path: root/l10n-eu/toolkit
diff options
authorDaniel Baumann <>2024-05-15 03:40:09 +0000
committerDaniel Baumann <>2024-05-15 03:40:09 +0000
commitc1701504b2366542c32c5e6eeff1ba62cc75f8f6 (patch)
tree81b15ef2846efcdbb09422dd283399e769cb7ef9 /l10n-eu/toolkit
parentReleasing progress-linux version 115.10.0esr-1~progress7.99u1. (diff)
Merging upstream version 115.11.0esr.
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <>
Diffstat (limited to 'l10n-eu/toolkit')
17 files changed, 259 insertions, 53 deletions
diff --git a/l10n-eu/toolkit/chrome/global/ b/l10n-eu/toolkit/chrome/global/
index c6fc38852c..feeeb4c4fe 100644
--- a/l10n-eu/toolkit/chrome/global/
+++ b/l10n-eu/toolkit/chrome/global/
@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@
# %S is the keyboard shortcut for the listen command
listen-label = Entzun (%S)
back = Atzera
+# %S is the keyboard shortcut for the skip back command
+previous-label = Atzera (%S)
# %S is the keyboard shortcut for the start command
start-label = Hasi (%S)
# %S is the keyboard shortcut for the stop command
@@ -15,6 +17,8 @@ stop-label = Gelditu (%S)
# Keyboard shortcut to toggle the narrate feature
narrate-key-shortcut = N
forward = Aurrera
+# %S is the keyboard shortcut for the skip forward command
+next-label = Aurrera (%S)
speed = Abiadura
selectvoicelabel = Ahotsa:
# Default voice is determined by the language of the document.
diff --git a/l10n-eu/toolkit/crashreporter/crashreporter.ftl b/l10n-eu/toolkit/crashreporter/crashreporter.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..72e18f1d3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/toolkit/crashreporter/crashreporter.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+crashreporter-title = Hutsegiteen berriemailea
+crashreporter-crash-message = { -brand-short-name }(e)k arazo bat izan du eta huts egin du.
+crashreporter-plea = Arazo hau aztertu eta konpontzen laguntzeko, hutsegitearen txostena bidal diezagukezu.
+# $details (String) - the reason that a crash report cannot be submitted
+crashreporter-error-details = Xehetasunak: { $details }
+crashreporter-no-run-message = Aplikazio hau hutsegite baten ondoren exekutatzen da aplikazioaren egileari hutsegitearen berri emateko. Ez litzateke zuzenean exekutatu behar.
+crashreporter-button-details = Xehetasunak…
+crashreporter-view-report-title = Txostenaren edukia
+crashreporter-comment-prompt = Gehitu iruzkina (iruzkinak publikoki ikus daitezke)
+crashreporter-report-info = Aplikazioak huts egin zueneko egoerari buruzko informazio teknikoa ere badu txosten honek.
+crashreporter-submit-status = Hutsegite-txostena irten edo berrabiarazi aurretik bidaliko da.
+crashreporter-submit-in-progress = Txostena bidaltzen…
+crashreporter-submit-success = Txostena ongi bidali da!
+crashreporter-submit-failure = Arazoa egon da txostena bidaltzean.
+crashreporter-resubmit-status = Bidaltzean huts egindako txostenak birbidaltzen…
+crashreporter-button-restart = Berrabiarazi { -brand-short-name }
+crashreporter-button-ok = Ados
+crashreporter-button-close = Itxi
+# $id (String) - the crash id from the server, typically a UUID
+crashreporter-crash-identifier = Hutsegitearen IDa: { $id }
+# Error strings
diff --git a/l10n-eu/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutAddons.ftl b/l10n-eu/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutAddons.ftl
index 3a35b7999e..e98d5ec70e 100644
--- a/l10n-eu/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutAddons.ftl
+++ b/l10n-eu/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutAddons.ftl
@@ -215,6 +215,9 @@ shortcuts-no-addons = Ez daukazu hedapenik gaituta.
shortcuts-no-commands = Ondorengo hedapenek ez dute lasterbiderik:
shortcuts-input =
.placeholder = Idatzi lasterbidea
+# Accessible name for a trashcan icon button that removes an existent shortcut
+shortcuts-remove-button =
+ .aria-label = Kendu lasterbidea
shortcuts-browserAction2 = Aktibatu tresna-barrako botoia
shortcuts-pageAction = Gaitu orri-ekintza
shortcuts-sidebarAction = Txandakatu alboko barra
diff --git a/l10n-eu/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutLogging.ftl b/l10n-eu/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutLogging.ftl
index 0b4a99dc11..ca53bf570b 100644
--- a/l10n-eu/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutLogging.ftl
+++ b/l10n-eu/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutLogging.ftl
@@ -38,6 +38,8 @@ about-logging-preset-networking-websocket-label = WebSocketak
about-logging-preset-networking-websocket-description = WebSocket arazoak diagnostikatzeko erregistro-moduluak
about-logging-preset-networking-http3-label = HTTP/3
about-logging-preset-networking-http3-description = HTTP/3 eta QUIC arazoak diagnostikatzeko erregistro-moduluak
+about-logging-preset-networking-http3-upload-speed-label = HTTP/3 igotze-abiadura
+about-logging-preset-networking-http3-upload-speed-description = HTTP/3 igotze-abiadura arazoak diagnostikatzeko erregistro-moduluak
about-logging-preset-media-playback-label = Multimedia erreproduzitzea
about-logging-preset-media-playback-description = Multimediaren erreprodukzio-arazoak (ez bideo-deien arazoak) diagnostikatzeko erregistro-moduluak
about-logging-preset-webrtc-label = WebRTC
diff --git a/l10n-eu/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutSupport.ftl b/l10n-eu/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutSupport.ftl
index 4861e02ad2..9d24662f7d 100644
--- a/l10n-eu/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutSupport.ftl
+++ b/l10n-eu/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutSupport.ftl
@@ -185,6 +185,24 @@ media-codec-support-codec-name = Codec-aren izena
media-codec-support-supported = Euskarria du
media-codec-support-unsupported = Ez du euskarririk
media-codec-support-error = Kodekaren euskarriari buruzko informazioa ez dago erabilgarri. Saiatu berriro multimedia-fitxategi bat erreproduzitu ondoren.
+media-codec-support-lack-of-extension = Instalatu hedapena
+## Media Content Decryption Modules (CDM)
+## See EME Spec for more explanation for following technical terms
+media-content-decryption-modules-title = Content Decryption Modules informazioa
+media-key-system-name = Gako-sistemaren izena
+media-video-robustness = Bideoaren sendotasuna
+media-audio-robustness = Audioaren sendotasuna
+media-cdm-capabilities = Gaitasunak
+# Clear Lead isn't defined in the spec, which means the the first few seconds
+# are not encrypted. It allows playback to start without having to wait for
+# license response, improving video start time and user experience.
+media-cdm-clear-lead = Hasiera garbia
+# We choose 2.2 as this is the version which the video provider usually want to have in order to stream 4K video securely
+# HDCP version
+media-hdcp-22-compatible = HDCP 2.2rekin bateragarria
@@ -264,6 +282,7 @@ try-newer-driver = Txartel grafikoaren kontrolatzailearen bertsioak blokeatuta.
# there are no good translations, these are only used in about:support
clear-type-parameters = ClearType parametroak
compositing = Konposatzea
+support-font-determination = Letra-tipoen ikusgaitasuaren arazketa-informazioa
hardware-h264 = Hardware bidezko H264 deskodetzea
main-thread-no-omtc = hari nagusia, OMTCrik ez
yes = Bai
@@ -409,3 +428,15 @@ pointing-device-mouse = Sagua
pointing-device-touchscreen = Ukipen-pantaila
pointing-device-pen-digitizer = Boligrafo digitalizatzailea
pointing-device-none = Erakusledun gailurik ez
+## Content Analysis (DLP)
+# DLP stands for Data Loss Prevention, an industry term for external software
+# that enterprises can set up to prevent sensitive data from being transferred
+# to external websites.
+content-analysis-title = Edukiaren analisia (DLP)
+content-analysis-active = Aktibo
+content-analysis-connected-to-agent = Agenteari konektatuta
+content-analysis-agent-path = Agentearen bidea
+content-analysis-agent-failed-signature-verification = Agenteak sinaduraren egiaztapena huts egin du
+content-analysis-request-count = Eskaera kopurua
diff --git a/l10n-eu/toolkit/toolkit/branding/brandings.ftl b/l10n-eu/toolkit/toolkit/branding/brandings.ftl
index 7ff54922b4..b5a04345ec 100644
--- a/l10n-eu/toolkit/toolkit/branding/brandings.ftl
+++ b/l10n-eu/toolkit/toolkit/branding/brandings.ftl
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
-lockwise-brand-short-name = Lockwise
-monitor-brand-name = Firefox Monitor
-monitor-brand-short-name = Monitor
+-mozmonitor-brand-name = Mozilla Monitor
-pocket-brand-name = Pocket
-send-brand-name = Firefox Send
-screenshots-brand-name = Firefox Screenshots
diff --git a/l10n-eu/toolkit/toolkit/contentanalysis/contentanalysis.ftl b/l10n-eu/toolkit/toolkit/contentanalysis/contentanalysis.ftl
index 6fbe8159b2..9b1be702be 100644
--- a/l10n-eu/toolkit/toolkit/contentanalysis/contentanalysis.ftl
+++ b/l10n-eu/toolkit/toolkit/contentanalysis/contentanalysis.ftl
@@ -1,3 +1,48 @@
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at
+contentanalysis-alert-title = Edukiaren analisia
+# Variables:
+# $content - Description of the content being warned about, such as "clipboard" or "aFile.txt"
+contentanalysis-slow-agent-notification = Edukiaren analisi-tresna denbora luze ari da hartzen "{ $content }" baliabideari erantzuteko
+contentanalysis-slow-agent-dialog-title = Edukiaren analisia lanean ari da
+# Variables:
+# $content - Description of the content being warned about, such as "clipboard" or "aFile.txt"
+contentanalysis-slow-agent-dialog-body = Edukiaren analisia "{ $content }" baliabidea ari da analizatzen
+contentanalysis-slow-agent-dialog-header = Eskaneatzen ari da
+# Variables:
+# $agent - The name of the DLP agent doing the analysis
+# $filename - Name of the file being analyzed, such as "aFile.txt"
+contentanalysis-slow-agent-dialog-body-file = "{ $filename }" zure erakundearen datu-politiken aurka berrikusten ari da { $agent }. Une bat har lezake honek.
+# Variables:
+# $agent - The name of the DLP agent doing the analysis
+contentanalysis-slow-agent-dialog-body-clipboard = Itsatsi duzuna zure erakundearen datu-politiken aurka berrikusten ari da { $agent }. Une bat har lezake honek.
+# Note that this is shown when the user drag and drops text into the browser.
+# Variables:
+# $agent - The name of the DLP agent doing the analysis
+contentanalysis-slow-agent-dialog-body-dropped-text = Jaregin duzun testua zure erakundearen datu-politiken aurka berrikusten ari da { $agent }. Une bat har lezake honek.
+contentanalysis-operationtype-clipboard = arbela
+contentanalysis-operationtype-dropped-text = jaregindako testua
+# $filename - The filename associated with the request, such as "aFile.txt"
+contentanalysis-customdisplaystring-description = "{ $filename }" igotzea
+contentanalysis-warndialogtitle = Eduki hau ez-segurua izan liteke
+# Variables:
+# $content - Description of the content being warned about, such as "clipboard" or "aFile.txt"
+contentanalysis-warndialogtext = Zure erakundeak datuen galera eragozteko softwarea darabil eta eduki hau ez-seguru gisa markatu du: { $content }. Erabili halere?
+contentanalysis-warndialog-response-allow = Erabili edukia
+contentanalysis-warndialog-response-deny = Utzi
+contentanalysis-notification-title = Edukiaren analisia
+# Variables:
+# $content - Description of the content being reported, such as "clipboard" or "aFile.txt"
+# $response - The response received from the content analysis agent, such as "REPORT_ONLY"
+contentanalysis-genericresponse-message = Edukiaren analisiak { $response } erantzun du ondorengo baliabiderako: { $content }
+# Variables:
+# $content - Description of the content being blocked, such as "clipboard" or "aFile.txt"
+contentanalysis-block-message = Zure erakundeak datuen galera eragozteko softwarea darabil eta eduki hau blokeatu egin du: { $content }.
+# Variables:
+# $content - Description of the content being blocked, such as "clipboard" or "aFile.txt"
+contentanalysis-error-message = Errorea gertatu da datu-galerak eragozteko softwarearekin komunikatzean. Transferentzia ukatu egin da ondorengo baliabiderako: { $content }.
+contentanalysis-inprogress-quit-title = Irten { -brand-shorter-name }(e)tik?
+contentanalysis-inprogress-quit-message = Hainbat ekintza lanean ari dira. { -brand-shorter-name }(e)tik irtenez gero, ekintza hauek ez dira burutuko.
+contentanalysis-inprogress-quit-yesbutton = Bai, irten
diff --git a/l10n-eu/toolkit/toolkit/formautofill/formAutofill.ftl b/l10n-eu/toolkit/toolkit/formautofill/formAutofill.ftl
index 5dae200399..bbe160d125 100644
--- a/l10n-eu/toolkit/toolkit/formautofill/formAutofill.ftl
+++ b/l10n-eu/toolkit/toolkit/formautofill/formAutofill.ftl
@@ -5,12 +5,79 @@
## OS Prompt Dialog
+# The macos string is preceded by the operating system (macOS) with "Firefox is trying to ",
+# and has a period added to its end. Make sure to test in your locale.
+autofill-use-payment-method-os-prompt-macos = erabili gordetako ordainketa metodoaren informazioa
+autofill-use-payment-method-os-prompt-windows = Gordetako ordainketa metodoen informazioa erabiltzen saiatzen ari da { -brand-short-name }. Berretsi azpian Windows kontu honetarako sarbidea.
+autofill-use-payment-method-os-prompt-other = Gordetako ordainketa metodoen informazioa erabiltzen saiatzen ari da { -brand-short-name }.
+# In macOS, this string is preceded by the operating system with "Firefox is trying to ",
+# and has a period added to its end. Make sure to test in your locale.
+autofill-edit-payment-method-os-prompt-macos = erakutsi gordetako ordainketa metodoaren informazioa
+autofill-edit-payment-method-os-prompt-windows = Gordetako ordainketa metodoen informazioa erakusten saiatzen ari da { -brand-short-name }. Berretsi azpian Windows kontu honetarako sarbidea.
+autofill-edit-payment-method-os-prompt-other = Gordetako ordainketa metodoen informazioa erakusten saiatzen ari da { -brand-short-name }.
# The links lead users to Form Autofill browser preferences.
autofill-options-link = Inprimakiak automatikoki betetzeko aukerak
autofill-options-link-osx = Inprimakiak automatikoki betetzeko hobespenak
## The credit card capture doorhanger
+# If Sync is enabled and credit card sync is available,
+# this checkbox is displayed on the doorhanger shown when saving credit card.
+credit-card-doorhanger-credit-cards-sync-checkbox = Sinkronizatu gordetako txartel guztiak nire gailuen artean
+# Used on the doorhanger when users submit payment with credit card.
+credit-card-save-doorhanger-header = Gorde txartela modu seguruan?
+credit-card-save-doorhanger-description = { -brand-short-name }(e)k zure txartel-zenbakia zifratzen du. Zure segurtasun-kodea ez da gordeko.
+credit-card-capture-save-button =
+ .label = Gorde
+ .accessKey = G
+credit-card-capture-cancel-button =
+ .label = Une honetan ez
+ .accessKey = z
+credit-card-capture-never-save-button =
+ .label = Inoiz ez gorde txartelik
+ .accessKey = n
# Used on the doorhanger when an credit card change is detected.
+credit-card-update-doorhanger-header = Eguneratu txartela?
+credit-card-update-doorhanger-description = Eguneratu beharreko txartela:
+credit-card-capture-save-new-button =
+ .label = Gorde txartel berri gisa
+ .accessKey = b
+credit-card-capture-update-button =
+ .label = Eguneratu lehendik dagoen txartela
+ .accessKey = E
+# Label for the button in the dropdown menu used to clear the populated form.
+autofill-clear-form-label = Garbitu automatikoki betetako inprimakia
+# Used as a label for the button, displayed at the bottom of the dropdown suggestion, to open Form Autofill browser preferences.
+autofill-manage-addresses-label = Kudeatu helbideak
+# Used as a label for the button, displayed at the bottom of the dropdown suggestion, to open Form Autofill browser preferences.
+autofill-manage-payment-methods-label = Kudeatu ordainketa metodoak
+## These are brand names and should only be translated when a locale-specific name for that brand is in common use
+autofill-card-network-amex = American Express
+autofill-card-network-cartebancaire = Carte Bancaire
+autofill-card-network-diners = Diners Club
+autofill-card-network-discover = Discover
+autofill-card-network-jcb = JCB
+autofill-card-network-mastercard = MasterCard
+autofill-card-network-mir = MIR
+autofill-card-network-unionpay = Union Pay
+autofill-card-network-visa = Visa
+# The warning text that is displayed for informing users what categories are
+# about to be filled. The text would be, for example,
+# Also autofills organization, phone, email.
+# Variables:
+# $categories - one or more of the categories, see autofill-category-X below
+autofill-phishing-warningmessage-extracategory = Automatikoki ere bete { $categories }
+# Variation when all are in the same category.
+# Variables:
+# $categories - one or more of the categories
+autofill-phishing-warningmessage = Automatikoki bete { $categories }
+# Used in autofill drop down suggestion to indicate what other categories Form Autofill will attempt to fill.
+autofill-category-address = helbidea
+autofill-category-name = izena
+autofill-category-organization = erakundea
+autofill-category-tel = telefonoa
+autofill-category-email = helbide elektronikoa
diff --git a/l10n-eu/toolkit/toolkit/global/arrowscrollbox.ftl b/l10n-eu/toolkit/toolkit/global/arrowscrollbox.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6fbe8159b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/toolkit/toolkit/global/arrowscrollbox.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
diff --git a/l10n-eu/toolkit/toolkit/global/commonDialog.ftl b/l10n-eu/toolkit/toolkit/global/commonDialog.ftl
index 4de6171554..dddb241c5a 100644
--- a/l10n-eu/toolkit/toolkit/global/commonDialog.ftl
+++ b/l10n-eu/toolkit/toolkit/global/commonDialog.ftl
@@ -6,12 +6,13 @@ common-dialog-title-null = Orriak dio:
common-dialog-title-system = { -brand-short-name }
# Title displayed when the origin of a web dialog is unknown.
common-dialog-title-unknown = Ezezaguna
+# An indicator showing that Firefox is waiting for an operation to finish
+common-dialog-spinner =
+ .alt = Lanpetuta
common-dialog-username =
.value = Erabiltzaile-izena
common-dialog-password =
.value = Pasahitza
common-dialog-copy-cmd =
.label = Kopiatu
.accesskey = K
diff --git a/l10n-eu/toolkit/toolkit/global/handlerDialog.ftl b/l10n-eu/toolkit/toolkit/global/handlerDialog.ftl
index bf4425371f..1620472eef 100644
--- a/l10n-eu/toolkit/toolkit/global/handlerDialog.ftl
+++ b/l10n-eu/toolkit/toolkit/global/handlerDialog.ftl
@@ -5,44 +5,21 @@
## Permission Dialog
## Variables:
-## $host - the hostname that is initiating the request
-## $scheme - the type of link that's being opened.
-## $appName - Name of the application that will be opened.
-## Permission Dialog
-## Variables:
-## $host - the hostname that is initiating the request
-## $scheme - the type of link that's being opened.
-## $appName - Name of the application that will be opened.
-## $extension - Name of extension that initiated the request
-## Permission Dialog
-## Variables:
## $host (string) - The hostname that is initiating the request
## $scheme (string) - The type of link that's being opened.
## $appName (string) - Name of the application that will be opened.
## $extension (string) - Name of extension that initiated the request
permission-dialog-description = Baimendu gune honi { $scheme } lotura irekitzen?
permission-dialog-description-file = Baimendu fitxategi honi { $scheme } lotura irekitzen?
permission-dialog-description-host = Baimendu { $host } ostalariari { $scheme } lotura irekitzen?
permission-dialog-description-extension = Baimendu { $extension } hedapenari { $scheme } lotura irekitzea?
permission-dialog-description-app = Baimendu gune honi { $scheme } lotura { $appName } erabiliz irekitzen?
permission-dialog-description-host-app = Baimendu { $host } guneari { $scheme } lotura { $appName } erabiliz irekitzen?
permission-dialog-description-file-app = Baimendu fitxategi honi { $scheme } lotura { $appName } erabiliz irekitzen?
permission-dialog-description-extension-app = Baimendu { $extension } hedapenari { $scheme } lotura { $appName } aplikazioarekin irekitzea?
-## Please keep the emphasis around the hostname and scheme (ie the
-## `<strong>` HTML tags). Please also keep the hostname as close to the start
-## of the sentence as your language's grammar allows.
+permission-dialog-description-system-app = Ireki { $scheme } lotura { $appName } erabiliz?
+permission-dialog-description-system-noapp = Ireki { $scheme } lotura?
## Please keep the emphasis around the hostname and scheme (ie the
## `<strong>` HTML tags). Please also keep the hostname as close to the start
@@ -52,9 +29,7 @@ permission-dialog-description-extension-app = Baimendu { $extension } hedapenari
## $scheme (string) - The type of link that's being opened.
permission-dialog-remember = Baimendu beti <strong>{ $host }</strong> guneari <strong>{ $scheme }</strong> loturak irekitzea
permission-dialog-remember-file = Baimendu beti fitxategi honi <strong>{ $scheme }</strong> loturak irekitzea
permission-dialog-remember-extension = Baimendu beti hedapen honi <strong>{ $scheme }</strong> loturak irekitzea
@@ -62,47 +37,34 @@ permission-dialog-remember-extension = Baimendu beti hedapen honi <strong>{ $sch
permission-dialog-btn-open-link =
.label = Ireki lotura
.accessKey = k
permission-dialog-btn-choose-app =
.label = Aukeratu aplikazioa
.accessKey = A
permission-dialog-unset-description = Aplikazioa aukeratu beharko duzu.
permission-dialog-set-change-app-link = Aukeratu beste aplikazio bat.
## Chooser dialog
## Variables:
-## $scheme - the type of link that's being opened.
-## Chooser dialog
-## Variables:
## $scheme (string) - The type of link that's being opened.
chooser-window =
.title = Aukeratu aplikazioa
.style = min-width: 26em; min-height: 26em;
chooser-dialog =
.buttonlabelaccept = Ireki lotura
.buttonaccesskeyaccept = k
chooser-dialog-description = Aukeratu { $scheme } lotura irekitzeko aplikazioa.
# Please keep the emphasis around the scheme (ie the `<strong>` HTML tags).
chooser-dialog-remember = Erabili beti aplikazio hau <strong>{ $scheme }</strong> loturak irekitzeko
chooser-dialog-remember-extra =
[windows] { -brand-short-name }(r)en aukeretan alda daiteke hau.
*[other] { -brand-short-name }(r)en hobespenetan alda daiteke hau.
choose-other-app-description = Aukeratu beste aplikazio bat
choose-app-btn =
.label = Aukeratu...
.accessKey = A
choose-other-app-window-title = Beste aplikazio bat...
# Displayed under the name of a protocol handler in the Launch Application dialog.
choose-dialog-privatebrowsing-disabled = Leiho pribatuetan desgaituta
diff --git a/l10n-eu/toolkit/toolkit/global/processTypes.ftl b/l10n-eu/toolkit/toolkit/global/processTypes.ftl
index bfc4f661f6..4b9d789e67 100644
--- a/l10n-eu/toolkit/toolkit/global/processTypes.ftl
+++ b/l10n-eu/toolkit/toolkit/global/processTypes.ftl
@@ -8,28 +8,21 @@
process-type-web = Web edukia
# process used to run privileged about pages,
# such as about:home
process-type-privilegedabout = Pribilegiodun 'honi buruz' orria
# process used to run privileged mozilla pages,
# such as
process-type-privilegedmozilla = Pribilegiodun Mozilla edukia
process-type-extension = Hedapena
# process used to open file:// URLs
process-type-file = Fitxategi lokala
# process used to isolate a webpage from other web pages
# to improve security
process-type-webisolated = Isolatutako web edukia
# process used to isolate a ServiceWorker to improve
# performance
process-type-webserviceworker = Zerbitzu-langile isolatua
# process preallocated; may change to other types
process-type-prealloc = Aurrez esleituta
@@ -39,19 +32,22 @@ process-type-prealloc = Aurrez esleituta
process-type-default = Nagusia
process-type-tab = Fitxa
# process used to communicate with the GPU for
# graphics acceleration
process-type-gpu = GPU
# process used to perform network operations
process-type-socket = Socketa
# process used to decode media
process-type-rdd = RDD
# process used to run some IPC actor in their own sandbox
process-type-utility = Isolatutako IPC aktorea
+process-type-utility-actor-audio-decoder-generic = Audio-deskodetzaile arruntaren tresna
+process-type-utility-actor-audio-decoder-applemedia = AppleMedia tresna
+process-type-utility-actor-audio-decoder-wmf = Windows Media Foundation tresna
+process-type-utility-actor-mf-media-engine = Media Foundation Engine tresna
+process-type-utility-actor-js-oracle = JavaScript Oracle tresna
+process-type-utility-actor-windows-utils = Windows Utils tresna
+process-type-utility-actor-windows-file-dialog = Windows File Dialog tresna
## Other
diff --git a/l10n-eu/toolkit/toolkit/global/textActions.ftl b/l10n-eu/toolkit/toolkit/global/textActions.ftl
index 9f8da5743e..f066ea7d00 100644
--- a/l10n-eu/toolkit/toolkit/global/textActions.ftl
+++ b/l10n-eu/toolkit/toolkit/global/textActions.ftl
@@ -62,3 +62,5 @@ text-action-spell-dictionaries =
.accesskey = H
text-action-search-text-box-clear =
.title = Garbitu
+text-action-highlight-selection =
+ .label = Nabarmendu hautapena
diff --git a/l10n-eu/toolkit/toolkit/neterror/netError.ftl b/l10n-eu/toolkit/toolkit/neterror/netError.ftl
index c4a9f2821b..fc944f994f 100644
--- a/l10n-eu/toolkit/toolkit/neterror/netError.ftl
+++ b/l10n-eu/toolkit/toolkit/neterror/netError.ftl
@@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ neterror-dns-not-found-hint-firewall = Egiaztatu { -brand-short-name }(e)k weber
## $trrDomain (String) - Hostname of the DNS over HTTPS server that is currently in use.
neterror-dns-not-found-trr-only-reason = { -brand-short-name }(e)k ezin du gune honen helbiderako zure eskaera babestu gure konfiantzazko DNS ebazlearen bidez. Hona hemen zergatik:
+neterror-dns-not-found-trr-only-reason2 = { -brand-short-name }(e)k ezin du gune honen helbiderako zure eskaera babestu gure DNS ebazle seguruaren bidez. Hona hemen zergatik:
neterror-dns-not-found-trr-third-party-warning2 = Zure DNS ebazle lehenetsiarekin jarrai dezakezu. Halere, hirugarren batentzat posible izan liteke bisitatzen dituzun webguneak ikustea.
neterror-dns-not-found-trr-only-could-not-connect = { -brand-short-name }(e) ezin izan du { $trrDomain } ostalarira konektatu.
neterror-dns-not-found-trr-only-timeout = { $trrDomain } ostalarirako konexioak uste baino denbora gehiago behar izan du.
@@ -70,6 +71,7 @@ neterror-dns-not-found-trr-unknown-problem = Ustekabeko arazoa.
## $trrDomain (String) - Hostname of the DNS over HTTPS server that is currently in use.
neterror-dns-not-found-native-fallback-reason = { -brand-short-name }(e)k ezin du gune honen helbiderako zure eskaera babestu gure konfiantzazko DNS ebazlearen bidez. Hona hemen zergatik:
+neterror-dns-not-found-native-fallback-reason2 = { -brand-short-name }(e)k ezin du gune honen helbiderako zure eskaera babestu gure DNS ebazle seguruaren bidez. Hona hemen zergatik:
neterror-dns-not-found-native-fallback-heuristic = HTTPS againeko DNSa desgaitu egin da zure sarean.
neterror-dns-not-found-native-fallback-not-confirmed2 = { -brand-short-name }(e) ezin izan du { $trrDomain } ostalarira konektatu.
diff --git a/l10n-eu/toolkit/toolkit/passwordmgr/passwordmgr.ftl b/l10n-eu/toolkit/toolkit/passwordmgr/passwordmgr.ftl
index a40ea4c381..ff3d98d3ec 100644
--- a/l10n-eu/toolkit/toolkit/passwordmgr/passwordmgr.ftl
+++ b/l10n-eu/toolkit/toolkit/passwordmgr/passwordmgr.ftl
@@ -8,6 +8,9 @@
# Variables
# $host (String) - Hostname for which the password is saved for.
password-manager-save-password-message = Gorde pasahitza { $host } gunerako?
+password-manager-save-password-button-deny =
+ .label = Une honetan ez
+ .accesskey = n
password-manager-save-password-button-allow =
.label = Gorde
.accesskey = G
@@ -17,6 +20,9 @@ password-manager-save-password-button-never =
# Variables
# $host (String) - Hostname for which the password is updated for.
password-manager-update-password-message = Eguneratu { $host } gunerako pasahitza?
+password-manager-update-password-button-delete =
+ .label = Kendu gordetako pasahitza
+ .accesskey = K
password-manager-update-login-add-username = Gehitu erabiltzaile-izena gordetako pasahitzari?
password-manager-password-password-button-allow =
.label = Eguneratu
diff --git a/l10n-eu/toolkit/toolkit/pdfviewer/viewer.ftl b/l10n-eu/toolkit/toolkit/pdfviewer/viewer.ftl
index 559863a649..1ed37397d0 100644
--- a/l10n-eu/toolkit/toolkit/pdfviewer/viewer.ftl
+++ b/l10n-eu/toolkit/toolkit/pdfviewer/viewer.ftl
@@ -301,6 +301,29 @@ pdfjs-editor-ink-button-label = Marrazkia
pdfjs-editor-stamp-button =
.title = Gehitu edo editatu irudiak
pdfjs-editor-stamp-button-label = Gehitu edo editatu irudiak
+pdfjs-editor-highlight-button =
+ .title = Nabarmendu
+pdfjs-editor-highlight-button-label = Nabarmendu
+pdfjs-highlight-floating-button =
+ .title = Nabarmendu
+pdfjs-highlight-floating-button1 =
+ .title = Nabarmendu
+ .aria-label = Nabarmendu
+pdfjs-highlight-floating-button-label = Nabarmendu
+## Remove button for the various kind of editor.
+pdfjs-editor-remove-ink-button =
+ .title = Kendu marrazkia
+pdfjs-editor-remove-freetext-button =
+ .title = Kendu testua
+pdfjs-editor-remove-stamp-button =
+ .title = Kendu irudia
+pdfjs-editor-remove-highlight-button =
+ .title = Kendu nabarmentzea
# Editor Parameters
pdfjs-editor-free-text-color-input = Kolorea
pdfjs-editor-free-text-size-input = Tamaina
@@ -310,6 +333,10 @@ pdfjs-editor-ink-opacity-input = Opakutasuna
pdfjs-editor-stamp-add-image-button =
.title = Gehitu irudia
pdfjs-editor-stamp-add-image-button-label = Gehitu irudia
+# This refers to the thickness of the line used for free highlighting (not bound to text)
+pdfjs-editor-free-highlight-thickness-input = Loditasuna
+pdfjs-editor-free-highlight-thickness-title =
+ .title = Aldatu loditasuna testua ez beste elementuak nabarmentzean
pdfjs-free-text =
.aria-label = Testu-editorea
pdfjs-free-text-default-content = Hasi idazten…
@@ -347,3 +374,29 @@ pdfjs-editor-resizer-label-bottom-right = Beheko eskuineko izkina — aldatu tam
pdfjs-editor-resizer-label-bottom-middle = Behean erdian — aldatu tamaina
pdfjs-editor-resizer-label-bottom-left = Beheko ezkerreko izkina — aldatu tamaina
pdfjs-editor-resizer-label-middle-left = Erdian ezkerrean — aldatu tamaina
+## Color picker
+# This means "Color used to highlight text"
+pdfjs-editor-highlight-colorpicker-label = Nabarmentze kolorea
+pdfjs-editor-colorpicker-button =
+ .title = Aldatu kolorea
+pdfjs-editor-colorpicker-dropdown =
+ .aria-label = Kolore-aukerak
+pdfjs-editor-colorpicker-yellow =
+ .title = Horia
+pdfjs-editor-colorpicker-green =
+ .title = Berdea
+pdfjs-editor-colorpicker-blue =
+ .title = Urdina
+pdfjs-editor-colorpicker-pink =
+ .title = Arrosa
+pdfjs-editor-colorpicker-red =
+ .title = Gorria
+## Show all highlights
+## This is a toggle button to show/hide all the highlights.
+pdfjs-editor-highlight-show-all-button-label = Erakutsi denak
+pdfjs-editor-highlight-show-all-button =
+ .title = Erakutsi denak
diff --git a/l10n-eu/toolkit/toolkit/preferences/preferences.ftl b/l10n-eu/toolkit/toolkit/preferences/preferences.ftl
index d702ce46a8..810967a20d 100644
--- a/l10n-eu/toolkit/toolkit/preferences/preferences.ftl
+++ b/l10n-eu/toolkit/toolkit/preferences/preferences.ftl
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ set-password-reenter-password = Idatzi berriz pasahitza:
set-password-meter = Pasahitzaren kalitate neurgailua
set-password-meter-loading = Kargatzen
primary-password-admin = Saio-hasierak eta pasahitzak gordetzeko, pasahitz nagusia ezartzea eskatzen du zure administratzaileak.
+primary-password-required-by-policy = Saio-hasierak eta pasahitzak gordetzeko, pasahitz nagusia ezartzea eskatzen du zure erakundeak.
primary-password-description = Pasahitz nagusia gailu honetan kontuzko informazioa babesteko erabiltzen da, hala nola saio-hasierak eta pasahitzak. Pasahitz nagusia sortzen baduzu, saioan behin sartzeko eskatuko zaizu, { -brand-short-name }(e)k pasahitz bitartez babestutako informazioa behar duenean.
primary-password-warning = Ziurta zaitez ezarritako pasahitz nagusia gogoratzen duzula. Zure pasahitz nagusia ahazten baduzu, ez duzu honek gailu honetan babestutako inongo informaziorako sarbiderik izango.
remove-primary-password =