path: root/mobile/android/android-components/docs
diff options
authorDaniel Baumann <>2024-05-15 03:35:49 +0000
committerDaniel Baumann <>2024-05-15 03:35:49 +0000
commitd8bbc7858622b6d9c278469aab701ca0b609cddf (patch)
treeeff41dc61d9f714852212739e6b3738b82a2af87 /mobile/android/android-components/docs
parentReleasing progress-linux version 125.0.3-1~progress7.99u1. (diff)
Merging upstream version 126.0.
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <>
Diffstat (limited to 'mobile/android/android-components/docs')
-rw-r--r--mobile/android/android-components/docs/assets/fonts/ZillaSlab-Bold.woff2bin0 -> 69276 bytes
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76 files changed, 12764 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mobile/android/android-components/docs/404.html b/mobile/android/android-components/docs/404.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c472b4ea0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mobile/android/android-components/docs/404.html
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+layout: default
+<style type="text/css" media="screen">
+ .container {
+ margin: 10px auto;
+ max-width: 600px;
+ text-align: center;
+ }
+ h1 {
+ margin: 30px 0;
+ font-size: 4em;
+ line-height: 1;
+ letter-spacing: -1px;
+ }
+<div class="container">
+ <h1>404</h1>
+ <p><strong>Page not found :(</strong></p>
+ <p>The requested page could not be found.</p>
diff --git a/mobile/android/android-components/docs/CNAME b/mobile/android/android-components/docs/CNAME
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f5047a09b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mobile/android/android-components/docs/CNAME
@@ -0,0 +1 @@ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mobile/android/android-components/docs/Gemfile b/mobile/android/android-components/docs/Gemfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bc9ce9bd81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mobile/android/android-components/docs/Gemfile
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+source ""
+# Hello! This is where you manage which Jekyll version is used to run.
+# When you want to use a different version, change it below, save the
+# file and run `bundle install`. Run Jekyll with `bundle exec`, like so:
+# bundle exec jekyll serve
+# This will help ensure the proper Jekyll version is running.
+# Happy Jekylling!
+gem "jekyll", "~> 3.9.3"
+# This is the default theme for new Jekyll sites. You may change this to anything you like.
+gem "minima", "~> 2.5.1"
+# Update kramdown
+gem "kramdown", ">= 2.3.2"
+# If you want to use GitHub Pages, remove the "gem "jekyll"" above and
+# uncomment the line below. To upgrade, run `bundle update github-pages`.
+gem "github-pages", 228, group: :jekyll_plugins
+# If you have any plugins, put them here!
+group :jekyll_plugins do
+ gem "jekyll-feed"
diff --git a/mobile/android/android-components/docs/Gemfile.lock b/mobile/android/android-components/docs/Gemfile.lock
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e43ff644b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mobile/android/android-components/docs/Gemfile.lock
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
+ remote:
+ specs:
+ activesupport (
+ concurrent-ruby (~> 1.0, >= 1.0.2)
+ i18n (>= 1.6, < 2)
+ minitest (>= 5.1)
+ tzinfo (~> 2.0)
+ addressable (2.8.1)
+ public_suffix (>= 2.0.2, < 6.0)
+ coffee-script (2.4.1)
+ coffee-script-source
+ execjs
+ coffee-script-source (1.11.1)
+ colorator (1.1.0)
+ commonmarker (0.23.10)
+ concurrent-ruby (1.2.2)
+ dnsruby (1.61.9)
+ simpleidn (~> 0.1)
+ em-websocket (0.5.3)
+ eventmachine (>= 0.12.9)
+ http_parser.rb (~> 0)
+ ethon (0.16.0)
+ ffi (>= 1.15.0)
+ eventmachine (1.2.7)
+ execjs (2.8.1)
+ faraday (2.7.4)
+ faraday-net_http (>= 2.0, < 3.1)
+ ruby2_keywords (>= 0.0.4)
+ faraday-net_http (3.0.2)
+ ffi (1.15.5)
+ forwardable-extended (2.6.0)
+ gemoji (3.0.1)
+ github-pages (228)
+ github-pages-health-check (= 1.17.9)
+ jekyll (= 3.9.3)
+ jekyll-avatar (= 0.7.0)
+ jekyll-coffeescript (= 1.1.1)
+ jekyll-commonmark-ghpages (= 0.4.0)
+ jekyll-default-layout (= 0.1.4)
+ jekyll-feed (= 0.15.1)
+ jekyll-gist (= 1.5.0)
+ jekyll-github-metadata (= 2.13.0)
+ jekyll-include-cache (= 0.2.1)
+ jekyll-mentions (= 1.6.0)
+ jekyll-optional-front-matter (= 0.3.2)
+ jekyll-paginate (= 1.1.0)
+ jekyll-readme-index (= 0.3.0)
+ jekyll-redirect-from (= 0.16.0)
+ jekyll-relative-links (= 0.6.1)
+ jekyll-remote-theme (= 0.4.3)
+ jekyll-sass-converter (= 1.5.2)
+ jekyll-seo-tag (= 2.8.0)
+ jekyll-sitemap (= 1.4.0)
+ jekyll-swiss (= 1.0.0)
+ jekyll-theme-architect (= 0.2.0)
+ jekyll-theme-cayman (= 0.2.0)
+ jekyll-theme-dinky (= 0.2.0)
+ jekyll-theme-hacker (= 0.2.0)
+ jekyll-theme-leap-day (= 0.2.0)
+ jekyll-theme-merlot (= 0.2.0)
+ jekyll-theme-midnight (= 0.2.0)
+ jekyll-theme-minimal (= 0.2.0)
+ jekyll-theme-modernist (= 0.2.0)
+ jekyll-theme-primer (= 0.6.0)
+ jekyll-theme-slate (= 0.2.0)
+ jekyll-theme-tactile (= 0.2.0)
+ jekyll-theme-time-machine (= 0.2.0)
+ jekyll-titles-from-headings (= 0.5.3)
+ jemoji (= 0.12.0)
+ kramdown (= 2.3.2)
+ kramdown-parser-gfm (= 1.1.0)
+ liquid (= 4.0.4)
+ mercenary (~> 0.3)
+ minima (= 2.5.1)
+ nokogiri (>= 1.13.6, < 2.0)
+ rouge (= 3.26.0)
+ terminal-table (~> 1.4)
+ github-pages-health-check (1.17.9)
+ addressable (~> 2.3)
+ dnsruby (~> 1.60)
+ octokit (~> 4.0)
+ public_suffix (>= 3.0, < 5.0)
+ typhoeus (~> 1.3)
+ html-pipeline (2.14.3)
+ activesupport (>= 2)
+ nokogiri (>= 1.4)
+ http_parser.rb (0.8.0)
+ i18n (1.14.1)
+ concurrent-ruby (~> 1.0)
+ jekyll (3.9.3)
+ addressable (~> 2.4)
+ colorator (~> 1.0)
+ em-websocket (~> 0.5)
+ i18n (>= 0.7, < 2)
+ jekyll-sass-converter (~> 1.0)
+ jekyll-watch (~> 2.0)
+ kramdown (>= 1.17, < 3)
+ liquid (~> 4.0)
+ mercenary (~> 0.3.3)
+ pathutil (~> 0.9)
+ rouge (>= 1.7, < 4)
+ safe_yaml (~> 1.0)
+ jekyll-avatar (0.7.0)
+ jekyll (>= 3.0, < 5.0)
+ jekyll-coffeescript (1.1.1)
+ coffee-script (~> 2.2)
+ coffee-script-source (~> 1.11.1)
+ jekyll-commonmark (1.4.0)
+ commonmarker (~> 0.22)
+ jekyll-commonmark-ghpages (0.4.0)
+ commonmarker (~> 0.23.7)
+ jekyll (~> 3.9.0)
+ jekyll-commonmark (~> 1.4.0)
+ rouge (>= 2.0, < 5.0)
+ jekyll-default-layout (0.1.4)
+ jekyll (~> 3.0)
+ jekyll-feed (0.15.1)
+ jekyll (>= 3.7, < 5.0)
+ jekyll-gist (1.5.0)
+ octokit (~> 4.2)
+ jekyll-github-metadata (2.13.0)
+ jekyll (>= 3.4, < 5.0)
+ octokit (~> 4.0, != 4.4.0)
+ jekyll-include-cache (0.2.1)
+ jekyll (>= 3.7, < 5.0)
+ jekyll-mentions (1.6.0)
+ html-pipeline (~> 2.3)
+ jekyll (>= 3.7, < 5.0)
+ jekyll-optional-front-matter (0.3.2)
+ jekyll (>= 3.0, < 5.0)
+ jekyll-paginate (1.1.0)
+ jekyll-readme-index (0.3.0)
+ jekyll (>= 3.0, < 5.0)
+ jekyll-redirect-from (0.16.0)
+ jekyll (>= 3.3, < 5.0)
+ jekyll-relative-links (0.6.1)
+ jekyll (>= 3.3, < 5.0)
+ jekyll-remote-theme (0.4.3)
+ addressable (~> 2.0)
+ jekyll (>= 3.5, < 5.0)
+ jekyll-sass-converter (>= 1.0, <= 3.0.0, != 2.0.0)
+ rubyzip (>= 1.3.0, < 3.0)
+ jekyll-sass-converter (1.5.2)
+ sass (~> 3.4)
+ jekyll-seo-tag (2.8.0)
+ jekyll (>= 3.8, < 5.0)
+ jekyll-sitemap (1.4.0)
+ jekyll (>= 3.7, < 5.0)
+ jekyll-swiss (1.0.0)
+ jekyll-theme-architect (0.2.0)
+ jekyll (> 3.5, < 5.0)
+ jekyll-seo-tag (~> 2.0)
+ jekyll-theme-cayman (0.2.0)
+ jekyll (> 3.5, < 5.0)
+ jekyll-seo-tag (~> 2.0)
+ jekyll-theme-dinky (0.2.0)
+ jekyll (> 3.5, < 5.0)
+ jekyll-seo-tag (~> 2.0)
+ jekyll-theme-hacker (0.2.0)
+ jekyll (> 3.5, < 5.0)
+ jekyll-seo-tag (~> 2.0)
+ jekyll-theme-leap-day (0.2.0)
+ jekyll (> 3.5, < 5.0)
+ jekyll-seo-tag (~> 2.0)
+ jekyll-theme-merlot (0.2.0)
+ jekyll (> 3.5, < 5.0)
+ jekyll-seo-tag (~> 2.0)
+ jekyll-theme-midnight (0.2.0)
+ jekyll (> 3.5, < 5.0)
+ jekyll-seo-tag (~> 2.0)
+ jekyll-theme-minimal (0.2.0)
+ jekyll (> 3.5, < 5.0)
+ jekyll-seo-tag (~> 2.0)
+ jekyll-theme-modernist (0.2.0)
+ jekyll (> 3.5, < 5.0)
+ jekyll-seo-tag (~> 2.0)
+ jekyll-theme-primer (0.6.0)
+ jekyll (> 3.5, < 5.0)
+ jekyll-github-metadata (~> 2.9)
+ jekyll-seo-tag (~> 2.0)
+ jekyll-theme-slate (0.2.0)
+ jekyll (> 3.5, < 5.0)
+ jekyll-seo-tag (~> 2.0)
+ jekyll-theme-tactile (0.2.0)
+ jekyll (> 3.5, < 5.0)
+ jekyll-seo-tag (~> 2.0)
+ jekyll-theme-time-machine (0.2.0)
+ jekyll (> 3.5, < 5.0)
+ jekyll-seo-tag (~> 2.0)
+ jekyll-titles-from-headings (0.5.3)
+ jekyll (>= 3.3, < 5.0)
+ jekyll-watch (2.2.1)
+ listen (~> 3.0)
+ jemoji (0.12.0)
+ gemoji (~> 3.0)
+ html-pipeline (~> 2.2)
+ jekyll (>= 3.0, < 5.0)
+ kramdown (2.3.2)
+ rexml
+ kramdown-parser-gfm (1.1.0)
+ kramdown (~> 2.0)
+ liquid (4.0.4)
+ listen (3.8.0)
+ rb-fsevent (~> 0.10, >= 0.10.3)
+ rb-inotify (~> 0.9, >= 0.9.10)
+ mercenary (0.3.6)
+ minima (2.5.1)
+ jekyll (>= 3.5, < 5.0)
+ jekyll-feed (~> 0.9)
+ jekyll-seo-tag (~> 2.1)
+ minitest (5.19.0)
+ nokogiri (1.16.2-x86_64-linux)
+ racc (~> 1.4)
+ octokit (4.25.1)
+ faraday (>= 1, < 3)
+ sawyer (~> 0.9)
+ pathutil (0.16.2)
+ forwardable-extended (~> 2.6)
+ public_suffix (4.0.7)
+ racc (1.7.3)
+ rb-fsevent (0.11.2)
+ rb-inotify (0.10.1)
+ ffi (~> 1.0)
+ rexml (3.2.5)
+ rouge (3.26.0)
+ ruby2_keywords (0.0.5)
+ rubyzip (2.3.2)
+ safe_yaml (1.0.5)
+ sass (3.7.4)
+ sass-listen (~> 4.0.0)
+ sass-listen (4.0.0)
+ rb-fsevent (~> 0.9, >= 0.9.4)
+ rb-inotify (~> 0.9, >= 0.9.7)
+ sawyer (0.9.2)
+ addressable (>= 2.3.5)
+ faraday (>= 0.17.3, < 3)
+ simpleidn (0.2.1)
+ unf (~> 0.1.4)
+ terminal-table (1.8.0)
+ unicode-display_width (~> 1.1, >= 1.1.1)
+ typhoeus (1.4.0)
+ ethon (>= 0.9.0)
+ tzinfo (2.0.6)
+ concurrent-ruby (~> 1.0)
+ unf (0.1.4)
+ unf_ext
+ unf_ext (
+ unicode-display_width (1.8.0)
+ x86_64-linux
+ github-pages (= 228)
+ jekyll (~> 3.9.3)
+ jekyll-feed
+ kramdown (>= 2.3.2)
+ minima (~> 2.5.1)
+ 2.3.15
diff --git a/mobile/android/android-components/docs/_archive/2018-07-26-release-0.16.1.markdown b/mobile/android/android-components/docs/_archive/2018-07-26-release-0.16.1.markdown
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8a2850d24e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mobile/android/android-components/docs/_archive/2018-07-26-release-0.16.1.markdown
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+layout: post
+title: "🎉 Release: Android Components 0.16"
+date: 2018-07-26 18:00:00 +0200
+categories: releases
+author: sebastian
+# 0.16.1 (2018-07-26)
+* Compiled against:
+ * Android support libraries 27.1.1
+ * Kotlin Standard library 1.2.51
+ * Kotlin coroutines 0.23.4
+ * GeckoView
+ * Nightly: 63.0.20180724100046 (2018.07.24, 1e5fa52a612e8985e12212d1950a732954e00e45)
+ * Beta: 62.0b9 (d7ab2f3df0840cdb8557659afd46f61afa310379)
+ * Release: 61.0 (785d242a5b01d5f1094882aa2144d8e5e2791e06)
+* **service-telemetry**: Allow up to 200 extras in event pings.
+* [Commits](, [Milestone](
+# 0.16 (2018-07-25)
+* Compiled against:
+ * Android support libraries 27.1.1
+ * Kotlin Standard library 1.2.51
+ * Kotlin coroutines 0.23.4
+ * GeckoView
+ * Nightly: 63.0.20180724100046 (2018.07.24, 1e5fa52a612e8985e12212d1950a732954e00e45)
+ * Beta: 62.0b9 (d7ab2f3df0840cdb8557659afd46f61afa310379)
+ * Release: 61.0 (785d242a5b01d5f1094882aa2144d8e5e2791e06)
+* **service-fretboard**: Experiments can now be filtered by release channel. Added helper method to get list of active experiments.
+* **service-telemetry**: Added option to report active experiments in the core ping.
+* **service-firefox-accounts**, **sample-firefox-accounts**: is no longer in the tree but automatically fetched from tagged GitHub releases at build-time. Upgraded to fxa-rust-client library 0.2.1. Renmaed armeabi directory to armeabi-v7a.
+* **browser-session**, **concept-engine**: Exposed website title and tracking protection in session and made observable.
+* **browser-toolbar**: Fixed bug that prevented the toolbar from being displayed at the bottom of the screen. Fixed animation problem when multiple buttons animated at the same time.
+* Various bugfixes and refactorings (see commits below for details)
+* [Commits](, [Milestone]( \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mobile/android/android-components/docs/_archive/2018-08-03-release-0.17.markdown b/mobile/android/android-components/docs/_archive/2018-08-03-release-0.17.markdown
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a20ec77353
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mobile/android/android-components/docs/_archive/2018-08-03-release-0.17.markdown
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+layout: post
+title: "🎉 Release: Android Components 0.17"
+date: 2018-08-03 18:00:00 +0200
+categories: releases
+author: sebastian
+* Compiled against:
+ * Android support libraries 27.1.1
+ * Kotlin Standard library **1.2.60** 🔺
+ * Kotlin coroutines 0.23.4
+ * GeckoView
+ * Nightly: **63.0.20180801100114** (2018.08.01, af6a7edf0069549543f2fba6a8ee3ea251b20829) 🔺
+ * Beta: **62.0b13** (dd92dec96711e60a8c6a49ebe584fa23a453a292) 🔺
+ * Release: 61.0 (785d242a5b01d5f1094882aa2144d8e5e2791e06)
+* **support-base**: New base component containing small building blocks for other components. Added a [simple logging API]( that allows components to log messages/exceptions but lets the consuming app decide what gets logged and how.
+* **support-utils**: Some classes have been moved to the new _support-base_ component.
+* **service-fretboard**: ⚠️ Breaking change: `ExperimentDescriptor` instances now operate on the experiment name instead of the ID.
+* **ui-icons**: Added new icons (used in _Firefox Focus_ UI refresh): `mozac_ic_arrowhead_down`, `mozac_ic_arrowhead_up`, `mozac_ic_check`, `mozac_ic_device_desktop`, `mozac_ic_mozilla`, `mozac_ic_open_in`, `mozac_ic_reorder`.
+* **service-firefox-accounts**: Added [documentation](
+* **service-fretboard**: Updated [documentation](
+* **browser-toolbar**: Fixed an issue where the toolbar content disappeared if a padding value was set on the toolbar.
+* [Commits](, [Milestone](
diff --git a/mobile/android/android-components/docs/_archive/2018-08-10-release-0.18.markdown b/mobile/android/android-components/docs/_archive/2018-08-10-release-0.18.markdown
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..31b469133f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mobile/android/android-components/docs/_archive/2018-08-10-release-0.18.markdown
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+layout: post
+title: "🎉 Release: Android Components 0.18"
+date: 2018-08-10 17:30:00 +0200
+categories: releases
+author: sebastian
+* [Commits](,
+[API reference](
+* Compiled against:
+ * Android support libraries 27.1.1
+ * Kotlin Standard library 1.2.60
+ * Kotlin coroutines 0.23.4
+ * GeckoView
+ * Nightly: **63.0.20180810100129** (2018.08.10, d999fb858fb2c007c5be4af72bce419c63c69b8e) 🔺
+ * Beta: **62.0b15** (7ce198bb7ce027d450af3f69a609896671adfab8) 🔺
+ * Release: 61.0 (785d242a5b01d5f1094882aa2144d8e5e2791e06)
+* **engine-gecko-beta**: Since the [Load Progress Tracking API]( was uplifted to GeckoView Beta _engine-gecko-beta_ now reports progress via `EngineSession.Observer.onProgress()`.
+* **service-fretboard**: KintoExperimentSource can now validate the signature of the downloaded experiments configuration (`validateSignature` flag). This ensures that the configuration was signed by Mozilla and was not modified by a bad actor. For now the `validateSignature` flag is off by default until this has been tested in production. Various bugfixes and refactorings.
+* **service-firefox-accounts**: JNA native libraries are no longer part of the AAR and instead referenced as a dependency. This avoids duplication when multiple libraries depend on JNA.
+* API references for every release are now generated and hosted online: [](
+* Documentation and more is now hosted at: []( More content coming soon.
+* **tooling-lint**: New (internal-only) component containing custom lint rules. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mobile/android/android-components/docs/_archive/2018-08-17-release-0.19.markdown b/mobile/android/android-components/docs/_archive/2018-08-17-release-0.19.markdown
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4f4be1a6a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mobile/android/android-components/docs/_archive/2018-08-17-release-0.19.markdown
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+layout: post
+title: "🎉 Release: Android Components 0.19"
+date: 2018-08-17 22:00:00 +0200
+categories: releases
+author: csadilek
+# 0.19.1 (2018-08-20)
+* [Commits](,
+[API reference](
+* Compiled against:
+ * Android support libraries 27.1.1
+ * Kotlin Standard library 1.2.60
+ * Kotlin coroutines 0.23.4
+ * GeckoView
+ * Nightly: 63.0.20180810100129 (2018.08.10, d999fb858fb2c007c5be4af72bce419c63c69b8e)
+ * Beta: 62.0b15 (7ce198bb7ce027d450af3f69a609896671adfab8)
+ * Release: 61.0 (785d242a5b01d5f1094882aa2144d8e5e2791e06)
+* **browser-toolbar**: Replaced `ui-progress` component with default [Android Progress Bar]( to fix CPU usage problems.
+* **ui-progress**: Reduced high CPU usage when idling and not animating.
+# 0.19 (2018-08-17)
+* [Commits](,
+[API reference](
+* Compiled against:
+ * Android support libraries 27.1.1
+ * Kotlin Standard library 1.2.60
+ * Kotlin coroutines 0.23.4
+ * GeckoView
+ * Nightly: 63.0.20180810100129 (2018.08.10, d999fb858fb2c007c5be4af72bce419c63c69b8e)
+ * Beta: 62.0b15 (7ce198bb7ce027d450af3f69a609896671adfab8)
+ * Release: 61.0 (785d242a5b01d5f1094882aa2144d8e5e2791e06)
+* **concept-engine**, **engine-system**, **engine-gecko**: Added new API to load data and HTML directly (without loading a URL). Added the ability to stop loading a page.
+* **ui-autocomplete**: Fixed a bug that caused soft keyboards and the InlineAutocompleteEditText component to desync.
+* **service-firefox-accounts**: Added JNA-specific proguard rules so consumers of this library don't have to add them to their app (see for details). Underlying no longer depends on versioned .so names. All required dependencies are now statically linked which simplified our dependency setup as well.
diff --git a/mobile/android/android-components/docs/_archive/2018-08-24-release-0.20.markdown b/mobile/android/android-components/docs/_archive/2018-08-24-release-0.20.markdown
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index 0000000000..10fe5a81de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mobile/android/android-components/docs/_archive/2018-08-24-release-0.20.markdown
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+layout: post
+title: "🎉 Release: Android Components 0.20"
+date: 2018-08-24 19:00:00 +0200
+categories: releases
+author: csadilek
+* [Commits](,
+[API reference](
+* Compiled against:
+ * Android support libraries 27.1.1
+ * Kotlin Standard library 1.2.60
+ * Kotlin coroutines 0.23.4
+ * GeckoView
+ * Nightly: **63.0.20180820100132** 🔺
+ * Beta: 62.0b15 (7ce198bb7ce027d450af3f69a609896671adfab8)
+ * Release: 61.0 (785d242a5b01d5f1094882aa2144d8e5e2791e06)
+* GeckoView Nightly dependencies are now pulled in from **.
+* **engine-system**: Added tracking protection functionality.
+* **concept-engine**, **browser-session**, **feature-session**: Added support for private browsing mode.
+* **concept-engine**, **engine-gecko**, **engine-system**: Added support for modifying engine and engine session settings. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mobile/android/android-components/docs/_archive/2018-08-31-release-0.21.markdown b/mobile/android/android-components/docs/_archive/2018-08-31-release-0.21.markdown
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index 0000000000..21a240fcbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mobile/android/android-components/docs/_archive/2018-08-31-release-0.21.markdown
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+layout: post
+title: "🎉 Release: Android Components 0.21"
+date: 2018-08-31 14:40:00 +0200
+categories: releases
+author: sebastian
+* [Commits](,
+[API reference](
+* Compiled against:
+ * Android support libraries 27.1.1
+ * Kotlin Standard library **1.2.61** 🔺
+ * Kotlin coroutines 0.23.4
+ * GeckoView
+ * Nightly: **63.0.20180830111743** 🔺
+ * Beta: **62.0b21** (7ce198bb7ce027d450af3f69a609896671adfab8) 🔺
+ * Release: 61.0 (785d242a5b01d5f1094882aa2144d8e5e2791e06)
+* **concept-engine**, **engine-system**, **engine-gecko**: Added API to set default session configuration e.g. to enable tracking protection for all sessions by default.
+ ```Kotlin
+ // DefaultSettings can be set on GeckoEngine and SystemEngine.
+ GeckoEngine(runtime, DefaultSettings(
+ trackingProtectionPolicy = TrackingProtectionPolicy.all(),
+ javascriptEnabled = false))
+ ```
+* **concept-engine**, **engine-system**, **engine-gecko-beta/nightly**:
+ * Added support for intercepting request and injecting custom content. This can be used for internal pages (e.g. *focus:about*, *firefox:home*) and error pages.
+ ```Kotlin
+ // GeckoEngine (beta/nightly) and SystemEngine support request interceptors.
+ GeckoEngine(runtime, DefaultSettings(
+ requestInterceptor = object : RequestInterceptor {
+ override fun onLoadRequest(session: EngineSession, uri: String): RequestInterceptor.InterceptionResponse? {
+ return when (uri) {
+ "sample:about" -> RequestInterceptor.InterceptionResponse("<h1>I am the sample browser</h1>")
+ else -> null
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ ```
+ * Added APIs to support "find in page".
+ ```Kotlin
+ // Finds and highlights all occurrences of "hello"
+ engineSession.findAll("hello")
+ // Finds and highlights the next or previous match
+ engineSession.findNext(forward = true)
+ // Clears the highlighted results
+ engineSession.clearFindMatches()
+ // The current state of "Find in page" can be observed on a Session object:
+ session.register(object : Session.Observer {
+ fun onFindResult(session: Session, result: FindResult) {
+ // ...
+ }
+ })
+ ```
+* **browser-engine-gecko-nightly**: Added option to enable/disable desktop mode ("Request desktop site").
+ ```Kotlin
+ engineSession.setDesktopMode(true, reload = true)
+ ```
+* **browser-engine-gecko(-nightly/beta)**: Added API for observing long presses on web content (links, audio, videos, images, phone numbers, geo locations, email addresses).
+ ```Kotlin
+ session.register(object : Session.Observer {
+ fun onLongPress(session: Session, hitResult: HitResult): Boolean {
+ // HitResult is a sealed class representing the different types of content that can be long pressed.
+ // ...
+ // Returning true will "consume" the event. If no observer consumes the event then it will be
+ // set on the Session object to be consumed at a later time.
+ return true
+ }
+ })
+ ```
+* **lib-dataprotect**: New component to protect local user data using the [Android keystore system]( This component doesn't contain any code in this release. In the next sprints the Lockbox team will move code from the [prototype implementation]( to the component.
+* **support-testing**: New helper test function to assert that a code block throws an exception:
+ ```Kotlin
+ expectException(IllegalStateException::class) {
+ // Do something that should throw IllegalStateException..
+ }
+ ``` \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mobile/android/android-components/docs/_archive/2018-09-07-release-0.22.markdown b/mobile/android/android-components/docs/_archive/2018-09-07-release-0.22.markdown
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d2ac508cad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mobile/android/android-components/docs/_archive/2018-09-07-release-0.22.markdown
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+layout: post
+title: "🎉 Release: Android Components 0.22"
+date: 2018-09-07 20:40:00 +0200
+categories: releases
+author: csadilek
+## News
+* Firefox for Amazon's Fire TV is now using the browser-session, feature-session and browser-engine-system components. This simplified the code base by removing ~4000 lines of code (see [PR #1044]( and [PR #982]( for details).
+* Kudos to the application-services team for various bug fixes in our service-firefox-accounts component (see [commits]( for details).
+## Changelog
+* [Commits](,
+[API reference](
+* Compiled against:
+ * Android
+ * SDK: 27
+ * Support Libraries: 27.1.1
+ * Kotlin
+ * Standard library: 1.2.61
+ * Coroutines: 0.23.4
+ * GeckoView
+ * Nightly: **64.0.20180905100117** 🔺
+ * Beta: **63.0b3** (0269319281578bff4e01d77a21350bf91ba08620) 🔺
+ * Release: **62.0** (9cbae12a3fff404ed2c12070ad475424d0ae869f) 🔺
+* We now provide aggregated API docs. The docs for this release are hosted at:
+* **browser-engine-***:
+ * EngineView now exposes lifecycle methods with default implementations. A `LifecycleObserver` implementation is provided which forwards events to EngineView instances.
+ ```Kotlin
+ lifecycle.addObserver(EngineView.LifecycleObserver(view))
+ ```
+ * Added engine setting for blocking web fonts:
+ ```Kotlin
+ GeckoEngine(runtime, DefaultSettings(webFontsEnabled = false))
+ ```
+ * `setDesktopMode()` was renamed to `toggleDesktopMode()`.
+* **browser-engine-system**: The `X-Requested-With` header is now cleared (set to an empty String).
+* **browser-session**: Desktop mode can be observed now:
+ ```Kotlin
+ session.register(object : Session.Observer {
+ fun onDesktopModeChange(enabled: Boolean) {
+ // ..
+ }
+ })
+ ```
+* **service-fretboard**:
+ * `Fretboard` now has synchronous methods for adding and clearing overrides: `setOverrideNow()`, `clearOverrideNow`, `clearAllOverridesNow`.
+ * Access to `` is now deprecated and is scheduled to be removed in a future release (target: 0.24). The `id` is an implementation detail of the underlying storage service and was not meant to be exposed to apps.
+* **ui-tabcounter**: Due to a packaging error previous releases of this component didn't contain any compiled code. This is the first usable release of the component.
diff --git a/mobile/android/android-components/docs/_archive/2018-09-13-release-0.23.markdown b/mobile/android/android-components/docs/_archive/2018-09-13-release-0.23.markdown
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..87211490c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mobile/android/android-components/docs/_archive/2018-09-13-release-0.23.markdown
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+layout: post
+title: "🎉 Release: Android Components 0.23"
+date: 2018-09-13 17:00:00 +0200
+categories: releases
+author: csadilek
+## News
+* More kudos to the application-services team for introducing the new sync-logins [component]( and [sample app](
+## Changelog
+* [Commits](,
+[API reference](
+* Compiled against:
+ * Android
+ * SDK: 27
+ * Support Libraries: 27.1.1
+ * Kotlin
+ * Standard library: 1.2.61
+ * Coroutines: 0.23.4
+ * GeckoView
+ * Nightly: **64.0.20180905100117** 🔺
+ * Beta: **63.0b3** (0269319281578bff4e01d77a21350bf91ba08620) 🔺
+ * Release: **62.0** (9cbae12a3fff404ed2c12070ad475424d0ae869f) 🔺
+* Added initial documentation for the browser-session component:
+* **sync-logins**: New component for integrating with Firefox Sync (for Logins). A sample app showcasing this new functionality can be found at:
+* **browser-engine-***:
+ * Added support for fullscreen mode and the ability to exit it programmatically if needed.
+ ```Kotlin
+ session.register(object : Session.Observer {
+ fun onFullScreenChange(enabled: Boolean) {
+ if (enabled) {
+ // ..
+ sessionManager.getEngineSession().exitFullScreenMode()
+ }
+ }
+ })
+ ```
+* **concept-engine**, **browser-engine-system**, **browser-engine-gecko(-beta/nightly)**:
+ * We've extended support for intercepting requests to also include intercepting of errors
+ ```Kotlin
+ val interceptor = object : RequestInterceptor {
+ override fun onErrorRequest(
+ session: EngineSession,
+ errorCode: Int,
+ uri: String?
+ ) {
+ engineSession.loadData("<html><body>Couldn't load $uri!</body></html>")
+ }
+ }
+ // GeckoEngine (beta/nightly) and SystemEngine support request interceptors.
+ GeckoEngine(runtime, DefaultSettings(requestInterceptor = interceptor))
+ ```
+* **browser-engine-system**:
+ * Added functionality to clear all browsing data
+ ```Kotlin
+ sessionManager.getEngineSession().clearData()
+ ```
+ * `onNavigationStateChange` is now called earlier (when the title of a web page is available) to allow for faster toolbar updates.
+* **feature-session**: Added support for processing `ACTION_SEND` intents (`ACTION_VIEW` was already supported)
+ ```Kotlin
+ // Triggering a search if the provided EXTRA_TEXT is not a URL
+ val searchHandler: TextSearchHandler = { searchTerm, session ->
+ searchUseCases.defaultSearch.invoke(searchTerm, session)
+ }
+ // Handles both ACTION_VIEW and ACTION_SEND intents
+ val intentProcessor = SessionIntentProcessor(
+ sessionUseCases, sessionManager, textSearchHandler = searchHandler
+ )
+ intentProcessor.process(intent)
+ ```
+* Replaced some miscellaneous uses of Java 8 `forEach` with Kotlin's for consistency and backward-compatibility.
+* Various bug fixes (see [Commits]( for details).
diff --git a/mobile/android/android-components/docs/_archive/2018-09-21-release-0.24.markdown b/mobile/android/android-components/docs/_archive/2018-09-21-release-0.24.markdown
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..307b9d2769
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mobile/android/android-components/docs/_archive/2018-09-21-release-0.24.markdown
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+layout: post
+title: "🚀 Release: Android Components 0.24"
+date: 2018-09-21 20:15:00 +0200
+categories: releases
+author: jonathan
+# 0.24 (2018-09-21)
+* [Commits](,
+[API reference](
+* Compiled against:
+ * Android
+ * SDK: 27
+ * Support Libraries: 27.1.1
+ * Kotlin
+ * Standard library: 1.2.61
+ * Coroutines: 0.23.4
+ * GeckoView
+ * Nightly: 64.0.20180905100117
+ * Beta: 63.0b3 (0269319281578bff4e01d77a21350bf91ba08620)
+ * Release: 62.0 (9cbae12a3fff404ed2c12070ad475424d0ae869f)
+* **dataprotect**:
+ * Added a component using AndroidKeyStore to protect user data.
+ ```kotlin
+ // Create a Keystore and generate a key
+ val keystore: Keystore = Keystore("samples-dataprotect")
+ keystore.generateKey()
+ // Encrypt data
+ val plainText = "plain text data".toByteArray(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)
+ val encrypted = keystore.encryptBytes(plain)
+ // Decrypt data
+ val samePlainText = keystore.decryptBytes(encrypted)
+ ```
+* **concept-engine**: Enhanced settings to cover most common WebView settings.
+* **browser-engine-system**:
+ * `SystemEngineSession` now provides a way to capture a screenshot of the actual content of the web page just by calling `captureThumbnail`
+* **browser-session**:
+ * `Session` exposes a new property called `thumbnail` and its internal observer also exposes a new listener `onThumbnailChanged`.
+ ```Kotlin
+ session.register(object : Session.Observer {
+ fun onThumbnailChanged(session: Session, bitmap: Bitmap?) {
+ // Do Something
+ }
+ })
+ ```
+ * `SessionManager` lets you notify it when the OS is under low memory condition by calling to its new function `onLowMemory`.
+* **browser-tabstray**:
+ * Now on `BrowserTabsTray` every tab gets is own thumbnail :)
+* **support-ktx**:
+ * Now you can easily query if the OS is under low memory conditions, just by using `isOSOnLowMemory()` extension function on `Context`.
+ ```Kotlin
+ val shouldReduceMemoryUsage = context.isOSOnLowMemory()
+ if (shouldReduceMemoryUsage) {
+ //Deallocate some heavy objects
+ }
+ ```
+ * `View.dp` is now`Resource.pxtoDp`.
+ ```Kotlin
+ // Before
+ toolbar.dp(104)
+ // Now
+ toolbar.resources.pxToDp(104)
+ ```
+* **samples-browser**:
+ * Updated to show the new features related to tab thumbnails. Be aware that this feature is only available for `systemEngine` and you have to switch to the build variant `systemEngine*`.
diff --git a/mobile/android/android-components/docs/_archive/2018-09-26-release-0.25.markdown b/mobile/android/android-components/docs/_archive/2018-09-26-release-0.25.markdown
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..110a3f4e63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mobile/android/android-components/docs/_archive/2018-09-26-release-0.25.markdown
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+layout: post
+title: "🐼 Release: Android Components 0.25"
+date: 2018-09-26 20:33:00 +0200
+categories: releases
+author: arturo
+# 0.25.1 (2018-09-27)
+* **browser-engine-system**: Fixed a `NullPointerException` in `SystemEngineSession.captureThumbnail()`.
+# 0.25 (2018-09-26)
+* [Commits](,
+[API reference](
+* Compiled against:
+ * Android
+ * SDK: 27
+ * Support Libraries: 27.1.1
+ * Kotlin
+ * Standard library: 1.2.61
+ * Coroutines: 0.23.4
+ * GeckoView
+ * Nightly: 64.0.20180905100117
+ * Beta: 63.0b3 (0269319281578bff4e01d77a21350bf91ba08620)
+ * Release: 62.0 (9cbae12a3fff404ed2c12070ad475424d0ae869f)
+* ⚠️ **This is the last release compiled against Android SDK 27. Upcoming releases of the components will require Android SDK 28**.
+* **service-fretboard**:
+ * Fixed a bug in `FlatFileExperimentStorage` that caused updated experiment configurations not being saved to disk.
+ * Added [WorkManager]( implementation for updating experiment configurations in the background (See ``WorkManagerSyncScheduler``).
+ * `` is not accessible by component consumers anymore.
+* **browser-engine-system**:
+ * URL changes are now reported earlier; when the URL of the main frame changes.
+ * Fixed an issue where fullscreen mode would only take up part of the screen.
+ * Fixed a crash that could happen when loading invalid URLs.
+ * `RequestInterceptor.onErrorRequest()` can return custom error page content to be displayed now (the original URL that caused the error will be preserved).
+* **feature-intent**: New component providing intent processing functionality (Code moved from *feature-session*).
+* **support-utils**: `DownloadUtils.guessFileName()` will replace extension in the URL with the MIME type file extension if needed (`` + `image/jpeg` -> `file.jpg`). \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mobile/android/android-components/docs/_config.yml b/mobile/android/android-components/docs/_config.yml
new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# Welcome to Jekyll!
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+# you will see them accessed via {{ site.title }}, {{ }}, and so on.
+# You can create any custom variable you would like, and they will be accessible
+# in the templates via {{ site.myvariable }}.
+# We currently use /docs only for the A-C website.
+title: Mozilla Android Components
+description: >- # this means to ignore newlines until "baseurl:"
+ A collection of Android libraries to build browsers or browser-like applications.
+# baseurl: "/" # the subpath of your site, e.g. /blog
+url: "" # the base hostname & protocol for your site, e.g.
+# Build settings
+markdown: kramdown
+highlighter: rouge
+theme: minima
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diff --git a/mobile/android/android-components/docs/_data/authors.yml b/mobile/android/android-components/docs/_data/authors.yml
new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+ name: Stefan Arentz
+ image:
+ twitter:
+ name: Christian Sadilek
+ image:
+ twitter:
+ name: Sebastian Kaspari
+ image:
+ twitter:
+ name: Fernando García Álvarez
+ image:
+ twitter:
+ name: Jonathan Almeida
+ image:
+ twitter:
+ name: Arturo Mejia
+ image:
+ twitter:
diff --git a/mobile/android/android-components/docs/_includes/footer.html b/mobile/android/android-components/docs/_includes/footer.html
new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+<footer class="site-footer h-card">
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diff --git a/mobile/android/android-components/docs/_includes/head.html b/mobile/android/android-components/docs/_includes/head.html
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+<h1 class="entry-title">
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diff --git a/mobile/android/android-components/docs/_layouts/home.html b/mobile/android/android-components/docs/_layouts/home.html
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+layout: default
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+layout: default
+<article class="post h-entry" itemscope itemtype="">
+ <header class="post-header">
+ <h1 class="post-title p-name" itemprop="name headline">{{ page.title | escape }}</h1>
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+ <time class="dt-published" datetime="{{ | date_to_xmlschema }}" itemprop="datePublished">
+ {%- assign date_format = site.minima.date_format | default: "%b %-d, %Y" -%}
+ {{ | date: date_format }}
+ </time>
+ {%- if -%}
+ -
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+ <span class="p-author h-card" itemprop="name">
+ <img src="{{ author.image }}" width="20" height="20" style="margin:5px;" />
+ {{ }}
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+ <div class="post-content e-content" itemprop="articleBody">
+ {{ content }}
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+ {%- endif -%}
+ <a class="u-url" href="{{ page.url | relative_url }}" hidden></a>
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+layout: post
+title: "📺 Firefox for Fire TV uses browser-session component"
+date: 2018-07-30 18:37:00 +0200
+categories: usage
+author: sebastian
+As first application [Firefox for Fire TV]( is starting to use the _browser-session_ component.
+[Pull Request]( \ No newline at end of file
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+layout: post
+title: "🗒️ Firefox Notes uses services-firefox-accounts component"
+date: 2018-07-30 09:48:00 +0200
+categories: usage
+author: sebastian
+[Firefox Notes]( (A notepad for Firefox) is now using the _service-firefox-accounts_ component for logging users in. It's the first app using this component in production.
+[Pull Request](
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+layout: post
+title: "☀️ Google Summer of Code: Fretboard - A/B Testing Framework for Android"
+date: 2018-08-10 14:48:00 +0200
+author: fernando
+## Overview
+Firefox for Android (codenamed Fennec) started using [KeepSafe's Switchboard library]( and server component in order to run A/B testing or staged rollout of features, but since then the code changed significantly. It used a special [switchboard server]( that decided which experiments a client is part of and returned a simplified list for the client to consume. However, this required the client to send data (including a unique id) to the server.
+To avoid this Firefox moved to using [Kinto]( as storage and server of the experiment configuration. Clients now download the whole list of experiments and decide locally what experiments they are enrolled in (the configuration for Fennec [looks like this](
+The purpose of this Google Summer of Code project, which is called Fretboard, was to develop an A/B testing framework written in Kotlin based on the existing code from Fennec, but making it independent of both the server used and the local storage mechanism, allowing it to be used on other apps, such as Firefox Focus, which started to need to do some A/B tests.
+The source code implemented as part of this project is located at the [android-components]( GitHub repo, more specifically [here](
+## Features
+This is a basic and non-exhaustive list of features, for all details you can view the README [here](
+* Query if a device is part of a specific experiment
+* Get experiment associated metadata
+* Override a specific experiment (force activate / deactivate it)
+* Override device values (such as the appId, version, etc)
+* Update experiment list from the server manually or using JobScheduler
+* Update experiment list using WorkManager (blocked waiting for a non-alpha version of WorkManager to be released by Google)
+* Default source implementation for Kinto
+ * Uses diff requests to reduce bandwidth usage
+ * Support for certificate pinning (pending security review)
+ * Support for validating the signature of the downloaded experiment collection (pending security review)
+* Default storage implementation using a flat JSON file
+## Filters
+Fretboard allows you to specify the following filters:
+- Buckets: Every user is in one of 100 buckets (0-99). For every experiment you can set up a min and max value (0 <= min <= max <= 100). The bounds are [min, max).
+ - Both max and min are optional. For example, specifying only min = 0 or only max = 100 includes all users
+ - 0-100 includes all users (as opposed to 0-99)
+ - 0-0 includes no users (as opposed to just bucket 0)
+ - 0-1 includes just bucket 0
+ - Users will always stay in the same bucket. An experiment targeting 0-25 will always target the same 25% of users
+- appId (regex): The app ID (package name)
+- version (regex): The app version
+- country (regex): country, pulled from the default locale
+- lang (regex): language, pulled from the default locale
+- device (regex): Android device name
+- manufacturer (regex): Android device manufacturer
+- region: custom region, different from the one from the default locale (like a GeoIP, or something similar).
+- release channel: release channel of the app (alpha, beta, etc)
+## Merged commits
+* [Issue #17: Run code quality tools: detekt, ktlint and codecov](
+* [Remove codecov uploading from taskcluster](
+* [Issue #20: Upload test coverage results to codecov](
+* [Issue #3: Implement client for loading (partial) experiment configuration from server, Issue #4: Implement storage for saving experiment configuration to disk](
+* [Make experiments variable private and fetch experiments from local storage when updating](
+* [Make loadExperiments and updateExperiments synchronized and guard against storage file not found](
+* [Issue #5: Schedule frequent updates of experiments configuration](
+* [Issue #6: Implement code for evaluating experiment configuration and bucketing users](
+* [Changed uuid type to String](
+* [Add RegionProvider](
+* [Issue #7: Implement simple API for checking if an installation is part of a specific experiment](
+* [Issue #29: Add a more Kotlin idiomatic method for checking experiments](
+* [Issue #12: Implement simple API for getting experiment metadata](
+* [Issue #32: JSONExperimentParserTest is not deterministic](
+* [Issue #37: Add "export TERM=dumb" to taskcluster script](
+* [Issue #38: detekt is configured to only run on 'fretboard' module](
+* [Issue #41: Add test for IOException on HttpURLConnectionHttpClient](
+* [Issue #14: Add mechanism for overriding the local experiment configuration](
+* [Issue #46: Rename AtomicFileExperimentStorage to FlatFileExperimentStorage](
+* [Issue #53: Change FlatFileExperimentStorage instrumentation tests to use File and remove temp file when done](
+* [Issue #56: Rename FlatFileExperimentStorage package to flatfile](
+* [Issue #50: Make FlatFileExperimentStorage receive a File](
+* [Issue #432: Fretboard: Kinto delete diffs might lead to crash](
+* [Issue #435: Fretboard: Documentation and guides](
+* [Issue #460: Fretboard: Update documentation](
+* [Issue #456: Fretboard: Allow filtering by release channel](
+* [Issue #464: Let app access a list of experiments](
+* [Issue #466: Fretboard: Move JSONExtensions into support-ktx](
+* [Issue #115: Core ping: Report experiments](
+* [Issue #485: Remove List.toJSONArray extension method](
+* [Issue #487: Fretboard: Add helper method to get active experiments](
+* [Issue #501: Move JSON extensions to package](
+* [Issue #504: Fretboard: Require network for JobScheduler-based scheduler](
+* [Issue #526: fretboard: README: Explain buckets with examples](
+* [Issue #524: Fretboard: Add kdoc to Experiment properties](
+* [Issue #542: Fretboard: Remove deleted RegionProvider from README](
+* [Issue #541: Fretboard: ExperimentDescriptor should use the experiment name instead of the id](
+* [Issue #555: Fretboard: Add test for non HTTP url for HttpURLConnectionHttpClient](
+* [Issue #557: Fretboard: ExperimentEvaluator: Add tests for empty values and release channel](
+* [Issue #559: Fretboard: Add tests for ExperimentPayload](
+* [Issue #561: Fretboard: Add more tests for Fretboard class](
+* [Issue #563: Fretboard: Make kinto properties private](
+* [Issue #565: Fretboard: Handle JSON exceptions on Kinto](
+* [Issue #570: Fretboard: More idiomatic Kotlin on FlatFileExperimentStorage and on ExperimentSerializer](
+* [Issue #572: Fretboard: Complete kdoc](
+* [Issue #577: Fretboard: Pass original exception to ExperimentDownloadException](
+* [Issue #576: Fretboard: Log ExperimentDownloadException](
+* [Issue #590: Fretboard: Blog post](
+* [Issue #434: Fretboard: Verify signatures of experiments collection](
+## Open pull requests
+There are two open pull requests. The first one is open pending a review from the security team and the last one is waiting for a non-alpha version of WorkManager to be released by Google:
+1. [Issue #433: Fretboard: Certificate pinning](
+2. [Issue #493: Use WorkManager in fretboard](
+## Project progress and difficulties faced
+Prior to starting the project, I became familiar with Kinto and the diff response format, as well as with the existing code of the Switchboard fork from Fennec. I also thought it was a good idea to send a pull request to Firefox Focus because this library was going to be integrated into it, and also to become familiar with a code review process at Mozilla. I looked at the issue list and discovered a problem with display cutouts, so I sent two pull requests to address the issue: [the first one]( and [the second one](
+At the beginning of the project it became necessary to familiarize myself with tools like [Taskcluster](, which I had never used (although I used similar tools like [Travis CI](
+The most difficult pull requests for me were the ones related to certificate pinning and experiment collection signature verification. For the first one I had to broaden my knowledge about it, as well as research how to properly implement it on Android, avoiding common mistakes.
+For the second one the most difficult part was to understand what algorithm Mozilla was using to validate the signatures, and how it worked. I discovered from the Kinto collection `mode` field that it was `p384ecdsa`, and then I had to research how to properly implement it in Kotlin. For this later I needed the help of Julien Vehent and Franziskus Kiefer, which pointed me to a [great talk]( and also a [Go]( and [C++]( implementation. After seeing the two implementations I realized my solution wasn't working because I didn't know that the signature actually contained two values concatenated (r and s), which then needed to be encoded using [DER syntax](
+Overall I think I learned a lot doing this project and I really loved working with Mozilla.
+## Extending Fretboard
+Right now there is an [ongoing discussion]( about enhancing Fretboard with an expression language (being that JEXL/CEL/etc) for the matchers values instead of regular expressions like it's using now.
+## Thanks to
+I would like to thank my mentor [Sebastian Kaspari]( for all the help and guidance, for being so friendly and available to talk at any moment I needed, as well as reviewing my pull requests quickly.
+I would also like to thank Franziskus Kiefer and Julien Vehent for helping me understand the signature validation system used by Kinto.
+## Related links
+* [Summer of Code project](
+* [Summer of Code proposal](
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+layout: post
+title: "🌐 Creating a simple browser with Mozilla Android Components."
+date: 2018-11-05 14:48:00 +0200
+author: arturo
+[Published on Medium](
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+layout: post
+title: "💾 Saving and restoring browser session state"
+date: 2019-02-18 14:35:00 +0200
+author: sebastian
+Losing open tabs in a browser can be a painful experience for the user. By itself [SessionManager]( keeps its state only in memory. This means that something as simple as switching to a different app can cause Android to [kill the browser app's process and reclaim its resources]( The result of that: The next time the user switches back to the browser app they start with a fresh browser without any tabs open.
+[Mozilla's Android Components]( come with two implementations of session storage and helpers to write your own easily.
+## SessionStorage
+The [SessionStorage]( class that comes with the [browser-session]( component saves the state as a file on disk (using [AtomicFile]( under the hood). It can be used for a browser that wants to have a single state that gets saved and restored (like Fennec or Chrome).
+val sessionStorage SessionStorage(applicationContext, engine)
+val sessionManager = sessionManager(engine).apply {
+ sessionStorage.restore()?.let { snapshot -> restore(snapshot) }
+ℹ️ Since restoring the last state requires a disk read, it is recommended to perform it off the main thread. This requires the app to gracefully handle the situation where the app starts without any sessions at first. [SessionManager]( will invoke [onSessionsRestored()]( on a registered [SessionManager.Observer]( after restoring has completed.
+## SessionBundleStorage
+Other than [SessionStorage]( the [SessionBundleStorage]( implementation can save and restore from multiple states. State is saved as a Bundle in a database.
+The storage is set up with a bundle lifetime. [SessionBundleStorage]( will only restore the last bundle if its lifetime has not expired. If there's no active bundle then a new empty bundle will be created to save the state.
+val engine: Engine = ...
+val sessionStorage = SessionBundleStorage(
+ applicationContext,
+ bundleLifetime = Pair(1, TimeUnit.HOURS)
+val sessionManager = sessionManager(engine).apply {
+ // We launch a coroutine on the main thread. Once a snapshot has been restored
+ // we want to continue with it on the main thread.
+ GlobalScope.launch(Dispatchers.Main) {
+ // We restore on the IO dispatcher to not block the main thread:
+ val snapshot = async(Dispatchers.IO) {
+ val bundle = sessionStorage.restore()
+ // If we got a bundle then restore the snapshot from it
+ bundle.restoreSnapshot(engine)
+ }
+ // If we got a snapshot then restore it now:
+ snapshot.await()?.let { sessionManager.restore(it) }
+ }
+The storage comes with an [API]( that allows apps to build UIs to list, restore, save and remove bundles.
+## AutoSave
+Knowing when to save state, by calling []( or [](, can be complicated. Restoring an outdated state can be an as bad a user experience as restoring no state at all.
+The [AutoSave]( class is a helper for configuring automatic saving of the browser state - and you can use it with [SessionStorage]( as well as [SessionBundleStorage](
+ // Automatically save the state every 30 seconds:
+ .periodicallyInForeground(interval = 30, unit = TimeUnit.SECONDS)
+ // Save the state when the app goes to the background:
+ .whenGoingToBackground()
+ // Save the state whenever sessions change (e.g. a new tab got added or a website
+ // has completed loading).
+ .whenSessionsChange()
+## Implementing your own SessionStorage
+If neither [SessionStorage]( nor [SessionBundleStorage]( satisfy the requirements of your app (e.g. you want to save the state in your favorite database or in a cloud-enabled storage) then it is possible to implement a custom storage.
+The [AutoSave.Storage]( interface from the [browser-session]( component defines the methods that are expected from a session storage. Technically it is not required to implement the interface if your app code is the only one interacting with the session store; but implementing the interface makes your implementation compatible with other components code. Specifically you can use [AutoSave]( with any class implementing SessionStorage without any additional code.
+The [SnapshotSerializer]( class is helpful when translating snapshots from and to JSON.
+class MyCustomStorage(
+ private val engine: Engine
+) : AutoSave.Storage {
+ private val serializer = SnapshotSerializer()
+ override fun save(snapshot: SessionManager.Snapshot): Boolean {
+ val json = serializer.toJSON(snapshot)
+ // TODO: Save JSON custom storage.
+ // Signal that save operation was successful:
+ return true
+ }
+ fun restore(): SessionManager.Snapshot {
+ // TODO: Get JSON from custom storage.
+ val json = ...
+ return serializer.fromJSON(engine, json)
+ }
+ℹ️ For simplicity the implementation above does not handle [JSONException](ad which can be thrown by [SnapshotSerializer](
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index 0000000000..39d08862d8
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+layout: post
+title: "🔚 Deprecating feature-session-bundling, ui-doorhanger and ui-progress"
+date: 2019-05-23 14:27:00 +0200
+author: sebastian
+In our upcoming 0.54.0 release we are going to deprecate three of our components: `feature-session-bundling`, `ui-doorhanger` and `ui-progress`. Primary classes of those components have been marked with the `@Deprecated` annotation. With 0.54.0 those components will still be released. However in a future release those components will be removed.
+## feature-session-bundling
+The `feature-session-bundling` provided the functionality for an early feature called "sessions" in the [Fenix project]( This feature has been replaced with "collections" and the functionality for this new feature is provided by the new `feature-tab-collections` component.
+## ui-doorhanger
+This component allowed apps to create "doorhangers" - floating heads-up popup that can be anchored to a view; like in Firefox for Android. This implementation was based on Android's [PopupWindow]( class. The implementation caused multiple layout issues and component using it (like `feature-sitepermissions`) switched to using `DialogFragment`s instead.
+## ui-progress
+The `AnimatedProgressBar` was first introduced in Firefox for Android and later used in Firefox Focus and Firefox Lite. A recent performance measurement revealed that the animation of the progress bar can have a negative impact on page load performance. While there was no noticeable difference on the latest high-end devices, on older devices, like a Nexus 5, we saw pages load about ~400ms slower.
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@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+layout: post
+title: "✨ browser-state: Better state management for apps and components"
+date: 2019-09-02 10:30:00 +0200
+author: sebastian
+We have been working on a new component called `browser-state` to eventually replace `browser-session`. Now we are ready to start migrating components from `browser-session` to `browser-state`. This blog posting explains why we want to decommission `browser-session`, describes how `browser-state` works and what our migration plans are.
+## What's the problem with `browser-session`?
+For maintaining the global browser state (e.g. "What tabs are open? What URLs are they pointing to?") the *Android Components* project provides the `browser-session` component. The initial implementation of `browser-session` was a clean, generic re-implementation of what we had developed (more organically) for [Firefox Focus](
+In 2018 we [noticed some flaws]( in the design of `browser-session`. Those flaws came down to being able to observe the state while being able to modify it at the same time ("mutable state"). This unintended behavior could lead to "event order issues" and observers not really seeing a particular state change. Luckily back then we hadn't seen those issues causing any problems in our apps yet.
+We looked at [multiple ways to prevent those side effects]( but that turned out to be almost impossible as long as the state is mutable. After more brainstorming, researching and prototyping we came up with a new design for a completely new component called `browser-state` to eventually replace `browser-session`.
+In 2019 we completed and tweaked the design of the new `browser-state` component until we felt that it was ready to be used in other components.
+## A closer look at `browser-state`
+Concepts used in the `browser-state` component are similar to [Redux]( - a state container library for JavaScript. The Redux documentation is a great way to get familiar with some of the concepts:
+ * [Core Concepts](
+ * [Three Principles](
+### BrowserState
+The global state of the browser is represented by an instance of an immutable data class: `BrowserState` ([API]( Since it is immutable, an instance of this data class can be observed and processed without any side effects changing it. A state change is represented by the creation of a new `BrowserState` instance.
+### BrowserStore
+The `BrowserStore` ([API]( is the single source of truth. It holds the current `BrowserState` instance and components, as well as app code, can observe it in order to always receive the latest `BrowserState`. The only way to change the state is by dispatching a `BrowserAction` ([API]( on the store. A dispatched `BrowserAction` will be processed internally and a new `BrowserState` object will be emitted by the store.
+## How are we going to migrate apps and components to `browser-state`?
+The `browser-session` component is at the heart of many components and most apps using our components. It is obvious that we cannot migrate all components and apps from `browser-session` to `browser-state` from one *Android Components* release to the next one. Therefore the *Android Components* team made it possible to use `browser-state` and `browser-session` simultaneously and keep the state in both components synchronized.
+val store = BrowserStore()
+// Passing the BrowserStore instance to SessionManager makes sure that both
+// components will be kept in sync.
+val sessionManager = SessionManager(engine, store)
+With the ability to use both components simultaneously, the *Android Components* team will start migrating components over from `browser-session` to `browser-state`. As part of this work the *Android Components* team will extend and add to `BrowserState` to eventually reach feature parity with the state in `SessionManager` and `Session`. The only thing that may be different for app teams is that some components may require a `BrowserStore` instance instead of a `SessionManager` instance after migration.
+// Before the migration
+feature = ToolbarFeature(
+ layout.toolbar,
+ components.sessionManager,
+ components.sessionUseCases.loadUrl,
+ components.defaultSearchUseCase)
+// After the migration
+feature = ToolbarFeature(
+ layout.toolbar,
+ components.sessionUseCases.loadUrl,
+ components.defaultSearchUseCase)
+Once the migration of components is largely done, the *Android Components* team will start to help the app teams to plan migrating app code from `browser-session` to `browser-state`.
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+layout: post
+title: "🚩 Engine version dependent feature flags"
+date: 2020-05-28 14:00:00 +0200
+author: sebastian
+When integrating a completely new feature, for example into [Firefox Preview](, this feature may only work with the latest version of an engine, e.g. the latest version of `browser-engine-gecko-nightly`. Manually maintaining a feature flag that gradually gets enabled in build variants as the required functionality becomes available in more stable engine versions (`browser-engine-gecko-beta`, `browser-engine-gecko`) is cumbersome, error-prone and potentially a multi-week long process.
+To help build feature flags, that need to incorporate the engine version, every `Engine` exposes a `version` property. This property is an instance of [`EngineVersion`](, which makes it easy to match against specific engine versions.
+## Example
+Let's say you are adding a new feature to [Firefox Preview]( This new feature requires brand new functionality that was just introduced in GeckoView Nightly 77.0. Using [`isAtLeast()`]( you can create a feature flag that will enable this feature in all build variants that are using GeckoView 77.0 or higher.
+// Enable feature with GeckoView 77+
+val useNewFeature = components.engine.version.isAtLeast(77)
+This also works for minor and patch versions as well as additional metadata that is appended to the version number.
+// Feature requires GeckoView 77.2 or higher.
+val useNewFeature = components.engine.version.isAtLeast(77, 2)
+If needed you can access the individual parts of the version number manually:
+// For GeckoView (Nightly) 77.0a1
+engine.version.major // 77
+engine.version.minor // 0
+engine.version.patch // 0
+engine.version.metadata // a1
+### GeckoView vs. WebView
+Note that for GeckoView versions we are using the `MOZILLA_VERSION` that GeckoView exposes (e.g. `78.0a1`) which can be different from version of the maven dependency (e.g. `78.0.20200528032513`).
+In `browser-engine-system`, which is using `WebView`, we are parsing the Chrome version from the [User-Agent](
+// Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 10) Build/RPP2.200227.014.A1; wv)
+// AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version 4.0
+// Chrome/82.0.4062.3 Mobile Safari/537.36
+// On a device with a WebView with the User-Agent above:
+engine.version.major // 82
+engine.version.minor // 0
+engine.version.patch // 4062
+engine.version.metadata // .3
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+layout: post
+title: "⏭️ After the browser-state migration - what's next?"
+date: 2021-07-05 14:00:00 +0200
+author: sebastian
+After 2+ years slowly and incrementally working towards this goal, we [completed the migration]( from the `browser-session` component to the `browser-state` component for state handling. Finally, we were able to delete `browser-session` and all state is now maintained and updated by the [redux]( [`BrowserStore`](
+The following blog posting describes some of the possible follow-up changes to the architecture that we would consider, depending on the outcome of further discussions and prototyping.
+## Reversing the dependency between browser-state and browser-engine implementations
+In the current architecture every `browser-engine` implements `concept-engine` and exposes an abstracted mechanism for observing events. For every `EngineSession` an `EngineObserver` gets created, which will dispatch a `BrowserAction` for every event, updating the centralized state.
+Now that the migration to `browser-state` is completed, we can reverse this dependency. With a `browser-engine` implementation depending on `browser-state` directly, it can dispatch actions without an observer in between.
+This removes the requirement for a shared, abstracted observer interface in `concept-engine`. It would no longer be required to have shared _“glue code”_ for connecting an abstract browser engine with the state handling component.
+A potential downside to this approach is that the `BrowserStore` and related `BrowserAction`s become the new _“interface”_ that a browser engine has to dispatch correctly, which can be harder to understand and follow than simply implementing actual interfaces.
+Overall this seems to be worthwhile exploring and potentially discussing further in an RFC.
+## Jetpack Compose
+Android’s new UI toolkit, [Jetpack Compose](, will significantly change how we build user-facing features in components and apps.
+The good news is that Jetpack Compose works very nicely with our browser-state component. In Android Components we will provide bindings that allow subscribing to any `lib-state` baked `Store`, causing a recomposition if the observed state changes.
+fun SimpleToolbar(
+ store: BrowserStore
+) {
+ // Subscribe to the URL of the selected tab
+ val url = store.observeAsState { state -> state.selectedTab?.content?.url }
+ // Will automatically get recomposed if the URL changes
+ Text(url.value ?: "")
+### Observing specific tabs
+Today we have many components that optionally take a nullable `tabId: String?` parameter. If a tab ID is provided then the component is supposed to observe this specific tab. And if the parameter is `null` then the component will automatically track the currently selected tab. This has caused issues in the past when a `null` value was provided accidentally, causing the wrong tab to be tracked. With Jetpack Compose we want to make this more explicit and will provide a `Target` class, that lets the caller explicily define what tab should be targeted. In addition to that this allows us to provide extension functions for easily observing this tab.
+fun Example(store: BrowserStore) {
+ // Explicitly observe specific tabs
+ SimpleToolbar(store, Target.SelectedTab)
+ SimpleToolbar(store, Target.Tab("tabId"))
+ SimpleToolbar(store, Target.CustomTab("customTabId"))
+fun SimpleToolbar(
+ store: BrowserStore,
+ target: Target
+) {
+ // Observe the URL of the target. Only when the URL changes, this will
+ // cause a recomposition. Other changes of the tab get ignored.
+ val tab: SessionState? by target.observeAsStateFrom(
+ store = store,
+ observe = { tab -> tab?.content?.url }
+ )
+ Text(tab?.content?.url ?: "")
+## Observing state directly vs concept components
+A central piece of our [current component architecture](/contributing/architecture) is splitting the implementation into three pieces: A concept component, an implementation, and a glue/feature component for integration. This allows us to easily swap (concept) implementations, without having to change any other code. The downside of this approach is that all implementations need to abide by the interface abstractions.
+Let’s look at the toolbar component as an example.
+* `concept-toolbar` contains the interface and data classes to describe a toolbar and how other components can interact with it.
+* `browser-toolbar` is an implementation of concept-toolbar.
+* `feature-toolbar` contains the glue code, subscribing to state updates in order to update a toolbar (presenter), and reacting to toolbar events in order to invoke use cases (interactor).
+Using the two concepts above, reversing the dependency and using Jetpack Compose, we can simplify this architecture and reduce it to a single component. A (UI) component written in Jetpack Compose can directly observe `BrowserStore` for state updates and delegate events to a function callback parameter or `UseCase` class directly.
+## Differently scoped states
+Our browser applications maintain state adhering to three different scopes: browser state, screen state and app state.
+### Browser State
+_"Browser State"_ is the state the browser is in (e.g. “which tabs are open?”) and the state that is shared with our Android Components. It’s available through the `browser-state` component to other components and the application.
+With the bindings mentioned above, `browser-state` works well with Jetpack Compose.
+### Screen State
+_"Screen State"_ is the state for the currently displayed screen (e.g. “what text is the user entering on the search screen?”). In Firefox for Android, we are using `lib-state` backed stores for each screen (e.g. `SearchFragmentStore`).
+As for `browser-state` above, with the Jetpack Compose bindings for every `lib-state` implementation, we can continue to use our existing screen-scoped stores.
+Alternatives, used by the Android community, are [`ViewModel`]( using [`LiveData`]( or [`StateFlow`]( Or, at a lower level, Jetpack Compose idioms like [`rememberSaveable()`](,androidx.compose.runtime.saveable.Saver,kotlin.String,kotlin.Function0)).
+Currently we do not offer bindings in `lib-state` for saving and restoring state to survive activity or process recreation. This is something we could add (based on [`Saver`](, specifically for scoped stores.
+val store = scopedSaveableStore<BrowserScreenState, BrowserScreenAction> { restoredState ->
+ BrowserScreenStore(restoredState ?: BrowserScreenState())
+### App State
+_"App state"_ is the state the app is in, independently from the currently displayed screen (e.g. “Is the app in light or dark mode?”).
+Currently in Fenix there’s no centralized app state. For some parts there are manager singletons (e.g. `ThemeManager`) or the state is read from `SharedPreferences`.
+We could try using an global app store and the same patterns we use for the browser store and the screen scoped stores. That’s something we are currently trying in Focus ([AppStore]( In fact, in Focus, the screen scoped state is a sub state of the application-wide state ([Screen state](
+### Stateless composables
+With Jetpack Compose it is preferred to write stateless composables ([State hoisting]( This means that state is passed down as function parameters and events are passed up by invoking functions. Listening to the store and dispatching actions sidesteps this mechanism. Only subscribing to state changes at the top layer and passing everything down/up is cumbersome and may introduce a lot of duplicated “glue” code across our projects.
+Let’s look at a simplified example of a browser toolbar. There are two options:
+**Example A**: All state (e.g. the URL to display) gets passed down to the toolbar:
+fun Toolbar(
+ url: String
+) {
+ Text(url)
+**Example B**: The toolbar subscribes to state it needs itself.
+fun Toolbar(
+ store: BrowserStore
+) {
+ val url = store.observeAsState { state -> state.selectedTab?.content?.url }
+ Text(url.value ?: "")
+The code from example **A** is the most reusable. The app is in full control of what state gets displayed. But this also introduces duplicate code across apps (for getting the state and passing it down) and makes it more likely to introduce bugs (security and spoofing). Example **B** is guaranteed to be consistent across apps. But the composable is strictly tied to the state and how it gets observed.
+When writing (UI) components using Jetpack Compose, we will have to find the right balance between the two patterns.
+In the best case the composition of composables make both patterns possible, depending on the needs of the component consumer:
+fun Toolbar(
+ store: BrowserStore
+) {
+ val url = store.observeAsState { state -> state.selectedTab?.content?.url }
+ Toolbar(url.value ?: "")
+fun Toolbar(
+ url: String
+) {
+ Text(url)
diff --git a/mobile/android/android-components/docs/assets/fonts/ZillaSlab-Bold.woff2 b/mobile/android/android-components/docs/assets/fonts/ZillaSlab-Bold.woff2
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fbcd8e7bb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mobile/android/android-components/docs/assets/fonts/ZillaSlab-Bold.woff2
Binary files differ
diff --git a/mobile/android/android-components/docs/assets/images/blog/engine-architecture.png b/mobile/android/android-components/docs/assets/images/blog/engine-architecture.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e9480fa553
--- /dev/null
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Binary files differ
diff --git a/mobile/android/android-components/docs/assets/images/blog/progress-performance.png b/mobile/android/android-components/docs/assets/images/blog/progress-performance.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..89ba2da957
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mobile/android/android-components/docs/assets/images/blog/progress-performance.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/mobile/android/android-components/docs/assets/images/blog/session-bundles.png b/mobile/android/android-components/docs/assets/images/blog/session-bundles.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a21d18d87c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mobile/android/android-components/docs/assets/images/blog/session-bundles.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/mobile/android/android-components/docs/assets/images/blog/simplified-engine-architecture.png b/mobile/android/android-components/docs/assets/images/blog/simplified-engine-architecture.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..965fde1b80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mobile/android/android-components/docs/assets/images/blog/simplified-engine-architecture.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/mobile/android/android-components/docs/assets/images/blog/simplified-toolbar-architecture.png b/mobile/android/android-components/docs/assets/images/blog/simplified-toolbar-architecture.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2321708420
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mobile/android/android-components/docs/assets/images/blog/simplified-toolbar-architecture.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/mobile/android/android-components/docs/assets/images/blog/toolbar-architecture.png b/mobile/android/android-components/docs/assets/images/blog/toolbar-architecture.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..74b974380b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mobile/android/android-components/docs/assets/images/blog/toolbar-architecture.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/mobile/android/android-components/docs/assets/images/favicon-16x16.png b/mobile/android/android-components/docs/assets/images/favicon-16x16.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2a03203476
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mobile/android/android-components/docs/assets/images/favicon-16x16.png
Binary files differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dcd910e138
--- /dev/null
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Binary files differ
diff --git a/mobile/android/android-components/docs/assets/images/rfc/release-trains.png b/mobile/android/android-components/docs/assets/images/rfc/release-trains.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ad4b7bb59a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mobile/android/android-components/docs/assets/images/rfc/release-trains.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/mobile/android/android-components/docs/assets/js/icon-js.js b/mobile/android/android-components/docs/assets/js/icon-js.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6c5ca1a226
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@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+ * @param html {String} HTML representing a single element
+ * @return {Element}
+ */
+function htmlToElement(html) {
+ let template = document.createElement('template');
+ html = html.trim(); // Never return a text node of whitespace as the result
+ template.innerHTML = html;
+ //firstChild may be a comment so we must use firstElementChild to avoid picking it
+ return template.content.firstElementChild;
+ * Converts an Android Vector Drawable to a standard SVG by striping off or renaming some elements
+ *
+ * @param s {String} String of an Android Vector Drawable
+ * @returns {String} The same string but in the standard SVG representation
+ */
+function androidSVGtoNormalSVG(s) {
+ s = s.replace(/<\?xml version="1\.0" encoding="utf-8"\?>/g, '');
+ s = s.replace(/<vector xmlns:android="http:\/\/\/apk\/res\/android"/g, '<svg xmlns=""');
+ s = s.replace(/<\/vector>/g, '</svg>');
+ s = s.replace(/android:(height|width)="(\d+)dp"/g, '');
+ s = s.replace(/android:viewportHeight="(\d+\.?\d+)"/g, 'height="$1"');
+ s = s.replace(/android:viewportWidth="(\d+\.?\d+)"/g, 'width="$1"');
+ s = s.replace(/android:fillColor=/g, 'fill=');
+ s = s.replace(/android:pathData=/g, 'd=');
+ //s = s.replace(/android:/g, '');
+ return s;
+function addToTable(name, svg) {
+ let table = document.querySelector("#preview_table > tbody");
+ let row = htmlToElement("<tr></tr>");
+ row.appendChild(htmlToElement("<td>" + name + "</td>"));
+ let td = htmlToElement("<td></td>");
+ td.appendChild(svg);
+ row.appendChild(td);
+ table.appendChild(row);
+function addSingleItemToTable(str) {
+ let table = document.querySelector("#preview_table > tbody");
+ table.append(htmlToElement("<tr><td colspan='2'>" + str + "</td></tr>"))
+function getFile(iconName, downloadUrl) {
+ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ let request = new XMLHttpRequest();
+'GET', downloadUrl, true);
+ request.onreadystatechange = function () {
+ if (request.readyState === 4 && request.status === 200) {
+ let androidXmlText = request.responseText;
+ androidXmlText = androidSVGtoNormalSVG(androidXmlText);
+ resolve([iconName, androidXmlText]);
+ } else if (request.readyState === 4) {
+ //Request completed with an error
+ resolve([iconName, "<span>Error during download</span>"]);
+ }
+ };
+ request.send(null);
+ });
+// This function recovers all icons inside the drawable folder via github API
+(function getIcons() {
+ let request = new XMLHttpRequest();
+"GET", "", true);
+ //Explicit request of the V3 version of the API
+ request.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/vnd.github.v3+json");
+ request.onreadystatechange = function () {
+ if (request.readyState === XMLHttpRequest.DONE && request.status === 200) {
+ let response = JSON.parse(request.response);
+ if (response.message) {
+ //Something went wrong
+ addSingleItemToTable("Error: " + response.message);
+ return;
+ }
+ addSingleItemToTable("Loading");
+ let promises = [];
+ for (let i = 0; i < response.length; i++) {
+ let iconName = response[i]['name'].substr(0, response[i]['name'].length - 4);
+ promises.push(getFile(iconName, response[i]['download_url']));
+ }
+ Promise.all(promises).then((values) => {
+ document.querySelector("#preview_table > tbody").innerHTML = "";
+ for (let i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
+ let name = values[i][0], svg = values[i][1];
+ addToTable(name, htmlToElement(svg));
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ request.send(null);
diff --git a/mobile/android/android-components/docs/assets/main.scss b/mobile/android/android-components/docs/assets/main.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..977ce3f9f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mobile/android/android-components/docs/assets/main.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+@import "minima";
+@font-face {
+ font-display: swap;
+ font-family: 'Zilla Slab';
+ font-style: normal;
+ font-weight: 700;
+ src: url("/assets/fonts/ZillaSlab-Bold.woff2") format("woff2");
+.wrapper {
+ max-width: -webkit-calc(1024px - (30px * 2));
+ max-width: calc(1024px - (30px * 2));
+ {
+ font-weight: 700;
+ font-family: 'Zilla Slab', sans-serif;
+h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {
+ font-weight: 700;
+ font-family: 'Zilla Slab', sans-serif;
diff --git a/mobile/android/android-components/docs/ b/mobile/android/android-components/docs/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1a79892f29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mobile/android/android-components/docs/
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# Feel free to add content and custom Front Matter to this file.
+# To modify the layout, see
+layout: home
+title: Blog
+permalink: /blog/
diff --git a/mobile/android/android-components/docs/ b/mobile/android/android-components/docs/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6dce7f4966
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mobile/android/android-components/docs/
@@ -0,0 +1,4789 @@
+layout: page
+title: Changelog
+permalink: /changelog/
+# 126.0 (In Development)
+* **browser-menu**
+ * Added enabled state to `BrowserMenuImageText`, see [Bug 1884769](
+* **feature-downloads**
+ * Content intent of completed `DownloadNotification` now uses a `PendingIntent` which launches an `Activity` directly, see [Bug 1885167](
+* **concept-toolbar**
+ * Added the `setDisplayHorizontalPadding` method, allowing the caller to dynamically adjust the horizontal padding for the display toolbar.
+# 125.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **concept-toolbar**:
+ * Added a new method for `ActionButton` to update the contentDescription and the iconTint, see [Bug 1875817](
+* **concept-engine**
+ * Added `onLocationChange#hasUserGesture` parameter. This indicates if a location change was requested while a user gesture was active. [bug #1804636](
+* **lib-dataprotect**
+ * Remove unused `KeyUtils.generateEncryptionKey` function.
+# 124.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **feature-prompts**:
+ * Added `FileUploadsDirCleaner` deletes temporary stale uploaded files, see [Bug 1860472](
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `PromptFeature` now requires a `FileUploadsDirCleaner` to be constructed
+* **browser-state**
+ * `BrowserStore` and the `TabListReducer` will no longer automatically select a normal tab when all private tabs are removed. [Bug 1861459](
+* **all components**
+ * All new usages of the `concept-fetch` component to make fetch requests now have conservative-mode off by default. Current features will continue to use conservative mode until individually updated.
+* **browser-toolbar**
+ * Add `showMenuButton` and `hideMenuButton` API to `BrowserToolbar` and `DisplayToolbar` to allow hiding and showing of the menu button in
+ the `BrowserToolbar` [Bug 1864760](
+* **feature-customtabs**
+ * Fallback behaviour when failing to open a new window in custom tab will now be loading the URL directly in the same custom tab. [Bug 1832357](
+* **feature-session**
+ * Update URL in the store immediately when using the optimized load URL code path.
+* **tooling-lint**
+ * Added a lint rule to detect when `Response#close` may not have been called. Note: Currently, this rule only runs on Android Components.
+# 123.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **feature-customtabs**
+ * Sharing a URL from a custom tab always uses the current url of the session. [Bug 1831803](
+# 122.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **concept-engine**
+ * Add `reportBackInStock` API to `EngineSession` to allow reporting a shopping product is back in stock. [Bug 1858947](
+ * Add `emailTrackerBlockingPrivateBrowsing` API to `Settings` to toggle Email Tracker Blocking in Private Browsing Mode [Bug 1866927](
+* **feature-media**
+ * Added `FOREGROUND_SERVICE_MEDIA_PLAYBACK` permission to the `AndroidManifest.xml`.
+* **support-utils**
+ * Recognize IPv6 literals in the address bar. [Bug 1803465](
+* **browser-engine-gecko**
+ * Enable nested scrolling on `GeckoEngineView` as required by `NestedGeckoView`. [Bug 1847305](
+ * `NestedGeckoView` now disallows touch interception until we receive a response from `GeckoView#onTouchEventForDetailResult`. [Bug 1847305](
+ * Add `globalPrivacyControlEnabled` setting to allow enabling Global Privacy Control in normal browsing. This is always enabled in private browsing. [Bug 1865357](
+ * Adds support to toggle Email Tracker Blocking in Private Mode with new `emailTrackerBlockingPrivateBrowsing` API [Bug 1866927](
+* **samples-browser**
+ * Use `VerticalSwipeRefreshLayout` from AndroidComponents instead of AndroidX `SwipeRefreshLayout` to represent better Fenix behavior
+* **places-bookmark-storage**:
+ * Added `countBookmarksInTrees` to more efficiently determine how many bookmarks exist under part or parts of a bookmarks tree, which
+ is taken advantage of by `DesktopFolders`.
+* **support-base**
+ * Make `message` param non optional for the Logging APIs. [Bug 1867606](
+* **nimbus**
+ * Add `nimbus-is-ready` feature and call Nimbus' `recordIsReady` when the Nimbus API is ready [Bug 1875515](
+# 121.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **browser-state**:
+ * Added `TranslationsState` to track translation and translation restoration status. [Bug 1844523](
+* **browser-engine-gecko**:
+ * Added support for translating and restoring a translated page on the engine. [Bug 1844523](
+* **service-location**
+ * Added a cache lifetime to `MozillaLocationService`. [Bug 1855562](
+* **feature-search**
+ * `RegionManager` now uses the cached result from it's `LocationService`. [Bug 1854988](
+# 120.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **feature-tabs**
+ * Adds parameter to `TabCounterToolbarButton` to show the mask while in private browsing mode.
+* **feature-readerview**
+ * Adds `UUIDCreator` to `ReaderViewFeature` to create UUIDs for cache keys.
+ * Moves the implementation of presenting Reader Mode from the content scripts to `ReaderViewFeature`
+* **browser-state**
+ * `SessionState.isProductUrl` is not affected for private tabs as shopping mode is disabled in private tabs. [Bug 1847063](
+ * `SessionState.isProductUrl` has been moved to `ContentState.isProductUrl`. [Bug 1857287](
+# 119.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **feature-tabs**
+ * Removed deprecated `TabsUseCases.AddNewPrivateTabUseCase`. [Bug 1853070](
+* **lib-crash-sentry**
+ * `SentryService.initIfNeeded` is now public. [Bug 1851676](
+* **feature-downloads**
+ * Added a custom permission `${applicationId}.permission.RECEIVE_DOWNLOAD_BROADCAST` that needs to be used by apps in order to receive download related broadcasts
+* **ui-tabcounter**
+ * Adds a mask overlay to the tabcounter that can be shown with `toggleCounterMask`.
+* **feature-push**
+ * We will no longer report `RecordNotFoundException` to the `CrashReporter` as it's largely a (web) application side reason why these messages are still trying to be delivered.
+* **feature-awesomebar**
+ * Search engine suggestions will only be displayed if the user inputs at least 2 characters and matches the starting characters of the search engine name. [Bug 1851012](
+* **logins-storage**
+ * Removed SQLCipher logins migration path for users from v95 and below
+ * ⚠️ **This will cause a loss to existing logins if**:
+ * User is using the logins feature and has a version of v95 or below
+ * User is NOT syncing their logins with another device
+ * User plans to upgrade from v95 to v119 or above
+* **support-webextensions**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Renamed `WebExtensionPopupFeature` to `WebExtensionPopupObserver` [Bug 1852335](
+ * Added `ExtensionProcessDisabledPopupObserver` to display to the user a dialog when the extensions process spawning has been disabled. [Bug 1846979](
+* **concept-engine**
+ * 🌟️️ Add `reanalyzeProduct` API to `EngineSession` to allow reanalyzing product from the engine. See more on [Bug 1853309](
+ * 🌟️️ Add `requestAnalysisStatus` API to `EngineSession` to allow request product analysis status from the engine. See more on [Bug 1853309](
+ * 🌟️️ Add `sendClickAttributionEvent` and `sendImpressionAttributionEvent` API to `EngineSession` to allow sending attribution events. See more on [Bug 1853309](
+ * 🌟️️ Add `sendPlacementAttributionEvent` API to `EngineSession` to allow sending placement attribution events. See more on [Bug 1875106](
+* **support-ktx**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: the `enterToImmersiveMode()` in `Activity.kt` has been renamed to `enterImmersiveMode()`.
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: the `getWindowInsetsController()` in `Window.kt` has been renamed to `createWindowInsetsController()`.
+# 118.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **browser-state**
+ 🌟️️ Add `isProductUrl` to `SessionState` instance to indicate whether or not a product page of a given session state is being displayed. See more on [Bug 1842638](
+* **concept-engine**
+ * 🌟️️ Add `requestProductAnalysis` API to `EngineSession` to allow request product analysis result from the engine. See more on [Bug 1840692](
+ * 🌟️️ Add `requestProductRecommendations` API to `EngineSession` to allow request product recommendations from the engine. See more on [Bug 1840693](
+* **feature-addons**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: the method `getAvailableAddons()` in `AddonsProvider` has been renamed to `getFeaturedAddons()`.
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: the `AddonCollectionProvider` has been renamed to `AMOAddonsProvider`.
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: add new method `getAddonIconBitmap()` to `AddonsProvider`.
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: added `getAddonsByGUIDs()` method to `AddonsProvider`.
+* **support-ktx**
+ * 🌟`Activity.enterToImmersiveMode()` now extends the full screen view into the notch area. See more on [Bug 1849009](
+* **browser-engine-gecko**:
+ * Implemented new `NimbusExperimentDelegate` to allow GeckoView to send and receive Nimbus experiment information. [Bug 1843592](
+ * Removed deprecated `ContentDelegate.onGetNimbusFeature`. Please use `ExperimentDelegate.onGetExperimentFeature`. [Bug 1843592](
+# 117.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **service-nimbus**
+ * Add `allow-coenrollment` to the `messaging` feature, making it possible to enroll in multiple experiments involving messaging.
+ * Modified the mechanism that ties a message back to experiment, to make sure we record exposure events correctly.
+* **ui-icons**:
+ * Renamed icons to align with the naming used in the Acorn design system for Firefox. [Bug 1840210](
+ * Rename mozac_ic_storage to mozac_ic_storage_24.
+ * Rename mozac_ic_shield_disabled to mozac_ic_shield_slash_24
+ * Rename mozac_ic_settings to mozac_ic_settings_24
+ * Rename mozac_ic_pin_filled_2 to mozac_ic_pin_fill_24
+ * Rename mozac_ic_warning to mozac_ic_warning_fill_24
+ * Rename mozac_ic_shield to mozac_ic_shield_24
+ * Rename mozac_ic_video to mozac_ic_camera_24
+ * Rename mozac_ic_share to mozac_ic_share_android_24
+ * Rename mozac_ic_search to mozac_ic_search_24
+ * Rename mozac_ic_refresh to mozac_ic_arrow_clockwise_24
+ * Rename mozac_ic_reader_mode to mozac_ic_reader_view_24
+ * Rename mozac_ic_quit to mozac_ic_cross_circle_24
+ * Rename mozac_ic_private_browsing to mozac_ic_private_mode_24
+ * Rename mozac_ic_pin_remove to mozac_ic_pin_slash_24
+ * Rename mozac_ic_pin to mozac_ic_pin_24
+ * Rename mozac_ic_password_reveal to mozac_ic_eye_24
+ * Rename mozac_ic_password_hide to mozac_ic_eye_slash_24
+ * Rename mozac_ic_notification to mozac_ic_notification_24
+ * Rename mozac_ic_new to mozac_ic_plus_24
+ * Rename mozac_ic_microphone to mozac_ic_microphone_24
+ * Rename mozac_ic_menu to mozac_ic_ellipsis_vertical_24
+ * Rename mozac_ic_login to mozac_ic_login_24
+ * Rename mozac_ic_lock to mozac_ic_lock_24
+ * Rename mozac_ic_location to mozac_ic_location_24
+ * Rename mozac_ic_close_20 to mozac_ic_cross_20
+ * Rename mozac_ic_link to mozac_ic_link_24
+ * Rename mozac_ic_information to mozac_ic_information_24
+ * Rename mozac_ic_info to mozac_ic_information_fill_24
+ * Rename mozac_ic_home to mozac_ic_home_24
+ * Rename mozac_ic_help to mozac_ic_help_circle_24
+ * Rename mozac_ic_globe to mozac_ic_globe_24
+ * Rename mozac_ic_forward to mozac_ic_forward_24
+ * Rename mozac_ic_fingerprint to mozac_ic_fingerprinter_24
+ * Rename mozac_ic_extensions to mozac_ic_extension_24
+ * Rename mozac_ic_edit_suggestion to mozac_ic_append_up_24
+ * Rename mozac_ic_download to mozac_ic_download_24
+ * Rename mozac_ic_device_mobile to mozac_ic_device_mobile_24
+ * Rename mozac_ic_device_desktop to mozac_ic_device_desktop_24
+ * Rename mozac_ic_delete to mozac_ic_delete_24
+ * Rename mozac_ic_clear to mozac_ic_cross_circle_fill_24
+ * Rename mozac_ic_back to mozac_ic_back_24
+ * Rename mozac_ic_autoplay_blocked to mozac_ic_autoplay_slash_24
+ * Rename mozac_ic_check to mozac_ic_checkmark_24
+ * Rename mozac_ic_arrowhead_up to mozac_ic_chevron_up_24
+ * Rename mozac_ic_arrowhead_right to mozac_ic_chevron_right_24
+ * Rename mozac_ic_arrowhead_down to mozac_ic_chevron_down_24
+ * Rename mozac_ic_close to mozac_ic_cross_24
+ * Rename mozac_ic_add_to_homescreen to mozac_ic_add_to_homescreen_24
+ * Rename mozac_ic_cookies to mozac_ic_cookies_24
+ * Rename mozac_ic_sync to mozac_ic_sync_24
+# 116.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **support-base**
+ * Adds `NotificationManangerCompat` extension functions `areNotificationsEnabledSafe()` and `isNotificationChannelEnabled()`.
+ * Removes deprecated `BackHandler`, use `UserInteractionHandler` instead.
+* **feature-pwa**
+ * Adds `WebAppContentFeature` to set the "display" mode from the web app manifest on the `EngineSession`.
+* **browser-engine-gecko**:
+ * Added support for Printing on the Engine.
+ * Add support for `checkForPdfViewer` API for checking whether a PDF viewer is loaded on the current session or not.
+* **concept-engine**:
+ * Added new `requestPrintContent` API in `Engine`. This is currently only supported in the Gecko Engine.
+* **share**:
+ * Added 'Print' as an option on the share menu
+* **browser-menu**:
+ * Added 'Print' as an option on the toolbar menu
+* **support-ktx**
+ * Removes ifChanged Flow extension functions in favour of `distintUntilChanged` and `distintUntilChangedBy`in `kotlin.coroutines.flow`.
+* **lib-crash**
+ * [Bug 1839697]( Report Java exceptions in
+ the GleanCrashReporterService.
+# 115.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **lib-crash**
+ * Log exceptions that crash the `CrashReporter` to avoid silent failurs. See [Bug 1826591](
+* **crash-sentry**
+ * Sends exceptions with an attached `Mechanism` to signal to Sentry that it was an uncaught exception. See [Bug 1835107](
+* **concept-sync**
+ * Bug Fixed [Bug 1804274](( Passes an entrypoint url parameter to FxA when logging-in, that represents the context which the app launches the Firefox Accounts web channel.
+* **feature-push**
+ * Refactored [Bug 1829982]( Refactors push to remove the RustConnection layer, and instead use the underlying Rust layer directly.
+# 114.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* * **browser-state**
+ * 🌟 Added `DownloadState`.`openInApp` to indicate whether or not the file associated with the download should be opened in a third party app after downloaded successfully, for more information see [Bug 1829371]( and [Bug 1829372](
+# 113.0.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **compose-cfr**
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed [Bug 1819950]( Ensure CFRs are automatically dismissed on screen rotation on all Android versions.
+* **concept-sync**, **service-firefox-accounts**
+ * Removed unused `AccountSharing` from sync and accounts.
+* **support-license**
+ * 🆕 New component to display generated license information.
+# 112.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **service-pocket**
+ * 🌟 ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Use `id` instead of `flight_id` to identify a Pocket sponsored story. [Bug 1820967](
+* **feature-prompts**:
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed [Bug 1819254]( Don't exit fullscreen for user input prompts.
+* **service-contile**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Added support for sponsored tiles maximum age specified by the server when a Contile outage is detected. `maxCacheAgeInMinutes` changed to `maxCacheAgeInSeconds`. [Bug 1811175](
+* **tooling-glean-gradle:**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: This wrapper of the Glean plugin is no longer needed and has been removed. Consuming applications can directly depend on the [Glean Gradle plugin](
+* **lib-crash-sentry-legacy**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: This component has been removed. Consumers should use the newer `lib-crash-sentry` component instead.
+* **lib-crash**
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed [Bug 1822148]( Ensure proguard rules retain serialization classes.
+* **browser-engine-gecko**:
+ * Add support for `hasCookieBannerRuleForSession` API for checking whether a cookie banner from the current website in the session can be handled.
+* **concept-engine**:
+ * Add new `hasCookieBannerRuleForSession` API in `Engine`. This is currently only supported in the Gecko Engine.
+# 111.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **compose-cfr**
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed [Bug 1809592]( Improve screen alignment for Contextual Feature Recommendation popups.
+* **service-pocket**
+ * 🌟 Added `country` and `city` parameters to Pocket sponsored stories fetch request. These can be overwritten using `PocketStoriesConfig`, allowing clients to specify a location and receive sponsored stories when outside countries where Pocket is enabled based on IP location. [Bug 1811537](
+* **service-pocket**
+ * 🌟 Added `site` parameter to Pocket sponsored stories requests. It can be overwritten using `PocketStoriesConfig`, allowing clients to customize spoc content. [Bug 1811531](
+* **browser-storage-sync**:
+* **feature-awesomebar**
+* **feature-syncedtabs**
+ * 🆕 [Bug 1800268]( New autocomplete providers for bookmarks, local tabs or synced tabs that can be set for `ToolbarAutocompleteFeature`.
+* **feature-toolbar**
+ * ⚠️ [Bug 1800268]( **This is a breaking change**: `ToolbarAutocompleteFeature` has a new API for updating at any time `AutocompleteProvider` (add or remove any of them) individually or in bulk. This change allows supporting any instance and any number of autocomplete providers and optionally query for new autocomplete results when providers change.
+* **feature-awesomebar**
+ * 🆕 [Bug 1800268]( A new optional lambda `resultsHostFilter` has been added to the constructors of some AwesomeBar suggestions providers. This will allow for external url filtering of the provided suggestions.
+* **feature-awesomebar**
+ * 🆕 New `SearchTermSuggestionsProvider` that will show by default up to 2 search suggestions based on past searches the user has done with the current search engine. These suggestions will appear between the search action ones and the search suggestion ones. [Bug 1804258](
+* **feature-downloads**:
+ * 🌟️ `DownloadsFeature` now allows passing a download dialog delegate for 1st party downloads through a new `customDownloadDialog` parameter. [Bug 1812518](
+ * 🌟 `DownloadsFeature` now allows passing a download dialog delegate for 3rd party downloads through a new `customThirdPartyDownloadDialog` parameter. [Bug 1812518](
+* **browser-toolbar**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `BrowserToolbarBehavior` will not position the `Snackbar.SnackbarLayout` anymore. The ownership for the positioning behavior should be reversed with the snackbar choosing whether it want to be shown above the toolbar and exactly how. [Bug 1812518](
+* **browser-engine-gecko**
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed [Bug 1811183]( Handles non-digit values for `DateTimePrompt.stepValue`.
+* **concept-engine**
+ * 🌟 Expose the release channel of GeckoView through a new `releaseChannel` property of `EngineVersion`. [Bug 1811448](
+* **concept-engine**
+ * 🆕 Added `Settings.cookieBannerHandlingDetectOnlyMode` which helps to detect cookie banner events without handle the banners + indicating the mode of the events, see [Bug 1810743](
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Removed `CookieBannerMode.MODE_DETECT_ONLY` use `Settings.cookieBannerHandlingDetectOnlyMode` instead.
+* **feature-webnotifications**
+ * 🌟 Added support for silent web notifications. Default importance level for web notifications was set to `IMPORTANCE_DEFAULT`. [Bug 1796766](
+* **feature-media**
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed [Bug 1802620]( Handles `ForegroundServiceStartNotAllowedException`.
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed [Bug 1813416]( Clear `FLAG_KEEP_SCREEN_ON` when playing media is finished.
+* **lib-crash**
+ * 🌟 Added support for Glean crash pings in the `GleanCrashReporterService`. [Bug 1810951](
+# 110.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **support-telemetry-sync**
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed [Bug 1804996]( Removed fpsa, ftas, ftsa and ffos DDG type tags and replaced them with fpas.
+* **lib-crash**
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed [Bug 1802975]( Allow crash dumps to be shared using a11y services.
+* **concept-engine**
+ * 🌟️️ Add `CookieBannerHandlingStatus` to `SessionState` instance to indicate the status of the given session state see more on [Bug 1797568](
+* **feature-share**
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed [Bug 1806411]( Remove image link from share message when sharing an image.
+* **concept-engine**
+* 🆕 Added `CookieBannerMode.MODE_DETECT_ONLY`, this help to dected cookie banner events without handle the banners see [Bug 1806435](
+* **browser-state**, **feature-search**
+ * Added a new parameter `isGeneral` to `SearchEngine` to specify whether or not the search engine is a general search engine (eg, provides broad search results). Search engines read from storage will now have this parameter set based on a list of general search engines. [Bug 1804594](
+ * Added Selector `BrowserState.findNormalOrPrivateTabByUrlIgnoringFragment` to match urls ignoring the fragment/anchor of the url, allowing `SelectorAddUseCase` to use this functionality.
+* **feature-tabs**
+ * Added `ignoreFragment` param in `SelectOrAddUseCase` to match urls ignoring the anchor/fragment. This sets the the foundation to fix [Bug 1796319](
+* **lib-crash-sentry**
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed [Bug 1801349]( Properly synchronize access to the crash reporter breadcrumb list.
+* **feature-prompts**:
+ * Added permission requests for accessing media files (`READ_MEDIA_AUDIO`, `READ_MEDIA_AUDIO`, `READ_MEDIA_AUDIO`) when uploading files on devices with Android 13 and later.
+* **feature-awesomebar**
+ * `SuggestionProviderGroup` now has a new parameter `priority` that decides the order of this group in the AwesomeBar suggestions. Priority is same as the `score` of `AwesomeBar.Suggestions`. Group having the highest integer value will have the highest priority.
+* **concept-toolbar**
+ * Added optional parameter `cursorPlacement` to `editMode` which allows cursor placement to be specified when switching to edit mode.
+* **feature-toolbar**
+ * 🆕 Added a new parameter `shouldDisplaySearchTerms` to `ToolbarFeature` which allows clients to specify if the search terms should be shown instead of the URL when the toolbar is in display mode. [Bug 1805164](
+* **browser-engine-gecko**
+ * 🆕 Added `GeckoCookieBannersStorage.addPersistentExceptionInPrivateMode` to allow to add persistent cookie banner exceptions in private browsing [Bug 1797605](
+# 109.0.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **support-ktx, feature-contextmenu**
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed [Bug 1798873]( Added a way to exclude current app from share targets. Used when sharing text.
+* **feature-top-sites**
+ * 🆕 A new filter `hasHost` was added when getting top frecent sites in order to remove duplicate frecent top sites that have same host/domain as provided top sites. For more references see [Bug 1801285](
+* **browser-menu**:
+ * 🚒 Bug Fixed [Bug 1800885]( Increase touch target of Add/Edit checkbox from `mozac_browser_menu_item_image_text_checkbox_button.xml` to improve accessibility.
+* **All components**
+ * ⚠️Increased `compileSdkVersion` to 33 (Android 13)
+* **feature-awesomebar**
+ * `SearchSuggestionProvider` and `SearchActionProvider` now have a new parameter `suggestionsHeader`, to add title to suggestions.
+* **support-ktx**:
+ * Added `String.toShortUrl` extension that allows making URLs more user friendly [#1796379](
+* **browser-engine-gecko**
+ * 🆕 Added `GeckoCookieBannersStorage.kt` to manage cookie banner exceptions [Bug 1797605](
+* **concept-engine**
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed [Bug 1801648]( Fix autoplay settings are not getting updated in private mode.
+* **browser-storage-sync**
+ * Removed Fennec to Fenix migration code. Deleted the `importVisitsFromFennec`, `importBookmarksFromFennec` and `readPinnedSitesFromFennec` functions. [Bug 1803632](
+* **service-sync-logins**
+ * Removed Fennec to Fenix migration code. Deleted `importLoginsAsync` function. [Bug 1803632](
+* **lib-crash-sentry**
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed [Bug 1801349]( Copy the breadcrumb date to the Sentry breadcrumb.
+# 108.0.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **feature-search**
+ * 🆕 A new action `RefreshSearchEnginesAction` was added to the `BrowserAction` to allow for refreshing search engines when app locale is changed. For more references see [Bug 1800209](
+* **feature-readerview**:
+ * [Bug 1798672]( Reader view font controls have adaptive font sizes to support smaller width devices.
+* **ui-autocomplete**
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed [Bug 1794933]( Immediately remove autocomplete when not applicable anymore.
+* **concept-engine**
+ * [Bug 1798359]( Set Total Cookie Protection as the default cookie policy for all Tracking Protection modes. Read more about Total Cookie Protection [here](
+ * Renamed `EngineSession.onSaveToPdfError` to `EngineSession.onSaveToPdfException`.
+* **browser-engine-gecko**
+ * 🆕 A new action `SaveToPdfExceptionAction` was added to the `EngineAction` to allow for notifying consumers on unsuccessful Save to PDF requests. For more references see [Bug 1796482](
+ * ⚠️ When using the save to pdf feature, now it's required have a middleware that handles the `SaveToPdfExceptionAction`, or your application will crash when an error happens when requesting a page to be saved as PDF.
+* **compose-cfr**
+ * 🆕 New composable popup allowing to offer more context about a specific View anchor on the screen. Supports RTL along with many other customizations and anchorings.
+* **feature-qr**
+ * QRFeature now allows querying if scanning is in progress with a new `isScanInProgress` property. This helps deciding on whether to resume scanning by calling `scan` in a new `QRFeature` instance as it can happen if the process is restarted as a followup to the user updating system permissions for the app.
+* **concept-engine**:
+ * Added support for changing the cookie banner handling setting in regular and private browsing. [Bugzilla](
+* **concept-storage**:
+ * 🆕 New API: `StorageMaintenanceRegistry` in `concept-storage` that deals with registering/unregistering storage maintenance workers.
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Added a new parameter `dbSizeLimit` to `Storage.runMaintenance` API to indicate Maximum DB size to aim for, in bytes.
+* **browser-storage-sync**:
+ * 🆕 New: An abstract WorkManager Worker class `StorageMaintenanceWorker` is introduced. [Bugzilla](
+ * 🆕 New: A Kotlin object `GlobalPlacesDependencyProvider` is introduced to provide `placesStorage: PlacesStorage` globally when needed.
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `PlacesStorage.runMaintenance` API has changed. Now it needs `dbSizeLimit` parameter as it implements new version of `Storage` API.
+* **support-ktx**:
+ * The colors of the icons from the status bar should be in contrast with the status bar background color [#1795650](
+* **service-glean**
+ * Re-export TextMetricType, RateMetricType, DenominatorMetricType, NumeratorMetricType to make them usable by applications [#13010](
+* **browser-state**:
+ * `UpdateThumbnailAction` and `RemoveThumbnailAction` now throw an exception if those actions are not handled with a middleware.
+ * See `BrowserThumbnails` and `ThumbnailsMiddleware` for example usages within other features.
+ * Removed handling of `LowMemoryAction` in `SystemReducer` on in-memory thumbnails.
+* **browser-tabstray**:
+ * `TabViewHolder` no longer checks if a thumbnail is in memory before retrieving a thumbnail from the `ImageLoader`.
+# 107.0.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **feature-syncedtabs**
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed [issue #12930]( Ensure `DefaultPresenter` will unregister it's `FxaAccountManager` observers when it's `lifecycleOwner` is stopped to prevent memory leaks.
+* **feature-app-links**
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed [issue #12804]( Speculative fix for a TransactionTooLargeException or RuntimeException when querying activities.
+* **all modules**
+ * Updated the locally published artifacts to use a single timestamp rather than many [#12902](
+* **nimbus-gradle-plugin**:
+ * Updated the plugin to use the version of application services defined in the buildSrc Dependencies.
+* **browser-engine-gecko**:
+ * Canceling the "Open in app?" displays an empty page [#12894](
+* **feature-readerview**:
+ * 🌟 Reader Mode now defers to the active dark mode for the default color scheme.
+# 106.0.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **concept-engine**, **feature-sitepermissions**
+ * 🆕 New `name` property for Permission which allows to easily identify and differentiate Permissions.
+ * Use the permission name when reporting telemetry for the permission dialogs. [#12683](
+* **browser-engine-gecko**
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed [fenix issue #16943]( - Prevent crashes when accessing a time picker with blank step value.
+* **browser-storage-sync**:
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed [issue #12689]( Decouple autocomplete suggestions from history search suggestions by using a separate reader which allows for separate management.
+* **support-ktx**
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed [issue #12689]( Make `Context.shareMedia` work with Android Direct Share.
+* **feature-accounts-push**:
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `FxaPushSupportFeature` now requires to be explicitly started with `initialize`.
+ * The constructor for `FxaPushSupportFeature` has a `coroutineScope` parameter that defaults to a `CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.IO)`.
+# 105.0.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **feature-search**:
+ * Allow the search widget to match the resized width [#12676](
+* **feature-findinpage**:
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed [issue #12637]( Disable find in page previous and forward buttons if the query is empty
+* **feature-search**:
+ * Implement the common part of search widget in Android Components [#12565](
+* **feature-prompts**:
+ * Added prompt dismiss listener to `ChoicePromptDelegate`. [#12562](
+* **browser-engine-gecko**:
+ * Add support for Save to PDF in the
+* **concept-engine**:
+ * Add new `requestPdfToDownload` API in `Engine`. This is currently only supported in the Gecko Engine.
+* **browser-storage-sync**:
+ * Stop reporting to the crash servers the expected `OperationInterrupted` exceptions for when interrupting in progress reads/writes from Application-Services. [#12557](, [#12569](
+* **support-migration**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: This component was removed since the Fennec -> Fenix migration is no longer supported (
+* **nimbus-gradle-plugin**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Updated the NimbusGradlePlugin to use the new nimbus cli commands.
+# 104.0.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **feature-media**:
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed [issue #12433]( Prevent media notifications updates that would cause it to flicker or loose the action button.
+* **browser-awesomebar**:
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed [issue #12469]( Cancel previous queries from the application-services persistence layer before new suggestions requests.
+* **service-firefox-accounts**
+ * `SyncStatus` can now be `LoggedOut`.
+ * `SyncStoreSupport` will update the `SyncStore` with `LoggedOut` when observed.
+* **browser-toolbar**
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed [issue #12497]( - Set the same margin to toolbar background for display as for edit
+* **feature-recentlyclosed**
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed [issue #12470]( - Set autoMirrored to true to fix RTL issues
+* **browser-awesomebar**:
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed [issue #12469]( Cancel previous queries before new suggestions requests.
+* **service-pocket**
+ * Add an index for sponsored stories foreign key to resolve a compilation warning. [#12406](
+* **service-pocket**
+ * Fix recent breakage of the sponsored stories feature and allow to dynamically make requests to either the development server or the production one. [Issue #12432](
+* **feature-top-sites**
+ * Replaced `frecencyConfig` from `TopSitesConfig` with `TopSitesFrecencyConfig`, which specifies the `FrecencyTresholdOption` and the frecency filter, an optional function used to filter the top frecent sites. [#12384] (
+* **browser-storage-sync**:
+ * Added exception handling for all places history and bookmark calls. This prevents the app from crashing on SQL errors. [#12300](
+# 103.0.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **site-permission-feature**
+ * 🆕 [issue #12345](
+ * - Add an id for all site permissions allowing to easily identify with what permissions the user interacts.
+ * - Emit facts for when a permission prompt is shown/allowed/denied.
+* **site-permission-feature**
+ * 🆕 [issue #12338]( - Add support for setting a custom text for the negative button of the site permission prompts. Use "Block" for the storage access prompt.
+* **feature-recentlyclosed**
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed [issue #12310]( - Catch all database exceptions thrown when querying recently closed tabs and clean the storage for corrupted data.
+* **feature-media**
+ * App should not be locked in landscape when a tab or custom tab loads while in pip mode. [#12298] (
+* **browser-toolbar**
+ * Expand toolbar when url changes. [#12215](
+* **service-pocket**
+ * Ensure sponsored stories profile deletion is retried in background until successful or the feature is re-enabled. [#12258](
+* **feature-prompts**:
+ * Added optional `addressPickerView` and `onManageAddresses` parameters through `AddressDelegate` to `PromptFeature` for a new `AddressPicker` to display a view for selecting addresses to autofill into a site. [#12061](
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `PromptFeature` constructor now takes `LoginDelegate` and `CreditCardDelegate` instead of login picker and credit card picker parameters. [#12257](
+* **service-glean**
+ * 🆙 Updated Glean to version 50.0.1 ([changelog](
+ * **This is a breaking change**. See <>) for full details.
+ Notable breakage:
+ * `testGetValue` on all metric types now returns `null` when no data is recorded instead of throwing an exception.
+ * `testGetValue` on metrics with more complex data now return new objects for inspection.
+ * `testHasValue` on all metric types is deprecated.
+ * On `TimingDistributionMetric`, `CustomDistributionMetric`, `MemoryDistributionMetric` the `accumulateSamples` method now takes a `List<Long>` instead of `LongArray`.
+ Use `listOf` instead of `longArrayOf` or call `.toList`
+ * `TimingDistributionMetricType.start` now always returns a valid `TimerId`, `TimingDistributionMetricType.stopAndAccumulate` always requires a `TimerId`.
+* **support-rusterrors**
+ * 🆕 New component to report Rust errors
+* **lib-auth**
+ * Added new `lib-auth` component for various forms of authentication.
+ * Adds a new `BiometricPromptAuth` for authenticating with biometrics or PIN.
+ [issue # 12289](
+# 102.0.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **service-firefox-accounts**
+ * 🆕 SyncStore to abstract account and Sync details.
+* **browser-state**:
+ * 🌟️ Add support for tab prioritization via `SessionPrioritizationMiddleware` for more information see [#12190](
+* **service-pocket**
+ * 🌟️ Add support for rotating and pacing Pocket sponsored stories. [#12184](
+ * See component's [README]( to get more info.
+* **support-ktx**
+ * 🌟️ Add support for optionally persisting the default value when `stringPreference` is used to read a string from SharedPreferences. [issue #12207](
+* **service-pocket**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Add a new `PocketStory` supertype for all Pocket stories. [#12171](
+* **service-pocket**
+ * 🌟️ Add support for Pocket sponsored stories.
+ * See component's [README]( to get more info.
+* **support-test**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `MainCoroutineRule` constructor now takes a `TestDispatcher` instead of deprecated `TestCoroutineDispatcher`. Default is `UnconfinedTestDispatcher`.
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `MainCoroutineRule.runBlockingTest` is replaced with a `runTestOnMain` top level function. . This method is preferred over the global `runTest` because it reparents new child coroutines to the test coroutine context.
+* **concept-engine**:
+ * Adds a new `SelectAddress` in `PromptRequest` to display a prompt for selecting an address to autofill. [#12060](
+ * Adds a new `SaveCreditCard` in `PromptRequest` to display a prompt for saving a credit card on autofill. [#11249](
+* **feature-autofill**
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed [issue #11893]( - Fix issue with autofilling in 3rd party applications not being immediately available after unlocking the autofill service.
+* **feature-contextmenu**
+ * 🌟 Add new `additionalValidation` parameter to context menu options builders allowing clients to know when these options to be shown and potentially block showing them.
+* **feature-pwa**
+ * [TrustedWebActivityIntentProcessor] is now deprecated. See [issue #12024](
+* **feature-top-sites**
+ * Added `providerFilter` to `TopSitesProviderConfig`, allowing the client to filter the provided top sites.
+* **feature-prompts**:
+ * Add a `CreditCardSaveDialogFragment` that is displayed for a `SaveCreditCard` prompt request to handle saving and updating a credit card. [#11338](
+* **feature-media**
+ * Set default screen orientation if playing media in pip
+ [issue # 12118](
+* **concept-storage**:
+ * Added `CreditCardValidationDelegate` which is a delegate that will check against the `CreditCardsAddressesStorage` to determine if a `CreditCard` can be persisted in storage. [#9838](
+ * Refactors `CreditCard` from `concept-engine` to `CreditCardEntry` in `concept-storage` so that it can validated with the `CreditCardValidationDelegate`. [#9838](
+* **browser-storage-sync**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: When constructing a `RemoteTabsStorage` object you must now a `Context` which is used to determine the location of the sqlite database which is used to persist the remote tabs [#11799](
+ * Fixed a low frequency crash that might occur when the app attempts to delete all history. [#12112](
+* **feature-syncedtabs**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: When constructing a `SyncedTabsStorage`, the `tabsStorage: RemoteTabsStorage` parameter is no longer optional so must be supplied [#11799](
+# 101.0.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **feature-media**
+ * Support reverse landscape orientation for fullscreen videos
+ [issue # 12034](
+* **feature-downloads**:
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed [issue #11259]( - Improved mime type inference for when sharing images from the contextual menu.
+* **feature-webnotifications**
+ * 🌟 The Engine notification (WebNotification) is now persisted in the native notification, transparent to the consuming app which can delegate the native notification click to a new `WebNotificationIntentProcessor` to actually check and trigger a WebNotification click when appropriate.
+* **feature-media**
+ * Media playback is now paused when AudioManager.ACTION_AUDIO_BECOMING_NOISY is broadcast by the system.
+# 100.0.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **browser-errorpages**
+ * 🌟 The https-only error page will now show also an image.
+* **service-pocket**
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed [issue #11905]( - Delete existing stories when their `imageUrl` is updated allowing those stories to be replaced.
+* **feature-serviceworker**
+ * 🆕 New `ServiceWorkerSupport` component for handling all service workers' events and callbacks. Currently this is supported only for using `GeckoEngine`.
+* **feature-autofill**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Removed unused `context` parameter in `FxaWebChannelFeature`. [#11864](
+* **feature-autofill**
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed [issue #11869]( - Fix regression causing autofill to not work after unlocking the app doing the autofill or after accepting that the authenticity of the autofill target could not be verified.
+* **feature-tab-collections**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Removed unused `reader` parameter in `TabCollectionStorage`. [#11864](
+* **feature-contextmenu**
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed [issue #11829]( - To make the additional note visible in landscape mode.
+* **feature-intent**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Removed unused `loadUrlUseCase` parameter in `TabIntentProcessor`. [#11864](
+* **browser-toolbar**
+ * Removed reflective access to non-public SDK APIs controlling the sensitivity of the gesture detector following which sparingly and for very short time a pinch/spread to zoom gesture might be identified first as a scroll gesture and move the toolbar a little before snapping to it's original position.
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Replaced `addEditAction` in `BrowserToolbar` with `addEditActionStart` and `addEditActionEnd` to add actions to the left and right of the URL in edit mode. [#11890](
+* **feature-session**
+ * 🆕 New `ScreenOrientationFeature` to enable support for setting a requested screen orientation as part of supporting the ScreenOrientation web APIs.
+* **concept-sync**
+ * 🌟️️ Add `onReady` method to `AccountObserver`, allowing consumers to know when they can start querying account state.
+* **service-firefox-accounts**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `fetchProfile` was removed from `FxaAccountManager`.
+* **lib-crash-sentry**
+ * 🌟️️ Add `sendCaughtExceptions` config flag to `SentryService`, allowing consumers to disable submitting caught exceptions. By default it's enabled, maintaining prior behaviour. Useful in projects with high volumes of caught exceptions and multiple release channels.
+* **site-permission-feature**
+ * 🆕 New Add to SitePermissionsFeature a property to set visibility for NotAskAgainCheckBox
+* **feature-search**
+ * 🆕 Update search Engines and Search Engine Icons
+# 99.0.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **feature-top-sites**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: This changes `fetchProvidedTopSites` in `TopSitesConfig` into a data class `TopSitesProviderConfig` that specifies whether or not to display the top sites from the provider. [#11654](
+* **support-base**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Refactor `Frequency` out of **feature-addons** and **service-pocket** [#11732](
+* **support-utils**
+ * 🌟️️ **Added new Browsers constant for Fennec `Browsers.FIREFOX_FENNEC_NIGHTLY`.
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `Browsers.FIREFOX_NIGHTLY` now points to `org.mozilla.fenix`, for fennec nightly use `Browsers.FIREFOX_FENNEC_NIGHTLY` [#11682](
+* **feature-downloads**:
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed [issue #8567]( - Prevent crashes when trying to add to the system databases.
+* **concept-engine**
+ * 🌟️️ Add `EngineSessionStateStorage`, describing a storage of `EngineSessionState` instances.
+* **browser-session-storage**
+ * 🌟️️ Add `FileEngineSessionStateStorage`, an implementation of `EngineSessionStateStorage` for persisting engine state outside of the regular RecoverableBrowserState flow.
+* **browser-state**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Shape of `RecoverableTab` changed. There's now a tab-state wrapper called `TabState`; use it when `engineSessionState` isn't necessary right away.
+* **feature-recentlyclosed**
+ * 🌟️️ Add `RecentlyClosedTabsStorage`, which knows how to write/read recently closed tabs.
+* **feature-tabs**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `RestoreUseCase` implementation responsible for restoring `RecoverableTab` instances now takes a `TabState` and a `EngineSessionStateStorage` instead (and will read/rehydrate an EngineSessionState prior to restoring).
+# 98.0.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **support-utils**
+ * 🌟️️ **Add a `PendingUtils.defaultFlags`** property to ease setting PendingIntent mutability as required for Android 31+.
+* **feature-prompts**:
+ * More prompts are dismissable.
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Success / dismiss callbacks are now consistently ordered.
+* **feature-search**
+ * Adds the `extraAdServersRegexps` of Baidu to help sending the baidu search telemetry of ads. [#11582](
+* **browser-toolbar**
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed [issue #11499]( - Update tracking protection icon state even when is not displayed
+* **browser-toolbar**
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed [issue #11545]( - `clearColorFilter` doesn't work on Api 21, 22, so the default white filter remains set.Use `clearColorFilter` only when the version of API is bigger than 22
+* **support-ktx**
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed [issue #11527]( - Fix some situations in which the immersive mode wasn't properly applied.
+* **lib-crash**
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed [issue #11627]( - Firefox crash notification is not displayed on devices with Android 11/Android 12
+* **lib-publicsuffixlist**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Removed `String.urlToTrimmedHost` extension method.
+* **feature-top-sites**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: The existing data class `TopSite` has been converted into a sealed class. [#11483](
+ * Extend `DefaultTopSitesStorage` to accept a `TopSitesProvider` for fetching top sites. [#11483](
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Added a new parameter `fetchProvidedTopSites` to `TopSitesConfig` to specify whether or not to fetch top sites from the `TopSitesProvider`. [#11605](
+* **concept-storage**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Adds a new `isRemote` property in `VisitInfo` which distinguishes visits made on the device and those that come from Sync.
+* **service-contile**
+ * Adds a `ContileTopSitesProvider` that implements `TopSitesProvider` for returning top sites from the Contile services API. [#11483](
+* **service-glean**
+ * 🆙 Updated Glean to version 43.0.2 ([changelog](
+ * Includes new `build_date` metric
+* **lib-push-amazon**
+ * ❌ **This is a breaking change**: This component is now removed since we no longer support it.
+# 97.0.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **support-ktx**
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed [issue #11374]( - Restore immersive mode after interacting with other Windows.
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `OnWindowFocusChangeListener` parameter is removed from `Activity.enterToImmersiveMode()`. There was no way to guarantee that the argument knew to handle immersive mode. Now everything is handled internally.
+* **feature-prompts**:
+ * Removes deprecated constructor in `PromptFeature`.
+* * **browser-engine**, **concept-engine*** **feature-sitepermissions**
+ * 🌟️️ **Add support for a new `storage_access` API prompt.
+* **concept-storage**:
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `KeyProvider#key` has been renamed to `KeyProvider#getOrGenerateKey` and is now `suspend`.
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `KeyRecoveryHandler` has been removed.
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `CreditCardsAddressesStorage` gained a new method - `scrubEncryptedData`.
+ * 🌟️️ **Add an abstract `KeyManager` which implements `KeyProvider` and knows how to store, retrieve and verify managed keys.
+* **service-sync-logins**:
+ * `LoginsCrypto` is now using `concept-storage`@`KeyManager` as its basis.
+* **service-sync-autofill**:
+ * `AutofillCrypto` is now using `concept-storage`@`KeyManager` as its basis.
+ * `AutofillCrypto` is now able to recover from key loss (by scrubbing encrypted credit card data).
+* **browser-errorpages**
+ * `ErrorPages.createUrlEncodedErrorPage()` allows overriding the title or description for specific error types now.
+* **browser-engine-gecko**
+ * Added `EngineSession.goBack(boolean)` and `EngineSession.goForward(boolean)` for user interaction based navigation.
+* **feature-session**
+ * Added support in `SessionUseCases.GoBackUseCase` and `SessionUseCases.GoForwardUseCase` to support optional `userInteraction` parameter in the Gecko engine.
+* **service-glean**
+ * 🆙 Updated Glean to version 42.3.0 ([changelog](
+ * Includes automatic detection of tags.yaml files
+# 96.0.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **browser-engine-gecko**:
+ * Removes deprecated `GeckoLoginDelegateWrapper`. Please use `GeckoAutocompleteStorageDelegate`. [#11311](
+ * Added setting for HTTPS-Only mode [#5935](
+* **support-utils**
+ * 🌟️ Add `String.toCreditCardNumber` for removing characters other than digits from a credit card string number.
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed [issue #11360]( - Crash when saving credit cards
+# 95.0.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **feature-session**
+ * 🌟️️ **Add callback as a parameter to RemoveAllExceptionsUseCase which will be called after exceptions removing
+* **concept-toolbar**
+ * 🌟️️ **Add removeNavigationAction method which removes a previously added navigation action
+* **support-utils**
+ * 🌟️️ **Add Firefox Focus packages to known browsers list
+* **concept-tabstray**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: This component will be removed in future release.
+ * Instead use the `TabsTray` interface from `browser-tabstray`.
+* **feature-session**
+ * * 🌟️ Adds a new `TrackingProtectionUseCases.addException`: Now allows to persist the exception in private mode using the parameter`persistInPrivateMode`.
+* **browser-state**:
+ * 🌟️ Adds a new `previewImageUrl` in `ContentState` which provides a preview image of the page (e.g. the hero image), if available.
+* **compose-awesomebar**
+ * `AwesomeBar` takes an optional `Profiler`. If passed in, two new profiler markers will be added: `SuggestionFetcher.fetch` and `Suggestion update`.
+# 94.0.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **browser-awesomebar**
+ * `BrowserAwesomeBar` is now deprecated in favor of using the `AwesomeBar()` composable from the `compose-awesomebar` component.
+* **BrowserAction**, **TabListReducer**, **TabsUseCases**:
+ * 🌟️ Adds MoveTabs (reordering) Action and UseCase
+* **feature-contextmenu**:
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed [issue #10982]( - Add ScrollView as a main container in mozac_feature_context_dialog in order to see the entire image context menu on small screens
+* **concept-storage**, **browser-storage-sync**
+ * 🌟️ New API: `HistoryMetadataStorage.deleteHistoryMetadata`, allows removing specific metadata entries either by key or search term.
+* **browser-engine-gecko**:
+ * Switch to the `geckoview-omni` releases. `-omni` packages also ship the Glean Core native code.
+* **service-glean**
+ * 🆙 Updated Glean to version 41.1.0 ([changelog](
+ * The Glean Core native code is now shipped through GeckoView
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `Glean.initialize` now requires a `buildInfo` parameter to pass in build time version information.
+ A suitable instance is generated by `glean_parser` in `${PACKAGE_ROOT}.GleanMetrics.GleanBuildInfo.buildInfo`.
+ Support for not passing in a `buildInfo` object has been removed.
+# 93.0.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **concept-toolbar**, **concept-engine**, **browser-engine-gecko**, **browser-state**, **feature-toolbar**, **browser-toolbar**,
+ * 🌟️ The toolbar now supports two new methods: `expand` and `collapse` to immediately execute this actions if the toolbar is dynamic. `expand` is used as of now as a callback for when GeckoView needs the toolbar to be shown depending on tab content changes.
+* **ui-icons**:
+ * 🌟️ Adds icons: mozac_ic_add_to_home_screen, mozac_ic_help, mozac_ic_shield, mozac_ic_shield_disabled
+ * 🌟️ Update icons: mozac_ic_home, mozac_ic_settings, mozac_ic_clear
+* **feature-contextmenu**:
+ * 🌟️ Adds `additionalNote` which it will be attached to the bottom of context menu but for a specific `HitResult`
+# 92.0.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **browser-feature-awesomebar**:
+ * 🌟️ Adds `CombinedHistorySuggestionProvider` that combines the results from `HistoryMetadataSuggestionProvider` and `HistoryStorageSuggestionProvider` so that if not enough metadata history results are available then storage history results are added to return the requested maxNumberOfSuggestions of awesomeBar suggestions.
+* **browser-toolbar**
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed [issue #10555]( - Prevent new touches from expanding a collapsed toolbar. Wait until there's a response from GeckoView on how the touch was handled to expand/collapse the toolbar.
+ * 🌟️ Adds Long-click support to `Button` and gives `TwoStateButton` all the features of `BrowserMenuItemToolbar.TwoStateButton`
+* **support-test**
+ * ⚠️ Deprecation: `createTestCoroutinesDispatcher()` should be replaced with the preferred `TestCoroutineDispatcher()` from the `kotlinx-coroutines-test` library.
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `MainCoroutineRule`'s constructor takes a more strict `TestCoroutineDispatcher` instead of a `CoroutineDispatcher`
+ * 🌟️ Adds `MainCoroutineRule.runBlockingTest`, which is a convenience method for `MainCoroutineRule.testDispatcher.runBlockingTest`. These methods are preferred over the global `runBlockingTest` because they reparent new child coroutines to the test coroutine context.
+* **feature-search**
+ * 🌟️ New `AdsTelemetry` based on a web extension that identify whether there are ads in search results of particular providers for which a (Component.FEATURE_SEARCH to SERP_SHOWN_WITH_ADDS) Fact will be emitted and whether an ad was clicked for which a (Component.FEATURE_SEARCH to SERP_ADD_CLICKED) Fact will be emitted if the `AdsTelemetryMiddleware` is set for `BrowserStore`.
+ * 🌟️ New `InContentTelemetry` based on a web extension that identify follow-on and organic web searches for which a (Component.FEATURE_SEARCH to IN_CONTENT_SEARCH) Fact will be emitted.
+* **feature-tabs**
+ * Adds `lastAccess` to the `Tab` data class that is used in `TabsTray`.
+ * Adds a new SelectOrAddUseCase for reopening existing tab with matching HistoryMetadataKey. [#10611](
+ * Adds `recoverable` parameter to `RemoveAllTabsUseCase.invoke()` to specify whether `UndoMiddleware` should make the removed tabs recoverable.
+ * Applies `createdAt` property from `TabSessionState` when filtering tabs in `RestoreUseCase` with timeout.
+* **browser-store**
+ * Adds `createdAt` properpty to the the `BrowserStore` to know when a tab is first created.
+# 91.0.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **browser-errorpages**:
+ * `ErrorType.ERROR_SECURITY_SSL` will now no longer display `Advanced` button on the SSL Error Page.
+* **browser-state**:
+ * 🌟️ Adds a new `lastMediaAccess` in `TabSessionState` as an easy way to check the timestamp of when media last started playing on a particular webpage. The value will be 0 if no media was started. To observe the media playback and updating this property one needs to add a new `LastMediaAccessMiddleware` to `BrowserStore`.
+* **feature-search**
+ * Updated the icon of the bing search engine.
+* **browser-menu**
+ * Adds `showAddonsInMenu` in WebExtensionBrowserMenuBuilder to allow the option of removing `Add-ons` item even if another extensions are displayed
+* **feature-privatemode**
+ * Adds `clearFlagOnStop = true` in SecureWindowFeature to allow the option of keeping `FLAG_SECURE` when calling `stop()`
+* **browser-feature-awesomebar**:
+ * 🌟️ Adds a new `maxNumberOfSuggestions` parameter to `HistoryStorageSuggestionProvider` as a way to specify a different number than the default of 20 for how many history results to be returned.
+ * 🌟️ Adds a new `maxNumberOfSuggestions` parameter to `HistoryMetadataSuggestionProvider` as a way to specify a different number than the default of 5 for how many history results to be returned.
+ * HistoryMetadataSuggestionProvider - only return pages user spent time on.
+ * `AwesomeBarFeature.addHistoryProvider` allows specifying a positive value for `maxNumberOfSuggestions`. If zero or a negative value is used the default number of history suggestions will be returned.
+* **browser-storage-sync**
+ * Adds `CrashReporting` to the `RemoteTabsStorage`.
+* **concept-engine**
+ * 🌟️ Adds a new `SitePermissionsStorage` interface that represents a common API to store site permissions.
+* **browser-engine-gecko**:
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `GeckoPermissionRequest.Content` changed its signature from `GeckoPermissionRequest.Content(uri: String, type: Int, callback: PermissionDelegate.Callback)` to `GeckoPermissionRequest.Content(uri: String, type: Int, geckoPermission: PermissionDelegate.ContentPermission, geckoResult: GeckoResult<Int>)`.
+ * 🌟️ Adds a new `GeckoSitePermissionsStorage` this allows to store permissions using the GV APIs for more information see [the geckoView ticket](
+ * 🌟️ Integrated the new GeckoView permissions APIs that will bring many improvements in how site permissions are handled, see the API abstract document for [more information](
+ * 🌟️ Tracking protection exceptions have been migrated to the GeckoView storage see [#10245](, for more details.
+* **feature-sitepermissions**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: The `SitePermissionsStorage` has been renamed to `OnDiskSitePermissionsStorage`.
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: The `SitePermissions` has been moved to the package `mozilla.components.concept.engine.permission.SitePermissions`.
+# 90.0.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **lib-crash**:
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed [issue #10515]( - Populate the crash reporter view.
+* **feature-prompts**:
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: [#8989]( - Add support for multiple prompts in ContentState and help avoid some Exceptions.
+* **concept-engine** and **browser-engine-gecko**
+ * 🌟️ Added `TrackingProtectionPolicy.cookiePolicyPrivateMode` it allows to control how cookies should behave in private mode, if not specified it defaults to the value of `TrackingProtectionPolicy.cookiePolicyPrivateMode`.
+* **feature-prompts** **browser-storage-sync**
+ * ⚠️ A new `isCreditCardAutofillEnabled` callback is available in `PromptFeature` and `GeckoCreditCardsAddressesStorageDelegate` to allow clients controlling whether credit cards should be autofilled or not. Default is false*
+* **service-pocket**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Rebuilt from the ground up to better support offering to clients Pocket recommended articles.
+ * See component's [README]( to get more info.
+* **feature-contextmenu**:
+ * ⚠️ Long pressing on web content won't show a contextual menu if the URL of the touch target is one blocked from loading in the browser.
+* **feature-prompts**:
+ * Refactor `LoginPickerView` into a more generic view `SelectablePromptView` that can be reused by any prompts that displays a list of selectable options. [#10216](
+ * Added optional `creditCardPickerView`, `onManageCreditCards` and `onSelectCreditCard` parameters to `PromptFeature` for a new `CreditCardPicker` to display a view for selecting credit cards to autofill into a site. [#9457](, [#10369](
+ * Added handling of biometric authentication for a credit card selection prompt request. [#10369](
+* **concept-engine**
+ * 🌟️ `getBlockedSchemes()` now exposes the list of url schemes that the engine won't load.
+ * Adds a new `CreditCard` data class which is a parallel of GeckoView's `Autocomplete.CreditCard`. [#10205](
+ * Adds a new `SelectCreditCard` in `PromptRequest` to display a prompt for selecting a credit card to autocomplete. [#10205](
+* **browser-menu**:
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed [issue #10133]( - A BrowserMenuCompoundButton used in our BrowserMenu setup with a DynamicWidthRecyclerView is not clipped anymore.
+* **browser-engine-gecko**:
+ * Implements the new GeckoView `Autocomplete.StorageDelegate` interface in `GeckoStorageDelegateWrapper`. This will replace the deprecated `GeckoLoginDelegateWrapper` and provide additional autocomplete support for credit cards. [#10140](
+* **feature-downloads**:
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `AbstractFetchDownloadService.openFile()` changed its signature from `AbstractFetchDownloadService.openFile(context: Context, filePath: String, contentType: String?)` to `AbstractFetchDownloadService.openFile(applicationContext: Context, download: DownloadState)`.
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed [issue #10138]( - The downloaded files cannot be seen.
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed [issue #10157]( - Crash on startup when tying to restore data URLs from the db.
+* **browser-engine-gecko(-nightly/beta)**
+ * ⚠️ From now on there will be only one `concept-engine` implementation using [GeckoView]( On `main` this will be the Nightly version. In release versions it will be the corresponding Beta or Release version. More about this in [RFC 7](
+ * Implements `onCreditCardSelect` in `GeckoPromptDelegate` to handle a credit card selection prompt request. [#10205](
+* **concept-sync**, **browser-storage-sync**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `SyncableStore` now has a `registerWithSyncManager` method for use in newer storage layers.
+* **concept-storage**, **service-sync-autofill**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Update and add APIs now take specific `UpdatableCreditCardFields` and `NewCreditCardFields` data classes as arguments.
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `CreditCard`'s number field changed to `encryptedCardNumber`, `cardNumberLast4` added.
+ * New `CreditCardNumber` class, which encapsulate either an encrypted or plaintext versions of credit cards.
+ * `AutofillCreditCardsAddressesStorage` reflects these breaking changes.
+ * Introduced a new `CreditCardCrypto` interface for for encrypting and decrypting a credit card number. [#10140](
+ * 🌟️ New APIs for managing keys - `ManagedKey`, `KeyProvider` and `KeyRecoveryHandler`. `AutofillCreditCardsAddressesStorage` implements these APIs for managing keys for credit card storage.
+ * 🌟️ New support for bookmarks to retrieve latest added bookmark nodes. `PlacesBookmarksStorage` now implements `getRecentBookmarks`.
+* **service-firefox-accounts**
+ * 🌟️ When configuring syncable storage layers, `SyncManager` now takes an optional `KeyProvider` to handle encryption/decryption of protected values.
+ * 🌟️ Support for syncing Address and Credit Cards
+* **service-glean**
+ * `ConceptFetchHttpUploader` adds support for private requests. By default, all requests are non-private.
+ * 🆙 Updated Glean to version 39.0.0 ([changelog](
+ * Also includes v38.0.0 ([changelog](
+ * ⚠️ Deprecation: The old event recording API is replaced by a new one, accepting a typed object. See the [event documentation]( for details.
+ * Skip build info generation for libraries.
+* **lib-state**
+ * 🌟️ Added `AbstractBinding` for simple features that want to observe changes to the `State` in a `Store` without needing to manually manage the CoroutineScope. This can now be handled like other `LifecycleAwareFeature` implementations:
+ ```kotlin
+ class SimpleFeature(store: BrowserStore) : AbstractBinding<BrowserState>(store) {
+ override suspend fun onState(flow: Flow<BrowserState>) {
+ // Interact with flowable state.
+ }
+ }
+ ```
+* **feature-tab-collections**:
+ * [addTabsToCollection] now returns the id of the collection which the tabs were added to.
+* **service-nimbus**
+ * Added UI components for displaying a list of branches and the selected branch related to a Nimbus experiments.
+* **support-utils**:
+ * Added `CreditCardUtils` which provides methods for retrieving the credit card issuer network from a provided card number. [#9813](
+# 75.0.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **browser-menu**:
+ * 🌟️ New StickyHeaderLinearLayoutManager and StickyFooterLinearLayoutManager that can be used to keep an item from being scrolled off-screen.
+ * To use this set `isSticky = true` for any menu item of the menu. Since only one sticky item is supported if more items have this property the sticky item will be the one closest to the top the menu anchor.
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed [issue #10032]( - Fix a recent issue with ExpandableLayout - user touches on an expanded menu might not have any effect on Samsung devices.
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed [issue #10005]( - Fix a recent issue with BrowserMenu#show() - endOfMenuAlwaysVisible not being applied.
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed [issue #9922]( - The browser menu will have it's dynamic width calculated only once, before the first layout.
+ * 🌟️ BrowserMenu support a bottom collapsed/expandable layout through a new ExpandableLayout that will wrap a menu layout before being used in a PopupWindow and automatically allow the collapse/expand behaviors.
+ * To use this set `isCollapsingMenuLimit = true` for any menu item of a bottom anchored menu.
+ * 🌟️ `WebExtensionBrowserMenuBuilder` provide a new way to customize how items look like via `Style()` where the `tintColor`, `backPressDrawable` and `addonsManagerDrawable` can be customized.
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `WebExtensionBrowserMenuBuilder.webExtIconTintColorResource` constructor parameter has been removed, please use `WebExtensionBrowserMenuBuilder`.`Style` instead. For more details see [issue #9787](
+* **browser-toolbar**
+* **feature-session**
+ * 🚒️ **Various issues related to the dynamic toolbar and pull to refresh will be fixed with with GeckoView offering more details about how the touch event will be handled.
+* **concept-engine**
+ * ⚠️ **EngineView#InputResult is deprecated in favor of InputResultDetail which offers more details about how a touch event will be handled.
+* **feature-downloads**:
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed [issue #9964]( - Downloads notification strings are not localized.
+* **service-nimbus**
+ * Added `getExperimentBranches` method to `Nimbus` for retrieving a list of experiment branches for a given experiment. [issue #9895](
+* **feature-tabs**
+ * Added usecase for duplicating tabs to `TabsUseCases`.
+# 74.0.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **feature-downloads**:
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed [issue #9821]( - Crash for downloads inferred empty mime types.
+* **intent-processing**
+ * 🌟️ Added support for opening links from ACTION_MAIN Intents. This Intents could the result of `Intent.makeMainSelectorActivity(Intent.ACTION_MAIN, Intent.CATEGORY_APP_BROWSER)` calls.
+* **browser-toolbar**
+ * 🌟️ Added `ToolbarBehaviorController` to automatically block the `BrowserToolbar` being animated by the `BrowserToolbarBehavior` while the tab is loading. This new class just has to be initialized by AC clients, similar to `ToolbarPresenter`.
+* **feature-downloads**:
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed [issue #9757]( - Remove downloads notification when private tabs are closed.
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed [issue #9789]( - Canceled first PDF download prevents following attempts from downloading.
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed [issue #9823]( - Downloads prompts do not show again when a user denies system permission twice.
+* **concept-engine**,**browser-engine-gecko**, **browser-engine-gecko-beta**, **browser-engine-gecko-nightly**, **browser-engine-system**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `EngineSession`.`enableTrackingProtection()` and `EngineSession`.`disableTrackingProtection()` have been removed, please use `EngineSession`.`updateTrackingProtection()` instead , for more details see [issue #9787](
+* **feature-push**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Removed `databasePath` from `RustPushConnection` constructor and added `context`. The file path is now queries lazily.
+* **feature-top-sites**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Replace `TopSitesUseCases.renameTopSites` with `TopSitesUseCases.updateTopSites` which allows for updating the title and the url of a top site. [#9599](
+* **service-sync-autofill**
+ * Refactors `AutofillCreditCardsAddressesStorage` from **browser-storage-sync** into its own component. [#9801](
+* **service-firefox-accounts**,**browser-storage-sync**,**service-nimbus**,**service-sync-logins**
+ * Due to a temporary build issue in the Application Services project, it is not currently
+ possible to run some service-related unittests on a Windows host. [#9731](
+ * Work on restoring this capability will be tracked in [application-services#3917](
+* **service-firefox-accounts**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Removed the currently unused `authorizeOAuthCode` from FirefoxAccount API surface.
+* **service-nimbus**
+ * Added UI components for displaying a list of active Nimbus experiments.
+* **support-locale**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Extended support for locale changes. The `LocaleManager` can now handle notifications about `Locale` changes through `LocaleUseCase`s, which are then reflected in the `BrowserStore`.
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed [issue #17190]( - Private browsing notifications are updated with the correct language when the app locale is changed.
+# 73.0.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **All components**
+ * ⚠️Increased `targetSdkVersion` to 30 (Android R)
+* **browser-toolbar**
+ * 🌟 Added `BrowserToolbarBehavior#forceCollapse` to easily collapse the top/bottom toolbar.
+* **browser-toolbar**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `BrowserToolbarBottomBehavior` is renamed to `BrowserToolbarBehavior` as it is now a common behavior for toolbars be them placed at the bottom or at the top of the screen.
+* **feature-session**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `EngineViewBottomBehavior` is renamed to `EngineViewBrowserToolbarBehavior` as it is now the glue between `EngineView` and `BrowserToolbar` irrespective of if the toolbar is placed at the bottom oir at the top of the `EngineView`.
+* **feature-downloads**:
+ * 🌟 New `ShareDownloadFeature` will listen for `AddShareAction` and download, cache locally and then share internet resources.
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: This is a breaking change with clients expected to create and register a new instance of the this new feature otherwise the "Share image" from the browser contextual menu will do nothing.
+* **support-ktx**
+ * 🌟 Added `Context.shareMedia` that allows to easily share a specific locally stored file through the Android share menu.
+* **feature-downloads**:
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed [issue #9441]( - Don't ask for redundant system files permission if not required.
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed [issue #9526]( - Downloads with generic content types use the correct file extension.
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed [issue #9553]( - Multiple files were unable to be opened after being download.
+* **feature-webauthn**
+ * 🆕 New component to enable support for WebAuthn specification with `WebAuthnFeature`.
+* **feature-awesomebar**
+ * added `SearchEngineSuggestionProvider` that offers suggestion(s) for search engines based on user search engine list
+* **browser-storage-sync**
+ * Added `AutofillCreditCardsAddressesStorage` implementation of the `CreditCardsAddressesStorage` interface back by the application-services' `autofill` library.
+* **concept-engine**
+ * Added `defaultSettings: Settings?` parameter to registerTabHandler to supply a default Tracking Policy when opening a new extension tab.
+ * When calling `onNewTab` in `registerTabHandler` from `GeckoWebExtension.kt` a default `TrackingProtectionPolicy.strict()` is supplied to the new `GeckoEngineSession`. This was added in to avoid WebExtension tabs without any ETP settings.
+* **concept-storage**
+ * Introduced `CreditCardsAddressesStorage` interface for describing credit card and address storage.
+* **support-base**
+ * Add `NamedThreadFactory`, a `ThreadFactory` that names its threads with the given argument.
+* **lib-state**
+ * Add `threadNamePrefix` parameter to `Store` to give threads created by the `Store` a specific name.
+* **service-glean**
+ * 🆙 Updated Glean to version 35.0.0 ([changelog](
+# 72.0.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **feature-prompts**:
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed [issue #9471]( - Confirm and alert js dialogs don't show "OK" and "Cancel" buttons when the message is too long.
+* **support-base**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Update the signature of `ActivityResultHandler.onActivityResult` to avoid conflict with internal Android APIs.
+* **feature-addons**
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed [issue #9484] - Handle multiple add-ons update that require new permissions.
+* **feature-top-sites**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Replaces `includeFrecent` with an optional `frecencyConfig` in `TopSitesConfig` and `TopSitesStorage.getTopSites` to specify the frecency threshold for the returned list of top frecent sites see [#8690](
+* **service-nimbus**
+ * Upgraded nimbus-sdk to enable `getExperimentBranch()` (and friends) to be callable from the main thread.
+ * Split up `updateExperiments()` in to two methods: `fetchExperiments()` and `applyPendingExperiments()`.
+ * Exposed `setExperimentsLocally()` for testing and startup.
+# 71.0.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **feature-prompts**:
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed [issue #9351] Camera images are available even with "Don't keep activities" enabled.
+* **ui-autocomplete**:
+ * Pasting from the clipboard now cleans up any unwanted uri schemes.
+* **support-utils**:
+ * 🌟 Added SafeUrl#stripUnsafeUrlSchemes that can cleanup unwanted uri schemes. Interested clients can specify what these are by overwriting "mozac_url_schemes_blocklist".
+* **concept-fetch**:
+ * 🌟 Added `Request#private` to allow requests to be performed in a private context, the feature is not support in all `Client`s check support before using.
+* **browser-engine-gecko**, **browser-engine-gecko-beta**, **browser-engine-gecko-nightly**
+ * 🌟 Added support for `Request#private`.
+* **feature-prompts**:
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed [issue #9229]( - Dismiss SelectLoginPrompt from the current tab when opening a new one ensuring the new one can show it's own. When returning to the previous tab users should focus a login field to see the SelectLoginPrompt again.
+ * PromptFeature now implements UserInteractionHandler.onBackPressed to dismiss loginPicker.
+* **browser-session**
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed [issue #9445]( - LinkEngineSessionAction does not consider restoreState result.
+* **feature-contextmenu**
+ * 🌟 New functionality [issue #9392]( - Add share and copy link context menu options to images.
+* **feature-customtabs**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Multiple breaking changes after migrating `feature-customtabs` to use the browser store, `CustomTabIntentProcessor` requires `AddCustomTabUseCase`, `CustomTabsToolbarFeature` requires the `BrowserStore` and `CustomTabsUseCases` for more details see [issue #4257](
+* **feature-intent**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Multiple breaking changes after migrating `feature-intent` to use the browser store, `TabIntentProcessor` requires `TabsUseCases` and removes the `openNewTab` parameter, for more details see [issue #4279](
+* **feature-tabs**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `TabsUseCases` now requires `SessionStorage` for more info see [issue #9323](
+* **browser-icons**
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed [issue #7888]( - Fixed crash when fetching icon with invalid URI scheme.
+* **feature-media**
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed [issue #9243]( - Pausing YouTube Video for A While Causes Media Notification to Disappear.
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed [issue #9254]( - Headphone control does not pause or play video.
+* **support-webextensions**
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed [issue #9210]( - White page shown in custom tab when ublock blocks page.
+* **feature-downloads**:
+ * Allow browsers to change the download notification accent color by providing `Style()` in `AbstractFetchDownloadService`, for more information see [#9299](
+* **feature-accounts-push**
+ * Rolling back to previous behaviour of renewing push registration token when the `subscriptionExpired` flag is observed.
+* **browser-icons**
+ * Catch `IOException` that may be thrown when deleting icon caches.
+* **feature-qr**
+ * QR Scanner can now scan inverted QR codes, by decoding inverted source when the decoding the original source fails.
+* **feature-sitepermissions**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: The `SitePermissions` constructor, now parameter types for `autoplayAudible` and `autoplayInaudible` have changed to `AutoplayStatus` as autoplay permissions only support two status `ALLOWED` and `BLOCKED`.
+* **feature-app-links**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Migrated this component to use `browser-state` instead of `browser-session`. It is now required to pass a `BrowserStore` instance (instead of `SessionManager`) to `AppLinksFeature`.
+* **browser-toolbar**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: The API for showing the site permission indicators has been replaced to API to show an dot notification instead, for more information see [#9378](
+* **service-nimbus**
+ * Added a `NimbusDisabled` class to provide implementers who are not able to use Nimbus yet.
+* **support-base**
+ * 🌟 Add an `ActivityResultHandler` for features that want to consume the result.
+* **concept-engine**,**browser-engine-gecko**, **browser-engine-gecko-beta**, **browser-engine-gecko-nightly**
+ * 🌟 Added a new `ActivityDelegate` for handling intent requests from the engine.
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `EngineSessionState`.`toJSON()` has been removed for more details see [issue #8370](
+* **browser-engine-gecko(-nightly)**
+ * Added `GeckoActivityDelegate` for the GeckoView `activityDelegate`.
+* **feature-tabs**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Removed the `TabCounterToolbarButton#privateColor` attribute which are replaced by the `tabCounterTintColor` Android styleable attribute.
+* **lib-nearby**, **feature-p2p**, **samples-nearby**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Removed Nearby component and related samples.
+# 70.0.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **browser-engine-gecko**, **browser-engine-gecko-beta**, **browser-engine-gecko-nightly**
+ * **Merge day!**
+ * `browser-engine-gecko-release`: GeckoView 84.0
+ * `browser-engine-gecko-beta`: GeckoView 85.0
+ * `browser-engine-gecko-nightly`: GeckoView 86.0
+* **browser-toolbar**
+ * 🌟 Added API to show site permission indicators for more information see [#9131](
+* **browser-awesomebar**:
+ * Awesomebar can now be customized for bottom toolbar using the [customizeForBottomToolbar] property
+* **service-numbus**
+ * Added a `NimbusDisabled` class to provide implementers who are not able to use Nimbus yet.
+# 69.0.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **browser-session**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `Session.searchTerms` has been removed. Use `ContentState.searchTerms` (`browser-state`) instead.
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `Session.desktopMode` has been removed. Use `ContentState.desktopMode` (`browser-state`) instead.
+* **feature-search**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Use cases in `SearchUseCases` now take the ID of s session/tab as parameter instead of a `Session` instance.
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `SearchUseCases` no longer depends on `SessionManager` and requires a `TabsUseCases` instance now.
+* **feature-tabs**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Use cases in `TabsUseCases` that previously returned a `Session` instance now return the ID of the `Session`.
+* **support-test-libstate**
+ * Added `CaptureActionsMiddleware`: A `Middleware` implementation for unit tests that want to inspect actions dispatched on a `Store`.
+* **feature-sitepermissions**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: The `SitePermissionsRules` constructor, now requires a new parameter `mediaKeySystemAccess`.
+ * 🌟 Added support for EME permission prompts, see [#7121](
+* **browser-thumbnail**
+ * Catch `IOException` that may be thrown when deleting thumbnails.
+* **browser-tabstray**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Support temporary hiding if a tab is selected. For this you should use partial bindings with PAYLOAD_(DONT_)HIGHLIGHT_SELECTED_ITEM; override TabsAdapter#isTabSelected for new item bindings; override TabViewHolder#updateSelectedTabIndicator.
+* **concept-tabstray**:
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: A new method - `isTabSelected` was added that exposes to clients an easy way to change what a "selected" tab means.
+# 68.0.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* ℹ️ Note that various AndroidX dependencies have been updated in this release.
+* **browser-engine-gecko**, **browser-engine-gecko-beta**, **browser-engine-gecko-nightly**
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed [issue #8464]( - Crash when confirming a prompt that was already confirmed
+* **feature-downloads**
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed [issue #9033]( - Fix resuming downloads in slow networks more details see the [Fenix issue](
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed [issue #9073]( - Fix crash downloading a file with multiple dots on it, for more details see the [Fenix issue](
+* **feature-session**
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed [issue #9109]( - Tracking protection shield not getting updated after deleting exception by url [Fenix issue](
+* **feature-app-links**
+ * Added handling of PackageItemInfo.packageName NullPointerException on some Xiaomi and TCL devices
+* **service-glean**
+ * 🆙 Updated Glean to version 33.1.2 ([changelog](
+* **feature-tab-collections**:
+ * [createCollection] now returns the id of the newly created collection
+* **browser-errorpages**:
+ * ⚠️ The url encoded error page - `error_page_js` is now clean of inline code. Clients should not rely on inlined code anymore.
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Removed the data url encoded error page - `error_pages` which was already deprecated by `error_page_js`.
+# 67.0.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **browser-engine-gecko**, **browser-engine-gecko-beta**, **browser-engine-gecko-nightly**
+ * **Merge day!**
+ * `browser-engine-gecko-release`: GeckoView 83.0
+ * `browser-engine-gecko-beta`: GeckoView 84.0
+ * `browser-engine-gecko-nightly`: GeckoView 85.0
+* **feature-sitepermissions**
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed [issue #8943]( Refactor `SwipeRefreshFeature` to not use `EngineSession.Observer`, this result in multiple site permissions bugs getting fixed see [fenix#8987]( and [fenix#16411](
+* **feature-prompts**
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed [issue #8967]( Crash when trying to upload a file see [fenix#16537](, for more information.
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed [issue #8953]( - Scroll to selected prompt choice if one exists.
+* **feature-accounts-push**
+ * ⚠️ `FxaPushSupportFeature` now re-subscribes to push instead of triggering the registration renewal process - this is a temporary workaround and will be removed in the future, see [#7143](
+ * `FxaPushSupportFeature` now takes an optional crash reporter in the constructor.
+# 66.0.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **accounts-push**
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed [issue #8745]( - Remove OneTimeFxaPushReset from FxaPushSupportFeature
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change** because the public API changes with the removal of the class.
+* **feature-downloads**
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed [issue #8904]( - Fix resuming downloads in nightly/beta more details see the [Fenix issue](
+* **feature-search**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `SearchUseCases` no longer requires a `Context` parameter in the constructor.
+* **feature-sitepermissions**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: The `SitePermissionsFeature`'s constructor does not requires a `sessionManager` parameter anymore pass a `store` instead.
+* **browser-session**
+ * `SelectionAwareSessionObserver` is now deprecated. All session state changes can be observed using the browser store (`browser-state` module).
+* **feature-addons**
+ * `AddonManager.getAddons()` now accepts a new (optional) `allowCache` parameter to configure whether or not a cached response may be returned. This is useful in case a UI flow needs the most up-to-date addons list, or to support "refresh" functionality. By default, cached responses are allowed.
+* **service-nimbus**
+ * Added new Nimbus rapid experiment library component. This is a Rust based component that is delivered to A-C through the appservices megazord. See the [nimbus-sdk repo]( for more info.
+# 65.0.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **feature-tabs**
+ * Added `TabsUseCases.RemoveTabsUseCase` for removing an arbitrary list of tabs.
+* **browser-state**
+ * Added `TabListAction.RemoveTabsAction` to `BrowserAction`.
+* **feature-downloads**
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed [issue #8823]( Downloads for data URLs were failing on nightly and beta more details in the [Fenix issue](
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed [issue #8847]( crash when trying to download a file and switching from a normal to a private mode.
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed [issue #8857]( Sometimes it is not possible to dismiss download notifications see [Fenix#15527]( for more information.
+* **feature-sitepermissions**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: The `SitePermissionsFeature`'s constructor, now requires a new parameter `BrowserStore` object.
+ * 🌟 Moved sitePermissionsFeature from using session to using kotlin flow for observing content and app permission requests[#8554](
+* **feature-addons**
+ * 🌟️ Added dividers for sections in add-ons list, see [#8703](
+* **feature-top-sites**
+ * Added `RenameTopSiteUseCase` to rename pinned site entries. [#8751](
+* **browser-engine-gecko-nightly**
+ * Adds optional `PreferredColorScheme` param to `GeckoEngineView`
+ * On `GeckoView` init call `coverUntilFirstPaint()` with `PreferredColorScheme`
+* **feature-push**
+ * Added `disableRateLimit` to `PushConfig` to allow for easier debugging of push during development.
+ * Made `AutoPushFeature` aware of the `PushConfig.disableRateLimit` flag.
+* **feature-accounts-push**
+ * Made `FxaPushSupportFeature` aware of the `PushConfig.disableRateLimit` flag.
+* **support-base**
+ * Add `LazyComponent`, a wrapper around `lazy` that avoids initializing recursive dependencies until component use.
+# 64.0.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **browser-engine-gecko**, **browser-engine-gecko-beta**, **browser-engine-gecko-nightly**
+ * Exposes GeckoView `CompositorController#ClearColor` as Setting
+* **browser-engine-system**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Renames `blackListFile` to `blocklistFile`.
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Renames `whiteListFile` to `safelistFile`.
+* **feature-addons**
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed [issue #7879]( Crash when the default locale is not part of the translations fields of an add-on
+ * ⚠️ Removed `Addon.translatedName`, `Addon.translatedSummary` and `Addon.translatedDescription` and added `Addon.translateName(context: Context)`, `Addon.translateSummary(context: Context)` and `Addon.translateDescription(context: Context)`
+* **concept-engine**
+ * ⚠️ Removed `TrackingCategory`.`SHIMMED`, for user usability reasons, we are going to mark SHIMMED categories as blocked, to follow the same pattern as Firefox desktop for more information see [#8769](
+* **feature-downloads**
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed [issue #8585]( create download directory when it doesn't exists for more information see [mozilla-mobile/fenix#15527](
+# 63.0.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **browser-engine-gecko**, **browser-engine-gecko-beta**, **browser-engine-gecko-nightly**
+ * **Merge day!**
+ * `browser-engine-gecko-release`: GeckoView 82.0
+ * `browser-engine-gecko-beta`: GeckoView 83.0
+ * `browser-engine-gecko-nightly`: GeckoView 84.0
+* **feature-addons**
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed [issue #8681]( Fenix was consuming a lot of extra space on disk, when an add-on update requires a new permission, more info can be found [here](
+ ```
+* All components
+ * Updated to Kotlin 1.4.10 and Coroutines 1.3.9.
+ * Updated to Android Gradle plugin 4.0.1 (downstream projects need to update too).
+* **service-glean**
+ * Glean was upgraded to v33.0.0
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Updated to the Android Gradle Plugin v4.0.1 and Gradle 6.5.1. Projects using older versions of these components will need to update in order to use newer versions of the Glean SDK.
+* **browser-toolbar**
+ * Clear tint of tracking protection icon when animatable
+* **concept-engine**
+ * Added `MediaSession` for the media session API.
+ * 🌟 Added a new `TrackingCategory`.`SHIMMED` to indicate that content that would have been blocked has instead been replaced with a shimmed file. See more on [Fenix #14071](
+* **browser-engine-gecko(-nightly)**
+ * Added `GeckoMediaSessionController` and `GeckoMediaSessionDelegate` for the media session API.
+* **browser-state**
+ * Added `MediaSessionState` to `SessionState`.
+ * Added `MediaSessionAction` to `BrowserAction`.
+* **feature-sitepermissions**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: The `SitePermissionsRules`'s constructor, now requires a new parameter `persistentStorage`.
+ * 🌟 Added support for the local storage site permission see [#3153](
+* **browser-toolbar**
+ * 🌟 Added API to add a click listener to the iconView.
+* **feature-prompts**
+ * The repost prompt now has different text and will also dismiss the pull to refresh throbber.
+* **lib-push-firebase**
+ * Upgrade Firebase Cloud Messaging to v20.3.0.
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `RemoteMessage` is now non-null in `onMessageReceived`.
+# 62.0.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **browser-state**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `DownloadState` doesn't support [Parcelable]( anymore.
+* **feature-downloads**
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed [issue #8585]( fixed regression files not been added to the downloads database system.
+ * 🌟 Added new use cases for removing individual downloads (`removeDownload`) and all downloads (`removeAllDownloads`).
+ * 🌟 Added support for new download [GeckoView API](
+* **service-glean**
+ * Glean was upgraded to v32.4.1
+ * Update `glean_parser` to 1.28.6
+ * BUGFIX: Ensure Kotlin arguments are deterministically ordered
+ * BUGFIX: Transform ping directory size from bytes to kilobytes before accumulating to `glean.upload.pending_pings_directory_size`
+* **feature-customtabs**
+ * The drawable for the Action button icon in custom tabs is now scaled to 24dp width an 24dp height.
+* **support-images**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `ImageLoader` and `ImageRequest` have moved to the `concept-base` component.
+* **browser-session**
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed: Having a larger number of tabs slows down cold startup see more on [#8535]( and [#7304](
+* **browser-toolbar**
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed: Crash IllegalArgumentException BrowserGestureDetector$CustomScrollDetectorListener see more on [#8356](
+* **feature-qr**
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed: Pair message show at every scan after you try to login using scan qr see [#8537](
+* **feature-addons**
+ * ⚠️ This is a breaking change for call sites that don't rely on named arguments:
+ * `AddonCollectionProvider` now supports configuring a custom collection owner (via AMO user ID or name).
+ * `AddonCollectionProvider` now supports configuring the sort order of recommended collections, defaulting to sorting descending by popularity
+ ```kotlin
+ val addonCollectionProvider by lazy {
+ AddonCollectionProvider(
+ applicationContext,
+ client,
+ collectionUser = "16314372"
+ collectionName = "myCollection",
+ sortOption = SortOption.NAME
+ maxCacheAgeInMinutes = DAY_IN_MINUTES
+ )
+ }
+ * Temporary add-ons installed via web-ext are no longer displayed as unsupported.
+# 61.0.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **browser-session**
+ * Added "undo" functionality via `UndoMiddleware`.
+* **feature-tabs**
+ * Added `TabsUseCases.UndoTabRemovalUseCase` for undoing the removal of tabs.
+* **feature-webcompat-reporter**
+ * Added the ability to automatically add a screenshot as well as more technical details when submitting a WebCompat report.
+* **feature-addons**
+ * Temporary add-ons installed via web-ext are no longer displayed as unsupported.
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed [issue #8267]( Devtools permission had wrong translation.
+ ```
+* **concept-menu**
+ * 🌟 Added `AsyncDrawableMenuIcon` class to use icons in a menu that will be loaded later.
+# 60.0.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **browser-engine-gecko**, **browser-engine-gecko-beta**, **browser-engine-gecko-nightly**
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed [issue #8431]( update `Session.trackerBlockingEnabled` and `SessionState#trackingProtection#enabled` with the initial tracking protection state.
+* **feature-tabs**
+ * Added `TabsUseCases.removeNormalTabs()` and `TabsUseCases.removePrivateTabs()`.
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Removed `TabsUseCases.removeAllTabsOfType()`.
+* **browser-session**
+ * Added `SessionManager.removeNormalSessions()` and `SessionManager.removePrivateSessions()`.
+* **feature-downloads**
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed [issue #8456]( Crash SQLiteConstraintException UNIQUE constraint failed: (code 1555).
+* **service-glean**
+ * Glean was upgraded to v32.4.0
+ * Allow using quantity metric type outside of Gecko ([#1198](
+ * Update `glean_parser` to 1.28.5
+ * The `SUPERFLUOUS_NO_LINT` warning has been removed from the glinter. It likely did more harm than good, and makes it hard to make metrics.yaml files that pass across different versions of `glean_parser`.
+ * Expired metrics will now produce a linter warning, `EXPIRED_METRIC`.
+ * Expiry dates that are more than 730 days (~2 years) in the future will produce a linter warning, `EXPIRATION_DATE_TOO_FAR`.
+ * Allow using the Quantity metric type outside of Gecko.
+ * New parser configs `custom_is_expired` and `custom_validate_expires` added. These are both functions that take the expires value of the metric and return a bool. (See `Metric.is_expired` and `Metric.validate_expires`). These will allow FOG to provide custom validation for its version-based `expires` values.
+ * Add a limit of 250 pending ping files. ([#1217](
+ * Don't retry the ping uploader when waiting, sleep instead. This avoids a never-ending increase of the backoff time ([#1217](
+# 59.0.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **feature-downloads**
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed [issue #8354]( Do not restart FAILED downloads.
+* **browser-tabstray**
+ * Removed the `BrowserTabsTray` that was deprecated in previous releases.
+* **service-telemetry**
+ * This library has been removed. Please use `service-glean` instead.
+* **service-glean**
+ * Glean was upgraded to v32.3.2
+ * Track the size of the database file at startup ([#1141](
+ * Submitting a ping with upload disabled no longer shows an error message ([#1201](
+ * BUGFIX: scan the pending pings directories **after** dealing with upload status on initialization. This is important, because in case upload is disabled we delete any outstanding non-deletion ping file, and if we scan the pending pings folder before doing that we may end up sending pings that should have been discarded. ([#1205](
+ * Move logic to limit the number of retries on ping uploading "recoverable failures" to glean-core. ([#1120](
+ * The functionality to limit the number of retries in these cases was introduced to the Glean SDK in `v31.1.0`. The work done now was to move that logic to the glean-core in order to avoid code duplication throughout the language bindings.
+ * Update `glean_parser` to `v1.28.3`
+ * BUGFIX: Generate valid C# code when using Labeled metric types.
+ * BUGFIX: Support `HashSet` and `Dictionary` in the C# generated code.
+ * Add a 10MB quota to the pending pings storage. ([#1100](
+ * Handle ping registration off the main thread. This removes a potential blocking call ([#1132](
+* **feature-syncedtabs**
+ * Added support for indicators to synced tabs `AwesomeBar` suggestions.
+* **feature-addons**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: The `Addon.translatePermissions` now requires a `context` object and returns a list of localized strings instead of a list of id string resources.
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed [issue #8323]( Add-on permission dialog does not prompt for host permissions.
+# 58.0.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **feature-recentlyclosed**
+ * Added a new [RecentlyClosedTabsStorage] and a [RecentlyClosedMiddleware] to maintain a list of restorable recently closed tabs.
+# 57.0.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **feature-search**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `SearchFeature.performSearch` now takes a second parameter.
+ * `BrowserStoreSearchAdapter` and `SearchFeature` can now take a `tabId` parameter.
+* **feature-top-sites**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Renames `TopSiteStorage` to `PinnedSitesStorage`.
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Renames `TopSiteDao` to `PinnedSiteDao`.
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Renames `TopSiteEntity` to `PinnedSiteEntity`.
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Replaces `TopSite` interface with a new generic `TopSite` data class.
+ * Implements TopSitesFeature based on the RFC [](
+ * Downloads, redirect targets, reloads, embedded resources, and frames are no longer considered for inclusion in top sites. Please see [this Application Services PR]( for more details.
+* **lib-push-firebase**
+ * Removed non-essential dependency on ``.
+* **lib-crash**
+ * Crash report timestamp is now set to when the crash occurred.
+ * When breadcrumbs limit is reached, oldest breadcrumbs are dropped.
+* **feature-toolbar**
+ * Added `ContainerToolbarFeature` to update the toolbar with the container page action whenever the selected tab changes.
+* **browser-state**
+ * Added `LastAccessMiddleware` to dispatch `TabSessionAction.UpdateLastAccessAction` when a tab is selected.
+* **feature-prompts**
+ * Replaced generic icon in `LoginDialogFragment` with site icon (keep the generic one as fallback)
+* **browser-engine-gecko**, **browser-engine-gecko-beta**, **browser-engine-gecko-nightly**
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed [issue #8240]( Crash when dismissing Share dialog.
+* **feature-downloads**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `` returns a `Strings`, `AndroidDownloadManager.tryAgain` requires a `Strings` `id` parameter.
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `ConsumeDownloadAction` requires a `Strings` `id` parameter.
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `DownloadManager#onDownloadStopped` requires a `Strings` `(DownloadState, Long, Status) -> Unit`.
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `DownloadsUseCases.invoke` requires an `Strings` `downloadId` parameter.
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `` has changed its type from `Long` to `String`.
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `BrowserState.downloads` has changed it's type from `Map<Long, DownloadState>` to `Map<String, DownloadState>`.
+ * 🌟 Added support for persisting/restoring downloads see issue [#7762](
+ * 🌟 Added `DownloadStorage` for querying stored download metadata.
+ * 🚒 Bug [issue #8190]( ArithmeticException: divide by zero in Download notification.
+ * 🚒 Bug [issue #8363]( IllegalStateException: Not allowed to start service Intent.
+* **ui-widgets**
+ * 🆕 New VerticalSwipeRefreshLayout that comes to resolve many of the issues of the platform SwipeRefreshLayout and filters out other gestures than swipe down/up.
+# 56.0.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **feature-prompts**
+ * 🌟 Added optional `LoginPickerView` and `onManageLogins` params to `PromptFeature` for a new [LoginPicker] to display a view for selecting one of multiple matching saved logins to fill into a site.
+* **concept-tabstray**
+ * 🌟 Added `onTabsUpdated` to `TabsTray.Observer` for notifying observers when one or more tabs have been added/removed.
+* **browser-tabstray**
+ * 🌟 Added the convenience function `TabsAdapter.doOnTabsUpdated` for performing actions only once when the tabs are updated.
+* **feature-app-links**
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed [issue #8169]( App links dialog will now call `showNow` to immediately show the dialog.
+* **browser-thumbnails**
+ * 🌟 Exposed `BrowserThumbnail.requestThumbnail` API for consumers.
+* **browser-engine-gecko-nightly**
+ * 🌟 Added `onPaintStatusReset` when a session's paint has been reset.
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed [issue #8123]( Fix history title crash.
+* **browser-engine-gecko-beta and **browser-engine-gecko **
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed [issue #8123]( Fix history title crash.
+* **concept-menu**
+ * 🌟 Added `MenuStyle` class to set menu background and width.
+* **browser-menu**
+ * 🌟 Added `style` parameter to ``.
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed [issue #8223]( Fix compound drawable position for RTL.
+* **browser-menu2**
+ * 🌟 Added `style` parameter to `BrowserMenuController`.
+* **ui-widgets**
+ * 🌟 Added widget for showing a website in a list, such as in bookmarks or history. The `mozac_primary_text_color` and `mozac_caption_text_color` attributes should be set.
+* **browser-icons**
+ * 🌟 Expose `BrowserIcons.clear()` as a public API to remove all saved data from disk and memory caches.
+* **feature-downloads**
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed [issue #8202]( Download's ui were always showing failed status.
+* **feature-pwa**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: The `SiteControlsBuilder` interface has changed. `buildNotification` now takes two parameters: `Context` and `Notification.Builder`.
+ * `WebAppSiteControlsFeature` now supports displaying monochrome icons.
+* **service-glean**
+ * Glean was updated to v32.1.1
+ * Support installing glean_parser in offline mode.
+ * Fix a startup crash on some Android 8 (SDK=25) devices, due to a [bug in the Java compiler](
+* **feature-readerview**
+ * 🚒 Bug fixed [issue #8208]( Add a link to the original page in Reader Mode.
+* **feature-addons**
+ * 🌟 Feature [issue #8200]( "users" in add-ons manager should be renamed to "reviews".
+# 55.0.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **browser-engine-gecko**, **browser-engine-gecko-beta**, **browser-engine-gecko-nightly**
+ * Fixed issue [#7983](, crash when a file name wasn't provided when uploading a file.
+* **service-glean**
+ * Glean was updated to v32.1.0
+ * The rate limiter now allows 15, rather than 10, pings per minute.
+* **storage-sync**
+ * Fixed [issue #8011]( PlacesConnectionBusy: Error executing SQL: database is locked.
+* **feature-app-links**
+ * Fixed [issue #8122]( App link redirecting to Play Store, rather than to installed app.
+# 54.0.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **concept-menu**
+ * Added `orientation` parameter to ``. Passing null (the default) tells the menu to determine the best orientation itself.
+* **browser-menu2**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `` no longer supports the width parameter.
+* **feature-app-links**
+ * Added `loadUrlUseCase` as a parameter for `AppLinksFeature`. This is used to load the URL if the user decides to not launch the link in the external app.
+* **concept-awesomebar**
+ * Added `AwesomeBar.setOnEditSuggestionListener()` to register a callback when a search term is selected to be edited further.
+* **browser-toolbar**
+ * `BrowserToolbar.setSearchTerms()` can now be called during `State.EDIT`
+* **browser-awesomebar**
+ * The view of `DefaultSuggestionViewHolder` now contains a button to select a search term for further editing. Clicking it will invoke the callback registered in `BrowserAwesomeBar.setOnEditSuggestionListener()`
+* **browser-menu**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Removed `SimpleBrowserMenuHighlightableItem.itemType`. Use a WeakMap instead if you need to attach private data.
+* **browser-menu**
+ * For a11y, `BrowserMenuImageSwitch` now highlights the entire row, not just the switch
+* **concept-engine**
+ * Added the `cookiePurging` property to `TrackingProtectionPolicy` and `TrackingProtectionPolicyForSessionTypes` constructors to enable/disable cookie purging feature read more about it [here](
+* **browser-engine-nightly**
+ * Added `cookiePurging` to `TrackingProtectionPolicy.toContentBlockingSetting`.
+* **feature-addons**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Unified addons icons design with the one of favicons used all throughout the app. Specifying a different background is not possible anymore.
+# 53.0.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **browser-engine-gecko**, **browser-engine-gecko-beta**, **browser-engine-gecko-nightly**
+ * **Merge day!**
+ * `browser-engine-gecko`: GeckoView 79.0
+ * `browser-engine-gecko-beta`: GeckoView 80.0
+ * `browser-engine-gecko-nightly`: GeckoView 81.0
+* **feature-downloads**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Removed the following properties from `DownloadJobState` in `AbstractFetchDownloadService` and added to `DownloadState`: `DownloadJobStatus` (now renamed to `DownloadStatus`) and `currentBytesCopied`. These properties can now be read from `DownloadState`.
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Removed the enum class `DownloadJobStatus` from `AbstractFetchDownloadService` and moved into `DownloadState`, and removed the `ACTIVE` state while introducing two new states called `INITIATED` and `DOWNLOADING`.
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Renamed the following data classes from `BrowserAction`: `QueuedDownloadAction` to `AddDownloadAction`, `RemoveQueuedDownloadAction` to `RemoveDownloadAction`, `RemoveAllQueuedDownloadsAction` to `RemoveAllDownloadsAction`, and `UpdateQueuedDownloadAction` to `UpdateDownloadAction`.
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Renamed `queuedDownloads` from `BrowserState` to `downloads` .
+ * Removed automatic deletion of `downloads` upon a completed download.
+ * 🆕 Added support for choosing a third party app to perform a download.
+* **browser-menu**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `BrowserMenuItemToolbar.Button.longClickListener` is now nullable and defaults to null.
+* **concept-menu**
+ * Added `SmallMenuCandidate.onLongClick` to handle long click of row menu buttons.
+* **service-glean**
+ * Glean was updated to v31.6.0
+ * Limit ping request body size to 1MB. ([#1098](
+ * BUGFIX: Require activities executed via `GleanDebugView` to be exported.
+* **feature-downloads**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `DownloadsFeature` is no longer accepting a custom download dialog but supporting customizations via the `promptStyling` parameter. The `dialog` parameter was unused so far. If it's required in the future it will need to be replaced with a lambda or factory so that the feature can create instances of the dialog itself, as needed.
+* **feature-webcompat-reporter**
+ * Added a second parameter to the `install` method: `productName` allows to provide a unique product name per usage for automatic product-labelling on
+* **feature-contextmenu**
+ * Do not show the "Download link" option for html URLs.
+ * Uses a speculative check, may not work in all cases.
+* **ui-widgets**
+ * Added shared ImageView style for favicons. The `mozac_widget_favicon_background_color` and `mozac_widget_favicon_border_color` attributes should be set, then `style="@style/Mozac.Widgets.Favicon"` can be added to an ImageView.
+# 52.0.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **browser-icons**
+ * Added `BrowserIcons.clear()` to remove all saved data from disk and memory caches.
+* **support-images**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Removed `ImageLoader.loadIntoView(view: ImageView, id: String)` extension function.
+* **service-glean**
+ * Glean was updated to v31.6.0
+ * Implement ping tagging (i.e. the `X-Source-Tags` header) ([#1074]( Note that this is not yet implemented for iOS.
+ * String values that are too long now record `invalid_overflow` rather than `invalid_value` through the Glean error reporting mechanism. This affects the string, event and string list metrics.
+ * `metrics.yaml` files now support a `data_sensitivity` field to all metrics for specifying the type of data collected in the field.
+ * Allow defining which `Activity` to run next when using the `GleanDebugActivity`.
+ * Implement JWE metric type ([#1073](, [#1062](
+ * DEPRECATION: `getUploadEnabled` is deprecated (respectively `get_upload_enabled` in Python) ([#1046](
+ * Due to Glean's asynchronous initialization the return value can be incorrect.
+ Applications should not rely on Glean's internal state.
+ Upload enabled status should be tracked by the application and communicated to Glean if it changes.
+ Note: The method was removed from the C# and Python implementation.
+ * Update `glean_parser` to `v1.28.1`
+ * The `glean_parser` linting was leading consumers astray by incorrectly suggesting that `deletion-request` be instead `deletion_request` when used for `send_in_pings`. This was causing metrics intended for the `deletion-request` ping to not be included when it was collected and submitted. Consumers that are sending metrics in the `deletion-request` ping will need to update the `send_in_pings` value in their metrics.yaml to correct this.
+ * Fixes a bug in doc rendering.
+* **feature-syncedtabs**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Adds context to the constructor of `SyncedTabsFeature`.
+* **browser-tabstray**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: The `BrowserTabsTray` is now deprecated. Using a `RecyclerView` directly is now recommended.
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `ViewHolderProvider` no longer has a second param.
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `TabsAdapter` has a `styling` field `TabsTrayStyling`.
+* **browser-menu2**
+ * Added new component to replace **browser-menu**. menu2 uses immutable data types and better integrates with `BrowserStore`.
+* **concept-menu**
+ * Added concept component to contain data classes for menu items and interfaces for menu controllers.
+* **browser-toolbar**
+ * Added support for the new `MenuController` interface for menu2.
+ When a menu controller is added to a toolbar, it will be used in place of the `BrowserMenuBuilder`.
+ The builder will supply items to the `MenuController` in `invalidateMenu` if it is kept.
+* **feature-containers**
+ * Adds a `ContainerMiddleware` that connects container browser actions with the `ContainerStorage`.
+* **feature-app-links**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: add `lastUri` as a parameter for `AppLinksInterceptor`.
+* **concept-engine**, **browser-engine-***
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: add `lastUri` as a parameter for `RequestInterceptor.onLoadRequest`.
+* **support-ktx**
+ * Added `Vibrator.vibrateOneShot` compat method.
+# 51.0.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **browser-session**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Removed the following properties from `Session`: `findResults`, `hitResult`, `fullScreenMode` and `layoutInDisplayCutoutMode`. The values still exist in `BrowserState` and can be read from there.
+* **support-images**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Removed `ImageRequest` in favor of `ImageSaveRequest` and `ImageLoadRequest` to separate the information passed to methods that load and save images.
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `ImageLoader.loadIntoView()` now takes an `ImageSaveRequest` instead of an `ImageRequest`.
+* **browser-thumbnails**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `ThumbnailStorage.saveThumbnail()` now takes an `ImageSaveRequest` instead of an `ImageRequest`.
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `ThumbnailStorage.loadThumbnail()` now takes an `ImageLoadRequest` instead of an `ImageRequest`.
+* **feature-addons**
+ * AddonManager now receives a `WebExtensionRuntime` instead of an `Engine`. This has no impact to consumers of `feature-addons` as `Engine` already implements `WebExtensionRuntime`.
+* **browser-session**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `Session.Source` was moved to browser-state and is now `SessionState.Source`. No change is required other than fixing imports.
+* **browser-engine-beta**
+ * Added `TrackingProtectionPolicy.toContentBlockingSetting` extension methods to convert a policy to GeckoView's `ContentBlocking.Setting`.
+* **browser-engine-nightly**
+ * Added `TrackingProtectionPolicy.toContentBlockingSetting` extension methods to convert a policy to GeckoView's `ContentBlocking.Setting`.
+ * Added checks to not apply the same policy twice if they are the same as already on the engine.
+* **feature-pwa**
+ * Added `ManifestStorage.loadShareableManifests` to get manifest with a `WebAppManifest.ShareTarget`.
+* **support-ktx**
+ * Add `Activity.reportFullyDrawnSafe`, a function to call `Activity.reportFullyDrawn` while catching crashes under some circumstances.
+# 50.0.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **feature-session**
+ * Added `SessionFeature.release()`: Calling this method stops the feature from rendering sessions on the `EngineView` (until explicitly started again) and releases an already rendering session from the `EngineView`.
+ * Added `SessionUseCases.goToHistoryIndex` to allow consumers to jump to a specific index in a session's history.
+ * Added `flags` parameter to `ReloadUrlUseCase`.
+* **support-ktx**
+ * Adds `Bundle.contentEquals` function to check if two bundles are equal.
+* **concept-engine**
+ * Added `EngineSession.goToHistoryIndex` to jump to a specific index in a session's history.
+ * Adds `flags` parameter to `reload`.
+* **service-glean**
+ * Glean was updated to v31.4.1
+ * Remove locale from baseline ping. ([1609968](, [#1016](
+ * Persist X-Debug-ID header on store ping. ([1605097](, [#1042](
+ * BUGFIX: raise an error if Glean is initialized with an empty string as the `application_id` ([#1043](
+ * Enable debugging features through environment variables. ([#1058](
+ * BUGFIX: fix `int32` to `ErrorType` mapping. The `InvalidOverflow` had a value mismatch between glean-core and the bindings. This would only be a problem in unit tests. ([#1063](
+ * Enable propagating options to the main product Activity when using the `GleanDebugActivity`.
+ * BUGFIX: Fix the metrics ping collection for startup pings such as `reason=upgrade` to occur in the same thread/task as Glean initialize. Otherwise, it gets collected after the application lifetime metrics are cleared such as experiments that should be in the ping. ([#1069](
+* **service-location**
+ * `LocationService.hasRegionCached()` is introduced to query if the region is already cached and a long running operation to fetch the region is not needed.
+* **browser-state**
+ * Added map of `SessionState.contextId` and their respective `ContainerState` in `BrowserState` to track the state of a container.
+* **browser-menu**
+ * Added an optional `longClickListener` parameter to `BrowserMenuItemToolbar.Button` and `BrowserMenuItemToolbar.TwoStateButton` to handle long click events.
+# 49.0.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **feature-session**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `FullScreenFeature`, `SettingsUseCases`, `SwipeRefreshFeature` and `SessionFeature` now require a `BrowserStore` instead of a `SessionManager`.
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `SessionFeature` now requires an `EngineSessionUseCases` instance.
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `TrackingProtectionUseCases` now requires a `BrowserStore` instead of a `SessionManager`.
+* **feature-tabs**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `TabsUseCases.AddNewTabUseCase` and `TabsUseCases.AddNewPrivateTabUseCase` now require a `BrowserStore` instead of a `SessionManager`.
+* **browser-session**
+ * `SessionManager.getEngineSession()` is now deprecated. From now on please read `EngineSession` instances of tabs from `BrowserState`.
+* **service-sync-logins**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: removed `isAutofillEnabled` lambda from `GeckoLoginStorageDelegate` because setting has been exposed through GV
+* **concept-engine**
+ * Adds `profiler` property with `isProfilerActive`, `getProfilerTime` and `addMarker` Firefox Profiler APIs. These will allow to add profiler markers.
+* **support-ktx**
+ * Adds `Resources.getSpanned` to format strings using style spans.
+ * Adds `Resources.locale` to get the corresponding locale on all SDK versions.
+* **feature-logins**
+ * 🆕 New component for logins related features.
+ * Adds `LoginExceptionStorage` for storing and accessing save login prompt exceptions.
+* **feature-prompts**
+ * Added an optional `LoginExceptions` param that a storage layer can implement to check for exceptions before showing a save login prompt.
+# 48.0.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **feature-intent**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `IntentProcessor.process` is not a suspend function anymore.
+* **feature-search**
+ * Adds optional `parentSession` to attach to a new search session in `SearchUseCases`
+* **feature-contextmenu**
+ * Add "Share image" to context menu.
+* **feature-session**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `AbstractCustomTabsService` now requires `CustomTabsServiceStore`.
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `httpClient` and `apiKey` have been removed from `AbstractCustomTabsService`. They should be replaced with building `DigitalAssetLinksApi` and passing it to `relationChecker`.
+ * Added `relationChecker` to customize Digital Asset Links handling.
+* **feature-pwa**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `TrustedWebActivityIntentProcessor` now requires a `RelationChecker` instead of `httpClient` and `apiKey`.
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Removed unused API from `WebAppShortcutManager`: uninstallShortcuts
+ * `WebAppShortcutManager` gained a new API: recentlyUsedWebAppsCount. Allows counting recently used web apps.
+* **browser-thumbnails**
+ * The `ThumbnailMiddleware` deletes the tab's thumbnail from the storage when the sessions are removed.
+ * `BrowserThumbnails` waits for the `firstContentfulPaint` before requesting a screenshot.
+* **feature-tabs**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Removes unused `ThumbnailsUseCases` since we now load thumbnails via `ThumbnailLoader`. See [#7313](
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Removes `ThumbnailsUseCases` as a parameter in `TabsFeature` and `TabsTrayPresenter`.
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Change the id parameter to accept a new `ImageRequest` in `ImageLoader`, which
+ allows consumers of `ThumbnailLoader` to specify the preferred image size along with the id when loading an image.
+* **feature-privatemode**
+ * Add `PrivateNotificationFeature` to display a notification when private sessions are open.
+* **service-glean**
+ * Glean was updated to v31.2.3
+ * BUGFIX: Correctly format the date and time in the Date header
+ * Feature: Add rate limiting capabilities to the upload manager
+ * BUGFIX: baseline pings with reason "dirty startup" are no longer sent if Glean did not full initialize in the previous run
+ * BUGFIX: Compile dependencies with `NDEBUG` to avoid linking unavailable symbols.
+ This fixes a crash due to a missing `stderr` symbol on older Android.
+ * BUGFIX: Fix mismatch in events keys and values by using glean_parser version 1.23.0.
+* **feature-webnotifications**
+ * `WebNotificationFeature` checks the site permissions first before showing a notification.
+ * Notifications with a long text body are now expandable to show the full text.
+* **feature-addons**
+ * Add `Addon.createdAtDate` and `Addon.updatedAtDate` extensions to get `Addon.createdAt` and `Addon.updatedAt` as a `Date`.
+# 47.0.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **service-digitalassetlinks**
+ * Added new component for listing and checking Digital Asset Links. Contains a local checker and a version that uses Google's API.
+# 46.0.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **concept-engine**
+ * Exposed `GeckoRuntimeSettings#setLoginAutofillEnabled` to control whether login forms should be automatically filled in suitable situations
+* **browser-icons**
+ * Fixed issue [#7142](
+* **feature-downloads**
+ * On devices older than Q we were not adding downloads to the system download database for more information see [#7230](
+* **browser-storage-sync**
+ * Added `getTopFrecentSites` to `PlacesHistoryStorage`, which returns a list of the top frecent site infos
+ sorted by most to least frecent.
+* **local development**
+ * Enable local Gradle Build Cache to speed-up local builds. Build cache is located in `.build-cache/`, clear it if you run into strange problems and please file an issue.
+* **support-rustlog**
+ * `RustLog.enable` now takes an optional [CrashReporting] instance which is used to submit error-level log messages as `RustErrorException`s.
+* **feature-push**
+ * Fixed a bug where we do not verify subscriptions on first attempt.
+* **feature-prompts**
+ * Select a regular tab first if that exists before checking custom tabs.
+* **feature-session**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `SettingsUseCases` now requires an engine reference, to clear speculative sessions if engine settings change.
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `PictureInPictureFeature` now takes `BrowserStore` instead of `SessionManager`.
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: The `pipChanged` callback has been removed. You should now observe `ContentState.pictureInPictureEnabled` instead.
+* **feature-containers**
+ * Adds a new storage component to store containers (contextual identities) in a Room database and provides the
+ necessary APIs to get, add and remove containers.
+* **feature-webnotifications**
+ * Adds support for displaying the `source` URL the WebNotification originated from.
+* **feature-tabs**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `TabsFeature` now supports providing custom use case implementations. Therefore, an instance of `SelectTabUseCase` and `RemoveTabUseCase` have to be provided.
+* **support-ktx**
+ * Added `Uri.sameHostAs` to check if two Uris have the same host (both http/https, both same domain).
+ * Added `Uri.sameOriginAs` to check if two Uris have the same origin (same host, same port).
+ * Added `Uri.isInScope` to check if a Uri is within one of the given scopes.
+* **browser-state**
+ * Added `ContentState.pictureInPictureEnabled` to track if Picture in Picture mode is in use.
+* **feature-pwa**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `WebAppHideToolbarFeature` now takes `BrowserStore` instead of `SessionManager`. `trustedScopes` is now derived from `CustomTabsServiceStore` and `WebAppManifest`. `setToolbarVisibility` should now be used set the visibility of the toolbar.
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `onToolbarVisibilityChange` has been removed. You should now observe `BrowserStore` instead.
+* **feature-tab-collections**:
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `TabCollectionStorage.getCollections` now returns `Flow` instead of `LiveData`. Use `Flow.asLiveData` to convert the result into a `LiveData` again.
+* **feature-top-sites**:
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `TopSiteStorage.getTopSites` now returns `Flow` instead of `LiveData`. Use `Flow.asLiveData` to convert the result into a `LiveData` again.
+* **service-glean**
+ * Glean was updated to v31.1.1
+ * Smaller binary library after a big dependency was dropped
+ * Limit the number of upload retries in all implementations
+* **support-images**:
+ * Added `ImageLoader` API for loading images directly into an `ImageView`.
+* **browser-tabstray**:
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `TabsAdapter` and `DefaultTabViewHolder` take an optional `ImageLoader` for loading browser thumbnails.
+ * Fixed a bug in `TabsThumbnailView` where the `scaleFactor` was not applied all the time when expected.
+* **browser-menu**:
+ * DynamicWidthRecyclerView will still be able to have a dynamic width between xml set minWidth and maxWidth attributes but we'll now enforce the following:
+ - minimum width 112 dp
+ - maximum width - screen width minus a 48dp tappable “exit area”
+# 45.0.0
+* ⚠️ This release can't be used due to a bad build.
+# 44.0.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **browser-engine-gecko-nightly**
+ * Added support for [onbeforeunload prompt](
+* **feature-tabs**
+ * Added an optional `ThumbnailsUseCases` to `TabsFeature` and `TabsTrayPresenter` for loading a
+ tab's thumbnail.
+* **browser-thumbnails**
+ * Adds `LoadThumbnailUseCase` in `ThumbnailsUseCases` for loading the thumbnail of a tab.
+ * Adds `ThumbnailStorage` as a storage layer for handling saving and loading a thumbnail from the
+ disk cache.
+* **feature-push**
+ * Adds the `getSubscription` call to check if a subscription exists.
+* **browser-engine-gecko-***
+ * Fixes GeckoWebPushDelegate to gracefully return when a subscription is not available.
+* **feature-session**
+ * Removes unused `ThumbnailsFeature` since this has been refactored into its own browser-thumbnails component in
+ [#6827](
+* **browser-state**
+ * Adds `BrowserState.getNormalOrPrivateTabs(private: Boolean)` to get `normalTabs` or `privateTabs` based on a boolean condition.
+* **support-utils**
+ * `URLStringUtils.isURLLikeStrict`, deprecated in 40.0.0, was now removed due to performance issues. Use the less strict and much faster `isURLLike` instead or customize based on `:lib-publicsuffixlist`.
+* **support-ktx**
+ * `String.isUrlStrict`, deprecated in 40.0.0, was now removed due to performance issues. Use the less strict `isURL` instead or customize based on `:lib-publicsuffixlist`.
+* **service-glean**
+ * Glean was updated to v31.0.2
+ * Provide a new upload mechanism, now driven by internals. This has no impact to consumers of service-glean.
+ * Automatically Gzip-compress ping payloads before upload
+ * Upgrade `glean_parser` to v1.22.0
+# 43.0.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **feature-downloads**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: DownloadManager and DownloadService are now using the browser store to keep track of queued downloads. Therefore, an instance of the store needs to be provided when constructing manager and service. There's also a new DownloadMiddleware which needs to be provided to the store.
+ ```kotlin
+ val store by lazy {
+ BrowserStore(middleware = listOf(
+ MediaMiddleware(applicationContext,,
+ DownloadMiddleware(applicationContext,,
+ ...
+ ))
+ }
+ )
+ val feature = DownloadsFeature(
+ requireContext().applicationContext,
+ store =,
+ useCases = components.downloadsUseCases,
+ fragmentManager = childFragmentManager,
+ onDownloadStopped = { download, id, status ->
+ Logger.debug("Download done. ID#$id $download with status $status")
+ },
+ downloadManager = FetchDownloadManager(
+ requireContext().applicationContext,
+, // Store needs to be provided now
+ DownloadService::class
+ ),
+ tabId = sessionId,
+ onNeedToRequestPermissions = { permissions ->
+ requestPermissions(permissions, REQUEST_CODE_DOWNLOAD_PERMISSIONS)
+ }
+ )
+ class DownloadService : AbstractFetchDownloadService() {
+ override val httpClient by lazy { components.core.client }
+ override val store: BrowserStore by lazy { } // Store needs to be provided now
+ }
+ ```
+ * Fixed issue [#6893](
+ * Add notification grouping to downloads Fenix issue [#4910](
+* **feature-tabs**
+ * Makes `TabsAdapter` open to subclassing.
+* **feature-intent**
+ * Select existing tab by url when trying to open a new tab in `TabIntentProcessor`
+* **feature-media**
+ * Adds `MediaFullscreenOrientationFeature` to autorotate activity while in fullscreen based on media aspect ratio.
+* **support-images**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Extracts `AndroidIconDecoder`, `IconDecoder` and `DesiredSize` out of `browser-icons`
+ into a new component `support-images`, which provides helpers for handling images. `AndroidIconDecoder` and `IconDecoder`
+ are renamed to `AndroidImageDecoder` and `ImageDecoder` in `support-images`.
+* **support-utils**
+ * `URLStringUtils.isURLLike()` will now consider URLs containing double dash ("--") as valid.
+* **browser-thumbnails**
+ * Adds `ThumbnailDiskCache` for storing and restoring thumbnail bitmaps into a disk cache.
+* **concept-engine**
+ * Adds `onHistoryStateChanged` method and corresponding `HistoryItem` data class.
+* **browser-state**
+ * Adds `history` to `ContentState` to check the back and forward history list.
+* **service-glean**
+ * BUGFIX: Fix a race condition that leads to a `ConcurrentModificationException`. [Bug 1635865](
+* **browser-menu**
+ * Added `AbstractParentBrowserMenuItem` and `ParentBrowserMenuItem` for handling nested sub menu items on view click.
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `WebExtensionBrowserMenuBuilder` now returns as a sub menu entry for add-ons. The sub
+ menu also contains an access entry for Add-ons Manager, for which `onAddonsManagerTapped` needs to be passed in the
+ constructor.
+* **feature-syncedtabs**
+ * When the SyncedTabsFeature is started it syncs the devices and account first.
+# 42.0.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **browser-state**
+ * Adds `firstContentfulPaint` to `ContentState` to know if first contentful paint has happened.
+* **service-glean**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Glean's configuration now requires explicitly setting an http client. Users need to pass one at construction.
+ A default `lib-fetch-httpurlconnection` implementation is available.
+ Add it to the configuration object like this:
+ `val config = Configuration(httpClient = ConceptFetchHttpUploader(lazy { HttpURLConnectionClient() as Client }))`.
+ See [PR #6875]( for details and full code examples.
+* **browser-store**
+ * Added `webAppManifest` property to `ContentState`.
+ * **feature-qr**
+ * Added `CustomViewFinder`, a `View` that shows a ViewFinder positioned in center of the camera view and draws an Overlay
+ * Added optional String resource `scanMessage` param to `QrFeature` for adding a message below the viewfinder
+* **service-experiments**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Mako's configuration now requires explicitly setting an http client. Users need to pass one at construction.
+* **feature-prompts**
+ * Added `mozacPromptLoginEditTextCursorColor` attribute to be able to change cursor color of TextInputEditTexts from `mozac_feature_prompt_login_prompt`.
+# 41.0.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **feature-tabs**
+ * Fixed issue [#6907]( Uses MediaState when mapping BrowserState to tabs.
+* **concept-tabstray**
+ * For issue [#6907]( Adds `Media.State` to `Tab`
+* **feature-session**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Added optional `crashReporting` param to [PictureInPictureFeature] so we can record caught exceptions.
+* **feature-downloads**
+ * Fixed issue [#6881](
+* **feature-addons**
+ * Added optional `addonAllowPrivateBrowsingLabelDrawableRes` DrawableRes parameter to `AddonPermissionsAdapter.Style` constructor to allow the clients to add their own drawable. This is used to clearly label the WebExtensions that run in private browsing.
+* **browser-menu**
+ * BrowserMenu will now support dynamic width based on two new attributes: `mozac_browser_menu_width_min` and `mozac_browser_menu_width_max`.
+* **browser-tabstray**
+ * Added optional `itemDecoration` DividerItemDecoration parameter to `BrowserTabsTray` constructor to allow the clients to add their own dividers. This is used to ensure setting divider item decoration after setAdapter() is called.
+* **service-glean**
+ * Glean was updated to v29.1.0
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: glinter errors found during code generation will now return an error code.
+ * The minimum and maximum values of a timing distribution can now be controlled by the `time_unit` parameter. See [Bug 1630997]( for more details.
+* **feature-accounts**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Refactored component to use `browser-state` instead of `browser-session`. The `FxaWebChannelFeature` now requires a `BrowserStore` instance instead of a `SessionManager`.
+* **lib-push-fcm**, **lib-push-adm**, **concept-push**
+ * Allow nullable encoding values in push messages. If they are null, we attempt to use `aes128gcm` for encoding.
+* **browser-toolbar**
+ * It will only be animated for vertical scrolls inside the EngineView. Not for horizontal scrolls. Not for zoom gestures.
+* **browser-thumbnails**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Migrated this component to use `browser-state` instead of `browser-session`. It is now required to pass a `BrowserStore` instance (instead of `SessionManager`) to `BrowserThumnails`.
+# 40.0.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **browser-tabstray**
+ * Converts `TabViewHolder` to an abstract class with `DefaultTabViewHolder` as the default implementation.
+ * Replaces `layoutId` with `viewHolderProvider` in the `TabsAdapter` for allowing tab customization.
+* **concept-engine**
+ * Adds Fingerprinter to the recommended Tracking protection policy.
+* **support-locale**
+ * Adds Android 8.1 to the check in `setLayoutDirectionIfNeeded` inside `LocaleAwareAppCompatActivity`
+* **feature-top-sites**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Added `isDefault` to the top site entity, which allows application to specify a default top site that is added by the application. This is called through `TopSiteStorage.addTopSite`.
+ * If your application is using Nightly Snapshots of v40.0.0, please test that the Top Sites feature still works and update to the latest v40.0.0 if any schema errors are encountered.
+* **feature-push**
+ * Simplified error handling and reduced non-fatal exception reporting.
+* **support-base**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `CrashReporting` allowing adding support for `recordCrashBreadcrumb` without `lib-crash` dependency.
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `Breadcrumb` has moved from `lib-crash` to this component.
+* **support-utils**
+ * `URLStringUtils.isURLLikeStrict` is now deprecated due to performance issues. Consider using the less strict `isURLLike` instead or creating a new method using `:lib-publicsuffixlist`.
+* **support-ktx**
+ * `String.isUrlStrict` is now deprecated due to performance issues. Consider using the less strict `isURL` instead or creating a new method using `:lib-publicsuffixlist`.
+* **browser-menu**
+ * Added `SimpleBrowserMenuHighlightableItem` which is a simple menu highlightable item (no images/icons).
+* **browser-engine-gecko**, **browser-engine-gecko-beta**, **browser-engine-gecko-nightly**
+ * Improve social trackers categorization see [ac#6851]( and [fenix#5921](
+* **service-firefox-accounts**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `FxaAccountManager.withConstellation` puts the `DeviceConstellation` within the same scope as the block so you no longer need to use the `it` reference.
+* **feature-syncedtabs**
+ * Moved `SyncedTabsFeature` to `SyncedTabsStorage`.
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: The new `SyncedTabsFeature` now orchestrates the correct state needed for consumers to handle by implementing the `SyncedTabsView`.
+* **browser-thumbnails**
+ * 🆕 New component for capturing browser thumbnails.
+ * `ThumbnailsFeature` will be deprecated for the new `BrowserThumbnails` in a future.
+# 39.0.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **All components**
+ * Increased `targetSdkVersion` to 29 (Android Q)
+* **browser-session**
+ * `SnapshotSerializer` no longer restores source of a `Session`, added `Session.Source.RESTORED`
+* **feature-downloads**
+ * Fixed issue [#6764](
+* **support-locale**
+ * Added fix for respecting RTL/LTR changes when activity is recreated in Android 8
+* **feature-sitepermissions**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: The `SitePermissionsFeature`'s constructor, now requires a new parameter `onShouldShowRequestPermissionRationale` a lambda to allow the feature to query [ActivityCompat.shouldShowRequestPermissionRationale](,%20java.lang.String)) or [Fragment.shouldShowRequestPermissionRationale]( This allows the `SitePermissionsFeature` to handle when a user clicks "Deny & don't ask again" button in a system permission dialog, for more information see [issue #6565](
+* **ui-widgets**
+ * 🆕 New component for standardized Mozilla widgets and styles. A living style guide will be published soon that helps explain design choices made.
+ * First version includes styling for buttons: `NeutralButton`, `PositiveButton`, and `DestructiveButton`
+* **feature-addons**
+ * Added `AddonsManagerAdapter.updateAddon` and `AddonsManagerAdapter.updateAddons` to allow partial updates.
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `AddonsManagerAdapterDelegate.onNotYetSupportedSectionClicked(unsupportedAddons: ArrayList<Addon>)` is changed to `AddonsManagerAdapterDelegate.onNotYetSupportedSectionClicked(unsupportedAddons: List<Addon>)`.
+ * Fixed [issue #6685](, now `DefaultSupportedAddonsChecker` will marked any newly supported add-on as enabled.
+ * Added `Addon.translatedSummary` and `Addon.translatedDescription` to ease add-on translations.
+ * Added `Addon.defaultLocale` Indicates which locale will be always available to display translatable fields.
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `AddonManager.enableAddon` and `AddonManager.disableAddon` have a new optional parameter `source` that indicates why the extension is enabled/disabled.
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `Map<String, String>.translate` now is marked as internal, if you are trying to translate the summary or the description of an add-on, use `Addon.translatedSummary` and `Addon.translatedDescription`.
+* **feature-toolbar**
+ * Disabled autocompleting when updating url upon entering edit mode in BrowserToolbar.
+* **feature-media**
+ * Muted media will not start the media service anymore, causing no media notification to be shown and no audio focus getting requested.
+* **feature-fullscreen**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Added `viewportFitChanged` to support Android display cutouts.
+ * **feature-qr**
+ * Moved `AutoFitTextureView` from `support-base` to `feature-qr`.
+* **feature-session**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Added `viewportFitChanged` to `FullScreenFeature` for supporting Android display cutouts.
+* **feature-qr**
+ * Moved `AutoFitTextureView` from `support-base` to `feature-qr`.
+* **service-sync-logins**
+ * Adds fun `LoginsStorage.getPotentialDupesIgnoringUsername` for fetching list of potential duplicate logins from the underlying storage layer, ignoring username.
+* **feature-customtabs**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Removed `handleError` in `CustomTabWindowFeature` constructor
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Added `onLaunchUrlFallback` to `CustomTabWindowFeature` constructor
+* **browser-tabstray**
+ * The iconView is no longer required in the template.
+ * The URL text for items may be styled.
+* **service-glean**
+ * Glean was updated to v28.0.0
+ * The baseline ping is now sent when the application goes to foreground, in addition to background and dirty-startup.
+* **Developer ergonomics**
+ * Improved autoPublication workflow. See for updated documentation.
+* **browser-search**
+ * Added `getSearchTemplate` to reconstruct the user-entered search engine url template
+# 38.0.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **browser-engine-gecko**, **browser-engine-gecko-beta**, **browser-engine-gecko-nightly**
+ * **Merge day!**
+ * `browser-engine-gecko-release`: GeckoView 75.0
+ * `browser-engine-gecko-beta`: GeckoView 76.0
+ * `browser-engine-gecko-nightly`: GeckoView 77.0
+* **feature-session**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Added optional `customTabSessionId` param to [PictureInPictureFeature] so consumers can use this feature for custom tab sessions.
+* **support-locale**
+ * Updates `updateResources` to always update the context configuration
+* **feature-toolbar**
+ * Added `forceExpand` to [BrowserToolbarBottomBehavior] so consumers can expand the BrowserToolbar on demand.
+* **feature-addons**
+ * Added `AddonPermissionsAdapter.Style` and `AddonsManagerAdapter.Style` classes to allow UI customization.
+* **service-accounts-push**
+ * Fixed a bug where the push subscription was incorrectly cached and caused some `GeneralError`s.
+* **feature-addons**
+ * Added `DefaultAddonUpdater.UpdateAttemptStorage` allows to query the last known state for a previous attempt to update an add-on.
+* **feature-accounts-push**
+ * Re-subscribe for Sync push support when notified by `onSubscriptionChanged` events.
+* **support-migration**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `FennecMigrator` now takes `Lazy` references to storage layers.
+* **concept-storage**, **service-sync-logins**
+ * 🆕 New API: `PlacesStorage#warmUp`, `SyncableLoginsStorage#warmUp` - allows consumers to ensure that underlying storage database connections are fully established.
+* **feature-customtabs**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: add parameter `handleError` to `CustomTabWindowFeature` constructor
+ * This is used to show an error when the url can't be handled
+ * `CustomTabIntentProcessor` to support `Browser.EXTRA_HEADERS`.
+* **browser-engine-gecko**, **browser-engine-gecko-beta**, **browser-engine-gecko-nightly**
+ * Fixed a memory leak when using a `SelectionActionDelegate` on `GeckoEngineView`.
+* **feature-share**
+ * Added `RecentAppsStorage.deleteRecentApp` and `RecentAppsDao.deleteRecentApp` to allow deleting a `RecentAppEntity`
+* **feature-p2p**
+ * Add new `P2PFeature` to send URLs and web pages through peer-to-peer networking.
+* **browser-engine-gecko**, **browser-engine-gecko-beta**, **browser-engine-gecko-nightly, **browser-engine-system**
+ * Added `GeckoEngineView#getInputResult()` to return an EngineView.InputResult indicating how a MotionEvent was handled by an EngineView.
+* **concept-engine**
+ * Will expose a new `InputResult` enum through `getInputResult()` indicating how an EngineView handled user's MotionEvent.
+ * See above changes to browser-engine-*.
+* **browser-toolbar**
+ * `BrowserToolbarBottomBehavior` is now solely responsible to decide if the dynamic nav bar should animate or not.
+ * See above changes to browser-engine-*, concept-engine.
+* **feature-session**
+ * `SwipeRefreshLayout` will now trigger pull down to refresh only if the website is scrolled to top and it itself did not consume the swype event.
+ * See above changes to browser-engine-*, concept-engine.
+ * Added androidx_swiperefreshlayout as a dependency because google_materials dependency was incremented to version 1.1.0 which no longer includes SwipeRefreshLayout
+* **lib-crash**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: added `support-base` dependency.
+* **support-base**
+ * `CrashReporting` allowing adding support for `submitCaughtException` without `lib-crash` dependency.
+* **browser-tabstray**
+ * Added ability to let consumers pass a custom layout of `TabViewHolder` in order to control layout inflation and view binding.
+ * Added an optional URL view to the `TabViewHolder` to display the URL.
+ * Will expose a new `layout` parameter which allows consumers to change the tabs tray layout.
+ * Will only display a URL's hostname instead of the entire URL
+* **browser-session**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `SessionManager.runWithSessionIdOrSelected` now returns the result from the `block` it executes. This is consistent with `runWithSession`.
+* **feature-push**
+ * Allow nullable AutoPush messages to be delivered to observers.
+* **service-glean**
+ * Glean was updated to v27.1.0
+ * **Breaking change:** The regular expression used to validate labels is stricter and more correct.
+ * BUGFIX: baseline pings sent at startup with the `dirty_startup` reason will now include application lifetime metrics ([#810](
+ * Add more information about pings to markdown documentation:
+ * State whether the ping includes client id;
+ * Add list of data review links;
+ * Add list of related bugs links.
+ * `gradlew clean` will no longer remove the Miniconda installation in `~/.gradle/glean`. Therefore `clean` can be used without reinstalling Miniconda afterward every time.
+ * Glean will now detect when the upload enabled flag changes outside of the application, for example due to a change in a config file. This means that if upload is disabled while the application wasn't running (e.g. between the runs of a Python command using the Glean SDK), the database is correctly cleared and a deletion request ping is sent. See [#791](
+ * The `events` ping now includes a reason code: `startup`, `background` or `max_capacity`.
+# 37.0.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **lib-state**, **browser-state**
+ * Added the ability to add `Middleware` instances to a `Store`. A `Middleware` can rewrite or intercept an `Action`, as well as dispatch additional `Action`s or perform side-effects when an `Action` gets dispatched.
+* **browser-engine-gecko**, **browser-engine-gecko-beta**, **browser-engine-gecko-nightly**
+ * Updated `removeAll()` from `TrackingProtectionExceptionFileStorage` to notify active sessions when all exceptions are removed.
+ * Added `GeckoPort.senderUrl` which returns the associated content URL.
+* **feature-accounts**
+ * It should now be possible to log-in on stable, stage and china FxA servers using a WebChannel flow.
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `FxaWebChannelFeature` takes a `ServerConfig` as 4th parameter to ensure incoming WebChannel messages
+ are sent by the expected FxA host.
+* **feature-sitepermissions**
+ * Fixed issue [#6299](, from now on, any media requests like a microphone or a camera permission will require the system permissions to be granted before a dialog can be shown.
+* **service-sync-logins**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `DefaultLoginValidationDelegate`, `GeckoLoginStorageDelegate` constructors changed to take `Lazy<LoginsStorage>` instead of `LoginsStorage`, to facilitate late initialization.
+* **service-firefox-accounts**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `GlobalSyncableStoreProvider#configureStore` changed to take `Lazy<SyncableStore>` instead of `SyncableStore`, to facilitate late initialization.
+* **feature-session**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `HistoryDelegate` constructor changed to take `Lazy<HistoryStorage>` instead of `HistoryStorage`, to facilitate late initialization.
+* **concept-engine**
+ * Added: `DataCleanable` a new interface that decouples the behavior of clearing browser data from the `Engine` and `EngineSession`.
+* **feature-sitepermissions**
+ * Fixed [#6322](, now `SitePermissionsStorage` allows to indicate an optional reference to `DataCleanable`.
+* **browser-menu**
+ * Added `canPropagate` param to all `BrowserMenuHighlight`s, making it optional to be displayed in other components
+ * Changed `BrowserMenuItem.getHighlight` to filter the highlights which should not propagate.
+* **feature-share**
+ * Changed primary key of RecentAppEntity to activityName instead of packageName
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: all calls to app.packageName should now use app.activityName
+# 36.0.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **browser-engine-gecko**, **browser-engine-gecko-beta**, **browser-engine-gecko-nightly**
+ * **Merge day!**
+ * `browser-engine-gecko-release`: GeckoView 74.0
+ * `browser-engine-gecko-beta`: GeckoView 75.0
+ * `browser-engine-gecko-nightly`: GeckoView 76.0
+* **feature-addons**
+ * Added `DefaultSupportedAddonsChecker` which checks for add-ons that were previously unsupported, and creates a notification to let the user known when they are available to be used.
+* **feature-push**
+ * `AutoPushFeature` now properly notifies observers that they have changed by the `Observer.onSubscriptionChanged` callback.
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `RustPushConnection.verifyConnection` now returns a list of subscriptions that have changed.
+# 35.0.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **feature-sitepermissions**
+ * Fixed [#5616]( issue now when a new exception is added if the [sitePermissionsRules]( object is present its values are going to be taken into consideration as default values for the new exception.
+* **feature-awesomebar**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Refactored component to use `browser-state` instead of `browser-session`. Feature and `SuggestionProvider` implementations may require a `BrowserStore` instance instead of a `SessionManager` now.
+* **feature-intent**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Removed `IntentProcessor.matches()` method from interface. Calling `process()` and examining the boolean return value is enough to know whether an `Intent` matched.
+* **feature-downloads**
+ * Fixed APK downloads not prompting to install when the notification is clicked.
+* **service-location**
+ * Created `LocationService` interface and made `MozillaLocationService` implement it.
+ * `RegionSearchLocalizationProvider` now accepts any `LocationService` implementation.
+ * Added `LocationService.dummy()` which creates a dummy `LocationService` implementation that always returns `null` when asked for a `LocationService.Region`.
+* **feature-accounts-push**
+ * Add known prefix to FxA push scope.
+* **browser-toolbar**
+ * Add the possibility to listen to menu dismissal through `setMenuDismissAction` in `DisplayToolbar`
+* **concept-storage**
+ * New interface: `LoginsStorage`, describes a logins storage. A slightly cleaned-up version of what was in the `service-sync-logins`.
+* **service-sync-logins**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Refactored `AsyncLoginsStorage`, which is now called `SyncableLoginsStorage`. New class caches the db connection, and removes lock/unlock operations from the public API.
+* **feature-tabs**
+ * Fixed close tabs callback incorrectly invoked on start.
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Added `defaultTabsFilter` to `TabsFeature` for initial presenting of tabs.
+ * `TabsFeature.filterTabs` also uses the same filter if no new filter is provided.
+* **browser-session**
+ * SessionManager will now close internal `EngineSession` instances on memory pressure when `onTrimMemory()` gets called
+ * `SessionManager.onLowMemory()` is now deprecated and `SessionManager.onTrimMemory(level)` should be used instead.
+* **browser-engine-system**
+ * Updated tracking protection lists for more details see [#6163](
+* **concent-engine**, **browser-engine-gecko**, **browser-engine-gecko-beta**, **browser-engine-gecko-nightly**, **browser-engine-system**
+ * Add additional HTTP header support for `EngineSession.loadUrl()`.
+# 34.0.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **concept-tabstray**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Removed dependency on `browser-session` and introduced tabs tray specific data classes.
+* **browser-tabstray**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Refactored component to implement updated `concept-tabstray` interfaces.
+* **feature-tabs**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Refactored component to use `browser-state` instead of `browser-session`.
+ * Added additional method to `TabsUseCases` to select a tab based on its id.
+* **feature-contextmenu**
+ * Adds optional `shareTextClicked` lambda to `DefaultSelectionActionDelegate` which allows adding and dispatching a text selection share action
+* **browser-icons**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Migrated this component to use `browser-state` instead of `browser-session`. It is now required to pass a `BrowserStore` instance (instead of `SessionManager`) to `BrowserIcons.install()`.
+* **support-webextensions**
+ * Emit facts on installed and enabled addon ids after web extension is initialized.
+* **feature-app-links**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `alwaysAllowedSchemes` is removed as a parameter for `AppLinksInterceptor`.
+ * Added `engineSupportedSchemes` as a parameter for `AppLinksInterceptor`. This allows the caller to specify which protocol is supported by the engine.
+ * Using this information, app links can decide if a protocol should be launched in a third party app or not regardless of user preference.
+* **feature-sitepermissions**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: add parameters `autoplayAudible` and `autoplayInaudible` to `SitePermissionsRules`.
+ * This allows autoplay settings to be controlled for specific sites, rather than globally.
+* **concept-engine**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: remove deprecated GeckoView setting `allowAutoplayMedia`
+ * This should now be controlled for individual sites via `SitePermissionsRules`
+ * Fixed a bug that would cause `TrackingProtectionPolicyForSessionTypes` to lose some information during transformations.
+* **feature-downloads**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `customTabId` is renamed to `tabId`.
+* **feature-contextmenu**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `customTabId` is renamed to `tabId`.
+* **browser-menu**
+ * Emit fact on the web extension id when a web extension menu item is clicked.
+* **feature-push**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**:
+ * Removed APIs from AutoPushFeature: `subscribeForType`, `unsubscribeForType`, `subscribeAll`.
+ * Removed `PushType` enum and it's internal uses.
+ * Use the new ✨ `subscribe` and `unsubscribe` APIs.
+* **feature-accounts-push**
+ * Updated `FxaPushSupportFeature` to use the new `AutoPushFeature` APIs.
+* **concept-sync**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**:
+ * `DeviceEvent` and related classes were expanded/refactored, and renamed to `AccountEvent`.
+ * `DeviceConstellation` "event" related APIs were renamed to be "command"-centric.
+* **service-firefox-accounts**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**:
+ * `FxaAccountManager.registerForDeviceEvents` renamed to `FxaAccountManager.registerForAccountEvents`.
+# 33.0.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **feature-share**
+ * Added database to store recent apps
+ * Added `RecentAppsStorage` to handle storing and retrieving most-recent apps
+* **service-glean**
+ * Glean was updated to v25.0.0:
+ * General:
+ * `ping_type` is not included in the `ping_info` any more ([#653](, the pipeline takes the value from the submission URL.
+ * The version of `glean_parser` has been upgraded to 1.18.2:
+ * **Breaking Change (Java API)** Have the metrics names in Java match the names in Kotlin.
+ See [Bug 1588060](
+ * The reasons a ping are sent are now included in the generated markdown documentation.
+ * Android:
+ * The `Glean.initialize` method runs mostly off the main thread ([#672](
+ * Labels in labeled metrics now have a correct, and slightly stricter, regular expression.
+ See [label format]( for more information.
+# 32.0.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **browser-engine-gecko**, **browser-engine-gecko-beta**, **browser-engine-gecko-nightly**
+ * **Merge day!**
+ * `browser-engine-gecko-release`: GeckoView 73.0
+ * `browser-engine-gecko-beta`: GeckoView 74.0
+ * `browser-engine-gecko-nightly`: GeckoView 75.0
+* **browser-engine-gecko-nightly**, **concept-engine**
+ * Updated `WebPushHandler` and `GeckoWebPushHandler` to accept push scopes for `onSubscriptionChanged` events.
+* **WebExtensions refactor**
+ * The Web Extensions related methods have been refactored from `Engine` into a new `WebExtensionRuntime` interface.
+ * The `Engine` interface now implements the `WebExtensionRuntime` interface.
+ * `WebCompatFeature` has been updated to receive a `WebExtensionRuntime` instead of a `Engine` as `install` method parameter.
+* **lib-crash**
+ * Now supports adding telemetry crash reporting services. Telemetry services will not require to prompt
+ * the user since it is restricted by the telemetry preference of the user.
+ ```kotlin
+ CrashReporter(
+ services = services,
+ telemetryServices = telemetryServices,
+ shouldPrompt = CrashReporter.Prompt.ALWAYS,
+ promptConfiguration = CrashReporter.PromptConfiguration(
+ appName = context.getString(R.string.app_name),
+ organizationName = "Mozilla"
+ ),
+ enabled = true,
+ nonFatalCrashIntent = pendingIntent
+ )
+ ```
+* **feature-search**
+ * Adds `DefaultSelectionActionDelegate`, which may be used to add new actions to text selection context menus.
+ * It currently adds "Firefox Search" or "Firefox Private Search", depending on whether the selected tab is private.
+ * Adds `SearchFeature`, which consumes search requests made by other components.
+ ```kotlin
+ // Example usage
+ // Attach `DefaultSelectionActionDelegate` to the `EngineView`
+ override fun onCreateView(parent: View?, name: String, context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet): View? =
+ when (name) {
+ -> components.engine.createView(context, attrs).apply {
+ selectionActionDelegate = DefaultSelectionActionDelegate(
+ context,
+ "My App Name"
+ )
+ }.asView()
+ }
+ // Use `SearchFeature` to attach search requests to your own code
+ private val searchFeature = ViewBoundFeatureWrapper<SearchFeature>()
+ // ...
+ searchFeature.set(
+ feature = SearchFeature( {
+ when (it.isPrivate) {
+ false -> components.searchUseCases.newTabSearch.invoke(it.query)
+ true -> components.searchUseCases.newPrivateTabSearch.invoke(it.query)
+ }
+ },
+ owner = this,
+ view = layout
+ )
+ ```
+* **service-glean**
+ * Glean was updated to v24.2.0:
+ * Add `locale` to `client_info` section.
+ * **Deprecation Warning** Since `locale` is now in the `client_info` section, the one
+ in the baseline ping ([`glean.baseline.locale`](
+ is redundant and will be removed by the end of the quarter.
+ * Drop the Glean handle and move state into glean-core ([#664](
+ * If an experiment includes no `extra` fields, it will no longer include `{"extra": null}` in the JSON payload.
+ * Support for ping `reason` codes was added.
+ * The metrics ping will now include `reason` codes that indicate why it was
+ submitted.
+ * The baseline ping will now include `reason` codes that indicate why it was
+ submitted. If an unclean shutdown is detected (e.g. due to force-close), this
+ ping will be sent at startup with `reason: dirty_startup`.
+ * The version of `glean_parser` has been upgraded to 1.17.3
+ * Collections performed before initialization (preinit tasks) are now dispatched off
+ the main thread during initialization.
+* **feature-awesomebar**
+ * Added `showDescription` parameter (default to `true`) to `SearchSuggestionProvider` constructors to add the possibility of removing search suggestion description.
+* **support-migration**
+ * Emit facts during migration.
+# 31.0.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **feature-awesomebar**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Added resources parameter to `addSessionProvider` method from `AwesomeBarFeature` and to `SessionSuggestionProvider` constructor for accessing strings.
+# 30.0.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+# 29.0.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **feature-error-pages**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: ErrorResponse now has two data classes: Content (for data URI's) and Uri (for encoded URL's)
+ * This will require a change in RequestInterceptors that override `onErrorRequest`.
+ * Return the corresponding ErrorResponse (ErrorResponse.Content or ErrorResponse.Uri) as ErrorResponse can no longer be directly instantiated.
+ * Added support for loading images into error pages with `createUrlEncodedErrorPage`. These error pages load dynamically with javascript by parsing params in the URL
+ * ⚠️ To use custom HTML & CSS with image error pages, resources **must** be located in the assets folder
+* **feature-prompts**
+ * Save login prompts will no longer be closed on page load
+* **lib-crash**
+ * Glean reports now distinguishes between fatal and non-fatal native code crashes.
+* **feature-pwa**
+ * Added ability to query install state of an url.
+ * Added ability load all manifests that apply to a certain url.
+ * Added ability to track if an PWA is actively used.
+# 28.0.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **browser-engine-gecko**, **browser-engine-gecko-beta**, **browser-engine-gecko-nightly**
+ * **Merge day!**
+ * `browser-engine-gecko-release`: GeckoView 72.0
+ * `browser-engine-gecko-beta`: GeckoView 73.0
+ * `browser-engine-gecko-nightly`: GeckoView 74.0
+* **feature-session**
+ * * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `TrackingProtectionUseCases.fetchExceptions`: now receives a `(List<TrackingProtectionException>) -> Unit` instead of a `(List<String>) -> Unit` to add support for deleting individual exceptions.
+ * **Added**: `TrackingProtectionUseCases.removeException(exception: TrackingProtectionException)`: now you can delete an exception without the need of having a `Session` by calling `removeException(trackingProtectionException)`.
+* **service-glean**
+ * Glean was updated to v24.1.0:
+ * **Breaking Change** An `enableUpload` parameter has been added to the `initialize()`
+ function. This removes the requirement to call `setUploadEnabled()` prior to calling
+ the `initialize()` function.
+ * A new metric `glean.error.preinit_tasks_overflow` was added to report when
+ the preinit task queue overruns, leading to data loss. See [Bug
+ 1609482](
+ * The metrics ping scheduler will now only send metrics pings while the
+ application is running. The application will no longer "wake up" at 4am
+ using the Work Manager.
+ * The code for migrating data from Glean SDK before version 19 was removed.
+ * When using the `GleanTestLocalServer` rule in instrumented tests, pings are
+ immediately flushed by the `WorkManager` and will reach the test endpoint as
+ soon as possible.
+ * The Glean Gradle Plugin correctly triggers docs and API updates when registry files
+ change, without requiring them to be deleted.
+ * `parseISOTimeString` has been made 4x faster. This had an impact on Glean
+ migration and initialization.
+ * Metrics with `lifetime: application` are now cleared when the application is started,
+ after startup Glean SDK pings are generated.
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**:
+ * The public method `PingType.send()` (in all platforms) have been deprecated
+ and renamed to `PingType.submit()`.
+ * Rename `deletion_request` ping to `deletion-request` ping after glean_parser update
+ * BUGFIX: The Glean Gradle plugin will now work if an app or library doesn't
+ have a metrics.yaml or pings.yaml file.
+* **feature-app-links**
+ * AppLinksInterceptor can now be used without the AppLinksFeature. Set the new parameter launchFromInterceptor = true
+ ```kotlin
+ AppLinksInterceptor(
+ applicationContext,
+ interceptLinkClicks = true,
+ launchInApp = { true },
+ launchFromInterceptor = true
+ )
+ ```
+ * Introduce a `ContextMenuCandidate` to open links in the corresponding external app, if installed
+* **concept-storage**
+ * Added classes related to login autofill
+ * `LoginStorageDelegate` may be attached to an `Engine`, where it can be used to save logins.
+ * `LoginValidationDelegate` may be used to read and update currently saved logins.
+* **feature-prompts**
+ * `PromptFeature` may now optionally accept a `LoginValidationDelegate`. If present, it users
+ will be prompted to save their information after logging in to a website.
+ * `PromptFeature` now accepts a false by default `isSaveLoginEnabled` lambda to be invoked before showing prompts. If true, users
+ will be prompted to save their information after logging in to a website.
+ * Prompts will now be closed automatically when pages have mostly loaded
+* **service-sync-logins**
+ * Added `GeckoLoginStorageDelegate`. This can be attached to a GeckoEngine, where it will be used
+ to save user login credentials.
+ * `GeckoLoginStorageDelegate` now accepts a false by default `isAutofillEnabled` lambda to be invoked before fetching logins. If false,
+ logins will not be fetched to autofill.
+* **service-firefox-accounts**
+ * `signInWithShareableAccountAsync` now takes a `reuseAccount` parameter, allowing consumers
+ to reuse existing session token (and FxA device) associated with the passed-in account.
+* **support-migration**
+ * **New Telemetry Notice**
+ * Added a 'migration' ping, which contains telemetry data about migration via Glean. It's emitted whenever a migration is executed.
+ * Added `MigrationIntentProcessor` for handling incoming intents when migration is in progress.
+ * Added `AbstractMigrationProgressActivity` as a base activity to block user interactions during migration.
+* **browser-menu**
+ * Added `MenuButton` to let the browser menu be used outside of `BrowserToolbar`.
+* **browser-menu**
+ * Added new `MenuController` and `MenuCandidate` items that replace `BrowserMenuBuilder` and `BrowserMenuItem`.
+ * Menu candidates are pure data classes and state changes are done by submitting a new list of menu candidates, rather than mutating menu items.
+ * The current state of a `BrowserMenuItem` can be converted to a menu candidate with `asCandidate(Context)`.
+ * `MenuController` replaces both `BrowserMenuBuilder` and `BrowserMenu`, and handles showing the menu and adjusting the displayed items.
+ * `MenuView` lets the menu be used outside of popups.
+ * Menu candidates add support for buttons inside menu options, text to the side of a menu option, and improved a11y.
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Added `asCandidate` method to `BrowserMenuItem` interface.
+* **browser-toolbar**
+ * Added support for the new menu controller through the `DisplayToolbar.menuController` property.
+# 27.0.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **feature-remotetabs** was renamed to **feature-syncedtabs**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**:
+ * `RemoteTabsFeature` is now `SyncedTabsFeature`, and some method names have corresponding changes.
+ * `RemoteTabsStorageSuggestionProvider` is now `SyncedTabsStorageSuggestionProvider`.
+* **service-glean**
+ * Glean was updated to v22.1.0 ([Full changelog](
+ * Attempt to re-send the deletion ping on init even if upload is disabled.
+ * Introduce the `InvalidOverflow` error for `TimingDistribution`s.
+ * Glean now provides a Gradle plugin for automating the conversion from `metrics.yaml` and `pings.yaml` files to Kotlin code. This should be used instead of the deprecated Gradle script. See [integrating with the build system docs]( for more information.
+* **feature-app-links**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**:
+ * Feature now contains two parts. One part is the AppLinksFeature, the other part is RequestInterceptor.
+ ```kotlin
+ // add this call in the RequestInterceptor
+ context.components.appLinksInterceptor.onLaunchIntentRequest(engineSession, uri, hasUserGesture, isSameDomain)
+ ```
+* **support-telemetry-sync**
+ * Added new telemetry ping, to support password sync: `passwords_sync`.
+* **service-firefox-accounts**
+ * 🕵️ **New Telemetry Notice**
+ * Added telemetry for password sync, via the new `passwords_sync` in **support-telemetry-sync**
+* **sync-logins**
+ * 🕵️ **New Telemetry Notice**
+ * Added telemetry for password sync, via the new `passwords_sync` in **support-telemetry-sync**
+ * The `service-sync-logins` component now collects some basic performance and quality metrics via Glean.
+ Applications that send telemetry via Glean *must ensure* they have received appropriate data-review before integrating this component.
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: The `ServerPassword` fields `username`, `usernameField` and `passwordField` can no longer by `null`.
+ Use the empty string to indicate an absent value for these fields.
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: The `AsyncLoginsStorageAdapter.inMemory` method has been removed.
+ Use `AsyncLoginsStorageAdapter.forDatabase(":memory:")` instead.
+* **samples-sync**
+ * Added support for password synchronization (not reflected in the UI, but demonstrates how to integrate the component).
+* **browser-menu**
+ * Added `BrowserMenuHighlightableSwitch` to represent a highlightable item with a toggle switch.
+* **lib-crash**
+ * Now supports performing action after submitting crash report.
+ ```kotlin
+ crashReporter.submitReport(Crash.fromIntent(intent)) {
+ stopSelf()
+ }
+ ```
+* **support-ktx**
+ * Added `Context.getDrawableWithTint` extension method to get a drawable resource with a tint applied.
+ * `String.isUrl` is now using a more lenient check for improved performance. Strictly checking whether a string is a URL or not is supported through the new `String.isUrlStrict` method.
+* **support-base**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**:
+ * Removed helper for unique notification id.
+ * Added helper for providing unique stable `Int` ids based on a `String` tag to avoid id conflicts between components and app code. This is now for any id, not just notification id.
+ * Added new API that allows user to request for the next available id using the same tag.
+ ```kotlin
+ // Get a unique id for the provided tag
+ val id = SharedIdsHelper.getIdForTag(context, "")
+ // Get the next unique id for the provided tag
+ val id = SharedIdsHelper.getNextIdForTag(context, "")
+ ```
+* **browser-errorpages**
+ * Added support for bypassing invalid SSL certification.
+# 26.0.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **browser-engine-gecko**, **browser-engine-gecko-beta**, **browser-engine-gecko-nightly**
+ * **Merge day!**
+ * `browser-engine-gecko`: GeckoView 71.0
+ * `browser-engine-gecko-beta`: GeckoView 72.0
+ * `browser-engine-gecko-nightly`: GeckoView 73.0
+* **browser-engine-system** and **browser-engine-gecko-nightly**
+ * Added `EngineView.canClearSelection()` and `EngineView.clearSelection()` for clearing the selection.
+* **feature-accounts**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Migrated `FxaPushSupportFeature` to the `feature-accounts-push` component.
+* **feature-sendtab**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: This component is now deprecated. See `feature-accounts-push`.
+* **feature-accounts-push**
+ * 🆕 New component for features that need Firefox Accounts and Push, e.g. Send Tab.
+ * `SendTabFeature` and `SendTabUseCases` have been migrated here.
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `SendTabFeature` no longer takes an instance of `AutoPushFeature`.
+ * `FxaPushSupportFeature` is now needed for integrating Firefox Accounts with Push support.
+* **support-test-libstate**
+ * 🆕 New component providing utilities to test functionality that relies on lib-state.
+* **browser-errorpages**
+ * Removed list items semantics to improve a11y for unordered lists, preventing items being read twice.
+* **support-locale**
+ * Add `resetToSystemDefault` and `getSystemDefault` method to `LocaleManager`
+# 25.0.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **feature-downloads**
+ * Makes `DownloadState` parcelizable so that it can be passed to `FetchDownloadManager` when completed
+* **feature-remotetabs**
+ * Add new `RemoteTabsFeature` to view tabs from other synced devices and upload our own.
+ * Add `RemoteTabsStorageSuggestionProvider` class to match remote tabs in awesomebar suggestions.
+* **support-migration**
+ * Added Fennec login migration logic.
+* **service-sync-logins**
+ * `AsyncLoginsStorage` interface gained a new method: `importLoginsAsync`, used for bulk-inserting logins (for example, during a migration).
+# 24.0.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **browser-errorpages**
+ * Added strings for "no network connection" error pages
+* **browser-menu**
+ * Replaced `BrowserMenuHighlightableItem.Highlight` with `BrowserMenuHighlight.HighPriority` to highlight a menu item with some background color. `Highlight` has been deprecated.
+ * Added `BrowserMenuHighlight.LowPriority` to highlight a menu item with a dot over the icon.
+* **storage-sync**
+ * Added `RemoteTabsStorage` for synced tabs.
+* **service-firefox-accounts**
+ * Removed `StorageSync` interface as it is superseded by the sync manager.
+* **service-glean**
+ * Glean was updated to v21.3.0 ([Full changelog](
+ * Timers are reset when disabled. That avoids recording timespans across disabled/enabled toggling.
+ * Add a new flag to pings: send_if_empty.
+ * Upgrade glean_parser to v1.12.0.
+ * Implement the deletion request ping in Glean.
+# 23.0.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **feature-downloads**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**:
+ * Renamed to `OnDownloadCompleted` to `OnDownloadStopped` for increased clarity on when it's triggered
+* **browser-state**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `DownloadState` doesn't include the property `filePath` in its constructor anymore, now it is a computed property. As the previous behavior caused some situations where `fileName` was initially null and after assigned a value to produce `filePath` values like "/storage/emulated/0/Download/null" [for more info](
+* **feature-prompts** and **feature-downloads**
+ * Fix [issue #6439]( "Crash when downloading Image"
+* **service-firefox-accounts**
+ * Account profile cache is now used, removing a network call from most instances of account manager instantiation.
+ * Fixed a bug where account would disappear after restarting an app which hit authentication problems.
+ * Deprecated the `StorageSync` class. Please use the `SyncManager` class instead.
+* **service-glean**
+ * Glean was updated to v21.2.0
+ * Two new metrics were added to investigate sending of metrics and baseline pings.
+ See [Bug 1597980]( for more information.
+ * Glean's two lifecycle observers were refactored to avoid the use of reflection.
+ * Timespans will now not record an error if stopping after setting upload enabled to false.
+ * The `GleanTimerId` can now be accessed in Java and is no longer a `typealias`.
+ * Fixed a bug where the metrics ping was getting scheduled twice on startup.
+ * When constructing a ping, events are now sorted by their timestamp. In practice,
+ it rarely happens that event timestamps are unsorted to begin with, but this
+ guards against a potential race condition and incorrect usage of the lower-level
+ API.
+ * Metrics that can record errors now have a new testing method,
+ `testGetNumRecordedErrors`.
+ * The experiments API is no longer ignored before the Glean SDK initialized. Calls are
+ recorded and played back once the Glean SDK is initialized.
+ * String list items were being truncated to 20, rather than 50, bytes when using
+ `.set()` (rather than `.add()`). This has been corrected, but it may result
+ in changes in the sent data if using string list items longer than 20 bytes.
+* **support-base**
+ * Deprecated `BackHandler` interface. Use the `UserInteractionHandler.onBackPressed` instead.
+ * Added generic `UserInteractionHandler` interface for fragments, features and other components that want to handle user interactions such as ‘back’ or 'home' button presses.
+# 22.0.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **feature-addons**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**:
+ * Renamed to `AddOnsCollectionsProvider` to `AddOnCollectionProvider` and added caching support:
+ ```kotlin
+ val addOnsProvider by lazy {
+ // Keeps addon collection response cached and valid for one day
+ AddOnCollectionProvider(applicationContext, client, maxCacheAgeInMinutes = 24 * 60)
+ }
+ // May return a cached result, if available
+ val addOns = addOnsProvider.getAvailableAddOns()
+ // Will never return a cached result
+ val addOns = addOnsProvider.getAvailableAddOns(allowCache = false)
+ ```
+* **lib-nearby**
+ * 🆕 New component for communicating directly between two devices
+ using Google Nearby API.
+* **sample-nearby-chat**
+ * 🆕 New sample program demonstrating use of `lib-nearby`.
+* **feature-customtabs**
+ * ⚠️ `CustomTabWindowFeature` now takes `Activity` instead of `Context`.
+* **concept-sync**, **service-firefox-accounts**
+ * `OAuthAccount@authorizeOAuthCode` method is now `authorizeOAuthCodeAsync`.
+* **service-firefox-accounts**
+ * For supported Android API levels (23+), `FxaAccountManager` can now be configured to encrypt persisted FxA state, via `secureStateAtRest` flag on passed-in `DeviceConfig`. Defaults to `false`. For lower API levels, setting `secureStateAtRest` will continue storing FxA state in plaintext. If the device is later upgraded to 23+, FxA state will be automatically migrated to an encrypted storage.
+ * FxA state is stored in application's data directory, in plaintext or encrypted-at-rest if configured via the `secureStateAtRest` flag. This state contains everything that's necessary to download and decrypt data stored in Firefox Sync.
+ * An instance of a `CrashReporter` may now be passed to the `FxaAccountManager`'s constructor. If configured, it will be used to report any detected abnormalities.
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**:
+ * Several `FxaAccountManager` methods have been made internal, and are no longer part of the public API of this module: `createSyncManager`, `getAccountStorage`.
+# 21.0.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **feature-downloads**
+ * Added `tryAgain` which can be called on the feature in order to restart a failed download.
+* **lib-dataprotect**
+ * Added new `SecureAbove22Preferences` helper class, which is an encryption-aware wrapper for `SharedPreferences`. Only actually encrypts stored values when running on API23+.
+* **service-firefox-accounts**
+ * Support for keeping `SyncEngine.Passwords` engine unlocked during sync. If you're syncing this engine, you must use `SecureAbove22Preferences` to store encryption key (stored under "passwords" key), and pass an instance of these secure prefs to `GlobalSyncableStoreProvider.configureKeyStorage`.
+* **concept-sync**
+ * Added new `LockableStore` to facilitate syncing of "lockable" stores (such as `SyncableLoginsStore`).
+* **feature-sitepermissions**
+ * Added a new get operator to `SitePermissions` to facilitate the retrieval of permissions.
+ ```kotlin
+ val sitePermissions = SitePermissions(
+ "",
+ notification = ALLOWED,
+ savedAt = 0)
+ sitePermissions[Permission.LOCATION] // ALLOWED will be returned
+ ```
+* **engine-gecko-nightly**
+ * Adds setDynamicToolbarMaxHeight ApI.
+* **feature-push**
+ * Added `unsubscribeAll` support from the Rust native layer.
+# 20.0.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **browser-session**, **feature-customtabs**, **feature-session**, **feature-tabs**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: The `WindowFeature` and `CustomTabWindowFeature` components have been migrated to `browser-state` from `browser-session`. Therefore creating these features now requires a `BrowserStore` instance (instead of a `SessionManager` instance). The `windowRequest` properties have been removed `Session` so window requests can now only be observed on a `BrowserStore` from the `browser-state` component. In addition, `WindowFeature` was moved from `feature-session` to `feature-tabs` because it now makes use of our `TabsUseCases` and this would otherwise cause a dependency cycle.
+* **feature-downloads**
+ * Added ability to pause, resume, cancel, and try again on a download through the `DownloadNotification`.
+ * Added support for multiple, continuous downloads.
+ * Added size of the file to the `DownloadNotification`.
+ * Added open file functionality to the `DownloadNotification`.
+ * Note: you must add a `FileProvider` to your manifest as well as `file_paths.xml`. See SampleBrowser for an example.
+ * To open .apk files, you must still add the permission `android.permission.INSTALL_PACKAGES` to your manifest.
+ * Improved visuals of `SimpleDownloadDialogFragment` to better match `SitePermissionsDialogFragment`.
+ * `SimpleDownloadDialogFragment` can similarly be themed by using `PromptsStyling` properties.
+ * Recreated download notification channel with lower importance for Android O+ so that the notification is not audibly intrusive.
+* **feature-webnotifications**
+ * Adds feature implementation for configuring and displaying web notifications to the user
+ ```kotlin
+ WebNotificationFeature(
+ applicationContext, engine, icons, R.mipmap.ic_launcher,
+ )
+ ```
+* **service-glean**
+ * Bumped the Glean SDK version to 19.1.0. This fixes a startup crash on Android SDK 22 devices due to missing `stderr`.
+* **concept-engine**
+ * Adds support for WebPush abstraction to the Engine.
+ * Adds support for WebShare abstraction as a PromptRequest.
+* **engine-gecko-nightly**
+ * Adds support for WebPush in GeckoEngine.
+* **support-webextensions**
+ * Adds support for sending messages to background pages and scripts in WebExtensions.
+* **service-firefox-accounts**
+ * Adds `authorizeOAuthCode` method for generating scoped OAuth codes.
+* **feature-push**
+ * ⚠️ The `AutoPushFeature` now throws when reaching exceptions in the native layer that are unrecoverable.
+* **feature-prompts**
+ * Adds support for Web Share API using `ShareDelegate`.
+* **experiments**
+ * Fixes a crash when the app version or the experiment's version specifiers are not in the expected format.
+* **engine**, **engine-gecko-***, **support-webextensions**
+ * Added support `browser.tabs.remove()` in web extensions.
+ ```kotlin
+ val engine = GeckoEngine(applicationContext, engineSettings)
+ engine.registerWebExtensionTabDelegate(object : WebExtensionTabDelegate {
+ override fun onCloseTab(webExtension: WebExtension?, engineSession: EngineSession) {
+ store.state.tabs.find { it.engineState.engineSession === engineSession }?.let {
+ store.dispatch(RemoveTabAction(
+ }
+ }
+ })
+ ```
+# 19.0.1
+* [Commits](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **service-glean**
+ * Bumped the Glean SDK version to 19.1.0. This fixes a startup crash on Android SDK 22 devices due to missing `stderr`.
+# 19.0.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **browser-toolbar**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Refactored the internals to use `ConstraintLayout`. As part of this change the public API was simplified and unused methods/properties have been removed.
+* **feature-accounts**
+ * Add new `FxaPushSupportFeature` for some underlying support when connecting push and fxa accounts together.
+* **browser-state**
+ * Added `externalAppType` to `CustomTabConfig` to indicate how the session is being used.
+* **service-glean**
+ * The Rust implementation of the Glean SDK is now being used.
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: the `GleanDebugActivity` is no longer exposed from service-glean. Users need to use the one in `mozilla.telemetry.glean.debug.GleanDebugActivity` from the `adb` command line.
+* **lib-push-firebase**
+ * Fixes a potential bug where we receive a message for another push service that we cannot process.
+* **feature-privatemode**
+ * Added new feature for private browsing mode.
+ * Added `SecureWindowFeature` to prevent screenshots in private browsing mode.
+* **browser-engine-gecko**, **browser-engine-gecko-beta**, **browser-engine-gecko-nightly**
+ * **Merge day!**
+ * `browser-engine-gecko`: GeckoView 70.0
+ * `browser-engine-gecko-beta`: GeckoView 71.0
+ * `browser-engine-gecko-nightly`: GeckoView 72.0
+* **feature-push**
+ * The `AutoPushFeature` now checks (once every 24 hours) to verify and renew push subscriptions if expired after a cold boot.
+# 18.0.1
+* [Commits](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **feature-prompts**
+ * Fixed a crash when showing the file picker.
+# 18.0.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **browser-menu**
+ * Adds the ability to create a BrowserMenuCategory, a menu item that defines a category for other menu items
+* **concept-engine**
+ * Adds the setting `forceUserScalableContent`.
+* **engine-gecko-nightly**
+ * Implements the setting `forceUserScalableContent`.
+* **feature-prompts**
+ * Deprecated `PromptFeature` constructor that has parameters for both `Activity` and `Fragment`. Use the constructors that just take either one instead.
+ * Changed `sessionId` parameter name to `customTabId`.
+# 17.0.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **feature-contextmenu**
+ * The "Save Image" context menu item will no longer prompt before downloading the image.
+* **concept-engine**
+ * Added `WebAppManifest.ShareTarget` data class.
+* **lib-crash**
+ * Now supports sending caught exceptions. Use the 'submitCaughtException()' to send caught exceptions if the underlying crash reporter service supports it.
+ ```kotlin
+ val job = crashReporter.submitCaughtException(e)
+ ```
+* **engine**, **engine-gecko-nightly**, **engine-gecko-beta**, **engine-gecko**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Renamed `WebExtensionTabDelegate` to `WebExtensionDelegate` to handle various web extensions related engine events:
+ ```kotlin
+ GeckoEngine(applicationContext, engineSettings).also {
+ it.registerWebExtensionDelegate(object : WebExtensionDelegate {
+ override fun onNewTab(webExtension: WebExtension?, url: String, engineSession: EngineSession) {
+ sessionManager.add(Session(url), true, engineSession)
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ ```
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Redirect source and target flags are now passed to history tracking delegates. As part of this change, `HistoryTrackingDelegate.onVisited()` receives a new `PageVisit` data class as its second argument, specifying the `visitType` and `redirectSource`. For more details, please see [PR #4268](
+* **support-webextensions**
+ * Added functionality to make sure web extension related events in the engine are reflected in the browser state / store. Instead of attaching a `WebExtensionDelegate` to the engine, and manually reacting to all events, it's now possible to initialize `WebExtensionSupport`, which provides overridable default behaviour for all web extension related engine events:
+ ```kotlin
+ // Makes sure web extension related events (e.g. an extension is installed, or opens a new tab) are dispatched to the browser store.
+ WebExtensionSupport.initialize(components.engine,
+ // If dispatching to the browser store is not desired, all actions / behaviour can be overridden:
+ WebExtensionSupport.initialize(components.engine,, onNewTabOverride = {
+ _, engineSession, url -> components.sessionManager.add(Session(url), true, engineSession)
+ })
+ ```
+* **browser-menu**
+ * Fixes background ripple of Switch in BrowserMenuImageSwitch
+# 16.0.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **feature-awesomebar**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `AwesomeBar.Suggestion` now directly takes a Bitmap for the icon param rather than a Unit.
+* **feature-pwa**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Intent sent from the `WebAppShortcutManager` now require the consumption of the `SHORTCUT_CATEGORY` in your manifest
+* **feature-customtabs**
+ * 'CustomTabIntentProcessor' can create private sessions now.
+* **browser-session**, **browser-state**, **feature-prompts**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: The `feature-prompts` component has been migrated to `browser-state` from `browser-session`. Therefore creating a `PromptFeature` requires a `BrowserStore` instance (instead of a `SessionManager` instance). The `promptRequest` property has been removed `Session`. Prompt requests can now only be observed on a `BrowserStore` from the `browser-state` component.
+* **tooling-detekt**
+ * Published detekt rules for internal use. Check module documentation for detailed ruleset description.
+* **feature-intent**
+ * Added support for NFC tag intents to `TabIntentProcessor`.
+* **firefox-accounts**, **service-fretboard**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Due to migration to WorkManager v2.2.0, some classes like `WorkManagerSyncScheduler` and `WorkManagerSyncDispatcher` now expects a `Context` in their constructors.
+* **engine**, **engine-gecko-nightly** and **engine-gecko-beta**
+ * Added `WebExtensionsTabsDelegate` to support `browser.tabs.create()` in web extensions.
+ ```kotlin
+ GeckoEngine(applicationContext, engineSettings).also {
+ it.registerWebExtensionTabDelegate(object : WebExtensionTabDelegate {
+ override fun onNewTab(webExtension: WebExtension?, url: String, engineSession: EngineSession) {
+ sessionManager.add(Session(url), true, engineSession)
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ ```
+# 15.0.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **browser-session**, **browser-state**, **feature-contextmenu**, **feature-downloads**
+ * * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Removed the `download` property from `Session`. Downloads can now only be observed on a `BrowserState` from the `browser-state` component. Therefore `ContextMenuUseCases` and `DownloadsUseCases` now require a `BrowserStore` instance.
+* **support-ktx**
+ * Adds `Resources.Theme.resolveAttribute(Int)` to quickly get a resource ID from a theme.
+ * Adds `Context.getColorFromAttr` to get a color int from an attribute.
+* **feature-customtabs**
+ * Added `CustomTabWindowFeature` to handle windows inside custom tabs, PWAs, and TWAs.
+* **feature-tab-collections**
+ * Behavior change: In a collection List<TabEntity> is now ordered descending by creation date (newest tab in a collection on top)
+* **feature-session**, **engine-gecko-nightly** and **engine-gecko-beta**
+ * Added api to manage the tracking protection exception list, any session added to the list will be ignored and the the current tracking policy will not be applied.
+ ```kotlin
+ val useCase = TrackingProtectionUseCases(sessionManager,engine)
+ useCase.addException(session)
+ useCase.removeException(session)
+ useCase.removeAllExceptions()
+ useCase.containsException(session){ contains ->
+ // contains indicates if this session is on the exception list.
+ }
+ useCase.fetchExceptions { exceptions ->
+ // exceptions is a list of all the origins that are in the exception list.
+ }
+ ```
+* **support-sync-telemetry**
+ * 🆕 New component containing building blocks for sync telemetry.
+* **concept-sync**, **services-firefox-accounts**
+ ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**
+ * Internal implementation of sync changed. Most visible change is that clients are now allowed to change which sync engines are enabled and disabled.
+ * `FxaAccountManager#syncNowAsync` takes an instance of a `reason` instead of `startup` boolean flag.
+ * `SyncEnginesStorage` is introduced, allowing applications to read and update enabled/disabled state configured `SyncEngine`s.
+ * `SyncEngine` is no longer an `enum class`, but a `sealed class` instead. e.g. `SyncEngine.HISTORY` is now `SyncEngine.History`.
+ * `DeviceConstellation#setDeviceNameAsync` now takes a `context` in addition to new `name`.
+ * `FxaAuthData` now takes an optional `declinedEngines` set of SyncEngines.
+# 14.0.1
+* [Commits](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **feature-collections**
+ * Fixed [#4514]( Do not restore parent tab ID for collections.
+* **service-glean**
+ * PR [#4511]( Always set 'wasMigrated' to false in the Glean SDK.
+# 14.0.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **feature-customtabs**
+ * Now the color of the tracking protection icon adapts to color of the toolbar.
+* **feature-session**, **engine-gecko-nightly** and **engine-gecko-beta**
+ * Added a way to exposes the same amount of trackers as Firefox desktop has in it tracking protection panel via TrackingProtectionUseCases.
+ ```kotlin
+ val useCase = TrackingProtectionUseCases(sessionManager,engine)
+ useCase.fetchTrackingLogs(
+ session,
+ onSuccess = { trackersLog ->
+ // A list of all the tracker logger for this session
+ },
+ onError = { throwable ->
+ //A throwable indication what went wrong
+ }
+ )
+ ```
+* **browser-toolbar**
+ * Resized icons on the toolbar see [#4490]( for more information.
+ * Added a way to customize the color of the tracking protection icon via BrowserToolbar.
+ ```kotlin
+ val toolbar = BrowserToolbar(context)
+ toolbar.trackingProtectionColor = Color.BLUE
+ ```
+* **All components**
+ * Increased `androidx.browser` version to `1.2.0-alpha07`.
+* **feature-media**
+ * Playback will now be stopped and the media notification will get removed if the app's task is getting removed (app is swiped away in task switcher).
+* **feature-pwa**
+ * Adds `WebAppHideToolbarFeature.onToolbarVisibilityChange` to be notified when the toolbar is shown or hidden.
+* **engine-gecko-nightly**
+ * Added the ability to exfiltrate Gecko categorical histograms.
+* **support-webextensions**
+ * 🆕 New component containing building blocks for features implemented as web extensions.
+* **lib-push-amazon**
+ * Fixed usage of cache version of registration ID in situations when app data is deleted.
+* **tools-detekt**
+ * New (internal-only) component with custom detekt rules.
+* **service-glean**
+ * ⚠ **This is a breaking change**: Glean.initialize() must be called on the main thread.
+# 13.0.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **All components**
+ * Updated Kotlin version from `1.3.40` to `1.3.50`.
+ * Updated Kotlin Coroutine library version from `1.2.2` to `1.3.0`.
+* **browser-session**
+ * Clear session icon only if URL host changes.
+* **feature-pwa**
+ * Adds `WebAppUseCases.isInstallable` to check if the current session can be installed as a Progressive Web App.
+* **feature-downloads**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: The `feature-downloads` component has been migrated to `browser-state` from `browser-session`. Therefore creating a `DownloadsFeature` requires a `BrowserStore` instance (instead of a `SessionManager` instance) and a `DownloadsUseCases` instance now.
+* **feature-contextmenu**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: The `feature-contextmenu` component has been migrated to `browser-state` from `browser-session`. Therefore creating a `ContextMenuFeature` requires a `BrowserStore` instance (instead of a `SessionManager` instance) and a `ContextMenuUseCases` instance now.
+* **service-glean**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: applications need to use `ConceptFetchHttpUploader` for overriding the ping uploading mechanism instead of directly using `concept-fetch` implementations.
+* **feature-tabs**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Methods that have been accepting a parent `Session` parameter now expect the parent id (`String`).
+* **browser-menu**
+ * Adds the ability to create a BrowserMenuImageSwitch, a BrowserMenuSwitch with icon
+* **feature-accounts**
+ * Added ability to configure FxaWebChannelFeature with a set of `FxaCapability`. Currently there's just one: `CHOOSE_WHAT_TO_SYNC`. It defaults to `false`, so if you want "choose what to sync" selection during auth flows, please specify it.
+# 12.0.1
+* [Commits](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **lib-push-amazon**
+ * Fixed [#4448]( Clearing app data does not reset the registration ID.
+# 12.0.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **browser-engine-gecko-nightly**, **browser-engine-gecko-beta** and **browser-engine-gecko**
+ * The `TrackingProtectionPolicy.recommended()` and `TrackingProtectionPolicy.strict()` policies are now aligned with standard and strict (respectively) policies on FireFox desktop, for more details see the [issue #4349](
+* **browser-engine-gecko-nightly** and **browser-engine-gecko-beta**
+ * The `` function now allows you to indicate if `strictSocialTrackingProtection` should be activated or not. When it is active blocks trackers from the social-tracking-protection-digest256 list, for more details take a look at the [issue #4320](
+ ```kotlin
+ val policy =
+ strictSocialTrackingProtection = true
+ )
+ ```
+* **context-menu**
+ * Exposed title tag from GV in HitResult. Fixes [#1444]. If title is null or blank the src value is returned for title.
+* **browser-engine-gecko**, **browser-engine-gecko-beta**, **browser-engine-gecko-nightly**
+ * **Merge day!**
+ * `browser-engine-gecko-release`: GeckoView 69.0
+ * `browser-engine-gecko-beta`: GeckoView 70.0
+ * `browser-engine-gecko-nightly`: GeckoView 71.0
+* **feature-toolbar**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: The `feature-toolbar` component has been migrated to `browser-state` from `browser-session`. Therefore creating a `ToolbarFeature` requires a `BrowserStore` instance instead of a `SessionManager` instance now.
+* **lib-crash**
+ * Now supports Breadcrumbs. Use the 'recordCrashBreadcrumb()' to record Breadcrumbs if the underlying crash reporter service supports it.
+ ```kotlin
+ crashReporter.recordCrashBreadcrumb(
+ CrashBreadcrumb("Settings button clicked", data, "UI", Level.INFO, Type.USER)
+ )
+ ```
+* **browser-engine-gecko-nightly** and **browser-engine-gecko-beta**
+ * The `TrackingProtectionPolicy.strict()` now blocks trackers from the social-tracking-protection-digest256 list, for more details take a look at the [issue #4213](
+* **browser-session**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `getSessionId` and `EXTRA_SESSION_ID` has moved to the `feature-intent` component.
+* **feature-intent**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `TabIntentProcessor` has moved to the `processing` sub-package, but is still in the same component.
+* **browser-engine-gecko**
+ * Like with the nightly and beta flavor previously this component now has a hard dependency on the new [universal GeckoView build]( that is no longer architecture specific (ARM, x86, ..). With that apps no longer need to specify the GeckoView dependency themselves and synchronize the used version with Android Components. Additionally apps can now make use of [APK splits]( or [Android App Bundles (AAB)](
+* **browser-engine-servo**
+ * ❌ We removed the `browser-engine-servo` component since it was not being maintained, updated and used.
+* **concept-sync**, **service-firefox-accounts**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**:
+ * `SyncConfig`'s `syncableStores` has been renamed to `supportedEngines`, expressed via new enum type `SyncEngine`.
+ * `begin*` OAuthAccount methods now return an `AuthFlowUrl`, which encapsulates an OAuth state identifier.
+ * `AccountObserver:onAuthenticated` method now has `authType` parameter (instead of `newAccount`), which describes in detail what caused an authentication.
+ * `GlobalSyncableStoreProvider.configureStore` now takes a pair of `Pair<SyncEngine, SyncableStore>`, instead of allowing arbitrary string names for engines.
+ * `GlobalSyncableStoreProvider.getStore` is no longer part of the public API.
+* **feature-push**
+ * Added more logging into `AutoPushFeature` to aid in debugging in release builds.
+* **support-ktx**
+ * Added variant of `Flow.ifChanged()` that takes a mapping function in order to filter items where the mapped value has not changed.
+* **feature-pwa**
+ * Adds the ability to create a basic shortcut with a custom label
+* **browser-engine-gecko-nightly**
+ * Adds support for exposing Gecko scalars through the Glean SDK. See [Bug 1579365]( for details.
+* **support-utils**
+ * `Intent.asForegroundServicePendingIntent(Context)` extension method to create pending intent for the service that will play nicely with background execution limitations introduced in Android O (e.g. foreground service).
+* **concept-sync**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `action` param of `AuthType.OtherExternal` is now optional. Missing `action` indicates that we really don't know what external authType we've hit.
+# 11.0.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **browser-icons**
+ * Ensures icons are not cached on the disk in private sessions.
+* **browser-menu**
+ * Added `startImage` to Highlight of HighlightableMenuItem, which allows changing the startImage in addition to the endImage when highlighted
+ * Highlight properties of HighlightableMenuItem `startImage` and `endImage` are now both optional
+* **lib-state**
+ * Added `Store` extensions to observe `State` using Kotlin's `Flow` API: `Store.flow()`, `Store.flowScoped()`.
+* **support-ktx**
+ * Added property delegates to work with `SharedPreferences`.
+ * Added `Flow.ifChanged()` operator for filtering a `Flow` based on whether a value has changed from the previous one (e.g. `A, A, B, C, A -> A, B, C, A`).
+* **feature-customtabs**
+ * Added `CustomTabsServiceStore` to track custom tab data in `AbstractCustomTabsService`.
+* **feature-pwa**
+ * Added support for hiding the toolbar in a Trusted Web Activity.
+ * Added `TrustedWebActivityIntentProcessor` to process TWA intents.
+ * Added `CustomTabState.trustedOrigins` extension method to turn the verification state of a custom tab into a list of origins.
+ * Added `WebAppHideToolbarFeature.onTrustedScopesChange` to change the trusted scopes after the feature is created.
+* **service-telemetry**
+ * This component is now deprecated. Please use the [Glean SDK]( instead. This library will not be removed until all projects using it start using the Glean SDK.
+* **browser-session**, **feature-intent**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Moved `Intent` related code from `browser-session` to `feature-intent`.
+* **feature-media**
+ * The `Intent` launched from the media notification now has its action set to `MediaFeature.ACTION_SWITCH_TAB`. In addition to that the extra `MediaFeature.EXTRA_TAB_ID` contains the id of the tab the media notification is displayed for.
+# 10.0.1
+* [Commits](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **browser-menu**
+ * Added `startImage` to Highlight of HighlightableMenuItem, which allows changing the startImage in addition to the endImage when highlighted
+ * Highlight properties of HighlightableMenuItem `startImage` and `endImage` are now both optional
+* Imported latest state of translations.
+# 10.0.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **feature-toolbar**
+ * Toolbar Menu is now closed on exiting the app.
+* **support-test-appservices**
+ * 🆕 New component for synchronizing Application Services' unit testing dependencies used in Android Components.
+* **service-location**
+ * Added `RegionSearchLocalizationProvider` - A `SearchLocalizationProvider` implementation that uses a `MozillaLocationService` instance to do a region lookup via GeoIP.
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: An implementation of `SearchLocalizationProvider` now returns a `SearchLocalization` data class instead of multiple properties.
+* **service-glean**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `Glean.handleBackgroundEvent` is now an internal API.
+ * Added a `QuantityMetricType` (for internal use by Gecko metrics only).
+* **browser-engine-gecko(-beta/nightly)**, **concept-engine**
+ * Added simplified `Media.state` derived from `Media.playbackState` events.
+* **lib-push-adm**, **lib-push-firebase**, **concept-push**
+ * Added `isServiceAvailable` to signify if the push service is supported on the device.
+* **concept-engine**
+ * Added `WebNotification` data class for the web notifications API.
+* **browser-engine-system**
+ * Fixed issue [4191]( where the `recommended()` tracking category was not getting applied for `SystemEngine`.
+* **concept-engine**, **browser-engine-gecko-nightly** and **browser-engine-gecko-beta**:
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `TrackingProtectionPolicy` does not have a `safeBrowsingCategories` anymore, Safe Browsing is now a separate setting on the Engine level. To change the default value of `SafeBrowsingPolicy.RECOMMENDED` you have set it through `engine.settings.safeBrowsingPolicy`.
+ * This decouples the tracking protection API and safe browsing from each other so you can change the tracking protection policy without affecting your safe browsing policy as described in this issue [#4190](
+ * ⚠️ **Alert for SystemEngine consumers**: The Safe Browsing API is not yet supported on this engine, this will be covered on [#4206]( If you use this API you will get a `UnsupportedSettingException`, however you can use a manifest tag to activate it.
+ ```xml
+ <manifest>
+ <application>
+ <meta-data android:name="android.webkit.WebView.EnableSafeBrowsing"
+ android:value="true" />
+ ...
+ </application>
+ </manifest>
+ ```
+# 9.0.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **browser-menu**
+ * Updated the styling of the menu to not have padding on top or bottom. Also modified size of `BrowserMenuItemToolbar` to match `BrowserToolbar`'s height
+* **feature-media**
+ * Do not display title/url/icon of website in media notification if website is opened in private mode.
+* **concept-engine** and **browser-session**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `TrackingProtectionPolicy` removes the `categories` property to expose two new ones `trackingCategories: Array<AntiTrackingCategory>` and `safeBrowsingCategories: Array<SafeBrowsingCategory>` to separate the tracking protection categories from the safe browsing ones.
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `TrackingProtectionPolicy.all()` has been replaced by `TrackingProtectionPolicy.strict()` to have similar naming conventions with GeckoView api.
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `Tracker#categories` has been replaced by `Tracker#trackingCategories` and `Tracker#cookiePolicies` to better report blocked content see [#4098](
+ * Added: `Session#trackersLoaded` A list of `Tracker`s that could be blocked but has been loaded in this session.
+ * Added: `Session#Observer#onTrackerLoaded` Notifies that a tracker that could be blocked has been loaded.
+* **browser-toolbar**
+ * HTTP sites are now marked as insecure with a broken padlock icon, rather than a globe icon. Apps can revert to the globe icon by using a custom `BrowserToolbar.siteSecurityIcon`.
+* **service-firefox-accounts**, **concept-sync**
+ * `FxaAccountManager`, if configured with `DeviceCapability.SEND_TAB`, will now automatically refresh device constellation state and poll for device events during initialization and login.
+ * `FxaAccountManager.syncNowAsync` can now receive a `debounce` parameter, allowing consumers to specify debounce behaviour of their sync requests.
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change:**
+ * Removed public methods from `DeviceConstellation` and its implementation in `FxaDeviceConstellation`: `fetchAllDevicesAsync`, `startPeriodicRefresh`, `stopPeriodicRefresh`.
+ * `DeviceConstellation#refreshDeviceStateAsync` was renamed to `refreshDevicesAsync`: no longer polls for device events, only updates device states (e.g. new devices, name changes)
+ * `pollForEventsAsync` no longer returns the events. Use the observer API instead:
+ ```kotlin
+ val deviceConstellation = autheneticatedAccount()?.deviceConstellation() ?: return
+ deviceConstellation.registerDeviceObserver(
+ object: DeviceEventsObserver {
+ override fun onEvents(events: List<DeviceEvent>) {
+ // Process device events here.
+ }
+ }, lifecycleOwner, false)
+ // Poll for events.
+ deviceConstellation.pollForEventsAsync().await()
+ ```
+* **browser-session**
+ * Removed deprecated `CustomTabConfig` helpers. Use the equivalent methods in **feature-customtabs** instead.
+* **support-ktx**
+ * Removed deprecated methods that have equivalents in Android KTX.
+* **concept-sync**, **service-firefox-account**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**
+ * In `OAuthAccount` (and by extension, `FirefoxAccount`) `beginOAuthFlowAsync` no longer need to specify `wantsKeys` parameter; it's automatically inferred from the requested `scopes`.
+ * Three new device types now available: `tablet`, `tv`, `vr`.
+# 8.0.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **service-glean**
+ * Timing distributions now use a functional bucketing algorithm that does not require fixed limits to be defined up front.
+* **support-android-test**
+ * Added `WebserverRule` - a junit rule that will run a webserver during tests serving content from assets in the test package ([#3893](
+* **browser-engine-gecko-nightly**
+ * The component now exposes an implementation of the Gecko runtime telemetry delegate, `glean.GeckoAdapter`, which can be used to collect Gecko metrics with the Glean SDK.
+* **browser-engine-gecko-beta**
+ * The component now handles situations where the Android system kills the content process (without killing the main app process) in order to reclaim resources. In those situations the component will automatically recover and restore the last known state of those sessions.
+* **browser-toolbar**
+ * Changed `BrowserToolbar.siteSecurityColor` to use no icon color filter when the color is set to `Color.TRANSPARENT`.
+ * Added `BrowserToolbar.siteSecurityIcon` to use custom security icons with multiple colors in the toolbar.
+* **feature-sendtab**
+ * Added a `SendTabFeature` that observes account device events with optional support for push notifications.
+ ```kotlin
+ SendTabFeature(
+ context,
+ accountManager,
+ pushFeature, // optional
+ pushService // optional; if you want the service to also be started/stopped based on account changes.
+ onTabsReceiver = { from, tabs -> /* Do cool things here! */ }
+ )
+ ```
+* **feature-media**
+ * `MediaFeature` is no longer showing a notification for playing media with a very short duration.
+ * Lowered priority of media notification channel to avoid the media notification making any sounds itself.
+# 7.0.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **browser-menu**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `BrowserMenuHighlightableItem` now has a ripple effect and includes an example of how to pass in a drawable properly to also include a ripple when highlighted
+* **feature-accounts**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**:
+ * The `FirefoxAccountsAuthFeature` no longer needs an `TabsUseCases`, instead is taking a lambda to
+ allow applications to decide which action should be taken. This fixes [#2438]( and [#3272](
+ ```kotlin
+ val feature = FirefoxAccountsAuthFeature(
+ accountManager,
+ redirectUrl
+ ) { context, authUrl ->
+ // passed-in context allows easily opening new activities for handling urls.
+ tabsUseCases.addTab(authUrl)
+ }
+ // ... elsewhere, in the UI code, handling click on button "Sign In":
+ components.feature.beginAuthentication(activityContext)
+ ```
+* **browser-engine-gecko-nightly**
+ * Now supports window requests. A new tab will be opened for `target="_blank"` links and `` calls.
+* **browser-icons**
+ * Handles low-memory scenarios by reducing memory footprint.
+* **feature-app-links**
+ * Fixed [#3944]( causing third-party apps being opened when links with a `javascript` scheme are clicked.
+* **feature-session**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**:
+ * The `WindowFeature` no longer needs an engine. It can now be created using just:
+ ```kotlin
+ val windowFeature = WindowFeature(components.sessionManager)
+ ```
+* **feature-pwa**
+ * Added full support for pinning websites to the home screen.
+ * Added full support for Progressive Web Apps, which can be pinned and open in their own window.
+* **service-glean**
+ * Fixed a bug in`TimeSpanMetricType` that prevented multiple consecutive `start()`/`stop()` calls. This resulted in the `glean.baseline.duration` being missing from most [`baseline`]( pings.
+* **service-firefox-accounts**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `AccountObserver.onAuthenticated` now helps observers distinguish when an account is a new authenticated account one with a second `newAccount` boolean parameter.
+* **concept-sync**, **service-firefox-accounts**:
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Added `OAuthAccount@disconnectAsync`, which replaced `DeviceConstellation@destroyCurrentDeviceAsync`.
+* **lib-crash**
+ * ⚠️ **Known issue**: Sending a crash using the `MozillaSocorroService` with GeckoView 69.0 or 68.0, will lead to a `NoSuchMethodError` when using this particular version of android components. See [#4052](
+# 6.0.2
+* [Commits](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **service-glean**
+ * Fixed a bug in`TimeSpanMetricType` that prevented multiple consecutive `start()`/`stop()` calls. This resulted in the `glean.baseline.duration` being missing from most [`baseline`]( pings.
+# 6.0.1
+* [Commits](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **feature-app-links**
+ * Fixed [#3944]( causing third-party apps being opened when links with a `javascript` scheme are clicked.
+* Imported latest state of translations.
+# 6.0.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **support-utils**
+ * Fixed [#3871]( autocomplete incorrectly fills urls that contains a port number.
+* **feature-readerview**
+ * Fixed [#3864]( now minus and plus buttons have the same size on reader view.
+* **browser-engine-gecko-nightly**
+ * The component now handles situations where the Android system kills the content process (without killing the main app process) in order to reclaim resources. In those situations the component will automatically recover and restore the last known state of those sessions.
+ * Now supports window requests. A new tab will be opened for `target="_blank"` links and `` calls.
+* **service-location**
+ * 🆕 A new component for accessing Mozilla's and other location services.
+* **feature-prompts**
+ * Improved month picker UI, now we have the same widget as Fennec.
+* **support-ktx**
+ * Deprecated `ViewGroup.forEach` in favour of Android Core KTX.
+ * Deprecated `Map.toBundle()` in favour of Android Core KTX `bundleOf`.
+* **lib-state**
+ * Migrated `Store.broadcastChannel()` to ``returning a `ReceiveChannel` that can be read by only one receiver. Broadcast channels have a more complicated lifetime that is not needed in most use cases. For multiple receivers multiple channels can be created from the `Store` or Kotlin's `ReceiveChannel.broadcast()` extension method can be used.
+* **support-android-test**
+ * Added `LeakDetectionRule` to install LeakCanary when running instrumented tests. If a leak is found the test will fail and the test report will contain the leak trace.
+* **lib-push-amazon**
+ * 🆕 Added a new component for Amazon Device Messaging push support.
+* **browser-icons**
+ * Changed the maximum size for decoded icons. Icons are now scaled to the target size to save memory.
+* **service-firefox-account**
+ * Added `isSyncActive(): Boolean` method to `FxaAccountManager`
+* **feature-customtabs**
+ * `CustomTabsToolbarFeature` now optionally takes `Window` as a parameter. It will update the status bar color to match the toolbar color.
+ * Custom tabs can now style the navigation bar using `CustomTabsConfig.navigationBarColor`.
+* **feature-sendtab**
+ * 🆕 New component for send tab use cases.
+ ```kotlin
+ val sendTabUseCases = SendTabUseCases(accountManager)
+ // Send to a particular device
+ sendTabUseCases.sendToDeviceAsync("1234", TabData("Mozilla", ""))
+ // Send to all devices
+ sendTabUseCases.sendToAllAsync(TabData("Mozilla", ""))
+ // Send multiple tabs to devices works too..
+ sendTabUseCases.sendToDeviceAsync("1234", listof(tab1, tab2))
+ sendTabUseCases.sendToAllAsync(listof(tab1, tab2))
+ ```
+* **support-ktx**
+ * Added `Collection.crossProduct` to retrieve the cartesian product of two `Collections`.
+* **service-glean**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `Glean.enableTestingMode` is now `internal`. Tests can use the `GleanTestRule` to enable testing mode. [Updated docs available here](
+* **feature-push**
+ * Added default arguments when registering for subscriptions/messages.
+# 5.0.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **All components**
+ * Increased `compileSdkVersion` to 29 (Android Q)
+* **feature-tab**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Now `TabsUseCases.SelectTabUseCase` is an interface, if you want to rely on its previous behavior you could keep using `TabsUseCases.selectTab` or use `TabsUseCases.DefaultSelectTabUseCase`.
+* **feature-awesomebar**
+ * `SessionSuggestionProvider` now have a new parameter `excludeSelectedSession`, to ignore the selected session on the suggestions.
+* **concept-engine** and **browser-session**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Function signature changed from `Session.Observer.onTrackerBlocked(session: Session, blocked: String, all: List<String>) = Unit` to `Session.Observer.onTrackerBlocked(session: Session, tracker: Tracker, all: List<Tracker>) = Unit`
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Function signature changed from `EngineSession.Observer.onTrackerBlocked(url: String) = Unit` to `EngineSession.Observer.onTrackerBlocked(tracker: Tracker) = Unit`
+ * Added: To provide more details about a blocked content, we introduced a new class called `Tracker` this contains information like the `url` and `categories` of the `Tracker`. Among the categories we have `Ad`, `Analytic`, `Social`,`Cryptomining`, `Fingerprinting` and `Content`.
+* **browser-icons**
+ * Added `BrowserIcons.loadIntoView` to automatically load an icon into an `ImageView`.
+* **browser-session**
+ * Added `IntentProcessor` interface to represent a class that processes intents to create sessions.
+ * Deprecated `CustomTabConfig.isCustomTabIntent` and `CustomTabConfig.createFromIntent`. Use `isCustomTabIntent` and `createFromCustomTabIntent` in feature-customtabs instead.
+* **feature-customtabs**
+ * Added `CustomTabIntentProcessor` to create custom tab sessions from intents.
+ * Added `isCustomTabIntent` to check if an intent is for creating custom tabs.
+ * Added `createCustomTabConfigFromIntent` to create a `CustomTabConfig` from a custom tab intent.
+* **feature-downloads**
+ * `FetchDownloadManager` now determines the filename during the download, resulting in more accurate filenames.
+* **feature-intent**
+ * Deprecated `IntentProcessor` class and moved some of its code to the new `TabIntentProcessor`.
+* **feature-push**
+ * Updated the default autopush service endpoint to ``.
+* **service-glean**
+ * Hyphens `-` are now allowed in labels for metrics. See [1566764](
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Timespan values are returned in their configured time unit in the testing API.
+* **lib-state**
+ * Added ability to pause/resume observing a `Store` via `pause()` and `resume()` methods on the subscription
+ * When using `observeManually` the returned `Subscription` is in paused state by default.
+ * When binding a subscription to a `LifecycleOwner` then this subscription will automatically paused and resumed based on whether the lifecycle is in STARTED state.
+ * When binding a subscription to a `View` then this subscription will be paused until the `View` gets attached.
+ * Added `Store.broadcastChannel()` to observe state from a coroutine sequentially ordered.
+ * Added helpers to process states coming from a `Store` sequentially via `Fragment.consumeFrom(Store)` and `View.consumeFrom(Store)`.
+* **support-ktx**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking behavior change**: `JSONArray.mapNotNull` is now an inline function, changing the behavior of the `return` keyword within its lambda.
+ * Added `View.toScope()` to create a `CoroutineScope` that is active as long as the `View` is attached. Once the `View` gets detached the `CoroutineScope` gets cancelled automatically. By default coroutines dispatched on the created [CoroutineScope] run on the main dispatcher
+* **concept-push**, **lib-push-firebase**, **feature-push**
+ * Added `deleteToken` to the PushService interface.
+ * Added the implementation for it to Firebase Push implementation.
+ * Added `forceRegistrationRenewal` to the AutopushFeature for situations where our current registration token may be invalid for us to use.
+* **service-firefox-accounts**
+ * Added `AccountMigration`, which may be used to query trusted FxA Auth providers and automatically sign-in into available accounts.
+# 4.0.1
+* [Commits](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **service-glean**
+ * Hyphens `-` are now allowed in labels for metrics. See [1566764](
+* Imported latest state of translations.
+* **support-rusthttp**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: The application-services (FxA, sync, push) code now will send HTTP requests through a kotlin-provided HTTP stack in all configurations, however it requires configuration at startup. This may be done via the neq `support-rusthttp` component as follows:
+ ```kotlin
+ import
+ // Note: other implementations of `Client` from concept-fetch are fine as well.
+ import mozilla.components.lib.fetch.httpurlconnection.HttpURLConnectionClient
+ // some point before calling rust code that makes HTTP requests.
+ RustHttpConfig.setClient(lazy { HttpURLConnectionClient() })
+ ```
+ * Note that code which uses a custom megazord **must** call this after initializing the megazord.
+# 4.0.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **browser-engine-gecko**, **browser-engine-gecko-beta**, **browser-engine-gecko-nightly**
+ * **Merge day!**
+ * `browser-engine-gecko-release`: GeckoView 68.0
+ * `browser-engine-gecko-beta`: GeckoView 69.0
+ * `browser-engine-gecko-nightly`: GeckoView 70.0
+* **browser-engine-gecko-beta**
+ * Like with the nightly flavor previously (0.55.0) this component now has a hard dependency on the new [universal GeckoView build]( that is no longer architecture specific (ARM, x86, ..). With that apps no longer need to specify the GeckoView dependency themselves and synchronize the used version with Android Components. Additionally apps can now make use of [APK splits]( or [Android App Bundles (AAB)](
+* **feature-media**
+ * Added `MediaNotificationFeature` - a feature implementation to show an ongoing notification (keeping the app process alive) while web content is playing media.
+* **feature-downloads**
+ * Added custom notification icon for `FetchDownloadManager`.
+* **feature-app-links**
+ * Added allow-list for schemes of URLs to open with an external app. This defaults to `mailto`, `market`, `sms` and `tel`.
+* **feature-accounts**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Public API for interacting with `FxaAccountManager` and sync changes
+ * `FxaAccountManager` now has a new, simplified public API.
+ * `BackgroundSyncManager` is longer exists; sync functionality exposed directly via `FxaAccountManager`.
+ * See component's [README]( for detailed description of the new API.
+ * As part of these changes, token caching issue has been fixed. See [#3579]( for details.
+* **concept-engine**, **browser-engine-gecko(-beta/nightly)**.
+ * Added `TrackingProtectionPolicy.CookiePolicy` to indicate how cookies should behave for a given `TrackingProtectionPolicy`.
+ * Now `` allows you to specify a `TrackingProtectionPolicy.CookiePolicy`, if not specified, `TrackingProtectionPolicy.CookiePolicy.ACCEPT_NON_TRACKERS` will be used.
+ * Behavior change: Now `TrackingProtectionPolicy.none()` will get assigned a `TrackingProtectionPolicy.CookiePolicy.ACCEPT_ALL`, and both `TrackingProtectionPolicy.all()` and `TrackingProtectionPolicy.recommended()` will have a `TrackingProtectionPolicy.CookiePolicy.ACCEPT_NON_TRACKERS`.
+* **concept-engine**, **browser-engine-system**
+ * Added `useWideViewPort` in `Settings` to support the viewport HTML meta tag or if a wide viewport should be used. (Only affects `SystemEngineSession`)
+* **browser-session**
+ * Added `SessionManager.add(List<Session>)` to add a list of `Session`s to the `SessionManager`.
+* **feature-tab-collections**
+ * ⚠️ **These are breaking changes below**:
+ * `Tab.restore()` now returns a `Session` instead of a `SessionManager.Snapshot`
+ * `TabCollection.restore()` and `TabCollection.restoreSubset()` now return a `List<Session>` instead of a `SessionManager.Snapshot`
+* **support-ktx**
+ * Added `onNextGlobalLayout` to add a `ViewTreeObserver.OnGlobalLayoutListener` that is only called once.
+# 3.0.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **feature-prompts**
+ * Improved file picker prompt by displaying the option to use the camera to capture images,
+ microphone to record audio, or video camera to capture a video.
+ * The color picker has been redesigned based on Firefox for Android (Fennec).
+* **feature-pwa**
+ * Added preliminary support for pinning websites to the home screen.
+* **browser-search**
+ * Loading search engines should no longer deadlock on devices with 1-2 CPUs
+* **concept-engine**, **browser-engine-gecko(-beta/nightly)**, **browser-engine-system**
+ * Added `EngineView.release()` to manually release an `EngineSession` that is currently being rendered by the `EngineView`. Usually an app does not need to call `release()` manually since `EngineView` takes care of releasing the `EngineSession` on specific lifecycle events. However sometimes the app wants to release an `EngineSession` to immediately render it on another `EngineView`; e.g. when transforming a Custom Tab into a regular browser tab.
+* **browser-session**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Removed "default session" behavior from `SessionManager`. This feature was never used by any app except the sample browser.
+* **feature-downloads**
+ * Added `FetchDownloadManager`, an alternate download manager that uses a fetch `Client` instead of the native Android `DownloadManager`.
+* **support-ktx**
+ * Deprecated `String.toUri()` in favour of Android Core KTX.
+ * Deprecated `View.isGone` and `View.isInvisible` in favour of Android Core KTX.
+ * Added `putCompoundDrawablesRelative` and `putCompoundDrawablesRelativeWithIntrinsicBounds`, aliases of `setCompoundDrawablesRelative` that use Kotlin named and default arguments.
+# 2.0.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **browser-toolbar**
+ * Adds `focus()` which provides a hook for calling `editMode.focus()` to focus the edit mode `urlView`
+* **browser-awesomebar**
+ * Updated `DefaultSuggestionViewHolder` to have a style more consistent with Fenix mocks.
+ * Fixed a bug with `InlineAutocompleteEditText` where the cursor would disappear if a user cleared an suggested URL.
+* **lib-state**
+ * A new component for maintaining application, screen or component state via a redux-style `Store`. This component provides the architectural foundation for the `browser-state` component (in development).
+* **feature-downloads**
+ * `onDownloadCompleted` no longer receives the download object and ID.
+* **support-ktx**
+ * Deprecated `Resource.pxToDp`.
+ * Added `Int.dpToPx` to convert from density independent pixels to an int representing screen pixels.
+ * Added `Int.dpToFloat` to convert from density independent pixels to a float representing screen pixels.
+* **support-ktx**
+ * Added `Context.isScreenReaderEnabled` extension to check if TalkBack service is enabled.
+* **browser-icons**
+ * The component now ships with the [tippy-top-sites]( top 200 list for looking up icon resources.
+* **concept-engine**, **browser-engine-gecko(-beta/nightly)**, **feature-session**, **feature-tabs**
+ * Added to support for specifying additional flags when loading URLs. This can be done using the engine session directly, as well as via use cases:
+ ```kotlin
+ // Bypass cache
+ sessionManager.getEngineSession().loadUrl(url,
+ // Bypass cache and proxy
+ sessionUseCases.loadUrl.invoke(url,, LoadUrlFlags.BYPASS_PROXY))
+ ```
+# 1.0.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* 🛑 Removed deprecated components (See [blog posting](
+ * feature-session-bundling
+ * ui-progress
+ * ui-doorhanger
+* **concept-engine**, **browser-engine-gecko(-beta/nightly)**, **browser-engine-system**
+ * Added `Engine.version` property (`EngineVersion`) for printing and comparing the version of the used engine.
+* **browser-menu**
+ * Added `endOfMenuAlwaysVisible` property/parameter to `BrowserMenuBuilder` constructor and to `` function.
+ When is set to true makes sure the bottom of the menu is always visible, this allows use cases like [#3211](
+ * Added `onDimiss` parameter to `` function, called when the menu is dismissed.
+ * Changed `BrowserMenuHighlightableItem` constructor to allow for dynamically toggling the highlight with `invalidate()`.
+* **browser-toolbar**
+ * Added highlight effect to the overflow menu button when a highlighted `BrowserMenuHighlightableItem` is present.
+* **feature-tab-collections**
+ * Tabs can now be restored without restoring the ID of the `Session` by using the `restoreSessionId` flag. An app may
+ prefer to use new IDs if it expects sessions to get restored multiple times - otherwise breaking the promise of a
+ unique ID.
+* **browser-search**
+ * Added `getProvidedDefaultSearchEngine` to `SearchEngineManager` to return the provided default search engine or the first
+ search engine if the default is not set. This allows use cases like [#3344](
+* **feature-tab-collections**
+ * Behavior change: `TabCollection` instances returned by `TabCollectionStorage` are now ordered by the last time they have been updated (instead of the time they have been created).
+* **lib-crash**
+ * [Restrictions to background activity starts]( in Android Q+ make it impossible to launch the crash reporter prompt after certain crashes. In those situations the library will show a "crash notification" instead. Clicking on the notification will launch the crash reporter prompt allowing the user to submit a crash report.
+For older versions see the [changelog archive]({{ site.baseurl }}/changelog/archive).
diff --git a/mobile/android/android-components/docs/ b/mobile/android/android-components/docs/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c95ae55a62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mobile/android/android-components/docs/
@@ -0,0 +1,3297 @@
+layout: page
+title: Changelog Archive
+permalink: /changelog/archive
+# 0.56.4
+* [Commits](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* Imported updated translations.
+# 0.56.3
+* [Commits](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **service-firefox-accounts**
+ * Disabled periodic device event polling.
+# 0.56.2
+* [Commits](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **browser-menu**
+ * Added `endOfMenuAlwaysVisible` property/parameter to `BrowserMenuBuilder` constructor and to `` function.
+ When is set to true makes sure the bottom of the menu is always visible, this allows use cases like [#3211](
+# 0.56.1
+* [Commits](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **service-firefox-accounts**
+ * `FxaAccountManager` will is now able to complete re-authentication flow after encountering an auth problem (e.g. password change)
+ * `FxaAccountManager` will now attempt to automatically recover from a certain class of temporary auth problems.
+ * `FirefoxAccount` grew a new method: `checkAuthorizationStatusAsync`, used to facilitate above flows.
+ * It is no longer necessary to pass in the "profile" scope to `FxaAccountManager`, as it will always obtain it regardless. Specifying that scope has no effect.
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `FirefoxAccount` methods that used to take `Array<String>` of scopes now take `Set<String>` of scopes.
+# 0.56.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **samples-firefox-accounts**
+ * Switch FxA sample to production servers, fix pairing.
+* **service-firefox-accounts**
+ * `FxaAccountManager` will is now able to complete re-authentication flow after encountering an auth problem (e.g. password change)
+ * `FxaAccountManager` will now attempt to automatically recover from a certain class of temporary auth problems.
+ * `FirefoxAccount` grew a new method: `checkAuthorizationStatusAsync`, used to facilitate above flows.
+ * It is no longer necessary to pass in the "profile" scope to `FxaAccountManager`, as it will always obtain it regardless. Specifying that scope has no effect.
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: `FirefoxAccount` methods that used to take `Array<String>` of scopes now take `Set<String>` of scopes.
+* **browser-domains**
+ * New domain autocomplete providers `ShippedDomainsProvider` and `CustomDomainsProvider` that
+ should be used instead of deprecated `DomainAutoCompleteProvider`.
+* **service-glean**
+ * The length limit on labels in labeled metrics has been increased from 30 to 61 characters. See [1556684](
+ * Timespan metrics have a new API for setting the timespan directly: `sumRawNanos` and `setRawNanos`.
+* **support-base**
+ * Fixed multiple potential leaks in `ObserverRegistry` (used internally by many classes in other components like `SessionManager`, `EngineSession` and others).
+* **browser-icons**
+ * Fixed possible `NullPointerException` when disk cache is written to concurrently.
+* **lib-crash**
+ * Crash reports sent to Sentry now contain optional environment information, if a parameter is passed.
+* **browser-session**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Added `url` parameter to `Session.Observer.onLoadRequest()`.
+* **support-ktx**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Removed `Drawable.toBitmap()` in favour of the Android Core KTX version.
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**: Removed `Context.systemService()` in favour of the Android Core KTX version.
+* **browser-session**
+ * Added `Session.hasParentSession` to indicate whether a `Session` was opened from a parent `Session` such as opening a new tab from a link context menu ("Open in new tab").
+* **feature-app-links**
+ * Add a flag to allow the app to not detect an external app if the user has told android to use the browser as default.
+ * Turn off interception of web links.
+# 0.55.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **browser-search**
+ * `SearchEngineManager.load()` is deprecated. Use `SearchEngineManager.loadAsync()` instead.
+* **browser-menu**
+ * Fixed a bug where overscroll effects would appear on the overflow menu.
+ * Added enter and exit animations.
+* **browser-session**
+ * Added handler for `onWebAppManifestLoaded` to update `session.webAppManifest`.
+ * Moved `WebAppManifest` to concept-engine.
+* **concept-engine**
+ * Added `onWebAppManifestLoaded` to `EngineSession`, called when the engine finds a web app manifest.
+ * Added `WebAppManifest` from browser-session.
+* **concept-sync**, **service-accounts**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking behavior change**: API changes to facilitate error handling; new method on AccountObserver interface.
+ * Added `onAuthenticationProblems` observer method, used for indicating that account needs to re-authenticate (e.g. after a password change).
+ * `FxaAccountManager` gained a new method, `accountNeedsReauth`, that could be used for the same purpose.
+ * `DeviceConstellation` methods that returned `Deferred<Unit>` now return `Deferred<Boolean>`, with a success flag.
+ * `OAuthAccount` methods that returned `Deferred` values now have an `Async` suffix in their names.
+ * `OAuthAccount` and `DeviceConstellation` methods that returned `Deferred<T>` (for some T) now return `Deferred<T?>`, where `null` means failure.
+ * `FirefoxAccount`, `FirefoxDeviceConstellation` and `FirefoxDeviceManager` now handle all expected `FxAException`.
+ * Fixes device name not changing in FxaDeviceConstellation after setDeviceNameAsync is called.
+* **engine-gecko-nightly**, **engine-gecko-beta**, **engine-system**, **concept-engine**
+ * Added `EngineView.canScrollVerticallyUp()` for pull to refresh.
+ * Added engine API to clear browsing data.
+* **browser-storage-sync**
+ * `recordVisit` and `recordObservation` will no longer throw when processing invalid URLs.
+ ```kotlin
+ // Clear all browsing data
+ engine.clearData(BrowsingData.all())
+ // Clear all caches
+ engine.clearData(BrowsingData.allCaches())
+ // Clear cookies only for the provided host
+ engine.clearData(, host = "")
+ ```
+* **engine-system**:
+ * Added `EngineView.canScrollVerticallyUp()` for pull to refresh.
+* **browser-engine-gecko-nightly**
+ * This component now has a hard dependency on the new [universal GeckoView build]( that is no longer architecture specific (ARM, x86, ..). With that apps no longer need to specify the GeckoView build themselves and synchronize the used version with Android Components. Additionally apps can now make use of [APK splits]( or [Android App Bundles (AAB)](
+* **service-glean**
+ * Disabling telemetry through `setUploadEnabled` now clears all metrics (except first_run_date) immediately.
+ * The string length limit for `StringMetricType` was raised from 50 to 100 characters.
+* **feature-session**
+ * Added `SwipeRefreshFeature` which adds pull to refresh to browsers.
+* **feature-tab-collections**
+ * Added option to remove all collections and their tabs: `TabCollectionStorage.removeAllCollections()`.
+* **feature-media**
+ * Added `RecordingDevicesNotificationFeature` to show an ongoing notification while recording devices (camera, microphone) are used by web content.
+* **concept-push**
+ * 🆕 Added a new component for supporting push notifications.
+* **lib-push-firebase**
+ * 🆕 Added a new component for Firebase Cloud Messaging push support.
+ ```kotlin
+ class FirebasePush : AbstractFirebasePushService()
+ ```
+ * In your Manifest you need to make the service visible:
+ ```xml
+ <service android:name=".FirebasePush">
+ <intent-filter>
+ <action android:name="" />
+ </intent-filter>
+ </service>
+ ```
+* **feature-sync**
+ * Fixed a bug that caused the Sync Manager to crash on initial startup cases.
+* **feature-push**
+ * 🆕 Added a new component for Autopush messaging support.
+ ```kotlin
+ class Application {
+ override fun onCreate() {
+ PushProcessor.install(services.push)
+ }
+ }
+ class Services {
+ val push by lazy {
+ val config = PushConfig(
+ senderId = "my-app",
+ serverHost = "",
+ serviceType = ServiceType.FCM,
+ protocol = Protocol.HTTPS
+ )
+ // You need to use a supported push service (Firebase is one of them).
+ val pushService = FirebasePush()
+ AutoPushFeature(context, pushService, config).also { it.initialize() }
+ }
+ }
+ class MyActivity {
+ override fun onCreate() {
+ services.push.registerForSubscriptions(object : PushSubscriptionObserver {
+ override fun onSubscriptionAvailable(subscription: AutoPushSubscription) { }
+ })
+ services.push.registerForPushMessages(PushType.Services, object: Bus.Observer<PushType, String> {
+ override fun onEvent(type: PushType, message: String) { }
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ ```
+ * Checkout the component documentation for more details.
+* **support-ktx**
+ * Added `Context.hasCamera()` to check if the device has a camera.
+# 0.54.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **browser-engine-gecko**, **browser-engine-gecko-beta**, **browser-engine-gecko-nightly**
+ * **Merge day!**
+ * `browser-engine-gecko-release`: GeckoView 67.0
+ * `browser-engine-gecko-beta`: GeckoView 68.0
+ * `browser-engine-gecko-nightly`: GeckoView 69.0
+* ⚠️ **Deprecated components**: `feature-session-bundling`, `ui-doorhanger`, `ui-progress` (See blog posting).
+* **service-pocket**
+ * Added `PocketEndpointRaw` and `PocketJSONParser` for low-level access.
+* **browser-menu**
+ * Added `BrowserMenuHighlightableItem`. Its `highlight` property allows you to set the background and an image that appears on the right.
+* **feature-findinpage**
+ * Find in Page Bar now displays 0/0 for no matches found with new attr findInPageNoMatchesTextColor
+* **feature-customtabs**
+ * Fixed a bug where menu actions would not work for all Custom Tab sessions.
+* **support-test**
+ * Added `testContext` property for retrieving application context from tests.
+* **browser-session**
+ * Added `AllSessionsObserver` helper that automatically subscribes and unsubscribes to all `Session` instances that get added/removed.
+* **support-base**
+ * Added `Build` object that contains information about the current Android Components build (like version number and git hash).
+* **lib-crash**
+ * Crash reports sent to Sentry now contain additional tags about the used Android Components version and setup (prefixed with "ac.").
+* **browser-awesomebar**, **feature-awesomebar**
+ * Fixed an issue where `SuggestionProvider.onInputChanged()` was called before `SuggestionProvider.onInputStarted()`.
+ * Added ability for `SuggestionProvider` to return an initial list of suggestions from `onInputStarted()`.
+ * Modified `ClipboardSuggestionProvider` to already return a suggestions from `onInputStarted()` if the clipboard contains a URL.
+* **feature-app-links**
+ * 🆕 New component: to detect and open links in other non-browser apps.
+ * Use cases to parse intent:// URLs, query the package manager for activities and generate Play store URLs.
+* **browser-engine-gecko-nightly**, **concept-engine**:
+ * Added `EngineSession.Observer.onRecordingStateChanged()` to get list of recording devices currently used by web content.
+* **support-base**
+ * Added helper for providing unique stable `Int` notification ids based on a `String` tag to avoid id conflicts between components and app code.
+ ```kotlin
+ // Get a unique id for the provided tag
+ val id = NotificationIds.getIdForTag(context, "")
+ // Extension methods for showing and cancelling notifications
+ NotificationManagerCompat
+ .from(context)
+ .notify(context, "", notification)
+ NotificationManagerCompat
+ .from(context)
+ .cancel(context, "")
+ ```
+# 0.53.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **concept-engine**, **browser-engine-gecko-nightly** and **browser-engine-gecko-beta**:
+ * Added new policies for Safe Browsing: `TrackingProtectionPolicy.SAFE_BROWSING_MALWARE`, `TrackingProtectionPolicy.SAFE_BROWSING_UNWANTED`, `TrackingProtectionPolicy.SAFE_BROWSING_PHISHING`, `TrackingProtectionPolicy.SAFE_BROWSING_HARMFUL` and `TrackingProtectionPolicy.SAFE_BROWSING_ALL`.
+ * Added a new policy category : `trackingProtectionPolicy.recommended()` contains all the recommended policies categories. It blocks ads, analytics, social, test trackers, plus all the safe browsing policies.
+* **browser-engine-system**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking behavior change**: built-in `WebView`'s on-screen zoom controls are hidden by default.
+* **browser-icons**
+ * Added disk cache for icons.
+* **feature-session**:
+ * Added `EngineViewBottomBehavior`: A `CoordinatorLayout.Behavior` implementation to be used with [EngineView] when placing a toolbar at the bottom of the screen. This implementation will update the vertical clipping of the `EngineView` so that bottom-aligned web content will be drawn above the browser toolbar.
+ * New use case `SettingsUseCases.UpdateTrackingProtectionUseCase`: Updates Tracking Protection for the engine and all open sessions.
+* **feature-prompts** and **browser-engine-gecko-nightly**
+ * Now input type file are working.
+* **browser-session**
+ * Fixed a bug where the title and icon of a `Session` was cleared too early.
+* **browser-contextmenu**
+ * Added ability to provide a custom `SnackbarDelegate` to show a customized `Snackbar`.
+# 0.52.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* ℹ️ **Migrated all components to [AndroidX](**
+* ℹ️ **Upgraded Gradle to 5.3.1**
+ * ⚠️ This requires using the 1.3.30 Kotlin gradle plugin or higher.
+* **feature-tab-collections**
+ * 🆕 New component: Feature implementation for saving, restoring and organizing collections of tabs.
+* **feature-readerview**
+ * 🆕 New component/feature that provides reader mode functionality. To see a complete and working example of how to integrate this new component, check out the `ReaderViewIntegration` class in our [Sample Browser](
+ ```kotlin
+ val readerViewFeature = ReaderViewFeature(context, engine, sessionManager, controlsView) { available ->
+ // This lambda is invoked to indicate whether or not reader view is available
+ // for the page loaded by the selected session (for the current tab)
+ }
+ // To activate reader view
+ readerViewFeature.showReaderView()
+ // To deactivate reader view
+ readerViewFeature.hideReaderView()
+ // To show the appearance (font, color scheme) controls
+ readerViewFeature.showControls()
+ // To hide the appearance (font, color scheme) controls
+ readerViewFeature.hideControls()
+ ```
+* **feature-readerview**
+ * Fix disappearing title in Custom Tab toolbar.
+* **feature-sitepermissions**
+ * Added ability to configure default (checked/unchecked) state for "Remember decision" checkbox. Provide `dialogConfig` into `SitePermissionsFeature` for this. Checkbox is checked by default.
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking API change**: ``anchorView`` property has been removed if you want to change the position of the prompts use the ``promptsStyling`` property.
+ * Added new property ``context``. It must be provided in the constructor.
+ * Do not save new site permissions in private sessions.
+ * Added ``sessionId`` property for adding site permissions on custom tabs.
+ * Allow prompts styling via ``PromptsStyling``
+ ```kotlin
+ data class PromptsStyling(
+ val gravity: Int,
+ val shouldWidthMatchParent: Boolean = false,
+ @ColorRes
+ val positiveButtonBackgroundColor: Int? = null,
+ @ColorRes
+ val positiveButtonTextColor: Int? = null
+ )
+ ```
+* **feature-customtabs**
+ * Fix session not being removed when the close button was clicked.
+* **service-glean**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking API change**: Custom pings must be explicitly
+ registered with Glean at startup time. See
+ `components/service/glean/docs/pings/` for more information.
+* **ui-autocomplete**
+ * Added an optional `shouldAutoComplete` boolean to `setText` which is currently used by `updateUrl` in `EditToolbar`.
+* **browser-toolbar**
+ * Modified `EditToolbar`'s `updateUrl` function to take a `shouldAutoComplete` boolean. By default a call to this function does **not** autocomplete. Generally you want to disable autocomplete when calling `updateUrl` if the text is a search term.
+ See `editMode` in `BrowserToolbar` and `setText` in `InlineAutocompleteEditText` for more information.
+* **browser-engine-system**
+ * Added support for Authentication dialogs on SystemEngineView.
+* **concept-engine**, **browser-engine-gecko-nightly**
+ * Added `suspendMediaWhenInactive` setting to control whether media should be suspended when the session is inactive. The default is `false`.
+ ```kotlin
+ // To provide a default when creating the engine:
+ GeckoEngine(runtime, DefaultSettings(suspendMediaWhenInactive = true))
+ // To change the value for a specific session:
+ engineSession.settings.suspendMediaWhenInactive = true
+ ```
+* **service-firefox-accounts**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking API change**:
+ * `OAuthAccount` now has a new `deviceConstellation` method.
+ * `FxaAccountManager`'s constructor now takes a `DeviceTuple` parameter.
+ * Added integration with FxA devices and device events.
+ * First supported event type is Send Tab.
+ * It's now possible to receive and send tabs from/to devices in the `DeviceConstellation`.
+ * `samples-sync` application provides a detailed integration example of these new APIs.
+ * Brief example:
+ ```kotlin
+ val deviceConstellationObserver = object : DeviceConstellationObserver {
+ override fun onDevicesUpdate(constellation: ConstellationState) {
+ // Process the following:
+ // constellation.currentDevice
+ // constellation.otherDevices
+ }
+ }
+ val deviceEventsObserver = object : DeviceEventsObserver {
+ override fun onEvents(events: List<DeviceEvent>) {
+ events.filter { it is DeviceEvent.TabReceived }.forEach {
+ val tabReceivedEvent = it as DeviceEvent.TabReceived
+ // process received tab(s).
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ val accountObserver = object : AccountObserver {
+ // ... other methods ...
+ override fun onAuthenticated(account: OAuthAccount) {
+ account.deviceConstellation().registerDeviceObserver(
+ observer = deviceConstellationObserver,
+ owner = this@MainActivity,
+ autoPause = true
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ val accountManager = FxaAccountManager(
+ this,
+ Config.release(CLIENT_ID, REDIRECT_URL),
+ arrayOf("profile", ""),
+ DeviceTuple(
+ name = "Doc Example App",
+ type = DeviceType.MOBILE,
+ capabilities = listOf(DeviceCapability.SEND_TAB)
+ ),
+ syncManager
+ )
+ accountManager.register(accountObserver, owner = this, autoPause = true)
+ accountManager.registerForDeviceEvents(deviceEventsObserver, owner = this, autoPause = true)
+ ```
+* **feature-prompts**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking API change**:
+ * `PromptFeature` constructor adds an optional `sessionId`. This should use the custom tab session id if available.
+* **browser-session**
+ * Added `SessionManager.runWithSessionIdOrSelected(sessionId: String?)` run function block on a session ID. If the session does not exist, then uses the selected session.
+# 0.51.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **browser-awesomebar**
+ * Fixed an issue where new suggestions would leave you scrolled to the middle of the list
+* **browser-errorpages**
+ * Added `%backButton%` replacement for buttons that need the text "Go Back" instead of "Try Again"
+* **browser-session**, **browser-engine-gecko-nightly**, **browser-engine-system**
+ * Fixed an issue causing `Session.searchTerms` getting cleared to early. Now the search terms will stay assigned to the `Session` until a new request, triggered by a user interaction like clicking a link, started loading (ignoring redirects).
+ * Added setting of desktop view port when requesting desktop site
+* **feature-customtabs**
+ * Added fact emitting.
+ * Bugfix to call with app-contributed pending intents from menu items and action buttons.
+ * Added ability to decide where menu items requested by the launching app should be inserted into the combined menu by setting `menuItemIndex`
+* **service-glean**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking API change**: Timespan and timing distribution
+ metrics now have a thread-safe API. See `` for more
+ information.
+ * A method for sending metrics on custom pings has been added. See
+ `docs/pings/` for more information.
+* **concept-engine**
+ * Add boolean `allowAutoplayMedia` setting.
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking API change:**
+ * Added new method to `HistoryTrackingDelegate` interface: `shouldStoreUri(uri: String): Boolean`.
+ * `VisitType` is now part of `HistoryTrackingDelegate`'s `onVisited` method signature
+* **feature-session**
+ * `HistoryDelegate` now implements a blocklist of URI schemas.
+* **browser-engine-gecko-nightly**
+ * Implement `allowAutoplayMedia` in terms of `autoplayDefault`.
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking API change**
+ * Added API for bidirectional messaging between Android and installed web extensions:
+ ```kotlin
+ engine.installWebExtension(EXTENSION_ID, EXTENSION_URL,
+ onSuccess = { installedExt -> it }
+ )
+ val messageHandler = object : MessageHandler {
+ override fun onPortConnected(port: Port) {
+ // Called when a port was connected as a result of a
+ // browser.runtime.connectNative call in JavaScript.
+ // The port can be used to send messages to the web extension:
+ port.postMessage(jsonObject)
+ }
+ override fun onPortDisconnected(port: Port) {
+ // Called when the port was disconnected or the corresponding session closed.
+ }
+ override fun onPortMessage(message: Any, port: Port) {
+ // Called when a message was received on the provided port as a
+ // result of a call to port.postMessage in JavaScript.
+ }
+ override fun onMessage(message: Any, source: EngineSession?): Any {
+ // Called when a message was received as a result of a
+ // browser.runtime.sendNativeMessage call in JavaScript.
+ }
+ }
+ // To listen to message events from content scripts call:
+ installedExt.registerContentMessageHandler(session, EXTENSION_ID, messageHandler)
+ // To listen to message events from background scripts call:
+ installedExt.registerBackgroundMessageHandler(EXTENSION_ID, messageHandler)
+ ```
+* **browser-icons**
+ * Added an in-memory caching mechanism reducing disk/network loads.
+* **browser-tabstray**
+ * Add `TabThumbnailView` to Tabs Tray show the top of the thumbnail and fill up the width of the tile.
+ * Added swipe gesture support with a `TabTouchCallback` for the TabsTray.
+* **concept-storage**, **browser-storage-memory**, **browser-storage-sync**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking API change**
+ * Added new method `getVisitsPaginated`; use it to paginate history.
+ * Added `excludeTypes` param to `getDetailedVisits`; use it to query only subsets of history.
+ * Added new `getBookmarksWithUrl` method for checking if a site is already bookmarked
+ * Added new `getBookmark` method for obtaining the details of a single bookmark by GUID
+* **browser-storage-sync**
+ * `PlacesBookmarksStorage` now supports synchronization!
+* **support-utils**
+ * Add `URLStringUtils` to unify parsing of strings that may be URLs.
+* **support-ktx**
+ - Add `URLStringUtils` `isURLLike()` and `toNormalizedURL()`.
+ - Update the implementation for `String.isUrl()` and `String.toNormalizedUrl()` to the new one above.
+* **concept-sync**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking API change**
+ * `OAuthAccount` now has a new method `registerPersistenceCallback`.
+* **service-fxa**
+ * `FxaAccountManager` is now using a state persistence callback to keep FxA account state up-to-date as it changes.
+# 0.50.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **browser-toolbar**
+ * Added `titleView` to `DisplayToolbar` which displays the title of the page. Various options are able to modified such as
+ `titleTextSize`, `titleColor`, and `displayTitle`. In custom tabs, the URL will now only display the hostname.
+ * Changed `UrlRenderConfiguration` to include a `RenderStyle` parameter where you can specify how the URL renders
+* **support-ktx**
+ * Added extension property `Uri.isHttpOrHttps`.
+* **browser-icons**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking API change**: Creating a `BrowserIcons` instance requires a `Client` object (from `concept-fetch`) now.
+* **browser-engine-gecko-nightly**:
+ * Added new content blocking category for [fingerprinting]( `TrackingProtectionPolicy.FINGERPRINTING`.
+* **feature-findinpage**
+ * Find in Page now emits facts
+* **feature-awesomebar**
+ * Added `BookmarksStorageSuggestionProvider`
+* **browser-toolbar**
+ * Adds `browserToolbarProgressBarGravity` attr with options `top` and `bottom` (default).
+ * Adds the ability to long click the urlView
+* **service-glean**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking API change**: The technically public, but not
+ intended for public use, part of the glean API has been renamed from
+ `mozilla.components.service.glean.metrics` to
+ `mozilla.components.service.glean.private`.
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking API change**: Labeled metrics are now their own
+ distinct metric types in the `metrics.yaml` file. For example, for a
+ labeled counter, rather than using `type: counter` and `labeled: true`, use
+ `type: labeled_counter`. See bugzilla 1540725.
+* **concept-engine**
+ * Adds `automaticLanguageAdjustment` setting, which should hint to implementations to send
+ language specific headers to websites. Implementation in `browser-engine-gecko-nightly`.
+* **service-firefox-accounts**
+ * The service no longer accepts a `successPath` option. Instead the service uses the OAuth `redirectUri`.
+* **support-base**
+ * Added optional callback to `Consumable` to get invoked once value gets consumed:
+ ```kotlin
+ val consumable = Consumable.from(42) {
+ // Value got consumed.
+ }
+ ```
+# 0.49.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **feature-contextmenu**
+ * Clicking on a context menu item now emits a fact
+* **browser-awesomebar**
+ * `DefaultSuggestionViewHolder` now centers titles if no description is provided by the suggestion.
+* **browser-engine-gecko-***
+ * Added `automaticFontSizeAdjustment` engine setting for automatic font size adjustment,
+ in line with system accessibility settings. The default is `true`.
+ ```kotlin
+ GeckoEngine(runtime, DefaultSettings(automaticFontSizeAdjustment = true))
+ ```
+* **feature-awesomebar**
+ * Added optional `icon` parameter to `SearchSuggestionProvider`
+* **feature-qr**
+ * 🆕 New component/feature that provides functionality for scanning QR codes.
+ ```kotlin
+ val qrFeature = QrFeature(
+ context,
+ fragmentManager = supportFragmentManager,
+ onNeedToRequestPermissions = { permissions ->
+ requestPermissions(this, permissions, REQUEST_CODE_CAMERA_PERMISSIONS)
+ },
+ onScanResult = { qrScanResult ->
+ // qrScanResult is a String (e.g. a URL) returned by the QR scanner
+ }
+ )
+ // When ready to scan simply call
+ qrFeature.scan()
+ ```
+* **concept-storage**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking API change!** for non-component implementations of `HistoryStorage`.
+ * `HistoryStorage` got new API: `deleteVisit`.
+* **browser-search**
+ * Imported `list.json` and search plugins from Fennec from 2019-03-29.
+ * Added support for `searchDefault` and `searchOrder`.
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking API change**: `SearchEngineProvider.loadSearchEngines` returns a new data class `SearchEngineList` (was `List<SearchEngine>`).
+* **browser-storage-sync**, **browser-storage-memory**
+ * Implementations of `concept-storage`/`HistoryStorage` expose newly added `deleteVisit`.
+* **browser-toolbar**
+ * Add TalkBack support for page load status.
+ * Added option to add "edit actions" that will show up next to the URL in edit mode.
+ * Added option to set a listener for clicks on the site security indicator (globe / lock icon).
+ * The `toolbar` now emits a fact `COMMIT` when the user has edited the URL. [More information](
+* **browser-engine-gecko-nightly**
+ * Added new `TrackingProtectionPolicy` category for blocking cryptocurrency miners (`TrackingProtectionPolicy.CRYPTOMINING`).
+* **support-ktx**
+ * Added `Intent.toSafeIntent()`.
+ * Added `MotionEvent.use {}` (like `AutoCloseable.use {}`).
+ * Added `Bitmap.arePixelsAllTheSame()`.
+ * Added `Context.appName` returns the name (label) of the application or the package name as a fallback.
+* **concept-fetch**
+ * Added support for interceptors. Interceptors are a powerful mechanism to monitor, modify, retry, redirect or record requests as well as responses going through a `Client`. See the [concept-fetch README]( for example implementations of interceptors.
+* 💥 **Better crash handling** (#2568, #2569, #2570, #2571)
+ * **browser-engine-gecko-nightly**: `EngineSession.Observer.onCrashStateChange()` gets invoked if the content process of a session crashed. Internally a new `GeckoSession` will be created. By default this new session will just render a white page (`about:blank`) and not recover the last state. This prevents crash loops and let's the app decide (and show UI) when to restore. Calling `EngineSession.recoverFromCrash()` will try to restore the last known state from before the crash.
+ * **browser-session**: `Session.crashed` now exposes if a `Session` has crashed.
+ * **feature-session**: New use case: `SessionUseCases.CrashRecoveryUseCase`.
+# 0.48.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **browser-engine-gecko**, **browser-engine-gecko-beta**, **browser-engine-gecko-nightly**
+ * **Merge day!**
+ * `browser-engine-gecko-release`: GeckoView 66.0
+ * `browser-engine-gecko-beta`: GeckoView 67.0
+ * `browser-engine-gecko-nightly`: GeckoView 68.0
+* **browser-session**
+ * Session now exposes a list of `Media` instances representing playable media on the currently displayed page (see `concept-engine`).
+* **concept-engine**, **browser-engine-gecko-nightly**
+ * Added `Media` class representing a playable media element on the the currently displayed page. Consumers can subscribe to `Media` instances in order to receive updates whenever the state of a `Media` object changes. Currently only the "playback state" is exposed. Consumers can control playback through the
+ attached `Media.Controller` instance.
+* **concept-fetch**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking API change!**: `Headers.Common` was renamed to `Headers.Names`.
+ * Added `Headers.Values`.
+* **service-pocket**
+ * Access an article's text-to-speech listen metadata via `PocketListenEndpoint.getListenArticleMetadata`.
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking API change!**: `` is now a Long instead of an Int
+* **browser-engine-gecko-nightly**
+ * `GeckoEngine` will throw a `RuntimeException` if the `GeckoRuntime` shuts down unsolicited.
+* **feature-awesomebar**
+ * `SearchSuggestionProvider` and `AwesomeBarFeature` now allow setting a search suggestion limit.
+* **feature-findinpage**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking API change!**: `FindInPageFeature` constructor now takes an `EngineView` instance.
+ * Blur controlled `EngineView` for better screen reader accessibility.
+ * Announce result count for screen reader users.
+* **support-android-test**
+ * Added `ViewMatchers` that take Boolean arguments instead of requiring inversion via the `not` Matcher: e.g. `hasFocus(false)` instead of `not(hasFocus())`
+ * Added `ViewInteraction` extension functions like `assertHasFocus(Boolean)` for short-hand.
+ * Added `Matchers.maybeInvertMatcher` to optionally apply `not` based on the Boolean argument
+ * Added `` extension function for short-hand.
+* **service-glean**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking API change!**: `Configuration` now accepts a Lazy<Client> to make sure the HTTP client (lib) is initialized lazily.
+ ```kotlin
+ val config = Configuration(httpClient = lazy { GeckoViewFetchClient(context, GeckoRuntime()) })
+ Glean.initialize(context, config)
+ ```
+* **feature-accounts**, **service-firefox-account**
+ * Added API to start an FxA pairing flow. See `FirefoxAccountsAuthFeature.beginPairingAuthentication` and `FxaAccountsManager.beingAuthentication` respectively.
+* **concept-storage**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking API change!** for non-component implementations of `HistoryStorage`.
+ * `HistoryStorage` got new APIs: `deleteEverything`, `deleteVisitsSince`, `deleteVisitsBetween`, `deleteVisitsFor`, `prune` and `runMaintenance`.
+ * Added `BookmarksStorage` for handling the saving, searching, and management of browser bookmarks.
+* **browser-storage-sync**, **browser-storage-memory**
+ * Implementations of `concept-storage`/`HistoryStorage` expose the newly added APIs.
+* **browser-storage-sync**
+ * Implementations of `concept-storage`/`BookmarksStorage` expose the newly added APIs.
+# 0.47.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **browser-session**
+ * Added `Session.webAppManifest` to expose the [Web App Manifest]( of the currently visible page. This functionality will only be available in [GeckoView]( [concept-engine]( implementations.
+ * Added `WebAppManifestParser` to create [WebAppManifest]( from JSON.
+* **browser-menu**
+ * Added `TwoStateButton` in `BrowserMenuItemToolbar` that will change resources based on the `isInPrimaryState` lambda and added ability to disable the button with optional `disableInSecondaryState` argument.
+* **browser-toolbar**
+ * Adds `onCancelEditing` to `onEditListener` in `BrowserToolbar` which is fired when a back button press occurs while the keyboard is displayed.
+ This is especially useful if you want to call `activity.onBackPressed()` to navigate away rather than just dismiss the keyboard.
+ Its return value is used to determine if `displayMode` will switch from edit to view.
+* **concept-sync**
+ * 🆕 New component which describes sync-related interfaces, such as SyncManager, SyncableStore, SyncStatusObserver and others.
+* **concept-storage**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking API change!**: Removed sync-related interfaces. See **concept-sync**.
+ * **HistoryStorage** interface has a new method: `getDetailedVisits(start, end) -> List<VisitInfo>`. It provides detailed information about page visits (title, visit type, timestamp, etc).
+* **browser-storage-memory**, **browser-storage-sync**:
+ * Added implementations for the new getDetailedVisits API from **concept-storage**.
+* **feature-sync**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking API change!** Complete overhaul of this component.
+ * Added `BackgroundSyncManager`, a WorkManager-based implementation of the SyncManager defined in `concept-sync`.
+ * An instance of a SyncManager is an entry point for interacting with background data synchronization.
+ * See component's README for usage details.
+* **browser-engine-system** and **browser-engine-gecko-nightly**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking API change**: The [`captureThumbnail`]( function has been moved to [`EngineView`]( From now on for taking screenshots automatically you will have to opt-in by using `ThumbnailsFeature`. The decision was made to reduce overhead memory consumption for apps that are not using screenshots. Find more info in [feature-session]( and a practical example can be found in the [sample-browser project](
+* **feature-session-bundling**
+ * Saving, restoring and removing `SessionBundle` instances need to happen on a worker thread now (off the main thread).
+ * The actual session state is now saved on the file system outside of the internally used SQLite database.
+* **support-ktx**
+ * Added `File.truncateDirectory()` to remove all files (and sub directories) in a directory.
+ * Added `Activity.applyOrientation(manifest: WebAppManifest)` extension method for applying orientation modes #2291.
+ * Added `Context.isMainProcess` and `Context.runOnlyInMainProcess(block: () -> Unit)` to detect when you're running on the main process.
+ // true if we are running in the main process otherwise false .
+ val isMainProcess = context.isMainProcess()
+ context.runOnlyInMainProcess {
+ /* This function is only going to run if we are
+ in the main process, otherwise it won't be executed. */
+ }
+* **feature-pwa**
+ * 🆕 New component that provides functionality for supporting Progressive Web Apps (PWA).
+* **feature-session**
+ * Adds support for the picture-in-picture mode in `PictureInPictureFeature`.
+* **browser-storage-sync**
+ * Changed how Rust Places database connections are maintained, based on [new reader/writer APIs](
+* **service-pocket**
+ * Access the list of global video recommendations via `PocketEndpoint.getGlobalVideoRecommendations`.
+* **concept-fetch**
+ * Added common HTTP header constants in `Headers.Common`. This collection is incomplete: add your own!
+# 0.46.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **browser-awesomebar**
+ * Adds ability to remove `SuggestionProvider`s with `removeProviders` and `removeAllProviders`
+* **browser-menu**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking API change!**: Removed redundant `BrowserMenuImageText` `contentDescription`
+ * Adds `textSize` parameter to `SimpleBrowserMenuItem`
+* **concept-fetch**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking API change**: the [`Response`]( properties `.success` and `.clientError` were renamed to `.isSuccess` and `isClientError` respectively to match Java conventions.
+* **feature-downloads**
+ * Fixing bug #2265. In some occasions, when trying to download a file, the download failed and the download notification shows "Unsuccessful download".
+* **feature-search**
+ * Adds default search engine var to `SearchEngineManager`
+ * Adds optional `SearchEngine` to `invoke()` in `SearchUseCases`
+* **service-experiments**
+ * A new client-side experiments SDK for running segmenting user populations to run multi-branch experiments on them. This component is going to replace `service-fretboard`. The SDK is currently in development and the component is not ready to be used yet.
+* * **browser-icons**
+ * Adding a decoder for decoding ICO files see #2040.
+* **service-pocket**
+ * 🆕 New component to interact with the Pocket APIs.
+# 0.45.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* Mozilla App Services dependency upgraded: **0.18.0** 🔺
+ * [0.18.0 release notes](
+* **browser-engine-gecko-nightly**
+ * Added API to install web extensions:
+ ```kotlin
+ val borderify = WebExtension("borderify", "resource://android/assets/extensions/borderify/")
+ engine.installWebExtension(borderify) {
+ ext, throwable -> Log.log(Log.Priority.ERROR, "MyApp", throwable, "Failed to install ${}")
+ }
+ ```
+* **feature-search**
+ * Added `newPrivateTabSearch` `NewTabSearchUseCase`
+* **feature-toolbar**
+ * Added ability to color parts of the domain (e.g. [registrable domain]( by providing a `UrlRenderConfiguration`:
+ ```kotlin
+ ToolbarFeature(
+ // ...
+ ToolbarFeature.UrlRenderConfiguration(
+ publicSuffixList, // Use a shared global instance
+ registrableDomainColor = 0xFFFF0000.toInt(),
+ urlColor = 0xFF00FF00.toInt()
+ )
+ ```
+* **browser-toolbar**
+ * `BrowserToolbar` `cancelView` is now `clearView` with new text clearing behavior and color attribute updated from `browserToolbarCancelColor` to `browserToolbarClearColor`
+* **concept-awesomebar**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking API change**: [AwesomeBar.Suggestion]( instances must now declare the provider that created them.
+* **browser-awesomebar**
+ * [BrowserAwesomeBar]( is now replacing suggestions "in-place" if their ids match. Additionally `BrowserAwesomeBar` now automatically scrolls to the top whenever the entered text changes.
+* **feature-customtabs**
+ * Now returns false in `onBackPressed()` if feature is not initialized
+* **support-android-test**
+ * 🆕 New component to be used for helpers used in instrumented (on device) tests (`src/androidTest`). This component complements `support-test` which is focused on helpers used in local unit tests (`src/test`).
+ * Added helper `LiveData.awaitValue()` which subscribes to the `LiveData` object and blocks until a value was observed. Returns the value or throws an `InterruptedException` if no value was observed (customizable timeout).
+* **feature-session-bundling**
+ * Added optional `since` parameter to `SessionBundleStorage.bundles()` and `SessionBundleStorage.bundlesPaged()`.
+# 0.44.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **browser-menu**
+ * Added option to set background color by overriding `mozac_browser_menu_background` color resource.
+ ```xml
+ <color name="mozac_browser_menu_background">DESIRED_COLOR</color>
+ ```
+ **OR**
+ ```xml
+ <style name="Mozac.Browser.Menu" parent="" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">
+ <item name="cardBackgroundColor">YOUR_COLOR</item>
+ </style>
+ ```
+ * Added option to style `SimpleBrowserMenuItem` and `BrowserMenuImageText` with `textColorResource`.
+* **browser-toolbar**
+ * Added option to configure fading edge length by using `browserToolbarFadingEdgeSize` XML attribute.
+ * Added `BrowserToolbar` attribute `browserToolbarCancelColor` to color the cancel icon.
+* **feature-toolbar**
+ * `ToolbarPresenter` now handles situations where no `Session` is selected.
+* **intent-processor**
+ * Intent processor now lets you set `isPrivate` which will open process intents as private tabs
+* **service-fretboard (Kinto)**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking API change!**
+ * Now makes use of our concept-fetch module when communicating with the server. This allows applications to specify which HTTP client library to use e.g. apps already using GeckoView can now specify that the `GeckoViewFetchClient` should be used. As a consequence, the fetch client instance now needs to be provided when creating a `KintoExperimentSource`.
+ ```kotlin
+ val fretboard = Fretboard(
+ KintoExperimentSource(
+ baseUrl,
+ bucketName,
+ collectionName,
+ // Specify that the GV-based fetch client should be used.
+ GeckoViewFetchClient(context)
+ ),
+ experimentStorage
+ )
+ ```
+* **feature-session-bundling**
+ * Added `SessionBundleStorage.autoClose()`: When "auto close" is enabled the currently active `SessionBundle` will automatically be closed and a new `SessionBundle` will be started if the bundle lifetime expires while the app is in the background.
+* **browser-engine-gecko**, **browser-engine-gecko-beta**, **browser-engine-gecko-nightly**:
+ * Fixed an issue that caused [autofill]( to not work with those components.
+* **feature-sitepermissions**
+ * 🆕 A feature for showing site permission request prompts. For more info take a look at the [docs](
+* **browser-session**
+ * Added `SelectionAwareSessionObserver.observeIdOrSelected(sessionId: String?)` to observe the session based on a session ID. If the session does not exist, then observe the selected session.
+# 0.43.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **browser-engine-system**
+ * Added support for [JavaScript confirm alerts]( on WebView.
+* **browser-icons**
+ * 🆕 New component for loading and storing website icons (like [Favicons](
+ * Supports generating a "fallback" icon if no icon could be loaded.
+* **concept-fetch**
+ * Added API to specify whether or not cookies should be sent with a request. This can be controlled using the `cookiePolicy` parameter when creating a `Request`.
+ ```kotlin
+ // Do not send cookies with this request
+ client.fetch(Request(url, cookiePolicy = CookiePolicy.OMIT)).use { response ->
+ val body = response.body.string()
+ }
+ ```
+ * Added flag to specify whether or not caches should be used. This can be controlled with the `useCaches` parameter when creating a `Request`.
+ ```kotlin
+ // Force a network request (do not use cached responses)
+ client.fetch(Request(url, useCaches = false)).use { response ->
+ val body = response.body.string()
+ }
+ ```
+* **feature-awesomebar**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking API change!**
+ * Now makes use of our concept-fetch module when fetching search suggestions. This allows applications to specify which HTTP client library to use e.g. apps already using GeckoView can now specify that the `GeckoViewFetchClient` should be used. As a consequence, the fetch client instance now needs to be provided when adding a search provider.
+ ```kotlin
+ AwesomeBarFeature(layout.awesomeBar, layout.toolbar, layout.engineView)
+ .addHistoryProvider(components.historyStorage, components.sessionUseCases.loadUrl)
+ .addSessionProvider(components.sessionManager, components.tabsUseCases.selectTab)
+ .addSearchProvider(
+ components.searchEngineManager.getDefaultSearchEngine(requireContext()),
+ components.searchUseCases.defaultSearch,
+ // Specify that the GV-based fetch client should be used.
+ GeckoViewFetchClient(context))
+ ```
+* **ui-doorhanger**
+ * Added `DoorhangerPrompt` - a builder for creating a prompt `Doorhanger` providing a way to present decisions to users.
+* **feature-downloads**
+ * Ignoring schemes that are not https or http [#issue 554](
+* **support-ktx**
+ * Added `Uri.hostWithoutCommonPrefixes` to return the host with common prefixes removed:
+ ```kotlin
+ ""
+ .toUri()
+ .hostWithoutCommonPrefixes //
+ ""
+ .toUri()
+ .hostWithoutCommonPrefixes //
+ ""
+ .toUri()
+ .hostWithoutCommonPrefixes
+ ```
+ ℹ️ Note that this method only strips common prefixes like "www", "m" or "mobile". If you are interested in extracting something like the [eTLD]( from a host then use [PublicSuffixList]( of the `lib-publicsuffixlist` component.
+ * Added `String.toUri()` as a shorthand for `Uri.parse()` and in addition to other `to*()` methods already available in the Kotlin Standard Library.
+* **support-utils**
+ * Added `Browsers` utility class for collecting and analyzing information about installed browser applications.
+* **browser-session**, **feature-session-bundling**
+ * `SessionStorage` and `SessionBundleStorage` now save and restore the title of `Session` objects.
+ * `SessionManager.restore()` now allows passing in empty snapshots.
+* **feature-session-bundling**
+ * Empty snapshots are no longer saved in the database:
+ * If no restored bundle exists then no new bundle is saved for an empty snapshot.
+ * If there is an active bundle then the bundle will be removed instead of updated with the empty snapshot.
+* **browser-toolbar**, **concept-toolbar**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking API change**: The interface of the "URL commit listener" changed from `(String) -> Unit` to `(String) -> Boolean`. If the function returns `true` then the toolbar will automatically switch to "display mode". If no function is set or if the function returns false the toolbar remains in "edit mode".
+ * Added `private` field (`Boolean`): Enables/Disables private mode. In private mode the IME should not update any personalized data such as typing history and personalized language model based on what the user typed.
+ * The background and foreground color of the autocomplete suggestion can now be styled:
+ ```xml
+ <mozilla.components.browser.toolbar.BrowserToolbar
+ ...
+ app:browserToolbarSuggestionBackgroundColor="#ffffcc00"
+ app:browserToolbarSuggestionForegroundColor="#ffff4444"/>
+ ```
+# 0.42.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [API reference](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **engine-gecko-nightly**
+ * Now also serves as an implementation of `concept-fetch` by providing the new `GeckoViewFetchClient`. This allows applications to rely on Gecko's networking capabilities when issuing HTTP requests, even outside the browser view (GeckoView).
+* **feature-prompts**, **browser-engine-gecko***
+ * Added support for [JavaScript Confirm dialogs](
+* **feature-session**
+ * Fixed an issue causing `EngineViewPresenter` to render a selected `Session` even though it was configured to show a fixed `Session`. This issue caused a crash (`IllegalStateException: Display already acquired`) in the [Reference Browser]( when a "Custom Tab" and the "Browser" tried to render the same `Session`.
+ * Fixed an issue where back and forward button handling would not take place on the session whose ID was provided.
+* **feature-search**
+ * Added `SearchUseCases.NewTabSearchUseCase` and interface `SearchUseCase` (implemented by `DefaultSearchUseCase` and `NewTabSearchUseCase`).
+* **browser-engine-system**
+ * Added support for [JavaScript prompt alerts]( on WebView.
+* **feature-customtabs**
+ * Fixed an issue causing the `closeListener` to be invoked even when the current session isn't a Custom Tab.
+ * Fixed an issue with the image resources in the toolbar were not tinted when an app provided a light colour for the background.
+* **support-base**
+ * Added `ViewBoundFeatureWrapper` for wrapping `LifecycleAwareFeature` references that will automatically be cleared if the provided `View` gets detached. This is helpful for fragments that want to keep a reference to a `LifecycleAwareFeature` (e.g. to be able call `onBackPressed()`) that itself has strong references to `View` objects. In cases where the fragment gets detached (e.g. to be added to the backstack) and the `View` gets detached (and destroyed) the wrapper will automatically stop the `LifecycleAwareFeature` and clear all references..
+ * Added generic `BackHandler` interface for fragments, features and other components that want to handle 'back' button presses.
+* **ui-doorhanger**
+ * 🆕 New component: A `Doorhanger` is a floating heads-up popup that can be anchored to a view. They are presented to notify the user of something that is important (e.g. a content permission request).
+* **feature-sitepermissions**
+ * 🆕 New component: A feature that will subscribe to the selected session, and will provide an UI for all the incoming appPermission and contentPermission request.
+# 0.41.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [API reference](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* Mozilla App Services dependency upgraded: **0.15.0** 🔺
+ * [0.15.0 release notes](
+* **browser-engine-gecko-nightly**
+ * Tweaked `NestedGeckoView` to "stick" to `AppBar` in nested scroll, like other Android apps. This is possible after a [fix]( in APZ gesture detection.
+* **feature-browser**
+ * Added `BrowserToolbar` attributes to color the menu.
+ ```xml
+ <mozilla.components.browser.toolbar.BrowserToolbar
+ android:id="@+id/toolbar"
+ android:layout_width="match_parent"
+ android:layout_height="56dp"
+ android:background="#aaaaaa"
+ app:browserToolbarMenuColor="@color/photonBlue50"
+ app:browserToolbarInsecureColor="@color/photonRed50"
+ app:browserToolbarSecureColor="@color/photonGreen50" />
+ ```
+* **feature-contextmenu**
+ * Fixed Context Menus feature to work with Custom Tabs by passing in the session ID when applicable.
+* **feature-customtabs**
+ * Added a temporary workaround for Custom Tab intents not being recognized when using the Jetifier tool.
+* **feature-downloads**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking API change!**
+ * The required permissions are now passed to the `onNeedToRequestPermissions` callback.
+ ```kotlin
+ downloadsFeature = DownloadsFeature(
+ requireContext(),
+ sessionManager = components.sessionManager,
+ fragmentManager = childFragmentManager,
+ onNeedToRequestPermissions = { permissions ->
+ requestPermissions(permissions, REQUEST_CODE_DOWNLOAD_PERMISSIONS)
+ }
+ )
+ ```
+ * Removed the `onPermissionsGranted` method in favour of `onPermissionsResult` which handles both granted and denied permissions. This method should be invoked from `onRequestPermissionsResult`:
+ ```kotlin
+ override fun onRequestPermissionsResult(requestCode: Int, permissions: Array<String>, grantResults: IntArray) {
+ when (requestCode) {
+ REQUEST_CODE_DOWNLOAD_PERMISSIONS -> downloadsFeature.onPermissionsResult(permissions, grantResults)
+ }
+ }
+ ```
+ * Fixed Downloads feature to work with Custom Tabs by passing in the session ID when applicable.
+ * **feature-prompts**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking API change!**
+ * These change are similar to the ones for feature-downloads above and aim to provide a consistent way of handling permission requests.
+ * The required permissions are now passed to the `onNeedToRequestPermissions` callback.
+ ```kotlin
+ promptFeature = PromptFeature(
+ fragment = this,
+ sessionManager = components.sessionManager,
+ fragmentManager = requireFragmentManager(),
+ onNeedToRequestPermissions = { permissions ->
+ requestPermissions(permissions, REQUEST_CODE_PROMPT_PERMISSIONS)
+ }
+ )
+ ```
+ * Renamed `onRequestsPermissionsResult` to `onPermissionResult` and allow applications to specify the permission request code. This method should be invoked from `onRequestPermissionsResult`:
+ ```kotlin
+ override fun onRequestPermissionsResult(requestCode: Int, permissions: Array<String>, grantResults: IntArray) {
+ when (requestCode) {
+ REQUEST_CODE_DOWNLOAD_PERMISSIONS -> downloadsFeature.onPermissionsResult(permissions, grantResults)
+ }
+ }
+ ```
+* **feature-contextmenu**
+ * The component is now performing [haptic feedback]( when showing a context menu.
+* **browser-engine-gecko**, **browser-engine-gecko-beta**, **browser-engine-gecko-nightly**
+ * After "Merge Day" and the release of Firefox 65 we updated our gecko-based components to follow the new upstream versions:
+ * `browser-engine-gecko`: 65.0
+ * `browser-engine-gecko-beta`: 66.0
+ * `browser-engine-gecko-nightly`: 67.0
+* **browser-toolbar**
+ * Toolbar URL autocompletion is now performed off the UI thread.
+* **concept-storage**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking API change!**
+ * `HistoryAutocompleteResult` now includes an `input` field.
+* **browser-domains**
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking API change!**
+ * `DomainAutocompleteResult` now includes an `input` field.
+# 0.40.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [API reference](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **support-ktx**
+ * Added `Lifecycle.addObservers` to observe the lifecycle for multiple classes.
+ ```kotlin
+ override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
+ lifecycle.addObservers(
+ fullscreenFeature,
+ sessionFeature,
+ customTabsToolbarFeature
+ )
+ }
+ ```
+* **feature-awesomebar**
+ * Added ability to show one item per search suggestion ([#1779](
+ * Added ability to define custom hooks to be invoked when editing starts or is completed.
+* **browser-awesomebar**
+ * Added ability to let consumers define the layouting of suggestions by implementing `SuggestionLayout` in order to control layout inflation and view binding.
+ ```kotlin
+ // Create a ViewHolder for your custom layout.
+ class CustomViewHolder(view: View) : SuggestionViewHolder(view) {
+ private val textView = view.findViewById<TextView>(
+ override fun bind(
+ suggestion: AwesomeBar.Suggestion,
+ selectionListener: () -> Unit
+ ) {
+ textView.text = suggestion.title
+ textView.setOnClickListener {
+ suggestion.onSuggestionClicked?.invoke()
+ selectionListener.invoke()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Create a custom SuggestionLayout for controlling view inflation
+ class CustomSuggestionLayout : SuggestionLayout {
+ override fun getLayoutResource(suggestion: AwesomeBar.Suggestion): Int {
+ return android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1
+ }
+ override fun createViewHolder(awesomeBar: BrowserAwesomeBar, view: View, layoutId: Int): SuggestionViewHolder {
+ return CustomViewHolder(view)
+ }
+ }
+ ```
+ * Added ability to transform suggestions returned by provider (adding data, removing data, filtering suggestions, ...)
+ ```kotlin
+ awesomeBar.transformer = object : SuggestionTransformer {
+ override fun transform(
+ provider: AwesomeBar.SuggestionProvider,
+ suggestions: List<AwesomeBar.Suggestion>
+ ): List<AwesomeBar.Suggestion> {
+ return { suggestion ->
+ suggestion.copy(title = "Awesome!")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Use the custom layout with a BrowserAwesomeBar instance
+ awesomeBar.layout = CustomSuggestionLayout()
+ ```
+* **lib-publicsuffixlist**
+ * The public suffix list shipping with this component is now updated automatically in the repository every day (if there are changes).
+ * Fixed an issue when comparing domain labels against the public suffix list ([#1777](
+* **feature-prompts**, **browser-engine-gecko***
+ * Added support for [Pop-up windows dialog](
+* **browser-engine-system**
+ * Preventing JavaScript `confirm()` and `prompt()` until providing proper implementation #1816.
+* **feature-search**, **feature-session**
+ * `SessionUseCases` and `SearchUseCases` now take an optional `onNoSession: String -> Session` lambda parameter. This function will be invoked when executing a use case that requires a (selected) `Session` and no such session is available. This makes using the use cases and feature components usable in browsers that may not always have sessions. The default implementation creates a new `Session` and adds it to the `SessionManager`.
+* **support-rustlog**
+ * 🆕 New component: This component allows consumers of [megazorded]( Rust libraries produced by application-services to redirect their log output to the base component's log system as follows:
+ ```kotlin
+ import
+ import
+ // In onCreate, any time after MyMegazordClass.init()
+ RustLog.enable()
+ // Note: By default this is enabled at level DEBUG, which can be adjusted.
+ // (It is recommended you do this for performance if you adjust
+ // `Log.logLevel`).
+ RustLog.setMaxLevel(Log.Priority.INFO)
+ // You can also enable "trace logs", which may include PII
+ // (but can assist debugging) as follows. It is recommended
+ // you not do this in builds you distribute to users.
+ RustLog.setMaxLevel(Log.Priority.DEBUG, true)
+ ```
+ * This is pointless to do when not using a megazord.
+ * Megazording is required due to each dynamically loaded Rust library having its own internal/private version of the Rust logging framework. When megazording, this is still true, but there's only a single dynamically loaded library, and so it's redirected properly. (This could probably be worked around, but it would take a great effort, and given that we expect most production use of these libraries will be using megazords, we accepted this limitation)
+ * This would be very annoying during initial development (and debugging the sample apps), so by default, we'll log (directly, e.g. not through the base component logger) to logcat when not megazorded.
+ * Note that you must call `MyMegazordClass.init()` *before* any uses of this class.
+* Mozilla App Services library updated to 0.14.0. See [release notes]( for details.
+ * Important: Users consuming megazords must also update the application-services gradle plugin to version 0.3.0.
+* **feature-findinpage**
+ * 🆕 A new feature component for [finding text in a web page]( [Documentation](
+* **service-firefox-accounts**
+ * Added `FxaAccountManager`, which encapsulates a lower level accounts API and provides an observable interface for consumers that wish to be notified of account and profile changes.
+ * Background-worker friendly.
+ ```kotlin
+ // Long-lived instance, pinned on an application.
+ val accountManager = FxaAccountManager(context, Config.release(CLIENT_ID, REDIRECT_URL), arrayOf("profile"))
+ launch { accountManager.init() }
+ // Somewhere in a fragment that cares about account state...
+ accountManager.register(object : AccountObserver {
+ override fun onLoggedOut() {
+ ...
+ }
+ override fun onAuthenticated(account: FirefoxAccountShaped) {
+ ...
+ }
+ override fun onProfileUpdated(profile: Profile) {
+ ...
+ }
+ override fun onError(error: FxaException) {
+ ...
+ }
+ }
+ // Reacting to a "sign-in" user action:
+ launch {
+ val authUrl = try {
+ accountManager.beginAuthentication().await()
+ } catch (error: FxaException) {
+ // ... display error ui...
+ return@launch
+ }
+ openWebView(authUrl)
+ }
+ ```
+* **feature-accounts** 🆕
+ * Added a new `FirefoxAccountsAuthFeature`, which ties together the **FxaAccountManager** with a session manager via **feature-tabs**.
+* **browser-toolbar**
+ * Fixing bug that allowed text behind the security icon being selectable. [Issue #448](
+# 0.39.0
+* [Commits](
+* [Milestone](
+* [API reference](
+* [Dependencies](
+* [Gecko](
+* [Configuration](
+* **feature-awesomebar**
+ * Added `ClipboardSuggestionProvider` - An `AwesomeBar.SuggestionProvider` implementation that returns a suggestions for an URL in the clipboard (if there's any).
+* **feature-prompts**, **browser-engine-gecko**
+ * Added support for [Window.prompt](
+ * Fixing Issue [#1771]( Supporting single choice items with sub-menus group.
+* **browser-engine-gecko-nightly**
+ * The GeckoView Nightly dependency is now updated to the latest version automatically in cases where no code changes are required.
+* **browser-menu**
+ * Added [docs]( for customizing `BrowserMenu`.
+ * Added `BrowserMenuDivider`. [For customization take a look at the docs.](
+ * Added [BrowserMenuImageText]( for show an icon next to text in menus.
+ * Added support for showing a menu with DOWN and UP orientation (e.g. for supporting menus in bottom toolbars).
+* **concept-engine**, **browser-engine-gecko-***
+ * Added support for enabling tracking protection for specific session type:
+ ```kotlin
+ val engine = GeckoEngine(runtime, DefaultSettings(
+ trackingProtectionPolicy = TrackingProtectionPolicy.all().forPrivateSessionsOnly())
+ )
+ ```
+* **browser-toolbar**
+ * Added `BrowserToolbarBottomBehavior` - a [CoordinatorLayout.Behavior]( implementation to be used when placing `BrowserToolbar` at the bottom of the screen. This behavior will:
+ * Show/Hide the `BrowserToolbar` automatically when scrolling vertically.
+ * On showing a [Snackbar] position it above the `BrowserToolbar`.
+ * Snap the `BrowserToolbar` to be hidden or visible when the user stops scrolling.
+* **lib-publicsuffixlist**
+ * 🆕 A new component/library for reading and using the [public suffix list]( Details can be found in our [docs](
+# 0.38.0
+* [Commits](,
+[API reference](
+* Compiled against:
+ * Android (SDK: 28, Support Libraries: 28.0.0)
+ * Kotlin (Stdlib: 1.3.10, Coroutines: 1.0.1)
+ * GeckoView (Nightly: **66.0.20190111093148** 🔺, Beta: 65.0.20181211223337, Release: 64.0.20181214004633)
+ * Mozilla App Services (FxA: **0.13.3** 🔺, Sync Logins: **0.13.3** 🔺, Places: **0.13.3** 🔺)
+ * [0.13.0 release notes](
+ * [0.13.1 release notes](
+ * [0.13.2 release notes](
+ * [0.13.3 release notes](
+ * Third Party Libs (Sentry: 1.7.14, Okhttp: 3.12.0)
+* **support-utils**
+ * [Improve URL toolbar autocompletion matching](
+* **browser-session**
+ * [Improving tab selection algorithm, when removing the selected tab.](
+ * [Saving the state when the app goes to the background no longer blocks the UI thread.](
+* **browser-engine-system**
+ * Added support for JavaScript alerts on SystemEngineView.
+ * [Improving use of internal Webview](
+* **feature-customtabs**
+ * Added a close button to a custom tab with back button handling.
+* **feature-prompts**, **browser-engine-gecko**
+ * Added support for Authentication dialogs.
+ * Added support for [datetime-local]( and [time]( pickers.
+ * Added support for [input type color fields](
+* **browser-menu**
+ * `BrowserMenuItemToolbar` now allows overriding the `visible` lambda.
+* **service-sync-logins**, **service-firefox-accounts**, **concept-storage**
+ * Updated underlying library from 0.12.1 to 0.13.3, see the [release notes for 0.13.0]( for further details on the most substantial changes. ([#1690](
+ * sync-logins: Added a new `wipeLocal` method, for clearing all local data.
+ * sync-logins: Removed `reset` because it served a nonexistent use case, callers almost certainly want `wipeLocal` or `wipe` instead.
+ * sync-logins: Added `ensureLocked` and `ensureUnlocked` for cases where checking `isLocked` is inconvenient or requires additional locking.
+ * sync-logins: Allow storage to be unlocked using a `ByteArray` instead of a `String`.
+ * firefox-accounts: Network errors will now be reported as instances of FxaException.Network, instead of `FxaException.Unspecified`.
+ * history (concept-storage): PII is no longer logged during syncing (or any other time).
+# 0.37.0
+* [Commits](,
+[API reference](
+* Compiled against:
+ * Android (SDK: 28, Support Libraries: 28.0.0)
+ * Kotlin (Stdlib: 1.3.10, Coroutines: 1.0.1)
+ * GeckoView (Nightly: 66.0.20181217093726, Beta: 65.0.20181211223337, Release: 64.0.20181214004633)
+ * Mozilla App Services (FxA: 0.12.1, Sync Logins: 0.12.1, Places: 0.12.1)
+ * Third Party Libs (Sentry: 1.7.14, Okhttp: 3.12.0)
+* **feature-customtabs**
+ * Added a new feature `CustomTabsToolbarFeature` which will handle setting up the `BrowserToolbar` with the configurations available in that session:
+ ```kotlin
+ CustomTabsToolbarFeature(
+ sessionManager,
+ browserToolbar,
+ sessionId
+ ).also { lifecycle.addObserver(it) }
+ ```
+ Note: this constructor API is still a work-in-progress and will change as more Custom Tabs support is added to it next release.
+ * Fixed a bug where a third-party app (like Gmail or Slack) could crash when calling warmup().
+* **feature-session-bundling**
+ * 🆕 New component that saves the state of sessions (`SessionManager.Snapshot`) in grouped bundles (e.g. by time).
+* **service-telemetry**
+ * Added new "pocket event" ping builder ([#1606](
+ * Added ability to get ping builder by type from `Telemetry` instance.
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change!** <br/>
+ HttpURLConnectionTelemetryClient was removed. *service-telemetry* is now using [*concept-fetch*]( which allows consumers to use a unified http client. There are two options available currently: [lib-fetch-httpurlconnection]( (Based on [HttpURLConnection]( and [lib-fetch-okhttp]( (Based on [OkHttp](
+ ```Kotlin
+ // Using HttpURLConnection:
+ val client = new TelemetryClient(HttpURLConnectionClient())
+ // Using OkHttp:
+ val client = TelemetryClient(OkHttpClient())
+ val telemetry = Telemetry(configuration, storage, client, scheduler)
+ ```
+* **browser-search**
+ * Updated search plugins ([#1563](
+* **ui-autocomplete**
+ * Fixed a bug where pressing backspace could skip a character ([#1489](
+* **feature-customtabs**
+ * Fixed a bug where a third-party app (like Gmail or Slack) could crash when calling warmup().
+* **browser-session**
+ * Added ability to notify observers when desktop mode changes (`onDesktopModeChange`)
+* **browser-menu**
+ * Added new `BrowserMenuSwitch` for using switch widgets inside the menu.
+* **support-ktx**
+ * Added extension method `Bitmap.withRoundedCorners(cornerRadiusPx: Float)`
+* **support-base**
+ * Introduced `LifecycleAwareFeature` for writing features that depend on a lifecycle.
+# 0.36.1
+* [Commits](
+* Compiled against:
+ * Android (SDK: 28, Support Libraries: 28.0.0)
+ * Kotlin (Stdlib: 1.3.10, Coroutines: 1.0.1)
+ * GeckoView (Nightly: 66.0.20181217093726, Beta: 65.0.20181211223337, Release: 64.0.20181214004633)
+ * Mozilla App Services (FxA: 0.12.1, Sync Logins: 0.12.1, Places: 0.12.1)
+ * Third Party Libs (Sentry: 1.7.14, Okhttp: 3.12.0)
+* **feature-customtabs**
+ * Fixed a bug where a third-party app (like Gmail or Slack) could crash when calling warmup().
+# 0.36.0
+* [Commits](,
+[API reference](
+* Compiled against:
+ * Android (SDK: 28, Support Libraries: 28.0.0)
+ * Kotlin (Stdlib: 1.3.10, Coroutines: 1.0.1)
+ * GeckoView (Nightly: 66.0.20181217093726, Beta: 65.0.20181211223337, Release: 64.0.20181214004633)
+ * Mozilla App Services (FxA: 0.12.1, Sync Logins: 0.12.1, Places: 0.12.1)
+ * Third Party Libs (Sentry: 1.7.14, Okhttp: 3.12.0)
+* **browser-session**
+ * Added a use case for exiting fullscreen mode.
+ ```kotlin
+ val sessionUseCases = SessionUseCases(sessionManager)
+ if (isFullScreenMode) {
+ sessionUseCases.exitFullscreen.invoke()
+ }
+ ```
+ * We also added a `FullScreenFeature` that manages fullscreen support.
+ ```kotlin
+ val fullScreenFeature = FullScreenFeature(sessionManaager, sessionUseCases) { enabled ->
+ if (enabled) {
+ // Make custom views hide.
+ } else {
+ // Make custom views unhide.
+ }
+ }
+ override fun onBackPressed() : Boolean {
+ // Handling back presses when in fullscreen mode
+ return fullScreenFeature.onBackPressed()
+ }
+ ```
+* **feature-customtabs**
+ * Added support for opening speculative connections for a likely future navigation to a URL (`mayLaunchUrl`)
+* **feature-prompts**, **engine-gecko-***, **engine-system**
+ * Added support for file picker requests.
+ There some requests that are not handled with dialogs, instead they are delegated to other apps
+ to perform the request, an example is a file picker request. As a result, now you have to override
+ `onActivityResult` on your `Activity` or `Fragment` and forward its calls to `promptFeature.onActivityResult`.
+ Additionally, there are requests that need some permission to be granted before they can be performed, like
+ file pickers that need access to read the selected files. Like `onActivityResult` you need to override
+ `onRequestPermissionsResult` and forward its calls to `promptFeature.onRequestPermissionsResult`.
+* **browser-toolbar**
+ * The "urlBoxView" is now drawn behind the site security icon (in addition to the URL and the page actions)
+# 0.35.1
+* [Commits](
+* Compiled against:
+ * Android (SDK: 28, Support Libraries: 28.0.0)
+ * Kotlin (Stdlib: 1.3.10, Coroutines: 1.0.1)
+ * GeckoView (Nightly: 66.0.20181217093726, Beta: 65.0.20181211223337, Release: 64.0.20181214004633)
+ * Mozilla App Services (FxA: **0.12.1** 🔺, Sync Logins: **0.12.1** 🔺, Places: **0.12.1** 🔺)
+ * Third Party Libs (Sentry: 1.7.14, Okhttp: 3.12.0)
+* Re-release of 0.34.1 with updated App Services dependencies (0.12.1).
+# 0.35.0
+* [Commits](,
+[API reference](
+* Compiled against:
+ * Android (SDK: 28, Support Libraries: 28.0.0)
+ * Kotlin (Stdlib: 1.3.10, Coroutines: 1.0.1)
+ * GeckoView (Nightly: **66.0.20181217093726** 🔺, Beta: **65.0.20181211223337** 🔺, Release: **64.0.20181214004633** 🔺)
+ * Mozilla App Services (FxA: 0.11.5, Sync Logins: 0.11.5, Places: 0.11.5)
+ * Third Party Libs (Sentry: 1.7.14, Okhttp: 3.12.0)
+* **browser-errorpages**
+ * Localized strings for de, es, fr, it, ja, ko, zh-rCN, zh-rTW.
+* **feature-customtabs**
+ * Added support for warming up the browser process asynchronously.
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**
+ * `CustomTabsService` has been renamed to `AbstractCustomTabsService` and is now an abstract class in order to allow apps to inject the `Engine` they are using. An app that wants to support custom tabs will need to create its own class and reference it in the manifest:
+ ```kotlin
+ class CustomTabsService : AbstractCustomTabsService() {
+ override val engine: Engine by lazy { components.engine }
+ }
+ ```
+* **feature-prompts**
+ * Added support for alerts dialogs.
+ * Added support for date picker dialogs.
+* **feature-tabs**
+ * Added support to remove all or specific types of tabs to the `TabsUseCases`.
+ ```kotlin
+ // Remove all tabs
+ tabsUseCases.removeAllTabs.invoke()
+ // Remove all regular tabs
+ tabsUseCases.removeAllTabsOfType.invoke(private = false)
+ // Remove all private tabs
+ tabsUseCases.removeAllTabsOfType.invoke(private = true)
+ ```
+* **support-ktx**
+ New extension function `toDate` that converts a string to a Date object from a formatter input.
+ ```kotlin
+ val date = "2019-11-28".toDate("yyyy-MM-dd")
+ ```
+* **concept-engine**, **engine-gecko-beta**, **engine-gecko-nightly**:
+ * Add setting to enable testing mode which is used in engine-gecko to set `FULL_ACCESSIBILITY_TREE` to `true`. This allows access to the full DOM tree for testing purposes.
+ ```kotlin
+ // Turn testing mode on by default when the engine is created
+ val engine = GeckoEngine(runtime, DefaultSettings(testingModeEnabled=true))
+ // Or turn testing mode on at a later point
+ engine.settings.testingModeEnabled = true
+ ```
+ * The existing `userAgentString` setting is now supported by `engine-gecko-beta` and `engine-gecko-nightly`.
+* **feature-session**
+ * Added a `HistoryTrackingDelegate` implementation, which previously lived in **feature-storage**.
+* **feature-storage**
+ * Removed! See **feature-session** instead.
+* **sample-browser**
+ * Added in-memory browsing history as one of the AwesomeBar data providers.
+* **feature-sync**
+ * Simplified error handling. Errors are wrapped in a SyncResult, exceptions are no longer thrown.
+ * `FirefoxSyncFeature`'s constructor now takes a map of `Syncable` instances. That is, the internal list of `Syncables` is no longer mutable.
+ * `sync` is now a `suspend` function. Callers are expected to manage scoping themselves.
+ * Ability to observe "sync is running" and "sync is idle" events vs `SyncStatusObserver` interface.
+ * Ability to query for current sync state (running or idle).
+ * See included `sample-sync-history` application for example usage of these observers.
+# 0.34.2
+* [Commits](
+* Compiled against:
+ * Android (SDK: 28, Support Libraries: 28.0.0)
+ * Kotlin (Stdlib: 1.3.10, Coroutines: 1.0.1)
+ * GeckoView (Nightly: 65.0.20181129095546, Beta: 64.0.20181022150107, Release: 63.0.20181018182531)
+ * Mozilla App Services (FxA: **0.11.5** 🔺, Sync Logins: **0.11.5** 🔺, Places: **0.11.5** 🔺)
+ * Third Party Libs (Sentry: 1.7.14, Okhttp: 3.12.0)
+* Re-release of 0.34.1 with updated App Services dependencies (0.11.5).
+# 0.34.1
+* [Commits](
+* Compiled against:
+ * Android (SDK: 28, Support Libraries: 28.0.0)
+ * Kotlin (Stdlib: 1.3.10, Coroutines: 1.0.1)
+ * GeckoView (Nightly: **65.0.20181129095546** 🔺, Beta: 64.0.20181022150107, Release: 63.0.20181018182531)
+ * Mozilla App Services (FxA: 0.11.2, Sync Logins: 0.11.2, Places: 0.11.2)
+ * Third Party Libs (Sentry: 1.7.14, Okhttp: 3.12.0)
+* **browser-engine-gecko-nightly**
+ * Updated GeckoView dependency.
+# 0.34.0
+* [Commits](,
+[API reference](
+* Compiled against:
+ * Android (SDK: 28, Support Libraries: 28.0.0)
+ * Kotlin (Stdlib: 1.3.10, Coroutines: 1.0.1)
+ * GeckoView (Nightly: 65.0.20181123100059, Beta: 64.0.20181022150107, Release: 63.0.20181018182531)
+ * Mozilla App Services (FxA: **0.11.2** 🔺, Sync Logins: **0.11.2** 🔺, Places: **0.11.2** 🔺)
+ * Third Party Libs (Sentry: 1.7.14, Okhttp: 3.12.0)
+* **browser-engine-gecko-nightly**
+ * Added support for observing history events and providing visited URLs (`HistoryTrackingDelegate`).
+* **browser-engine-system**
+ * Fixed a crash when calling `SystemEngineSession.saveState()` from a non-UI thread.
+* **browser-awesomebar**
+ * Added ability for search suggestions to span multiple rows.
+* **browser-toolbar**
+ * Fixed rendering issue when displaying site security icons.
+* **feature-prompts**
+ * 🆕 New component: A component that will subscribe to the selected session and will handle all the common prompt dialogs from web content.
+ ```kotlin
+ val promptFeature = PromptFeature(sessionManager,fragmentManager)
+ //It will start listing for new prompt requests for web content.
+ promptFeature.start()
+ //It will stop listing for future prompt requests for web content.
+ promptFeature.stop()
+ ```
+* **feature-session**, **browser-session**, **concept-engine**, **browser-engine-system**:
+ * Added functionality to observe window requests from the browser engine. These requests can be observed on the session directly using `onOpenWindowRequest` and `onCloseWindowRequest`, but we also provide a feature class, which will automatically open and close the corresponding window:
+ ```Kotlin
+ windowFeature = WindowFeature(engine, sessionManager)
+ override fun onStart() {
+ windowFeature.start()
+ }
+ override fun onStop() {
+ windowFeature.stop()
+ }
+ ```
+ In addition, to observe window requests the new engine setting `supportMultipleWindows` has to be set to true:
+ ```Kotlin
+ val engine = SystemEngine(context,
+ DefaultSettings(
+ supportMultipleWindows = true
+ )
+ )
+ ```
+* **concept-storage**, **browser-storage-sync**, **services-logins-sync**:
+ * Added a new interface, `SyncableStore<AuthType>`, which allows a storage layer to be used with `feature-sync`.
+ * Added a `SyncableStore<SyncAuthInfo>` implementation for `browser-storage-sync`
+ * Added a `SyncableStore<SyncUnlockInfo>` implementation for `services-logins-sync`.
+* **feature-sync**:
+ * 🆕 New component: A component which orchestrates synchronization of groups of similar `SyncableStore` objects using a `FirefoxAccount`.
+ * Here is an example of configuring and synchronizing a places-backed `HistoryStorage` (provided by `browser-storage-sync` component):
+ ```Kotlin
+ val historyStorage = PlacesHistoryStorage(context)
+ val featureSync = FirefoxSyncFeature(Dispatchers.IO + job) { authInfo ->
+ SyncAuthInfo(
+ fxaAccessToken = authInfo.fxaAccessToken,
+ kid = authInfo.kid,
+ syncKey = authInfo.syncKey,
+ tokenserverURL = authInfo.tokenServerUrl
+ )
+ }.also {
+ it.addSyncable("placesHistory", historyStorage)
+ }
+ val syncResult = featureSync.sync().await()
+ assert(syncResults["placesHistory"]!!.status is SyncOk)
+ ```
+* **service-firefox-accounts**:
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**
+ * We've simplified the API to provide the FxA configuration:
+ ```Kotlin
+ // Before
+ Config.custom(CONFIG_URL).await().use {
+ config -> FirefoxAccount(config, CLIENT_ID, REDIRECT_URL)
+ }
+ // Now
+ val config = Config(CONFIG_URL, CLIENT_ID, REDIRECT_URL)
+ FirefoxAccount(config)
+ ```
+ A full working example can be found [here](
+# 0.33.0
+* [Commits](,
+[API reference](
+* Compiled against:
+ * Android (SDK: 28, Support Libraries: 28.0.0)
+ * Kotlin (Stdlib: **1.3.10** 🔺, Coroutines: 1.0.1)
+ * GeckoView (Nightly: **65.0.20181123100059** 🔺, Beta: 64.0.20181022150107, Release: 63.0.20181018182531)
+ * Mozilla App Services (FxA: 0.10.0, Sync Logins: 0.10.0, Places: 0.10.0)
+ * Third Party Libs (Sentry: 1.7.14, Okhttp: 3.12.0)
+* **feature-contextmenu**
+ * 🆕 New component: A component for displaying context menus when *long-pressing* web content.
+* **concept-toolbar**: 🆕 Added autocomplete support
+ * Toolbar concept got a new `setAutocompleteListener` method.
+ * Added `AutocompleteDelegate` concept which allows tying together autocomplete results with a UI presenter.
+* **concept-storage** and all of its implementations
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**
+ * Renamed `getDomainSuggestion` to `getAutocompleteSuggestion`, which now returns a `HistoryAutocompleteResult`.
+* **feature-toolbar**
+ * 🆕 Added new `ToolbarAutocompleteFeature`:
+ ```Kotlin
+ toolbarAutocompleteFeature = ToolbarAutocompleteFeature(toolbar).apply {
+ this.addHistoryStorageProvider(components.historyStorage)
+ this.addDomainProvider(components.shippedDomainsProvider)
+ }
+ ```
+* **samples-browser**, **samples-toolbar**
+ * Converted these samples to use the new `ToolbarAutocompleteFeature`.
+* **feature-session**
+ * Introducing `CoordinateScrollingFeature` a new feature to coordinate scrolling behavior between an `EngineView` and the view that you specify. For a full example take a look at its usages in [Sample Browser](
+* **feature-tabs**
+ * Added a filter to `TabsFeature` to allow you to choose which sessions to show in the TabsTray. This is particularly useful if you want to filter out private tabs based on some UI interaction:
+ ```kotlin
+ val tabsFeature = TabsFeature(
+ tabsTray,
+ sessionManager,
+ closeTabsTray = closeTabs()
+ )
+ tabsFeature.filterTabs {
+ it.private
+ }
+ ```
+* **engine-gecko,engine-gecko-beta and engine-gecko-nightly**
+ * Fixing bug [#1333]( This issue didn't allow to use a `GeckoEngineSession` after sending a crash report.
+# 0.32.2
+* [Commits](,
+[API reference](
+* Compiled against:
+ * Android (SDK: **28** 🔺, Support Libraries: **28.0.0** 🔺)
+ * Kotlin (Stdlib: 1.3.0, Coroutines: 1.0.1)
+ * GeckoView (Nightly: **65.0.20181116100120** 🔺, Beta: 64.0.20181022150107, Release: 63.0.20181018182531)
+ * Mozilla App Services (FxA: **0.10.0** 🔺, Sync Logins: **0.10.0** 🔺, Places: **0.10.0** 🔺)
+* **ui-autocomplete**
+ * Fixed problem handling backspaces as described in [Issue 1489](
+* **browser-search**
+ * Updated search codes (see [Issue 1563]( for details)
+# 0.32.1
+* [Commits](,
+[API reference](
+* Compiled against:
+ * Android (SDK: **28** 🔺, Support Libraries: **28.0.0** 🔺)
+ * Kotlin (Stdlib: 1.3.0, Coroutines: 1.0.1)
+ * GeckoView (Nightly: **65.0.20181116100120** 🔺, Beta: 64.0.20181022150107, Release: 63.0.20181018182531)
+ * Mozilla App Services (FxA: **0.10.0** 🔺, Sync Logins: **0.10.0** 🔺, Places: **0.10.0** 🔺)
+* **browser-session**
+ * Fixed concurrency problem and related crash described in [Issue 1624](
+# 0.32.0
+* [Commits](,
+[API reference](
+* Compiled against:
+ * Android (SDK: **28** 🔺, Support Libraries: **28.0.0** 🔺)
+ * Kotlin (Stdlib: 1.3.0, Coroutines: 1.0.1)
+ * GeckoView (Nightly: **65.0.20181116100120** 🔺, Beta: 64.0.20181022150107, Release: 63.0.20181018182531)
+ * Mozilla App Services (FxA: **0.10.0** 🔺, Sync Logins: **0.10.0** 🔺, Places: **0.10.0** 🔺)
+* ⚠️ **This is the first release compiled against Android SDK 28.**
+* **browser-domains**
+ * Deprecated `DomainAutoCompleteProvider` in favour of `CustomDomainsProvider` and `ShippedDomainsProvider`.
+* **lib-crash**
+ * The state of the "Send crash report" checkbox is now getting saved and restored once the dialog is shown again.
+ * The crash reporter can now sends reports if the prompt is closed by pressing the back button.
+* **lib-fetch-httpurlconnection**
+ * 🆕 New component: `concept-fetch` implementation using [HttpURLConnection](
+* **lib-fetch-okhttp**
+ * 🆕 New component: `concept-fetch` implementation using [OkHttp](
+* **browser-session**:
+ * Replace `DefaultSessionStorage` with a new configurable implementation called `SessionStorage`:
+ ```kotlin
+ SessionStorage().autoSave(sessionManager)
+ .periodicallyInForeground(interval = 30, unit = TimeUnit.SECONDS)
+ .whenGoingToBackground()
+ .whenSessionsChange()
+ ```
+# 0.31.0
+* [Commits](,
+[API reference](
+* Compiled against:
+ * Android (SDK: 27, Support Libraries: 27.1.1)
+ * Kotlin (Stdlib: **1.3.0** 🔺, Coroutines: **1.0.1** 🔺)
+ * GeckoView (Nightly: **65.0.20181107100135** 🔺, Beta: 64.0.20181022150107, Release: 63.0.20181018182531)
+* **concept-storage**, **browser-storage-memory**, **browser-storage-sync**
+ * Added a `getDomainSuggestion` method to `HistoryStorage` which is intended to power awesomebar-like functionality.
+ * Added basic implementations of `getDomainSuggestion` to existing storage components.
+* **browser-session**, **concept-engine**, **browser-engine-system**, **browser-engine-gecko(-beta/nightly)**:
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**
+ * Added functionality to observe permission requests from the browser engine. We have now removed the workaround that automatically granted permission to play protected (DRM) media. Permission requests can be observed via the browser session:
+ ```Kotlin
+ // Grant permission to all DRM content
+ permissionObserver = object : SelectionAwareSessionObserver(sessionManager) {
+ override fun onContentPermissionRequested(session: Session, permissionRequest: PermissionRequest): Boolean =
+ permissionRequest.grantIf { it is Permission.ContentProtectedMediaId }
+ }
+ override fun onStart() {
+ // Observe permission requests on selected sessions
+ permissionObserver.observeSelected()
+ }
+ override fun onStop() {
+ permissionObserver.stop()
+ }
+ ```
+* **concept-engine**, **engine-system**:
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking change**
+ * Web font blocking is now controlled by an engine setting only. `TrackingProtectionPolicy.WEBFONTS` was removed:
+ ```Kotlin
+ // Disable web fonts by default
+ SystemEngine(runtime, DefaultSettings(webFontsEnabled = false))
+ ```
+* **feature-customtabs**
+ * 🆕 New component for providing custom tabs functionality. `CustomTabsService` was moved from `browser-session` to this new component.
+* **browser-awesomebar**
+ * Various colors of the Awesome Bar can now be styled:
+ ```XML
+ <mozilla.components.browser.awesomebar.BrowserAwesomeBar
+ ..
+ mozac:awesomeBarTitleTextColor="#ffffff"
+ mozac:awesomeBarDescriptionTextColor="#dddddd"
+ mozac:awesomeBarChipTextColor="#ffffff"
+ mozac:awesomeBarChipBackgroundColor="#444444" />
+ ```
+* **browser-toolbar**, **feature-toolbar**
+ * Added support for displaying the site security indicator (lock/globe icon).
+* **concept-fetch**
+ * 🆕 New component defining an abstract definition of an HTTP client for fetching resources. Later releases will come with components implementing this concept using HttpURLConnection, OkHttp and Necko/GeckoView. Eventually all HTTP client code in the components will be replaced with `concept-fetch` and consumers can decide what HTTP client implementation components should use.
+* [**Reference Browser**](
+ * Integrated crash reporting with [`lib-crash`](
+ * Added awesome bar with [`browser-awesomebar`](
+ * Toolbar is hiding automatically now when scrolling web content.
+ * Added "Sync Now" button to preferences (without functionality in this release)
+ * Updated theme colors.
+# 0.30.0
+* [Commits](,
+[API reference](
+* Compiled against:
+ * Android (SDK: 27, Support Libraries: 27.1.1)
+ * Kotlin (Stdlib: 1.2.71, Coroutines: 0.30.2)
+ * GeckoView (Nightly: 65.0.20181023100123, Beta: 64.0.20181022150107, Release: 63.0.20181018182531)
+* **concept-storage**
+ * ⚠️ **These are a breaking API changes**
+ * Added a `getSuggestions` method to `HistoryStorage`, which is intended to power search, autocompletion, etc.
+ * Added a `cleanup` method to `HistoryStorage`, which is intended to allow signaling to implementations to cleanup any allocated resources.
+ * `HistoryStorage` methods `recordVisit` and `recordObservation` are now `suspend`.
+ * `HistoryStorage` methods `getVisited()` and `getVisited(uris)` now return `Deferred`.
+* 🆕 Added **browser-storage-memory** ✨
+ * Added an in-memory implementation of `concept-storage`.
+* 🆕 Added **browser-storage-sync** ✨
+ * Added an implementation of `concept-storage` which is backed by the Rust Places library provided by [application-services](
+* **service-firefox-accounts**:
+ * ⚠️ **This is a breaking API change**
+ * The `FxaResult` type served as a custom promise-like type to support older versions of Java. We have now removed this type and switched to Kotlin's `Deferred` instead. We've also made sure all required types are `Closeable`:
+ ```kotlin
+ // Before
+ Config.custom(CONFIG_URL).then { config: Config ->
+ account = FirefoxAccount(config, CLIENT_ID, REDIRECT_URL)
+ }
+ // Now
+ val account = async {
+ Config.custom(CONFIG_URL).await().use { config ->
+ FirefoxAccount(config, CLIENT_ID, REDIRECT_URL)
+ }
+ }
+ ```
+ In case error handling is needed, the new API will also become easier to work with:
+ ```kotlin
+ // Before
+ account.beginOAuthFlow(scopes, wantsKeys).then({ url ->
+ showLoginScreen(url)
+ }, { exception ->
+ handleException(exception)
+ })
+ // Now
+ async {
+ try {
+ account.beginOAuthFlow(scopes, wantsKeys).await()
+ } catch (e: FxaException) {
+ handleException(e)
+ }
+ }
+ ```
+* **browser-engine-system, browser-engine-gecko, browser-engine-gecko-beta and browser-engine-gecko-nightly**:
+ Adding support for using `SystemEngineView` and `GeckoEngineView` in a `CoordinatorLayout`.
+ This allows to create nice transitions like hiding the toolbar when scrolls.
+* **browser-session**
+ * Fixed an issue where a custom tab `Session?` could get selected after removing the currently selected `Session`.
+* **browser-toolbar**:
+ * Added TwoStateButton that will change drawables based on the `isEnabled` listener. This is particularly useful for
+ having a reload/cancel button.
+ ```kotlin
+ var isLoading: Boolean // updated by some state change.
+ BrowserToolbar.TwoStateButton(
+ reloadDrawable,
+ "reload button",
+ cancelDrawable,
+ "cancel button",
+ { isLoading }
+ ) { /* On-click listener */ }
+ ```
+ * ⚠️ **These are a breaking API changes:** BrowserToolbar APIs for Button and ToggleButton have also been updated to accept `Drawable` instead of resource IDs.
+ ```kotlin
+ // Before
+ BrowserToolbar.Button(R.drawable.image, "image description") {
+ // perform an action on click.
+ }
+ // Now
+ val imageDrawable: Drawable = Drawable()
+ BrowserToolbar.Button(imageDrawable, "image description") {
+ // perform an action on click.
+ }
+ // Before
+ BrowserToolbar.ToggleButton(
+ R.drawable.image,
+ R.drawable.image_selected,
+ "image description",
+ "image selected description") {
+ // perform an action on click.
+ }
+ // Now
+ val imageDrawable: Drawable = Drawable()
+ val imageSelectedDrawable: Drawable = Drawable()
+ BrowserToolbar.ToggleButton(
+ imageDrawable,
+ imageSelectedDrawable,
+ "image description",
+ "image selected description") {
+ // perform an action on click.
+ }
+ ```
+* **concept-awesomebar**
+ * 🆕 New component: An abstract definition of an awesome bar component.
+* **browser-awesomebar**
+ * 🆕 New component: A customizable [Awesome Bar]( implementation for browsers.A
+* **feature-awesomebar**
+ * 🆕 New component: A component that connects a [concept-awesomebar]( implementation to a [concept-toolbar]( implementation and provides implementations of various suggestion providers.
+# 0.29.0
+* [Commits](,
+[API reference](
+* Compiled against:
+ * Android (SDK: 27, Support Libraries: 27.1.1)
+ * Kotlin (Stdlib: **1.2.71** 🔺, Coroutines: **0.30.2** 🔺)
+ * GeckoView (Nightly: **65.0.20181023100123** 🔺, Beta: **64.0.20181022150107** 🔺, Release: **63.0.20181018182531** 🔺)
+* **browser-toolbar**:
+ * Added new listener to get notified when the user is editing the URL:
+ ```kotlin
+ toolbar.setOnEditListener(object : Toolbar.OnEditListener {
+ override fun onTextChanged(text: String) {
+ // Fired whenever the user changes the text in the address bar.
+ }
+ override fun onStartEditing() {
+ // Fired when the toolbar switches to edit mode.
+ }
+ override fun onStopEditing() {
+ // Fired when the toolbar switches back to display mode.
+ }
+ })
+ ```
+ * Added new toolbar APIs:
+ ```kotlin
+ val toolbar = BrowserToolbar(context)
+ toolbar.textColor: Int = getColor(R.color.photonRed50)
+ toolbar.hintColor: Int = getColor(R.color.photonGreen50)
+ toolbar.textSize: Float = 12f
+ toolbar.typeface: Typeface = Typeface.createFromFile("fonts/foo.tff")
+ ```
+ These attributes are also available in XML (except for typeface):
+ ```xml
+ <mozilla.components.browser.toolbar.BrowserToolbar
+ android:id="@+id/toolbar"
+ app:browserToolbarTextColor="#ff0000"
+ app:browserToolbarHintColor="#00ff00"
+ app:browserToolbarTextSize="12sp"
+ android:layout_width="match_parent"
+ android:layout_height="wrap_content"/>
+ ```
+ * [API improvement]( for more flexibility to create a `BrowserToolbar.Button`,
+ and `BrowserToolbar.ToggleButton`, now you can provide a custom padding:
+ ```kotlin
+ val padding = Padding(start = 16, top = 16, end = 16, bottom = 16)
+ val button = BrowserToolbar.Button(mozac_ic_back, "Forward", padding = padding) {}
+ var toggle = BrowserToolbar.ToggleButton(mozac_ic_pin, mozac_ic_pin_filled, "Pin", "Unpin", padding = padding) {}
+ ```
+* **concept-toolbar**:
+ * [API improvement]( for more flexibility to create a `Toolbar.ActionToggleButton`,
+ `Toolbar.ActionButton`, `Toolbar.ActionSpace` and `Toolbar.ActionImage`, now you can provide a custom padding:
+ ```kotlin
+ val padding = Padding(start = 16, top = 16, end = 16, bottom = 16)
+ var toggle = Toolbar.ActionToggleButton(0, mozac_ic_pin_filled, "Pin", "Unpin", padding = padding) {}
+ val button = Toolbar.ActionButton(mozac_ic_back, "Forward", padding = padding) {}
+ val space = Toolbar.ActionSpace(pxToDp(128), padding = padding)
+ val image = Toolbar.ActionImage(brand, padding = padding)
+ ```
+* **support-base**:
+ * A new class add for representing an Android Padding.
+ ```kotlin
+ val padding = Padding(16, 24, 32, 40)
+ val (start, top, end, bottom) = padding
+ ```
+* **support-ktx**:
+ * A new extension function that allows you to set `Padding` object to a `View`.
+ ```kotlin
+ val padding = Padding(16, 24, 32, 40)
+ val view = View(context)
+ view.setPadding(padding)
+ ```
+* **concept-engine**, **browser-engine-system**, **browser-engine-gecko(-beta/nightly)**
+ * `RequestInterceptor` was enhanced to support loading an alternative URL.
+ :warning: **This is a breaking change for the `RequestInterceptor` method signature!**
+ ```kotlin
+ // To provide alternative content the new InterceptionResponse.Content type needs to be used
+ requestInterceptor = object : RequestInterceptor {
+ override fun onLoadRequest(session: EngineSession, uri: String): InterceptionResponse? {
+ return when (uri) {
+ "sample:about" -> InterceptionResponse.Content("<h1>I am the sample browser</h1>")
+ else -> null
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // To provide an alternative URL the new InterceptionResponse.Url type needs to be used
+ requestInterceptor = object : RequestInterceptor {
+ override fun onLoadRequest(session: EngineSession, uri: String): InterceptionResponse? {
+ return when (uri) {
+ "sample:about" -> InterceptionResponse.Url("sample:aboutNew")
+ else -> null
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ```
+* **concept-storage**:
+ * Added a new concept for describing an interface for storing browser data. First iteration includes a description of `HistoryStorage`.
+* **feature-storage**:
+ * Added a first iteration of `feature-storage`, which includes `HistoryTrackingFeature` that ties together `concept-storage` and `concept-engine` and allows engines to track history visits and page meta information. It does so by implementing `HistoryTrackingDelegate` defined by `concept-engine`.
+ Before adding a first session to the engine, initialize the history tracking feature:
+ ```kotlin
+ val historyTrackingFeature = HistoryTrackingFeature(
+ components.engine,
+ components.historyStorage
+ )
+ ```
+ Once the feature has been initialized, history will be tracked for all subsequently added sessions.
+* **sample-browser**:
+ * Updated the sample browser to track browsing history using an in-memory history storage implementation (how much is actually tracked in practice depends on which engine is being used. As of this release, only `SystemEngine` provides a full set of necessary APIs).
+* **lib-crash**
+ * Added option to display additional message in prompt and define the theme to be used:
+ ```kotlin
+ CrashReporter(
+ promptConfiguration = CrashReporter.PromptConfiguration(
+ // ..
+ // An additional message that will be shown in the prompt
+ message = "We are very sorry!"
+ // Use a custom theme for the prompt (Extend Theme.Mozac.CrashReporter)
+ theme =
+ )
+ // ..
+ ).install(applicationContext)
+ ```
+ * Showing the crash prompt won't play the default activity animation anymore.
+ * Added a new sample app `samples-crash` to show and test crash reporter integration.
+* **feature-tabs**:
+ * `TabsToolbarFeature` is now adding a `TabCounter` from the `ui-tabcounter` component to the toolbar.
+* **lib-jexl**
+ * New component for evaluating Javascript Expression Language (JEXL) expressions. This implementation is based on [Mozjexl]( used at Mozilla, specifically as a part of SHIELD and Normandy. In a future version of Fretboard JEXL will allow more complex rules for experiments. For more see [documentation](
+* **service-telemetry**
+ * Added option to send list of experiments in event pings: `Telemetry.recordExperiments(Map<String, Boolean> experiments)`
+ * Fixed an issue where `DebugLogClient` didn't use the provided log tag.
+* **service-fretboard**
+ * Fixed an issue where for some locales a `MissingResourceException` would occur.
+* **browser-engine-system**
+ * Playback of protected media (DRM) is now granted automatically.
+* **browser-engine-gecko**
+ * Updated components to follow merge day: (Nightly: 65.0, Beta: 64.0, Release: 63.0)
+# 0.28.0
+Release date: 2018-10-23
+* [Commits](,
+[API reference](
+⚠️ **Note**: This and upcoming releases are **only** available from **.
+* Compiled against:
+ * Android (SDK: 27, Support Libraries: 27.1.1)
+ * Kotlin (Stdlib: 1.2.61, Coroutines: 0.23.4)
+ * GeckoView
+ * Nightly: 64.0.20181004100221
+ * Beta: 63.0b3 (0269319281578bff4e01d77a21350bf91ba08620)
+ * Release: 62.0 (9cbae12a3fff404ed2c12070ad475424d0ae869f)
+* **concept-engine**
+ * Added `HistoryTrackingDelegate` interface for integrating engine implementations with history storage backends. Intended to be used via engine settings.
+* **browser-engine**
+ * `Download.fileName` cannot be `null` anymore. All engine implementations are guaranteed to return a proposed file name for Downloads now.
+* **browser-engine-gecko-***, **browser-engine-system**
+ * Added support for `HistoryTrackingDelegate`, if it's specified in engine settings.
+* **browser-engine-servo**
+ * Added a new experimental *Engine* implementation based on the [Servo Browser Engine](
+* **browser-session** - basic session hierarchy:
+ * Sessions can have a parent `Session` now. A `Session` with a parent will be added *after* the parent `Session`. On removal of a selected `Session` the parent `Session` can be selected automatically if desired:
+ ```kotlin
+ val parent = Session("")
+ val session = Session("")
+ sessionManager.add(parent)
+ sessionManager.add(session, parent = parent)
+ sessionManager.remove(session, selectParentIfExists = true)
+ ```
+* **browser-session** - obtaining an restoring a SessionsSnapshot:
+ * It's now possible to request a SessionsSnapshot from the `SessionManager`, which encapsulates currently active sessions, their order and state, and which session is the selected one. Private and Custom Tab sessions are omitted from the snapshot. A new public `restore` method allows restoring a `SessionsSnapshot`.
+ ```kotlin
+ val snapshot = sessionManager.createSnapshot()
+ // ... persist snapshot somewhere, perhaps using the DefaultSessionStorage
+ sessionManager.restore(snapshot)
+ ```
+ * `restore` follows a different observer notification pattern from regular `add` flow. See method documentation for details. A new `onSessionsRestored` notification is now available.
+* **browser-session** - new SessionStorage API, new DefaultSessionStorage data format:
+ * Coupled with the `SessionManager` changes, the SessionStorage API has been changed to operate over `SessionsSnapshot`. New API no longer operates over a SessionManager, and instead reads/writes snapshots which may used together with the SessionManager (see above). An explicit `clear` method is provided for wiping SessionStorage.
+ * `DefaultSessionStorage` now uses a new storage format internally, which allows maintaining session ordering and preserves session parent information.
+* **browser-errorpages**
+ * Added translation annotations to our error page strings. Translated strings will follow in a future release.
+* **service-glean**
+ * A new client-side telemetry SDK for collecting metrics and sending them to Mozilla's telemetry service. This component is going to eventually replace `service-telemetry`. The SDK is currently in development and the component is not ready to be used yet.
+* **lib-dataprotect**
+ * The `Keystore` class and its `encryptBytes()` and `decryptBytes()` methods are now open to simplify mocking in unit tests.
+* **ui-tabcounter**
+ * The `TabCounter` class is now open and can get extended.
+* **feature-downloads**
+ * Now you're able to provide a dialog before a download starts and customize it to your wish. Take a look at the [updated docs](
+# 0.27.0
+Release date: 2018-10-16
+* [Commits](,
+[API reference](
+* Compiled against:
+ * Android (SDK: 27, Support Libraries: 27.1.1)
+ * Kotlin (Stdlib: 1.2.61, Coroutines: 0.23.4)
+ * GeckoView
+ * Nightly: **64.0.20181004100221** 🔺
+ * Beta: 63.0b3 (0269319281578bff4e01d77a21350bf91ba08620)
+ * Release: 62.0 (9cbae12a3fff404ed2c12070ad475424d0ae869f)
+* **browser-engine-system**
+ * Fixed a bug where `SystemEngineSession#exitFullScreenMode` didn't invoke the internal callback to exit the fullscreen mode.
+ * A new field `defaultUserAgent` was added to `SystemEngine` for testing purposes. This is to circumvent calls to `WebSettings.getDefaultUserAgent` which fails with a `NullPointerException` in Robolectric. If the `SystemEngine` is used in Robolectric tests the following code will be needed:
+ ```kotlin
+ @Before
+ fun setup() {
+ SystemEngine.defaultUserAgent = "test-ua-string"
+ }
+ ```
+* **browser-engine-gecko-nightly**:
+ * Enabled [Java 8 support]( to meet upstream [GeckoView requirements]( Apps using this component need to enable Java 8 support as well:
+ ```Groovy
+ android {
+ ...
+ compileOptions {
+ sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
+ targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
+ }
+ }
+ ```
+* **browser-search**
+ * Fixed an issue where a locale change at runtime would not update the search engines.
+* **browser-session**:
+ * Added reusable functionality for observing sessions, which also support observering the currently selected session, even if it changes.
+ ```kotlin
+ class MyFeaturePresenter(
+ private val sessionManager: SessionManager
+ ) : SelectionAwareSessionObserver(sessionManager) {
+ fun start() {
+ // Always observe changes to the selected session even if the selection changes
+ super.observeSelected()
+ // To observe changes to a specific session the following method can be used:
+ // super.observeFixed(session)
+ }
+ override fun onUrlChanged(session: Session, url: String) {
+ // URL of selected session changed
+ }
+ override fun onProgress(session: Session, progress: Int) {
+ // Progress of selected session changed
+ }
+ // More observer functions...
+ }
+ ```
+* **browser-errorpages**
+ * Added more detailed documentation in the README.
+* **feature-downloads**
+ * A new components for apps that want to process downloads, for more examples take a look at [here](
+* **lib-crash**
+ * A new generic crash reporter component that can report crashes to multiple services ([documentation](
+* **support-ktx**
+ * Added new helper method to run a block of code with a different StrictMode policy:
+ ```kotlin
+ StrictMode.allowThreadDiskReads().resetAfter {
+ // In this block disk reads are not triggering a strict mode violation
+ }
+ ```
+ * Added a new helper for checking if you have permission to do something or not:
+ ```kotlin
+ var isGranted = context.isPermissionGranted(INTERNET)
+ if (isGranted) {
+ //You can proceed
+ } else {
+ //Request permission
+ }
+ ```
+* **support-test**
+ * Added a new helper for granting permissions in Robolectric tests:
+ ```kotlin
+ val context = RuntimeEnvironment.application
+ var isGranted = context.isPermissionGranted(INTERNET)
+ assertFalse(isGranted) //False permission is not granted yet.
+ grantPermission(INTERNET) // Now you have permission.
+ isGranted = context.isPermissionGranted(INTERNET)
+ assertTrue(isGranted) // True :D
+ ```
+# 0.26.0
+Release date: 2018-10-05
+* [Commits](,
+[API reference](
+* Compiled against:
+ * Android (SDK: 27, Support Libraries: 27.1.1)
+ * Kotlin (Stdlib: 1.2.61, Coroutines: 0.23.4)
+ * GeckoView
+ * Nightly: 64.0.20180905100117
+ * Beta: 63.0b3 (0269319281578bff4e01d77a21350bf91ba08620)
+ * Release: 62.0 (9cbae12a3fff404ed2c12070ad475424d0ae869f)
+* ⚠️ **Releases are now getting published on [](**.
+ * Additionally all artifacts published now use an artifact name that matches the gradle module name (e.g. `browser-toolbar` instead of just `toolbar`).
+ * All artifacts are published with the group id `org.mozilla.components` (`org.mozilla.photon` is not being used anymore).
+ * For a smooth transition all artifacts still get published on JCenter with the old group ids and artifact ids. In the near future releases will only be published on Old releases will remain on JCenter and not get removed.
+* **browser-domains**
+ * Removed `` from the global and localized domain lists. No content is being served from that domain. Only subdomains like `` are used.
+* **browser-errorpages**
+ * Added error page support for multiple error types.
+ ```kotlin
+ override fun onErrorRequest(
+ session: EngineSession,
+ errorType: ErrorType, // This used to be an Int
+ uri: String?
+ ): RequestInterceptor.ErrorResponse? {
+ // Create an error page.
+ val errorPage = ErrorPages.createErrorPage(context, errorType)
+ // Return it to the request interceptor to take care of default error cases.
+ return RequestInterceptor.ErrorResponse(errorPage)
+ }
+ ```
+ * :warning: **This is a breaking change for the `RequestInterceptor#onErrorRequest` method signature!**
+* **browser-engine-**
+ * Added a setting for enabling remote debugging.
+ * Creating an `Engine` requires a `Context` now.
+ ```kotlin
+ val geckoEngine = GeckoEngine(context)
+ val systemEngine = SystemEngine(context)
+ ```
+* **browser-engine-system**
+ * The user agent string now defaults to WebView's default, if not provided, and to the user's default, if provided. It can also be read and changed:
+ ```kotlin
+ // Using WebView's default
+ val engine = SystemEngine(context)
+ // Using customized WebView default
+ val engine = SystemEngine(context)
+ engine.settings.userAgentString = buildUserAgentString(engine.settings.userAgentString)
+ // Using custom default
+ val engine = SystemEngine(context, DefaultSettings(userAgentString = "foo"))
+ ```
+ * The tracking protection policy can now be set, both as a default and at any time later.
+ ```kotlin
+ // Set the default tracking protection policy
+ val engine = SystemEngine(context, DefaultSettings(
+ trackingProtectionPolicy = TrackingProtectionPolicy.all())
+ )
+ // Change the tracking protection policy
+ engine.settings.trackingProtectionPolicy =
+ TrackingProtectionPolicy.AD,
+ TrackingProtectionPolicy.SOCIAL
+ )
+ ```
+* **browser-engine-gecko(-*)**
+ * Creating a `GeckoEngine` requires a `Context` now. Providing a `GeckoRuntime` is now optional.
+* **browser-session**
+ * Fixed an issue that caused a Custom Tab `Session` to get selected if it is the first session getting added.
+ * `Observer` instances that get attached to a `LifecycleOwner` can now automatically pause and resume observing whenever the lifecycle pauses and resumes. This behavior is off by default and can be enabled by using the `autoPause` parameter when registering the `Observer`.
+ ```kotlin
+ sessionManager.register(
+ observer = object : SessionManager.Observer {
+ // ...
+ },
+ owner = lifecycleOwner,
+ autoPause = true
+ )
+ ```
+ * Added an optional callback to provide a default `Session` whenever `SessionManager` is empty:
+ ```kotlin
+ val sessionManager = SessionManager(
+ engine,
+ defaultSession = { Session("") }
+ )
+ ```
+* **service-telemetry**
+ * Added `Telemetry.getClientId()` to let consumers read the client ID.
+ * `Telemetry.recordSessionEnd()` now takes an optional callback to be executed upon failure - instead of throwing `IllegalStateException`.
+* **service-fretboard**
+ * Added `ValuesProvider.getClientId()` to let consumers specify the client ID to be used for bucketing the client. By default fretboard will generate and save an internal UUID used for bucketing. By specifying the client ID consumers can use the same ID for telemetry and bucketing.
+ * Update jobs scheduled with `WorkManagerSyncScheduler` will now automatically retry if the configuration couldn't get updated.
+ * The update interval of `WorkManagerSyncScheduler` can now be configured.
+ * Fixed an issue when reading a corrupt experiments file from disk.
+ * Added a workaround for HttpURLConnection throwing ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException.
+* **ui-autocomplete**
+ * Fixed an issue causing desyncs between the soft keyboard and `InlineAutocompleteEditText`.
+* **samples-firefox-accounts**
+ * Showcasing new pairing flow which allows connecting new devices to existing accounts using a QR code.
+# 0.25.1 (2018-09-27)
+* [Commits](,
+[API reference](
+* Compiled against:
+ * Android
+ * SDK: 27
+ * Support Libraries: 27.1.1
+ * Kotlin
+ * Standard library: 1.2.61
+ * Coroutines: 0.23.4
+ * GeckoView
+ * Nightly: 64.0.20180905100117
+ * Beta: 63.0b3 (0269319281578bff4e01d77a21350bf91ba08620)
+ * Release: 62.0 (9cbae12a3fff404ed2c12070ad475424d0ae869f)
+* **browser-engine-system**: Fixed a `NullPointerException` in `SystemEngineSession.captureThumbnail()`.
+# 0.25 (2018-09-26)
+* [Commits](,
+[API reference](
+* Compiled against:
+ * Android
+ * SDK: 27
+ * Support Libraries: 27.1.1
+ * Kotlin
+ * Standard library: 1.2.61
+ * Coroutines: 0.23.4
+ * GeckoView
+ * Nightly: 64.0.20180905100117
+ * Beta: 63.0b3 (0269319281578bff4e01d77a21350bf91ba08620)
+ * Release: 62.0 (9cbae12a3fff404ed2c12070ad475424d0ae869f)
+* ⚠️ **This is the last release compiled against Android SDK 27. Upcoming releases of the components will require Android SDK 28**.
+* **service-fretboard**:
+ * Fixed a bug in `FlatFileExperimentStorage` that caused updated experiment configurations not being saved to disk.
+ * Added [WorkManager]( implementation for updating experiment configurations in the background (See ``WorkManagerSyncScheduler``).
+ * `` is not accessible by component consumers anymore.
+* **browser-engine-system**:
+ * URL changes are now reported earlier; when the URL of the main frame changes.
+ * Fixed an issue where fullscreen mode would only take up part of the screen.
+ * Fixed a crash that could happen when loading invalid URLs.
+ * `RequestInterceptor.onErrorRequest()` can return custom error page content to be displayed now (the original URL that caused the error will be preserved).
+* **feature-intent**: New component providing intent processing functionality (Code moved from *feature-session*).
+* **support-utils**: `DownloadUtils.guessFileName()` will replace extension in the URL with the MIME type file extension if needed (`` + `image/jpeg` -> `file.jpg`).
+# 0.24 (2018-09-21)
+* [Commits](,
+[API reference](
+* Compiled against:
+ * Android
+ * SDK: 27
+ * Support Libraries: 27.1.1
+ * Kotlin
+ * Standard library: 1.2.61
+ * Coroutines: 0.23.4
+ * GeckoView
+ * Nightly: 64.0.20180905100117
+ * Beta: 63.0b3 (0269319281578bff4e01d77a21350bf91ba08620)
+ * Release: 62.0 (9cbae12a3fff404ed2c12070ad475424d0ae869f)
+* **dataprotect**:
+ * Added a component using AndroidKeyStore to protect user data.
+ ```kotlin
+ // Create a Keystore and generate a key
+ val keystore: Keystore = Keystore("samples-dataprotect")
+ keystore.generateKey()
+ // Encrypt data
+ val plainText = "plain text data".toByteArray(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)
+ val encrypted = keystore.encryptBytes(plain)
+ // Decrypt data
+ val samePlainText = keystore.decryptBytes(encrypted)
+ ```
+* **concept-engine**: Enhanced settings to cover most common WebView settings.
+* **browser-engine-system**:
+ * `SystemEngineSession` now provides a way to capture a screenshot of the actual content of the web page just by calling `captureThumbnail`
+* **browser-session**:
+ * `Session` exposes a new property called `thumbnail` and its internal observer also exposes a new listener `onThumbnailChanged`.
+ ```Kotlin
+ session.register(object : Session.Observer {
+ fun onThumbnailChanged(session: Session, bitmap: Bitmap?) {
+ // Do Something
+ }
+ })
+ ```
+ * `SessionManager` lets you notify it when the OS is under low memory condition by calling to its new function `onLowMemory`.
+* **browser-tabstray**:
+ * Now on `BrowserTabsTray` every tab gets is own thumbnail :)
+* **support-ktx**:
+ * Now you can easily query if the OS is under low memory conditions, just by using `isOSOnLowMemory()` extension function on `Context`.
+ ```Kotlin
+ val shouldReduceMemoryUsage = context.isOSOnLowMemory()
+ if (shouldReduceMemoryUsage) {
+ //Deallocate some heavy objects
+ }
+ ```
+ * `View.dp` is now`Resource.pxtoDp`.
+ ```Kotlin
+ // Before
+ toolbar.dp(104)
+ // Now
+ toolbar.resources.pxToDp(104)
+ ```
+* **samples-browser**:
+ * Updated to show the new features related to tab thumbnails. Be aware that this feature is only available for `systemEngine` and you have to switch to the build variant `systemEngine*`.
+# 0.23 (2018-09-13)
+* [Commits](,
+[API reference](
+* Compiled against:
+ * Android
+ * SDK: 27
+ * Support Libraries: 27.1.1
+ * Kotlin
+ * Standard library: 1.2.61
+ * Coroutines: 0.23.4
+ * GeckoView
+ * Nightly: 64.0.20180905100117
+ * Beta: 63.0b3 (0269319281578bff4e01d77a21350bf91ba08620)
+ * Release: 62.0 (9cbae12a3fff404ed2c12070ad475424d0ae869f)
+* Added initial documentation for the browser-session component:
+* **sync-logins**: New component for integrating with Firefox Sync (for Logins). A sample app showcasing this new functionality can be found at:
+* **browser-engine-**:
+ * Added support for fullscreen mode and the ability to exit it programmatically if needed.
+ ```Kotlin
+ session.register(object : Session.Observer {
+ fun onFullScreenChange(enabled: Boolean) {
+ if (enabled) {
+ // ..
+ sessionManager.getEngineSession().exitFullScreenMode()
+ }
+ }
+ })
+ ```
+* **concept-engine**, **browser-engine-system**, **browser-engine-gecko(-beta/nightly)**:
+ * We've extended support for intercepting requests to also include intercepting of errors
+ ```Kotlin
+ val interceptor = object : RequestInterceptor {
+ override fun onErrorRequest(
+ session: EngineSession,
+ errorCode: Int,
+ uri: String?
+ ) {
+ engineSession.loadData("<html><body>Couldn't load $uri!</body></html>")
+ }
+ }
+ // GeckoEngine (beta/nightly) and SystemEngine support request interceptors.
+ GeckoEngine(runtime, DefaultSettings(requestInterceptor = interceptor))
+ ```
+* **browser-engine-system**:
+ * Added functionality to clear all browsing data
+ ```Kotlin
+ sessionManager.getEngineSession().clearData()
+ ```
+ * `onNavigationStateChange` is now called earlier (when the title of a web page is available) to allow for faster toolbar updates.
+* **feature-session**: Added support for processing `ACTION_SEND` intents (`ACTION_VIEW` was already supported)
+ ```Kotlin
+ // Triggering a search if the provided EXTRA_TEXT is not a URL
+ val searchHandler: TextSearchHandler = { searchTerm, session ->
+ searchUseCases.defaultSearch.invoke(searchTerm, session)
+ }
+ // Handles both ACTION_VIEW and ACTION_SEND intents
+ val intentProcessor = SessionIntentProcessor(
+ sessionUseCases, sessionManager, textSearchHandler = searchHandler
+ )
+ intentProcessor.process(intent)
+ ```
+* Replaced some miscellaneous uses of Java 8 `forEach` with Kotlin's for consistency and backward-compatibility.
+* Various bug fixes (see [Commits]( for details).
+# 0.22 (2018-09-07)
+* [Commits](,
+[API reference](
+* Compiled against:
+ * Android
+ * SDK: 27
+ * Support Libraries: 27.1.1
+ * Kotlin
+ * Standard library: 1.2.61
+ * Coroutines: 0.23.4
+ * GeckoView
+ * Nightly: **64.0.20180905100117** 🔺
+ * Beta: **63.0b3** (0269319281578bff4e01d77a21350bf91ba08620) 🔺
+ * Release: **62.0** (9cbae12a3fff404ed2c12070ad475424d0ae869f) 🔺
+* We now provide aggregated API docs. The docs for this release are hosted at:
+* **browser-engine-**:
+ * EngineView now exposes lifecycle methods with default implementations. A `LifecycleObserver` implementation is provided which forwards events to EngineView instances.
+ ```kotlin
+ lifecycle.addObserver(EngineView.LifecycleObserver(view))
+ ```
+ * Added engine setting for blocking web fonts:
+ ```kotlin
+ GeckoEngine(runtime, DefaultSettings(webFontsEnabled = false))
+ ```
+ * `setDesktopMode()` was renamed to `toggleDesktopMode()`.
+* **browser-engine-system**: The `X-Requested-With` header is now cleared (set to an empty String).
+* **browser-session**: Desktop mode can be observed now:
+ ```Kotlin
+ session.register(object : Session.Observer {
+ fun onDesktopModeChange(enabled: Boolean) {
+ // ..
+ }
+ })
+ ```
+* **service-fretboard**:
+ * `Fretboard` now has synchronous methods for adding and clearing overrides: `setOverrideNow()`, `clearOverrideNow`, `clearAllOverridesNow`.
+ * Access to `` is now deprecated and is scheduled to be removed in a future release (target: 0.24). The `id` is an implementation detail of the underlying storage service and was not meant to be exposed to apps.
+* **ui-tabcounter**: Due to a packaging error previous releases of this component didn't contain any compiled code. This is the first usable release of the component.
+# 0.21 (2018-08-31)
+* [Commits](,
+[API reference](
+* Compiled against:
+ * Android support libraries 27.1.1
+ * Kotlin Standard library **1.2.61** 🔺
+ * Kotlin coroutines 0.23.4
+ * GeckoView
+ * Nightly: **63.0.20180830111743** 🔺
+ * Beta: **62.0b21** (7ce198bb7ce027d450af3f69a609896671adfab8) 🔺
+ * Release: 61.0 (785d242a5b01d5f1094882aa2144d8e5e2791e06)
+* **concept-engine**, **engine-system**, **engine-gecko**: Added API to set default session configuration e.g. to enable tracking protection for all sessions by default.
+ ```Kotlin
+ // DefaultSettings can be set on GeckoEngine and SystemEngine.
+ GeckoEngine(runtime, DefaultSettings(
+ trackingProtectionPolicy = TrackingProtectionPolicy.all(),
+ javascriptEnabled = false))
+ ```
+* **concept-engine**, **engine-system**, **engine-gecko-beta/nightly**:
+ * Added support for intercepting request and injecting custom content. This can be used for internal pages (e.g. *focus:about*, *firefox:home*) and error pages.
+ ```Kotlin
+ // GeckoEngine (beta/nightly) and SystemEngine support request interceptors.
+ GeckoEngine(runtime, DefaultSettings(
+ requestInterceptor = object : RequestInterceptor {
+ override fun onLoadRequest(session: EngineSession, uri: String): RequestInterceptor.InterceptionResponse? {
+ return when (uri) {
+ "sample:about" -> RequestInterceptor.InterceptionResponse("<h1>I am the sample browser</h1>")
+ else -> null
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ ```
+ * Added APIs to support "find in page".
+ ```Kotlin
+ // Finds and highlights all occurrences of "hello"
+ engineSession.findAll("hello")
+ // Finds and highlights the next or previous match
+ engineSession.findNext(forward = true)
+ // Clears the highlighted results
+ engineSession.clearFindMatches()
+ // The current state of "Find in page" can be observed on a Session object:
+ session.register(object : Session.Observer {
+ fun onFindResult(session: Session, result: FindResult) {
+ // ...
+ }
+ })
+ ```
+* **browser-engine-gecko-nightly**: Added option to enable/disable desktop mode ("Request desktop site").
+ ```Kotlin
+ engineSession.setDesktopMode(true, reload = true)
+ ```
+* **browser-engine-gecko(-nightly/beta)**: Added API for observing long presses on web content (links, audio, videos, images, phone numbers, geo locations, email addresses).
+ ```Kotlin
+ session.register(object : Session.Observer {
+ fun onLongPress(session: Session, hitResult: HitResult): Boolean {
+ // HitResult is a sealed class representing the different types of content that can be long pressed.
+ // ...
+ // Returning true will "consume" the event. If no observer consumes the event then it will be
+ // set on the Session object to be consumed at a later time.
+ return true
+ }
+ })
+ ```
+* **lib-dataprotect**: New component to protect local user data using the [Android keystore system]( This component doesn't contain any code in this release. In the next sprints the Lockbox team will move code from the [prototype implementation]( to the component.
+* **support-testing**: New helper test function to assert that a code block throws an exception:
+ ```Kotlin
+ expectException(IllegalStateException::class) {
+ // Do something that should throw IllegalStateException..
+ }
+ ```
+# 0.20 (2018-08-24)
+* [Commits](,
+[API reference](
+* Compiled against:
+ * Android support libraries 27.1.1
+ * Kotlin Standard library 1.2.60
+ * Kotlin coroutines 0.23.4
+ * GeckoView
+ * Nightly: **63.0.20180820100132** 🔺
+ * Beta: 62.0b15 (7ce198bb7ce027d450af3f69a609896671adfab8)
+ * Release: 61.0 (785d242a5b01d5f1094882aa2144d8e5e2791e06)
+* GeckoView Nightly dependencies are now pulled in from **.
+* **engine-system**: Added tracking protection functionality.
+* **concept-engine**, **browser-session**, **feature-session**: Added support for private browsing mode.
+* **concept-engine**, **engine-gecko**, **engine-system**: Added support for modifying engine and engine session settings.
+# 0.19.1 (2018-08-20)
+* [Commits](,
+[API reference](
+* Compiled against:
+ * Android support libraries 27.1.1
+ * Kotlin Standard library 1.2.60
+ * Kotlin coroutines 0.23.4
+ * GeckoView
+ * Nightly: 63.0.20180810100129 (2018.08.10, d999fb858fb2c007c5be4af72bce419c63c69b8e)
+ * Beta: 62.0b15 (7ce198bb7ce027d450af3f69a609896671adfab8)
+ * Release: 61.0 (785d242a5b01d5f1094882aa2144d8e5e2791e06)
+* **browser-toolbar**: Replaced `ui-progress` component with default [Android Progress Bar]( to fix CPU usage problems.
+* **ui-progress**: Reduced high CPU usage when idling and not animating.
+# 0.19 (2018-08-17)
+* [Commits](,
+[API reference](
+* Compiled against:
+ * Android support libraries 27.1.1
+ * Kotlin Standard library 1.2.60
+ * Kotlin coroutines 0.23.4
+ * GeckoView
+ * Nightly: 63.0.20180810100129 (2018.08.10, d999fb858fb2c007c5be4af72bce419c63c69b8e)
+ * Beta: 62.0b15 (7ce198bb7ce027d450af3f69a609896671adfab8)
+ * Release: 61.0 (785d242a5b01d5f1094882aa2144d8e5e2791e06)
+* **concept-engine**, **engine-system**, **engine-gecko**: Added new API to load data and HTML directly (without loading a URL). Added the ability to stop loading a page.
+* **ui-autocomplete**: Fixed a bug that caused soft keyboards and the InlineAutocompleteEditText component to desync.
+* **service-firefox-accounts**: Added JNA-specific proguard rules so consumers of this library don't have to add them to their app (see for details). Underlying no longer depends on versioned .so names. All required dependencies are now statically linked which simplified our dependency setup as well.
+# 0.18 (2018-08-10)
+* [Commits](,
+[API reference](
+* Compiled against:
+ * Android support libraries 27.1.1
+ * Kotlin Standard library 1.2.60
+ * Kotlin coroutines 0.23.4
+ * GeckoView
+ * Nightly: **63.0.20180810100129** (2018.08.10, d999fb858fb2c007c5be4af72bce419c63c69b8e) 🔺
+ * Beta: **62.0b15** (7ce198bb7ce027d450af3f69a609896671adfab8) 🔺
+ * Release: 61.0 (785d242a5b01d5f1094882aa2144d8e5e2791e06)
+* **engine-gecko-beta**: Since the [Load Progress Tracking API]( was uplifted to GeckoView Beta _engine-gecko-beta_ now reports progress via `EngineSession.Observer.onProgress()`.
+* **service-fretboard**: KintoExperimentSource can now validate the signature of the downloaded experiments configuration (`validateSignature` flag). This ensures that the configuration was signed by Mozilla and was not modified by a bad actor. For now the `validateSignature` flag is off by default until this has been tested in production. Various bugfixes and refactorings.
+* **service-firefox-accounts**: JNA native libraries are no longer part of the AAR and instead referenced as a dependency. This avoids duplication when multiple libraries depend on JNA.
+* **ui-tabcounter**: New UI component - A button that shows the current tab count and can animate state changes. Extracted from Firefox Rocket.
+* API references for every release are now generated and hosted online: [](
+* Documentation and more is now hosted at: []( More content coming soon.
+* **tooling-lint**: New (internal-only) component containing custom lint rules.
+# 0.17 (2018-08-03)
+* Compiled against:
+ * Android support libraries 27.1.1
+ * Kotlin Standard library **1.2.60** 🔺
+ * Kotlin coroutines 0.23.4
+ * GeckoView
+ * Nightly: **63.0.20180801100114** (2018.08.01, af6a7edf0069549543f2fba6a8ee3ea251b20829) 🔺
+ * Beta: **62.0b13** (dd92dec96711e60a8c6a49ebe584fa23a453a292) 🔺
+ * Release: 61.0 (785d242a5b01d5f1094882aa2144d8e5e2791e06)
+* **support-base**: New base component containing small building blocks for other components. Added a [simple logging API]( that allows components to log messages/exceptions but lets the consuming app decide what gets logged and how.
+* **support-utils**: Some classes have been moved to the new _support-base_ component.
+* **service-fretboard**: ⚠️ Breaking change: `ExperimentDescriptor` instances now operate on the experiment name instead of the ID.
+* **ui-icons**: Added new icons (used in _Firefox Focus_ UI refresh): `mozac_ic_arrowhead_down`, `mozac_ic_arrowhead_up`, `mozac_ic_check`, `mozac_ic_device_desktop`, `mozac_ic_mozilla`, `mozac_ic_open_in`, `mozac_ic_reorder`.
+* **service-firefox-accounts**: Added [documentation](
+* **service-fretboard**: Updated [documentation](
+* **browser-toolbar**: Fixed an issue where the toolbar content disappeared if a padding value was set on the toolbar.
+* [Commits](, [Milestone](
+# 0.16.1 (2018-07-26)
+* Compiled against:
+ * Android support libraries 27.1.1
+ * Kotlin Standard library 1.2.51
+ * Kotlin coroutines 0.23.4
+ * GeckoView
+ * Nightly: 63.0.20180724100046 (2018.07.24, 1e5fa52a612e8985e12212d1950a732954e00e45)
+ * Beta: 62.0b9 (d7ab2f3df0840cdb8557659afd46f61afa310379)
+ * Release: 61.0 (785d242a5b01d5f1094882aa2144d8e5e2791e06)
+* **service-telemetry**: Allow up to 200 extras in event pings.
+* [Commits](, [Milestone](
+# 0.16 (2018-07-25)
+* Compiled against:
+ * Android support libraries 27.1.1
+ * Kotlin Standard library 1.2.51
+ * Kotlin coroutines 0.23.4
+ * GeckoView
+ * Nightly: 63.0.20180724100046 (2018.07.24, 1e5fa52a612e8985e12212d1950a732954e00e45)
+ * Beta: 62.0b9 (d7ab2f3df0840cdb8557659afd46f61afa310379)
+ * Release: 61.0 (785d242a5b01d5f1094882aa2144d8e5e2791e06)
+* **service-fretboard**: Experiments can now be filtered by release channel. Added helper method to get list of active experiments.
+* **service-telemetry**: Added option to report active experiments in the core ping.
+* **service-firefox-accounts**, **sample-firefox-accounts**: is no longer in the tree but automatically fetched from tagged GitHub releases at build-time. Upgraded to fxa-rust-client library 0.2.1. Renmaed armeabi directory to armeabi-v7a.
+* **browser-session**, **concept-engine**: Exposed website title and tracking protection in session and made observable.
+* **browser-toolbar**: Fixed bug that prevented the toolbar from being displayed at the bottom of the screen. Fixed animation problem when multiple buttons animated at the same time.
+* Various bugfixes and refactorings (see commits below for details)
+* [Commits](, [Milestone](
+# 0.15 (2018-07-20)
+* Compiled against:
+ * Android support libraries 27.1.1
+ * Kotlin Standard library 1.2.51
+ * Kotlin coroutines 0.23.4
+ * GeckoView
+ * Nightly: 63.0.20180704100138 (2018.07.04, 1c235a552c32ba6c97e6030c497c49f72c7d48a8)
+ * Beta: 62.0b5 (801112336847960bbb9a018695cf09ea437dc137)
+ * Release: 61.0 (785d242a5b01d5f1094882aa2144d8e5e2791e06)
+* **service-firefox-accounts**, **sample-firefox-accounts**: Added authentication flow using WebView. Introduced functionality to persist and restore FxA state in shared preferences to keep users signed in between applications restarts. Increased test coverage for library.
+* **service-fretboard**: New component for segmenting users in order to run A/B tests and rollout features gradually.
+* **browser-session**: Refactored session observer to provide session object and changed values to simplify observer implementations. Add source (origin) information to Session.
+* **browser-search**: Introduced new functionality to retrieve search suggestions.
+* **engine-system**, **engine-gecko**, **browser-session**: Exposed downloads in engine components and made them consumable from browser session.
+* **engine-gecko**: Added optimization to ignore initial loads of about:blank.
+* Various bugfixes and refactorings (see commits below for details)
+* [Commits](, [Milestone](
+# 0.14 (2018-07-13)
+* Compiled against:
+ * Android support libraries 27.1.1
+ * Kotlin Standard library 1.2.51
+ * Kotlin coroutines 0.23.4
+ * GeckoView
+ * Nightly: 63.0.20180704100138 (2018.07.04, 1c235a552c32ba6c97e6030c497c49f72c7d48a8)
+ * Beta: 62.0b5 (801112336847960bbb9a018695cf09ea437dc137)
+ * Release: 61.0 (785d242a5b01d5f1094882aa2144d8e5e2791e06)
+* **support-test**: A new component with helpers for testing components.
+* **browser-session**: New method `SessionManager.removeSessions()` for removing all sessions *except custom tab sessions*. `SessionManager.selectedSession` is now nullable. `SessionManager.selectedSessionOrThrow` can be used in apps that will always have at least one selected session and that do not want to deal with a nullable type.
+* **feature-sessions**: `SessionIntentProcessor` can now be configured to open new tabs for incoming [Intents](
+* **ui-icons**: Mirrored `mozac_ic_pin` and `mozac_ic_pin_filled` icons.
+* **service-firefox-accounts**: Renamed the component from *service-fxa* for clarity. Introduced `FxaResult.whenComplete()` to be called when the `FxaResult` and the whole chain of `then` calls is completed with a value. Synchronized blocks invoking Rust calls.
+* Various bugfixes and refactorings (see commits below for details)
+* [Commits](, [Milestone](
+# 0.13 (2018-07-06)
+* Compiled against:
+ * Android support libraries 27.1.1
+ * Kotlin Standard library 1.2.51
+ * Kotlin coroutines 0.23.4
+ * GeckoView
+ * Nightly: 63.0.20180704100138 (2018.07.04, 1c235a552c32ba6c97e6030c497c49f72c7d48a8)
+ * Beta: 62.0b5
+ * Release: 61.0
+* **service-fxa**, **samples-fxa**: Various improvements to FxA component API (made calls asynchronous and introduced error handling)
+* **browser-toolbar**: Added functionality to observer focus changes (`setOnEditFocusChangeListener`)
+* **concept-tabstray**, **browser-tabstray**, **features-tabs**: New components to provide browser tabs functionality
+* **sample-browser**: Updated to support multiple tabs
+* **API changes**:
+ * InlineAutocompleteEditText: `onAutocomplete` was renamed to `applyAutocompleteResult`
+ * Toolbar: `setOnUrlChangeListener` was renamed to `setOnUrlCommitListener`
+* Various bugfixes and refactorings (see commits below for details)
+* [Commits](
+# 0.12 (2018-06-29)
+* Compiled against:
+ * Android support libraries 27.1.1
+ * Kotlin Standard library 1.2.50
+ * Kotlin coroutines 0.23.3
+ * GeckoView Nightly
+ * date: 2018.06.27
+ * version: 63.0.20180627100018
+ * revision: 1c235a552c32ba6c97e6030c497c49f72c7d48a8
+* **service-fxa**, **samples-fxa**: Added new library/component for integrating with Firefox Accounts, and a sample app to demo its usage
+* **samples-browser**: Moved all browser behaviour into standalone fragment
+* Various bugfixes and refactorings (see commits below for details)
+* [Commits](
+# 0.11 (2018-06-22)
+* Compiled against:
+ * Android support libraries 27.1.1
+ * Kotlin Standard library 1.2.41
+ * Kotlin coroutines 0.22.5
+ * GeckoView Nightly
+ * date: 2018.06.21
+ * version: 62.0.20180621100051
+ * revision: e834d23a292972ab4250a8be00e6740c43e41db2
+* **feature-session**, **browser-session**: Added functionality to process CustomTabsIntent.
+* **engine-gecko**: Created separate engine-gecko variants/modules for nightly/beta/release channels.
+* **browser-toolbar**: Added support for setting autocomplete filter.
+* Various refactorings (see commits below for details)
+* [Commits](
+# 0.10 (2018-06-14)
+* Compiled against:
+ * Android support libraries 27.1.1
+ * Kotlin Standard library 1.2.41
+ * Kotlin coroutines 0.22.5
+ * GeckoView Nightly
+ * date: 2018.05.16
+ * version: 62.0.20180516100458
+ * revision: dedd25bfd2794eaba95225361f82c701e49c9339
+* **browser-session**: Added Custom Tabs configuration to session. Added new functionality that allows attaching a lifecycle owner to session observers so that observer can automatically be unregistered when the associated lifecycle ends.
+* **service-telemetry**: Updated createdTimestamp and createdDate fields for mobile-metrics ping
+* [Commits](
+# 0.9 (2018-06-06)
+* Compiled against:
+ * Android support libraries 27.1.1
+ * Kotlin Standard library 1.2.41
+ * Kotlin coroutines 0.22.5
+ * GeckoView Nightly
+ * date: 2018.05.16
+ * version: 62.0.20180516100458
+ * revision: dedd25bfd2794eaba95225361f82c701e49c9339
+* **feature-session**, **engine-gecko**, **engine-system**: Added functionality and API to save/restore engine session state and made sure it's persisted by default (using `DefaultSessionStorage`)
+* **concept-toolbar**: Use "AppCompat" versions of ImageButton and ImageView. Add `notifyListener` parameter to `setSelected` and `toggle` to specify whether or not listeners should be invoked.
+* [Commits](
+# 0.8 (2018-05-30)
+* Compiled against:
+ * Android support libraries 27.1.1
+ * Kotlin Standard library 1.2.41
+ * Kotlin coroutines 0.22.5
+ * GeckoView Nightly
+ * date: 2018.05.16
+ * version: 62.0.20180516100458
+ * revision: dedd25bfd2794eaba95225361f82c701e49c9339
+* **browser-session**, **engine-gecko**, **engine-system**: Added SSL information and secure state to session, and made it observable.
+* **browser-toolbar**: Introduced page, browser and navigation actions and allow for them to be dynamically shown, hidden and updated. Added ability to specify custom behaviour for clicks on URL in display mode. Added support for custom background actions. Enabled layout transitions by default.
+* **service-telemetry**: Added new mobile-metrics ping type.
+* [Commits](
+# 0.7 (2018-05-24)
+* Compiled against:
+ * Android support libraries 27.1.1
+ * Kotlin Standard library 1.2.41
+ * Kotlin coroutines 0.22.5
+ * GeckoView Nightly
+ * date: 2018.05.16
+ * version: 62.0.20180516100458
+ * revision: dedd25bfd2794eaba95225361f82c701e49c9339
+* **browser-toolbar**: Added support for dynamic actions. Made site security indicator optional. Added support for overriding default height and padding.
+* **feature-session**: Added new use case implementation to support reloading URLs. Fixed bugs when restoring sessions from storage. Use `AtomicFile` for `DefaultSessionStorage`.
+* **feature-search**: New component - Connects an (concept) engine implementation with the browser search module and provides search related use case implementations e.g. searching using the default provider.
+* **support-ktx**: Added extension method to check if a `String` represents a URL.
+* **samples-browser**: Added default search integration using the new feature-search component.
+* **samples-toolbar**: New sample app - Shows how to customize the browser-toolbar component.
+* [Commits](
+# 0.6 (2018-05-16)
+* Compiled against:
+ * Android support libraries 27.1.1
+ * Kotlin Standard library 1.2.41
+ * Kotlin coroutines 0.22.5
+ * GeckoView Nightly
+ * date: 2018.05.16
+ * version: 62.0.20180516100458
+ * revision: dedd25bfd2794eaba95225361f82c701e49c9339
+* **browser-menu**: New component - A generic menu with customizable items for browser toolbars.
+* **concept-session-storage**: New component - Abstraction layer for hiding the actual session storage implementation.
+* **feature-session**: Added `DefaultSessionStorage` which is used if no other implementation of `SessionStorage` (from the new concept module) is provided. Introduced a new `SessionProvider` type which simplifies the API for use cases and components and removed the `SessionMapping` type as it's no longer needed.
+* **support-ktx**: Added extension methods to `View` for checking visibility (`View.isVisible`, `View.isInvisible` and `View.isGone`).
+* **samples-browser**: Use new browser menu component and switch to Gecko as default engine.
+* [Commits](
+# 0.5.1 (2018-05-03)
+* Compiled against:
+ * Android support libraries 27.1.1
+ * Kotlin Standard library 1.2.41
+ * Kotlin coroutines 0.22.5
+ * GeckoView Nightly
+ * date: 2018.04.10
+ * version: 61.0.20180410100334
+ * revision: a8061a09cd7064a8783ca9e67979d77fb52e001e
+* **browser-domains**: Simplified API of `DomainAutoCompleteProvider` which now uses a dedicated result type instead of a callback and typealias.
+* **browser-toolbar**: Added various enhancements to support edit and display mode and to navigate back/forward.
+* **feature-session**: Added `SessionIntentProcessor` which provides reuseable functionality to handle incoming intents.
+* **sample-browser**: Sample application now handles the device back button and reacts to incoming (ACTION_VIEW) intents.
+* **support-ktx**: Added extension methods to `View` for converting dp to pixels (`View.dp`), showing and hiding the keyboard (`View.showKeyboard` and `View.hideKeyboard`).
+* **service-telemetry**: New component - A generic library for generating and sending telemetry pings from Android applications to Mozilla's telemetry service.
+* **ui-icons**: New component - A collection of often used browser icons.
+* **ui-progress**: New component - An animated progress bar following the Photon Design System.
+* [Commits](
+# 0.5 (2018-05-02)
+_Due to a packaging bug this release is not usable. Please use 0.5.1 instead._
+# 0.4 (2018-04-19)
+* Compiled against:
+ * Android support libraries 27.1.1
+ * Kotlin Standard library 1.2.31
+ * Kotlin coroutines 0.22.5
+* **browser-search**: New module - Search plugins and companion code to load, parse and use them.
+* **browser-domains**: Auto-completion of full URLs (instead of just domains) is now supported.
+* **ui-colors** module (org.mozilla.photon:colors) now includes all photon colors.
+* **ui-fonts**: New module - Convenience accessor for fonts used by Mozilla.
+* Multiple (Java/Kotlin) package names have been changed to match the naming of the module. Module names usually follow the template "$group-$name" and package names now follow the same scheme: "mozilla.components.$group.$name". For example the code of the "browser-toolbar" module now lives in the "mozilla.components.browser.toolbar" package. The group and artifacts Ids in Maven/Gradle have not been changed at this time.
+* [Commits](
+# 0.3 (2018-04-05)
+* Compiled against:
+ * Android support libraries 27.1.1
+ * Kotlin Standard library 1.2.30
+ * Kotlin coroutines 0.19.3
+* New component: **ui-autocomplete** - A set of components to provide autocomplete functionality. **InlineAutocompleteEditText** is a Kotlin version of the inline autocomplete widget we have been using in Firefox for Android and Focus/Klar for Android.
+* New component: **browser-domains** - Localized and customizable domain lists for auto-completion in browsers.
+* New components (Planning phase; Not for consumption yet): engine, engine-gecko, session, toolbar
+* [Commits](
+# 0.2.2 (2018-03-27)
+* Compiled against:
+ * Android support libraries 27.1.0
+ * Kotlin Standard library 1.2.30
+* First release with synchronized version numbers.
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new file mode 100644
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+layout: page
+title: Components
+permalink: /components/
+## Browser
+### Core components
+Every browser will need two core components:
+* **[browser-state](** - Representing the state of the browser (_"What tabs are opened?"_, _"What URLs are they pointing to?"_)
+* **browser-engine** - The browser engine that transforms web pages into an interactive visual representation. The _browser-engine_ component comes in multiple flavors. We are supporting [Android's WebView]( (limited feature set) and **GeckoView** ([Release](, [Beta]( and [Nightly]( channels) currently. The actual implementation is hidden behind [generic interfaces]( so that apps can build against multiple engines (e.g. based on product flavor) and so that other components work seamlessly with all implementations.
+Other high-level browser components may depend on those core components.
+### Building blocks
+The following components offer customizable building blocks for browser apps:
+* [browser-toolbar]( - A customizable browser toolbar for displaying and editing URLs, actions buttons and menus.
+* [browser-domains]( - Localized and customizable domain lists for auto-completion in browsers.
+* [browser-errorpages]( - Localized and responsive error pages for mobile browsers.
+* [browser-search]( - Localized search plugins and code for loading and parsing them as well as querying search engines for search suggestions.
+* [browser-tabstray]( - A customizable tabs tray component for mobile browsers.
+* [browser-menu]( - A customizable overflow menu. Can be used with _browser-toolbar_.
+### Features
+Feature components connect multiple components together and implement complete browser features.
+[List of feature components in the android-components repository](
+## Apps
+Components for Android apps - browsers and other apps.
+### UI components
+Independent, small visual UI elements to use in applications.
+* [ui-autocomplete]( - A user interface element for entering and modifying text with the ability to inline autocomplete.
+* [ui-colors]( - The standard set of [colors]( used in the [Photon Design System]( for Firefox products.
+* [ui-fonts]( - The standard set of fonts used by Mozilla Android products.
+* [ui-icons]( - Android vector drawable versions of the [icons]( from the [Photon Design System](
+* [ui-progress]( - An animated progress bar following the [Photon Design System](
+* [ui-tabcounter]( - A button that shows the current tab count and can animate state changes.
+### Services
+* [service-contile]( - A library for communicating with the Contile services API.
+* [service-firefox-accounts]( - A library for integrating with [Firefox Accounts](
+* [service-fretboard]( - An Android framework for segmenting users in order to run A/B tests and rollout features gradually.
+* [service-pocket]( - A library for communicating with the Pocket API.
+* [service-glean]( - A generic library for sending telemetry pings from Android applications to Mozilla's telemetry service.
+## Samples
+* [Reference Browser (full-featured browser)]( - Advanced reference browser implementation based on the browser components.
+* [Simple Browser]( - Very basic browser implementation based on the browser components.
+* [Crash]( - Sample integration for the [lib-crash]( component.
+* [DataProtect]( - An app demoing how to use the [Dataprotect]( component to load and store encrypted data in SharedPreferences.
+* [Firefox Accounts (FxA)]( - A simple app demoing Firefox Accounts integration.
+* [Firefox Sync]( - A simple app demoing general Firefox Sync integration, with bookmarks and history.
+* [Firefox Sync - Logins]( - A simple app demoing Firefox Sync (Logins) integration.
+* [Glean]( - An app demoing how to use the [Glean]( library to collect and send telemetry data.
+* [Toolbar]( - An app demoing multiple customized toolbars using the [browser-toolbar]( component.
+## More
+[List of all components in the android-components repository](
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index 0000000000..b79b71ae70
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+layout: page
+title: Application Services version upgrades
+permalink: /contributing/app-services-upgrades
+Upgrading to a newer [version of App Services][as_version] upgrades the dependencies for multiple components, so it can be prudent to run a quick smoke test before it lands to ensure new functionality works and there are no regressions in the existing components.
+## Automated PR testing
+A quick first step is to run the automated smoke test on the Android Components PR by commenting:
+bors try
+This will run the `test-ui-browser` task, which will execute on-device tests of a sample browser built against the A-S version. If it's totally broken, that should blow up.
+## Fenix
+The next step is to build a [local version of Android Components][local_build] against [Fenix][fenix] and test the following items:
+ - Check general storage components works by adding/editing/removing: bookmarks, history
+ - Sign-in/Sign-up for Sync
+ - QR code pairing for Sync
+ - Changing settings in “Choose what to sync” updates on desktop and vice versa
+ - Rename device and verify on desktop
+ - Sync Now button works
+ - Browse passwords, auto-fill, save new passwords, update them
+ - Receiving tab works
+ - This needs push messaging keys, but we can test this without keys by using the “Sync Now” button
+ - Sending tabs
+ - Synced Tabs shows results from another device and vice versa
+[local_build]: /contributing/testing-components-inside-app
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index 0000000000..4b6ed25037
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+++ b/mobile/android/android-components/docs/contribute/
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+layout: page
+title: Architecture and Overview
+permalink: /contributing/architecture
+# Architecture and Overview
+Our main design goal is to provide independently reusable Android components. We strive to keep dependencies between components as minimal as possible. However, standalone components aren't always feasible, which is why we have grouped components based on their interactions and dependencies.
+On the lowest level, we provide standalone UI components (e.g. autocomplete, progressbar, colors) as well as independent service and support libraries (e.g. Telemetry, Kotlin extensions and Utilities).
+The second level consist of so called `Concept` modules. These are abstractions that describe contracts for component implementations such as `Engine` or `Session Storage`, which may in turn have multiple implementations. The purpose of these concepts is to allow for customization and pluggability. Therefore, where available, components should always depend on concept modules (not their implementations) to support bringing in alternative implementations.
+On top of `Concept` modules we provide `Browser` components. These components provide browser-specific functionality by implementing concepts and using lower level components.
+On the highest level, we provide `Feature` components which provide use case implementations (e.g search, load URL). Features can connect multiple `Browser` components with concepts, and will therefore depend on other components.
+The following diagram does not contain all available components. See [Components]({{ site.baseurl }}/components/) for a complete and up-to-date list.
+ ┌─────────────────────┬───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
+ │ │ ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │
+ │ │ │ Feature │ │
+ │ Features combine │ │ ┌ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┌ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┌ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ │ │
+ │ browser components │ │ Session │ Toolbar │ Search │ │ │
+ │ with concepts │ │ └ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ └ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ └ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ │ │
+ │ │ └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ │
+ ├─────────────────────┼───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
+ │ │ ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │
+ │ │ │ Browser │ │
+ │ Browser components │ │ ┌ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┐ ┌ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┐ ┌ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┐ ┌ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┐ │ │
+ │ may implement │ │ Engine-Gecko Search Toolbar Errorpages │ │
+ │ concepts and use │ │ └ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┘ └ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┘ └ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┘ └ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┘ │ │
+ │ lower level │ │ ┌ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┐ ┌ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┐ ┌ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┐ ┌ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┐ │ │
+ │ components │ │ Engine-System Session Domains Menu │ │
+ │ │ │ └ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┘ └ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┘ └ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┘ └ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┘ │ │
+ │ │ └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ │
+ ├─────────────────────┼───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
+ │ │ ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │
+ │ Abstractions and │ │ Concept │ │
+ │ contracts for │ │ ┌ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┌ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ │ │
+ │ component │ │ Engine │ Toolbar │ │ │
+ │ implementations │ │ └ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ └ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ │ │
+ │ │ └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ │
+ ├─────────────────────├───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
+ │ │ ┌────────────────────────────────┐ ┌────────────────────────────────┐ │
+ │ │ │ UI │ │ Service │ │
+ │ Standalone │ │ ┌ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ │ │ ┌ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ │ │
+ │ components │ │ Autocomplete │ │ │ Telemetry │ │ │
+ │ │ │ └ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ │ │ └ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ │ │
+ │ │ │ ┌ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ │ └────────────────────────────────┘ │
+ │ │ │ Progress │ │ ┌────────────────────────────────┐ │
+ │ │ │ └ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ │ │ Support │ │
+ │ │ │ ┌ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ │ │ ┌ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ │ │
+ │ │ │ Colors │ │ │ Kotlin extensions │ │ │
+ │ │ │ └ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ │ │ └ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ │ │
+ │ │ │ ┌ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ │ │ ┌ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ │ │
+ │ │ │ Fonts │ │ │ Utilities │ │ │
+ │ │ │ └ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ │ │ └ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ │ │
+ │ │ │ ┌ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ │ │ │ │
+ │ │ │ Icons │ │ │ │ │
+ │ │ │ └ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ │ │ │ │
+ │ │ └────────────────────────────────┘ └────────────────────────────────┘ │
+ └─────────────────────┴───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
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+layout: page
+title: Code coverage
+permalink: /contributing/code-coverage
+# Code Coverage
+> In computer science, test coverage is a measure used to describe the degree to which the source code of a program is executed when a particular test suite runs. A program with high test coverage, measured as a percentage, has had more of its source code executed during testing, which suggests it has a lower chance of containing undetected software bugs compared to a program with low test coverage. ([Wikipedia](
+# Automated reports
+For pull requests and main pushes we generate code coverage reports on taskcluster and they can be accessed via the GitHub checks.
+# Generating reports locally
+Locally you can generate a coverage report for a module with the following command:
+./gradlew -Pcoverage <module>:build
+After that you'll find an HTML report at the following location:
+components/<path to module>/build/reports/jacoco/jacocoTestReport/html/index.html
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@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+layout: page
+title: Working on unreleased component code in an app
+permalink: /contributing/testing-components-inside-app
+Sometimes it may be helpful to test component code you are working on inside an end-user app that is using this component.
+## Avoid depending on apps living outside of the repository
+Before trying to integrate a modified component into an *external* app try to re-create a test scenario **inside** the repository:
+* Add **Unit tests**: Can you reproduce your scenario as a unit test with the help of [Robolectric]( Unit tests will create a reproducible scenario for every developer and can prevent regressions in the future.
+* Add or modify a **sample app**: Especially for visual changes an app running on a test device may be needed. Can your scenario be reproduced with a new or existing sample app inside the repository? The sample app will make it easier for other developers to *see* and understand your scenario. And it will make it easier to re-test the same scenario with future versions of a component.
+* Add a **user interface test** for a sample app: The UI test will prevent regressions in your sample app scenario and allows other developers to *replay* your scenario when changing component code.
+## Testing local components code
+Even if you are able to reproduce the scenario *inside* the repository you may still want to test your code with an external app consuming the component. You can do that by *publishing* the component to your *local* Maven repository and configuring the app to pull the dependency from there. This can be achieved manually, or via an automated flow described below.
+### Automated flow: using auto-publication to test local component code
+*android-component* repository contains scripts necessary to automatically determine if there are any local changes, publish them to a local maven repository, and to configure consuming application to use the latest published local version.
+Add the following to your project's `settings.gradle`. This code will execute during the project's Gradle initialization phase, and will trigger android-component's auto-publication scripts when `` is configured.
+def runCmd(cmd, workingDir, successMessage, captureStdout=true) {
+ def proc = cmd.execute(null, new File(workingDir))
+ def standardOutput = captureStdout ? new ByteArrayOutputStream() : System.out
+ proc.consumeProcessOutput(standardOutput, System.err)
+ proc.waitFor()
+ if (proc.exitValue() != 0) {
+ throw new GradleException("Process '${cmd}' finished with non-zero exit value ${proc.exitValue()}");
+ } else {
+ log(successMessage)
+ }
+ return captureStdout ? standardOutput : null
+Properties localProperties = null
+String settingAndroidComponentsPath = ""
+if (file('').canRead()) {
+ localProperties = new Properties()
+ localProperties.load(file('').newDataInputStream())
+ log('Loaded')
+if (localProperties != null) {
+ localProperties.each { prop ->
+ gradle.ext.set("localProperties.${prop.key}", prop.value)
+ }
+ String androidComponentsLocalPath = localProperties.getProperty(settingAndroidComponentsPath)
+ if (androidComponentsLocalPath != null) {
+ log("Enabling automatic publication of android-components from: $androidComponentsLocalPath")
+ def publishAcCmd = ["./automation/"]
+ runCmd(publishAcCmd, androidComponentsLocalPath, "Published android-components for local development.", false)
+ } else {
+ log("Disabled auto-publication of android-components. Enable it by settings '$settingAndroidComponentsPath' in")
+ }
+Also, add the following to application's `build.gradle`. This will configure your project to use the latest locally published version of `android-components`.
+if (gradle.hasProperty('')) {
+ ext.acSrcDir = gradle.""
+ apply from: "../${acSrcDir}/substitute-local-ac.gradle"
+Finally, to enable this workflow, in your project's `` file, add the following:
+With all of the above done, your project will now be built against your local checkout of `android-components`. This automation is practically zero-cost - if there are no local changes in `android-components`, no additional work will be performed.
+To disable this flow and test against a released version, comment out the `autoPublish` line in ``.
+#### Hints for working with an auto-publication workflow
+- it may be worth it to clean up your local .m2 directory now-and-then, as old builds start to accumulate
+- after making changes to `android-components`, press `sync with gradle` in your project's Android Studio to see those changes reflected in your project
+- simply pressing `play` in your project's Android Studio should always produce a build with latest `android-components`, even if you didn't `sync` beforehand.
+### Manual flow: using a local Maven repository to test local component code
+This is the fully manual version of the above flow. Generally not recommended for day-to-day use since it's error-prone and more cumbersome.
+#### Setup version number
+In the *android-components* repository update the version number [in the configuration]( so that the app will be required to "download" this new version. Try to avoid picking a version number that was or will be officially released. Otherwise you may "pollute" your gradle cache with unofficial releases. To follow [the Maven convention]( you may want to use a `-SNAPSHOT` suffix.
+#### Publish to local maven repository
+After changing the components code you can publish your version to your local maven repository. You can either publish all components or just a specific ones:
+# Publish all components to your local Maven repository:
+$ ./gradlew publishToMavenLocal
+# Only publish a single component (ui-autocomplete):
+$ ./gradlew ui-autocomplete:publishToMavenLocal
+#### Using a component from the local maven repository
+In your app project locate the `repositories` block inside your build.gradle and add `mavenLocal()` to the list:
+repositories {
+ mavenLocal()
+ google()
+ mavenCentral()
+Also add `mavenLocal()` to the build.gradle in the 'app' module:
+buildscript {
+ repositories {
+ mavenLocal()
+ }
+*Note*: There may be two `repositories` blocks in your root build.gradle. One for `buildscript` and one for `allprojects`. Make sure to add it to the `allprojects` block or to a build.gradle file inside a specific gradle module.
+After that update the version number of your component dependency in your app's build files. Gradle will now resolve the dependency from your local maven repository and you can test your changes inside the app.
+#### Iterating and caching
+For every change in the android components repository you will need to run the `install` task to generate a new artifact and publish it to your local Maven repository.
+When using a snapshot version (see above) in an app Gradle should ignore its cache and always try to use the latest version of the artifact.
+To enforce using the latest version of a dependency you can try the `--refresh-dependencies` Gradle command line option or setting up a [ResolutionStrategy with a cache time of 0]( in your app project.
+## Automated Snapshots
+Snapshots are build daily from the `main` branch and published on [](
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+layout: page
+title: Deprecating components and code
+permalink: /contributing/deprecating
+The *Android Components* team follows a [rapid release process with major releases coming out frequently]({{ site.baseurl }}/contributing/versioning). Therefore API breakage can happen more often when switching to a new version. The *Android Components* team tries to reduce API breakage and uses the following deprecation process to give app teams notice of upcoming changes as early as possible. Deprecated APIs are removed not earlier than 2 releases after the release that introduced the deprecation warning.
+## Avoiding API breakage
+Before breaking or deprecating an API consider options to provide new functionality without breaking the (old) API.
+* When adding a new parameter to a method consider adding a default value so that defining a value for this parameter is not required and existing code using the method still compiles.
+* When introducing new constructor parameters consider adding an additional constructor and keep/deprecate the existing constructor.
+In general if possible we try to keep "compile compatibility" when an app project upgrades to a new *Android Components* version.
+## When to Deprecate
+Deprecating a public API is needed whenever we introduce a new API and at the same time keep the old API around so that app teams have time to migrate. The goal of deprecating an API should always be to eventually remove it.
+No API guarantees are made for snapshot releases and so far unreleased/unused components. Unreleased APIs can break/change before they are released or used.
+## How to Deprecate
+* Add the **[@Deprecated](** annotation to the deprecated API. Try to use the `message` parameter of the annotation to explain the deprecation. If possible use the `replaceWith` parameter to specify a code fragment which should be used as a replacement for the deprecated API usage.
+ ```Kotlin
+ @Deprecated("Use `loadAsync` instead", ReplaceWith("loadAsync(context)"))
+ suspend fun load(context: Context): Deferred<SearchEngineList> {
+ // ...
+ }
+ ```
+* Mention the deprecated API and the new API (if there's one) in the **changelog**.
+* **File a new issue** about removing the deprecated API. Mention the target version for the removal in the issue title. The default time for removal is 2 releases after the release that introduced the deprecation warning. For example when deprecating an API in release 12.0.0 then file an issue to remove the API in release 14.0.0. For larger changes that require a major refactoring in app projects (e.g. migrating to a whole new component) a longer deprecation cycle can be chosen. The [cross-repo search engine "SearchFox"]( is a helpful tool to find API usage in other Mozilla mobile projects.
+* For larger API changes and breakage consider **sending a mail to the [android-components mailing list](** to notify all consumers of the upcoming change. If a specific team at Mozilla will be required to do a large refactoring to accommodate the API change then try to coordinate the deprecation process and timing with that team.
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+layout: page
+title: Design Axioms
+permalink: /contributing/design-axioms
+## 💚 100% Kotlin
+Kotlin is the language of choice for components we develop, and it is the recommended language for application projects integrating components. We make use of Kotlin idioms and official Kotlin extension libraries (e.g. Coroutines).
+Java interoperability is not a goal of this project. We may add annotations for Java interoperability (e.g. `@JvmStatic`) at the request of a consumer to facilitate integration, but we are not considering replacing Kotlin idioms for the sake of operability.
+## 🔄 Third-party dependencies
+As providers of a framework, we strive to be independent of other third-party libraries unless strictly needed (e.g. Android Jetpack libraries).
+It is our goal to let our consumers decide what third-party libraries fit their needs, without our components making this choice or introducing an additional, duplicated stack of third-party frameworks.
+Additionally, by limiting external dependencies, we intent to keep the byte size of our components and the consumer apps as small as possible.
+## 🧰 Simple and applicable
+We are building components that directly satisfy the needs of our consumers. We tend to not design components in a vacuum without a defined use case. Components are preferred to be simple and "to the point". Additional functionality is added as needed, never in advance without knowing if it will ever be used (or how).
+## 🎨 Customizability
+Different consumers have different requirements. If possible, we try to provide customization options (e.g. styling) as needed by the consumers. We aim to balance customizability and complexity. When too complex of customization options are required, we prefer alternative component implementations.
+## 🧩 Pluggability
+Even with customization options, not all components will be able to satisfy all needs of all consumers. As such, we strive to depend on interfaces (allowing different implementations) instead of concrete classes. At a component level we prefer the same abstraction and try to depend on "concept components" (e.g. `concept-toolbar`) and their interfaces instead of components providing a specific implementation (e.g. `browser-toolbar`).
+## ✅ Testing
+We strive to have a high code coverage with a high quality suite of tests. Tests are meant to prevent regressions, exercise various parts of the code base, prove correctness and assert an always shippable state.
+## 📓 API Documentation
+While we strive to keep the public API surface as simple and self-explanatory as possible, we provide KDocs for all public API methods to describe the methods purpose, parameters, return types, and possible exceptions, if applicable.
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+layout: page
+title: Hosting Android code in the Android Components repository
+permalink: /contributing/hosting-android-code-in-repository
+When developing a new (Mozilla) Android component - especially one that wraps **Rust** code for multiple platforms - one decision to make is where the Android (Kotlin/Java) code should live. Should it live in a project repository that also contains the Rust code or should it live in the *firefox-android* repository alongside the other Android code?
+This document lists the advantages you get *for free* when hosting your Android code in the *firefox-android* repository (consuming pre-compiled binaries of your Rust code).
+## Build
+#### Managed build system
+The *Android components* team maintains and updates the build process for local development and in automation.
+This includes:
+* Updating the build system and code to use the latest Android SDK, build tools and Gradle version
+* Updating code across all components to avoid using deprecated APIs
+## Testing
+Having all components in the same repository means that they will be tested as a whole. We can more easily guarantee that all components work well together. We will be doing this with unit tests and integration tests.
+This is specially important for service components, and becomes much more important once we are going to introduce more UI components that will need to use the service components.
+## Releasing and Publishing
+#### Frequent automated releases
+The *Android components* team releases frequently (currently weekly) and the process is fully automated. Code changes will be part of the next release without any further steps.
+#### Publishing
+Release artifacts are automatically published on and are immediately available to consumers.
+The *Android components* team is planning to release SNAPSHOT builds for every successful *main* merge. This will allow consuming apps to test approved changes immediately after merge without needing to wait for a release.
+#### Consistent versioning and compatibility
+All components are released together with a shared version number. This guarantees that all components with the same version number are compatible. With that a consuming app can use the components in the same setup as they were developed and tested in the *firefox-android* repository.
+#### Less Fragmentation
+All components will be together in the same repository in a clearly named and hierarchical structure.
+## Documentation
+When all components are in the same project, it is much simpler to generate consistent and linked documentation. As an example, see the [service-firefox-accounts]( API Reference that is automatically generated and published when we do a release.
+This is not just a developer convenience, it is also highly convenient for users of the components (internal and external). It gives them a consistent view of the project as a whole.
+## Tooling
+The *Android components* team evaluates, integrates and maintains tools that run in automation for improving code quality, keeping a consistent code style, avoiding bugs and detecting performance issues. Those tools are getting run automatically for all pull requests and merges.
+Currently we are using:
+* [Android Lint]( - *"Android Lint is a tool which scans Android project sources for potential bugs."*
+* [ktlint]( - *"An anti-bikeshedding Kotlin linter with built-in formatter"*
+* [detekt]( - *"A static code analysis tool for the Kotlin programming language"*
+In addition to that the *Android components* team started to write [custom lint rules]( that enforce component related rules (e.g. "Use the provided logging class in components instead of android.util.Log").
+## Services
+#### Integration of third-party services
+The *Android components* team evaluates, integrates and maintains third-party services for code quality, testing and automation purposes.
+Currently we are using:
+* *Firebase Device Lab* for running tests on real devices.
+The *Android components* team is currently evaluating [Gradle Enterprise]( to speed up builds and improve build reliability.
+## Development and code quality
+#### Consistent component APIs
+The *Android components* team makes sure all components have consistent APIs, and use the same patterns and conventions so that consumers can rely on component interoperability.
+#### Base component
+The *Android components* team maintains a *base component* (`support-base`) that offers basic building blocks for components. This avoids code duplication ("Every components implements its own Observable") and allows the app to configure certain behaviors in a consistent way.
+For example the *base component* offers components a logging class for logging inside components. The consuming app can configure how, if and when something gets logged for all components using this logging class. A similar setup is planned for telemetry and other functionality where the component needs to invoke something that the consuming app should be in control of.
+## Dependencies
+#### Optimized dependency graph
+The *Android components* team ensures that the dependency graph is as minimal as possible by avoiding duplicates and version conflicts. This is much easier to do in a monorepo with a single buildchain. If fact, keeping dependency versions consistent across many different repositories is hard and somewhat unrealistic.
+#### Consistent releases
+The *Android components* team has a high release cadence. A release is cut at the end of every sprint. This makes updates of all components available to internal and external consumers at the end of every week.
+## Ownership
+You remain the owner of your components code. Each component can have a [CODEOWNERS]( file that allows us to specify who owns and reviews the code. This means individual teams can be easily responsible for a subtree of the components project that they own.
+## Conclusion
+The *Android components* team recommends hosting Android component code (Kotlin) in the *firefox-android* repository for the reasons mentioned above.
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+layout: page
+title: Merge day process
+permalink: /contributing/merge-day
+## What is merge day?
+Firefox and Gecko(View) are released in multiple release channels: `Nightly`, `Beta`, `Release`. Those versions are maintained in separate repositories (`mozilla-central`, `mozilla-beta`, `mozilla-release`). Right before the release of a new version of Firefox, on "merge day", those repositories get merged so that: The `Beta` version becomes the `Release` version. The `Nightly` version comes the `Beta` version and the `Nightly` version gets a higher version number.
+As an example:
+* GeckoView Beta 70.0 (`mozilla-beta`) -> GeckoView Release 70.0 (`mozilla-release`)
+* GeckoView Nightly 71.0 (`mozilla-central`) -> GeckoView Beta 71.0 (`mozilla-beta`)
+* GeckoView Nightly 71.0 (`mozilla-central`) -> GeckoView Nightly 72.0 (`mozilla-central`)
+Since the *Android Components* project uses separate components for tracking the GeckoView release channels we need to perform the same changes in the *Android Components* repository by moving the code accordingly and updating the dependency versions.
+For example:
+* `browser-engine-gecko-beta` (using GeckoView Beta 70.0) -> `browser-engine-gecko-release` (using GeckoView Release 70.0)
+* `browser-engine-gecko-nightly` (using GeckoView Nightly 71.0) -> `browser-engine-gecko-beta` (using GeckoView Beta 71.0)
+* `browser-engine-gecko-nightly` -> Starts using GeckoView 72.0
+A new release happens roughly every 6 weeks. See the release calendar:
+## Process
+### Preparation
+Before starting the "Merge day" process make sure that all new major versions for all release channels of GeckoView (nightly, beta, release) are available on
+* Release:
+* Beta:
+* Nightly:
+### Beta -> Release
+First we delete the existing code of the `browser-engine-gecko` component and replace it with the code of the `browser-engine-gecko-beta` component:
+rm -rf components/browser/engine-gecko/src
+cp -R components/browser/engine-gecko-beta/src components/browser/engine-gecko/
+In addition to that we need to replace the metrics file:
+cp -R components/browser/engine-gecko-beta/metrics.yaml components/browser/engine-gecko
+After that we update `Gecko.kt` to use the latest GeckoView release version (used by `browser-engine-gecko`) from
+vi buildSrc/src/main/java/Gecko.kt
+Finally we build and test the component to see whether there are any issues.
+./gradlew browser-engine-gecko:test
+See the "Build failures" section if the build or tests fail.
+If the build and test passes then commit this change.
+Example commit message:
+`Issue #xxxx: (Merge day) browser-engine-gecko-beta (70) -> browser-engine-gecko (70)`
+### Nightly -> Beta
+Now we are removing the existing code of the `browser-engine-gecko-beta` component and replace it with the code of the `browser-engine-gecko-nightly` component:
+rm -rf components/browser/engine-gecko-beta/src
+cp -R components/browser/engine-gecko-nightly/src components/browser/engine-gecko-beta
+In addition to that we need to replace the metrics file:
+cp -R components/browser/engine-gecko-nightly/metrics.yaml components/browser/engine-gecko-beta
+After that we update `Gecko.kt` to use the latest GeckoView beta version (previously used by `browser-engine-gecko-nightly`) from
+vi buildSrc/src/main/java/Gecko.kt
+Finally we build and test the component to see whether there are any issues.
+./gradlew browser-engine-gecko-beta:test
+See the "Build failures" section if the build or tests fail.
+If the build and test passes then commit this change.
+Example commit message:
+`Issue #xxxx: (Merge day) browser-engine-gecko-nightly (71) -> browser-engine-gecko-beta (71)`
+### Nightly
+Finally we need to update the nightly component. For this component we do not need to copy any code and instead can update the version of the component immediately from
+vi buildSrc/src/main/java/Gecko.kt
+Again we are building and running the tests of the component:
+./gradlew browser-engine-gecko-nightly:test
+See the "Build failures" section if the build or tests fail.
+If the build and test passes then commit this change.
+Example commit message:
+`Issue #xxxx: (Merge day) browser-engine-gecko-nightly -> 72.`
+### Changelog
+Finally add an entry to the changelog:
+* **browser-engine-gecko**, **browser-engine-gecko-beta**, **browser-engine-gecko-nightly**
+ * **Merge day!**
+ * `browser-engine-gecko-release`: GeckoView 70.0
+ * `browser-engine-gecko-beta`: GeckoView 71.0
+ * `browser-engine-gecko-nightly`: GeckoView 72.0
+### Build failures
+* ***Gradle***: A common reason for build failures is changes in the Gradle configuration or the list of dependencies. Since we do not copy `build.gradle` (because it contains channel specific configuration) we need to manually compare the files to see if there's something to change.
+* ***Breaking API changes***: Especially when updating the Nightly component it can happen that there are breaking API changes that landed in GeckoView just right after the new version was started. So the first time we see them is after merge day when updating the major version of the dependency. In this case we need to fix those breaking changes manually like other breaking changes that happen in "normal" development phases.
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+layout: page
+title: Release checklist
+permalink: /contributing/release-checklist
+These are instructions for preparing a release branch for Firefox Android and starting the next Nightly development cycle.
+## [Release Engineering / Release Management] Beta release branch creation & updates
+**This part is covered by the Release Engineering and Release Management teams. The dev team should not perform these steps.**
+1. Release Management emails the release-drivers list to begin merge day activities. For example, `Please merge mozilla-central to mozilla-beta, bump central to 123.` A message will also be sent to the #releaseduty Matrix channel.
+2. The Release Engineering engineer on duty (“relduty”) triggers the Taskcluster merge day hooks. The hooks automate the following tasks:
+ - Migrating tip of mozilla-central to mozilla-beta
+ - Updating version.txt on mozilla-central for the new Nightly version
+ - Updating version.txt on mozilla-beta to change the version string from `[beta_version].0a1` to `[beta_version].0b1`
+3. When the merge day tasks are completed, relduty will respond to the release-drivers thread and #releaseduty channel that merges are completed. This also serves as notification to the dev team that they can start the new Nightly development cycle per the steps given in the next section ⬇️
+4. In [ApplicationServices.kt](
+ - Set `VERSION` to `[major-version].0`
+ - Set `CHANNEL` to `ApplicationServicesChannel.RELEASE`
+ ```diff
+ --- a/mobile/android/android-components/plugins/dependencies/src/main/java/ApplicationServices.kt
+ +++ b/mobile/android/android-components/plugins/dependencies/src/main/java/ApplicationServices.kt
+ -val VERSION = "121.20231118050255"
+ -val CHANNEL = ApplicationServicesChannel.NIGHTLY
+ +val VERSION = "121.0"
+ +val CHANNEL = ApplicationServicesChannel.RELEASE
+ ```
+ - Create a commit named `Switch to Application Services Release`. (Note: application-services releases directly after the nightly cycle, there's no beta cycle).
+5. Once all of the above commits have landed, create a new `Firefox Android (Android-Components, Fenix, Focus)` release in [Ship-It]( and continue with the release checklist per normal practice.
+## [Dev team] Starting the next Nightly development cycle
+**Please handle this part once Release Management gives you the go.**
+Now that we made the Beta cut, we can remove all the unused strings marked moz:removedIn <= `[release_version subtract 1]`. `[release_version]` should follow the Firefox Release version. See [Firefox Release Calendar]( for the current Release version. We will also want to bump the Android Component's []( with the new Nightly development section.
+0. Wait for greenlight coming from Release Engineering (see #3 above).
+1. File a Bugzilla issue named "Start the Nightly `[nightly_version]` development cycle".
+2. Search and remove all strings marked `moz:removedIn="[release_version subtract 1]"` across Fenix, Focus and Android Components. Please avoid removing strings in the localized `strings.xml` and limit changes only to `values/strings.xml`.
+3. Add the next Nightly in development section in the [](
+ - Add a new `[nightly_version].0 (In Development)` section for the next Nightly version with the next commit and milestone numbers.
+ - Update the `[beta_version].0` section, update the links to `release_v[beta_version]` and specifying the correct commit ranges. This should equate to changing `/blob/main/` to `/blob/releases_v[beta_version]/`.
+ ```diff
+ diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/
+ index 9e95d0e2adc..d901ed38cdd 100644
+ --- a/docs/
+ +++ b/docs/
+ @@ -4,12 +4,18 @@ title: Changelog
+ permalink: /changelog/
+ ---
+ -# 114.0 (In Development)
+ -* [Commits](
+ +# 115.0 (In Development)
+ +* [Commits](
+ * [Dependencies](
+ * [Gecko](
+ * [Configuration](
+ +# 114.0
+ +* [Commits](
+ +* [Dependencies](
+ +* [Gecko](
+ +* [Configuration](
+ +
+ * * **browser-state**
+ * 🌟 Added `DownloadState`.`openInApp` to indicate whether or not the file associated with the download should be opened in a third party app after downloaded successfully, for more information see [bug 1829371]( and [bug 1829372](
+ ```
+4. Submit a patch for review and land.
+### [Dev Team] Renew telemetry
+After the Beta cut, another task is to remove all soon to expire telemetry probes. What we're looking for is to create a list of telemetry that will expire in `[nightly_version add 1]`. See [Firefox Release Calendar]( for the current Release version. There is a script that will help with finding these soon to expire telemetry.
+1. Use the helper in the mobile/android/fenix/tools folder `python3 [nightly_version add 1]` to detect and generate files that will help create the following files:
+ - `[nightly_version add 1]`_expiry_list.csv
+2. File an issue for removing expired telemetry to address the expired metrics. See [Bug 1881336]( for an example.
+3. Remove the expired metrics. See [example](
+### [Dev Team] Add SERP Telemetry json dump
+After the beta cut, another task is to add SERP telemetry json to the [search-telemetry-v2.json](
+The dump is to be fetched from the desktop telemetry dump located at [desktop-search-telemetry-v2.json](
+### Ask for Help
+- Issues related to releases `#releaseduty` on Element
+- Topics about CI (and the way we use Taskcluster) `#Firefox CI` on Element
+- Breakage in PRs due to Gradle issues or GV upgrade problems `#mobile-android-team` on Slack
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+layout: page
+title: Updating the tracking protecting lists process
+permalink: /contributing/update-tracking-protection-list
+## What is tracking protection?
+It is a feature that prevents trackers from collecting your personal information like your browsing habits and interests. In `GeckoEngine` it comes [built-in in Gecko(View)]( For the `SystemEngine` we have to [created our own implementation](,
+which relays on different lists that indicates what should be considered as a tracker or not.
+## The lists
+The following lists are kept outside of the Android Components repository in the [shavar-prod-lists]( repository.
+| AC | Shavar | Purpose |
+| [domain_blocklist.json][1] | [disconnect-blocklist.json][2] | This blocklist is the core of tracking protection in Firefox. [For more information][3]. |
+| [domain_safelist.json][4] | [disconnect-entitylist.json][5] | It is used to allow third-party subresources that are wholly owned by the same company that owns the top-level website that the user is visiting for more details. [For more information][6].|
+## Updating process
+For every FireFox release, a new branch gets created following the same pattern as [merge-day](,
+where `main` contains `nightly`'s lists, the higher branch number contains `Beta` and the higher branch number before contains `Stable`.
+That means that every [merge-day](, we need to update the [domain_blocklist.json][1] and [domain_safelist.json][4] files with their counterpart on [shavar-prod-lists](
+### Preparation
+1. Go to the [shavar-prod-lists]( repository
+2. Switch to the higher branch number (Beta).
+3. Copy the content of [disconnect-blocklist.json][2] -> [domain_blocklist.json][1]
+4. Run all the tests on `browser-engine-system` 🤞
+5. 🔴 `If` something fails proceed to verify what's causing the issue and address it.
+6. ✅ `Else` proceed to copy the content of [disconnect-entitylist.json][5] -> [domain_safelist.json][4]
+7. Run all the tests on `browser-engine-system` 🤞
+8. 🔴 `If` something fails proceed to verify what's causing the issue and address it.
+9. ✅ `Else` proceed to commit your changes using the guideline below.
+To keep track of every update, we include the [shavar-prod-lists]( commit hash as part of our commit message.
+This way we can know which version of the lists we have on AC.
+Closes #6163: Update tracking protection lists
+domain_blocklist.json maps to disconnect-blocklist.json
+commit(shavar-prod-lists) d5755856f4eeab4ce5e8fb7896600ed7768368e5
+domain_safelist.json maps to disconnect-entitylist.json
+commit(shavar-prod-lists) 01dcca911aa7787fd835a1a19cef1012296f4eb7
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+layout: page
+title: Versioning and release process
+permalink: /contributing/versioning
+The *Android components* project uses a similar [versioning and release process as Firefox]( (New major version releases at fixed intervals).
+## Major releases
+* Major releases happen at fixed intervals (currently on Tuesday every week)
+* Every release increments the major version (e.g. 1.0.0 -> 2.0.0 -> 3.0.0)
+* Major releases are tagged on and shipped from the `main` branch.
+## Point releases
+* Point releases happen on demand whenever an app project requires a new version but cannot update to the latest release version yet or whenever a new release version is not available yet.
+* Point releases are created from a release branch, created from a previously tagged release.
+* The minor or patch version is increased depending on whether the release introduces backported functionality or just fixes bugs (e.g. 1.0.0 -> 1.1.0 or 2.0.0 -> 2.0.1).
+## Rationale and alternatives
+#### Release cycle and stability
+The *Android components* project follows a rapid release cycle to get new functionality into the hands of consuming apps as soon as possible. For this reason the project does not have a long release stability phase (e.g. 1.0.0 -> 1.0.1 -> 1.0.2 -> 1.1.0 -> 1.1.1).
+App teams are encouraged to update to the latest release frequently. The *Android Components* team tries to minimize the amount of breaking API changes. Frequent updates minimize the amount of API changes when updating *Android Components*.
+#### Versioning
+All *Android Components* are released together using a unified version number. This makes it easy for the *Android Components* team to guarantee that this set of components is guaranteed and tested to work together.
+The downside of a shared version is the loss of [semantic versioning]( semantics on a per component level. It is entirely possible that a component is released using a new major version and there's not a single code change in this component in the new release. Instead the [changelog]( is the primary mechanism to communicate major and minor changes in a component.
+At this time individually semantically versioned components would introduce a too large maintenance overhead for the *Android Components* team (Individual releases, release manager/owner for every component, guaranteeing compatibility across many versions).
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+layout: page
+title: Contributing
+permalink: /contributing/
+We encourage you to participate in this open source project. We love pull requests, bug reports, ideas, (security) code reviews or any kind of positive contribution.
+Thank you for taking the time to contribute to one of Mozilla's Android projects!
+Before contributing, please review our [Community Participation Guidelines](
+## Docs
+* [Contributing to Mozilla Mobile's Android projects](
+* [Contributing code to Mozilla's Android projects](
+### Project
+* [Hosting Android code in the Android Components repository]({{ site.baseurl }}/contributing/hosting-android-code-in-repository)
+### Development
+* [Design Axioms]({{ site.baseurl }}/contributing/design-axioms)
+* [Architecture and Overview]({{ site.baseurl }}/contributing/architecture)
+* [Code coverage]({{ site.baseurl }}/contributing/code-coverage)
+* [Working on unreleased component code in an app]({{ site.baseurl }}/contributing/testing-components_inside_app)
+### Process
+* [Release checklist]({{ site.baseurl }}/contributing/release-checklist)
+* [Versioning and release process]({{ site.baseurl }}/contributing/versioning)
+* [Deprecating components and code]({{ site.baseurl }}/contributing/deprecating)
+* [Merge day process]({{ site.baseurl }}/contributing/merge-day)
+* [Updating the tracking protection lists process]({{ site.baseurl }}/contributing/update-tracking-protection-list)
+* [Updating to a newer Application Services]({{ site.baseurl }}/contributing/app-services-upgrades)
+### Accepted RFCs
+* [0001 - Introducing a lightweight RFC process]({{ site.baseurl }}/rfc/0001-rfc-process)
+* [0002 - Moving search state to BrowserState and introducing a SearchMiddleware]({{ site.baseurl }}/rfc/0002-search-state-in-browser-store)
+* [0003 - Adding a `concept-base` component]({{ site.baseurl }}/rfc/0003-concept-base-component)
+* [0004 - Introducing a Top Sites Feature]({{ site.baseurl }}/rfc/0004-top-sites-feature)
+* [0005 - Migrate feature-sitepermissions to be compatible with the new GeckoView permission API]({{ site.baseurl }}/rfc/0005-migrate-sitepermission-ac-store-geckoview-store)
+* [0006 - Determining the set of default search engines]({{ site.baseurl }}/rfc/0006-search-defaults)
+* [0007 - Synchronizing the branching and versioning of Android Components with the Mozilla release trains]({{ site.baseurl }}/rfc/0007-synchronized-releases)
+* [0008 - Adding tab partitions (groups) to BrowserState]({{ site.baseurl }}/rfc/0008-tab-groups)
+* [0012 - Introduce a Store for UI components]({{ site.baseurl }}/rfc/0012-introduce-ui-store)
+### Presentations
+* [GeckoView and Android components (June 2018)]( **[Mozilla internal only]**
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+layout: page
+# Overview
+**Mozilla Android Components** is a collection of independent, reusable Android library components to make it easier to build browsers and browser-like applications.
+# Motivation
+* 🚀 **Accelerate development**: Our components are customizable building blocks that are individually adoptable but built to work together.
+* 📉 **Reduce maintenance overhead**: Building a browser is a complex task. With the use of our components you get a solid foundation to build on top of.
+# Updates
+<div class="blog-index">
+{% for post in site.posts limit:5 %}
+ {% assign post = post %}
+ {% assign content = post.content %}
+ {% include post_detail.html %}
+{% endfor %}
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+layout: page
+title: your title
+permalink: /docs/rfcs/file-name
+* RFC PR: [PR #](
+* Start date: YYYY-MM-DD (Day of proposal posting.)
+* End date: YYYY-MM-DD (Last day for general feedback. However, the proposal can be merged immediately after all stakeholders approve.)
+* Stakeholders: github-username, github-username
+## Summary
+This section should include a brief description of the proposal.
+## Motivation
+This section should include reasoning about why the proposal is useful. Examples, specific scenarios,
+open bugs, records of performance metrics, and other empirical data are beneficial to include here if available.
+## Guide-level explanation
+This section should include a high-level walkthrough of the steps required to implement the proposal.
+## Reference-level explanation (optional)
+This section should include a detailed walkthrough of technical steps or code changes that
+will be required to implement the proposal. Code samples and prototypes are beneficial to include here.
+## Drawbacks (optional)
+This section should include any drawbacks to the proposal.
+## Rationale and alternatives
+This section should include any alternative proposals considered, as well as the rationale for why
+they were not selected for the proposal.
+## Resources and Docs (optional)
+- Any (internal or external) similar proposals or other documentation that shares concepts with the proposal.
+- Links to artifacts generated as part of the proposal, such as additional documentation or follow-up bugs.
+## Unresolved questions
+Questions from the proposal author or from reviewers that are not yet resolved.
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+layout: page
+title: RFC process
+permalink: /rfc/0001-rfc-process
+* Start date: 2020-07-07
+* RFC PR: [#7651](
+## Summary
+Introducing a lightweight RFC ("request for comments") process for proposing and discussing "substantial" changes and for building consensus.
+## Motivation
+The existing workflow of opening and reviewing pull requests is fully sufficient for many smaller changes.
+For substantially larger changes (functionality, behavior, architecture), an RFC process prior to writing any code may help with:
+* Publicly discussing a change proposal with other maintainers and consumers of components.
+* Gathering and integrating feedback into a proposal.
+* Documenting why specific changes and decisions were made.
+* Building consensus among the team before potentially writing a lot of code.
+A change is substantial if it
+* affects multiple components;
+* affects how components interact through either their public or internal APIs;
+* fundamentally changes how a component is implemented, how it manages state or reacts to changes, in a way that isn't self-explanatory or a direct result of a bug fix.
+## Guide-level explanation
+The high-level process of creating an RFC is:
+* Create an RFC document (like this one) using the template.
+* Open a pull request for the RFC document.
+* Ask for feedback on the pull request, via the [mailing list]() or in [chat](
+During the lifetime of an RFC:
+* Discussion happens asynchronously on the pull request. Anyone is allowed to engage in this discussion.
+* Build consensus and integrate feedback.
+After the discussion phase has concluded:
+* If a consensus has been reached, then the RFC is considered "accepted" and gets merged into the repository for documentation purposes.
+* If a consensus has not been reached, then the RFC is considered "rejected" and the pull request gets closed. The rejected RFC proposal may get revived should the requirements change in the future.
+Once the RFC is accepted, then authors may implement it and submit the feature as a pull request.
+## Drawbacks
+* Writing an RFC is an additional overhead and may feel slower or cumbersome. The assumption is that the advantages still outnumber this drawback. In the hopes of better fitting the needs of the team at this time, this RFC process is simplified and deigned to be lightweight compared to other existing projects.
+## Rationale and alternatives
+Discussions about changes have been present without this process - mostly happening in more real-time means of communication such as Zoom, Slack or Riot. BThis resulted in forced synchronicity and closed platforms for those interested yet not involved parties. A slower RFC process allows more people to participate, avoids "secrets" and documents the discussion publicly.
+## Prior art
+Many other open-source projects are using an RFC process. Some examples are:
+* [Rust RFCs - Active RFC List](
+* [Bors: About the Draft RFCs category](
+* [seL4: The RFC Process](
+* [The TensorFlow RFC process](
+## Unresolved questions
+* Is this process lightweight enough that it will be used?
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+layout: page
+title: Replacing `browser-search` component with state in `browser-store`
+permalink: /rfc/0002-search-state-in-browser-store
+* Start date: 2020-07-07
+* RFC PR: [#7655](
+## Summary
+Moving all search related state to `BrowserState` and replacing `SearchEngineManager` with a `BrowserStore` middleware that deals with saving and loading state; better satisfying the requirements of [Fenix]( and [Focus](
+## Motivation
+The integration of `browser-search` into [Fenix]( and [Firefox for Fire TV]( showed that the current API is not enough to satisfy all use cases. Some examples include:
+* Fenix supports custom search engines. This can only be achieved with `browser-search` by passing a custom `SearchEngineProvider` to `SearchEngineManager`. Everything else is left to the app.
+* `SearchEngineManager` initially only provided synchronous methods for accessing search engines. Later asynchronous methods were added. The result is a hard to understand mix that can cause blocking I/O to happen on the wrong threads.
+* The `browser-search` component does not follow our abstraction model of implementing a `concept-search` component. This makes it impossible to switch or customize implementations.
+* The wrapper code in Fenix makes it hard to argue about the state that is split over two implementations. In addition to that it makes it hard to add functionality to `SearchEngineManager` since it is not used directly.
+* Nowadays Android Components bundles all state in `BrowserState` observable through `BrowserStore` (provided by `browser-state`). On the application side we are using an UI-scoped `Store` (provided by `lib-store`). `SearchEngineManager` creates a secondary source of truth just for search and circumvents this architecture pattern.
+* In "Firefox for Fire TV" and "Firefox for Echo Show" we needed to override the default search configuration, adding and replacing loaded search engines. This turned out to be quite complicated and required wrapping multiple classes that deal with loading the search configuration and engines.
+## Guide-level explanation
+Instead of making `SearchEngine` instances accessible through `SearchEngineManager` via a `browser-search` component, we want to make `SearchEngine(State)` available in `BrowserState`. A middleware on the `BrowserStore` will transparently take care of loading `SearchEngine` instances. Whenever the app dispatches an action to change the list of search engines (e.g. adding a custom search engine) then the middleware will take care of saving the new state to disk.
+This will allow the app to use the already proven pattern of observing a store to update UI and makes it easy to mix search state with other state without having to query multiple sources. In addition to that the app no longer needs to take care of the storage and fallbacks (e.g. slow MLS query) since that can be handled completely by the middleware.
+Using the `BrowserStore` for state will make the app use asynchronous patterns to observe the state and with that avoid blocking the main thread, as well as force the app to deal with the initial state of having no (default) `SearchEngine` yet.
+Since the state will move to `browser-state`, additional functionality (querying suggestions, storage, middleware) can move to `feature-search`. This will make `browser-search` obsolete. With that introducing a `concept-search` is not required. An app can use a custom implementation by replacing the middleware, storage or handling search state completely differently.
+## Reference-level explanation
+The new implementation will use `browser-state` to model all search state.
+Functionality on top of the state (querying suggestions, storage, middleware) will live in `feature-search`. With that `browser-search` will no longer be needed and can be removed after following the [deprecation process](
+### State
+`BrowserState` will get a new `search` property with `SearchState` type that lives in `browser-state`:
+data class BrowserState(
+ // ...
+ val search: SearchState
+ * Value type that represents the state of available search engines.
+ *
+ * @property searchEngines List of loaded search engines.
+ * @property defaultSearchEngineId ID of the default search engine.
+ */
+data class SearchState(
+ val searchEngines: List<SearchEngine>,
+ val defaultSearchEngineId: String
+`SearchState` will contain all `SearchEngine`s (bundled and custom). Additional extension methods will make it easier to select specific subsets or the default `SearchEngine`.
+`SearchEngine` will be turned into a data class and moved to `browser-store`. A `type` property will make custom and provided default search engines distinguishable. Other methods like `buildSearchUrl()` will be implemented as extension methods.
+### Storage
+There will be two storage classes:
+* `SearchEngineStorage`: A persistent storage for `SearchEngine`s. The primary use case is for persisting custom search engines added by users.
+* `SearchEngineDefaults`: A provider of a list of default search engines (for the user's region) based on `list.json` and the search plugins currently included in `browser-search`.
+Those storage classes will have visibility `internal` and will not be used by the app directly.
+All storage access methods will be suspending functions to avoid thread-blocking access:
+internal class SearchEngineStorage {
+ suspend fun getSearchEngines() = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
+ // ...
+ }
+### Middleware
+A `SearchMiddleware` that will be installed on `BrowserStore` will be responsible for:
+* Loading the initial set of search engines (from the two storages above) and adding them to `BrowserState` by dispatching actions on `BrowserStore`.
+* Persisting state changes it observes in the specific storage:
+ * Adding search engines
+ * Removing search engines
+ * Changing the default search engine
+* Updating search engines at runtime (e.g. region or locale change)
+Fallback behavior (e.g. region cannot be determined) will be handled by the middleware.
+## Drawbacks
+* Reimplementing the functionality of `browser-search` will be a project that will take time. Refactoring consuming apps to read the state from `BrowserStore` will take additional time. From the `browser-session` to `browser-state` migration we know that this process can take a long time. Although the scope of `browser-search` is much smaller.
+## Rationale and alternatives
+* Initially we tried extending the API of `SearchEngineManager` to add additional asynchronous access methods. But this made the API more complicated and did not solve some of the problems of the API itself. In addition to that keeping the old API functional stopped us from fundamentally refactoring some internals.
+* We considered directly upstreaming functionality from Fenix to Android Components. While technically possible, this would only improve maintainability but not address some of the API flaws that using the component in Fenix uncovered.
+* We considered creating a new `SearchEngineManager` implementation with an asynchronous API (e.g. `Flow`). But this would still create a second source of truth in addition to `BrowserStore` and will make it complicated to observe and mix state from both sources.
+## Prior art
+We have implemented similar functionality a lot of times:
+* [SearchEngineManager in Fennec](
+* [SearchEngineManager in Android Components](
+* Focus had its own implementation of `SearchEngineManager` too, but was migrated to use `browser-search` already.
+* [FenixSearchEngineProvider]( in Fenix
+* [SearchService]( in Firefox (desktop)
+* [SearchEngines.swift]( in Firefox for iOS
+## Unresolved questions
+* Do the proposed interfaces satisfy the requirements of current consumers of `browser-search`?
+ * [Firefox Preview (Fenix)](
+ * [Firefox Focus/Klar](
+ * [Firefox Reality](
+ * [Firefox for Fire TV](
+ * [Firefox for Echo Show](
+* Some of the naming (e.g. `SearchEngineDefaults`) is not great yet. But that may be unrelated to the proposed change.
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+layout: page
+title: Adding a `concept-base` component
+permalink: /rfc/0003-concept-base-component
+* Start date: 2020-07-20
+* RFC PR: [#7776](
+## Summary
+Adding a `concept-base` component for basic interfaces needed by multiple components.
+## Motivation
+We already have a `support-base` component that contains basic building blocks, like a logger, that other components may need. Some of those building blocks are interfaces, like `CrashReporting` that are implemented by other components (e.g. `lib-crash`). This works well in most cases, but becomes problematic once a `concept` component requires such an interface. Having a `concept` component depend on actual code with `support-base` is breaking our contract of concepts only depending on other concepts.
+* In [#7689]( I want to introduce a `Profiler` interface that allows other components to add profiler markers. The Firefox profiler provides this functionality in our `browser-engine-gecko*` components (exposed by `concept-engine`). If this interface lives in `support-base` then `concept-engine` would need to depend on `support-base`.
+* In [#7775]( I want to introduce an interface that allows components to make leaks detectable.
+## Reference-level explanation
+We introduce a `concept-base` component that contains those "basic" interfaces. Other components and concepts can depend on this component. This component will be the home for the `Profiler` interface ([#7689]( and leak detection interface ([#7775](
+In addition to that we can move interface-only pieces from `support-base` to `concept-base`: `CrashReporting`, `MemoryConsumer`.
+## Drawbacks
+* This introduces another base component that most other components will depend on. Since it only contains interfaces the impact of that will be low though.
+## Rationale and alternatives
+* Alternatively we could create distinct `concept` components for every interface theme. This would end up with a very fine-grained list of components that mostly may contain only a single interface. This would also break with the idea that a concept describes a component that will have an actual implementation component (e.g. `concept-toolbar` -> `browser-toolbar`). Interfaces like `MemoryConsumer` are not describing a full component, but instead just one unified aspect of it.
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+layout: page
+title: Introduce a Top Sites Feature
+permalink: /rfc/0004-top-sites-feature
+* Start date: 2020-07-30
+* RFC PR: [#7931](
+## Summary
+Create a TopSitesFeature that abstracts out the co-ordination between the multiple data storages.
+## Motivation
+A large part of the top sites implementation is spread across A-C and Fenix. There is a lot of co-ordination between the History API and the current Top Sites API to manage the final state of what sites should be displayed that can exist as a single implementation.
+## Guide-level explanation
+To begin, we should rename the `TopSitesStorage` to `PinnedSitesStorage` and create a `TopSitesFeature` that would orchestrate the different storages and present them to the app.
+We can then follow the architecture of existing features by using the presenter/interactor/view model, and introduce a `TopSitesStorage` which abstract out the complexity of the multiple data sources from `PinnedSitesStorage` and `PlacesHistoryStorage`.
+To allow the ability for adding a top site from different parts of the app (e.g. context menus), we introduce the `PinnedSitesUseCases` that acts on the storage directly. If the `TopSitesFeature` is started, it will then be notified by the `Observer` to update the UI.
+ * Implemented by the application for displaying onto the UI.
+ */
+interface TopSitesView {
+ /**
+ * Update the UI.
+ */
+ fun displaySites(sites: List<TopSite>)
+ interface Listener {
+ /**
+ * Invoked by the UI for us to add to our storage.
+ */
+ fun onAddTopSite(topSite: TopSite)
+ /**
+ * Invoked by the UI for us to remove from our storage.
+ */
+ fun onRemoveTopSite(topSite: TopSite)
+ }
+ * Abstraction layer above the multiple storages.
+ */
+interface TopSitesStorage {
+ /**
+ * Return a unified list of top sites based on the given number of sites desired.
+ * If `includeFrecent` is true, fill in any missing top sites with frecent top site results.
+ */
+ suspend fun getTopSites(totalNumberOfSites: Int, includeFrecent: Boolean): List<TopSite>
+ interface Observer {
+ /**
+ * Invoked when changes are made to the storage.
+ */
+ fun onStorageUpdated()
+ }
+// Already exists in browser-storage-sync.
+interface PlacesHistoryStorage {
+ fun getTopFrecentSites(num: Int)
+class DefaultTopSitesStorage(
+ val pinnedSitesStorage: PinnedSitesStorage,
+ val historyStorage: PlacesHistoryStorage
+) : TopSitesStorage {
+ /**
+ * Merge data sources here, return a single list of top sites.
+ */
+ override suspend fun getTopSites(totalNumberOfSites: Int, includeFrecent: Boolean): List<TopSite>
+ * Use cases can be used for adding a pinned site from different places like a context menu.
+ */
+class PinnedSitesUseCases(pinnedSitesStorage: PinnedSitesStorage) {
+ val addPinnedSites: AddPinnedSiteUseCase
+ val removePinnedSites: RemovePinnedSiteUseCase
+ * View-bound feature that updates the UI when changes are made.
+ */
+class TopSitesFeature(
+ val storage: TopSitesStorage,
+ val presenter: TopSitesPresenter,
+ val view: TopSitesView,
+ val defaultSites: () -> List<TopSites>
+) : LifecycleAwareFeature {
+ override fun start()
+ override fun stop()
+## Drawbacks
+* `TopSitesStorage` always pulls sites from a persistent storage (Room). This could cause an excessive amount of reads from disk - this is drawback that exists in today's implementation as well. Places has an in-memory cache that should not be affected by this.
+## Rationale and alternatives
+- This will remove our dependency on `LiveData` in Fenix by updating the `TopSitesView` when we have the top sites available to display; see [#7459](
+- We can reduce the multiple implementations of the TopSitesFeature by introducing it into Android Components.
+## Prior art
+* Fenix abstraction of Top Sites: [TopSiteStorage.kt](
+* The RFC structure can be see in other components such as, [FindInPageFeature]( & [SyncedTabsFeature](
+## Unresolved questions
+* When the user removes a top site from the UI that comes from `TopSitesStorage`, we remove it from the storage. When a top site comes from frecent, what do we do? Should we be removing the frecent result?
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+layout: page
+title: Migrate feature-sitepermissions to be compatible with the new GeckoView permission API.
+permalink: /rfc/0005-migrate-sitepermission-ac-store-geckoview-store
+* Start date: 2020-07-26
+* RFC PR: [#7855](
+## Summary
+Migrate our generic [SitePermissionsStorage]( to be compatible with the new [GeckoView permissions API](
+## Motivation
+We are currently storing all site permissions on disk in AC (both GeckoView and WebView). [With the new GeckoView API](, GeckoView is now going to store all the permissions on their end instead of storing it ourselves. They will expose APIs for managing permissions(query, add, delete, and update).
+That put us in a situation where we have to migrate the existing user data to the new [GeckoView APIs](
+## Reference-level explanation
+#### Doing a one-shot migration.
+We decide on the timing (i.e. app startup) to do a background operation to transfer all the data to GeckoView in a one-shot. Until this operation is not finished, all the site permissions operations will be put on hold until the migration is over.
+We transform [SitePermissionsStorage]( into an interface, with which we can have two distinctive implementations - one for GeckoView and the other for other engines. Inside the GeckoView implementation, we can have a preference that indicates if the migration is over or not. When the `SitePermissionsFeature.start()` gets called, we start the migration by guarding all the operations(read/write) on GeckoViewStorage and holding its response until the
+migration is over.
+To mark when the migration will be over, we can define a time frame and after that we can remove the code for the migration.
+## Drawbacks
+We are going to do a fast migration but depending on how much data the user has, it could impact the user's experience, as users could load a page that requires permissions and this functionality will no be active until we finish the migration.
+## Rationale and alternatives
+**Re-prompt**, we could start from the scratch and ask again users to grant permissions to sites. One drawback is users will lost their previous data.
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+layout: page
+title: Determining the set of default search engines
+permalink: /rfc/0006-search-defaults
+* Start date: 2020-09-D8
+* RFC PR: [#8437](
+## Summary
+Determining the set of default search engines based on the user's home region.
+## Motivation
+Our configuration of default search engines ([list.json]( is based on the region and language or locale of the user.
+To provide our users with the best choice of search engines and to satisfy the needs of our partnerships, we want to determine (and recognize changes of) the user's region as accurately as possible.
+The scope of this document is limited to the resolving and caching of the user's region and using it to determine the default search engines.
+### Problems and constraints
+* **Fast**: A search engine needs to be available on application start. The search engine icon is used in the application UI and once the user starts typing we need to be able to provide search suggestions and ultimately perform the search.
+* **Accurate**: While the locale can be queried from the system, the actual region can be obscured or just harder to determine accurately.
+* **Change**: So far, on mobile, we have been doing only a single region lookup. In reality the region of a user can change over time. Especially when the initial installation happened outside of the "home region" of the user then this user remained in the "wrong" region until the app was reinstalled.
+* **Privacy**: Not all sources can be accessed at any time. While GPS may be the most accurate source for the user's region, it also requires a runtime permission, that we wouldn't want to ask for on the first app launch.
+## Guide-level explanation
+### Determining the region
+While there are many available sources for determining the region of the user, we will focus on using the Mozilla Location Service (MLS) as the primary source for now. MLS can determine the region of the user by doing a GeoIP lookup. Additionally it supports determining the location based on Bluetooth, cell tower and WiFI access point data. However so far on mobile we have only been using the GeoIP lookup and have not sent any data to MLS.
+### Fallback
+Other than previously in Fenix we are **not** using the locale as a fallback provider for the region. Instead we will fallback to use the default from the configuration (e.g. `default` in `list.json`).
+### Validation
+The region returned by MLS may be skewed obscured by proxies, VPNs or inaccuracies in the geo IP databases. To accommodate for this, we want to perform additional validation to verify if the provided region is plausible.
+The first _validator_ that we want to ship uses the timezone of the user. Similar to the implementation in the desktop version of Firefox ([[1]](, [[2]]( users with a `US` region and not a `US` timezone will not get `US` assigned as _current_ or _home_ region.
+### Home region and updates
+We will use a similar mechanism to track and update the home region of a user as the desktop version of Firefox does.
+We will determine between a _home_ region and the _current_ region. Eventually the _current_ region may become the _home_ region of the user. Only the _home_ region will be used for determining the default search engines.
+* On the very first app launch we will determine the _current_ region of the user and set it as _home_ region. Until we get a valid response from MLS a user may be on the default search configuration. Since the application usually shows onboarding screens on the first launch, this delay may not be visible to the user.
+* On the next app starts we will automatically use the _home_ region. This region is immediately available to the application. Additionally we will query the different providers in the background.
+ * If the result matches the _home_ region then no further action is needed.
+ * If the result different than the _current_ region then we save the new value as the _current_ region along with the current timestamp.
+ * If the result matches the _current_ region and the timestamp of the _current_ region is older than 2 weeks (meaning the _current_ region has not changed in two weeks) then we set the result as the new _home_ region.
+With a new _home_ region the user may get a different set of default search engines.
+The default search engine of the user will be determined by:
+* If the user has not made an active choice: We use the `default` in the configuration (`list.json`) for the _home_ region of the user. When the _home_ region of the uer changes then the default search engine may change too.
+* If the user has made an active choice (setting a default in the application's setting) then this search engine will remain the user's default search engine - even if this search engine is not in the list of search engines of the (new) _home_ region of the user.
+### Tests
+Like for our other components, we want to have a high test coverage for this critical implementation. For the search engine defaults we want to cover some partnership requirements as unit tests to avoid regressions in the affected areas.
+## Reference-level explanation
+### Region
+We will introduce a new (internal) `RegionManager` class that will take care of tracking and updating the _current_ and _home_ region of the user. A `RegionMiddleware` will listen to the `InitAction` of the `BrowserStore` and dispatch an action to add a `RegionState` to the `BrowserState`, as well as asking the `RegionManager` to check whether a region change has happened (by internally querying MLS).
+The new `SearchMiddleware` (see [RFC 2 about the new search architecture]( will listen to the `RegionState` update, load the matching default search engines using the search storage, and dispatch an action updating the `SearchState`.
+## Rationale and alternatives
+* An earlier draft of this RFC described using multiple region sources (GNSS, Network and SIM country, Google Play Services) and weighting them. This requires collecting more real world data about the accuracy of those sources and how they drift from what MLS determines, before shipping an implementation and therefore this idea was discarded here. It may be the topic for a separate, future RFC.
+## Prior art
+* [Timezone check in Firefox desktop](
+* [Update interval in Firefox desktop](
+* [RFC about moving state to new AC component](
+* [Fuzzy location provider idea](
+* [SearchEngineManager in Fennec](
+* Current [SearchEngineManager in Android Components](
+* [FenixSearchEngineProvider]( in Fenix
+* [SearchService]( in Firefox (desktop)
+* [SearchEngines.swift]( in Firefox for iOS
+## Unresolved questions
+* What kind of telemetry could or should we collect? What data would help us tweak this? How can we confirm accuracy?
+* Is the 2 weeks period before switching the _home_ region, that we borrowed from desktop, acceptable for mobile too?
+* Would it help to expose the _current_ and _home_ region in Fenix in a debug screen or in the "about" screen?
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+layout: page
+title: Synchronizing the branching and versioning of Android Components with the Mozilla release trains
+permalink: /rfc/0007-synchronized-releases
+* Start date: 2021-03-22
+* RFC PR: [#9973](
+## Summary
+Synchronizing the branching and versioning of Android Components with the Mozilla release trains (GeckoView) to simplify release processes and integration by:
+* Having just one component implementing `concept-engine` with GeckoView
+* Having the `main` branch track only GeckoView Nightly
+* Creating branches and releases tracking matching GeckoView releases (e.g. GeckoView 89.0 -> Android Components 89.0)
+## Motivation
+Initially we introduced three `concept-engine` implementations for GeckoView, one for each GeckoView release channel:
+* `browser-engine-gecko-nightly`
+* `browser-engine-gecko-beta`
+* `browser-engine-gecko`
+ This allowed us to release Android Components independently from GeckoView and consumers could use the latest AC release regardless of which GeckoView channel they wanted to use it with.
+This flexibility comes at a cost and makes our release process and maintenance more difficult ([complex merge day process in the AC repository](, multiple GeckoView components to maintain). For every new GeckoView release across all channels (nightly, beta, release) we want to ship a new release of Fenix (and with that Android Components). So there is already an implicit synchronization of releases, but it is manual and confusing. By making this dependency explicit through synchronized releases we can simplify our processes.
+## Explanation
+### One GeckoView component
+Instead of having three components using GeckoView (`browser-engine-gecko-nightly`, `browser-engine-gecko-beta`, `browser-engine-gecko`), we will have just one (`browser-engine-gecko`) and on `main` it will track the latest GeckoView Nightly from `mozilla-central`.
+### Releases
+Nightly releases of Android Components will come with the latest Nightly version of GeckoView.
+For every major version from the Mozilla repositories, we will have a major version release of Android Components. Those versions and releases will be synchronized across our whole stack: Fenix 89 will use Android Components 89, which will use GeckoView 89.
+### Branches
+On the Android Components side we will continue to have a `main` branch, which will track GeckoView Nightly and from which we will ship Android Components Nightly versions.
+For every GeckoView version we will have a matching Android Components release branch (e.g. `releases/89.0`), that we cut from `main` the day the GeckoView Nightly version becomes Beta. This branch will continue to track the matching GeckoView version from beta builds to release builds.
+### Merge day
+On merge day the current Nightly version of GeckoView will become the new Beta version. At this point we will cut a matching Android Components release branch, which will continue to track the GeckoView version, while `main` will move on to track the next Nightly version.
+Moving code between components will no longer be needed and the merge day procedure will be reduced to branching and versioning, which will be easier to automate.
+Example: On the day GeckoView 89 Nightly becomes GeckoView Beta 89, we will cut an Android Components 89 release branch which will track GeckoView Beta 89 (which will eventually become the release version of GeckoView 89). The `main` branch of Android Components will continue to track GeckoView Nightly 90.
+### Automation & Bots
+We can continue to bump GeckoView and Android Component versions with our bots. The aligned version numbers simplify the process and even allow us to automate releasing and branching too.
+* On `main` a bot will continue to update to the latest GeckoView Nightly version. With this change no other version bumps on `main` are needed.
+* On a release branch (e.g. `releases/89.0`) a bot can update to the latest matching GeckoView version. Over time the branch will be bumped from Beta (e.g. 89.0 Beta) to Release versions of GeckoView (e.g. 89.0 release).
+Additionally we could automate:
+* Whenever the GeckoView Nightly major version changes on merge day and a new GeckoView Beta is available, a bot could cut a matching Android Components release branch and switch to the GeckoView Beta version (e.g. when GeckoView Nightly 89 switches to Nightly 90 a bot could cut a `releases/89.0` branch, bump it to GeckoView Beta 89 and cut a release).
+### Localization
+The localization workflow will be very similar to the process in Fenix. We would do the following:
+* Frequently import strings to `main` through the `mozilla-l10n-bot`.
+* Sync strings from `main` to `releases_v89.0` while `89` is in _Beta_. We would do this up to the merge day.
+For the import to `main` no changes are needed. For the string sync between `main` and the _Beta branch_ we should be able to use the same code as we use for Fenix. (As of this writing, that code is in progress - having more similarity between Fenix and A-C would definitely simplify it.)
+### Fenix integration
+The integration into Fenix would look similar as today:
+* `master` tracks AC Nightly with that GeckoView Nightly
+* A release branch tracks the matching AC version. The aligned versions will avoid confusion (Fenix 89 release branch will use AC 89).
+Fenix would still have three different product flavors: Nightly, Beta, Release. Those would continue to exist for supporting different branding and build configurations. However, the GeckoView version (and release channel) used by Fenix can only be controlled through the Android Component versions i.e., Fenix using AC 89 would always use GeckoView 89 regardless of product flavor.
+In theory release branching (for code freeze and releases) could be automated on the Fenix side too with this change: For every major version bump (AC/GeckoView 89 -> 90) we could automatically cut the release branch and automate updating versions.
+### Example
+* `main` tracks GeckoView Nightly 89.0 (`browser-engine-gecko`)
+* We ship AC 89.x Nightly versions from `main` every day
+* On merge day:
+ * We cut a `releases/89.0` release branch, which will continue to track GeckoView 89, now as a Beta version.
+ * `main` continues with the next Nightly version (90.0)
+* On the `releases/89.0` branch:
+ * We update to the latest GeckoView 89.0 beta versions and eventually to GeckoView 89.0 release versions.
+ * We ship AC 89.0.x versions from the release branch. Initially those will come with Beta versions of GeckoView 89.0 and eventually release versions.
+## Drawbacks
+* _Slower releases_: The initial design of having one component per GeckoView channel allowed independent and fast releases of Android Components. Aligning with the release trains of Mozilla repositories at first seems to cause slower releases. However at this time we do not require faster releases and create them for specific GeckoView releases to be used for specific Fenix releases already. In addition to that we can still uplift and release patches to skip trains - similar to how it is done in Mozilla repositories. It may feel more painful to uplift more complex patches. But at the same time this may be a good mechanism for identifying risky patches that should *not* skip the trains.
+* _Versioning_: While we align on major versions, we will not be fully aligned at first. With the proposal above Android Components 89.0.0 will ship with a GeckoView 89 Beta version and eventually with a later patch version 89.0.x ship GeckoView 89.0 Release version. Right now we do not have any mechanism for marking an Android Components release as "Beta" version. This is something we could add in the future for dot releases. But since it is not required for *this* proposal, it is deliberately not covered here.
+## Rationale and alternatives
+* _Future Changes_: This simplified process will work nicely for our existing products (Fenix and Focus) and in theory should work for other apps too - especially if they have a dependency on GeckoView. However making the proposed changes does not prevent us from making changes in the future.
+## Prior art & resources
+* [Documentation: Current versioning and release process](
+* [Documentation: Current merge day process](
+* [Firefox/GeckoView release calendar](
+* [The Firefox/GeckoView release process](
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+layout: page
+title: Adding tab partitions and groups to BrowserState
+permalink: /rfc/0008-tab-groups
+* Start date: 2021-10-25
+* RFC PR: [#11172](
+## Summary
+Fenix has recently introduced automatic tab groups, as well as a new section for inactive tabs. Both concepts are essentially partitioning tabs for display purposes. This RFC describes a proposal to move these tab partitions and groups to our `BrowserState` so they are stored and managed in the same place as tabs.
+## Motivation
+Currently consumers of Android Components have to manage their own state for tab groups, which has the following disadvantages:
+* Redundant code needs to be written and maintained for managing any grouping of tabs.
+* As the tab groups are detached from the `BrowserState`, this code is also harder to write e.g., consuming applications have to take care of keeping the group state in sync with tab state in the `BrowserStore`.
+* Consuming applications need to persist tab groups and their state separately from the existing tab/session storage, and keep these storages in sync. Note that Fenix doesn't need to do this yet, as groups are inferred based on tab state that is already persisted as part of the Android Component storage, but it's easy to see future use cases where this will be required e.g., user-managed groups.
+* Functionality in Android Components can interfere with partitioning and grouping in applications. Android components currently have no knowledge of how the consuming application decides to group tabs, which leads to feature gaps and bugs that cannot be addressed (or only with suboptimal workarounds.) One example of this is the overlap between inactive tabs and the tab selection logic in our `BrowserState` reducer. Our reducer logic makes sure that there's always a selected tab, so when a tab is closed, another one will be selected. However, in Fenix, when the last active tab is closed, we don't want to select an inactive tab [1]. This is especially true as selecting an inactive tab will cause the `LastAccessMiddleware` in Android Components to update the `lastAccess` time of this tab, which will incorrectly mark it as active again. While a solution to this problem will always involve consuming code i.e., only the application really understands how grouping should work, it becomes much easier if Android Components has a concept of groups. A feature could then be configured not to apply to tabs in a specific group for instance.
+[1] [](
+## Guide-level explanation
+The proposal is to add a data structure to the existing `BrowserState` that is capable of representing generic tab groups and also allows for preventing undesired overlap of groups targeting independent features. Identifying groups by name isn't sufficient, as an application could use the same name for groups targeting different concepts e.g., an "inactive" group could be used for the inactive tab feature, but "inactive" could also be a search term group. The data structure and APIs we choose should make it hard to get this wrong and always require consuming applications to explicitly specify the "type" of group being targeted.
+To separate these different types of groups, and to prevent a group of groups concept, the proposal is to introduce the concept of a tab *partition*. A partition has a unique name and holds groups for a specific feature e.g., the current search term groups in Fenix would be contained in a partition named `AUTOMATIC_SEARCH_TERM_GROUPS` or similar, with the actual tab groups nested inside this partition grouped by search term.
+In addition to the data structure, we want to provide a set of actions to manipulate (create, update, delete) groups, and to add/remove tabs from groups. It should be easy to implement both automatic grouping mechanisms, as well as manual ones carried out by the user. These actions can be triggered by middlewares for automatic grouping and via `UseCases` when carried out by the user, matching our current architecture.
+## Reference-level explanation
+We will add tab partitions and groups to our browser state without affecting the existing data structures.
+### State
+`BrowserState` will get a new `tabPartitions` property typed as `Map<String, TabPartition>`, mapping the partition ID to a newly introduced type called `TabPartition`. Partitions are used to associate tab groups with a specific feature or use case:
+data class BrowserState(
+ val tabs: List<TabSessionState> = emptyList(), // Remains unchanged
+ val tabPartitions: Map<String, TabPartition> = emptyMap(), // Newly added
+ ..
+ * Value type representing a tab partition. Partitions can overlap i.e., a tab
+ * can be in multiple partitions at the same time.
+ *
+ * @property id The ID of a tab partition. This should uniquely identify
+ * the feature responsible for managing those groups.
+ * @property tabGroups The groups of tabs in this partition. A partition can
+ * have one or more groups, depending on use case. Empty partitions will be
+ * removed by the system.
+ */
+data class TabPartition(
+ val id: String,
+ val tabGroups: List<TabGroup>
+ * Value type representing a tab group.
+ *
+ * @property id The unique ID of this tab group, default to a generated UUID.
+ * @property name The name of this tab group for display purposes.
+ * @property persist Whether or not this tab group should be persisted, defaults to false.
+ * @property tabIds The IDs of all tabs in this group, defaults to empty list.
+ */
+data class TabGroup(
+ val id: String = UUID.randomUUID().toString(),
+ val name: String = "",
+ val persist: Boolean = false,
+ val tabIds: List<String> = emptyList()
+So, a `TabPartition` is used to relate tab groups to a specific feature, thereby structurally separating it from groups of other features. They are not disjoint i.e., we will allow overlapping partitions. As an example, a tab could be in an "inactive" group, but also retain a group association provided by the user. So if this tab was opened and became active again, it would rejoin its original group. A partition could have one or more groups e.g. for a feature like inactive tabs we could use a single `default` group holding just inactive tabs, or two groups for `active` and `inactive` tabs. This ultimately depends on the use case and how the groups are supposed to be displayed.
+A `TabGroup` contains a list of tabs. We only store the tab IDs, not for performance reasons, but because most of our `TabActions`s are based on IDs and this makes it much easier to use, compared to having to look up the `TabSessionState` every time. We will provide extension functions on `TabGroup` to accept and return `TabSessionState` objects so that consumers can easily look up (or add/remove) the actual tab objects in the group. Note that we're using a `List` (as opposed to a `Set`) to support custom ordering (see [Future Work](#future-work)). A `TabGroup` further has a unique ID and name for display purposes. The `persist` flag can be used to configure whether or not a group should be persisted and restored after an app restart.
+We will also provide extension functions to look up tab groups by name or ID via its partition:
+ * Returns the first tab group matching the provided [name]. Note that we allow
+ * multiple groups with the same name in a partition but disambiguation needs
+ * to be handled on a feature level.
+ */
+fun TabPartition.getGroupByName(name: String) = this.tabGroups.first {
+, ignoreCase = true)
+ * Returns the tab groups for the provided [id].
+ */
+fun TabPartition.getGroupById(id: String) = this.tabGroups.first {
+ == id
+Here's an example state for illustration purposes. There will be no need to ever write it out this way, except maybe in unit tests:
+ tabPartitions = mapOf(
+ tabGroups = listOf(
+ TabGroup(
+ name = "running shoes",
+ tabIds = listOf(...)
+ ),
+ TabGroup(
+ name = "toronto population",
+ tabIds = listOf(...)
+ )
+ )
+ ),
+ INACTIVE_TABS to TabPartition(
+ tabGroups = listOf(
+ TabGroup(
+ name = "default",
+ tabIds = listOf(...)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+### Actions
+We will add the following actions to manage partitions and groups. This isn't necessarily a complete list but should illustrate the idea:
+ * [BrowserAction] implementations related to updating tab partitions and groups inside [BrowserState].
+ */
+sealed class TabGroupAction : BrowserAction() {
+ /**
+ * Adds a new group to [BrowserState.tabPartitions]. If the corresponding partition
+ * doesn't exist it will be created.
+ *
+ * @property partition the ID of the partition the group belongs to.
+ * @property group the [TabGroup] to add.
+ */
+ data class AddTabGroupAction(
+ val partition: String,
+ val group: TabGroup
+ ) : TabGroupAction()
+ /**
+ * Removes a group from [BrowserState.tabPartitions]. Note that empty partitions
+ * will be removed.
+ *
+ * @property partition the ID of the partition the group belongs to.
+ * @property group the ID of the group to remove.
+ */
+ data class RemoveTabGroupAction(
+ val partition: String,
+ val group: String
+ ) : TabGroupAction()
+ /**
+ * Adds the provided tab to a group in [BrowserState].
+ *
+ * @property partition the ID of the partition the group belongs to. If the corresponding
+ * partition doesn't exist it will be created.
+ * @property group the ID of the group.
+ * @property tabId the ID of the tab to add to the group.
+ */
+ data class AddTabAction(
+ val partition: String,
+ val group: String,
+ val tabId: String,
+ ) : TabGroupAction()
+ /**
+ * Adds the provided tabs to a group in [BrowserState].
+ *
+ * @property partition the ID of the partition the group belongs to. If the corresponding
+ * partition doesn't exist it will be created.
+ * @property group the ID of the group.
+ * @property tabIds the IDs of the tabs to add to the group.
+ */
+ data class AddTabsAction(
+ val partition: String,
+ val group: String,
+ val tabIds: List<String>
+ ) : TabGroupAction()
+ /**
+ * Removes the provided tab from a group in [BrowserState].
+ *
+ * @property partition the ID of the partition the group belongs to. If the corresponding
+ * partition doesn't exist it will be created.
+ * @property group the ID of the group.
+ * @property tabId the ID of the tab to remove from the group.
+ */
+ data class RemoveTabAction(
+ val partition: String,
+ val group: String,
+ val tabId: String
+ ) : TabGroupAction()
+ /**
+ * Removes the provided tabs from a group in [BrowserState].
+ *
+ * @property partition the ID of the partition the group belongs to. If the corresponding
+ * partition doesn't exist it will be created.
+ * @property group the ID of the group.
+ * @property tabIds the IDs of the tabs to remove from the group.
+ */
+ data class RemoveTabsAction(
+ val partition: String,
+ val group: String,
+ val tabIds: List<String>
+ ) : TabGroupAction()
+The purpose of these actions is described in the KDocs above, but should not deviate from our current way of doing things. See next chapters for more details.
+### Automatic grouping with middlewares
+Middlewares can be used to implement automatic tab grouping functionality, as they can react to state changes in the system and dispatch the corresponding group actions. Here is an example of how automatic search term grouping could be implemented today using the actions described above:
+ * This [Middleware] manages tab groups for search terms.
+ */
+class SearchTermTabGroupMiddleware : Middleware<BrowserState, BrowserAction> {
+ override fun invoke(
+ context: MiddlewareContext<BrowserState, BrowserAction>,
+ next: (BrowserAction) -> Unit,
+ action: BrowserAction
+ ) {
+ when (action) {
+ is HistoryMetadataAction.SetHistoryMetadataKeyAction -> {
+ action.historyMetadataKey.searchTerm?.let { searchTerms ->
+ context.dispatch(TabGroupAction.AddTabAction(SEARCH_TERM_GROUPS, searchTerms, action.tabId))
+ }
+ }
+ is HistoryMetadataAction.DisbandSearchGroupAction -> {
+ val group = context.state.tabPartitions[SEARCH_TERM_GROUPS]?.getGroupByName(action.searchTerm)
+ group?.let {
+ context.dispatch(TabGroupAction.RemoveTabGroupAction(SEARCH_TERM_GROUPS,
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ next(action)
+ }
+This middleware automatically adds and removes tabs once they're associated/disassociated with search terms based on history metadata. `AUTOMATIC_SEARCH_TERM_GROUPS` is the ID of the partition, the search terms (e.g. "Toronto") are used as group names.
+Using middlewares provides all the flexibility we could need e.g., a middleware can put tabs in one or multiple groups, and generally is capable of observing all state changes in the system for grouping/ungrouping purposes.
+### Manual grouping with UseCases
+I am not adding a specific code example here, as this is following our existing architecture e.g., `TabsUseCases` dispatches a `TabListAction.RemoveTabAction(tabId)` when the `removeTab` use case is invoked. We would provide a set of similar use cases that in turn dispatch the corresponding actions described above. So, `TabGroupUseCases` would dispatch a `RemoveTabAction(partition, group, tabId)` when the corresponding `removeTab` use case is invoked. These `UseCases` can be used by multiple features to implement manual grouping mechanisms. This will also allow for implementing overlapping use cases between automatic and manual groups e.g., a tab could be automatically grouped, but moved to another group by the user.
+### Reducers
+We will need to introduce a new `Reducer` for the tab group actions outlined above. We will also need to either update our existing `TabListReducer` or handle `TabListAction`s in our new `TabGroupReducer`to make sure we disassociate tabs from their groups when they get deleted. Keeping this state in sync is not something we should let every single middleware or feature to deal with itself. It's relatively easy to handle this as part of our reducers.
+### Persistence
+We should also support persisting tab partitions and groups using our `BrowserStateWriter` and `BrowserStateReader`. We currently plan to make this configurable on a group level. For some groups it may make more sense to recreate them in memory as needed e.g., for search term groups we already store the required metadata as part of tabs so it would be easy to recreate the groups on startup without having to persist additional data. The same is true for inactive tabs.
+## Alternatives
+* We could consider flattening this data structure. So, instead of the nested Partition/Group structure, we could use a single `Map<GroupKey, List<String>>` where the `GroupKey` contains both the name of the group, as well as a `type` or `feature` identifier. This would make the actions somewhat easier, as we could remove the `partition` parameter, but it would also be easier to make mistakes. An application could more easily look up or provide the wrong group, and it feels a bit unorganized :).
+## Future Work
+* We have discussed separating private tabs into their own collection in `BrowserState`. This work could also be combined with the proposal here to have normal and private tab groups within a partition. Alternatively, we could also introduce new top level types for `PrivateTabs` and `NormalTabs` with the corresponding partitions nested inside. Then the data structure described here wouldn't need to change. This discussion and refactoring may be best done separately though.
+* We have recently introduced actions to move / re-order tabs [2]. Today these actions can not be used in combination with tab groups. The proposal here would allow for it though, as we could introduce versions of these actions that apply to partitions/groups.
+[2] [](
+## Questions
+* Is this design too simple? Does it cover all use cases we currently anticipate?
+ * We worked through this in this RFC and decided that this would cover our current use cases as far as we know. One case that is not covered with this is supporting an ordered but mixed display of tabs and groups. We have no way of positioning a group within a list of tabs and vice versa, but this is outside the scope of this RFC.
+* Do we need to implement persistence now or should we punt on this and handle in a later iteration?
+ * We decided to make persistence configurable on a group level. The actual implementation of this can land in multiple iterations as we currently don't need to persist groups.
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+layout: page
+title: Remove Interactors and Controllers
+permalink: /rfc/0009-remove-interactors-and-controllers
+* Start date: 2022-03-29
+* RFC PR: [1466](
+## Summary
+Now that Fenix has been fully migrated to rely on Android Component's `lib-state` library, Fenix's architecture can be further simplified by refactoring view components to directly use our Redux-like store, instead of going through various layers of `Interactor`s and `Controller`s.
+## Motivation
+The `Interactor/Controller` types, as a design pattern, have recently had their usefulness and clarity come into question in reviews and conversations with some regularity. `Interactor`s in particular seem to often be an unnecessary abstraction layer, usually containing methods that call similarly named methods in a `Controller` that share a similar name to the interactor calling them. Interactors that are used solely to delegate to other classes will be referred to as 'passthrough' interactors throughout this document.
+The [definition](../../fenix/docs/ of interactors in our architecture overview indicate that this is at least partially intentional: 'Called in response to a direct user action. Delegates to something else'. This is even referenced as a [limitation at the end of the overview](../../fenix/docs/
+Historically, the interactor/controller pattern evolved from a Presenter/Controller/View pattern that originated in Android Components. The underlying motivation of that pattern was to separate code presenting the state from the view (Presenters) and the code that updated the state from the view (Controllers).
+Generally, the interactor/controller pattern is also intended to move business logic out of classes tied to the Android framework and into classes that are more testable, reusable, composable, digestible, and which handle a single responsibility. More reading on architecture goals is available [in our Architecture Decisions](../../fenix/docs/
+These goals are all met reasonably well by the existing pattern, but it also contributes to unnecessary class explosion, general code complexity, and confusion about responsibility for each architectural type. This becomes especially true when wondering how responsibility should be split between interactors and controllers. It seems that interactors are often included as a matter of precedent and not to necessarily facilitate all the goals mentioned above, and this has lead to a large amount passthrough interactors.
+### Proposal goals
+1. Increase code comprehensibility
+2. Have clear delineation of responsibility between architectural components
+3. Retain ability to manage state outside of fragments/activities/etc
+4. Ability for proposal to be adopted incrementally
+### Further contextual reading
+An investigation was previously done to provide [further context]( on the current state of interactors. To summarize findings _in Fenix specifically_:
+1. 29/36 concrete `Interactor` classes are strict passthrough interactors or are passthrough interactors that additionally record metrics.
+2. Other interactors seem to have mixed responsibilities, including but not limited to:
+ - dispatching actions to `Store`s
+ - initiating navigation events
+ - delegating to `UseCase`s or directly to closures instead of `Controller`s.
+## Guide-level explanation
+The proposal is to remove interactors and controllers completely from the codebase. Their usages will be replaced with direct Store observations and direct action dispatches to those Stores. All state changes would be handled by reducers, and side-effects like telemetry or disk writes would be handled in middlewares.
+This would address all the goals listed above:
+1. Code comprehensibility should be improved by having a single architectural pattern. All business logic would be discoverable within `Reducer`s, and changes to `State` would be much more explicit.
+2. Responsibility would be clearly delineated as all business logic would be handled by `Reducer`s and all side-effects by `Middleware`, instead of being scattered between those components as well as `Interactor`s, `Controller`s, and various utility classes.
+3. `State` management would happen within `Reducer`s and would still accomplish the usual goals around testability.
+4. Refactoring interactors/controllers to instead dispatch actions and react to state changes should be doable on a per-component basis.
+Additionally, there are tons of prior art discussing the benefits of a unidirectional data flow, including the [Redux documentation](
+## Reference-level explanation
+Throughout the app are examples of chains of interactors and controllers which lead to a method that dispatches events to a Store anyway. Simplifying this mental model should allow faster code iteration and code navigation.
+For one example, here is the code path that happens when a user long-clicks a history item:
+// 1. in LibrarySiteItemView
+setOnClickListener {
+ val selected = holder.selectedItems
+ when {
+ selected.isEmpty() ->
+ item in selected -> interactor.deselect(item)
+ // "select" is the path we are following
+ else ->
+ }
+// 2. Clicking into `` will lead to SelectionInteractor<T>.
+// 3. Searching for implementers of that interface will lead us to another interface, `HistoryInteractor : SelectionInteractor<History>`
+// 4. DefaultHistoryInteractor implements HistoryInteractor
+override fun open(item: History) {
+ historyController.handleSelect(item)
+// 5. Clicking into `handleSelect` leads to `HistoryController`
+// 6. DefaultHistoryController implements `HistoryController::handleSelect`
+override fun handleSelect(item: History) {
+ if (store.state.mode === HistoryFragmentState.Mode.Syncing) {
+ return
+ }
+ store.dispatch(HistoryFragmentAction.AddItemForRemoval(item))
+// 7. reducer handles state update
+private fun historyStateReducer(
+ state: HistoryFragmentState,
+ action: HistoryFragmentAction,
+): HistoryFragmentState {
+ return when (action) {
+ is HistoryFragmentAction.AddItemForRemoval ->
+ state.copy(mode = HistoryFragmentState.Mode.Editing(state.mode.selectedItems + action.item))
+ ...
+ }
+Following this proposal, the above would change to something like:
+// 1. in LibrarySiteItemView
+setOnClickListener {
+ when {
+ selected.isEmpty() -> store.dispatch(HistoryFragmentAction.AddItemForRemoval(item))
+ ...
+ }
+// 2. reducer handles state
+private fun historyStateReducer(
+ state: HistoryFragmentState,
+ action: HistoryFragmentAction,
+): HistoryFragmentState {
+ return when (action) {
+ is HistoryFragmentAction.AddItemForRemoval(item) -> when (state.mode) {
+ HistoryFragmentState.Mode.Syncing -> state
+ else -> state.copy(
+ mode = HistoryFragmentState.Mode.Editing(state.mode.selectedItems + action.item)
+ )
+ }
+ ...
+ }
+This reduces the number of layers in the code path. Note also that business logic around whether to update based on Sync status is incorporated locally in the Reducer. In this example, the details of observing state from the store are complicated by the additional view hierarchies required by recycler views, so they have been omitted for brevity.
+### Reacting to changes: state observations and side-effects in XML
+Generally speaking, there are two opportunities to launch side-effects in a Redux pattern:
+1. Reacting to a user-initiated action
+2. Reacting to the result of a state change
+The first will be covered in more detail below and is handled by middleware, where side-effects are started in reaction to some dispatched action.
+The second requires a mechanism of observation for a Store's state, triggering some logic or work in response to state updates. On Android these observations are often started in the UI layer in order to tie them to lifecycle events. However, UI framework components like activities, fragments, and views are notoriously difficult to test and we want to avoid a situation where these classes become too large or complex.
+There are already some existing mechanisms for doing this included in the lib state library:
+1. `Fragment.consumeFrom` will setup a Store observation that is triggered on _every_ state update in the Store. The [HistoryFragment updating its view hierarchy with all state updates]( is one example.
+2. `Flow.distinctUntilChanged` can be combined with things like `Fragment.consumeFlow` or `Store.flowScoped` for finer-grained state observations. This will allow reactions to specific state properties updates, like when the [HistorySearchDialogFragment changes the visibility of the AwesomeBar](
+While both of these options are fine in many situations, they would both be difficult to setup to test. For a testable option, consider inheriting from [AbstractBinding]( This allows for defining a class that accepts dependencies and is isolated, making unit tests much easier. For some examples of that, see the [SelectedItemAdapterBinding]( or the [SwipeToDeleteBinding]( which are both used in the XML version of the Tabs Tray.
+For more details, see the example refactor in the [example refactor section](#an-example-refactor-removing-interactors-and-controllers-from-historyfragment).
+### Moving into the future: using lib-state with Compose
+Ideally, fragments or top-level views/Composables would register observers of their Store's state and send updates from those observers to their child Composables along with closures containing dispatches to those Stores. We are already close to being familiar with this pattern in some places. The following is a current example that has been edited for brevity and clarity:
+class PocketCategoriesViewHolder(
+ composeView: ComposeView,
+ viewLifecycleOwner: LifecycleOwner,
+ private val interactor: PocketStoriesInteractor,
+) : ComposeViewHolder(composeView, viewLifecycleOwner) {
+ @Composable
+ override fun Content() {
+ val categories = components.appStore
+ .observeAsComposableState { state -> state.pocketStoriesCategories }.value
+ val categoriesSelections = components.appStore
+ .observeAsComposableState { state -> state.pocketStoriesCategoriesSelections }.value
+ PocketTopics(
+ categoryColors = categoryColors,
+ categories = categories ?: emptyList(),
+ categoriesSelections = categoriesSelections ?: emptyList(),
+ onCategoryClick = interactor::onCategoryClicked,
+ )
+ }
+Here, we already see a view registering Store observers appropriately. The only thing that would need to change is the line calling the interactor, `onCategoryClick = interactor::onCategoryClicked,`. Following this line leads down a similar chain of abstraction layers, and eventually leads to `DefaultPocketStoriesController::handleCategoryClicked`. This function contains business logic which would need to be moved to the reducer and telemetry side-effects that would need to be moved to a middleware, but the ultimate intent is to toggle the selected category. We skip many layers of indirection by dispatching that action directly from the view:
+class PocketCategoriesViewHolder(
+ composeView: ComposeView,
+ viewLifecycleOwner: LifecycleOwner,
+) : ComposeViewHolder(composeView, viewLifecycleOwner) {
+ @Composable
+ override fun Content() {
+ val categories = components.appStore
+ .observeAsComposableState { state -> state.pocketStoriesCategories }.value
+ val categoriesSelections = components.appStore
+ .observeAsComposableState { state -> state.pocketStoriesCategoriesSelections }.value
+ PocketTopics(
+ categoryColors = categoryColors,
+ categories = categories ?: emptyList(),
+ categoriesSelections = categoriesSelections ?: emptyList(),
+ onCategoryClick = { name ->
+ components.appStore.dispatch(AppAction.TogglePocketStoriesCategory(name))
+ },
+ )
+ }
+This should simplify the search for underlying logic by:
+- moving business logic into an expected and consistent component (the reducer)
+- moving side-effects into a consistent and centralized component (a middleware, which could even handle telemetry for the entire store)
+### Extending the example: separating state and side-effects
+To demonstrate the bullets above, here is the method definition in the `DefaultPocketStoriesController` that currently handles the business logic initiated from the `interactor::onCategoryClicked` call above.
+ override fun handleCategoryClick(categoryClicked: PocketRecommendedStoriesCategory) {
+ val initialCategoriesSelections = appStore.state.pocketStoriesCategoriesSelections
+ // First check whether the category is clicked to be deselected.
+ if ( { }.contains( {
+ appStore.dispatch(AppAction.DeselectPocketStoriesCategory(
+ Pocket.homeRecsCategoryClicked.record(
+ Pocket.HomeRecsCategoryClickedExtra(
+ categoryName =,
+ newState = "deselected",
+ selectedTotal = initialCategoriesSelections.size.toString(),
+ ),
+ )
+ return
+ }
+ // If a new category is clicked to be selected:
+ // Ensure the number of categories selected at a time is capped.
+ val oldestCategoryToDeselect =
+ if (initialCategoriesSelections.size == POCKET_CATEGORIES_SELECTED_AT_A_TIME_COUNT) {
+ initialCategoriesSelections.minByOrNull { it.selectionTimestamp }
+ } else {
+ null
+ }
+ oldestCategoryToDeselect?.let {
+ appStore.dispatch(AppAction.DeselectPocketStoriesCategory(
+ }
+ // Finally update the selection.
+ appStore.dispatch(AppAction.SelectPocketStoriesCategory(
+ Pocket.homeRecsCategoryClicked.record(
+ Pocket.HomeRecsCategoryClickedExtra(
+ categoryName =,
+ newState = "selected",
+ selectedTotal = initialCategoriesSelections.size.toString(),
+ ),
+ )
+ }
+If we break this down into a pseudocode algorithm, we get the following steps:
+1. Read the current state from the store
+2. If the category is being deselected
+ 1. Dispatch an action to update the state
+ 2. Record a metric that the category was deselected
+ 3. Return early
+3. If the number of categories selected would be over max
+ 1. Dispatch an action deselecting the oldest
+4. Dispatch an action with the newly selected category
+5. Record a metric that a category was selected
+In order to transform this algorithm into an appropriate usage of the Redux pattern, we can separate this list into two parts: steps that have side-effects and steps which can be represented by pure state updates. In this case, only the steps that record metrics represent side-effects. This will mean that those steps should be moved into a middleware, and the rest can be moved into a reducer.
+Here's how that might look:
+// add a new AppAction
+data class TogglePocketStoriesCategory(val categoryName: String) : AppAction()
+// add a case to handle it in a middleware. For example, let's put the following in MetricsMiddleware:
+private fun handleAction(action: AppAction) = when (action) {
+ ...
+ is AppAction.TogglePocketStoriesCategory -> {
+ val currentCategoriesSelections = { }
+ // check if the category is being deselected
+ if (currentCategoriesSelections.contains(action.categoryName)) {
+ Pocket.homeRecsCategoryClicked.record(
+ Pocket.HomeRecsCategoryClickedExtra(
+ categoryName = action.categoryName,
+ newState = "deselected",
+ selectedTotal = currentCategoriesSelections.size.toString(),
+ ),
+ )
+ } else {
+ Pocket.homeRecsCategoryClicked.record(
+ Pocket.HomeRecsCategoryClickedExtra(
+ categoryName = action.categoryName,
+ newState = "selected",
+ selectedTotal = currentCategoriesSelections.size.toString(),
+ ),
+ )
+ }
+ }
+// finally, we can shift all the state updating logic into the reducer
+fun reduce(state: AppState, action: AppAction): AppState = when (action) {
+ ...
+ is AppAction.TogglePocketStoriesCategory -> {
+ val currentCategoriesSelections = { }
+ val updatedCategoriesState = when {
+ currentCategoriesSelections.contains(action.categoryName) -> {
+ state.copy(
+ pocketStoriesCategoriesSelections = state.pocketStoriesCategoriesSelections.filterNot {
+ == action.categoryName
+ },
+ )
+ }
+ currentCategoriesSelections.size == POCKET_CATEGORIES_SELECTED_AT_A_TIME_COUNT -> {
+ state.copy(
+ pocketStoriesCategoriesSelections = state.pocketStoriesCategoriesSelections
+ .minusOldest()
+ .plus(
+ PocketRecommendedStoriesSelectedCategory(
+ name = action.categoryName,
+ )
+ ),
+ )
+ }
+ else -> {
+ state.copy(
+ pocketStoriesCategoriesSelections =
+ state.pocketStoriesCategoriesSelections +
+ PocketRecommendedStoriesSelectedCategory(action.categoryName)
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ // Selecting a category means the stories to be displayed needs to also be changed.
+ updatedCategoriesState.copy(
+ pocketStories = updatedCategoriesState.getFilteredStories(),
+ )
+ }
+### Interacting with the storage layer through middlewares
+What if a feature requires some async data for its initial state, or needs to write changes to disk? There are no restrictions on running impure methods in middleware, so we can respond to an action that would make changes to the storage layer from the middleware. A good example is [ContainerMiddleware](
+Note that the `InitAction` here subscribes to a `Flow` from the database, which will continue to collect updates from the storage layer and dispatch actions to change the state accordingly.
+Overall, this should convey the following improvements
+- All state updates are guaranteed to be pure and in a single component, allowing for easy testing and reproduction.
+- All side-effects are logically grouped into middlewares, allowing for testing strategies specific to the type of side-effect.
+- Several indirect abstraction layers are removed, minimizing mental model of code.
+### An example refactor: removing interactors and controllers from HistoryFragment
+A [small example refactor]( was done to demonstrate some of the concepts presented throughout the document by removing interactors and controllers from the `HistoryFragment` and package. This is not necessarily an idealized version of that area, but is instead intended to demonstrate the first steps in creating architectural consistency.
+## Drawbacks
+Redux-like patterns have a bit of a learning curve, and some problems can be more difficult to solve than others. For example, handling side-effects like navigation or loading state from disk. The benefits of streamlining our architecture should outweigh this, especially once demonstrative examples of solving these problems are common in the codebase.
+Additionally, the current implementation of our `Store` requires that dispatches are handled on a separate thread specific to the Store. This may change in the future, but also introduces some particular drawbacks:
+- it can be harder to conceptualize the concurrency model, since there are no synchronous actions.
+- thread switching has a performance impact.
+- testing is more cumbersome by requiring additional async methods.
+## Proposal acceptance and future plans
+To demonstrate some of the concepts discussed in this proposal in more detail, an example patch will be produced that shows a refactor of a prominent feature of the app - history.
+Following that, should this proposal be accepted the following suggestions are made for adoption with a focus on increasing the team's familiarity and knowledge of the pattern:
+1. Architecture documentation should be updated with guidelines matching this proposal.
+1. A number (1-3) of refactors should be planned to help demonstrate the pattern, especially in regards to things like using middleware to handle side-effects, how to structure local vs global state, and how to propagate state and actions to Composables and XML views.
+1. Where possible, new feature work should require refactoring to the established architecture before feature implementation.
+1. Investigate further improvements to the architecture. For example, a "single Store" model that more closely follows Redux patterns.
+### Consolidating Stores
+Multiple stores allows us to manage memory with less investment. For example, state for a Settings UI screen can be held in a `SettingsStore` which can be cleared from memory (garbage collected) when no longer in that UI context.
+This will mean that we will continue to have "global" stores like the `AppStore` and the `BrowserStore` co-existing with "local" stores like the `HistoryFragmentStore`. This can introduce complexity in terms of determining the best place to add state, middlewares, and actions.
+Moving into the future, we will investigate options for consolidating our stores. It should be relatively straightforward to at least combine our global stores. Investigation is also ongoing into whether we can create "scoped" stores that combine a local store with the global store such that the local portion of the store can still automatically fall out of scope and respect the constraints of developing on mobile.
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+layout: page
+title: Add State-based navigation
+permalink: /rfc/0010-add-state-based-navigation
+* Start date: 2023-10-17
+* RFC PR: [4126](
+## Summary
+Following the acceptance of [0009 - Remove Interactors and Controllers](0009-remove-interactors-and-controllers), Fenix should have a method of navigation that is tied to the `lib-state` model to provide a method of handling navigation side-effects that is consistent with architectural goals. This architecture is defined at a high-level [here]( and has example code in [this folder](
+## Motivation
+Currently, methods of navigation throughout the app are varied. The `SessionControlController` provides [3 examples]( alone:
+- `HomeActivity::openToBrowserAndLoad`
+- Calling a `NavController` directly
+- Callbacks like `showTabTray()`
+To move to a more consistent Redux-like model, we need a way for features to fire `Action`s and have that result in navigation. This will help decouple our business logic from the Android platform, where a key example of this would be references to the `HomeActivity` throughout the app in order to access the `openToBrowserAndLoad` function.
+## Proposal
+Moving forward, navigation should be initiated through middlewares that respond to `Action`s. How these middleware handle navigation side-effects can be addressed on a per-case basis, but this proposal includes some generalized advice for 3 common use cases.
+### 1. Screen-based navigation
+For screen-based navigation between screens like the settings pages or navigation to the home screen, middlewares should make direct use of a `NavController` that is hosted by the fragment of the current screen's scope.
+For a hypothetical example:
+sealed class HistoryAction {
+ object HomeButtonClicked : HistoryAction()
+ data class HistoryGroupClicked(val group: History.Group) : HistoryAction()
+class HistoryNavigationMiddleware(private val getNavController: () -> NavController) : Middleware<HistoryState, HistoryAction> {
+ override fun invoke(
+ context: MiddlewareContext<HistoryState, HistoryAction>,
+ next: (HistoryFragmentAction) -> Unit,
+ action: HistoryFragmentAction,
+ ) {
+ next(action)
+ when (action) {
+ is HomeButtonClicked -> getNavController().navigate(
+ is HistoryGroupClicked -> getNavController().navigate(
+ }
+ }
+This should translate fairly easily to the Compose world. This example intentionally ignores passing the `group` through the navigation transition. It should be fairly trivial to convert data types to navigation arguments, or consider creating Stores with a scope large enough to maintain state across these transitions.
+Note also the use of a lambda to retrieve the `NavController`. This should help avoid stale references when Stores outlive their parent fragment by using a `StoreProvider`.
+### 2. Transient effects
+Transient effects can be handled by callbacks provided to a middleware. To build on our previous example:
+sealed class HistoryAction {
+ object HomeButtonClicked : HistoryAction()
+ data class HistoryGroupClicked(val group: HistoryItem.Group) : HistoryAction()
+ data class HistoryItemLongClicked(val item: HistoryItem) : HistoryAction()
+class HistoryUiEffectMiddleware(
+ private val displayMenuForItem: (HistoryItem) -> Unit,
+) : Middleware<HistoryState, HistoryAction> {
+ override fun invoke(
+ context: MiddlewareContext<HistoryState, HistoryAction>,
+ next: (HistoryFragmentAction) -> Unit,
+ action: HistoryFragmentAction,
+ ) {
+ next(action)
+ when (action) {
+ is HistoryItemLongClicked -> displayMenuForItem(action.item)
+ is HomeButtonClicked, HistoryGroupClicked -> Unit
+ }
+ }
+### 3. The special case of `openToBrowserAndLoad`
+Finally, we want a generally re-usable method of opening a new tab and navigating to the `BrowserFragment`. Fragment-based Stores can re-use a (theoretical) delegate to do so.
+sealed class HistoryAction {
+ object HomeButtonClicked : HistoryAction()
+ data class HistoryGroupClicked(val group: History.Group) : HistoryAction()
+ data class HistoryItemLongClicked(val item: HistoryItem) : HistoryAction()
+ data class HistoryItemClicked(val item: History.Item) : HistoryAction()
+class HistoryNavigationMiddleware(
+ private val browserNavigator: BrowserNavigator,
+ private val getNavController: () -> NavController,
+) : Middleware<HistoryState, HistoryAction> {
+ override fun invoke(
+ context: MiddlewareContext<HistoryState, HistoryAction>,
+ next: (HistoryFragmentAction) -> Unit,
+ action: HistoryFragmentAction,
+ ) {
+ next(action)
+ when (action) {
+ is HomeButtonClicked -> navController.navigate(
+ is HistoryGroupClicked -> navController.navigate(
+ is HistoryItemClicked -> browserNavigator.openToBrowserAndLoad(action.item)
+ is HistoryItemLongClicked -> Unit
+ }
+ }
+This delegate would wrap the current behavior exposed by `HomeActivity::openToBrowserAndLoad`, looking something roughly like:
+class BrowserNavigator(
+ private val addTabUseCase: AddNewTabUseCase,
+ private val loadTabUseCase: DefaultLoadUrlUseCase,
+ private val searchUseCases: SearchUseCases,
+ private val navController: () -> NavController,
+) {
+ // logic to navigate to browser fragment and load a tab
+## Alternatives
+### 1. Observing navigation State from a AppStore through a binding in HomeActivity.
+This was the previous proposal for this RFC. An example would roughly be:
+sealed class AppAction {
+ object NavigateHome : AppAction()
+data class AppState(
+ val currentScreen: Screen
+fun appReducer(state: AppState, action: AppAction): AppState = when (action) {
+ is NavigateHome -> state.copy(currentScreen = Screen.Home)
+// in HomeActivity
+private val navigationObserver by lazy {
+ object : AbstractBinding<AppState>(components.appStore) {
+ override suspend fun onState(flow: Flow<AppState>) = flow
+ .distinctUntilChangedBy { it.screen }
+ .collectLatest { /* handleNavigation */ }
+ }
+However, this implies some several issues:
+1. We end up replicating the state of a `NavController` manually in a our custom State, risking out-of-sync issues.
+2. We lose specificity of Actions by generalizing them globally. For example, instead of a `ToolbarAction.HomeClicked`, it would encourage re-use of a single `AppAction.NavigateHome`. Though seemingly convenient at first, it implies downstream problems for things like telemetry. To know where the navigation to home originated from, we would need to include additional properties (like direction) in the `Action`. Any future changes to the behavior of these Actions would need to be generalized for the whole app.
+### 2. Global navigation middleware attached to the AppStore.
+This carries risk of the 2 issue listed above, and runs into immediate technical constraints. When the `AppStore` is constructed in `Core`, we do not have reference to an `Activity` and cannot retrieve a `NavController`. This could be mitigated by a mutable property or lazy getter that is set as Fragments or the Activity come into and out of scope. The current proposal will localize navigation transitions to feature areas which should keep them isolated in scope.
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e429889f9c
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+++ b/mobile/android/android-components/docs/rfcs/
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+layout: page
+title: Decouple HomeActivity and ExternalAppBrowserActivity
+permalink: /rfc/0011-decouple-home-activity-and-external-app-browser-activity
+* Start date: 2023-12-06
+* RFC PR: [#4732](
+## Summary
+The Custom Tabs feature is partially implemented by `ExternalAppBrowserActivity` and `AuthCustomTabActivity`. The use of inheritance in these `Activity`s contributes to a closely coupled system.
+The aim of this RFC is to strive towards a single `Activity` architecture as is [recommended for Modern Android Development (MAD)](
+The initial tasks will aim to:
+1. reduce the dependencies between `ExternalAppBrowserActivity` and `HomeActivity`
+2. establish clear responsibilities in `HomeActivity`
+3. provide a foundation on which to continue refactoring to a single `Activity`
+⚠️ This work is exclusively a refactor of the current implementation, there should be no changes to existing behavior or features.
+## Motivation
+Fenix has [numerous open bugs and feature requests relating to the Custom Tabs feature]( To facilitate efficient implementation & debugging of these (and future) bugs we should create code that is easy to maintain. Some notable issues:
+1. A close coupling of `ExternalAppBrowserActivity` & `AuthCustomTabActivity` with the `HomeActivity`, which increases the likelihood of:
+ * difficult to detect bugs
+ * difficultly debugging
+ * unexpected behavior
+ * making the area resistant to change
+ * confusion of responsibility
+2. `HomeActivity` has a mix of responsibilities, is bloated and monolithic. It contains unused fields, some incorrect visibility modifiers and generally in need of some house-keeping. These issues may be partly due to it's own downstream dependencies. See []( for reading around the navigation issue which includes `HomeActivity`.
+3. Inheritance has potential to introduce confusion, for example `ExternalAppBrowserFragment` already has duplicate dependencies defined for `UserInteractionHandler`.
+4. `ExternalAppBrowserActivity` contains multiple no-op functions.
+### Activity architecture overview
+**Note**: This is an abridged abstraction of the mentioned *classes* focusing on only the relevant `public` and `protected` APIs.
+ class LocaleAwareAppCompatActivity {
+ override fun attachBaseContext() calls super
+ override fun onCreate() calls super
+ }
+ AppCompatActivity <|-- LocaleAwareAppCompatActivity
+ class NavHostActivityInterface {
+ fun getSupportActionBarAndInflateIfNecessary()
+ }
+ class HomeActivity {
+ override fun getSupportActionBarAndInflateIfNecessary()
+ override fun onCreate() calls super
+ override fun onResume() calls super
+ override fun onStart() calls super
+ override fun onStop() calls super
+ override fun onPause() calls super
+ override fun onProvideAssistContent() calls super
+ override fun onDestroy() calls super
+ override fun onConfigurationChanged() calls super
+ override fun recreate() calls super
+ override fun onNewIntent() calls super
+ override fun onCreateView() calls super
+ override fun onActionModeStarted() calls super
+ override fun onActionModeFinished() calls super
+ override fun onBackPressed()
+ override fun onActivityResult() calls super
+ override fun onKeyDown() calls super
+ override fun onKeyUp() calls super
+ override fun onKeyLongPress() calls super
+ override fun onUserLeaveHint() calls super
+ open fun getNavDirections()
+ open fun getBreadcrumbMessage()
+ open fun getIntentSource()
+ open fun getIntentSessionId()
+ }
+ NavHostActivityInterface <|-- HomeActivity
+ LocaleAwareAppCompatActivity <|-- HomeActivity
+ class ExternalAppBrowserActivity {
+ override fun onResume() calls super
+ override fun onDestroy() calls super
+ override fun onProvideAssistContent() calls super
+ override fun getNavDirections()
+ override fun getBreadcrumbMessage()
+ override fun getIntentSource()
+ override fun getIntentSessionId()
+ }
+ HomeActivity <|-- ExternalAppBrowserActivity
+ class AuthCustomActivity {
+ override fun onResume() calls super
+ }
+ ExternalAppBrowserActivity <|-- AuthCustomActivity
+#### Observations
+1. `HomeActivity` is used as a 'base' `Activity` for `ExternalAppBrowserActivity` and `AuthCustomTabActivity`.
+2. `ExternalAppBrowserActivity` overrides the following `AppCompatActivity` functions:
+* `onResume()`
+* `onDestroy()`
+* `onProvideAssistContent()`
+which all depend on the `super` (`HomeActivity`) definitions prior to adding the `ExternalAppBrowserActivity` behaviour. `onResume()` is further propagated to `AuthCustomTabActivity` which depends on the `ExternalAppBrowserActivity` implementation.
+3. `ExternalAppBrowserActivity` is required to override the following `HomeActivity` defined functions:
+* `getNavDirections()`
+* `getBreadcrumbMessage()`
+* `getIntentSource()`
+* `getIntentSessionId()`
+It's notable that the `HomeActivity` `getIntentSessionId()` implementation always returns `null` and is required to take a redundant `intent` parameter.
+The `HomeActivity` `getNavDirections()` implementation is required to take a redundant `customTabSessionId` parameter.
+4. The `ExternalAppBrowserActivity` currently uses the `HomeActivity` `onCreate()` implementation. This forces the Custom Tabs features to to perform unnecessary checks such as:
+* `maybeShowSplashScreen()`
+* `shouldShowOnboarding()`
+* perform checks for Homepage Contile feature activity
+* perform checks for Pocket feature activity
+This list is not exhaustive but gives an insight into the redundant work being forced upon the `ExternalAppBrowserActivity`. This applies to many of the other `HomeActivity` lifecycle related functions.
+## Proposal
+Reduce the coupling of the `Activity`s. Establish `HomeActivity` as the *main* `Activity` and define clear responsibilities. Below is an list of suggested refactorings to initiate the decoupling.
+1. Remove the no-ops from `ExternalAppBrowserActivity`. [Example PR.](
+2. Delegate the `Activity`s 'get nav directions' functionality. This removes the definition from `HomeActivity` and the requirement to override it in `ExternalAppBrowserActivity`. [Example PR.](
+3. Delegate the `HomeActivity` 'open to browser' functionality. This removes another responsibility from `HomeActivity`. [Example PR.](
+4. Extract the `getBreadcrumbMessage`, `getIntentSource` and `getIntentSessionId` functions from `HomeActivity` using an `Activity` delegate. This removes the definition from `HomeActivity` and the requirement to override it in `ExternalAppBrowserActivity`. [Example PR.](
+5. Update `HomeActivity` & `ExternalAppBrowserActivity` with the necessary visibility modifiers to enforce constraints.
+6. Extract the `handleRequestDesktopMode` function. This removes another responsibility from `HomeActivity`.
+7. Rename `HomeActivity` to be explicit that this is the *main* `Activity`. For info, the Focus application uses a `MainActivity`, the Reference Browser application uses a `BrowserActivity`.
+The next steps are less clearly defined and require more investigation on the completion of the above tasks.
+* Explore alternatives to the current Inheritance structure. E.g. Kotlin Delegation methods, an alternative 'base' `Activity` model or consolidating `ExternalAppBrowserActivity` & `HomeActivity` into a single `Activity`.
+* Prevent unnecessary checks being carried out by `ExternalAppBrowserActivity` in `HomeActivity` lifecycle related functions.
+## Drawbacks
+* Current reported Custom Tabs Bugzilla bugs may be affected by the changes mentioned here.
+* No immediate tangible user facing improvements.
+## Rationale and alternatives
+### Rationale
+* It is well established best practice to ['Prefer composition over inheritence']( An implementation of this principal is also exemplified in AC UI classes, see Reference Browser UI classes e.g. `BrowserActivity` & `BaseBrowserFragment`.
+* [Separation of concerns](
+> The most important principle to follow is separation of concerns. It's a common mistake to write all your code in an Activity or a Fragment. These UI-based classes should only contain logic that handles UI and operating system interactions. By keeping these classes as lean as possible, you can avoid many problems related to the component lifecycle, and improve the testability of these classes.
+* Reducing the coupling of the `Activity`s and clear delineation of responsibilities should vastly improve their maintainability & testability.
+### Alternatives
+* Leave the inheritance as-is between `HomeActivity`, `ExternalAppBrowserActivity` & `AuthCustomTabActivity` and only focus on refactoring work.
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+layout: page
+title: Introduce a Store for UI components
+permalink: /rfc/0012-introduce-ui-store
+* Start date: 2024-01-29
+* RFC PR: [#5353](
+## Summary
+In most applications of the `Store`, it is preferable to have reducers perform work on the main thread. Having actions reduced immediately at the point of dispatch, simplifies the reasoning a developer would need to go through for most UI-based work that happens on the main thread.
+## Motivation
+Android embedders use the main thread for UI, user-facing, or gesture handling work. For example, notifying UI components when IO from storage layers have completed, an engine's task that can happen on a separate thread, or global-level state updates for different components to observe.
+When components dispatch actions, they are performed on an independant single thread dispatcher in the `Store` to avoid overloading the main thread with heavy work that might be performed during the `reduce` or in a `Middleware`. In practice, these actions have been short and fast so they do not cause overhead (most of these actions have been [data class copying][0]). In addition, side-effects done in a `Middleware` which can be slow, like I/O, are put onto separate Dispatchers. The performance optimization to switch to a `Store` thread, requires that components which are always run on the main thread, to ensure synchronisation is now kept between the main thread and the store thread for observers of the `State`.
+There are some advantages to this change:
+* Simplicity for `Store`s that are meant for UI facing work.
+* Unit testing can now occur on the test framework's thread.
+* Fewer resources needed for context shifting between threads[^1].
+For an example of thread simplicity, an `Engine` typically has its own 'engine thread' to perform async work and post/request results to the main thread (these APIs are identified with the `@UiThread` annotation). Once we get the callback for those results, we then need to dispatch an action to the store that will then happen on a `Store` thread. Feature components then observe for state changes and then make UI changes on the main thread. A simplified form of this thread context switching can be seen in the example below:
+// engine thread
+engineView.requestApiResult { result ->
+ // received on the main thread.
+ store.dispatch(UpdateResultAction(result))
+// store thread
+fun reduce(state: State, action: Action) {
+ is UpdateResultAction -> {
+ // do things here.
+ }
+// store thread
+Middleware {
+ override fun invoke(
+ context: MiddlewareContext<State, Action>,
+ next: (Action) -> Unit,
+ action: Action,
+ ) {
+ // perform side-effects that also happen on the store thread.
+ }
+// main thread
+store.flowScoped { flow ->
+ flow.collect {
+ // perform work on the main thread.
+ }
+With the changes in this RFC, this switching of threads can be reduced (notable comments marked with 📝):
+// engine thread
+engineView.requestApiResult { result ->
+ // received on the main thread.
+ store.dispatch(UpdateResultAction(result))
+// 📝 main thread - now on the same thread, processed immediately.
+fun reduce(state: State, action: Action) {
+ is UpdateResultAction -> {
+ // do things here.
+ }
+// 📝 main thread - now on the same thread, processed immediately.
+Middleware {
+ override fun invoke(
+ context: MiddlewareContext<State, Action>,
+ next: (Action) -> Unit,
+ action: Action,
+ ) {
+ // 📝 perform side-effects that now happen on the main thread.
+ }
+// main thread
+store.flowScoped { flow ->
+ flow.collect {
+ // perform work on the main thread.
+ }
+ }
+Additionally, from [performance investigations already done][2], we know that Fenix creates over a hundred threads within a few seconds of startup. Reducing the number of threads for Stores that do not have a strong requirement to run on a separate thread will lower the applications memory footprint.
+## Guide-level explanation
+Extending the existing `Store` class to use the `Dispatchers.Main.immediate` will ensure that UI stores will stay on the same UI thread and have that work done immediately. Using a distinct class named `UiStore` also makes it clear to the developer that this is work that will be done on the UI thread and its implications will be made a bit more clear when it's used.
+open class UiStore<S : State, A : Action>(
+ initialState: S,
+ reducer: Reducer<S, A>,
+ middleware: List<Middleware<S, A>> = emptyList(),
+) : Store<S, A>(
+ initialState,
+ reducer,
+ middleware,
+ UiStoreDispatcher(),
+open class Store<S : State, A : Action> internal constructor(
+ initialState: S,
+ reducer: Reducer<S, A>,
+ middleware: List<Middleware<S, A>>,
+ dispatcher: StoreDispatcher,
+) {
+ constructor(
+ initialState: S,
+ reducer: Reducer<S, A>,
+ middleware: List<Middleware<S, A>> = emptyList(),
+ threadNamePrefix: String? = null,
+ ) : this(
+ initialState = initialState,
+ reducer = reducer,
+ middleware = middleware,
+ dispatcher = DefaultStoreDispatcher(threadNamePrefix),
+ )
+interface StoreDispatcher {
+ val dispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher
+ val scope: CoroutineScope
+ val coroutineContext: CoroutineContext
+ // Each Store has it's own `assertOnThread` because in the Thread owner is different in both context.
+ fun assertOnThread()
+Applications can use this similar to any other store then. An "AppStore" example below can switch :
+// changing the one line below from `UiStore` to `Store` gives the developer the ability to switch existing Stores between the different Store types.
+class AppStore(
+ initialState: AppState = AppState(),
+) : UiStore<AppState, AppAction>(
+ initialState = initialState,
+ reducer = AppStoreReducer::reduce,
+## Drawbacks
+* Mistakenly doing work on the main thread - we could end up performing large amounts of work on the main thread unintentionally if we are not careful. This could be because of a large number of small tasks, a single large task, a blocking task, or a combination. As the developer is choosing to use a `UiStore`, they will be expected to ensure that heavy work they do, as is with mobile UI development done today, is not done on the main thread.
+## Rationale and alternatives
+Not introducing this new Store type would not change current development where the developer needs to ensure understanding that dispatched actions will be processed at a later time.
+## Future work
+We have opportunities to iterate from here and consider if/how we want to pass a CoroutineScope in. This can be part of future RFC proposals however.
+## Unresolved questions
+* While performance gains are not an explicit intent, there is a theoretical advantage, but not one we will pursue as part of this RFC. How much would we save, if any?
+* Some additional changes need to be done to allow the `Store` to override the default `StoreThreadFactory` that will allow assertions against a thread (`MainThread`) not created by the `StoreThreadFactory` itself. This should be possible, but will this add to additional complexity?
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+layout: page
+title: RFC process updates
+permalink: /docs/rfcs/0013-rfc-process-updates
+* RFC PR:
+* Start date: 2024-02-20
+* End date: 2024-03-22
+* Stakeholders: @jonalmeida, @boek
+## Summary
+Clarify requirements for RFCs by introducing a README and a template.
+## Motivation
+- The scale of the Firefox Android team has grown substantially since the RFC process was first introduced.
+- More external teams are using and contributing to Android Components.
+- Implicit deadlines have encouraged a lack of engagement with RFCs, slowing follow-up work.
+- There has been a low level of engagement with RFCs because of a lack of clarity around the process and when they are appropriate.
+## Guide-level explanation
+This proposal suggests improving the RFC process by introducing the following:
+- An RFC template, to provide a clear starting point for proposals.
+- A guide for when RFCs are appropriate and when they are not needed in the form of a README.
+- A requirement for explicit stakeholders for RFCs.
+- An initial deadline recorded in each proposal.
+- A renaming of the the "Prior Art" section to "Resources and Docs" and wording to indicate that proposals can also include additional documentation.
+## Rationale and alternatives
+The RFC process has been successful in some cases, but has not been consistently followed. This proposal aims to make the process more accessible and clear, by introducing high-level concepts in the README and a clear template. These documents can be more easily treated as living documents, and updated with any future changes to the process.
+### Amend RFC 0001 with additional template information
+- This was not included in the proposal in order to keep past RFCs consistent and free of modern context, and so that past RFCs do not become treated as living documents.
+## Resources and Docs
+[README](./, a new artifact that includes guidelines and advice on when RFCs are appropriate and how to contribute them.
+[0000 RFC Template](./, a new artifact that provides a clear starting point for proposals.
+[Follow-up bug for updating CODEOWNERS](, so that stakeholders can be found more easily.
+## Unresolved questions
+- Will this result in an easier process for contributors to follow?
+- Will this result in more engagement with RFCs?
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+# The RFC Process
+An RFC (**R**equest **F**or **C**omments) is a process through which contributors can solicit buy-in
+for proposed changes to the codebase and repository at-large. It was introduced in the first RFC,
+[0001-rfc-process](./, which includes additional details about the reasoning
+for including the process.
+This is an overview of what kind of changes benefit from or require the consensus-building that the
+RFC process provides, as well as a brief guide on how to draft them.
+## What kinds of changes require an RFC?
+1. Substantial changes to public APIs in Android Components, like the changes found in [0003 Concept Base Component](./ and [0008 Tab Groups](docs/rfcs/
+2. Changes to process that affect other teams, like the changes found in [0001 RFC Process](./, [0013 Add stakeholders to RFCs](./, and [0007 Synchronized Releases](./
+3. Proposals for changes to areas of the codebase that are owned by CODEOWNERS outside the author's team.
+## What kind of other changes can an RFC be useful for?
+1. Announcing a rough plan for changes to a public API you own in order to solicit feedback.
+2. Soliciting feedback for architectural changes that affect the entire codebase, like [0009 Remove Interactors and Controllers](./
+## How to contribute an RFC
+There is a [template](./ that can be a useful guide for structure.
+While drafting a proposal, consider the scope of your changes. Generally, the level of detail should match the level of
+impact the changes will have on downstream consumers of APIs, other teams, or users.
+Once a proposal is drafted:
+1. Choose a deadline for general feedback.
+2. Select and communicate with stakeholders.
+3. Share the RFC more broadly through Slack and mailing lists for general feedback (like firefox-android-team@ and firefox-mobile@).
+4. Build consensus and integrate feedback.
+### Stakeholders
+Stakeholders are required for each RFC. They will have the final say in acceptance and rejection.
+Include at least 2 people as stakeholders: a CODEOWNER of the affected area and another (preferably a Firefox for Android team member).
+Stakeholders should be active in the RFC process - they should ask to be replaced if they do not have bandwidth to get the RFC finished in a short time span. This is to help the RFC process remain nimble and lightweight.
+### Deadlines
+A deadline for feedback should be included in each RFC. This should usually be at least a week, so plan accordingly.
+For more substantial changes, it can be useful to plan for 2 or 3 weeks so that there is more opportunity for feedback from people that are not stakeholders.
+If a proposal is approved by all stakeholders earlier than the deadline, the proposal can be merged immediately.
diff --git a/mobile/android/android-components/docs/ui/ b/mobile/android/android-components/docs/ui/
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+layout: page
+title: UI icons
+permalink: /components/ui/icons
+Android vector drawable versions of the [icons]( from the [Photon Design System](
+ #preview_table {
+ text-align: center;
+ }
+ #preview_table td:nth-child(2) {
+ background: darkgray;
+ }
+<table id="preview_table">
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Icon name</th>
+ <th>Preview</th>
+ </tr>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+ </tbody>
+<script src="{{"/assets/js/icon-js.js" | relative_url }}"></script>
+## More
+[List of all components in the android-components repository](