path: root/agents/ibm_vpc/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'agents/ibm_vpc/')
1 files changed, 316 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/agents/ibm_vpc/ b/agents/ibm_vpc/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8470105
--- /dev/null
+++ b/agents/ibm_vpc/
@@ -0,0 +1,316 @@
+#!@PYTHON@ -tt
+import sys
+import pycurl, io, json
+import logging
+import atexit
+import hashlib
+from fencing import *
+from fencing import fail, run_delay, EC_LOGIN_DENIED, EC_STATUS, EC_GENERIC_ERROR
+state = {
+ "running": "on",
+ "stopped": "off",
+ "starting": "unknown",
+ "stopping": "unknown",
+ "restarting": "unknown",
+ "pending": "unknown",
+def get_list(conn, options):
+ outlets = {}
+ try:
+ command = "instances?version=2021-05-25&generation=2&limit={}".format(options["--limit"])
+ res = send_command(conn, options, command)
+ except Exception as e:
+ logging.debug("Failed: Unable to get list: {}".format(e))
+ return outlets
+ for r in res["instances"]:
+ if options["--verbose-level"] > 1:
+ logging.debug("Node:\n{}".format(json.dumps(r, indent=2)))
+ logging.debug("Status: " + state[r["status"]])
+ outlets[r["id"]] = (r["name"], state[r["status"]])
+ return outlets
+def get_power_status(conn, options):
+ try:
+ command = "instances/{}?version=2021-05-25&generation=2".format(options["--plug"])
+ res = send_command(conn, options, command)
+ result = state[res["status"]]
+ if options["--verbose-level"] > 1:
+ logging.debug("Result:\n{}".format(json.dumps(res, indent=2)))
+ logging.debug("Status: " + result)
+ except Exception as e:
+ logging.debug("Failed: Unable to get status for {}: {}".format(options["--plug"], e))
+ fail(EC_STATUS)
+ return result
+def set_power_status(conn, options):
+ action = {
+ "on" : '{"type" : "start"}',
+ "off" : '{"type" : "stop"}',
+ }[options["--action"]]
+ try:
+ command = "instances/{}/actions?version=2021-05-25&generation=2".format(options["--plug"])
+ send_command(conn, options, command, "POST", action, 201)
+ except Exception as e:
+ logging.debug("Failed: Unable to set power to {} for {}".format(options["--action"], e))
+ fail(EC_STATUS)
+def get_bearer_token(conn, options):
+ import os, errno
+ try:
+ # FIPS requires usedforsecurity=False and might not be
+ # available on all distros:
+ hash = hashlib.sha256(options["--apikey"].encode("utf-8"), usedforsecurity=False).hexdigest()
+ except (AttributeError, TypeError):
+ hash = hashlib.sha256(options["--apikey"].encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()
+ file_path = options["--token-file"].replace("[hash]", hash)
+ token = None
+ if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(file_path)):
+ os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(file_path))
+ # For security, remove file with potentially elevated mode
+ try:
+ os.remove(file_path)
+ except OSError:
+ pass
+ try:
+ oldumask = os.umask(0)
+ file_handle =, os.O_CREAT | os.O_EXCL | os.O_WRONLY, 0o600)
+ except OSError as e:
+ if e.errno == errno.EEXIST: # Failed as the file already exists.
+ logging.error("Failed: File already exists: {}".format(e))
+ sys.exit(EC_GENERIC_ERROR)
+ else: # Something unexpected went wrong
+ logging.error("Failed: Unable to open file: {}".format(e))
+ sys.exit(EC_GENERIC_ERROR)
+ else: # No exception, so the file must have been created successfully.
+ with os.fdopen(file_handle, 'w') as file_obj:
+ try:
+ conn.setopt(pycurl.HTTPHEADER, [
+ "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
+ "User-Agent: curl",
+ ])
+ token = send_command(conn, options, "", "POST", "grant_type=urn:ibm:params:oauth:grant-type:apikey&apikey={}".format(options["--apikey"]))["access_token"]
+ except Exception as e:
+ logging.error("Failed: Unable to authenticate: {}".format(e))
+ file_obj.write(token)
+ finally:
+ os.umask(oldumask)
+ return token
+def set_bearer_token(conn, bearer_token):
+ conn.setopt(pycurl.HTTPHEADER, [
+ "Content-Type: application/json",
+ "Authorization: Bearer {}".format(bearer_token),
+ "User-Agent: curl",
+ ])
+ return conn
+def connect(opt):
+ conn = pycurl.Curl()
+ bearer_token = ""
+ ## setup correct URL
+ conn.base_url = "https://" + opt["--region"] + ""
+ if opt["--verbose-level"] > 1:
+ conn.setopt(pycurl.VERBOSE, 1)
+ conn.setopt(pycurl.TIMEOUT, int(opt["--shell-timeout"]))
+ conn.setopt(pycurl.SSL_VERIFYPEER, 1)
+ conn.setopt(pycurl.SSL_VERIFYHOST, 2)
+ conn.setopt(pycurl.PROXY, "{}".format(opt["--proxy"]))
+ # get bearer token
+ try:
+ try:
+ # FIPS requires usedforsecurity=False and might not be
+ # available on all distros:
+ hash = hashlib.sha256(opt["--apikey"].encode("utf-8"), usedforsecurity=False).hexdigest()
+ except (AttributeError, TypeError):
+ hash = hashlib.sha256(opt["--apikey"].encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()
+ f = open(opt["--token-file"].replace("[hash]", hash))
+ bearer_token =
+ f.close()
+ except IOError:
+ bearer_token = get_bearer_token(conn, opt)
+ # set auth token for later requests
+ conn = set_bearer_token(conn, bearer_token)
+ return conn
+def disconnect(conn):
+ conn.close()
+def send_command(conn, options, command, method="GET", action=None, expected_rc=200):
+ if not command.startswith("https"):
+ url = conn.base_url + command
+ else:
+ url = command
+ conn.setopt(pycurl.URL, url.encode("ascii"))
+ web_buffer = io.BytesIO()
+ if method == "GET":
+ conn.setopt(pycurl.POST, 0)
+ if method == "POST":
+ conn.setopt(pycurl.POSTFIELDS, action)
+ if method == "DELETE":
+ conn.setopt(pycurl.CUSTOMREQUEST, "DELETE")
+ conn.setopt(pycurl.WRITEFUNCTION, web_buffer.write)
+ try:
+ conn.perform()
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise(e)
+ rc = conn.getinfo(pycurl.HTTP_CODE)
+ # auth if token has expired
+ if rc in [400, 401, 415]:
+ tokenconn = pycurl.Curl()
+ token = get_bearer_token(tokenconn, options)
+ tokenconn.close()
+ conn = set_bearer_token(conn, token)
+ # flush web_buffer
+ web_buffer.close()
+ web_buffer = io.BytesIO()
+ conn.setopt(pycurl.WRITEFUNCTION, web_buffer.write)
+ try:
+ conn.perform()
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise(e)
+ rc = conn.getinfo(pycurl.HTTP_CODE)
+ result = web_buffer.getvalue().decode("UTF-8")
+ web_buffer.close()
+ # actions (start/stop/reboot) report 201 when they've been created
+ if rc != expected_rc:
+ logging.debug("rc: {}, result: {}".format(rc, result))
+ if len(result) > 0:
+ raise Exception("{}: {}".format(rc,
+ result["value"]["messages"][0]["default_message"]))
+ else:
+ raise Exception("Remote returned {} for request to {}".format(rc, url))
+ if len(result) > 0:
+ result = json.loads(result)
+ logging.debug("url: {}".format(url))
+ logging.debug("method: {}".format(method))
+ logging.debug("response code: {}".format(rc))
+ logging.debug("result: {}\n".format(result))
+ return result
+def define_new_opts():
+ all_opt["apikey"] = {
+ "getopt" : ":",
+ "longopt" : "apikey",
+ "help" : "--apikey=[key] API Key",
+ "required" : "1",
+ "shortdesc" : "API Key",
+ "order" : 0
+ }
+ all_opt["region"] = {
+ "getopt" : ":",
+ "longopt" : "region",
+ "help" : "--region=[region] Region",
+ "required" : "1",
+ "shortdesc" : "Region",
+ "order" : 0
+ }
+ all_opt["proxy"] = {
+ "getopt" : ":",
+ "longopt" : "proxy",
+ "help" : "--proxy=[http://<URL>:<PORT>] Proxy: 'http://<URL>:<PORT>'",
+ "required" : "0",
+ "default": "",
+ "shortdesc" : "Network proxy",
+ "order" : 0
+ }
+ all_opt["limit"] = {
+ "getopt" : ":",
+ "longopt" : "limit",
+ "help" : "--limit=[number] Limit number of nodes returned by API",
+ "required" : "0",
+ "default": 50,
+ "shortdesc" : "Number of nodes returned by API",
+ "order" : 0
+ }
+ all_opt["token_file"] = {
+ "getopt" : ":",
+ "longopt" : "token-file",
+ "help" : "--token-file=[path] Path to the token cache file\n"
+ "\t\t\t\t (Default: @FENCETMPDIR@/fence_ibm_vpc/[hash].token)\n"
+ "\t\t\t\t [hash] will be replaced by a hashed value",
+ "required" : "0",
+ "default": "@FENCETMPDIR@/fence_ibm_vpc/[hash].token",
+ "shortdesc" : "Path to the token cache file",
+ "order" : 0
+ }
+def main():
+ device_opt = [
+ "apikey",
+ "region",
+ "proxy",
+ "limit",
+ "token_file",
+ "port",
+ "no_password",
+ ]
+ atexit.register(atexit_handler)
+ define_new_opts()
+ all_opt["shell_timeout"]["default"] = "15"
+ all_opt["power_timeout"]["default"] = "30"
+ all_opt["power_wait"]["default"] = "1"
+ options = check_input(device_opt, process_input(device_opt))
+ docs = {}
+ docs["shortdesc"] = "Fence agent for IBM Cloud VPC"
+ docs["longdesc"] = """fence_ibm_vpc is an I/O Fencing agent which can be \
+used with IBM Cloud VPC to fence virtual machines."""
+ docs["vendorurl"] = ""
+ show_docs(options, docs)
+ ####
+ ## Fence operations
+ ####
+ run_delay(options)
+ conn = connect(options)
+ atexit.register(disconnect, conn)
+ result = fence_action(conn, options, set_power_status, get_power_status, get_list)
+ sys.exit(result)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()