path: root/l10n-eu/devtools/client/perftools.ftl
diff options
authorDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-19 00:47:55 +0000
committerDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-19 00:47:55 +0000
commit26a029d407be480d791972afb5975cf62c9360a6 (patch)
treef435a8308119effd964b339f76abb83a57c29483 /l10n-eu/devtools/client/perftools.ftl
parentInitial commit. (diff)
Adding upstream version 124.0.1.upstream/124.0.1
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <>
Diffstat (limited to 'l10n-eu/devtools/client/perftools.ftl')
1 files changed, 161 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/l10n-eu/devtools/client/perftools.ftl b/l10n-eu/devtools/client/perftools.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..15ac43edf4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-eu/devtools/client/perftools.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+### These strings are used in DevTools’ performance-new panel, about:profiling, and
+### the remote profiling panel. There are additional profiler strings in the appmenu.ftl
+### file that are used for the profiler popup.
+perftools-intro-title = Analizatzailearen ezarpenak
+perftools-intro-description =
+ Grabaketek abiarazten dute fitxa berri batean. Datu guztiak
+ lokalki gordetzen dira baina partekatzeko igotzea ere aukera dezakezu.
+## All of the headings for the various sections.
+perftools-heading-settings = Ezarpen guztiak
+perftools-heading-buffer = Bufferraren ezarpenak
+perftools-heading-features = Eginbideak
+perftools-heading-features-default = Eginbideak (gomendatutakoak gaituta lehenespenez)
+perftools-heading-features-disabled = Desgaitutako eginbideak
+perftools-heading-features-experimental = Esperimentala
+perftools-heading-threads = Hariak
+perftools-heading-threads-jvm = JVM hariak
+perftools-heading-local-build = Eraikitze lokala
+perftools-description-intro =
+ Grabaketek <a></a> abiarazten dute fitxa berri batean. Datu guztiak
+ lokalki gordetzen dira baina partekatzeko igotzea ere aukera dezakezu.
+perftools-description-local-build =
+ Zuk makina honetan konpilatutako eraikitze bat analizatzen ari bazara,
+ gehi ezazu zure eraikitzearen objdir-a beheko zerrendan, sinboloen
+ informazioa bilatzeko erabili ahal izan dadin.
+## The controls for the interval at which the profiler samples the code.
+perftools-range-interval-label = Lagin-tartea:
+perftools-range-interval-milliseconds = { NUMBER($interval, maxFractionalUnits: 2) } ms
+# The size of the memory buffer used to store things in the profiler.
+perftools-range-entries-label = Buffer-tamaina:
+perftools-custom-threads-label = Gehitu hari pertsonalizatuak izenez:
+perftools-devtools-interval-label = Tartea:
+perftools-devtools-threads-label = Hariak:
+perftools-devtools-settings-label = Ezarpenak
+## Various statuses that affect the current state of profiling, not typically displayed.
+perftools-status-recording-stopped-by-another-tool = Grabazio hau beste tresna batek gelditu du.
+perftools-status-restart-required = Nabigatzailea berrabiarazi behar da eginbide hau gaitzeko.
+## These are shown briefly when the user is waiting for the profiler to respond.
+perftools-request-to-stop-profiler = Grabazioa gelditzen
+perftools-request-to-get-profile-and-stop-profiler = Profila kapturatzen
+perftools-button-start-recording = Hasi grabatzen
+perftools-button-capture-recording = Kapturatu grabazioa
+perftools-button-cancel-recording = Utzi grabatzeari
+perftools-button-save-settings = Gorde ezarpenak eta itzuli
+perftools-button-restart = Berrabiarazi
+perftools-button-add-directory = Gehitu direktorioa
+perftools-button-remove-directory = Kendu hautatutakoak
+perftools-button-edit-settings = Editatu ezarpenak…
+## These messages are descriptions of the threads that can be enabled for the profiler.
+perftools-thread-gecko-main =
+ .title = Prozesu nagusia, bai guraso- eta eduki-prozesuetarako
+perftools-thread-compositor =
+ .title = Orrian marraztutako elementu desberdinak elkarrekin konposatzen ditu
+perftools-thread-dom-worker =
+ .title = Honek web-langileak eta zerbitzu-langileak maneiatzen ditu
+perftools-thread-renderer =
+ .title = WebRender gaituta dagoenean, OpenGL deiak exekutatzen dituen haria
+perftools-thread-render-backend =
+ .title = WebRender-en RenderBackend haria
+perftools-thread-timer =
+ .title = Denboragailuak maneiatzen dituen haria (setTimeout, setInterval, nsITimer)
+perftools-thread-style-thread =
+ .title = Estiloen kalkulua hainbat haritan banatuta dago
+pref-thread-stream-trans =
+ .title = Sareko jarioaren garraioa
+perftools-thread-socket-thread =
+ .title = Sareko kodeak socket-dei blokeagarriak exekutatzen dituen haria
+perftools-thread-img-decoder =
+ .title = Irudiak deskodetzeko hariak
+perftools-thread-dns-resolver =
+ .title = DNS ebazpena hari honetan gertatzen da
+perftools-thread-task-controller =
+ .title = TaskController hari-putzuko hariak
+perftools-thread-jvm-gecko =
+ .title = Gecko JVM hari nagusia
+perftools-thread-jvm-nimbus =
+ .title = Nimbus esperimentuen SDKren hari nagusiak
+perftools-thread-jvm-default-dispatcher =
+ .title = Kotlin azpirrutinen liburutegirako dispatcher lehenetsia
+perftools-thread-jvm-glean =
+ .title = Glean telemetria SDKren hari nagusiak
+perftools-thread-jvm-arch-disk-io =
+ .title = Kotlin azpirrutinen liburutegirako IO dispatcher-a
+perftools-thread-jvm-pool =
+ .title = Izenik gabeko hari multzoan sortutako hariak
+perftools-record-all-registered-threads = Saihestu goiko hautapenak eta grabatu erregistratutako hari guztiak
+perftools-tools-threads-input-label =
+ .title = Hari-izen hauek komaz bereizitako zerrenda bat dira eta harien analisia gaitzeko erabiltzen da analizatzailean. Haria kontuan har dadin, nahikoa da hari-izena erdizka bat etortzea; zuriuneak errespetatu egiten dira.
+## Onboarding UI labels. These labels are displayed in the new performance panel UI, when
+## preference is true.
+perftools-onboarding-message = <b>Berria</b>: { -profiler-brand-name } orain garatzaile-tresnen zati da. Eskuratu tresna boteretsu berri honi buruzko <a>argibide gehiago</a>.
+perftools-onboarding-close-button =
+ .aria-label = Itxi aurkezpeneko mezua
+## Profiler presets
+# Presets and their l10n IDs are defined in the file
+# devtools/client/performance-new/popup/background.jsm.js
+# The same labels and descriptions are also defined in appmenu.ftl.
+# Presets and their l10n IDs are defined in the file
+# devtools/client/performance-new/shared/background.jsm.js
+# The same labels and descriptions are also defined in appmenu.ftl.
+perftools-presets-web-developer-label = Web garapena
+perftools-presets-web-developer-description = Web aplikazio gehienen arazketarako gomendatutako aurrezarpena, eragin negatibo txikiarekin.
+perftools-presets-firefox-label = { -brand-shorter-name }
+perftools-presets-firefox-description = { -brand-shorter-name }(r)en profila egiteko gomendatutako aurrezarpena.
+perftools-presets-graphics-label = Grafikoak
+perftools-presets-graphics-description = { -brand-shorter-name }(r)en programa-errore grafikoak ikertzeko aurrezarpena.
+perftools-presets-media-label = Multimedia
+perftools-presets-media-description2 = { -brand-shorter-name }(r)en audio eta bideo programa-erroreak ikertzeko aurrezarpena.
+perftools-presets-networking-label = Sarea
+perftools-presets-networking-description = { -brand-shorter-name }(r)en sareko programa-erroreak ikertzeko aurrezarpena.
+# "Power" is used in the sense of energy (electricity used by the computer).
+perftools-presets-power-label = Energia
+perftools-presets-power-description = { -brand-shorter-name }(r)en energia-erabilpenaren arazoak ikertzeko aurrezarpena, eragin negatibo txikiarekin.
+perftools-presets-custom-label = Pertsonalizatua