path: root/l10n-hsb/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutGlean.ftl
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Diffstat (limited to 'l10n-hsb/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutGlean.ftl')
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diff --git a/l10n-hsb/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutGlean.ftl b/l10n-hsb/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutGlean.ftl
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index 0000000000..207bafe071
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+++ b/l10n-hsb/toolkit/toolkit/about/aboutGlean.ftl
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+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+### "FOG", "Glean", and "Glean SDK" should remain in English.
+-fog-brand-name = FOG
+-glean-brand-name = Glean
+glean-sdk-brand-name = { -glean-brand-name } SDK
+glean-debug-ping-viewer-brand-name = { -glean-brand-name } Debug Ping Viewer
+about-glean-page-title2 = Wo { -glean-brand-name }
+about-glean-header = Wo { -glean-brand-name }
+about-glean-interface-description =
+ <a data-l10n-name="glean-sdk-doc-link">{ glean-sdk-brand-name }</a>
+ je zběrka datow, kotraž so w projektach { -vendor-short-name } wužiwa.
+ Tutón powjerch je so wuwił, zo by so wot wuwiwarjow a testowarjow wužiwał, zo bychu manuelnje
+ <a data-l10n-name="fog-link">instrumentaciju testowali</a>.
+about-glean-upload-enabled = Nahraće datow je zmóžnjene.
+about-glean-upload-disabled = Nahraće datow je znjemóžnjene.
+about-glean-upload-enabled-local = Nahraće datow je jenož za słanje na lokalny serwer zmóžnjene.
+about-glean-upload-fake-enabled =
+ Nahraće datow je znjemóžnjene,
+ ale łžimy a zdźělamy { glean-sdk-brand-name }, zo wono je zmóžnjene
+ zo bychu so daty hišće lokalnje składowali.
+ Kedźbu: Jeli značku pytanja zmylkow stajeće, pingi so do
+ <a data-l10n-name="glean-debug-ping-viewer">{ glean-debug-ping-viewer-brand-name }</a> njedźiwajo na nastajenja nahrawaja.
+# This message is followed by a bulleted list.
+about-glean-prefs-and-defines = Relewantne <a data-l10n-name="fog-prefs-and-defines-doc-link">nastajenja a definicije</a> wopřijimaja:
+# Variables:
+# $data-upload-pref-value (String): the value of the datareporting.healthreport.uploadEnabled pref. Typically "true", sometimes "false"
+# Do not translate strings between <code> </code> tags.
+about-glean-data-upload = <code>datareporting.healthreport.uploadEnabled</code>: { $data-upload-pref-value }
+# Variables:
+# $local-port-pref-value (Integer): the value of the telemetry.fog.test.localhost_port pref. Typically 0. Can be negative.
+# Do not translate strings between <code> </code> tags.
+about-glean-local-port = <code>telemetry.fog.test.localhost_port</code>: { $local-port-pref-value }
+# Variables:
+# $glean-android-define-value (Boolean): the value of the MOZ_GLEAN_ANDROID define. Typically "false", sometimes "true".
+# Do not translate strings between <code> </code> tags.
+about-glean-glean-android = <code>MOZ_GLEAN_ANDROID</code>: { $glean-android-define-value }
+# Variables:
+# $moz-official-define-value (Boolean): the value of the MOZILLA_OFFICIAL define.
+# Do not translate strings between <code> </code> tags.
+about-glean-moz-official = <code>MOZILLA_OFFICIAL</code>: { $moz-official-define-value }
+about-glean-about-testing-header = Wo testowanju
+# This message is followed by a numbered list.
+about-glean-manual-testing =
+ Dospołne instrukcije so w
+ <a data-l10n-name="fog-instrumentation-test-doc-link">{ -fog-brand-name } dokumentach testowanja instrumentacije</a>
+ a w <a data-l10n-name="glean-sdk-doc-link">{ glean-sdk-brand-name } dokumentaciji</a> dokumentuja,
+ ale, krótko prajene, zo byšće manuelnje testował, hač waša instrumentacije funguje, wy měł:
+# This message is an option in a dropdown filled with untranslated names of pings.
+about-glean-no-ping-label = (ping njesłać)
+# An in-line text input field precedes this string.
+about-glean-label-for-tag-pings = Zawěsćće, zo je w předchadnym polu njezapomnita značka pytanja zmylka, zo byšće móhł swoje pingi pozdźišo spóznał.
+# An in-line text input field precedes this string.
+about-glean-label-for-tag-pings-with-requirements = Stajće spomjatkliwu značku pytanja zmylkow <span>(20 znamješkow abo mjenje, jenož alfanumeriske a -)</span>, zo byšće pozdźišo swoje pingi zaso spóznał.
+# An in-line drop down list precedes this string.
+# Do not translate strings between <code> </code> tags.
+about-glean-label-for-ping-names =
+ Wubjerće z předchadneje lisćiny ping, kotryž wašu instrumentaciju wobsahuje.
+ Jeli je w <a data-l10n-name="custom-ping-link">swójskim pingu</a>, wubjerće tón.
+ Hewak je standard za metriku <code>event</code>
+ ping <code>events</code>
+ a standard za druhe metriki je
+ ping <code>metrics</code>.
+# An in-line check box precedes this string.
+about-glean-label-for-log-pings =
+ (Na přeće. Wubjerće předchadne polo, jeli chceće, zo so pingi tež protokoluja, hdyž so wotesyłaja.
+ Dyrbiće nimo toho <a data-l10n-name="enable-logging-link">protokolowanje zmóžnić</a>.)
+# Variables
+# $debug-tag (String): The user-set value of the debug tag input on this page. Like "about-glean-kV"
+# An in-line button labeled "Apply settings and submit ping" precedes this string.
+about-glean-label-for-controls-submit =
+ Tłóčće na předchadne tłóčatko, zo byšće wšě pingi { -glean-brand-name } ze swojej značku woznamjenił a wotpósćelće wubrany ping.
+ (Wšě pingi, kotrež so wot toho časa wotesćelu, doniž njestartujeće znowa, so z
+ <code>{ $debug-tag }</code> woznamjenjeja.)
+about-glean-li-for-visit-gdpv =
+ <a data-l10n-name="gdpv-tagged-pings-link">Wopytajće stronu { glean-debug-ping-viewer-brand-name } za pingi ze swojej značku</a>.
+ Njeměło wjace hač por sekundow wot tłóčenja tłóčatka do přichoda wašeho pinga trać.
+ Druhdy móže por mjeńšin trać.
+# Do not translate strings between <code> </code> tags.
+about-glean-adhoc-explanation =
+ Za dalše testy <i>ad hoc</i>
+ móžeće tež aktualnu hódnotu wěsteho dźěla instrumentacije postajić,
+ hdyž konsolu wuwiwarskich nastrojow tu w <code>about:glean</code> wočinjeće
+ a API <code>testGetValue()</code> takle wužiwaće:
+ <code>Glean.metricCategory.metricName.testGetValue()</code>.
+# Do not translate strings between <code> </code> tags.
+about-glean-adhoc-explanation2 =
+ Za dalše testy <i>ad hoc</i>
+ móžeće tež aktualnu hódnotu wěsteho dźěla instrumentacije postajić,
+ hdyž konsolu wuwiwarskich nastrojow tu w <code>about:glean</code> wočinjeće
+ a API <code>testGetValue()</code> takle wužiwaće:
+ <code>Glean.metricCategory.metricName.testGetValue()</code>
+ za metriku z mjenom <code>metric.category.metric_name</code>.
+# Do not translate strings between <code> </code> tags.
+about-glean-adhoc-note =
+ Prošu dźiwajće na to, zo API Glean JS z pomocu konsole wuwiwarskich nastrojow wužiwać.
+ To rěka, zo so metriska kategorija a metriske mjeno w
+ <code>camelCase</code> formatěrujetej, na rozdźěl wot API Rust a C++.
+controls-button-label-verbose = Nastajenja nałožić a ping wotpósłać
+about-glean-about-data-header = Wo datach
+about-glean-about-data-explanation =
+ Zo byšće lisćinu zhromadźenych datow přepytał, skonsultujće
+ <a data-l10n-name="glean-dictionary-link">{ -glean-brand-name } Słownik</a>.