path: root/third_party/libwebrtc/modules/audio_processing/agc2/
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Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/libwebrtc/modules/audio_processing/agc2/')
1 files changed, 580 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/libwebrtc/modules/audio_processing/agc2/ b/third_party/libwebrtc/modules/audio_processing/agc2/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bcc650fb3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libwebrtc/modules/audio_processing/agc2/
@@ -0,0 +1,580 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+ * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+ * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+ * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
+ * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+ */
+#include "modules/audio_processing/agc2/input_volume_controller.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cmath>
+#include "api/array_view.h"
+#include "modules/audio_processing/agc2/gain_map_internal.h"
+#include "modules/audio_processing/agc2/input_volume_stats_reporter.h"
+#include "modules/audio_processing/include/audio_frame_view.h"
+#include "rtc_base/checks.h"
+#include "rtc_base/logging.h"
+#include "rtc_base/numerics/safe_minmax.h"
+#include "system_wrappers/include/field_trial.h"
+#include "system_wrappers/include/metrics.h"
+namespace webrtc {
+namespace {
+// Amount of error we tolerate in the microphone input volume (presumably due to
+// OS quantization) before we assume the user has manually adjusted the volume.
+constexpr int kVolumeQuantizationSlack = 25;
+constexpr int kMaxInputVolume = 255;
+static_assert(kGainMapSize > kMaxInputVolume, "gain map too small");
+// Maximum absolute RMS error.
+constexpr int KMaxAbsRmsErrorDbfs = 15;
+static_assert(KMaxAbsRmsErrorDbfs > 0, "");
+using Agc1ClippingPredictorConfig = AudioProcessing::Config::GainController1::
+ AnalogGainController::ClippingPredictor;
+// TODO(webrtc:7494): Hardcode clipping predictor parameters and remove this
+// function after no longer needed in the ctor.
+Agc1ClippingPredictorConfig CreateClippingPredictorConfig(bool enabled) {
+ Agc1ClippingPredictorConfig config;
+ config.enabled = enabled;
+ return config;
+// Returns an input volume in the [`min_input_volume`, `kMaxInputVolume`] range
+// that reduces `gain_error_db`, which is a gain error estimated when
+// `input_volume` was applied, according to a fixed gain map.
+int ComputeVolumeUpdate(int gain_error_db,
+ int input_volume,
+ int min_input_volume) {
+ RTC_DCHECK_GE(input_volume, 0);
+ RTC_DCHECK_LE(input_volume, kMaxInputVolume);
+ if (gain_error_db == 0) {
+ return input_volume;
+ }
+ int new_volume = input_volume;
+ if (gain_error_db > 0) {
+ while (kGainMap[new_volume] - kGainMap[input_volume] < gain_error_db &&
+ new_volume < kMaxInputVolume) {
+ ++new_volume;
+ }
+ } else {
+ while (kGainMap[new_volume] - kGainMap[input_volume] > gain_error_db &&
+ new_volume > min_input_volume) {
+ --new_volume;
+ }
+ }
+ return new_volume;
+// Returns the proportion of samples in the buffer which are at full-scale
+// (and presumably clipped).
+float ComputeClippedRatio(const float* const* audio,
+ size_t num_channels,
+ size_t samples_per_channel) {
+ RTC_DCHECK_GT(samples_per_channel, 0);
+ int num_clipped = 0;
+ for (size_t ch = 0; ch < num_channels; ++ch) {
+ int num_clipped_in_ch = 0;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < samples_per_channel; ++i) {
+ RTC_DCHECK(audio[ch]);
+ if (audio[ch][i] >= 32767.0f || audio[ch][i] <= -32768.0f) {
+ ++num_clipped_in_ch;
+ }
+ }
+ num_clipped = std::max(num_clipped, num_clipped_in_ch);
+ }
+ return static_cast<float>(num_clipped) / (samples_per_channel);
+void LogClippingMetrics(int clipping_rate) {
+ RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "[AGC2] Input clipping rate: " << clipping_rate << "%";
+ RTC_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS_LINEAR(/*name=*/"WebRTC.Audio.Agc.InputClippingRate",
+ /*sample=*/clipping_rate, /*min=*/0, /*max=*/100,
+ /*bucket_count=*/50);
+// Compares `speech_level_dbfs` to the [`target_range_min_dbfs`,
+// `target_range_max_dbfs`] range and returns the error to be compensated via
+// input volume adjustment. Returns a positive value when the level is below
+// the range, a negative value when the level is above the range, zero
+// otherwise.
+int GetSpeechLevelRmsErrorDb(float speech_level_dbfs,
+ int target_range_min_dbfs,
+ int target_range_max_dbfs) {
+ constexpr float kMinSpeechLevelDbfs = -90.0f;
+ constexpr float kMaxSpeechLevelDbfs = 30.0f;
+ RTC_DCHECK_GE(speech_level_dbfs, kMinSpeechLevelDbfs);
+ RTC_DCHECK_LE(speech_level_dbfs, kMaxSpeechLevelDbfs);
+ speech_level_dbfs = rtc::SafeClamp<float>(
+ speech_level_dbfs, kMinSpeechLevelDbfs, kMaxSpeechLevelDbfs);
+ int rms_error_db = 0;
+ if (speech_level_dbfs > target_range_max_dbfs) {
+ rms_error_db = std::round(target_range_max_dbfs - speech_level_dbfs);
+ } else if (speech_level_dbfs < target_range_min_dbfs) {
+ rms_error_db = std::round(target_range_min_dbfs - speech_level_dbfs);
+ }
+ return rms_error_db;
+} // namespace
+ int min_input_volume_after_clipping,
+ int min_input_volume,
+ int update_input_volume_wait_frames,
+ float speech_probability_threshold,
+ float speech_ratio_threshold)
+ : min_input_volume_(min_input_volume),
+ min_input_volume_after_clipping_(min_input_volume_after_clipping),
+ max_input_volume_(kMaxInputVolume),
+ update_input_volume_wait_frames_(
+ std::max(update_input_volume_wait_frames, 1)),
+ speech_probability_threshold_(speech_probability_threshold),
+ speech_ratio_threshold_(speech_ratio_threshold) {
+ RTC_DCHECK_GE(min_input_volume_, 0);
+ RTC_DCHECK_LE(min_input_volume_, 255);
+ RTC_DCHECK_GE(min_input_volume_after_clipping_, 0);
+ RTC_DCHECK_LE(min_input_volume_after_clipping_, 255);
+ RTC_DCHECK_GE(max_input_volume_, 0);
+ RTC_DCHECK_LE(max_input_volume_, 255);
+ RTC_DCHECK_GE(update_input_volume_wait_frames_, 0);
+ RTC_DCHECK_GE(speech_probability_threshold_, 0.0f);
+ RTC_DCHECK_LE(speech_probability_threshold_, 1.0f);
+ RTC_DCHECK_GE(speech_ratio_threshold_, 0.0f);
+ RTC_DCHECK_LE(speech_ratio_threshold_, 1.0f);
+MonoInputVolumeController::~MonoInputVolumeController() = default;
+void MonoInputVolumeController::Initialize() {
+ max_input_volume_ = kMaxInputVolume;
+ capture_output_used_ = true;
+ check_volume_on_next_process_ = true;
+ frames_since_update_input_volume_ = 0;
+ speech_frames_since_update_input_volume_ = 0;
+ is_first_frame_ = true;
+// A speeh segment is considered active if at least
+// `update_input_volume_wait_frames_` new frames have been processed since the
+// previous update and the ratio of non-silence frames (i.e., frames with a
+// `speech_probability` higher than `speech_probability_threshold_`) is at least
+// `speech_ratio_threshold_`.
+void MonoInputVolumeController::Process(absl::optional<int> rms_error_db,
+ float speech_probability) {
+ if (check_volume_on_next_process_) {
+ check_volume_on_next_process_ = false;
+ // We have to wait until the first process call to check the volume,
+ // because Chromium doesn't guarantee it to be valid any earlier.
+ CheckVolumeAndReset();
+ }
+ // Count frames with a high speech probability as speech.
+ if (speech_probability >= speech_probability_threshold_) {
+ ++speech_frames_since_update_input_volume_;
+ }
+ // Reset the counters and maybe update the input volume.
+ if (++frames_since_update_input_volume_ >= update_input_volume_wait_frames_) {
+ const float speech_ratio =
+ static_cast<float>(speech_frames_since_update_input_volume_) /
+ static_cast<float>(update_input_volume_wait_frames_);
+ // Always reset the counters regardless of whether the volume changes or
+ // not.
+ frames_since_update_input_volume_ = 0;
+ speech_frames_since_update_input_volume_ = 0;
+ // Update the input volume if allowed.
+ if (!is_first_frame_ && speech_ratio >= speech_ratio_threshold_ &&
+ rms_error_db.has_value()) {
+ UpdateInputVolume(*rms_error_db);
+ }
+ }
+ is_first_frame_ = false;
+void MonoInputVolumeController::HandleClipping(int clipped_level_step) {
+ RTC_DCHECK_GT(clipped_level_step, 0);
+ // Always decrease the maximum input volume, even if the current input volume
+ // is below threshold.
+ SetMaxLevel(std::max(min_input_volume_after_clipping_,
+ max_input_volume_ - clipped_level_step));
+ if (log_to_histograms_) {
+ RTC_HISTOGRAM_BOOLEAN("WebRTC.Audio.AgcClippingAdjustmentAllowed",
+ last_recommended_input_volume_ - clipped_level_step >=
+ min_input_volume_after_clipping_);
+ }
+ if (last_recommended_input_volume_ > min_input_volume_after_clipping_) {
+ // Don't try to adjust the input volume if we're already below the limit. As
+ // a consequence, if the user has brought the input volume above the limit,
+ // we will still not react until the postproc updates the input volume.
+ SetInputVolume(
+ std::max(min_input_volume_after_clipping_,
+ last_recommended_input_volume_ - clipped_level_step));
+ frames_since_update_input_volume_ = 0;
+ speech_frames_since_update_input_volume_ = 0;
+ is_first_frame_ = false;
+ }
+void MonoInputVolumeController::SetInputVolume(int new_volume) {
+ int applied_input_volume = recommended_input_volume_;
+ if (applied_input_volume == 0) {
+ << "[AGC2] The applied input volume is zero, taking no action.";
+ return;
+ }
+ if (applied_input_volume < 0 || applied_input_volume > kMaxInputVolume) {
+ RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "[AGC2] Invalid value for the applied input volume: "
+ << applied_input_volume;
+ return;
+ }
+ // Detect manual input volume adjustments by checking if the
+ // `applied_input_volume` is outside of the `[last_recommended_input_volume_ -
+ // kVolumeQuantizationSlack, last_recommended_input_volume_ +
+ // kVolumeQuantizationSlack]` range.
+ if (applied_input_volume >
+ last_recommended_input_volume_ + kVolumeQuantizationSlack ||
+ applied_input_volume <
+ last_recommended_input_volume_ - kVolumeQuantizationSlack) {
+ << "[AGC2] The input volume was manually adjusted. Updating "
+ "stored input volume from "
+ << last_recommended_input_volume_ << " to " << applied_input_volume;
+ last_recommended_input_volume_ = applied_input_volume;
+ // Always allow the user to increase the volume.
+ if (last_recommended_input_volume_ > max_input_volume_) {
+ SetMaxLevel(last_recommended_input_volume_);
+ }
+ // Take no action in this case, since we can't be sure when the volume
+ // was manually adjusted.
+ frames_since_update_input_volume_ = 0;
+ speech_frames_since_update_input_volume_ = 0;
+ is_first_frame_ = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ new_volume = std::min(new_volume, max_input_volume_);
+ if (new_volume == last_recommended_input_volume_) {
+ return;
+ }
+ recommended_input_volume_ = new_volume;
+ RTC_DLOG(LS_INFO) << "[AGC2] Applied input volume: " << applied_input_volume
+ << " | last recommended input volume: "
+ << last_recommended_input_volume_
+ << " | newly recommended input volume: " << new_volume;
+ last_recommended_input_volume_ = new_volume;
+void MonoInputVolumeController::SetMaxLevel(int input_volume) {
+ RTC_DCHECK_GE(input_volume, min_input_volume_after_clipping_);
+ max_input_volume_ = input_volume;
+ RTC_DLOG(LS_INFO) << "[AGC2] Maximum input volume updated: "
+ << max_input_volume_;
+void MonoInputVolumeController::HandleCaptureOutputUsedChange(
+ bool capture_output_used) {
+ if (capture_output_used_ == capture_output_used) {
+ return;
+ }
+ capture_output_used_ = capture_output_used;
+ if (capture_output_used) {
+ // When we start using the output, we should reset things to be safe.
+ check_volume_on_next_process_ = true;
+ }
+int MonoInputVolumeController::CheckVolumeAndReset() {
+ int input_volume = recommended_input_volume_;
+ // Reasons for taking action at startup:
+ // 1) A person starting a call is expected to be heard.
+ // 2) Independent of interpretation of `input_volume` == 0 we should raise it
+ // so the AGC can do its job properly.
+ if (input_volume == 0 && !startup_) {
+ << "[AGC2] The applied input volume is zero, taking no action.";
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (input_volume < 0 || input_volume > kMaxInputVolume) {
+ RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "[AGC2] Invalid value for the applied input volume: "
+ << input_volume;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ RTC_DLOG(LS_INFO) << "[AGC2] Initial input volume: " << input_volume;
+ if (input_volume < min_input_volume_) {
+ input_volume = min_input_volume_;
+ << "[AGC2] The initial input volume is too low, raising to "
+ << input_volume;
+ recommended_input_volume_ = input_volume;
+ }
+ last_recommended_input_volume_ = input_volume;
+ startup_ = false;
+ frames_since_update_input_volume_ = 0;
+ speech_frames_since_update_input_volume_ = 0;
+ is_first_frame_ = true;
+ return 0;
+void MonoInputVolumeController::UpdateInputVolume(int rms_error_db) {
+ RTC_DLOG(LS_INFO) << "[AGC2] RMS error: " << rms_error_db << " dB";
+ // Prevent too large microphone input volume changes by clamping the RMS
+ // error.
+ rms_error_db =
+ rtc::SafeClamp(rms_error_db, -KMaxAbsRmsErrorDbfs, KMaxAbsRmsErrorDbfs);
+ if (rms_error_db == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ SetInputVolume(ComputeVolumeUpdate(
+ rms_error_db, last_recommended_input_volume_, min_input_volume_));
+InputVolumeController::InputVolumeController(int num_capture_channels,
+ const Config& config)
+ : num_capture_channels_(num_capture_channels),
+ min_input_volume_(config.min_input_volume),
+ capture_output_used_(true),
+ clipped_level_step_(config.clipped_level_step),
+ clipped_ratio_threshold_(config.clipped_ratio_threshold),
+ clipped_wait_frames_(config.clipped_wait_frames),
+ clipping_predictor_(CreateClippingPredictor(
+ num_capture_channels,
+ CreateClippingPredictorConfig(config.enable_clipping_predictor))),
+ use_clipping_predictor_step_(
+ !!clipping_predictor_ &&
+ CreateClippingPredictorConfig(config.enable_clipping_predictor)
+ .use_predicted_step),
+ frames_since_clipped_(config.clipped_wait_frames),
+ clipping_rate_log_counter_(0),
+ clipping_rate_log_(0.0f),
+ target_range_max_dbfs_(config.target_range_max_dbfs),
+ target_range_min_dbfs_(config.target_range_min_dbfs),
+ channel_controllers_(num_capture_channels) {
+ << "[AGC2] Input volume controller enabled. Minimum input volume: "
+ << min_input_volume_;
+ for (auto& controller : channel_controllers_) {
+ controller = std::make_unique<MonoInputVolumeController>(
+ config.clipped_level_min, min_input_volume_,
+ config.update_input_volume_wait_frames,
+ config.speech_probability_threshold, config.speech_ratio_threshold);
+ }
+ RTC_DCHECK(!channel_controllers_.empty());
+ RTC_DCHECK_GT(clipped_level_step_, 0);
+ RTC_DCHECK_LE(clipped_level_step_, 255);
+ RTC_DCHECK_GT(clipped_ratio_threshold_, 0.0f);
+ RTC_DCHECK_LT(clipped_ratio_threshold_, 1.0f);
+ RTC_DCHECK_GT(clipped_wait_frames_, 0);
+ channel_controllers_[0]->ActivateLogging();
+InputVolumeController::~InputVolumeController() {}
+void InputVolumeController::Initialize() {
+ for (auto& controller : channel_controllers_) {
+ controller->Initialize();
+ }
+ capture_output_used_ = true;
+ AggregateChannelLevels();
+ clipping_rate_log_ = 0.0f;
+ clipping_rate_log_counter_ = 0;
+ applied_input_volume_ = absl::nullopt;
+void InputVolumeController::AnalyzeInputAudio(int applied_input_volume,
+ const AudioBuffer& audio_buffer) {
+ RTC_DCHECK_GE(applied_input_volume, 0);
+ RTC_DCHECK_LE(applied_input_volume, 255);
+ SetAppliedInputVolume(applied_input_volume);
+ RTC_DCHECK_EQ(audio_buffer.num_channels(), channel_controllers_.size());
+ const float* const* audio = audio_buffer.channels_const();
+ size_t samples_per_channel = audio_buffer.num_frames();
+ RTC_DCHECK(audio);
+ AggregateChannelLevels();
+ if (!capture_output_used_) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!!clipping_predictor_) {
+ AudioFrameView<const float> frame = AudioFrameView<const float>(
+ audio, num_capture_channels_, static_cast<int>(samples_per_channel));
+ clipping_predictor_->Analyze(frame);
+ }
+ // Check for clipped samples. We do this in the preprocessing phase in order
+ // to catch clipped echo as well.
+ //
+ // If we find a sufficiently clipped frame, drop the current microphone
+ // input volume and enforce a new maximum input volume, dropped the same
+ // amount from the current maximum. This harsh treatment is an effort to avoid
+ // repeated clipped echo events.
+ float clipped_ratio =
+ ComputeClippedRatio(audio, num_capture_channels_, samples_per_channel);
+ clipping_rate_log_ = std::max(clipped_ratio, clipping_rate_log_);
+ clipping_rate_log_counter_++;
+ constexpr int kNumFramesIn30Seconds = 3000;
+ if (clipping_rate_log_counter_ == kNumFramesIn30Seconds) {
+ LogClippingMetrics(std::round(100.0f * clipping_rate_log_));
+ clipping_rate_log_ = 0.0f;
+ clipping_rate_log_counter_ = 0;
+ }
+ if (frames_since_clipped_ < clipped_wait_frames_) {
+ ++frames_since_clipped_;
+ return;
+ }
+ const bool clipping_detected = clipped_ratio > clipped_ratio_threshold_;
+ bool clipping_predicted = false;
+ int predicted_step = 0;
+ if (!!clipping_predictor_) {
+ for (int channel = 0; channel < num_capture_channels_; ++channel) {
+ const auto step = clipping_predictor_->EstimateClippedLevelStep(
+ channel, recommended_input_volume_, clipped_level_step_,
+ channel_controllers_[channel]->min_input_volume_after_clipping(),
+ kMaxInputVolume);
+ if (step.has_value()) {
+ predicted_step = std::max(predicted_step, step.value());
+ clipping_predicted = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (clipping_detected) {
+ RTC_DLOG(LS_INFO) << "[AGC2] Clipping detected (ratio: " << clipped_ratio
+ << ")";
+ }
+ int step = clipped_level_step_;
+ if (clipping_predicted) {
+ predicted_step = std::max(predicted_step, clipped_level_step_);
+ RTC_DLOG(LS_INFO) << "[AGC2] Clipping predicted (volume down step: "
+ << predicted_step << ")";
+ if (use_clipping_predictor_step_) {
+ step = predicted_step;
+ }
+ }
+ if (clipping_detected ||
+ (clipping_predicted && use_clipping_predictor_step_)) {
+ for (auto& state_ch : channel_controllers_) {
+ state_ch->HandleClipping(step);
+ }
+ frames_since_clipped_ = 0;
+ if (!!clipping_predictor_) {
+ clipping_predictor_->Reset();
+ }
+ }
+ AggregateChannelLevels();
+absl::optional<int> InputVolumeController::RecommendInputVolume(
+ float speech_probability,
+ absl::optional<float> speech_level_dbfs) {
+ // Only process if applied input volume is set.
+ if (!applied_input_volume_.has_value()) {
+ RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "[AGC2] Applied input volume not set.";
+ return absl::nullopt;
+ }
+ AggregateChannelLevels();
+ const int volume_after_clipping_handling = recommended_input_volume_;
+ if (!capture_output_used_) {
+ return applied_input_volume_;
+ }
+ absl::optional<int> rms_error_db;
+ if (speech_level_dbfs.has_value()) {
+ // Compute the error for all frames (both speech and non-speech frames).
+ rms_error_db = GetSpeechLevelRmsErrorDb(
+ *speech_level_dbfs, target_range_min_dbfs_, target_range_max_dbfs_);
+ }
+ for (auto& controller : channel_controllers_) {
+ controller->Process(rms_error_db, speech_probability);
+ }
+ AggregateChannelLevels();
+ if (volume_after_clipping_handling != recommended_input_volume_) {
+ // The recommended input volume was adjusted in order to match the target
+ // level.
+ UpdateHistogramOnRecommendedInputVolumeChangeToMatchTarget(
+ recommended_input_volume_);
+ }
+ applied_input_volume_ = absl::nullopt;
+ return recommended_input_volume();
+void InputVolumeController::HandleCaptureOutputUsedChange(
+ bool capture_output_used) {
+ for (auto& controller : channel_controllers_) {
+ controller->HandleCaptureOutputUsedChange(capture_output_used);
+ }
+ capture_output_used_ = capture_output_used;
+void InputVolumeController::SetAppliedInputVolume(int input_volume) {
+ applied_input_volume_ = input_volume;
+ for (auto& controller : channel_controllers_) {
+ controller->set_stream_analog_level(input_volume);
+ }
+ AggregateChannelLevels();
+void InputVolumeController::AggregateChannelLevels() {
+ int new_recommended_input_volume =
+ channel_controllers_[0]->recommended_analog_level();
+ channel_controlling_gain_ = 0;
+ for (size_t ch = 1; ch < channel_controllers_.size(); ++ch) {
+ int input_volume = channel_controllers_[ch]->recommended_analog_level();
+ if (input_volume < new_recommended_input_volume) {
+ new_recommended_input_volume = input_volume;
+ channel_controlling_gain_ = static_cast<int>(ch);
+ }
+ }
+ // Enforce the minimum input volume when a recommendation is made.
+ if (applied_input_volume_.has_value() && *applied_input_volume_ > 0) {
+ new_recommended_input_volume =
+ std::max(new_recommended_input_volume, min_input_volume_);
+ }
+ recommended_input_volume_ = new_recommended_input_volume;
+} // namespace webrtc