path: root/third_party/rust/ffi-support/src/
diff options
authorDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-19 00:47:55 +0000
committerDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-19 00:47:55 +0000
commit26a029d407be480d791972afb5975cf62c9360a6 (patch)
treef435a8308119effd964b339f76abb83a57c29483 /third_party/rust/ffi-support/src/
parentInitial commit. (diff)
Adding upstream version 124.0.1.upstream/124.0.1
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <>
Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/rust/ffi-support/src/')
1 files changed, 362 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/rust/ffi-support/src/ b/third_party/rust/ffi-support/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1eeff5771e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/ffi-support/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,362 @@
+/* Copyright 2018-2019 Mozilla Foundation
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License (Version 2.0), or the MIT license,
+ * (the "Licenses") at your option. You may not use this file except in
+ * compliance with one of the Licenses. You may obtain copies of the
+ * Licenses at:
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the Licenses is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the Licenses for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the Licenses. */
+/// Implements [`IntoFfi`][crate::IntoFfi] for the provided types (more than one
+/// may be passed in) by allocating `$T` on the heap as an opaque pointer.
+/// This is typically going to be used from the "Rust component", and not the
+/// "FFI component" (see the top level crate documentation for more
+/// information), however you will still need to implement a destructor in the
+/// FFI component using [`define_box_destructor!`][crate::define_box_destructor].
+/// In general, is only safe to do for `send` types (even this is dodgy, but
+/// it's often necessary to keep the locking on the other side of the FFI, so
+/// Sync is too harsh), so we enforce this in this macro. (You're still free to
+/// implement this manually, if this restriction is too harsh for your use case
+/// and you're certain you know what you're doing).
+macro_rules! implement_into_ffi_by_pointer {
+ ($($T:ty),* $(,)*) => {$(
+ unsafe impl $crate::IntoFfi for $T where $T: Send {
+ type Value = *mut $T;
+ #[inline]
+ fn ffi_default() -> *mut $T {
+ std::ptr::null_mut()
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn into_ffi_value(self) -> *mut $T {
+ Box::into_raw(Box::new(self))
+ }
+ }
+ )*}
+/// Implements [`IntoFfi`][crate::IntoFfi] for the provided types (more than one
+/// may be passed in) by converting to the type to a JSON string.
+/// Additionally, most of the time we recomment using this crate's protobuf
+/// support, instead of JSON.
+/// This is typically going to be used from the "Rust component", and not the
+/// "FFI component" (see the top level crate documentation for more
+/// information).
+/// Note: Each type passed in must implement or derive `serde::Serialize`.
+/// Note: for this to works, the crate it's called in must depend on `serde` and
+/// `serde_json`.
+/// ## Panics
+/// The [`IntoFfi`][crate::IntoFfi] implementation this macro generates may
+/// panic in the following cases:
+/// - You've passed a type that contains a Map that has non-string keys (which
+/// can't be represented in JSON).
+/// - You've passed a type which has a custom serializer, and the custom
+/// serializer failed.
+/// These cases are both rare enough that this still seems fine for the majority
+/// of uses.
+macro_rules! implement_into_ffi_by_json {
+ ($($T:ty),* $(,)*) => {$(
+ unsafe impl $crate::IntoFfi for $T where $T: serde::Serialize {
+ type Value = *mut std::os::raw::c_char;
+ #[inline]
+ fn ffi_default() -> *mut std::os::raw::c_char {
+ std::ptr::null_mut()
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn into_ffi_value(self) -> *mut std::os::raw::c_char {
+ // This panic is inside our catch_panic, so it should be fine.
+ // We've also documented the case where the IntoFfi impl that
+ // calls this panics, and it's rare enough that it shouldn't
+ // matter that if it happens we return an ExternError
+ // representing a panic instead of one of some other type
+ // (especially given that the application isn't likely to be
+ // able to meaningfully handle JSON serialization failure).
+ let as_string = serde_json::to_string(&self).unwrap();
+ $crate::rust_string_to_c(as_string)
+ }
+ }
+ )*}
+/// Implements [`IntoFfi`][crate::IntoFfi] for the provided types (more than one
+/// may be passed in) implementing `prost::Message` (protobuf auto-generated
+/// type) by converting to the type to a [`ByteBuffer`][crate::ByteBuffer]. This
+/// [`ByteBuffer`][crate::ByteBuffer] should later be passed by value.
+/// Note: for this to works, the crate it's called in must depend on `prost`.
+/// Note: Each type passed in must implement or derive `prost::Message`.
+macro_rules! implement_into_ffi_by_protobuf {
+ ($($FFIType:ty),* $(,)*) => {$(
+ unsafe impl $crate::IntoFfi for $FFIType where $FFIType: prost::Message {
+ type Value = $crate::ByteBuffer;
+ #[inline]
+ fn ffi_default() -> Self::Value {
+ Default::default()
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn into_ffi_value(self) -> Self::Value {
+ use prost::Message;
+ let mut bytes = Vec::with_capacity(self.encoded_len());
+ // Unwrap is safe, since we have reserved sufficient capacity in
+ // the vector.
+ self.encode(&mut bytes).unwrap();
+ bytes.into()
+ }
+ }
+ )*}
+/// Implement [`InfoFfi`][crate::IntoFfi] for a type by converting through
+/// another type.
+/// The argument `$MidTy` argument must implement `From<$SrcTy>` and
+/// [`InfoFfi`][crate::IntoFfi].
+/// This is provided (even though it's trivial) because it is always safe (well,
+/// so long as `$MidTy`'s [`IntoFfi`][crate::IntoFfi] implementation is
+/// correct), but would otherwise require use of `unsafe` to implement.
+macro_rules! implement_into_ffi_by_delegation {
+ ($SrcTy:ty, $MidTy:ty) => {
+ unsafe impl $crate::IntoFfi for $SrcTy
+ where
+ $MidTy: From<$SrcTy> + $crate::IntoFfi,
+ {
+ // The <$MidTy as SomeTrait>::method is required even when it would
+ // be ambiguous due to some obscure details of macro syntax.
+ type Value = <$MidTy as $crate::IntoFfi>::Value;
+ #[inline]
+ fn ffi_default() -> Self::Value {
+ <$MidTy as $crate::IntoFfi>::ffi_default()
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn into_ffi_value(self) -> Self::Value {
+ use $crate::IntoFfi;
+ <$MidTy as From<$SrcTy>>::from(self).into_ffi_value()
+ }
+ }
+ };
+/// For a number of reasons (name collisions are a big one, but, it also wouldn't work on all
+/// platforms), we cannot export `extern "C"` functions from this library. However, it's pretty
+/// common to want to free strings allocated by rust, so many libraries will need this, so we
+/// provide it as a macro.
+/// It simply expands to a `#[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn` which wraps this crate's
+/// [`destroy_c_string`][crate::destroy_c_string] function.
+/// ## Caveats
+/// If you're using multiple separately compiled rust libraries in your application, it's critical
+/// that you are careful to only ever free strings allocated by a Rust library using the same rust
+/// library. Passing them to a different Rust library's string destructor will cause you to corrupt
+/// multiple heaps.
+/// Additionally, be sure that all strings you pass to this were actually allocated by rust. It's a
+/// common issue for JNA code to transparently convert Pointers to things to Strings behind the
+/// scenes, which is quite risky here. (To avoid this in JNA, only use `String` for passing
+/// read-only strings into Rust, e.g. it's for passing `*const c_char`. All other uses should use
+/// `Pointer` and `getString()`).
+/// Finally, to avoid name collisions, it is strongly recommended that you provide an name for this
+/// function unique to your library.
+/// ## Example
+/// ```rust
+/// # use ffi_support::define_string_destructor;
+/// define_string_destructor!(mylib_destroy_string);
+/// ```
+macro_rules! define_string_destructor {
+ ($mylib_destroy_string:ident) => {
+ /// Public destructor for strings managed by the other side of the FFI.
+ ///
+ /// # Safety
+ ///
+ /// This will free the string pointer it gets passed in as an argument,
+ /// and thus can be wildly unsafe if misused.
+ ///
+ /// See the documentation of `ffi_support::destroy_c_string` and
+ /// `ffi_support::define_string_destructor!` for further info.
+ #[no_mangle]
+ pub unsafe extern "C" fn $mylib_destroy_string(s: *mut std::os::raw::c_char) {
+ // Note: This should never happen, but in the case of a bug aborting
+ // here is better than the badness that happens if we unwind across
+ // the FFI boundary.
+ $crate::abort_on_panic::with_abort_on_panic(|| {
+ if !s.is_null() {
+ $crate::destroy_c_string(s)
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ };
+/// Define a (public) destructor for a type that was allocated by
+/// `Box::into_raw(Box::new(value))` (e.g. a pointer which is probably opaque).
+/// ## Caveats
+/// When called over the FFI, this can go wrong in a ridiculous number of ways,
+/// and we can't really prevent any of them. But essentially, the caller (on the
+/// other side of the FFI) needs to be extremely careful to ensure that it stops
+/// using the pointer after it's freed.
+/// Also, to avoid name collisions, it is strongly recommended that you provide
+/// an name for this function unique to your library. (This is true for all
+/// functions you expose).
+/// However, when called from rust, this is safe, as it becomes a function that
+/// just drops a `Option<Box<T>>` with some panic handling.
+/// ## Example
+/// ```rust
+/// # use ffi_support::define_box_destructor;
+/// struct CoolType(Vec<i32>);
+/// define_box_destructor!(CoolType, mylib_destroy_cooltype);
+/// ```
+macro_rules! define_box_destructor {
+ ($T:ty, $destructor_name:ident) => {
+ /// # Safety
+ /// This is equivalent to calling Box::from_raw with panic handling, and
+ /// thus inherits [`Box::from_raw`]'s safety properties. That is to say,
+ /// this function is wildly unsafe.
+ #[no_mangle]
+ pub unsafe extern "C" fn $destructor_name(v: *mut $T) {
+ // We should consider passing an error parameter in here rather than
+ // aborting, but at the moment the only case where we do this
+ // (interrupt handles) should never panic in Drop, so it's probably
+ // fine.
+ $crate::abort_on_panic::with_abort_on_panic(|| {
+ if !v.is_null() {
+ drop(Box::from_raw(v))
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ };
+/// Define a (public) destructor for the [`ByteBuffer`][crate::ByteBuffer] type.
+/// ## Caveats
+/// If you're using multiple separately compiled rust libraries in your application, it's critical
+/// that you are careful to only ever free `ByteBuffer` instances allocated by a Rust library using
+/// the same rust library. Passing them to a different Rust library's string destructor will cause
+/// you to corrupt multiple heaps.
+/// One common ByteBuffer destructor is defined per Rust library.
+/// Also, to avoid name collisions, it is strongly recommended that you provide an name for this
+/// function unique to your library. (This is true for all functions you expose).
+/// ## Example
+/// ```rust
+/// # use ffi_support::define_bytebuffer_destructor;
+/// define_bytebuffer_destructor!(mylib_destroy_bytebuffer);
+/// ```
+macro_rules! define_bytebuffer_destructor {
+ ($destructor_name:ident) => {
+ #[no_mangle]
+ pub extern "C" fn $destructor_name(v: $crate::ByteBuffer) {
+ // Note: This should never happen, but in the case of a bug aborting
+ // here is better than the badness that happens if we unwind across
+ // the FFI boundary.
+ $crate::abort_on_panic::with_abort_on_panic(|| v.destroy())
+ }
+ };
+/// Define a (public) destructor for a type that lives inside a lazy_static
+/// [`ConcurrentHandleMap`][crate::ConcurrentHandleMap].
+/// Note that this is actually totally safe, unlike the other
+/// `define_blah_destructor` macros.
+/// A critical difference, however, is that this dtor takes an `err` out
+/// parameter to indicate failure. This difference is why the name is different
+/// as well (deleter vs destructor).
+/// ## Example
+/// ```rust
+/// # use lazy_static::lazy_static;
+/// # use ffi_support::{ConcurrentHandleMap, define_handle_map_deleter};
+/// struct Thing(Vec<i32>);
+/// // Somewhere...
+/// lazy_static! {
+/// static ref THING_HANDLES: ConcurrentHandleMap<Thing> = ConcurrentHandleMap::new();
+/// }
+/// define_handle_map_deleter!(THING_HANDLES, mylib_destroy_thing);
+/// ```
+macro_rules! define_handle_map_deleter {
+ ($HANDLE_MAP_NAME:ident, $destructor_name:ident) => {
+ #[no_mangle]
+ pub extern "C" fn $destructor_name(v: u64, err: &mut $crate::ExternError) {
+ $crate::call_with_result(err, || {
+ // Force type errors here.
+ let map: &$crate::ConcurrentHandleMap<_> = &*$HANDLE_MAP_NAME;
+ map.delete_u64(v)
+ })
+ }
+ };
+/// Force a compile error if the condition is not met. Requires a unique name
+/// for the assertion for... reasons. This is included mainly because it's a
+/// common desire for FFI code, but not for other sorts of code.
+/// # Examples
+/// Failing example:
+/// ```compile_fail
+/// ffi_support::static_assert!(THIS_SHOULD_FAIL, false);
+/// ```
+/// Passing example:
+/// ```
+/// ffi_support::static_assert!(THIS_SHOULD_PASS, true);
+/// ```
+macro_rules! static_assert {
+ ($ASSERT_NAME:ident, $test:expr) => {
+ #[allow(dead_code, nonstandard_style)]
+ const $ASSERT_NAME: [u8; 0 - (!$test as bool as usize)] =
+ [0u8; 0 - (!$test as bool as usize)];
+ };