path: root/testing/web-platform/tests/css/css-properties-values-api/at-property.html
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1 files changed, 316 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testing/web-platform/tests/css/css-properties-values-api/at-property.html b/testing/web-platform/tests/css/css-properties-values-api/at-property.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..950d9b02d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/web-platform/tests/css/css-properties-values-api/at-property.html
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+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<link rel="help" href="">
+<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
+<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
+<script src="./resources/utils.js"></script>
+<div id="outer">
+ <div id="target"></div>
+// Parsing:
+let uppercase_first = (x) => x.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + x.slice(1);
+let to_camel_case = (x) => x.split('-')[0] + x.split('-').slice(1).map(uppercase_first).join('');
+function get_cssom_descriptor_value(rule, descriptor) {
+ switch (descriptor) {
+ case 'syntax':
+ return rule.syntax;
+ case 'inherits':
+ return rule.inherits;
+ case 'initial-value':
+ return rule.initialValue;
+ default:
+ assert_true(false, 'Should not reach here');
+ return null;
+ }
+// Test that for the given descriptor (e.g. 'syntax'), the specified value
+// will yield the expected_value when observed using CSSOM. If the expected_value
+// is omitted, it is the same as the specified value.
+function test_descriptor(descriptor, specified_value, expected_value, other_descriptors) {
+ // Try and build a valid @property form the specified descriptor.
+ let at_property = { [to_camel_case(descriptor)]: specified_value };
+ // If extra values are specified in other_descriptors, just use them.
+ if (typeof(other_descriptors) !== 'unspecified') {
+ for (let name in other_descriptors) {
+ if (other_descriptors.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
+ if (name == descriptor) {
+ throw `Unexpected ${name} in other_descriptors`;
+ }
+ at_property[to_camel_case(name)] = other_descriptors[name];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!('syntax' in at_property)) {
+ // The syntax descriptor is required. Use the universal one as a fallback.
+ //
+ at_property.syntax = '"*"';
+ }
+ if (!('inherits' in at_property)) {
+ // The inherits descriptor is required. Make it true as a fallback.
+ //
+ at_property.inherits = true;
+ }
+ if (!at_property.syntax.match(/^"\s*\*\s*"$/) &&
+ !('initialValue' in at_property)) {
+ // The initial-value is required for non-universal syntax.
+ // Pick a computationally independent value that follows specified syntax.
+ //
+ at_property.initialValue = (() => {
+ let first_syntax_component = specified_value
+ .replace(/^"(.*)"$/, '$1') // unquote
+ .replace(/[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+/g, ' ') // collapse whitespaces
+ .match(/^[^|\#\+]*/)[0] // pick first component
+ .trim();
+ switch (first_syntax_component) {
+ case '<color>': return 'blue';
+ case '<length>': return '42px';
+ default:
+ if (first_syntax_component.startsWith('<')) {
+ throw `Unsupported data type name '${first_syntax_component}'`;
+ }
+ return first_syntax_component; // <custom-ident>
+ }
+ })();
+ }
+ if (expected_value === null) {
+ test_with_at_property(at_property, (name, rule) => {
+ assert_true(!rule);
+ }, `Attribute '${descriptor}' makes the @property rule invalid for [${specified_value}]`);
+ } else {
+ if (typeof(expected_value) === 'undefined')
+ expected_value = specified_value;
+ test_with_at_property(at_property, (name, rule) => {
+ assert_equals(get_cssom_descriptor_value(rule, descriptor), expected_value);
+ }, `Attribute '${descriptor}' returns expected value for [${specified_value}]`);
+ }
+// syntax
+test_descriptor('syntax', '"<color>"', '<color>');
+test_descriptor('syntax', '"<color> | none"', '<color> | none');
+test_descriptor('syntax', '"<color># | <image> | none"', '<color># | <image> | none');
+test_descriptor('syntax', '"foo | <length>#"', 'foo | <length>#');
+test_descriptor('syntax', '"foo | bar | baz"', 'foo | bar | baz');
+test_descriptor('syntax', '"notasyntax"', 'notasyntax');
+// syntax: universal
+for (const syntax of ["*", " * ", "* ", "\t*\t"]) {
+ test_descriptor('syntax', `"${syntax}"`, syntax);
+// syntax: <color> value
+test_descriptor('syntax', '"red"', "red"); // treated as <custom-ident>.
+test_descriptor('syntax', '"rgb(255, 0, 0)"', null);
+// syntax: missing quotes
+test_descriptor('syntax', '<color>', null);
+test_descriptor('syntax', 'foo | bar', null);
+// syntax: invalid <custom-ident>
+for (const syntax of
+ ["default",
+ "initial",
+ "inherit",
+ "unset",
+ "revert",
+ "revert-layer",
+ ]) {
+ test_descriptor('syntax', `"${syntax}"`, null);
+ test_descriptor('syntax', `"${uppercase_first(syntax)}"`, null);
+// syntax: pipe between components
+test_descriptor('syntax', '"foo bar"', null, {'initial-value': 'foo bar'});
+test_descriptor('syntax', '"Foo <length>"', null, {'initial-value': 'Foo 42px'});
+test_descriptor('syntax', '"foo, bar"', null, {'initial-value': 'foo, bar'});
+test_descriptor('syntax', '"<length> <percentage>"', null, {'initial-value': '42px 100%'});
+// syntax: leading bar
+test_descriptor('syntax', '"|<length>"', null, {'initial-value': '42px'});
+// initial-value
+test_descriptor('initial-value', '10px');
+test_descriptor('initial-value', 'rgb(1, 2, 3)');
+test_descriptor('initial-value', 'red');
+test_descriptor('initial-value', 'foo');
+test_descriptor('initial-value', 'if(){}');
+// initial-value: not computationally independent
+test_descriptor('initial-value', '3em', null, {'syntax': '"<length>"'});
+test_descriptor('initial-value', 'var(--x)', null);
+// inherits
+test_descriptor('inherits', 'true', true);
+test_descriptor('inherits', 'false', false);
+test_descriptor('inherits', 'none', null);
+test_descriptor('inherits', '0', null);
+test_descriptor('inherits', '1', null);
+test_descriptor('inherits', '"true"', null);
+test_descriptor('inherits', '"false"', null);
+test_descriptor('inherits', 'calc(0)', null);
+test_with_style_node('@property foo { }', (node) => {
+ assert_equals(node.sheet.rules.length, 0);
+}, 'Invalid property name does not parse [foo]');
+test_with_style_node('@property -foo { }', (node) => {
+ assert_equals(node.sheet.rules.length, 0);
+}, 'Invalid property name does not parse [-foo]');
+// Applying @property rules
+function test_applied(syntax, initial, inherits, expected) {
+ test_with_at_property({
+ syntax: `"${syntax}"`,
+ initialValue: initial,
+ inherits: inherits
+ }, (name, rule) => {
+ let actual = getComputedStyle(target).getPropertyValue(name);
+ assert_equals(actual, expected);
+ }, `Rule applied [${syntax}, ${initial}, ${inherits}]`);
+function test_not_applied(syntax, initial, inherits) {
+ test_with_at_property({
+ syntax: `"${syntax}"`,
+ initialValue: initial,
+ inherits: inherits
+ }, (name, rule) => {
+ let actual = getComputedStyle(target).getPropertyValue(name);
+ assert_equals(actual, '');
+ }, `Rule not applied [${syntax}, ${initial}, ${inherits}]`);
+// syntax, initialValue, inherits, expected
+test_applied('*', 'if(){}', false, 'if(){}');
+test_applied('<angle>', '42deg', false, '42deg');
+test_applied('<angle>', '1turn', false, '360deg');
+test_applied('<color>', 'green', false, 'rgb(0, 128, 0)');
+test_applied('<color>', 'rgb(1, 2, 3)', false, 'rgb(1, 2, 3)');
+test_applied('<image>', 'url("http://a/")', false, 'url("http://a/")');
+test_applied('<integer>', '5', false, '5');
+test_applied('<length-percentage>', '10px', false, '10px');
+test_applied('<length-percentage>', '10%', false, '10%');
+test_applied('<length-percentage>', 'calc(10% + 10px)', false, 'calc(10% + 10px)');
+test_applied('<length>', '10px', false, '10px');
+test_applied('<number>', '2.5', false, '2.5');
+test_applied('<percentage>', '10%', false, '10%');
+test_applied('<resolution>', '50dppx', false, '50dppx');
+test_applied('<resolution>', '96dpi', false, '1dppx');
+test_applied('<time>', '10s', false, '10s');
+test_applied('<time>', '1000ms', false, '1s');
+test_applied('<transform-function>', 'rotateX(0deg)', false, 'rotateX(0deg)');
+test_applied('<transform-list>', 'rotateX(0deg)', false, 'rotateX(0deg)');
+test_applied('<transform-list>', 'rotateX(0deg) translateX(10px)', false, 'rotateX(0deg) translateX(10px)');
+test_applied('<url>', 'url("http://a/")', false, 'url("http://a/")');
+// inherits: true/false
+test_applied('<color>', 'tomato', false, 'rgb(255, 99, 71)');
+test_applied('<color>', 'tomato', true, 'rgb(255, 99, 71)');
+test_with_at_property({ syntax: '"*"', inherits: true }, (name, rule) => {
+ try {
+, 'foo');
+ let actual = getComputedStyle(target).getPropertyValue(name);
+ assert_equals(actual, 'foo');
+ } finally {
+ = '';
+ }
+}, 'Rule applied for "*", even with no initial value');
+test_not_applied(undefined, 'green', false);
+test_not_applied('<color>', undefined, false);
+test_not_applied('<color>', 'green', undefined);
+test_not_applied('<gandalf>', 'grey', false);
+test_not_applied('gandalf', 'grey', false);
+test_not_applied('<color>', 'notacolor', false);
+test_not_applied('<length>', '10em', false);
+test_not_applied('<transform-function>', 'translateX(1em)', false);
+test_not_applied('<transform-function>', 'translateY(1lh)', false);
+test_not_applied('<transform-list>', 'rotate(10deg) translateX(1em)', false);
+test_not_applied('<transform-list>', 'rotate(10deg) translateY(1lh)', false);
+// Inheritance
+ syntax: '"<length>"',
+ inherits: false,
+ initialValue: '0px'
+}, (name, rule) => {
+ try {
+ = `${name}: 40px`;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(outer).getPropertyValue(name), '40px');
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(target).getPropertyValue(name), '0px');
+ } finally {
+ = '';
+ }
+}, 'Non-inherited properties do not inherit');
+ syntax: '"<length>"',
+ inherits: true,
+ initialValue: '0px'
+}, (name, rule) => {
+ try {
+ = `${name}: 40px`;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(outer).getPropertyValue(name), '40px');
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(target).getPropertyValue(name), '40px');
+ } finally {
+ = '';
+ }
+}, 'Inherited properties inherit');
+// Initial values
+ syntax: '"<color>"',
+ inherits: true,
+ initialValue: 'green'
+}, (name, rule) => {
+ try {
+ = `--x:var(${name})`;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(target).getPropertyValue(name), 'rgb(0, 128, 0)');
+ } finally {
+ = '';
+ }
+}, 'Initial values substituted as computed value');
+ syntax: '"<length>"',
+ inherits: false,
+ initialValue: undefined
+}, (name, rule) => {
+ try {
+ = `${name}: calc(1px + 1px);`;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(target).getPropertyValue(name), 'calc(1px + 1px)');
+ } finally {
+ = '';
+ }
+}, 'Non-universal registration are invalid without an initial value');
+ syntax: '"*"',
+ inherits: false,
+ initialValue: undefined
+}, (name, rule) => {
+ try {
+ // If the registration suceeded, ${name} does *not* inherit, and hence
+ // the computed value on 'target' should be empty.
+ = `${name}: calc(1px + 1px);`;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(target).getPropertyValue(name), '');
+ } finally {
+ = '';
+ }
+}, 'Initial value may be omitted for universal registration');