path: root/devtools/shared/commands/script/tests
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'devtools/shared/commands/script/tests')
6 files changed, 1317 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/devtools/shared/commands/script/tests/browser.toml b/devtools/shared/commands/script/tests/browser.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..21b59c0ea3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devtools/shared/commands/script/tests/browser.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+tags = "devtools"
+subsuite = "devtools"
+support-files = [
+ "!/devtools/client/shared/test/shared-head.js",
+ "head.js",
diff --git a/devtools/shared/commands/script/tests/browser_script_command_execute_basic.js b/devtools/shared/commands/script/tests/browser_script_command_execute_basic.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e63f55a338
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devtools/shared/commands/script/tests/browser_script_command_execute_basic.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1050 @@
+/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
+ */
+"use strict";
+// Testing basic expression evaluation
+const {
+} = require("resource://devtools/shared/webconsole/js-property-provider.js");
+const {
+ DevToolsServer,
+} = require("resource://devtools/server/devtools-server.js");
+add_task(async () => {
+ const tab = await addTab(`data:text/html;charset=utf-8,
+ <!DOCTYPE html>
+ <html dir="ltr" class="class1">
+ <head><title>Testcase</title></head>
+ <script>
+ window.foobarObject = Object.create(
+ null,
+ Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors({
+ foo: 1,
+ foobar: 2,
+ foobaz: 3,
+ omg: 4,
+ omgfoo: 5,
+ strfoo: "foobarz",
+ omgstr: "foobarz" + "abb".repeat(${DevToolsServer.LONG_STRING_LENGTH} * 2),
+ })
+ );
+ window.largeObject1 = Object.create(null);
+ for (let i = 0; i < ${MAX_AUTOCOMPLETE_ATTEMPTS} + 1; i++) {
+ window.largeObject1["a" + i] = i;
+ }
+ window.largeObject2 = Object.create(null);
+ for (let i = 0; i < ${MAX_AUTOCOMPLETIONS} * 2; i++) {
+ window.largeObject2["a" + i] = i;
+ }
+ var originalExec = RegExp.prototype.exec;
+ var promptIterable = { [Symbol.iterator]() { return { next: prompt } } };
+ function aliasedTest() {
+ const aliased = "ALIASED";
+ return [0].map(() => aliased)[0];
+ }
+ var testMap = new Map([[1, 1], [2, 2], [3, 3], [4, 4]]);
+ var testSet = new Set([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
+ var testProxy = new Proxy({}, { getPrototypeOf: prompt });
+ var testArray = [1,2,3];
+ var testInt8Array = new Int8Array([1, 2, 3]);
+ var testArrayBuffer = testInt8Array.buffer;
+ var testDataView = new DataView(testArrayBuffer, 2);
+ var testCanvasContext = document.createElement("canvas").getContext("2d");
+ var objWithNativeGetter = {};
+ Object.defineProperty(objWithNativeGetter, "print", { get: print });
+ Object.defineProperty(objWithNativeGetter, "Element", { get: Element });
+ Object.defineProperty(objWithNativeGetter, "setAttribute", { get: Element.prototype.setAttribute });
+ Object.defineProperty(objWithNativeGetter, "setClassName", { get: Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Element.prototype, "className").set });
+ Object.defineProperty(objWithNativeGetter, "requestPermission", { get: Notification.requestPermission });
+ async function testAsync() { return 10; }
+ async function testAsyncAwait() { await 1; return 10; }
+ async function * testAsyncGen() { return 10; }
+ async function * testAsyncGenAwait() { await 1; return 10; }
+ function testFunc() {}
+ var testLocale = new Intl.Locale("de-latn-de-u-ca-gregory-co-phonebk-hc-h23-kf-true-kn-false-nu-latn");
+ </script>
+ <body id="body1" class="class2"><h1>Body text</h1></body>
+ </html>`);
+ const commands = await CommandsFactory.forTab(tab);
+ await commands.targetCommand.startListening();
+ await doSimpleEval(commands);
+ await doWindowEval(commands);
+ await doEvalWithException(commands);
+ await doEvalWithHelper(commands);
+ await doEvalString(commands);
+ await doEvalLongString(commands);
+ await doEvalWithBinding(commands);
+ await forceLexicalInit(commands);
+ await doSimpleEagerEval(commands);
+ await doEagerEvalWithSideEffect(commands);
+ await doEagerEvalWithSideEffectIterator(commands);
+ await doEagerEvalWithSideEffectMonkeyPatched(commands);
+ await doEagerEvalESGetters(commands);
+ await doEagerEvalDOMGetters(commands);
+ await doEagerEvalOtherNativeGetters(commands);
+ await doEagerEvalAsyncFunctions(commands);
+ await commands.destroy();
+async function doSimpleEval(commands) {
+ info("test eval '2+2'");
+ const response = await commands.scriptCommand.execute("2+2");
+ checkObject(response, {
+ input: "2+2",
+ result: 4,
+ });
+ ok(!response.exception, "no eval exception");
+ ok(!response.helperResult, "no helper result");
+async function doWindowEval(commands) {
+ info("test eval 'document'");
+ const response = await commands.scriptCommand.execute("document");
+ checkObject(response, {
+ input: "document",
+ result: {
+ type: "object",
+ class: "HTMLDocument",
+ actor: /[a-z]/,
+ },
+ });
+ ok(!response.exception, "no eval exception");
+ ok(!response.helperResult, "no helper result");
+async function doEvalWithException(commands) {
+ info("test eval with exception");
+ const response = await commands.scriptCommand.execute(
+ "window.doTheImpossible()"
+ );
+ checkObject(response, {
+ input: "window.doTheImpossible()",
+ result: {
+ type: "undefined",
+ },
+ exceptionMessage: /doTheImpossible/,
+ });
+ ok(response.exception, "js eval exception");
+ ok(!response.helperResult, "no helper result");
+async function doEvalWithHelper(commands) {
+ info("test eval with helper");
+ const response = await commands.scriptCommand.execute("clear()");
+ checkObject(response, {
+ input: "clear()",
+ result: {
+ type: "undefined",
+ },
+ helperResult: { type: "clearOutput" },
+ });
+ ok(!response.exception, "no eval exception");
+async function doEvalString(commands) {
+ const response = await commands.scriptCommand.execute(
+ "window.foobarObject.strfoo"
+ );
+ checkObject(response, {
+ input: "window.foobarObject.strfoo",
+ result: "foobarz",
+ });
+async function doEvalLongString(commands) {
+ const response = await commands.scriptCommand.execute(
+ "window.foobarObject.omgstr"
+ );
+ const str = await SpecialPowers.spawn(
+ gBrowser.selectedBrowser,
+ [],
+ function () {
+ return content.wrappedJSObject.foobarObject.omgstr;
+ }
+ );
+ const initial = str.substring(0, DevToolsServer.LONG_STRING_INITIAL_LENGTH);
+ checkObject(response, {
+ input: "window.foobarObject.omgstr",
+ result: {
+ type: "longString",
+ initial,
+ length: str.length,
+ },
+ });
+async function doEvalWithBinding(commands) {
+ const response = await commands.scriptCommand.execute("document;");
+ const documentActor = response.result.actorID;
+ info("running a command with _self as document using selectedObjectActor");
+ const selectedObjectSame = await commands.scriptCommand.execute(
+ "_self === document",
+ {
+ selectedObjectActor: documentActor,
+ }
+ );
+ checkObject(selectedObjectSame, {
+ result: true,
+ });
+async function forceLexicalInit(commands) {
+ info("test that failed let/const bindings are initialized to undefined");
+ const testData = [
+ {
+ stmt: "let foopie = wubbalubadubdub",
+ vars: ["foopie"],
+ },
+ {
+ stmt: "let {z, w={n}=null} = {}",
+ vars: ["z", "w"],
+ },
+ {
+ stmt: "let [a, b, c] = null",
+ vars: ["a", "b", "c"],
+ },
+ {
+ stmt: "const nein1 = rofl, nein2 = copter",
+ vars: ["nein1", "nein2"],
+ },
+ {
+ stmt: "const {ha} = null",
+ vars: ["ha"],
+ },
+ {
+ stmt: "const [haw=[lame]=null] = []",
+ vars: ["haw"],
+ },
+ {
+ stmt: "const [rawr, wat=[lame]=null] = []",
+ vars: ["rawr", "haw"],
+ },
+ {
+ stmt: "let {zzz: xyz=99, zwz: wb} = nexistepas()",
+ vars: ["xyz", "wb"],
+ },
+ {
+ stmt: "let {c3pdoh=101} = null",
+ vars: ["c3pdoh"],
+ },
+ {
+ stmt: "const {...x} = x",
+ vars: ["x"],
+ },
+ {
+ stmt: "const {xx,yy,} = null",
+ vars: ["xx", "yy", "rest"],
+ },
+ ];
+ for (const data of testData) {
+ const response = await commands.scriptCommand.execute(data.stmt);
+ checkObject(response, {
+ input: data.stmt,
+ result: { type: "undefined" },
+ });
+ ok(response.exception, "expected exception");
+ for (const varName of data.vars) {
+ const response2 = await commands.scriptCommand.execute(varName);
+ checkObject(response2, {
+ input: varName,
+ result: { type: "undefined" },
+ });
+ ok(!response2.exception, "unexpected exception");
+ }
+ }
+async function doSimpleEagerEval(commands) {
+ const testData = [
+ {
+ code: "2+2",
+ result: 4,
+ },
+ {
+ code: "(x => x * 2)(3)",
+ result: 6,
+ },
+ {
+ code: "[1, 2, 3].map(x => x * 2).join()",
+ result: "2,4,6",
+ },
+ {
+ code: `"abc".match(/a./)[0]`,
+ result: "ab",
+ },
+ {
+ code: "aliasedTest()",
+ result: "ALIASED",
+ },
+ {
+ code: "testArray.concat([4,5]).join()",
+ result: "1,2,3,4,5",
+ },
+ {
+ code: "testArray.entries().toString()",
+ result: "[object Array Iterator]",
+ },
+ {
+ code: "testArray.keys().toString()",
+ result: "[object Array Iterator]",
+ },
+ {
+ code: "testArray.values().toString()",
+ result: "[object Array Iterator]",
+ },
+ {
+ code: "testArray.every(x => x < 100)",
+ result: true,
+ },
+ {
+ code: "testArray.some(x => x > 1)",
+ result: true,
+ },
+ {
+ code: "testArray.filter(x => x % 2 == 0).join()",
+ result: "2",
+ },
+ {
+ code: "testArray.find(x => x % 2 == 0)",
+ result: 2,
+ },
+ {
+ code: "testArray.findIndex(x => x % 2 == 0)",
+ result: 1,
+ },
+ {
+ code: "[testArray].flat().join()",
+ result: "1,2,3",
+ },
+ {
+ code: "[testArray].flatMap(x => x).join()",
+ result: "1,2,3",
+ },
+ {
+ code: "testArray.forEach(x => x); testArray.join()",
+ result: "1,2,3",
+ },
+ {
+ code: "testArray.includes(1)",
+ result: true,
+ },
+ {
+ code: "testArray.lastIndexOf(1)",
+ result: 0,
+ },
+ {
+ code: " => x + 1).join()",
+ result: "2,3,4",
+ },
+ {
+ code: "testArray.reduce((acc,x) => acc + x, 0)",
+ result: 6,
+ },
+ {
+ code: "testArray.reduceRight((acc,x) => acc + x, 0)",
+ result: 6,
+ },
+ {
+ code: "testArray.slice(0,1).join()",
+ result: "1",
+ },
+ {
+ code: "testArray.toReversed().join()",
+ result: "3,2,1",
+ },
+ {
+ code: "testArray.toSorted().join()",
+ result: "1,2,3",
+ },
+ {
+ code: "testArray.toSpliced(0,1).join()",
+ result: "2,3",
+ },
+ {
+ code: "testArray.with(1, 'b').join()",
+ result: "1,b,3",
+ },
+ {
+ code: "testInt8Array.entries().toString()",
+ result: "[object Array Iterator]",
+ },
+ {
+ code: "testInt8Array.keys().toString()",
+ result: "[object Array Iterator]",
+ },
+ {
+ code: "testInt8Array.values().toString()",
+ result: "[object Array Iterator]",
+ },
+ {
+ code: "testInt8Array.every(x => x < 100)",
+ result: true,
+ },
+ {
+ code: "testInt8Array.some(x => x > 1)",
+ result: true,
+ },
+ {
+ code: "testInt8Array.filter(x => x % 2 == 0).join()",
+ result: "2",
+ },
+ {
+ code: "testInt8Array.find(x => x % 2 == 0)",
+ result: 2,
+ },
+ {
+ code: "testInt8Array.findIndex(x => x % 2 == 0)",
+ result: 1,
+ },
+ {
+ code: "testInt8Array.forEach(x => x); testInt8Array.join()",
+ result: "1,2,3",
+ },
+ {
+ code: "testInt8Array.includes(1)",
+ result: true,
+ },
+ {
+ code: "testInt8Array.lastIndexOf(1)",
+ result: 0,
+ },
+ {
+ code: " => x + 1).join()",
+ result: "2,3,4",
+ },
+ {
+ code: "testInt8Array.reduce((acc,x) => acc + x, 0)",
+ result: 6,
+ },
+ {
+ code: "testInt8Array.reduceRight((acc,x) => acc + x, 0)",
+ result: 6,
+ },
+ {
+ code: "testInt8Array.slice(0,1).join()",
+ result: "1",
+ },
+ {
+ code: "testInt8Array.toReversed().join()",
+ skip:
+ typeof Reflect.getPrototypeOf(Int8Array).prototype.toReversed !==
+ "function",
+ result: "3,2,1",
+ },
+ {
+ code: "testInt8Array.toSorted().join()",
+ skip:
+ typeof Reflect.getPrototypeOf(Int8Array).prototype.toSorted !==
+ "function",
+ result: "1,2,3",
+ },
+ {
+ code: "testInt8Array.with(1, 0).join()",
+ skip:
+ typeof Reflect.getPrototypeOf(Int8Array).prototype.with !== "function",
+ result: "1,0,3",
+ },
+ ];
+ for (const { code, result, skip } of testData) {
+ if (skip) {
+ info(`Skipping evaluation of ${code}`);
+ continue;
+ }
+ info(`Evaluating: ${code}`);
+ const response = await commands.scriptCommand.execute(code, {
+ eager: true,
+ });
+ checkObject(response, {
+ input: code,
+ result,
+ });
+ ok(!response.exception, "no eval exception");
+ ok(!response.helperResult, "no helper result");
+ }
+async function doEagerEvalWithSideEffect(commands) {
+ const testData = [
+ // Modify environment.
+ "var a = 10; a;",
+ // Directly call a funtion with side effect.
+ "prompt();",
+ // Call a funtion with side effect inside a scripted function.
+ "(() => { prompt(); })()",
+ // Call a funtion with side effect from self-hosted JS function.
+ "[1, 2, 3].map(prompt)",
+ // Call a function with
+ ";",
+ // Call a function with Function.prototype.apply.
+ "Function.prototype.apply.bind(Function.prototype.apply)(prompt);",
+ // Indirectly call a function with Function.prototype.apply.
+ "Reflect.apply(prompt, null, []);",
+ "'aaaaaaaa'.replace(/(a)(a)(a)(a)(a)(a)(a)(a)/, prompt)",
+ // Indirect call on obj[Symbol.iterator]().next.
+ "Array.from(promptIterable)",
+ ];
+ for (const code of testData) {
+ const response = await commands.scriptCommand.execute(code, {
+ eager: true,
+ });
+ checkObject(response, {
+ input: code,
+ result: { type: "undefined" },
+ });
+ ok(!response.exception, "no eval exception");
+ ok(!response.helperResult, "no helper result");
+ }
+async function doEagerEvalWithSideEffectIterator(commands) {
+ // Indirect call on,
+ // Create an iterable object that reuses iterator across multiple call.
+ let response = await commands.scriptCommand.execute(`
+var arr = [1, 2, 3];
+var iterator = arr[Symbol.iterator]();
+var iterable = { [Symbol.iterator]() { return iterator; } };
+ checkObject(response, {
+ result: "ok",
+ });
+ ok(!response.exception, "no eval exception");
+ ok(!response.helperResult, "no helper result");
+ const testData = [
+ "Array.from(iterable)",
+ "new Map(iterable)",
+ "new Set(iterable)",
+ ];
+ for (const code of testData) {
+ response = await commands.scriptCommand.execute(code, {
+ eager: true,
+ });
+ checkObject(response, {
+ input: code,
+ result: { type: "undefined" },
+ });
+ ok(!response.exception, "no eval exception");
+ ok(!response.helperResult, "no helper result");
+ }
+ // Verify the iterator's internal state isn't modified.
+ response = await commands.scriptCommand.execute(`[...iterator].join(",")`);
+ checkObject(response, {
+ result: "1,2,3",
+ });
+ ok(!response.exception, "no eval exception");
+ ok(!response.helperResult, "no helper result");
+async function doEagerEvalWithSideEffectMonkeyPatched(commands) {
+ // Patch the built-in function without eager evaluation.
+ let response = await commands.scriptCommand.execute(
+ `RegExp.prototype.exec = prompt; "patched"`
+ );
+ checkObject(response, {
+ result: "patched",
+ });
+ ok(!response.exception, "no eval exception");
+ ok(!response.helperResult, "no helper result");
+ // Test eager evaluation, where the patched built-in is called internally.
+ // This should be aborted.
+ const code = `"abc".match(/a./)[0]`;
+ response = await commands.scriptCommand.execute(code, { eager: true });
+ checkObject(response, {
+ input: code,
+ result: { type: "undefined" },
+ });
+ ok(!response.exception, "no eval exception");
+ ok(!response.helperResult, "no helper result");
+ // Undo the patch without eager evaluation.
+ response = await commands.scriptCommand.execute(
+ `RegExp.prototype.exec = originalExec; "unpatched"`
+ );
+ checkObject(response, {
+ result: "unpatched",
+ });
+ ok(!response.exception, "no eval exception");
+ ok(!response.helperResult, "no helper result");
+ // Test eager evaluation again, without the patch.
+ // This should be evaluated.
+ response = await commands.scriptCommand.execute(code, { eager: true });
+ checkObject(response, {
+ input: code,
+ result: "ab",
+ });
+async function doEagerEvalESGetters(commands) {
+ // [code, expectedResult]
+ const testData = [
+ // ArrayBuffer
+ ["testArrayBuffer.byteLength", 3],
+ // DataView
+ ["testDataView.buffer === testArrayBuffer", true],
+ ["testDataView.byteLength", 1],
+ ["testDataView.byteOffset", 2],
+ // Error
+ ["typeof new Error().stack", "string"],
+ // Function
+ ["typeof testFunc.arguments", "object"],
+ ["typeof testFunc.caller", "object"],
+ // Intl.Locale
+ ["testLocale.baseName", "de-Latn-DE"],
+ ["testLocale.calendar", "gregory"],
+ ["testLocale.caseFirst", ""],
+ ["testLocale.collation", "phonebk"],
+ ["testLocale.hourCycle", "h23"],
+ ["testLocale.numeric", false],
+ ["testLocale.numberingSystem", "latn"],
+ ["testLocale.language", "de"],
+ ["testLocale.script", "Latn"],
+ ["testLocale.region", "DE"],
+ // Map
+ ["testMap.size", 4],
+ // RegExp
+ ["/a/.dotAll", false],
+ ["/a/giy.flags", "giy"],
+ ["/a/", true],
+ ["/a/g.hasIndices", false],
+ ["/a/g.ignoreCase", false],
+ ["/a/g.multiline", false],
+ ["/a/g.source", "a"],
+ ["/a/g.sticky", false],
+ ["/a/g.unicode", false],
+ // Set
+ ["testSet.size", 5],
+ // Symbol
+ ["Symbol.iterator.description", "Symbol.iterator"],
+ // TypedArray
+ ["testInt8Array.buffer === testArrayBuffer", true],
+ ["testInt8Array.byteLength", 3],
+ ["testInt8Array.byteOffset", 0],
+ ["testInt8Array.length", 3],
+ ["testInt8Array[Symbol.toStringTag]", "Int8Array"],
+ ];
+ for (const [code, expectedResult] of testData) {
+ const response = await commands.scriptCommand.execute(code, {
+ eager: true,
+ });
+ checkObject(
+ response,
+ {
+ input: code,
+ result: expectedResult,
+ },
+ code
+ );
+ ok(!response.exception, "no eval exception");
+ ok(!response.helperResult, "no helper result");
+ }
+ // Test RegExp static properties.
+ // Run preparation code here to avoid interference with other tests,
+ // given RegExp static properties are global state.
+ const regexpPreparationCode = `
+ const prepResponse = await commands.scriptCommand.execute(
+ regexpPreparationCode
+ );
+ checkObject(prepResponse, {
+ input: regexpPreparationCode,
+ result: true,
+ });
+ ok(!prepResponse.exception, "no eval exception");
+ ok(!prepResponse.helperResult, "no helper result");
+ const testDataRegExp = [
+ // RegExp static
+ ["RegExp.input", "abcdefghijklm"],
+ ["RegExp.lastMatch", "bcdefghijkl"],
+ ["RegExp.lastParen", "k"],
+ ["RegExp.leftContext", "a"],
+ ["RegExp.rightContext", "m"],
+ ["RegExp.$1", "c"],
+ ["RegExp.$2", "d"],
+ ["RegExp.$3", "e"],
+ ["RegExp.$4", "f"],
+ ["RegExp.$5", "g"],
+ ["RegExp.$6", "h"],
+ ["RegExp.$7", "i"],
+ ["RegExp.$8", "j"],
+ ["RegExp.$9", "k"],
+ ["RegExp.$_", "abcdefghijklm"], // input
+ ["RegExp['$&']", "bcdefghijkl"], // lastMatch
+ ["RegExp['$+']", "k"], // lastParen
+ ["RegExp['$`']", "a"], // leftContext
+ ["RegExp[`$'`]", "m"], // rightContext
+ ];
+ for (const [code, expectedResult] of testDataRegExp) {
+ const response = await commands.scriptCommand.execute(code, {
+ eager: true,
+ });
+ checkObject(
+ response,
+ {
+ input: code,
+ result: expectedResult,
+ },
+ code
+ );
+ ok(!response.exception, "no eval exception");
+ ok(!response.helperResult, "no helper result");
+ }
+ const testDataWithSideEffect = [
+ // get Object.prototype.__proto__
+ //
+ // This can invoke Proxy getPrototypeOf handler, which can be any native
+ // function, and debugger cannot hook the call.
+ `[].__proto__`,
+ `testProxy.__proto__`,
+ ];
+ for (const code of testDataWithSideEffect) {
+ const response = await commands.scriptCommand.execute(code, {
+ eager: true,
+ });
+ checkObject(
+ response,
+ {
+ input: code,
+ result: { type: "undefined" },
+ },
+ code
+ );
+ ok(!response.exception, "no eval exception");
+ ok(!response.helperResult, "no helper result");
+ }
+async function doEagerEvalDOMGetters(commands) {
+ // Getters explicitly marked no-side-effect.
+ //
+ // [code, expectedResult]
+ const testDataExplicit = [
+ // DOMTokenList
+ ["document.documentElement.classList.length", 1],
+ ["document.documentElement.classList.value", "class1"],
+ // Document
+ ["document.URL.startsWith('data:')", true],
+ ["document.documentURI.startsWith('data:')", true],
+ ["document.compatMode", "CSS1Compat"],
+ ["document.characterSet", "UTF-8"],
+ ["document.charset", "UTF-8"],
+ ["document.inputEncoding", "UTF-8"],
+ ["document.contentType", "text/html"],
+ ["", "DocumentType"],
+ ["", "HTMLHtmlElement"],
+ ["document.title", "Testcase"],
+ ["document.dir", "ltr"],
+ ["", "HTMLBodyElement"],
+ ["", "HTMLHeadElement"],
+ ["", "HTMLCollection"],
+ ["", "HTMLCollection"],
+ ["", "HTMLCollection"],
+ ["", "HTMLCollection"],
+ ["", "HTMLCollection"],
+ ["", "HTMLCollection"],
+ ["document.defaultView === window", true],
+ ["typeof document.currentScript", "object"],
+ ["", "HTMLCollection"],
+ ["", "HTMLCollection"],
+ ["", "HTMLAllCollection"],
+ ["", "DOMStringList"],
+ ["typeof document.featurePolicy", "undefined"],
+ ["typeof document.blockedNodeByClassifierCount", "undefined"],
+ ["typeof document.blockedNodesByClassifier", "undefined"],
+ ["typeof document.permDelegateHandler", "undefined"],
+ ["", "HTMLCollection"],
+ ["document.firstElementChild === document.documentElement", true],
+ ["document.lastElementChild === document.documentElement", true],
+ ["document.childElementCount", 1],
+ ["document.location.href.startsWith('data:')", true],
+ // Element
+ ["document.body.namespaceURI", ""],
+ ["document.body.prefix === null", true],
+ ["document.body.localName", "body"],
+ ["document.body.tagName", "BODY"],
+ ["", "body1"],
+ ["document.body.className", "class2"],
+ ["", "DOMTokenList"],
+ ["", "DOMTokenList"],
+ ["", "NamedNodeMap"],
+ ["document.body.innerHTML.includes('Body text')", true],
+ ["document.body.outerHTML.includes('Body text')", true],
+ ["document.body.previousElementSibling !== null", true],
+ ["document.body.nextElementSibling === null", true],
+ ["", "HTMLCollection"],
+ ["document.body.firstElementChild !== null", true],
+ ["document.body.lastElementChild !== null", true],
+ ["document.body.childElementCount", 1],
+ // Node
+ ["document.body.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE", true],
+ ["document.body.nodeName", "BODY"],
+ ["document.body.baseURI.startsWith('data:')", true],
+ ["document.body.isConnected", true],
+ ["document.body.ownerDocument === document", true],
+ ["document.body.parentNode === document.documentElement", true],
+ ["document.body.parentElement === document.documentElement", true],
+ ["", "NodeList"],
+ ["document.body.firstChild !== null", true],
+ ["document.body.lastChild !== null", true],
+ ["document.body.previousSibling !== null", true],
+ ["document.body.nextSibling === null", true],
+ ["document.body.nodeValue === null", true],
+ ["document.body.textContent.includes('Body text')", true],
+ ["typeof document.body.flattenedTreeParentNode", "undefined"],
+ ["typeof document.body.isNativeAnonymous", "undefined"],
+ ["typeof document.body.containingShadowRoot", "undefined"],
+ ["typeof document.body.accessibleNode", "undefined"],
+ // Performance
+ ["performance.timeOrigin > 0", true],
+ ["", "PerformanceTiming"],
+ ["", "PerformanceNavigation"],
+ ["", "EventCounts"],
+ // window
+ ["window.window === window", true],
+ ["window.self === window", true],
+ ["", "HTMLDocument"],
+ ["", "Performance"],
+ ["typeof window.browsingContext", "undefined"],
+ ["typeof window.windowUtils", "undefined"],
+ ["typeof window.windowGlobalChild", "undefined"],
+ ["", "VisualViewport"],
+ ["typeof window.caches", "undefined"],
+ ["window.location.href.startsWith('data:')", true],
+ ];
+ if (typeof Scheduler === "function") {
+ // Scheduler is behind a pref.
+ testDataExplicit.push(["", "Scheduler"]);
+ }
+ for (const [code, expectedResult] of testDataExplicit) {
+ const response = await commands.scriptCommand.execute(code, {
+ eager: true,
+ });
+ checkObject(
+ response,
+ {
+ input: code,
+ result: expectedResult,
+ },
+ code
+ );
+ ok(!response.exception, "no eval exception");
+ ok(!response.helperResult, "no helper result");
+ }
+ // Getters not-explicitly marked no-side-effect.
+ // All DOM getters are considered no-side-effect in eager evaluation context.
+ const testDataImplicit = [
+ // NOTE: This is not an exhaustive list.
+ // Document
+ [``, "DOMImplementation"],
+ [`typeof document.domain`, "string"],
+ [`typeof document.referrer`, "string"],
+ [`typeof document.cookie`, "string"],
+ [`typeof document.lastModified`, "string"],
+ [`typeof document.readyState`, "string"],
+ [`typeof document.designMode`, "string"],
+ [`typeof document.onbeforescriptexecute`, "object"],
+ [`typeof document.onafterscriptexecute`, "object"],
+ // Element
+ [`typeof document.documentElement.scrollTop`, "number"],
+ [`typeof document.documentElement.scrollLeft`, "number"],
+ [`typeof document.documentElement.scrollWidth`, "number"],
+ [`typeof document.documentElement.scrollHeight`, "number"],
+ // Performance
+ [`typeof performance.onresourcetimingbufferfull`, "object"],
+ // window
+ [`typeof`, "string"],
+ [``, "History"],
+ [``, "CustomElementRegistry"],
+ [``, "BarProp"],
+ [``, "BarProp"],
+ [`typeof window.status`, "string"],
+ [`window.closed`, false],
+ // CanvasRenderingContext2D / CanvasCompositing
+ [`testCanvasContext.globalAlpha`, 1],
+ ];
+ for (const [code, expectedResult] of testDataImplicit) {
+ const response = await commands.scriptCommand.execute(code, {
+ eager: true,
+ });
+ checkObject(
+ response,
+ {
+ input: code,
+ result: expectedResult,
+ },
+ code
+ );
+ ok(!response.exception, "no eval exception");
+ ok(!response.helperResult, "no helper result");
+ }
+async function doEagerEvalOtherNativeGetters(commands) {
+ // DOM getter functions are allowed to be eagerly-evaluated.
+ // Test the situation where non-DOM-getter function is called by accessing
+ // getter.
+ //
+ // "being a DOM getter" is tested by checking if the native function has
+ // JSJitInfo and it's marked as getter.
+ const testData = [
+ // Has no JitInfo.
+ "objWithNativeGetter.print",
+ "objWithNativeGetter.Element",
+ // Not marked as getter, but method.
+ "objWithNativeGetter.getAttribute",
+ // Not marked as getter, but setter.
+ "objWithNativeGetter.setClassName",
+ // Not marked as getter, but static method.
+ "objWithNativeGetter.requestPermission",
+ ];
+ for (const code of testData) {
+ const response = await commands.scriptCommand.execute(code, {
+ eager: true,
+ });
+ checkObject(
+ response,
+ {
+ input: code,
+ result: { type: "undefined" },
+ },
+ code
+ );
+ ok(!response.exception, "no eval exception");
+ ok(!response.helperResult, "no helper result");
+ }
+async function doEagerEvalAsyncFunctions(commands) {
+ // [code, expectedResult]
+ const testData = [["typeof testAsync()", "object"]];
+ for (const [code, expectedResult] of testData) {
+ const response = await commands.scriptCommand.execute(code, {
+ eager: true,
+ });
+ checkObject(
+ response,
+ {
+ input: code,
+ result: expectedResult,
+ },
+ code
+ );
+ ok(!response.exception, "no eval exception");
+ ok(!response.helperResult, "no helper result");
+ }
+ const testDataWithSideEffect = [
+ // await is effectful
+ "testAsyncAwait()",
+ // initial yield is effectful
+ "testAsyncGen()",
+ "testAsyncGenAwait()",
+ ];
+ for (const code of testDataWithSideEffect) {
+ const response = await commands.scriptCommand.execute(code, {
+ eager: true,
+ });
+ checkObject(
+ response,
+ {
+ input: code,
+ result: { type: "undefined" },
+ },
+ code
+ );
+ ok(!response.exception, "no eval exception");
+ ok(!response.helperResult, "no helper result");
+ }
diff --git a/devtools/shared/commands/script/tests/browser_script_command_execute_document__proto__.js b/devtools/shared/commands/script/tests/browser_script_command_execute_document__proto__.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..28f56ebac3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devtools/shared/commands/script/tests/browser_script_command_execute_document__proto__.js
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
+ */
+"use strict";
+// Testing evaluating document.__proto__
+add_task(async () => {
+ const tab = await addTab(
+ `data:text/html;charset=utf-8,Test evaluating document.__proto__`
+ );
+ const commands = await CommandsFactory.forTab(tab);
+ await commands.targetCommand.startListening();
+ const evaluationResponse = await commands.scriptCommand.execute(
+ "document.__proto__"
+ );
+ checkObject(evaluationResponse, {
+ input: "document.__proto__",
+ result: {
+ type: "object",
+ actor: /[a-z]/,
+ },
+ });
+ ok(!evaluationResponse.exception, "no eval exception");
+ ok(!evaluationResponse.helperResult, "no helper result");
+ const response = await evaluationResponse.result.getPrototypeAndProperties();
+ ok(!response.error, "no response error");
+ const props = response.ownProperties;
+ ok(props, "response properties available");
+ const expectedProps = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(
+ Object.getPrototypeOf(document)
+ );
+ checkObject(Object.keys(props), expectedProps, "Same own properties.");
+ await commands.destroy();
diff --git a/devtools/shared/commands/script/tests/browser_script_command_execute_last_result.js b/devtools/shared/commands/script/tests/browser_script_command_execute_last_result.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..aebdaeb168
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devtools/shared/commands/script/tests/browser_script_command_execute_last_result.js
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
+ */
+"use strict";
+// Testing that last evaluation result can be accessed with `$_`
+add_task(async () => {
+ const tab = await addTab(`data:text/html;charset=utf-8,`);
+ const commands = await CommandsFactory.forTab(tab);
+ await commands.targetCommand.startListening();
+ info("$_ returns undefined if nothing has evaluated yet");
+ let response = await commands.scriptCommand.execute("$_");
+ basicResultCheck(response, "$_", { type: "undefined" });
+ info("$_ returns last value and performs basic arithmetic");
+ response = await commands.scriptCommand.execute("2+2");
+ basicResultCheck(response, "2+2", 4);
+ response = await commands.scriptCommand.execute("$_");
+ basicResultCheck(response, "$_", 4);
+ response = await commands.scriptCommand.execute("$_ + 2");
+ basicResultCheck(response, "$_ + 2", 6);
+ response = await commands.scriptCommand.execute("$_ + 4");
+ basicResultCheck(response, "$_ + 4", 10);
+ info("$_ has correct references to objects");
+ response = await commands.scriptCommand.execute("var foo = {bar:1}; foo;");
+ basicResultCheck(response, "var foo = {bar:1}; foo;", {
+ type: "object",
+ class: "Object",
+ actor: /[a-z]/,
+ });
+ checkObject(response.result.getGrip().preview.ownProperties, {
+ bar: {
+ value: 1,
+ },
+ });
+ response = await commands.scriptCommand.execute("$_");
+ basicResultCheck(response, "$_", {
+ type: "object",
+ class: "Object",
+ actor: /[a-z]/,
+ });
+ checkObject(response.result.getGrip().preview.ownProperties, {
+ bar: {
+ value: 1,
+ },
+ });
+ info(
+ "Update a property value and check that evaluating $_ returns the expected object instance"
+ );
+ await ContentTask.spawn(gBrowser.selectedBrowser, null, () => {
+ = "updated_value";
+ });
+ response = await commands.scriptCommand.execute("$_");
+ basicResultCheck(response, "$_", {
+ type: "object",
+ class: "Object",
+ actor: /[a-z]/,
+ });
+ checkObject(response.result.getGrip().preview.ownProperties, {
+ bar: {
+ value: "updated_value",
+ },
+ });
+ await commands.destroy();
+function basicResultCheck(response, input, output) {
+ checkObject(response, {
+ input,
+ result: output,
+ });
+ ok(!response.exception, "no eval exception");
+ ok(!response.helperResult, "no helper result");
diff --git a/devtools/shared/commands/script/tests/browser_script_command_execute_throw.js b/devtools/shared/commands/script/tests/browser_script_command_execute_throw.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8680193ecb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devtools/shared/commands/script/tests/browser_script_command_execute_throw.js
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
+ */
+"use strict";
+// Testing evaluating thowing expressions
+const {
+ DevToolsServer,
+} = require("resource://devtools/server/devtools-server.js");
+add_task(async () => {
+ const tab = await addTab(`data:text/html;charset=utf-8,Test throw`);
+ const commands = await CommandsFactory.forTab(tab);
+ await commands.targetCommand.startListening();
+ const falsyValues = [
+ "-0",
+ "null",
+ "undefined",
+ "Infinity",
+ "-Infinity",
+ "NaN",
+ ];
+ for (const value of falsyValues) {
+ const response = await commands.scriptCommand.execute(`throw ${value};`);
+ is(
+ response.exception.type,
+ value,
+ `Got the expected value for response.exception.type when throwing "${value}"`
+ );
+ }
+ const identityTestValues = [false, 0];
+ for (const value of identityTestValues) {
+ const response = await commands.scriptCommand.execute(`throw ${value};`);
+ is(
+ response.exception,
+ value,
+ `Got the expected value for response.exception when throwing "${value}"`
+ );
+ }
+ const symbolTestValues = [
+ ["Symbol.iterator", "Symbol(Symbol.iterator)"],
+ ["Symbol('foo')", "Symbol(foo)"],
+ ["Symbol()", "Symbol()"],
+ ];
+ for (const [expr, message] of symbolTestValues) {
+ const response = await commands.scriptCommand.execute(`throw ${expr};`);
+ is(
+ response.exceptionMessage,
+ message,
+ `Got the expected value for response.exceptionMessage when throwing "${expr}"`
+ );
+ }
+ const longString = Array(DevToolsServer.LONG_STRING_LENGTH + 1).join("a"),
+ shortedString = longString.substring(
+ 0,
+ );
+ const response = await commands.scriptCommand.execute(
+ "throw '" + longString + "';"
+ );
+ is(
+ response.exception.initial,
+ shortedString,
+ "Got the expected value for exception.initial when throwing a longString"
+ );
+ is(
+ response.exceptionMessage.initial,
+ shortedString,
+ "Got the expected value for exceptionMessage.initial when throwing a longString"
+ );
diff --git a/devtools/shared/commands/script/tests/head.js b/devtools/shared/commands/script/tests/head.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..50635e4502
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devtools/shared/commands/script/tests/head.js
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+ "chrome://mochitests/content/browser/devtools/client/shared/test/shared-head.js",
+ this
+function checkObject(object, expected, message) {
+ if (object && object.getGrip) {
+ object = object.getGrip();
+ }
+ for (const name of Object.keys(expected)) {
+ const expectedValue = expected[name];
+ const value = object[name];
+ checkValue(name, value, expectedValue, message);
+ }
+function checkValue(name, value, expected, message) {
+ if (message) {
+ message = ` for '${message}'`;
+ }
+ if (expected === null) {
+ is(value, null, `'${name}' is null${message}`);
+ } else if (expected === undefined) {
+ is(value, expected, `'${name}' is undefined${message}`);
+ } else if (
+ typeof expected == "string" ||
+ typeof expected == "number" ||
+ typeof expected == "boolean"
+ ) {
+ is(value, expected, "property '" + name + "'" + message);
+ } else if (expected instanceof RegExp) {
+ ok(
+ expected.test(value),
+ name + ": " + expected + " matched " + value + message
+ );
+ } else if (Array.isArray(expected)) {
+ info("checking array for property '" + name + "'" + message);
+ checkObject(value, expected, message);
+ } else if (typeof expected == "object") {
+ info("checking object for property '" + name + "'" + message);
+ checkObject(value, expected, message);
+ }