path: root/testing/web-platform/tests/webidl/ecmascript-binding/window-named-properties-object.html
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diff --git a/testing/web-platform/tests/webidl/ecmascript-binding/window-named-properties-object.html b/testing/web-platform/tests/webidl/ecmascript-binding/window-named-properties-object.html
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+++ b/testing/web-platform/tests/webidl/ecmascript-binding/window-named-properties-object.html
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+<!doctype html>
+<meta charset="utf-8">
+<title>Internal methods of Window's named properties object</title>
+<link rel="help" href="">
+<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
+<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
+function sloppyModeSet(base, key, value) { base[key] = value; }
+"use strict";
+const supportedNonIndex = "supported non-index property name";
+const supportedIndex = "supported indexed property name";
+const unsupportedNonIndex = "unsupported non-index property name";
+const unsupportedIndex = "unsupported indexed property name";
+const existingSymbol = "existing symbol property name";
+const nonExistingSymbol = "non-existing symbol property name";
+test(t => {
+ const { w, wp } = createWindowProperties(t);
+ Object.setPrototypeOf(wp, w.EventTarget.prototype); // Setting current [[Prototype]] value shouldn't throw
+ assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => { Object.setPrototypeOf(wp, {}); });
+ assert_throws_js(w.TypeError, () => { wp.__proto__ = null; });
+ assert_false(Reflect.setPrototypeOf(wp, w.Object.prototype));
+ assert_equals(Object.getPrototypeOf(wp), w.EventTarget.prototype);
+}, "[[SetPrototypeOf]] and [[GetPrototypeOf]]");
+test(t => {
+ const { wp } = createWindowProperties(t);
+ assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => { Object.preventExtensions(wp); });
+ assert_false(Reflect.preventExtensions(wp));
+ assert_true(Object.isExtensible(wp));
+}, "[[PreventExtensions]] and [[IsExtensible]]");
+test(t => {
+ const { w, wp } = createWindowProperties(t);
+ const elA = appendElementWithId(w, "a");
+ const el0 = appendIframeWithName(w, 0);
+ assert_prop_desc(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(wp, "a"), elA, supportedNonIndex);
+ assert_prop_desc(Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(wp, 0), el0, supportedIndex);
+ assert_equals(Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(wp, "b"), undefined, unsupportedNonIndex);
+ assert_equals(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(wp, 1), undefined, unsupportedIndex);
+}, "[[GetOwnProperty]]");
+test(t => {
+ const { w, wp } = createWindowProperties(t);
+ appendIframeWithName(w, "hasOwnProperty");
+ appendFormWithName(w, "addEventListener");
+ appendElementWithId(w, "a");
+ appendIframeWithName(w, 0);
+ w.Object.prototype.a = {};
+ w.EventTarget.prototype[0] = {};
+ // These are shadowed by properties higher in [[Prototype]] chain. See
+ assert_equals(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(wp, "hasOwnProperty"), undefined, supportedNonIndex);
+ assert_equals(Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(wp, "addEventListener"), undefined, supportedNonIndex);
+ assert_equals(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(wp, "a"), undefined, supportedNonIndex);
+ assert_equals(Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(wp, 0), undefined, supportedIndex);
+}, "[[GetOwnProperty]] (named property visibility algorithm)");
+test(t => {
+ const { w, wp } = createWindowProperties(t);
+ appendElementWithId(w, "a");
+ appendFormWithName(w, 0);
+ assert_define_own_property_fails(wp, "a", {}, supportedNonIndex);
+ assert_define_own_property_fails(wp, 0, {}, supportedIndex);
+ assert_define_own_property_fails(wp, "b", {}, unsupportedNonIndex);
+ assert_define_own_property_fails(wp, 1, {}, unsupportedIndex);
+ assert_define_own_property_fails(wp, Symbol.toStringTag, {}, existingSymbol);
+ assert_define_own_property_fails(wp, Symbol(), {}, nonExistingSymbol);
+}, "[[DefineOwnProperty]]");
+test(t => {
+ const { w, wp } = createWindowProperties(t);
+ appendFormWithName(w, "a");
+ appendElementWithId(w, 0);
+ assert_true("a" in wp, supportedNonIndex);
+ assert_true(Reflect.has(wp, "a"), supportedNonIndex);
+ assert_true(0 in wp, supportedIndex);
+ assert_true(Reflect.has(wp, 0), supportedIndex);
+ assert_false("b" in wp, unsupportedNonIndex);
+ assert_false(Reflect.has(wp, 1), unsupportedIndex);
+}, "[[HasProperty]]");
+test(t => {
+ const { w, wp } = createWindowProperties(t);
+ const elA = appendFormWithName(w, "a");
+ const el0 = appendIframeWithName(w, 0);
+ assert_equals(wp.a, elA, supportedNonIndex);
+ assert_equals(wp[0], el0, supportedIndex);
+ assert_equals(wp[Symbol.toStringTag], "WindowProperties", existingSymbol);
+ assert_equals(wp.b, undefined, unsupportedNonIndex);
+ assert_equals(wp[1], undefined, unsupportedIndex);
+ assert_equals(wp[Symbol.iterator], undefined, nonExistingSymbol);
+}, "[[Get]]");
+test(t => {
+ const { w, wp } = createWindowProperties(t);
+ appendIframeWithName(w, "isPrototypeOf");
+ appendFormWithName(w, "dispatchEvent");
+ appendElementWithId(w, "a");
+ appendElementWithId(w, 0);
+ w.EventTarget.prototype.a = 10;
+ w.Object.prototype[0] = 20;
+ // These are shadowed by properties higher in [[Prototype]] chain. See
+ assert_equals(wp.isPrototypeOf, w.Object.prototype.isPrototypeOf, supportedNonIndex);
+ assert_equals(wp.dispatchEvent, w.EventTarget.prototype.dispatchEvent, supportedNonIndex);
+ assert_equals(wp.a, 10, supportedNonIndex);
+ assert_equals(wp[0], 20, supportedIndex);
+}, "[[Get]] (named property visibility algorithm)");
+test(t => {
+ const { w, wp } = createWindowProperties(t);
+ const elA = appendIframeWithName(w, "a");
+ const el0 = appendFormWithName(w, 0);
+ assert_set_fails(wp, "a", supportedNonIndex);
+ assert_set_fails(wp, "b", unsupportedNonIndex);
+ assert_set_fails(wp, 0, supportedIndex);
+ assert_set_fails(wp, 1, unsupportedIndex);
+ assert_set_fails(wp, Symbol.toStringTag, existingSymbol);
+ assert_set_fails(wp, Symbol(), nonExistingSymbol);
+ assert_equals(wp.a, elA, supportedNonIndex);
+ assert_equals(wp[0], el0, supportedIndex);
+ assert_equals(wp.b, undefined, unsupportedNonIndex);
+ assert_equals(wp[1], undefined, unsupportedIndex);
+}, "[[Set]] (direct)");
+test(t => {
+ const { w, wp } = createWindowProperties(t);
+ const receiver = Object.create(wp);
+ appendIframeWithName(w, "a");
+ appendElementWithId(w, 0);
+ let setterThisValue;
+ Object.defineProperty(w.Object.prototype, 1, { set() { setterThisValue = this; } });
+ Object.defineProperty(w.EventTarget.prototype, "b", { writable: false });
+ receiver.a = 10;
+ assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => { receiver.b = {}; }, unsupportedNonIndex);
+ receiver[0] = 20;
+ receiver[1] = {};
+ assert_equals(receiver.a, 10, supportedNonIndex);
+ assert_equals(receiver[0], 20, supportedIndex);
+ assert_false(receiver.hasOwnProperty("b"), unsupportedNonIndex);
+ assert_false(receiver.hasOwnProperty(1), unsupportedIndex);
+ assert_equals(setterThisValue, receiver, "setter |this| value is receiver");
+}, "[[Set]] (prototype chain)");
+test(t => {
+ const { w, wp } = createWindowProperties(t);
+ const receiver = {};
+ appendFormWithName(w, "a");
+ appendIframeWithName(w, 0);
+ let setterThisValue;
+ Object.defineProperty(w.Object.prototype, "b", { set() { setterThisValue = this; } });
+ Object.defineProperty(w.EventTarget.prototype, 1, { writable: false });
+ assert_true(Reflect.set(wp, "a", 10, receiver), supportedNonIndex);
+ assert_true(Reflect.set(wp, 0, 20, receiver), supportedIndex);
+ assert_true(Reflect.set(wp, "b", {}, receiver), unsupportedNonIndex);
+ assert_false(Reflect.set(wp, 1, {}, receiver), unsupportedIndex);
+ assert_equals(receiver.a, 10, supportedNonIndex);
+ assert_equals(receiver[0], 20, supportedIndex);
+ assert_false(receiver.hasOwnProperty("b"), unsupportedNonIndex);
+ assert_equals(setterThisValue, receiver, "setter |this| value is receiver");
+ assert_false(receiver.hasOwnProperty(1), unsupportedIndex);
+}, "[[Set]] (Reflect.set)");
+test(t => {
+ const { w, wp } = createWindowProperties(t);
+ const elA = appendFormWithName(w, "a");
+ const el0 = appendElementWithId(w, 0);
+ assert_delete_fails(wp, "a", supportedNonIndex);
+ assert_delete_fails(wp, 0, supportedIndex);
+ assert_delete_fails(wp, "b", unsupportedNonIndex);
+ assert_delete_fails(wp, 1, unsupportedIndex);
+ assert_delete_fails(wp, Symbol.toStringTag, existingSymbol);
+ assert_delete_fails(wp, Symbol("foo"), nonExistingSymbol);
+ assert_equals(wp.a, elA, supportedNonIndex);
+ assert_equals(wp[0], el0, supportedIndex);
+ assert_equals(wp[Symbol.toStringTag], "WindowProperties", existingSymbol);
+}, "[[Delete]]");
+test(t => {
+ const { w, wp } = createWindowProperties(t);
+ appendIframeWithName(w, "a");
+ appendElementWithId(w, 0);
+ appendFormWithName(w, "b");
+ const forInKeys = [];
+ for (const key in wp)
+ forInKeys.push(key);
+ assert_array_equals(forInKeys, Object.keys(w.EventTarget.prototype));
+ assert_array_equals(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(wp), []);
+ assert_array_equals(Reflect.ownKeys(wp), [Symbol.toStringTag]);
+}, "[[OwnPropertyKeys]]");
+function createWindowProperties(t) {
+ const iframe = document.createElement("iframe");
+ document.body.append(iframe);
+ t.add_cleanup(() => { iframe.remove(); });
+ const w = iframe.contentWindow;
+ const wp = Object.getPrototypeOf(w.Window.prototype);
+ return { w, wp };
+function appendIframeWithName(w, name) {
+ const el = w.document.createElement("iframe");
+ = name;
+ w.document.body.append(el);
+ return el.contentWindow;
+function appendFormWithName(w, name) {
+ const el = w.document.createElement("form");
+ = name;
+ w.document.body.append(el);
+ return el;
+function appendElementWithId(w, id) {
+ const el = w.document.createElement("div");
+ = id;
+ w.document.body.append(el);
+ return el;
+function assert_prop_desc(desc, value, testInfo) {
+ assert_equals(typeof desc, "object", `${testInfo} typeof desc`);
+ assert_equals(desc.value, value, `${testInfo} [[Value]]`);
+ assert_true(desc.writable, `${testInfo} [[Writable]]`);
+ assert_false(desc.enumerable, `${testInfo} [[Enumerable]]`);
+ assert_true(desc.configurable, `${testInfo} [[Configurable]]`);
+function assert_define_own_property_fails(object, key, desc, testInfo) {
+ assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => { Object.defineProperty(object, key, desc); }, testInfo);
+ assert_false(Reflect.defineProperty(object, key, desc), testInfo);
+function assert_set_fails(object, key, value, testInfo) {
+ sloppyModeSet(object, key, value);
+ assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => { object[key] = value; }, testInfo);
+ assert_false(Reflect.set(object, key, value), testInfo);
+function assert_delete_fails(object, key, testInfo) {
+ assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => { delete object[key]; }, testInfo);
+ assert_false(Reflect.deleteProperty(object, key), testInfo);