path: root/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/')
1 files changed, 1181 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/ b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c98d01717e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/
@@ -0,0 +1,1181 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
+# You can obtain one at
+# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
+"""Python usage, esp. virtualenv.
+import errno
+import json
+import os
+import shutil
+import site
+import socket
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import traceback
+from pathlib import Path
+ import urlparse
+except ImportError:
+ import urllib.parse as urlparse
+from six import string_types
+import mozharness
+from mozharness.base.errors import VirtualenvErrorList
+from mozharness.base.log import FATAL, WARNING
+from mozharness.base.script import (
+ PostScriptAction,
+ PostScriptRun,
+ PreScriptAction,
+ ScriptMixin,
+external_tools_path = os.path.join(
+ os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(mozharness.__file__))),
+ "external_tools",
+def get_tlsv1_post():
+ # Monkeypatch to work around SSL errors in non-bleeding-edge Python.
+ # Taken from
+ import ssl
+ import requests
+ from requests.packages.urllib3.poolmanager import PoolManager
+ class TLSV1Adapter(requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter):
+ def init_poolmanager(self, connections, maxsize, block=False):
+ self.poolmanager = PoolManager(
+ num_pools=connections,
+ maxsize=maxsize,
+ block=block,
+ ssl_version=ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1,
+ )
+ s = requests.Session()
+ s.mount("https://", TLSV1Adapter())
+ return
+# Virtualenv {{{1
+virtualenv_config_options = [
+ [
+ ["--virtualenv-path"],
+ {
+ "action": "store",
+ "dest": "virtualenv_path",
+ "default": "venv",
+ "help": "Specify the path to the virtualenv top level directory",
+ },
+ ],
+ [
+ ["--find-links"],
+ {
+ "action": "extend",
+ "dest": "find_links",
+ "default": [""],
+ "help": "URL to look for packages at",
+ },
+ ],
+ [
+ ["--pip-index"],
+ {
+ "action": "store_true",
+ "default": False,
+ "dest": "pip_index",
+ "help": "Use pip indexes",
+ },
+ ],
+ [
+ ["--no-pip-index"],
+ {
+ "action": "store_false",
+ "dest": "pip_index",
+ "help": "Don't use pip indexes (default)",
+ },
+ ],
+class VirtualenvMixin(object):
+ """BaseScript mixin, designed to create and use virtualenvs.
+ Config items:
+ * virtualenv_path points to the virtualenv location on disk.
+ * virtualenv_modules lists the module names.
+ * MODULE_url list points to the module URLs (optional)
+ Requires virtualenv to be in PATH.
+ Depends on ScriptMixin
+ """
+ python_paths = {}
+ site_packages_path = None
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ self._virtualenv_modules = []
+ super(VirtualenvMixin, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ def register_virtualenv_module(
+ self,
+ name=None,
+ url=None,
+ method=None,
+ requirements=None,
+ optional=False,
+ two_pass=False,
+ editable=False,
+ ):
+ """Register a module to be installed with the virtualenv.
+ This method can be called up until create_virtualenv() to register
+ modules that should be installed in the virtualenv.
+ See the documentation for install_module for how the arguments are
+ applied.
+ """
+ self._virtualenv_modules.append(
+ (name, url, method, requirements, optional, two_pass, editable)
+ )
+ def query_virtualenv_path(self):
+ """Determine the absolute path to the virtualenv."""
+ dirs = self.query_abs_dirs()
+ if "abs_virtualenv_dir" in dirs:
+ return dirs["abs_virtualenv_dir"]
+ p = self.config["virtualenv_path"]
+ if not p:
+ self.fatal(
+ "virtualenv_path config option not set; " "this should never happen"
+ )
+ if os.path.isabs(p):
+ return p
+ else:
+ return os.path.join(dirs["abs_work_dir"], p)
+ def query_python_path(self, binary="python"):
+ """Return the path of a binary inside the virtualenv, if
+ c['virtualenv_path'] is set; otherwise return the binary name.
+ Otherwise return None
+ """
+ if binary not in self.python_paths:
+ bin_dir = "bin"
+ if self._is_windows():
+ bin_dir = "Scripts"
+ virtualenv_path = self.query_virtualenv_path()
+ self.python_paths[binary] = os.path.abspath(
+ os.path.join(virtualenv_path, bin_dir, binary)
+ )
+ return self.python_paths[binary]
+ def query_python_site_packages_path(self):
+ if self.site_packages_path:
+ return self.site_packages_path
+ python = self.query_python_path()
+ self.site_packages_path = self.get_output_from_command(
+ [
+ python,
+ "-c",
+ "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; "
+ + "print(get_python_lib())",
+ ]
+ )
+ return self.site_packages_path
+ def package_versions(
+ self, pip_freeze_output=None, error_level=WARNING, log_output=False
+ ):
+ """
+ reads packages from `pip freeze` output and returns a dict of
+ {package_name: 'version'}
+ """
+ packages = {}
+ if pip_freeze_output is None:
+ # get the output from `pip freeze`
+ pip = self.query_python_path("pip")
+ if not pip:
+ self.log("package_versions: Program pip not in path", level=error_level)
+ return {}
+ pip_freeze_output = self.get_output_from_command(
+ [pip, "list", "--format", "freeze", "--no-index"],
+ silent=True,
+ ignore_errors=True,
+ )
+ if not isinstance(pip_freeze_output, string_types):
+ self.fatal(
+ "package_versions: Error encountered running `pip freeze`: "
+ + pip_freeze_output
+ )
+ for l in pip_freeze_output.splitlines():
+ # parse the output into package, version
+ line = l.strip()
+ if not line:
+ # whitespace
+ continue
+ if line.startswith("-"):
+ # not a package, probably like '-e'
+ continue
+ if "==" not in line:
+ self.fatal("pip_freeze_packages: Unrecognized output line: %s" % line)
+ package, version = line.split("==", 1)
+ packages[package] = version
+ if log_output:
+"Current package versions:")
+ for package in sorted(packages):
+" %s == %s" % (package, packages[package]))
+ return packages
+ def is_python_package_installed(self, package_name, error_level=WARNING):
+ """
+ Return whether the package is installed
+ """
+ # pylint --py3k W1655
+ package_versions = self.package_versions(error_level=error_level)
+ return package_name.lower() in [package.lower() for package in package_versions]
+ def install_module(
+ self,
+ module=None,
+ module_url=None,
+ install_method=None,
+ requirements=(),
+ optional=False,
+ global_options=[],
+ no_deps=False,
+ editable=False,
+ ):
+ """
+ Install module via pip.
+ module_url can be a url to a python package tarball, a path to
+ a directory containing a (absolute or relative to work_dir)
+ or None, in which case it will default to the module name.
+ requirements is a list of pip requirements files. If specified, these
+ will be combined with the module_url (if any), like so:
+ pip install -r requirements1.txt -r requirements2.txt module_url
+ """
+ import http.client
+ import time
+ import urllib.error
+ import urllib.request
+ c = self.config
+ dirs = self.query_abs_dirs()
+ env = self.query_env()
+ venv_path = self.query_virtualenv_path()
+"Installing %s into virtualenv %s" % (module, venv_path))
+ if not module_url:
+ module_url = module
+ if install_method in (None, "pip"):
+ if not module_url and not requirements:
+ self.fatal("Must specify module and/or requirements")
+ pip = self.query_python_path("pip")
+ if c.get("verbose_pip"):
+ command = [pip, "-v", "install"]
+ else:
+ command = [pip, "install"]
+ if no_deps:
+ command += ["--no-deps"]
+ # To avoid timeouts with our pypi server, increase default timeout:
+ #
+ command += ["--timeout", str(c.get("pip_timeout", 120))]
+ for requirement in requirements:
+ command += ["-r", requirement]
+ if c.get("find_links") and not c["pip_index"]:
+ command += ["--no-index"]
+ for opt in global_options:
+ command += ["--global-option", opt]
+ else:
+ self.fatal(
+ "install_module() doesn't understand an install_method of %s!"
+ % install_method
+ )
+ # find_links connection check while loop
+ find_links_added = 0
+ fl_retry_sleep_seconds = 10
+ fl_max_retry_minutes = 5
+ fl_retry_loops = (fl_max_retry_minutes * 60) / fl_retry_sleep_seconds
+ for link in c.get("find_links", []):
+ parsed = urlparse.urlparse(link)
+ dns_result = None
+ get_result = None
+ retry_counter = 0
+ while retry_counter < fl_retry_loops and (
+ dns_result is None or get_result is None
+ ):
+ try:
+ dns_result = socket.gethostbyname(parsed.hostname)
+ get_result = urllib.request.urlopen(link, timeout=10).read()
+ break
+ except socket.gaierror:
+ retry_counter += 1
+ self.warning(
+ "find_links: dns check failed for %s, sleeping %ss and retrying..."
+ % (parsed.hostname, fl_retry_sleep_seconds)
+ )
+ time.sleep(fl_retry_sleep_seconds)
+ except (
+ urllib.error.HTTPError,
+ urllib.error.URLError,
+ socket.timeout,
+ http.client.RemoteDisconnected,
+ ) as e:
+ retry_counter += 1
+ self.warning(
+ "find_links: connection check failed for %s, sleeping %ss and retrying..."
+ % (link, fl_retry_sleep_seconds)
+ )
+ self.warning("find_links: exception: %s" % e)
+ time.sleep(fl_retry_sleep_seconds)
+ # now that the connectivity check is good, add the link
+ if dns_result and get_result:
+"find_links: connection checks passed for %s, adding." % link)
+ find_links_added += 1
+ command.extend(["--find-links", link])
+ else:
+ self.warning(
+ "find_links: connection checks failed for %s"
+ ", but max retries reached. continuing..." % link
+ )
+ # TODO: make this fatal if we always see failures after this
+ if find_links_added == 0:
+ self.warning(
+ "find_links: no find_links added. pip installation will probably fail!"
+ )
+ # module_url can be None if only specifying requirements files
+ if module_url:
+ if editable:
+ if install_method in (None, "pip"):
+ command += ["-e"]
+ else:
+ self.fatal(
+ "editable installs not supported for install_method %s"
+ % install_method
+ )
+ command += [module_url]
+ # If we're only installing a single requirements file, use
+ # the file's directory as cwd, so relative paths work correctly.
+ cwd = dirs["abs_work_dir"]
+ if not module and len(requirements) == 1:
+ cwd = os.path.dirname(requirements[0])
+ # Allow for errors while building modules, but require a
+ # return status of 0.
+ self.retry(
+ self.run_command,
+ # None will cause default value to be used
+ attempts=1 if optional else None,
+ good_statuses=(0,),
+ error_level=WARNING if optional else FATAL,
+ error_message=("Could not install python package: failed all attempts."),
+ args=[
+ command,
+ ],
+ kwargs={
+ "error_list": VirtualenvErrorList,
+ "cwd": cwd,
+ "env": env,
+ # WARNING only since retry will raise final FATAL if all
+ # retry attempts are unsuccessful - and we only want
+ # an ERROR of FATAL if *no* retry attempt works
+ "error_level": WARNING,
+ },
+ )
+ def create_virtualenv(self, modules=(), requirements=()):
+ """
+ Create a python virtualenv.
+ This uses the copy of virtualenv that is vendored in mozharness.
+ virtualenv_modules can be a list of module names to install, e.g.
+ virtualenv_modules = ['module1', 'module2']
+ or it can be a heterogeneous list of modules names and dicts that
+ define a module by its name, url-or-path, and a list of its global
+ options.
+ virtualenv_modules = [
+ {
+ 'name': 'module1',
+ 'url': None,
+ 'global_options': ['--opt', '--without-gcc']
+ },
+ {
+ 'name': 'module2',
+ 'url': 'http://url/to/package',
+ 'global_options': ['--use-clang']
+ },
+ {
+ 'name': 'module3',
+ 'url': os.path.join('path', 'to', 'setup_py', 'dir')
+ 'global_options': []
+ },
+ 'module4'
+ ]
+ virtualenv_requirements is an optional list of pip requirements files to
+ use when invoking pip, e.g.,
+ virtualenv_requirements = [
+ '/path/to/requirements1.txt',
+ '/path/to/requirements2.txt'
+ ]
+ """
+ c = self.config
+ dirs = self.query_abs_dirs()
+ venv_path = self.query_virtualenv_path()
+"Creating virtualenv %s" % venv_path)
+ # Always use the virtualenv that is vendored since that is deterministic.
+ # base_work_dir is for when we're running with, e.g. on
+ # test jobs
+ # abs_src_dir is for when we're running out of a checked out copy of
+ # the source code
+ vendor_search_dirs = [
+ os.path.join("{base_work_dir}", "mozharness"),
+ "{abs_src_dir}",
+ ]
+ if "abs_src_dir" not in dirs and "repo_path" in self.config:
+ dirs["abs_src_dir"] = os.path.normpath(self.config["repo_path"])
+ for d in vendor_search_dirs:
+ try:
+ src_dir = Path(d.format(**dirs))
+ except KeyError:
+ continue
+ pip_wheel_path = (
+ src_dir
+ / "third_party"
+ / "python"
+ / "_venv"
+ / "wheels"
+ / "pip-23.0.1-py3-none-any.whl"
+ )
+ setuptools_wheel_path = (
+ src_dir
+ / "third_party"
+ / "python"
+ / "_venv"
+ / "wheels"
+ / "setuptools-51.2.0-py3-none-any.whl"
+ )
+ if all(path.exists() for path in (pip_wheel_path, setuptools_wheel_path)):
+ break
+ else:
+ self.fatal("Can't find 'pip' and 'setuptools' wheels")
+ venv_python_bin = Path(self.query_python_path())
+ if venv_python_bin.exists():
+ "Virtualenv %s appears to already exist; "
+ "skipping virtualenv creation." % self.query_python_path()
+ )
+ else:
+ self.run_command(
+ [sys.executable, "--version"],
+ )
+ # Temporary hack to get around a bug with venv in Python 3.7.3 in CI
+ #
+ if self._is_windows():
+ if sys.version_info[:3] == (3, 7, 3):
+ python_exe = Path(sys.executable)
+ debug_exe_dir = (
+ python_exe.parent / "lib" / "venv" / "scripts" / "nt"
+ )
+ if debug_exe_dir.exists():
+ for executable in {
+ "python.exe",
+ "python_d.exe",
+ "pythonw.exe",
+ "pythonw_d.exe",
+ }:
+ expected_python_debug_exe = debug_exe_dir / executable
+ if not expected_python_debug_exe.exists():
+ shutil.copy(
+ sys.executable, str(expected_python_debug_exe)
+ )
+ venv_creation_flags = ["-m", "venv", venv_path]
+ if self._is_windows():
+ # To workaround an issue on Windows10 jobs in CI we have to
+ # explicitly install the default pip separately. Ideally we
+ # could just remove the "--without-pip" above and get the same
+ # result, but that's apparently not always the case.
+ venv_creation_flags = venv_creation_flags + ["--without-pip"]
+ self.mkdir_p(dirs["abs_work_dir"])
+ self.run_command(
+ [sys.executable] + venv_creation_flags,
+ cwd=dirs["abs_work_dir"],
+ error_list=VirtualenvErrorList,
+ halt_on_failure=True,
+ )
+ if self._is_windows():
+ self.run_command(
+ [str(venv_python_bin), "-m", "ensurepip", "--default-pip"],
+ cwd=dirs["abs_work_dir"],
+ halt_on_failure=True,
+ )
+ self._ensure_python_exe(venv_python_bin.parent)
+ self.run_command(
+ [
+ str(venv_python_bin),
+ "-m",
+ "pip",
+ "install",
+ "--only-binary",
+ ":all:",
+ "--disable-pip-version-check",
+ str(pip_wheel_path),
+ str(setuptools_wheel_path),
+ ],
+ cwd=dirs["abs_work_dir"],
+ error_list=VirtualenvErrorList,
+ halt_on_failure=True,
+ )
+ if self.platform_name().startswith("macos"):
+ tmp_path = "{}/bin/bak".format(venv_path)
+ "Copying venv python binaries to {} to clear for re-sign".format(
+ tmp_path
+ )
+ )
+"mkdir -p {}".format(tmp_path), shell=True)
+ "cp {}/bin/python* {}/".format(venv_path, tmp_path), shell=True
+ )
+"Replacing venv python binaries with reset copies")
+ "mv -f {}/* {}/bin/".format(tmp_path, venv_path), shell=True
+ )
+ "codesign -s - --preserve-metadata=identifier,entitlements,flags,runtime "
+ "-f {}/bin/*".format(venv_path)
+ )
+ "codesign -s - --preserve-metadata=identifier,entitlements,flags,runtime -f "
+ "{}/bin/python*".format(venv_path),
+ shell=True,
+ )
+ if not modules:
+ modules = c.get("virtualenv_modules", [])
+ if not requirements:
+ requirements = c.get("virtualenv_requirements", [])
+ if not modules and requirements:
+ self.install_module(requirements=requirements, install_method="pip")
+ for module in modules:
+ module_url = module
+ global_options = []
+ if isinstance(module, dict):
+ if module.get("name", None):
+ module_name = module["name"]
+ else:
+ self.fatal(
+ "Can't install module without module name: %s" % str(module)
+ )
+ module_url = module.get("url", None)
+ global_options = module.get("global_options", [])
+ else:
+ module_url = self.config.get("%s_url" % module, module_url)
+ module_name = module
+ install_method = "pip"
+ self.install_module(
+ module=module_name,
+ module_url=module_url,
+ install_method=install_method,
+ requirements=requirements,
+ global_options=global_options,
+ )
+ for (
+ module,
+ url,
+ method,
+ requirements,
+ optional,
+ two_pass,
+ editable,
+ ) in self._virtualenv_modules:
+ if two_pass:
+ self.install_module(
+ module=module,
+ module_url=url,
+ install_method=method,
+ requirements=requirements or (),
+ optional=optional,
+ no_deps=True,
+ editable=editable,
+ )
+ self.install_module(
+ module=module,
+ module_url=url,
+ install_method=method,
+ requirements=requirements or (),
+ optional=optional,
+ editable=editable,
+ )
+"Done creating virtualenv %s." % venv_path)
+ self.package_versions(log_output=True)
+ def activate_virtualenv(self):
+ """Import the virtualenv's packages into this Python interpreter."""
+ venv_root_dir = Path(self.query_virtualenv_path())
+ venv_name =
+ bin_path = Path(self.query_python_path())
+ bin_dir = bin_path.parent
+ if self._is_windows():
+ site_packages_dir = venv_root_dir / "Lib" / "site-packages"
+ else:
+ site_packages_dir = (
+ venv_root_dir
+ / "lib"
+ / "python{}.{}".format(*sys.version_info)
+ / "site-packages"
+ )
+ os.environ["PATH"] = os.pathsep.join(
+ [str(bin_dir)] + os.environ.get("PATH", "").split(os.pathsep)
+ )
+ os.environ["VIRTUAL_ENV"] = venv_name
+ prev_path = set(sys.path)
+ site.addsitedir(str(site_packages_dir.resolve()))
+ new_path = list(sys.path)
+ sys.path[:] = [p for p in new_path if p not in prev_path] + [
+ p for p in new_path if p in prev_path
+ ]
+ sys.real_prefix = sys.prefix
+ sys.prefix = str(venv_root_dir)
+ sys.executable = str(bin_path)
+ def _ensure_python_exe(self, python_exe_root: Path):
+ """On some machines in CI venv does not behave consistently. Sometimes
+ only a "python3" executable is created, but we expect "python". Since
+ they are functionally identical, we can just copy "python3" to "python"
+ (and vice-versa) to solve the problem.
+ """
+ python3_exe_path = python_exe_root / "python3"
+ python_exe_path = python_exe_root / "python"
+ if self._is_windows():
+ python3_exe_path = python3_exe_path.with_suffix(".exe")
+ python_exe_path = python_exe_path.with_suffix(".exe")
+ if python3_exe_path.exists() and not python_exe_path.exists():
+ shutil.copy(str(python3_exe_path), str(python_exe_path))
+ if python_exe_path.exists() and not python3_exe_path.exists():
+ shutil.copy(str(python_exe_path), str(python3_exe_path))
+ if not python_exe_path.exists() and not python3_exe_path.exists():
+ raise Exception(
+ f'Neither a "{}" or "{}" '
+ f"were found. This means something unexpected happened during the "
+ f"virtual environment creation and we cannot proceed."
+ )
+# This is (sadly) a mixin for logging methods.
+class PerfherderResourceOptionsMixin(ScriptMixin):
+ def perfherder_resource_options(self):
+ """Obtain a list of extraOptions values to identify the env."""
+ opts = []
+ if "TASKCLUSTER_INSTANCE_TYPE" in os.environ:
+ # Include the instance type so results can be grouped.
+ opts.append("taskcluster-%s" % os.environ["TASKCLUSTER_INSTANCE_TYPE"])
+ else:
+ # We assume !taskcluster => buildbot.
+ instance = "unknown"
+ # Try to load EC2 instance type from metadata file. This file
+ # may not exist in many scenarios (including when inside a chroot).
+ # So treat it as optional.
+ try:
+ # This file should exist on Linux in EC2.
+ with open("/etc/instance_metadata.json", "rb") as fh:
+ im = json.load(fh)
+ instance = im.get("aws_instance_type", "unknown").encode("ascii")
+ except IOError as e:
+ if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
+ raise
+ "instance_metadata.json not found; unable to "
+ "determine instance type"
+ )
+ except Exception:
+ self.warning(
+ "error reading instance_metadata: %s" % traceback.format_exc()
+ )
+ opts.append("buildbot-%s" % instance)
+ return opts
+class ResourceMonitoringMixin(PerfherderResourceOptionsMixin):
+ """Provides resource monitoring capabilities to scripts.
+ When this class is in the inheritance chain, resource usage stats of the
+ executing script will be recorded.
+ This class requires the VirtualenvMixin in order to install a package used
+ for recording resource usage.
+ While we would like to record resource usage for the entirety of a script,
+ since we require an external package, we can only record resource usage
+ after that package is installed (as part of creating the virtualenv).
+ That's just the way things have to be.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ super(ResourceMonitoringMixin, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ self.register_virtualenv_module("psutil>=5.9.0", method="pip", optional=True)
+ self.register_virtualenv_module("jsonschema==2.5.1", method="pip")
+ self._resource_monitor = None
+ # 2-tuple of (name, options) to assign Perfherder resource monitor
+ # metrics to. This needs to be assigned by a script in order for
+ # Perfherder metrics to be reported.
+ self.resource_monitor_perfherder_id = None
+ @PostScriptAction("create-virtualenv")
+ def _start_resource_monitoring(self, action, success=None):
+ self.activate_virtualenv()
+ # Resource Monitor requires Python 2.7, however it's currently optional.
+ # Remove when all machines have had their Python version updated (bug 711299).
+ if sys.version_info[:2] < (2, 7):
+ self.warning(
+ "Resource monitoring will not be enabled! Python 2.7+ required."
+ )
+ return
+ try:
+ from mozsystemmonitor.resourcemonitor import SystemResourceMonitor
+"Starting resource monitoring.")
+ metadata = {}
+ if "TASKCLUSTER_WORKER_TYPE" in os.environ:
+ metadata["device"] = os.environ["TASKCLUSTER_WORKER_TYPE"]
+ if "MOZHARNESS_TEST_PATHS" in os.environ:
+ metadata["product"] = " ".join(
+ json.loads(os.environ["MOZHARNESS_TEST_PATHS"]).keys()
+ )
+ if "MOZ_SOURCE_CHANGESET" in os.environ and "MOZ_SOURCE_REPO" in os.environ:
+ metadata["sourceURL"] = (
+ os.environ["MOZ_SOURCE_REPO"]
+ + "/rev/"
+ + os.environ["MOZ_SOURCE_CHANGESET"]
+ )
+ if "TASK_ID" in os.environ:
+ metadata["appBuildID"] = os.environ["TASK_ID"]
+ self._resource_monitor = SystemResourceMonitor(
+ poll_interval=0.1, metadata=metadata
+ )
+ self._resource_monitor.start()
+ except Exception:
+ self.warning(
+ "Unable to start resource monitor: %s" % traceback.format_exc()
+ )
+ @PreScriptAction
+ def _resource_record_pre_action(self, action):
+ # Resource monitor isn't available until after create-virtualenv.
+ if not self._resource_monitor:
+ return
+ self._resource_monitor.begin_phase(action)
+ @PostScriptAction
+ def _resource_record_post_action(self, action, success=None):
+ # Resource monitor isn't available until after create-virtualenv.
+ if not self._resource_monitor:
+ return
+ self._resource_monitor.finish_phase(action)
+ @PostScriptRun
+ def _resource_record_post_run(self):
+ if not self._resource_monitor:
+ return
+ self._resource_monitor.stop()
+ self._log_resource_usage()
+ # Upload a JSON file containing the raw resource data.
+ try:
+ upload_dir = self.query_abs_dirs()["abs_blob_upload_dir"]
+ if not os.path.exists(upload_dir):
+ os.makedirs(upload_dir)
+ with open(os.path.join(upload_dir, "resource-usage.json"), "w") as fh:
+ json.dump(
+ self._resource_monitor.as_dict(), fh, sort_keys=True, indent=4
+ )
+ with open(
+ os.path.join(upload_dir, "profile_resource-usage.json"), "w"
+ ) as fh:
+ json.dump(
+ self._resource_monitor.as_profile(),
+ fh,
+ separators=(",", ":"),
+ )
+ except (AttributeError, KeyError):
+ self.exception("could not upload resource usage JSON", level=WARNING)
+ def _log_resource_usage(self):
+ # Delay import because not available until virtualenv is populated.
+ import jsonschema
+ rm = self._resource_monitor
+ if rm.start_time is None:
+ return
+ def resources(phase):
+ cpu_percent = rm.aggregate_cpu_percent(phase=phase, per_cpu=False)
+ cpu_times = rm.aggregate_cpu_times(phase=phase, per_cpu=False)
+ io = rm.aggregate_io(phase=phase)
+ swap_in = sum(m.swap.sin for m in rm.measurements)
+ swap_out = sum(m.swap.sout for m in rm.measurements)
+ return cpu_percent, cpu_times, io, (swap_in, swap_out)
+ def log_usage(prefix, duration, cpu_percent, cpu_times, io):
+ message = (
+ "{prefix} - Wall time: {duration:.0f}s; "
+ "CPU: {cpu_percent}; "
+ "Read bytes: {io_read_bytes}; Write bytes: {io_write_bytes}; "
+ "Read time: {io_read_time}; Write time: {io_write_time}"
+ )
+ # XXX Some test harnesses are complaining about a string being
+ # being fed into a 'f' formatter. This will help diagnose the
+ # issue.
+ if cpu_percent:
+ # pylint: disable=W1633
+ cpu_percent_str = str(round(cpu_percent)) + "%"
+ else:
+ cpu_percent_str = "Can't collect data"
+ try:
+ message.format(
+ prefix=prefix,
+ duration=duration,
+ cpu_percent=cpu_percent_str,
+ io_read_bytes=io.read_bytes,
+ io_write_bytes=io.write_bytes,
+ io_read_time=io.read_time,
+ io_write_time=io.write_time,
+ )
+ )
+ except ValueError:
+ self.warning("Exception when formatting: %s" % traceback.format_exc())
+ cpu_percent, cpu_times, io, (swap_in, swap_out) = resources(None)
+ duration = rm.end_time - rm.start_time
+ # Write out Perfherder data if configured.
+ if self.resource_monitor_perfherder_id:
+ perfherder_name, perfherder_options = self.resource_monitor_perfherder_id
+ suites = []
+ overall = []
+ if cpu_percent:
+ overall.append(
+ {
+ "name": "cpu_percent",
+ "value": cpu_percent,
+ }
+ )
+ overall.extend(
+ [
+ {"name": "io_write_bytes", "value": io.write_bytes},
+ {"name": "io.read_bytes", "value": io.read_bytes},
+ {"name": "io_write_time", "value": io.write_time},
+ {"name": "io_read_time", "value": io.read_time},
+ ]
+ )
+ suites.append(
+ {
+ "name": "%s.overall" % perfherder_name,
+ "extraOptions": perfherder_options
+ + self.perfherder_resource_options(),
+ "subtests": overall,
+ }
+ )
+ for phase in rm.phases.keys():
+ phase_duration = rm.phases[phase][1] - rm.phases[phase][0]
+ subtests = [
+ {
+ "name": "time",
+ "value": phase_duration,
+ }
+ ]
+ cpu_percent = rm.aggregate_cpu_percent(phase=phase, per_cpu=False)
+ if cpu_percent is not None:
+ subtests.append(
+ {
+ "name": "cpu_percent",
+ "value": rm.aggregate_cpu_percent(
+ phase=phase, per_cpu=False
+ ),
+ }
+ )
+ # We don't report I/O during each step because measured I/O
+ # is system I/O and that I/O can be delayed (e.g. writes will
+ # buffer before being flushed and recorded in our metrics).
+ suites.append(
+ {
+ "name": "%s.%s" % (perfherder_name, phase),
+ "subtests": subtests,
+ }
+ )
+ data = {
+ "framework": {"name": "job_resource_usage"},
+ "suites": suites,
+ }
+ schema_path = os.path.join(
+ external_tools_path, "performance-artifact-schema.json"
+ )
+ with open(schema_path, "rb") as fh:
+ schema = json.load(fh)
+ # this will throw an exception that causes the job to fail if the
+ # perfherder data is not valid -- please don't change this
+ # behaviour, otherwise people will inadvertently break this
+ # functionality
+"Validating Perfherder data against %s" % schema_path)
+ jsonschema.validate(data, schema)
+"PERFHERDER_DATA: %s" % json.dumps(data))
+ log_usage("Total resource usage", duration, cpu_percent, cpu_times, io)
+ # Print special messages so usage shows up in Treeherder.
+ if cpu_percent:
+ self._tinderbox_print("CPU usage<br/>{:,.1f}%".format(cpu_percent))
+ self._tinderbox_print(
+ "I/O read bytes / time<br/>{:,} / {:,}".format(io.read_bytes, io.read_time)
+ )
+ self._tinderbox_print(
+ "I/O write bytes / time<br/>{:,} / {:,}".format(
+ io.write_bytes, io.write_time
+ )
+ )
+ # Print CPU components having >1%. "cpu_times" is a data structure
+ # whose attributes are measurements. Ideally we'd have an API that
+ # returned just the measurements as a dict or something.
+ cpu_attrs = []
+ for attr in sorted(dir(cpu_times)):
+ if attr.startswith("_"):
+ continue
+ if attr in ("count", "index"):
+ continue
+ cpu_attrs.append(attr)
+ cpu_total = sum(getattr(cpu_times, attr) for attr in cpu_attrs)
+ for attr in cpu_attrs:
+ value = getattr(cpu_times, attr)
+ # cpu_total can be 0.0. Guard against division by 0.
+ # pylint --py3k W1619
+ percent = value / cpu_total * 100.0 if cpu_total else 0.0
+ if percent > 1.00:
+ self._tinderbox_print(
+ "CPU {}<br/>{:,.1f} ({:,.1f}%)".format(attr, value, percent)
+ )
+ # Swap on Windows isn't reported by psutil.
+ if not self._is_windows():
+ self._tinderbox_print(
+ "Swap in / out<br/>{:,} / {:,}".format(swap_in, swap_out)
+ )
+ for phase in rm.phases.keys():
+ start_time, end_time = rm.phases[phase]
+ cpu_percent, cpu_times, io, swap = resources(phase)
+ log_usage(phase, end_time - start_time, cpu_percent, cpu_times, io)
+ def _tinderbox_print(self, message):
+"TinderboxPrint: %s" % message)
+# This needs to be inherited only if you have already inherited ScriptMixin
+class Python3Virtualenv(object):
+ """Support Python3.5+ virtualenv creation."""
+ py3_initialized_venv = False
+ def py3_venv_configuration(self, python_path, venv_path):
+ """We don't use __init__ to allow integrating with other mixins.
+ python_path - Path to Python 3 binary.
+ venv_path - Path to virtual environment to be created.
+ """
+ self.py3_initialized_venv = True
+ self.py3_python_path = os.path.abspath(python_path)
+ version = self.get_output_from_command(
+ [self.py3_python_path, "--version"], env=self.query_env()
+ ).split()[-1]
+ # Using -m venv is only used on 3.5+ versions
+ assert version > "3.5.0"
+ self.py3_venv_path = os.path.abspath(venv_path)
+ self.py3_pip_path = os.path.join(self.py3_path_to_executables(), "pip")
+ def py3_path_to_executables(self):
+ platform = self.platform_name()
+ if platform.startswith("win"):
+ return os.path.join(self.py3_venv_path, "Scripts")
+ else:
+ return os.path.join(self.py3_venv_path, "bin")
+ def py3_venv_initialized(func):
+ def call(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ if not self.py3_initialized_venv:
+ raise Exception(
+ "You need to call py3_venv_configuration() "
+ "before using this method."
+ )
+ func(self, *args, **kwargs)
+ return call
+ @py3_venv_initialized
+ def py3_create_venv(self):
+ """Create Python environment with python3 -m venv /path/to/venv."""
+ if os.path.exists(self.py3_venv_path):
+ "Virtualenv %s appears to already exist; skipping "
+ "virtualenv creation." % self.py3_venv_path
+ )
+ else:
+"Running command...")
+ self.run_command(
+ "%s -m venv %s" % (self.py3_python_path, self.py3_venv_path),
+ error_list=VirtualenvErrorList,
+ halt_on_failure=True,
+ env=self.query_env(),
+ )
+ @py3_venv_initialized
+ def py3_install_modules(self, modules, use_mozharness_pip_config=True):
+ if not os.path.exists(self.py3_venv_path):
+ raise Exception("You need to call py3_create_venv() first.")
+ for m in modules:
+ cmd = [self.py3_pip_path, "install"]
+ if use_mozharness_pip_config:
+ cmd += self._mozharness_pip_args()
+ cmd += [m]
+ self.run_command(cmd, env=self.query_env())
+ def _mozharness_pip_args(self):
+ """We have information in Mozharness configs that apply to pip"""
+ c = self.config
+ pip_args = []
+ # To avoid timeouts with our pypi server, increase default timeout:
+ #
+ pip_args += ["--timeout", str(c.get("pip_timeout", 120))]
+ if c.get("find_links") and not c["pip_index"]:
+ pip_args += ["--no-index"]
+ # Add --find-links pages to look at. Add --trusted-host automatically if
+ # the host isn't secure. This allows modern versions of pip to connect
+ # without requiring an override.
+ trusted_hosts = set()
+ for link in c.get("find_links", []):
+ parsed = urlparse.urlparse(link)
+ try:
+ socket.gethostbyname(parsed.hostname)
+ except socket.gaierror as e:
+"error resolving %s (ignoring): %s" % (parsed.hostname, e))
+ continue
+ pip_args += ["--find-links", link]
+ if parsed.scheme != "https":
+ trusted_hosts.add(parsed.hostname)
+ for host in sorted(trusted_hosts):
+ pip_args += ["--trusted-host", host]
+ return pip_args
+ @py3_venv_initialized
+ def py3_install_requirement_files(
+ self, requirements, pip_args=[], use_mozharness_pip_config=True
+ ):
+ """
+ requirements - You can specify multiple requirements paths
+ """
+ cmd = [self.py3_pip_path, "install"]
+ cmd += pip_args
+ if use_mozharness_pip_config:
+ cmd += self._mozharness_pip_args()
+ for requirement_path in requirements:
+ cmd += ["-r", requirement_path]
+ self.run_command(cmd, env=self.query_env())
+# __main__ {{{1
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ """TODO: unit tests."""
+ pass