path: root/browser/components/asrouter/tests/unit
diff options
authorDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-19 00:47:55 +0000
committerDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-19 00:47:55 +0000
commit26a029d407be480d791972afb5975cf62c9360a6 (patch)
treef435a8308119effd964b339f76abb83a57c29483 /browser/components/asrouter/tests/unit
parentInitial commit. (diff)
Adding upstream version 124.0.1.upstream/124.0.1
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <>
Diffstat (limited to 'browser/components/asrouter/tests/unit')
22 files changed, 10871 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/browser/components/asrouter/tests/unit/ASRouter.test.js b/browser/components/asrouter/tests/unit/ASRouter.test.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7df1449a14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/asrouter/tests/unit/ASRouter.test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,2870 @@
+import { _ASRouter, MessageLoaderUtils } from "modules/ASRouter.sys.mjs";
+import { QueryCache } from "modules/ASRouterTargeting.sys.mjs";
+import {
+} from "./constants";
+import {
+ ASRouterPreferences,
+} from "modules/ASRouterPreferences.sys.mjs";
+import { ASRouterTriggerListeners } from "modules/ASRouterTriggerListeners.sys.mjs";
+import { CFRPageActions } from "modules/CFRPageActions.sys.mjs";
+import { GlobalOverrider } from "test/unit/utils";
+import { PanelTestProvider } from "modules/PanelTestProvider.sys.mjs";
+import ProviderResponseSchema from "content-src/schemas/provider-response.schema.json";
+ "browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.asrouter.providers.cfr";
+const ONE_DAY_IN_MS = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
+const FAKE_RESPONSE_HEADERS = { get() {} };
+ "browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.asrouter.useRemoteL10n";
+// eslint-disable-next-line max-statements
+describe("ASRouter", () => {
+ let Router;
+ let globals;
+ let sandbox;
+ let initParams;
+ let messageBlockList;
+ let providerBlockList;
+ let messageImpressions;
+ let groupImpressions;
+ let previousSessionEnd;
+ let fetchStub;
+ let clock;
+ let fakeAttributionCode;
+ let fakeTargetingContext;
+ let FakeToolbarBadgeHub;
+ let FakeToolbarPanelHub;
+ let FakeMomentsPageHub;
+ let ASRouterTargeting;
+ let screenImpressions;
+ function setMessageProviderPref(value) {
+ sandbox.stub(ASRouterPreferences, "providers").get(() => value);
+ }
+ function initASRouter(router) {
+ const getStub = sandbox.stub();
+ getStub.returns(Promise.resolve());
+ getStub
+ .withArgs("messageBlockList")
+ .returns(Promise.resolve(messageBlockList));
+ getStub
+ .withArgs("providerBlockList")
+ .returns(Promise.resolve(providerBlockList));
+ getStub
+ .withArgs("messageImpressions")
+ .returns(Promise.resolve(messageImpressions));
+ getStub.withArgs("groupImpressions").resolves(groupImpressions);
+ getStub
+ .withArgs("previousSessionEnd")
+ .returns(Promise.resolve(previousSessionEnd));
+ getStub
+ .withArgs("screenImpressions")
+ .returns(Promise.resolve(screenImpressions));
+ initParams = {
+ storage: {
+ get: getStub,
+ set: sandbox.stub().returns(Promise.resolve()),
+ },
+ sendTelemetry: sandbox.stub().resolves(),
+ clearChildMessages: sandbox.stub().resolves(),
+ clearChildProviders: sandbox.stub().resolves(),
+ updateAdminState: sandbox.stub().resolves(),
+ dispatchCFRAction: sandbox.stub().resolves(),
+ };
+ sandbox.stub(router, "loadMessagesFromAllProviders").callThrough();
+ return router.init(initParams);
+ }
+ async function createRouterAndInit(providers = FAKE_PROVIDERS) {
+ setMessageProviderPref(providers);
+ // `.freeze` to catch any attempts at modifying the object
+ Router = new _ASRouter(Object.freeze(FAKE_LOCAL_PROVIDERS));
+ await initASRouter(Router);
+ }
+ beforeEach(async () => {
+ globals = new GlobalOverrider();
+ messageBlockList = [];
+ providerBlockList = [];
+ messageImpressions = {};
+ groupImpressions = {};
+ previousSessionEnd = 100;
+ screenImpressions = {};
+ sandbox = sinon.createSandbox();
+ ASRouterTargeting = {
+ isMatch: sandbox.stub(),
+ findMatchingMessage: sandbox.stub(),
+ Environment: {
+ locale: "en-US",
+ localeLanguageCode: "en",
+ browserSettings: {
+ update: {
+ channel: "default",
+ enabled: true,
+ autoDownload: true,
+ },
+ },
+ attributionData: {},
+ currentDate: "2000-01-01T10:00:0.001Z",
+ profileAgeCreated: {},
+ profileAgeReset: {},
+ usesFirefoxSync: false,
+ isFxAEnabled: true,
+ isFxASignedIn: false,
+ sync: {
+ desktopDevices: 0,
+ mobileDevices: 0,
+ totalDevices: 0,
+ },
+ xpinstallEnabled: true,
+ addonsInfo: {},
+ searchEngines: {},
+ isDefaultBrowser: false,
+ devToolsOpenedCount: 5,
+ topFrecentSites: {},
+ recentBookmarks: {},
+ pinnedSites: [
+ {
+ url: "",
+ host: "",
+ searchTopSite: true,
+ },
+ ],
+ providerCohorts: {
+ onboarding: "",
+ cfr: "",
+ "message-groups": "",
+ "messaging-experiments": "",
+ "whats-new-panel": "",
+ },
+ totalBookmarksCount: {},
+ firefoxVersion: 80,
+ region: "US",
+ needsUpdate: {},
+ hasPinnedTabs: false,
+ hasAccessedFxAPanel: false,
+ isWhatsNewPanelEnabled: true,
+ userPrefs: {
+ cfrFeatures: true,
+ cfrAddons: true,
+ },
+ totalBlockedCount: {},
+ blockedCountByType: {},
+ attachedFxAOAuthClients: [],
+ platformName: "macosx",
+ scores: {},
+ scoreThreshold: 5000,
+ isChinaRepack: false,
+ userId: "adsf",
+ },
+ };
+ ASRouterPreferences.specialConditions = {
+ someCondition: true,
+ };
+ sandbox.spy(ASRouterPreferences, "init");
+ sandbox.spy(ASRouterPreferences, "uninit");
+ sandbox.spy(ASRouterPreferences, "addListener");
+ sandbox.spy(ASRouterPreferences, "removeListener");
+ clock = sandbox.useFakeTimers();
+ fetchStub = sandbox
+ .stub(global, "fetch")
+ .withArgs("")
+ .resolves({
+ ok: true,
+ status: 200,
+ json: () => Promise.resolve({ messages: FAKE_REMOTE_MESSAGES }),
+ });
+ sandbox.stub(global.Services.prefs, "getStringPref");
+ fakeAttributionCode = {
+ allowedCodeKeys: ["foo", "bar", "baz"],
+ _clearCache: () => sinon.stub(),
+ getAttrDataAsync: () => Promise.resolve({ content: "addonID" }),
+ deleteFileAsync: () => Promise.resolve(),
+ writeAttributionFile: () => Promise.resolve(),
+ getCachedAttributionData: sinon.stub(),
+ };
+ FakeToolbarPanelHub = {
+ init: sandbox.stub(),
+ uninit: sandbox.stub(),
+ forceShowMessage: sandbox.stub(),
+ enableToolbarButton: sandbox.stub(),
+ };
+ FakeToolbarBadgeHub = {
+ init: sandbox.stub(),
+ uninit: sandbox.stub(),
+ registerBadgeNotificationListener: sandbox.stub(),
+ };
+ FakeMomentsPageHub = {
+ init: sandbox.stub(),
+ uninit: sandbox.stub(),
+ executeAction: sandbox.stub(),
+ };
+ fakeTargetingContext = {
+ combineContexts: sandbox.stub(),
+ evalWithDefault: sandbox.stub().resolves(),
+ };
+ let fakeNimbusFeatures = [
+ "cfr",
+ "infobar",
+ "spotlight",
+ "moments-page",
+ "pbNewtab",
+ ].reduce((features, featureId) => {
+ features[featureId] = {
+ getAllVariables: sandbox.stub().returns(null),
+ recordExposureEvent: sandbox.stub(),
+ };
+ return features;
+ }, {});
+ globals.set({
+ // Testing framework doesn't know how to `defineLazyModuleGetters` so we're
+ // importing these modules into the global scope ourselves.
+ GroupsConfigurationProvider: { getMessages: () => Promise.resolve([]) },
+ ASRouterPreferences,
+ ASRouterTargeting,
+ ASRouterTriggerListeners,
+ QueryCache,
+ gBrowser: { selectedBrowser: {} },
+ gURLBar: {},
+ isSeparateAboutWelcome: true,
+ AttributionCode: fakeAttributionCode,
+ PanelTestProvider,
+ MacAttribution: { applicationPath: "" },
+ ToolbarBadgeHub: FakeToolbarBadgeHub,
+ ToolbarPanelHub: FakeToolbarPanelHub,
+ MomentsPageHub: FakeMomentsPageHub,
+ KintoHttpClient: class {
+ bucket() {
+ return this;
+ }
+ collection() {
+ return this;
+ }
+ getRecord() {
+ return Promise.resolve({ data: {} });
+ }
+ },
+ Downloader: class {
+ download() {
+ return Promise.resolve("/path/to/download");
+ }
+ },
+ NimbusFeatures: fakeNimbusFeatures,
+ ExperimentAPI: {
+ getExperimentMetaData: sandbox.stub().returns({
+ slug: "experiment-slug",
+ active: true,
+ branch: { slug: "experiment-branch-slug" },
+ }),
+ getExperiment: sandbox.stub().returns({
+ branch: {
+ slug: "unit-slug",
+ feature: {
+ featureId: "foo",
+ value: { id: "test-message" },
+ },
+ },
+ }),
+ getAllBranches: sandbox.stub().resolves([]),
+ ready: sandbox.stub().resolves(),
+ },
+ SpecialMessageActions: {
+ handleAction: sandbox.stub(),
+ },
+ TargetingContext: class {
+ static combineContexts(...args) {
+ return fakeTargetingContext.combineContexts.apply(sandbox, args);
+ }
+ evalWithDefault(expr) {
+ return fakeTargetingContext.evalWithDefault(expr);
+ }
+ },
+ RemoteL10n: {
+ // This is just a subset of supported locales that happen to be used in
+ // the test.
+ isLocaleSupported: locale => ["en-US", "ja-JP-mac"].includes(locale),
+ },
+ });
+ await createRouterAndInit();
+ });
+ afterEach(() => {
+ Router.uninit();
+ ASRouterPreferences.uninit();
+ sandbox.restore();
+ globals.restore();
+ });
+ describe(".state", () => {
+ it("should throw if an attempt to set .state was made", () => {
+ assert.throws(() => {
+ Router.state = {};
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ describe("#init", () => {
+ it("should only be called once", async () => {
+ Router = new _ASRouter();
+ let state = await initASRouter(Router);
+ assert.equal(state, Router.state);
+ assert.isNull(await Router.init({}));
+ });
+ it("should only be called once", async () => {
+ Router = new _ASRouter();
+ initASRouter(Router);
+ let secondCall = await Router.init({});
+ assert.isNull(
+ secondCall,
+ "Should not init twice, it should exit early with null"
+ );
+ });
+ it("should set state.messageBlockList to the block list in persistent storage", async () => {
+ messageBlockList = ["foo"];
+ Router = new _ASRouter();
+ await initASRouter(Router);
+ assert.deepEqual(Router.state.messageBlockList, ["foo"]);
+ });
+ it("should initialize all the hub providers", async () => {
+ // ASRouter init called in `beforeEach` block above
+ assert.calledOnce(FakeToolbarBadgeHub.init);
+ assert.calledOnce(FakeToolbarPanelHub.init);
+ assert.calledOnce(FakeMomentsPageHub.init);
+ assert.calledWithExactly(
+ FakeToolbarBadgeHub.init,
+ Router.waitForInitialized,
+ {
+ handleMessageRequest: Router.handleMessageRequest,
+ addImpression: Router.addImpression,
+ blockMessageById: Router.blockMessageById,
+ sendTelemetry: Router.sendTelemetry,
+ unblockMessageById: Router.unblockMessageById,
+ }
+ );
+ assert.calledWithExactly(
+ FakeToolbarPanelHub.init,
+ Router.waitForInitialized,
+ {
+ getMessages: Router.handleMessageRequest,
+ sendTelemetry: Router.sendTelemetry,
+ }
+ );
+ assert.calledWithExactly(
+ FakeMomentsPageHub.init,
+ Router.waitForInitialized,
+ {
+ handleMessageRequest: Router.handleMessageRequest,
+ addImpression: Router.addImpression,
+ blockMessageById: Router.blockMessageById,
+ sendTelemetry: Router.sendTelemetry,
+ }
+ );
+ });
+ it("should set state.messageImpressions to the messageImpressions object in persistent storage", async () => {
+ // Note that messageImpressions are only kept if a message exists in router and has a .frequency property,
+ // otherwise they will be cleaned up by .cleanupImpressions()
+ const testMessage = { id: "foo", frequency: { lifetimeCap: 10 } };
+ messageImpressions = { foo: [0, 1, 2] };
+ setMessageProviderPref([
+ { id: "onboarding", type: "local", messages: [testMessage] },
+ ]);
+ Router = new _ASRouter();
+ await initASRouter(Router);
+ assert.deepEqual(Router.state.messageImpressions, messageImpressions);
+ });
+ it("should set state.screenImpressions to the screenImpressions object in persistent storage", async () => {
+ screenImpressions = { test: 123 };
+ Router = new _ASRouter();
+ await initASRouter(Router);
+ assert.deepEqual(Router.state.screenImpressions, screenImpressions);
+ });
+ it("should clear impressions for groups that are not active", async () => {
+ groupImpressions = { foo: [0, 1, 2] };
+ Router = new _ASRouter();
+ await initASRouter(Router);
+ assert.notProperty(Router.state.groupImpressions, "foo");
+ });
+ it("should keep impressions for groups that are active", async () => {
+ Router = new _ASRouter();
+ await initASRouter(Router);
+ await Router.setState(() => {
+ return {
+ groups: [
+ {
+ id: "foo",
+ enabled: true,
+ frequency: {
+ custom: [{ period: ONE_DAY_IN_MS, cap: 10 }],
+ lifetime: Infinity,
+ },
+ },
+ ],
+ groupImpressions: { foo: [] },
+ };
+ });
+ Router.cleanupImpressions();
+, "foo");
+ assert.lengthOf(, 1);
+ });
+ it("should remove old impressions for a group", async () => {
+ Router = new _ASRouter();
+ await initASRouter(Router);
+ await Router.setState(() => {
+ return {
+ groups: [
+ {
+ id: "foo",
+ enabled: true,
+ frequency: {
+ custom: [{ period: ONE_DAY_IN_MS, cap: 10 }],
+ },
+ },
+ ],
+ groupImpressions: {
+ foo: [ - ONE_DAY_IN_MS - 1,],
+ },
+ };
+ });
+ Router.cleanupImpressions();
+, "foo");
+ assert.lengthOf(, 1);
+ });
+ it("should await .loadMessagesFromAllProviders() and add messages from providers to state.messages", async () => {
+ Router = new _ASRouter(Object.freeze(FAKE_LOCAL_PROVIDERS));
+ await initASRouter(Router);
+ assert.calledOnce(Router.loadMessagesFromAllProviders);
+ assert.isArray(Router.state.messages);
+ assert.lengthOf(
+ Router.state.messages,
+ );
+ });
+ it("should set state.previousSessionEnd from IndexedDB", async () => {
+ previousSessionEnd = 200;
+ await createRouterAndInit();
+ assert.equal(Router.state.previousSessionEnd, previousSessionEnd);
+ });
+ it("should assign ASRouterPreferences.specialConditions to state", async () => {
+ assert.isTrue(ASRouterPreferences.specialConditions.someCondition);
+ assert.isTrue(Router.state.someCondition);
+ });
+ it("should add observer for `intl:app-locales-changed`", async () => {
+ sandbox.spy(global.Services.obs, "addObserver");
+ await createRouterAndInit();
+ assert.calledWithExactly(
+ global.Services.obs.addObserver,
+ Router._onLocaleChanged,
+ "intl:app-locales-changed"
+ );
+ });
+ it("should add a pref observer", async () => {
+ sandbox.spy(global.Services.prefs, "addObserver");
+ await createRouterAndInit();
+ assert.calledOnce(global.Services.prefs.addObserver);
+ assert.calledWithExactly(
+ global.Services.prefs.addObserver,
+ Router
+ );
+ });
+ describe("lazily loading local test providers", () => {
+ afterEach(() => {
+ Router.uninit();
+ });
+ it("should add the local test providers on init if devtools are enabled", async () => {
+ sandbox.stub(ASRouterPreferences, "devtoolsEnabled").get(() => true);
+ await createRouterAndInit();
+, "PanelTestProvider");
+ });
+ it("should not add the local test providers on init if devtools are disabled", async () => {
+ sandbox.stub(ASRouterPreferences, "devtoolsEnabled").get(() => false);
+ await createRouterAndInit();
+ assert.notProperty(Router._localProviders, "PanelTestProvider");
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ describe("preference changes", () => {
+ it("should call ASRouterPreferences.init and add a listener on init", () => {
+ assert.calledOnce(ASRouterPreferences.init);
+ assert.calledWith(ASRouterPreferences.addListener, Router.onPrefChange);
+ });
+ it("should call ASRouterPreferences.uninit and remove the listener on uninit", () => {
+ Router.uninit();
+ assert.calledOnce(ASRouterPreferences.uninit);
+ assert.calledWith(
+ ASRouterPreferences.removeListener,
+ Router.onPrefChange
+ );
+ });
+ it("should send a AS_ROUTER_TARGETING_UPDATE message", async () => {
+ const messageTargeted = {
+ id: "1",
+ campaign: "foocampaign",
+ targeting: "true",
+ groups: ["cfr"],
+ provider: "cfr",
+ };
+ const messageNotTargeted = {
+ id: "2",
+ campaign: "foocampaign",
+ groups: ["cfr"],
+ provider: "cfr",
+ };
+ await Router.setState({
+ messages: [messageTargeted, messageNotTargeted],
+ providers: [{ id: "cfr" }],
+ });
+ fakeTargetingContext.evalWithDefault.resolves(false);
+ await Router.onPrefChange("services.sync.username");
+ assert.calledOnce(initParams.clearChildMessages);
+ assert.calledWith(initParams.clearChildMessages, []);
+ });
+ it("should call loadMessagesFromAllProviders on pref change", () => {
+ ASRouterPreferences.observe(null, null, MESSAGE_PROVIDER_PREF_NAME);
+ assert.calledOnce(Router.loadMessagesFromAllProviders);
+ });
+ it("should update groups state if a user pref changes", async () => {
+ await Router.setState({
+ groups: [{ id: "foo", userPreferences: ["bar"], enabled: true }],
+ });
+ sandbox.stub(ASRouterPreferences, "getUserPreference");
+ await Router.onPrefChange(MESSAGE_PROVIDER_PREF_NAME);
+ assert.calledWithExactly(ASRouterPreferences.getUserPreference, "bar");
+ });
+ it("should update the list of providers on pref change", async () => {
+ const modifiedRemoteProvider = Object.assign({}, FAKE_REMOTE_PROVIDER, {
+ url: "",
+ });
+ setMessageProviderPref([
+ modifiedRemoteProvider,
+ ]);
+ const { length } = Router.state.providers;
+ ASRouterPreferences.observe(null, null, MESSAGE_PROVIDER_PREF_NAME);
+ await Router._updateMessageProviders();
+ const provider = Router.state.providers.find(p => p.url === "");
+ assert.lengthOf(Router.state.providers, length);
+ assert.isDefined(provider);
+ });
+ it("should clear disabled providers on pref change", async () => {
+ const TEST_PROVIDER_ID = "some_provider_id";
+ await Router.setState({
+ providers: [{ id: TEST_PROVIDER_ID }],
+ });
+ const modifiedRemoteProvider = Object.assign({}, FAKE_REMOTE_PROVIDER, {
+ enabled: false,
+ });
+ setMessageProviderPref([
+ modifiedRemoteProvider,
+ ]);
+ await Router.onPrefChange(MESSAGE_PROVIDER_PREF_NAME);
+ assert.calledOnce(initParams.clearChildProviders);
+ assert.calledWith(initParams.clearChildProviders, [TEST_PROVIDER_ID]);
+ });
+ });
+ describe("setState", () => {
+ it("should broadcast a message to update the admin tool on a state change if the asrouter.devtoolsEnabled pref is", async () => {
+ sandbox.stub(ASRouterPreferences, "devtoolsEnabled").get(() => true);
+ sandbox.stub(Router, "getTargetingParameters").resolves({});
+ const state = await Router.setState({ foo: 123 });
+ assert.calledOnce(initParams.updateAdminState);
+ assert.deepEqual(state.providerPrefs, ASRouterPreferences.providers);
+ assert.deepEqual(
+ state.userPrefs,
+ ASRouterPreferences.getAllUserPreferences()
+ );
+ assert.deepEqual(state.targetingParameters, {});
+ assert.deepEqual(state.errors, Router.errors);
+ });
+ it("should not send a message on a state change asrouter.devtoolsEnabled pref is on", async () => {
+ sandbox.stub(ASRouterPreferences, "devtoolsEnabled").get(() => false);
+ await Router.setState({ foo: 123 });
+ assert.notCalled(initParams.updateAdminState);
+ });
+ });
+ describe("getTargetingParameters", () => {
+ it("should return the targeting parameters", async () => {
+ const stub = sandbox.stub().resolves("foo");
+ const obj = { foo: 1 };
+ sandbox.stub(obj, "foo").get(stub);
+ const result = await Router.getTargetingParameters(obj, obj);
+ assert.calledTwice(stub);
+ assert.propertyVal(result, "foo", "foo");
+ });
+ });
+ describe("evaluateExpression", () => {
+ it("should call ASRouterTargeting to evaluate", async () => {
+ fakeTargetingContext.evalWithDefault.resolves("foo");
+ const response = await Router.evaluateExpression({});
+ assert.equal(response.evaluationStatus.result, "foo");
+ assert.isTrue(response.evaluationStatus.success);
+ });
+ it("should catch evaluation errors", async () => {
+ fakeTargetingContext.evalWithDefault.returns(
+ Promise.reject(new Error("fake error"))
+ );
+ const response = await Router.evaluateExpression({});
+ assert.isFalse(response.evaluationStatus.success);
+ });
+ });
+ describe("#routeCFRMessage", () => {
+ let browser;
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ sandbox.stub(CFRPageActions, "forceRecommendation");
+ sandbox.stub(CFRPageActions, "addRecommendation");
+ browser = {};
+ });
+ it("should route whatsnew_panel_message message to the right hub", () => {
+ Router.routeCFRMessage(
+ { template: "whatsnew_panel_message" },
+ browser,
+ "",
+ true
+ );
+ assert.calledOnce(FakeToolbarPanelHub.forceShowMessage);
+ assert.notCalled(FakeToolbarBadgeHub.registerBadgeNotificationListener);
+ assert.notCalled(CFRPageActions.addRecommendation);
+ assert.notCalled(CFRPageActions.forceRecommendation);
+ assert.notCalled(FakeMomentsPageHub.executeAction);
+ });
+ it("should route moments messages to the right hub", () => {
+ Router.routeCFRMessage({ template: "update_action" }, browser, "", true);
+ assert.calledOnce(FakeMomentsPageHub.executeAction);
+ assert.notCalled(FakeToolbarPanelHub.forceShowMessage);
+ assert.notCalled(FakeToolbarBadgeHub.registerBadgeNotificationListener);
+ assert.notCalled(CFRPageActions.addRecommendation);
+ assert.notCalled(CFRPageActions.forceRecommendation);
+ });
+ it("should route toolbar_badge message to the right hub", () => {
+ Router.routeCFRMessage({ template: "toolbar_badge" }, browser);
+ assert.calledOnce(FakeToolbarBadgeHub.registerBadgeNotificationListener);
+ assert.notCalled(FakeToolbarPanelHub.forceShowMessage);
+ assert.notCalled(CFRPageActions.addRecommendation);
+ assert.notCalled(CFRPageActions.forceRecommendation);
+ assert.notCalled(FakeMomentsPageHub.executeAction);
+ });
+ it("should route milestone_message to the right hub", () => {
+ Router.routeCFRMessage(
+ { template: "milestone_message" },
+ browser,
+ "",
+ false
+ );
+ assert.calledOnce(CFRPageActions.addRecommendation);
+ assert.notCalled(CFRPageActions.forceRecommendation);
+ assert.notCalled(FakeToolbarBadgeHub.registerBadgeNotificationListener);
+ assert.notCalled(FakeToolbarPanelHub.forceShowMessage);
+ assert.notCalled(FakeMomentsPageHub.executeAction);
+ });
+ it("should route cfr_doorhanger message to the right hub force = false", () => {
+ Router.routeCFRMessage(
+ { template: "cfr_doorhanger" },
+ browser,
+ { param: {} },
+ false
+ );
+ assert.calledOnce(CFRPageActions.addRecommendation);
+ assert.notCalled(FakeToolbarPanelHub.forceShowMessage);
+ assert.notCalled(FakeToolbarBadgeHub.registerBadgeNotificationListener);
+ assert.notCalled(CFRPageActions.forceRecommendation);
+ assert.notCalled(FakeMomentsPageHub.executeAction);
+ });
+ it("should route cfr_doorhanger message to the right hub force = true", () => {
+ Router.routeCFRMessage({ template: "cfr_doorhanger" }, browser, {}, true);
+ assert.calledOnce(CFRPageActions.forceRecommendation);
+ assert.notCalled(FakeToolbarPanelHub.forceShowMessage);
+ assert.notCalled(CFRPageActions.addRecommendation);
+ assert.notCalled(FakeToolbarBadgeHub.registerBadgeNotificationListener);
+ assert.notCalled(FakeMomentsPageHub.executeAction);
+ });
+ it("should route cfr_urlbar_chiclet message to the right hub force = false", () => {
+ Router.routeCFRMessage(
+ { template: "cfr_urlbar_chiclet" },
+ browser,
+ { param: {} },
+ false
+ );
+ assert.calledOnce(CFRPageActions.addRecommendation);
+ const { args } = CFRPageActions.addRecommendation.firstCall;
+ // Host should be null
+ assert.isNull(args[1]);
+ assert.notCalled(FakeToolbarPanelHub.forceShowMessage);
+ assert.notCalled(FakeToolbarBadgeHub.registerBadgeNotificationListener);
+ assert.notCalled(CFRPageActions.forceRecommendation);
+ assert.notCalled(FakeMomentsPageHub.executeAction);
+ });
+ it("should route cfr_urlbar_chiclet message to the right hub force = true", () => {
+ Router.routeCFRMessage(
+ { template: "cfr_urlbar_chiclet" },
+ browser,
+ {},
+ true
+ );
+ assert.calledOnce(CFRPageActions.forceRecommendation);
+ assert.notCalled(FakeToolbarPanelHub.forceShowMessage);
+ assert.notCalled(CFRPageActions.addRecommendation);
+ assert.notCalled(FakeToolbarBadgeHub.registerBadgeNotificationListener);
+ assert.notCalled(FakeMomentsPageHub.executeAction);
+ });
+ it("should route default to sending to content", () => {
+ Router.routeCFRMessage(
+ { template: "some_other_template" },
+ browser,
+ {},
+ true
+ );
+ assert.notCalled(FakeToolbarPanelHub.forceShowMessage);
+ assert.notCalled(CFRPageActions.forceRecommendation);
+ assert.notCalled(CFRPageActions.addRecommendation);
+ assert.notCalled(FakeToolbarBadgeHub.registerBadgeNotificationListener);
+ assert.notCalled(FakeMomentsPageHub.executeAction);
+ });
+ });
+ describe("#loadMessagesFromAllProviders", () => {
+ function assertRouterContainsMessages(messages) {
+ const messageIdsInRouter = =>;
+ for (const message of messages) {
+ assert.include(messageIdsInRouter,;
+ }
+ }
+ it("should not trigger an update if not enough time has passed for a provider", async () => {
+ await createRouterAndInit([
+ {
+ id: "remotey",
+ type: "remote",
+ enabled: true,
+ url: "",
+ updateCycleInMs: 300,
+ },
+ ]);
+ const previousState = Router.state;
+ // Since we've previously gotten messages during init and we haven't advanced our fake timer,
+ // no updates should be triggered.
+ await Router.loadMessagesFromAllProviders();
+ assert.deepEqual(Router.state, previousState);
+ });
+ it("should not trigger an update if we only have local providers", async () => {
+ await createRouterAndInit([
+ {
+ id: "foo",
+ type: "local",
+ enabled: true,
+ },
+ ]);
+ const previousState = Router.state;
+ const stub = sandbox.stub(MessageLoaderUtils, "loadMessagesForProvider");
+ clock.tick(300);
+ await Router.loadMessagesFromAllProviders();
+ assert.deepEqual(Router.state, previousState);
+ assert.notCalled(stub);
+ });
+ it("should update messages for a provider if enough time has passed, without removing messages for other providers", async () => {
+ const NEW_MESSAGES = [{ id: "new_123" }];
+ await createRouterAndInit([
+ {
+ id: "remotey",
+ type: "remote",
+ url: "",
+ enabled: true,
+ updateCycleInMs: 300,
+ },
+ {
+ id: "alocalprovider",
+ type: "local",
+ enabled: true,
+ },
+ ]);
+ fetchStub.withArgs("").resolves({
+ ok: true,
+ status: 200,
+ json: () => Promise.resolve({ messages: NEW_MESSAGES }),
+ });
+ clock.tick(301);
+ await Router.loadMessagesFromAllProviders();
+ // These are the new messages
+ assertRouterContainsMessages(NEW_MESSAGES);
+ // These are the local messages that should not have been deleted
+ assertRouterContainsMessages(FAKE_LOCAL_MESSAGES);
+ });
+ it("should parse the triggers in the messages and register the trigger listeners", async () => {
+ sandbox.spy(
+ ASRouterTriggerListeners.get("openURL"),
+ "init"
+ ); /* eslint-disable object-property-newline */
+ /* eslint-disable object-curly-newline */ await createRouterAndInit([
+ {
+ id: "foo",
+ type: "local",
+ enabled: true,
+ messages: [
+ {
+ id: "foo",
+ template: "simple_template",
+ trigger: { id: "firstRun" },
+ content: { title: "Foo", body: "Foo123" },
+ },
+ {
+ id: "bar1",
+ template: "simple_template",
+ trigger: {
+ id: "openURL",
+ params: ["", ""],
+ },
+ content: { title: "Bar1", body: "Bar123" },
+ },
+ {
+ id: "bar2",
+ template: "simple_template",
+ trigger: { id: "openURL", params: [""] },
+ content: { title: "Bar2", body: "Bar123" },
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ ]); /* eslint-enable object-property-newline */
+ /* eslint-enable object-curly-newline */ assert.calledTwice(
+ ASRouterTriggerListeners.get("openURL").init
+ );
+ assert.calledWithExactly(
+ ASRouterTriggerListeners.get("openURL").init,
+ Router._triggerHandler,
+ ["", ""],
+ undefined
+ );
+ assert.calledWithExactly(
+ ASRouterTriggerListeners.get("openURL").init,
+ Router._triggerHandler,
+ [""],
+ undefined
+ );
+ });
+ it("should parse the message's messagesLoaded trigger and immediately fire trigger", async () => {
+ setMessageProviderPref([
+ {
+ id: "foo",
+ type: "local",
+ enabled: true,
+ messages: [
+ {
+ id: "bar3",
+ template: "simple_template",
+ trigger: { id: "messagesLoaded" },
+ content: { title: "Bar3", body: "Bar123" },
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ ]);
+ Router = new _ASRouter(Object.freeze(FAKE_LOCAL_PROVIDERS));
+ sandbox.spy(Router, "sendTriggerMessage");
+ await initASRouter(Router);
+ assert.calledOnce(Router.sendTriggerMessage);
+ assert.calledWith(
+ Router.sendTriggerMessage,
+ sandbox.match({ id: "messagesLoaded" }),
+ true
+ );
+ });
+ it("should gracefully handle messages loading before a window or browser exists", async () => {
+ sandbox.stub(global, "gBrowser").value(undefined);
+ sandbox
+ .stub(global.Services.wm, "getMostRecentBrowserWindow")
+ .returns(undefined);
+ setMessageProviderPref([
+ {
+ id: "foo",
+ type: "local",
+ enabled: true,
+ messages: [
+ "whatsnew_panel_message",
+ "cfr_doorhanger",
+ "toolbar_badge",
+ "update_action",
+ "infobar",
+ "spotlight",
+ "toast_notification",
+ ].map((template, i) => {
+ return {
+ id: `foo${i}`,
+ template,
+ trigger: { id: "messagesLoaded" },
+ content: { title: `Foo${i}`, body: "Bar123" },
+ };
+ }),
+ },
+ ]);
+ Router = new _ASRouter(Object.freeze(FAKE_LOCAL_PROVIDERS));
+ sandbox.spy(Router, "sendTriggerMessage");
+ await initASRouter(Router);
+ assert.calledWith(
+ Router.sendTriggerMessage,
+ sandbox.match({ id: "messagesLoaded" }),
+ true
+ );
+ });
+ it("should gracefully handle RemoteSettings blowing up and dispatch undesired event", async () => {
+ sandbox
+ .stub(MessageLoaderUtils, "_getRemoteSettingsMessages")
+ .rejects("fake error");
+ await createRouterAndInit();
+ assert.calledWith(initParams.dispatchCFRAction, {
+ data: {
+ action: "asrouter_undesired_event",
+ event: "ASR_RS_ERROR",
+ event_context: "remotey-settingsy",
+ message_id: "n/a",
+ },
+ meta: { from: "ActivityStream:Content", to: "ActivityStream:Main" },
+ });
+ });
+ it("should dispatch undesired event if RemoteSettings returns no messages", async () => {
+ sandbox
+ .stub(MessageLoaderUtils, "_getRemoteSettingsMessages")
+ .resolves([]);
+ assert.calledWith(initParams.dispatchCFRAction, {
+ data: {
+ action: "asrouter_undesired_event",
+ event: "ASR_RS_NO_MESSAGES",
+ event_context: "remotey-settingsy",
+ message_id: "n/a",
+ },
+ meta: { from: "ActivityStream:Content", to: "ActivityStream:Main" },
+ });
+ });
+ it("should download the attachment if RemoteSettings returns some messages", async () => {
+ sandbox
+ .stub(global.Services.locale, "appLocaleAsBCP47")
+ .get(() => "en-US");
+ sandbox
+ .stub(MessageLoaderUtils, "_getRemoteSettingsMessages")
+ .resolves([{ id: "message_1" }]);
+ const spy = sandbox.spy();
+ global.Downloader.prototype.downloadToDisk = spy;
+ const provider = {
+ id: "cfr",
+ enabled: true,
+ type: "remote-settings",
+ collection: "cfr",
+ };
+ await createRouterAndInit([provider]);
+ assert.calledOnce(spy);
+ });
+ it("should dispatch undesired event if the ms-language-packs returns no messages", async () => {
+ sandbox
+ .stub(global.Services.locale, "appLocaleAsBCP47")
+ .get(() => "en-US");
+ sandbox
+ .stub(MessageLoaderUtils, "_getRemoteSettingsMessages")
+ .resolves([{ id: "message_1" }]);
+ sandbox
+ .stub(global.KintoHttpClient.prototype, "getRecord")
+ .resolves(null);
+ const provider = {
+ id: "cfr",
+ enabled: true,
+ type: "remote-settings",
+ collection: "cfr",
+ };
+ await createRouterAndInit([provider]);
+ assert.calledWith(initParams.dispatchCFRAction, {
+ data: {
+ action: "asrouter_undesired_event",
+ event: "ASR_RS_NO_MESSAGES",
+ event_context: "ms-language-packs",
+ message_id: "n/a",
+ },
+ meta: { from: "ActivityStream:Content", to: "ActivityStream:Main" },
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ describe("#_updateMessageProviders", () => {
+ it("should correctly replace %STARTPAGE_VERSION% in remote provider urls", async () => {
+ // If this test fails, you need to update the constant STARTPAGE_VERSION in
+ // ASRouter.sys.mjs to match the `version` property of provider-response-schema.json
+ const expectedStartpageVersion = ProviderResponseSchema.version;
+ const provider = {
+ id: "foo",
+ enabled: true,
+ type: "remote",
+ url: "",
+ };
+ setMessageProviderPref([provider]);
+ await Router._updateMessageProviders();
+ assert.equal(
+ Router.state.providers[0].url,
+ `${parseInt(expectedStartpageVersion, 10)}/`
+ );
+ });
+ it("should replace other params in remote provider urls by calling Services.urlFormater.formatURL", async () => {
+ const url = "";
+ const replacedUrl = "";
+ const stub = sandbox
+ .stub(global.Services.urlFormatter, "formatURL")
+ .withArgs(url)
+ .returns(replacedUrl);
+ const provider = { id: "foo", enabled: true, type: "remote", url };
+ setMessageProviderPref([provider]);
+ await Router._updateMessageProviders();
+ assert.calledOnce(stub);
+ assert.calledWithExactly(stub, url);
+ assert.equal(Router.state.providers[0].url, replacedUrl);
+ });
+ it("should only add the providers that are enabled", async () => {
+ const providers = [
+ {
+ id: "foo",
+ enabled: false,
+ type: "remote",
+ url: "",
+ },
+ {
+ id: "bar",
+ enabled: true,
+ type: "remote",
+ url: "",
+ },
+ ];
+ setMessageProviderPref(providers);
+ await Router._updateMessageProviders();
+ assert.equal(Router.state.providers.length, 1);
+ assert.equal(Router.state.providers[0].id, providers[1].id);
+ });
+ });
+ describe("#handleMessageRequest", () => {
+ beforeEach(async () => {
+ await Router.setState(() => ({
+ providers: [{ id: "cfr" }, { id: "badge" }],
+ }));
+ });
+ it("should not return a blocked message", async () => {
+ // Block all messages except the first
+ await Router.setState(() => ({
+ messages: [
+ { id: "foo", provider: "cfr", groups: ["cfr"] },
+ { id: "bar", provider: "cfr", groups: ["cfr"] },
+ ],
+ messageBlockList: ["foo"],
+ }));
+ await Router.handleMessageRequest({
+ provider: "cfr",
+ });
+ assert.calledWithMatch(ASRouterTargeting.findMatchingMessage, {
+ messages: [{ id: "bar", provider: "cfr", groups: ["cfr"] }],
+ });
+ });
+ it("should not return a message from a disabled group", async () => {
+ ASRouterTargeting.findMatchingMessage.callsFake(
+ ({ messages }) => messages[0]
+ );
+ // Block all messages except the first
+ await Router.setState(() => ({
+ messages: [
+ { id: "foo", provider: "cfr", groups: ["cfr"] },
+ { id: "bar", provider: "cfr", groups: ["cfr"] },
+ ],
+ groups: [{ id: "cfr", enabled: false }],
+ }));
+ const result = await Router.handleMessageRequest({
+ provider: "cfr",
+ });
+ assert.isNull(result);
+ });
+ it("should not return a message from a blocked campaign", async () => {
+ // Block all messages except the first
+ await Router.setState(() => ({
+ messages: [
+ {
+ id: "foo",
+ provider: "cfr",
+ campaign: "foocampaign",
+ groups: ["cfr"],
+ },
+ { id: "bar", provider: "cfr", groups: ["cfr"] },
+ ],
+ messageBlockList: ["foocampaign"],
+ }));
+ await Router.handleMessageRequest({
+ provider: "cfr",
+ });
+ assert.calledWithMatch(ASRouterTargeting.findMatchingMessage, {
+ messages: [{ id: "bar", provider: "cfr", groups: ["cfr"] }],
+ });
+ });
+ it("should not return a message excluded by the provider", async () => {
+ // There are only two providers; block the FAKE_LOCAL_PROVIDER, leaving
+ // only FAKE_REMOTE_PROVIDER unblocked, which provides only one message
+ await Router.setState(() => ({
+ providers: [{ id: "cfr", exclude: ["foo"] }],
+ }));
+ await Router.setState(() => ({
+ messages: [{ id: "foo", provider: "cfr" }],
+ messageBlockList: ["foocampaign"],
+ }));
+ const result = await Router.handleMessageRequest({
+ provider: "cfr",
+ });
+ assert.isNull(result);
+ });
+ it("should not return a message if the frequency cap has been hit", async () => {
+ sandbox.stub(Router, "isBelowFrequencyCaps").returns(false);
+ await Router.setState(() => ({
+ messages: [{ id: "foo", provider: "cfr" }],
+ }));
+ const result = await Router.handleMessageRequest({
+ provider: "cfr",
+ });
+ assert.isNull(result);
+ });
+ it("should get unblocked messages that match the trigger", async () => {
+ const message1 = {
+ id: "1",
+ campaign: "foocampaign",
+ trigger: { id: "foo" },
+ groups: ["cfr"],
+ provider: "cfr",
+ };
+ const message2 = {
+ id: "2",
+ campaign: "foocampaign",
+ trigger: { id: "bar" },
+ groups: ["cfr"],
+ provider: "cfr",
+ };
+ await Router.setState({ messages: [message2, message1] });
+ // Just return the first message provided as arg
+ ASRouterTargeting.findMatchingMessage.callsFake(
+ ({ messages }) => messages[0]
+ );
+ const result = Router.handleMessageRequest({ triggerId: "foo" });
+ assert.deepEqual(result, message1);
+ });
+ it("should get unblocked messages that match trigger and template", async () => {
+ const message1 = {
+ id: "1",
+ campaign: "foocampaign",
+ template: "badge",
+ trigger: { id: "foo" },
+ groups: ["badge"],
+ provider: "badge",
+ };
+ const message2 = {
+ id: "2",
+ campaign: "foocampaign",
+ template: "test_template",
+ trigger: { id: "foo" },
+ groups: ["cfr"],
+ provider: "cfr",
+ };
+ await Router.setState({ messages: [message2, message1] });
+ // Just return the first message provided as arg
+ ASRouterTargeting.findMatchingMessage.callsFake(
+ ({ messages }) => messages[0]
+ );
+ const result = Router.handleMessageRequest({
+ triggerId: "foo",
+ template: "badge",
+ });
+ assert.deepEqual(result, message1);
+ });
+ it("should have messageImpressions in the message context", () => {
+ assert.propertyVal(
+ Router._getMessagesContext(),
+ "messageImpressions",
+ Router.state.messageImpressions
+ );
+ });
+ it("should return all unblocked messages that match the template, trigger if returnAll=true", async () => {
+ const message1 = {
+ provider: "whats_new",
+ id: "1",
+ template: "whatsnew_panel_message",
+ trigger: { id: "whatsNewPanelOpened" },
+ groups: ["whats_new"],
+ };
+ const message2 = {
+ provider: "whats_new",
+ id: "2",
+ template: "whatsnew_panel_message",
+ trigger: { id: "whatsNewPanelOpened" },
+ groups: ["whats_new"],
+ };
+ const message3 = {
+ provider: "whats_new",
+ id: "3",
+ template: "badge",
+ groups: ["whats_new"],
+ };
+ ASRouterTargeting.findMatchingMessage.callsFake(() => [
+ message2,
+ message1,
+ ]);
+ await Router.setState({
+ messages: [message3, message2, message1],
+ providers: [{ id: "whats_new" }],
+ });
+ const result = await Router.handleMessageRequest({
+ template: "whatsnew_panel_message",
+ triggerId: "whatsNewPanelOpened",
+ returnAll: true,
+ });
+ assert.deepEqual(result, [message2, message1]);
+ });
+ it("should forward trigger param info", async () => {
+ const trigger = {
+ triggerId: "foo",
+ triggerParam: "bar",
+ triggerContext: "context",
+ };
+ const message1 = {
+ id: "1",
+ campaign: "foocampaign",
+ trigger: { id: "foo" },
+ groups: ["cfr"],
+ provider: "cfr",
+ };
+ const message2 = {
+ id: "2",
+ campaign: "foocampaign",
+ trigger: { id: "bar" },
+ groups: ["badge"],
+ provider: "badge",
+ };
+ await Router.setState({ messages: [message2, message1] });
+ // Just return the first message provided as arg
+ Router.handleMessageRequest(trigger);
+ assert.calledOnce(ASRouterTargeting.findMatchingMessage);
+ const [options] = ASRouterTargeting.findMatchingMessage.firstCall.args;
+ assert.propertyVal(options.trigger, "id", trigger.triggerId);
+ assert.propertyVal(options.trigger, "param", trigger.triggerParam);
+ assert.propertyVal(options.trigger, "context", trigger.triggerContext);
+ });
+ it("should not cache badge messages", async () => {
+ const trigger = {
+ triggerId: "bar",
+ triggerParam: "bar",
+ triggerContext: "context",
+ };
+ const message1 = {
+ id: "1",
+ provider: "cfr",
+ campaign: "foocampaign",
+ trigger: { id: "foo" },
+ groups: ["cfr"],
+ };
+ const message2 = {
+ id: "2",
+ campaign: "foocampaign",
+ trigger: { id: "bar" },
+ groups: ["badge"],
+ provider: "badge",
+ };
+ await Router.setState({ messages: [message2, message1] });
+ // Just return the first message provided as arg
+ Router.handleMessageRequest(trigger);
+ assert.calledOnce(ASRouterTargeting.findMatchingMessage);
+ const [options] = ASRouterTargeting.findMatchingMessage.firstCall.args;
+ assert.propertyVal(options, "shouldCache", false);
+ });
+ it("should filter out messages without a trigger (or different) when a triggerId is defined", async () => {
+ const trigger = { triggerId: "foo" };
+ const message1 = {
+ id: "1",
+ campaign: "foocampaign",
+ trigger: { id: "foo" },
+ groups: ["cfr"],
+ provider: "cfr",
+ };
+ const message2 = {
+ id: "2",
+ campaign: "foocampaign",
+ trigger: { id: "bar" },
+ groups: ["cfr"],
+ provider: "cfr",
+ };
+ const message3 = {
+ id: "3",
+ campaign: "bazcampaign",
+ groups: ["cfr"],
+ provider: "cfr",
+ };
+ await Router.setState({
+ messages: [message2, message1, message3],
+ groups: [{ id: "cfr", enabled: true }],
+ });
+ // Just return the first message provided as arg
+ ASRouterTargeting.findMatchingMessage.callsFake(args => args.messages);
+ const result = Router.handleMessageRequest(trigger);
+ assert.lengthOf(result, 1);
+ assert.deepEqual(result[0], message1);
+ });
+ });
+ describe("#uninit", () => {
+ it("should unregister the trigger listeners", () => {
+ for (const listener of ASRouterTriggerListeners.values()) {
+ sandbox.spy(listener, "uninit");
+ }
+ Router.uninit();
+ for (const listener of ASRouterTriggerListeners.values()) {
+ assert.calledOnce(listener.uninit);
+ }
+ });
+ it("should set .dispatchCFRAction to null", () => {
+ Router.uninit();
+ assert.isNull(Router.dispatchCFRAction);
+ assert.isNull(Router.clearChildMessages);
+ assert.isNull(Router.sendTelemetry);
+ });
+ it("should save previousSessionEnd", () => {
+ Router.uninit();
+ assert.calledOnce(Router._storage.set);
+ assert.calledWithExactly(
+ Router._storage.set,
+ "previousSessionEnd",
+ sinon.match.number
+ );
+ });
+ it("should remove the observer for `intl:app-locales-changed`", () => {
+ sandbox.spy(global.Services.obs, "removeObserver");
+ Router.uninit();
+ assert.calledWithExactly(
+ global.Services.obs.removeObserver,
+ Router._onLocaleChanged,
+ "intl:app-locales-changed"
+ );
+ });
+ it("should remove the pref observer for `USE_REMOTE_L10N_PREF`", async () => {
+ sandbox.spy(global.Services.prefs, "removeObserver");
+ Router.uninit();
+ // Grab the last call as #uninit() also involves multiple calls of `Services.prefs.removeObserver`.
+ const call = global.Services.prefs.removeObserver.lastCall;
+ assert.calledWithExactly(call, USE_REMOTE_L10N_PREF, Router);
+ });
+ });
+ describe("#setMessageById", async () => {
+ it("should send an empty message if provided id did not resolve to a message", async () => {
+ let response = await Router.setMessageById({ id: -1 }, true, {});
+ assert.deepEqual(response.message, {});
+ });
+ });
+ describe("#isUnblockedMessage", () => {
+ it("should block a message if the group is blocked", async () => {
+ const msg = { id: "msg1", groups: ["foo"], provider: "unit-test" };
+ await Router.setState({
+ groups: [{ id: "foo", enabled: false }],
+ messages: [msg],
+ providers: [{ id: "unit-test" }],
+ });
+ assert.isFalse(Router.isUnblockedMessage(msg));
+ await Router.setState({ groups: [{ id: "foo", enabled: true }] });
+ assert.isTrue(Router.isUnblockedMessage(msg));
+ });
+ it("should block a message if at least one group is blocked", async () => {
+ const msg = {
+ id: "msg1",
+ groups: ["foo", "bar"],
+ provider: "unit-test",
+ };
+ await Router.setState({
+ groups: [
+ { id: "foo", enabled: false },
+ { id: "bar", enabled: false },
+ ],
+ messages: [msg],
+ providers: [{ id: "unit-test" }],
+ });
+ assert.isFalse(Router.isUnblockedMessage(msg));
+ await Router.setState({
+ groups: [
+ { id: "foo", enabled: true },
+ { id: "bar", enabled: false },
+ ],
+ });
+ assert.isFalse(Router.isUnblockedMessage(msg));
+ });
+ });
+ describe("#blockMessageById", () => {
+ it("should add the id to the messageBlockList", async () => {
+ await Router.blockMessageById("foo");
+ assert.isTrue(Router.state.messageBlockList.includes("foo"));
+ });
+ it("should add the campaign to the messageBlockList instead of id if .campaign is specified and not select messages of that campaign again", async () => {
+ await Router.setState({
+ messages: [
+ { id: "1", campaign: "foocampaign" },
+ { id: "2", campaign: "foocampaign" },
+ ],
+ });
+ await Router.blockMessageById("1");
+ assert.isTrue(Router.state.messageBlockList.includes("foocampaign"));
+ assert.isEmpty(Router.state.messages.filter(Router.isUnblockedMessage));
+ });
+ it("should be able to add multiple items to the messageBlockList", async () => {
+ await await Router.blockMessageById( =>;
+ assert.isTrue(Router.state.messageBlockList.includes(FAKE_BUNDLE[0].id));
+ assert.isTrue(Router.state.messageBlockList.includes(FAKE_BUNDLE[1].id));
+ });
+ it("should save the messageBlockList", async () => {
+ await await Router.blockMessageById( =>;
+ assert.calledWithExactly(Router._storage.set, "messageBlockList", [
+ FAKE_BUNDLE[0].id,
+ FAKE_BUNDLE[1].id,
+ ]);
+ });
+ });
+ describe("#unblockMessageById", () => {
+ it("should remove the id from the messageBlockList", async () => {
+ await Router.blockMessageById("foo");
+ assert.isTrue(Router.state.messageBlockList.includes("foo"));
+ await Router.unblockMessageById("foo");
+ assert.isFalse(Router.state.messageBlockList.includes("foo"));
+ });
+ it("should remove the campaign from the messageBlockList if it is defined", async () => {
+ await Router.setState({ messages: [{ id: "1", campaign: "foo" }] });
+ await Router.blockMessageById("1");
+ assert.isTrue(
+ Router.state.messageBlockList.includes("foo"),
+ "blocklist has campaign id"
+ );
+ await Router.unblockMessageById("1");
+ assert.isFalse(
+ Router.state.messageBlockList.includes("foo"),
+ "campaign id removed from blocklist"
+ );
+ });
+ it("should save the messageBlockList", async () => {
+ await Router.unblockMessageById("foo");
+ assert.calledWithExactly(Router._storage.set, "messageBlockList", []);
+ });
+ });
+ describe("#routeCFRMessage", () => {
+ it("should allow for echoing back message modifications", () => {
+ const message = { somekey: "some value" };
+ const data = { content: message };
+ const browser = {};
+ let msg = Router.routeCFRMessage(data.content, browser, data, false);
+ assert.deepEqual(msg.message, message);
+ });
+ it("should call CFRPageActions.forceRecommendation if the template is cfr_action and force is true", async () => {
+ sandbox.stub(CFRPageActions, "forceRecommendation");
+ const testMessage = { id: "foo", template: "cfr_doorhanger" };
+ await Router.setState({ messages: [testMessage] });
+ Router.routeCFRMessage(testMessage, {}, null, true);
+ assert.calledOnce(CFRPageActions.forceRecommendation);
+ });
+ it("should call CFRPageActions.addRecommendation if the template is cfr_action and force is false", async () => {
+ sandbox.stub(CFRPageActions, "addRecommendation");
+ const testMessage = { id: "foo", template: "cfr_doorhanger" };
+ await Router.setState({ messages: [testMessage] });
+ Router.routeCFRMessage(testMessage, {}, {}, false);
+ assert.calledOnce(CFRPageActions.addRecommendation);
+ });
+ });
+ describe("#updateTargetingParameters", () => {
+ it("should return an object containing the whole state", async () => {
+ sandbox.stub(Router, "getTargetingParameters").resolves({});
+ let msg = await Router.updateTargetingParameters();
+ let expected = Object.assign({}, Router.state, {
+ providerPrefs: ASRouterPreferences.providers,
+ userPrefs: ASRouterPreferences.getAllUserPreferences(),
+ targetingParameters: {},
+ errors: Router.errors,
+ devtoolsEnabled: ASRouterPreferences.devtoolsEnabled,
+ });
+ assert.deepEqual(msg, expected);
+ });
+ });
+ describe("#reachEvent", () => {
+ let experimentAPIStub;
+ let featureIds = ["cfr", "moments-page", "infobar", "spotlight"];
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ let getExperimentMetaDataStub = sandbox.stub();
+ let getAllBranchesStub = sandbox.stub();
+ featureIds.forEach(feature => {
+ global.NimbusFeatures[feature].getAllVariables.returns({
+ id: `message-${feature}`,
+ });
+ getExperimentMetaDataStub.withArgs({ featureId: feature }).returns({
+ slug: `slug-${feature}`,
+ branch: {
+ slug: `branch-${feature}`,
+ },
+ });
+ getAllBranchesStub.withArgs(`slug-${feature}`).resolves([
+ {
+ slug: `other-branch-${feature}`,
+ [feature]: { value: { trigger: "unit-test" } },
+ },
+ ]);
+ });
+ experimentAPIStub = {
+ getExperimentMetaData: getExperimentMetaDataStub,
+ getAllBranches: getAllBranchesStub,
+ };
+ globals.set("ExperimentAPI", experimentAPIStub);
+ });
+ afterEach(() => {
+ sandbox.restore();
+ });
+ it("should tag `forReachEvent` for all the expected message types", async () => {
+ // This should match the `providers.messaging-experiments`
+ let response = await MessageLoaderUtils.loadMessagesForProvider({
+ type: "remote-experiments",
+ featureIds,
+ });
+ // 1 message for reach 1 for expose
+, "messages");
+ assert.lengthOf(response.messages, featureIds.length * 2);
+ assert.lengthOf(
+ response.messages.filter(m => m.forReachEvent),
+ featureIds.length
+ );
+ });
+ });
+ describe("#sendTriggerMessage", () => {
+ it("should pass the trigger to ASRouterTargeting when sending trigger message", async () => {
+ await Router.setState({
+ messages: [
+ {
+ id: "foo1",
+ provider: "onboarding",
+ template: "onboarding",
+ trigger: { id: "firstRun" },
+ content: { title: "Foo1", body: "Foo123-1" },
+ groups: ["onboarding"],
+ },
+ ],
+ providers: [{ id: "onboarding" }],
+ });
+ Router.loadMessagesFromAllProviders.resetHistory();
+ Router.loadMessagesFromAllProviders.onFirstCall().resolves();
+ await Router.sendTriggerMessage({
+ tabId: 0,
+ browser: {},
+ id: "firstRun",
+ });
+ assert.calledOnce(ASRouterTargeting.findMatchingMessage);
+ assert.deepEqual(
+ ASRouterTargeting.findMatchingMessage.firstCall.args[0].trigger,
+ {
+ id: "firstRun",
+ param: undefined,
+ context: undefined,
+ }
+ );
+ });
+ it("should record telemetry information", async () => {
+ const startTelemetryStopwatch = sandbox.stub(
+ global.TelemetryStopwatch,
+ "start"
+ );
+ const finishTelemetryStopwatch = sandbox.stub(
+ global.TelemetryStopwatch,
+ "finish"
+ );
+ const tabId = 123;
+ await Router.sendTriggerMessage({
+ tabId,
+ browser: {},
+ id: "firstRun",
+ });
+ assert.calledTwice(startTelemetryStopwatch);
+ assert.calledWithExactly(
+ startTelemetryStopwatch,
+ { tabId }
+ );
+ assert.calledTwice(finishTelemetryStopwatch);
+ assert.calledWithExactly(
+ finishTelemetryStopwatch,
+ { tabId }
+ );
+ });
+ it("should have previousSessionEnd in the message context", () => {
+ assert.propertyVal(
+ Router._getMessagesContext(),
+ "previousSessionEnd",
+ 100
+ );
+ });
+ it("should record the Reach event if found any", async () => {
+ let messages = [
+ {
+ id: "foo1",
+ forReachEvent: { sent: false, group: "cfr" },
+ experimentSlug: "exp01",
+ branchSlug: "branch01",
+ template: "simple_template",
+ trigger: { id: "foo" },
+ content: { title: "Foo1", body: "Foo123-1" },
+ },
+ {
+ id: "foo2",
+ template: "simple_template",
+ trigger: { id: "bar" },
+ content: { title: "Foo2", body: "Foo123-2" },
+ provider: "onboarding",
+ },
+ {
+ id: "foo3",
+ forReachEvent: { sent: false, group: "cfr" },
+ experimentSlug: "exp02",
+ branchSlug: "branch02",
+ template: "simple_template",
+ trigger: { id: "foo" },
+ content: { title: "Foo1", body: "Foo123-1" },
+ },
+ ];
+ sandbox.stub(Router, "handleMessageRequest").resolves(messages);
+ sandbox.spy(Services.telemetry, "recordEvent");
+ await Router.sendTriggerMessage({
+ tabId: 0,
+ browser: {},
+ id: "foo",
+ });
+ assert.calledTwice(Services.telemetry.recordEvent);
+ });
+ it("should not record the Reach event if it's already sent", async () => {
+ let messages = [
+ {
+ id: "foo1",
+ forReachEvent: { sent: true, group: "cfr" },
+ experimentSlug: "exp01",
+ branchSlug: "branch01",
+ template: "simple_template",
+ trigger: { id: "foo" },
+ content: { title: "Foo1", body: "Foo123-1" },
+ },
+ ];
+ sandbox.stub(Router, "handleMessageRequest").resolves(messages);
+ sandbox.spy(Services.telemetry, "recordEvent");
+ await Router.sendTriggerMessage({
+ tabId: 0,
+ browser: {},
+ id: "foo",
+ });
+ assert.notCalled(Services.telemetry.recordEvent);
+ });
+ it("should record the Exposure event for each valid feature", async () => {
+ ["cfr_doorhanger", "update_action", "infobar", "spotlight"].forEach(
+ async template => {
+ let featureMap = {
+ cfr_doorhanger: "cfr",
+ spotlight: "spotlight",
+ infobar: "infobar",
+ update_action: "moments-page",
+ };
+ assert.notCalled(
+ global.NimbusFeatures[featureMap[template]].recordExposureEvent
+ );
+ let messages = [
+ {
+ id: "foo1",
+ template,
+ trigger: { id: "foo" },
+ content: { title: "Foo1", body: "Foo123-1" },
+ },
+ ];
+ sandbox.stub(Router, "handleMessageRequest").resolves(messages);
+ await Router.sendTriggerMessage({
+ tabId: 0,
+ browser: {},
+ id: "foo",
+ });
+ assert.calledOnce(
+ global.NimbusFeatures[featureMap[template]].recordExposureEvent
+ );
+ }
+ );
+ });
+ });
+ describe("forceAttribution", () => {
+ let setAttributionString;
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ setAttributionString = sandbox.spy(Router, "setAttributionString");
+ sandbox.stub(global.Services.env, "set");
+ });
+ afterEach(() => {
+ sandbox.reset();
+ });
+ it("should double encode on windows", async () => {
+ sandbox.stub(fakeAttributionCode, "writeAttributionFile");
+ Router.forceAttribution({ foo: "FOO!", eh: "NOPE", bar: "BAR?" });
+ assert.notCalled(setAttributionString);
+ assert.calledWithMatch(
+ fakeAttributionCode.writeAttributionFile,
+ "foo%3DFOO!%26bar%3DBAR%253F"
+ );
+ });
+ it("should set attribution string on mac", async () => {
+ sandbox.stub(global.AppConstants, "platform").value("macosx");
+ Router.forceAttribution({ foo: "FOO!", eh: "NOPE", bar: "BAR?" });
+ assert.calledOnce(setAttributionString);
+ assert.calledWithMatch(
+ setAttributionString,
+ "foo%3DFOO!%26bar%3DBAR%253F"
+ );
+ });
+ });
+ describe("#forceWNPanel", () => {
+ let browser = {
+ ownerGlobal: {
+ document: new Document(),
+ PanelUI: {
+ showSubView: sinon.stub(),
+ panel: {
+ setAttribute: sinon.stub(),
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ };
+ let fakePanel = {
+ setAttribute: sinon.stub(),
+ };
+ sinon
+ .stub(browser.ownerGlobal.document, "getElementById")
+ .returns(fakePanel);
+ it("should call enableToolbarButton", async () => {
+ await Router.forceWNPanel(browser);
+ assert.calledOnce(FakeToolbarPanelHub.enableToolbarButton);
+ assert.calledOnce(browser.ownerGlobal.PanelUI.showSubView);
+ assert.calledWith(fakePanel.setAttribute, "noautohide", true);
+ });
+ });
+ describe("_triggerHandler", () => {
+ it("should call #sendTriggerMessage with the correct trigger", () => {
+ const getter = sandbox.stub();
+ getter.returns(false);
+ sandbox.stub(global.BrowserHandler, "kiosk").get(getter);
+ sinon.spy(Router, "sendTriggerMessage");
+ const browser = {};
+ const trigger = { id: "FAKE_TRIGGER", param: "some fake param" };
+ Router._triggerHandler(browser, trigger);
+ assert.calledOnce(Router.sendTriggerMessage);
+ assert.calledWith(
+ Router.sendTriggerMessage,
+ sandbox.match({
+ param: "some fake param",
+ })
+ );
+ });
+ });
+ describe("_triggerHandler_kiosk", () => {
+ it("should not call #sendTriggerMessage", () => {
+ const getter = sandbox.stub();
+ getter.returns(true);
+ sandbox.stub(global.BrowserHandler, "kiosk").get(getter);
+ sinon.spy(Router, "sendTriggerMessage");
+ const browser = {};
+ const trigger = { id: "FAKE_TRIGGER", param: "some fake param" };
+ Router._triggerHandler(browser, trigger);
+ assert.notCalled(Router.sendTriggerMessage);
+ });
+ });
+ describe("valid preview endpoint", () => {
+ it("should report an error if url protocol is not https", () => {
+ sandbox.stub(console, "error");
+ assert.equal(false, Router._validPreviewEndpoint(""));
+ assert.calledTwice(console.error);
+ });
+ });
+ describe("impressions", () => {
+ describe("#addImpression for groups", () => {
+ it("should save an impression in each group-with-frequency in a message", async () => {
+ const fooMessageImpressions = [0];
+ const aGroupImpressions = [0, 1, 2];
+ const bGroupImpressions = [3, 4, 5];
+ const cGroupImpressions = [6, 7, 8];
+ const message = {
+ id: "foo",
+ provider: "bar",
+ groups: ["a", "b", "c"],
+ };
+ const groups = [
+ { id: "a", frequency: { lifetime: 3 } },
+ { id: "b", frequency: { lifetime: 4 } },
+ { id: "c", frequency: { lifetime: 5 } },
+ ];
+ await Router.setState(state => {
+ // Add provider
+ const providers = [...state.providers];
+ // Add fooMessageImpressions
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-shadow
+ const messageImpressions = Object.assign(
+ {},
+ state.messageImpressions
+ );
+ let gImpressions = {};
+ gImpressions.a = aGroupImpressions;
+ gImpressions.b = bGroupImpressions;
+ gImpressions.c = cGroupImpressions;
+ = fooMessageImpressions;
+ return {
+ providers,
+ messageImpressions,
+ groups,
+ groupImpressions: gImpressions,
+ };
+ });
+ await Router.addImpression(message);
+ assert.deepEqual(
+ Router.state.groupImpressions.a,
+ [0, 1, 2, 0],
+ "a impressions"
+ );
+ assert.deepEqual(
+ Router.state.groupImpressions.b,
+ [3, 4, 5, 0],
+ "b impressions"
+ );
+ assert.deepEqual(
+ Router.state.groupImpressions.c,
+ [6, 7, 8, 0],
+ "c impressions"
+ );
+ });
+ });
+ describe("#isBelowFrequencyCaps", () => {
+ it("should call #_isBelowItemFrequencyCap for the message and for the provider with the correct impressions and arguments", async () => {
+ sinon.spy(Router, "_isBelowItemFrequencyCap");
+ const MAX_MESSAGE_LIFETIME_CAP = 100; // Defined in ASRouter
+ const fooMessageImpressions = [0, 1];
+ const barGroupImpressions = [0, 1, 2];
+ const message = {
+ id: "foo",
+ provider: "bar",
+ groups: ["bar"],
+ frequency: { lifetime: 3 },
+ };
+ const groups = [{ id: "bar", frequency: { lifetime: 5 } }];
+ await Router.setState(state => {
+ // Add provider
+ const providers = [...state.providers];
+ // Add fooMessageImpressions
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-shadow
+ const messageImpressions = Object.assign(
+ {},
+ state.messageImpressions
+ );
+ let gImpressions = {};
+ = barGroupImpressions;
+ = fooMessageImpressions;
+ return {
+ providers,
+ messageImpressions,
+ groups,
+ groupImpressions: gImpressions,
+ };
+ });
+ await Router.isBelowFrequencyCaps(message);
+ assert.calledTwice(Router._isBelowItemFrequencyCap);
+ assert.calledWithExactly(
+ Router._isBelowItemFrequencyCap,
+ message,
+ fooMessageImpressions,
+ );
+ assert.calledWithExactly(
+ Router._isBelowItemFrequencyCap,
+ groups[0],
+ barGroupImpressions
+ );
+ });
+ });
+ describe("#_isBelowItemFrequencyCap", () => {
+ it("should return false if the # of impressions exceeds the maxLifetimeCap", () => {
+ const item = { id: "foo", frequency: { lifetime: 5 } };
+ const impressions = [0, 1];
+ const maxLifetimeCap = 1;
+ const result = Router._isBelowItemFrequencyCap(
+ item,
+ impressions,
+ maxLifetimeCap
+ );
+ assert.isFalse(result);
+ });
+ describe("lifetime frequency caps", () => {
+ it("should return true if .frequency is not defined on the item", () => {
+ const item = { id: "foo" };
+ const impressions = [0, 1];
+ const result = Router._isBelowItemFrequencyCap(item, impressions);
+ assert.isTrue(result);
+ });
+ it("should return true if there are no impressions", () => {
+ const item = {
+ id: "foo",
+ frequency: {
+ lifetime: 10,
+ custom: [{ period: ONE_DAY_IN_MS, cap: 2 }],
+ },
+ };
+ const impressions = [];
+ const result = Router._isBelowItemFrequencyCap(item, impressions);
+ assert.isTrue(result);
+ });
+ it("should return true if the # of impressions is less than .frequency.lifetime of the item", () => {
+ const item = { id: "foo", frequency: { lifetime: 3 } };
+ const impressions = [0, 1];
+ const result = Router._isBelowItemFrequencyCap(item, impressions);
+ assert.isTrue(result);
+ });
+ it("should return false if the # of impressions is equal to .frequency.lifetime of the item", async () => {
+ const item = { id: "foo", frequency: { lifetime: 3 } };
+ const impressions = [0, 1, 2];
+ const result = Router._isBelowItemFrequencyCap(item, impressions);
+ assert.isFalse(result);
+ });
+ it("should return false if the # of impressions is greater than .frequency.lifetime of the item", async () => {
+ const item = { id: "foo", frequency: { lifetime: 3 } };
+ const impressions = [0, 1, 2, 3];
+ const result = Router._isBelowItemFrequencyCap(item, impressions);
+ assert.isFalse(result);
+ });
+ });
+ describe("custom frequency caps", () => {
+ it("should return true if impressions in the time period < the cap and total impressions < the lifetime cap", () => {
+ clock.tick(ONE_DAY_IN_MS + 10);
+ const item = {
+ id: "foo",
+ frequency: {
+ custom: [{ period: ONE_DAY_IN_MS, cap: 2 }],
+ lifetime: 3,
+ },
+ };
+ const impressions = [0, ONE_DAY_IN_MS + 1];
+ const result = Router._isBelowItemFrequencyCap(item, impressions);
+ assert.isTrue(result);
+ });
+ it("should return false if impressions in the time period > the cap and total impressions < the lifetime cap", () => {
+ clock.tick(200);
+ const item = {
+ id: "msg1",
+ frequency: { custom: [{ period: 100, cap: 2 }], lifetime: 3 },
+ };
+ const impressions = [0, 160, 161];
+ const result = Router._isBelowItemFrequencyCap(item, impressions);
+ assert.isFalse(result);
+ });
+ it("should return false if impressions in one of the time periods > the cap and total impressions < the lifetime cap", () => {
+ clock.tick(ONE_DAY_IN_MS + 200);
+ const itemTrue = {
+ id: "msg2",
+ frequency: { custom: [{ period: 100, cap: 2 }] },
+ };
+ const itemFalse = {
+ id: "msg1",
+ frequency: {
+ custom: [
+ { period: 100, cap: 2 },
+ { period: ONE_DAY_IN_MS, cap: 3 },
+ ],
+ },
+ };
+ const impressions = [
+ 0,
+ ONE_DAY_IN_MS + 160,
+ ONE_DAY_IN_MS - 100,
+ ONE_DAY_IN_MS - 200,
+ ];
+ assert.isTrue(Router._isBelowItemFrequencyCap(itemTrue, impressions));
+ assert.isFalse(
+ Router._isBelowItemFrequencyCap(itemFalse, impressions)
+ );
+ });
+ it("should return false if impressions in the time period < the cap and total impressions > the lifetime cap", () => {
+ clock.tick(ONE_DAY_IN_MS + 10);
+ const item = {
+ id: "msg1",
+ frequency: {
+ custom: [{ period: ONE_DAY_IN_MS, cap: 2 }],
+ lifetime: 3,
+ },
+ };
+ const impressions = [0, 1, 2, 3, ONE_DAY_IN_MS + 1];
+ const result = Router._isBelowItemFrequencyCap(item, impressions);
+ assert.isFalse(result);
+ });
+ it("should return true if daily impressions < the daily cap and there is no lifetime cap", () => {
+ clock.tick(ONE_DAY_IN_MS + 10);
+ const item = {
+ id: "msg1",
+ frequency: { custom: [{ period: ONE_DAY_IN_MS, cap: 2 }] },
+ };
+ const impressions = [0, 1, 2, 3, ONE_DAY_IN_MS + 1];
+ const result = Router._isBelowItemFrequencyCap(item, impressions);
+ assert.isTrue(result);
+ });
+ it("should return false if daily impressions > the daily cap and there is no lifetime cap", () => {
+ clock.tick(ONE_DAY_IN_MS + 10);
+ const item = {
+ id: "msg1",
+ frequency: { custom: [{ period: ONE_DAY_IN_MS, cap: 2 }] },
+ };
+ const impressions = [
+ 0,
+ 1,
+ 2,
+ 3,
+ ONE_DAY_IN_MS + 1,
+ ONE_DAY_IN_MS + 2,
+ ONE_DAY_IN_MS + 3,
+ ];
+ const result = Router._isBelowItemFrequencyCap(item, impressions);
+ assert.isFalse(result);
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ describe("#getLongestPeriod", () => {
+ it("should return the period if there is only one definition", () => {
+ const message = {
+ id: "foo",
+ frequency: { custom: [{ period: 200, cap: 2 }] },
+ };
+ assert.equal(Router.getLongestPeriod(message), 200);
+ });
+ it("should return the longest period if there are more than one definitions", () => {
+ const message = {
+ id: "foo",
+ frequency: {
+ custom: [
+ { period: 1000, cap: 3 },
+ { period: ONE_DAY_IN_MS, cap: 5 },
+ { period: 100, cap: 2 },
+ ],
+ },
+ };
+ assert.equal(Router.getLongestPeriod(message), ONE_DAY_IN_MS);
+ });
+ it("should return null if there are is no .frequency", () => {
+ const message = { id: "foo" };
+ assert.isNull(Router.getLongestPeriod(message));
+ });
+ it("should return null if there are is no .frequency.custom", () => {
+ const message = { id: "foo", frequency: { lifetime: 10 } };
+ assert.isNull(Router.getLongestPeriod(message));
+ });
+ });
+ describe("cleanup on init", () => {
+ it("should clear messageImpressions for messages which do not exist in state.messages", async () => {
+ const messages = [{ id: "foo", frequency: { lifetime: 10 } }];
+ messageImpressions = { foo: [0], bar: [0, 1] };
+ // Impressions for "bar" should be removed since that id does not exist in messages
+ const result = { foo: [0] };
+ await createRouterAndInit([
+ { id: "onboarding", type: "local", messages, enabled: true },
+ ]);
+ assert.calledWith(Router._storage.set, "messageImpressions", result);
+ assert.deepEqual(Router.state.messageImpressions, result);
+ });
+ it("should clear messageImpressions older than the period if no lifetime impression cap is included", async () => {
+ clock.tick(CURRENT_TIME);
+ const messages = [
+ {
+ id: "foo",
+ frequency: { custom: [{ period: ONE_DAY_IN_MS, cap: 5 }] },
+ },
+ ];
+ messageImpressions = { foo: [0, 1, CURRENT_TIME - 10] };
+ // Only 0 and 1 are more than 24 hours before CURRENT_TIME
+ const result = { foo: [CURRENT_TIME - 10] };
+ await createRouterAndInit([
+ { id: "onboarding", type: "local", messages, enabled: true },
+ ]);
+ assert.calledWith(Router._storage.set, "messageImpressions", result);
+ assert.deepEqual(Router.state.messageImpressions, result);
+ });
+ it("should clear messageImpressions older than the longest period if no lifetime impression cap is included", async () => {
+ clock.tick(CURRENT_TIME);
+ const messages = [
+ {
+ id: "foo",
+ frequency: {
+ custom: [
+ { period: ONE_DAY_IN_MS, cap: 5 },
+ { period: 100, cap: 2 },
+ ],
+ },
+ },
+ ];
+ messageImpressions = { foo: [0, 1, CURRENT_TIME - 10] };
+ // Only 0 and 1 are more than 24 hours before CURRENT_TIME
+ const result = { foo: [CURRENT_TIME - 10] };
+ await createRouterAndInit([
+ { id: "onboarding", type: "local", messages, enabled: true },
+ ]);
+ assert.calledWith(Router._storage.set, "messageImpressions", result);
+ assert.deepEqual(Router.state.messageImpressions, result);
+ });
+ it("should clear messageImpressions if they are not properly formatted", async () => {
+ const messages = [{ id: "foo", frequency: { lifetime: 10 } }];
+ // this is impromperly formatted since messageImpressions are supposed to be an array
+ messageImpressions = { foo: 0 };
+ const result = {};
+ await createRouterAndInit([
+ { id: "onboarding", type: "local", messages, enabled: true },
+ ]);
+ assert.calledWith(Router._storage.set, "messageImpressions", result);
+ assert.deepEqual(Router.state.messageImpressions, result);
+ });
+ it("should not clear messageImpressions for messages which do exist in state.messages", async () => {
+ const messages = [
+ { id: "foo", frequency: { lifetime: 10 } },
+ { id: "bar", frequency: { lifetime: 10 } },
+ ];
+ messageImpressions = { foo: [0], bar: [] };
+ await createRouterAndInit([
+ { id: "onboarding", type: "local", messages, enabled: true },
+ ]);
+ assert.notCalled(Router._storage.set);
+ assert.deepEqual(Router.state.messageImpressions, messageImpressions);
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ describe("#_onLocaleChanged", () => {
+ it("should call _maybeUpdateL10nAttachment in the handler", async () => {
+ sandbox.spy(Router, "_maybeUpdateL10nAttachment");
+ await Router._onLocaleChanged();
+ assert.calledOnce(Router._maybeUpdateL10nAttachment);
+ });
+ });
+ describe("#_maybeUpdateL10nAttachment", () => {
+ it("should update the l10n attachment if the locale was changed", async () => {
+ const getter = sandbox.stub();
+ getter.onFirstCall().returns("en-US");
+ getter.onSecondCall().returns("fr");
+ sandbox.stub(global.Services.locale, "appLocaleAsBCP47").get(getter);
+ const provider = {
+ id: "cfr",
+ enabled: true,
+ type: "remote-settings",
+ collection: "cfr",
+ };
+ await createRouterAndInit([provider]);
+ sandbox.spy(Router, "setState");
+ Router.loadMessagesFromAllProviders.resetHistory();
+ await Router._maybeUpdateL10nAttachment();
+ assert.calledWith(Router.setState, {
+ localeInUse: "fr",
+ providers: [
+ {
+ id: "cfr",
+ enabled: true,
+ type: "remote-settings",
+ collection: "cfr",
+ lastUpdated: undefined,
+ errors: [],
+ },
+ ],
+ });
+ assert.calledOnce(Router.loadMessagesFromAllProviders);
+ });
+ it("should not update the l10n attachment if the provider doesn't need l10n attachment", async () => {
+ const getter = sandbox.stub();
+ getter.onFirstCall().returns("en-US");
+ getter.onSecondCall().returns("fr");
+ sandbox.stub(global.Services.locale, "appLocaleAsBCP47").get(getter);
+ const provider = {
+ id: "localProvider",
+ enabled: true,
+ type: "local",
+ };
+ await createRouterAndInit([provider]);
+ Router.loadMessagesFromAllProviders.resetHistory();
+ sandbox.spy(Router, "setState");
+ await Router._maybeUpdateL10nAttachment();
+ assert.notCalled(Router.setState);
+ assert.notCalled(Router.loadMessagesFromAllProviders);
+ });
+ });
+ describe("#observe", () => {
+ it("should reload l10n for CFRPageActions when the `USE_REMOTE_L10N_PREF` pref is changed", () => {
+ sandbox.spy(CFRPageActions, "reloadL10n");
+ Router.observe("", "", USE_REMOTE_L10N_PREF);
+ assert.calledOnce(CFRPageActions.reloadL10n);
+ });
+ it("should not react to other pref changes", () => {
+ sandbox.spy(CFRPageActions, "reloadL10n");
+ Router.observe("", "", "foo");
+ assert.notCalled(CFRPageActions.reloadL10n);
+ });
+ });
+ describe("#loadAllMessageGroups", () => {
+ it("should disable the group if the pref is false", async () => {
+ sandbox.stub(ASRouterPreferences, "getUserPreference").returns(false);
+ sandbox.stub(MessageLoaderUtils, "_getRemoteSettingsMessages").resolves([
+ {
+ id: "provider-group",
+ enabled: true,
+ type: "remote",
+ userPreferences: ["cfrAddons"],
+ },
+ ]);
+ await Router.setState({
+ providers: [
+ {
+ id: "message-groups",
+ enabled: true,
+ collection: "collection",
+ type: "remote-settings",
+ },
+ ],
+ });
+ await Router.loadAllMessageGroups();
+ const group = Router.state.groups.find(g => === "provider-group");
+ assert.ok(group);
+ assert.propertyVal(group, "enabled", false);
+ });
+ it("should enable the group if at least one pref is true", async () => {
+ sandbox
+ .stub(ASRouterPreferences, "getUserPreference")
+ .withArgs("cfrAddons")
+ .returns(false)
+ .withArgs("cfrFeatures")
+ .returns(true);
+ sandbox.stub(MessageLoaderUtils, "_getRemoteSettingsMessages").resolves([
+ {
+ id: "provider-group",
+ enabled: true,
+ type: "remote",
+ userPreferences: ["cfrAddons", "cfrFeatures"],
+ },
+ ]);
+ await Router.setState({
+ providers: [
+ {
+ id: "message-groups",
+ enabled: true,
+ collection: "collection",
+ type: "remote-settings",
+ },
+ ],
+ });
+ await Router.loadAllMessageGroups();
+ const group = Router.state.groups.find(g => === "provider-group");
+ assert.ok(group);
+ assert.propertyVal(group, "enabled", true);
+ });
+ it("should be keep the group disabled if disabled is true", async () => {
+ sandbox.stub(ASRouterPreferences, "getUserPreference").returns(true);
+ sandbox.stub(MessageLoaderUtils, "_getRemoteSettingsMessages").resolves([
+ {
+ id: "provider-group",
+ enabled: false,
+ type: "remote",
+ userPreferences: ["cfrAddons"],
+ },
+ ]);
+ await Router.setState({
+ providers: [
+ {
+ id: "message-groups",
+ enabled: true,
+ collection: "collection",
+ type: "remote-settings",
+ },
+ ],
+ });
+ await Router.loadAllMessageGroups();
+ const group = Router.state.groups.find(g => === "provider-group");
+ assert.ok(group);
+ assert.propertyVal(group, "enabled", false);
+ });
+ it("should keep local groups unchanged if provider doesn't require an update", async () => {
+ sandbox.stub(MessageLoaderUtils, "shouldProviderUpdate").returns(false);
+ sandbox.stub(MessageLoaderUtils, "_loadDataForProvider");
+ await Router.setState({
+ groups: [
+ {
+ id: "cfr",
+ enabled: true,
+ collection: "collection",
+ type: "remote-settings",
+ },
+ ],
+ });
+ await Router.loadAllMessageGroups();
+ const group = Router.state.groups.find(g => === "cfr");
+ assert.ok(group);
+ assert.propertyVal(group, "enabled", true);
+ // Because it should not have updated
+ assert.notCalled(MessageLoaderUtils._loadDataForProvider);
+ });
+ it("should update local groups on pref change (no RS update)", async () => {
+ sandbox.stub(MessageLoaderUtils, "shouldProviderUpdate").returns(false);
+ sandbox.stub(ASRouterPreferences, "getUserPreference").returns(false);
+ await Router.setState({
+ groups: [
+ {
+ id: "cfr",
+ enabled: true,
+ collection: "collection",
+ type: "remote-settings",
+ userPreferences: ["cfrAddons"],
+ },
+ ],
+ });
+ await Router.loadAllMessageGroups();
+ const group = Router.state.groups.find(g => === "cfr");
+ assert.ok(group);
+ // Pref changed, updated the group state
+ assert.propertyVal(group, "enabled", false);
+ });
+ });
+ describe("unblockAll", () => {
+ it("Clears the message block list and returns the state value", async () => {
+ await Router.setState({ messageBlockList: ["one", "two", "three"] });
+ assert.equal(Router.state.messageBlockList.length, 3);
+ const state = await Router.unblockAll();
+ assert.equal(Router.state.messageBlockList.length, 0);
+ assert.equal(state.messageBlockList.length, 0);
+ });
+ });
+ describe("#loadMessagesForProvider", () => {
+ it("should fetch messages from the ExperimentAPI", async () => {
+ const args = {
+ type: "remote-experiments",
+ featureIds: ["spotlight"],
+ };
+ await MessageLoaderUtils.loadMessagesForProvider(args);
+ assert.calledOnce(global.NimbusFeatures.spotlight.getAllVariables);
+ assert.calledOnce(global.ExperimentAPI.getExperimentMetaData);
+ assert.calledWithExactly(global.ExperimentAPI.getExperimentMetaData, {
+ featureId: "spotlight",
+ });
+ });
+ it("should handle the case of no experiments in the ExperimentAPI", async () => {
+ const args = {
+ type: "remote-experiments",
+ featureIds: ["infobar"],
+ };
+ global.ExperimentAPI.getExperiment.returns(null);
+ const result = await MessageLoaderUtils.loadMessagesForProvider(args);
+ assert.lengthOf(result.messages, 0);
+ });
+ it("should normally load ExperimentAPI messages", async () => {
+ const args = {
+ type: "remote-experiments",
+ featureIds: ["infobar"],
+ };
+ const enrollment = {
+ branch: {
+ slug: "branch01",
+ infobar: {
+ featureId: "infobar",
+ value: { id: "id01", trigger: { id: "openURL" } },
+ },
+ },
+ };
+ global.NimbusFeatures.infobar.getAllVariables.returns(
+ enrollment.branch.infobar.value
+ );
+ global.ExperimentAPI.getExperimentMetaData.returns({
+ branch: { slug: enrollment.branch.slug },
+ });
+ global.ExperimentAPI.getAllBranches.returns([
+ enrollment.branch,
+ {
+ slug: "control",
+ infobar: {
+ featureId: "infobar",
+ value: null,
+ },
+ },
+ ]);
+ const result = await MessageLoaderUtils.loadMessagesForProvider(args);
+ assert.lengthOf(result.messages, 1);
+ });
+ it("should skip disabled features and not load the messages", async () => {
+ const args = {
+ type: "remote-experiments",
+ featureIds: ["cfr"],
+ };
+ global.NimbusFeatures.cfr.getAllVariables.returns(null);
+ const result = await MessageLoaderUtils.loadMessagesForProvider(args);
+ assert.lengthOf(result.messages, 0);
+ });
+ it("should fetch branches with trigger", async () => {
+ const args = {
+ type: "remote-experiments",
+ featureIds: ["cfr"],
+ };
+ const enrollment = {
+ slug: "exp01",
+ branch: {
+ slug: "branch01",
+ cfr: {
+ featureId: "cfr",
+ value: { id: "id01", trigger: { id: "openURL" } },
+ },
+ },
+ };
+ global.NimbusFeatures.cfr.getAllVariables.returns(
+ enrollment.branch.cfr.value
+ );
+ global.ExperimentAPI.getExperimentMetaData.returns({
+ slug: enrollment.slug,
+ active: true,
+ branch: { slug: enrollment.branch.slug },
+ });
+ global.ExperimentAPI.getAllBranches.resolves([
+ enrollment.branch,
+ {
+ slug: "branch02",
+ cfr: {
+ featureId: "cfr",
+ value: { id: "id02", trigger: { id: "openURL" } },
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ // This branch should not be loaded as it doesn't have the trigger
+ slug: "branch03",
+ cfr: {
+ featureId: "cfr",
+ value: { id: "id03" },
+ },
+ },
+ ]);
+ const result = await MessageLoaderUtils.loadMessagesForProvider(args);
+ assert.equal(result.messages.length, 2);
+ assert.equal(result.messages[0].id, "id01");
+ assert.equal(result.messages[1].id, "id02");
+ assert.equal(result.messages[1].experimentSlug, "exp01");
+ assert.equal(result.messages[1].branchSlug, "branch02");
+ assert.deepEqual(result.messages[1].forReachEvent, {
+ sent: false,
+ group: "cfr",
+ });
+ });
+ it("should fetch branches with trigger even if enrolled branch is disabled", async () => {
+ const args = {
+ type: "remote-experiments",
+ featureIds: ["cfr"],
+ };
+ const enrollment = {
+ slug: "exp01",
+ branch: {
+ slug: "branch01",
+ cfr: {
+ featureId: "cfr",
+ value: {},
+ },
+ },
+ };
+ // Nedds to match the `featureIds` value to return an enrollment
+ // for that feature
+ global.NimbusFeatures.cfr.getAllVariables.returns(
+ enrollment.branch.cfr.value
+ );
+ global.ExperimentAPI.getExperimentMetaData.returns({
+ slug: enrollment.slug,
+ active: true,
+ branch: { slug: enrollment.branch.slug },
+ });
+ global.ExperimentAPI.getAllBranches.resolves([
+ enrollment.branch,
+ {
+ slug: "branch02",
+ cfr: {
+ featureId: "cfr",
+ value: { id: "id02", trigger: { id: "openURL" } },
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ // This branch should not be loaded as it doesn't have the trigger
+ slug: "branch03",
+ cfr: {
+ featureId: "cfr",
+ value: { id: "id03" },
+ },
+ },
+ ]);
+ const result = await MessageLoaderUtils.loadMessagesForProvider(args);
+ assert.equal(result.messages.length, 1);
+ assert.equal(result.messages[0].id, "id02");
+ assert.equal(result.messages[0].experimentSlug, "exp01");
+ assert.equal(result.messages[0].branchSlug, "branch02");
+ assert.deepEqual(result.messages[0].forReachEvent, {
+ sent: false,
+ group: "cfr",
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ describe("#_remoteSettingsLoader", () => {
+ let provider;
+ let spy;
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ provider = {
+ id: "cfr",
+ collection: "cfr",
+ };
+ sandbox
+ .stub(MessageLoaderUtils, "_getRemoteSettingsMessages")
+ .resolves([{ id: "message_1" }]);
+ spy = sandbox.spy();
+ global.Downloader.prototype.downloadToDisk = spy;
+ });
+ it("should be called with the expected dir path", async () => {
+ const dlSpy = sandbox.spy(global, "Downloader");
+ sandbox
+ .stub(global.Services.locale, "appLocaleAsBCP47")
+ .get(() => "en-US");
+ await MessageLoaderUtils._remoteSettingsLoader(provider, {});
+ assert.calledWith(
+ dlSpy,
+ "main",
+ "ms-language-packs",
+ "browser",
+ "newtab"
+ );
+ });
+ it("should allow fetch for known locales", async () => {
+ sandbox
+ .stub(global.Services.locale, "appLocaleAsBCP47")
+ .get(() => "en-US");
+ await MessageLoaderUtils._remoteSettingsLoader(provider, {});
+ assert.calledOnce(spy);
+ });
+ it("should fallback to 'en-US' for locale 'und' ", async () => {
+ sandbox.stub(global.Services.locale, "appLocaleAsBCP47").get(() => "und");
+ const getRecordSpy = sandbox.spy(
+ global.KintoHttpClient.prototype,
+ "getRecord"
+ );
+ await MessageLoaderUtils._remoteSettingsLoader(provider, {});
+ assert.ok(getRecordSpy.args[0][0].includes("en-US"));
+ assert.calledOnce(spy);
+ });
+ it("should fallback to 'ja-JP-mac' for locale 'ja-JP-macos'", async () => {
+ sandbox
+ .stub(global.Services.locale, "appLocaleAsBCP47")
+ .get(() => "ja-JP-macos");
+ const getRecordSpy = sandbox.spy(
+ global.KintoHttpClient.prototype,
+ "getRecord"
+ );
+ await MessageLoaderUtils._remoteSettingsLoader(provider, {});
+ assert.ok(getRecordSpy.args[0][0].includes("ja-JP-mac"));
+ assert.calledOnce(spy);
+ });
+ it("should not allow fetch for unsupported locales", async () => {
+ sandbox
+ .stub(global.Services.locale, "appLocaleAsBCP47")
+ .get(() => "unkown");
+ await MessageLoaderUtils._remoteSettingsLoader(provider, {});
+ assert.notCalled(spy);
+ });
+ });
+ describe("#resetMessageState", () => {
+ it("should reset all message impressions", async () => {
+ await Router.setState({
+ messages: [{ id: "1" }, { id: "2" }],
+ });
+ await Router.setState({
+ messageImpressions: { 1: [0, 1, 2], 2: [0, 1, 2] },
+ }); // Add impressions for test messages
+ let impressions = Object.values(Router.state.messageImpressions);
+ assert.equal(impressions.filter(i => i.length).length, 2); // Both messages have impressions
+ Router.resetMessageState();
+ impressions = Object.values(Router.state.messageImpressions);
+ assert.isEmpty(impressions.filter(i => i.length)); // Both messages now have zero impressions
+ assert.calledWithExactly(Router._storage.set, "messageImpressions", {
+ 1: [],
+ 2: [],
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ describe("#resetGroupsState", () => {
+ it("should reset all group impressions", async () => {
+ await Router.setState({
+ groups: [{ id: "1" }, { id: "2" }],
+ });
+ await Router.setState({
+ groupImpressions: { 1: [0, 1, 2], 2: [0, 1, 2] },
+ }); // Add impressions for test groups
+ let impressions = Object.values(Router.state.groupImpressions);
+ assert.equal(impressions.filter(i => i.length).length, 2); // Both groups have impressions
+ Router.resetGroupsState();
+ impressions = Object.values(Router.state.groupImpressions);
+ assert.isEmpty(impressions.filter(i => i.length)); // Both groups now have zero impressions
+ assert.calledWithExactly(Router._storage.set, "groupImpressions", {
+ 1: [],
+ 2: [],
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ describe("#resetScreenImpressions", () => {
+ it("should reset all screen impressions", async () => {
+ await Router.setState({ screenImpressions: { 1: 1, 2: 2 } });
+ let impressions = Object.values(Router.state.screenImpressions);
+ assert.equal(impressions.filter(i => i).length, 2); // Both screens have impressions
+ Router.resetScreenImpressions();
+ impressions = Object.values(Router.state.screenImpressions);
+ assert.isEmpty(impressions.filter(i => i)); // Both screens now have zero impressions
+ assert.calledWithExactly(Router._storage.set, "screenImpressions", {});
+ });
+ });
+ describe("#editState", () => {
+ it("should update message impressions", async () => {
+ sandbox.stub(ASRouterPreferences, "devtoolsEnabled").get(() => true);
+ await Router.setState({ messages: [{ id: "1" }, { id: "2" }] });
+ await Router.setState({
+ messageImpressions: { 1: [0, 1, 2], 2: [0, 1, 2] },
+ });
+ let impressions = Object.values(Router.state.messageImpressions);
+ assert.equal(impressions.filter(i => i.length).length, 2); // Both messages have impressions
+ Router.editState("messageImpressions", {
+ 1: [],
+ 2: [],
+ 3: [0, 1, 2],
+ });
+ // The original messages now have zero impressions
+ assert.isEmpty(Router.state.messageImpressions["1"]);
+ assert.isEmpty(Router.state.messageImpressions["2"]);
+ // A new impression array was added for the new message
+ assert.equal(Router.state.messageImpressions["3"].length, 3);
+ assert.calledWithExactly(Router._storage.set, "messageImpressions", {
+ 1: [],
+ 2: [],
+ 3: [0, 1, 2],
+ });
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/browser/components/asrouter/tests/unit/ASRouterChild.test.js b/browser/components/asrouter/tests/unit/ASRouterChild.test.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..41fdd79ea2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/asrouter/tests/unit/ASRouterChild.test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+/*eslint max-nested-callbacks: ["error", 10]*/
+import { ASRouterChild } from "actors/ASRouterChild.sys.mjs";
+import { MESSAGE_TYPE_HASH as msg } from "modules/ActorConstants.sys.mjs";
+import { GlobalOverrider } from "test/unit/utils";
+describe("ASRouterChild", () => {
+ let asRouterChild = null;
+ let globals = null;
+ let overrider = null;
+ let sandbox = null;
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ sandbox = sinon.createSandbox();
+ globals = {
+ Cu: {
+ cloneInto: sandbox.stub().returns(Promise.resolve()),
+ },
+ };
+ overrider = new GlobalOverrider();
+ overrider.set(globals);
+ asRouterChild = new ASRouterChild();
+ asRouterChild.telemetry = {
+ sendTelemetry: sandbox.stub(),
+ };
+ sandbox.stub(asRouterChild, "sendAsyncMessage");
+ sandbox.stub(asRouterChild, "sendQuery").returns(Promise.resolve());
+ });
+ afterEach(() => {
+ sandbox.restore();
+ overrider.restore();
+ asRouterChild = null;
+ });
+ describe("asRouterMessage", () => {
+ describe("uses sendAsyncMessage for types that don't need an async response", () => {
+ [
+ ].forEach(type => {
+ it(`type ${type}`, () => {
+ asRouterChild.asRouterMessage({
+ type,
+ data: {
+ something: 1,
+ },
+ });
+ sandbox.assert.calledOnce(asRouterChild.sendAsyncMessage);
+ sandbox.assert.calledWith(asRouterChild.sendAsyncMessage, type, {
+ something: 1,
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ // Some legacy privileged extensions still send this legacy NEWTAB_MESSAGE_REQUEST
+ // action type. We simply
+ it("can accept the legacy NEWTAB_MESSAGE_REQUEST message without throwing", async () => {
+ assert.doesNotThrow(async () => {
+ let result = await asRouterChild.asRouterMessage({
+ data: {},
+ });
+ sandbox.assert.deepEqual(result, {});
+ sandbox.assert.notCalled(asRouterChild.sendAsyncMessage);
+ });
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/browser/components/asrouter/tests/unit/ASRouterNewTabHook.test.js b/browser/components/asrouter/tests/unit/ASRouterNewTabHook.test.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..664b685881
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/asrouter/tests/unit/ASRouterNewTabHook.test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+/*eslint max-nested-callbacks: ["error", 10]*/
+import { ASRouterNewTabHook } from "modules/ASRouterNewTabHook.sys.mjs";
+describe("ASRouterNewTabHook", () => {
+ let sandbox = null;
+ let initParams = null;
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ sandbox = sinon.createSandbox();
+ initParams = {
+ router: {
+ init: sandbox.stub().callsFake(() => {
+ // Fake the initialization
+ initParams.router.initialized = true;
+ }),
+ uninit: sandbox.stub(),
+ },
+ messageHandler: {
+ handleCFRAction: {},
+ handleTelemetry: {},
+ },
+ createStorage: () => Promise.resolve({}),
+ };
+ });
+ afterEach(() => {
+ sandbox.restore();
+ });
+ describe("ASRouterNewTabHook", () => {
+ describe("getInstance", () => {
+ it("awaits createInstance and router init before returning instance", async () => {
+ const getInstanceCall = sandbox.spy();
+ const waitForInstance =
+ ASRouterNewTabHook.getInstance().then(getInstanceCall);
+ await ASRouterNewTabHook.createInstance(initParams);
+ await waitForInstance;
+ assert.callOrder(initParams.router.init, getInstanceCall);
+ });
+ });
+ describe("createInstance", () => {
+ it("calls router init", async () => {
+ await ASRouterNewTabHook.createInstance(initParams);
+ assert.calledOnce(initParams.router.init);
+ });
+ it("only calls router init once", async () => {
+ initParams.router.init.callsFake(() => {
+ initParams.router.initialized = true;
+ });
+ await ASRouterNewTabHook.createInstance(initParams);
+ await ASRouterNewTabHook.createInstance(initParams);
+ assert.calledOnce(initParams.router.init);
+ });
+ });
+ describe("destroy", () => {
+ it("disconnects new tab, uninits ASRouter, and destroys instance", async () => {
+ await ASRouterNewTabHook.createInstance(initParams);
+ const instance = await ASRouterNewTabHook.getInstance();
+ const destroy = instance.destroy.bind(instance);
+ sandbox.stub(instance, "destroy").callsFake(destroy);
+ ASRouterNewTabHook.destroy();
+ assert.calledOnce(initParams.router.uninit);
+ assert.calledOnce(instance.destroy);
+ assert.isNotNull(instance);
+ assert.isNull(instance._newTabMessageHandler);
+ });
+ });
+ describe("instance", () => {
+ let routerParams = null;
+ let messageHandler = null;
+ let instance = null;
+ beforeEach(async () => {
+ messageHandler = {
+ clearChildMessages: sandbox.stub().resolves(),
+ clearChildProviders: sandbox.stub().resolves(),
+ updateAdminState: sandbox.stub().resolves(),
+ };
+ initParams.router.init.callsFake(params => {
+ routerParams = params;
+ });
+ await ASRouterNewTabHook.createInstance(initParams);
+ instance = await ASRouterNewTabHook.getInstance();
+ });
+ describe("connect", () => {
+ it("before connection messageHandler methods are not called", async () => {
+ routerParams.clearChildMessages([1]);
+ routerParams.clearChildProviders(["test_provider"]);
+ routerParams.updateAdminState({ messages: {} });
+ assert.notCalled(messageHandler.clearChildMessages);
+ assert.notCalled(messageHandler.clearChildProviders);
+ assert.notCalled(messageHandler.updateAdminState);
+ });
+ it("after connect updateAdminState and clearChildMessages calls are forwarded to handler", async () => {
+ instance.connect(messageHandler);
+ routerParams.clearChildMessages([1]);
+ routerParams.clearChildProviders(["test_provider"]);
+ routerParams.updateAdminState({ messages: {} });
+ assert.called(messageHandler.clearChildMessages);
+ assert.called(messageHandler.clearChildProviders);
+ assert.called(messageHandler.updateAdminState);
+ });
+ it("calls from before connection are dropped", async () => {
+ routerParams.clearChildMessages([1]);
+ routerParams.clearChildProviders(["test_provider"]);
+ routerParams.updateAdminState({ messages: {} });
+ instance.connect(messageHandler);
+ routerParams.clearChildMessages([1]);
+ routerParams.clearChildProviders(["test_provider"]);
+ routerParams.updateAdminState({ messages: {} });
+ assert.calledOnce(messageHandler.clearChildMessages);
+ assert.calledOnce(messageHandler.clearChildProviders);
+ assert.calledOnce(messageHandler.updateAdminState);
+ });
+ });
+ describe("disconnect", () => {
+ it("calls after disconnect are dropped", async () => {
+ instance.connect(messageHandler);
+ instance.disconnect();
+ routerParams.clearChildMessages([1]);
+ routerParams.clearChildProviders(["test_provider"]);
+ routerParams.updateAdminState({ messages: {} });
+ assert.notCalled(messageHandler.clearChildMessages);
+ assert.notCalled(messageHandler.clearChildProviders);
+ assert.notCalled(messageHandler.updateAdminState);
+ });
+ it("only calls from when there is a connection are forwarded", async () => {
+ routerParams.clearChildMessages([1]);
+ routerParams.clearChildProviders(["foo"]);
+ routerParams.updateAdminState({ messages: {} });
+ instance.connect(messageHandler);
+ routerParams.clearChildMessages([200]);
+ routerParams.clearChildProviders(["bar"]);
+ routerParams.updateAdminState({
+ messages: {
+ data: "accept",
+ },
+ });
+ instance.disconnect();
+ routerParams.clearChildMessages([1]);
+ routerParams.clearChildProviders(["foo"]);
+ routerParams.updateAdminState({ messages: {} });
+ assert.calledOnce(messageHandler.clearChildMessages);
+ assert.calledOnce(messageHandler.clearChildProviders);
+ assert.calledOnce(messageHandler.updateAdminState);
+ assert.calledWith(messageHandler.clearChildMessages, [200]);
+ assert.calledWith(messageHandler.clearChildProviders, ["bar"]);
+ assert.calledWith(messageHandler.updateAdminState, {
+ messages: {
+ data: "accept",
+ },
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/browser/components/asrouter/tests/unit/ASRouterParent.test.js b/browser/components/asrouter/tests/unit/ASRouterParent.test.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0358b1261c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/asrouter/tests/unit/ASRouterParent.test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+import { ASRouterParent } from "actors/ASRouterParent.sys.mjs";
+import { MESSAGE_TYPE_HASH as msg } from "modules/ActorConstants.sys.mjs";
+describe("ASRouterParent", () => {
+ let asRouterParent = null;
+ let sandbox = null;
+ let handleMessage = null;
+ let tabs = null;
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ sandbox = sinon.createSandbox();
+ handleMessage = sandbox.stub().resolves("handle-message-result");
+ ASRouterParent.nextTabId = 1;
+ const methods = {
+ destroy: sandbox.stub(),
+ size: 1,
+ messageAll: sandbox.stub().resolves(),
+ registerActor: sandbox.stub(),
+ unregisterActor: sandbox.stub(),
+ loadingMessageHandler: Promise.resolve({
+ handleMessage,
+ }),
+ };
+ tabs = {
+ methods,
+ factory: sandbox.stub().returns(methods),
+ };
+ asRouterParent = new ASRouterParent({ tabsFactory: tabs.factory });
+ ASRouterParent.tabs = tabs.methods;
+ asRouterParent.browsingContext = {
+ embedderElement: {
+ getAttribute: () => true,
+ },
+ };
+ asRouterParent.tabId = ASRouterParent.nextTabId;
+ });
+ afterEach(() => {
+ sandbox.restore();
+ asRouterParent = null;
+ });
+ describe("actorCreated", () => {
+ it("after ASRouterTabs is instanced", () => {
+ asRouterParent.actorCreated();
+ assert.equal(asRouterParent.tabId, 2);
+ assert.notCalled(tabs.factory);
+ assert.calledOnce(tabs.methods.registerActor);
+ });
+ it("before ASRouterTabs is instanced", () => {
+ ASRouterParent.tabs = null;
+ ASRouterParent.nextTabId = 0;
+ asRouterParent.actorCreated();
+ assert.calledOnce(tabs.factory);
+ assert.isNotNull(ASRouterParent.tabs);
+ assert.equal(asRouterParent.tabId, 1);
+ });
+ });
+ describe("didDestroy", () => {
+ it("one still remains", () => {
+ ASRouterParent.tabs.size = 1;
+ asRouterParent.didDestroy();
+ assert.isNotNull(ASRouterParent.tabs);
+ assert.calledOnce(ASRouterParent.tabs.unregisterActor);
+ assert.notCalled(ASRouterParent.tabs.destroy);
+ });
+ it("none remain", () => {
+ ASRouterParent.tabs.size = 0;
+ const tabsCopy = ASRouterParent.tabs;
+ asRouterParent.didDestroy();
+ assert.isNull(ASRouterParent.tabs);
+ assert.calledOnce(tabsCopy.unregisterActor);
+ assert.calledOnce(tabsCopy.destroy);
+ });
+ });
+ describe("receiveMessage", async () => {
+ it("passes call to parentProcessMessageHandler and returns the result from handler", async () => {
+ const result = await asRouterParent.receiveMessage({
+ name: msg.BLOCK_MESSAGE_BY_ID,
+ data: { id: 1 },
+ });
+ assert.calledOnce(handleMessage);
+ assert.equal(result, "handle-message-result");
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/browser/components/asrouter/tests/unit/ASRouterParentProcessMessageHandler.test.js b/browser/components/asrouter/tests/unit/ASRouterParentProcessMessageHandler.test.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7bfec3e099
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/asrouter/tests/unit/ASRouterParentProcessMessageHandler.test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,428 @@
+import { ASRouterParentProcessMessageHandler } from "modules/ASRouterParentProcessMessageHandler.sys.mjs";
+import { _ASRouter } from "modules/ASRouter.sys.mjs";
+import { MESSAGE_TYPE_HASH as msg } from "modules/ActorConstants.sys.mjs";
+describe("ASRouterParentProcessMessageHandler", () => {
+ let handler = null;
+ let sandbox = null;
+ let config = null;
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ sandbox = sinon.createSandbox();
+ const returnValue = { value: 1 };
+ const router = new _ASRouter();
+ [
+ "addImpression",
+ "evaluateExpression",
+ "forceAttribution",
+ "forceWNPanel",
+ "closeWNPanel",
+ "forcePBWindow",
+ "resetGroupsState",
+ "resetMessageState",
+ "resetScreenImpressions",
+ "editState",
+ ].forEach(method => sandbox.stub(router, `${method}`).resolves());
+ [
+ "blockMessageById",
+ "loadMessagesFromAllProviders",
+ "sendTriggerMessage",
+ "routeCFRMessage",
+ "setMessageById",
+ "updateTargetingParameters",
+ "unblockMessageById",
+ "unblockAll",
+ ].forEach(method =>
+ sandbox.stub(router, `${method}`).resolves(returnValue)
+ );
+ router._storage = {
+ set: sandbox.stub().resolves(),
+ get: sandbox.stub().resolves(),
+ };
+ sandbox.stub(router, "setState").callsFake(callback => {
+ if (typeof callback === "function") {
+ callback({
+ messageBlockList: [
+ {
+ id: 0,
+ },
+ {
+ id: 1,
+ },
+ {
+ id: 2,
+ },
+ {
+ id: 3,
+ },
+ {
+ id: 4,
+ },
+ ],
+ });
+ }
+ return Promise.resolve(returnValue);
+ });
+ const preferences = {
+ enableOrDisableProvider: sandbox.stub(),
+ resetProviderPref: sandbox.stub(),
+ setUserPreference: sandbox.stub(),
+ };
+ const specialMessageActions = {
+ handleAction: sandbox.stub(),
+ };
+ const queryCache = {
+ expireAll: sandbox.stub(),
+ };
+ const sendTelemetry = sandbox.stub();
+ config = {
+ router,
+ preferences,
+ specialMessageActions,
+ queryCache,
+ sendTelemetry,
+ };
+ handler = new ASRouterParentProcessMessageHandler(config);
+ });
+ afterEach(() => {
+ sandbox.restore();
+ handler = null;
+ config = null;
+ });
+ describe("constructor", () => {
+ it("does not throw", () => {
+ assert.isNotNull(handler);
+ assert.isNotNull(config);
+ });
+ });
+ describe("handleCFRAction", () => {
+ it("non-telemetry type isn't sent to telemetry", () => {
+ handler.handleCFRAction({
+ type: msg.BLOCK_MESSAGE_BY_ID,
+ data: { id: 1 },
+ });
+ assert.notCalled(config.sendTelemetry);
+ assert.calledOnce(config.router.blockMessageById);
+ });
+ it("passes browser to handleMessage", async () => {
+ await handler.handleCFRAction(
+ {
+ type: msg.USER_ACTION,
+ data: { id: 1 },
+ },
+ { ownerGlobal: {} }
+ );
+ assert.notCalled(config.sendTelemetry);
+ assert.calledOnce(config.specialMessageActions.handleAction);
+ assert.calledWith(
+ config.specialMessageActions.handleAction,
+ { id: 1 },
+ { ownerGlobal: {} }
+ );
+ });
+ [
+ ].forEach(type => {
+ it(`telemetry type "${type}" is sent to telemetry`, () => {
+ handler.handleCFRAction({
+ type,
+ data: { id: 1 },
+ });
+ assert.calledOnce(config.sendTelemetry);
+ assert.notCalled(config.router.blockMessageById);
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ describe("#handleMessage", () => {
+ it("#default: should throw for unknown msg types", () => {
+ handler.handleMessage("err").then(
+ () =>"It should not succeed"),
+ () => assert.ok(true)
+ );
+ });
+ describe("#AS_ROUTER_TELEMETRY_USER_EVENT", () => {
+ it("should route AS_ROUTER_TELEMETRY_USER_EVENT to handleTelemetry", async () => {
+ const data = { data: "foo" };
+ await handler.handleMessage(msg.AS_ROUTER_TELEMETRY_USER_EVENT, data);
+ assert.calledOnce(handler.handleTelemetry);
+ assert.calledWithExactly(handler.handleTelemetry, {
+ data,
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ describe("BLOCK_MESSAGE_BY_ID action", () => {
+ it("with preventDismiss returns false", async () => {
+ const result = await handler.handleMessage(msg.BLOCK_MESSAGE_BY_ID, {
+ id: 1,
+ preventDismiss: true,
+ });
+ assert.calledOnce(config.router.blockMessageById);
+ assert.isFalse(result);
+ });
+ it("by default returns true", async () => {
+ const result = await handler.handleMessage(msg.BLOCK_MESSAGE_BY_ID, {
+ id: 1,
+ });
+ assert.calledOnce(config.router.blockMessageById);
+ assert.isTrue(result);
+ });
+ });
+ describe("USER_ACTION action", () => {
+ it("default calls SpecialMessageActions.handleAction", async () => {
+ await handler.handleMessage(
+ {
+ type: "SOMETHING",
+ },
+ { browser: { ownerGlobal: {} } }
+ );
+ assert.calledOnce(config.specialMessageActions.handleAction);
+ assert.calledWith(
+ config.specialMessageActions.handleAction,
+ { type: "SOMETHING" },
+ { ownerGlobal: {} }
+ );
+ });
+ });
+ describe("IMPRESSION action", () => {
+ it("default calls addImpression", () => {
+ handler.handleMessage(msg.IMPRESSION, {
+ id: 1,
+ });
+ assert.calledOnce(config.router.addImpression);
+ });
+ });
+ describe("TRIGGER action", () => {
+ it("default calls sendTriggerMessage and returns state", async () => {
+ const result = await handler.handleMessage(
+ msg.TRIGGER,
+ {
+ trigger: { stuff: {} },
+ },
+ { id: 100, browser: { ownerGlobal: {} } }
+ );
+ assert.calledOnce(config.router.sendTriggerMessage);
+ assert.calledWith(config.router.sendTriggerMessage, {
+ stuff: {},
+ tabId: 100,
+ browser: { ownerGlobal: {} },
+ });
+ assert.deepEqual(result, { value: 1 });
+ });
+ });
+ describe("ADMIN_CONNECT_STATE action", () => {
+ it("with endpoint url calls loadMessagesFromAllProviders, and returns state", async () => {
+ const result = await handler.handleMessage(msg.ADMIN_CONNECT_STATE, {
+ endpoint: {
+ url: "test",
+ },
+ });
+ assert.calledOnce(config.router.loadMessagesFromAllProviders);
+ assert.deepEqual(result, { value: 1 });
+ });
+ it("default returns state", async () => {
+ const result = await handler.handleMessage(msg.ADMIN_CONNECT_STATE);
+ assert.calledOnce(config.router.updateTargetingParameters);
+ assert.deepEqual(result, { value: 1 });
+ });
+ });
+ describe("UNBLOCK_MESSAGE_BY_ID action", () => {
+ it("default calls unblockMessageById", async () => {
+ const result = await handler.handleMessage(msg.UNBLOCK_MESSAGE_BY_ID, {
+ id: 1,
+ });
+ assert.calledOnce(config.router.unblockMessageById);
+ assert.deepEqual(result, { value: 1 });
+ });
+ });
+ describe("UNBLOCK_ALL action", () => {
+ it("default calls unblockAll", async () => {
+ const result = await handler.handleMessage(msg.UNBLOCK_ALL);
+ assert.calledOnce(config.router.unblockAll);
+ assert.deepEqual(result, { value: 1 });
+ });
+ });
+ describe("BLOCK_BUNDLE action", () => {
+ it("default calls unblockMessageById", async () => {
+ const result = await handler.handleMessage(msg.BLOCK_BUNDLE, {
+ bundle: [
+ {
+ id: 8,
+ },
+ {
+ id: 13,
+ },
+ ],
+ });
+ assert.calledOnce(config.router.blockMessageById);
+ assert.deepEqual(result, { value: 1 });
+ });
+ });
+ describe("UNBLOCK_BUNDLE action", () => {
+ it("default calls setState", async () => {
+ const result = await handler.handleMessage(msg.UNBLOCK_BUNDLE, {
+ bundle: [
+ {
+ id: 1,
+ },
+ {
+ id: 3,
+ },
+ ],
+ });
+ assert.calledOnce(config.router.setState);
+ assert.deepEqual(result, { value: 1 });
+ });
+ });
+ describe("DISABLE_PROVIDER action", () => {
+ it("default calls ASRouterPreferences.enableOrDisableProvider", () => {
+ handler.handleMessage(msg.DISABLE_PROVIDER, {});
+ assert.calledOnce(config.preferences.enableOrDisableProvider);
+ });
+ });
+ describe("ENABLE_PROVIDER action", () => {
+ it("default calls ASRouterPreferences.enableOrDisableProvider", () => {
+ handler.handleMessage(msg.ENABLE_PROVIDER, {});
+ assert.calledOnce(config.preferences.enableOrDisableProvider);
+ });
+ });
+ describe("EVALUATE_JEXL_EXPRESSION action", () => {
+ it("default calls evaluateExpression", () => {
+ handler.handleMessage(msg.EVALUATE_JEXL_EXPRESSION, {});
+ assert.calledOnce(config.router.evaluateExpression);
+ });
+ });
+ describe("EXPIRE_QUERY_CACHE action", () => {
+ it("default calls QueryCache.expireAll", () => {
+ handler.handleMessage(msg.EXPIRE_QUERY_CACHE);
+ assert.calledOnce(config.queryCache.expireAll);
+ });
+ });
+ describe("FORCE_ATTRIBUTION action", () => {
+ it("default calls forceAttribution", () => {
+ handler.handleMessage(msg.FORCE_ATTRIBUTION, {});
+ assert.calledOnce(config.router.forceAttribution);
+ });
+ });
+ describe("FORCE_WHATSNEW_PANEL action", () => {
+ it("default calls forceWNPanel", () => {
+ handler.handleMessage(
+ {},
+ { browser: { ownerGlobal: {} } }
+ );
+ assert.calledOnce(config.router.forceWNPanel);
+ assert.calledWith(config.router.forceWNPanel, { ownerGlobal: {} });
+ });
+ });
+ describe("CLOSE_WHATSNEW_PANEL action", () => {
+ it("default calls closeWNPanel", () => {
+ handler.handleMessage(
+ {},
+ { browser: { ownerGlobal: {} } }
+ );
+ assert.calledOnce(config.router.closeWNPanel);
+ assert.calledWith(config.router.closeWNPanel, { ownerGlobal: {} });
+ });
+ });
+ describe("FORCE_PRIVATE_BROWSING_WINDOW action", () => {
+ it("default calls forcePBWindow", () => {
+ handler.handleMessage(
+ {},
+ { browser: { ownerGlobal: {} } }
+ );
+ assert.calledOnce(config.router.forcePBWindow);
+ assert.calledWith(config.router.forcePBWindow, { ownerGlobal: {} });
+ });
+ });
+ describe("MODIFY_MESSAGE_JSON action", () => {
+ it("default calls routeCFRMessage", async () => {
+ const result = await handler.handleMessage(
+ {
+ content: {
+ text: "something",
+ },
+ },
+ { browser: { ownerGlobal: {} }, id: 100 }
+ );
+ assert.calledOnce(config.router.routeCFRMessage);
+ assert.calledWith(
+ config.router.routeCFRMessage,
+ { text: "something" },
+ { ownerGlobal: {} },
+ { content: { text: "something" } },
+ true
+ );
+ assert.deepEqual(result, { value: 1 });
+ });
+ });
+ describe("OVERRIDE_MESSAGE action", () => {
+ it("default calls setMessageById", async () => {
+ const result = await handler.handleMessage(
+ {
+ id: 1,
+ },
+ { id: 100, browser: { ownerGlobal: {} } }
+ );
+ assert.calledOnce(config.router.setMessageById);
+ assert.calledWith(config.router.setMessageById, { id: 1 }, true, {
+ ownerGlobal: {},
+ });
+ assert.deepEqual(result, { value: 1 });
+ });
+ });
+ describe("RESET_PROVIDER_PREF action", () => {
+ it("default calls ASRouterPreferences.resetProviderPref", () => {
+ handler.handleMessage(msg.RESET_PROVIDER_PREF);
+ assert.calledOnce(config.preferences.resetProviderPref);
+ });
+ });
+ describe("SET_PROVIDER_USER_PREF action", () => {
+ it("default calls ASRouterPreferences.setUserPreference", () => {
+ handler.handleMessage(msg.SET_PROVIDER_USER_PREF, {
+ id: 1,
+ value: true,
+ });
+ assert.calledOnce(config.preferences.setUserPreference);
+ assert.calledWith(config.preferences.setUserPreference, 1, true);
+ });
+ });
+ describe("RESET_GROUPS_STATE action", () => {
+ it("default calls resetGroupsState, loadMessagesFromAllProviders, and returns state", async () => {
+ const result = await handler.handleMessage(msg.RESET_GROUPS_STATE, {
+ property: "value",
+ });
+ assert.calledOnce(config.router.resetGroupsState);
+ assert.calledOnce(config.router.loadMessagesFromAllProviders);
+ assert.deepEqual(result, { value: 1 });
+ });
+ });
+ describe("RESET_MESSAGE_STATE action", () => {
+ it("default calls resetMessageState", () => {
+ handler.handleMessage(msg.RESET_MESSAGE_STATE);
+ assert.calledOnce(config.router.resetMessageState);
+ });
+ });
+ describe("RESET_SCREEN_IMPRESSIONS action", () => {
+ it("default calls resetScreenImpressions", () => {
+ handler.handleMessage(msg.RESET_SCREEN_IMPRESSIONS);
+ assert.calledOnce(config.router.resetScreenImpressions);
+ });
+ });
+ describe("EDIT_STATE action", () => {
+ it("default calls editState with correct args", () => {
+ handler.handleMessage(msg.EDIT_STATE, { property: "value" });
+ assert.calledWith(config.router.editState, "property", "value");
+ });
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/browser/components/asrouter/tests/unit/ASRouterPreferences.test.js b/browser/components/asrouter/tests/unit/ASRouterPreferences.test.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a3fe1fc5c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/asrouter/tests/unit/ASRouterPreferences.test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,480 @@
+import {
+ _ASRouterPreferences,
+ ASRouterPreferences as ASRouterPreferencesSingleton,
+} from "modules/ASRouterPreferences.sys.mjs";
+const FAKE_PROVIDERS = [{ id: "foo" }, { id: "bar" }];
+ "browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.asrouter.providers.";
+ "browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.asrouter.devtoolsEnabled";
+ "browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.asrouter.userprefs.cfr.addons";
+ "browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.asrouter.userprefs.cfr.features";
+ * 1. asrouter.providers. pref branch
+ * 2. asrouter.devtoolsEnabled
+ * 3. browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.asrouter.userprefs.cfr.addons (user preference - cfr)
+ * 4. browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.asrouter.userprefs.cfr.features (user preference - cfr)
+ * 5. services.sync.username
+ */
+describe("ASRouterPreferences", () => {
+ let ASRouterPreferences;
+ let sandbox;
+ let addObserverStub;
+ let stringPrefStub;
+ let boolPrefStub;
+ let resetStub;
+ let hasUserValueStub;
+ let childListStub;
+ let setStringPrefStub;
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ ASRouterPreferences = new _ASRouterPreferences();
+ sandbox = sinon.createSandbox();
+ addObserverStub = sandbox.stub(global.Services.prefs, "addObserver");
+ stringPrefStub = sandbox.stub(global.Services.prefs, "getStringPref");
+ resetStub = sandbox.stub(global.Services.prefs, "clearUserPref");
+ setStringPrefStub = sandbox.stub(global.Services.prefs, "setStringPref");
+ FAKE_PROVIDERS.forEach(provider => {
+ stringPrefStub
+ .withArgs(`${PROVIDER_PREF_BRANCH}${}`)
+ .returns(JSON.stringify(provider));
+ });
+ boolPrefStub = sandbox
+ .stub(global.Services.prefs, "getBoolPref")
+ .returns(false);
+ hasUserValueStub = sandbox
+ .stub(global.Services.prefs, "prefHasUserValue")
+ .returns(false);
+ childListStub = sandbox.stub(global.Services.prefs, "getChildList");
+ childListStub
+ .returns(
+ );
+ });
+ afterEach(() => {
+ sandbox.restore();
+ });
+ function getPrefNameForProvider(providerId) {
+ return `${PROVIDER_PREF_BRANCH}${providerId}`;
+ }
+ function setPrefForProvider(providerId, value) {
+ stringPrefStub
+ .withArgs(getPrefNameForProvider(providerId))
+ .returns(JSON.stringify(value));
+ }
+ it("ASRouterPreferences should be an instance of _ASRouterPreferences", () => {
+ assert.instanceOf(ASRouterPreferencesSingleton, _ASRouterPreferences);
+ });
+ describe("#init", () => {
+ it("should set ._initialized to true", () => {
+ ASRouterPreferences.init();
+ assert.isTrue(ASRouterPreferences._initialized);
+ });
+ it("should migrate the provider prefs", () => {
+ ASRouterPreferences.uninit();
+ // Should be migrated because they contain bucket and not collection
+ { id: "baz", bucket: "buk" },
+ { id: "qux", bucket: "buk" },
+ ];
+ // Should be cleared to defaults because it throws on setStringPref
+ const ERROR_PROVIDER = { id: "err", bucket: "buk" };
+ // Should not be migrated because, although modified, it lacks bucket
+ const MODIFIED_SAFE_PROVIDER = { id: "safe" };
+ const ALL_PROVIDERS = [
+ ...FAKE_PROVIDERS, // Should not be migrated because they're unmodified
+ ];
+ // The migrator should attempt to read prefs for all of these providers
+ const TRY_PROVIDERS = [
+ ];
+ // Update the full list of provider prefs
+ childListStub
+ .returns(
+ => getPrefNameForProvider(
+ );
+ // Stub the pref values so the migrator can read them
+ ALL_PROVIDERS.forEach(provider => {
+ stringPrefStub
+ .withArgs(getPrefNameForProvider(
+ .returns(JSON.stringify(provider));
+ });
+ // Consider these providers' prefs "modified"
+ TRY_PROVIDERS.forEach(provider => {
+ hasUserValueStub
+ .withArgs(`${PROVIDER_PREF_BRANCH}${}`)
+ .returns(true);
+ });
+ // Spoof an error when trying to set the pref for this provider so we can
+ // test that the pref is gracefully reset on error
+ setStringPrefStub
+ .withArgs(getPrefNameForProvider(
+ .throws();
+ ASRouterPreferences.init();
+ // The migrator should have tried to check each pref for user modification
+ ALL_PROVIDERS.forEach(provider =>
+ assert.calledWith(hasUserValueStub, getPrefNameForProvider(
+ );
+ // Test that we don't call getStringPref for providers that don't have a
+ // user-defined value
+ FAKE_PROVIDERS.forEach(provider =>
+ assert.neverCalledWith(
+ stringPrefStub,
+ getPrefNameForProvider(
+ )
+ );
+ // But we do call it for providers that do have a user-defined value
+ TRY_PROVIDERS.forEach(provider =>
+ assert.calledWith(stringPrefStub, getPrefNameForProvider(
+ );
+ // Test that we don't call setStringPref to migrate providers that don't
+ // have a bucket property
+ assert.neverCalledWith(
+ setStringPrefStub,
+ getPrefNameForProvider(
+ );
+ /**
+ * For a given provider, return a sinon matcher that matches if the value
+ * looks like a migrated version of the original provider. Requires that:
+ * its id matches the original provider's id; it has no bucket; and its
+ * collection is set to the value of the original provider's bucket.
+ * @param {object} provider the provider object to compare to
+ * @returns {object} custom matcher object for sinon
+ */
+ function providerJsonMatches(provider) {
+ return sandbox.match(migrated => {
+ const parsed = JSON.parse(migrated);
+ return (
+ === &&
+ !("bucket" in parsed) &&
+ parsed.collection === provider.bucket
+ );
+ });
+ }
+ // Test that we call setStringPref to migrate providers that have a bucket
+ // property and don't have a collection property
+ MIGRATE_PROVIDERS.forEach(provider =>
+ assert.calledWith(
+ setStringPrefStub,
+ getPrefNameForProvider(,
+ providerJsonMatches(provider) // Verify the migrated pref value
+ )
+ );
+ // Test that we clear the pref for providers that throw when we try to
+ // read or write them
+ assert.calledWith(resetStub, getPrefNameForProvider(;
+ });
+ it(`should set ${NUMBER_OF_PREFS_TO_OBSERVE} observers and not re-initialize if already initialized`, () => {
+ ASRouterPreferences.init();
+ assert.callCount(addObserverStub, NUMBER_OF_PREFS_TO_OBSERVE);
+ ASRouterPreferences.init();
+ ASRouterPreferences.init();
+ assert.callCount(addObserverStub, NUMBER_OF_PREFS_TO_OBSERVE);
+ });
+ });
+ describe("#uninit", () => {
+ it("should set ._initialized to false", () => {
+ ASRouterPreferences.init();
+ ASRouterPreferences.uninit();
+ assert.isFalse(ASRouterPreferences._initialized);
+ });
+ it("should clear cached values for ._initialized, .devtoolsEnabled", () => {
+ ASRouterPreferences.init();
+ // trigger caching
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
+ const result = [
+ ASRouterPreferences.providers,
+ ASRouterPreferences.devtoolsEnabled,
+ ];
+ assert.isNotNull(
+ ASRouterPreferences._providers,
+ "providers should not be null"
+ );
+ assert.isNotNull(
+ ASRouterPreferences._devtoolsEnabled,
+ "devtolosEnabled should not be null"
+ );
+ ASRouterPreferences.uninit();
+ assert.isNull(ASRouterPreferences._providers);
+ assert.isNull(ASRouterPreferences._devtoolsEnabled);
+ });
+ it("should clear all listeners and remove observers (only once)", () => {
+ const removeStub = sandbox.stub(global.Services.prefs, "removeObserver");
+ ASRouterPreferences.init();
+ ASRouterPreferences.addListener(() => {});
+ ASRouterPreferences.addListener(() => {});
+ assert.equal(ASRouterPreferences._callbacks.size, 2);
+ ASRouterPreferences.uninit();
+ // Tests to make sure we don't remove observers that weren't set
+ ASRouterPreferences.uninit();
+ assert.callCount(removeStub, NUMBER_OF_PREFS_TO_OBSERVE);
+ assert.calledWith(removeStub, PROVIDER_PREF_BRANCH);
+ assert.calledWith(removeStub, DEVTOOLS_PREF);
+ assert.isEmpty(ASRouterPreferences._callbacks);
+ });
+ });
+ describe(".providers", () => {
+ it("should return the value the first time .providers is accessed", () => {
+ ASRouterPreferences.init();
+ const result = ASRouterPreferences.providers;
+ assert.deepEqual(result, FAKE_PROVIDERS);
+ // once per pref
+ assert.calledTwice(stringPrefStub);
+ });
+ it("should return the cached value the second time .providers is accessed", () => {
+ ASRouterPreferences.init();
+ const [, secondCall] = [
+ ASRouterPreferences.providers,
+ ASRouterPreferences.providers,
+ ];
+ assert.deepEqual(secondCall, FAKE_PROVIDERS);
+ // once per pref
+ assert.calledTwice(stringPrefStub);
+ });
+ it("should just parse the pref each time if ASRouterPreferences hasn't been initialized yet", () => {
+ // Intentionally not initialized
+ const [firstCall, secondCall] = [
+ ASRouterPreferences.providers,
+ ASRouterPreferences.providers,
+ ];
+ assert.deepEqual(firstCall, FAKE_PROVIDERS);
+ assert.deepEqual(secondCall, FAKE_PROVIDERS);
+ assert.callCount(stringPrefStub, 4);
+ });
+ it("should skip the pref without throwing if a pref is not parsable", () => {
+ stringPrefStub.withArgs(`${PROVIDER_PREF_BRANCH}foo`).returns("not json");
+ ASRouterPreferences.init();
+ assert.deepEqual(ASRouterPreferences.providers, [{ id: "bar" }]);
+ });
+ it("should include TEST_PROVIDERS if devtools is turned on", () => {
+ boolPrefStub.withArgs(DEVTOOLS_PREF).returns(true);
+ ASRouterPreferences.init();
+ assert.deepEqual(ASRouterPreferences.providers, [
+ ]);
+ });
+ });
+ describe(".devtoolsEnabled", () => {
+ it("should read the pref the first time .devtoolsEnabled is accessed", () => {
+ ASRouterPreferences.init();
+ const result = ASRouterPreferences.devtoolsEnabled;
+ assert.deepEqual(result, false);
+ assert.calledOnce(boolPrefStub);
+ });
+ it("should return the cached value the second time .devtoolsEnabled is accessed", () => {
+ ASRouterPreferences.init();
+ const [, secondCall] = [
+ ASRouterPreferences.devtoolsEnabled,
+ ASRouterPreferences.devtoolsEnabled,
+ ];
+ assert.deepEqual(secondCall, false);
+ assert.calledOnce(boolPrefStub);
+ });
+ it("should just parse the pref each time if ASRouterPreferences hasn't been initialized yet", () => {
+ // Intentionally not initialized
+ const [firstCall, secondCall] = [
+ ASRouterPreferences.devtoolsEnabled,
+ ASRouterPreferences.devtoolsEnabled,
+ ];
+ assert.deepEqual(firstCall, false);
+ assert.deepEqual(secondCall, false);
+ assert.calledTwice(boolPrefStub);
+ });
+ });
+ describe("#getAllUserPreferences", () => {
+ it("should return all user preferences", () => {
+ boolPrefStub.withArgs(CFR_USER_PREF_ADDONS).returns(false);
+ boolPrefStub.withArgs(CFR_USER_PREF_FEATURES).returns(true);
+ const result = ASRouterPreferences.getAllUserPreferences();
+ assert.deepEqual(result, {
+ cfrAddons: false,
+ cfrFeatures: true,
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ describe("#enableOrDisableProvider", () => {
+ it("should enable an existing provider if second param is true", () => {
+ setPrefForProvider("foo", { id: "foo", enabled: false });
+ assert.isFalse(ASRouterPreferences.providers[0].enabled);
+ ASRouterPreferences.enableOrDisableProvider("foo", true);
+ assert.calledWith(
+ setStringPrefStub,
+ getPrefNameForProvider("foo"),
+ JSON.stringify({ id: "foo", enabled: true })
+ );
+ });
+ it("should disable an existing provider if second param is false", () => {
+ setPrefForProvider("foo", { id: "foo", enabled: true });
+ assert.isTrue(ASRouterPreferences.providers[0].enabled);
+ ASRouterPreferences.enableOrDisableProvider("foo", false);
+ assert.calledWith(
+ setStringPrefStub,
+ getPrefNameForProvider("foo"),
+ JSON.stringify({ id: "foo", enabled: false })
+ );
+ });
+ it("should not throw if the id does not exist", () => {
+ assert.doesNotThrow(() => {
+ ASRouterPreferences.enableOrDisableProvider("does_not_exist", true);
+ });
+ });
+ it("should not throw if pref is not parseable", () => {
+ stringPrefStub
+ .withArgs(getPrefNameForProvider("foo"))
+ .returns("not valid");
+ assert.doesNotThrow(() => {
+ ASRouterPreferences.enableOrDisableProvider("foo", true);
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ describe("#setUserPreference", () => {
+ it("should do nothing if the pref doesn't exist", () => {
+ ASRouterPreferences.setUserPreference("foo", true);
+ assert.notCalled(boolPrefStub);
+ });
+ it("should set the given pref", () => {
+ const setStub = sandbox.stub(global.Services.prefs, "setBoolPref");
+ ASRouterPreferences.setUserPreference("cfrAddons", true);
+ assert.calledWith(setStub, CFR_USER_PREF_ADDONS, true);
+ });
+ });
+ describe("#resetProviderPref", () => {
+ it("should reset the pref and user prefs", () => {
+ ASRouterPreferences.resetProviderPref();
+ FAKE_PROVIDERS.forEach(provider => {
+ assert.calledWith(resetStub, getPrefNameForProvider(;
+ });
+ assert.calledWith(resetStub, CFR_USER_PREF_ADDONS);
+ assert.calledWith(resetStub, CFR_USER_PREF_FEATURES);
+ });
+ });
+ describe("observer, listeners", () => {
+ it("should invalidate .providers when the pref is changed", () => {
+ const testProvider = { id: "newstuff" };
+ const newProviders = [...FAKE_PROVIDERS, testProvider];
+ ASRouterPreferences.init();
+ assert.deepEqual(ASRouterPreferences.providers, FAKE_PROVIDERS);
+ stringPrefStub
+ .withArgs(getPrefNameForProvider(
+ .returns(JSON.stringify(testProvider));
+ childListStub
+ .returns(
+ => getPrefNameForProvider(
+ );
+ ASRouterPreferences.observe(
+ null,
+ null,
+ getPrefNameForProvider(
+ );
+ // Cache should be invalidated so we access the new value of the pref now
+ assert.deepEqual(ASRouterPreferences.providers, newProviders);
+ });
+ it("should invalidate .devtoolsEnabled and .providers when the pref is changed", () => {
+ ASRouterPreferences.init();
+ assert.isFalse(ASRouterPreferences.devtoolsEnabled);
+ boolPrefStub.withArgs(DEVTOOLS_PREF).returns(true);
+ childListStub.withArgs(PROVIDER_PREF_BRANCH).returns([]);
+ ASRouterPreferences.observe(null, null, DEVTOOLS_PREF);
+ // Cache should be invalidated so we access the new value of the pref now
+ // Note that providers needs to be invalidated because devtools adds test content to it.
+ assert.isTrue(ASRouterPreferences.devtoolsEnabled);
+ assert.deepEqual(ASRouterPreferences.providers, TEST_PROVIDERS);
+ });
+ it("should call listeners added with .addListener", () => {
+ const callback1 = sinon.stub();
+ const callback2 = sinon.stub();
+ ASRouterPreferences.init();
+ ASRouterPreferences.addListener(callback1);
+ ASRouterPreferences.addListener(callback2);
+ ASRouterPreferences.observe(null, null, getPrefNameForProvider("foo"));
+ assert.calledWith(callback1, getPrefNameForProvider("foo"));
+ ASRouterPreferences.observe(null, null, DEVTOOLS_PREF);
+ assert.calledWith(callback2, DEVTOOLS_PREF);
+ });
+ it("should not call listeners after they are removed with .removeListeners", () => {
+ const callback = sinon.stub();
+ ASRouterPreferences.init();
+ ASRouterPreferences.addListener(callback);
+ ASRouterPreferences.observe(null, null, getPrefNameForProvider("foo"));
+ assert.calledWith(callback, getPrefNameForProvider("foo"));
+ callback.reset();
+ ASRouterPreferences.removeListener(callback);
+ ASRouterPreferences.observe(null, null, DEVTOOLS_PREF);
+ assert.notCalled(callback);
+ });
+ });
+ describe("#_transformPersonalizedCfrScores", () => {
+ it("should report JSON.parse errors", () => {
+ sandbox.stub(global.console, "error");
+ ASRouterPreferences._transformPersonalizedCfrScores("");
+ assert.calledOnce(global.console.error);
+ });
+ it("should return an object parsed from a string", () => {
+ const scores = { FOO: 3000, BAR: 4000 };
+ assert.deepEqual(
+ ASRouterPreferences._transformPersonalizedCfrScores(
+ JSON.stringify(scores)
+ ),
+ scores
+ );
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/browser/components/asrouter/tests/unit/ASRouterTargeting.test.js b/browser/components/asrouter/tests/unit/ASRouterTargeting.test.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..610b488b47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/asrouter/tests/unit/ASRouterTargeting.test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,574 @@
+import {
+ ASRouterTargeting,
+ CachedTargetingGetter,
+ getSortedMessages,
+ QueryCache,
+} from "modules/ASRouterTargeting.sys.mjs";
+import { OnboardingMessageProvider } from "modules/OnboardingMessageProvider.sys.mjs";
+import { ASRouterPreferences } from "modules/ASRouterPreferences.sys.mjs";
+import { GlobalOverrider } from "test/unit/utils";
+// Note that tests for the ASRouterTargeting environment can be found in
+// test/functional/mochitest/browser_asrouter_targeting.js
+describe("#CachedTargetingGetter", () => {
+ const sixHours = 6 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
+ let sandbox;
+ let clock;
+ let frecentStub;
+ let topsitesCache;
+ let globals;
+ let doesAppNeedPinStub;
+ let getAddonsByTypesStub;
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ sandbox = sinon.createSandbox();
+ clock = sinon.useFakeTimers();
+ frecentStub = sandbox.stub(
+ global.NewTabUtils.activityStreamProvider,
+ "getTopFrecentSites"
+ );
+ topsitesCache = new CachedTargetingGetter("getTopFrecentSites");
+ globals = new GlobalOverrider();
+ globals.set(
+ "TargetingContext",
+ class {
+ static combineContexts(...args) {
+ return sinon.stub();
+ }
+ evalWithDefault(expr) {
+ return sinon.stub();
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ doesAppNeedPinStub = sandbox.stub().resolves();
+ getAddonsByTypesStub = sandbox.stub().resolves();
+ });
+ afterEach(() => {
+ sandbox.restore();
+ clock.restore();
+ globals.restore();
+ });
+ it("should cache allow for optional getter argument", async () => {
+ let pinCachedGetter = new CachedTargetingGetter(
+ "doesAppNeedPin",
+ true,
+ undefined,
+ { doesAppNeedPin: doesAppNeedPinStub }
+ );
+ // Need to tick forward because is stubbed
+ clock.tick(sixHours);
+ await pinCachedGetter.get();
+ await pinCachedGetter.get();
+ await pinCachedGetter.get();
+ // Called once; cached request
+ assert.calledOnce(doesAppNeedPinStub);
+ // Called with option argument
+ assert.calledWith(doesAppNeedPinStub, true);
+ // Expire and call again
+ clock.tick(sixHours);
+ await pinCachedGetter.get();
+ // Call goes through
+ assert.calledTwice(doesAppNeedPinStub);
+ let themesCachedGetter = new CachedTargetingGetter(
+ "getAddonsByTypes",
+ ["foo"],
+ undefined,
+ { getAddonsByTypes: getAddonsByTypesStub }
+ );
+ // Need to tick forward because is stubbed
+ clock.tick(sixHours);
+ await themesCachedGetter.get();
+ await themesCachedGetter.get();
+ await themesCachedGetter.get();
+ // Called once; cached request
+ assert.calledOnce(getAddonsByTypesStub);
+ // Called with option argument
+ assert.calledWith(getAddonsByTypesStub, ["foo"]);
+ // Expire and call again
+ clock.tick(sixHours);
+ await themesCachedGetter.get();
+ // Call goes through
+ assert.calledTwice(getAddonsByTypesStub);
+ });
+ it("should only make a request every 6 hours", async () => {
+ frecentStub.resolves();
+ clock.tick(sixHours);
+ await topsitesCache.get();
+ await topsitesCache.get();
+ assert.calledOnce(
+ global.NewTabUtils.activityStreamProvider.getTopFrecentSites
+ );
+ clock.tick(sixHours);
+ await topsitesCache.get();
+ assert.calledTwice(
+ global.NewTabUtils.activityStreamProvider.getTopFrecentSites
+ );
+ });
+ it("throws when failing getter", async () => {
+ frecentStub.rejects(new Error("fake error"));
+ clock.tick(sixHours);
+ // assert.throws expect a function as the first parameter, try/catch is a
+ // workaround
+ let rejected = false;
+ try {
+ await topsitesCache.get();
+ } catch (e) {
+ rejected = true;
+ }
+ assert(rejected);
+ });
+ describe("sortMessagesByPriority", () => {
+ it("should sort messages in descending priority order", async () => {
+ const [m1, m2, m3 = { id: "m3" }] =
+ await OnboardingMessageProvider.getUntranslatedMessages();
+ const checkMessageTargetingStub = sandbox
+ .stub(ASRouterTargeting, "checkMessageTargeting")
+ .resolves(false);
+ sandbox.stub(ASRouterTargeting, "isTriggerMatch").resolves(true);
+ await ASRouterTargeting.findMatchingMessage({
+ messages: [
+ { ...m1, priority: 0 },
+ { ...m2, priority: 1 },
+ { ...m3, priority: 2 },
+ ],
+ trigger: "testing",
+ });
+ assert.equal(checkMessageTargetingStub.callCount, 3);
+ const [arg_m1] = checkMessageTargetingStub.firstCall.args;
+ assert.equal(,;
+ const [arg_m2] = checkMessageTargetingStub.secondCall.args;
+ assert.equal(,;
+ const [arg_m3] = checkMessageTargetingStub.thirdCall.args;
+ assert.equal(,;
+ });
+ it("should sort messages with no priority last", async () => {
+ const [m1, m2, m3 = { id: "m3" }] =
+ await OnboardingMessageProvider.getUntranslatedMessages();
+ const checkMessageTargetingStub = sandbox
+ .stub(ASRouterTargeting, "checkMessageTargeting")
+ .resolves(false);
+ sandbox.stub(ASRouterTargeting, "isTriggerMatch").resolves(true);
+ await ASRouterTargeting.findMatchingMessage({
+ messages: [
+ { ...m1, priority: 0 },
+ { ...m2, priority: undefined },
+ { ...m3, priority: 2 },
+ ],
+ trigger: "testing",
+ });
+ assert.equal(checkMessageTargetingStub.callCount, 3);
+ const [arg_m1] = checkMessageTargetingStub.firstCall.args;
+ assert.equal(,;
+ const [arg_m2] = checkMessageTargetingStub.secondCall.args;
+ assert.equal(,;
+ const [arg_m3] = checkMessageTargetingStub.thirdCall.args;
+ assert.equal(,;
+ });
+ it("should keep the order of messages with same priority unchanged", async () => {
+ const [m1, m2, m3 = { id: "m3" }] =
+ await OnboardingMessageProvider.getUntranslatedMessages();
+ const checkMessageTargetingStub = sandbox
+ .stub(ASRouterTargeting, "checkMessageTargeting")
+ .resolves(false);
+ sandbox.stub(ASRouterTargeting, "isTriggerMatch").resolves(true);
+ await ASRouterTargeting.findMatchingMessage({
+ messages: [
+ { ...m1, priority: 2, targeting: undefined, rank: 1 },
+ { ...m2, priority: undefined, targeting: undefined, rank: 1 },
+ { ...m3, priority: 2, targeting: undefined, rank: 1 },
+ ],
+ trigger: "testing",
+ });
+ assert.equal(checkMessageTargetingStub.callCount, 3);
+ const [arg_m1] = checkMessageTargetingStub.firstCall.args;
+ assert.equal(,;
+ const [arg_m2] = checkMessageTargetingStub.secondCall.args;
+ assert.equal(,;
+ const [arg_m3] = checkMessageTargetingStub.thirdCall.args;
+ assert.equal(,;
+ });
+ });
+describe("#isTriggerMatch", () => {
+ let trigger;
+ let message;
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ trigger = { id: "openURL" };
+ message = { id: "openURL" };
+ });
+ it("should return false if trigger and candidate ids are different", () => {
+ = "trigger";
+ = "message";
+ assert.isFalse(ASRouterTargeting.isTriggerMatch(trigger, message));
+ assert.isTrue(
+ ASRouterTargeting.isTriggerMatch({ id: "foo" }, { id: "foo" })
+ );
+ });
+ it("should return true if the message we check doesn't have trigger params or patterns", () => {
+ // No params or patterns defined
+ assert.isTrue(ASRouterTargeting.isTriggerMatch(trigger, message));
+ });
+ it("should return false if the trigger does not have params defined", () => {
+ message.params = {};
+ // trigger.param is undefined
+ assert.isFalse(ASRouterTargeting.isTriggerMatch(trigger, message));
+ });
+ it("should return true if message params includes trigger host", () => {
+ message.params = [""];
+ trigger.param = { host: "" };
+ assert.isTrue(ASRouterTargeting.isTriggerMatch(trigger, message));
+ });
+ it("should return true if message params includes trigger param.type", () => {
+ message.params = ["ContentBlockingMilestone"];
+ trigger.param = { type: "ContentBlockingMilestone" };
+ assert.isTrue(Boolean(ASRouterTargeting.isTriggerMatch(trigger, message)));
+ });
+ it("should return true if message params match trigger mask", () => {
+ message.params = [0x00000040];
+ trigger.param = { type: 538091584 };
+ assert.isTrue(Boolean(ASRouterTargeting.isTriggerMatch(trigger, message)));
+ });
+describe("#CacheListAttachedOAuthClients", () => {
+ const fourHours = 4 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
+ let sandbox;
+ let clock;
+ let fakeFxAccount;
+ let authClientsCache;
+ let globals;
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ globals = new GlobalOverrider();
+ sandbox = sinon.createSandbox();
+ clock = sinon.useFakeTimers();
+ fakeFxAccount = {
+ listAttachedOAuthClients: () => {},
+ };
+ globals.set("fxAccounts", fakeFxAccount);
+ authClientsCache = QueryCache.queries.ListAttachedOAuthClients;
+ sandbox
+ .stub(global.fxAccounts, "listAttachedOAuthClients")
+ .returns(Promise.resolve({}));
+ });
+ afterEach(() => {
+ authClientsCache.expire();
+ sandbox.restore();
+ clock.restore();
+ });
+ it("should only make additional request every 4 hours", async () => {
+ clock.tick(fourHours);
+ await authClientsCache.get();
+ assert.calledOnce(global.fxAccounts.listAttachedOAuthClients);
+ clock.tick(fourHours);
+ await authClientsCache.get();
+ assert.calledTwice(global.fxAccounts.listAttachedOAuthClients);
+ });
+ it("should not make additional request before 4 hours", async () => {
+ clock.tick(fourHours);
+ await authClientsCache.get();
+ assert.calledOnce(global.fxAccounts.listAttachedOAuthClients);
+ await authClientsCache.get();
+ assert.calledOnce(global.fxAccounts.listAttachedOAuthClients);
+ });
+describe("ASRouterTargeting", () => {
+ let evalStub;
+ let sandbox;
+ let clock;
+ let globals;
+ let fakeTargetingContext;
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ sandbox = sinon.createSandbox();
+ sandbox.replace(ASRouterTargeting, "Environment", {});
+ clock = sinon.useFakeTimers();
+ fakeTargetingContext = {
+ combineContexts: sandbox.stub(),
+ evalWithDefault: sandbox.stub().resolves(),
+ setTelemetrySource: sandbox.stub(),
+ };
+ globals = new GlobalOverrider();
+ globals.set(
+ "TargetingContext",
+ class {
+ static combineContexts(...args) {
+ return fakeTargetingContext.combineContexts.apply(sandbox, args);
+ }
+ setTelemetrySource(id) {
+ fakeTargetingContext.setTelemetrySource(id);
+ }
+ evalWithDefault(expr) {
+ return fakeTargetingContext.evalWithDefault(expr);
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ evalStub = fakeTargetingContext.evalWithDefault;
+ });
+ afterEach(() => {
+ clock.restore();
+ sandbox.restore();
+ globals.restore();
+ });
+ it("should provide as source", async () => {
+ await ASRouterTargeting.checkMessageTargeting(
+ {
+ id: "message",
+ targeting: "true",
+ },
+ fakeTargetingContext,
+ sandbox.stub(),
+ false
+ );
+ assert.calledOnce(fakeTargetingContext.evalWithDefault);
+ assert.calledWithExactly(fakeTargetingContext.evalWithDefault, "true");
+ assert.calledWithExactly(
+ fakeTargetingContext.setTelemetrySource,
+ "message"
+ );
+ });
+ it("should cache evaluation result", async () => {
+ evalStub.resolves(true);
+ let targetingContext = new global.TargetingContext();
+ await ASRouterTargeting.checkMessageTargeting(
+ { targeting: "jexl1" },
+ targetingContext,
+ sandbox.stub(),
+ true
+ );
+ await ASRouterTargeting.checkMessageTargeting(
+ { targeting: "jexl2" },
+ targetingContext,
+ sandbox.stub(),
+ true
+ );
+ await ASRouterTargeting.checkMessageTargeting(
+ { targeting: "jexl1" },
+ targetingContext,
+ sandbox.stub(),
+ true
+ );
+ assert.calledTwice(evalStub);
+ });
+ it("should not cache evaluation result", async () => {
+ evalStub.resolves(true);
+ let targetingContext = new global.TargetingContext();
+ await ASRouterTargeting.checkMessageTargeting(
+ { targeting: "jexl" },
+ targetingContext,
+ sandbox.stub(),
+ false
+ );
+ await ASRouterTargeting.checkMessageTargeting(
+ { targeting: "jexl" },
+ targetingContext,
+ sandbox.stub(),
+ false
+ );
+ await ASRouterTargeting.checkMessageTargeting(
+ { targeting: "jexl" },
+ targetingContext,
+ sandbox.stub(),
+ false
+ );
+ assert.calledThrice(evalStub);
+ });
+ it("should expire cache entries", async () => {
+ evalStub.resolves(true);
+ let targetingContext = new global.TargetingContext();
+ await ASRouterTargeting.checkMessageTargeting(
+ { targeting: "jexl" },
+ targetingContext,
+ sandbox.stub(),
+ true
+ );
+ await ASRouterTargeting.checkMessageTargeting(
+ { targeting: "jexl" },
+ targetingContext,
+ sandbox.stub(),
+ true
+ );
+ clock.tick(5 * 60 * 1000 + 1);
+ await ASRouterTargeting.checkMessageTargeting(
+ { targeting: "jexl" },
+ targetingContext,
+ sandbox.stub(),
+ true
+ );
+ assert.calledTwice(evalStub);
+ });
+ describe("#findMatchingMessage", () => {
+ let matchStub;
+ let messages = [
+ { id: "FOO", targeting: "match" },
+ { id: "BAR", targeting: "match" },
+ { id: "BAZ" },
+ ];
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ matchStub = sandbox
+ .stub(ASRouterTargeting, "_isMessageMatch")
+ .callsFake(message => message.targeting === "match");
+ });
+ it("should return an array of matches if returnAll is true", async () => {
+ assert.deepEqual(
+ await ASRouterTargeting.findMatchingMessage({
+ messages,
+ returnAll: true,
+ }),
+ [
+ { id: "FOO", targeting: "match" },
+ { id: "BAR", targeting: "match" },
+ ]
+ );
+ });
+ it("should return an empty array if no matches were found and returnAll is true", async () => {
+ matchStub.returns(false);
+ assert.deepEqual(
+ await ASRouterTargeting.findMatchingMessage({
+ messages,
+ returnAll: true,
+ }),
+ []
+ );
+ });
+ it("should return the first match if returnAll is false", async () => {
+ assert.deepEqual(
+ await ASRouterTargeting.findMatchingMessage({
+ messages,
+ }),
+ messages[0]
+ );
+ });
+ it("should return null if if no matches were found and returnAll is false", async () => {
+ matchStub.returns(false);
+ assert.deepEqual(
+ await ASRouterTargeting.findMatchingMessage({
+ messages,
+ }),
+ null
+ );
+ });
+ });
+ * Messages should be sorted in the following order:
+ * 1. Rank
+ * 2. Priority
+ * 3. If the message has targeting
+ * 4. Order or randomization, depending on input
+ */
+describe("getSortedMessages", () => {
+ let globals = new GlobalOverrider();
+ let sandbox;
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ globals.set({ ASRouterPreferences });
+ sandbox = sinon.createSandbox();
+ });
+ afterEach(() => {
+ sandbox.restore();
+ globals.restore();
+ });
+ /**
+ * assertSortsCorrectly - Tests to see if an array, when sorted with getSortedMessages,
+ * returns the items in the expected order.
+ *
+ * @param {Message[]} expectedOrderArray - The array of messages in its expected order
+ * @param {{}} options - The options param for getSortedMessages
+ * @returns
+ */
+ function assertSortsCorrectly(expectedOrderArray, options) {
+ const input = [...expectedOrderArray].reverse();
+ const result = getSortedMessages(input, options);
+ const indexes = => expectedOrderArray.indexOf(message));
+ return assert.equal(
+ indexes.join(","),
+ [...expectedOrderArray.keys()].join(","),
+ "Messsages are out of order"
+ );
+ }
+ it("should sort messages by priority, then by targeting", () => {
+ assertSortsCorrectly([
+ { priority: 100, targeting: "isFoo" },
+ { priority: 100 },
+ { priority: 99 },
+ { priority: 1, targeting: "isFoo" },
+ { priority: 1 },
+ {},
+ ]);
+ });
+ it("should sort messages by priority, then targeting, then order if ordered param is true", () => {
+ assertSortsCorrectly(
+ [
+ { priority: 100, order: 4 },
+ { priority: 100, order: 5 },
+ { priority: 1, order: 3, targeting: "isFoo" },
+ { priority: 1, order: 0 },
+ { priority: 1, order: 1 },
+ { priority: 1, order: 2 },
+ { order: 0 },
+ ],
+ { ordered: true }
+ );
+ });
diff --git a/browser/components/asrouter/tests/unit/ASRouterTriggerListeners.test.js b/browser/components/asrouter/tests/unit/ASRouterTriggerListeners.test.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..aa455e23a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/asrouter/tests/unit/ASRouterTriggerListeners.test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,833 @@
+import { ASRouterTriggerListeners } from "modules/ASRouterTriggerListeners.sys.mjs";
+import { ASRouterPreferences } from "modules/ASRouterPreferences.sys.mjs";
+import { GlobalOverrider } from "test/unit/utils";
+describe("ASRouterTriggerListeners", () => {
+ let sandbox;
+ let globals;
+ let existingWindow;
+ let isWindowPrivateStub;
+ const triggerHandler = () => {};
+ const openURLListener = ASRouterTriggerListeners.get("openURL");
+ const frequentVisitsListener = ASRouterTriggerListeners.get("frequentVisits");
+ const captivePortalLoginListener =
+ ASRouterTriggerListeners.get("captivePortalLogin");
+ const bookmarkedURLListener =
+ ASRouterTriggerListeners.get("openBookmarkedURL");
+ const openArticleURLListener = ASRouterTriggerListeners.get("openArticleURL");
+ const nthTabClosedListener = ASRouterTriggerListeners.get("nthTabClosed");
+ const idleListener = ASRouterTriggerListeners.get("activityAfterIdle");
+ const formAutofillListener = ASRouterTriggerListeners.get("formAutofill");
+ const cookieBannerDetectedListener = ASRouterTriggerListeners.get(
+ "cookieBannerDetected"
+ );
+ const cookieBannerHandledListener = ASRouterTriggerListeners.get(
+ "cookieBannerHandled"
+ );
+ const hosts = ["", ""];
+ const regionFake = {
+ _home: "cn",
+ _current: "cn",
+ get home() {
+ return this._home;
+ },
+ get current() {
+ return this._current;
+ },
+ };
+ beforeEach(async () => {
+ sandbox = sinon.createSandbox();
+ globals = new GlobalOverrider();
+ existingWindow = {
+ gBrowser: {
+ addTabsProgressListener: sandbox.stub(),
+ removeTabsProgressListener: sandbox.stub(),
+ currentURI: { host: "" },
+ },
+ addEventListener: sinon.stub(),
+ removeEventListener: sinon.stub(),
+ };
+ sandbox.spy(openURLListener, "init");
+ sandbox.spy(openURLListener, "uninit");
+ isWindowPrivateStub = sandbox.stub();
+ // Assume no window is private so that we execute the action
+ isWindowPrivateStub.returns(false);
+ globals.set("PrivateBrowsingUtils", {
+ isWindowPrivate: isWindowPrivateStub,
+ });
+ const ewUninit = new Map();
+ globals.set("EveryWindow", {
+ registerCallback: (id, init, uninit) => {
+ init(existingWindow);
+ ewUninit.set(id, uninit);
+ },
+ unregisterCallback: id => {
+ ewUninit.get(id)(existingWindow);
+ },
+ });
+ globals.set("Region", regionFake);
+ globals.set("ASRouterPreferences", ASRouterPreferences);
+ });
+ afterEach(() => {
+ sandbox.restore();
+ globals.restore();
+ });
+ describe("openBookmarkedURL", () => {
+ let observerStub;
+ describe("#init", () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ observerStub = sandbox.stub(global.Services.obs, "addObserver");
+ sandbox
+ .stub(global.Services.wm, "getMostRecentBrowserWindow")
+ .returns({ gBrowser: { selectedBrowser: {} } });
+ });
+ afterEach(() => {
+ bookmarkedURLListener.uninit();
+ });
+ it("should set hosts to the recentBookmarks", async () => {
+ await bookmarkedURLListener.init(sandbox.stub());
+ assert.calledOnce(observerStub);
+ assert.calledWithExactly(
+ observerStub,
+ bookmarkedURLListener,
+ "bookmark-icon-updated"
+ );
+ });
+ it("should provide id to triggerHandler", async () => {
+ const newTriggerHandler = sinon.stub();
+ const subject = {};
+ await bookmarkedURLListener.init(newTriggerHandler);
+ bookmarkedURLListener.observe(
+ subject,
+ "bookmark-icon-updated",
+ "starred"
+ );
+ assert.calledOnce(newTriggerHandler);
+ assert.calledWithExactly(newTriggerHandler, subject, {
+ id:,
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ describe("captivePortal", () => {
+ describe("observe", () => {
+ it("should not call the trigger handler if _shouldShowCaptivePortalVPNPromo returns false", () => {
+ sandbox
+ .stub(captivePortalLoginListener, "_shouldShowCaptivePortalVPNPromo")
+ .returns(false);
+ captivePortalLoginListener._triggerHandler = sandbox.spy();
+ captivePortalLoginListener.observe(
+ null,
+ "captive-portal-login-success"
+ );
+ assert.notCalled(captivePortalLoginListener._triggerHandler);
+ });
+ it("should call the trigger handler if _shouldShowCaptivePortalVPNPromo returns true", () => {
+ sandbox
+ .stub(captivePortalLoginListener, "_shouldShowCaptivePortalVPNPromo")
+ .returns(true);
+ sandbox.stub(Services.wm, "getMostRecentBrowserWindow").returns({
+ gBrowser: {
+ selectedBrowser: true,
+ },
+ });
+ captivePortalLoginListener._triggerHandler = sandbox.spy();
+ captivePortalLoginListener.observe(
+ null,
+ "captive-portal-login-success"
+ );
+ assert.calledOnce(captivePortalLoginListener._triggerHandler);
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ describe("openArticleURL", () => {
+ describe("#init", () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ globals.set(
+ "MatchPatternSet",
+ sandbox.stub().callsFake(patterns => ({
+ patterns,
+ matches: url => patterns.has(url),
+ }))
+ );
+ sandbox.stub(global.AboutReaderParent, "addMessageListener");
+ sandbox.stub(global.AboutReaderParent, "removeMessageListener");
+ });
+ afterEach(() => {
+ openArticleURLListener.uninit();
+ });
+ it("setup an event listener on init", () => {
+ openArticleURLListener.init(sandbox.stub(), hosts, hosts);
+ assert.calledOnce(global.AboutReaderParent.addMessageListener);
+ assert.calledWithExactly(
+ global.AboutReaderParent.addMessageListener,
+ openArticleURLListener.readerModeEvent,
+ sinon.match.object
+ );
+ });
+ it("should call triggerHandler correctly for matches [host match]", () => {
+ const stub = sandbox.stub();
+ const target = { currentURI: { host: hosts[0], spec: hosts[1] } };
+ openArticleURLListener.init(stub, hosts, hosts);
+ const [, { receiveMessage }] =
+ global.AboutReaderParent.addMessageListener.firstCall.args;
+ receiveMessage({ data: { isArticle: true }, target });
+ assert.calledOnce(stub);
+ assert.calledWithExactly(stub, target, {
+ id:,
+ param: { host: hosts[0], url: hosts[1] },
+ });
+ });
+ it("should call triggerHandler correctly for matches [pattern match]", () => {
+ const stub = sandbox.stub();
+ const target = { currentURI: { host: null, spec: hosts[1] } };
+ openArticleURLListener.init(stub, hosts, hosts);
+ const [, { receiveMessage }] =
+ global.AboutReaderParent.addMessageListener.firstCall.args;
+ receiveMessage({ data: { isArticle: true }, target });
+ assert.calledOnce(stub);
+ assert.calledWithExactly(stub, target, {
+ id:,
+ param: { host: null, url: hosts[1] },
+ });
+ });
+ it("should remove the message listener", () => {
+ openArticleURLListener.init(sandbox.stub(), hosts, hosts);
+ openArticleURLListener.uninit();
+ assert.calledOnce(global.AboutReaderParent.removeMessageListener);
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ describe("frequentVisits", () => {
+ let _triggerHandler;
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ _triggerHandler = sandbox.stub();
+ sandbox.useFakeTimers();
+ frequentVisitsListener.init(_triggerHandler, hosts);
+ });
+ afterEach(() => {
+ sandbox.clock.restore();
+ frequentVisitsListener.uninit();
+ });
+ it("should be initialized", () => {
+ assert.isTrue(frequentVisitsListener._initialized);
+ });
+ it("should listen for TabSelect events", () => {
+ assert.calledOnce(existingWindow.addEventListener);
+ assert.calledWith(
+ existingWindow.addEventListener,
+ "TabSelect",
+ frequentVisitsListener.onTabSwitch
+ );
+ });
+ it("should call _triggerHandler if the visit is valid (is recoreded)", () => {
+ frequentVisitsListener.triggerHandler({}, "");
+ assert.calledOnce(_triggerHandler);
+ });
+ it("should call _triggerHandler only once", () => {
+ frequentVisitsListener.triggerHandler({}, "");
+ frequentVisitsListener.triggerHandler({}, "");
+ assert.calledOnce(_triggerHandler);
+ });
+ it("should call _triggerHandler again after 15 minutes", () => {
+ frequentVisitsListener.triggerHandler({}, "");
+ sandbox.clock.tick(15 * 60 * 1000 + 1);
+ frequentVisitsListener.triggerHandler({}, "");
+ assert.calledTwice(_triggerHandler);
+ });
+ it("should call triggerHandler on valid hosts", () => {
+ const stub = sandbox.stub(frequentVisitsListener, "triggerHandler");
+ = hosts[0]; // eslint-disable-line prefer-destructuring
+ frequentVisitsListener.onTabSwitch({
+ target: { ownerGlobal: existingWindow },
+ });
+ assert.calledOnce(stub);
+ });
+ it("should not call triggerHandler on invalid hosts", () => {
+ const stub = sandbox.stub(frequentVisitsListener, "triggerHandler");
+ = "";
+ frequentVisitsListener.onTabSwitch({
+ target: { ownerGlobal: existingWindow },
+ });
+ assert.notCalled(stub);
+ });
+ describe("MatchPattern", () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ globals.set(
+ "MatchPatternSet",
+ sandbox.stub().callsFake(patterns => ({ patterns: patterns || [] }))
+ );
+ });
+ afterEach(() => {
+ frequentVisitsListener.uninit();
+ });
+ it("should create a matchPatternSet", () => {
+ frequentVisitsListener.init(_triggerHandler, hosts, ["pattern"]);
+ assert.calledOnce(window.MatchPatternSet);
+ assert.calledWithExactly(
+ window.MatchPatternSet,
+ new Set(["pattern"]),
+ undefined
+ );
+ });
+ it("should allow to add multiple patterns and dedupe", () => {
+ frequentVisitsListener.init(_triggerHandler, hosts, ["pattern"]);
+ frequentVisitsListener.init(_triggerHandler, hosts, ["foo"]);
+ assert.calledTwice(window.MatchPatternSet);
+ assert.calledWithExactly(
+ window.MatchPatternSet,
+ new Set(["pattern", "foo"]),
+ undefined
+ );
+ });
+ it("should handle bad arguments to MatchPatternSet", () => {
+ const badArgs = [""];
+ window.MatchPatternSet.withArgs(new Set(badArgs)).throws();
+ frequentVisitsListener.init(_triggerHandler, hosts, badArgs);
+ // Fails with an empty MatchPatternSet
+, "patterns");
+ // Second try is succesful
+ frequentVisitsListener.init(_triggerHandler, hosts, ["foo"]);
+, "patterns");
+ assert.isTrue(
+ frequentVisitsListener._matchPatternSet.patterns.has("foo")
+ );
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ describe("nthTabClosed", () => {
+ describe("#init", () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ nthTabClosedListener.init(triggerHandler);
+ });
+ afterEach(() => {
+ nthTabClosedListener.uninit();
+ });
+ it("should set ._initialized to true and save the triggerHandler", () => {
+ assert.ok(nthTabClosedListener._initialized);
+ assert.equal(nthTabClosedListener._triggerHandler, triggerHandler);
+ });
+ it("if already initialised, it should only update the trigger handler", () => {
+ const newTriggerHandler = () => {};
+ nthTabClosedListener.init(newTriggerHandler);
+ assert.ok(nthTabClosedListener._initialized);
+ assert.equal(nthTabClosedListener._triggerHandler, newTriggerHandler);
+ });
+ it("should add an event listeners to all existing browser windows", () => {
+ assert.calledOnce(existingWindow.addEventListener);
+ assert.calledWith(existingWindow.addEventListener, "TabClose");
+ });
+ });
+ describe("#uninit", () => {
+ beforeEach(async () => {
+ nthTabClosedListener.init(triggerHandler);
+ nthTabClosedListener.uninit();
+ });
+ it("should set ._initialized to false and clear the triggerHandler, closed tabs count", () => {
+ assert.notOk(nthTabClosedListener._initialized);
+ assert.equal(nthTabClosedListener._triggerHandler, null);
+ assert.equal(nthTabClosedListener._closedTabs, 0);
+ });
+ it("should do nothing if already uninitialised", () => {
+ nthTabClosedListener.uninit();
+ assert.notOk(nthTabClosedListener._initialized);
+ });
+ it("should remove event listeners from all existing browser windows", () => {
+ assert.calledOnce(existingWindow.removeEventListener);
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ describe("activityAfterIdle", () => {
+ let addObsStub;
+ let removeObsStub;
+ describe("#init", () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ addObsStub = sandbox.stub(global.Services.obs, "addObserver");
+ sandbox
+ .stub(global.Services.wm, "getEnumerator")
+ .returns([{ closed: false, document: { hidden: false } }]);
+ idleListener.init(triggerHandler);
+ });
+ afterEach(() => {
+ idleListener.uninit();
+ });
+ it("should set ._initialized to true and save the triggerHandler", () => {
+ assert.ok(idleListener._initialized);
+ assert.equal(idleListener._triggerHandler, triggerHandler);
+ });
+ it("if already initialised, it should only update the trigger handler", () => {
+ const newTriggerHandler = () => {};
+ idleListener.init(newTriggerHandler);
+ assert.ok(idleListener._initialized);
+ assert.equal(idleListener._triggerHandler, newTriggerHandler);
+ });
+ it("should add observers for idle and activity", () => {
+ assert.called(addObsStub);
+ });
+ it("should add event listeners to all existing browser windows", () => {
+ assert.called(existingWindow.addEventListener);
+ });
+ });
+ describe("#uninit", () => {
+ beforeEach(async () => {
+ removeObsStub = sandbox.stub(global.Services.obs, "removeObserver");
+ sandbox.stub(global.Services.wm, "getEnumerator").returns([]);
+ idleListener.init(triggerHandler);
+ idleListener.uninit();
+ });
+ it("should set ._initialized to false and clear the triggerHandler and timestamps", () => {
+ assert.notOk(idleListener._initialized);
+ assert.equal(idleListener._triggerHandler, null);
+ assert.equal(idleListener._quietSince, null);
+ });
+ it("should do nothing if already uninitialised", () => {
+ idleListener.uninit();
+ assert.notOk(idleListener._initialized);
+ });
+ it("should remove observers for idle and activity", () => {
+ assert.called(removeObsStub);
+ });
+ it("should remove event listeners from all existing browser windows", () => {
+ assert.called(existingWindow.removeEventListener);
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ describe("formAutofill", () => {
+ let addObsStub;
+ let removeObsStub;
+ describe("#init", () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ addObsStub = sandbox.stub(global.Services.obs, "addObserver");
+ formAutofillListener.init(triggerHandler);
+ });
+ afterEach(() => {
+ formAutofillListener.uninit();
+ });
+ it("should set ._initialized to true and save the triggerHandler", () => {
+ assert.ok(formAutofillListener._initialized);
+ assert.equal(formAutofillListener._triggerHandler, triggerHandler);
+ });
+ it("if already initialised, it should only update the trigger handler", () => {
+ const newTriggerHandler = () => {};
+ formAutofillListener.init(newTriggerHandler);
+ assert.ok(formAutofillListener._initialized);
+ assert.equal(formAutofillListener._triggerHandler, newTriggerHandler);
+ });
+ it(`should add observer for ${formAutofillListener._topic}`, () => {
+ assert.called(addObsStub);
+ });
+ });
+ describe("#uninit", () => {
+ beforeEach(async () => {
+ removeObsStub = sandbox.stub(global.Services.obs, "removeObserver");
+ formAutofillListener.init(triggerHandler);
+ formAutofillListener.uninit();
+ });
+ it("should set ._initialized to false and clear the triggerHandler", () => {
+ assert.notOk(formAutofillListener._initialized);
+ assert.equal(formAutofillListener._triggerHandler, null);
+ });
+ it("should do nothing if already uninitialised", () => {
+ formAutofillListener.uninit();
+ assert.notOk(formAutofillListener._initialized);
+ });
+ it(`should remove observers for ${formAutofillListener._topic}`, () => {
+ assert.called(removeObsStub);
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ describe("openURL listener", () => {
+ it("should exist and initially be uninitialised", () => {
+ assert.ok(openURLListener);
+ assert.notOk(openURLListener._initialized);
+ });
+ describe("#init", () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ openURLListener.init(triggerHandler, hosts);
+ });
+ afterEach(() => {
+ openURLListener.uninit();
+ });
+ it("should set ._initialized to true and save the triggerHandler and hosts", () => {
+ assert.ok(openURLListener._initialized);
+ assert.deepEqual(openURLListener._hosts, new Set(hosts));
+ assert.equal(openURLListener._triggerHandler, triggerHandler);
+ });
+ it("should add tab progress listeners to all existing browser windows", () => {
+ assert.calledOnce(existingWindow.gBrowser.addTabsProgressListener);
+ assert.calledWithExactly(
+ existingWindow.gBrowser.addTabsProgressListener,
+ openURLListener
+ );
+ });
+ it("if already initialised, should only update the trigger handler and add the new hosts", () => {
+ const newHosts = [""];
+ const newTriggerHandler = () => {};
+ existingWindow.gBrowser.addTabsProgressListener.reset();
+ openURLListener.init(newTriggerHandler, newHosts);
+ assert.ok(openURLListener._initialized);
+ assert.deepEqual(
+ openURLListener._hosts,
+ new Set([...hosts, ...newHosts])
+ );
+ assert.equal(openURLListener._triggerHandler, newTriggerHandler);
+ assert.notCalled(existingWindow.gBrowser.addTabsProgressListener);
+ });
+ });
+ describe("#uninit", () => {
+ beforeEach(async () => {
+ openURLListener.init(triggerHandler, hosts);
+ openURLListener.uninit();
+ });
+ it("should set ._initialized to false and clear the triggerHandler and hosts", () => {
+ assert.notOk(openURLListener._initialized);
+ assert.equal(openURLListener._hosts, null);
+ assert.equal(openURLListener._triggerHandler, null);
+ });
+ it("should remove tab progress listeners from all existing browser windows", () => {
+ assert.calledOnce(existingWindow.gBrowser.removeTabsProgressListener);
+ assert.calledWithExactly(
+ existingWindow.gBrowser.removeTabsProgressListener,
+ openURLListener
+ );
+ });
+ it("should do nothing if already uninitialised", () => {
+ existingWindow.gBrowser.removeTabsProgressListener.reset();
+ openURLListener.uninit();
+ assert.notOk(openURLListener._initialized);
+ assert.notCalled(existingWindow.gBrowser.removeTabsProgressListener);
+ });
+ });
+ describe("#onLocationChange", () => {
+ afterEach(() => {
+ openURLListener.uninit();
+ frequentVisitsListener.uninit();
+ });
+ it("should call the ._triggerHandler with the right arguments", () => {
+ const newTriggerHandler = sinon.stub();
+ openURLListener.init(newTriggerHandler, hosts);
+ const browser = {};
+ const webProgress = { isTopLevel: true };
+ const location = "";
+ openURLListener.onLocationChange(browser, webProgress, undefined, {
+ host: location,
+ spec: location,
+ });
+ assert.calledOnce(newTriggerHandler);
+ assert.calledWithExactly(newTriggerHandler, browser, {
+ id: "openURL",
+ param: { host: "", url: "" },
+ context: { visitsCount: 1 },
+ });
+ });
+ it("should call triggerHandler for a redirect (openURL + frequentVisits)", () => {
+ for (let trigger of [openURLListener, frequentVisitsListener]) {
+ const newTriggerHandler = sinon.stub();
+ trigger.init(newTriggerHandler, hosts);
+ const browser = {};
+ const webProgress = { isTopLevel: true };
+ const aLocationURI = {
+ host: "",
+ spec: "",
+ };
+ const aRequest = {
+ QueryInterface: sandbox.stub().returns({
+ originalURI: { spec: "", host: "" },
+ }),
+ };
+ trigger.onLocationChange(
+ browser,
+ webProgress,
+ aRequest,
+ aLocationURI
+ );
+ assert.calledOnce(aRequest.QueryInterface);
+ assert.calledOnce(newTriggerHandler);
+ }
+ });
+ it("should call triggerHandler with the right arguments (redirect)", () => {
+ const newTriggerHandler = sinon.stub();
+ openURLListener.init(newTriggerHandler, hosts);
+ const browser = {};
+ const webProgress = { isTopLevel: true };
+ const aLocationURI = {
+ host: "",
+ spec: "",
+ };
+ const aRequest = {
+ QueryInterface: sandbox.stub().returns({
+ originalURI: { spec: "", host: "" },
+ }),
+ };
+ openURLListener.onLocationChange(
+ browser,
+ webProgress,
+ aRequest,
+ aLocationURI
+ );
+ assert.calledWithExactly(newTriggerHandler, browser, {
+ id: "openURL",
+ param: { host: "", url: "" },
+ context: { visitsCount: 1 },
+ });
+ });
+ it("should call triggerHandler for a redirect (openURL + frequentVisits)", () => {
+ for (let trigger of [openURLListener, frequentVisitsListener]) {
+ const newTriggerHandler = sinon.stub();
+ trigger.init(newTriggerHandler, hosts);
+ const browser = {};
+ const webProgress = { isTopLevel: true };
+ const aLocationURI = {
+ host: "",
+ spec: "",
+ };
+ const aRequest = {
+ QueryInterface: sandbox.stub().returns({
+ originalURI: { spec: "", host: "" },
+ }),
+ };
+ trigger.onLocationChange(
+ browser,
+ webProgress,
+ aRequest,
+ aLocationURI
+ );
+ assert.calledOnce(aRequest.QueryInterface);
+ assert.calledOnce(newTriggerHandler);
+ }
+ });
+ it("should call triggerHandler with the right arguments (redirect)", () => {
+ const newTriggerHandler = sinon.stub();
+ openURLListener.init(newTriggerHandler, hosts);
+ const browser = {};
+ const webProgress = { isTopLevel: true };
+ const aLocationURI = {
+ host: "",
+ spec: "",
+ };
+ const aRequest = {
+ QueryInterface: sandbox.stub().returns({
+ originalURI: { spec: "", host: "" },
+ }),
+ };
+ openURLListener.onLocationChange(
+ browser,
+ webProgress,
+ aRequest,
+ aLocationURI
+ );
+ assert.calledWithExactly(newTriggerHandler, browser, {
+ id: "openURL",
+ param: { host: "", url: "" },
+ context: { visitsCount: 1 },
+ });
+ });
+ it("should fail for subdomains (not redirect)", () => {
+ const newTriggerHandler = sinon.stub();
+ openURLListener.init(newTriggerHandler, hosts);
+ const browser = {};
+ const webProgress = { isTopLevel: true };
+ const aLocationURI = {
+ host: "",
+ spec: "",
+ };
+ const aRequest = {
+ QueryInterface: sandbox.stub().returns({
+ originalURI: {
+ spec: "",
+ host: "",
+ },
+ }),
+ };
+ openURLListener.onLocationChange(
+ browser,
+ webProgress,
+ aRequest,
+ aLocationURI
+ );
+ assert.calledOnce(aRequest.QueryInterface);
+ assert.notCalled(newTriggerHandler);
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ describe("cookieBannerDetected", () => {
+ describe("#init", () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ cookieBannerDetectedListener.init(triggerHandler);
+ });
+ afterEach(() => {
+ cookieBannerDetectedListener.uninit();
+ });
+ it("should set ._initialized to true and save the triggerHandler", () => {
+ assert.ok(cookieBannerDetectedListener._initialized);
+ assert.equal(
+ cookieBannerDetectedListener._triggerHandler,
+ triggerHandler
+ );
+ });
+ it("if already initialised, it should only update the trigger handler", () => {
+ const newTriggerHandler = () => {};
+ cookieBannerDetectedListener.init(newTriggerHandler);
+ assert.ok(cookieBannerDetectedListener._initialized);
+ assert.equal(
+ cookieBannerDetectedListener._triggerHandler,
+ newTriggerHandler
+ );
+ });
+ it("should add an event listeners to all existing browser windows", () => {
+ assert.calledOnce(existingWindow.addEventListener);
+ });
+ });
+ describe("#uninit", () => {
+ beforeEach(async () => {
+ cookieBannerDetectedListener.init(triggerHandler);
+ cookieBannerDetectedListener.uninit();
+ });
+ it("should set ._initialized to false and clear the triggerHandler and timestamps", () => {
+ assert.notOk(cookieBannerDetectedListener._initialized);
+ assert.equal(cookieBannerDetectedListener._triggerHandler, null);
+ });
+ it("should do nothing if already uninitialised", () => {
+ cookieBannerDetectedListener.uninit();
+ assert.notOk(cookieBannerDetectedListener._initialized);
+ });
+ it("should remove event listeners from all existing browser windows", () => {
+ assert.called(existingWindow.removeEventListener);
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ describe("cookieBannerHandled", () => {
+ describe("#init", () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ cookieBannerHandledListener.init(triggerHandler);
+ });
+ afterEach(() => {
+ cookieBannerHandledListener.uninit();
+ });
+ it("should set ._initialized to true and save the triggerHandler", () => {
+ assert.ok(cookieBannerHandledListener._initialized);
+ assert.equal(
+ cookieBannerHandledListener._triggerHandler,
+ triggerHandler
+ );
+ });
+ it("if already initialised, it should only update the trigger handler", () => {
+ const newTriggerHandler = () => {};
+ cookieBannerHandledListener.init(newTriggerHandler);
+ assert.ok(cookieBannerHandledListener._initialized);
+ assert.equal(
+ cookieBannerHandledListener._triggerHandler,
+ newTriggerHandler
+ );
+ });
+ it("should add an event listeners to all existing browser windows", () => {
+ assert.calledOnce(existingWindow.addEventListener);
+ });
+ });
+ describe("#uninit", () => {
+ beforeEach(async () => {
+ cookieBannerHandledListener.init(triggerHandler);
+ cookieBannerHandledListener.uninit();
+ });
+ it("should set ._initialized to false and clear the triggerHandler and timestamps", () => {
+ assert.notOk(cookieBannerHandledListener._initialized);
+ assert.equal(cookieBannerHandledListener._triggerHandler, null);
+ });
+ it("should do nothing if already uninitialised", () => {
+ cookieBannerHandledListener.uninit();
+ assert.notOk(cookieBannerHandledListener._initialized);
+ });
+ it("should remove event listeners from all existing browser windows", () => {
+ assert.called(existingWindow.removeEventListener);
+ });
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/browser/components/asrouter/tests/unit/CFRMessageProvider.test.js b/browser/components/asrouter/tests/unit/CFRMessageProvider.test.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fe6959852c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/asrouter/tests/unit/CFRMessageProvider.test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+import { CFRMessageProvider } from "modules/CFRMessageProvider.sys.mjs";
+const REGULAR_IDS = [
+ // These are excluded for now.
+describe("CFRMessageProvider", () => {
+ let messages;
+ beforeEach(async () => {
+ messages = await CFRMessageProvider.getMessages();
+ });
+ it("should have a total of 11 messages", () => {
+ assert.lengthOf(messages, 11);
+ });
+ it("should have one message each for the three regular addons", () => {
+ for (const id of REGULAR_IDS) {
+ const cohort3 = messages.find(msg => === `${id}_3`);
+ assert.ok(cohort3, `contains three day cohort for ${id}`);
+ assert.deepEqual(
+ cohort3.frequency,
+ { lifetime: 3 },
+ "three day cohort has the right frequency cap"
+ );
+ assert.notInclude(cohort3.targeting, `providerCohorts.cfr`);
+ }
+ });
diff --git a/browser/components/asrouter/tests/unit/CFRPageActions.test.js b/browser/components/asrouter/tests/unit/CFRPageActions.test.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..31970eb43a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/asrouter/tests/unit/CFRPageActions.test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1414 @@
+/* eslint max-nested-callbacks: ["error", 100] */
+import { CFRPageActions, PageAction } from "modules/CFRPageActions.sys.mjs";
+import { FAKE_RECOMMENDATION } from "./constants";
+import { GlobalOverrider } from "test/unit/utils";
+import { CFRMessageProvider } from "modules/CFRMessageProvider.sys.mjs";
+describe("CFRPageActions", () => {
+ let sandbox;
+ let clock;
+ let fakeRecommendation;
+ let fakeHost;
+ let fakeBrowser;
+ let dispatchStub;
+ let globals;
+ let containerElem;
+ let elements;
+ let announceStub;
+ let fakeRemoteL10n;
+ let isElmVisibleStub;
+ let getWidgetStub;
+ const elementIDs = [
+ "urlbar",
+ "urlbar-input",
+ "contextual-feature-recommendation",
+ "cfr-button",
+ "cfr-label",
+ "contextual-feature-recommendation-notification",
+ "cfr-notification-header-label",
+ "cfr-notification-header-link",
+ "cfr-notification-header-image",
+ "cfr-notification-author",
+ "cfr-notification-footer",
+ "cfr-notification-footer-text",
+ "cfr-notification-footer-filled-stars",
+ "cfr-notification-footer-empty-stars",
+ "cfr-notification-footer-users",
+ "cfr-notification-footer-spacer",
+ "cfr-notification-footer-learn-more-link",
+ ];
+ const elementClassNames = ["popup-notification-body-container"];
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ sandbox = sinon.createSandbox();
+ clock = sandbox.useFakeTimers();
+ isElmVisibleStub = sandbox.stub().returns(true);
+ getWidgetStub = sandbox.stub();
+ announceStub = sandbox.stub();
+ const A11yUtils = { announce: announceStub };
+ fakeRecommendation = { ...FAKE_RECOMMENDATION };
+ fakeHost = "";
+ fakeBrowser = {
+ documentURI: {
+ scheme: "https",
+ host: fakeHost,
+ },
+ ownerGlobal: window,
+ };
+ dispatchStub = sandbox.stub();
+ fakeRemoteL10n = {
+ l10n: {},
+ reloadL10n: sandbox.stub(),
+ createElement: sandbox.stub().returns(document.createElement("div")),
+ };
+ const gURLBar = document.createElement("div");
+ gURLBar.textbox = document.createElement("div");
+ globals = new GlobalOverrider();
+ globals.set({
+ RemoteL10n: fakeRemoteL10n,
+ promiseDocumentFlushed: sandbox
+ .stub()
+ .callsFake(fn => Promise.resolve(fn())),
+ PopupNotifications: {
+ show: sandbox.stub(),
+ remove: sandbox.stub(),
+ },
+ PrivateBrowsingUtils: { isWindowPrivate: sandbox.stub().returns(false) },
+ gBrowser: { selectedBrowser: fakeBrowser },
+ A11yUtils,
+ gURLBar,
+ isElementVisible: isElmVisibleStub,
+ CustomizableUI: { getWidget: getWidgetStub },
+ });
+ document.createXULElement = document.createElement;
+ elements = {};
+ const [body] = document.getElementsByTagName("body");
+ containerElem = document.createElement("div");
+ body.appendChild(containerElem);
+ for (const id of elementIDs) {
+ const elem = document.createElement("div");
+ elem.setAttribute("id", id);
+ containerElem.appendChild(elem);
+ elements[id] = elem;
+ }
+ for (const className of elementClassNames) {
+ const elem = document.createElement("div");
+ elem.setAttribute("class", className);
+ containerElem.appendChild(elem);
+ elements[className] = elem;
+ }
+ });
+ afterEach(() => {
+ CFRPageActions.clearRecommendations();
+ containerElem.remove();
+ sandbox.restore();
+ globals.restore();
+ });
+ describe("PageAction", () => {
+ let pageAction;
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ pageAction = new PageAction(window, dispatchStub);
+ });
+ describe("#addImpression", () => {
+ it("should call _sendTelemetry with the impression payload", () => {
+ const recommendation = {
+ id: "foo",
+ content: { bucket_id: "bar" },
+ };
+ sandbox.spy(pageAction, "_sendTelemetry");
+ pageAction.addImpression(recommendation);
+ assert.calledWith(pageAction._sendTelemetry, {
+ message_id: "foo",
+ bucket_id: "bar",
+ event: "IMPRESSION",
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ describe("#showAddressBarNotifier", () => {
+ it("should un-hideAddressBarNotifier the element and set the right label value", async () => {
+ await pageAction.showAddressBarNotifier(fakeRecommendation);
+ assert.isFalse(pageAction.container.hidden);
+ assert.equal(
+ pageAction.label.value,
+ fakeRecommendation.content.notification_text
+ );
+ });
+ it("should wait for the document layout to flush", async () => {
+ sandbox.spy(pageAction.label, "getClientRects");
+ await pageAction.showAddressBarNotifier(fakeRecommendation);
+ assert.calledOnce(global.promiseDocumentFlushed);
+ assert.callOrder(
+ global.promiseDocumentFlushed,
+ pageAction.label.getClientRects
+ );
+ });
+ it("should set the CSS variable --cfr-label-width correctly", async () => {
+ await pageAction.showAddressBarNotifier(fakeRecommendation);
+ const expectedWidth = pageAction.label.getClientRects()[0].width;
+ assert.equal(
+ `${expectedWidth}px`
+ );
+ });
+ it("should cause an expansion, and dispatch an impression if `expand` is true", async () => {
+ sandbox.spy(pageAction, "_clearScheduledStateChanges");
+ sandbox.spy(pageAction, "_expand");
+ sandbox.spy(pageAction, "_dispatchImpression");
+ await pageAction.showAddressBarNotifier(fakeRecommendation);
+ assert.notCalled(pageAction._dispatchImpression);
+ clock.tick(1001);
+ assert.notEqual(
+ pageAction.urlbarinput.getAttribute("cfr-recommendation-state"),
+ "expanded"
+ );
+ await pageAction.showAddressBarNotifier(fakeRecommendation, true);
+ assert.calledOnce(pageAction._clearScheduledStateChanges);
+ clock.tick(1001);
+ assert.equal(
+ pageAction.urlbarinput.getAttribute("cfr-recommendation-state"),
+ "expanded"
+ );
+ assert.calledOnce(pageAction._dispatchImpression);
+ assert.calledWith(pageAction._dispatchImpression, fakeRecommendation);
+ });
+ it("should send telemetry if `expand` is true and the id and bucket_id are provided", async () => {
+ await pageAction.showAddressBarNotifier(fakeRecommendation, true);
+ assert.calledWith(dispatchStub, {
+ data: {
+ action: "cfr_user_event",
+ source: "CFR",
+ message_id:,
+ bucket_id: fakeRecommendation.content.bucket_id,
+ event: "IMPRESSION",
+ },
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ describe("#hideAddressBarNotifier", () => {
+ it("should hideAddressBarNotifier the container, cancel any state changes, and remove the state attribute", () => {
+ sandbox.spy(pageAction, "_clearScheduledStateChanges");
+ pageAction.hideAddressBarNotifier();
+ assert.isTrue(pageAction.container.hidden);
+ assert.calledOnce(pageAction._clearScheduledStateChanges);
+ assert.isNull(
+ pageAction.urlbar.getAttribute("cfr-recommendation-state")
+ );
+ });
+ it("should remove the `currentNotification`", () => {
+ const notification = {};
+ pageAction.currentNotification = notification;
+ pageAction.hideAddressBarNotifier();
+ assert.calledWith(global.PopupNotifications.remove, notification);
+ });
+ });
+ describe("#_expand", () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ pageAction._clearScheduledStateChanges();
+ pageAction.urlbar.removeAttribute("cfr-recommendation-state");
+ });
+ it("without a delay, should clear other state changes and set the state to 'expanded'", () => {
+ sandbox.spy(pageAction, "_clearScheduledStateChanges");
+ pageAction._expand();
+ assert.calledOnce(pageAction._clearScheduledStateChanges);
+ assert.equal(
+ pageAction.urlbarinput.getAttribute("cfr-recommendation-state"),
+ "expanded"
+ );
+ });
+ it("with a delay, should set the expanded state after the correct amount of time", () => {
+ const delay = 1234;
+ pageAction._expand(delay);
+ // We expect that an expansion has been scheduled
+ assert.lengthOf(pageAction.stateTransitionTimeoutIDs, 1);
+ clock.tick(delay + 1);
+ assert.equal(
+ pageAction.urlbarinput.getAttribute("cfr-recommendation-state"),
+ "expanded"
+ );
+ });
+ });
+ describe("#_collapse", () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ pageAction._clearScheduledStateChanges();
+ pageAction.urlbar.removeAttribute("cfr-recommendation-state");
+ });
+ it("without a delay, should clear other state changes and set the state to collapsed only if it's already expanded", () => {
+ sandbox.spy(pageAction, "_clearScheduledStateChanges");
+ pageAction._collapse();
+ assert.calledOnce(pageAction._clearScheduledStateChanges);
+ assert.isNull(
+ pageAction.urlbarinput.getAttribute("cfr-recommendation-state")
+ );
+ pageAction.urlbarinput.setAttribute(
+ "cfr-recommendation-state",
+ "expanded"
+ );
+ pageAction._collapse();
+ assert.equal(
+ pageAction.urlbarinput.getAttribute("cfr-recommendation-state"),
+ "collapsed"
+ );
+ });
+ it("with a delay, should set the collapsed state after the correct amount of time", () => {
+ const delay = 1234;
+ pageAction._collapse(delay);
+ clock.tick(delay + 1);
+ // The state was _not_ "expanded" and so should not have been set to "collapsed"
+ assert.isNull(
+ pageAction.urlbar.getAttribute("cfr-recommendation-state")
+ );
+ pageAction._expand();
+ pageAction._collapse(delay);
+ // We expect that a collapse has been scheduled
+ assert.lengthOf(pageAction.stateTransitionTimeoutIDs, 1);
+ clock.tick(delay + 1);
+ // This time it was "expanded" so should now (after the delay) be "collapsed"
+ assert.equal(
+ pageAction.urlbarinput.getAttribute("cfr-recommendation-state"),
+ "collapsed"
+ );
+ });
+ });
+ describe("#_clearScheduledStateChanges", () => {
+ it("should call .clearTimeout on all stored timeoutIDs", () => {
+ pageAction.stateTransitionTimeoutIDs = [42, 73, 1997];
+ sandbox.spy(pageAction.window, "clearTimeout");
+ pageAction._clearScheduledStateChanges();
+ assert.calledThrice(pageAction.window.clearTimeout);
+ assert.calledWith(pageAction.window.clearTimeout, 42);
+ assert.calledWith(pageAction.window.clearTimeout, 73);
+ assert.calledWith(pageAction.window.clearTimeout, 1997);
+ });
+ });
+ describe("#_popupStateChange", () => {
+ it("should collapse the notification and send dismiss telemetry on 'dismissed'", () => {
+ pageAction._expand();
+ sandbox.spy(pageAction, "_sendTelemetry");
+ pageAction._popupStateChange("dismissed");
+ assert.equal(
+ pageAction.urlbarinput.getAttribute("cfr-recommendation-state"),
+ "collapsed"
+ );
+ assert.equal(
+ pageAction._sendTelemetry.lastCall.args[0].event,
+ );
+ });
+ it("should remove the notification on 'removed'", () => {
+ pageAction._expand();
+ const fakeNotification = {};
+ pageAction.currentNotification = fakeNotification;
+ pageAction._popupStateChange("removed");
+ assert.calledOnce(global.PopupNotifications.remove);
+ assert.calledWith(global.PopupNotifications.remove, fakeNotification);
+ });
+ it("should do nothing for other states", () => {
+ pageAction._popupStateChange("opened");
+ assert.notCalled(global.PopupNotifications.remove);
+ });
+ });
+ describe("#dispatchUserAction", () => {
+ it("should call ._dispatchCFRAction with the right action", () => {
+ const fakeAction = {};
+ pageAction.dispatchUserAction(fakeAction);
+ assert.calledOnce(dispatchStub);
+ assert.calledWith(
+ dispatchStub,
+ { type: "USER_ACTION", data: fakeAction },
+ fakeBrowser
+ );
+ });
+ });
+ describe("#_dispatchImpression", () => {
+ it("should call ._dispatchCFRAction with the right action", () => {
+ pageAction._dispatchImpression("fake impression");
+ assert.calledWith(dispatchStub, {
+ type: "IMPRESSION",
+ data: "fake impression",
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ describe("#_sendTelemetry", () => {
+ it("should call ._dispatchCFRAction with the right action", () => {
+ const fakePing = { message_id: 42 };
+ pageAction._sendTelemetry(fakePing);
+ assert.calledWith(dispatchStub, {
+ data: {
+ action: "cfr_user_event",
+ source: "CFR",
+ message_id: 42,
+ },
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ describe("#_blockMessage", () => {
+ it("should call ._dispatchCFRAction with the right action", () => {
+ pageAction._blockMessage("fake id");
+ assert.calledOnce(dispatchStub);
+ assert.calledWith(dispatchStub, {
+ data: { id: "fake id" },
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ describe("#getStrings", () => {
+ let formatMessagesStub;
+ const localeStrings = [
+ {
+ value: "你好世界",
+ attributes: [
+ { name: "first_attr", value: 42 },
+ { name: "second_attr", value: "some string" },
+ { name: "third_attr", value: [1, 2, 3] },
+ ],
+ },
+ ];
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ formatMessagesStub = sandbox
+ .stub()
+ .withArgs({ id: "hello_world" })
+ .resolves(localeStrings);
+ global.RemoteL10n.l10n.formatMessages = formatMessagesStub;
+ });
+ it("should return the argument if a string_id is not defined", async () => {
+ assert.deepEqual(await pageAction.getStrings({}), {});
+ assert.equal(await pageAction.getStrings("some string"), "some string");
+ });
+ it("should get the right locale string", async () => {
+ assert.equal(
+ await pageAction.getStrings({ string_id: "hello_world" }),
+ localeStrings[0].value
+ );
+ });
+ it("should return the right sub-attribute if specified", async () => {
+ assert.equal(
+ await pageAction.getStrings(
+ { string_id: "hello_world" },
+ "second_attr"
+ ),
+ "some string"
+ );
+ });
+ it("should attach attributes to string overrides", async () => {
+ const fromJson = { value: "Add Now", attributes: { accesskey: "A" } };
+ const result = await pageAction.getStrings(fromJson);
+ assert.equal(result, fromJson.value);
+ assert.propertyVal(result.attributes, "accesskey", "A");
+ });
+ it("should return subAttributes when doing string overrides", async () => {
+ const fromJson = { value: "Add Now", attributes: { accesskey: "A" } };
+ const result = await pageAction.getStrings(fromJson, "accesskey");
+ assert.equal(result, "A");
+ });
+ it("should resolve ftl strings and attach subAttributes", async () => {
+ const fromFtl = { string_id: "cfr-doorhanger-extension-ok-button" };
+ formatMessagesStub.resolves([
+ { value: "Add Now", attributes: [{ name: "accesskey", value: "A" }] },
+ ]);
+ const result = await pageAction.getStrings(fromFtl);
+ assert.equal(result, "Add Now");
+ assert.propertyVal(result.attributes, "accesskey", "A");
+ });
+ it("should return subAttributes from ftl ids", async () => {
+ const fromFtl = { string_id: "cfr-doorhanger-extension-ok-button" };
+ formatMessagesStub.resolves([
+ { value: "Add Now", attributes: [{ name: "accesskey", value: "A" }] },
+ ]);
+ const result = await pageAction.getStrings(fromFtl, "accesskey");
+ assert.equal(result, "A");
+ });
+ it("should report an error when no attributes are present but subAttribute is requested", async () => {
+ const fromJson = { value: "Foo" };
+ const stub = sandbox.stub(global.console, "error");
+ await pageAction.getStrings(fromJson, "accesskey");
+ assert.calledOnce(stub);
+ stub.restore();
+ });
+ });
+ describe("#_cfrUrlbarButtonClick", () => {
+ let translateElementsStub;
+ let setAttributesStub;
+ let getStringsStub;
+ beforeEach(async () => {
+ CFRPageActions.PageActionMap.set(fakeBrowser.ownerGlobal, pageAction);
+ await CFRPageActions.addRecommendation(
+ fakeBrowser,
+ fakeHost,
+ fakeRecommendation,
+ dispatchStub
+ );
+ getStringsStub = sandbox.stub(pageAction, "getStrings").resolves("");
+ getStringsStub
+ .callsFake(async a => a) // eslint-disable-line max-nested-callbacks
+ .withArgs({ string_id: "primary_button_id" })
+ .resolves({ value: "Primary Button", attributes: { accesskey: "p" } })
+ .withArgs({ string_id: "secondary_button_id" })
+ .resolves({
+ value: "Secondary Button",
+ attributes: { accesskey: "s" },
+ })
+ .withArgs({ string_id: "secondary_button_id_2" })
+ .resolves({
+ value: "Secondary Button 2",
+ attributes: { accesskey: "a" },
+ })
+ .withArgs({ string_id: "secondary_button_id_3" })
+ .resolves({
+ value: "Secondary Button 3",
+ attributes: { accesskey: "g" },
+ })
+ .withArgs(
+ sinon.match({
+ string_id: "cfr-doorhanger-extension-learn-more-link",
+ })
+ )
+ .resolves("Learn more")
+ .withArgs(
+ sinon.match({ string_id: "cfr-doorhanger-extension-total-users" })
+ )
+ .callsFake(async ({ args }) => `${} users`); // eslint-disable-line max-nested-callbacks
+ translateElementsStub = sandbox.stub().resolves();
+ setAttributesStub = sandbox.stub();
+ global.RemoteL10n.l10n.setAttributes = setAttributesStub;
+ global.RemoteL10n.l10n.translateElements = translateElementsStub;
+ });
+ it("should call `.hideAddressBarNotifier` and do nothing if there is no recommendation for the selected browser", async () => {
+ sandbox.spy(pageAction, "hideAddressBarNotifier");
+ CFRPageActions.RecommendationMap.delete(fakeBrowser);
+ await pageAction._cfrUrlbarButtonClick({});
+ assert.calledOnce(pageAction.hideAddressBarNotifier);
+ assert.notCalled(;
+ });
+ it("should cancel any planned state changes", async () => {
+ sandbox.spy(pageAction, "_clearScheduledStateChanges");
+ assert.notCalled(pageAction._clearScheduledStateChanges);
+ await pageAction._cfrUrlbarButtonClick({});
+ assert.calledOnce(pageAction._clearScheduledStateChanges);
+ });
+ it("should set the right text values", async () => {
+ await pageAction._cfrUrlbarButtonClick({});
+ const headerLabel = elements["cfr-notification-header-label"];
+ const headerLink = elements["cfr-notification-header-link"];
+ const headerImage = elements["cfr-notification-header-image"];
+ const footerLink = elements["cfr-notification-footer-learn-more-link"];
+ assert.equal(
+ headerLabel.value,
+ fakeRecommendation.content.heading_text
+ );
+ assert.isTrue(
+ headerLink
+ .getAttribute("href")
+ .endsWith(fakeRecommendation.content.info_icon.sumo_path)
+ );
+ assert.equal(
+ headerImage.getAttribute("tooltiptext"),
+ fakeRecommendation.content.info_icon.label
+ );
+ const htmlFooterEl = fakeRemoteL10n.createElement.args.find(
+ /* eslint-disable-next-line max-nested-callbacks */
+ ([doc, el, args]) =>
+ args && args.content === fakeRecommendation.content.text
+ );
+ assert.ok(htmlFooterEl);
+ assert.equal(footerLink.value, "Learn more");
+ assert.equal(
+ footerLink.getAttribute("href"),
+ fakeRecommendation.content.addon.amo_url
+ );
+ });
+ it("should add the rating correctly", async () => {
+ await pageAction._cfrUrlbarButtonClick();
+ const footerFilledStars =
+ elements["cfr-notification-footer-filled-stars"];
+ const footerEmptyStars =
+ elements["cfr-notification-footer-empty-stars"];
+ // .toFixed to sort out some floating precision errors
+ assert.equal(
+ `${(4.2 * 16).toFixed(1)}px`
+ );
+ assert.equal(
+ `${(0.8 * 16).toFixed(1)}px`
+ );
+ });
+ it("should add the number of users correctly", async () => {
+ await pageAction._cfrUrlbarButtonClick();
+ const footerUsers = elements["cfr-notification-footer-users"];
+ assert.isNull(footerUsers.getAttribute("hidden"));
+ assert.equal(
+ footerUsers.getAttribute("value"),
+ `${fakeRecommendation.content.addon.users}`
+ );
+ });
+ it("should send the right telemetry", async () => {
+ await pageAction._cfrUrlbarButtonClick();
+ assert.calledWith(dispatchStub, {
+ data: {
+ action: "cfr_user_event",
+ source: "CFR",
+ message_id:,
+ bucket_id: fakeRecommendation.content.bucket_id,
+ },
+ });
+ });
+ it("should set the main action correctly", async () => {
+ sinon
+ .stub(CFRPageActions, "_fetchLatestAddonVersion")
+ .resolves("latest-addon.xpi");
+ await pageAction._cfrUrlbarButtonClick();
+ const mainAction =[4]; // eslint-disable-line prefer-destructuring
+ assert.deepEqual(mainAction.label, {
+ value: "Primary Button",
+ attributes: { accesskey: "p" },
+ });
+ sandbox.spy(pageAction, "hideAddressBarNotifier");
+ await mainAction.callback();
+ assert.calledOnce(pageAction.hideAddressBarNotifier);
+ // Should block the message
+ assert.calledWith(dispatchStub, {
+ data: { id: },
+ });
+ // Should trigger the action
+ assert.calledWith(
+ dispatchStub,
+ {
+ type: "USER_ACTION",
+ data: { id: "primary_action", data: { url: "latest-addon.xpi" } },
+ },
+ fakeBrowser
+ );
+ // Should send telemetry
+ assert.calledWith(dispatchStub, {
+ data: {
+ action: "cfr_user_event",
+ source: "CFR",
+ message_id:,
+ bucket_id: fakeRecommendation.content.bucket_id,
+ event: "INSTALL",
+ },
+ });
+ // Should remove the recommendation
+ assert.isFalse(CFRPageActions.RecommendationMap.has(fakeBrowser));
+ });
+ it("should set the secondary action correctly", async () => {
+ await pageAction._cfrUrlbarButtonClick();
+ // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-destructuring
+ const [secondaryAction] =
+ assert.deepEqual(secondaryAction.label, {
+ value: "Secondary Button",
+ attributes: { accesskey: "s" },
+ });
+ sandbox.spy(pageAction, "hideAddressBarNotifier");
+ CFRPageActions.RecommendationMap.set(fakeBrowser, {});
+ secondaryAction.callback();
+ // Should send telemetry
+ assert.calledWith(dispatchStub, {
+ data: {
+ action: "cfr_user_event",
+ source: "CFR",
+ message_id:,
+ bucket_id: fakeRecommendation.content.bucket_id,
+ event: "DISMISS",
+ },
+ });
+ // Don't remove the recommendation on `DISMISS` action
+ assert.isTrue(CFRPageActions.RecommendationMap.has(fakeBrowser));
+ assert.notCalled(pageAction.hideAddressBarNotifier);
+ });
+ it("should send right telemetry for BLOCK secondary action", async () => {
+ await pageAction._cfrUrlbarButtonClick();
+ // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-destructuring
+ const blockAction =[5][1];
+ assert.deepEqual(blockAction.label, {
+ value: "Secondary Button 2",
+ attributes: { accesskey: "a" },
+ });
+ sandbox.spy(pageAction, "hideAddressBarNotifier");
+ sandbox.spy(pageAction, "_blockMessage");
+ CFRPageActions.RecommendationMap.set(fakeBrowser, {});
+ blockAction.callback();
+ assert.calledOnce(pageAction.hideAddressBarNotifier);
+ assert.calledOnce(pageAction._blockMessage);
+ // Should send telemetry
+ assert.calledWith(dispatchStub, {
+ data: {
+ action: "cfr_user_event",
+ source: "CFR",
+ message_id:,
+ bucket_id: fakeRecommendation.content.bucket_id,
+ event: "BLOCK",
+ },
+ });
+ // Should remove the recommendation
+ assert.isFalse(CFRPageActions.RecommendationMap.has(fakeBrowser));
+ });
+ it("should send right telemetry for MANAGE secondary action", async () => {
+ await pageAction._cfrUrlbarButtonClick();
+ // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-destructuring
+ const manageAction =
+ assert.deepEqual(manageAction.label, {
+ value: "Secondary Button 3",
+ attributes: { accesskey: "g" },
+ });
+ sandbox.spy(pageAction, "hideAddressBarNotifier");
+ CFRPageActions.RecommendationMap.set(fakeBrowser, {});
+ manageAction.callback();
+ // Should send telemetry
+ assert.calledWith(dispatchStub, {
+ data: {
+ action: "cfr_user_event",
+ source: "CFR",
+ message_id:,
+ bucket_id: fakeRecommendation.content.bucket_id,
+ event: "MANAGE",
+ },
+ });
+ // Don't remove the recommendation on `MANAGE` action
+ assert.isTrue(CFRPageActions.RecommendationMap.has(fakeBrowser));
+ assert.notCalled(pageAction.hideAddressBarNotifier);
+ });
+ it("should call with the right arguments", async () => {
+ await pageAction._cfrUrlbarButtonClick();
+ assert.calledWith(
+ fakeBrowser,
+ "contextual-feature-recommendation",
+ fakeRecommendation.content.addon.title,
+ "cfr",
+ sinon.match.any, // Corresponds to the main action, tested above
+ sinon.match.any, // Corresponds to the secondary action, tested above
+ {
+ popupIconURL: fakeRecommendation.content.addon.icon,
+ hideClose: true,
+ eventCallback: pageAction._popupStateChange,
+ persistent: false,
+ persistWhileVisible: false,
+ popupIconClass: fakeRecommendation.content.icon_class,
+ recordTelemetryInPrivateBrowsing:
+ fakeRecommendation.content.show_in_private_browsing,
+ name: {
+ string_id: "cfr-doorhanger-extension-author",
+ args: { name: },
+ },
+ }
+ );
+ });
+ });
+ describe("#_cfrUrlbarButtonClick/cfr_urlbar_chiclet", () => {
+ let heartbeatRecommendation;
+ beforeEach(async () => {
+ heartbeatRecommendation = (await CFRMessageProvider.getMessages()).find(
+ m => m.template === "cfr_urlbar_chiclet"
+ );
+ CFRPageActions.PageActionMap.set(fakeBrowser.ownerGlobal, pageAction);
+ await CFRPageActions.addRecommendation(
+ fakeBrowser,
+ fakeHost,
+ heartbeatRecommendation,
+ dispatchStub
+ );
+ });
+ it("should dispatch a click event", async () => {
+ await pageAction._cfrUrlbarButtonClick({});
+ assert.calledWith(dispatchStub, {
+ data: {
+ action: "cfr_user_event",
+ source: "CFR",
+ message_id:,
+ bucket_id: heartbeatRecommendation.content.bucket_id,
+ },
+ });
+ });
+ it("should dispatch a USER_ACTION for chiclet_open_url layout", async () => {
+ await pageAction._cfrUrlbarButtonClick({});
+ assert.calledWith(dispatchStub, {
+ type: "USER_ACTION",
+ data: {
+ data: {
+ args: heartbeatRecommendation.content.action.url,
+ where: heartbeatRecommendation.content.action.where,
+ },
+ type: "OPEN_URL",
+ },
+ });
+ });
+ it("should block the message after the click", async () => {
+ await pageAction._cfrUrlbarButtonClick({});
+ assert.calledWith(dispatchStub, {
+ data: { id: },
+ });
+ });
+ it("should remove the button and browser entry", async () => {
+ sandbox.spy(pageAction, "hideAddressBarNotifier");
+ await pageAction._cfrUrlbarButtonClick({});
+ assert.calledOnce(pageAction.hideAddressBarNotifier);
+ assert.isFalse(CFRPageActions.RecommendationMap.has(fakeBrowser));
+ });
+ });
+ describe("#showMilestonePopup", () => {
+ let milestoneRecommendation;
+ let fakeTrackingDBService;
+ beforeEach(async () => {
+ fakeTrackingDBService = {
+ sumAllEvents: sandbox.stub(),
+ };
+ globals.set({ TrackingDBService: fakeTrackingDBService });
+ CFRPageActions.PageActionMap.set(fakeBrowser.ownerGlobal, pageAction);
+ sandbox
+ .stub(pageAction, "getStrings")
+ .callsFake(async a => a) // eslint-disable-line max-nested-callbacks
+ .resolves({ value: "element", attributes: { accesskey: "e" } });
+ milestoneRecommendation = (await CFRMessageProvider.getMessages()).find(
+ m => m.template === "milestone_message"
+ );
+ });
+ afterEach(() => {
+ sandbox.restore();
+ globals.restore();
+ });
+ it("Set current date in header when earliest date undefined", async () => {
+ fakeTrackingDBService.getEarliestRecordedDate = sandbox.stub();
+ await CFRPageActions.addRecommendation(
+ fakeBrowser,
+ fakeHost,
+ milestoneRecommendation,
+ dispatchStub
+ );
+ const [, , headerElementArgs] = fakeRemoteL10n.createElement.args.find(
+ /* eslint-disable-next-line max-nested-callbacks */
+ ([doc, el, args]) => args && args.content && args.attributes
+ );
+ assert.equal(
+ headerElementArgs.content.string_id,
+ milestoneRecommendation.content.heading_text.string_id
+ );
+ assert.equal(, new Date().getTime());
+ assert.calledOnce(;
+ });
+ it("Set date in header to earliest date timestamp by default", async () => {
+ let earliestDateTimeStamp = 1705601996435;
+ fakeTrackingDBService.getEarliestRecordedDate = sandbox
+ .stub()
+ .returns(earliestDateTimeStamp);
+ await CFRPageActions.addRecommendation(
+ fakeBrowser,
+ fakeHost,
+ milestoneRecommendation,
+ dispatchStub
+ );
+ const [, , headerElementArgs] = fakeRemoteL10n.createElement.args.find(
+ /* eslint-disable-next-line max-nested-callbacks */
+ ([doc, el, args]) => args && args.content && args.attributes
+ );
+ assert.equal(
+ headerElementArgs.content.string_id,
+ milestoneRecommendation.content.heading_text.string_id
+ );
+ assert.equal(, earliestDateTimeStamp);
+ assert.calledOnce(;
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ describe("CFRPageActions", () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ // Spy on the prototype methods to inspect calls for any PageAction instance
+ sandbox.spy(PageAction.prototype, "showAddressBarNotifier");
+ sandbox.spy(PageAction.prototype, "hideAddressBarNotifier");
+ });
+ describe("updatePageActions", () => {
+ let savedRec;
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ const win = fakeBrowser.ownerGlobal;
+ CFRPageActions.PageActionMap.set(
+ win,
+ new PageAction(win, dispatchStub)
+ );
+ const { id, content } = fakeRecommendation;
+ savedRec = {
+ id,
+ host: fakeHost,
+ content,
+ };
+ CFRPageActions.RecommendationMap.set(fakeBrowser, savedRec);
+ });
+ it("should do nothing if a pageAction doesn't exist for the window", () => {
+ const win = fakeBrowser.ownerGlobal;
+ CFRPageActions.PageActionMap.delete(win);
+ CFRPageActions.updatePageActions(fakeBrowser);
+ assert.notCalled(PageAction.prototype.showAddressBarNotifier);
+ assert.notCalled(PageAction.prototype.hideAddressBarNotifier);
+ });
+ it("should do nothing if the browser is not the `selectedBrowser`", () => {
+ const someOtherFakeBrowser = {};
+ CFRPageActions.updatePageActions(someOtherFakeBrowser);
+ assert.notCalled(PageAction.prototype.showAddressBarNotifier);
+ assert.notCalled(PageAction.prototype.hideAddressBarNotifier);
+ });
+ it("should hideAddressBarNotifier the pageAction if a recommendation doesn't exist for the given browser", () => {
+ CFRPageActions.RecommendationMap.delete(fakeBrowser);
+ CFRPageActions.updatePageActions(fakeBrowser);
+ assert.calledOnce(PageAction.prototype.hideAddressBarNotifier);
+ });
+ it("should show the pageAction if a recommendation exists and the host matches", () => {
+ CFRPageActions.updatePageActions(fakeBrowser);
+ assert.calledOnce(PageAction.prototype.showAddressBarNotifier);
+ assert.calledWith(
+ PageAction.prototype.showAddressBarNotifier,
+ savedRec
+ );
+ });
+ it("should show the pageAction if a recommendation exists and it doesn't have a host defined", () => {
+ const recNoHost = { ...savedRec, host: undefined };
+ CFRPageActions.RecommendationMap.set(fakeBrowser, recNoHost);
+ CFRPageActions.updatePageActions(fakeBrowser);
+ assert.calledOnce(PageAction.prototype.showAddressBarNotifier);
+ assert.calledWith(
+ PageAction.prototype.showAddressBarNotifier,
+ recNoHost
+ );
+ });
+ it("should hideAddressBarNotifier the pageAction and delete the recommendation if the recommendation exists but the host doesn't match", () => {
+ const someOtherFakeHost = "";
+ = someOtherFakeHost;
+ assert.isTrue(CFRPageActions.RecommendationMap.has(fakeBrowser));
+ CFRPageActions.updatePageActions(fakeBrowser);
+ assert.calledOnce(PageAction.prototype.hideAddressBarNotifier);
+ assert.isFalse(CFRPageActions.RecommendationMap.has(fakeBrowser));
+ });
+ it("should not call `delete` if retain is true", () => {
+ savedRec.retain = true;
+ = "";
+ assert.isTrue(CFRPageActions.RecommendationMap.has(fakeBrowser));
+ CFRPageActions.updatePageActions(fakeBrowser);
+ assert.propertyVal(savedRec, "retain", false);
+ assert.calledOnce(PageAction.prototype.hideAddressBarNotifier);
+ assert.isTrue(CFRPageActions.RecommendationMap.has(fakeBrowser));
+ });
+ it("should call `delete` if retain is false", () => {
+ savedRec.retain = false;
+ = "";
+ assert.isTrue(CFRPageActions.RecommendationMap.has(fakeBrowser));
+ CFRPageActions.updatePageActions(fakeBrowser);
+ assert.propertyVal(savedRec, "retain", false);
+ assert.calledOnce(PageAction.prototype.hideAddressBarNotifier);
+ assert.isFalse(CFRPageActions.RecommendationMap.has(fakeBrowser));
+ });
+ });
+ describe("forceRecommendation", () => {
+ it("should succeed and add an element to the RecommendationMap", async () => {
+ assert.isTrue(
+ await CFRPageActions.forceRecommendation(
+ fakeBrowser,
+ fakeRecommendation,
+ dispatchStub
+ )
+ );
+ assert.deepInclude(CFRPageActions.RecommendationMap.get(fakeBrowser), {
+ id:,
+ content: fakeRecommendation.content,
+ });
+ });
+ it("should create a PageAction if one doesn't exist for the window, save it in the PageActionMap, and call `show`", async () => {
+ const win = fakeBrowser.ownerGlobal;
+ assert.isFalse(CFRPageActions.PageActionMap.has(win));
+ await CFRPageActions.forceRecommendation(
+ fakeBrowser,
+ fakeRecommendation,
+ dispatchStub
+ );
+ const pageAction = CFRPageActions.PageActionMap.get(win);
+ assert.equal(win, pageAction.window);
+ assert.equal(dispatchStub, pageAction._dispatchCFRAction);
+ assert.calledOnce(PageAction.prototype.showAddressBarNotifier);
+ });
+ });
+ describe("showPopup", () => {
+ let savedRec;
+ let pageAction;
+ let fakeAnchorId = "fake_anchor_id";
+ let fakeAltAnchorId = "fake_alt_anchor_id";
+ let getElmStub;
+ let getStyleStub;
+ let isCustomizingStub;
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ id: "fake_id",
+ template: "cfr_doorhanger",
+ content: {
+ skip_address_bar_notifier: true,
+ heading_text: "Fake Heading Text",
+ anchor_id: fakeAnchorId,
+ },
+ };
+ getElmStub = sandbox
+ .stub(window.document, "getElementById")
+ .callsFake(id => ({ id }));
+ getStyleStub = sandbox
+ .stub(window, "getComputedStyle")
+ .returns({ display: "block", visibility: "visible" });
+ isCustomizingStub = sandbox.stub().returns(false);
+ globals.set({
+ CustomizationHandler: { isCustomizing: isCustomizingStub },
+ });
+ savedRec = {
+ id:,
+ host: fakeHost,
+ content: TEST_MESSAGE.content,
+ };
+ CFRPageActions.RecommendationMap.set(fakeBrowser, savedRec);
+ pageAction = new PageAction(window, dispatchStub);
+ sandbox.stub(pageAction, "_renderPopup");
+ });
+ afterEach(() => {
+ sandbox.restore();
+ globals.restore();
+ });
+ it("should use anchor_id if element exists and is not a customizable widget", async () => {
+ await pageAction.showPopup();
+ assert.equal(, fakeAnchorId);
+ });
+ it("should use anchor_id if element exists and is in the toolbar", async () => {
+ getWidgetStub.withArgs(fakeAnchorId).returns({ areaType: "toolbar" });
+ await pageAction.showPopup();
+ assert.equal(, fakeAnchorId);
+ });
+ it("should use the cfr button if element exists but is in the widget overflow panel", async () => {
+ getWidgetStub
+ .withArgs(fakeAnchorId)
+ .returns({ areaType: "menu-panel" });
+ await pageAction.showPopup();
+ assert.equal(
+ );
+ });
+ it("should use the cfr button if element exists but is in the customization palette", async () => {
+ getWidgetStub.withArgs(fakeAnchorId).returns({ areaType: null });
+ isCustomizingStub.returns(true);
+ await pageAction.showPopup();
+ assert.equal(
+ );
+ });
+ it("should use alt_anchor_id if one has been provided and the anchor_id element cannot be found", async () => {
+ TEST_MESSAGE.content.alt_anchor_id = fakeAltAnchorId;
+ getElmStub.withArgs(fakeAnchorId).returns(null);
+ await pageAction.showPopup();
+ assert.equal(
+ fakeAltAnchorId
+ );
+ });
+ it("should use alt_anchor_id if one has been provided and the anchor_id element is hidden by CSS", async () => {
+ TEST_MESSAGE.content.alt_anchor_id = fakeAltAnchorId;
+ getStyleStub
+ .withArgs(sandbox.match({ id: fakeAnchorId }))
+ .returns({ display: "none", visibility: "visible" });
+ await pageAction.showPopup();
+ assert.equal(
+ fakeAltAnchorId
+ );
+ });
+ it("should use alt_anchor_id if one has been provided and the anchor_id element has no height/width", async () => {
+ TEST_MESSAGE.content.alt_anchor_id = fakeAltAnchorId;
+ isElmVisibleStub
+ .withArgs(sandbox.match({ id: fakeAnchorId }))
+ .returns(false);
+ await pageAction.showPopup();
+ assert.equal(
+ fakeAltAnchorId
+ );
+ });
+ it("should use the button if the anchor_id and alt_anchor_id are both not visible", async () => {
+ TEST_MESSAGE.content.alt_anchor_id = fakeAltAnchorId;
+ getStyleStub
+ .withArgs(sandbox.match({ id: fakeAnchorId }))
+ .returns({ display: "none", visibility: "visible" });
+ getWidgetStub.withArgs(fakeAltAnchorId).returns({ areaType: null });
+ isCustomizingStub.returns(true);
+ await pageAction.showPopup();
+ assert.equal(
+ );
+ });
+ it("should use the default container if the anchor_id, alt_anchor_id, and cfr button are not visible", async () => {
+ TEST_MESSAGE.content.alt_anchor_id = fakeAltAnchorId;
+ getStyleStub
+ .withArgs(sandbox.match({ id: fakeAnchorId }))
+ .returns({ display: "none", visibility: "visible" });
+ getStyleStub
+ .withArgs(sandbox.match({ id: "cfr-button" }))
+ .returns({ display: "none", visibility: "visible" });
+ getWidgetStub.withArgs(fakeAltAnchorId).returns({ areaType: null });
+ isCustomizingStub.returns(true);
+ await pageAction.showPopup();
+ assert.equal(
+ );
+ });
+ });
+ describe("addRecommendation", () => {
+ it("should fail and not add a recommendation if the browser is part of a private window", async () => {
+ global.PrivateBrowsingUtils.isWindowPrivate.returns(true);
+ assert.isFalse(
+ await CFRPageActions.addRecommendation(
+ fakeBrowser,
+ fakeHost,
+ fakeRecommendation,
+ dispatchStub
+ )
+ );
+ assert.isFalse(CFRPageActions.RecommendationMap.has(fakeBrowser));
+ });
+ it("should successfully add a private browsing recommendation and send correct telemetry", async () => {
+ global.PrivateBrowsingUtils.isWindowPrivate.returns(true);
+ fakeRecommendation.content.show_in_private_browsing = true;
+ assert.isTrue(
+ await CFRPageActions.addRecommendation(
+ fakeBrowser,
+ fakeHost,
+ fakeRecommendation,
+ dispatchStub
+ )
+ );
+ assert.isTrue(CFRPageActions.RecommendationMap.has(fakeBrowser));
+ const pageAction = CFRPageActions.PageActionMap.get(
+ fakeBrowser.ownerGlobal
+ );
+ await pageAction.showAddressBarNotifier(fakeRecommendation, true);
+ assert.calledWith(dispatchStub, {
+ data: {
+ action: "cfr_user_event",
+ source: "CFR",
+ is_private: true,
+ message_id:,
+ bucket_id: fakeRecommendation.content.bucket_id,
+ event: "IMPRESSION",
+ },
+ });
+ });
+ it("should fail and not add a recommendation if the browser is not the selected browser", async () => {
+ global.gBrowser.selectedBrowser = {}; // Some other browser
+ assert.isFalse(
+ await CFRPageActions.addRecommendation(
+ fakeBrowser,
+ fakeHost,
+ fakeRecommendation,
+ dispatchStub
+ )
+ );
+ });
+ it("should fail and not add a recommendation if the browser does not exist", async () => {
+ assert.isFalse(
+ await CFRPageActions.addRecommendation(
+ undefined,
+ fakeHost,
+ fakeRecommendation,
+ dispatchStub
+ )
+ );
+ assert.isFalse(CFRPageActions.RecommendationMap.has(fakeBrowser));
+ });
+ it("should fail and not add a recommendation if the host doesn't match", async () => {
+ const someOtherFakeHost = "";
+ assert.isFalse(
+ await CFRPageActions.addRecommendation(
+ fakeBrowser,
+ someOtherFakeHost,
+ fakeRecommendation,
+ dispatchStub
+ )
+ );
+ });
+ it("should otherwise succeed and add an element to the RecommendationMap", async () => {
+ assert.isTrue(
+ await CFRPageActions.addRecommendation(
+ fakeBrowser,
+ fakeHost,
+ fakeRecommendation,
+ dispatchStub
+ )
+ );
+ assert.deepInclude(CFRPageActions.RecommendationMap.get(fakeBrowser), {
+ id:,
+ host: fakeHost,
+ content: fakeRecommendation.content,
+ });
+ });
+ it("should create a PageAction if one doesn't exist for the window, save it in the PageActionMap, and call `show`", async () => {
+ const win = fakeBrowser.ownerGlobal;
+ assert.isFalse(CFRPageActions.PageActionMap.has(win));
+ await CFRPageActions.addRecommendation(
+ fakeBrowser,
+ fakeHost,
+ fakeRecommendation,
+ dispatchStub
+ );
+ const pageAction = CFRPageActions.PageActionMap.get(win);
+ assert.equal(win, pageAction.window);
+ assert.equal(dispatchStub, pageAction._dispatchCFRAction);
+ assert.calledOnce(PageAction.prototype.showAddressBarNotifier);
+ });
+ it("should add the right url if we fetched and addon install URL", async () => {
+ fakeRecommendation.template = "cfr_doorhanger";
+ await CFRPageActions.addRecommendation(
+ fakeBrowser,
+ fakeHost,
+ fakeRecommendation,
+ dispatchStub
+ );
+ const recommendation =
+ CFRPageActions.RecommendationMap.get(fakeBrowser);
+ // sanity check - just go through some of the rest of the attributes to make sure they were untouched
+ assert.equal(,;
+ assert.equal(
+ recommendation.content.heading_text,
+ fakeRecommendation.content.heading_text
+ );
+ assert.equal(
+ recommendation.content.addon,
+ fakeRecommendation.content.addon
+ );
+ assert.equal(
+ recommendation.content.text,
+ fakeRecommendation.content.text
+ );
+ assert.equal(
+ recommendation.content.buttons.secondary,
+ fakeRecommendation.content.buttons.secondary
+ );
+ assert.equal(
+ );
+ delete fakeRecommendation.template;
+ });
+ it("should prevent a second message if one is currently displayed", async () => {
+ const secondMessage = { ...fakeRecommendation, id: "second_message" };
+ let messageAdded = await CFRPageActions.addRecommendation(
+ fakeBrowser,
+ fakeHost,
+ fakeRecommendation,
+ dispatchStub
+ );
+ assert.isTrue(messageAdded);
+ assert.deepInclude(CFRPageActions.RecommendationMap.get(fakeBrowser), {
+ id:,
+ host: fakeHost,
+ content: fakeRecommendation.content,
+ });
+ messageAdded = await CFRPageActions.addRecommendation(
+ fakeBrowser,
+ fakeHost,
+ secondMessage,
+ dispatchStub
+ );
+ // Adding failed
+ assert.isFalse(messageAdded);
+ // First message is still there
+ assert.deepInclude(CFRPageActions.RecommendationMap.get(fakeBrowser), {
+ id:,
+ host: fakeHost,
+ content: fakeRecommendation.content,
+ });
+ });
+ it("should send impressions just for the first message", async () => {
+ const secondMessage = { ...fakeRecommendation, id: "second_message" };
+ await CFRPageActions.addRecommendation(
+ fakeBrowser,
+ fakeHost,
+ fakeRecommendation,
+ dispatchStub
+ );
+ await CFRPageActions.addRecommendation(
+ fakeBrowser,
+ fakeHost,
+ secondMessage,
+ dispatchStub
+ );
+ // Doorhanger telemetry + Impression for just 1 message
+ assert.calledTwice(dispatchStub);
+ const [firstArgs] = dispatchStub.firstCall.args;
+ const [secondArgs] = dispatchStub.secondCall.args;
+ assert.equal(,;
+ });
+ });
+ describe("clearRecommendations", () => {
+ const createFakePageAction = () => ({
+ hideAddressBarNotifier: sandbox.stub(),
+ });
+ const windows = [{}, {}, { closed: true }];
+ const browsers = [{}, {}, {}, {}];
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ CFRPageActions.PageActionMap.set(windows[0], createFakePageAction());
+ CFRPageActions.PageActionMap.set(windows[2], createFakePageAction());
+ for (const browser of browsers) {
+ CFRPageActions.RecommendationMap.set(browser, {});
+ }
+ globals.set({ Services: { wm: { getEnumerator: () => windows } } });
+ });
+ it("should hideAddressBarNotifier the PageActions of any existing, non-closed windows", () => {
+ const pageActions = =>
+ CFRPageActions.PageActionMap.get(win)
+ );
+ CFRPageActions.clearRecommendations();
+ // Only the first window had a PageAction and wasn't closed
+ assert.calledOnce(pageActions[0].hideAddressBarNotifier);
+ assert.isUndefined(pageActions[1]);
+ assert.notCalled(pageActions[2].hideAddressBarNotifier);
+ });
+ it("should clear the PageActionMap and the RecommendationMap", () => {
+ CFRPageActions.clearRecommendations();
+ // Both are WeakMaps and so are not iterable, cannot be cleared, and
+ // cannot have their length queried directly, so we have to check
+ // whether previous elements still exist
+ assert.lengthOf(windows, 3);
+ for (const win of windows) {
+ assert.isFalse(CFRPageActions.PageActionMap.has(win));
+ }
+ assert.lengthOf(browsers, 4);
+ for (const browser of browsers) {
+ assert.isFalse(CFRPageActions.RecommendationMap.has(browser));
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ describe("reloadL10n", () => {
+ const createFakePageAction = () => ({
+ hideAddressBarNotifier() {},
+ reloadL10n: sandbox.stub(),
+ });
+ const windows = [{}, {}, { closed: true }];
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ CFRPageActions.PageActionMap.set(windows[0], createFakePageAction());
+ CFRPageActions.PageActionMap.set(windows[2], createFakePageAction());
+ globals.set({ Services: { wm: { getEnumerator: () => windows } } });
+ });
+ it("should call reloadL10n for all the PageActions of any existing, non-closed windows", () => {
+ const pageActions = =>
+ CFRPageActions.PageActionMap.get(win)
+ );
+ CFRPageActions.reloadL10n();
+ // Only the first window had a PageAction and wasn't closed
+ assert.calledOnce(pageActions[0].reloadL10n);
+ assert.isUndefined(pageActions[1]);
+ assert.notCalled(pageActions[2].reloadL10n);
+ });
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/browser/components/asrouter/tests/unit/MessageLoaderUtils.test.js b/browser/components/asrouter/tests/unit/MessageLoaderUtils.test.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..463e388651
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/asrouter/tests/unit/MessageLoaderUtils.test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,459 @@
+import { MessageLoaderUtils } from "modules/ASRouter.sys.mjs";
+const { STARTPAGE_VERSION } = MessageLoaderUtils;
+const FAKE_OPTIONS = {
+ storage: {
+ set() {
+ return Promise.resolve();
+ },
+ get() {
+ return Promise.resolve();
+ },
+ },
+ dispatchToAS: () => {},
+const FAKE_RESPONSE_HEADERS = { get() {} };
+describe("MessageLoaderUtils", () => {
+ let fetchStub;
+ let clock;
+ let sandbox;
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ sandbox = sinon.createSandbox();
+ clock = sinon.useFakeTimers();
+ fetchStub = sinon.stub(global, "fetch");
+ });
+ afterEach(() => {
+ sandbox.restore();
+ clock.restore();
+ fetchStub.restore();
+ });
+ describe("#loadMessagesForProvider", () => {
+ it("should return messages for a local provider with hardcoded messages", async () => {
+ const sourceMessage = { id: "foo" };
+ const provider = {
+ id: "provider123",
+ type: "local",
+ messages: [sourceMessage],
+ };
+ const result = await MessageLoaderUtils.loadMessagesForProvider(
+ provider,
+ );
+ assert.isArray(result.messages);
+ // Does the message have the right properties?
+ const [message] = result.messages;
+ assert.propertyVal(message, "id", "foo");
+ assert.propertyVal(message, "provider", "provider123");
+ });
+ it("should filter out local messages listed in the `exclude` field", async () => {
+ const sourceMessage = { id: "foo" };
+ const provider = {
+ id: "provider123",
+ type: "local",
+ messages: [sourceMessage],
+ exclude: ["foo"],
+ };
+ const result = await MessageLoaderUtils.loadMessagesForProvider(
+ provider,
+ );
+ assert.lengthOf(result.messages, 0);
+ });
+ it("should return messages for remote provider", async () => {
+ const sourceMessage = { id: "foo" };
+ fetchStub.resolves({
+ ok: true,
+ status: 200,
+ json: () => Promise.resolve({ messages: [sourceMessage] }),
+ });
+ const provider = {
+ id: "provider123",
+ type: "remote",
+ url: "",
+ };
+ const result = await MessageLoaderUtils.loadMessagesForProvider(
+ provider,
+ );
+ assert.isArray(result.messages);
+ // Does the message have the right properties?
+ const [message] = result.messages;
+ assert.propertyVal(message, "id", "foo");
+ assert.propertyVal(message, "provider", "provider123");
+ assert.propertyVal(message, "provider_url", "");
+ });
+ describe("remote provider HTTP codes", () => {
+ const testMessage = { id: "foo" };
+ const provider = {
+ id: "provider123",
+ type: "remote",
+ url: "",
+ updateCycleInMs: 300,
+ };
+ const respJson = { messages: [testMessage] };
+ function assertReturnsCorrectMessages(actual) {
+ assert.isArray(actual.messages);
+ // Does the message have the right properties?
+ const [message] = actual.messages;
+ assert.propertyVal(message, "id",;
+ assert.propertyVal(message, "provider",;
+ assert.propertyVal(message, "provider_url", provider.url);
+ }
+ it("should return messages for 200 response", async () => {
+ fetchStub.resolves({
+ ok: true,
+ status: 200,
+ json: () => Promise.resolve(respJson),
+ });
+ assertReturnsCorrectMessages(
+ await MessageLoaderUtils.loadMessagesForProvider(
+ provider,
+ )
+ );
+ });
+ it("should return messages for a 302 response with json", async () => {
+ fetchStub.resolves({
+ ok: true,
+ status: 302,
+ json: () => Promise.resolve(respJson),
+ });
+ assertReturnsCorrectMessages(
+ await MessageLoaderUtils.loadMessagesForProvider(
+ provider,
+ )
+ );
+ });
+ it("should return an empty array for a 204 response", async () => {
+ fetchStub.resolves({
+ ok: true,
+ status: 204,
+ json: () => "",
+ });
+ const result = await MessageLoaderUtils.loadMessagesForProvider(
+ provider,
+ );
+ assert.deepEqual(result.messages, []);
+ });
+ it("should return an empty array for a 500 response", async () => {
+ fetchStub.resolves({
+ ok: false,
+ status: 500,
+ json: () => "",
+ });
+ const result = await MessageLoaderUtils.loadMessagesForProvider(
+ provider,
+ );
+ assert.deepEqual(result.messages, []);
+ });
+ it("should return cached messages for a 304 response", async () => {
+ clock.tick(302);
+ const messages = [{ id: "message-1" }, { id: "message-2" }];
+ const fakeStorage = {
+ set() {
+ return Promise.resolve();
+ },
+ get() {
+ return Promise.resolve({
+ []: {
+ url: provider.url,
+ messages,
+ etag: "etag0987654321",
+ lastFetched: 1,
+ },
+ });
+ },
+ };
+ fetchStub.resolves({
+ ok: true,
+ status: 304,
+ json: () => "",
+ });
+ const result = await MessageLoaderUtils.loadMessagesForProvider(
+ provider,
+ { ...FAKE_OPTIONS, storage: fakeStorage }
+ );
+ assert.equal(result.messages.length, messages.length);
+ messages.forEach(message => {
+ assert.ok(result.messages.find(m => ===;
+ });
+ });
+ it("should return an empty array if json doesn't parse properly", async () => {
+ fetchStub.resolves({
+ ok: false,
+ status: 200,
+ json: () => "",
+ });
+ const result = await MessageLoaderUtils.loadMessagesForProvider(
+ provider,
+ );
+ assert.deepEqual(result.messages, []);
+ });
+ it("should report response parsing errors with MessageLoaderUtils.reportError", async () => {
+ const err = {};
+ sandbox.spy(MessageLoaderUtils, "reportError");
+ fetchStub.resolves({
+ ok: true,
+ status: 200,
+ json: sandbox.stub().rejects(err),
+ });
+ await MessageLoaderUtils.loadMessagesForProvider(
+ provider,
+ );
+ assert.calledOnce(MessageLoaderUtils.reportError);
+ // Report that json parsing failed
+ assert.calledWith(MessageLoaderUtils.reportError, err);
+ });
+ it("should report missing `messages` with MessageLoaderUtils.reportError", async () => {
+ sandbox.spy(MessageLoaderUtils, "reportError");
+ fetchStub.resolves({
+ ok: true,
+ status: 200,
+ json: sandbox.stub().resolves({}),
+ });
+ await MessageLoaderUtils.loadMessagesForProvider(
+ provider,
+ );
+ assert.calledOnce(MessageLoaderUtils.reportError);
+ // Report no messages returned
+ assert.calledWith(
+ MessageLoaderUtils.reportError,
+ "No messages returned from"
+ );
+ });
+ it("should report bad status responses with MessageLoaderUtils.reportError", async () => {
+ sandbox.spy(MessageLoaderUtils, "reportError");
+ fetchStub.resolves({
+ ok: false,
+ status: 500,
+ json: sandbox.stub().resolves({}),
+ });
+ await MessageLoaderUtils.loadMessagesForProvider(
+ provider,
+ );
+ assert.calledOnce(MessageLoaderUtils.reportError);
+ // Report no messages returned
+ assert.calledWith(
+ MessageLoaderUtils.reportError,
+ "Invalid response status 500 from"
+ );
+ });
+ it("should return an empty array if the request rejects", async () => {
+ fetchStub.rejects(new Error("something went wrong"));
+ const result = await MessageLoaderUtils.loadMessagesForProvider(
+ provider,
+ );
+ assert.deepEqual(result.messages, []);
+ });
+ });
+ describe("remote provider caching", () => {
+ const provider = {
+ id: "provider123",
+ type: "remote",
+ url: "",
+ updateCycleInMs: 300,
+ };
+ it("should return cached results if they aren't expired", async () => {
+ clock.tick(1);
+ const messages = [{ id: "message-1" }, { id: "message-2" }];
+ const fakeStorage = {
+ set() {
+ return Promise.resolve();
+ },
+ get() {
+ return Promise.resolve({
+ []: {
+ url: provider.url,
+ messages,
+ etag: "etag0987654321",
+ lastFetched:,
+ },
+ });
+ },
+ };
+ const result = await MessageLoaderUtils.loadMessagesForProvider(
+ provider,
+ { ...FAKE_OPTIONS, storage: fakeStorage }
+ );
+ assert.equal(result.messages.length, messages.length);
+ messages.forEach(message => {
+ assert.ok(result.messages.find(m => ===;
+ });
+ });
+ it("should return fetch results if the cache messages are expired", async () => {
+ clock.tick(302);
+ const testMessage = { id: "foo" };
+ const respJson = { messages: [testMessage] };
+ const fakeStorage = {
+ set() {
+ return Promise.resolve();
+ },
+ get() {
+ return Promise.resolve({
+ []: {
+ url: provider.url,
+ messages: [{ id: "message-1" }, { id: "message-2" }],
+ etag: "etag0987654321",
+ lastFetched: 1,
+ },
+ });
+ },
+ };
+ fetchStub.resolves({
+ ok: true,
+ status: 200,
+ json: () => Promise.resolve(respJson),
+ });
+ const result = await MessageLoaderUtils.loadMessagesForProvider(
+ provider,
+ { ...FAKE_OPTIONS, storage: fakeStorage }
+ );
+ assert.equal(result.messages.length, 1);
+ assert.equal(result.messages[0].id,;
+ });
+ });
+ it("should return an empty array for a remote provider with a blank URL without attempting a request", async () => {
+ const provider = { id: "provider123", type: "remote", url: "" };
+ const result = await MessageLoaderUtils.loadMessagesForProvider(
+ provider,
+ );
+ assert.notCalled(fetchStub);
+ assert.deepEqual(result.messages, []);
+ });
+ it("should return .lastUpdated with the time at which the messages were fetched", async () => {
+ const sourceMessage = { id: "foo" };
+ const provider = {
+ id: "provider123",
+ type: "remote",
+ url: "",
+ };
+ fetchStub.resolves({
+ ok: true,
+ status: 200,
+ json: () =>
+ new Promise(resolve => {
+ clock.tick(42);
+ resolve({ messages: [sourceMessage] });
+ }),
+ });
+ const result = await MessageLoaderUtils.loadMessagesForProvider(
+ provider,
+ );
+ assert.propertyVal(result, "lastUpdated", 42);
+ });
+ });
+ describe("#shouldProviderUpdate", () => {
+ it("should return true if the provider does not had a .lastUpdated property", () => {
+ assert.isTrue(MessageLoaderUtils.shouldProviderUpdate({ id: "foo" }));
+ });
+ it("should return false if the provider does not had a .updateCycleInMs property and has a .lastUpdated", () => {
+ clock.tick(1);
+ assert.isFalse(
+ MessageLoaderUtils.shouldProviderUpdate({ id: "foo", lastUpdated: 0 })
+ );
+ });
+ it("should return true if the time since .lastUpdated is greater than .updateCycleInMs", () => {
+ clock.tick(301);
+ assert.isTrue(
+ MessageLoaderUtils.shouldProviderUpdate({
+ id: "foo",
+ lastUpdated: 0,
+ updateCycleInMs: 300,
+ })
+ );
+ });
+ it("should return false if the time since .lastUpdated is less than .updateCycleInMs", () => {
+ clock.tick(299);
+ assert.isFalse(
+ MessageLoaderUtils.shouldProviderUpdate({
+ id: "foo",
+ lastUpdated: 0,
+ updateCycleInMs: 300,
+ })
+ );
+ });
+ });
+ describe("#cleanupCache", () => {
+ it("should remove data for providers no longer active", async () => {
+ const fakeStorage = {
+ get: sinon.stub().returns(
+ Promise.resolve({
+ "id-1": {},
+ "id-2": {},
+ "id-3": {},
+ })
+ ),
+ set: sinon.stub().returns(Promise.resolve()),
+ };
+ const fakeProviders = [
+ { id: "id-1", type: "remote" },
+ { id: "id-3", type: "remote" },
+ ];
+ await MessageLoaderUtils.cleanupCache(fakeProviders, fakeStorage);
+ assert.calledOnce(fakeStorage.set);
+ assert.calledWith(
+ fakeStorage.set,
+ { "id-1": {}, "id-3": {} }
+ );
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/browser/components/asrouter/tests/unit/ModalOverlay.test.jsx b/browser/components/asrouter/tests/unit/ModalOverlay.test.jsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2320e16fc3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/asrouter/tests/unit/ModalOverlay.test.jsx
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+import { ModalOverlayWrapper } from "content-src/components/ModalOverlay/ModalOverlay";
+import { mount } from "enzyme";
+import React from "react";
+describe("ModalOverlayWrapper", () => {
+ let fakeDoc;
+ let sandbox;
+ let header;
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ sandbox = sinon.createSandbox();
+ header = document.createElement("div");
+ fakeDoc = {
+ addEventListener: sandbox.stub(),
+ removeEventListener: sandbox.stub(),
+ body: { classList: { add: sandbox.stub(), remove: sandbox.stub() } },
+ getElementById() {
+ return header;
+ },
+ };
+ });
+ afterEach(() => {
+ sandbox.restore();
+ });
+ it("should add eventListener and a class on mount", async () => {
+ mount(<ModalOverlayWrapper document={fakeDoc} />);
+ assert.calledOnce(fakeDoc.addEventListener);
+ assert.calledWith(fakeDoc.body.classList.add, "modal-open");
+ });
+ it("should remove eventListener on unmount", async () => {
+ const wrapper = mount(<ModalOverlayWrapper document={fakeDoc} />);
+ wrapper.unmount();
+ assert.calledOnce(fakeDoc.addEventListener);
+ assert.calledOnce(fakeDoc.removeEventListener);
+ assert.calledWith(fakeDoc.body.classList.remove, "modal-open");
+ });
+ it("should call props.onClose on an Escape key", async () => {
+ const onClose = sandbox.stub();
+ mount(<ModalOverlayWrapper document={fakeDoc} onClose={onClose} />);
+ // Simulate onkeydown being called
+ const [, callback] = fakeDoc.addEventListener.firstCall.args;
+ callback({ key: "Escape" });
+ assert.calledOnce(onClose);
+ });
+ it("should not call props.onClose on other keys than Escape", async () => {
+ const onClose = sandbox.stub();
+ mount(<ModalOverlayWrapper document={fakeDoc} onClose={onClose} />);
+ // Simulate onkeydown being called
+ const [, callback] = fakeDoc.addEventListener.firstCall.args;
+ callback({ key: "Ctrl" });
+ assert.notCalled(onClose);
+ });
+ it("should not call props.onClose when clicked outside dialog", async () => {
+ const onClose = sandbox.stub();
+ const wrapper = mount(
+ <ModalOverlayWrapper document={fakeDoc} onClose={onClose} />
+ );
+ wrapper.find("").simulate("click");
+ assert.notCalled(onClose);
+ });
diff --git a/browser/components/asrouter/tests/unit/MomentsPageHub.test.js b/browser/components/asrouter/tests/unit/MomentsPageHub.test.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..63683a6849
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/asrouter/tests/unit/MomentsPageHub.test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,336 @@
+import { GlobalOverrider } from "test/unit/utils";
+import { PanelTestProvider } from "modules/PanelTestProvider.sys.mjs";
+import { _MomentsPageHub } from "modules/MomentsPageHub.sys.mjs";
+const HOMEPAGE_OVERRIDE_PREF = "browser.startup.homepage_override.once";
+describe("MomentsPageHub", () => {
+ let globals;
+ let sandbox;
+ let instance;
+ let handleMessageRequestStub;
+ let addImpressionStub;
+ let blockMessageByIdStub;
+ let sendTelemetryStub;
+ let getStringPrefStub;
+ let setStringPrefStub;
+ let setIntervalStub;
+ let clearIntervalStub;
+ beforeEach(async () => {
+ globals = new GlobalOverrider();
+ sandbox = sinon.createSandbox();
+ instance = new _MomentsPageHub();
+ const messages = (await PanelTestProvider.getMessages()).filter(
+ ({ template }) => template === "update_action"
+ );
+ handleMessageRequestStub = sandbox.stub().resolves(messages);
+ addImpressionStub = sandbox.stub();
+ blockMessageByIdStub = sandbox.stub();
+ getStringPrefStub = sandbox.stub();
+ setStringPrefStub = sandbox.stub();
+ setIntervalStub = sandbox.stub();
+ clearIntervalStub = sandbox.stub();
+ sendTelemetryStub = sandbox.stub();
+ globals.set({
+ setInterval: setIntervalStub,
+ clearInterval: clearIntervalStub,
+ Services: {
+ prefs: {
+ getStringPref: getStringPrefStub,
+ setStringPref: setStringPrefStub,
+ },
+ telemetry: {
+ recordEvent: () => {},
+ },
+ },
+ });
+ });
+ afterEach(() => {
+ sandbox.restore();
+ globals.restore();
+ });
+ it("should create an instance", async () => {
+ setIntervalStub.returns(42);
+ assert.ok(instance);
+ await instance.init(Promise.resolve(), {
+ handleMessageRequest: handleMessageRequestStub,
+ addImpression: addImpressionStub,
+ blockMessageById: blockMessageByIdStub,
+ });
+ assert.equal(instance.state._intervalId, 42);
+ });
+ it("should init only once", async () => {
+ assert.notCalled(handleMessageRequestStub);
+ await instance.init(Promise.resolve(), {
+ handleMessageRequest: handleMessageRequestStub,
+ addImpression: addImpressionStub,
+ blockMessageById: blockMessageByIdStub,
+ });
+ await instance.init(Promise.resolve(), {
+ handleMessageRequest: handleMessageRequestStub,
+ addImpression: addImpressionStub,
+ blockMessageById: blockMessageByIdStub,
+ });
+ assert.calledOnce(handleMessageRequestStub);
+ instance.uninit();
+ await instance.init(Promise.resolve(), {
+ handleMessageRequest: handleMessageRequestStub,
+ addImpression: addImpressionStub,
+ blockMessageById: blockMessageByIdStub,
+ });
+ assert.calledTwice(handleMessageRequestStub);
+ });
+ it("should uninit the instance", () => {
+ instance.uninit();
+ assert.calledOnce(clearIntervalStub);
+ });
+ it("should setInterval for `checkHomepageOverridePref`", async () => {
+ await instance.init(sandbox.stub().resolves(), {});
+ sandbox.stub(instance, "checkHomepageOverridePref");
+ assert.calledOnce(setIntervalStub);
+ assert.calledWithExactly(setIntervalStub, sinon.match.func, 5 * 60 * 1000);
+ assert.notCalled(instance.checkHomepageOverridePref);
+ const [cb] = setIntervalStub.firstCall.args;
+ cb();
+ assert.calledOnce(instance.checkHomepageOverridePref);
+ });
+ describe("#messageRequest", () => {
+ beforeEach(async () => {
+ await instance.init(Promise.resolve(), {
+ handleMessageRequest: handleMessageRequestStub,
+ addImpression: addImpressionStub,
+ blockMessageById: blockMessageByIdStub,
+ sendTelemetry: sendTelemetryStub,
+ });
+ });
+ afterEach(() => {
+ instance.uninit();
+ });
+ it("should fetch a message with the provided trigger and template", async () => {
+ await instance.messageRequest({
+ triggerId: "trigger",
+ template: "template",
+ });
+ assert.calledTwice(handleMessageRequestStub);
+ assert.calledWithExactly(handleMessageRequestStub, {
+ triggerId: "trigger",
+ template: "template",
+ returnAll: true,
+ });
+ });
+ it("shouldn't do anything if no message is provided", async () => {
+ // Reset the call from `instance.init`
+ setStringPrefStub.reset();
+ handleMessageRequestStub.resolves([]);
+ await instance.messageRequest({ triggerId: "trigger" });
+ assert.notCalled(setStringPrefStub);
+ });
+ it("should record telemetry events", async () => {
+ const startTelemetryStopwatch = sandbox.stub(
+ global.TelemetryStopwatch,
+ "start"
+ );
+ const finishTelemetryStopwatch = sandbox.stub(
+ global.TelemetryStopwatch,
+ "finish"
+ );
+ await instance.messageRequest({ triggerId: "trigger" });
+ assert.calledOnce(startTelemetryStopwatch);
+ assert.calledWithExactly(
+ startTelemetryStopwatch,
+ { triggerId: "trigger" }
+ );
+ assert.calledOnce(finishTelemetryStopwatch);
+ assert.calledWithExactly(
+ finishTelemetryStopwatch,
+ { triggerId: "trigger" }
+ );
+ });
+ it("should record Reach event for the Moments page experiment", async () => {
+ const momentsMessages = (await PanelTestProvider.getMessages()).filter(
+ ({ template }) => template === "update_action"
+ );
+ const messages = [
+ {
+ forReachEvent: { sent: false },
+ experimentSlug: "foo",
+ branchSlug: "bar",
+ },
+ ...momentsMessages,
+ ];
+ handleMessageRequestStub.resolves(messages);
+ sandbox.spy(global.Services.telemetry, "recordEvent");
+ sandbox.spy(instance, "executeAction");
+ await instance.messageRequest({ triggerId: "trigger" });
+ assert.calledOnce(global.Services.telemetry.recordEvent);
+ assert.calledOnce(instance.executeAction);
+ });
+ it("should not record the Reach event if it's already sent", async () => {
+ const messages = [
+ {
+ forReachEvent: { sent: true },
+ experimentSlug: "foo",
+ branchSlug: "bar",
+ },
+ ];
+ handleMessageRequestStub.resolves(messages);
+ sandbox.spy(global.Services.telemetry, "recordEvent");
+ await instance.messageRequest({ triggerId: "trigger" });
+ assert.notCalled(global.Services.telemetry.recordEvent);
+ });
+ it("should not trigger the action if it's only for the Reach event", async () => {
+ const messages = [
+ {
+ forReachEvent: { sent: false },
+ experimentSlug: "foo",
+ branchSlug: "bar",
+ },
+ ];
+ handleMessageRequestStub.resolves(messages);
+ sandbox.spy(global.Services.telemetry, "recordEvent");
+ sandbox.spy(instance, "executeAction");
+ await instance.messageRequest({ triggerId: "trigger" });
+ assert.calledOnce(global.Services.telemetry.recordEvent);
+ assert.notCalled(instance.executeAction);
+ });
+ });
+ describe("executeAction", () => {
+ beforeEach(async () => {
+ blockMessageByIdStub = sandbox.stub();
+ await instance.init(sandbox.stub().resolves(), {
+ addImpression: addImpressionStub,
+ blockMessageById: blockMessageByIdStub,
+ sendTelemetry: sendTelemetryStub,
+ });
+ });
+ it("should set HOMEPAGE_OVERRIDE_PREF on `moments-wnp` action", async () => {
+ const [msg] = await handleMessageRequestStub();
+ sandbox.useFakeTimers();
+ instance.executeAction(msg);
+ assert.calledOnce(setStringPrefStub);
+ assert.calledWithExactly(
+ setStringPrefStub,
+ JSON.stringify({
+ message_id:,
+ url:,
+ expire: instance.getExpirationDate(
+ ),
+ })
+ );
+ });
+ it("should block after taking the action", async () => {
+ const [msg] = await handleMessageRequestStub();
+ instance.executeAction(msg);
+ assert.calledOnce(blockMessageByIdStub);
+ assert.calledWithExactly(blockMessageByIdStub,;
+ });
+ it("should compute expire based on expireDelta", async () => {
+ sandbox.spy(instance, "getExpirationDate");
+ const [msg] = await handleMessageRequestStub();
+ instance.executeAction(msg);
+ assert.calledOnce(instance.getExpirationDate);
+ assert.calledWithExactly(
+ instance.getExpirationDate,
+ );
+ });
+ it("should compute expire based on expireDelta", async () => {
+ sandbox.spy(instance, "getExpirationDate");
+ const [msg] = await handleMessageRequestStub();
+ const msgWithExpire = {
+ ...msg,
+ content: {
+ ...msg.content,
+ action: {
+ ...msg.content.action,
+ data: {, expire: 41 },
+ },
+ },
+ };
+ instance.executeAction(msgWithExpire);
+ assert.notCalled(instance.getExpirationDate);
+ assert.calledOnce(setStringPrefStub);
+ assert.calledWithExactly(
+ setStringPrefStub,
+ JSON.stringify({
+ message_id:,
+ url:,
+ expire: 41,
+ })
+ );
+ });
+ it("should send user telemetry", async () => {
+ const [msg] = await handleMessageRequestStub();
+ const sendUserEventTelemetrySpy = sandbox.spy(
+ instance,
+ "sendUserEventTelemetry"
+ );
+ instance.executeAction(msg);
+ assert.calledOnce(sendTelemetryStub);
+ assert.calledWithExactly(sendUserEventTelemetrySpy, msg);
+ assert.calledWithExactly(sendTelemetryStub, {
+ data: {
+ action: "moments_user_event",
+ bucket_id: "WNP_THANK_YOU",
+ event: "MOMENTS_PAGE_SET",
+ message_id: "WNP_THANK_YOU",
+ },
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ describe("#checkHomepageOverridePref", () => {
+ let messageRequestStub;
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ messageRequestStub = sandbox.stub(instance, "messageRequest");
+ });
+ it("should catch parse errors", () => {
+ getStringPrefStub.returns({});
+ instance.checkHomepageOverridePref();
+ assert.calledOnce(messageRequestStub);
+ assert.calledWithExactly(messageRequestStub, {
+ template: "update_action",
+ triggerId: "momentsUpdate",
+ });
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/browser/components/asrouter/tests/unit/RemoteL10n.test.js b/browser/components/asrouter/tests/unit/RemoteL10n.test.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dd0f858750
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/asrouter/tests/unit/RemoteL10n.test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+import { RemoteL10n, _RemoteL10n } from "modules/RemoteL10n.sys.mjs";
+import { GlobalOverrider } from "test/unit/utils";
+describe("RemoteL10n", () => {
+ let sandbox;
+ let globals;
+ let domL10nStub;
+ let l10nRegStub;
+ let l10nRegInstance;
+ let fileSourceStub;
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ sandbox = sinon.createSandbox();
+ globals = new GlobalOverrider();
+ domL10nStub = sandbox.stub();
+ l10nRegInstance = {
+ hasSource: sandbox.stub(),
+ registerSources: sandbox.stub(),
+ removeSources: sandbox.stub(),
+ };
+ fileSourceStub = sandbox.stub();
+ l10nRegStub = {
+ getInstance: () => {
+ return l10nRegInstance;
+ },
+ };
+ globals.set("DOMLocalization", domL10nStub);
+ globals.set("L10nRegistry", l10nRegStub);
+ globals.set("L10nFileSource", fileSourceStub);
+ });
+ afterEach(() => {
+ sandbox.restore();
+ globals.restore();
+ });
+ describe("#RemoteL10n", () => {
+ it("should create a new instance", () => {
+ assert.ok(new _RemoteL10n());
+ });
+ it("should create a DOMLocalization instance", () => {
+ domL10nStub.returns({ instance: true });
+ const instance = new _RemoteL10n();
+ assert.propertyVal(instance._createDOML10n(), "instance", true);
+ assert.calledOnce(domL10nStub);
+ });
+ it("should create a new instance", () => {
+ domL10nStub.returns({ instance: true });
+ const instance = new _RemoteL10n();
+ assert.ok(instance.l10n);
+ instance.reloadL10n();
+ assert.ok(instance.l10n);
+ assert.calledTwice(domL10nStub);
+ });
+ it("should reuse the instance", () => {
+ domL10nStub.returns({ instance: true });
+ const instance = new _RemoteL10n();
+ assert.ok(instance.l10n);
+ assert.ok(instance.l10n);
+ assert.calledOnce(domL10nStub);
+ });
+ });
+ describe("#_createDOML10n", () => {
+ it("should load the remote Fluent file if USE_REMOTE_L10N_PREF is true", async () => {
+ sandbox.stub(global.Services.prefs, "getBoolPref").returns(true);
+ l10nRegInstance.hasSource.returns(false);
+ RemoteL10n._createDOML10n();
+ assert.calledOnce(domL10nStub);
+ const { args } = domL10nStub.firstCall;
+ // The first arg is the resource array,
+ // the second one is false (use async),
+ // and the third one is the bundle generator.
+ assert.equal(args.length, 2);
+ assert.deepEqual(args[0], [
+ "branding/brand.ftl",
+ "browser/defaultBrowserNotification.ftl",
+ "browser/newtab/asrouter.ftl",
+ "toolkit/branding/accounts.ftl",
+ "toolkit/branding/brandings.ftl",
+ ]);
+ assert.isFalse(args[1]);
+ assert.calledOnce(l10nRegInstance.hasSource);
+ assert.calledOnce(l10nRegInstance.registerSources);
+ assert.notCalled(l10nRegInstance.removeSources);
+ });
+ it("should load the local Fluent file if USE_REMOTE_L10N_PREF is false", () => {
+ sandbox.stub(global.Services.prefs, "getBoolPref").returns(false);
+ l10nRegInstance.hasSource.returns(true);
+ RemoteL10n._createDOML10n();
+ const { args } = domL10nStub.firstCall;
+ // The first arg is the resource array,
+ // the second one is false (use async),
+ // and the third one is null.
+ assert.equal(args.length, 2);
+ assert.deepEqual(args[0], [
+ "branding/brand.ftl",
+ "browser/defaultBrowserNotification.ftl",
+ "browser/newtab/asrouter.ftl",
+ "toolkit/branding/accounts.ftl",
+ "toolkit/branding/brandings.ftl",
+ ]);
+ assert.isFalse(args[1]);
+ assert.calledOnce(l10nRegInstance.hasSource);
+ assert.notCalled(l10nRegInstance.registerSources);
+ assert.calledOnce(l10nRegInstance.removeSources);
+ });
+ });
+ describe("#createElement", () => {
+ let doc;
+ let instance;
+ let setStringStub;
+ let elem;
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ elem = document.createElement("div");
+ doc = {
+ createElement: sandbox.stub().returns(elem),
+ createElementNS: sandbox.stub().returns(elem),
+ };
+ instance = new _RemoteL10n();
+ setStringStub = sandbox.stub(instance, "setString");
+ });
+ it("should call createElement if string_id is defined", () => {
+ instance.createElement(doc, "span", { content: { string_id: "foo" } });
+ assert.calledOnce(doc.createElement);
+ });
+ it("should call createElementNS if string_id is not present", () => {
+ instance.createElement(doc, "span", { content: "foo" });
+ assert.calledOnce(doc.createElementNS);
+ });
+ it("should set classList", () => {
+ instance.createElement(doc, "span", { classList: "foo" });
+ assert.isTrue(elem.classList.contains("foo"));
+ });
+ it("should call setString", () => {
+ const options = { classList: "foo" };
+ instance.createElement(doc, "span", options);
+ assert.calledOnce(setStringStub);
+ assert.calledWithExactly(setStringStub, elem, options);
+ });
+ });
+ describe("#setString", () => {
+ let instance;
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ instance = new _RemoteL10n();
+ });
+ it("should set fluent variables and id", () => {
+ let el = { setAttribute: sandbox.stub() };
+ instance.setString(el, {
+ content: { string_id: "foo" },
+ attributes: { bar: "bar", baz: "baz" },
+ });
+ assert.calledThrice(el.setAttribute);
+ assert.calledWithExactly(el.setAttribute, "fluent-variable-bar", "bar");
+ assert.calledWithExactly(el.setAttribute, "fluent-variable-baz", "baz");
+ assert.calledWithExactly(el.setAttribute, "fluent-remote-id", "foo");
+ });
+ it("should set content if no string_id", () => {
+ let el = { setAttribute: sandbox.stub() };
+ instance.setString(el, { content: "foo" });
+ assert.notCalled(el.setAttribute);
+ assert.equal(el.textContent, "foo");
+ });
+ });
+ describe("#isLocaleSupported", () => {
+ it("should return true if the locale is en-US", () => {
+ assert.ok(RemoteL10n.isLocaleSupported("en-US"));
+ });
+ it("should return true if the locale is in all-locales", () => {
+ assert.ok(RemoteL10n.isLocaleSupported("en-CA"));
+ });
+ it("should return false if the locale is not in all-locales", () => {
+ assert.ok(!RemoteL10n.isLocaleSupported("und"));
+ });
+ });
+ describe("#formatLocalizableText", () => {
+ let instance;
+ let formatValueStub;
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ instance = new _RemoteL10n();
+ formatValueStub = sandbox.stub();
+ sandbox
+ .stub(instance, "l10n")
+ .get(() => ({ formatValue: formatValueStub }));
+ });
+ it("should localize a string_id", async () => {
+ formatValueStub.resolves("VALUE");
+ assert.equal(
+ await instance.formatLocalizableText({ string_id: "ID" }),
+ );
+ assert.calledOnce(formatValueStub);
+ });
+ it("should pass through a string", async () => {
+ formatValueStub.reset();
+ assert.equal(
+ await instance.formatLocalizableText("unchanged"),
+ "unchanged"
+ );
+ assert.isFalse(formatValueStub.called);
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/browser/components/asrouter/tests/unit/TargetingDocs.test.js b/browser/components/asrouter/tests/unit/TargetingDocs.test.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d00f971453
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/asrouter/tests/unit/TargetingDocs.test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+import { ASRouterTargeting } from "modules/ASRouterTargeting.sys.mjs";
+import docs from "docs/";
+// The following targeting parameters are either deprecated or should not be included in the docs for some reason.
+const SKIP_DOCS = [];
+// These are extra message context attributes via ASRouter.sys.mjs
+const MESSAGE_CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTES = ["previousSessionEnd"];
+function getHeadingsFromDocs() {
+ const re = /### `(\w+)`/g;
+ const found = [];
+ let match = 1;
+ while (match) {
+ match = re.exec(docs);
+ if (match) {
+ found.push(match[1]);
+ }
+ }
+ return found;
+function getTOCFromDocs() {
+ const re = /## Available attributes\n+([^]+)\n+## Detailed usage/;
+ const sectionMatch = docs.match(re);
+ if (!sectionMatch) {
+ return [];
+ }
+ const [, listText] = sectionMatch;
+ const re2 = /\[(\w+)\]/g;
+ const found = [];
+ let match = 1;
+ while (match) {
+ match = re2.exec(listText);
+ if (match) {
+ found.push(match[1]);
+ }
+ }
+ return found;
+describe("ASRTargeting docs", () => {
+ const DOCS_TARGETING_HEADINGS = getHeadingsFromDocs();
+ const DOCS_TOC = getTOCFromDocs();
+ const ASRTargetingAttributes = [
+ ...Object.keys(ASRouterTargeting.Environment).filter(
+ attribute => !SKIP_DOCS.includes(attribute)
+ ),
+ ];
+ describe("All targeting params documented in", () => {
+ for (const targetingParam of ASRTargetingAttributes) {
+ // If this test is failing, you probably forgot to add docs to content-src/asrouter/
+ // for a new targeting attribute, or you forgot to put it in the table of contents up top.
+ it(`should have docs and table of contents entry for ${targetingParam}`, () => {
+ assert.include(
+ targetingParam,
+ `Didn't find the heading: ### \`${targetingParam}\``
+ );
+ assert.include(
+ targetingParam,
+ `Didn't find a table of contents entry for ${targetingParam}`
+ );
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ describe("No extra attributes in", () => {
+ // "allow" includes targeting attributes that are not implemented by
+ // ASRTargetingAttributes. For example trigger context passed to the evaluation
+ // context in when a trigger runs or ASRouter state used in the evaluation.
+ const allow = ["messageImpressions", "screenImpressions"];
+ for (const targetingParam of DOCS_TARGETING_HEADINGS.filter(
+ doc => !allow.includes(doc)
+ )) {
+ // If this test is failing, you might have spelled something wrong or removed a targeting param without
+ // removing its docs.
+ it(`should have an implementation for ${targetingParam} in ASRouterTargeting.Environment`, () => {
+ assert.include(
+ ASRTargetingAttributes,
+ targetingParam,
+ `Didn't find an implementation for ${targetingParam}`
+ );
+ });
+ }
+ });
diff --git a/browser/components/asrouter/tests/unit/ToolbarBadgeHub.test.js b/browser/components/asrouter/tests/unit/ToolbarBadgeHub.test.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3e91b657bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/asrouter/tests/unit/ToolbarBadgeHub.test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,652 @@
+import { _ToolbarBadgeHub } from "modules/ToolbarBadgeHub.sys.mjs";
+import { GlobalOverrider } from "test/unit/utils";
+import { OnboardingMessageProvider } from "modules/OnboardingMessageProvider.sys.mjs";
+import {
+ _ToolbarPanelHub,
+ ToolbarPanelHub,
+} from "modules/ToolbarPanelHub.sys.mjs";
+describe("ToolbarBadgeHub", () => {
+ let sandbox;
+ let instance;
+ let fakeAddImpression;
+ let fakeSendTelemetry;
+ let isBrowserPrivateStub;
+ let fxaMessage;
+ let whatsnewMessage;
+ let fakeElement;
+ let globals;
+ let everyWindowStub;
+ let clearTimeoutStub;
+ let setTimeoutStub;
+ let addObserverStub;
+ let removeObserverStub;
+ let getStringPrefStub;
+ let clearUserPrefStub;
+ let setStringPrefStub;
+ let requestIdleCallbackStub;
+ let fakeWindow;
+ beforeEach(async () => {
+ globals = new GlobalOverrider();
+ sandbox = sinon.createSandbox();
+ instance = new _ToolbarBadgeHub();
+ fakeAddImpression = sandbox.stub();
+ fakeSendTelemetry = sandbox.stub();
+ isBrowserPrivateStub = sandbox.stub();
+ const onboardingMsgs =
+ await OnboardingMessageProvider.getUntranslatedMessages();
+ fxaMessage = onboardingMsgs.find(({ id }) => id === "FXA_ACCOUNTS_BADGE");
+ whatsnewMessage = {
+ id: `WHATS_NEW_BADGE_71`,
+ template: "toolbar_badge",
+ content: {
+ delay: 1000,
+ target: "whats-new-menu-button",
+ action: { id: "show-whatsnew-button" },
+ badgeDescription: { string_id: "cfr-badge-reader-label-newfeature" },
+ },
+ priority: 1,
+ trigger: { id: "toolbarBadgeUpdate" },
+ frequency: {
+ // Makes it so that we track impressions for this message while at the
+ // same time it can have unlimited impressions
+ lifetime: Infinity,
+ },
+ // Never saw this message or saw it in the past 4 days or more recent
+ targeting: `isWhatsNewPanelEnabled &&
+ (!messageImpressions['WHATS_NEW_BADGE_71'] ||
+ (messageImpressions['WHATS_NEW_BADGE_71']|length >= 1 &&
+ currentDate|date - messageImpressions['WHATS_NEW_BADGE_71'][0] <= 4 * 24 * 3600 * 1000))`,
+ };
+ fakeElement = {
+ classList: {
+ add: sandbox.stub(),
+ remove: sandbox.stub(),
+ },
+ setAttribute: sandbox.stub(),
+ removeAttribute: sandbox.stub(),
+ querySelector: sandbox.stub(),
+ addEventListener: sandbox.stub(),
+ remove: sandbox.stub(),
+ appendChild: sandbox.stub(),
+ };
+ // Share the same element when selecting child nodes
+ fakeElement.querySelector.returns(fakeElement);
+ everyWindowStub = {
+ registerCallback: sandbox.stub(),
+ unregisterCallback: sandbox.stub(),
+ };
+ clearTimeoutStub = sandbox.stub();
+ setTimeoutStub = sandbox.stub();
+ fakeWindow = {
+ MozXULElement: { insertFTLIfNeeded: sandbox.stub() },
+ ownerGlobal: {
+ gBrowser: {
+ selectedBrowser: "browser",
+ },
+ },
+ };
+ addObserverStub = sandbox.stub();
+ removeObserverStub = sandbox.stub();
+ getStringPrefStub = sandbox.stub();
+ clearUserPrefStub = sandbox.stub();
+ setStringPrefStub = sandbox.stub();
+ requestIdleCallbackStub = sandbox.stub().callsFake(fn => fn());
+ globals.set({
+ ToolbarPanelHub,
+ requestIdleCallback: requestIdleCallbackStub,
+ EveryWindow: everyWindowStub,
+ PrivateBrowsingUtils: { isBrowserPrivate: isBrowserPrivateStub },
+ setTimeout: setTimeoutStub,
+ clearTimeout: clearTimeoutStub,
+ Services: {
+ wm: {
+ getMostRecentWindow: () => fakeWindow,
+ },
+ prefs: {
+ addObserver: addObserverStub,
+ removeObserver: removeObserverStub,
+ getStringPref: getStringPrefStub,
+ clearUserPref: clearUserPrefStub,
+ setStringPref: setStringPrefStub,
+ },
+ },
+ });
+ });
+ afterEach(() => {
+ sandbox.restore();
+ globals.restore();
+ });
+ it("should create an instance", () => {
+ assert.ok(instance);
+ });
+ describe("#init", () => {
+ it("should make a single messageRequest on init", async () => {
+ sandbox.stub(instance, "messageRequest");
+ const waitForInitialized = sandbox.stub().resolves();
+ await instance.init(waitForInitialized, {});
+ await instance.init(waitForInitialized, {});
+ assert.calledOnce(instance.messageRequest);
+ assert.calledWithExactly(instance.messageRequest, {
+ template: "toolbar_badge",
+ triggerId: "toolbarBadgeUpdate",
+ });
+ instance.uninit();
+ await instance.init(waitForInitialized, {});
+ assert.calledTwice(instance.messageRequest);
+ });
+ it("should add a pref observer", async () => {
+ await instance.init(sandbox.stub().resolves(), {});
+ assert.calledOnce(addObserverStub);
+ assert.calledWithExactly(
+ addObserverStub,
+ instance.prefs.WHATSNEW_TOOLBAR_PANEL,
+ instance
+ );
+ });
+ });
+ describe("#uninit", () => {
+ beforeEach(async () => {
+ await instance.init(sandbox.stub().resolves(), {});
+ });
+ it("should clear any setTimeout cbs", async () => {
+ await instance.init(sandbox.stub().resolves(), {});
+ instance.state.showBadgeTimeoutId = 2;
+ instance.uninit();
+ assert.calledOnce(clearTimeoutStub);
+ assert.calledWithExactly(clearTimeoutStub, 2);
+ });
+ it("should remove the pref observer", () => {
+ instance.uninit();
+ assert.calledOnce(removeObserverStub);
+ assert.calledWithExactly(
+ removeObserverStub,
+ instance.prefs.WHATSNEW_TOOLBAR_PANEL,
+ instance
+ );
+ });
+ });
+ describe("messageRequest", () => {
+ let handleMessageRequestStub;
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ handleMessageRequestStub = sandbox.stub().returns(fxaMessage);
+ sandbox
+ .stub(instance, "_handleMessageRequest")
+ .value(handleMessageRequestStub);
+ sandbox.stub(instance, "registerBadgeNotificationListener");
+ });
+ it("should fetch a message with the provided trigger and template", async () => {
+ await instance.messageRequest({
+ triggerId: "trigger",
+ template: "template",
+ });
+ assert.calledOnce(handleMessageRequestStub);
+ assert.calledWithExactly(handleMessageRequestStub, {
+ triggerId: "trigger",
+ template: "template",
+ });
+ });
+ it("should call addToolbarNotification with browser window and message", async () => {
+ await instance.messageRequest("trigger");
+ assert.calledOnce(instance.registerBadgeNotificationListener);
+ assert.calledWithExactly(
+ instance.registerBadgeNotificationListener,
+ fxaMessage
+ );
+ });
+ it("shouldn't do anything if no message is provided", async () => {
+ handleMessageRequestStub.resolves(null);
+ await instance.messageRequest({ triggerId: "trigger" });
+ assert.notCalled(instance.registerBadgeNotificationListener);
+ });
+ it("should record telemetry events", async () => {
+ const startTelemetryStopwatch = sandbox.stub(
+ global.TelemetryStopwatch,
+ "start"
+ );
+ const finishTelemetryStopwatch = sandbox.stub(
+ global.TelemetryStopwatch,
+ "finish"
+ );
+ handleMessageRequestStub.returns(null);
+ await instance.messageRequest({ triggerId: "trigger" });
+ assert.calledOnce(startTelemetryStopwatch);
+ assert.calledWithExactly(
+ startTelemetryStopwatch,
+ { triggerId: "trigger" }
+ );
+ assert.calledOnce(finishTelemetryStopwatch);
+ assert.calledWithExactly(
+ finishTelemetryStopwatch,
+ { triggerId: "trigger" }
+ );
+ });
+ });
+ describe("addToolbarNotification", () => {
+ let target;
+ let fakeDocument;
+ beforeEach(async () => {
+ await instance.init(sandbox.stub().resolves(), {
+ addImpression: fakeAddImpression,
+ sendTelemetry: fakeSendTelemetry,
+ });
+ fakeDocument = {
+ getElementById: sandbox.stub().returns(fakeElement),
+ createElement: sandbox.stub().returns(fakeElement),
+ l10n: { setAttributes: sandbox.stub() },
+ };
+ target = { ...fakeWindow, browser: { ownerDocument: fakeDocument } };
+ });
+ afterEach(() => {
+ instance.uninit();
+ });
+ it("shouldn't do anything if target element is not found", () => {
+ fakeDocument.getElementById.returns(null);
+ instance.addToolbarNotification(target, fxaMessage);
+ assert.notCalled(fakeElement.setAttribute);
+ });
+ it("should target the element specified in the message", () => {
+ instance.addToolbarNotification(target, fxaMessage);
+ assert.calledOnce(fakeDocument.getElementById);
+ assert.calledWithExactly(
+ fakeDocument.getElementById,
+ );
+ });
+ it("should show a notification", () => {
+ instance.addToolbarNotification(target, fxaMessage);
+ assert.calledOnce(fakeElement.setAttribute);
+ assert.calledWithExactly(fakeElement.setAttribute, "badged", true);
+ assert.calledWithExactly(fakeElement.classList.add, "feature-callout");
+ });
+ it("should attach a cb on the notification", () => {
+ instance.addToolbarNotification(target, fxaMessage);
+ assert.calledTwice(fakeElement.addEventListener);
+ assert.calledWithExactly(
+ fakeElement.addEventListener,
+ "mousedown",
+ instance.removeAllNotifications
+ );
+ assert.calledWithExactly(
+ fakeElement.addEventListener,
+ "keypress",
+ instance.removeAllNotifications
+ );
+ });
+ it("should execute actions if they exist", () => {
+ sandbox.stub(instance, "executeAction");
+ instance.addToolbarNotification(target, whatsnewMessage);
+ assert.calledOnce(instance.executeAction);
+ assert.calledWithExactly(instance.executeAction, {
+ ...whatsnewMessage.content.action,
+ message_id:,
+ });
+ });
+ it("should create a description element", () => {
+ sandbox.stub(instance, "executeAction");
+ instance.addToolbarNotification(target, whatsnewMessage);
+ assert.calledOnce(fakeDocument.createElement);
+ assert.calledWithExactly(fakeDocument.createElement, "span");
+ });
+ it("should set description id to element and to button", () => {
+ sandbox.stub(instance, "executeAction");
+ instance.addToolbarNotification(target, whatsnewMessage);
+ assert.calledWithExactly(
+ fakeElement.setAttribute,
+ "id",
+ "toolbarbutton-notification-description"
+ );
+ assert.calledWithExactly(
+ fakeElement.setAttribute,
+ "aria-labelledby",
+ `toolbarbutton-notification-description ${}`
+ );
+ });
+ it("should attach fluent id to description", () => {
+ sandbox.stub(instance, "executeAction");
+ instance.addToolbarNotification(target, whatsnewMessage);
+ assert.calledOnce(fakeDocument.l10n.setAttributes);
+ assert.calledWithExactly(
+ fakeDocument.l10n.setAttributes,
+ fakeElement,
+ whatsnewMessage.content.badgeDescription.string_id
+ );
+ });
+ it("should add an impression for the message", () => {
+ instance.addToolbarNotification(target, whatsnewMessage);
+ assert.calledOnce(instance._addImpression);
+ assert.calledWithExactly(instance._addImpression, whatsnewMessage);
+ });
+ it("should send an impression ping", async () => {
+ sandbox.stub(instance, "sendUserEventTelemetry");
+ instance.addToolbarNotification(target, whatsnewMessage);
+ assert.calledOnce(instance.sendUserEventTelemetry);
+ assert.calledWithExactly(
+ instance.sendUserEventTelemetry,
+ whatsnewMessage
+ );
+ });
+ });
+ describe("registerBadgeNotificationListener", () => {
+ let msg_no_delay;
+ beforeEach(async () => {
+ await instance.init(sandbox.stub().resolves(), {
+ addImpression: fakeAddImpression,
+ sendTelemetry: fakeSendTelemetry,
+ });
+ sandbox.stub(instance, "addToolbarNotification").returns(fakeElement);
+ sandbox.stub(instance, "removeToolbarNotification");
+ msg_no_delay = {
+ ...fxaMessage,
+ content: {
+ ...fxaMessage.content,
+ delay: 0,
+ },
+ };
+ });
+ afterEach(() => {
+ instance.uninit();
+ });
+ it("should register a callback that adds/removes the notification", () => {
+ instance.registerBadgeNotificationListener(msg_no_delay);
+ assert.calledOnce(everyWindowStub.registerCallback);
+ assert.calledWithExactly(
+ everyWindowStub.registerCallback,
+ sinon.match.func,
+ sinon.match.func
+ );
+ const [, initFn, uninitFn] =
+ everyWindowStub.registerCallback.firstCall.args;
+ initFn(window);
+ // Test that it doesn't try to add a second notification
+ initFn(window);
+ assert.calledOnce(instance.addToolbarNotification);
+ assert.calledWithExactly(
+ instance.addToolbarNotification,
+ window,
+ msg_no_delay
+ );
+ uninitFn(window);
+ assert.calledOnce(instance.removeToolbarNotification);
+ assert.calledWithExactly(instance.removeToolbarNotification, fakeElement);
+ });
+ it("should unregister notifications when forcing a badge via devtools", () => {
+ instance.registerBadgeNotificationListener(msg_no_delay, { force: true });
+ assert.calledOnce(everyWindowStub.unregisterCallback);
+ assert.calledWithExactly(everyWindowStub.unregisterCallback,;
+ });
+ it("should only call executeAction for 'update_action' messages", () => {
+ const stub = sandbox.stub(instance, "executeAction");
+ const updateActionMsg = { ...msg_no_delay, template: "update_action" };
+ instance.registerBadgeNotificationListener(updateActionMsg);
+ assert.notCalled(everyWindowStub.registerCallback);
+ assert.calledOnce(stub);
+ });
+ });
+ describe("executeAction", () => {
+ let blockMessageByIdStub;
+ beforeEach(async () => {
+ blockMessageByIdStub = sandbox.stub();
+ await instance.init(sandbox.stub().resolves(), {
+ blockMessageById: blockMessageByIdStub,
+ });
+ });
+ it("should call ToolbarPanelHub.enableToolbarButton", () => {
+ const stub = sandbox.stub(
+ _ToolbarPanelHub.prototype,
+ "enableToolbarButton"
+ );
+ instance.executeAction({ id: "show-whatsnew-button" });
+ assert.calledOnce(stub);
+ });
+ it("should call ToolbarPanelHub.enableAppmenuButton", () => {
+ const stub = sandbox.stub(
+ _ToolbarPanelHub.prototype,
+ "enableAppmenuButton"
+ );
+ instance.executeAction({ id: "show-whatsnew-button" });
+ assert.calledOnce(stub);
+ });
+ });
+ describe("removeToolbarNotification", () => {
+ it("should remove the notification", () => {
+ instance.removeToolbarNotification(fakeElement);
+ assert.calledThrice(fakeElement.removeAttribute);
+ assert.calledWithExactly(fakeElement.removeAttribute, "badged");
+ assert.calledWithExactly(fakeElement.removeAttribute, "aria-labelledby");
+ assert.calledWithExactly(fakeElement.removeAttribute, "aria-describedby");
+ assert.calledOnce(fakeElement.classList.remove);
+ assert.calledWithExactly(fakeElement.classList.remove, "feature-callout");
+ assert.calledOnce(fakeElement.remove);
+ });
+ });
+ describe("removeAllNotifications", () => {
+ let blockMessageByIdStub;
+ let fakeEvent;
+ beforeEach(async () => {
+ await instance.init(sandbox.stub().resolves(), {
+ sendTelemetry: fakeSendTelemetry,
+ });
+ blockMessageByIdStub = sandbox.stub();
+ sandbox.stub(instance, "_blockMessageById").value(blockMessageByIdStub);
+ instance.state = { notification: { id: } };
+ fakeEvent = { target: { removeEventListener: sandbox.stub() } };
+ });
+ it("should call to block the message", () => {
+ instance.removeAllNotifications();
+ assert.calledOnce(blockMessageByIdStub);
+ assert.calledWithExactly(blockMessageByIdStub,;
+ });
+ it("should remove the window listener", () => {
+ instance.removeAllNotifications();
+ assert.calledOnce(everyWindowStub.unregisterCallback);
+ assert.calledWithExactly(everyWindowStub.unregisterCallback,;
+ });
+ it("should ignore right mouse button (mousedown event)", () => {
+ fakeEvent.type = "mousedown";
+ fakeEvent.button = 1; // not left click
+ instance.removeAllNotifications(fakeEvent);
+ assert.notCalled(;
+ assert.notCalled(everyWindowStub.unregisterCallback);
+ });
+ it("should ignore right mouse button (click event)", () => {
+ fakeEvent.type = "click";
+ fakeEvent.button = 1; // not left click
+ instance.removeAllNotifications(fakeEvent);
+ assert.notCalled(;
+ assert.notCalled(everyWindowStub.unregisterCallback);
+ });
+ it("should ignore keypresses that are not meant to focus the target", () => {
+ fakeEvent.type = "keypress";
+ fakeEvent.key = "\t"; // not enter
+ instance.removeAllNotifications(fakeEvent);
+ assert.notCalled(;
+ assert.notCalled(everyWindowStub.unregisterCallback);
+ });
+ it("should remove the event listeners after succesfully focusing the element", () => {
+ fakeEvent.type = "click";
+ fakeEvent.button = 0;
+ instance.removeAllNotifications(fakeEvent);
+ assert.calledTwice(;
+ assert.calledWithExactly(
+ "mousedown",
+ instance.removeAllNotifications
+ );
+ assert.calledWithExactly(
+ "keypress",
+ instance.removeAllNotifications
+ );
+ });
+ it("should send telemetry", () => {
+ fakeEvent.type = "click";
+ fakeEvent.button = 0;
+ sandbox.stub(instance, "sendUserEventTelemetry");
+ instance.removeAllNotifications(fakeEvent);
+ assert.calledOnce(instance.sendUserEventTelemetry);
+ assert.calledWithExactly(instance.sendUserEventTelemetry, "CLICK", {
+ });
+ });
+ it("should remove the event listeners after succesfully focusing the element", () => {
+ fakeEvent.type = "keypress";
+ fakeEvent.key = "Enter";
+ instance.removeAllNotifications(fakeEvent);
+ assert.calledTwice(;
+ assert.calledWithExactly(
+ "mousedown",
+ instance.removeAllNotifications
+ );
+ assert.calledWithExactly(
+ "keypress",
+ instance.removeAllNotifications
+ );
+ });
+ });
+ describe("message with delay", () => {
+ let msg_with_delay;
+ beforeEach(async () => {
+ await instance.init(sandbox.stub().resolves(), {
+ addImpression: fakeAddImpression,
+ });
+ msg_with_delay = {
+ ...fxaMessage,
+ content: {
+ ...fxaMessage.content,
+ delay: 500,
+ },
+ };
+ sandbox.stub(instance, "registerBadgeToAllWindows");
+ });
+ afterEach(() => {
+ instance.uninit();
+ });
+ it("should register a cb to fire after msg.content.delay ms", () => {
+ instance.registerBadgeNotificationListener(msg_with_delay);
+ assert.calledOnce(setTimeoutStub);
+ assert.calledWithExactly(
+ setTimeoutStub,
+ sinon.match.func,
+ msg_with_delay.content.delay
+ );
+ const [cb] = setTimeoutStub.firstCall.args;
+ assert.notCalled(instance.registerBadgeToAllWindows);
+ cb();
+ assert.calledOnce(instance.registerBadgeToAllWindows);
+ assert.calledWithExactly(
+ instance.registerBadgeToAllWindows,
+ msg_with_delay
+ );
+ // Delayed actions should be executed inside requestIdleCallback
+ assert.calledOnce(requestIdleCallbackStub);
+ });
+ });
+ describe("#sendUserEventTelemetry", () => {
+ beforeEach(async () => {
+ await instance.init(sandbox.stub().resolves(), {
+ sendTelemetry: fakeSendTelemetry,
+ });
+ });
+ it("should check for private window and not send", () => {
+ isBrowserPrivateStub.returns(true);
+ instance.sendUserEventTelemetry("CLICK", { id: fxaMessage });
+ assert.notCalled(instance._sendTelemetry);
+ });
+ it("should check for private window and send", () => {
+ isBrowserPrivateStub.returns(false);
+ instance.sendUserEventTelemetry("CLICK", { id: fxaMessage });
+ assert.calledOnce(fakeSendTelemetry);
+ const [ping] = instance._sendTelemetry.firstCall.args;
+ assert.propertyVal(ping, "type", "TOOLBAR_BADGE_TELEMETRY");
+ assert.propertyVal(, "event", "CLICK");
+ });
+ });
+ describe("#observe", () => {
+ it("should make a message request when the whats new pref is changed", () => {
+ sandbox.stub(instance, "messageRequest");
+ instance.observe("", "", instance.prefs.WHATSNEW_TOOLBAR_PANEL);
+ assert.calledOnce(instance.messageRequest);
+ assert.calledWithExactly(instance.messageRequest, {
+ template: "toolbar_badge",
+ triggerId: "toolbarBadgeUpdate",
+ });
+ });
+ it("should not react to other pref changes", () => {
+ sandbox.stub(instance, "messageRequest");
+ instance.observe("", "", "foo");
+ assert.notCalled(instance.messageRequest);
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/browser/components/asrouter/tests/unit/ToolbarPanelHub.test.js b/browser/components/asrouter/tests/unit/ToolbarPanelHub.test.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..64cb8243b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/asrouter/tests/unit/ToolbarPanelHub.test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,762 @@
+import { _ToolbarPanelHub } from "modules/ToolbarPanelHub.sys.mjs";
+import { GlobalOverrider } from "test/unit/utils";
+import { PanelTestProvider } from "modules/PanelTestProvider.sys.mjs";
+describe("ToolbarPanelHub", () => {
+ let globals;
+ let sandbox;
+ let instance;
+ let everyWindowStub;
+ let fakeDocument;
+ let fakeWindow;
+ let fakeElementById;
+ let fakeElementByTagName;
+ let createdCustomElements = [];
+ let eventListeners = {};
+ let addObserverStub;
+ let removeObserverStub;
+ let getBoolPrefStub;
+ let setBoolPrefStub;
+ let waitForInitializedStub;
+ let isBrowserPrivateStub;
+ let fakeSendTelemetry;
+ let getEarliestRecordedDateStub;
+ let getEventsByDateRangeStub;
+ let defaultSearchStub;
+ let scriptloaderStub;
+ let fakeRemoteL10n;
+ let getViewNodeStub;
+ beforeEach(async () => {
+ sandbox = sinon.createSandbox();
+ globals = new GlobalOverrider();
+ instance = new _ToolbarPanelHub();
+ waitForInitializedStub = sandbox.stub().resolves();
+ fakeElementById = {
+ setAttribute: sandbox.stub(),
+ removeAttribute: sandbox.stub(),
+ querySelector: sandbox.stub().returns(null),
+ querySelectorAll: sandbox.stub().returns([]),
+ appendChild: sandbox.stub(),
+ addEventListener: sandbox.stub(),
+ hasAttribute: sandbox.stub(),
+ toggleAttribute: sandbox.stub(),
+ remove: sandbox.stub(),
+ removeChild: sandbox.stub(),
+ };
+ fakeElementByTagName = {
+ setAttribute: sandbox.stub(),
+ removeAttribute: sandbox.stub(),
+ querySelector: sandbox.stub().returns(null),
+ querySelectorAll: sandbox.stub().returns([]),
+ appendChild: sandbox.stub(),
+ addEventListener: sandbox.stub(),
+ hasAttribute: sandbox.stub(),
+ toggleAttribute: sandbox.stub(),
+ remove: sandbox.stub(),
+ removeChild: sandbox.stub(),
+ };
+ fakeDocument = {
+ getElementById: sandbox.stub().returns(fakeElementById),
+ getElementsByTagName: sandbox.stub().returns(fakeElementByTagName),
+ querySelector: sandbox.stub().returns({}),
+ createElement: tagName => {
+ const element = {
+ tagName,
+ classList: {},
+ addEventListener: (ev, fn) => {
+ eventListeners[ev] = fn;
+ },
+ appendChild: sandbox.stub(),
+ setAttribute: sandbox.stub(),
+ textContent: "",
+ };
+ element.classList.add = sandbox.stub();
+ element.classList.includes = className =>
+ element.classList.add.firstCall.args[0] === className;
+ createdCustomElements.push(element);
+ return element;
+ },
+ l10n: {
+ translateElements: sandbox.stub(),
+ translateFragment: sandbox.stub(),
+ formatMessages: sandbox.stub().resolves([{}]),
+ setAttributes: sandbox.stub(),
+ },
+ };
+ fakeWindow = {
+ // eslint-disable-next-line object-shorthand
+ DocumentFragment: function () {
+ return fakeElementById;
+ },
+ document: fakeDocument,
+ browser: {
+ ownerDocument: fakeDocument,
+ },
+ MozXULElement: { insertFTLIfNeeded: sandbox.stub() },
+ ownerGlobal: {
+ openLinkIn: sandbox.stub(),
+ gBrowser: "gBrowser",
+ },
+ PanelUI: {
+ panel: fakeElementById,
+ whatsNewPanel: fakeElementById,
+ },
+ customElements: { get: sandbox.stub() },
+ };
+ everyWindowStub = {
+ registerCallback: sandbox.stub(),
+ unregisterCallback: sandbox.stub(),
+ };
+ scriptloaderStub = { loadSubScript: sandbox.stub() };
+ addObserverStub = sandbox.stub();
+ removeObserverStub = sandbox.stub();
+ getBoolPrefStub = sandbox.stub();
+ setBoolPrefStub = sandbox.stub();
+ fakeSendTelemetry = sandbox.stub();
+ isBrowserPrivateStub = sandbox.stub();
+ getEarliestRecordedDateStub = sandbox.stub().returns(
+ // A random date that's not the current timestamp
+ new Date() - 500
+ );
+ getEventsByDateRangeStub = sandbox.stub().returns([]);
+ getViewNodeStub = sandbox.stub().returns(fakeElementById);
+ defaultSearchStub = { defaultEngine: { name: "DDG" } };
+ fakeRemoteL10n = {
+ l10n: {},
+ reloadL10n: sandbox.stub(),
+ createElement: sandbox
+ .stub()
+ .callsFake((doc, el) => fakeDocument.createElement(el)),
+ };
+ globals.set({
+ EveryWindow: everyWindowStub,
+ Services: {
+ ...Services,
+ prefs: {
+ addObserver: addObserverStub,
+ removeObserver: removeObserverStub,
+ getBoolPref: getBoolPrefStub,
+ setBoolPref: setBoolPrefStub,
+ },
+ search: defaultSearchStub,
+ scriptloader: scriptloaderStub,
+ },
+ PrivateBrowsingUtils: {
+ isBrowserPrivate: isBrowserPrivateStub,
+ },
+ TrackingDBService: {
+ getEarliestRecordedDate: getEarliestRecordedDateStub,
+ getEventsByDateRange: getEventsByDateRangeStub,
+ },
+ SpecialMessageActions: {
+ handleAction: sandbox.stub(),
+ },
+ RemoteL10n: fakeRemoteL10n,
+ PanelMultiView: {
+ getViewNode: getViewNodeStub,
+ },
+ });
+ });
+ afterEach(() => {
+ instance.uninit();
+ sandbox.restore();
+ globals.restore();
+ eventListeners = {};
+ createdCustomElements = [];
+ });
+ it("should create an instance", () => {
+ assert.ok(instance);
+ });
+ it("should enableAppmenuButton() on init() just once", async () => {
+ instance.enableAppmenuButton = sandbox.stub();
+ await instance.init(waitForInitializedStub, { getMessages: () => {} });
+ await instance.init(waitForInitializedStub, { getMessages: () => {} });
+ assert.calledOnce(instance.enableAppmenuButton);
+ instance.uninit();
+ await instance.init(waitForInitializedStub, { getMessages: () => {} });
+ assert.calledTwice(instance.enableAppmenuButton);
+ });
+ it("should unregisterCallback on uninit()", () => {
+ instance.uninit();
+ assert.calledTwice(everyWindowStub.unregisterCallback);
+ });
+ describe("#maybeLoadCustomElement", () => {
+ it("should not load customElements a second time", () => {
+ instance.maybeLoadCustomElement({ customElements: new Map() });
+ instance.maybeLoadCustomElement({
+ customElements: new Map([["remote-text", true]]),
+ });
+ assert.calledOnce(scriptloaderStub.loadSubScript);
+ });
+ });
+ describe("#toggleWhatsNewPref", () => {
+ it("should call Services.prefs.setBoolPref() with the opposite value", () => {
+ let checkbox = {};
+ let event = { target: checkbox };
+ // checkbox starts false
+ checkbox.checked = false;
+ // toggling the checkbox to set the value to true;
+ // Preferences.set() gets called before the checkbox changes,
+ // so we have to call it with the opposite value.
+ instance.toggleWhatsNewPref(event);
+ assert.calledOnce(setBoolPrefStub);
+ assert.calledWith(
+ setBoolPrefStub,
+ "browser.messaging-system.whatsNewPanel.enabled",
+ !checkbox.checked
+ );
+ });
+ it("should report telemetry with the opposite value", () => {
+ let sendUserEventTelemetryStub = sandbox.stub(
+ instance,
+ "sendUserEventTelemetry"
+ );
+ let event = {
+ target: { checked: true, ownerGlobal: fakeWindow },
+ };
+ instance.toggleWhatsNewPref(event);
+ assert.calledOnce(sendUserEventTelemetryStub);
+ const { args } = sendUserEventTelemetryStub.firstCall;
+ assert.equal(args[1], "WNP_PREF_TOGGLE");
+ assert.propertyVal(args[3].value, "prefValue", false);
+ });
+ });
+ describe("#enableAppmenuButton", () => {
+ it("should registerCallback on enableAppmenuButton() if there are messages", async () => {
+ await instance.init(waitForInitializedStub, {
+ getMessages: sandbox.stub().resolves([{}, {}]),
+ });
+ // init calls `enableAppmenuButton`
+ everyWindowStub.registerCallback.resetHistory();
+ await instance.enableAppmenuButton();
+ assert.calledOnce(everyWindowStub.registerCallback);
+ assert.calledWithExactly(
+ everyWindowStub.registerCallback,
+ "appMenu-whatsnew-button",
+ sinon.match.func,
+ sinon.match.func
+ );
+ });
+ it("should not registerCallback on enableAppmenuButton() if there are no messages", async () => {
+ instance.init(waitForInitializedStub, {
+ getMessages: sandbox.stub().resolves([]),
+ });
+ // init calls `enableAppmenuButton`
+ everyWindowStub.registerCallback.resetHistory();
+ await instance.enableAppmenuButton();
+ assert.notCalled(everyWindowStub.registerCallback);
+ });
+ });
+ describe("#disableAppmenuButton", () => {
+ it("should call the unregisterCallback", () => {
+ assert.notCalled(everyWindowStub.unregisterCallback);
+ instance.disableAppmenuButton();
+ assert.calledOnce(everyWindowStub.unregisterCallback);
+ assert.calledWithExactly(
+ everyWindowStub.unregisterCallback,
+ "appMenu-whatsnew-button"
+ );
+ });
+ });
+ describe("#enableToolbarButton", () => {
+ it("should registerCallback on enableToolbarButton if messages.length", async () => {
+ await instance.init(waitForInitializedStub, {
+ getMessages: sandbox.stub().resolves([{}, {}]),
+ });
+ // init calls `enableAppmenuButton`
+ everyWindowStub.registerCallback.resetHistory();
+ await instance.enableToolbarButton();
+ assert.calledOnce(everyWindowStub.registerCallback);
+ assert.calledWithExactly(
+ everyWindowStub.registerCallback,
+ "whats-new-menu-button",
+ sinon.match.func,
+ sinon.match.func
+ );
+ });
+ it("should not registerCallback on enableToolbarButton if no messages", async () => {
+ await instance.init(waitForInitializedStub, {
+ getMessages: sandbox.stub().resolves([]),
+ });
+ await instance.enableToolbarButton();
+ assert.notCalled(everyWindowStub.registerCallback);
+ });
+ });
+ describe("Show/Hide functions", () => {
+ it("should unhide appmenu button on _showAppmenuButton()", async () => {
+ await instance._showAppmenuButton(fakeWindow);
+ assert.equal(fakeElementById.hidden, false);
+ });
+ it("should hide appmenu button on _hideAppmenuButton()", () => {
+ instance._hideAppmenuButton(fakeWindow);
+ assert.equal(fakeElementById.hidden, true);
+ });
+ it("should not do anything if the window is closed", () => {
+ instance._hideAppmenuButton(fakeWindow, true);
+ assert.notCalled(global.PanelMultiView.getViewNode);
+ });
+ it("should not throw if the element does not exist", () => {
+ let fn = instance._hideAppmenuButton.bind(null, {
+ browser: { ownerDocument: {} },
+ });
+ getViewNodeStub.returns(undefined);
+ assert.doesNotThrow(fn);
+ });
+ it("should unhide toolbar button on _showToolbarButton()", async () => {
+ await instance._showToolbarButton(fakeWindow);
+ assert.equal(fakeElementById.hidden, false);
+ });
+ it("should hide toolbar button on _hideToolbarButton()", () => {
+ instance._hideToolbarButton(fakeWindow);
+ assert.equal(fakeElementById.hidden, true);
+ });
+ });
+ describe("#renderMessages", () => {
+ let getMessagesStub;
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ getMessagesStub = sandbox.stub();
+ instance.init(waitForInitializedStub, {
+ getMessages: getMessagesStub,
+ sendTelemetry: fakeSendTelemetry,
+ });
+ });
+ it("should have correct state", async () => {
+ const messages = (await PanelTestProvider.getMessages()).filter(
+ m => m.template === "whatsnew_panel_message"
+ );
+ getMessagesStub.returns(messages);
+ const ev1 = sandbox.stub();
+ ev1.withArgs("type").returns(1); // tracker
+ ev1.withArgs("count").returns(4);
+ const ev2 = sandbox.stub();
+ ev2.withArgs("type").returns(4); // fingerprinter
+ ev2.withArgs("count").returns(3);
+ getEventsByDateRangeStub.returns([
+ { getResultByName: ev1 },
+ { getResultByName: ev2 },
+ ]);
+ await instance.renderMessages(fakeWindow, fakeDocument, "container-id");
+ assert.propertyVal(instance.state.contentArguments, "trackerCount", 4);
+ assert.propertyVal(
+ instance.state.contentArguments,
+ "fingerprinterCount",
+ 3
+ );
+ });
+ it("should render messages to the panel on renderMessages()", async () => {
+ const messages = (await PanelTestProvider.getMessages()).filter(
+ m => m.template === "whatsnew_panel_message"
+ );
+ messages[0].content.link_text = { string_id: "link_text_id" };
+ getMessagesStub.returns(messages);
+ const ev1 = sandbox.stub();
+ ev1.withArgs("type").returns(1); // tracker
+ ev1.withArgs("count").returns(4);
+ const ev2 = sandbox.stub();
+ ev2.withArgs("type").returns(4); // fingerprinter
+ ev2.withArgs("count").returns(3);
+ getEventsByDateRangeStub.returns([
+ { getResultByName: ev1 },
+ { getResultByName: ev2 },
+ ]);
+ await instance.renderMessages(fakeWindow, fakeDocument, "container-id");
+ for (let message of messages) {
+ assert.ok(
+ fakeRemoteL10n.createElement.args.find(
+ ([doc, el, args]) =>
+ args && args.classList === "whatsNew-message-title"
+ )
+ );
+ if (message.content.layout === "tracking-protections") {
+ assert.ok(
+ fakeRemoteL10n.createElement.args.find(
+ ([doc, el, args]) =>
+ args && args.classList === "whatsNew-message-subtitle"
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ assert.ok(
+ fakeRemoteL10n.createElement.args.find(
+ ([doc, el, args]) => el === "h2" && args.content === 3
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ assert.ok(
+ fakeRemoteL10n.createElement.args.find(
+ ([doc, el, args]) =>
+ args && args.classList === "whatsNew-message-content"
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ // Call the click handler to make coverage happy.
+ eventListeners.mouseup();
+ assert.calledOnce(global.SpecialMessageActions.handleAction);
+ });
+ it("should clear previous messages on 2nd renderMessages()", async () => {
+ const messages = (await PanelTestProvider.getMessages()).filter(
+ m => m.template === "whatsnew_panel_message"
+ );
+ const removeStub = sandbox.stub();
+ fakeElementById.querySelectorAll.onCall(0).returns([]);
+ fakeElementById.querySelectorAll
+ .onCall(1)
+ .returns([{ remove: removeStub }, { remove: removeStub }]);
+ getMessagesStub.returns(messages);
+ await instance.renderMessages(fakeWindow, fakeDocument, "container-id");
+ await instance.renderMessages(fakeWindow, fakeDocument, "container-id");
+ assert.calledTwice(removeStub);
+ });
+ it("should sort based on order field value", async () => {
+ const messages = (await PanelTestProvider.getMessages()).filter(
+ m =>
+ m.template === "whatsnew_panel_message" &&
+ m.content.published_date === 1560969794394
+ );
+ messages.forEach(m => (m.content.title = m.order));
+ getMessagesStub.returns(messages);
+ await instance.renderMessages(fakeWindow, fakeDocument, "container-id");
+ // Select the title elements that are supposed to be set to the same
+ // value as the `order` field of the message
+ const titleEls = fakeRemoteL10n.createElement.args
+ .filter(
+ ([doc, el, args]) =>
+ args && args.classList === "whatsNew-message-title"
+ )
+ .map(([doc, el, args]) => args.content);
+ assert.deepEqual(titleEls, [1, 2, 3]);
+ });
+ it("should accept string for image attributes", async () => {
+ const messages = (await PanelTestProvider.getMessages()).filter(
+ m => === "WHATS_NEW_70_1"
+ );
+ getMessagesStub.returns(messages);
+ await instance.renderMessages(fakeWindow, fakeDocument, "container-id");
+ const imageEl = createdCustomElements.find(el => el.tagName === "img");
+ assert.calledOnce(imageEl.setAttribute);
+ assert.calledWithExactly(
+ imageEl.setAttribute,
+ "alt",
+ "Firefox Send Logo"
+ );
+ });
+ it("should set state values as data-attribute", async () => {
+ const message = (await PanelTestProvider.getMessages()).find(
+ m => m.template === "whatsnew_panel_message"
+ );
+ getMessagesStub.returns([message]);
+ instance.state.contentArguments = { foo: "foo", bar: "bar" };
+ await instance.renderMessages(fakeWindow, fakeDocument, "container-id");
+ const [, , args] = fakeRemoteL10n.createElement.args.find(
+ ([doc, el, elArgs]) => elArgs && elArgs.attributes
+ );
+ assert.ok(args);
+ // Currently this.state.contentArguments has 8 different entries
+ assert.lengthOf(Object.keys(args.attributes), 8);
+ assert.equal(
+ args.attributes.searchEngineName,
+ );
+ });
+ it("should only render unique dates (no duplicates)", async () => {
+ const messages = (await PanelTestProvider.getMessages()).filter(
+ m => m.template === "whatsnew_panel_message"
+ );
+ const uniqueDates = [
+ Set( => m.content.published_date)),
+ ];
+ getMessagesStub.returns(messages);
+ await instance.renderMessages(fakeWindow, fakeDocument, "container-id");
+ const dateElements = fakeRemoteL10n.createElement.args.filter(
+ ([doc, el, args]) =>
+ el === "p" && args.classList === "whatsNew-message-date"
+ );
+ assert.lengthOf(dateElements, uniqueDates.length);
+ });
+ it("should listen for panelhidden and remove the toolbar button", async () => {
+ getMessagesStub.returns([]);
+ fakeDocument.getElementById
+ .withArgs("customizationui-widget-panel")
+ .returns(null);
+ await instance.renderMessages(fakeWindow, fakeDocument, "container-id");
+ assert.notCalled(fakeElementById.addEventListener);
+ });
+ it("should attach doCommand cbs that handle user actions", async () => {
+ const messages = (await PanelTestProvider.getMessages()).filter(
+ m => m.template === "whatsnew_panel_message"
+ );
+ getMessagesStub.returns(messages);
+ await instance.renderMessages(fakeWindow, fakeDocument, "container-id");
+ const messageEl = createdCustomElements.find(
+ el =>
+ el.tagName === "div" && el.classList.includes("whatsNew-message-body")
+ );
+ const anchorEl = createdCustomElements.find(el => el.tagName === "a");
+ assert.notCalled(global.SpecialMessageActions.handleAction);
+ messageEl.doCommand();
+ anchorEl.doCommand();
+ assert.calledTwice(global.SpecialMessageActions.handleAction);
+ });
+ it("should listen for panelhidden and remove the toolbar button", async () => {
+ getMessagesStub.returns([]);
+ await instance.renderMessages(fakeWindow, fakeDocument, "container-id");
+ assert.calledOnce(fakeElementById.addEventListener);
+ assert.calledWithExactly(
+ fakeElementById.addEventListener,
+ "popuphidden",
+ sinon.match.func,
+ {
+ once: true,
+ }
+ );
+ const [, cb] = fakeElementById.addEventListener.firstCall.args;
+ assert.notCalled(everyWindowStub.unregisterCallback);
+ cb();
+ assert.calledOnce(everyWindowStub.unregisterCallback);
+ assert.calledWithExactly(
+ everyWindowStub.unregisterCallback,
+ "whats-new-menu-button"
+ );
+ });
+ describe("#IMPRESSION", () => {
+ it("should dispatch a IMPRESSION for messages", async () => {
+ // means panel is triggered from the toolbar button
+ fakeElementById.hasAttribute.returns(true);
+ const messages = (await PanelTestProvider.getMessages()).filter(
+ m => m.template === "whatsnew_panel_message"
+ );
+ getMessagesStub.returns(messages);
+ const spy = sandbox.spy(instance, "sendUserEventTelemetry");
+ await instance.renderMessages(fakeWindow, fakeDocument, "container-id");
+ assert.calledOnce(spy);
+ assert.calledOnce(fakeSendTelemetry);
+ assert.propertyVal(
+ spy.firstCall.args[2],
+ "id",
+ messages
+ .map(({ id }) => id)
+ .sort()
+ .join(",")
+ );
+ });
+ it("should dispatch a CLICK for clicking a message", async () => {
+ // means panel is triggered from the toolbar button
+ fakeElementById.hasAttribute.returns(true);
+ // Force to render the message
+ fakeElementById.querySelector.returns(null);
+ const messages = (await PanelTestProvider.getMessages()).filter(
+ m => m.template === "whatsnew_panel_message"
+ );
+ getMessagesStub.returns([messages[0]]);
+ const spy = sandbox.spy(instance, "sendUserEventTelemetry");
+ await instance.renderMessages(fakeWindow, fakeDocument, "container-id");
+ assert.calledOnce(spy);
+ assert.calledOnce(fakeSendTelemetry);
+ spy.resetHistory();
+ // Message click event listener cb
+ eventListeners.mouseup();
+ assert.calledOnce(spy);
+ assert.calledWithExactly(spy, fakeWindow, "CLICK", messages[0]);
+ });
+ it("should dispatch a IMPRESSION with toolbar_dropdown", async () => {
+ // means panel is triggered from the toolbar button
+ fakeElementById.hasAttribute.returns(true);
+ const messages = (await PanelTestProvider.getMessages()).filter(
+ m => m.template === "whatsnew_panel_message"
+ );
+ getMessagesStub.resolves(messages);
+ const spy = sandbox.spy(instance, "sendUserEventTelemetry");
+ const panelPingId = messages
+ .map(({ id }) => id)
+ .sort()
+ .join(",");
+ await instance.renderMessages(fakeWindow, fakeDocument, "container-id");
+ assert.calledOnce(spy);
+ assert.calledWithExactly(
+ spy,
+ fakeWindow,
+ {
+ id: panelPingId,
+ },
+ {
+ value: {
+ view: "toolbar_dropdown",
+ },
+ }
+ );
+ assert.calledOnce(fakeSendTelemetry);
+ const {
+ args: [dispatchPayload],
+ } = fakeSendTelemetry.lastCall;
+ assert.propertyVal(dispatchPayload, "type", "TOOLBAR_PANEL_TELEMETRY");
+ assert.propertyVal(, "message_id", panelPingId);
+ assert.deepEqual(, {
+ view: "toolbar_dropdown",
+ });
+ });
+ it("should dispatch a IMPRESSION with application_menu", async () => {
+ // means panel is triggered as a subview in the application menu
+ fakeElementById.hasAttribute.returns(false);
+ const messages = (await PanelTestProvider.getMessages()).filter(
+ m => m.template === "whatsnew_panel_message"
+ );
+ getMessagesStub.resolves(messages);
+ const spy = sandbox.spy(instance, "sendUserEventTelemetry");
+ const panelPingId = messages
+ .map(({ id }) => id)
+ .sort()
+ .join(",");
+ await instance.renderMessages(fakeWindow, fakeDocument, "container-id");
+ assert.calledOnce(spy);
+ assert.calledWithExactly(
+ spy,
+ fakeWindow,
+ {
+ id: panelPingId,
+ },
+ {
+ value: {
+ view: "application_menu",
+ },
+ }
+ );
+ assert.calledOnce(fakeSendTelemetry);
+ const {
+ args: [dispatchPayload],
+ } = fakeSendTelemetry.lastCall;
+ assert.propertyVal(dispatchPayload, "type", "TOOLBAR_PANEL_TELEMETRY");
+ assert.propertyVal(, "message_id", panelPingId);
+ assert.deepEqual(, {
+ view: "application_menu",
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ describe("#forceShowMessage", () => {
+ const panelSelector = "PanelUI-whatsNew-message-container";
+ let removeMessagesSpy;
+ let renderMessagesStub;
+ let addEventListenerStub;
+ let messages;
+ let browser;
+ beforeEach(async () => {
+ messages = (await PanelTestProvider.getMessages()).find(
+ m => === "WHATS_NEW_70_1"
+ );
+ removeMessagesSpy = sandbox.spy(instance, "removeMessages");
+ renderMessagesStub = sandbox.spy(instance, "renderMessages");
+ addEventListenerStub = fakeElementById.addEventListener;
+ browser = { ownerGlobal: fakeWindow, ownerDocument: fakeDocument };
+ fakeElementById.querySelectorAll.returns([fakeElementById]);
+ });
+ it("should call removeMessages when forcing a message to show", () => {
+ instance.forceShowMessage(browser, messages);
+ assert.calledWithExactly(removeMessagesSpy, fakeWindow, panelSelector);
+ });
+ it("should call renderMessages when forcing a message to show", () => {
+ instance.forceShowMessage(browser, messages);
+ assert.calledOnce(renderMessagesStub);
+ assert.calledWithExactly(
+ renderMessagesStub,
+ fakeWindow,
+ fakeDocument,
+ panelSelector,
+ {
+ force: true,
+ messages: Array.isArray(messages) ? messages : [messages],
+ }
+ );
+ });
+ it("should cleanup after the panel is hidden when forcing a message to show", () => {
+ instance.forceShowMessage(browser, messages);
+ assert.calledOnce(addEventListenerStub);
+ assert.calledWithExactly(
+ addEventListenerStub,
+ "popuphidden",
+ sinon.match.func
+ );
+ const [, cb] = addEventListenerStub.firstCall.args;
+ // Reset the call count from the first `forceShowMessage` call
+ removeMessagesSpy.resetHistory();
+ cb({ target: { ownerGlobal: fakeWindow } });
+ assert.calledOnce(removeMessagesSpy);
+ assert.calledWithExactly(removeMessagesSpy, fakeWindow, panelSelector);
+ });
+ it("should exit gracefully if called before a browser exists", () => {
+ instance.forceShowMessage(null, messages);
+ assert.neverCalledWith(removeMessagesSpy, fakeWindow, panelSelector);
+ });
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/browser/components/asrouter/tests/unit/asrouter-utils.test.js b/browser/components/asrouter/tests/unit/asrouter-utils.test.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..553c9608ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/asrouter/tests/unit/asrouter-utils.test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+import { ASRouterUtils } from "content-src/asrouter-utils";
+import { GlobalOverrider } from "test/unit/utils";
+describe("ASRouterUtils", () => {
+ let globals = null;
+ let overrider = null;
+ let sandbox = null;
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ sandbox = sinon.createSandbox();
+ globals = {
+ ASRouterMessage: sandbox.stub().resolves({}),
+ };
+ overrider = new GlobalOverrider();
+ overrider.set(globals);
+ });
+ afterEach(() => {
+ sandbox.restore();
+ overrider.restore();
+ });
+ describe("sendMessage", () => {
+ it("default", () => {
+ ASRouterUtils.sendMessage({ foo: "bar" });
+ assert.calledOnce(globals.ASRouterMessage);
+ assert.calledWith(globals.ASRouterMessage, { foo: "bar" });
+ });
+ it("throws if ASRouterMessage is not defined", () => {
+ overrider.set("ASRouterMessage", undefined);
+ assert.throws(() => ASRouterUtils.sendMessage({ foo: "bar" }));
+ });
+ it("can accept the legacy NEWTAB_MESSAGE_REQUEST message without throwing", async () => {
+ assert.doesNotThrow(async () => {
+ let result = await ASRouterUtils.sendMessage({
+ data: {},
+ });
+ sandbox.assert.deepEqual(result, {});
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ describe("blockById", () => {
+ it("default", () => {
+ ASRouterUtils.blockById(1, { foo: "bar" });
+ assert.calledWith(
+ globals.ASRouterMessage,
+ sinon.match({ data: { foo: "bar", id: 1 } })
+ );
+ });
+ });
+ describe("modifyMessageJson", () => {
+ it("default", () => {
+ ASRouterUtils.modifyMessageJson({ foo: "bar" });
+ assert.calledWith(
+ globals.ASRouterMessage,
+ sinon.match({ data: { content: { foo: "bar" } } })
+ );
+ });
+ });
+ describe("executeAction", () => {
+ it("default", () => {
+ ASRouterUtils.executeAction({ foo: "bar" });
+ assert.calledWith(
+ globals.ASRouterMessage,
+ sinon.match({ data: { foo: "bar" } })
+ );
+ });
+ });
+ describe("unblockById", () => {
+ it("default", () => {
+ ASRouterUtils.unblockById(2);
+ assert.calledWith(
+ globals.ASRouterMessage,
+ sinon.match({ data: { id: 2 } })
+ );
+ });
+ });
+ describe("blockBundle", () => {
+ it("default", () => {
+ ASRouterUtils.blockBundle(2);
+ assert.calledWith(
+ globals.ASRouterMessage,
+ sinon.match({ data: { bundle: 2 } })
+ );
+ });
+ });
+ describe("unblockBundle", () => {
+ it("default", () => {
+ ASRouterUtils.unblockBundle(2);
+ assert.calledWith(
+ globals.ASRouterMessage,
+ sinon.match({ data: { bundle: 2 } })
+ );
+ });
+ });
+ describe("overrideMessage", () => {
+ it("default", () => {
+ ASRouterUtils.overrideMessage(12);
+ assert.calledWith(
+ globals.ASRouterMessage,
+ sinon.match({ data: { id: 12 } })
+ );
+ });
+ });
+ describe("editState", () => {
+ it("default", () => {
+ ASRouterUtils.editState("foo", "bar");
+ assert.calledWith(
+ globals.ASRouterMessage,
+ sinon.match({ data: { foo: "bar" } })
+ );
+ });
+ });
+ describe("sendTelemetry", () => {
+ it("default", () => {
+ ASRouterUtils.sendTelemetry({ foo: "bar" });
+ assert.calledOnce(globals.ASRouterMessage);
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/browser/components/asrouter/tests/unit/constants.js b/browser/components/asrouter/tests/unit/constants.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..82b88c47a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/asrouter/tests/unit/constants.js
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+export const CHILD_TO_PARENT_MESSAGE_NAME = "ASRouter:child-to-parent";
+export const PARENT_TO_CHILD_MESSAGE_NAME = "ASRouter:parent-to-child";
+export const FAKE_LOCAL_MESSAGES = [
+ {
+ id: "foo",
+ template: "milestone_message",
+ content: { title: "Foo", body: "Foo123" },
+ },
+ {
+ id: "foo1",
+ template: "fancy_template",
+ bundled: 2,
+ order: 1,
+ content: { title: "Foo1", body: "Foo123-1" },
+ },
+ {
+ id: "foo2",
+ template: "fancy_template",
+ bundled: 2,
+ order: 2,
+ content: { title: "Foo2", body: "Foo123-2" },
+ },
+ {
+ id: "bar",
+ template: "fancy_template",
+ content: { title: "Foo", body: "Foo123" },
+ },
+ { id: "baz", content: { title: "Foo", body: "Foo123" } },
+ {
+ id: "newsletter",
+ template: "fancy_template",
+ content: { title: "Foo", body: "Foo123" },
+ },
+ {
+ id: "fxa",
+ template: "fancy_template",
+ content: { title: "Foo", body: "Foo123" },
+ },
+ {
+ id: "belowsearch",
+ template: "fancy_template",
+ content: { text: "Foo" },
+ },
+export const FAKE_LOCAL_PROVIDER = {
+ id: "onboarding",
+ type: "local",
+ localProvider: "FAKE_LOCAL_PROVIDER",
+ enabled: true,
+ cohort: 0,
+export const FAKE_LOCAL_PROVIDERS = {
+ getMessages: () => Promise.resolve(FAKE_LOCAL_MESSAGES),
+ },
+export const FAKE_REMOTE_MESSAGES = [
+ {
+ id: "qux",
+ template: "fancy_template",
+ content: { title: "Qux", body: "hello world" },
+ },
+export const FAKE_REMOTE_PROVIDER = {
+ id: "remotey",
+ type: "remote",
+ url: "",
+ enabled: true,
+ id: "remotey-settingsy",
+ type: "remote-settings",
+ collection: "collectionname",
+ enabled: true,
+const notificationText = new String("Fake notification text"); // eslint-disable-line
+notificationText.attributes = { tooltiptext: "Fake tooltip text" };
+export const FAKE_RECOMMENDATION = {
+ id: "fake_id",
+ template: "cfr_doorhanger",
+ content: {
+ category: "cfrDummy",
+ bucket_id: "fake_bucket_id",
+ notification_text: notificationText,
+ info_icon: {
+ label: "Fake Info Icon Label",
+ sumo_path: "a_help_path_fragment",
+ },
+ heading_text: "Fake Heading Text",
+ icon_class: "Fake Icon class",
+ addon: {
+ title: "Fake Addon Title",
+ author: "Fake Addon Author",
+ icon: "a_path_to_some_icon",
+ rating: "4.2",
+ users: "1234",
+ amo_url: "a_path_to_amo",
+ },
+ descriptionDetails: {
+ steps: [{ string_id: "cfr-features-step1" }],
+ },
+ text: "Here is the recommendation text body",
+ buttons: {
+ primary: {
+ label: { string_id: "primary_button_id" },
+ action: {
+ id: "primary_action",
+ data: {},
+ },
+ },
+ secondary: [
+ {
+ label: { string_id: "secondary_button_id" },
+ action: { id: "secondary_action" },
+ },
+ {
+ label: { string_id: "secondary_button_id_2" },
+ },
+ {
+ label: { string_id: "secondary_button_id_3" },
+ action: { id: "secondary_action" },
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ },
diff --git a/browser/components/asrouter/tests/unit/content-src/components/ASRouterAdmin.test.jsx b/browser/components/asrouter/tests/unit/content-src/components/ASRouterAdmin.test.jsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..46d5704107
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/asrouter/tests/unit/content-src/components/ASRouterAdmin.test.jsx
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
+import { ASRouterAdminInner } from "content-src/components/ASRouterAdmin/ASRouterAdmin";
+import { ASRouterUtils } from "content-src/asrouter-utils";
+import { GlobalOverrider } from "test/unit/utils";
+import React from "react";
+import { shallow } from "enzyme";
+describe("ASRouterAdmin", () => {
+ let globalOverrider;
+ let sandbox;
+ let wrapper;
+ let globals;
+ {
+ enabled: true,
+ id: "local_testing",
+ localProvider: "TestProvider",
+ type: "local",
+ },
+ ];
+ {
+ enabled: true,
+ id: "local_testing",
+ localProvider: "TestProvider",
+ messages: [],
+ type: "local",
+ },
+ ];
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ globalOverrider = new GlobalOverrider();
+ sandbox = sinon.createSandbox();
+ sandbox.stub(ASRouterUtils, "getPreviewEndpoint").returns("foo");
+ globals = {
+ ASRouterMessage: sandbox.stub().resolves(),
+ ASRouterAddParentListener: sandbox.stub(),
+ ASRouterRemoveParentListener: sandbox.stub(),
+ };
+ globalOverrider.set(globals);
+ wrapper = shallow(<ASRouterAdminInner location={{ routes: [""] }} />);
+ wrapper.setState({ devtoolsEnabled: true });
+ });
+ afterEach(() => {
+ sandbox.restore();
+ globalOverrider.restore();
+ });
+ it("should render ASRouterAdmin component", () => {
+ assert.ok(wrapper.exists());
+ });
+ it("should send ADMIN_CONNECT_STATE on mount", () => {
+ assert.calledOnce(globals.ASRouterMessage);
+ assert.calledWith(globals.ASRouterMessage, {
+ data: { endpoint: "foo" },
+ });
+ });
+ describe("#getSection", () => {
+ it("should render a message provider section by default", () => {
+ assert.equal(wrapper.find("h2").at(1).text(), "Messages");
+ });
+ it("should render a targeting section for targeting route", () => {
+ wrapper = shallow(
+ <ASRouterAdminInner location={{ routes: ["targeting"] }} />
+ );
+ wrapper.setState({ devtoolsEnabled: true });
+ assert.equal(wrapper.find("h2").at(0).text(), "Targeting Utilities");
+ });
+ it("should render two error messages", () => {
+ wrapper = shallow(
+ <ASRouterAdminInner location={{ routes: ["errors"] }} Sections={[]} />
+ );
+ wrapper.setState({ devtoolsEnabled: true });
+ const firstError = {
+ timestamp: + 100,
+ error: { message: "first" },
+ };
+ const secondError = {
+ timestamp:,
+ error: { message: "second" },
+ };
+ wrapper.setState({
+ providers: [{ id: "foo", errors: [firstError, secondError] }],
+ });
+ assert.equal(
+ wrapper.find("tbody tr").at(0).find("td").at(0).text(),
+ "foo"
+ );
+ assert.lengthOf(wrapper.find("tbody tr"), 2);
+ assert.equal(
+ wrapper.find("tbody tr").at(0).find("td").at(1).text(),
+ secondError.error.message
+ );
+ });
+ });
+ describe("#render", () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ wrapper.setState({
+ providerPrefs: [],
+ providers: [],
+ userPrefs: {},
+ });
+ });
+ describe("#renderProviders", () => {
+ it("should render the provider", () => {
+ wrapper.setState({
+ providerPrefs: FAKE_PROVIDER_PREF,
+ providers: FAKE_PROVIDER,
+ });
+ // Header + 1 item
+ assert.lengthOf(wrapper.find(".message-item"), 2);
+ });
+ });
+ describe("#renderMessages", () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ sandbox.stub(ASRouterUtils, "blockById").resolves();
+ sandbox.stub(ASRouterUtils, "unblockById").resolves();
+ sandbox.stub(ASRouterUtils, "overrideMessage").resolves({ foo: "bar" });
+ sandbox.stub(ASRouterUtils, "sendMessage").resolves();
+ wrapper.setState({
+ messageFilter: "all",
+ messageBlockList: [],
+ messageImpressions: { foo: 2 },
+ groups: [{ id: "messageProvider", enabled: true }],
+ providers: [{ id: "messageProvider", enabled: true }],
+ });
+ });
+ it("should render a message when no filtering is applied", () => {
+ wrapper.setState({
+ messages: [
+ {
+ id: "foo",
+ provider: "messageProvider",
+ groups: ["messageProvider"],
+ },
+ ],
+ });
+ assert.lengthOf(wrapper.find(".message-id"), 1);
+ wrapper.find(".message-item button.primary").simulate("click");
+ assert.calledOnce(ASRouterUtils.blockById);
+ assert.calledWith(ASRouterUtils.blockById, "foo");
+ });
+ it("should render a blocked message", () => {
+ wrapper.setState({
+ messages: [
+ {
+ id: "foo",
+ groups: ["messageProvider"],
+ provider: "messageProvider",
+ },
+ ],
+ messageBlockList: ["foo"],
+ });
+ assert.lengthOf(wrapper.find(".message-item.blocked"), 1);
+ wrapper.find(".message-item.blocked button").simulate("click");
+ assert.calledOnce(ASRouterUtils.unblockById);
+ assert.calledWith(ASRouterUtils.unblockById, "foo");
+ });
+ it("should render a message if provider matches filter", () => {
+ wrapper.setState({
+ messageFilter: "messageProvider",
+ messages: [
+ {
+ id: "foo",
+ provider: "messageProvider",
+ groups: ["messageProvider"],
+ },
+ ],
+ });
+ assert.lengthOf(wrapper.find(".message-id"), 1);
+ });
+ it("should override with the selected message", async () => {
+ wrapper.setState({
+ messageFilter: "messageProvider",
+ messages: [
+ {
+ id: "foo",
+ provider: "messageProvider",
+ groups: ["messageProvider"],
+ },
+ ],
+ });
+ assert.lengthOf(wrapper.find(".message-id"), 1);
+ wrapper.find(".message-item").simulate("click");
+ assert.calledOnce(ASRouterUtils.overrideMessage);
+ assert.calledWith(ASRouterUtils.overrideMessage, "foo");
+ await ASRouterUtils.overrideMessage();
+ assert.equal(wrapper.state().foo, "bar");
+ });
+ it("should hide message if provider filter changes", () => {
+ wrapper.setState({
+ messageFilter: "messageProvider",
+ messages: [
+ {
+ id: "foo",
+ provider: "messageProvider",
+ groups: ["messageProvider"],
+ },
+ ],
+ });
+ assert.lengthOf(wrapper.find(".message-id"), 1);
+ wrapper.find("select").simulate("change", { target: { value: "bar" } });
+ assert.lengthOf(wrapper.find(".message-id"), 0);
+ });
+ it("should not display Reset All button if provider filter value is set to all or test providers", () => {
+ wrapper.setState({
+ messageFilter: "messageProvider",
+ messages: [
+ {
+ id: "foo",
+ provider: "messageProvider",
+ groups: ["messageProvider"],
+ },
+ ],
+ });
+ assert.lengthOf(wrapper.find(".messages-reset"), 1);
+ wrapper.find("select").simulate("change", { target: { value: "all" } });
+ assert.lengthOf(wrapper.find(".messages-reset"), 0);
+ wrapper
+ .find("select")
+ .simulate("change", { target: { value: "test_local_testing" } });
+ assert.lengthOf(wrapper.find(".messages-reset"), 0);
+ });
+ it("should trigger disable and enable provider on Reset All button click", () => {
+ wrapper.setState({
+ messageFilter: "messageProvider",
+ messages: [
+ {
+ id: "foo",
+ provider: "messageProvider",
+ groups: ["messageProvider"],
+ },
+ ],
+ providerPrefs: [
+ {
+ id: "messageProvider",
+ },
+ ],
+ });
+ wrapper.find(".messages-reset").simulate("click");
+ assert.calledTwice(ASRouterUtils.sendMessage);
+ assert.calledWith(ASRouterUtils.sendMessage, {
+ data: "messageProvider",
+ });
+ assert.calledWith(ASRouterUtils.sendMessage, {
+ data: "messageProvider",
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/browser/components/asrouter/tests/unit/templates/ExtensionDoorhanger.test.jsx b/browser/components/asrouter/tests/unit/templates/ExtensionDoorhanger.test.jsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9d9984ee85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/asrouter/tests/unit/templates/ExtensionDoorhanger.test.jsx
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+import { CFRMessageProvider } from "modules/CFRMessageProvider.sys.mjs";
+import CFRDoorhangerSchema from "content-src/templates/CFR/templates/ExtensionDoorhanger.schema.json";
+import CFRChicletSchema from "content-src/templates/CFR/templates/CFRUrlbarChiclet.schema.json";
+import InfoBarSchema from "content-src/templates/CFR/templates/InfoBar.schema.json";
+const SCHEMAS = {
+ cfr_urlbar_chiclet: CFRChicletSchema,
+ cfr_doorhanger: CFRDoorhangerSchema,
+ milestone_message: CFRDoorhangerSchema,
+ infobar: InfoBarSchema,
+ layout: "addon_recommendation",
+ category: "dummyCategory",
+ bucket_id: "some_bucket_id",
+ notification_text: "Recommendation",
+ heading_text: "Recommended Extension",
+ info_icon: {
+ label: { attributes: { tooltiptext: "Why am I seeing this" } },
+ sumo_path: "extensionrecommendations",
+ },
+ addon: {
+ id: "1234",
+ title: "Addon name",
+ icon: "",
+ author: "Author name",
+ amo_url: "",
+ },
+ text: "Description of addon",
+ buttons: {
+ primary: {
+ label: {
+ value: "Add Now",
+ attributes: { accesskey: "A" },
+ },
+ action: {
+ data: { url: "" },
+ },
+ },
+ secondary: [
+ {
+ label: {
+ value: "Not Now",
+ attributes: { accesskey: "N" },
+ },
+ action: { type: "CANCEL" },
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+const L10N_CONTENT = {
+ layout: "addon_recommendation",
+ category: "dummyL10NCategory",
+ bucket_id: "some_bucket_id",
+ notification_text: { string_id: "notification_text_id" },
+ heading_text: { string_id: "heading_text_id" },
+ info_icon: {
+ label: { string_id: "why_seeing_this" },
+ sumo_path: "extensionrecommendations",
+ },
+ addon: {
+ id: "1234",
+ title: "Addon name",
+ icon: "",
+ author: "Author name",
+ amo_url: "",
+ },
+ text: { string_id: "text_id" },
+ buttons: {
+ primary: {
+ label: { string_id: "btn_ok_id" },
+ action: {
+ data: { url: "" },
+ },
+ },
+ secondary: [
+ {
+ label: { string_id: "btn_cancel_id" },
+ action: { type: "CANCEL" },
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+describe("ExtensionDoorhanger", () => {
+ it("should validate DEFAULT_CONTENT", async () => {
+ const messages = await CFRMessageProvider.getMessages();
+ let doorhangerMessage = messages.find(m => === "FACEBOOK_CONTAINER_3");
+ assert.ok(doorhangerMessage, "Message found");
+ assert.jsonSchema(
+ { ...doorhangerMessage, content: DEFAULT_CONTENT },
+ CFRDoorhangerSchema
+ );
+ });
+ it("should validate L10N_CONTENT", async () => {
+ const messages = await CFRMessageProvider.getMessages();
+ let doorhangerMessage = messages.find(m => === "FACEBOOK_CONTAINER_3");
+ assert.ok(doorhangerMessage, "Message found");
+ assert.jsonSchema(
+ { ...doorhangerMessage, content: L10N_CONTENT },
+ CFRDoorhangerSchema
+ );
+ });
+ it("should validate all messages from CFRMessageProvider", async () => {
+ const messages = await CFRMessageProvider.getMessages();
+ messages.forEach(msg => assert.jsonSchema(msg, SCHEMAS[msg.template]));
+ });
diff --git a/browser/components/asrouter/tests/unit/unit-entry.js b/browser/components/asrouter/tests/unit/unit-entry.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b8b799e051
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/asrouter/tests/unit/unit-entry.js
@@ -0,0 +1,727 @@
+import {
+ EventEmitter,
+ FakePrefs,
+ FakensIPrefService,
+ GlobalOverrider,
+ FakeConsoleAPI,
+ FakeLogger,
+} from "newtab/test/unit/utils";
+import Adapter from "enzyme-adapter-react-16";
+import { chaiAssertions } from "newtab/test/schemas/pings";
+import chaiJsonSchema from "chai-json-schema";
+import enzyme from "enzyme";
+import FxMSCommonSchema from "../../content-src/schemas/FxMSCommon.schema.json";
+import {
+} from "modules/ActorConstants.sys.mjs";
+enzyme.configure({ adapter: new Adapter() });
+// Cause React warnings to make tests that trigger them fail
+const origConsoleError = console.error;
+console.error = function (msg, ...args) {
+ origConsoleError.apply(console, [msg, ...args]);
+ if (
+ /(Invalid prop|Failed prop type|Check the render method|React Intl)/.test(
+ msg
+ )
+ ) {
+ throw new Error(msg);
+ }
+const req = require.context(".", true, /\.test\.jsx?$/);
+const files = req.keys();
+// This exposes sinon assertions to chai.assert
+sinon.assert.expose(assert, { prefix: "" });
+chai.tv4.addSchema("file:///FxMSCommon.schema.json", FxMSCommonSchema);
+const overrider = new GlobalOverrider();
+const RemoteSettings = name => ({
+ get: () => {
+ if (name === "attachment") {
+ return Promise.resolve([{ attachment: {} }]);
+ }
+ return Promise.resolve([]);
+ },
+ on: () => {},
+ off: () => {},
+RemoteSettings.pollChanges = () => {};
+class JSWindowActorParent {
+ sendAsyncMessage(name, data) {
+ return { name, data };
+ }
+class JSWindowActorChild {
+ sendAsyncMessage(name, data) {
+ return { name, data };
+ }
+ sendQuery(name, data) {
+ return Promise.resolve({ name, data });
+ }
+ get contentWindow() {
+ return {
+ Promise,
+ };
+ }
+// Detect plain object passed to lazy getter APIs, and set its prototype to
+// global object, and return the global object for further modification.
+// Returns the object if it's not plain object.
+// This is a workaround to make the existing testharness and testcase keep
+// working even after lazy getters are moved to plain `lazy` object.
+const cachedPlainObject = new Set();
+function updateGlobalOrObject(object) {
+ // Given this function modifies the prototype, and the following
+ // condition doesn't meet on the second call, cache the result.
+ if (cachedPlainObject.has(object)) {
+ return global;
+ }
+ if (Object.getPrototypeOf(object) !== "Object") {
+ return object;
+ }
+ cachedPlainObject.add(object);
+ Object.setPrototypeOf(object, global);
+ return global;
+const TEST_GLOBAL = {
+ JSWindowActorParent,
+ JSWindowActorChild,
+ AboutReaderParent: {
+ addMessageListener: (messageName, listener) => {},
+ removeMessageListener: (messageName, listener) => {},
+ },
+ AboutWelcomeTelemetry: class {
+ submitGleanPingForPing() {}
+ },
+ AddonManager: {
+ getActiveAddons() {
+ return Promise.resolve({ addons: [], fullData: false });
+ },
+ },
+ AppConstants: {
+ MOZ_APP_VERSION: "69.0a1",
+ isChinaRepack() {
+ return false;
+ },
+ isPlatformAndVersionAtMost() {
+ return false;
+ },
+ platform: "win",
+ },
+ ASRouterPreferences: {
+ console: new FakeConsoleAPI({
+ maxLogLevel: "off", // set this to "debug" or "all" to get more ASRouter logging in tests
+ prefix: "ASRouter",
+ }),
+ },
+ AWScreenUtils: {
+ evaluateTargetingAndRemoveScreens() {
+ return true;
+ },
+ async removeScreens() {
+ return true;
+ },
+ evaluateScreenTargeting() {
+ return true;
+ },
+ },
+ BrowserUtils: {
+ sendToDeviceEmailsSupported() {
+ return true;
+ },
+ },
+ UpdateUtils: { getUpdateChannel() {} },
+ BasePromiseWorker: class {
+ constructor() {
+ this.ExceptionHandlers = [];
+ }
+ post() {}
+ },
+ browserSearchRegion: "US",
+ BrowserWindowTracker: { getTopWindow() {} },
+ ChromeUtils: {
+ defineLazyGetter(object, name, f) {
+ updateGlobalOrObject(object)[name] = f();
+ },
+ defineModuleGetter: updateGlobalOrObject,
+ defineESModuleGetters: updateGlobalOrObject,
+ generateQI() {
+ return {};
+ },
+ import() {
+ return global;
+ },
+ importESModule() {
+ return global;
+ },
+ },
+ ClientEnvironment: {
+ get userId() {
+ return "foo123";
+ },
+ },
+ Components: {
+ Constructor(classId) {
+ switch (classId) {
+ case ";1":
+ return function (referrerPolicy, sendReferrer, originalReferrer) {
+ this.referrerPolicy = referrerPolicy;
+ this.sendReferrer = sendReferrer;
+ this.originalReferrer = originalReferrer;
+ };
+ }
+ return function () {};
+ },
+ isSuccessCode: () => true,
+ },
+ ConsoleAPI: FakeConsoleAPI,
+ // NB: These are functions/constructors
+ // eslint-disable-next-line object-shorthand
+ ContentSearchUIController: function () {},
+ // eslint-disable-next-line object-shorthand
+ ContentSearchHandoffUIController: function () {},
+ Cc: {
+ ";1": {
+ addObserver() {},
+ getService() {
+ return this;
+ },
+ removeObserver() {},
+ SOURCES: {},
+ },
+ ";1": {
+ addObserver() {},
+ executeQuery() {},
+ getNewQuery() {},
+ getNewQueryOptions() {},
+ getService() {
+ return this;
+ },
+ insert() {},
+ markPageAsTyped() {},
+ removeObserver() {},
+ },
+ ";1": {
+ createInstance() {
+ return {};
+ },
+ },
+ ";1": {
+ createInstance() {
+ return {
+ init() {},
+ updateFromStream() {},
+ finish() {
+ return "0";
+ },
+ };
+ },
+ },
+ ";1": { createInstance() {} },
+ ";1": {
+ getService() {
+ return {
+ idleTime: 0,
+ addIdleObserver() {},
+ removeIdleObserver() {},
+ };
+ },
+ },
+ ";1": {
+ getService() {
+ return this;
+ },
+ },
+ ";1": {
+ createInstance() {
+ return {};
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ Ci: {
+ nsICryptoHash: {},
+ nsIReferrerInfo: { UNSAFE_URL: 5 },
+ nsITimer: { TYPE_ONE_SHOT: 1 },
+ nsIWebProgressListener: { LOCATION_CHANGE_SAME_DOCUMENT: 1 },
+ nsIDOMWindow: Object,
+ nsITrackingDBService: {
+ },
+ nsICookieBannerService: {
+ },
+ },
+ Cu: {
+ importGlobalProperties() {},
+ now: () =>,
+ cloneInto: o => JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(o)),
+ },
+ console: {
+ ...console,
+ error() {},
+ },
+ dump() {},
+ EveryWindow: {
+ registerCallback: (id, init, uninit) => {},
+ unregisterCallback: id => {},
+ },
+ setTimeout: window.setTimeout.bind(window),
+ clearTimeout: window.clearTimeout.bind(window),
+ fetch() {},
+ // eslint-disable-next-line object-shorthand
+ Image: function () {}, // NB: This is a function/constructor
+ IOUtils: {
+ writeJSON() {
+ return Promise.resolve(0);
+ },
+ readJSON() {
+ return Promise.resolve({});
+ },
+ read() {
+ return Promise.resolve(new Uint8Array());
+ },
+ makeDirectory() {
+ return Promise.resolve(0);
+ },
+ write() {
+ return Promise.resolve(0);
+ },
+ exists() {
+ return Promise.resolve(0);
+ },
+ remove() {
+ return Promise.resolve(0);
+ },
+ stat() {
+ return Promise.resolve(0);
+ },
+ },
+ NewTabUtils: {
+ activityStreamProvider: {
+ getTopFrecentSites: () => [],
+ executePlacesQuery: async (sql, options) => ({ sql, options }),
+ },
+ },
+ OS: {
+ File: {
+ writeAtomic() {},
+ makeDir() {},
+ stat() {},
+ Error: {},
+ read() {},
+ exists() {},
+ remove() {},
+ removeEmptyDir() {},
+ },
+ Path: {
+ join() {
+ return "/";
+ },
+ },
+ Constants: {
+ Path: {
+ localProfileDir: "/",
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ PathUtils: {
+ join( {
+ return parts[parts.length - 1];
+ },
+ joinRelative( {
+ return parts[parts.length - 1];
+ },
+ getProfileDir() {
+ return Promise.resolve("/");
+ },
+ getLocalProfileDir() {
+ return Promise.resolve("/");
+ },
+ },
+ PlacesUtils: {
+ get bookmarks() {
+ return TEST_GLOBAL.Cc[";1"];
+ },
+ get history() {
+ return TEST_GLOBAL.Cc[";1"];
+ },
+ observers: {
+ addListener() {},
+ removeListener() {},
+ },
+ },
+ Preferences: FakePrefs,
+ PrivateBrowsingUtils: {
+ isBrowserPrivate: () => false,
+ isWindowPrivate: () => false,
+ permanentPrivateBrowsing: false,
+ },
+ DownloadsViewUI: {
+ getDisplayName: () => "filename.ext",
+ getSizeWithUnits: () => "1.5 MB",
+ },
+ FileUtils: {
+ // eslint-disable-next-line object-shorthand
+ File: function () {}, // NB: This is a function/constructor
+ },
+ Region: {
+ home: "US",
+ REGION_TOPIC: "browser-region-updated",
+ },
+ Services: {
+ dirsvc: {
+ get: () => ({ parent: { parent: { path: "appPath" } } }),
+ },
+ env: {
+ set: () => undefined,
+ },
+ locale: {
+ get appLocaleAsBCP47() {
+ return "en-US";
+ },
+ negotiateLanguages() {},
+ },
+ urlFormatter: { formatURL: str => str, formatURLPref: str => str },
+ mm: {
+ addMessageListener: (msg, cb) => this.receiveMessage(),
+ removeMessageListener() {},
+ },
+ obs: {
+ addObserver() {},
+ removeObserver() {},
+ notifyObservers() {},
+ },
+ telemetry: {
+ setEventRecordingEnabled: () => {},
+ recordEvent: eventDetails => {},
+ scalarSet: () => {},
+ keyedScalarAdd: () => {},
+ },
+ uuid: {
+ generateUUID() {
+ return "{foo-123-foo}";
+ },
+ },
+ console: { logStringMessage: () => {} },
+ prefs: new FakensIPrefService(),
+ tm: {
+ dispatchToMainThread: cb => cb(),
+ idleDispatchToMainThread: cb => cb(),
+ },
+ eTLD: {
+ getBaseDomain({ spec }) {
+ return spec.match(/\/([^/]+)/)[1];
+ },
+ getBaseDomainFromHost(host) {
+ return host.match(/.*?(\w+\.\w+)$/)[1];
+ },
+ getPublicSuffix() {},
+ },
+ io: {
+ newURI: spec => ({
+ mutate: () => ({
+ setRef: ref => ({
+ finalize: () => ({
+ ref,
+ spec,
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ spec,
+ }),
+ },
+ search: {
+ init() {
+ return Promise.resolve();
+ },
+ getVisibleEngines: () =>
+ Promise.resolve([{ identifier: "google" }, { identifier: "bing" }]),
+ defaultEngine: {
+ identifier: "google",
+ searchForm:
+ "",
+ aliases: ["@google"],
+ },
+ defaultPrivateEngine: {
+ identifier: "bing",
+ searchForm: "",
+ aliases: ["@bing"],
+ },
+ getEngineByAlias: async () => null,
+ },
+ scriptSecurityManager: {
+ createNullPrincipal() {},
+ getSystemPrincipal() {},
+ },
+ wm: {
+ getMostRecentWindow: () => window,
+ getMostRecentBrowserWindow: () => window,
+ getEnumerator: () => [],
+ },
+ ww: { registerNotification() {}, unregisterNotification() {} },
+ appinfo: { appBuildID: "20180710100040", version: "69.0a1" },
+ scriptloader: { loadSubScript: () => {} },
+ startup: {
+ getStartupInfo() {
+ return {
+ process: {
+ getTime() {
+ return 1588010448000;
+ },
+ },
+ };
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ XPCOMUtils: {
+ defineLazyGlobalGetters: updateGlobalOrObject,
+ defineLazyModuleGetters: updateGlobalOrObject,
+ defineLazyServiceGetter: updateGlobalOrObject,
+ defineLazyServiceGetters: updateGlobalOrObject,
+ defineLazyPreferenceGetter(object, name) {
+ updateGlobalOrObject(object)[name] = "";
+ },
+ generateQI() {
+ return {};
+ },
+ },
+ EventEmitter,
+ ShellService: {
+ doesAppNeedPin: () => false,
+ isDefaultBrowser: () => true,
+ },
+ FilterExpressions: {
+ eval() {
+ return Promise.resolve(false);
+ },
+ },
+ RemoteSettings,
+ Localization: class {
+ async formatMessages(stringsIds) {
+ return Promise.resolve(
+{ id, args }) => ({ value: { string_id: id, args } }))
+ );
+ }
+ async formatValue(stringId) {
+ return Promise.resolve(stringId);
+ }
+ },
+ FxAccountsConfig: {
+ promiseConnectAccountURI(id) {
+ return Promise.resolve(id);
+ },
+ },
+ FX_MONITOR_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID: "fake_client_id",
+ ExperimentAPI: {
+ getExperiment() {},
+ getExperimentMetaData() {},
+ getRolloutMetaData() {},
+ },
+ NimbusFeatures: {
+ glean: {
+ getVariable() {},
+ },
+ newtab: {
+ getVariable() {},
+ getAllVariables() {},
+ onUpdate() {},
+ offUpdate() {},
+ },
+ pocketNewtab: {
+ getVariable() {},
+ getAllVariables() {},
+ onUpdate() {},
+ offUpdate() {},
+ },
+ cookieBannerHandling: {
+ getVariable() {},
+ },
+ },
+ TelemetryEnvironment: {
+ setExperimentActive() {},
+ currentEnvironment: {
+ profile: {
+ creationDate: 16587,
+ },
+ settings: {},
+ },
+ },
+ TelemetryStopwatch: {
+ start: () => {},
+ finish: () => {},
+ },
+ Sampling: {
+ ratioSample(seed, ratios) {
+ return Promise.resolve(0);
+ },
+ },
+ BrowserHandler: {
+ get kiosk() {
+ return false;
+ },
+ },
+ TelemetrySession: {
+ getMetadata(reason) {
+ return {
+ reason,
+ sessionId: "fake_session_id",
+ };
+ },
+ },
+ PageThumbs: {
+ addExpirationFilter() {},
+ removeExpirationFilter() {},
+ },
+ Logger: FakeLogger,
+ getFxAccountsSingleton() {},
+ AboutNewTab: {},
+ Glean: {
+ newtab: {
+ opened: {
+ record() {},
+ },
+ closed: {
+ record() {},
+ },
+ locale: {
+ set() {},
+ },
+ newtabCategory: {
+ set() {},
+ },
+ homepageCategory: {
+ set() {},
+ },
+ blockedSponsors: {
+ set() {},
+ },
+ sovAllocation: {
+ set() {},
+ },
+ },
+ newtabSearch: {
+ enabled: {
+ set() {},
+ },
+ },
+ pocket: {
+ enabled: {
+ set() {},
+ },
+ impression: {
+ record() {},
+ },
+ isSignedIn: {
+ set() {},
+ },
+ sponsoredStoriesEnabled: {
+ set() {},
+ },
+ click: {
+ record() {},
+ },
+ save: {
+ record() {},
+ },
+ topicClick: {
+ record() {},
+ },
+ },
+ topsites: {
+ enabled: {
+ set() {},
+ },
+ sponsoredEnabled: {
+ set() {},
+ },
+ impression: {
+ record() {},
+ },
+ click: {
+ record() {},
+ },
+ rows: {
+ set() {},
+ },
+ showPrivacyClick: {
+ record() {},
+ },
+ dismiss: {
+ record() {},
+ },
+ prefChanged: {
+ record() {},
+ },
+ },
+ topSites: {
+ pingType: {
+ set() {},
+ },
+ position: {
+ set() {},
+ },
+ source: {
+ set() {},
+ },
+ tileId: {
+ set() {},
+ },
+ reportingUrl: {
+ set() {},
+ },
+ advertiser: {
+ set() {},
+ },
+ contextId: {
+ set() {},
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ GleanPings: {
+ newtab: {
+ submit() {},
+ },
+ topSites: {
+ submit() {},
+ },
+ },
+ Utils: {
+ SERVER_URL: "bogus://foo",
+ },
+describe("asrouter", () => {
+ after(() => overrider.restore());
+ files.forEach(file => req(file));