path: root/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/building/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/building/')
1 files changed, 1536 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/building/ b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/building/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..777bd1e84e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/building/
@@ -0,0 +1,1536 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
+# You can obtain one at
+# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
+provides a base class for fx desktop builds
+author: Jordan Lund
+import copy
+import json
+import os
+import re
+import sys
+import time
+import uuid
+from datetime import datetime
+import six
+import yaml
+from yaml import YAMLError
+from mozharness.base.config import DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH, BaseConfig, parse_config_file
+from mozharness.base.errors import MakefileErrorList
+from mozharness.base.log import ERROR, FATAL, OutputParser
+from mozharness.base.python import PerfherderResourceOptionsMixin, VirtualenvMixin
+from mozharness.base.script import PostScriptRun
+from mozharness.base.vcs.vcsbase import MercurialScript
+from mozharness.mozilla.automation import (
+ AutomationMixin,
+from mozharness.mozilla.secrets import SecretsMixin
+MISSING_CFG_KEY_MSG = "The key '%s' could not be determined \
+Please add this to your config."
+ "comments_undetermined": '"comments" could not be determined. This may be \
+because it was a forced build.',
+ "tooltool_manifest_undetermined": '"tooltool_manifest_src" not set, \
+Skipping run_tooltool...',
+# Output Parsers
+ {
+ "regex": re.compile("Connection timed out"),
+ "level": TBPL_RETRY,
+ },
+ {
+ "regex": re.compile("Connection reset by peer"),
+ "level": TBPL_RETRY,
+ },
+ {
+ "regex": re.compile("Connection refused"),
+ "level": TBPL_RETRY,
+ },
+class MakeUploadOutputParser(OutputParser):
+ tbpl_error_list = TBPL_UPLOAD_ERRORS
+ def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+ super(MakeUploadOutputParser, self).__init__(**kwargs)
+ self.tbpl_status = TBPL_SUCCESS
+ def parse_single_line(self, line):
+ # let's check for retry errors which will give log levels:
+ # tbpl status as RETRY and mozharness status as WARNING
+ for error_check in self.tbpl_error_list:
+ if error_check["regex"].search(line):
+ self.num_warnings += 1
+ self.warning(line)
+ self.tbpl_status = self.worst_level(
+ error_check["level"],
+ self.tbpl_status,
+ )
+ break
+ else:
+class MozconfigPathError(Exception):
+ """
+ There was an error getting a mozconfig path from a mozharness config.
+ """
+def get_mozconfig_path(script, config, dirs):
+ """
+ Get the path to the mozconfig file to use from a mozharness config.
+ :param script: The object to interact with the filesystem through.
+ :type script: ScriptMixin:
+ :param config: The mozharness config to inspect.
+ :type config: dict
+ :param dirs: The directories specified for this build.
+ :type dirs: dict
+ """
+ COMPOSITE_KEYS = {"mozconfig_variant", "app_name", "mozconfig_platform"}
+ have_composite_mozconfig = COMPOSITE_KEYS <= set(config.keys())
+ have_partial_composite_mozconfig = len(COMPOSITE_KEYS & set(config.keys())) > 0
+ have_src_mozconfig = "src_mozconfig" in config
+ have_src_mozconfig_manifest = "src_mozconfig_manifest" in config
+ # first determine the mozconfig path
+ if have_partial_composite_mozconfig and not have_composite_mozconfig:
+ raise MozconfigPathError(
+ "All or none of 'app_name', 'mozconfig_platform' and `mozconfig_variant' must be "
+ "in the config in order to determine the mozconfig."
+ )
+ elif have_composite_mozconfig and have_src_mozconfig:
+ raise MozconfigPathError(
+ "'src_mozconfig' or 'mozconfig_variant' must be "
+ "in the config but not both in order to determine the mozconfig."
+ )
+ elif have_composite_mozconfig and have_src_mozconfig_manifest:
+ raise MozconfigPathError(
+ "'src_mozconfig_manifest' or 'mozconfig_variant' must be "
+ "in the config but not both in order to determine the mozconfig."
+ )
+ elif have_src_mozconfig and have_src_mozconfig_manifest:
+ raise MozconfigPathError(
+ "'src_mozconfig' or 'src_mozconfig_manifest' must be "
+ "in the config but not both in order to determine the mozconfig."
+ )
+ elif have_composite_mozconfig:
+ src_mozconfig = "%(app_name)s/config/mozconfigs/%(platform)s/%(variant)s" % {
+ "app_name": config["app_name"],
+ "platform": config["mozconfig_platform"],
+ "variant": config["mozconfig_variant"],
+ }
+ abs_mozconfig_path = os.path.join(dirs["abs_src_dir"], src_mozconfig)
+ elif have_src_mozconfig:
+ abs_mozconfig_path = os.path.join(
+ dirs["abs_src_dir"], config.get("src_mozconfig")
+ )
+ elif have_src_mozconfig_manifest:
+ manifest = os.path.join(dirs["abs_work_dir"], config["src_mozconfig_manifest"])
+ if not os.path.exists(manifest):
+ raise MozconfigPathError(
+ 'src_mozconfig_manifest: "%s" not found. Does it exist?' % (manifest,)
+ )
+ else:
+ with script.opened(manifest, error_level=ERROR) as (fh, err):
+ if err:
+ raise MozconfigPathError(
+ "%s exists but coud not read properties" % manifest
+ )
+ abs_mozconfig_path = os.path.join(
+ dirs["abs_src_dir"], json.load(fh)["gecko_path"]
+ )
+ else:
+ raise MozconfigPathError(
+ "Must provide 'app_name', 'mozconfig_platform' and 'mozconfig_variant'; "
+ "or one of 'src_mozconfig' or 'src_mozconfig_manifest' in the config "
+ "in order to determine the mozconfig."
+ )
+ return abs_mozconfig_path
+class BuildingConfig(BaseConfig):
+ # TODO add nosetests for this class
+ def get_cfgs_from_files(self, all_config_files, options):
+ """
+ Determine the configuration from the normal options and from
+ `--branch`, `--build-pool`, and `--custom-build-variant-cfg`. If the
+ files for any of the latter options are also given with `--config-file`
+ or `--opt-config-file`, they are only parsed once.
+ The build pool has highest precedence, followed by branch, build
+ variant, and any normally-specified configuration files.
+ """
+ # override from BaseConfig
+ # this is what we will return. It will represent each config
+ # file name and its associated dict
+ # eg ('builds/', {'foo': 'bar'})
+ all_config_dicts = []
+ # important config files
+ variant_cfg_file = pool_cfg_file = ""
+ # we want to make the order in which the options were given
+ # not matter. ie: you can supply --branch before --build-pool
+ # or vice versa and the hierarchy will not be different
+ # ### The order from highest precedence to lowest is:
+ # # There can only be one of these...
+ # 1) build_pool: this can be either staging, pre-prod, and prod cfgs
+ # 2) build_variant: these could be known like asan and debug
+ # or a custom config
+ #
+ # # There can be many of these
+ # 3) all other configs: these are any configs that are passed with
+ # --cfg and --opt-cfg. There order is kept in
+ # which they were passed on the cmd line. This
+ # behaviour is maintains what happens by default
+ # in mozharness
+ # so, let's first assign the configs that hold a known position of
+ # importance (1 through 3)
+ for i, cf in enumerate(all_config_files):
+ if options.build_pool:
+ if cf == BuildOptionParser.build_pool_cfg_file:
+ pool_cfg_file = all_config_files[i]
+ if cf == options.build_variant:
+ variant_cfg_file = all_config_files[i]
+ # now remove these from the list if there was any.
+ # we couldn't pop() these in the above loop as mutating a list while
+ # iterating through it causes spurious results :)
+ for cf in [pool_cfg_file, variant_cfg_file]:
+ if cf:
+ all_config_files.remove(cf)
+ # now let's update config with the remaining config files.
+ # this functionality is the same as the base class
+ all_config_dicts.extend(
+ super(BuildingConfig, self).get_cfgs_from_files(all_config_files, options)
+ )
+ # stack variant, branch, and pool cfg files on top of that,
+ # if they are present, in that order
+ if variant_cfg_file:
+ # take the whole config
+ all_config_dicts.append(
+ (variant_cfg_file, parse_config_file(variant_cfg_file))
+ )
+ config_paths = options.config_paths or ["."]
+ if pool_cfg_file:
+ # take only the specific pool. If we are here, the pool
+ # must be present
+ build_pool_configs = parse_config_file(
+ pool_cfg_file, search_path=config_paths + [DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH]
+ )
+ all_config_dicts.append(
+ (pool_cfg_file, build_pool_configs[options.build_pool])
+ )
+ return all_config_dicts
+# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
+class BuildOptionParser(object):
+ # TODO add nosetests for this class
+ platform = None
+ bits = None
+ # add to this list and you can automagically do things like
+ # --custom-build-variant-cfg asan
+ # and the script will pull up the appropriate path for the config
+ # against the current platform and bits.
+ # *It will warn and fail if there is not a config for the current
+ # platform/bits
+ path_base = "builds/releng_sub_%s_configs/"
+ build_variants = {
+ "add-on-devel": path_base + "",
+ "asan": path_base + "",
+ "asan-tc": path_base + "",
+ "asan-reporter-tc": path_base + "",
+ "fuzzing-asan-tc": path_base + "",
+ "tsan-tc": path_base + "",
+ "fuzzing-tsan-tc": path_base + "",
+ "cross-debug": path_base + "",
+ "cross-debug-searchfox": path_base + "",
+ "cross-noopt-debug": path_base + "",
+ "cross-fuzzing-asan": path_base + "",
+ "cross-fuzzing-debug": path_base + "",
+ "debug": path_base + "",
+ "fuzzing-debug": path_base + "",
+ "asan-and-debug": path_base + "",
+ "asan-tc-and-debug": path_base + "",
+ "stat-and-debug": path_base + "",
+ "code-coverage-debug": path_base + "",
+ "code-coverage-opt": path_base + "",
+ "source": path_base + "",
+ "noopt-debug": path_base + "",
+ "arm-gradle-dependencies": path_base
+ + "", # NOQA: E501
+ "arm": path_base + "",
+ "arm-lite": path_base + "",
+ "arm-beta": path_base + "",
+ "arm-beta-debug": path_base + "",
+ "arm-debug": path_base + "",
+ "arm-lite-debug": path_base + "",
+ "arm-debug-ccov": path_base + "",
+ "arm-debug-searchfox": path_base + "",
+ "arm-gradle": path_base + "",
+ "rusttests": path_base + "",
+ "rusttests-debug": path_base + "",
+ "x86": path_base + "",
+ "x86-lite": path_base + "",
+ "x86-beta": path_base + "",
+ "x86-beta-debug": path_base + "",
+ "x86-debug": path_base + "",
+ "x86-lite-debug": path_base + "",
+ "x86-profile-generate": path_base + "",
+ "x86_64": path_base + "",
+ "x86_64-lite": path_base + "",
+ "x86_64-beta": path_base + "",
+ "x86_64-beta-debug": path_base + "",
+ "x86_64-debug": path_base + "",
+ "x86_64-lite-debug": path_base + "",
+ "x86_64-debug-isolated-process": path_base
+ + "",
+ "x86_64-profile-generate": path_base + "",
+ "arm-partner-sample1": path_base + "",
+ "aarch64": path_base + "",
+ "aarch64-lite": path_base + "",
+ "aarch64-beta": path_base + "",
+ "aarch64-beta-debug": path_base + "",
+ "aarch64-pgo": path_base + "",
+ "aarch64-debug": path_base + "",
+ "aarch64-lite-debug": path_base + "",
+ "aarch64-profile-generate": path_base + "",
+ "android-geckoview-docs": path_base + "",
+ "valgrind": path_base + "",
+ }
+ build_pool_cfg_file = "builds/"
+ @classmethod
+ def _query_pltfrm_and_bits(cls, target_option, options):
+ """determine platform and bits
+ This can be from either from a supplied --platform and --bits
+ or parsed from given config file names.
+ """
+ error_msg = (
+ "Whoops!\nYou are trying to pass a shortname for "
+ "%s. \nHowever, I need to know the %s to find the appropriate "
+ 'filename. You can tell me by passing:\n\t"%s" or a config '
+ 'filename via "--config" with %s in it. \nIn either case, these '
+ "option arguments must come before --custom-build-variant."
+ )
+ current_config_files = options.config_files or []
+ if not cls.bits:
+ # --bits has not been supplied
+ # lets parse given config file names for 32 or 64
+ for cfg_file_name in current_config_files:
+ if "32" in cfg_file_name:
+ cls.bits = "32"
+ break
+ if "64" in cfg_file_name:
+ cls.bits = "64"
+ break
+ else:
+ sys.exit(error_msg % (target_option, "bits", "--bits", '"32" or "64"'))
+ if not cls.platform:
+ # --platform has not been supplied
+ # lets parse given config file names for platform
+ for cfg_file_name in current_config_files:
+ if "windows" in cfg_file_name:
+ cls.platform = "windows"
+ break
+ if "mac" in cfg_file_name:
+ cls.platform = "mac"
+ break
+ if "linux" in cfg_file_name:
+ cls.platform = "linux"
+ break
+ if "android" in cfg_file_name:
+ cls.platform = "android"
+ break
+ else:
+ sys.exit(
+ error_msg
+ % (
+ target_option,
+ "platform",
+ "--platform",
+ '"linux", "windows", "mac", or "android"',
+ )
+ )
+ return cls.bits, cls.platform
+ @classmethod
+ def find_variant_cfg_path(cls, opt, value, parser):
+ valid_variant_cfg_path = None
+ # first let's see if we were given a valid short-name
+ if cls.build_variants.get(value):
+ bits, pltfrm = cls._query_pltfrm_and_bits(opt, parser.values)
+ prospective_cfg_path = cls.build_variants[value] % (pltfrm, bits)
+ else:
+ # this is either an incomplete path or an invalid key in
+ # build_variants
+ prospective_cfg_path = value
+ if os.path.exists(prospective_cfg_path):
+ # now let's see if we were given a valid pathname
+ valid_variant_cfg_path = value
+ else:
+ # FIXME: We should actually wait until we have parsed all arguments
+ # before looking at this, otherwise the behavior will depend on the
+ # order of arguments. But that isn't a problem as long as --extra-config-path
+ # is always passed first.
+ extra_config_paths = parser.values.config_paths or []
+ config_paths = extra_config_paths + [DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH]
+ # let's take our prospective_cfg_path and see if we can
+ # determine an existing file
+ for path in config_paths:
+ if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, prospective_cfg_path)):
+ # success! we found a config file
+ valid_variant_cfg_path = os.path.join(path, prospective_cfg_path)
+ break
+ return valid_variant_cfg_path, prospective_cfg_path
+ @classmethod
+ def set_build_variant(cls, option, opt, value, parser):
+ """sets an extra config file.
+ This is done by either taking an existing filepath or by taking a valid
+ shortname coupled with known platform/bits.
+ """
+ valid_variant_cfg_path, prospective_cfg_path = cls.find_variant_cfg_path(
+ "--custom-build-variant-cfg", value, parser
+ )
+ if not valid_variant_cfg_path:
+ # either the value was an indeterminable path or an invalid short
+ # name
+ sys.exit(
+ "Whoops!\n'--custom-build-variant' was passed but an "
+ "appropriate config file could not be determined. Tried "
+ "using: '%s' but it was not:"
+ "\n\t-- a valid shortname: %s "
+ "\n\t-- a valid variant for the given platform and bits."
+ % (prospective_cfg_path, str(list(cls.build_variants.keys())))
+ )
+ parser.values.config_files.append(valid_variant_cfg_path)
+ setattr(parser.values, option.dest, value) # the pool
+ @classmethod
+ def set_build_pool(cls, option, opt, value, parser):
+ # first let's add the build pool file where there may be pool
+ # specific keys/values. Then let's store the pool name
+ parser.values.config_files.append(cls.build_pool_cfg_file)
+ setattr(parser.values, option.dest, value) # the pool
+ @classmethod
+ def set_build_branch(cls, option, opt, value, parser):
+ # Store the branch name we are using
+ setattr(parser.values, option.dest, value) # the branch name
+ @classmethod
+ def set_platform(cls, option, opt, value, parser):
+ cls.platform = value
+ setattr(parser.values, option.dest, value)
+ @classmethod
+ def set_bits(cls, option, opt, value, parser):
+ cls.bits = value
+ setattr(parser.values, option.dest, value)
+# this global depends on BuildOptionParser and therefore can not go at the
+# top of the file
+ [
+ ["--developer-run"],
+ {
+ "action": "store_false",
+ "dest": "is_automation",
+ "default": True,
+ "help": "If this is running outside of Mozilla's build"
+ "infrastructure, use this option. It ignores actions"
+ "that are not needed and adds config checks.",
+ },
+ ],
+ [
+ ["--platform"],
+ {
+ "action": "callback",
+ "callback": BuildOptionParser.set_platform,
+ "type": "string",
+ "dest": "platform",
+ "help": "Sets the platform we are running this against"
+ " valid values: 'windows', 'mac', 'linux'",
+ },
+ ],
+ [
+ ["--bits"],
+ {
+ "action": "callback",
+ "callback": BuildOptionParser.set_bits,
+ "type": "string",
+ "dest": "bits",
+ "help": "Sets which bits we are building this against"
+ " valid values: '32', '64'",
+ },
+ ],
+ [
+ ["--custom-build-variant-cfg"],
+ {
+ "action": "callback",
+ "callback": BuildOptionParser.set_build_variant,
+ "type": "string",
+ "dest": "build_variant",
+ "help": "Sets the build type and will determine appropriate"
+ " additional config to use. Either pass a config path"
+ " or use a valid shortname from: "
+ "%s" % (list(BuildOptionParser.build_variants.keys()),),
+ },
+ ],
+ [
+ ["--build-pool"],
+ {
+ "action": "callback",
+ "callback": BuildOptionParser.set_build_pool,
+ "type": "string",
+ "dest": "build_pool",
+ "help": "This will update the config with specific pool"
+ " environment keys/values. The dicts for this are"
+ " in %s\nValid values: staging or"
+ " production" % ("builds/",),
+ },
+ ],
+ [
+ ["--branch"],
+ {
+ "action": "callback",
+ "callback": BuildOptionParser.set_build_branch,
+ "type": "string",
+ "dest": "branch",
+ "help": "This sets the branch we will be building this for.",
+ },
+ ],
+ [
+ ["--enable-nightly"],
+ {
+ "action": "store_true",
+ "dest": "nightly_build",
+ "default": False,
+ "help": "Sets the build to run in nightly mode",
+ },
+ ],
+ [
+ ["--who"],
+ {
+ "dest": "who",
+ "default": "",
+ "help": "stores who made the created the change.",
+ },
+ ],
+def generate_build_ID():
+ return time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S", time.localtime(time.time()))
+def generate_build_UID():
+ return uuid.uuid4().hex
+class BuildScript(
+ AutomationMixin,
+ VirtualenvMixin,
+ MercurialScript,
+ SecretsMixin,
+ PerfherderResourceOptionsMixin,
+ def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+ # objdir is referenced in _query_abs_dirs() so let's make sure we
+ # have that attribute before calling BaseScript.__init__
+ self.objdir = None
+ super(BuildScript, self).__init__(**kwargs)
+ # epoch is only here to represent the start of the build
+ # that this mozharn script came from. until I can grab bbot's
+ #[0] this will have to do as a rough estimate
+ # although it is about 4s off from the time it would be if it was
+ # done through MBF.
+ # TODO find out if that time diff matters or if we just use it to
+ # separate each build
+ self.epoch_timestamp = int(time.mktime(
+ self.branch = self.config.get("branch")
+ self.stage_platform = self.config.get("stage_platform")
+ if not self.branch or not self.stage_platform:
+ if not self.branch:
+ self.error("'branch' not determined and is required")
+ if not self.stage_platform:
+ self.error("'stage_platform' not determined and is required")
+ self.fatal("Please add missing items to your config")
+ self.client_id = None
+ self.access_token = None
+ # Call this before creating the virtualenv so that we can support
+ # substituting config values with other config values.
+ self.query_build_env()
+ # We need to create the virtualenv directly (without using an action) in
+ # order to use python modules in PreScriptRun/Action listeners
+ self.create_virtualenv()
+ def _pre_config_lock(self, rw_config):
+ c = self.config
+ cfg_files_and_dicts = rw_config.all_cfg_files_and_dicts
+ build_pool = c.get("build_pool", "")
+ build_variant = c.get("build_variant", "")
+ variant_cfg = ""
+ if build_variant:
+ variant_cfg = BuildOptionParser.build_variants[build_variant] % (
+ BuildOptionParser.platform,
+ BuildOptionParser.bits,
+ )
+ build_pool_cfg = BuildOptionParser.build_pool_cfg_file
+ cfg_match_msg = "Script was run with '%(option)s %(type)s' and \
+'%(type)s' matches a key in '%(type_config_file)s'. Updating self.config with \
+items from that key's value."
+ for i, (target_file, target_dict) in enumerate(cfg_files_and_dicts):
+ if build_pool_cfg and build_pool_cfg in target_file:
+ cfg_match_msg
+ % {
+ "option": "--build-pool",
+ "type": build_pool,
+ "type_config_file": build_pool_cfg,
+ }
+ )
+ if variant_cfg and variant_cfg in target_file:
+ cfg_match_msg
+ % {
+ "option": "--custom-build-variant-cfg",
+ "type": build_variant,
+ "type_config_file": variant_cfg,
+ }
+ )
+ "To generate a config file based upon options passed and "
+ "config files used, run script as before but extend options "
+ 'with "--dump-config"'
+ )
+ "For a diff of where self.config got its items, "
+ "run the script again as before but extend options with: "
+ '"--dump-config-hierarchy"'
+ )
+ "Both --dump-config and --dump-config-hierarchy don't "
+ "actually run any actions."
+ )
+ def _query_objdir(self):
+ if self.objdir:
+ return self.objdir
+ if not self.config.get("objdir"):
+ return self.fatal(MISSING_CFG_KEY_MSG % ("objdir",))
+ self.objdir = self.config["objdir"]
+ return self.objdir
+ def query_is_nightly_promotion(self):
+ platform_enabled = self.config.get("enable_nightly_promotion")
+ branch_enabled = self.branch in self.config.get("nightly_promotion_branches")
+ return platform_enabled and branch_enabled
+ def query_build_env(self, **kwargs):
+ c = self.config
+ # let's evoke the base query_env and make a copy of it
+ # as we don't always want every key below added to the same dict
+ env = copy.deepcopy(super(BuildScript, self).query_env(**kwargs))
+ if self.query_is_nightly() or self.query_is_nightly_promotion():
+ # taskcluster sets the update channel for shipping builds
+ # explicitly
+ if c.get("update_channel"):
+ update_channel = c["update_channel"]
+ if six.PY2 and isinstance(update_channel, six.text_type):
+ update_channel = update_channel.encode("utf-8")
+ env["MOZ_UPDATE_CHANNEL"] = update_channel
+ else: # let's just give the generic channel based on branch
+ env["MOZ_UPDATE_CHANNEL"] = "nightly-%s" % (self.branch,)
+"Update channel set to: {}".format(env["MOZ_UPDATE_CHANNEL"]))
+ return env
+ def query_mach_build_env(self, multiLocale=None):
+ c = self.config
+ if multiLocale is None and self.query_is_nightly():
+ multiLocale = c.get("multi_locale", False)
+ mach_env = {}
+ if c.get("upload_env"):
+ mach_env.update(c["upload_env"])
+ # this prevents taskcluster from overwriting the target files with
+ # the multilocale files. Put everything from the en-US build in a
+ # separate folder.
+ if multiLocale and self.config.get("taskcluster_nightly"):
+ if "UPLOAD_PATH" in mach_env:
+ mach_env["UPLOAD_PATH"] = os.path.join(mach_env["UPLOAD_PATH"], "en-US")
+ return mach_env
+ def _get_mozconfig(self):
+ """assign mozconfig."""
+ dirs = self.query_abs_dirs()
+ try:
+ abs_mozconfig_path = get_mozconfig_path(
+ script=self, config=self.config, dirs=dirs
+ )
+ except MozconfigPathError as e:
+ if six.PY2:
+ self.fatal(e.message)
+ else:
+ self.fatal(e.msg)
+"Use mozconfig: {}".format(abs_mozconfig_path))
+ # print its contents
+ content = self.read_from_file(abs_mozconfig_path, error_level=FATAL)
+ extra_content = self.config.get("extra_mozconfig_content")
+ if extra_content:
+ content += "\n".join(extra_content)
+"mozconfig content:")
+ # finally, copy the mozconfig to a path that 'mach build' expects it to
+ # be
+ with open(os.path.join(dirs["abs_src_dir"], ".mozconfig"), "w") as fh:
+ fh.write(content)
+ def _run_tooltool(self):
+ env = self.query_build_env()
+ env.update(self.query_mach_build_env())
+ c = self.config
+ dirs = self.query_abs_dirs()
+ manifest_src = os.environ.get("TOOLTOOL_MANIFEST")
+ if not manifest_src:
+ manifest_src = c.get("tooltool_manifest_src")
+ if not manifest_src:
+ return self.warning(ERROR_MSGS["tooltool_manifest_undetermined"])
+ cmd = [
+ sys.executable,
+ "-u",
+ os.path.join(dirs["abs_src_dir"], "mach"),
+ "artifact",
+ "toolchain",
+ "-v",
+ "--retry",
+ "4",
+ "--artifact-manifest",
+ os.path.join(dirs["abs_src_dir"], "toolchains.json"),
+ ]
+ if manifest_src:
+ cmd.extend(
+ [
+ "--tooltool-manifest",
+ os.path.join(dirs["abs_src_dir"], manifest_src),
+ ]
+ )
+ cache = c["env"].get("TOOLTOOL_CACHE")
+ if cache:
+ cmd.extend(["--cache-dir", cache])
+ self.run_command(cmd, cwd=dirs["abs_src_dir"], halt_on_failure=True, env=env)
+ def _create_mozbuild_dir(self, mozbuild_path=None):
+ if not mozbuild_path:
+ env = self.query_build_env()
+ mozbuild_path = env.get("MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH")
+ if mozbuild_path:
+ self.mkdir_p(mozbuild_path)
+ else:
+ self.warning(
+ "mozbuild_path could not be determined. skipping " "creating it."
+ )
+ def preflight_build(self):
+ """set up machine state for a complete build."""
+ self._get_mozconfig()
+ self._run_tooltool()
+ self._create_mozbuild_dir()
+ self._ensure_upload_path()
+ def build(self):
+ """builds application."""
+ args = ["build", "-v"]
+ # This will error on non-0 exit code.
+ self._run_mach_command_in_build_env(args)
+ self._generate_build_stats()
+ def static_analysis_autotest(self):
+ """Run mach static-analysis autotest, in order to make sure we dont regress"""
+ self.preflight_build()
+ self._run_mach_command_in_build_env(["configure"])
+ self._run_mach_command_in_build_env(
+ ["static-analysis", "autotest", "--intree-tool"]
+ )
+ def _query_mach(self):
+ return [sys.executable, "mach"]
+ def _run_mach_command_in_build_env(self, args):
+ """Run a mach command in a build context."""
+ env = self.query_build_env()
+ env.update(self.query_mach_build_env())
+ dirs = self.query_abs_dirs()
+ mach = self._query_mach()
+ return_code = self.run_command(
+ command=mach + ["--log-no-times"] + args,
+ cwd=dirs["abs_src_dir"],
+ env=env,
+ error_list=MakefileErrorList,
+ output_timeout=self.config.get("max_build_output_timeout", 60 * 40),
+ )
+ if return_code:
+ self.return_code = self.worst_level(
+ self.return_code,
+ )
+ self.fatal(
+ "'mach %s' did not run successfully. Please check "
+ "log for errors." % " ".join(args)
+ )
+ def multi_l10n(self):
+ if not self.query_is_nightly():
+"Not a nightly build, skipping multi l10n.")
+ return
+ dirs = self.query_abs_dirs()
+ base_work_dir = dirs["base_work_dir"]
+ work_dir = dirs["abs_work_dir"]
+ objdir = dirs["abs_obj_dir"]
+ branch = self.branch
+ # Building a nightly with the try repository fails because a
+ # config-file does not exist for try. Default to mozilla-central
+ # settings (arbitrarily).
+ if branch == "try":
+ branch = "mozilla-central"
+ multil10n_path = os.path.join(
+ dirs["abs_src_dir"],
+ "testing/mozharness/scripts/",
+ )
+ cmd = [
+ sys.executable,
+ multil10n_path,
+ "--work-dir",
+ work_dir,
+ "--config-file",
+ "multi_locale/android-mozharness-build.json",
+ "--pull-locale-source",
+ "--package-multi",
+ "--summary",
+ ]
+ self.run_command(
+ cmd, env=self.query_build_env(), cwd=base_work_dir, halt_on_failure=True
+ )
+ package_cmd = [
+ "make",
+ "echo-variable-PACKAGE",
+ "AB_CD=multi",
+ ]
+ package_filename = self.get_output_from_command(
+ package_cmd,
+ cwd=objdir,
+ )
+ if not package_filename:
+ self.fatal(
+ "Unable to determine the package filename for the multi-l10n build. "
+ "Was trying to run: %s" % package_cmd
+ )
+"Multi-l10n package filename is: %s" % package_filename)
+ parser = MakeUploadOutputParser(
+ config=self.config,
+ log_obj=self.log_obj,
+ )
+ upload_cmd = ["make", "upload", "AB_CD=multi"]
+ self.run_command(
+ upload_cmd,
+ partial_env=self.query_mach_build_env(multiLocale=False),
+ cwd=objdir,
+ halt_on_failure=True,
+ output_parser=parser,
+ )
+ upload_files_cmd = [
+ "make",
+ "echo-variable-UPLOAD_FILES",
+ "AB_CD=multi",
+ ]
+ self.get_output_from_command(
+ upload_files_cmd,
+ cwd=objdir,
+ )
+ def postflight_build(self):
+ """grabs properties from post build and calls ccache -s"""
+ # A list of argument lists. Better names gratefully accepted!
+ mach_commands = self.config.get("postflight_build_mach_commands", [])
+ for mach_command in mach_commands:
+ self._execute_postflight_build_mach_command(mach_command)
+ def _execute_postflight_build_mach_command(self, mach_command_args):
+ env = self.query_build_env()
+ env.update(self.query_mach_build_env())
+ command = [sys.executable, "mach", "--log-no-times"]
+ command.extend(mach_command_args)
+ self.run_command(
+ command=command,
+ cwd=self.query_abs_dirs()["abs_src_dir"],
+ env=env,
+ output_timeout=self.config.get("max_build_output_timeout", 60 * 20),
+ halt_on_failure=True,
+ )
+ def preflight_package_source(self):
+ self._get_mozconfig()
+ def package_source(self):
+ """generates source archives and uploads them"""
+ env = self.query_build_env()
+ env.update(self.query_mach_build_env())
+ dirs = self.query_abs_dirs()
+ self.run_command(
+ command=[sys.executable, "mach", "--log-no-times", "configure"],
+ cwd=dirs["abs_src_dir"],
+ env=env,
+ output_timeout=60 * 3,
+ halt_on_failure=True,
+ )
+ self.run_command(
+ command=[
+ "make",
+ "source-package",
+ "source-upload",
+ ],
+ cwd=dirs["abs_obj_dir"],
+ env=env,
+ output_timeout=60 * 45,
+ halt_on_failure=True,
+ )
+ def _is_configuration_shipped(self):
+ """Determine if the current build configuration is shipped to users.
+ This is used to drive alerting so we don't see alerts for build
+ configurations we care less about.
+ """
+ # Ideally this would be driven by a config option. However, our
+ # current inheritance mechanism of using a base config and then
+ # one-off configs for variants isn't conducive to this since derived
+ # configs we need to be reset and we don't like requiring boilerplate
+ # in derived configs.
+ # Debug builds are never shipped.
+ if self.config.get("debug_build"):
+ return False
+ # OS X opt builds without a variant are shipped.
+ if self.config.get("platform") == "macosx64":
+ if not self.config.get("build_variant"):
+ return True
+ # Android opt builds without a variant are shipped.
+ if self.config.get("platform") == "android":
+ if not self.config.get("build_variant"):
+ return True
+ return False
+ def _load_build_resources(self):
+ p = self.config.get("profile_build_resources_path") % self.query_abs_dirs()
+ if not os.path.exists(p):
+"%s does not exist; not loading build profile data" % p)
+ return None
+ with open(p, "r") as fh:
+ profile = json.load(fh)
+ try:
+ thread = profile.get("threads", [])[0]
+ times = thread.get("samples", {}).get("time", [])
+ duration = times[-1] / 1000
+ markers = thread["markers"]
+ phases = {}
+ for n, marker in enumerate(markers["data"]):
+ if marker.get("type") == "Phase":
+ phases[marker["phase"]] = (
+ markers["endTime"][n] - markers["startTime"][n]
+ ) / 1000
+ except Exception:
+"build profile lacks data; ignoring")
+ return None
+ # We want to always collect metrics. But alerts with sccache enabled
+ # we should disable automatic alerting
+ should_alert = False if os.environ.get("USE_SCCACHE") == "1" else True
+ data = {
+ "name": "build times",
+ "value": duration,
+ "extraOptions": self.perfherder_resource_options(),
+ "shouldAlert": should_alert,
+ "subtests": [],
+ }
+ for name, duration in phases.items():
+ data["subtests"].append(
+ {
+ "name": name,
+ "value": duration,
+ }
+ )
+ return data
+ def _load_sccache_stats(self):
+ stats_file = os.path.join(
+ self.query_abs_dirs()["base_work_dir"], "artifacts", "sccache-stats.json"
+ )
+ if not os.path.exists(stats_file):
+ msg = "%s does not exist; not loading sccache stats" % stats_file
+ if (
+ os.environ.get("USE_SCCACHE") == "1"
+ and not os.environ.get("SCCACHE_DISABLE") == "1"
+ ):
+ # We know we use sccache but we didn't find it.
+ # Fails to make sure the dev knows it
+ self.fatal(msg)
+ else:
+ return
+ with open(stats_file, "r") as fh:
+ stats = json.load(fh)
+ def get_stat(key):
+ val = stats["stats"][key]
+ # Future versions of sccache will distinguish stats by language
+ # and store them as a dict.
+ if isinstance(val, dict):
+ val = sum(val["counts"].values())
+ return val
+ total = get_stat("requests_executed")
+ hits = get_stat("cache_hits")
+ if total > 0:
+ hits /= float(total)
+ yield {
+ "name": "sccache hit rate",
+ "value": hits,
+ "subtests": [],
+ "alertThreshold": 50.0,
+ "lowerIsBetter": False,
+ # We want to always collect metrics.
+ # But disable automatic alerting on it
+ "shouldAlert": False,
+ }
+ yield {
+ "name": "sccache cache_write_errors",
+ "value": stats["stats"]["cache_write_errors"],
+ "alertThreshold": 50.0,
+ "subtests": [],
+ }
+ yield {
+ "name": "sccache requests_not_cacheable",
+ "value": stats["stats"]["requests_not_cacheable"],
+ "alertThreshold": 50.0,
+ "subtests": [],
+ }
+ def _get_package_metrics(self):
+ import tarfile
+ import zipfile
+ dirs = self.query_abs_dirs()
+ dist_dir = os.path.join(dirs["abs_obj_dir"], "dist")
+ for ext in ["apk", "dmg", "tar.bz2", "zip"]:
+ name = "target." + ext
+ if os.path.exists(os.path.join(dist_dir, name)):
+ packageName = name
+ break
+ else:
+ self.fatal("could not determine packageName")
+ interests = ["", "classes.dex", "omni.ja", "xul.dll"]
+ installer = os.path.join(dist_dir, packageName)
+ installer_size = 0
+ size_measurements = []
+ def paths_with_sizes(installer):
+ if zipfile.is_zipfile(installer):
+ with zipfile.ZipFile(installer, "r") as zf:
+ for zi in zf.infolist():
+ yield zi.filename, zi.file_size
+ elif tarfile.is_tarfile(installer):
+ with, "r:*") as tf:
+ for ti in tf:
+ yield, ti.size
+ if os.path.exists(installer):
+ installer_size = self.query_filesize(installer)
+"Size of %s: %s bytes" % (packageName, installer_size))
+ try:
+ subtests = {}
+ for path, size in paths_with_sizes(installer):
+ name = os.path.basename(path)
+ if name in interests:
+ # We have to be careful here: desktop Firefox installers
+ # contain two omni.ja files: one for the general runtime,
+ # and one for the browser proper.
+ if name == "omni.ja":
+ containing_dir = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(path))
+ if containing_dir == "browser":
+ name = "browser-omni.ja"
+ if name in subtests:
+ self.fatal(
+ "should not see %s (%s) multiple times!" % (name, path)
+ )
+ subtests[name] = size
+ for name in subtests:
+"Size of %s: %s bytes" % (name, subtests[name]))
+ size_measurements.append({"name": name, "value": subtests[name]})
+ except Exception:
+"Unable to search %s for component sizes." % installer)
+ size_measurements = []
+ if not installer_size and not size_measurements:
+ return
+ # We want to always collect metrics. But alerts for installer size are
+ # only use for builds with ship. So nix the alerts for builds we don't
+ # ship.
+ def filter_alert(alert):
+ if not self._is_configuration_shipped():
+ alert["shouldAlert"] = False
+ return alert
+ if installer.endswith(".apk"): # Android
+ yield filter_alert(
+ {
+ "name": "installer size",
+ "value": installer_size,
+ "alertChangeType": "absolute",
+ "alertThreshold": (200 * 1024),
+ "subtests": size_measurements,
+ }
+ )
+ else:
+ yield filter_alert(
+ {
+ "name": "installer size",
+ "value": installer_size,
+ "alertChangeType": "absolute",
+ "alertThreshold": (100 * 1024),
+ "subtests": size_measurements,
+ }
+ )
+ def _get_sections(self, file, filter=None):
+ """
+ Returns a dictionary of sections and their sizes.
+ """
+ # Check for `rust_size`, our cross platform version of size. It should
+ # be fetched by run-task in $MOZ_FETCHES_DIR/rust-size/rust-size
+ rust_size = os.path.join(
+ os.environ["MOZ_FETCHES_DIR"], "rust-size", "rust-size"
+ )
+ size_prog = self.which(rust_size)
+ if not size_prog:
+"Couldn't find `rust-size` program")
+ return {}
+"Using %s" % size_prog)
+ cmd = [size_prog, file]
+ output = self.get_output_from_command(cmd)
+ if not output:
+"`rust-size` failed")
+ return {}
+ # Format is JSON:
+ # {
+ # "section_type": {
+ # "section_name": size, ....
+ # },
+ # ...
+ # }
+ try:
+ parsed = json.loads(output)
+ except ValueError:
+"`rust-size` failed: %s" % output)
+ return {}
+ sections = {}
+ for sec_type in list(parsed.values()):
+ for name, size in list(sec_type.items()):
+ if not filter or name in filter:
+ sections[name] = size
+ return sections
+ def _get_binary_metrics(self):
+ """
+ Provides metrics on interesting compenents of the built binaries.
+ Currently just the sizes of interesting sections.
+ """
+ lib_interests = {
+ "XUL": ("", "xul.dll", "XUL"),
+ "NSS": ("", "nss3.dll", "libnss3.dylib"),
+ "NSPR": ("", "nspr4.dll", "libnspr4.dylib"),
+ "avcodec": ("", "mozavcodec.dll", "libmozavcodec.dylib"),
+ "avutil": ("", "mozavutil.dll", "libmozavutil.dylib"),
+ }
+ section_interests = (
+ ".text",
+ ".data",
+ ".rodata",
+ ".rdata",
+ ".cstring",
+ "",
+ ".bss",
+ )
+ lib_details = []
+ dirs = self.query_abs_dirs()
+ dist_dir = os.path.join(dirs["abs_obj_dir"], "dist")
+ bin_dir = os.path.join(dist_dir, "bin")
+ for lib_type, lib_names in list(lib_interests.items()):
+ for lib_name in lib_names:
+ lib = os.path.join(bin_dir, lib_name)
+ if os.path.exists(lib):
+ lib_size = 0
+ section_details = self._get_sections(lib, section_interests)
+ section_measurements = []
+ # Build up the subtests
+ # Lump rodata sections together
+ # - Mach-O separates out read-only string data as .cstring
+ # - PE really uses .rdata, but XUL at least has a .rodata as well
+ for ro_alias in (".cstring", ".rdata"):
+ if ro_alias in section_details:
+ if ".rodata" in section_details:
+ section_details[".rodata"] += section_details[ro_alias]
+ else:
+ section_details[".rodata"] = section_details[ro_alias]
+ del section_details[ro_alias]
+ for k, v in list(section_details.items()):
+ section_measurements.append({"name": k, "value": v})
+ lib_size += v
+ lib_details.append(
+ {
+ "name": lib_type,
+ "size": lib_size,
+ "sections": section_measurements,
+ }
+ )
+ for lib_detail in lib_details:
+ yield {
+ "name": "%s section sizes" % lib_detail["name"],
+ "value": lib_detail["size"],
+ "shouldAlert": False,
+ "subtests": lib_detail["sections"],
+ }
+ def _generate_build_stats(self):
+ """grab build stats following a compile.
+ This action handles all statistics from a build: 'count_ctors'
+ and then posts to graph server the results.
+ We only post to graph server for non nightly build
+ """
+"Collecting build metrics")
+ if os.environ.get("USE_ARTIFACT"):
+"Skipping due to forced artifact build.")
+ return
+ c = self.config
+ # Report some important file sizes for display in treeherder
+ perfherder_data = {
+ "framework": {"name": "build_metrics"},
+ "suites": [],
+ }
+ if not c.get("debug_build") and not c.get("disable_package_metrics"):
+ perfherder_data["suites"].extend(self._get_package_metrics())
+ perfherder_data["suites"].extend(self._get_binary_metrics())
+ # Extract compiler warnings count.
+ warnings = self.get_output_from_command(
+ command=[sys.executable, "mach", "warnings-list"],
+ cwd=self.query_abs_dirs()["abs_src_dir"],
+ env=self.query_build_env(),
+ # No need to pollute the log.
+ silent=True,
+ # Fail fast.
+ halt_on_failure=True,
+ )
+ if warnings is not None:
+ perfherder_data["suites"].append(
+ {
+ "name": "compiler warnings",
+ "value": len(warnings.strip().splitlines()),
+ "alertThreshold": 100.0,
+ "subtests": [],
+ }
+ )
+ build_metrics = self._load_build_resources()
+ if build_metrics:
+ perfherder_data["suites"].append(build_metrics)
+ perfherder_data["suites"].extend(self._load_sccache_stats())
+ # Ensure all extra options for this configuration are present.
+ for opt in os.environ.get("PERFHERDER_EXTRA_OPTIONS", "").split():
+ for suite in perfherder_data["suites"]:
+ if opt not in suite.get("extraOptions", []):
+ suite.setdefault("extraOptions", []).append(opt)
+ if self.query_is_nightly():
+ for suite in perfherder_data["suites"]:
+ suite.setdefault("extraOptions", []).insert(0, "nightly")
+ if perfherder_data["suites"]:
+"PERFHERDER_DATA: %s" % json.dumps(perfherder_data))
+ def valgrind_test(self):
+ """Execute mach's valgrind-test for memory leaks"""
+ env = self.query_build_env()
+ env.update(self.query_mach_build_env())
+ return_code = self.run_command(
+ command=[sys.executable, "mach", "valgrind-test"],
+ cwd=self.query_abs_dirs()["abs_src_dir"],
+ env=env,
+ output_timeout=self.config.get("max_build_output_timeout", 60 * 40),
+ )
+ if return_code:
+ self.return_code = self.worst_level(
+ self.return_code,
+ )
+ self.fatal(
+ "'mach valgrind-test' did not run successfully. Please check "
+ "log for errors."
+ )
+ def _ensure_upload_path(self):
+ env = self.query_mach_build_env()
+ # Some Taskcluster workers don't like it if an artifacts directory
+ # is defined but no artifacts are uploaded. Guard against this by always
+ # ensuring the artifacts directory exists.
+ if "UPLOAD_PATH" in env and not os.path.exists(env["UPLOAD_PATH"]):
+ self.mkdir_p(env["UPLOAD_PATH"])
+ def _post_fatal(self, message=None, exit_code=None):
+ if not self.return_code: # only overwrite return_code if it's 0
+ self.error("setting return code to 2 because fatal was called")
+ self.return_code = 2
+ @PostScriptRun
+ def _summarize(self):
+ """If this is run in automation, ensure the return code is valid and
+ set it to one if it's not. Finally, log any summaries we collected
+ from the script run.
+ """
+ if self.config.get("is_automation"):
+ # let's ignore all mention of tbpl status until this
+ # point so it will be easier to manage
+ if self.return_code not in AUTOMATION_EXIT_CODES:
+ self.error(
+ "Return code is set to: %s and is outside of "
+ "automation's known values. Setting to 2(failure). "
+ "Valid return codes %s" % (self.return_code, AUTOMATION_EXIT_CODES)
+ )
+ self.return_code = 2
+ for status, return_code in list(EXIT_STATUS_DICT.items()):
+ if return_code == self.return_code:
+ self.record_status(status, TBPL_STATUS_DICT[status])
+ self.summary()
+ @PostScriptRun
+ def _parse_build_tests_ccov(self):
+ if "MOZ_FETCHES_DIR" not in os.environ:
+ return
+ dirs = self.query_abs_dirs()
+ topsrcdir = dirs["abs_src_dir"]
+ base_work_dir = dirs["base_work_dir"]
+ env = self.query_build_env()
+ grcov_path = os.path.join(os.environ["MOZ_FETCHES_DIR"], "grcov", "grcov")
+ if not os.path.isabs(grcov_path):
+ grcov_path = os.path.join(base_work_dir, grcov_path)
+ if self._is_windows():
+ grcov_path += ".exe"
+ env["GRCOV_PATH"] = grcov_path
+ cmd = self._query_mach() + [
+ "python",
+ os.path.join("testing", ""),
+ ]
+ self.run_command(command=cmd, cwd=topsrcdir, env=env, halt_on_failure=True)
+ @PostScriptRun
+ def _relocate_artifacts(self):
+ """Move certain artifacts out of the default upload directory.
+ These artifacts will be moved to a secondary directory called `cidata`.
+ Then they will be uploaded with different expiration values."""
+ dirs = self.query_abs_dirs()
+ topsrcdir = dirs["abs_src_dir"]
+ base_work_dir = dirs["base_work_dir"]
+ build_platform = os.environ.get("MOZ_ARTIFACT_PLATFORM")
+ if build_platform is not None:
+ build_platform = build_platform.lower()
+ else:
+ return
+ try:
+ upload_dir = os.environ["UPLOAD_DIR"]
+ except KeyError:
+ self.fatal("The env. var. UPLOAD_DIR is not set.")
+ artifact_yml_path = os.path.join(
+ topsrcdir, "taskcluster/gecko_taskgraph/transforms/artifacts.yml"
+ )
+ upload_short_dir = os.path.join(base_work_dir, "cidata")
+ # Choose artifacts based on build platform
+ if build_platform.startswith("win"):
+ main_platform = "win"
+ elif build_platform.startswith("linux"):
+ main_platform = "linux"
+ elif build_platform.startswith("mac"):
+ main_platform = "macos"
+ elif build_platform.startswith("android"):
+ if build_platform == "android-geckoview-docs":
+ return
+ main_platform = "android"
+ else:
+ err = "Build platform {} didn't start with 'mac', 'linux', 'win', or 'android'".format(
+ build_platform
+ )
+ self.fatal(err)
+ try:
+ with open(artifact_yml_path) as artfile:
+ arts = []
+ platforms = yaml.safe_load(
+ for artifact in platforms[main_platform]:
+ arts.append(artifact)
+ except FileNotFoundError:
+ self.fatal("Could not read artifacts.yml; file not found. Exiting.")
+ except PermissionError:
+ self.fatal("Could not read artifacts.yml; permission error.")
+ except YAMLError as ye:
+ self.fatal(f"Failed to parse artifacts.yml with error:\n{ye}")
+ try:
+ os.makedirs(upload_short_dir)
+ except FileExistsError:
+ pass
+ except PermissionError:
+ self.fatal(f'Failed to create dir. "{upload_short_dir}"; permission error.')
+ for art in arts:
+ source_file = os.path.join(upload_dir, art)
+ if not os.path.exists(source_file):
+ f"The artifact {source_file} is not present in this build. Skipping"
+ )
+ continue
+ dest_file = os.path.join(upload_short_dir, art)
+ try:
+ os.rename(source_file, dest_file)
+ if os.path.exists(dest_file):
+ f"Successfully moved artifact {source_file} to {dest_file}"
+ )
+ else:
+ self.fatal(
+ f"Move of {source_file} to {dest_file} was not successful."
+ )
+ except (PermissionError, FileNotFoundError) as err:
+ self.fatal(
+ f'Failed to move file "{art}" from {source_file} to {dest_file}:\n{err}'
+ )
+ continue