path: root/testing/docs/tests-for-new-config
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diff --git a/testing/docs/tests-for-new-config/index.rst b/testing/docs/tests-for-new-config/index.rst
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index 0000000000..32fdf62b7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/docs/tests-for-new-config/index.rst
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+Turning on Firefox tests for a new configuration
+You are ready to go with turning on Firefox tests for a new config. Once you
+get to this stage, you will have seen a try push with all the tests running
+(many not green) to verify some tests pass and there are enough machines
+available to run tests.
+For the purpose of this document, assume you are tasked with upgrading Windows
+10 OS from version 1803 -> 1903. To simplify this we can call this `windows_1903`,
+and we need to:
+ * create meta bug
+ * push to try
+ * run skip-fails
+ * repeat 2 more times
+ * land changes and turn on tests
+ * turn on run only failures
+If you are running this manually or on configs/tests that are not supported with
+`./mach try --new-test-config`, then please follow the steps `here <manual.html>`__
+Create Meta Bug
+This is a simple step where you create a meta bug to track the failures associated
+with the tests you are greening up. If this is a test suite (i.e. `devtools`), it
+is ok to have a meta bug just for the test suite and the new platform.
+All bugs related to tests skipped or failing will be blocking this meta bug.
+Push to Try Server
+Now that you have a configuration setup and machines available via try server, it
+is time to run try. If you are migrating mochitest or xpcshell, then you can do:
+ ``./mach try fuzzy --no-artifact --full --rebuild 10 --new-task-config -q 'test-windows10-64-1903 mochitest-browser-chrome !ccov !ship !browsertime !talos !asan'``
+This will run many tests (thanks to --full and --rebuild 10), but will give plenty
+of useful data.
+In the scenario you are migrating tests such as:
+ * performance
+ * web-platform-tests
+ * reftest / crashtest / jsreftest
+ * mochitest-webgl (has a different process for test skipping)
+ * cppunittest / gtest / junit
+ * marionette / firefox-ui / telemetry
+ then please follow the steps `here <manual.html>`__
+ If you are migrating to a small machine pool, it is best to avoid `--rebuild 10` and
+ instead do `--rebuild 3`. Likewise please limit your jobs to be the specific test
+ suite and variant. The size of a worker pool is shown at the Workers page of the
+ Taskcluster instance.
+Run skip-fails
+When the try push is completed it is time to run skip-fails. Skip-fails will
+look at all the test results and automatically create a set of local changes
+with skip-if conditions to green up the tests faster.
+``./mach manifest skip-fails --b -m <meta_bug_id> --turbo "<rev>"``
+Please input the proper `meta_bug_id` and `rev` into the above command.
+The first time running this, you will need to get a `bugzilla api key <>`__. copy
+this key and add it to your `~/.config/python-bugzilla/bugzilla-rc` file:
+.. code-block:: none
+ cat bugzillarc
+ url =
+ []
+ api_key = <key>
+When the command finishes, you will have new bugs created that are blocking the
+meta bug. In addition you will have many changes to manifests adding skip-if
+conditions. For tests than fail 40% of the time or for entire manifests that
+take >20 minutes to run on opt or >40 minutes on debug.
+You will need to create a commit (or `--amend` your previous commit if this is round 2 or 3):
+``hg commit -m "Bug <meta_bug_id> - Green up tests for <suite> on <platform>"``
+Repeat 2 More Times
+In 3 rounds this should be complete and ready to submit for review and turn on
+the new tests.
+There will be additional failures, those will follow the normal process of
+Land Changes and Turn on Tests
+After you have a green test run, it is time to land the patches. There could
+be changes needed to the taskgraph in order to add the new hardware type and
+duplicate tests to run on both the old and the new, or create a new variant and
+denote which tests to run on that variant.
+Using our example of ``windows_1903``, this would be a new worker type that
+would require these edits:
+ * `transforms/ <>`__ (duplicate windows 10 entries)
+ * ` <>`__ (copy windows10 debug/opt/shippable/asan entries and make win10_1903)
+ * ` <>`__ (ideally you need nothing, otherwise copy ``windows-tests`` and edit the test list)
+In general this should allow you to have tests scheduled with no custom flags
+in try server and all of these will be scheduled by default on
+``mozilla-central``, ``autoland``, and ``release-branches``.
+Turn on Run Only Failures
+Now that we have tests running regularly, the next step is to take all the
+disabled tests and run them in the special failures job.
+We have a basic framework created, but for every test harness (i.e. xpcshell,
+mochitest-gpu, browser-chrome, devtools, web-platform-tests, crashtest, etc.),
+there will need to be a corresponding tier-3 job that is created.
+TODO: point to examples of how to add this after we get our first jobs running.
diff --git a/testing/docs/tests-for-new-config/manual.rst b/testing/docs/tests-for-new-config/manual.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cf2485251a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/docs/tests-for-new-config/manual.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+Turning on Firefox tests for a new configuration (manual)
+You are ready to go with turning on Firefox tests for a new config. Once you
+get to this stage, you will have seen a try push with all the tests running
+(many not green) to verify some tests pass and there are enough machines
+available to run tests.
+For the purpose of this document, assume you are tasked with upgrading Windows
+10 OS from 1803 -> 1903. To simplify this we can call this `windows_1903`, and
+we need to:
+ * push to try
+ * analyze test failures
+ * disable tests in manifests
+ * repeat try push until no failures
+ * file bugs for test failures
+ * land changes and turn on tests
+ * turn on run only failures
+There are many edge cases, and I will outline them inside each step.
+Push to Try Server
+As you have new machines (or cloud instances) available with the updated
+OS/config, it is time to push to try.
+In order to run all tests, we would need to execute:
+ ``./mach try fuzzy --no-artifact -q 'test-windows !-raptor- !-talos- --rebuild 10``
+There are a few exceptions here:
+ * Perf tests don't need to be run (hence the ``!-raptor- !-talos-``)
+ * Need to make sure we are not building with artifact builds (hence the
+ ``--no-artifact``)
+ * There are jobs hidden behind tier-3, some for a good reason (code coverage is
+ a good example, but fission tests might not be green)
+ The last piece to sort out is running on the new config, here are some
+ considerations for new configs:
+ * duplicated jobs (i.e. fission, a11y-checks), you can just run those specific
+ tasks: ``./mach try fuzzy --no-artifact -q 'test-windows fission --rebuild
+ 5``
+ * new OS/hardware (i.e. aarch64, os upgrade), you need to reference the new
+ hardware, typically this is with ``--worker-override``: ``./mach try fuzzy
+ --no-artifact -q 'test-windows --rebuild 10 --worker-override
+ t-win10-64=gecko-t/t-win10-64-1903``
+ * the risk here is a scenario where hardware is limited, then ``--rebuild
+ 10`` will create too many tasks and some will expire.
+ * in low hardware situations, either run a subset of tests (i.e.
+ web-platform-tests, mochitest), or ``--rebuild 3`` and repeat.
+Analyze Test Failures
+A try push will take many hours, it is best to push when you start work and
+then results will be ready later in your day, or push at the end of your day
+and results will be ready when you come back to work the next day. Please
+make sure some tasks start before walking away, otherwise a small typo can
+delay this process by hours or a full day.
+The best way to look at test failures is to use Push Health to avoid misleading
+data. Push Health will bucket failures into possible regressions, known
+regression, etc. When looking at 5 data points (from ``--rebuild 10``), this
+will filter out intermittent failures.
+There are many reasons you might have invalid or misleading data:
+ # Tests fail intermittently, we need a pattern to know if it is consistent or
+ intermittent.
+ # We still want to disable high frequency intermittent tests, those are just
+ annoying.
+ # You could be pushing off a bad base revision (regression or intermittent that
+ comes from the base revision).
+ # The machines you run on could be bad, skewing the data.
+ # Infrastructure problems could cause jobs to fail at random places, repeated
+ jobs filter that out.
+ # Some failures could affect future tests in the same browser session or tasks.
+ # If a crash occurs, or we timeout- it is possible that we will not run all of
+ the tests in the task, therefore believing a test was run 5 times, but maybe it
+ was only run once (and failed), or never run at all.
+ # Task failures that do not have a test name (leak on shutdown, crash on
+ shutdown, timeout on shutdown, etc.)
+That is a long list of reasons to not trust the data, luckily most of the time
+using ``--rebuild 10`` will give us enough data to give enough confidence we
+found all failures and can ignore random/intermittent failures.
+Knowing the reasons for misleading data, here is a way to use `Push Health
+ * Alternatively, you could use the `API
+ <>`__
+ to get raw data and work towards building a tool
+ * If you write a tool, you need to parse the resulting JSON file and keep in
+ mind to build a list of failures and match it with a list of jobnames to find
+ how many times the job ran and failed/passed.
+The main goal here is to know what <path>/<filenames> are failing, and having a
+list of those. Ideally you would record some additional information like
+timeout, crash, failure, etc. In the end you might end up with::
+ dom/html/test/test_fullscreen-api.html, scrollbar
+ gfx/layers/apz/test/mochitest/test_group_hittest.html, scrollbar
+ image/test/mochitest/test_animSVGImage.html, timeout
+ browser/base/content/test/general/browser_restore_isAppTab.js, crashed
+Disable Tests in the Manifest Files
+The code sheriffs have been using `this documentation
+for training and reference when they disable intermittents.
+First you need to add a keyword to be available in the manifest (e.g. ``skip-if
+= windows_1903``).
+There are many exceptions, the bulk of the work will fall into one of 4
+ # `manifestparser <mochitest_xpcshell_manifest_keywords>`_: \*.toml (mochitest*,
+ firefox-ui, marionette, xpcshell) easy to edit by adding a ``skip-if =
+ windows_1903 # <comment>``, a few exceptions here
+ # `reftest <reftest_manifest_keywords>`_: \*.list (reftest, crashtest) need to
+ add a ``fuzzy-if(windows_1903, A, B)``, this is more specific
+ # web-platform-test: testing/web-platform/meta/\*\*.ini (wpt, wpt-reftest,
+ etc.) need to edit/add testing/web-platform/meta/<path>/<testname>.ini, and add
+ expected results
+ # Other (compiled tests, jsreftest, etc.) edit source code, ask for help.
+Basically we want to take every non-intermittent failure found from push health
+and edit the manifest, this typically means:
+ * Finding the proper manifest.
+ * Adding the right text to the manifest.
+To find the proper manifest, it is typically <path>/<harness>.[toml|list].
+There are exceptions and if in doubt use to find the manifest
+which contains the testname.
+Once you have the manifest, open it in an editor, and search for the exact test
+name (there could be similar named tests).
+Rerun Try Push, Repeat as Necessary
+It is important to test your changes and for a new platform that will be
+sheriffed, to rerun all the tests at scale.
+With your change in a commit, push again to try with ``--rebuild 10`` and come
+back the next day.
+As there are so many edge cases, it is quite likely that you will have more
+failures, mentally plan on 3 iterations of this, where each iteration has fewer
+Once you get a full push to show no persistent failures, it is time to land
+those changes and turn on the new tests. There is a large risk here that the
+longer you take to find all failures, the greater the chance of:
+ * Bitrot of your patch
+ * New tests being added which could fail on your config
+ * Other edits to tests/tools which could affect your new config
+Since the new config process is designed to find failures fast and get the
+changes landed fast, we do not need to ask developers for review, that comes
+after the new config is running successfully where we notify the teams of what
+tests are failing.
+File Bugs for Test Failures
+Once the failure jobs are running on mozilla-central, now we have full coverage
+and the ability to run tests on try server. There could be >100 tests that are
+marked as ``skip-if`` and that would take a lot of time to file bugs. Instead
+we will file a bug for each manifest that is edited, typically this reduces the
+bugs to about 40% the total tests (average out to 2.5 test failures/manifest).
+When filing the bug, indicate the timeline, how to run the failure, link to the
+bug where we created the config, describe briefly the config change (i.e.
+upgrade windows 10 from version 1803 to 1903), and finally needinfo the triage
+owner indicating this is a heads up and these tests are running reguarly on
+mozilla-central for the next 6-7 weeks.
+Land Changes and Turn on Tests
+After you have a green test run, it is time to land the patches. There could
+be changes needed to the taskgraph in order to add the new hardware type and
+duplicate tests to run on both the old and the new, or create a new variant and
+denote which tests to run on that variant.
+Using our example of ``windows_1903``, this would be a new worker type that
+would require these edits:
+ * `transforms/ <>`__ (duplicate windows 10 entries)
+ * ` <>`__ (copy windows10 debug/opt/shippable/asan entries and make win10_1903)
+ * ` <>`__ (ideally you need nothing, otherwise copy ``windows-tests`` and edit the test list)
+In general this should allow you to have tests scheduled with no custom flags
+in try server and all of these will be scheduled by default on
+``mozilla-central``, ``autoland``, and ``release-branches``.
+Turn on Run Only Failures
+Now that we have tests running regularly, the next step is to take all the
+disabled tests and run them in the special failures job.
+We have a basic framework created, but for every test harness (i.e. xpcshell,
+mochitest-gpu, browser-chrome, devtools, web-platform-tests, crashtest, etc.),
+there will need to be a corresponding tier-3 job that is created.
+TODO: point to examples of how to add this after we get our first jobs running.