ MDBRWTransactionImpl(MDBRWTransactionImpl&& rhs) = delete;
+ MDBRWTransactionImpl &operator=(const MDBRWTransactionImpl& rhs) = delete;
+ MDBRWTransactionImpl &operator=(MDBRWTransactionImpl&& rhs) = delete;
+ ~MDBRWTransactionImpl() override;
+ void commit() override;
+ void abort() override;
+ void clear(MDB_dbi dbi);
+#ifndef DNSDIST
+ void put(MDB_dbi dbi, const MDBInVal& key, const MDBInVal& val, int flags=0)
+ {
+ if(!d_txn)
+ throw std::runtime_error("Attempt to use a closed RW transaction for put");
+ int rc;
+ size_t txid = mdb_txn_id(d_txn);
+ if (d_txtime == 0) { throw std::runtime_error("got zero txtime"); }
+ std::string ins =
+ LMDBLS::LSheader(d_txtime, txid).toString()+
+ std::string((const char*)val.d_mdbval.mv_data, val.d_mdbval.mv_size);
+ MDBInVal pval = ins;
+ if((rc=mdb_put(d_txn, dbi,
+ const_cast<MDB_val*>(&key.d_mdbval),
+ const_cast<MDB_val*>(&pval.d_mdbval), flags))) {
+ throw std::runtime_error("putting data: " + std::string(mdb_strerror(rc)));
+ }
+ }
+ void put(MDB_dbi dbi, const MDBInVal& key, const MDBInVal& val, int flags=0)
+ {
+ if(!d_txn)
+ throw std::runtime_error("Attempt to use a closed RW transaction for put");
+ int rc;
+ if((rc=mdb_put(d_txn, dbi,
+ const_cast<MDB_val*>(&key.d_mdbval),
+ const_cast<MDB_val*>(&val.d_mdbval), flags)))
+ throw std::runtime_error("putting data: " + std::string(mdb_strerror(rc)));
+ }
+ int del(MDBDbi& dbi, const MDBInVal& key)
+ {
+ int rc;
+ rc=mdb_del(d_txn, dbi, (MDB_val*)&key.d_mdbval, 0);
+ if(rc && rc != MDB_NOTFOUND)
+ throw std::runtime_error("deleting data: " + std::string(mdb_strerror(rc)));
+#ifndef DNSDIST
+ if(rc != MDB_NOTFOUND && LMDBLS::s_flag_deleted) {
+ // if it did exist, we need to mark it as deleted now
+ size_t txid = mdb_txn_id(d_txn);
+ if (d_txtime == 0) { throw std::runtime_error("got zero txtime"); }
+ std::string ins =
+ // std::string((const char*)&txid, sizeof(txid)) +
+ LMDBLS::LSheader(d_txtime, txid, LMDBLS::LS_FLAG_DELETED).toString();
+ MDBInVal pval = ins;
+ if((rc=mdb_put(d_txn, dbi,
+ const_cast<MDB_val*>(&key.d_mdbval),
+ const_cast<MDB_val*>(&pval.d_mdbval), 0))) {
+ throw std::runtime_error("marking data deleted: " + std::string(mdb_strerror(rc)));
+ }
+ }
+ return rc;
+ }
+ int get(MDBDbi& dbi, const MDBInVal& key, MDBOutVal& val)
+ {
+ if(!d_txn)
+ throw std::runtime_error("Attempt to use a closed RW transaction for get");
+ int rc = mdb_get(d_txn, dbi, const_cast<MDB_val*>(&key.d_mdbval),
+ const_cast<MDB_val*>(&val.d_mdbval));
+ if(rc && rc != MDB_NOTFOUND) {
+ throw std::runtime_error("getting data: " + std::string(mdb_strerror(rc)));
+ }
+#ifndef DNSDIST
+ if(rc != MDB_NOTFOUND) { // key was found, value was retrieved
+ auto sval = val.getNoStripHeader<std::string_view>();
+ if (LMDBLS::LSisDeleted(sval)) { // but it was deleted
+ }
+ }
+ return rc;
+ }
+ MDBDbi openDB(string_view dbname, int flags)
+ {
+ return MDBDbi(environment().d_env, d_txn, dbname, flags);
+ }
+ MDBRWCursor getRWCursor(const MDBDbi&);
+ MDBRWCursor getCursor(const MDBDbi&);
+ MDBRWTransaction getRWTransaction();
+ MDBROTransaction getROTransaction();
+/* "A cursor in a write-transaction can be closed before its transaction ends, and will otherwise be closed when its transaction ends"
+ This is a problem for us since it may means we are closing the cursor twice, which is bad
+class MDBRWCursor : public MDBGenCursor<MDBRWTransactionImpl, MDBRWCursor>
+ MDBRWCursor() = default;
+ using MDBGenCursor<MDBRWTransactionImpl, MDBRWCursor>::MDBGenCursor;
+ MDBRWCursor(const MDBRWCursor &src) = delete;
+ MDBRWCursor(MDBRWCursor &&src) = default;
+ MDBRWCursor &operator=(const MDBRWCursor &src) = delete;
+ MDBRWCursor &operator=(MDBRWCursor &&src) = default;
+ ~MDBRWCursor() = default;
+#ifndef DNSDIST
+ void put(const MDBOutVal& key, const MDBInVal& data)
+ {
+ size_t txid = mdb_txn_id(this->d_txn);
+ if (d_txtime == 0) { throw std::runtime_error("got zero txtime"); }
+ std::string ins =
+ LMDBLS::LSheader(d_txtime, txid).toString()+
+ std::string((const char*)data.d_mdbval.mv_data, data.d_mdbval.mv_size);
+ MDBInVal pval = ins;
+ int rc = mdb_cursor_put(*this,
+ const_cast<MDB_val*>(&key.d_mdbval),
+ const_cast<MDB_val*>(&pval.d_mdbval), MDB_CURRENT);
+ if(rc)
+ throw std::runtime_error("mdb_cursor_put: " + std::string(mdb_strerror(rc)));
+ }
+ void put(const MDBOutVal& key, const MDBInVal& data)
+ {
+ int rc = mdb_cursor_put(*this,
+ const_cast<MDB_val*>(&key.d_mdbval),
+ const_cast<MDB_val*>(&data.d_mdbval), MDB_CURRENT);
+ if(rc)
+ throw std::runtime_error("mdb_cursor_put: " + std::string(mdb_strerror(rc)));
+ }
+#ifndef DNSDIST
+ int del(int flags=0)
+ {
+ MDBOutVal key, val;
+ if (LMDBLS::s_flag_deleted) {
+ int rc_get = mdb_cursor_get (*this, &key.d_mdbval, &val.d_mdbval, MDB_GET_CURRENT);
+ if(rc_get) {
+ throw std::runtime_error("getting key to mark data as deleted: " + std::string(mdb_strerror(rc_get)));
+ }
+ size_t txid = mdb_txn_id(d_txn);
+ if (d_txtime == 0) { throw std::runtime_error("got zero txtime"); }
+ std::string ins =
+ LMDBLS::LSheader(d_txtime, txid, LMDBLS::LS_FLAG_DELETED).toString();
+ std::string skey((const char*)key.d_mdbval.mv_data, key.d_mdbval.mv_size);
+ MDBInVal pkey = MDBInVal(skey);
+ MDBInVal pval = ins;
+ int rc_put = mdb_cursor_put(*this,
+ const_cast<MDB_val*>(&pkey.d_mdbval),
+ const_cast<MDB_val*>(&pval.d_mdbval), 0 /* MDB_CURRENT */);
+ if(rc_put) {
+ throw std::runtime_error("marking data deleted: " + std::string(mdb_strerror(rc_put)));
+ }
+ return rc_put;
+ }
+ else {
+ // do a normal delete
+ return mdb_cursor_del(*this, flags);
+ }
+ }